diff --git "a/data/fact_updates2.csv" "b/data/fact_updates2.csv" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/data/fact_updates2.csv" @@ -0,0 +1,9447 @@ +old_sentence,new_updated_sentence,label +" Breslin had two daughters and four sons with his first wife, Rosemary, who died of cancer in 1981.",""" Koch died in 2013. Breslin had two daughters and four sons with his first wife, Rosemary, who died of cancer in 1981.",1 + Children across the country are at risk of severe injury while playing around landmines and cluster munitions., Children across the country are at risk of severe injury while playing around land mines and cluster munitions.,0 +" A spokeswoman for the European Union Naval Force operation off Somalia, Flt."," A Britain-based spokeswoman for the European Union Naval Force operation off Somalia, Flt.",1 +"But it says its pension agreements may prevent the spin-off of more businesses, potentially leading to a shortfall in funding.","But it says pension agreements may prevent the sale of more businesses, potentially leading to a shortfall in funding.",0 +" The attack further rattled France, which remains under a state of emergency after attacks over the past two years that have killed 235 people."," The incident further rattled France, which remains under a state of emergency after attacks over the past two years that have killed 235 people.",0 + The Honolulu prosecuting attorney's office says the plea deal was necessary to secure evidence against others.," ""The plea deal was necessary to secure evidence against others who may be involved,"" said Chuck Parker, spokesman for the Honolulu prosecuting attorney's office.",1 +""" Stars such as Knight, Amanda Kessel, captain Meghan Duggan and twins Jocelyne Lamoureux-Davidson and Monique Lamoureux-Morando are leading the charge to skip the tournament."," Stars such as Hilary Knight, Amanda Kessel, captain Meghan Duggan and twins Jocelyne Lamoureux-Davidson and Monique Lamoureux-Morando are leading the charge to skip the tournament.",0 + Journalists there said they were told to stay in their offices., Authorities said they were treating the attacks as a terrorist incident.,1 +Some of them drove themselves to area hospitals and others were taken by ambulance.,"Some drove themselves to hospitals, and others were taken by ambulance.",0 +"Paris time in a public area of the airport's South Terminal, before passengers must show tickets or go through security.","Paris time (0730 GMT) in a public area of the airport's South Terminal, before passengers must show tickets or go through security.",1 +" ""I could feel it underground,"" she said of the explosion in the neighborhood of modest, mostly one-story single family homes."," The powerful jolt shook residents from their sleep in the neighborhood of modest, mostly one-story single-family homes, including Luzia Ricci.",1 + The indictment caps a nearly two-year investigation into Philadelphia District Attorney Seth Williams' financial affairs., The indictment caps a nearly two-year investigation into District Attorney Seth Williams' financial affairs.,0 +"The protests cost the city over $1.15 million, mostly for police overtime.","The protests cost the city more than $1.15 million, mostly for police overtime.",0 + Those aspirations have been scrambled by a new consumer that has ripped up the decades-old playbook that the industry has relied upon for years.,"Sears, like many department stores, has been thwarted by a new consumer that has ripped up the decades-old playbook that the industry has relied upon.",1 +" Officials said about 3,000 people were evacuated from Orly, where passengers told of gunshots and panic."," Authorities said at least 3,000 people were evacuated from the airport.",1 + Details of the ban were first disclosed by Royal Jordanian and the official news agency of Saudi Arabia., Details of the electronics ban were first disclosed by Royal Jordanian and the official news agency of Saudi Arabia.,0 +No one was injured and a suspect was taken into custody.," No one was injured, and a suspect was taken into custody.",0 +"The party's ally, the Samajwadi Party, was ahead in 56 voting districts.","The party's ally, the Samajwadi Party, had won 33 seats and was leading in 16 other voting districts.",1 + Shannon is making the recommendation because Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has recused himself from the matter.," Shannon, the State Department's top career diplomat, is making the recommendation because Secretary of State Rex Tillerson recused himself from the matter.",1 +The Naval Criminal Investigative Service launched an investigation into the matter and is urging victims of the photo-sharing to come forward., The Naval Criminal Investigative Service launched an investigation into the matter and is urging victims of the photo-sharing to come forward.,0 +The clause prohibits the president and other government employees from accepting foreign gifts and payments without congressional approval.,The provision bars the president and other government employees from accepting foreign gifts and payments without congressional approval.,1 +" The new measure will apply to flights from Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia and Saudi Arabia."," In March, British authorities banned electronic devices larger than smartphones on direct flights from Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia and Saudi Arabia.",1 +"We want to make sure we're thorough and we're within the law,"" Gen.","We want to make sure we're thorough and we're within the law,"" Neller told a Pentagon news conference.",1 + HONOLULU (AP) -- A 19-year-old college student is pleading no contest in a case involving seabirds killed at a Hawaii nature reserve., HONOLULU (AP) -- A 19-year-old college student pleaded no contest Thursday in a case involving seabirds killed at a Hawaii nature reserve.,1 +and Abu Dhabi and Dubai in the United Arab Emirates.,and Dubai and Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates.,0 + WLWT reported (http://bit.ly/2mDfUV3 ) that at least one person was in critical condition at University of Cincinnati Medical Center., WLWT reported that at least one person was in critical condition at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center.,0 + Ferguson said he was pleased that attorneys general from New York and Oregon had sought to take part in the legal action., Ferguson said he was pleased other that attorneys general had sought to take part in the legal action.,1 +Both officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to the press.,The official spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to the press.,1 +"Jeff Flake's book criticizing Trump's leadership, and three GOP senators' unwillingness to go along on repealing ""Obamacare."" ""That could be a dangerous path.","Jeff Flake's book criticizing Trump's leadership, and three GOP senators' unwillingness to go along on repealing the Affordable Care Act.",1 +" ""We have a strong case and they are willing to join our efforts,"" he said of his fellow Democrats."," ""We have a strong case and they are willing to join our efforts,"" Ferguson said of his fellow Democrats.",0 +" During the 100-day genocide, over 800,000 ethnic Tutsis and moderate Hutus were killed by Hutu extremists."," During the 100-day genocide, more than 800,000 ethnic Tutsis and moderate Hutus were killed by Hutu extremists.",0 + Several leaders of flagged groups said they will contact GuideStar and demand the removal of the banners from their profiles., Several leaders of flagged groups demanded the removal of the banners.,1 +" ""He underwent a special course at a school for saboteurs,"" Gerashchenko wrote Friday in a Facebook post."," ""He underwent a special course at a school for saboteurs,"" Gerashchenko wrote Friday in a Facebook post without explaining how that information was obtained.",0 +"Then she thought for a moment and added: ""I guess she can't fly jets.","Then she thought for a moment and added: ""But I guess she can't fly jets.",0 +The town is about 40 kilometers (25 miles) from the southern city of Nice.,"Police cordoned off the area and worried residents gathered outside in the town, which is 40 kilometers (25 miles) from the southern city of Nice.",1 +" ""Why in your early decision did you want to lower the bar so low?"" Sen."," ""Why in your early decision did you want to lower the bar so low?"" Durbin asked.",1 +The officials said no U.S.-based airlines have non-stop flights from those cities to the United States.,The officials said no U.S.-based airlines have nonstop flights from those cities to the United States.,0 +"The ship had been carrying fuel from Djibouti to Somalia's capital, Mogadishu, he said.","The ship was carrying fuel from Djibouti to Somalia's capital, Mogadishu, he said.",0 +He said the unedited videos tell a different story than the filmmakers suggested.,Liquor that he said are unedited and tell a different story than filmmakers suggest.,1 +" They immigrated under the Law of Return, which gives Jews the world over the right to settle in Israel.", Israel's Law of Return gives Jews the world over the right to settle in the Jewish state.,1 +Trump has nominated him to be the U.S. trade representative.,Trump has nominated Lighthizer to be the U.S. trade representative.,1 +" The Associated Press has identified the man as 98-year-old Michael Karkoc, from Minneapolis."," He did not release the last name in line with privacy laws but the AP has identified the man as 98-year-old Michael Karkoc, from Minneapolis.",1 +who exposed the city's worst corruption scandal in decades in the '80s;,who exposed the city's worst corruption scandal in decades in the 1980s;,0 +" Stafford, 33, and Norris Greenhouse Jr., 25, are charged with second-degree murder and attempted second-degree murder over the shooting."," Stafford, 33, and Greenhouse, 25, are charged with second-degree murder and attempted second-degree murder in the November 2015 shooting.",1 +"Brown gives something to a clerk, who appears to sniff it."," Brown gives something to a clerk, who appears to sniff it.",0 +" TEHRAN, Iran (AP) -- Iran's semi-official Fars news agency is reporting that the country's Revolutionary Guard has successfully tested a ballistic missile."," TEHRAN, Iran (AP) -- Iran's Revolutionary Guard has successfully tested a ballistic missile, Iran's semi-official Fars news agency reported Thursday.",1 +79. Three-quarters are starting their first term at the National Assembly.,Three-quarters are starting their first term at the National Assembly.,0 +" Before the shooting, Stafford and Greenhouse both had been sued over claims they had used excessive force or neglected their duties as police officers."," Before the shooting, both Stafford and Greenhouse had been sued, accused of excessive force or neglecting their duties.",0 +" ""We have become accustomed to this kind of warning and to having the soldiers there,"" he said."," ""We have become accustomed to this kind of warning, and to having the soldiers there,"" he told the AP.",1 +Here's a look at a few simple ways to help safeguard your email account from hackers.,There are a few simple ways to help safeguard your email account from hackers.,0 +" He has dropped his shopping bag, which authorities said contained a flask of gasoline."," He drops his shopping bag, which authorities said contained a flask of gasoline.",1 +"Rights office spokesman Rupert Colville said the government in Ankara ""hasn't really given reasons"" why access hasn't been granted - other than saying U.N.","Rights office spokesman Rupert Colville said the Ankara government ""hasn't really given reasons"" why access hasn't been granted.",1 + --- Paisley Dodds in London and Lori Hinnant in Paris contributed.," --- Paisley Dodds, Sophie Berman and Rob Harris in London, and Lori Hinnant in Paris, contributed to this report.",1 +Traffic was jammed near the airport and people wheeled suitcases down the road., Traffic was jammed near the airport and people wheeled suitcases down the road.,0 +"Much of it is focused on alleged violations of the emoluments clause of the Constitution, based on Trump's real estate holdings.",Much of the case is focused on allegations that Trump's real estate and business holdings violate a little-known emoluments clause of the Constitution.,1 +The official said over two dozen men boarded the merchant ship off Somalia's northern coast., An official in the semiautonomous state of Puntland said over two dozen men boarded the ship off Somalia's northern coast.,1 + Neudigate tweeted that there was only one reported shooter but that police were investigating whether others were involved., Assistant Police Chief Paul Neudigate said in a tweet that there was only one reported shooter but that police were investigating whether others were involved.,1 + He said the man's age was no obstacle in seeking to bring him before justice., Janicki added the man's age was no obstacle in seeking to bring him before justice.,1 +"Assistant Police Chief Paul Neudigate said the motive is still unclear, however.",Assistant Police Chief Paul Neudigate said in a tweet that the motive was still unclear.,0 + Polls on Sunday opened at 7 a.m. (0400GMT) and first results from exit polls are expected shortly after they close at 8 p.m. (1700GMT)., Polls opened at 7 a.m. (0400GMT) and first results from exit polls are expected shortly after they close at 8 p.m. (1700GMT).,0 +" Scott White, Conn's attorney, said that he also received emails that originated from the same address and from a person he believed to be Conn."," Scott White, Conn's attorney, said the photos look like his client.",1 +" Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh joined District counterpart Karl Racine at a news conference in the nation's capital, saying the lawsuit was filed in U.S.", Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh joined District counterpart Karl Racine at a news conference in announcing the lawsuit filed in U.S.,1 +" Although 28 counts were dismissed, a prosecutor said in court that Williams admits he committed all the conduct, Philly.com reported.","Although 28 counts were dismissed, prosecutors said that Williams admitted he committed all the conduct.",1 +"He suffered from amyloidosis, a rare disease with a strain specific to Ireland's northwest."," McGuinness suffered from amyloidosis, a rare disease with a strain specific to Ireland's northwest.",1 +""" ""Innocent people do not run from the police. Innocent people stop their vehicles, surrender to the police,"" Goins said during the trial's opening statements."," ""Innocent people do not run from the police. Innocent people stop their vehicles, surrender to the police,"" Goins said during the trial's opening statements.",0 +" --- Associated Press Writers Carlos Rodriguez in Mexico City, Howard Fendrich in Washington, D.C., and Bill Kole in Boston contributed to this report.","Associated Press journalists Carlos Rodriguez in Mexico City, Howard Fendrich in Washington, D.C., and Bill Kole in Boston also contributed to this report.",1 +""" Robart on Thursday granted Oregon's request to join Washington and Minnesota in the case opposing the travel ban.","On Thursday, the Seattle judge granted Oregon's request to join Washington and Minnesota in the case opposing the travel ban;",1 +Arriving refugees receive small plots of land in host communities to help support themselves., Arriving refugees receive small plots of land in host communities to help support themselves.,0 +(AP) -- A Florida prosecutor is firing a double-barreled response to Gov.,(AP) -- A Florida prosecutor fired a double-barreled response to Gov.,1 +""" The Open Society Justice Initiative, which submitted a brief supporting the women, expressed disappointment."," The Open Society Justice Initiative, which submitted a brief supporting the women, expressed disappointment.",0 + Authorities say initial reports indicated there was an active shooter but that proved to be false., Another initial report indicating an active shooter also proved to be false.,1 +" Both McCulloch and Jay Kanzler, an attorney for Ferguson Market, said there was no bartered deal between Brown and the market workers."," Jay Kanzler, an attorney for Ferguson Market, said there was no bartered deal between Brown and the market workers.",1 +" State and federal prosecutors declined to charge the two officers involved, and they were cleared in the department's internal review.","State and federal prosecutors declined to charge the two officers, and they were cleared in the department's internal review.",0 +" ""The whole length of the bridge there were people on the ground,"" Richard Tice, a witness, told Sky News."," ""The whole length of the bridge there were people on the ground,"" witness Richard Tice told Sky News.",0 +The office said he did not appear in a French government database of people considered potential threats to national security., He did not appear in a French government database of people considered potential threats to national security.,0 +" The main opposition Congress party is heading for a consolation victory in Punjab state, where it is leading in 69 of 117 seats."," The main opposition Congress party was heading for a consolation win in Punjab state, where it was leading in 69 of 117 seats.",1 + County officials barred the sale because conservation rules treated the two lots as a single property that can't be divided., County officials had barred the sale because conservation rules treat the two lots as a single property that can't be divided.,0 + Some Democrats have already said they want to try and block the nomination., Some Democrats have already said they want to try to block the nomination.,0 +They started arriving Monday at the National Assembly to learn their way around before the first parliament session next week.,The victorious newcomers started arriving Monday at the National Assembly to learn their way around before the first parliament session next week.,0 +" There are also new and dynamic players that have also revolutionized the market, namely Amazon.com.",A plethora of new online players have also revolutionized the market.,1 +" In the Senate, Paul has been among the foremost critics of the bill.",""" Paul has been among the Senate's foremost critics of the bill.",0 +"Several aircraft were making drops to battle the flames, and a community center has opened as an evacuation shelter.","Several aircraft were dropping water and retardant on the flames, and a community center has opened as an evacuation shelter.",0 +" He and other Republicans want a different federal agency, the Federal Trade Commission, to police privacy for both broadband companies like AT&","He and other Republicans want a different federal agency, the Federal Trade Commission, to police privacy for both broadband companies like AT&",0 +" The slaying ignited an uproar between Moscow and Kiev, with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko immediately calling the killing an ""act of state terrorism"" by Russia."," Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko immediately called the killing an ""act of state terrorism"" by Russia even as Ukrainian police were still inspecting the scene.",1 +18. The other cases are being handled in family court.,"Gutierrez was the only one who was 18 and the other cases are being handled in family court, Breiner said.",0 +"Until now, the ACA's benefit requirement had not been considered a budgetary issue.","Until now, the ACA requirement had not been considered a budgetary issue.",0 +"After fleeing Mosul when IS captured the city in 2014, Atheel al-Nujaifi turned to Turkey's government for training and other aid for his militia.","After fleeing Mosul when IS captured the city in 2014, Atheel al-Nujaifi turned to Turkey's government for training and other aid for his Sunni militia.",1 +" Carrier is pledging to keep nearly 1,100 jobs at the factory, including about 800 production jobs that the company had planned to outsource to Mexico."," Carrier is pledging to keep nearly 1,100 jobs in Indianapolis, including some 800 production jobs it planned to cut with the outsourcing.",0 + Pollock told The New York Times he believes the footage shows Brown trading a small amount of marijuana in exchange for the cigarillos., Pollock said he believes the footage shows Brown trading a small amount of marijuana in exchange for the cigarillos.,0 + State Prosecutor Jorge Winckler said the clandestine burial pits appear to contain the victims of drug cartels killed years ago.," Veracruz state's top prosecutor, Jorge Winckler, said the clandestine pits appeared to contain remains of cartel victims killed years ago.",1 +" The Turkish national headed the company's operations in Russia, he said."," The Turkish national who was killed headed the company's operations in Russia, he said.",0 + Investigators said they believed Jackson was considering other attacks but instead surrendered at a stationhouse after noticing his photo in media reports., Investigators said they believed Jackson was considering other attacks but surrendered after noticing his photo in media reports.,0 +"A Super Bowl helmet belonging to a Denver Broncos player also was found, NFL spokesman Brian McCarthy said.","A helmet belonging to a Denver Broncos player was also discovered, NFL spokesman Brian McCarthy said.",0 +" A single body was removed by the coroner shortly after 6 a.m. Fifteen people were shot, police said.", A single body was removed by the coroner shortly after 6 a.m.,1 +" After the hearing, the Judiciary panel is expected to vote in the next two weeks to recommend Gorsuch favorably to the full Senate.", The Judiciary panel is expected to vote in the next two weeks to recommend Gorsuch favorably to the full Senate.,0 + The 5-3 ruling on Friday involved the family's effort to sell part of its land along the St. Croix River., The 5-3 ruling involved the family's effort to sell part of its land along the scenic St. Croix River.,0 +"Investigators are checking to see if surveillance cameras were working, Williams said.","Investigators were checking to see if surveillance cameras were working, Williams said.",0 +" Separately, officials said Defense Secretary Jim Mattis will meet military and civilian officials in coming days about the reports.",""" Separately, officials said Defense Secretary Jim Mattis will meet military and civilian officials in coming days about the reports.",0 +" Last October, Kelley registered Flynn Intel Group with Congress for its lobbying on behalf of the Turkish-owned company, Inovo BV."," In October of last year, Kelley registered Flynn Intel Group with Congress for its lobbying on behalf of a Turkish-owned company, Inovo BV.",1 +Greenhouse awaits a separate trial later this year on the same charges.,"The other deputy city marshal, Norris Greenhouse Jr., awaits a separate trial on the same charges.",1 +"Officers responding to a ""domestic situation"" arrived at the bank to find two people were shot and the suspect had fled.",Officers arrived at the bank to find two people were shot and the suspect had fled.,0 +", said the Republican-led effort was about putting profits over the privacy concerns of Americans.",", said Republicans put profits over the privacy concerns of Americans.",1 +"Around the same time, a vehicle mowed down pedestrians on nearby Westminster Bridge."," LONDON (AP) -- A vehicle mowed down pedestrians on London's Westminster Bridge, killing at least one woman and leaving others with injuries described as catastrophic.",1 + Senators have voted 50-48 to block the Labor Department rule., Senators voted 50-48 to block Occupational Safety and Health Administration rule.,1 +"The Trump administration, as did the Obama administration, relies on that nearly 16-year-old authority to send U.S. troops into combat against the Islamic State.","The Trump administration, as the Obama administration did, relies on that nearly 16-year-old authority to send U.S. troops into combat against the Islamic State group.",1 + The newly released footage also raised questions about how forthcoming police and prosecutors were about evidence in the case., The newly released footage also raised questions about how forthcoming police and prosecutors were about evidence.,1 + The city stopped paying for his defense when he got indicted., The city stopped paying his prior attorney once he was indicted.,1 +"The $1 million payment left the account the same day - split in two, roughly $500,000 disbursements to accounts with no obvious owner.","The $1 million left the account the same day - split in two, roughly $500,000 disbursements to accounts with no obvious owner.",0 +But it wasn't clear what one or another meant by that.,"But it wasn't clear what one or another meant by that,"" he said.",1 + About 75 firefighters needed only about 20 minutes to put out a fire in the rubble.," Summoned by several frantic 911 calls, about 75 firefighters needed only about 20 minutes to put out a fire in the rubble, Piringer said.",0 +"But Maddin, 48, is using his unexpected platform to render an opinion on a jurist he believes put ideology above human interest in his case."," Maddin, of Detroit, is using his unexpected platform to render an opinion on a jurist he believes puts ideology above human interest.",0 + Guglielmi said Tuesday that detectives found the girl and reunited her with her family.," Guglielmi tweeted Tuesday that detectives found the girl and reunited her with her family, and that they're conducting interviews.",0 + Ghana's Tourism Minister Catherine Afeku has expressed sympathies to the families of the victims caught in the tragic rainstorm at Kintampo waterfalls.," Ghana's tourism minister, Catherine Afeku, expressed sympathies to the families of the victims.",1 +Traffic was jammed near the airport and people were wheeling suitcases down the road.,Traffic was jammed near the airport and people wheeled suitcases down the road.,0 +Amtrak also has canceled and modified service up and down the Northeast Corridor.,Amtrak also canceled and modified service up and down the Northeast Corridor.,0 +" It wasn't immediately clear who was responsible for the gunfire that wounded the other victim, a 61-year-old man, who was treated and released.",It wasn't immediately clear who was responsible for the gunfire that wounded him.,1 +The area is about 90 miles west of Green Bay.," The violence unfolded in a cluster of small towns south of Wausau, about 90 miles west of Green Bay.",1 +" Jackson was in the Army from March 2009 to August 2012 and worked as a military intelligence analyst, the Army said."," Jackson was in the Army from 2009 to 2012 and worked as an intelligence analyst, the Army said.",0 +T and Verizon to sell your browsing habits and other personal information as they expand their own online ad businesses.,T and Verizon to sell the browsing habits of their customers.,1 +" Another aviation-security expert, professor Jeffrey Price of Metropolitan State University of Denver, said there were disadvantages to having everyone put their electronics in checked baggage."," ""There would be a huge disadvantage to having everyone put their electronics in checked baggage,"" said Price, a professor at Metropolitan State University of Denver.",0 +Loyd is charged with the first-degree murder in the killings of his pregnant ex-girlfriend Sade Dixon and Orlando Police Lt.,Loyd is charged with the first-degree murder in the December killing of his pregnant ex-girlfriend Sade Dixon and the January slaying of Orlando Police Lt.,1 +Some of them drove themselves to area hospitals and others were taken by ambulance.,Some drove themselves to hospitals and others were taken by ambulance.,0 +"At least 851 children were recruited by armed factions last year, more than twice compared to the year before.",At least 851 children were recruited by armed factions last year - more than twice compared to the year before.,0 +"The anger contributed to the ouster of President Park Geun-hye, who earlier on Friday was arrested over allegations of corruption.","The anger contributed to the ouster of President Park Geun-hye, who was arrested earlier Friday over allegations of corruption.",0 +"More than 300,000 have settled permanently in neighboring Turkey, but still hold a Bulgarian passport and are eligible to vote in Bulgaria.","More than 300,000 have settled permanently in neighboring Turkey, but still hold a Bulgarian passport and are eligible to vote.",0 + Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh outlined details of the lawsuit in an interview with The Associated Press.," Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh joined District counterpart Karl Racine at a news conference in the nation's capital, saying the lawsuit was filed in U.S.",1 +" WASHINGTON (AP) -- Former Vice President Joe Biden says he's concerned about an apparent ""romance"" between the Trump administration and Russian President Vladimir Putin."," WASHINGTON (AP) -- Former Vice President Joe Biden said Wednesday he's concerned about an apparent ""romance"" between the Trump administration and Russian President Vladimir Putin.",0 +" The nor'easter came a week after the region saw temperatures climb into the 60s, and less than a week before the official start of spring."," The storm came just days after the region saw temperatures climb into the 60s, and less than a week before the official start of spring.",0 +Breslin was left with only his underwear and his press card.,He was left with only his underwear and his press card.,1 +""" --- The Nonhuman Rights Project: https://www.nonhumanrightsproject.org The Primate Sanctuary: http://theprimatesanctuary.com ---- Follow Verena Dobnik on Twitter at https://twitter.com/VerenaChirps", --- The Nonhuman Rights Project: https://www.nonhumanrightsproject.org The Primate Sanctuary: http://theprimatesanctuary.com ---- Follow Verena Dobnik on Twitter at https://twitter.com/VerenaChirps,0 +" About 50 rioters instead yanked Breslin from the taxi, robbed and beat him.","About 50 rioters yanked Breslin from the taxi, robbed and beat him.",0 + Colleen Anderson of St. Thomas' Hospital said a female pedestrian died and around a dozen people were hurt.,Colleen Anderson of St. Thomas' Hospital said a female pedestrian died and around a dozen people were hurt.,0 +" Emirates' growth has turned Dubai International into the world's busiest air hub for international passenger traffic, and the third busiest overall.","The airport is the world's busiest air hub for international passenger traffic, and the third busiest overall.",1 + Former and current female Marines have said their photographs were shared on social media without their consent.,""" Former and current female Marines have said their photographs and those of women in other services were shared on social media without their consent.",1 + Hawaii Attorney General Douglas Chin said that the state could not stay silent on Trump's travel ban because of Hawaii's unique culture and history., Hawaii Attorney General Doug Chin said that the state could not stay silent on Trump's travel ban because of Hawaii's unique culture and history.,0 +He would be the first Gulf Arab royal to meet the president since his inauguration., He will be the first Gulf Arab royal to meet the president since his inauguration.,0 +" Police searched all four floors of the building, Cadot said."," Police searched all four floors of the building, which also houses the World Bank office in France, Cadot said.",1 +" The National Weather Service has issued blizzard warnings for parts of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Maine."," The National Weather Service issued blizzard warnings for parts of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine and Vermont.",1 +""" McGuinness is survived by his wife, Bernadette, two daughters and two sons."," McGuinness is survived by his wife, Bernadette, two daughters and two sons.",0 +"But critics said the rule would have added costs, stifled innovation and picked winners and losers among Internet companies.",But critics said the rule would have stifled innovation and picked winners and losers among Internet companies.,0 +" The party is also heading for an impressive victory in Uttarakhand state, leading the race in 54 out of 70 seats."," The party was also heading for an impressive victory in northern Uttarakhand state, leading the race in 56 out of 70 seats.",1 +" Stafford, a Marksville police lieutenant, and Greenhouse, a former Marksville police officer, were moonlighting on the night of the shooting."," Stafford, a Marksville police lieutenant, and Greenhouse, a former Marksville police officer, were moonlighting that night as deputy city marshals.",1 +" As lawmakers were voting inside Parliament, they reported hearing the sound of gunshots."," As lawmakers were voting inside Parliament, many reported hearing the sound of gunshots.",0 +" ""Our nation mourns for you as does the country,"" Begaye said in a statement."," ""Our nation mourns for you as does the country,"" Navajo Nation President Russell Begaye said in a statement.",1 +" ""We saw it was a serious situation so we escaped,"" he said."," ""We saw it was a serious situation, so we escaped,"" he said.",0 +"This week, the AP revealed his secret work for a Russian billionaire to advance the interests of Russian President Vladimir Putin a decade ago."," This week, the AP revealed Manafort's secret work for a Russian billionaire to advance the interests of Russian President Vladimir Putin a decade ago.",1 +" Some 50,000 men were convicted between 1949 and 1969 under the so-called Paragraph 175 outlawing sexual relations between men.", The decision also clears the way for compensation for those still alive who were convicted under the so-called Paragraph 175 outlawing sexual relations between men.,1 +"Louise Tagg, confirmed that an incident involving an oil tanker had occurred off the coast of Somalia and an investigation was underway.","Louise Tagg, confirmed that an incident involving an oil tanker had occurred and an investigation was underway.",1 +The British national wasn't on a terrorism watch list although he was once investigated for extremism.,The British citizen wasn't on a terrorism watch list although he was once investigated for extremism.,0 +" Osama al-Nujaifi is one of Iraq's three vice presidents, and his brother heads a prominent Iraqi defense faction."," Al-Nujaifi is one of Iraq's three vice presidents, and his brother heads a prominent Iraqi defense faction.",0 +" He says the apes, which will not appear in court, deserve a better quality of life."," He says the apes, which didn't appear in court, deserve a better quality of life.",0 +There were also 15 nests with smashed or missing eggs.,"There were also 15 destroyed nests with smashed, dead or missing eggs, the department added.",1 +The Associated Press is not identifying the director because he has not been charged.,The AP is not identifying the director because he has not been charged.,0 +The party would be returning to power in the state after 14 years.,The party will be returning to power in Uttar Pradesh after 14 years.,1 + The letter doesn't describe how the White House is saving Trump's tweets.," The archivist's letter, dated March 30, doesn't describe precisely how the White House is saving Trump's tweets.",1 + The family claimed the rules essentially stripped the land of its value and asked the government for compensation., The family claimed those rules essentially stripped the land of its value and asked the government for compensation.,1 +"But broadband providers don't currently fall under FTC jurisdiction, and advocates say the FTC has historically been a weaker agency than the FCC."," Broadband providers don't currently fall under FTC jurisdiction, and advocates say the FTC has historically been a weaker agency than the FCC.",0 + The border blockade reflects rising tensions between the two countries over Turkey's open backing for a group that represents Bulgaria's sizeable Turkish minority., The border blockade by nationalists reflects rising tensions between Bulgaria and Turkey over Turkey's open backing for a group that represents Bulgaria's sizeable Turkish minority.,1 +" Earlier this month, North Korea fired four missiles, of which three landed inside Japan's territorial waters."," Earlier this month, North Korea fired four missiles, of which three landed in waters that Japan claims as its exclusive economic zone.",1 + Police said there is no indication the shooting at the Cameo club was terrorism related.," There was no indication the shooting at the Cameo club was terrorism related, police said.",0 +But a couple of Florida Republicans took to Twitter to voice displeasure at his remarks.,But a couple of Florida Republicans took to Twitter to voice their displeasure.,0 +who became the Son of Sam's regular correspondent in the '70s;,who became the Son of Sam's regular correspondent in the 1970s;,0 + --- This version of the story corrects the location of the apartment complex.,"Why don't you make your life better instead of engaging in this?"" --- This version of the story corrects the location of the apartment complex.",0 + An official based in the Middle East with knowledge of the incident told The Associated Press that no ransom demand had been made., An official based in the Middle East with knowledge of the incident told the AP that no ransom demand had been made.,0 + The Federal Communications Commission rule was designed to give consumers greater control over how internet service providers share information., The Federal Communications Commission rule issued in October was designed to give consumers greater control over how internet service providers share information.,1 + Authorities said they were treating the attacks as a terrorist incident., Police said they were treating the attacks as a terrorist incident and had launched a full counterterrorism investigation.,1 +" Turning from rebel to peacemaker, McGuinness served as Northern Ireland's deputy first minister for a decade in a power-sharing government.","He was 66. Turning from rebel to peacemaker, McGuinness served as Northern Ireland's deputy first minister for a decade in a Catholic-Protestant power-sharing government.",1 +""" He refused to say whether ministers who have come under corruption suspicions would keep their jobs.",""" He refused to say whether ministers who have come under suspicion of corruption suspicions would keep their jobs.",0 +She told him her daughter had been missing since Sunday and showed him screen grab photos of the alleged assault.,She told him her daughter had been missing since Sunday and showed him photos of the alleged assault.,0 + The government sent out an alert warning of an attack after police reported that shots were fired.," The government sent out an alert warning of an attack after police reported that shots were fired, but later lifted it.",1 +"Black officers were particular targets of verbal abuse, it said.","Black officers, in particular, were targets of verbal abuse, it said.",0 +Soldiers found it impossible to pass IRA road barricades erected in McGuinness' nearby Bogside power base.,Soldiers found it impossible to pass IRA road barricades erected in McGuinness' Bogside power base.,0 +" Assured of support from majority Republicans, Gorsuch received glowing GOP reviews but complaints from frustrated Democrats that he concealed his views from the American public.", The nominee received glowing GOP reviews but complaints from frustrated Democrats that he concealed his views from the American public.,0 +" The office of the superintendent of the Boyertown Area School District, which is being sued, declined immediate comment.",""" Richard Faidley, superintendent of the Boyertown Area School District, which is being sued, declined to comment.",1 +The ban was revealed Monday in statements from Royal Jordanian Airlines and the official news agency of Saudi Arabia., Details of the ban were first disclosed by Royal Jordanian and the official news agency of Saudi Arabia.,1 +"""Today is the right time to call a halt to the DUP's arrogance.","Today is the right time to call a halt to the DUP's arrogance,"" a frail, weak-voiced McGuinness said as he resigned as deputy first minister.",1 +He added that there could be concern about inadequate passenger screening or even conspiracies involving insiders - airport or airline employees - in some countries.,"There could be concern about inadequate passenger screening or even conspiracies involving insiders - airport or airline employees - in some countries, he said.",0 + Hundreds of Conn's clients in the impoverished coalfields of eastern Kentucky and West Virginia have been fighting to keep their disability checks.,Many of his clients in the impoverished coalfields of eastern Kentucky and West Virginia have fought to keep their disability checks.,0 +" After Macron vigorously campaigned on a promise of renewal of the political landscape, other parties also made efforts to promote new faces."," After Macron vigorously campaigned on a promise to renew France's political landscape, other parties also made efforts to promote new faces.",1 +" Guglielmi tweeted Tuesday that detectives found the girl and reunited her with her family, and that they're conducting interviews.", Guglielmi said Tuesday that detectives found the girl and reunited her with her family.,1 +It is fighting a close battle with the BJP in Goa and Manipur states.,It was fighting a close battle with the BJP in western Goa state and northeastern Manipur state.,1 +" Authorities are interviewing several witnesses, but Williams said a lot of the club goers had left."," Authorities are interviewing several witnesses, but Williams said a lot of the clubgoers had left.",0 +"And he pleaded with female Marines to ""trust us"" and reach out to make complaints or seek help.","He pleaded with female Marines to ""trust us"" and reach out to make complaints or seek help.",0 +""" Former and current female Marines have said their photographs and those of women in other services were shared on social media without their consent.",Former and current female Marines have reported their photographs and those of women in other services being posted on social media pages without their consent.,1 + A jury in federal court in Brooklyn deliberated for only about two hours Thursday before reaching the guilty verdict against Ibrahim Suleiman Adnan Harun., A jury in federal court in Brooklyn deliberated for about two hours Thursday before convicting Ibrahim Suleiman Adnan Harun.,1 +"He hung up the phone, finished breakfast, and left his apartment so he could spend Sunday digging a grave for John Fitzgerald Kennedy.","He hung up the phone, finished breakfast and left his apartment so he could spend Sunday digging a grave for John Fitzgerald Kennedy.",0 +But there's a sense that women still aren't accepted by some members of the corps., But there still may be a sense that women aren't accepted by some members of the corps.,0 +The U.N. has called it the world's fastest-growing refugee crisis., The U.N. has called it the world's fastest-growing refugee crisis.,0 + Police said in a statement Saturday that a preliminary investigation suggests that at least three people entered the store and one of them fired gunshots., Authorities initially said Saturday that at least three people entered the store and one of them fired gunshots.,1 +"The anger contributed to the ouster of President Park Geun-hye, who was arrested earlier Friday over allegations of corruption."," The public anger later contributed to the ouster of President Park Geun-hye, who was removed from office and arrested in March on corruption charges.",1 +" --- Follow Jack Gillum on Twitter at https://twitter.com/jackgillum , Menelaos Hadjicostis at https://twitter.com/menhad and Eric Tucker at https://twitter.com/etuckerap .", --- Follow Jack Gillum on Twitter at https://twitter.com/jackgillum and Menelaos Hadjicostis at https://twitter.com/menhad .,1 +"Voronenkov's bodyguard, a Ukrainian security services officer, was seen rolling on the ground and then being helped to an ambulance by paramedics.",Voronenkov's bodyguard was seen rolling on the ground and then being helped to an ambulance by paramedics.,0 +"It was Breslin, a rumpled bed of a reporter, who mounted a quixotic political campaign for citywide office in the '60s;", It was the rumpled Breslin who mounted a quixotic political campaign for citywide office in the 1960s;,0 + ---- AP photographer Rich Pedroncelli and AP writer Paul Elias contributed to this report., --- AP photographer Rich Pedroncelli and AP writers Paul Elias and Kristin J. Bender contributed to this report.,1 +The four ministers will also hold joint talks on international and bilateral issues.,The four ministers then held combined talks on international and bilateral issues.,1 +I suppose it's a shame that we can't get another way around this.,"I suppose it's a shame that we can't get another way around this,"" Matthew Balderstone said. ""It's just the way it is, unfortunately.",1 + The report indicated the engine is to be used for North Korea's space and satellite-launching program., The report indicated that the engine is to be used for North Korea's space and satellite-launching program.,0 +"It was carrying seven police officers, a judge, a soldier and three crew members."," It had been carrying seven police officers, a judge, a soldier and three crewmembers.",0 +" Christian Gutierrez pleaded no contest Thursday to animal cruelty, theft and other charges."," Christian Gutierrez pleaded no contest to animal cruelty, theft and other charges.",0 +"But he let his daughters, 9, 11 and 13, get some more sleep.","But he let his daughters, 9, 11 and 13, sleep in.",0 +"He was 88. Breslin died at his Manhattan home of complications from pneumonia, his stepdaughter, Emily Eldridge, said."," Breslin died at his Manhattan home of complications from pneumonia, according to his stepdaughter, Emily Eldridge.",1 +But Trump's 2005 filing shows another tax prevented him from realizing the full benefit of those deductions.,But Trump's 2005 filing shows that another tax prevented him from realizing the full benefit of those deductions.,0 +"More than 300,000 have settled permanently in neighboring Turkey, but still hold a Bulgarian passport and are eligible to vote.","More than 300,000 have settled permanently in Turkey, but still hold a Bulgarian passport and are eligible to vote.",0 +"Several aircraft were dropping water and retardant on the flames, and a community center has opened as an evacuation shelter.","Several aircraft were dropping water and retardant on the flames, and a community center opened as an evacuation shelter.",0 +No U.S. criminal charges have ever been filed in the case.,No U.S. criminal charges have been filed in the case.,0 +He had been granted Ukrainian citizenship after renouncing his Russian status., He was granted Ukrainian citizenship after renouncing his Russian status.,0 +" Russian President Vladimir Putin's spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, dismissed the claim as ""absurd"" in a statement carried by Russian news agencies."," Russian President Vladimir Putin's spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, dismissed the claim by Poroshenko as ""absurd"" in a statement carried by Russian news agencies.",1 +The patch of the pavement by the door where he died was wet from water utility workers had used to wash away bloodstains.,The patch of the pavement by the door where he died had been washed of bloodstains.,1 +Last month its second-ranking executive suggested that United wasn't thinking about adding free meals.," Last month, after Delta's food announcement, United's second-ranking executive suggested that his airline wasn't thinking about adding free meals.",1 + The rules took effect early Tuesday morning and airlines will have until 3 a.m.," The U.S. rules took effect Tuesday, and airlines will have until 3 a.m.",1 +" ""The young kids really enjoyed the backyard and swimming in the summer time,"" Joanne Sherrill told The Sacramento Bee."," ""The young kids really enjoyed the backyard and swimming in the summer time,"" Joanne Sherrill told the Bee.",0 + Breslin's mother supported the family by working for 30 years as a welfare system administrator.,"Breslin's mother supported the family by working as a welfare system administrator, raising the boy along with her two sisters.",1 + WLWT reported that at least one person was in critical condition at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center.," Among the injured, eight were being treated at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center, hospital spokeswoman Kelly Martin said.",1 +""" --- AP writer Ana Ceballos in Tallahassee, Florida contributed to this report."," --- AP writer Ana Ceballos in Tallahassee, Florida contributed to this report.",0 +" After the attack, Jackson went to the bathroom of a nearby restaurant and washed off the blood from the killing, authorities said."," After the attack, Jackson, who's 28, went to the bathroom of a nearby restaurant and washed off the blood from the killing, authorities said.",0 +" The talks are the first ""two-plus-two"" meeting since Russia's annexation of Crimea from Ukraine."," The talks in Tokyo were the two countries' first ""two-plus-two"" meeting of foreign and defense ministers since Russia's annexation of Crimea from Ukraine.",1 +" The resumption of garbage dumping at the site in recent months likely caused the landslide, Assefa said.",""" The resumption of garbage dumping at the site in recent months likely caused the landslide, Assefa said.",0 + County officials nixed the sale because regulations treat the family's two lots as a single property that can't be split up., But county officials nixed the sale for violating local conservation rules and treated the lots as a single property that can't be split up.,1 +His anti-establishment message combines patriotic rhetoric with promises of strict immigration controls and friendlier relations with Moscow.,"It's led by Veselin Mareshki, a wealthy businessman whose anti-establishment message combines patriotic rhetoric with promises of strict immigration controls and friendlier relations with Moscow.",1 +" Wolfgang Schaeuble, the finance minister of host country Germany, sought to play down any disagreements."," Wolfgang Schaeuble, the finance minister of host country Germany, suggested Saturday that the two days of talks at the G-20 had been somewhat rocky.",1 + --- Associated Press writer Jim Drinkard contributed to this report., --- Associated Press writers Jim Drinkard and Andrew Taylor contributed to this report.,1 +" The officials said the decision was prompted by ""evaluated intelligence"" about ongoing potential threats to airplanes bound for the United States."," They said the decision was prompted by ""evaluated intelligence"" about ongoing potential threats to airplanes bound for the United States.",0 +" But after inspecting the bones, investigators from the National Forensic Service concluded that they were from unidentified animals, not humans."," But hours later, investigators from the National Forensic Service concluded that it was all a mistake.",1 +" The team announced Wednesday that they will not participate in the International Ice Hockey Federation tournament that begins March 31 in Plymouth, Michigan.","The International Ice Hockey Federation tournament begins March 31 in Plymouth, Michigan.",1 + Harun was extradited from Italy to the U.S. in 2012.," Harun, 46, was extradited from Italy to the United State in 2012.",1 +"Breslin was a sportswriter, bouncing between papers until landing at the New York Herald Tribune."," As a sportswriter, he bounced between papers until he landed at the New York Herald Tribune.",0 +He would play a key role in Trump's trade agenda.,Lighthizer would play a key role in Trump's trade policy.,1 +who was pulled from a car and stripped to his underwear by Brooklyn rioters in the '90s.,who was pulled from a car and nearly stripped naked by Brooklyn rioters in the 1990s.,1 + Steinberg called the crime horrifying and extremely tragic in a statement praising police for quickly making an arrest.," The mayor issued a statement, calling the crime horrifying and extremely tragic.",1 +" Special agents with the FBI, IRS and Department of Homeland Security announced the charges at an afternoon news conference."," Special agents with the FBI, the IRS and the Department of Homeland Security declined to elaborate on the charges.",1 +" The issue a major point of attack from his rival Hillary Clinton, who suggested Trump had something to hide."," The issue was a major point of attack from his election rival Hillary Clinton, who suggested Trump had something to hide.",1 +"President Donald Trump has been a vocal supporter of Keystone, saying it will create American jobs.","The recommendation has represented the last significant hold-up as President Donald Trump has been a vocal supporter of Keystone, saying it will create American jobs.",1 + Pence has been the chief salesman for President Donald Trump's push to repeal and replace the health care law., Pence has been the chief salesman for President Donald Trump's push to repeal and replace the law.,1 +" The incident further rattled France, which remains under a state of emergency after attacks over the past two years that have killed 235 people."," The attack further rattled France, which remains under a state of emergency after attacks over the past two years that have killed 235 people.",0 +"Famous for his lack of sleep, the president called lawmakers late into the night Wednesday in search of votes."," Famous for his lack of sleep, the president called lawmakers late into the night Wednesday in search of votes.",0 +"They say the officer returned fire, and the man dropped his weapon.","The officer returned fire, and the suspect dropped his weapon.",1 +" They said the decision was prompted by ""evaluated intelligence"" about ongoing potential threats to airplanes bound for the United States."," They said the decision was prompted by ""evaluated intelligence"" about potential threats to airplanes bound for the United States.",0 +" President Sergio Mattarella praised the judges, prosecutors, police officers, union leaders, businessmen and politicians who courageously combatted or denounced organized crime."," President Sergio Mattarella also praised the judges, prosecutors, police officers, union leaders, businessmen and politicians who courageously combatted or denounced organized crime.",1 +" Company shares, which hit an all-time low last month, tumbled more than 5 percent before the opening bell Wednesday.",""" Company shares, which hit an all-time low last month, tumbled more than 13 percent Wednesday.",0 +"Ibn Ali Miller then walks up, gets between the two and tells the onlookers that they're cowards for recording the scuffle."," Miller then walks up, gets between the two and tells the onlookers that they're cowards for recording the scuffle.",0 +"He had two additional knives and told police where they could find the sword used in the killing, police said.","He had two knives and told investigators where they could find the sword, police said.",1 + Polls opened at 7 a.m. (0400GMT) and first results from exit polls are expected shortly after they close at 8 p.m. (1700GMT).,The first results from exit polls are expected shortly after the polls close at 8 p.m. (1700GMT).,1 +" Williams is accused of taking more than $100,000 in cash and gifts in exchange for favors."," Williams is accused of taking more than $100,000 in gifts in exchange for favors.",0 +The alert came in a system implemented by the government after the deadly November 2015 attacks in Paris.,The alert is part of a system implemented by the government after the deadly November 2015 attacks in Paris.,1 +" But the news came as no surprise to Lucia Diaz, one of the mothers of the disappeared whose group is known as Colectivo Solecito."," The news came as no surprise to Lucia Diaz, one of the mothers of people who have disappeared whose group is known as Colectivo Solecito.",1 + Benjamin Netanyahu insisted Sunday his coalition partners were required to side with his ruling Likud party regarding all media regulation matters., Benjamin Netanyahu insisted his coalition partners were required to side with his ruling Likud party regarding all media regulation matters.,0 + The Election Commission says Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party is leading in 293 out of 403 seats in the Uttar Pradesh state legislature., The Election Commission said Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party was leading in more than 300 out of 403 seats in the Uttar Pradesh state legislature.,1 + The focus will be on a joint statement that is being prepared for Saturday., Attention has centered on a joint statement that is being prepared for Saturday.,1 +" In the earlier incident, the Paris police office said, a man fired birdshot at officers during a traffic stop, wounding one in the face."," Earlier Saturday, he fired birdshot at officers during a traffic stop in a Paris suburb, wounding one in the face.",1 + It was not immediately clear what time period was covered under the government request for information about Manafort's financial transactions in Cyprus., It was not immediately clear what time period of Manafort's transactions was covered under the request from the Treasury Department's Financial Crimes Enforcement Network.,1 +" According to a police report, Gutierrez attends New York University."," Gutierrez attends New York University, according to a police report.",0 +" ""If it shows up on eBay or something, somebody let me know,"" he said."," ""If it shows up on eBay or something, somebody let me know,"" Brady said after the game.",1 +" After such successes, he held court in Costello's bar in midtown Manhattan - at least until he quit drinking in his post-Pulitzer years."," After such successes, he held court in Costello's bar in midtown Manhattan - until he quit drinking in his post-Pulitzer years.",0 +"Royal Jordanian said the electronics ban affects its flights to New York, Chicago, Detroit and Montreal."," In its statement, Royal Jordanian said the electronics ban would affect its flights to New York, Chicago, Detroit and Montreal.",1 +The aide was not authorized to speak publicly about the issue and also declined to be publicly identified.,The aide was not authorized to speak publicly about the issue and spoke on the condition of anonymity.,0 + Two officials say Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs Tom Shannon will issue the recommendation Friday.," Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs Tom Shannon will make a recommendation that the pipeline serves U.S. national interests on Friday, two senior officials said.",1 +" Diamond said he was appalled by the evidence he heard during the jury trial, and had concluded Williams ""sold"" his office."," Diamond said he was ""appalled"" by the evidence he heard during the jury trial, and had concluded Williams ""sold"" his office.",0 +" Kiko's keeper, Carmen Presti, says he's not giving up the chimp."," Kiko's keeper, Carmen Presti, says he's not giving him up.",0 +" Emirates has expanded rapidly in recent decades, including in the U.S., and is one of the airlines most affected by the new rules."," Emirates has expanded rapidly in the U.S. and elsewhere recent decades, and is one of the airlines most affected by the new U.S. rule.",1 +" Several search and rescue teams were sent to the area where it vanished, it said.", Suleyman Soylu said search and rescue teams were sent to the area after the helicopter's signal was lost.,1 +He said nothing to reporters as he was led from a precinct.,He said nothing to reporters as he was led from a police station.,1 +It wasn't clear when he might get a lawyer who could comment on his case.,It was unclear when he might get a lawyer who could comment on his case.,1 +" Jeff Kaufmann, chairman of the Iowa Republican Party, took issue with King's comments."," Jeff Kaufmann, chairman of the Iowa Republican Party, was one of the first GOP leaders to take issue with King's comments.",0 + The threat level for international terrorism in the UK was listed at severe., The threat level for international terrorism in the U.K. was already listed at severe.,0 + --- Associated Press writer Mary Clare Jalonick contributed to this report.,""" --- Associated Press writer Mary Clare Jalonick contributed to this report.",0 +" The Cyprus attorney general, one of the country's top law enforcement officers, was made aware of the American request.","The Cyprus attorney general, one of the country's top law enforcement officers, was also aware of the American request.",1 + In his initial lawsuit Ferguson said the original ban was unconstitutional and hurt the state's businesses and universities.," In the original lawsuit targeting the first ban, Ferguson said it was unconstitutional and hurt the state's businesses and universities.",1 + It's located in a tree-lined residential neighborhood of neatly maintained homes near a church.,It's located in a tree-lined residential neighborhood of neatly maintained homes near a church.,0 +The Obama administration used an automated system to keep copies of President Barack Obama's tweets.,The Obama administration used an automated system to isolate and preserve copies of President Barack Obama's tweets.,0 +Breslin was standing 5 feet away when Sirhan Sirhan struck at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles.,He was standing 5 feet away when Sirhan Sirhan struck at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles.,1 +Associated Press Writers Angela Charlton in Paris and Jan M. Olsen in Copenhagen contributed.,"Associated Press Writers Angela Charlton, Samuel Petrequin and Nicolas Vaux-Montagny in Paris and Jan M. Olsen in Copenhagen contributed.",1 +"If convicted, Baca, who has early stage Alzheimer's disease, could face up to 20 years in prison."," If convicted, Baca could face up to 20 years in prison.",1 +" Defense attorneys argue that Stafford and the other deputy, Norris Greenhouse Jr., acted in self-defense.", Defense attorneys argue that Stafford and Greenhouse acted in self-defense.,1 + Netanyahu hailed Russia's role in fighting the Islamic State group and other radical militants in Syria., Netanyahu praised Russia's role in fighting the Islamic State group and other radical militants in Syria.,0 +He says an authorization from Congress to fight the extremist group would show resolve.,He said an authorization from Congress to fight the extremists would show resolve and the consent shouldn't be constrained by time or geography.,1 + His empire crumbled when federal investigators uncovered he had been bribing a doctor and judge to approve disability claims based on fake medical evidence., His empire crumbled when authorities discovered he had been bribing a doctor and judge to approve disability claims based on fake medical evidence.,1 +Some 10 percent of the 7.2 million Bulgarians are of Turkish origin or are Muslims.,Some 10 percent of Bulgarians are of Turkish origin or are Muslims.,0 + Police did not immediately identify the victims or provide their genders or ages.," Police did not immediately identify the victims or provide their genders or ages, and say they have not yet determined a motive for the killings.",1 +" ""Preliminarily this does not appear to be a random act,"" Heinlein said."," ""Preliminarily this does not appear to be a random act,"" Heinlein said Thursday.",1 +"Since 2014, this simple but effective method has been laid out repeatedly and in detail in IS propaganda material which continues to circulate online.","Since 2014, this simple but effective attack has been promoted in IS propaganda online.",1 +" The talks in Tokyo were the two countries' first ""two-plus-two"" meeting of foreign and defense ministers since Russia's annexation of Crimea from Ukraine."," The meetings in Tokyo were the two countries' first ""two-plus-two"" talks since Russia's annexation of Crimea from Ukraine.",1 + The joint statement says more than $250 million is needed this year to support South Sudanese refugees in Uganda.," More than $250 million is needed this year to support the refugees in Uganda, Thursday's statement said.",1 +"Both were hospitalized but Ukrainian officials said the gunman, who they claimed was a Ukrainian citizen, later died from wounds in his chest and head."," Ukrainian officials said the gunman, who they claimed was a Ukrainian citizen, later died from wounds in his chest and head.",1 +" The measure approved Wednesday foresees compensation of 3,000 euros ($3,230) for each conviction plus 1,500 euros for every year of jail time.","It foresees compensation of 3,000 euros ($3,230) for each conviction, plus 1,500 euros for every year of jail time that convicted men started.",0 +" Gorsuch, a federal appeals court judge in Denver, refused repeated attempts to get him to talk about key legal and political issues of the day.","Gorsuch, a federal appeals court judge in Denver, refused repeated attempts to get him to talk about key legal and political issues of the day.",0 +"House since 2003, said Geert Wilders ""understands that culture and demographics are our destiny."," King, who has served in the House since 2003, said Geert Wilders ""understands that culture and demographics are our destiny.",1 +" In the weeks leading up to Thursday, Trump did his best to arm-twist resistant conservatives and moderates opposed to the legislation.","In the weeks leading up to Thursday, Trump did his best to arm-twist resistant conservatives and moderates opposed to the legislation.",0 +It clarifies a long-standing question about whether partial bans by some countries on religious symbols can include the workplace.,"It clarifies a long-standing question about whether bans by some countries on religious symbols, in classrooms, for example, can be extended to the workplace.",1 +" Ukraine's chief prosecutor, Yuriy Lutsenko, said Voronenkov was killed shortly before a meeting with another fugitive Russian lawmaker, Ilya Ponomaryov."," Ukraine's chief prosecutor, Yuriy Lutsenko, said Voronenkov was killed shortly before meeting with another fugitive Russian lawmaker, Ilya Ponomaryov.",0 + The federal appeals court judge last year dissented from a ruling ordering a trucking company to rehire Alphonse Maddin.," As a federal appeals court judge in Denver, Gorsuch dissented from a ruling ordering a trucking company to rehire Alphonse Maddin.",1 +" --- Associated Press reporters Jeff Baenen, Doug Glass and Steve Karnowski contributed to this report from Minneapolis.",""" --- Associated Press writers Jeff Baenen, Doug Glass and Steve Karnowski in Minneapolis, and Gretchen Ehlke in Milwaukee contributed to this report.",1 +" --- Paisley Dodds, Sophie Berman and Rob Harris in London, and Lori Hinnant in Paris, contributed to this report."," --- Paisley Dodds, Sophie Berman, Gregory Katz and Rob Harris in London and Lori Hinnant in Paris, contributed to this report.",1 +" Williams was spending Tuesday huddled with family, a spokesman said, and was expected to surrender and be arraigned on the charges Wednesday.","He was spending Tuesday huddled with family, a spokesman said, and was expected to surrender and be arraigned Wednesday.",1 +" Clark said Emirates would fully comply with the directives, even as he questioned why his airport's hub was included in the U.S. order."," Clark said Emirates would fully comply with the directive, even as he questioned why his airport's hub was included.",1 +"The government argues that when viewed as a whole, the land remains quite valuable and the family is owed nothing.",The government argued that it's fair to view the property as a whole and said the family is owed nothing.,1 +" Shannon, the State Department's top career diplomat, is making the recommendation because Secretary of State Rex Tillerson recused himself from the matter."," Shannon, America's top career diplomat, is making his agency's recommendation because Secretary of State Rex Tillerson recused himself from the matter.",1 + The four victims were discovered when police broke into the Sacramento home after a relative reported that something might be wrong., The four victims were discovered Thursday morning when police broke into the home after a relative reported that something might be wrong.,0 + That first coalition collapsed under the twin weight of Paisley-led obstruction and the IRA's refusal to disarm as the Good Friday pact intended., That first coalition collapsed under the twin weight of Paisley-led obstruction and the IRA's refusal to disarm.,1 +"Kelly Hanson, 21, told The Associated Press she saw other officers put the wounded policeman in an armored SWAT vehicle and take him away.",She said other officers put the wounded policeman in an armored SWAT vehicle and took him away.,0 + Relatives of the victims wept softly as jurors watched the graphic video from the shooting., Jeremy's grandmothers and an aunt wept softly and consoled each other as jurors watched the graphic video from the shooting.,1 +It was retrieved from a trash can not far from the scene.,The sword was retrieved from a trash can not far from the scene.,1 +But undermining the Affordable Care Act's benefits is likely to trigger a backlash from patient groups and doctors.,But undermining the Affordable Care Act's (ACA) benefits is likely to trigger a backlash from patient groups and doctors.,0 +"Several aircraft were making drops to battle the flames, and a community center has opened as an evacuation shelter.","Several aircraft were dropping water and retardant on the flames, and a community center opened as an evacuation shelter.",1 +The Paris prosecutor's office said its anti-terrorism division was handling the investigation and had taken the attacker's father and brother into custody for questioning., The prosecutor's office said its anti-terrorism division was handling the investigation and had taken the attacker's father and brother into custody for questioning.,0 +" A few days ago, workers on Washington's National Mall were making plan to turn on the fountains."," His advice: ""Just hide inside. Hibernate."" A few days ago, workers on Washington's National Mall were making plans to turn on the fountains.",1 +"The investigation is a nefarious attempt to undo the results of the election and seize power from the voters who have been marginalized, he says.",He casts the investigation as a nefarious attempt to undo the results of the election and seize power from the voters who have been marginalized.,0 +" But the countries see more room for agreement on joint development of fisheries, tourism and other areas that might help bridge the gap.","They also are working toward joint development of fisheries, tourism and other areas that might help bridge the gap.",1 +" Greeting Netanyahu at the start of their talks, Putin emphasized a high level of trust between them."," Greeting Netanyahu at the start of their Kremlin negotiations, Putin emphasized a high level of trust between them.",1 +" Officials said about 3,000 people were being evacuated from Orly, where passengers told of gunshots and panic."," Officials said about 3,000 people were evacuated from Orly, where passengers told of gunshots and panic.",0 +"Then, suddenly, people start backing away in a mass as the attacker pulls his hostage toward them.","Then, suddenly, people start backing away en mass as the attacker pulls his hostage toward them.",0 +" The electronics ban affects flights from international airports in Amman, Jordan;"," The electronics ban affects flights from international airports to the U.S. from in Amman, Jordan;",1 +Williams said investigators are checking to see if surveillance cameras were working.,"Investigators were checking to see if surveillance cameras were working, Williams said.",0 +""" Once the ferry reaches a port in the city of Mokpo, investigators will spend about a month cleaning it and evaluating it for safety.",""" Once the ferry reaches the port in Mokpo, investigators will spend about a month cleaning it and evaluating it for safety.",0 +"The Trump administration has made fighting climate change no longer a priority, leaving open the possibility of pulling out of the Paris deal.","The Trump administration has dropped fighting climate change as a priority, leaving open the possibility of pulling out of the Paris deal.",0 +"""Law enforcement has taken some hits, but we have tried to address the complaints."" Stafford, 33, also is charged with attempted second-degree murder.","""Law enforcement has taken some hits, but we have tried to address the complaints.""",1 +" Police say the reason he picked New York is because it's ""the media capital of the world."""," ""The reason he picked New York is because it's the media capital of the world and he wanted to make a statement,"" Aubry said.",1 +"The agency, which is investigating along with the tribe, said a suspect was in custody, but no other details were released.","The agency, which is investigating along with the tribe, released no other details.",1 + The clip starts with a fistfight in Atlantic City between two boys as other youths record it on their phones.,It starts with a fistfight in Atlantic City between Mobley and another boy as others record it on their phones.,1 +" Sears has been selling assets, most recently its Craftsman tool brand."," The company known for DieHard batteries and Kenmore appliances has been selling assets, most recently its Craftsman tool brand.",0 +"Fire and utility officials also went door to door asking neighbors to leave for their safety, displacing a number of area residents.",Fire and utility officials also went door to door asking neighbors to leave for their safety.,1 +"Army veteran from Baltimore, ""an assault"" on the city's inclusiveness and diversity.",Army veteran an assault on the city's inclusiveness and diversity.,1 +Officers responding to a reported domestic situation arrived to find two people had been shot.,"Officers responding to a reported ""domestic situation"" at the bank arrived to find two people had been shot.",0 +" In Louisville, Pence is scheduled to tour an energy services company with Kentucky Gov.", Pence planned to tour an energy services company Saturday with Republican Gov.,1 +""" Separately, officials said Defense Secretary Jim Mattis will meet military and civilian officials in coming days about the reports."," Separately, officials said Defense Secretary Jim Mattis will meet with military and civilian officials in coming days about the reports.",0 +"The probe, he argues, is an outgrowth of the bias and resentment media elites and Democrats hold against his white, working-class base."," The investigation, he argues, is an outgrowth of the bias and resentment media elites and Democrats hold against his white, working-class base.",0 +" After Ayala's announcement, Scott removed almost two dozen death-penalty cases from her office, and re-assigned them to another prosecutor."," After Ayala's announcement, Scott removed almost two dozen death-penalty cases from her office and re-assigned them to another prosecutor.",0 +"Associated Press writers Matthew Lee, Joan Lowy and Ted Bridis contributed to this report."," --- Associated Press writers David Keonig in Dallas, and Matthew Lee, Joan Lowy and Ted Bridis in Washington contributed to this report.",1 +" The records have become highly sought-after because Trump refused to release his returns during the campaign, breaking a decades-long tradition."," The documents have become highly sought-after because Trump refused to release his returns during the campaign, breaking a decades-long tradition.",0 +GOP lawmakers said they cared about consumer privacy every bit as much as Democrats did.,GOP lawmakers said they care about consumer privacy every bit as much as Democrats did.,0 +"Gus Bilirakis of Florida said Friday he's ""been a fan of Meals on Wheels forever"" and even delivered food to the elderly.",", said Friday he's ""been a fan of Meals on Wheels forever"" and even delivered food to the elderly.",0 +" Its recommendation for Keystone marks a clear victory for oil industry advocates, who argue the pipeline will create jobs and improve U.S. energy security."," The go-ahead for Keystone will mark a clear victory for oil industry advocates, who say the pipeline will create jobs and improve U.S. energy security.",1 +"Steve King, in a tweet Sunday, paid tribute to a Dutch politician who opposes immigration and has spoken against Islam.",Steve King of Iowa paid tribute to a Dutch politician who opposes immigration and has spoken against Islam.,0 +It came as the Dutch prepare for an election Wednesday.,It came as the Dutch prepared for an election for prime minister.,1 + The Obama administration announced in December that it wouldn't renew mineral rights leases for the proposed Twin Metals mine near Ely.,It also announced it would not renew mineral rights leases for the proposed Twin Metals mine near Ely.,1 + The justices heard arguments Monday in the case that involves a family's effort to sell part of its riverfront land in Wisconsin., The case involves a family's effort to sell part of its riverfront land in Wisconsin.,1 +A banner atop each nonprofit's GuideStar profile includes the law center's logo and a link to its home page.,A banner atop their GuideStar profiles includes the law center's logo and a link to its website.,1 +" Schools in New York City, Philadelphia, Boston and elsewhere are all closed Tuesday."," Schools in New York City, Philadelphia, Boston and elsewhere were all closed Tuesday.",1 +"After donning surgical gloves, Parnell walked back to the boy's side of the car and shone a flashlight on him again.","After donning surgical gloves, Parnell walked back to the boy and turned a flashlight on him.",0 + Footage following the exchange of gunfire showed the three men lying on the sidewalk., Video footage following the exchange of gunfire showed the three men lying on the sidewalk.,0 +" Loyd is charged with first-degree murder in the killings of his ex-girlfriend, Sade Dixon, and Orlando Police Lt.",Loyd is charged with the first-degree murder in the killings of his pregnant ex-girlfriend Sade Dixon and Orlando Police Lt.,1 +" ""The way the Obama administration handled it was appropriate and respectful and classy,"" he said."," ""The way the Obama administration handled it was appropriate and respectful and classy,"" Purdon said.",0 +" According to the airline-tracking website FlightAware, more than 5,000 Tuesday flights have been canceled."," According to the airline-tracking website FlightAware, more than 5,000 flights Tuesday were canceled.",0 + The archives contacted the White House about the matter because such correspondence is required to be preserved for history under the Presidential Records Act., The archives contacted the White House about the matter because the Presidential Records Act requires such correspondence to be preserved for history.,0 +"Amir Ali Hajizadeh, chief of the Guard's airspace division, as saying the missile destroyed target from a distance of 250 kilometers (155 miles).","Amir Ali Hajizadeh, chief of the Guard's aerospace division, as saying the missile destroyed a target from a distance of 250 kilometers (155 miles).",1 +Rick Longley told the Press Association that he heard a bang and saw a car mow down pedestrians and come to a crashing stop., Witness Rick Longley told the Press Association that he heard a bang and saw a car plow into pedestrians and come to a crashing stop.,1 + A populist party Volya (Will) can enter Parliament if it wins more than the minimum four percent of the vote., A populist party Volya (Will) can enter Parliament if it wins more than the minimum four percent.,0 + Undoing the Federal Communications Commission's regulation leaves people's online information in a murky area., Undoing the FCC regulation leaves people's online information in a murky area.,0 + But it has to get more people through the doors or shopping for Sears brands online., But it has to get more people through the doors or shopping online for what it's selling.,0 +" The court's four liberal justices seemed to side with state and local officials, while conservative justices were more skeptical."," During a one-hour argument, the court's four liberal justices seemed to side with state and local officials, while conservative justices were generally more skeptical.",1 +"The injured bodyguard then pulls out his gun and, while lying on the floor, opens fire on the killer, who died later in the hospital.","The injured bodyguard then pulls out his gun and, while lying on the floor, fires on the killer.",1 + Police said there is no indication the shooting at the Cameo club was terrorism related.," No suspect is in custody, but there is no indication the shooting at the Cameo club was terrorism related, officials said.",1 +" He became a news columnist in 1963, and quickly found a story when none seemed left to tell.", He became a news columnist in 1963 and quickly found a story when none seemed left to tell.,0 +" Uganda is hosting a total of 800,000 South Sudanese refugees who have arrived since the neighboring country's civil war began in late 2013.",""" The refugees - more than 60 percent of them children - have been arriving since neighboring South Sudan's civil war began in late 2013.",1 +" A second call came about 10 minutes later from Tlusty, Kennedy and Dirks, a law firm in nearby Schofield."," A second call came about 10 minutes later from Tlusty, Kennedy and Dirks law firm.",1 + Prosecutors say none of the father's actions that night can justify the deadly response.," Prosecutors say none of the father's actions that night can justify the deadly response by Stafford and another deputy city marshal, Norris Greenhouse Jr.",1 +Coastal flood warnings were in effect from Massachusetts to Delaware., Coastal flood warnings are in effect from Massachusetts to Delaware.,1 +The Trump administration had given the federal government until next Monday to complete a review of the pipeline., The Trump administration had given officials until next Monday to complete a review of the pipeline.,0 +" Parliament was locked down for two hours, and the subway station outside was shuttered.","Parliament was locked down for two hours, and adjoining Westminster subway station was shuttered.",1 +" Broadband providers don't currently fall under FTC jurisdiction, and advocates say the FTC has historically been a weaker agency than the FCC."," Broadband providers don't currently fall under FTC jurisdiction, and advocates say it has historically been a weaker agency than the FCC.",0 +" Borisov, a 57-year-old political maverick who has combined his man-in-the-street rhetoric with a strict obedience to the EU, is a key figure in the election."," Borisov, a 57-year-old political maverick who combines man-in-the-street rhetoric with a pro-EU disposition, is a key figure in the election.",1 + That leaves United as the biggest carrier with no plans yet to bring back free meals on any domestic flights., That leaves United Airlines as the biggest U.S. carrier with no plans yet to bring back free meals in economy on any domestic flights.,1 + Columbus police say a 22-year-old man shot at police entering an apartment house to search for illegal drugs under a warrant Wednesday night.," Police say 22-year-old Shawn Toney Jr., of Columbus, shot at police entering an apartment house to search for illegal drugs under a warrant Wednesday night.",1 +Trump casts himself as the voice of the aggrieved who understands their troubles.,Trump portrays himself as the voice of the aggrieved who understands their troubles.,0 + The New Mexico State Police and McKinley County Sheriff's Office also were assisting with the investigation.,""" New Mexico State Police and the McKinley County Sheriff's Office also were assisting with the investigation.",1 +" ""The reason he picked New York is because it's the media capital of the world, and he wanted to make a statement,"" Aubrey said."," ""The reason he picked New York is because it's the media capital of the world and he wanted to make a statement,"" Aubrey said.",0 + President Barack Obama rejected the pipeline in 2015 after a negative recommendation from then-Secretary of State John Kerry., And President Barack Obama rejected the pipeline in 2015 after a negative recommendation from then-Secretary of State John Kerry.,1 + She is still holding to that conclusion after an appeals court asked her to go back and re-examine her findings.,"On Monday, she reaffirmed that conclusion after an appeals court asked her to go back and re-examine her findings.",1 +" Christian Gutierrez pleaded no contest to animal cruelty, theft and other charges."," In March, Gutierrez pleaded no contest to animal cruelty, theft and other charges.",1 +" Lighthizer has said that, historically, conservatives have been skeptical of ""unbridled free-trade policies."," Lighthizer has said, historically, conservatives have been skeptical of ""unbridled free-trade policies.",0 + Police did not provide a motive for the attack but the Paris prosecutors' office said its anti-terrorism division was taking over the investigation., Police did not immediately provide a motive for the attack.,1 + Final results from the elections - held in February and early March - were expected later Saturday.," The elections were held in five states in February and early March, but the votes were not tallied until Saturday.",1 +" Gray-haired but looking trimmer than he has in recent years, Simpson walked briskly into the hearing room in jeans, a light-blue prison-issue shirt and sneakers."," Gray-haired but looking trimmer than he has in recent years, Simpson walked stiffly into the hearing room in jeans, a light-blue prison-issue shirt and sneakers.",1 +" Lawmakers passed the legislation, 419-3, clearing the far-reaching measure for action by the Senate."," The Senate passed the bill, 98-2, two days after the House pushed the measure through by an overwhelming margin, 419-3.",1 +" Provisional results will be announced Saturday afternoon, the electoral commission said late Friday."," Provisional results will be announced Saturday afternoon, the commission said.",0 +"IS claimed responsibility for that attack and others in France, including one just last month on the Champs-Elysees that left only the attacker dead.",IS claimed responsibility for that attack and others in France.,1 +"If the president is permanently removed, Congress would elect a replacement and Maia is seen as the favorite.","If the president is permanently removed, Congress would elect a replacement and Maia, who is also under investigation for corruption, is seen as the favorite.",1 +" The increase is projected to be just 2.2 percent, or about $28 a month for the average recipient."," Bad news for seniors: It's just a 2.2 percent increase, or about $28 a month for the average recipient.",1 +"He and his family are considering further treatment, including chemotherapy and radiation."," The senator and his family are considering further treatment, including chemotherapy and radiation, as he recuperates at his home in Arizona.",1 +Moriarty said the video had been entered into evidence at the trial.,"Moriarty, a lawyer, said the video had been entered into evidence at the trial.",1 +John McCain's announced absence following surgery left Republicans short of votes on their marquee legislation.,"John McCain's announced absence due to surgery, an enormous setback as time dwindles for Republicans to pass the signature legislation after years of promises.",1 +"He has said he had ""no intention of killing anyone"" and felt no resentment toward Americans."," The defendant has said he had ""no intention of killing anyone"" and felt no resentment toward Americans.",0 +They say a group of more experienced advisers - including a trio of generals - is increasingly holding sway., They say a group of more experienced advisers - including a trio of generals - is increasingly holding sway.,0 + The National Weather Service estimated up to 1.5 inches of rain fell over the area in an hour.,"Maribel Raya-Garcia, 24, and Maria Raya-Garcia, 27. The National Weather Service estimated up to 1.5 inches of rain fell over the area in an hour.",1 +" Weeks after the deal, O'Brien resigned as bishop after he was arrested for hitting and killing a pedestrian with his car.","Weeks after the deal, O'Brien resigned as bishop after he was arrested in the hit-and-run death of a pedestrian.",1 +But they said in their written reports that research suggests that recidivism rates for people of his age are extremely low.,But they said research suggests recidivism rates for people of his age are extremely low.,0 +" Since launching the push on Raqqa on June 6, the U.S.-backed forces have conquered a third of the city."," Since launching the push on Raqqa on June 6, the U.S.-backed forces have taken a third of the city.",0 +" Emanuel said Sunday that Chicago won't ""be blackmailed"" into changing its values as a welcoming city.","A day earlier Emanuel said Chicago won't ""be blackmailed"" into changing its values as a welcoming city.",1 +Army Corps of Engineers to let the project in Margate continue.,Army Corps of Engineers project to build dunes in the southern New Jersey shore town of Margate to continue.,1 +"But Margate has opposed it as unnecessary and harmful to its shoreline, and now a public health hazard.",Margate says the project is unnecessary and harmful to its shoreline.,1 + -- Associated Press writers Erica Werner and Donna Cassata contributed to this report.," -- Associated Press writers Josh Boak, Erica Werner and Donna Cassata contributed to this report.",1 + City Fire Chief John Fruetel said the body was recovered around 8 p.m., City Fire Chief John Fruetel said the body of the second person killed in the blast was recovered around 8 p.m.,1 +" Two juries couldn't reach unanimous agreement on the charges, leading to mistrials."," Two juries couldn't reach unanimous agreement on the state charges, leading to mistrials.",1 +"The 81-year-old attended the school as a child, sent his own children there, and was like a grandfather figure to students, school officials said."," Carlson, 81, attended the school as a child, sent his own children there, and was like a grandfather figure to students, school officials said.",1 + Video posted on social media shows Bieber getting into his truck with a crowd of photographers around him., Video posted by ABC News shows Bieber getting into a large pickup truck with a crowd of photographers around him.,1 +"An 11-year-old and an 18-year-old, who were each other's cousins, were killed at the second home, in Brookhaven.","Two cousins, an 11-year-old and an 18-year-old, were killed at the second home.",1 +Authorities estimate the group has tens of thousands of members across several Central American countries and many U.S. states.,Authorities estimate the group has tens of thousands of members across Central America and in many U.S. states.,0 +"A husband and wife were killed at the third home, also in Brookhaven.",A husband and wife were slain at the third home.,1 +Greg Gianforte had pressed McLean's case with China's Ambassador to the U.S.,"Greg Gianforte - had pressed McLean's case with China's ambassador to the U.S., Cui Tiankai, and U.S.",1 +"The lawmakers said McLean had been justifiably defending his mother, who is deaf, from the driver, whose knee was reportedly hurt in the encounter."," The lawmakers said Guthrie McLean had justifiably defended his mother, who is deaf, from the driver, whose knee was reportedly hurt in the encounter.",1 + The advisers insisted on anonymity because they were not authorized to publicly discuss the president's thinking., The advisers spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to publicly discuss the president's thinking.,0 +" The gang is known for hacking and stabbing victims with machetes, drug dealing, prostitution and other rackets."," MS-13 is known for hacking and stabbing victims with machetes, drug dealing, prostitution and other rackets.",1 +" Among those included in the new Cabinet was Ishaq Dar, a close relative of Sharif who previously served as finance minister."," Among those included in the Cabinet was Ishaq Dar, a close relative of Sharif who previously served as finance minister.",0 +Some gate guards said they held their fire because they couldn't determine the source of the sound.,Other guards said they held their fire because they couldn't determine the source of the sound.,0 +"Construction began with state approval in 2009, and the project was so far about one-third completed.","Construction contracts with Westinghouse were signed in 2008, and the project was so far about one-third completed.",0 +"Army Green Berets were killed Nov. 4, as their convoy waited at the gate to the al-Jafr base in southern Jordan."," The Americans were killed Nov. 4, as their convoy waited at the gate to the al-Jafr base in southern Jordan.",0 +" Two hours before the parade Friday, the famed Champs-Elysees avenue was emptied as was the Place de la Concorde with its golden-tipped obelisk.","Two hours before the parade Friday, the famed boulevard was emptied, as was the Place de la Concorde with its golden-tipped obelisk.",0 +" Sharif's interior minister, Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan, was not in the new Cabinet - he had resigned earlier this month over disagreements with Sharf."," Sharif's interior minister, Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan, was not in the new Cabinet - he had resigned earlier this month over disagreements with Sharif.",0 +"""Then they heard other people calling for help."" Four people were rescued and taken to the hospital for treatment of hypothermia.", Four people were rescued and taken to the hospital for treatment of hypothermia.,0 +""" Damond's Sydney-based family issued a statement Monday saying they were trying to come to terms with the tragedy and understand why it happened.",""" Damond's family in Sydney issued a statement Monday saying they were trying to come to terms with the tragedy and understand why it happened.",0 + The defense countered by arguing that the investors weren't victims because they ended up recouping their money when the drug company went public., The defense countered by arguing the investors weren't victims because they recouped their money when the drug company went public.,0 +But the two psychologists found he did not meet the legal criteria to hold him.,But two psychologists hired by the state found he did not meet the legal criteria to hold him.,1 + Chicago officials say there are new qualifications for a public safety grant requiring cities to share information with federal immigration authorities.," Chicago officials say there are new qualifications for a grant requiring cities to share information with federal immigration authorities, which they allege are unconstitutional.",1 +" The inmates' arguments were backed up by 15 pharmacology professors, who said midazolam is incapable of inducing unconsciousness or preventing serious pain.",The inmates were backed up by 15 pharmacology professors who said midazolam is incapable of inducing unconsciousness or preventing serious pain.,1 +" Federal officials have threatened to withhold federal funding for sanctuary cities, saying they don't comply with federal laws."," Federal officials threatened to withhold funding for sanctuary cities, saying they don't comply with federal laws.",0 + The U.S. soldiers were killed Nov. 4 when their convoy came under fire at the entrance of an air base in southern Jordan.,"Army Green Berets were killed Nov. 4, as their convoy waited at the gate to the al-Jafr base in southern Jordan.",1 +""" The video was shown to the family by U.S. law enforcement, but has not been released to the public."," The video was shown to the family by U.S. law enforcement, but has not been released to the public.",0 +"David Perdue of Georgia and Tom Cotton of Arkansas to trumpet the bill, which has so far gained little traction in the Senate.","David Perdue of Georgia and Tom Cotton of Arkansas to promote the bill, which so far has gained little traction in the Senate.",0 +" Investigators checked store surveillance video, which showed vehicles arriving and picking up people from the truck, parked in the midsummer Texas heat, authorities said."," Investigators checked store surveillance video, which showed vehicles arriving and picking up people from the truck, authorities said.",0 +" ""We are very, very very, very happy,"" Jennifer McLean wrote in an email to The Associated Press."," ""We are very, very, very, very happy,"" Jennifer McLean wrote in an email to The Associated Press.",0 +"(group) is actually an exceptional opponent,"" Gifford said. ""We can't negotiate them away, we can't wish them away.","""We can't negotiate them away, we can't wish them away.",1 +" The defendant, who had pleaded ""not guilty,"" has said he opened fire because he feared the base was coming under attack.", The defendant has said he felt no animosity toward Americans and opened fire because he believed the base was coming under attack.,1 + Pruitt presented the change as his agency being more responsive than past administrations to the needs of state environmental regulators.," In a statement Wednesday evening, Pruitt presents the change as his agency being more responsive than past administrations to the needs of state environmental regulators.",1 +It's part of America's broader effort to isolate Pyongyang diplomatically and force it to end missile tests and abandon its nuclear weapons program.,It's part of a broader American effort to isolate North Korea diplomatically and force it to abandon its missile tests and nuclear weapons program.,1 + Video she posted to social media showed torrents of water surging through jagged canyons carved in Arizona's signature red rock.,Video she posted to social media showed torrents of water surging through jagged canyons carved in Arizona's signature red rock.,0 +Doctors said McCain is recovering from his surgery amazingly well and his underlying health is excellent.,"Doctors said McCain is recovering from his surgery ""amazingly well"" and his underlying health is excellent.",0 +" The defendant has said he had ""no intention of killing anyone"" and felt no resentment toward Americans."," Al-Tuwayha has said he had ""no intention of killing anyone"" and felt no resentment toward Americans.",1 + --- AP Diplomatic Writer Matthew Lee in contributed to this report., --- AP Diplomatic Writer Matthew Lee in Washington and AP writer Edith M. Lederer at the United Nations contributed to this report.,1 + The man also went missing for weeks last year before turning up in Venezuela.,Dhiab also went missing for weeks last year before turning up in Venezuela.,0 +Screams are heard as passengers are thrown to the ground., Screams are heard as passengers are thrown to the ground.,0 +He declined to comment when asked whether the department would rule out prosecuting journalists.,Rosenstein declined to comment when asked whether the department would rule out prosecuting journalists.,0 + The lawsuit said United was negligent in the care and transportation of Simon and then improperly cremated the rabbit., The lawsuit said United was negligent in the care and transportation of Simon and that the airline improperly cremated the rabbit.,1 +" Earlier this year, a Jordanian soldier convicted of killing seven Israeli schoolgirls in a 1997 shooting rampage was released after 20 years."," Earlier this year, a Jordanian soldier who killed seven Israeli schoolgirls in a 1997 shooting rampage was released after 20 years.",1 +" High Court Judge Nicholas Francis said he is ""open-minded about the evidence"" to come after the visit of Dr. Michio Hirano of Columbia University."," High Court Judge Nicholas Francis said Friday he is ""open-minded about the evidence"" to come after the visit of Dr. Michio Hirano of Columbia University.",0 + The programs are expanding in part because the U.S. is growing older., The programs' long-term financial problems are in part because the U.S. is growing older.,1 +" BAT projects saving at least $400 million a year through cost-cutting of corporate operations, increased purchasing power, and other supply-chain efficiencies."," THE IMPACT BAT projects saving at least $400 million a year through cost-cutting of corporate operations, increased purchasing power, and other supply-chain efficiencies.",0 +"There is no exclusion procedure and the ARF decides by consensus, so any U.S. move against Pyongyang can be defeated by any country, including China.","There is no exclusion procedure and ARF decides by consensus, so any U.S. move against North Korea could be defeated by any country, including China.",1 +They have declined to answer repeated questions about whether he is playing golf.,Aides declined to answer repeated questions about whether he is playing golf.,1 +" The release followed an agreement with Chinese authorities to drop any charges against Guthrie Mclean, according to Montana U.S."," Guthrie Mclean's release followed an agreement with Chinese authorities to drop any charges against him, according to Montana U.S.",1 +"After the North fired an ICBM on July 4, Moon quickly condemned the launch as a ""reckless"" military provocation.","After the North fired an ICBM on July 4, Moon quickly condemned the launch as a ""reckless"" and ""irresponsible"" provocation.",0 +"Windows of the imam's office were shattered, either by the blast or by an object thrown through them, the Minneapolis Star Tribune reported .","Windows of the imam's office were shattered, either by the blast or by an object thrown through them.",1 + --- Associated Press writers Mike Graczyk in Houston and Peter Orsi in Mexico City contributed to this report.," --- Associated Press writers Mike Graczyk in Houston, Elliot Spagat in San Diego and Peter Orsi in Mexico City contributed to this report.",1 +""" In an interview with The Associated Press in 2013, McCain spoke of his decades in Congress, legislative achievements and political defeats."," In an interview with The Associated Press in 2013, McCain spoke of his decades in Congress, legislative achievements and political defeats.",0 +Goods produced by North Korea's forced labor would be prohibited from entering the United States.,"Goods produced by North Korea's forced labor would be prohibited from entering the United States, according to the bill.",1 +The company said its cigarettes reach about 12 percent of the world's one billion smokers.,The company said its cigarettes reach about 12 percent of the world's 1 billion smokers.,0 +Jeff Merkley of Oregon told Gingrich that he must have missed the statements from Trump that gave her such faith.,", told Callista Gingrich that he must have missed the statements from Trump that gave her such faith.",1 + The bishop acknowledged in a 2003 immunity deal that he let church employees accused of sex abuse have contact with children., The bishop acknowledged in a 2003 immunity deal that he let church employees accused of sex abuse continue to have contact with children.,1 +The case attracted international attention after President Donald Trump and Pope Francis weighed in.,The case attracted international attention after Pope Francis and President Donald Trump weighed in.,0 +" Most of the approximately 1,000 evacuated residents are being allowed to return as of noon Saturday."," Most of the approximately 1,000 evacuated residents were being allowed to return as of noon Saturday.",0 +"(former) President Lula from the competition,"" said Rousseff in an hour-long interview.","(former) President Lula from the competition,"" said Rousseff. ""They shouldn't think removing Lula from the election would bring stability to Brazil.",1 +" Massachusetts prison officials say Paul Shanley, 86, was released from the Old Colony Correctional Center in Bridgewater on Friday."," Paul Shanley, 86, was released from the Old Colony Correctional Center in Bridgewater.",1 +""" The latest attempt to clamp down on Iran's military financing, the new sanctions announced Tuesday hit 18 Iranian individuals and groups.",""" The latest attempt to clamp down on Iran's military financing, the new sanctions hit 18 Iranian individuals and groups.",1 +Homeland Security Department stepped in to take the lead in the investigation.,Homeland Security Department stepped in to take the lead in the investigation from San Antonio police.,1 +"Miyagi says his agency is just trying to stay ahead of a ""very unlikely"" possible threat.",""" He stressed that his agency is simply trying to stay ahead of a ""very unlikely"" scenario, but it's a possibility that Hawaii can't ignore.",1 +" --- Associated Press reporter Kantele Franko in Columbus, Ohio, contributed to this report."," --- Associated Press reporter Kantele Franko in Columbus, Ohio, and photographer John Minchillo in Cincinnati contributed to this report.",1 +" --- This story has corrected that the first reactor was supposed to be online in 2019, not this year.","Under a timeline adopted in 2012, the first reactor was supposed to be operational earlier this year.",1 +""" The senator and chairman of the Armed Services Committee had been recovering at his Arizona home.", The senator and chairman of the Armed Services Committee had been recovering at his Arizona home.,0 + HONOLULU (AP) -- Hawaii is the first state to prepare the public for the possibility of a ballistic missile threat from North Korea., HONOLULU (AP) -- Hawaii is the first state to prepare the public for the possibility of a ballistic missile strike from North Korea.,1 + The state's Emergency Management Agency on Friday announced a public education campaign., The state's Emergency Management Agency on Friday announced a public education campaign about what to do.,0 +" Shanley was a ""street priest"" who ministered to alienated youth in the 1960s and '70s.", Shanley was a street priest who ministered alienated youth in the 1960s and '70s.,0 +"Circuit Court of Appeals on Tuesday, denied Margate's request to stay a lower court ruling that allowed the U.S.",Circuit Court of Appeals on Tuesday upheld a federal judge's decision to allow the U.S.,1 + The Trump administration has been troubled by numerous damaging leaks amid the Russia investigation., The Trump administration has been troubled by numerous damaging leaks amid the investigation into Russian efforts to influence the vote.,1 + The reactors were set to be among the first new nuclear reactors built in the U.S. in decades., The reactors were set to be among the first built in the U.S. in decades.,1 +" Phillips was sentenced to die for the 1993 rape and killing of Sheila Marie Evans, his girlfriend's 3-year-old daughter."," Ronald Phillips, 43, was condemned to die for the 1993 rape and slaying of his girlfriend's 3-year-old daughter, Sheila Marie Evans.",1 +" One worshipper saw a pickup truck speeding away afterward, said Mohamed Omar, the center's executive director."," One worshipper saw a pickup truck speeding away shortly after the explosion, said Mohamed Omar, the center's executive director.",1 +" The Philippines plays host as this year's chairman of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, or ASEAN."," The Philippines is host as this year's chairman of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, or ASEAN.",1 +" On Tuesday, Sharif said his party won't replace Abbasi with his brother, but that decision has yet to be finalized.", But now Sharif says his party won't replace Abbasi with his brother.,1 + Chicago is being helped by two outside law firms on a pro bono basis., Two law firms are helping Chicago with the case on a pro bono basis.,1 +Hirano's research focuses on mitochondrial diseases and genetic myopathies and he has treated others with conditions similar to that involving the 11-month-old., Hirano's research focuses on mitochondrial diseases and genetic myopathies and he has treated others with conditions similar to Charlie's.,1 +Ohio State Medical Center said three of the injured were being treated there.,42. At least two of the injured were in critical condition Thursday at Ohio State Medical Center.,1 + The U.N. warned of growing ethnic violence there after bodies with bound hands were found late last year., The U.N. warned of growing ethnic violence after bodies with bound hands were found in Yei late last year.,1 + He reiterated Sunday that officials are reviewing guidelines that make it difficult for prosecutors to subpoena journalists about their sources.," Officials are reviewing guidelines that make it difficult for prosecutors to subpoena journalists about their sources, Rosenstein reiterated Sunday.",1 +" Hirano's name only appeared in public on Friday, as a court order had previously blocked its mention."," Hirano's name appeared in public only on Friday, as a court order had previously blocked its mention.",0 +But agency spokeswoman Liz Johnson says only one person died at a hospital., Prosecutors said in a statement Monday that the person died at a hospital.,1 +""" But he left open the possibility that reporters could be investigated for breaking other, unspecified laws."," Still, Rosenstein left open the possibility that reporters could be investigated for breaking other, unspecified laws.",1 +"Some of those in the truck ran into the woods, leading to a search, McManus said.","Some of those in the truck ran into the woods, McManus said.",0 +" Deputy William Durr, Godbolt's mother-in-law Barbara Mitchell and two others were killed at the first home in the small town of Bogue Chitto (BOH'-guh CHIT'-uh)."," Deputy William Durr, Godbolt's mother-in-law Barbara Mitchell and two others were killed at the first home.",1 +"More than 2,000 others died in drug-related homicides, including attacks by motorcycle-riding masked gunmen.","More than 2,000 others died in drug-related homicides, including attacks by motorcycle-riding masked gunmen and other assaults.",1 +"He says some of the ""procedural hurdles"" may be delaying leak investigations.","He said some of the ""procedural hurdles"" may be delaying leak investigations.",0 +"Khan is to be replaced by Ahsan Iqbal, who was minister for planning and development.","Khan was replaced by Ahsan Iqbal, who was minister for planning and development.",1 +" Hirano will meet with Charlie's current immediate care team, together with other specialists, including a doctor from the Vatican children's hospital."," Hirano will assess Charlie, meet his current immediate-care team and other specialists, including a doctor from the Vatican children's hospital.",1 +""" The Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension is overseeing the investigation into Damond's shooting.", The Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension is overseeing the investigation into Damond's shooting.,0 +He had been stabbed several times in an attack so brutal that police said the knife broke.,27. He had been stabbed several times in an attack so brutal that police said the knife broke.,1 +" ""It was as if he was like flying out, like it was really fast,"" Gibson told San Jose television station KNTV."," ""It was as if he was like flying out, like it was really fast,"" passenger Sophia Gibson told San Jose television station KNTV.",0 +" BOSTON (AP) -- The USS Constitution, the world's oldest commissioned warship still afloat, will return Sunday to Boston's waters."," BOSTON (AP) -- The USS Constitution, the world's oldest commissioned warship still afloat, has returned to Boston's waters.",1 +" Top advisers rushed to the Oval Office, with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and national security adviser H.R."," Top advisers scurried to the White House, with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and national security adviser H.R.",1 +" While Arizona is known for its dryness, it gets bursts of heavy rains during the summer monsoon season.",""" While Arizona is known for its dryness, it gets bursts of heavy rains during the summer monsoon season.",0 +"""Make no mistake about it, it's a very, very sad night for all of us.","Make no mistake about it, it's a very, very sad night for all of us.",0 +"China has dismissed the arbitration ruling, which was put forward by the Philippines, as a sham.","China has dismissed the arbitration ruling, which was sought by the Philippines, as a sham.",1 +" On Monday night, Duterte also called for abolishing the Commission on Human Rights, an independent agency created under the constitution to investigate rights violations."," Duterte also called for the abolishment of the Commission on Human Rights, an independent agency created under the constitution to investigate rights violations.",0 +" Minnesota is home to the largest Somali community in the U.S., roughly 57,000 people, according to the latest census figures.","Minnesota is home to the largest Somali community in the U.S., roughly 57,000 people, according to the latest census figures.",0 +"They said the video showed the defendant reloading and shooting at Americans who were waving their hands and yelling: ""We're Americans!"," They have said the video shows the defendant reloading and shooting at Americans who were waving their hands and yelling: ""We're Americans!",1 +The company did not immediately respond to a phone message seeking comment.,A company official did not immediately respond to a phone message seeking comment.,1 +San Antonio is about a 150-mile (240-kilometer) drive from the Mexican border., San Antonio is about a 150-mile (240-kilometer) drive from the Mexican border.,0 +Social Security recipients have gone years with tiny increases in benefits., Social Security recipients have gone years with tiny increases in benefits because inflation has been low or non-existent.,1 +"State Department confirmed McClean's release, but provided no details citing privacy concerns.","State Department confirmed Guthrie McClean's release but provided no details, citing privacy concerns.",1 +" The Border Patrol has reported at least four truck seizures this month in and around Laredo, Texas.",""" The Border Patrol has reported at least four truck seizures this month in and around Laredo, Texas.",0 + Disa Alexander was hiking to the swimming area where Ellison Creek and East Verde River converge when the water suddenly surged., Disa Alexander was hiking to the swimming area where Ellison Creek and East Verde River converge Saturday when the water suddenly surged.,1 +And the requirements will apply to cities seeking grants starting in September.,The requirements will apply to cities seeking grants starting in September.,0 + Torquato Jardim (tohr-kuh-WAH'-toh jar-DEEN) says the investigation is a win for Brazilians.," Justice Minister Torquato Jardim says the investigation, dubbed Operation Car Wash, is a win for Brazilians.",1 +The Philippines calls the development a major diplomatic progress in efforts to ease a potential flashpoint.,The Philippines calls the framework a major step in efforts to ease potential flashpoints.,1 +"In the past, McCain had been treated for melanoma, but a primary tumor is unrelated.",""" In the past, McCain had been treated for melanoma, but a primary tumor is unrelated.",0 +They now are hoping that federal authorities reviewing the case will determine that Dubose's civil rights were violated., The family now hopes federal authorities reviewing the case will determine that DuBose's civil rights were violated and will prosecute Tensing.,0 +" Along with a mosque, the building houses a community center that hosts computer classes, a basketball league, religious classes, lectures and other events.","The community center also hosts computer classes, a basketball league, religious classes, lectures and other events.",0 +" Winston-Salem, North Carolina-based Reynolds is the second-largest U.S. cigarette company and owns the Camel and Pall Mall cigarette brands.", Reynolds is the second-largest U.S. cigarette company and owns the Camel and Pall Mall cigarette brands.,0 + All four parole commissioners who conducted the hearing voted for his release after about a half-hour of deliberations.,""" All four parole commissioners who conducted the hearing voted for his release after a half-hour of deliberations.",0 +" After jumping from the plane, he was held by an airfield construction crew until police arrived and arrested him."," After jumping from the plane, the teenager was held by an airfield construction crew until police arrived and arrested him.",1 +"He's blasted as a ""witch hunt"" investigations into the extent of Russia's interference and whether the Trump campaign colluded with Moscow.","And he's blasted as a ""witch hunt"" investigations into the extent of Russia's interference and whether the Trump campaign colluded with Moscow.",0 +His new home in a multiunit building is across the street from a recently opened dance studio that teaches children as young as, His new home in a multiunit building is across from a recently opened dance studio that teaches children as young as,0 +"The site said the Israeli man was in ""unstable"" condition."," The Israeli was in ""unstable"" condition, the new site said.",1 +"The bill would leave most of the ACA intact, striking only some of its most unpopular provisions.","The bill would have left most of the ACA intact, striking only some of its most unpopular provisions.",1 +Democrats are unanimously opposed as are the nation's major medical groups and insurers.,"Democrats are unanimously opposed to the bill, as are the nation's major medical groups and insurers.",1 +The defendant said he opened fire because he feared the base was coming under attack.,Al-Tuwayha said he opened fire because he feared the base was under attack.,1 +" One worshipper saw a pickup truck speeding away shortly after the explosion, said Mohamed Omar, the center's executive director."," ""We feel like it's much deeper and scarier than like something random,"" Mohamed Omar, the center's executive director, said Sunday.",1 +"They arrived in Washington from their hometown of Herat, Afghanistan, early Saturday after Trump's last-minute intervention to sidestep the visa system.","They arrived in Washington from their hometown of Herat, Afghanistan, early Saturday, and their ball-sorting robot competed in its first round Monday morning.",1 +" Hall said, when the salary list was published, that the broadcaster needed to move more quickly on issues of gender and diversity."," Hall said, when the salary list was published, that the BBC needed to move more quickly on issues of gender and diversity.",1 +"In a Senate divided 52-48 between Republicans and Democrats, McConnell can lose no more than two votes and still prevail."," In a Senate divided 52-48 between Republicans and Democrats, McConnell can lose no more than two GOP votes and still prevail.",1 +" The newspaper said Bieber ""fully cooperated"" with officers at the scene."," Stout says Bieber ""fully cooperated"" with officers at the scene.",1 +People who answered the phones at Zhengzhou police headquarters said there was no one available to comment on the case., People who answered the phones at Zhengzhou police headquarters said there was no one available to comment on the case.,0 +""" Estate attorney Howard Weitzman said he and his team were surprised by the verdict.", Estate attorney Howard Weitzman said he and his team were surprised by the verdict and would appeal it.,1 +"Jordan initially suggested the U.S. troops triggered the shooting by disobeying gate procedures, a claim that was disputed by the U.S. and later withdrawn.","Jordan initially said the Americans triggered the shooting by disobeying entry rules, a claim that was later withdrawn.",1 +This included allowing the defendant to be re-interviewed by the FBI about his motive and releasing the security camera footage to the families.,These included allowing the defendant to be re-interviewed by the FBI about his motive and releasing the security video to the families.,1 +"Co. for Thursday's ""Ivory Crush,"" say no price justifies slaughtering elephants for their tusks.","Co. for the ""Ivory Crush"" of nearly 2 tons (1.8 metric tons) of ivory, said no price justifies slaughtering elephants for their tusks.",0 +His decision was made without consulting with the president and essentially paved the way for the appointment of Robert Mueller as special counsel.,His decision was made without consulting with the president and essentially paved the way for the appointment of Mueller as special counsel.,0 +"That would leave insurers with a pool of sicker, costlier customers.","That would have left insurers with a pool of sicker, costlier customers.",0 +"The Nov. 13, 2015 attacks claimed by IS killed 130 people at Paris cafes, the national stadium and the Bataclan, where 90 died.","The Nov. 13, 2015 attacks, claimed by IS, killed 130 people at Paris cafes, the national stadium and the Bataclan, where 90 died.",0 +"The combined company gains strength to increase sales in developing countries, where health restrictions aren't as strict.","The combined company gains strength to increase sales in developing countries, where health regulations aren't as strict.",0 +" Lathem stated that he would not answer any questions on advice of a lawyer, and no questions were asked, Conroy said."," According to Conroy, Lathem stated that he would not answer questions on the advice of a lawyer, and no questions were asked.",0 +"House of Representatives passed a bill known as ""Kate's Law"" that would impose harsher prison sentences on deportees who re-enter the United States.","House passed a bill known as ""Kate's Law"" that would impose harsher prison sentences on deportees who re-enter the United States.",1 +" WASHINGTON (AP) -- Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Saturday he will delay consideration of health care legislation in the Senate, after Sen.", WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Senate delayed a highly anticipated vote this coming week to repeal and replace the nation's health care law after Sen.,1 +"The fighting has left nearly 700 combatants, including more than 520 gunmen, and civilians dead and displaced the entire population of the mosque-studded city.","The fighting has left nearly 700 people dead, including more than 520 gunmen, and displaced the entire population of the mosque-studded city.",1 + McConnell's remarks in the immediate aftermath of the vote were a bitter rebuke to all three., McConnell's remarks in the immediate aftermath were a bitter rebuke.,1 + London-headquartered BAT will buy the 57.8 percent of Reynolds it does not already own., Shareholders of both companies approved London-headquartered BAT buying the 57.8 percent of Reynolds it does not already own.,1 +" Matt Crowder, of Atherton, California, said people sitting near the exit row stood up when the boy jumped out and started to shout.", Passenger Matt Crowder said people sitting near the exit row stood up and shouted when the boy jumped.,0 + Shanley's lawyer says he's served his time and is not dangerous., Shanley's appellate lawyer said he's served his time and is not dangerous.,0 +" ""The safety and security of U.S. citizens overseas is one of the Department's highest priorities,"" it said in an emailed statement Monday."," ""The safety and security of U.S. citizens overseas is one of the Department's highest priorities,"" it said in a statement.",1 +" ANKARA, Turkey (AP) -- Qatar's foreign minister says it would be unfair to describe U.S."," ANKARA, Turkey (AP) -- Qatar's foreign minister said Friday it would be unfair to describe U.S.",1 + An airfield construction crew working nearby confronted the boy and held him until police arrived and arrested him.," After jumping from the plane, he was held by an airfield construction crew until police arrived and arrested him.",1 + The BCA also said no weapons were found at the scene., The BCA said no weapons were found at the scene.,0 + It was just the latest smuggling-by-truck attempt to end in tragedy., It was just the latest smuggling-by-truck operation to end in tragedy.,0 +" Removing North Korea from the grouping, however, will be tough."," Removing North Korea from the grouping, however, would be tough.",0 +"At home, he has written and lectured about the complex situation in Syria, offering a first-hand experience of IS' evolving tactics.","At home, he has written and lectured about the complex situation in Syria, offering a firsthand account of IS' evolving tactics.",0 +"I'll have those bombed, including your structures,"" the president said. ""I will use the armed forces, the Philippine air force.","I'll have those bombed, including your structures,"" Duterte said. ""I will use the armed forces, the Philippine air force.",0 +State law prohibits people from using information in the registry to harass people.,State law prohibits people from using information in the registry to harass sex offenders.,1 + The businessmen filed the lawsuit more than three months after airline workers found the continental rabbit named Simon dead on April, The businessmen filed the lawsuit more than three months after airline workers found the continental rabbit dead on April,1 +Alina Hartounian in Phoenix and Mike Balsamo in Los Angeles contributed.,Alina Hartounian and Jacques Billeaud in Phoenix and Mike Balsamo in Los Angeles contributed.,1 + - Follow Julie Pace at http://twitter.com/jpaceDC and Jonathan Lemire at http://twitter.com/JonLemire, --- Associated Press writers Julie Pace and Jonathan Lemire contributed to this report.,0 +Greg Gianforte issued statements Sunday saying they were pleased with the outcome of the case., Tester and Gianforte issued statements Sunday saying they were pleased with the outcome.,0 +" If the talks are held, loudspeaker broadcasts, leafleting and South Korea-U.S. drills are expected to be top agendas."," If the talks are held, loudspeaker broadcasts, leafleting and South Korea-U.S. drills are expected to top the agenda.",1 +" The teen - a U.S. citizen - was traveling alone and appeared to be in emotional distress during the flight, Yakel said."," The 17-year-old - a U.S. citizen - was traveling alone and appeared to be in emotional distress during the flight, Yakel said.",1 + Defense lawyer Subhi al-Mawas said he would appeal the court ruling., Defense lawyer Subhi al-Mawas said he would appeal Monday's court ruling.,1 + --- ANIMOSITIES The two Koreas restarted Cold War-era psychological warfare after the North's fourth nuclear test in January 2016., --- ENDURING ANIMOSITIES FOR 70 YEARS The two Koreas restarted Cold War-era psychological warfare after the North's fourth nuclear test in January 2016.,1 + Durbin's office wouldn't say whether Bradley was the alleged driver of the truck.,Attorney's Office wouldn't say whether Bradley was the alleged driver who was arrested.,1 +""" McCain has a lifetime of near-death experiences - surviving the July 1967 fire and explosion on the USS Forrestal that killed 134 sailors;", McCain has a lifetime of near-death experiences - surviving the July 1967 fire and explosion on the USS Forrestal that killed 134 sailors;,0 +" Chicago officials say there are new qualifications for a grant requiring cities to share information with federal immigration authorities, which they allege are unconstitutional."," Chicago officials say there are new qualifications for a grant that requires cities to share information with U.S. immigration authorities, which they allege are unconstitutional.",0 +""" Rousseff was impeached last year for manipulating the fiscal budget and was succeeded by Temer."," She was impeached last year for manipulating the fiscal budget and was succeeded by Temer, who is from a different political party.",1 +" In a statement on Twitter, his daughter, Meghan McCain, spoke of the shock of the news and the anxiety over what happens next.",""" In a statement on Twitter, his daughter, Meghan McCain, spoke of the shock of the news and the anxiety over what happens next.",0 + The sanctions package also imposes mandatory penalties on people involved in Iran's ballistic missile program and anyone who does business with them., The sanctions package imposes mandatory penalties on people involved in Iran's ballistic missile program and anyone who does business with them.,0 +"But at other points, he has expressed fears that it will dog him for his entire term.","But at other points, he has expressed fears that it will dog him for his entire time in office.",0 +He made no mention of the legal challenge filed against his prior position in a federal appeals court.,He makes no mention of the legal challenge filed against his prior position in a federal appeals court.,1 +"The thunderstorm hit about 8 miles upstream along Ellison Creek, which quickly flooded the narrow canyon where the swimmers were.","The thunderstorm hit about 8 miles (12 kilometers) upstream along Ellison Creek, which quickly flooded the narrow canyon where the swimmers were.",1 +" Officials did not know what caused the ride to break apart, saying the investigation was ongoing.", Officials are investigating what caused the ride to break apart and would not speculate on possible explanations.,1 +"Decades later, dozens of men came forward and said Shanley had molested or raped them.",Dozens of men came forward decades later and said Shanley had molested or raped them.,1 +Officials say members of an extended family who died in the flood had no warning about the approaching surge of water., Officials have said members of the extended family who died in the flood had no warning about the approaching surge of water.,1 +" Even $200 a month can go a long way in North Korea, where the per-capita income is estimated at just $1,700 a year.","Even $200 a month can go a long way in North Korea, where the per-capita income is estimated at just $1,700 a year.",0 +Many BBC men were found to be receiving far higher salaries than women in comparable jobs.,Many BBC men were also found to be receiving far higher salaries than women in comparable jobs.,0 +" Jardim' made his remarks Wednesday at the Wilson Center, a Washington think tank."," Janot made his remarks at the Atlantic Council, while Jardim spoke at the Wilson Center.",1 +" Michael Vartorella, the state's chief inspector of amusement ride safety, said the Fire Ball was inspected three or four times before the fair opened.",""" Michael Vartorella, Ohio's chief inspector of amusement ride safety, said the Fire Ball was inspected three or four times before the fair opened.",1 + The December 2015 talks at a now-stalled joint factory park in North Korea ended with no breakthroughs.,The December 2015 talks at a now-stalled joint factory park in North Korea ended with no breakthroughs.,0 +" The sinkhole, which opened up July 14, is now about 235 feet (72 meters) wide and 50 feet (15 meters) deep.", The sinkhole in a suburb of Tampa had been 235 feet (72 meters) wide and 50 feet (15 meters) deep previously.,1 +"10. Ground-level ozone can cause breathing problems among sensitive groups, causing thousands of premature deaths each year.","The resulting smog can cause serious breathing problems among sensitive groups of people, contributing to thousands of premature deaths each year.",1 +" Local media identified the officer who fired his gun as Mohamed Noor, a Somali-American."," The officer who shot Damond was identified by his attorney as Mohamed Noor, a Somali-American.",1 +"As he pulls away, one of them steps toward the truck and is hit.","As he pulls away, one of them steps toward the truck and is hit by the front wheel on the passenger side.",1 + --- AP Medical Writer Lauran Neergaard and writer Nancy Benac contributed to this report.,""" --- AP Medical Writer Lauran Neergaard and writers Nancy Benac and Alan Fram contributed to this report.",1 +" Like other robots in the competition, the girls' robot can recognize blue and orange and sort balls into correct locations."," Like others in the competition, the girls' robot can pick up and distinguish between blue and orange balls.",0 +He did not say when he would aim to return to the health care bill.," McConnell did not indicate when he would aim to return to the health care bill, but Cornyn made clear Sunday that moving quickly is important.",1 + --- Follow Associated Press environmental writer Michael Biesecker at www.Twitter.com/mbieseck,""" --- Follow Associated Press environmental writer Michael Biesecker at http://Twitter.com/mbieseck",0 +" Simpson said if released he plans to return to Florida, where he was living before his incarceration.", Simpson said if released he plans to return to Florida to be near two of his adult children.,1 + The bureau also said a cyclist who was nearby when the shooting happened came forward and spoke to investigators.,The bureau also said a cyclist who was nearby when the shooting happened spoke to investigators.,0 +But two psychologists hired by state prosecutors cited Shanley's advanced age and his health issues in concluding that his likelihood to reoffend is low.,But the two psychologists cited Shanley's advanced age and his health issues and concluded his likelihood to reoffend is low.,1 +"""We were on the runway for about an hour."" No runways or other flights were affected, Yakel said."," ""We were on the runway for about an hour,"" Rodrigues said.",1 +"They are not sure how Cornell-Duranleau or Lathem knew Warren, or if Warren knew them before he flew to the United States before the stabbing.","They are not sure how Cornell-Duranleau or Lathem knew Warren, or if Warren knew them before he arrived in the United States.",1 +"It decried alleged violence involving a new militia, Bana Mura, backed by Congolese security officials.","It decried alleged violence involving a recently formed militia, Bana Mura, backed by Congolese security officials.",1 +" Uruguay took in Dhiab along with five other former Gitmo prisoners in 2014, he.", Uruguay took in Dhiab along with five other former Guantanamo prisoners in 2014.,1 +" Daines said he spoke with Guthrie McLean after his release, and he plans to return to Missoula, Montana to resume his studies next month."," Daines said he spoke with Guthrie McLean after his release, and he plans to return to Montana to resume his studies next month.",0 +" But the Senate has largely ignored the measure, with no other lawmaker signing on as a co-sponsor."," But the Senate has largely ignored a previous version of the measure, with no other lawmaker signing on as a co-sponsor.",1 + GOP leaders also intend to reject another Democratic demand: advancing the measure under regular legislative procedures instead of through the planned fast-track path.,""" GOP leaders also intend to reject another Democratic demand: advancing the measure under regular legislative procedures instead of through the planned fast-track path.",0 +" The blast happened at around 5 a.m. at the Dar Al-Farooq Islamic Center in Bloomington, according to Bloomington Police Chief Jeff Potts.","Saturday at the Dar Al-Farooq Islamic Center in Bloomington, according to Bloomington Police Chief Jeff Potts.",1 +" Police records show since the crackdown started, 3,264 alleged drug offenders have been killed in gunbattles with law enforcers."," Police records show that since the nationwide crackdown started, more than 3,200 alleged drug offenders have been killed in gunbattles with law enforcers.",1 +"They are not sure how Cornell-Duranleau or Lathem knew Warren, or if Warren knew them before he arrived in the United States.","Investigators have not elaborated on how Cornell-Duranleau or Lathem knew Warren, or if Warren knew them before he arrived in the United States.",1 +" Asma Jehangir, a respected constitutional expert, on Thursday criticized the judiciary and the military for exploiting their powers in disqualifying Sharif."," Asma Jehangir, a respected constitutional expert, has been critical of the country's judiciary and military for exploiting their powers in disqualifying Sharif.",0 +"Now he is fighting with an Assyrian militia, also part of the U.S-backed forces battling IS militants.","Now he is fighting with an Assyrian militia, also part of the U.S-backed forces battling IS.",1 + Shareholders of both companies approved London-headquartered BAT buying the 57.8 percent of Reynolds it does not already own., THE DEAL Shareholders of both companies approved BAT buying the 57.8 percent of Reynolds it does not already own.,0 + The disclosure of Flynn's link to Cambridge Analytica will come in an amended public financial filing in which the retired U.S., The disclosure of Flynn's link to Cambridge Analytica came in an amended public financial filing in which the retired U.S.,1 +" The undocking of the ""Old Ironsides"" will mark the end of restoration work that started two years ago, officials said."," The undocking of ""Old Ironsides"" on Sunday marked the end of restoration work that started two years ago, officials said.",1 + He looked in the college dorms where the six teens - ages 16 to 18 - had been staying.,He looked in the college dorms where the six teens - ages 16 to 18 - had been staying.,0 +" At 80 years old in the twilight of a remarkable career, McCain lived up to his reputation as a maverick."," Eighty years old and in the twilight of a remarkable career, McCain lived up to his reputation as a maverick.",0 +Fruetel said the medical examiner's office is working to notify relatives.,Fruetel said the medical examiner's office was working to notify relatives.,0 +"His administration paired the announcement with new, non-nuclear sanctions on Iranians to show he was indeed serious about confronting Tehran.","The administration followed up the announcement with new, non-nuclear sanctions on Iranians on Tuesday to show Trump is indeed serious about confronting Tehran.",1 +" Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein spoke to ""Fox News Sunday"" after officials pledged to clamp down on government leaks they believe undermine American security.",""" His comments come two days after officials pledged to clamp down on government leaks they believe undermine American security.",0 +"Besides the two swallowed homes, residents in three other nearby homes were displaced because of the risk."," Besides the two swallowed homes, residents in three other nearby homes were displaced because of the risk.",0 +"Others argue that it's wasteful, and that it would be better to sell confiscated ivory to pay for conservation efforts in poor African countries.",Others argue that it's wasteful and that it would be better to sell confiscated ivory to pay for conservation efforts in poor African countries.,0 +The group said its national office is urging Islamic centers and mosques to step up security.,"The Minnesota chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR, said its national office is urging Islamic centers and mosques to step up security.",1 +"He has remained popular despite thousands of deaths in his nationwide anti-drug crackdown, and his continuing popularity and the ineffective opposition have apparently emboldened him.",He has remained popular despite thousands of deaths in his nationwide anti-drug crackdown.,0 +Reynolds shareholders will receive for each share $29.44 in cash and 0.5260 BAT shares.,Each Reynolds share will convert to $29.44 in cash and 0.5260 BAT shares.,1 + The ivory articles heading for the crusher include more than $4.5 million worth seized by undercover investigators from Metropolitan Fine Arts &, The ivory pieces sent to the crusher included more than $4.5 million worth seized by undercover investigators from Metropolitan Fine Arts &,0 +" The registry designates Shanley a Level 3 offender, considered the most likely to reoffend."," The state's sex offender registry designates Shanley as a Level 3 offender, considered the most likely to reoffend.",1 +The station said the weather had improved though it was still windy.,"The station said the weather had improved, though it was still windy.",0 +""" Yet, in the 2012 election, with Graham mostly confined to his North Carolina home, he all but endorsed Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney.",""" Yet, during the 2012 White House campaign, with Graham mostly confined to his North Carolina home, he all but endorsed Republican Mitt Romney.",1 + He joined in a then-emerging movement called New Evangelicalism that abandoned the narrowness of fundamentalism to engage broader society., He was ordained a Southern Baptist but later joined a then-emerging movement called New Evangelicalism that abandoned the narrowness of fundamentalism.,1 +" --- Associated Press writer Gary Fineout contributed from Tallahassee, Florida."," --- Associated Press writer Gary Fineout contributed from Tallahassee, Florida",0 +" Meanwhile, students struggled to describe the violence that ripped through their classrooms on an ordinary day just before classes were to be dismissed."," Meanwhile, students struggled to describe the violence that ripped through their classrooms just before the school day ended.",1 +"But those ties proved problematic when his close friend Richard Nixon resigned in the Watergate scandal, leaving Graham devastated and baffled."," Those ties proved problematic when his close friend Richard Nixon resigned in the Watergate scandal, leaving Graham devastated and baffled.",0 +" The deportation plan has sparked outrage in Israel, where groups of pilots, doctors, writers, rabbis and Holocaust survivors have appealed to have it halted."," The deportation plan has sparked outrage in Israel, where many say it is unethical and damages Israel's image as a refuge.",1 +""" It may have been a strong case, but the NCAA had its own convictions.",""" Louisville may have presented a strong case, but the NCAA had its own convictions.",1 +" Republicans say that is not enough, since the Clinton and the DNC were not named."," Republicans say that is not enough, since the Clinton campaign and the DNC were not named.",1 +" Ivanka Trump, the U.S. president's daughter and adviser, will also attend the closing ceremony."," Ivanka Trump, the U.S. president's daughter and adviser, will also attend the ceremony.",0 +"Over the next decade, his massive crusades in England and New York catapulted him to international celebrity."," Over the next decade, his huge crusades in England and New York catapulted him to international celebrity.",0 +The statute of limitations for invasion of privacy in Missouri is three years.," The statute of limitations for invasion of privacy in Missouri is three years, which means it was due to expire in less than a month.",1 +"But IOC spokesman Mark Adams could not explain who would decide this time: the executive board on Saturday, or the full membership meeting on Sunday.","But Adams could not explain who would decide this time: the executive board, or the full membership meeting on Sunday.",1 +"Police captured the man a short time later, and a gun was recovered at the scene, he said.","Police captured the suspect a short time later, and a gun was recovered at the scene, he said.",0 +" In September 2017, the palace announced that Henrik had undergone tests at Copenhagen's university hospital.",""" In September 2017, the palace announced that Henrik had undergone tests at Copenhagen's university hospital.",0 +"He still wasn't convinced he should be a preacher until a soul-searching, late-night ramble on a golf course."," He still wasn't convinced he should be a preacher until a soul-searching, late-night ramble on a golf course.",0 +"When Graham asked them why, a reporter said that legendary publisher William Randolph Hearst had ordered his papers to hype Graham."," When Graham asked them why, a reporter said that publisher William Randolph Hearst had ordered his papers to hype Graham.",0 +"9. That sent the Democrats back to negotiations with the FBI, which approved a redacted version.","9. That sent the Democrats back to negotiations with the FBI, which approved a redacted version on Saturday.",1 +"The president, a strong and vocal supporter of gun rights, has not endorsed more robust changes sought by gun control activists.","Trump, a vocal supporter of gun rights, has not endorsed more robust changes sought by gun control activists.",0 + Cruz told officers he brought more loaded magazines to the school and kept them hidden in the backpack until he got on campus., Cruz said he brought more loaded magazines to the school and kept them in the backpack until he got to campus.,0 +"But Tuesday, Louisville announced that an NCAA appeals panel had upheld sanctions against the men's program.", But Tuesday Louisville announced that an NCAA appeals panel had upheld sanctions against the men's program.,0 +" In 1995, his son, Franklin, was named the ministry's leader."," In 1995, his son Franklin was named the ministry's leader.",0 +" While acknowledging the scandal was unacceptable, Postel believes the school's cooperation should have counted for more than it did.","While acknowledging the scandal was unacceptable, Postel believes the school's cooperation with the NCAA should have counted for more than it did.",1 +" Pound left on his own, upset that the IOC allowed Russia to participate."," Pound left on his own, upset that the IOC allowed Russian athletes to participate.",1 +"Afterward, she called him a ""broken human being."" Cruz was under a suicide watch, Executive Chief Public Defender Gordon Weekes told reporters.","Afterward, she called him a ""broken human being."" He was being held under a suicide watch, Executive Chief Public Defender Gordon Weekes told reporters.",0 + The daughter of President Donald Trump is leading the U.S. delegation at this weekend's closing ceremony for the Pyeongchang Games.," Ivanka Trump, who is one of her father's close advisers, is leading the U.S. delegation at this weekend's closing ceremony for the Pyeongchang Games.",0 +""" --- Associated Press writers Chad Day, Eric Tucker and Tom LoBianco contributed to this report."," --- Associated Press writers Eric Tucker, Tom LoBianco and Zeke Miller contributed to this report.",1 + Even the 22-year-old from the Czech Republic who dabbles in both realms can't quite believe it., Even the 22-year-old from the Czech Republic who dabbles in both sports can't quite believe it.,0 + Murphy said any attempt to combine background checks with concealed-carry provisions would significantly jeopardize the chances of passing bipartisan reform of the background checks system.,Murphy said any attempt to combine background checks with concealed-carry provisions would significantly jeopardize the chances of passing a bipartisan overhaul of the system.,0 +"Graham's path to becoming an evangelist began taking shape at age 16, when the Presbyterian-reared farmboy committed himself to Christ at a local tent revival."," Graham's path began taking shape at age 16, when the Presbyterian-reared farmboy committed himself to Christ at a tent revival.",0 + Information Minister Lai Mohammed said 906 students were in the school at the time of the attack.,Information Minister Lai Mohammed said 906 students were in the school at the time of the attack.,0 +Rubio was the lone Republican at the nationally broadcast gathering after Florida's GOP Gov.,Rubio was the only Republican at the nationally broadcast gathering after Florida's GOP Gov.,0 +"Bauer ""saw the offender and engaged in an armed physical confrontation,"" Superintendent Eddie Johnson said."," Officers had been chasing the man on foot when Bauer ""saw the offender and engaged in an armed physical confrontation,"" Johnson said Tuesday afternoon.",1 +""" Graham more robustly took on the cause of anti-Communism, making preaching against the atheist regime part of his sermons for years.",""" Graham more robustly took on the cause of anti-communism, making preaching against the atheist regime part of his sermons for years.",0 +" President Donald Trump tweeted : ""The GREAT Billy Graham is dead."," Tributes to Graham poured in from major leaders, with President Donald Trump tweeting: ""The GREAT Billy Graham is dead.",1 +Graham's relationships with U.S. presidents also boosted his ministry and became a source of pride for conservative Christians who were so often caricatured as backward.,Graham's relationships with U.S. presidents became a source of pride for conservative Christians who were often caricatured as backward.,0 + Some bodies remained inside the high school Thursday as authorities analyzed the crime scene., The last of the bodies were removed from the high school Thursday after authorities analyzed the crime scene.,1 +""" The first racer out of the starting gate, Vonn had a fast run going before going too wide on a turn near the bottom."," Vonn, the first racer out of the starting gate, had a fast run going before going too wide on a turn near the bottom.",1 +" It was initially reported that Bauer was off-duty, but police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said on Twitter late Tuesday that Bauer was on-duty."," It was initially reported that Bauer was off duty, but police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said on Twitter late Tuesday that Bauer was on duty.",0 +" More than anyone else, Graham built evangelicalism into a force that rivaled liberal Protestantism and Roman Catholicism in the United States."," More than anyone else, Graham built evangelicalism into a force that rivaled liberal Protestantism and Roman Catholicism in the U.S.",0 + The objects were encased in a hardened mass of sand and stone pulled from the Whydah Gally (WIH'-duh GAH'-lee) shipwreck several years ago., The objects were pulled from the Whydah Gally (GAH'-lee) shipwreck several years ago.,1 +""" Raz said the delegation met with two migrants who are believed to be among the few remaining in Rwanda.",""" Raz said the delegation met with two migrants believed to be among the few remaining in Rwanda.",0 +"Food and Drug Administration approval for the treatment by the end of this year, and for approval in Europe early next year.",Food and Drug Administration approval for the treatment later this year and in Europe early next year.,1 +""" This month Israeli authorities began distributing deportation notices to some 40,000 African migrants, who have until April 1 to comply.","""They do what they want."" This month Israeli authorities began distributing deportation notices to some 40,000 African migrants, who have until April 1 to comply.",1 +They claim they have no rights in Uganda and Rwanda and quickly are forced to flee toward Europe through war-torn countries like Libya.,They claim they have no rights in Uganda and Rwanda and are forced to flee toward Europe through war-torn countries like Libya.,0 +"If inflation proves to be higher than the market expects, it could trigger another sell-off in bonds that carries over into the stock market."," If inflation proves to be higher than the market expects, it could trigger another sell-off in bonds that carries over into the stock market.",0 +Johnson said officers initially confronted the suspect because he was acting suspiciously.,"Officers initially confronted the suspect because he was acting suspiciously, according to police Superintendent Eddie Johnson.",1 +" Florida, where Cruz is accused of using an AR-15 rifle to kill 17 people at his former high school, does not have such a law."," Florida, where Cruz is accused of using an AR-15 assault weapon to kill 17 people at his former high school, lacks such a law.",1 +"They don't see this as another market catastrophe like the Great Recession, which caused stock funds to lose half their value.",They don't see this as another market catastrophe like the Great Recession.,1 +" He had been expelled from the school for ""disciplinary reasons,"" said Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel, who said he did not know the specifics."," He had been expelled from the school for ""disciplinary reasons,"" according to the sheriff, who said he did not know the specifics.",0 +His attorney did not contest the order and had her arm around Cruz during the short appearance.,His attorney had her arm around Cruz during the short appearance.,1 + The Court of Arbitration for Sport said Tuesday that Ziga Jeglic tested positive for fenoterol in an in-competition test., The Court of Arbitration for Sport said Ziga Jeglic tested positive for fenoterol in an in-competition test.,0 +" He joined in a then-emerging movement called New Evangelicalism, that abandoned the narrowness of fundamentalism to engage broader society.", He joined a then-emerging movement called New Evangelicalism that abandoned the narrowness of fundamentalism to engage broader society.,0 +" The positive tests come as the IOC has bragged that Russian athletes had been ""rigorously tested"" months before the games - and during them."," The positive tests come after the IOC had said Russian athletes had been ""rigorously tested"" months before the games - and during them.",1 +" Agents from the Hawks, an elite police investigative unit, on Wednesday entered the compound of the Gupta family in Saxonwold, an affluent neighborhood in Johannesburg."," Agents from the Hawks, an elite police investigative unit, entered the compound of the Gupta family in an affluent Johannesburg neighborhood.",0 + Jeglic has been suspended from the games and has been ordered to leave the athletes village within 24 hours.,""" Jeglic was suspended from the games and has been ordered to leave the athletes village within 24 hours.",1 +That sent the Democrats back to negotiations with the FBI over how much of the memo needed to be blacked out.,"9. That sent the Democrats back to negotiations with the FBI, which approved a redacted version.",1 +" In 1983, President Reagan gave Graham the Presidential Medal of Freedom, America's highest civilian honor.","In 1983, President Ronald Reagan gave him the Presidential Medal of Freedom, America's highest civilian honor.",1 + Circumstances similar to those in Florida played out seven years ago in the shooting of an Arizona congresswoman., Circumstances similar to those in Florida played out seven years ago in the shooting of Rep.,1 + LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux are separating., LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux are separating after two and a half years of marriage.,1 +""" After high school, he enrolled at the fundamentalist Bob Jones College, but found the school stifling, and transferred to Florida Bible Institute in Tampa.",""" After high school, he enrolled at the fundamentalist Bob Jones College but found the school stifling and transferred to Florida Bible Institute in Tampa.",0 +""" --- Associated Press writers Freida Frisaro in Parkland, Jennifer N. Kay in Miami and Mike Balsamo in Los Angeles contributed to this report."," --- Associated Press writers Freida Frisaro in Parkland, Jennifer N. Kay in Miami and Mike Balsamo in Los Angeles contributed to this report.",0 + The gunman was identified as Nicolas Cruz by a U.S. official briefed on the investigation., The gunman was identified as Nikolas Cruz by a U.S. official briefed on the investigation.,0 +She invited South Korean President Moon Jae-in to a summit with her brother in Pyongyang.,She invited President Moon Jae-in to a summit with her brother in Pyongyang.,0 +"Connecticut, Indiana, Oregon and Washington are the other states with some version of a red flag law.","Connecticut, Indiana, Oregon and Washington also have some version of a red flag law.",0 +" Anger has been growing in Nigeria as the government struggled to respond to the attack, with authorities giving conflicting reports early on."," Anger has been growing in Nigeria as the government struggles to respond to the attack, with authorities giving conflicting reports early on.",0 +"Stocks climbed Tuesday for the third straight day, and the S&","Stocks climbed Wednesday for the fourth straight day, and the S&",1 +" ""They take you like a dog, like a donkey,"" he said, talking about migrants taken to the Holot detention center in the Negev desert."," ""They take you like a dog, like a donkey,"" he said of the migrants taken to the Holot detention center in the Negev desert.",0 + Officials were also investigating whether authorities missed other warning signs about Cruz' potentially violent nature., Officials were also investigating whether authorities missed other warning signs about Cruz's potentially violent nature.,0 +" However, President Donald Trump's refusal to recertify the deal has injected uncertainty into those sales.","However, President Donald Trump's refusal to recertify the deal has injected uncertainty into those sales.",0 +" The site is reportedly at a height of 3,500 meters (11,482 feet).","The site is reportedly at a height of 3,500 meters (11,500 feet).",1 +"When the Billy Graham Museum and Library was dedicated in 2007 in Charlotte, former Presidents George H.W.","When the Billy Graham Museum and Library was dedicated in 2007 in Charlotte, North Carolina, George H.W.",1 +"""I hopped a fence."" Beth Feingold said her daughter, Brittani, sent a text at 2:32 p.m. that said, ""We're on code red.","""I hopped a fence."" Beth Feingold said her daughter, Brittani, sent a text that said, ""We're on code red.",0 + WASHINGTON (AP) -- Will your vote be safe this year from foreign adversaries?, WASHINGTON (AP) -- Will your vote be safe this year from foreign adversaries working to undermine U.S. democracy?,1 +"He could not dare return to his native Eritrea, a country he risked his life to flee in 2010.","He could not return to Eritrea, a country he risked his life to flee in 2010.",0 +"Supporters of the measures, deemed ""red flag laws"" or gun violence restraining orders, say they can save lives by stopping some shootings and suicides.","Supporters of these measures, deemed ""red flag laws"" or gun-violence restraining orders, say they can save lives by stopping some shootings and suicides.",0 +" Beth Feingold said her daughter, Brittani, sent a text at 2:32 p.m. that said, ""We're on code red.","""I hopped a fence."" Beth Feingold said her daughter, Brittani, sent a text at 2:32 p.m. that said, ""We're on code red.",1 +"There really are no words,"" Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel said on Twitter.","There really are no words,"" Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel told reporters.",1 +" Millions of children have peanut allergies, and some may have life-threatening reactions if accidentally exposed to them."," Millions of children are allergic to peanuts, and some may have life-threatening reactions if accidentally exposed to them.",0 + Ramaphosa is South Africa's fifth president since majority rule started after the end of apartheid in 1994., Ramaphosa is South Africa's fifth president since the end of the apartheid system of white minority rule in 1994.,1 +""" About 5,000 junior handlers nationwide are registered with the American Kennel Club, a governing body for Westminster and many other dog shows."," About 5,000 junior handlers nationwide are registered with the American Kennel Club, a governing body for Westminster and many other dog shows.",0 +"Franklin Graham, who runs the ministry, said his father viewed the gay marriage question as a moral, not a political, issue.","Franklin Graham, who runs the ministry, said his father viewed gay marriage as a moral, not a political, issue.",0 +"They were bundled into two taxis and driven to a hotel in the capital, Kampala.","They were ushered through the cargo area by a Ugandan official and driven to a hotel in the capital, Kampala.",1 + The group wants Florida to become its own white ethno-state.,The group wants Florida to become its own white ethno-state.,0 +""" --- BALLOONS FOR THE VICTIMS Martin Duque, 14, was one of Isaac Briones' best friends."," --- BALLOONS FOR THE VICTIMS Martin Duque, 14, was one of Isaac Briones' best friends.",0 +" On her final run, Shiffrin didn't have her usual charge.",""" On her final run, Shiffrin didn't have her usual charge.",0 +"He was taken into custody about 40 minutes after leaving the McDonald's, Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel said.","He was taken into custody about 40 minutes after leaving the McDonald's, the sheriff said.",0 +"To force his parents to pay for his freedom, his captors beat him and staged mock executions.","To force his parents to pay, his captors beat him and staged mock executions.",0 +And the evangelist's ministry took out full-page ads in newspapers support a ballot referendum that would ban same-sex marriage.,And the evangelist's ministry took out full-page ads in support of a ballot measure that would ban gay marriage.,1 +Live footage showed emergency workers appearing to treat possibly wounded people on the sidewalks.,Live footage showed emergency workers who appeared to be treating the wounded on sidewalks.,0 +"Tillerson, who opposed moving the embassy in the first place, advocated a go-slow approach and said it could take years."," Tillerson, who opposed moving the embassy in the first place, advocated a go-slow approach and said it could take years.",0 +""" The school was to be closed for the rest of the week.",""" The high school was to be closed for the rest of the week.",1 +" Slovenia played Norway in men's hockey on Tuesday, but Jeglic was scratched from the team.",""" Slovenia played Norway in men's hockey on Tuesday, but Jeglic was scratched from the team ahead of the announcement about his positive test.",1 +" ""Many other parents are not likely to send their children back,"" he said.","""Many other parents are not likely to send their children back,"" he said.",0 +"P 500 is now down 7.3 percent from its record high, set on Jan. 26. But investors have seen this playbook before.","P 500 has trimmed its loss to 6.1 percent from its record high, set on Jan. 26. But investors have seen this playbook before.",1 +" He said that if he believed an assault weapons ban ""would have prevented this from happening, I would have supported it."" That drew jeers.","He said that if he believed an assault weapons ban ""would have prevented this from happening, I would have supported it."" That drew jeers.",0 +That would allow about 160 Russian athletes competing at the Pyeongchang Games to fly their own flag on Sunday at the closing ceremony.,That would allow about 160 Russian athletes competing at the Pyeongchang Games to fly their own flag at the closing ceremony.,0 +The opposition parties instead unsuccessfully called for the dissolution of the National Assembly and early elections.,The two parties instead unsuccessfully called for the dissolution of the National Assembly and early elections.,1 +He said he and the other students calmly went outside to their fire drill areas when he suddenly heard several pops.," Noah Parness, a 17-year-old junior, said he and the other students calmly went outside to their fire-drill areas when he suddenly heard popping sounds.",0 +" The airliner said all on board Flight EP3704 were killed, including six crew members.","The airliner said all on board Flight EP3704 were killed, including six crew members.",0 +But it's also a showcase for youngsters who can handle both dogs and grown-up competition., But the event also a showcase for youngsters who can handle both dogs and grown-up competition.,1 +" The day started normally at the school, which had a morning fire drill, and students were in class around 2:30 p.m. when another alarm sounded."," The day started normally at the school, which had a morning fire drill.",1 +" Donald Trump Jr. posed for photos Tuesday morning with Indian developers, who are building the complexes in four cities.", Donald Trump Jr. posed for photos Tuesday morning in New Delhi with Indian developers building complexes in four cities.,1 +" Almost three months ago, IOC President Thomas Bach and the dozen members of the executive board acted alone on Dec. 5 to ban Russia."," Almost three months ago, IOC President Thomas Bach and the dozen members of the IOC's executive board acted alone to ban Russia.",1 +"It was the nation's deadliest school attack since a gunman assaulted an elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut, more than five years ago.","It was the nation's deadliest school attack since a gunman targeted an elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut, more than five years ago.",0 +National radio channels changed their morning programs to broadcast more austere music interrupted by titbits and anecdotes about Henrik's life.,National radio channels changed their morning programs to broadcast more austere music interrupted by anecdotes about Henrik's life.,0 +" Two weeks later he was on a flight to Uganda, together with five other Eritrean migrants he did not know.", Two weeks later he was on a flight to Uganda.,1 +Jordan Jereb said he had only a brief interaction a few years ago with Cruz.,Jordan Jereb said he had only a brief interaction with Cruz a few years ago.,0 +P15 .223 was purchased legally at Sunrise Tactical Gear in Florida.,P 15 .223 was purchased legally last year at Sunrise Tactical Gear in Florida.,1 +" --- This story has been corrected to indicate that the commander was on-duty, not off-duty, based on updated information from police."," --- This story has been corrected to indicate that the commander was on duty, not off duty, based on updated information from police.",1 +"He said he told his son to save his battery and stop texting, while the boy's mother told him to turn off his ringer.",He said he told his son to save his battery and stop texting.,1 +" The results have not yet been reviewed by independent experts, but will be presented at a medical meeting next month.",The results have not yet been reviewed by independent experts.,1 +"Two of the victims were coaches, one was a student who played trombone in the school band.",One was a student who played trombone in the school band.,1 +" But those ties proved problematic when his close friend Richard Nixon resigned in the Watergate scandal, leaving Graham devastated and baffled."," Those ties proved problematic when his close friend Richard Nixon resigned in the Watergate scandal, leaving Graham devastated and baffled.",0 +"The White House on Feb. 9 objected to its release, citing national security concerns.","Wow!"" The White House had objected to the Democratic memo's release, citing national security concerns on Feb.",1 +" The law also allows police to petition for the protective orders, which can require firearms to be removed for up to one year."," California's law also empowers police to petition for the protective orders, which can require authorities to remove firearms for up to one year.",1 +"In an instant, a police cruiser pulled up and officers jumped out with guns drawn.","In an instant, a police cruiser pulled up, and officers jumped out with guns drawn.",0 + Tesfagabr said his group of Eritreans was not taken through the official immigration desk when they arrived in Uganda., Tesfagabr said his group of Eritreans was not taken through the official immigration desk upon arrival in Uganda.,1 +Some lasted 17 minutes in honor of the 17 people killed one week earlier at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland.,Many lasted 17 minutes in honor of the 17 people killed at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland.,1 +He said he was relieved when I finally found his mother.,He said he was relieved when he finally found his mother.,0 + The Newtown attack shocked even a country numbed by the regularity of school shootings.," The evacuation scene was reminiscent of the Newtown attack, which shocked even a country numbed by the regularity of school shootings.",1 + The museum has enlisted forensic scientists to compare DNA from the bones to a sample given by one of Bellamy's living descendants., The museum has enlisted forensic scientists to extract DNA and compare it with DNA from a living Bellamy descendant.,1 +"P 500 fell 11.2 percent in three days, it took nearly three months for the index to claw back all its losses.","P 500 at one point fell 11.2 percent in three days, it took nearly three months for the index to claw back all those losses.",0 + Frantic parents rushed to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School to find SWAT team members and ambulances surrounding the campus., Frantic parents rushed to the school to find SWAT team members and ambulances surrounding the huge campus.,0 +He has two goals and four assists in 26 games this season with Neftekhimik Nizhnekamsk in the Kontinental Hockey League.,He has two goals and four assists in 26 games this season.,1 + Hundreds of students in Maryland left class to rally outside the U.S., Hundreds of students from Maryland schools left class to rally at the U.S.,1 + Television footage showed those students who fled leaving in a single-file line with their hands over their heads as officers urged them to evacuate quickly., Television footage showed students leaving in a single-file line with their hands over their heads as officers urged them to evacuate quickly.,0 +It said he lived in nearby Coral Springs with his wife and daughter.,"He graduated from the school in 1999 and worked mainly with the junior varsity, living in nearby Coral Springs with his wife and daughter.",1 +"When the Billy Graham Museum and Library was dedicated in 2007 in Charlotte, former Presidents George H.W.","When the Billy Graham Museum and Library was dedicated in 2007 in Charlotte, George H.W.",1 +A company said Tuesday that its daily capsules of peanut flour helped children tolerate nuts in a major study.,A company said Tuesday that its daily capsules of peanut powder helped children build tolerance in a major study.,1 +""" Judging began Monday, and Westminster is best known for the dog who will be crowned best in show Tuesday night at Madison Square Garden.",""" Westminster is best known for the dog who will be crowned best in show Tuesday night at Madison Square Garden.",1 +He also hoped to avoid the fate of compatriots who languished in a notorious desert jail for illegally staying in Israel.,He hoped to avoid the fate of compatriots who languished in a desert jail for illegally staying in Israel.,0 +"Even in past recoveries, it has sometimes taken months or more for momentum to fully turn around.","In past recoveries, it has sometimes taken months or more for momentum to fully turn around.",0 + Bourman said she was seated near the back and was asleep when she heard a loud noise and oxygen masks dropped from the ceiling., Bourman said she was seated near the back and was asleep when she heard a loud noise and oxygen masks dropped.,1 +"Babcock said that ""it's got to rip the heart out of your chest."," Babcock, fighting back tears, said that ""it's got to rip the heart out of your chest.",1 +"Kandi Parsons said the FTC hasn't yet set its targets on kid-directed channels within broader media websites, though that doesn't mean it won't.","Parsons said the FTC so far hasn't gone after kid-directed channels within broader media websites, though that doesn't mean it won't.",1 +"Saturday at Danbury Hospital, near his home in Warren, Conn.","Saturday at Danbury Hospital, near his home in Warren, Connecticut, according to a statement released by the former director's agent, Dennis Aspland.",1 +"I want just to go to Jihad and be with the Islamic State,"" he wrote in an April 2015 message to his friend.","I want just to go to Jihad and be with the Islamic State,"" he wrote in one message to his friend.",0 +"In the evening, the president and first lady Melania Trump will have dinner with the Japanese prime minister and his wife.",The president and first lady Melania Trump will also have dinner with Abe and his wife.,1 +"The silver-grey van was hauled away hours later, after explosives experts had thoroughly checked it.","The silver-grey van that crashed into the crowd was hauled away hours later, after explosives experts had thoroughly checked it.",1 +The team that finishes last in the Northwest this season will be only three games behind the team that wins the division crown.,The team that finishes last in the Northwest will be only three games behind the team that wins the division crown.,0 + Police said a suspicious object was found in the van and they're still examining it to see if it is dangerous., Police also said they found a suspicious object in the van that they were examining to see if it is dangerous.,1 +"President George W. Bush later commuted Libby's 30-month prison sentence, but didn't issue a pardon despite intense pressure from Cheney.",President George W. Bush later commuted Libby's 30-month prison sentence but didn't issue a pardon despite intense pressure from Cheney.,0 + The European Space Agency on Sunday forecast the station will re-enter sometime between Sunday night and early Monday GMT.," The European Space Agency forecast that the station, whose name translates as ""Heavenly Palace,"" will re-enter sometime between Sunday night and early Monday GMT.",1 +"Daniels' team has had extensive communications with federal investigators, said a third person familiar with the investigations, who demanded anonymity to discuss the confidential matter.","Daniels' team has had extensive communications with federal investigators, said the third person familiar with the investigation.",1 + That's according to a person familiar with the president's decision who said the announcement could come as early as Friday., The person said the announcement could come as early as Friday.,1 +Rosenstein then determines whether to allow Mueller to proceed or to assign the matter to another U.S. attorney or another part of the Justice Department.,Rosenstein then determines whether to allow Mueller to proceed or to assign the matter elsewhere.,1 + BERLIN (AP) -- China's defunct Tiangong 1 space station is hurtling toward Earth and expected to re-enter the atmosphere within the next day., BERLIN (AP) -- China's defunct Tiangong 1 space station hurtled toward Earth on Sunday and was expected to re-enter the atmosphere within hours.,1 +" In Washington, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, who has worked with Ryan, praised his colleague's tenure."," Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who has worked with Ryan, praised his colleague's tenure.",1 +"They point to its ""Google Preferred"" program that allows advertisers on YouTube to pay a premium to get their ads on the most popular videos.","They point to its ""Google Preferred"" program that allows advertisers on YouTube to pay extra to get their ads on the most popular videos.",0 +" --- AP reporters Catherine Lucey, Alan Fram, Kevin Freking and Andrew Taylor contributed from Washington."," --- Associated Press writers Catherine Lucey, Alan Fram, Kevin Freking and Andrew Taylor contributed from Washington.",1 +"Another twist is that the special counsel in Libby's case, Patrick Fitzgerald, was appointed by James Comey, deputy attorney general at the time.","In a twist, the special counsel in Libby's case, Patrick Fitzgerald, was appointed by James Comey, deputy attorney general at the time.",0 +"Police quickly evacuated the area and ambulances, firefighters and helicopters rushed to the scene to aid those who were injured."," Police quickly evacuated the area and ambulances, firefighters and helicopters rushed to the scene to aid those who were injured.",0 +(AP) -- Authorities say an 8-year-old student took a kitchen knife to a central Minnesota elementary school and attacked three other children.,"(AP) -- An 8-year-old student took a kitchen knife to a central Minnesota elementary school and randomly attacked three other children Monday, authorities said.",1 +Four inmates were killed by a pair of prisoners in the state's Kirkland Correctional Institution last year.,Four inmates were killed last year by a pair of prisoners at Kirkland Correctional Institution.,0 +"Mueller's probe has expanded to include whether Trump obstructed justice by firing Comey, an idea the president denies.","Mueller's probe has expanded to include whether Trump obstructed justice by firing Comey, which the president denies.",0 + Wizards guard Bradley Beal missed eight of 11 shots and finished with nine points.,""" Wizards guard Bradley Beal missed eight of 11 shots and finished with nine points.",0 +" ""An entire country is in shock and mourning,"" Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said in a statement."," ""An entire country is in shock and mourning,"" Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said.",0 + Only about 10 percent of the 8.5-ton spacecraft will likely survive re-entry.," Only about 10 percent of the bus-sized, 8.5-ton spacecraft will likely survive being burned up on re-entry, mainly its heavier components such as its engines.",1 + President George W. Bush had previously commuted Libby's prison sentence.,"Trump has called that probe a ""witch hunt."" President George W. Bush had previously commuted Libby's prison sentence.",0 +He married Martina Zborilova in 1999. --- Associated Press writer Bob Thomas in Los Angeles contributed to this report., --- Associated Press writer Bob Thomas in Los Angeles contributed to this report.,1 + German news Television n-tv showed a narrow street sealed off with red-and-white police tape., German news Television n-tv showed a narrow street sealed off Saturday with red-and-white police tape.,1 +" Southwest has about 700 planes, all of them 737s, including more than 500 737-700s like the one involved in Tuesday's emergency landing."," Southwest has about 700 planes, all of them 737s, including more than 500 737-700s like the one in Tuesday's accident.",0 +"Cohen paid $130,000 to Daniels as part of an agreement, made before the 2016 election, to keep her from going public with her allegations.","Cohen paid $130,000 to Daniels as part of an agreement, made before the 2016 election, to keep her from going public.",1 +" The bus driving the Humboldt Broncos had 29 passengers, including the driver, when it crashed at about 5 p.m.",""" The bus had 29 passengers, including the driver, when it crashed at about 5 p.m. on Highway 35, police said.",1 +" ""China does not seek a trade surplus,"" said Xi to an audience of Chinese and foreign businesspeople."," ""China does not seek a trade surplus,"" said Xi in comments that were broadcast on national television.",1 +" Among the dead are Broncos head coach Darcy Haugan, team captain Logan Schatz and radio announcer Tyler Bieber.","Among the dead are Broncos head coach Darcy Haugan, team captain Logan Schatz and radio announcer Tyler Bieber.",0 + The helicopter was with the 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing out of the Miramar air station near San Diego.," The helicopter was with the 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing out of the Miramar air station in San Diego, according to a base press statement.",1 +" The attorney general's ""zero-tolerance"" for border-crossing prosecutions calls for taking action against people who are caught illegally entering the United States for the first time."," The attorney general's ""zero-tolerance"" involving border crossings calls for prosecuting people who are caught illegally entering the United States for the first time.",1 +It said it will release details of her memorial and funeral services when they are finalized., The family said it will release details of her memorial and funeral services when they are finalized.,0 + Da Silva was convicted last year of helping a construction company get sweetheart contracts in exchange for the promise of a beachfront apartment., Da Silva was convicted in July of helping a construction company get sweetheart contracts in exchange for the promise of a beachfront apartment.,1 +Trump and Abe played together during Abe's last trip to Florida a year ago and during Trump's maiden trip to Japan late last year.,Trump and Abe played together during Abe's trip to Florida a year ago and during Trump's maiden trip to Japan late last year.,0 +" The visit will be an opportunity for the two leaders to discuss Trump's upcoming summit with North Korea, which Japan eyes warily."," The visit gives the leaders an opportunity to discuss Trump's upcoming summit with North Korea, which Japan eyes warily.",0 +" ""It's bigger than all of us,"" Minnesota star Karl-Anthony Towns said."," ""It's bigger than all of us,"" Wolves star Karl-Anthony Towns said.",1 +" JOHANNESBURG (AP) -- Winnie Madikizela-Mandela, prominent anti-apartheid activist and the ex-wife of Nelson Mandela, died in a hospital on Monday after a long illness."," JOHANNESBURG (AP) -- Nelson Mandela's ex-wife Winnie Madikizela-Mandela, an anti-apartheid activist in her own right whose reputation was sullied by scandal, has died.",1 +" Trump has repeatedly offered praise for embattled members of his administration, even while privately plotting their ouster and interviewing replacements.", Trump has repeatedly praised endangered members of his administration while privately plotting their ouster and interviewing replacements.,1 +"Comey later became head of the FBI, but was fired by Trump, and has since written a book highly critical of the president.",Comey later became head of the FBI but was fired by Trump and has since written a book highly critical of the president.,0 +Comey later became head of the FBI but was fired by Trump and has since written a book highly critical of the president.,Comey later became head of the FBI but was fired by Trump in 2017 and has since written a book highly critical of the president.,1 +"""Donors who are committed to making sure Republicans hold onto the majority will do whatever they have to do to make that happen,"" he said."," ""Donors who are committed to making sure Republicans hold onto the majority will do whatever they have to do to make that happen,"" he said.",0 +" In many places, women are running for congressional seats that have never had a female representative."," In many places, women are running for congressional seats that have never had female representation.",0 +"They don't have guns,"" Logan said by phone as he went to a Florence hospital to finish identifying the dead.","They don't have guns,"" Logan said by phone as he went to a hospital to finish identifying the dead.",0 +""" Police said some of the 20 injured persons were still in life-threatening condition, but did not release further details on their identities.",""" Officials said some of the 20 people injured were still in a life-threatening condition Sunday.",0 +"It was still far lower, however, than the surges during the last years of the Obama administration and prior decades."," It was still far lower, however, than the surges during the last years of the Obama administration and prior decades.",0 +House aren't the only ones drawing high interest from female candidates., Campaigns for the House aren't the only ones drawing high interest from female candidates this year.,1 + Police spokesman Andreas Bode told reporters the driver of the vehicle killed himself after the crash.," Another police spokesman, Andreas Bode, told reporters the driver shot himself to death in the van after the crash.",1 +" Pruitt also has come under increasing scrutiny for his extensive use of bodyguards and frequent taxpayer-funded travel, which has included first-class airline tickets.","It is already probing Pruitt's outsized 2017 travel spending, which has included extensive use of bodyguards and frequent use of first-class airline tickets.",0 +" The decision means that da Silva will likely be jailed soon, though probably not until at least next week thanks to various technicalities.","The decision means he will likely be jailed soon, though probably not until at least next week thanks to various technicalities.",0 +The far more common model involves money from America being sent to fighters in Syria.,The far more common model involves support from America being sent to fighters in Syria.,1 +" Despite the conviction and several other corruption charges against him, da Silva leads all preference polls for the election."," Despite the conviction and several other corruption charges pending against him, da Silva leads all preference polls for the election.",1 +" John Wall scored 29 points, Mike Scott had 20 and Ty Lawson 14 for the Wizards, who host Game 3 on Friday night."," Wall scored 29 points, Mike Scott had a career playoff-high 20 and Ty Lawson 14 for the Wizards, who host Game 3 on Friday night.",1 + Madikizela-Mandela always was aware of the danger of being submerged in the shadow of her husband's all-encompassing personality., Madikizela-Mandela always was aware of the danger of being in the shadow of her husband's all-encompassing personality.,0 +" As the mother of two of Mandela's children, Madikizela-Mandela and her ex-husband appeared to rebuild a friendship in his final years, before his 2013 death."," As the mother of two of Mandela's children, Madikizela-Mandela and her ex-husband appeared to rebuild a friendship in his final years.",1 +The officials spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss private conversations publicly., All of the officials spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss private conversations publicly.,1 + He also said six of the 20 injured people were in severe condition., Bode said six of the 20 injured were in severe condition.,0 + Toensing told the Associated Press that she submitted the pardon papers for Libby to the White House counsel's office last summer.,Toensing told the Associated Press that she submitted the pardon papers for Libby to the White House counsel's office last summer.,0 +"He left his second wife, singer Vera Kresadlova, behind with the couple's two children when he left Czechoslovakia.","He left his second wife, singer Vera Kresadlova, behind with the couple's twin sons when he left Czechoslovakia.",1 +" ""The People vs. Larry Flint"" (1996) was an ill-advised attempt to paint the Hustler magazine publisher as a free-speech advocate."," ""The People vs. Larry Flynt"" (1996) was an ill-advised attempt to paint the Hustler magazine publisher as a free-speech advocate.",0 +" Toronto set a team playoff record with 44 points in the first quarter, including 13 from DeRozan, and led 44-27 after one.",""" Toronto set a team playoff record with 44 points in the first quarter, including 13 from DeRozan, and led 44-27 after one.",0 +He said 17 inmates required medical attention outside the prison.," The injured inmates required medical attention outside the prison, which is located 40 miles east of Columbia.",1 +"Navy sailor, who was convicted after taking photos of classified portions of a submarine.",Navy sailor who was convicted of taking photos of classified portions of a submarine.,0 +" Police tweeted Saturday afternoon that residents should ""avoid the area near the Kiepenkerl pub"" where a large-scale police operation is underway."," Police tweeted that residents should ""avoid the area near the Kiepenkerl pub"" in the city's historic downtown area where a large-scale police operation was underway.",1 + Bourman said she saw emergency medical workers using a defibrillator to help a woman who was taken off the plane.,""" Bourman said she saw emergency workers using a defibrillator to help a woman who was then taken off the plane.",0 + Trump's attacks over the last week targeted what Amazon is best known for: rapidly shipping just about any product you can imagine to your door., Trump's attacks over the last week targeted what Amazon is best known for: rapidly shipping nearly any product imaginable to your door.,0 + The Aerospace Corp. predicted re-entry seven hours either side of 0200 GMT Monday (10 p.m., The Aerospace Corp. predicted Tiangong 1's re-entry would take place within 2 hours of either side of 0018 GMT Monday (8:18 p.m.,1 +Associated Press writers Kristen de Groot and Claudia Lauer in Philadelphia contributed to this story.,"Associated Press writers Kristen de Groot and Claudia Lauer in Philadelphia, and Matthew Barakat in Washington, contributed to this story.",1 +" CHERRY HILL, N.J. (AP) -- The number of women running for seats in the U.S."," CHERRY HILL, N.J. (AP) -- The number of women running for the U.S.",0 +Trump and Abe will also hold a joint press conference before the president and first lady host the Japanese delegations for dinner.,Trump and Abe will also hold a news conference before the president and first lady host the Japanese delegations for dinner.,0 +" On Wednesday, the topic will broaden to other issues affecting the Indo-Pacific region, including trade and energy."," On Wednesday, the agenda will broaden to include other issues affecting the Indo-Pacific region, including trade and energy.",0 + Their counties are located within 25 miles (40 kilometers) of the U.S.-Mexico border., The departments patrol areas located within 25 miles (40 kilometers) of the border.,1 + Those officials added that the call's tone was not entirely positive - and that the White House is displeased by the ethical cloud surrounding Pruitt., Those officials added that the call's tone was not entirely positive - and that the White House is displeased by the cloud over Pruitt.,0 +" ""I hope he's going to be great,"" Trump told reporters Tuesday, declining to reiterate publicly his private praise for Pruitt's work."," ""I hope he's going to be great,"" Trump told reporters, declining to reiterate publicly his private praise for Pruitt's work.",0 +""" --- Rob Gillies contributed to this report from Toronto and Ivan Moreno contributed from Milwaukee.", --- Rob Gillies contributed to this report from Toronto and Ivan Moreno contributed from Milwaukee.,0 + --- Peter Prengaman on Twitter: twitter.com/peterprengaman Mauricio Savarese on Twitter: twitter.com/MSavarese,""" --- Peter Prengaman on Twitter: twitter.com/peterprengaman Mauricio Savarese on Twitter: twitter.com/MSavarese",0 +" In Wisconsin, the most likely GOP candidate for Ryan's seat is state Assembly Speaker Robin Vos, Republicans in the state said.","The most likely GOP candidate for Ryan's seat is state Assembly Speaker Robin Vos, Republicans in the state said.",0 + All three bodies were taken from the crash scene in front of the well-known Kiepenkerl pub early Sunday night.," Early Sunday, all three bodies were taken from the crash scene in front of the well-known Kiepenkerl pub.",0 +There are nine teams who know Wednesday is the last day of their season.,There are nine teams that know Wednesday is the last day of their season.,0 +Washington and London on Monday jointly accused the Russian government of maliciously targeting global internet equipment for political and economic espionage.,"The U.S., Britain and Australia have accused the Russian government of maliciously targeting global internet equipment for political and economic espionage.",1 +" Their ranks will continue to grow in the weeks ahead, with filing deadlines still to come in more than half the states."," Their ranks will continue to swell, with candidate filing periods remaining open in more than half the states.",0 +" A spokesman for Bush said Friday that the former president was ""very pleased"" for Libby and his family."," A spokesman for Bush said the former president was ""very pleased"" for Libby and his family.",0 + All of the counties their departments patrol are located within 25 miles (40 kilometers) of the U.S.-Mexico border., The departments patrol areas located within 25 miles (40 kilometers) of the border.,0 + Xi repeated pledges to open China's finance industries to foreign investors but gave no additional details., Xi repeated earlier official pledges to open China's finance industries to foreign investors but gave no additional details.,0 +He broadcast the show from his radio station in Pahrump.,"He broadcast the show from his radio station, KNYE, in Pahrump.",1 +"The FTC's investigations aren't usually public, but it has previously settled child privacy cases with Yelp, mobile advertising network inMobi and electronic toy-maker VTech.","It has settled child privacy cases with Yelp, mobile advertising network inMobi and electronic toy-maker VTech.",1 +The three reviewing magistrates even lengthened the sentence to 12 years and one month.,"An appeals court upheld the conviction in January, and the three reviewing magistrates even lengthened the sentence to 12 years and one month.",1 +The Boeing 737 is the best-selling jetliner in the world and has a good safety record.,The 737 is the best-selling jetliner in the world and has a good safety record.,0 + The payments appear to be part of a pattern of Trump' self-described fixer trying to shield the businessman-turned-politician from embarrassing press by buying women's silence., The payments appear to be part of a pattern of Trump's self-described fixer trying to shield the businessman-turned-politician from embarrassing press by buying women's silence.,0 +"Edward Markey, a Massachusetts Democrat who co-authored COPPA in the 1990s and says he wants the FTC to look into the YouTube complaint.","Edward Markey, a Massachusetts Democrat who co-authored the 1998 law and says he wants the FTC to look into the YouTube complaint.",1 +"She said the plane was fairly quiet because everyone was wearing a mask, while some passengers were in tears and others shouted words of encouragement.",She said the plane was fairly quiet because everyone was wearing a mask.,1 +""" Yevgenia Pochankina told her niece to cover her nose with her clothes to fend off the smoke.", Yevgenia Pochankina told her niece to cover her nose with her clothes to fend off the smoke.,0 + Mexico's Senate passed a resolution Wednesday calling for the suspension of cooperation on illegal immigration and drug trafficking in retaliation for Trump's move.,Mexico's Senate passed a resolution Wednesday calling for the suspension of cooperation on illegal immigration and drug trafficking in retaliation.,1 + Their counties are located within 25 miles (40 kilometers) of the U.S.-Mexico border., All of the counties their departments patrol are located within 25 miles (40 kilometers) of the U.S.-Mexico border.,1 +The raid was overseen by the U.S. attorney's office in Manhattan and based in part on a referral from Mueller.,The raid of his office was overseen by the U.S. attorney's office in Manhattan and based in part on a referral from Mueller.,1 + SAN DIEGO (AP) -- A Marine helicopter has crashed during a Southern California training mission and authorities believe all four crew members were killed.," SAN DIEGO (AP) -- A Marine helicopter crashed during a Southern California training mission and all four crew members were believed killed, the military said.",0 + These deaths at Lee are the most in any South Carolina prison in recent years.,Two officers were stabbed there in 2015. The deaths at Lee are the most in any South Carolina prison in recent years.,1 +" Most of it should burn up on re-entry, so scientists say it poses only a slight risk to people on the ground."," Most of the craft should burn up on re-entry, so scientists said falling debris poses only a slight risk to people on the ground.",1 +" Libby, who served as Cheney's chief of staff, was convicted in 2007 of perjury, obstruction of justice and making false statements."," Libby, who served as Cheney's chief of staff, was convicted in 2007 of perjury, obstruction of justice and lying to FBI investigators.",1 +"Another twist is that the special counsel, Patrick Fitzgerald, was appointed by James Comey, deputy attorney general at the time.","Another twist is that the special counsel in Libby's case, Patrick Fitzgerald, was appointed by James Comey, deputy attorney general at the time.",1 +"Southwest flight from NYC to Dallas!!"" After the plane landed, he posted photos of a damaged window near the engine.","Southwest flight from NYC to Dallas!!"" After the plane landed, he posted photos of a broken window near the left engine.",1 +72. An autopsy will be conducted to determine cause of death.,"72. An autopsy will be conducted to determine cause of death, she said.",1 + The three-day session at the Eastern High Court in Copenhagen will not deal with the Apr., The three-day session at the Eastern High Court in Copenhagen before three judges and three jurors will not deal with the Apr.,1 + Rookie Caleb Ferguson (4-2) earned the win two innings of scoreless relief.,""" Dodgers rookie Caleb Ferguson (4-2) earned the win with two innings of scoreless relief.",1 +Rendon had a solo homer and Adrian Sanchez added two hits and two RBIs for Washington.,""" Rendon had a solo homer and Adrian Sanchez added two hits and two RBIs for Washington.",0 + Boston's bats knocked around the Marlins' pitchers a few innings later.,""" Boston's bats knocked around the Marlins' pitchers a few innings later.",0 + Cyprus Justice Minister Ionas Nicolaou told The Associated Press that Mustafa's extradition went ahead after he dropped a three-year legal fight to avoid his extradition., Cyprus Justice Minister Ionas Nicolaou told The Associated Press that Mustafa's extradition went ahead after he dropped a three-year court battle to avoid extradition.,0 + The Lions were outscored 68-16 in the first half this preseason.,""" The Lions were outscored 68-16 in the first half this preseason.",0 +"Philadelphia, which has lost nine of 13, fell three games behind NL East-leading Atlanta.","Philadelphia, which has lost four in a row and nine of 13, fell three games behind NL East-leading Atlanta.",1 +" KEEPING SCORE: Japan's benchmark Nikkei 225 lost 0.1 percent to 22,693.17, while the Kospi in South Korea gained 0.4 percent to 2,315.04.","ASIA'S DAY: Japan's benchmark Nikkei 225 lost 0.1 percent to 22,696.90, while the Kospi in South Korea gained 0.4 percent to 2,315.72.",1 +" ""You will still be able to enjoy a BLT after Brexit,"" he said in a speech in London."," ""You will still be able to enjoy a BLT after Brexit,"" he said.",1 +" Citigroup economists said in a report ""the trade war's impact increasingly appeared in the data."," ""The trade war's impact increasingly appeared in the data,"" said Citigroup economists in a report.",0 +Wil Trapp appeared to give him the slightest of pushes and Fabinho tumbled past Brooks.,"Trapp appeared to give him the slightest of pushes, and Fabinho tumbled past Brooks.",0 +" Iranian state media did not immediately acknowledge the attack in Koya, some 300 kilometers (185 miles) north of Baghdad."," Iranian state media and its military forces did not immediately acknowledge the attack in Koya, some 300 kilometers (185 miles) north of Baghdad.",1 +JERUSALEM (AP) — President Donald Trump's national security adviser says there's no timetable for releasing the administration's much-anticipated Mideast peace plan.,JERUSALEM (AP) — President Donald Trump's national security adviser said Wednesday there was no timetable for releasing the administration's much-anticipated Mideast peace plan.,1 +Some are in their birthday suits while others sport underwear or masks.,Some were in their birthday suits while others wore underwear or masks.,1 +" If wage growth continues accelerating, it could feed into higher inflation throughout the economy."," If wage growth keeps accelerating, it could feed into higher inflation throughout the economy.",0 + The 40-year-old Chamisa has called for dialogue with Mnangagwa but suggested that talks on power-sharing first must acknowledge the opposition leader's alleged victory.,""" The 40-year-old Chamisa has called for dialogue with Mnangagwa but suggested that talks on power-sharing first must acknowledge the opposition leader's alleged victory.",0 + Some said they woke up before dawn to catch buses and trucks ferrying them from villages hundreds of kilometers from the capital.,Some said they woke before dawn to catch buses and trucks in villages hundreds of kilometers away.,0 +" Miami had scored twice to take a 3-1 lead before Price left, on an RBI double by J.T.",""" Miami had scored twice to take a 3-1 lead before Price left, on an RBI double by J.T.",0 +But investors recently have been preparing themselves for a total of four rate increases for 2018 following comments from the Fed.,But investors have been preparing themselves for a total of four rate increases for 2018 following comments from the Fed.,0 +His drive landed just above the right-field wall and required review before the umpire crew acknowledged the homer.,His drive landed just above the right-field wall and required video review before umpires confirmed the homer.,1 + ___ Gera reported from Warsaw and Herschaft from New York.," ___ Vanessa Gera reported from Warsaw, and Randy Herschaft from New York.",1 +"Gonzalez has been durable, making at least 31 starts in all but one of his past eight full seasons.",Gonzalez has made at least 31 starts in all but one of his past eight full seasons.,0 +"Kurds represent about 10 percent of Iran's population of 80 million people, with many living in the mountainous northwest that borders Iraq and Turkey."," Kurds represent about 10 percent of Iran's population of 80 million people, with many living in the mountainous northwest that borders Iraq and Turkey.",0 +" Aside from the rousing applause for the Koreans, teams from Palestine, Syria, Taiwan and Indonesia received extra bursts of enthusiasm from the crowd."," Aside from the rousing applause for the Koreans, teams from Palestine, Syria, Taiwan and Indonesia received extra bursts of support from the crowd.",1 +" Last season, the NCAA introduced a quadrant system to put greater emphasis on road wins."," Last season, the NCAA introduced a quadrant system to put greater emphasis on wins away from home.",0 +"So sad!"" ___ Associated Press writer Catherine Lucey in Washington contributed to this report.","So sad!"" ___ Associated Press writers Tom Hays, Stephen R. Groves and Michael R. Sisak in New York;",1 +The NCAA has a new ranking system to replace RPI when evaluating college basketball teams for the NCAA Tournament.,The NCAA is ditching the RPI for its own evaluation tool to select teams for the NCAA Tournament.,1 + Weather officials predict more rains across the state until Monday morning., Weather officials have predicted more rains across the state through Monday morning.,1 +"In an Aug. 7 post on Twitter, Musk wrote that he was considering taking the company private."," In an Aug. 7 post on Twitter, Musk wrote that he was considering taking Tesla private.",1 + The 24-year-old rookie was still in the Angels' lineup as the designated hitter for their series finale against the Rangers.,""" The 24-year-old rookie was the Angels' designated hitter for their series finale against the Rangers, and walked his first time up.",1 +" Cora says ""We'll see how he feels the next few days and then we'll go from there."," ""We'll see how he feels the next few days and then we'll go from there,"" Cora said.",0 +" The secretary-general of the separatist group, Mustafa Mawludi, and his predecessor, Khalid Azizi, were injured in the attack, Rudaw reported.","The secretary-general of the separatist group, Mustafa Mawludi, and his predecessor, Khalid Azizi, were wounded, the Kurdish satellite news channel Rudaw reported.",1 +"""We know that the information that has been stolen is name, address, email address, credit card information;"," ""We know that the information that has been stolen is name, address, email address, credit card information;",0 +Reuters on Wednesday quoted anonymous officials saying the IPO had been scrapped.,Reuters on Wednesday quoted four anonymous officials saying the IPO had been scrapped.,1 +""" Price is 14-6 with a 3.60 ERA in his first 26 starts for the AL East-leading Red Sox.", Price is 14-6 with a 3.60 ERA in his first 26 starts for the AL East-leading Red Sox.,0 +" More than 1,000 people have died in seven Indian states since the start of this year's monsoon season, including 324 in Kerala.","More than 1,000 people have died in flooding in seven Indian states since the start of the monsoon season, including over 350 in Kerala.",1 +"The search sought bank records, communications with Trump's campaign and information on a $130,000 payment to Daniels and a $150,000 one to McDougal.","The search sought bank records, communications with Trump's campaign and information on the payments to the two women.",1 +""" Nationals: 1B Ryan Zimmerman was rested and used as a pinch-hitter in the ninth.",""" Nationals: 1B Ryan Zimmerman was rested and then used as a pinch-hitter in the ninth.",0 + ROSTER MOVES The Cubs placed RHP Tyler Chatwood on the 10-day DL with left hip inflammation.,""" ROSTER MOVES The Cubs placed RHP Tyler Chatwood on the 10-day DL with left hip inflammation.",0 + Bryce Harper went 3 for 4 with a run-scoring double and a stolen base for Washington., Bryce Harper had three hits with a run-scoring double and a stolen base for Washington.,1 +" The ride is to protest dependence on fossil fuels, advocate for the safety of cyclists on the road and promote positive body image.",""" The bike ride is to protest dependence on fossil fuels, advocate for the safety of cyclists on the road and promote positive body image.",1 +" LONG AT-BAT Nunez hit his homer on the 12th pitch of the at-bat, after fouling off seven.","""Learning experience for me, for sure."" LONG AT-BAT Nunez hit his homer on the 12th pitch of the at-bat, after fouling off seven.",0 +" Acquired in a trade with the Athletics after the 2011 season, Gonzalez's first year with Washington was his best.","Acquired in a trade with the Athletics after the 2011 season, Gonzalez's first year with Washington was his best.",0 +Trout was with his family in New Jersey after the death., Trout was with his family in New Jersey after the death.,0 +As soon the German forces entered the city they and their Ukrainian collaborators massacred Jews in the city and countryside.,When the German forces entered the city they and their Ukrainian collaborators massacred Jews in the city and countryside.,0 +" Betts and Eduardo Nunez each hit a solo homer for the Red Sox, who won for the 22nd time in their last 26 interleague games."," Betts and Nunez each hit a solo homer for the Red Sox, who won for the 22nd time in their last 26 interleague games.",0 +Its ruling Al Saud family stakes its legitimacy in part on its management of the holiest sites in Islam., Saudi Arabia's ruling Al Saud family stakes its legitimacy in part on its management of the holiest sites in Islam.,1 +"The Dodgers later released a statement saying the outage was due to ""a disruption in the city's power feed"" to the ballpark."," After the game, the Dodgers released a statement saying the outage was due to ""a disruption in the city's power feed"" to the ballpark.",0 +"The Caixin Manufacturing PMI, which measures growth in the sector, came in at 50.6 in August, slightly lower than 50.8 in July.","The Caixin Manufacturing PMI, which measures growth in the sector, came in at 50.6, slightly lower than 50.8 in July.",0 +" Firmino scored in the 11th minute off a cross from Douglas Costa, who burst down a flank past 21-year-old left back Antonee Robinson."," Roberto Firmino scored in the 11th minute off a cross from Douglas Costa, who burst down a flank past 21-year-old left back Antonee Robinson.",0 +"Instead, the authorities were trying to douse the flames in those areas with firefighting helicopters from the air.","Instead, the authorities were trying to douse the flames in those areas with firefighting helicopters and water cannons.",1 +" DIVIDENDS DULLED: When bonds are offering higher yields, it can pull buyers away from stocks that pay big dividends.","DIVIDENDS DULLED: When bonds are offering higher yields, it can pull buyers away from stocks that pay big dividends.",0 +" The hack was not discovered until Sept. 5 and has now been resolved, officials said.","The hack was not discovered until Sept. 5 and has now been resolved, officials said.",0 +Al-Qaim is a former Islamic State group stronghold in the Anbar province in western Iraq., Al-Qaim is a former Islamic State group stronghold in Anbar province in western Iraq.,0 +" Putin, speaking after Wednesday's talks with Finnish counterpart Sauli Niinisto, described last month's Helsinki summit with U.S."," Speaking after talks with Finnish counterpart Sauli Niinisto in Sochi, Putin described last month's Helsinki summit with U.S.",1 +""" Ohtani had been scheduled to throw a light bullpen session Wednesday, but never did after reporting that his elbow was sore.","He had been scheduled to throw a light bullpen session Wednesday, but never did after reporting that his elbow was sore.",0 +"To make room for him, RHP Josh Fields (shoulder inflammation) was moved to the 60-day DL.","To make room for him, RHP Josh Fields (shoulder inflammation) was transferred to the 60-day DL.",0 +" Upbeat supporters of the president and ruling ZANU-PF party streamed into the 60,000-seat National Sports Stadium in the capital, Harare, many wearing pro-Mnangagwa regalia."," Upbeat supporters of the president and ruling ZANU-PF party filled the 60,000-seat National Sports Stadium in the capital, Harare.",1 +LONDON (AP) — Britain's Brexit minister says the U.K. and the European Union may not meet their self-imposed October deadline for a divorce deal.,"LONDON (AP) — The U.K. and the European Union may not meet their self-imposed October deadline for a divorce deal, Britain's Brexit minister said Wednesday.",1 +"But if the rookie doesn't play again for a while, this was a nice note to finish on before the start of the regular season.",This was a nice note for the rookie to finish on before the start of the regular season.,0 + Britain plans to press its case against Russia in the U.N., Britain plans to press its case against Russia at the U.N.,0 +Wall Street was closed on Monday for a Labor Day holiday.,Wall Street was poised to open higher as traders returned from summer holidays and a Labor Day break.,1 +" ""It is time to move forward together,"" said Mnangagwa, who has promised democratic and economic reforms after Mugabe's 37-year rule."," ""It is time to move forward together,"" said Mnangagwa, who has promised democratic and economic reforms after Mugabe's repressive 37-year rule.",0 +" Dodgers: LHP Hyun-Jin Ryu (3-1, 2.27) will make his third start since coming off the DL with a torn groin."," Dodgers: LHP Hyun-Jin Ryu (3-1, 2.27) will make his third start since coming off the DL after being sidelined by a groin tear.",1 +The speech will be a preview of the argument Obama will make this fall campaign season.,The speech was a preview of the argument that the former president is likely to make throughout the fall.,1 +" Failed harvests force poor farmers to borrow money at high interest rates for buying seeds, fertilizers and even food for their cattle."," Failed harvests force poor farmers to borrow money at high interest rates to buy seeds, fertilizers and food for their cattle.",0 +""" Washington and Beijing have imposed tariff hikes on $50 billion of each other's goods.", Washington and Beijing have imposed tariff hikes on $50 billion of each other's goods.,0 +" The documents say ""people and businesses should not be alarmed"" by the planning.","The documents published Thursday say ""people and businesses should not be alarmed"" by the planning.",1 + Participants in the ride can go as bare as they dare.,Participants in the ride can go as bare as they dare.,0 +"It was one of just six hits for Washington, which capitalized on nine walks and three errors by the Cubs."," It was one of just six hits for Washington, which capitalized on nine walks and three errors by the Cubs.",0 + Juan Soto's two-double against Seranthony Dominguez (1-4) set up Zimmerman., Juan Soto's two-out double against Seranthony Dominguez (1-4) set up Zimmerman.,0 +"Nationals: With Strasburg reinstated from the DL, Washington optioned infielder Adrian Sanchez to Triple-A Syracuse."," Nationals: With Strasburg reinstated, Washington optioned infielder Adrian Sanchez to Triple-A Syracuse.",0 +"However, that acquisition is likely the Saudi Arabian Oil Co.'s proposed purchase of a stake in petrochemical firm SABIC.","However, that acquisition is likely the proposed purchase of a stake in the Riyadh-based petrochemical firm Saudi Arabia Basic Industries Corp.",1 +(back) threw to hitters Saturday and is expected to be activated on Tuesday.,(back) threw to hitters and is expected to be activated Tuesday.,0 +" With Tyrod Taylor atop the depth chart at quarterback, the Browns are likely to bring Mayfield along slowly.",""" With Tyrod Taylor atop the depth chart at quarterback, the Browns are likely to bring Mayfield along slowly.",0 +" The best U.S. chance was Weston McKennie's left-footed shot off a Kellyn Acosta pass in the 66th, which went wide.","The best U.S. chance was McKennie's left-footed shot off a Kellyn Acosta pass in the 66th, which went wide.",0 + NO RUSH The Lions finished the preseason with just two sacks in four games.,""" NO RUSH The Lions finished the preseason with just two sacks in four games.",0 +" A freelance journalist, Wall wrote for The New York Times, The Guardian and other publications.","A freelance journalist, Wall wrote for The New York Times, The Guardian and other publications.",0 +" Instead, the report said Merkel could push for a German to become head of the European Union's executive commission.","Instead, the report said Merkel could push for a German to become head of the European Union's executive commission.",0 +"The Angels paid the $20 million posting fee to Ohtani's previous club, the Nippon Ham Fighters."," The Angels paid the $20 million posting fee to Ohtani's previous club, the Nippon Ham Fighters.",0 + Cyprus Justice Minister Ionas Nicolaou told The Associated Press that Mustafa's extradition went ahead after he dropped a three-year court battle to avoid extradition.,Cyprus Justice Minister Ionas Nicolaou told The Associated Press that Mustafa's extradition went ahead after he dropped a three-year court battle to avoid extradition.,0 +Track and field competition entered a second day with world champion Rose Chelimo winning the women's marathon for Bahrain in a hot and humid race., Track and field competition entered a second day with world champion Rose Chelimo winning the women's marathon for Bahrain in a hot and humid race.,0 +" The five-day hajj pilgrimage represents one of the world's biggest gathering every year, a trip required of all able-bodied Muslims once in their life."," The five-day hajj pilgrimage represents one of the world's biggest gatherings every year, and is required of all able-bodied Muslims once in their life.",0 +"that's why we are here, not to find out whether he is guilty or not,"" said Madsen's lawyer Betina Hald Engmark.","that's why we are here, not to find out whether he is guilty or not,"" said Hald Engmark.",1 +PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Hundreds of fun-loving bicyclists who had been gearing up for a ride around Philadelphia have taken off — their clothes.,PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Hundreds of fun-loving bicyclists spent the afternoon gearing up for a ride around Philadelphia and then took off — their clothes.,0 +" Not only was hiring stronger than expected last month, so were wage gains for workers."," Not only was hiring better than expected last month, so were workers' wage gains.",0 + CHINESE PMI: A private survey has showed manufacturing activity in China slowing to a 14-month low., MANUFACTURING WEAKENS: A private survey showed manufacturing activity in China slowed to a 14-month low in August.,1 +"Brent crude, the international standard, slipped 40 cents to $76.10. Gold slipped 30 cents to $1,204.00 per ounce.","Brent crude, the international standard, slipped 33 cents to $76.17. Gold slipped $1.40 to $1,202.90 per ounce.",1 + Police said Sunday that Seif Eddin Mustafa boarded an EgyptAir flight that took off for Egypt on Saturday evening.," Police said Seif Eddin Mustafa, escorted by Egyptian authorities, boarded an EgyptAir flight to Cairo on Saturday evening.",1 +Cora says he isn't sure who will pitch against the Braves if Price is unavailable., Cora said he isn't sure who will pitch against the Braves if Price is unavailable.,0 +P 500 rose 0.3 percent for the biggest gain among the 11 sectors that make up the index.,P 500 rose 0.4 percent for one of the biggest gain among the 11 sectors that make up the index.,1 + Tensions between the two countries have ebbed this year with a historic meeting between their two leaders at the heavily fortified border., Tensions between the Koreas have ebbed this year with a historic meeting between their two leaders at the heavily fortified border.,1 +" Rain-dependent agriculture employs more than half of India's 1.3 billion people, but shrinking earnings means it now only adds 15 percent to India's economy."," Rain-dependent agriculture employs more than half of India's 1.3 billion people, but shrinking earnings mean it now accounts for only 15 percent of India's economy.",1 +He did pinch-hit in the ninth and manager Dave Roberts said he is scheduled to start Tuesday.,He did pinch-hit in the ninth and Roberts said Pederson is scheduled to start Tuesday.,1 +Cincinnati manager Jim Riggleman said Schebler will travel to Chicago on Friday and be activated on Saturday.,Riggleman said Schebler will travel to Chicago on Friday and be activated on Saturday.,0 + Philadelphia acquired left-hander reliever Luis Avilan from the Chicago White Sox before the game in exchange for pitcher Felix Paulino., NEW GUY Philadelphia acquired left-hander reliever Luis Avilan from the Chicago White Sox before the game in exchange for pitcher Felix Paulino.,0 +Moon and Kim are set to meet next month in Pyongyang for their third summit.,Kim and South Korean President Moon Jae-in are set to meet next month in Pyongyang for their third summit.,1 +" In the 500, the Koreans finished the six-team final in 2 minutes, 24.788 seconds to hold off China and Thailand.",""" In the 500, the Koreans finished the six-team final in 2 minutes, 24.788 seconds to hold off China and Thailand.",0 + INJURIES Browns: Linebacker James Burgess left in the first half and was evaluated for a concussion.,""" INJURIES Browns: Linebacker James Burgess left in the first half with a concussion.",1 +"P 500 lost 3 points, or 0.1 percent, to 2,874, as of 10 a.m.","P 500 was up 2 points, 0.1 percent, at 2,880, as of 11:20 a.m.",1 +"Both women claimed Trump had affairs with them, which he denies.","Both women claimed to have had affairs with Trump, which he denies.",0 +"Brent Crude, used to price international oils, shed 10 cents to $78.05 a barrel.","Brent Crude, used to price international oils, gained 61 cents to $78.76 a barrel.",1 + ENERGY: Benchmark U.S. crude added 32 cents to $70.12 a barrel on Tuesday.,ENERGY: Benchmark U.S. crude added 91 cents to $70.71 a barrel on Tuesday.,1 +Madsen was convicted in April of murdering the 30-year-old journalist in his homemade submarine last August before dismembering her body.," In April, Madsen was convicted of murdering the 30-year-old journalist in his homemade submarine last August before dismembering her body.",0 + The first 25 of more than 70 papers published Thursday cover everything from financial services to nuclear materials., The first 25 of more than 70 papers cover everything from financial services to nuclear materials.,0 +"Cohen made the payment to Daniels through his own company, and then was reimbursed by Trump, he said.","Cohen made the payment to Daniels through his own company and then was reimbursed by Trump, he said.",0 + Anthony Rendon's double scored Trea Turner to pull Washington to 5-4 in the seventh inning of the nightcap., Anthony Rendon's double off Steve Cishek scored Trea Turner to pull Washington to 5-4 in the seventh inning of the nightcap.,1 +" NET rankings will be released early in the season and updated through Selection Sunday, with a final ranking following the tournament."," NET rankings will be released in late November or early December and updated through Selection Sunday, with a final ranking following the tournament.",1 +" Muslims circle the Kaaba counter-clockwise seven times while reciting supplications to God, then walk between the two hills traveled by Hagar."," Muslims circle the Kaaba counter-clockwise seven times while reciting supplications to God, then walk between the two hills traveled by Hagar, Ibrahim's wife.",1 +" Congo says 77 Ebola cases are confirmed, including 39 deaths."," Congo says 77 Ebola cases have been confirmed, including 39 deaths and 11 recoveries.",1 +It had been down as much as 0.5 percent shortly after the start of trading.,It climbed back from a loss of as much as 0.5 percent shortly after the start of trading.,1 +"Chicago manager Joe Maddon went with a bullpen game, and the Nationals jumped in front early."," Maddon went with a bullpen game, and the Nationals jumped in front early.",1 + Elfin allowed five runs and 10 hits in 3 1/3 innings.,""" Philadelphia starter Zach Elfin allowed five runs and 10 hits in 3 1/3 innings.",0 +ANAHEIM (AP) — Los Angeles Angels star Mike Trout is back in the lineup for the first time since the death of his brother-in-law.,(AP) — Los Angeles Angels star Mike Trout is back in the lineup for the first time since the death of his brother-in-law.,1 + Scherzer (17-6) gave up nine hits and struck out 11 without a walk.,""" Bidding for a third straight NL Cy Young Award, Scherzer (17-6) gave up nine hits and struck out 11 without a walk.",1 +OF Joc Pederson was out of the lineup with a bruised and strained left knee after fouling off a pitch on Friday.,OF Joc Pederson was out of the starting lineup with a bruised and strained left knee after fouling off a pitch Friday.,0 + The airline revealed the new hack Thursday evening and began notifying customers., British Airways revealed the new hack Thursday evening and began notifying customers.,1 +UP IN SMOKE: Tesla plunged after its chief accounting officer resigned just a month into the job., UP IN SMOKE: Tesla sank after its chief accounting officer resigned just a month into the job.,0 +" Washington took a 3-2 lead in the fourth when Mark Reynolds belted his 13th homer of the season, a two-out, two-run shot to left field."," Washington took a 3-2 lead in the fourth when Mark Reynolds belted his 13th homer of the season, a two-run shot to left field.",0 + The conflict ended with a NATO intervention that forced Serbia to pull out of Kosovo.," The conflict ended with NATO intervention, which forced Serbia to pull out of Kosovo.",1 + Price was struck on his left wrist in the third inning of Wednesday night's 14-6 win against Miami at Fenway Park., Price was hit on his left wrist by a line drive in the third inning of Wednesday night's 14-6 win against Miami at Fenway Park.,1 +" The area is located on the edge of the Tibetan Plateau in northern Sichuan province, home to many Tibetan and other ethnic minority villages.",The area is on the edge of the Tibetan Plateau and home to many Tibetan and other ethnic minority villages.,0 +" The State Department says about 50 detainees a day are being hanged at Saydnaya (Said-nay-ah) military prison, about 45 minutes from Damascus."," The State Department said it believed that about 50 detainees a day are being hanged at Saydnaya military prison, about 45 minutes from Damascus.",1 + NAVAL BASE GUAM (AP) -- Amphibious military exercises on the U.S., NAVAL BASE GUAM (AP) -- Multinational amphibious exercises on the U.S.,1 +"The survey's estimates for 2016 were based on data for nearly 97,500 people.","Estimates for 2016 were based on data for nearly 97,500 people.",0 + Tucker says the Akron Fire Department is working with the state fire marshal's office and Akron police to determine the cause of the blaze.," The Akron Fire Department is working with the state fire marshal's office and local police to determine the cause of the blaze, Tucker said.",1 + The FAA said on its website that Yeager Airport was closed and wasn't expected to reopen until Saturday morning., The Federal Aviation Administration said on its website that Yeager Airport was closed and wasn't expected to reopen until Saturday morning.,0 +The number of uninsured could start climbing again under some of the policies now being considered by President Donald Trump.,The number of uninsured could start climbing again under some of the policies now being considered by President Donald Trump and congressional Republicans.,1 +" Also interviewed were: -Adam Lee, special agent in charge of the FBI's office in Richmond, Virginia."," -Adam Lee, special agent in charge of the FBI's office in Richmond, Virginia.",1 +They stayed indoors until neighbors yelled that it was safe to come out.,""" Galiendes and his roommate stayed indoors until neighbors yelled that it was safe to come out.",1 +"Fully abolishing the regulation would take an act of Congress, but Trump can direct the IRS not to enforce the prohibitions.",But fully abolishing the regulation would take an act of Congress.,1 +" The sweeping, 1,665-page bill also increases spending for NASA, medical research, and federal law enforcement agencies like the FBI."," The sweeping, 1,665-page bill also increases spending for NASA, medical research, and the FBI and other federal law enforcement agencies.",1 + The official spoke only on condition of anonymity to discuss the plan.,The official spoke only on condition of anonymity to discuss the plan.,0 +" By that time, he had ""lost all color,"" and some of the fraternity members thought he may have died, Scicchitano said."," By that time, Piazza had ""lost all color,"" and some of the fraternity members thought he may have died, Scicchitano said.",0 +"Some residents barricaded themselves during the shooting, but none of them were injured, he said."," Some nursing home residents barricaded themselves during the shooting, but none of them was injured, he said.",1 +"In spite of Trump's avowed crackdown on illegal immigration, many said they hoped a show of strength would help persuade politicians to rethink their plans.","Despite Trump's avowed crackdown on illegal immigration, many said, they hoped a show of strength would help persuade politicians to rethink their plans.",0 + Voters were choosing from a field of 21 candidates and the top two vote-getters will advance to a November election., Seattle voters were narrowing the field of 21 mayoral candidates down to two who will campaign against each other until a November election.,1 +"She, nurse Marlina Medrano, 46, and Kirkersville Police Chief Steven Eric DiSario, 36, were killed in the Friday attack."," Kirkersville Police Chief Steven Eric DiSario, nurse Marlina Medrano and nurse's aide Cindy Krantz were killed in the Friday attack.",1 + Efforts by New Mexico to expand early childhood education have stalled amid a state budget crisis and political resistance to tapping state funds.,""" Efforts by New Mexico to expand early childhood education have stalled amid a state budget crisis and political resistance to tapping state funds.",0 +" McCabe previously supervised the FBI's Washington field office, one of its largest, and also held leadership positions in counterterrorism and intelligence work."," McCabe previously supervised the FBI's Washington field office, one of its largest, and also held leadership positions in counterterrorism and national security.",1 + Trump had previously identified Pence as the person to oversee the long-awaited commission., Trump had previously identified Pence as the person to oversee the commission.,0 + Revealing the identities of American citizens or legal permanent residents mentioned in intelligence reports is known as unmasking.," The identities of U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents were found in 3,914 intelligence reports the NSA distributed last year, the report said.",1 + Vina's family declined through his lawyers to talk about him., Vinas' father and sister attended the sentencing but declined through his lawyers to talk about him.,1 +" The drills, which are led by France and include the United Kingdom, will practice amphibious landings, delivering forces by helicopter and urban patrols."," The drills will practice amphibious landings, delivering forces by helicopter and urban patrols.",1 +The church did not provide a timeline for rollout of the program that will be for all age groups., The church did not provide a timeline for the rollout of the program for younger age groups.,0 +" Furie launched a crowdfunding campaign Monday to raise $10,000 for a new comic book featuring Pepe."," Furie and his brother, Jason, launched a crowdfunding campaign to raise $10,000 for a new comic book featuring Pepe.",1 +"Trump's homecoming was expected to be unfriendly, however, with multiple protests planned against the Republican president in the heavily Democratic metropolis."," Not everyone was happy with the homecoming, with protests planned against the Republican president in the heavily Democratic city.",0 + -- Associated Press writer Josh Boak contributed to this report., --- Associated Press writers Gerry Shih in Beijing and Josh Boak contributed to this report.,1 +The duo still completed the marathon with Tadese shaving nearly four minutes off his personal best with a time of 2:06:51.,The duo still completed the marathon with Tadese shaving nearly four minutes off his personal best in 2:06:51.,0 +Joining are U.K. helicopters and 70 U.K. troops deployed with the French amphibious assault ship FS Mistral.,"Joining are Japanese forces, U.K. helicopters and 70 U.K. troops deployed with the French amphibious assault ship FS Mistral.",1 +" The driver ""avoided the cars, and went on to hit the people who were standing between the cars,"" Tuttle told WCVB-TV."," The driver ""avoided the cars and went on to hit the people who were standing between the cars,"" Tuttle said.",0 + The military said a special commission would investigate the crash.,The military said a special commission would investigate the cause of the crash.,1 +"The report, carried by the North's Korean Central News Agency, said the letter of protest was sent Friday.","The report, carried by the North's Korean Central News Agency, said the letter was sent Friday.",0 +" Penn State banned the fraternity after concluding it had engaged in ""a persistent pattern"" of excess drinking, drug use and hazing."," Penn State banned the fraternity after concluding it had engaged in ""a persistent pattern"" of excessive drinking, drug use and hazing.",0 +" The dispute is similar to the court fight over Texas' voter ID law, also struck down as racially discriminatory."," The North Carolina dispute is similar to the court fight over Texas' voter ID law, also struck down as racially discriminatory.",1 +" The Beijing Meteorological Observatory issued an alert on Thursday in response to the sandstorm, which was forecast to linger into Friday morning.", The Beijing Meteorological Observatory advised people to minimize time spent outdoors and forecast that the murky conditions would linger into Friday morning.,1 +" As demonstrations take over Caracas almost daily, normal life has continued, but suffused with tension and uncertainty."," As demonstrations take over Caracas almost daily, normal life has continued, but the atmosphere is suffused with tension and uncertainty.",1 +" Though he is no longer a terror threat, they wrote, it is difficult ""to evaluate Vinas' current mindset .","Though he is no longer a terror threat, they wrote, it is difficult ""to evaluate Vinas' current mindset .",0 +" ""Unfortunately we cannot be in all places at all times,"" he added, ""and like last night, accidents happen."""," ""Unfortunately we cannot be in all places at all times,"" he added, ""and like last night, accidents happen."" --- Peter Orsi on Twitter: www.twitter.com/Peter-Orsi",0 +"Individuals poured liquid on him, slapped him and even threw his own shoes on him, Scicchitano told the judge.","People poured liquid on him, slapped him and even threw his shoes on him, Scicchitano told the judge.",0 +"The legislation would lead to an estimated increase of 24 million uninsured people within 10 years, according to congressional analysts."," The legislation would lead to an estimated increase of 24 million uninsured people within 10 years, according to congressional analysts.",0 +": ""We need relief."" Democrats overwhelmingly opposed to the Republican bill, which faces major obstacles in the Senate.",""" Democrats overwhelmingly opposed the Republican bill, which faces major obstacles in the Senate.",0 +" The changes reflect suggestions from the School Nutrition Association, which represents school nutrition directors and companies that sell food to schools."," The school meal changes reflect suggestions from the School Nutrition Association, which represents school nutrition directors and companies that sell food to schools.",1 +" Like other conservative religions, the Mormon church still opposes gay marriage and teaches its members that being in a homosexual relationship is a sin."," Like other conservative religions, the Mormon church opposes gay marriage and teaches that being in a homosexual relationship is a sin.",0 + A 1954 federal law prohibits tax-exempt charitable organizations such as churches from participating in political campaigns., A 1954 federal law forbids groups such as churches from participating in political campaigns.,0 +" Tusk vehemently denies that, and in turn accuses Kaczynski of cynically using the tragedy for political purposes.", Tusk vehemently denies that and accuses Kaczynski of using the crash for political purposes.,0 + Balch Springs Police Chief Jonathan Haber told reporters that police video contradicted his department's original statement about the Saturday night shooting of Jordan Edwards., Balch Springs Police Chief Jonathan Haber told reporters Monday that police video contradicted his department's original statement about the Saturday night shooting of Jordan Edwards.,0 +The law has been amended in 2015 to include a method for people unable to get a photo ID to still vote.,The law had been amended in 2015 to include a method for people unable to get a photo ID to still vote.,0 +" ""The old parties are dying, or are already dead,"" Valls said."," ""The old parties are dying or are already dead,"" Valls said.",0 +"So far, not many people have paid the ransom demanded by the malware, Europol spokesman Jan Op Gen Oorth told The Associated Press."," So far, not many people have paid the ransom demanded by the malware, Europol spokesman Jan Op Gen Oorth told The Associated Press.",0 +She says he was upbeat in their last telephone conversation before he was found hanged and there was no indication he was suicidal.,She said he was upbeat in their last telephone conversation before he was found hanged and there was no indication he was suicidal.,0 + Arkansas state police Director Bill Bryant said Bowden faces three counts of capital murder.," Bowden is jailed on three counts of capital murder, state police Director Bill Bryant said.",0 +" Piazza's father, Jim, rocked back and forth quietly in the front row of the courtroom as he heard his son's final hours described."," His father, Jim Piazza, rocked back and forth quietly in the front row of the courtroom as he heard his final hours described.",1 +" Thursday's hearing was held at Prague's Pankrac prison, a rare measure adopted due to security concerns.", Yevgeniy Nikulin's hearing on Tuesday is being held at Prague's Pankrac prison - a rare measure that underlines the sensitivity of the case.,1 + The jury's recommendation came after a six-day inquest that included testimony from jail staff and evidence from county prosecutors., The jury's recommendation Monday came after a six-day inquest that included testimony from jail staff and evidence from county prosecutors.,1 + But there is evidence enrollment figures at some schools could drop next fall., But the data obtained by the AP provide evidence enrollment figures at some schools could drop next fall.,1 +The FBI director serves a 10-year term but can be replaced by the president., The FBI director serves a 10-year term but can be replaced by the president.,0 +" The Puebla state government reported that five children were among the fatal victims of Monday night's blast in the town of San Isidro, Chilchotla municipality."," Puebla state authorities reported that 22 others were injured in Monday night's blast in the town of San Isidro, in Chilchotla municipality.",1 +"When 100,000 tickets were released April 3 for July visits, they were all claimed in just over two hours.","When 105,000 tickets were released April 3 for visits in July, they were all claimed in just over two hours.",1 +" Though he is no longer a terror threat, they wrote, it is difficult ""to evaluate Vinas' current mindset .","Though possibly no longer a terror threat, they wrote, it is difficult ""to evaluate Vinas' current mindset .",0 + Schear then suggests that his wife could hold the toddler during takeoff and then put the youngster in the car seat., Schear then suggests that his wife could hold one of the toddlers during takeoff and then put the youngster in the car seat.,1 + WASHINGTON (AP) -- Justice Department leaders are interviewing four veteran law enforcement and intelligence officials for the role of interim FBI director.," WASHINGTON (AP) -- Justice Department leaders are interviewing Wednesday four veteran law enforcement and intelligence officials for the role of interim FBI director, officials said.",1 +(AP) -- A publicist says country music legend Loretta Lynn remains hospitalized after having a stroke.,"(AP) -- Country music legend Loretta Lynn remains hospitalized after having a stroke, a publicist said Saturday.",1 + Environmental groups and many East Coast lawmakers complain that air-gun noise can hurt marine life and harm commercial fishing and tourism.,"Environmental groups and many East Coast lawmakers oppose the surveys, complaining that air-gun noise can injure marine life and harm commercial fishing and tourism.",0 +"His body has been recovered from the site and been taken to Lukla, where the only airport in the Mount Everest area is located.","Steck's body has been recovered from the site and been taken to Lukla, where the only airport in the Mount Everest area is located.",1 +Companies including Hitachi and Nissan Motor Co. reported problems but said they said had not seriously affected their business operations.,Companies including Hitachi and Nissan Motor Co. reported problems but said they had not seriously affected their operations.,1 +Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry's office has opened its own review of the case to determine if any state criminal charges are warranted.,Louisiana's attorney general is reviewing whether any state charges are warranted.,1 +" ""This is a really small town and everybody knows everybody,"" Kirkersville resident Debbie Messer told the Columbus Dispatch."," ""This is a really small town, and everybody knows everybody,"" Kirkersville resident Debbie Messer told the Columbus Dispatch.",0 +He said he was recording audio on his cellphone and reached it past Price's staffers.,He was recording audio on his cellphone and said he reached the device past Price's staffers.,1 +"There were reports of additional patients with non-life-threatening injuries, the agency said.","There were reports of additional victims with non-life-threatening injuries, according to tweets from Travis County Emergency Medical Services.",1 +" LONDON (AP) -- Prince Philip, Queen Elizabeth II's most stalwart companion for nearly 70 years, has announced his retirement."," LONDON (AP) -- Prince Philip, Queen Elizabeth II's consort, has decided to no longer handle solo public engagements.",1 +" Responding officers found Disario on the street and then investigated a report of a gunman in the nearby Pine Kirk Care Center, Thorp said."," Responding officers found Disario on the street and then investigated a report of a gunman at the nursing home, Thorp said.",1 +That hearing will likely come after federal officials spend several weeks preparing a presentencing report., That hearing will likely come after federal officials spend several weeks preparing a presentencing report.,0 + --- This story deletes an incorrect reference to Temple being a private university., --- This story has been updated to delete an incorrect reference to Temple being a private university.,1 +She said he was upbeat in their last telephone conversation before he was found hanged and there was no indication he was suicidal.,She says he was upbeat in their last telephone conversation before he was found hanged and there was no indication he was suicidal.,0 +Russian officials had previously said they were working to prevent his extradition to the U.S. The 29-year-old has denied any wrongdoing.,Russian officials had previously said they were working to prevent his extradition to the U.S.,1 + But on Friday the drills came to a halt when a French landing craft ran aground just offshore.," On Friday, the drills came to a halt when a French landing craft ran aground just as the exercises were getting underway.",1 + They spoke at a high-level conference to address the Horn of Africa nation's deepening humanitarian and security crisis.,He spoke to reporters at the end of a high-level conference to address the Horn of Africa nation's deepening humanitarian and security crisis.,1 +"Anthony Weiner, D-N.Y., who was married to close Clinton aide Huma Abedin.","Anthony Weiner, D-N.Y., who separated last year from top Clinton aide Huma Abedin.",1 +" The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated that 28.6 million people were uninsured last year, unchanged from 2015."," The report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 28.6 million people were uninsured in 2016, unchanged from 2015.",1 + The 750 passes released daily are gone within 30 minutes., The 750 passes released online each day at 6:30 a.m. are gone within 15 to 30 minutes.,1 +Many Caracas businesses were closed and taxi drivers suspended work in anticipation of a city-wide traffic shutdown.,"Even before the protest started in Caracas, many businesses closed and taxi drivers suspended work in anticipation of traffic disruptions in the capital.",1 +"Field, 49, also an anesthesiologist, worked at North Shore Pain Management."," Field, 49, also an anesthesiologist, worked at North Shore Pain Management.",0 +" WASHINGTON (AP) -- Justice Department leaders are interviewing Wednesday four veteran law enforcement and intelligence officials for the role of interim FBI director, officials said."," WASHINGTON (AP) -- Justice Department leaders interviewed four veteran law enforcement and intelligence officials on Wednesday for the role of interim FBI director, officials said.",1 + The 11 candidates under consideration as a permanent replacement for Comey: -- SEN., The candidates under consideration as a permanent replacement for Comey: -- SEN.,0 + The politically unpopular GOP bill passed by the House would limit Medicaid financing and curtail subsidies for many consumers buying their own private policies., The politically unpopular GOP bill passed narrowly by the House would limit Medicaid financing and curtail subsidies for many consumers buying their own private policies.,0 +" Earthquakes are common in China's west, although the low population density there often means casualties are low."," Earthquakes are common in China's west, although casualties are generally low because of the sparse population density.",1 +"Incumbent Ed Murray, a Democrat, had been considered the favorite but dropped his re-election bid in June following allegations of sex abuse decades ago."," Murray, a Democrat, had been considered the favorite but dropped his re-election bid in June following allegations of sex abuse decades ago.",1 +" Xinhua said more than 30,000 tourists at Jiuzhaigou were relocated to safety with help from tourist buses and private vehicles."," Xinhua said more than 30,000 tourists visiting Jiuzhaigou were relocated to safer accommodations by tourist bus and private vehicle.",1 +" The tax failed with 11,533 votes against and only 8,382 votes in favor, the Santa Fe City Clerk's Office announced."," The ballot initiative failed with 11,533 votes against and only 8,382 votes in favor, the Santa Fe City Clerk's Office announced Tuesday.",1 +" ""Join me in praying for his family, friends and colleagues, and for the others injured in this tragedy,"" the governor said."," ""Join me in praying for his family, friends and colleagues, and for the others injured in this tragedy,"" the Republican governor said.",1 +Exhumations have revealed that body parts got mixed up and buried in the wrong graves.,Exhumations have revealed that some body parts got mixed up and were buried in the wrong graves.,0 +"Last year, the Supreme Court asked lower courts to take another look at the issue in search of a compromise.","Last year, the Supreme Court asked lower courts to take another look at the issue.",1 +" Trump has alleged, without evidence, that 3 to 5 million people voted illegally in his 2016 campaign against Democrat Hillary Clinton.",""" Trump has alleged, without evidence, that 3 million to 5 million people voted illegally in his 2016 election against Democrat Hillary Clinton.",0 +" United President Scott Kirby will join Munoz at the hearing, along with top executives of American Airlines, Alaska Airlines and Southwest Airlines."," United President Scott Kirby joined Munoz at the hearing, along with top executives of American Airlines, Alaska Airlines and Southwest Airlines.",1 + The polls have shown Hong and centrist Ahn Cheol-soo running even., The polls have shown Hong and the centrist Ahn Cheol-soo running even.,0 +"All are Democrats except Oliver, a member of the grassroots liberal Peoples Party of Seattle.","All of the top vote-getting candidates are Democrats except Nikkita Oliver, who is a member of the grassroots liberal Peoples Party of Seattle.",1 +" --- AP writer Niniek Karmini in Jakarta, Indonesia, contributed to this story.", --- Associated Press writer Niniek Karmini contributed to this report.,1 + Chief Justice John Roberts said the political situation created uncertainty over who is authorized to seek review of the lower court ruling.,Roberts wrote the political situation created uncertainty over who is authorized to seek review of the lower court ruling.,1 +" On Monday, protesters stayed in main roads for six hours, then began to disperse under a heavy rain."," On Monday, protesters stayed on the main roads for six hours, then began to disperse under a heavy rain in late afternoon.",1 + The fatal shooting of Mainhart was on the same day of the 36th annual memorial to honor fallen officers at the Arkansas state Capitol., Mainhart's death came on the same day as the 36th annual memorial to honor fallen officers at the Arkansas state Capitol.,1 + Flynn resigned in February after published reports detailed Yates's conversation with the White House., Flynn resigned in February after published reports detailed Yates's conversation with McGahn.,1 + Sony Music publicist Maria Malta said Saturday that nothing has changed from information posted on Lynn's website., Sony Music publicist Maria Malta said nothing has changed from information posted on Lynn's website.,1 + She worked for the House Committee on Agriculture as chief clerk until 2007.," She also worked for the House Committee on Agriculture, where was chief clerk until 2007.",1 +" The AP's general counsel, Karen Kaiser, says the news organization stands by its story and will defend itself."," The AP's general counsel, Karen Kaiser, said the news organization stands by its story and will defend itself vigorously.",1 +" --- ROYAL NAVY Philip joined the Royal Navy as a cadet in 1939, and had a promising career."," --- ROYAL NAVY CAREER Philip began his naval career at the Britannia Royal Naval College in 1939, and had a promising career.",1 +" In Caracas, demonstrators assembled a giant rosary with balloons hanging from a highway overpass."," On Monday, demonstrators assembled a giant rosary with balloons hanging from a Caracas highway overpass.",1 +"He also was seen falling and hitting his head on the stone floor, and grabbing his head and midsection in apparent agony.",He also was seen falling and hitting his head on the stone floor.,1 + Vina's family declined through his lawyers to talk about him., Vinas' family declined through his lawyers to talk about him.,0 +" Massachusetts State Police investigators are working to reconstruct the accident, which happened while several hundred people were in the building."," State police investigators were working to reconstruct the accident, which happened while several hundred people were in the building.",0 +" South Sudan's civil war has killed tens of thousands and created the world's fastest-growing refugee crisis, with no end to the conflict in sight.", South Sudan's civil war has killed tens of thousands and created the world's fastest-growing refugee crisis.,1 +"The quake occurred around 9:20 p.m. near Jiuzhaigou, or Jiuzhai Valley, a national park known for spectacular waterfalls and karst formations, the Chinese agency said.","It's also near Jiuzhaigou, or Jiuzhai Valley, a national park known for spectacular waterfalls and karst formations that attracts visitors from China and overseas.",1 +" Officials say they plan to sink it Wednesday morning, about 33 nautical miles (61 kilometers) off the coast of Cape May, New Jersey."," The vessel was sent down about 33 nautical miles (61 kilometers) off the coast of Cape May, New Jersey.",1 +"""To increase coverage, you would have to see more states take up the Medicaid expansion, and some reforms to increase takeup in the individual","""To increase coverage, you would have to see more states take up the Medicaid expansion, and some reforms to increase take-up in the individual",0 +The number of uninsured could start climbing again under some of the policies now being considered by President Donald Trump and congressional Republicans.," Now, the number of uninsured could start climbing again under policies being considered by President Donald Trump and congressional Republicans.",0 +" For more than a decade, the Defense Department has been trying to encourage more people to report sexual assaults and harassment."," Months before, service members complained about a similar issue in an anonymous Defense Department survey on sexual assault and harassment.",1 +"Graham spoke on NBC's ""Meet the Press."" --- Associated Press writers Sadie Gurman and Darlene Superville contributed to this report.","and Warner appeared on ABC's ""This Week"" and ""Fox News Sunday."" --- Associated Press writers Sadie Gurman and Darlene Superville contributed to this report.",1 +" ""You could see and hear people running and screaming: 'There he is!'"" before he was tackled by officers."," ""You could see and hear people running and screaming: 'There he is!'"" before he was tackled by officers, Clark said.",1 +""" The Monza track was selected after extensive research that included average temperature, air pressure and wind levels.","The Monza track was selected after extensive research that included average temperature, air pressure, and wind levels.",0 +" During a hearing on Thursday, McCain, the Armed Services Committee chairman, said he's long had reservations about defense contractors filling out the Pentagon's upper ranks.",John McCain said he's long had reservations about defense contractors filling out the Pentagon's upper ranks and potentially undercutting rigorous oversight of the defense industry.,1 +"Spokeswoman Irina Volk was quoted by the Interfax news agency Saturday as saying the problem had been ""localized"" and that no information was compromised."," Ministry spokeswoman Irina Volk was quoted by the Interfax news agency Saturday as saying the problem had been ""localized"" and that no information was compromised.",1 +"The vast majority of units affiliated with conservative religious denominations have remained in the fold, still free to exclude gay adults.","The vast majority of troops affiliated with conservative religious denominations have remained in the fold, still free to exclude gay adults.",1 + Voting was taking place Wednesday in three of Nepal's seven provinces., Voting took place Wednesday in three of Nepal's seven provinces.,0 + The Hamilton County coroner said she is reopening the investigation into Gabriel's suicide.,The Hamilton County coroner said earlier that she is reopening the investigation into Gabriel's suicide.,1 +"His co-defendant was charged with aggravated assault, but the extent of the victim's injuries wasn't immediately known.","His co-defendant was charged with aggravated assault, but the extent of the victim's injuries was not known.",0 + Gianforte campaign said officials said they expect the investments to come up in Saturday's debate and were preparing to respond., Gianforte campaign officials said they expect the investments to come up in Saturday's debate and were preparing to respond.,0 +" Three officers on the ground shot the suspect after he pointed a large-caliber hand gun at them, Zimmerman said."," Three officers arrived and shot Selis after he pointed a large-caliber handgun at them, she said.",1 +Bob Hasegawa was following with 8.6 percent and former Mayor Mike McGinn with 7.2 percent.,Bob Hasegawa with 8.6 percent and former Mayor Mike McGinn with 7.2 percent.,1 + Trump's foreign trip this month includes a stop at the Vatican.," The decision comes ahead of Trump's first foreign trip, which includes a stop at the Vatican.",1 +" Democratic lawmakers are overwhelmingly opposed to the bill, which also faces major obstacles in the Senate.",": ""We need relief."" Democrats overwhelmingly opposed to the Republican bill, which faces major obstacles in the Senate.",1 +"Even so, some religious leaders have argued the rule has a chilling effect on free speech, and have advocated for years for repeal.","Even so, some religious leaders have argued the rule has a chilling effect on free speech.",1 +The April 9 incident ignited a debate about poor service and a lack of customer-friendly policies on U.S. airlines.,The incident ignited a debate about poor service and a lack of customer-friendly policies on U.S. airlines.,0 +" The problems can be frustrating and waste agents' time, said Claude Arnold, a former special agent-in-charge for ICE's homeland security investigations in Los Angeles."," The problems are deeply frustrating for immigration agents, said Claude Arnold, a former special agent-in-charge for ICE's homeland security investigations in Los Angeles.",0 +" Trump's wife, Melania, and son Barron, live at the Tower most of the time while the 11-year-old finishes the school year."," Trump's wife, Melania, and son Barron live at Trump Tower most of the time while the 11-year-old finishes the school year.",0 +"Neal Foster of Nome said he found Eastman's comments shocking, and he urged during a floor speech that Eastman apologize.",Neal Foster of Nome said Eastman's comments were unacceptable and said he hoped Eastman would apologize.,0 +" ""To effectively combat terrorism, extremism, neo-Nazism and other threats, consolidation of the entire international community is necessary."," ""To effectively combat terrorism, extremism, neo-Nazism and other threats, consolidation of the entire international community is necessary,"" he said.",0 + He had trained for months before the attempt and had said he did not suffer from any respiratory problems and blood pressure was normal.," He had trained for months before the attempt, saying that he did not suffer from any respiratory problems and his blood pressure was normal.",1 + Flynn resigned in February after published reports detailed Yates's conversation with McGahn., Flynn resigned in February after published reports detailed Yates's conversation with the White House.,1 +" Greene last played a game in 2014 for the Chicago Bears, who drafted him in 2013."," Greene last played a game in 2014 for the Chicago Bears, who drafted him in the fourth round of the 2013 draft.",1 + Three other members of the family were taken to hospitals with injuries that are not life threatening.," Other members of the family were taken to hospitals with injuries, including a 10-year-old boy in critical condition with severe burns.",1 +"""Dismantling the law will force consumers to go it alone against Wall Street."" The Republican-led overhaul of Dodd-Frank was crafted by Rep.","David Cicilline, D-R.I. ""Republicans want nothing more than to kill it."" The Republican-led overhaul of Dodd-Frank was crafted by Rep.",0 +" ""The issue, pure and simple, came down to a matter of trust,"" Spicer said."," ""The issue, pure and simple, came down to a matter of trust,"" Spicer told reporters.",1 +He hasn't set foot in the city since leaving on Jan. 19 to head to Washington to be inaugurated into office the following day.,He hasn't set foot in the city since leaving on Jan. 19 for Washington to be inaugurated into office the following day.,1 +The Dallas County medical examiner ruled his death a homicide., The Dallas County medical examiner ruled Edwards' death a homicide.,1 + The announcement Tuesday comes days after North Korea successfully tested a powerful new missile that analysts believe could reach Alaska when perfected., The announcement came days after North Korea successfully tested a powerful new missile that analysts believe could reach Alaska when perfected.,1 + The island's low birth rate also is expected to keep driving down enrollment.,The island's low birth rate also is expected to keep driving down enrollment.,0 +" Two ships from France are participating, both of which are in the middle of a four-month deployment to the Indian and Pacific oceans.", Two French ships on a four-month deployment to the Indian and Pacific oceans are featured in the drills.,0 + Authorities said Bowden is suspected of killing Yell County Sheriff's Lt., Bowden is suspected in the killing of Yell County Sheriff's Lt.,1 +" The AP's general counsel, Karen Kaiser, said the news organization stands by its story and will defend itself vigorously."," The AP's general counsel, Karen Kaiser, says the news organization stands by its story and will defend itself.",1 + Prosecutors had painted the Ridge man as a monster and blamed the foster care system for lax oversight at his suburban Long Island home., Prosecutors had painted the Ridge man as a monster and blamed the foster care system for lax oversight at his Long Island home.,0 +" Paying ransom will not ensure any fix, said Eiichi Moriya, a cybersecurity expert and professor at Meiji University."," Eiichi Moriya, a cybersecurity expert and professor at Meiji University, warned that paying the ransom would not guarantee a fix.",1 + Surveillance video showed Piazza falling multiple times at the alcohol-fueled pledge acceptance party., Authorities say video surveillance shows Piazza stumbling and falling after an alcohol-fueled pledge acceptance party.,1 +" Puebla state authorities reported that 22 others were injured in Monday night's blast in the town of San Isidro, in Chilchotla municipality."," National Civil Protection Coordinator Luis Felipe Puente said 25 others were injured in Monday night's blast in the town of San Isidro, in Chilchotla municipality.",1 +Circuit Court of Appeals said last July the state provided no evidence of the kind of in-person voter fraud the ID mandate would address.,Circuit said last July the state provided no evidence of the kind of in-person voter fraud the ID mandate would address.,0 + The person spoke on condition of anonymity so as not to pre-empt the testimony.,The person spoke on condition of anonymity so as not to pre-empt the testimony.,0 +Asa Hutchinson and Attorney General Leslie Rutledge expressed their condolences to the deputy's family and praised his 25 years in law enforcement.,Asa Hutchinson and Attorney General Leslie Rutledge expressed their condolences to the deputy's family and praised his decades in law enforcement.,0 +" In a lunch meeting with senators in February, Trump said that he and former Republican Sen."," But in a lunch meeting with senators in February, Trump said he and former Republican Sen.",0 + The parade marking the anniversary of Nazi Germany's surrender is a highly ritualized display and marked changes in its order are unusual., The Red Square parade is a highly ritualized display and marked changes in its order are unusual.,1 +" ""I would like to see him impeached and locked up,"" she said."," ""He doesn't like to work with people who don't like to work for him,"" she said.",0 + The state Bureau of Criminal Investigation is leading the probe into what happened.,""" The state Bureau of Criminal Investigation is leading the probe into what happened.",0 +"Like President Donald Trump, Pruitt denies the consensus of climate scientists that manmade carbon emissions are the primary driver of climate change."," Like President Donald Trump, Pruitt denies the consensus of climate scientists that manmade carbon emissions are the primary driver of climate change.",0 +" She was previously scheduled to appear in March before a House committee investigating Russian interference in the presidential election, but that hearing was canceled.","She had been scheduled to appear in March before the House intelligence committee, but that hearing was canceled.",1 +" The officer fatally shot Edwards, a high school freshman leaving a party with four other teenagers Saturday night."," Edwards, a high school freshman, was leaving the party with his two brothers and two other teenagers Saturday night.",1 +"His voice is not insignificant, but his candidacy will be treated as anyone else's.","(Vall's) voice is not insignificant, but his candidacy will be treated like anyone else's.",1 +" Like other conservative religions, the Mormon church opposes gay marriage and teaches that being in a homosexual relationship is a sin."," Like other conservative faiths, the Mormon church opposes gay marriage and teaches that being in a homosexual relationship is a sin.",0 +He has admitted to participating in two rocket attacks on U.S. forces.,He admitted participating in two rocket attacks on U.S. forces.,0 +"Purdue University sent overseas applicants a note from two mayors touting Indiana's ""friendly smiles"" and hospitality.","Similarly, Purdue University sent overseas applicants a note from two mayors touting Indiana's ""friendly smiles"" and hospitality.",0 + The special election came after similar taxes were adopted last year in cities from Philadelphia to San Francisco., The vote came after similar taxes were adopted last year in cities from Philadelphia to San Francisco.,0 +" But health advocates who have championed the rules are concerned about the freeze in sodium levels, in particular."," But the health advocates who have championed the rules are concerned about the freeze in sodium levels, in particular.",0 +" Fireworks are a mainstay of holiday celebrations in Mexico, and accidental blasts are occasionally deadly."," Fireworks are a mainstay of holiday celebrations in Mexico, and accidental blasts are relatively common occurrences often with fatal consequences.",1 +It marked the latest fluctuation as Trump's administration struggles to articulate its policy for addressing the growing threat from North Korea's nuclear program., It marked the latest fluctuation as Trump's administration struggles to explain its policy for addressing the growing threat from North Korea's nuclear program.,0 +It rolls back a proposed rule that investment advisers put their clients' interests ahead of their own.,It would roll back a proposed rule that investment advisers put their clients' interests ahead of their own.,0 +Pacific island of Guam are moving ahead as scheduled a day after being suspended when a French landing craft ran aground.,"Pacific island of Guam were moving ahead as scheduled Saturday, one day after being suspended when a French landing craft ran aground.",1 +" In February, a handful of top-level military officials resigned while accusing Kiir and Malong of ethnic bias and corruption.","In February, a handful of top-level military officials resigned while accusing Kiir and Malong of ethnic bias and corruption.",0 +"Many of the bodies, it said, are then being burned in the crematorium.","Many of the bodies, it said, are then burned in the crematorium.",0 +Joshua Hays said Saturday Japanese soldiers will practice rubber craft raids.,"Joshua Hays, a spokesman for the U.S. 3rd Marine Division, said Japanese soldiers will practice rubber craft raids.",1 +""" Whether that will look the same a year from now is unclear, she added.",""" What that will look like a year from now is unclear, she added.",0 +" ""Every support to the president is welcome,"" said Jean-Paul Delevoye, the president of the commission in charge of assessing candidates."," ""All support for the president is welcome,"" said Jean-Paul Delevoye, head of the Republic on the Move panel assessing the candidates.",1 +"Cybersecurity experts say the unknown hackers who launched this weekend's ""ransomware"" attacks used a vulnerability that was exposed in NSA documents leaked online.",Cybersecurity experts say the unknown hackers who launched the attacks used a vulnerability that was exposed in NSA documents leaked online.,0 +Hundreds of foreign climbers are on the mountains to attempt scale Himalayan peaks in May when there are a few windows of favorable weather.,Hundreds of foreign climbers are in the Himalayan region to attempt to climb peaks in May when weather is most favorable.,0 +" The 200,000 victims included more than 100,000 organizations, Europol spokesman Jan Op Gen Oorth told The Associated Press.","So far, not many people have paid the ransom demanded by the malware, Europol spokesman Jan Op Gen Oorth told The Associated Press.",1 + TOKYO (AP) -- North Korea's parliament has sent a rare letter of protest to the U.S., TOKYO (AP) -- A North Korean parliamentary committee sent a rare letter of protest to the U.S.,1 +" Tens of thousands of immigrants and their allies are expected to rally in cities such as New York, Chicago, Seattle and Los Angeles.","Tens of thousands of immigrants and their allies planned to rally in major cities, including New York, Chicago, Seattle and Los Angeles.",1 + The counselors are typically top academic experts in their fields tasked with helping ensure the agency's scientists follow best practices.,""" Members of the Board of Scientific Counselors are typically top academic experts tasked with helping ensure the agency's scientists follow well-established best practices.",1 +" -Michael J. Garcia, a former prosecutor and associate judge on New York's appeals court -Sen."," -Michael J. Garcia, a former prosecutor and associate judge on New York's highest court.",0 +""" A private service will be held in Texas where he was from.", A private service will be held in his native Texas.,0 +Trump won the presidency with an Electoral College victory despite losing to Democrat Hillary Clinton by nearly 3 million votes.,Trump won the presidency with an Electoral College victory even though Clinton received nearly 3 million more votes.,1 +"Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called Thursday for more support for drought-stricken Somalia, with the U.N. chief requesting another $900 million in aid this year.","Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called for more support to counter Somalia's deadly drought, with the U.N. chief requesting another $900 million in aid this year.",1 +" Rama, also leader of the Socialist Party, and Democratic leader Lulzim Basha, have failed to reach a compromise after two meetings this week."," Rama, leader of the Socialist Party, and Democratic leader Lulzim Basha, have failed to reach a compromise on elections after two meetings this week.",1 +"On a trip to India, the president of Portland State University reassured prospective students they'd be safe on his campus.","On a recent trip to India, the president of Portland State University told prospective students they'd be safe on his campus.",0 +" It was not clear how Steck died but he was planning to climb 8,850-meter (29,035-foot) Mount Everest and nearby Mount Lhotse next month.",""" Steck was planning to climb 8,850-meter (29,035-foot) Mount Everest and nearby Mount Lhotse next month.",1 +" Joining the Boy Scouts is practically automatic among Mormon boys, with the church covering the cost of troops for congregations and strongly encouraging participation.",Joining the Boy Scouts is practically automatic among Mormon boys.,1 +" At least five of the dead were tourists, China's official Xinhua News Agency said.","At least five of the dead were tourists, China's official Xinhua News Agency said.",0 +Here's a brief look at the monarch's most loyal subject as he announces he will step back from royal duties.,Here's a brief look at the monarch's most loyal subject as he begins retirement.,1 +" ""I gave all my body and soul (to the election) to the very end."," ""I gave all my body and soul (to the election) to the very end,"" Moon, 64, told reporters after casting his ballot.",1 +"Others are Paul Abbate, who oversees the FBI's criminal and cyber branch, and William Evanina, the government's chief counterintelligence officer.","Others are Paul Abbate, who oversees the FBI's criminal and cyber branch, and William Evanina, the government's chief counterintelligence officer and a former FBI supervisor.",1 +The National Transportation Safety Board is en route to investigate.,The National Transportation Safety Board is investigating and planned a news conference Friday evening.,1 + Federal Judge Marcos Josegrei da Silva sentenced the men Thursday to between 6 and 15 years in prison., Federal Judge Marcos Josegrei da Silva sentenced the men to between 6 and 15 years in prison.,0 +"The legislation would lead to an estimated increase of 24 million more uninsured people within 10 years, according to congressional analysts.","The legislation would lead to an estimated increase of 24 million uninsured people within 10 years, according to congressional analysts.",0 +" On Thursday the president issued an executive order directing the Treasury Department not to take ""adverse action"" against churches or religious organizations for political speech.","Trump's order directs the Treasury Department not to take ""adverse action"" against churches or religious organizations for political speech.",1 +"In May, Durham was found incompetent to stand trial in those shootings, which are not related to the slaying of Rose.", Durham has twice been found incompetent to stand trial in those shootings.,1 + But he told the Senate Judiciary Committee that the FBI cannot take into account how its actions might benefit or harm politicians.,But he told the Senate Judiciary Committee the FBI cannot take into account how its actions might benefit or harm politicians.,0 + Mingma Sherpa of the Seven Summit Treks said Steck was killed at Camp 1 of Mount Nuptse.," Ueli Steck was killed at Camp 1 of Mount Nuptse, Mingma Sherpa of Seven Summit Treks said.",1 +"I will be a candidate in the presidential majority and I wish to join up to his movement, the Republic on the Move.","I will be a candidate in the presidential majority and I wish to join his movement, the Republic on the Move.",0 + Mates said he disagreed with the findings in the report., Mates previously said he disagreed with the findings in the report.,1 +"Premiums for private insurance were about to jump, and 19 states continued to refuse the ACA's Medicaid expansion.","Premiums for private insurance were about to jump, and 19 states continued to refuse the law's Medicaid expansion.",0 +"""We need a leader who could restore the people's trust in government that had been damaged by Park's scandal.","""We need a leader who can restore the people's trust in government that was damaged by Park's scandal.",0 +Associated Press writers Eric Tucker in Washington and Nick Riccardi in Denver contributed to this report., --- Associated Press writers Sadie Gurman and Eric Tucker in Washington and Nick Riccardi in Denver contributed to this report.,1 +" The position is currently held by Andrew McCabe, top deputy to ex-FBI Director James Comey, who President Donald Trump fired on Tuesday evening."," The position is currently held by Andrew McCabe, top deputy to ex-FBI Director James Comey, who was fired by President Donald Trump on Tuesday evening.",1 +" GREECE: Several thousand protesters gathered outside Greece's parliament, and unions braced for more austerity measures imposed by bailout lenders."," --- GREECE Several thousand protesters gathered outside Greece's parliament, and unions braced for more austerity measures imposed by bailout lenders.",0 + The announcement answered one of the lingering questions surrounding the first family's unusual living arrangement., The announcement Monday answered one of the lingering questions surrounding the first family's unusual living arrangement.,0 +Demonstrations also are planned for dozens of smaller cities from Ft.,Demonstrations also were expected in dozens of smaller cities from Ft.,1 + Seattle voters were narrowing the field of 21 mayoral candidates down to two who will campaign against each other until a November election., Seattle voters were narrowing the field of 21 mayoral candidates down to two who will run against each other in a November election.,1 +"Critics contend it suppresses voter turnout, particularly among young and minority voters, and that there have been few cases of fraud."," Critics contend it suppresses voter turnout, particularly among young and minority voters, and that there have been few cases of fraud.",0 +" Authorities said Brenda Lopez and Pantaleon Santos, both of Rhode Island, were pronounced dead at the scene.", Rhode Island residents Brenda Lopez and Pantaleon Santos were pronounced dead at the scene.,1 + The bill would repeal a rule that bans banks from engaging in propriety trading or forming certain relationships with private equity funds.,""" The bill would repeal a rule that bans banks from engaging in propriety trading or forming certain relationships with private equity funds.",0 +"Under rules of the Senate, Republicans could still confirm an FBI director with 51 votes.","Under Senate rules, Republicans could still confirm an FBI director with 51 votes.",0 + It is the largest mass closure of schools announced in the history of the U.S. territory., The school shutdown announced Friday will be the largest mass closure of schools in the island's history.,1 +"He was a father of six children, with a seventh on the way, the sheriff said."," Disario, 36, was a father of six children, with a seventh on the way, the sheriff said.",1 +" The first part of a two-part interview with Shayanna Jenkins-Hernandez aired Monday on the ""Dr. Phil "" show."," The second part of a two-part interview with Shayanna Jenkins-Hernandez is scheduled to air Tuesday on the ""Dr. Phil"" show.",1 +" Trump will nominate Callista Gingrich for the post, two people with direct knowledge of the discussions said Monday.", Two people with direct knowledge of the discussions said President Donald Trump will nominate Callista Gingrich for the post.,1 +"Many identified themselves as being affiliated with environmental groups, while others said they were just taxpayers worried about maintaining safe sources of drinking water.",Others said they were taxpayers worried about maintaining safe sources of drinking water.,0 +" Democrats and environmental groups say the rule protects the public health and generates millions in revenue for state, local and tribal governments."," Democrats and environmental groups countered that the rule protects the public health and generates millions of dollars in revenue for state, local and tribal governments.",1 +"Mark Warner of Virginia, the top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, said his panel or another congressional committee would ""absolutely"" subpoena the tapes.","Mark Warner of Virginia, the top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, said his panel or another committee would ""absolutely"" subpoena the tapes.",0 + Arusha Region Police Commander Charles Mkumbo said the bus was carrying the students from a primary school in Arusha for an examination on Saturday.," The bus had been carrying the students from a primary school in Arusha for an examination, Arusha Region Police Commander Charles Mkumbo said.",1 +"""It might not sound too good, but I'm not really not sure if this is a large deal.","""It might not sound too good, but I'm not really sure if this is a large deal.",0 + The maximum sentence for blasphemy in Muslim-majority Indonesia is five years in prison.,The maximum sentence for blasphemy in Indonesia is five years in prison.,0 +" Being born in the mountains, he had did not have problem with high altitude and the low level of oxygen there."," Being born in the mountains, he said he had did not have any problems with high altitude or the low levels of oxygen there.",0 +House of Representatives over its new package of tougher sanctions.,House of Representatives on Friday over its new package of tougher sanctions.,0 +"She has been indicted on bribery, extortion and other corruption charges, which could send her to jail for life if she is convicted.",""" Park's trial later this month on bribery, extortion and other corruption charges, could send her to jail for life if she is convicted.",1 +""" Among others on a list they put together were former German President Joachim Gauck, and Justice Minister Heiko Maas, she said.",""" Among others on their list were former German President Joachim Gauck, and Justice Minister Heiko Maas, she said.",1 +"In June of last year, he passed a note demanding money at a Boston bank.","Last June, he passed a note demanding money at a Boston bank.",0 +"Department of Homeland Security organized a telephone conference to take place Friday afternoon with ""key European partners"" - France, Britain, Germany, Spain and Italy.","Department of Homeland Security organized a telephone conference with ""key European partners"" - France, Britain, Germany, Spain and Italy.",0 +"When the video started, he and his wife Evelyn left the courtroom.","When the video started, Jim Piazza and his wife, Evelyn Piazza, left the courtroom.",1 +Officers were called to the scene to investigate an underage drinking complaint.,Police arrived at the scene to investigate an underage drinking complaint and spotted the vehicle leaving.,1 +United kingdom The drills around Guam and Tinian may also get the attention of nearby North Korea., The drills around Guam and Tinian may also get the attention of nearby North Korea.,0 + Czech authorities arrested Nikulin in Prague on Oct. 5 in cooperation with the FBI after Interpol issued an international warrant., Czech authorities arrested Yevgeniy Nikulin in Prague on Oct. 5 in cooperation with the FBI after Interpol issued an international warrant.,0 + The University of Texas is blocks from downtown Austin and the Texas capitol building and is one of the nation's largest universities., The University of Texas is blocks from downtown Austin and the Texas Capitol and is one of the nation's largest universities.,0 +Attorney Jenny Durkan with a runaway lead in a crowded race to replace current Mayor Ed Murray.,Attorney Jenny Durkan leading in a crowded race to replace Mayor Ed Murray.,1 +Ahok said he would appeal but it was unclear if he would be released once an appeal was underway.,"Ahok said he would appeal, but it was unclear if he would be released once that process is underway.",1 +" ""The issue, pure and simple, came down to a matter of trust,"" Spicer told reporters."," ""The issue, pure and simple, came down to a matter of trust,"" Spicer said.",1 +And dozens of other schools produced online videos to welcome foreign students.,Dozens of other schools produced online videos to welcome foreign students.,0 + Microsoft's top lawyer is laying some of the blame at the feet of the U.S. government., The president of Microsoft laid some of the blame at the feet of the U.S. government.,0 +" Overall there were 6,172 reports of sexual assault filed in 2016, compared to 6,083 the previous year."," According to the new report released Monday, there were 6,172 reports of sexual assault filed in 2016, compared to 6,083 the previous year.",1 +The agency notes there also are reports of additional patients with non-life-threatening injuries.,"There were reports of additional patients with non-life-threatening injuries, the agency said.",0 +"Bill Huizenga of Michigan accused Democrats of engaging in hyperbole ""at an insane level."" And Rep.",Bill Huizenga of Michigan accused Democrats of engaging in hyperbole.,1 +" By early afternoon, flowers and flags were appearing in an impromptu memorial outside the village police hall.",""" Flowers and flags appeared in an impromptu memorial outside the village police hall.",1 + ISTANBUL (AP) -- Workers and activists marked May Day with defiant rallies and marches for better pay and working conditions Monday., ISTANBUL (AP) -- Workers and activists marked May Day around the world Monday with defiant rallies and marches for better pay and working conditions.,1 +""" Han took that a step further on Thursday with the extradition statement.",""" Han took that a step further with the extradition statement.",0 +"""It's gestural as far as I can tell,"" Silk said. ""It seems like a whimper.","""It's gestural as far as I can tell,"" Silk said.",1 +"Two years after the war, they married at Westminster Abbey."," Two years after the war ended, they married in 1947 at Westminster Abbey.",1 +" The slain police chief was identified as Steven Eric Disario, who headed the Kirkersville Police Department, Licking County Sheriff Randy Thorp said."," The slain police chief, Steven Eric Disario, had headed the Kirkersville Police Department for only about three weeks, Licking County Sheriff Randy Thorp said.",1 +Dardanelle is about 65 miles (105 kilometers) west of Little Rock.,"Kevin C. Mainhart during a traffic stop early that morning near the home, which is about 65 miles (105 kilometers) west of Little Rock.",1 + The Defense Ministry had said cloud-seeding planes would be deployed to disperse the overcast skies Tuesday above Moscow., The Defense Ministry had said cloud-seeding planes would be deployed to disperse the overcast skies.,1 +The agreement covers a number of long-standing barriers in areas ranging from agriculture to energy to the operation of American financial firms in China.,It covers a range of long-standing barriers from agriculture to energy to the operation of American financial firms in China.,0 +" They are among nearly a dozen candidates Trump is considering, a group that includes several lawmakers, attorneys and law enforcement officials.","They are among nearly a dozen candidates Trump is considering, a group that includes several lawmakers, attorneys and law enforcement officials.",0 +"He has received some criticism for spending about half of his weekends as president at his waterfront estate in Palm Beach, Florida."," He has received some criticism for spending about half of his weekends as president at his estate in Palm Beach, Florida.",0 +"Giuseppe Governale summarized the scam by saying: ""The welcome center and 'Mercy' were the ATMs of the mafia.","Giuseppe Governale summarized the scam: ""The welcome center and 'Mercy' were the ATMs of the mafia.",0 +"The agency has returned $29 billion to 12 million consumers who were victims of deceptive marketing, discriminatory lending or other financial wrongdoing.","The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has returned $29 billion to 12 million consumers who were victims of deceptive marketing, discriminatory lending or other financial wrongdoing.",1 +""" --- 'I DON'T LET THINGS UPSET ME TOO MUCH' When it comes to Donald Trump, Tom Stump is taking the long view.",""" --- 'I DON'T LET THINGS UPSET ME TOO MUCH' When it comes to Trump, Tom Stump is taking the long view.",0 +" One man and two women were killed in the crash, Middlesex District Attorney Marian Ryan said at a news conference."," One man and two women were killed in the crash, Middlesex District Attorney Marian Ryan said.",1 +"John Cornyn of Texas, the No. 2 Senate leader and a former state attorney general.","John Cornyn, the No. 2 Senate leader and a former Texas attorney general.",1 +The person spoke on condition of anonymity so as not to pre-empt the testimony., The person spoke on condition of anonymity so as not to pre-empt the testimony.,0 + Macron has said he was aiming for an absolute majority in the lower chamber in June's elections.,""" Macron has said he is aiming for an absolute majority in the lower chamber in June's elections.",1 + --- Follow Colvin and Thomas on Twitter at https://twitter.com/colvinj and https://twitter.com/KThomasDC., --- On Twitter follow Colvin at https://twitter.com/colvinj and Thomas at https://twitter.com/KThomasDC,0 +" Trump campaigned against immigration, including by Muslims, and was enraged by the agreement.",""" Trump campaigned against immigration, including by Muslims, and was enraged by the agreement.",0 + Manhattan is where Trump made a name by transforming himself from a local real-estate developer into a celebrity businessman and now president., Manhattan is where Trump made a name by transforming himself from real-estate developer into a celebrity businessman and now president.,0 +The release also noted that police reviewed the video and no charges were filed., The release also noted that police reviewed the video and no charges were filed.,0 +Two of the attacks' perpetrators were found to have overstayed their visas.,Two attack perpetrators were found to have overstayed their visas.,0 +He was 68. Boothe's publicist says he died of natural causes at his home in Los Angeles Sunday.,He was 68. Boothe's publicist said he died of natural causes at his home in Los Angeles on Sunday.,0 +An additional man was taken to the hospital after he broke his arm while fleeing.,One man was taken to the hospital after he broke his arm running away.,0 +" Before he signed the proclamation, Perdue and Senate Agriculture Chairman Pat Roberts, R-Kansas, ate chicken nuggets, fruit and salad with children at Catoctin Elementary."," Before he signed the proclamation, Perdue and Senate Agriculture Chairman Pat Roberts, R-Kan.",0 +""" --- 'NATIONAL TRAGEDY' Oklahoma City bookstore owner Charles Martin supported Hillary Clinton in November, but he's tried to remain hopeful during the Trump presidency."," --- 'NATIONAL TRAGEDY' Oklahoma City bookstore owner Charles Martin supported Hillary Clinton in November, but he's tried to remain hopeful during the Trump presidency.",0 +Jurors in a federal court decided that he used seeds without the university's permission., Jurors in the federal court decided that he used seeds developed at UC Davis without gaining the university's permission.,1 +" The government found no impact among agencies, though companies like Hitachi and Nissan Motor Co. reported problems that had not seriously affected their business operations.",Companies including Hitachi and Nissan Motor Co. reported problems but said they said had not seriously affected their business operations.,1 +" Bolanos, 38, was a pediatric anesthesiologist at Massachusetts Eye and Ear, according to its website, and an instructor at Harvard Medical School."," Bolanos, 38, was a pediatric anesthesiologist at Massachusetts Eye and Ear and an instructor at Harvard Medical School.",0 +"Geran Tarr, an Anchorage Democrat, called Eastman's comments ""deeply offensive, racist in nature and misogynistic."" She said she may seek a motion to censure Eastman.","Geran Tarr, an Anchorage Democrat, said she may seek a motion to censure Eastman.",1 +"Leezandra Aponte, of Lowell, died after being taken to the hospital after the crash.",Lowell resident Leezandra Aponte was taken to a hospital after the crash and died there.,1 +"Jeb Hensarling of Texas, the chairman of the House Financial Services Committee.","Jeb Hensarling of Texas, chairman of the House Financial Services Committee.",0 +But it's not clear if he will be able to do so.,"It's not clear, however, if he will be able to do so.",1 +""" Asked what he would consider to be success on his expedition, Steck told Tages-Anzeiger: ""Of course I want to climb Everest and Lhotse.",""" ""Of course I want to climb Everest and Lhotse,"" Steck told the paper when asked about his measure of success.",0 +"The House passed the measure Wednesday on a big bipartisan vote, though 103 of the chamber's conservative Republicans opposed the bill."," The House passed the measure Wednesday on a big bipartisan vote, though 103 of the chamber's conservative Republicans opposed the bill.",0 +The Wasilla lawmaker remained defiant and called for hearings on abortion funding.," But Eastman, who is from Wasilla, remained defiant Friday and called for hearings on abortion funding.",1 +" While Trump's action on the Johnson Amendment aims to please religious conservatives, some oppose any action that would weaken the policy."," While Trump's action on the Johnson Amendment aims to please religious conservatives, not all of them are on board.",1 +" A grand jury indicted Khaseem Greene for weapon possession on Tuesday in a December shooting in Elizabeth, where Greene is from."," Khaseem Greene was charged with unlawful weapon possession in a Dec. 3, 2016, shooting in Elizabeth, where he is from.",1 + The Xinhua News Agency said strong tremors could be felt in Chengdu., Xinhua said strong tremors could be felt in Chengdu and other cities in the area.,1 +" A government statement Tuesday says the blast took place the previous night in the town of San Isidro, in the Chilchotla municipality."," The Puebla state government reported that five children were among the fatal victims of Monday night's blast in the town of San Isidro, Chilchotla municipality.",1 + Moon was the clear favorite as conservative forces struggled to regroup after the huge corruption scandal ended Park Geun-hye's presidency.,Moon was the clear favorite as conservative forces worked to regroup Park's devastating scandal.,0 + Bowden is suspected in the killing of Yell County Sheriff's Lt.,Investigators allege that he gunned down Yell County Sheriff's Lt.,1 +" As demonstrations take over Caracas almost daily, normal life has continued, but the atmosphere is suffused with tension and uncertainty."," As demonstrations take over Caracas almost daily, normal life has continued, but the atmosphere is suffused with uncertainty.",0 + The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment., The White House did not respond to a request for comment.,0 +" -- Associated Press writers Julie Pace, Catherine Lucey, Jill Colvin and Ken Thomas and Jan M. Olsen contributed to this report from Washington."," -- Associated Press writers Nancy Benac, Julie Pace, Catherine Lucey, Jill Colvin and Ken Thomas contributed to this report from Washington.",1 +" In Britain, the National Cyber Security Center says it is ""working round the clock"" with experts to restore vital health services."," In Britain, the National Cyber Security Center said it is ""working round the clock"" with experts to restore vital health services.",1 +"Steck's body has been recovered from the site and been taken to Lukla, where the only airport in the Mount Everest area is located.","Steck's body was taken to Lukla, where the only airport in the Mount Everest area is located.",1 + The Anti-Defamation League branded Pepe as a hate symbol last year and promoted Furie's efforts to reclaim the character from far-right extremists.,""" The Anti-Defamation League branded Pepe as a hate symbol in September 2016 and promoted Furie's efforts to reclaim the character.",1 + The Trump administration is looking to fill the job after President Donald Trump abruptly fired Director James Comey this past week.,""" The Trump administration is looking to fill the job, which requires Senate confirmation, after Trump abruptly fired Director James Comey on Tuesday.",1 +"The Obama administration created a buffer meant to shield those groups, but they said it didn't go far enough.","The Obama administration created a buffer meant to shield those groups, but they say it didn't go far enough.",0 +"By the time help was called the next day, a police official said he had the look of a ""corpse."" Piazza died days later."," By the time help was called the next day, a police official said, Piazza had the look of a ""corpse."" Piazza died days later.",0 +" Nine people were injured on May 3 when the 2006 Jeep Grand Cherokee apparently lurched out of control, striking people before crashing through a wall.",He was among nine people injured when the 2006 Jeep Grand Cherokee apparently lurched out of control and crashed through a wall.,1 + The China Earthquake Networks Center measured the earthquake at magnitude-7.0 and said it struck at a depth of 20 kilometers (12 miles).,The China Earthquake Networks Center said the quake had at magnitude of 7.0 and a depth of 20 kilometers (12 miles).,1 +"Lyndon Johnson, was enacted in 1954 and prohibited partisan political activity for churches and other tax-exempt organizations.","Lyndon Johnson, was put into force in 1954 and prohibited partisan political activity for churches and other tax-exempt organizations.",1 +"1. That's down from 6,750 in the third quarter of 2010, shortly after Dodd-Frank was enacted.","1. That's down from 6,750 in the third quarter of 2010, shortly after the financial overhaul.",1 +" Urban planner Cary Moon and attorney Oliver were vying for second place Tuesday evening with 15.6 percent and 13.9 percent, respectively."," Urban planner Cary Moon and attorney Nikkita Oliver were vying for second place with 15.6 percent and 13.9 percent, respectively.",1 +Should he ever return to Polish politics he would represent a major threat to Kaczynski.,"Should he ever return to Polish politics, he would represent a major threat to Kaczynski.",0 +" Stockholm police spokesman Lars Bystrom says ""it appears to have been lit from the outside."" He couldn't give further details pending an investigation."," Stockholm police spokesman Lars Bystrom said the suspect was questioned and then arrested, but did not elaborate pending an investigation.",1 +"David Eastman, who has raised concerns with using state funds and Medicaid to cover abortions.","David Eastman, who has cited concerns with abortions being covered by state funds and Medicaid, a government program for lower-income people.",1 + Rama and Basha and their technical staff were holding another meeting Thursday morning to draft the deal.,"Rama, Basha and their technical staffs were meeting later Thursday to draft the deal.",1 +" Piazza consumed what prosecutors said was a life-threatening amount of alcohol during a hazing ritual at the house in State College, Pennsylvania.", Piazza consumed what prosecutors said was a life-threatening amount of alcohol during a hazing ritual at the house in State College.,1 +"Sexual assault is a highly underreported crime, so the Pentagon uses anonymous surveys to track the problem."," Because sexual assault is a highly underreported crime, the Pentagon has used anonymous surveys for several years to track the problem.",0 + Neighbors and a relative have said there were children inside the home where a fire was reported shortly before 3 a.m.," Neighbors and a relative said there were children inside the home, where the fire was reported shortly before 3 a.m.",1 +Fisher faced resistance from Democrats during her confirmation over her alleged participation in discussions about detention policies at the Guantanamo Bay facility in Cuba.,"Fisher faced resistance from Democrats during her confirmation over her alleged participation in discussions about policies at the detention facility in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.",1 +His release comes as world leaders and major investors convene at the World Economic Forum in Switzerland.,"His release comes as world leaders and major investors convene at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.",1 +" The United States strongly criticized the decree, which State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert said also imposes travel restrictions."," The U.S. also strongly criticized the emergency decree, which State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert said also imposes travel restrictions.",1 +" While Egypt has a long history of archaeology, paleontology has not enjoyed the same popularity - or had the same success.",""" While Egypt has a long history of archaeology, paleontology has not enjoyed the same popularity - or had the same success.",0 +" Fragments from the Antonov An-148 airliner were found in the Ramenskoye area, about 40 kilometers (25 miles) from the airport."," Fragments from the twin-engine Antonov An-148 airliner were found in the Ramenskoye area, about 40 kilometers (25 miles) from the airport.",0 +" Prince Alwaleed's associates, who include a relative, told The Associated Press that his terms of release were not immediately known."," Prince Alwaleed's associates, who include a relative, told The Associated Press his terms of release were not immediately known.",0 +The Category 4 storm destroyed two-thirds of the island's power distribution system and caused up to an estimated $94 billion in damage.,The storm destroyed two-thirds of the island's power distribution system and caused up to an estimated $94 billion in damage.,0 + Friday's accident occurred just as British Prime Minister Theresa May was speaking at a business event in the city., Friday's crash occurred just as British Prime Minister Theresa May was speaking at a business event in Shanghai.,1 + Russian President Vladimir Putin put off a planned trip to Sochi in order to closely monitor the investigation., President Vladimir Putin put off a planned trip to Sochi to monitor the investigation.,1 +" Pence said his message, if he met any officials from the North, would be the same as it has been in public.",""" Pence said his message, if he met any officials from the North, would be the same as it has been in public.",0 +" ""All of us, all 146 million, have been put on some kind of list,"" he said at a meeting with activists of his campaign."," ""All of us, all 146 million, have been put on some kind of list,"" he said at a meeting with activists for his election campaign.",1 + Shooter told The Associated Press earlier in the day that he deserved to be punished but did nothing to justify expulsion., Shooter said earlier in the day that he deserved to be punished but did nothing to justify expulsion.,0 + Snyder and Seth Cline arrived at the same time and police said Smith opened fire on them.," Snyder and Seth Cline arrived in a pickup truck at the same time and were both shot and killed in their vehicle, state police said.",1 +" Dressed in shorts and athletic shirts, the two men spoke with reporters before a hike through Griffith Park."," Dressed in shorts and athletic shirts, the two men spoke with reporters before walking through Griffith Park.",0 +"The western U.S. should have good viewing, too, along with Russia.","The western U.S. also had good viewing, along with Russia.",1 +Another woman in the rear seat of the extended cab pickup truck only suffered injuries from broken glass.,Another unidentified woman in the rear seat took cover in the truck and survived with only minor injuries from broken glass.,1 +"The 37-year-old said little during his initial court hearing, responding through an interpreter as the judge explained the proceedings and charges."," The 37-year-old said little during his initial court hearing Wednesday, responding through an interpreter as a judge explained the proceedings and charges.",1 +" President Yameen Abdul Gayoom has ""systematically alienated his coalition, jailed or exiled every major opposition political figure"" since his election in 2013, Nauert said."," Yameen has ""systematically alienated his coalition, jailed or exiled every major opposition political figure"" since his election in 2013, Nauert said.",0 +"He had been set to run for re-election this year virtually unopposed, with all of his opponents either jailed or exiled."," Yameen had been set to run for re-election virtually unopposed, with all of his opponents either jailed or exiled.",0 + The head of Warsaw's Jewish community read a prayer and Tillerson made brief remarks about the importance of not forgetting the horrors of the Holocaust.," The head of Warsaw's Jewish community read a prayer, and Tillerson made brief remarks about the importance of not forgetting the horrors of the Holocaust.",0 +" At the end of his speech, he held his arm out, dropped the microphone on the floor and walked out.",""" At the end of his speech, he held his arm out, dropped the microphone on the floor and walked out.",0 +18. Mastropietro's dismembered remains of were found in two suitcases days after she walked away from a drug rehab community.,18. Her remains were found in two suitcases days after she walked away from a drug rehab community.,1 +" WARSAW, Poland (AP) -- The Polish Senate has begun debating a law regulating Holocaust speech which has sparked a diplomatic dispute with Israel."," WARSAW, Poland (AP) -- The Polish Senate on Wednesday began debating a law regulating Holocaust speech that has sparked a diplomatic dispute with Israel.",1 + The driver and two other people suffered serious injuries in the crash.," The 40-year-old driver, who police identified only by his surname Chen, and two other people suffered serious injuries.",1 +" The United Nations and several foreign governments, including the United States, have urged the Maldives to respect the court order."," The United Nations, United States and other foreign governments have urged the Maldives to respect the court order.",1 +" Scientists are keen to study the sharp, sudden drop in temperature at the lunar surface, as Earth's shadow blankets the moon."," Scientists were keen to study the sharp, sudden drop in temperature at the lunar surface as Earth's shadow blankets the moon.",0 +" Sallam, along with four Egyptian and five American researchers, authored an article in the journal ""Nature Ecology &"," Sallam, along with four Egyptian and five American researchers, authored an article in the journal Nature Ecology &",0 +" A companion list of 96 ""oligarchs"" is a carbon copy of Forbes magazine's Russian billionaires' rankings, only arranged alphabetically.","A companion list of 96 ""oligarchs"" is a carbon copy of Forbes magazine's Russian billionaires' rankings, only arranged alphabetically.",0 +" While indications showed the crash was an accident, vehicle driven terrorist attacks have killed scores globally in recent years."," While indications showed the crash was an accident, vehicle attacks have killed scores globally in recent years.",0 +He was charged late Tuesday by federal prosecutors with illegal re-entry of a previously deported alien.,"Late Tuesday, he was charged by federal prosecutors with illegal re-entry of a previously deported alien.",1 + The shooting spree also came amid a heated electoral campaign in Italy where anti-foreigner sentiment has become a key theme., Anti-foreigner sentiment has become a key theme of a heated electoral campaign.,1 +" Watching from the West Coast, the defending champions took notice.",""" Watching from the West Coast, the defending champions took notice.",0 +" While discounting some of Trump's more grandiose claims, many economists agree that he has generally made the United States more welcoming for businesses."," While discounting some of the president's more grandiose claims, many economists agree that he has generally made the United States more welcoming for businesses.",1 +"He was 94. Walker's son, Greg, said his father died Saturday at his home in Stamford, Connecticut.","He was 94. Walker died at his home in Stamford, Connecticut, said Greg Walker, his eldest son and a collaborator.",1 +"During the weekslong period, authorities place a special emphasis on safety on the road and aboard planes, trains and ferries.","During the weekslong period, authorities emphasize safety on the road and aboard planes, trains and ferries.",0 + The report contains a section about Ugenti-Rita's boyfriend sending sexually explicit communications to someone., The report says Ugenti-Rita's boyfriend sent sexually explicit communications to someone.,1 +(AP) -- The moon is putting on a rare cosmic show Wednesday.,"(AP) -- The moon put on a rare cosmic show Wednesday: a red blue moon, super big and super bright.",1 + The former fashion model paired the cropped-trouser suit with a white D&, The former fashion model paired the cropped-trouser suit with a white Dolce &,1 +" There is now some hope the discovery could bring more funding for the paleontology field in Egypt and financing for ongoing studies, Sallam said."," There is some hope the discovery could bring more funding for the paleontology field in Egypt and financing for current studies, Sallam said.",0 +" For the trivia crowd, the moon will be 223,820 miles (360,200 kilometers) away at the peak of the eclipse, close enough for supermoon status."," For the trivia crowd, the moon was 223,820 miles (360,200 kilometers) away at the peak of the eclipse, close enough for supermoon status.",1 +Jeremy Durham after an investigation detailed accusations of improper sexual contact with at least 22 women during his four years in office.,Jeremy Durham after an investigation detailed accusations of improper sexual contact with at least 22 women.,1 +The investigators determined that they happened but there was no credible evidence that Ugenti-Rita knew or was involved in the actions.,Investigators determined that happened but that there was no evidence Ugenti-Rita knew or was involved.,1 + Yonhap news agency says the hospital has 193 beds including 98 beds for the elderly who needs nursing care with 35 medical staff.,"The hospital has 193 beds including 98 beds for the elderly who needs nursing care with 35 medical staff, according to Yonhap news agency.",1 +" Yameen's former deputy Ahmed Adeeb, who had been jailed on accusations of plotting to kill the president, was also ordered released."," His former deputy, Ahmed Adeeb, who had been jailed on accusations of plotting to kill the president, was also ordered released.",1 +Footage on state television showed them strewn across a snowy field with no buildings nearby.,State television footage showed the pieces strewn across a snowy field.,1 +"Smith shot them when they got out and walked to the side of the car wash, they said.",They said he shot Porterfield and Cline when they got out of their car and walked to the side of the car wash.,1 +Other ultranationalist parties that espouse anti-Jewish and anti-Muslim views seem increasingly emboldened as well., Ultranationalists who espouse anti-Jewish and anti-Muslim views seem emboldened elsewhere as well.,1 +"It was not immediately clear if anyone was arrested, though some protesters were seen being taken away by police.","It was not immediately clear if anyone was arrested, though some protesters were taken away by police.",0 +"Michael Burgess, of Texas, Phil Roe of Tennessee, Larry Bucshon of Indiana and Roger Marshall of Kansas, and Sen.","Michael Burgess of Texas, Phil Roe of Tennessee, Larry Bucshon of Indiana and Roger Marshall of Kansas, according to those aboard.",1 +Wagner has denied any involvement in his wife's death and no charges have been filed., Wagner has denied any involvement in his wife's death and no charges have been filed.,0 +The associates spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the matter.,"The associates spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the matter, and there was no official comment on his release.",1 +" The Mansourasaurus' smaller size is more typical of the Mesozoic era, when dinosaurs' time was running out, geologically speaking, according to Sallam."," The Mansourasaurus' smaller size is more typical of the Mesozoic era, when dinosaurs' time was running out, geologically speaking, Sallam said.",0 +" The dismembered remains of Pamela Mastropietro, 18, were found in two suitcases days after she walked away from a drug rehab community.",18. Mastropietro's dismembered remains of were found in two suitcases days after she walked away from a drug rehab community.,1 +"The remaining patients were all in stable condition, with one in intensive care and Jennifer facing surgery on her shoulder, doctors said Sunday.","The remaining patients were all stable, with one in intensive care and Jennifer facing surgery on her shoulder, doctors said Sunday.",0 +" But Putin pointedly steered clear of criticizing Trump, describing the list as part of U.S. political infighting."," Notably, Putin pointedly steered clear of criticizing Trump, describing the list as part of U.S. political infighting.",1 +"The Paralititan Stromeri is believed to have been among the largest known animals, weighing in at 75 tons and over 30 meters (33 yards) long.","It was among the largest known dinosaurs, weighing in at 75 tons and over 30 meters (33 yards) long.",0 +""" A police news release did not mention the presence of anyone else in the pickup truck.", A police news release did not mention the presence of anyone else in the pickup truck.,0 +"Chen works for a Shanghai metals company and had no criminal record but was now under suspicion of transporting dangerous materials, police said.","Chen works for a Shanghai metals company and had no criminal record but is now under suspicion for transporting dangerous materials, police said.",1 +" ""He's very distraught to say the least,"" said his lawyer, Jorge Torres. ""He's very confused."," ""He's very distraught to say the least,"" Torres said. ""He's very confused.",1 +"Putin was to meet Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas on Monday in the Black Sea resort, where the president has an official residence.","Putin was to meet Monday with Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas at the Black Sea resort, where the president has an official residence.",0 +" The IOC last year banned 43 Russians over doping offenses at the Sochi Olympics, ruling they had been part of a scheme to dope.",""" The IOC last year banned 43 Russians for doping offenses at the Sochi Olympics, ruling they had been part of a scheme to dope.",0 + The agency also posted photos showing a road fractured in several parts.,The agency also posted photos showing a road fractured in several parts.,0 +Nataliya Vasilyeva and Kate de Pury in Moscow and Jill Colvin and Martin Crutsinger in Washington contributed.,"Nataliya Vasilyeva and Kate de Pury in Moscow and Jill Colvin, Richard Lardner and Martin Crutsinger in Washington contributed.",1 + The contractors and officials spoke on condition of anonymity in line with regulations and declined to reveal the exact size of the drawdown.,The contractors and the Iraqi officials spoke on condition of anonymity in line with regulations and declined to reveal the exact size of the drawdown.,1 +" The campaign, however, could still be far from over, with more arrests possible and aftershocks yet to materialize."," The anti-corruption campaign, however, could still be far from over, with more arrests possible and aftershocks yet to materialize.",0 + White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders confirmed the request Tuesday evening., White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders confirmed Trump's request for a parade on Tuesday.,1 +" In 1911, the German paleontologist Ernst Stromer led an exhibition to the oasis of Bahriya, also in Egypt's Western Desert."," In 1911, German paleontologist Ernst Stromer led an expedition to the oasis of Bahriya in the Western Desert.",1 +He cast the U.S. move as a blow to ordinary people.,But Putin cast the action in Washington as a blow to ordinary people.,1 +"That is, previous theories were that Africa's dinosaurs during that time existed as if on an island and developed independently from their northern cousins.",Those theories were that Africa's dinosaurs during that time existed as if on an island and developed independently from their northern cousins.,0 + Neither Trump nor Kagame mentioned the row during brief comments to reporters.,Neither Trump nor Kagame made any mention of the row during brief comments to reporters.,0 + The outbreak killed 76 people and nearly 800 people were sickened in what is considered the worst public health crisis in recent U.S. history.," The outbreak killed 76 people, and nearly 800 people were sickened in what is considered the worst public health crisis in recent U.S. history.",0 + The two most serious charges each carry maximum sentence of up to 20 years in prison.,The two more serious counts each carry a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison.,0 +Police said it was possible that the gunshot wound was self-inflicted.,State police said it was possible that the gunshot wound was self-inflicted.,1 +The attorney noted his client has been living and doing construction work in the Indianapolis area for several years.,Torres said his client has been living and doing construction work in the Indianapolis area for several years.,0 +"He also has numerous other misdemeanor convictions and arrests in California and Indiana, according to U.S.","He also has numerous other misdemeanor convictions and arrests in California and Indiana, said U.S.",0 +""" His words came amid signs in Europe and beyond that ultra-nationalism and extreme right-wing groups are on the rise.",""" His words came amid signs in Europe and beyond that ultranationalism and extreme right-wing groups are on the rise.",0 + Investigators said they believe Orrego-Savala was intoxicated at the time of the Indiana crash., Investigators said Orrego-Savala was living illegally in the U.S. at the time of Sunday's crash.,1 +" Still, the arrests were unprecedented in a country where royals and their associates have long been seen as operating above the law.","Still, the arrests were unprecedented in a country where royals and their associates have long been seen as operating above the law.",0 +His team is taking special precautions to keep the spacecraft warm during the eclipse.,His team took special precautions to keep the spacecraft warm during the eclipse.,1 + NASA is calling it a lunar trifecta: the first super blue blood moon since 1982., NASA called it a lunar trifecta: the first super blue blood moon since 1982.,0 +"After a night of drinking, her body was found floating in the water off California's Catalina Island.","After a night of drinking, her body was found floating in the waters off Southern California's Catalina Island.",0 +" Putin said the Kremlin had pondered possible retaliation while waiting for the list to be announced, but decided to refrain from action.","He said the Kremlin had pondered possible retaliation while waiting for the list to be announced, but decided to refrain from action.",0 +" ""We are disheartened that ghoulish and inappropriate public commentary has politicized this tragedy,"" the Democratic prosecutor said in a statement."," ""We are disheartened that ghoulish and inappropriate public commentary has politicized this tragedy,"" Curry, a Democrat, said in a statement.",1 +"The driver works for a Shanghai metals company and had no criminal record but was now under suspicion of transporting dangerous materials, police said.","Chen works for a Shanghai metals company and had no criminal record but was now under suspicion of transporting dangerous materials, police said.",1 + Police photos showed the shooting suspect with a neo-Nazi tattoo prominently on his forehead and an Italian flag tied around his neck., Photographs released by police showed Traini with a neo-Nazi tattoo prominently on his forehead and an Italian flag tied around his neck.,0 +"Add a total eclipse, known as a blood moon for its red tint, and it's a lunar showstopper.","Add a total eclipse, known as a blood moon for its red tint, and it was a lunar showstopper.",0 +Nasheed was one of the opposition leaders that the court ordered freed.," Nasheed was one of the opposition leaders the Supreme Court had ordered freed, ruling that the guilty verdicts had been politically influenced.",1 +" The statements differed from the original version of events that were provided by witnesses, including those who were on the boat, officials said."," The statements differed from the original version of events provided by witnesses, including those who were on the boat, she said.",1 + The North had said the parade would mark the 70th anniversary of its military founding., The North had said the parade and rally would mark the 70th anniversary of the founding of its military.,1 +"""Certainly, this is an unfriendly move, which further exacerbates the already strained Russia-US relations and hurts international relations as a whole.","""Certainly, this is an unfriendly move, which further exacerbates the already strained Russia-U.S. relations and hurts international relations as a whole.",0 + Putin's reluctance to criticize Trump shows that he still hopes for normalizing ties with Washington., Putin's reluctance to criticize Trump suggested the Russian leader still harbors hopes for normalizing ties with the United States.,0 + Attorney General Mohamed Anil said Police Chief Ahmed Areef was fired after the president had been repeatedly unable to reach him on the telephone., Attorney General Mohamed Anil said Police Chief Ahmed Areef was fired after the president was repeatedly unable to reach him on the telephone.,0 +"Indianapolis television station WRTV reported that Orrego-Savala told the judge through an interpreter: ""I wasn't driving the car.","Orrego-Savala told the judge through an interpreter: ""I wasn't driving the car.",0 + Jennifer told La Repubblica that she arrived in Italy seven months ago and joined her boyfriend in Macerata., Jennifer told the newspaper she arrived in Italy seven months ago and joined her boyfriend in Macerata.,1 +"The government, however, has not named those detained nor discussed the specific allegations against them.","The government, however, has not named those detained nor discussed the allegations against them.",0 +" Putin immediately struck that chord, pointing that those blacklisted by the U.S. control companies employing millions of Russians."," Mixing sarcasm and scorn, Putin immediately struck that chord Tuesday, saying that the people the U.S. named control companies employing millions of Russians.",1 +Nasheed was sentenced to 13 years in prison after he was convicted under the Maldives' anti-terror laws.,"He lost the 2013 presidential election to Yameen, then was convicted under Maldives' anti-terrorism laws over ordering the judge arrested.",1 +"During the weekslong period, authorities emphasize safety on the road and aboard planes, trains and ferries.","During the weeks-long period, authorities emphasize safety on the road and aboard planes, trains and ferries.",0 +" The #MeToo movement against sexual misconduct spread widely in October, with men in Hollywood, politics and elsewhere facing allegations."," The #MeToo movement against sexual misconduct spread widely in October, targeting men in Hollywood, politics and elsewhere.",1 +"This one also happens to be an especially close and bright moon, or supermoon.","This one also happened to be an especially close and bright moon, or supermoon.",0 +But he said he's most proud of making science real for people who otherwise aren't exposed to it as much., But he said he's most proud of making science real for people who otherwise aren't exposed to it as much.,0 +"Firefighters removed three liquefied gas canisters from the vehicle, he said.","Firefighters removed liquefied gas canisters from the vehicle, he said.",1 + One of the six victims -five African men and Jennifer - was treated and released Saturday., One of the six victims was treated and released Saturday.,1 +" Despite some federal aid, commuter railroads have had a hard time scraping up the money to pay for the technology."," Despite some federal aid, commuter railroads have had a hard time scraping up the money for the technology.",0 +" Three more appeals, all involving retired biathlon competitors, will be heard later.","Three more appeals, all involving retired biathlon competitors, will be heard later.",0 +" While Thomas struggled on the floor, he didn't help himself with some peculiar off-the-court comments.",""" While Thomas struggled on the floor, he didn't help himself with some peculiar off-the-court comments.",0 + Members of Congress expressed frustration that railroads appear to be backing off this year's deadline., Members of Congress expressed frustration with railroads backing off this year's deadline.,1 + Roberti ruled out any connection between Traini and the slain woman.,Roberti ruled out any personal connection between Traini and the slain woman.,0 +" Orrego-Savala had a 2005 conviction for driving under the influence in Redwood City, California.","In 2005, he was convicted for driving under the influence in Redwood City, California.",1 +" Meanwhile, Muslim immigrants have been the target of German far-right attacks or threats."," Meanwhile, Muslim immigrants have been targets of German far-right attacks or threats.",1 +"She said Trump wants the Pentagon to ""explore a celebration"" that will allow Americans to show appreciation for the military.","She says Trump wants the Pentagon to ""explore a celebration"" that would allow Americans to show appreciation for the military.",0 +He was seen as a potential contender for the throne until his arrest in the sweep.,He was seen as a potential contender for the throne until his arrest.,1 +" MOSCOW (AP) -- Twenty-eight Russian athletes had their Olympic doping bans overturned, throwing the International Olympic Committee's policy on Russian doping into turmoil."," MOSCOW (AP) -- Twenty-eight Russian athletes had their Olympic doping bans overturned Thursday, throwing the International Olympic Committee's policy on the country into turmoil.",1 +" Traini, who is Italian, was an unsuccessful candidate last year in a local election for the anti-migrant Northern League political party.", The suspect was an unsuccessful candidate last year in a local election for the anti-migrant Northern League political party.,1 +""" German Chancellor Angela Merkel marked the day by addressing the rising anti-Semitism in her weekly Saturday podcast.",""" German Chancellor Angela Merkel marked the day in her weekly podcast by addressing the reemergence of anti-Semitism.",1 +First lady Melania Trump has chosen a cream-colored Christian Dior pantsuit for her first State of the Union address as first lady.,Melania Trump has chosen a cream-colored Christian Dior pantsuit for her first State of the Union address as first lady.,0 +" Other buildings were shifted on foundations and rescuers used ladders, ropes and cranes to get residents to safety."," Other buildings shifted on their foundations and rescuers used ladders, ropes and cranes to get residents to safety.",0 +He says she complained that another lawmaker subjected her to unwanted sexual advances., Shooter wrote that the report omitted a young woman's complaint that another lawmaker subjected her to unwanted sexual advances.,1 +" Hanni Levy, a 93-year-old Holocaust survivor from Berlin, criticized anti-migrant hatred during a speech at a Greens party convention in Hannover."," Hanni Levy, a 93-year-old Holocaust survivor from Berlin, criticized anti-migrant hatred during a speech Saturday at a Greens party convention in Hannover.",1 +San Juan Mayor Carmen Cruz tweeted that no injuries had been reported and that firefighters were on the scene.,San Juan Mayor Carmen Cruz tweeted that no injuries had been reported and that power had been restored in some areas of the city.,1 +" The Thursday night court ruling ordered the release of the politicians, including ex-President Mohamed Nasheed, saying their guilty verdicts had been influenced by the government."," The Thursday night court ruling ordered the release of nine political dissidents, including Nasheed, saying their guilty verdicts had been influenced by the government.",1 +" Hawaii and Alaska have the best seats, along with the Canadian Yukon, Australia and Asia."," Hawaii and Alaska had the best seats, along with the Canadian Yukon, Australia and Asia.",0 + But industry officials said the obstacles to developing PTC systems are under appreciated., But industry officials said the obstacles to developing PTC systems are underappreciated.,0 +It exploded a year after the Tennessee state House voted to remove Rep.,It came a year after the Tennessee state House removed Rep.,1 +" The plane was ordered by Rossiya Airlines, a subsidiary of Aeroflot, but was put into storage during 2015-2017 because of the parts shortage."," The plane that crashed was ordered by Rossiya Airlines, a subsidiary of Aeroflot.",1 +"help all Arizona kids succeed!"" If signed, the program would give Arizona one of broadest voucher programs in the nation.","help all Arizona kids succeed!"" The program will give Arizona one of broadest voucher programs in the nation.",1 + Wildstein's sentencing will bring an end to a sordid saga that has left a cloud over Christie's administration and likely torpedoed his presidential aspirations., Wildstein's sentencing will bring an end to a sordid saga that has left a cloud over Christie's administration.,1 +But it wasn't immediately clear if the plan would satisfy the NCAA.,"But it wasn't clear if that would satisfy the NCAA, which had no immediate comment.",0 +"Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration were on the scene, OSHA spokesman Scott Allen said.",Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration were on the scene.,1 +"The woman he knew had already been shot and police have said Myles exchanged words with the attacker and then was shot, too."," Police have said the woman that Myles knew had already been shot and that Myles exchanged words with the attacker and then was shot, too.",0 +" Nicholas Luber, Walker's brother, told the judge that he did not know if Moran understood the seriousness of his actions."," Nicholas Luber, Walker's brother, also addressed the judge during sentencing, saying he did not know if Moran understood the seriousness of his actions.",1 + A special commission appointed by the government to re-investigate the crash is to present its findings later Monday., A commission appointed by the government to re-investigate the crash is to present its findings later Monday.,0 +"They are targets for crime because they often carry cash and many don't have residence permits, so can be threatened easily.","""They are targets for crime because they often carry cash and many don't have residence permits, so can be threatened easily.",0 +The injured were taken to hospitals in Swiebodzice and in Wroclaw., The injured were taken to hospitals in Swiebodzice and in Wroclaw.,0 +" The Franklins are charged with second-degree murder, arson and tampering with physical evidence."," The Franklins are charged with murder, arson and tampering with physical evidence.",0 +" The FBI is offering a $25,000 reward in the case."," The FBI is working with Chicago police on the investigation into Myles' shooting, and is offering a $25,000 reward for information in the case.",1 +" As of Sunday, 10 of the 15 people wounded in the truck attack remained hospitalized, including one child."," As of Sunday, 10 of the 15 people wounded in the truck attack in the Swedish capital remained hospitalized, including one child.",1 +" HB2 has prompted some businesses to halt expansions and entertainers and sports organizations to cancel or move events, including the NBA All-Star game in Charlotte.", HB2 has caused some businesses to halt expansions in North Carolina and entertainers to cancel concerts.,1 +" Speculation has also been rampant about chief of staff Reince Priebus, who has faced questions about his staying power since he started the job."," Speculation has been rampant about chief of staff Reince Priebus, who has faced questions about his staying power since he started the job.",0 +Allen couldn't say if that violation had anything to do with the boiler.,OSHA spokesman Scott Allen couldn't say if that violation had anything to do with the boiler.,1 +" BRUSSELS (AP) -- International donors sought Wednesday to drum up billions of dollars in aid for war-ravaged Syria, as the U.N.", BRUSSELS (AP) -- International donors pledged billions of dollars in aid for war-ravaged Syria as the U.N.,0 +"In each case, the suspects had been determined not to warrant continued law enforcement scrutiny months and sometimes years before the attacks."," In each case, it was determined the suspects didn't require continued law enforcement scrutiny months and sometimes years before the attacks.",0 +It also excludes gender identity and sexual orientation from statewide antidiscrimination protections.,It also excluded gender identity and sexual orientation from statewide antidiscrimination protections.,0 +" China's state-run Xinhua News Agency said that, according to witnesses, one man of Chinese origin was injured in the clashes."," Witnesses said that one man of Chinese origin was injured in the clashes, according to China's state-run Xinhua News Agency.",0 +It was added to a separate bill that would ban most abortions at 20 weeks of pregnancy., The measure was added to a separate bill that would ban most abortions at 20 weeks of pregnancy.,0 +" ""We hope that with this the movement can move forward to a long-lasting peace in the Basque country,"" activist Mixel Berhokoirigoin said."," ""We hope that, with this, the movement can move forward to a long-lasting peace in the Basque country,"" activist Mixel Berhokoirigoin said.",0 + NJ Transit paid Amtrak $62 million last year for maintenance and upgrades., NJ Transit says it paid Amtrak $62 million last year for maintenance and repairs.,0 +Bentley last year apologized in a press conference after recordings surfaced of him making sexually charged remarks to a female aide before his divorce., The 74-year-old governor admitted personal mistakes after recorded phone calls surfaced of him making sexually charged remarks to a female aide.,1 +" ""The international community has to understand that Lebanon cannot pay the price of the unresolved conflict in Syria,"" he said Friday."," ""The international community has to understand that Lebanon cannot pay the price of the unresolved conflict in Syria,"" Hariri said.",0 + The prime minister says said the aim of terrorism is to undermine democracy., The prime minister said the aim of terrorism is to undermine democracy.,1 +" At that point, the man ran toward some nearby woods, Kidney said.", Kidney said the male passenger ran toward some nearby woods at that point.,1 + McConnell says he would support Hatch if he wants to run again., McConnell made it clear that he would support Hatch if he wants to run again.,0 +All trains to and from the main station were halted.,All trains to and from the main station were halted and two large shopping malls in the capital were shut down.,1 +"He had joined the Navy in 1982 and re-enlisted as a reservist from 1987 until 2003, working as a builder, according to military records."," He had joined the Navy in 1982 and re-enlisted as a reservist from 1987 until 2003, working as a builder, according to military records.",0 +" Hein said the small bus was a 2004 Turtle Top, though he did not know the specific model.","Conrad Hein said the small bus was a 2004 Turtle Top, though he did not know the specific model.",0 +" Ruth said the woman, who lived in Florence, was trying to relay her location to a dispatcher as the car settled into the swirling waters.", Ruth said Williams was trying to relay her location to a dispatcher as the car settled into the swirling waters.,1 +""" Police detained the woman who was driving for questioning.", Officers detained the woman who was driving so they could ask her questions about what happened.,0 + Mucha says more than 20 units of firefighters are searching the rubble., Mucha said that 23 units of firefighters and dogs were searching the rubble.,1 +""" Eduardo Vargas, 29, was asleep with his wife and 7-month-old baby when he was awoken by the sound of neighbors banging on his door."," Eduardo Vargas, 29, was asleep with his wife and 7-month-old baby when he was awoken by the sound of neighbors banging on his door.",0 +" While at least initially believing the explosion was accidental, Jenkerson said investigators will seek out and review the boiler's inspection and maintenance records."," Investigators will seek out and review the boiler's inspection and maintenance records, though ""it appears just to be a commercial accident,"" Jenkerson said.",1 +" Although generally allowed to practice their religion inside Egypt, Copts face restrictions on inter-religious marriage and are banned from proselytizing to Muslims."," Although generally allowed to practice their religion inside Egypt, Copts face restrictions on inter-religious marriage and church building, and are banned from proselytizing to Muslims.",1 +I made friends from Iran form before and was really looking forward to going back.,I made friends from Iran from before and was really looking forward to going back.,0 +" The Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation said it will assist with crime scene investigation, which is common for police shootings."," The Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation said it will assist with investigating the crime scene, which is common for shootings involving police.",0 +" BRUSSELS (AP) -- International donors are seeking to drum up billions of dollars in aid for war-ravaged Syria, as the U.N."," BRUSSELS (AP) -- International donors sought Wednesday to drum up billions of dollars in aid for war-ravaged Syria, as the U.N.",0 +Authorities immediately began looking for the woman but couldn't immediately find her.,Authorities immediately began looking but couldn't find her in time.,1 +"The move triggered fears of an arms race in the western Balkans, which Russia considers its sphere of influence.",The move triggered fears of an arms race in the war-weary Balkans.,1 +""" Kotek also expressed no interest in tweaking the bill's language to the liking of Providence Health Plans, a Catholic-sponsored organization currently covering 260,000 Oregonians.",""" Kotek also expressed no interest in tweaking the bill's language to the liking of Providence Health Plans, a Catholic-sponsored organization covering 260,000 Oregon residents.",0 +"And in 2015, the company paid $6,566 of a $9,380 fine for defective equipment, including a forklift without lights and damage to safety latches."," And in 2015, the company paid $6,566 of a $9,380 fine for defective equipment, including a forklift without lights and damage to safety latches.",0 +He said the collapse of two floors of the building might have been caused by a gas explosion.,He said the collapse of two floors of the three-floor building might have been caused by a gas explosion.,0 +" This effort has been developing since shortly after the inauguration, the official said."," This effort has been developing since shortly after the inauguration, said a senior administration official, who requested anonymity to discuss the office before the announcement.",1 +" The company is described on its website as a ""full-service corrugator and custom box manufacturer.","The company is described on its website as a ""full-service corrugator and custom box manufacturer.",0 + He said fellow activists were deployed at each location until French authorities arrive to take possession of the weapons., He said fellow Peace Artisans were deployed at each location until French authorities arrive to take possession of the weapons.,1 + Shelby testified that she feared for her life and thought Crutcher was reaching into his stalled SUV for a gun., Shelby testified Monday that she feared for her life and thought Crutcher was reaching inside his stalled SUV for a gun.,0 +Security Council readied for emergency talks over a suspected chemical attack that killed dozens in a rebel-held province.,Security Council convened Wednesday for emergency talks over a suspected chemical attack that killed dozens in a rebel-held province.,1 +Abu Sayyaf militants have crossed the sea border with Malaysia on powerful speedboats and kidnapped scores of foreign tourists in past years., Abu Sayyaf militants have crossed the sea border with Malaysia on powerful speedboats and kidnapped scores of foreign tourists in past years.,0 + --- Joseph Wilson in Barcelona and Aritz Parra in Madrid contributed to the story, --- Joseph Wilson in Barcelona and Aritz Parra in Madrid contributed.,1 + Hawaii Attorney General Douglas Chin says he expected the government to appeal., Hawaii's attorney general office didn't immediately comment on the suspension request.,0 + The current law requires transgender people to use public bathrooms that correspond to the sex on their birth certificate., HB2 required transgender people to use public bathrooms that correspond to the sex on their birth certificate.,1 +"Their protests have already blocked roads to neighboring Brazil and Suriname, and shuttered many businesses and schools.","Protests have already blocked roads to neighboring Brazil and Suriname, and shuttered many businesses and schools.",1 +" Many Basque separatists have pushed for convicted members to serve their time closer to their homes, not scattered around Spain and France."," Many Basque separatists have pushed for convicted members to serve their prison time closer to their homes, not scattered around Spain and France.",0 +" He said the fire started in an area used to store construction materials, equipment and supplies."," The blaze broke out Thursday afternoon in an area used to store construction materials, equipment and supplies, sending flames and smoke high into the air.",1 +" The National Transportation Safety Board sent investigators to the scene to begin seeking the cause of the crash, NTSB spokesman Terry Williams said Wednesday."," The National Transportation Safety Board was sending investigators to the scene to determine the cause of the crash, NTSB spokesman Terry Williams said.",0 + Xi and his wife were greeted by the president and first lady Melania Trump at the Mar-a-Lago estate before making their way to dinner., Trump and first lady Melania Trump greeted Xi and his wife at the Mar-a-Lago estate before making their way to dinner.,1 +" ""We're all shocked - nobody thought about a football match in the minutes after that,"" he said."," ""We're all shocked - nobody thought about a football match in the minutes after that,"" Buerki said.",1 + WASHINGTON (AP) -- Booming online retail sales are good news for the U.S.,""" Booming online retail sales are good news for the U.S.",0 +" Harvey, 64, pleaded guilty in 1987 to killing 37 people, mostly while he worked as a nurse's aide at hospitals in Cincinnati and London, Kentucky."," Harvey pleaded guilty in 1987 to killing 37 people, mostly while he worked as a nurse's aide at hospitals in Cincinnati and London, Kentucky.",0 + Tens of thousands of people gathered in the streets of Bayonne to celebrate the peace.," Some 20,000 people gathered in the streets of Bayonne, in southwestern France, to celebrate the peace.",1 +"Protests have already blocked roads to neighboring Brazil and Suriname, and shuttered many businesses and schools."," Protests have already blocked roads to neighboring Brazil and Suriname, and shuttered many businesses and schools.",0 +"He declined to name the suspect, who had been arrested within hours of Friday's attack on shoppers in Stockholm.","He declined to name the suspect, who was arrested within hours of Friday's attack on shoppers in Stockholm.",0 +A potentially more lucrative slate of events is in jeopardy in this latest round of decisions.,A more lucrative slate of events may be in jeopardy in this latest round of decisions.,0 +" In all, Evensson said authorities have questioned over 500 people in the investigation so far.", Evensson said authorities have questioned more than 500 people in the investigation so far.,0 +Witnesses told KLFY-TV that the father was at the store when the storm hit and returned home to find the bodies amid the splintered debris.,Witnesses told KLFY-TV that the father was at the store when the storm hit and returned to find the bodies amid the splintered debris.,0 +"While details about his injuries weren't released, he was beaten when an unnamed person went into his cell, a patrol report said.","He was 64. While details about the attack weren't released, he was beaten when an unnamed person went into his cell, a patrol report said.",1 + Oakland Fire Battalion Chief Erik Logan said some people were hanging from windows and others were in fire escapes when firefighters arrived at the building., Oakland Fire Battalion Chief Erik Logan said some people were hanging from windows and others were in fire escapes when firefighters arrived.,0 +California courts require twice the bail amount if property is used instead of cash.,Courts require double the bail amount when property is pledged instead of cash.,1 +" ""This is about as serious a transportation crisis as we can imagine,"" Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed said."," ""This is about as serious a transportation crisis as we can imagine,"" Mayor Kasim Reed said.",0 + It was not immediately clear if anyone was working on the boiler at the time of the blast., It wasn't immediately clear if anyone was working on the boiler at the time of the blast.,0 +"Prosecutors accused Frein of malingering, and the judge refused the defense request.","He denounced his client's treatment as ""torture."" Prosecutors accused Frein of malingering, and the judge refused the defense request.",1 +Deal told reporters PVC plastic materials in a vehicle may have caught fire.,Nathan Deal said PVC plastic materials in a vehicle may have caught fire.,1 +" RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) -- North Carolina Republican lawmakers said Wednesday night that they have an agreement with Democratic Gov."," RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) -- North Carolina Republican lawmakers and Democratic Gov.",0 +Hundreds of killings also remain unsolved and the arms could help lead authorities to some of the perpetrators.,"Hundreds of killings also remain unsolved, and the arms caches could help lead authorities to some of the perpetrators.",1 +"Still, he said, it's difficult to make a confident prediction because ""Supreme Court justices don't always vote in ideological lockstep.","Still, he said, ""Supreme Court justices don't always vote in ideological lockstep.",1 +" ""If he had a plan to shoot or kill anybody, I would've stopped him,"" Michael Frein said."," ""If he had a plan to shoot or kill anybody I would've stopped him,"" Michael Frein said.",0 +(AP) -- The Latest on the scandal involving Alabama Gov.,(AP) -- The Latest on impeachment proceedings against Alabama Gov.,1 + Police declined to comment on media reports about overnight police raids around Stockholm or if they were hunting any more suspects in the case., Police conducted overnight raids around Stockholm but declined to say if they were hunting any more suspects in the case.,1 +" Twelve bus occupants, including the driver, were dead at the scene of Wednesday's crash, DPS Lt."," Twelve bus occupants, including the driver, died at the scene, DPS Lt.",0 +She did not give any further details about the new suspect.,She did not give further details about the new suspect.,0 +Wildstein also is collaborating on a book with former Yankee pitcher Fritz Peterson.,"Wildstein, who has moved to Florida, also is collaborating on a book with former Yankee pitcher Fritz Peterson.",1 +" ""There are many people looking for their relatives,"" said Oscar Forero, a spokesman with the Colombian Red Cross."," ""In this moment, it's chaos,"" said Oscar Forero, a spokesman with the Colombian Red Cross. ""There are many people missing.",1 +" Otegi and many Basque separatists have pushed for convicted ETA members to serve their jail time closer to their homes, not scattered around Spain."," Many Basque separatists have pushed for convicted members to serve their time closer to their homes, not scattered around Spain and France.",1 + --- Associated Press writers Chad Day and Jack Gillum contributed to this report.," --- Associated Press writers Chad Day, Jack Gillum and Josh Boak contributed to this report.",1 +T's chief financial officer told the House Ways and Means Committee.,"T's chief financial officer, told the House Ways and Means Committee.",1 +"Terney chased the man on foot and used a stun gun, but that failed to stop him.","He said Terney chased the man on foot and used a stun gun, but that failed to stop the man, who then shot at Terney.",1 + Wildstein's sentencing will bring an end to a sordid saga that has left a cloud over Christie's administration.,""" Wildstein's sentencing brings to an end a sordid saga that has left a cloud over Christie's administration.",1 +"No signs bigger than a sheet of notebook paper allowed, so as not to obscure anyone's view.","No signs bigger than a sheet of notebook paper were allowed, so as not to obscure anyone's view.",1 +He questions experts' conclusions that the crash was an accident.,"Kaczynski has questioned experts' conclusions that the crash was an accident, fueling a host a conspiracy theories.",1 +" The so-called ""heartbeat bill"" would prohibit most abortions once a fetal heartbeat is detected, which can be as early as six weeks into pregnancy.", The heartbeat language would have prohibited most abortions as early as six weeks into pregnancy.,1 + President Jacob Zuma's replacement of Pravin Gordhan comes as part of a Cabinet shuffle that changes 10 of the country's 35 ministers., Zuma's replacement of Pravin Gordhan came as part of an overnight Cabinet shuffle that changes 10 of the country's 35 ministers.,1 +Supreme Court has rejected a Florida man's latest appeal in a landmark case involving the seizure and destruction of his floating home.,Supreme Court on Monday rejected a Florida man's latest appeal in a landmark case involving the seizure and destruction of his floating home.,1 + The Department of Justice says it's reviewing the decision and considering its next steps., The Department of Justice filed a motion Monday asking U.S.,1 + But even allies of the ruling party had warned against replacing Gordhan., Even allies of the ruling party had warned against replacing Gordhan.,0 +" At the time, Rahimi was being sought for allegedly planting two bombs in Manhattan and two in New Jersey."," At the time of his arrest, Rahimi was being sought for allegedly planting two bombs in Manhattan and two in New Jersey.",1 + Frein's lawyers are trying to keep him off death row., Frein's lawyers are working to spare their client's life in part by blaming his father.,1 +"Murphy was 57. He was perhaps best-known for his appearances on ""Chappelle's Show"" on Comedy Central.", He was perhaps best-known for his appearances on Dave Chappelle's Comedy Central show.,1 +"and Kevin Lawson, 46. Authorities had confronted Neumann once before at the factory, when he was accused of battering a co-worker in June 2014."," Authorities had confronted Neumann once before at the factory, when he was accused of battering a co-worker in June 2014.",0 +" Christie wasn't charged, but the scandal contributed to his approval rating falling from around 70 percent to 15 percent.",The scandal contributed to his approval rating falling from around 70 percent to 15 percent.,1 +""" Herman Granados, an anesthesiologist at the local hospital, said he arrived early Saturday morning and worked throughout the night on victims."," Herman Granados, an anesthesiologist at the local hospital, said he arrived early Saturday morning and worked throughout the night on victims.",0 +" The Richmond, Virginia-based 4th Circuit is the first appeals court to rule on the revised travel ban unveiled in March."," The Richmond, Virginia-based 4th Circuit is the first appeals court to rule on the revised ban.",1 +"The Kushner Companies, now run by Jared Kushner's relatives, are seeking investment partners for a massive redevelopment.","The Kushner Companies, now run by Jared Kushner's relatives, are seeking investment partners for a massive redevelopment of the building.",1 +A Kyrgyz-born Russian national has been identified as the bomber.," Akbardzhon Dzhalilov, a 22-year old Kyrgyz-born Russian national, has been identified as the bomber.",1 + WASHINGTON (AP) -- House Republicans on Tuesday blocked another attempt by Democrats to obtain President Donald Trump's tax returns from the IRS., WASHINGTON (AP) -- House Republicans on Tuesday blocked more attempts by Democrats to obtain President Donald Trump's tax returns from the IRS.,0 + The virus wasn't considered a major health threat until a 2015 outbreak in Brazil revealed that Zika can lead to severe birth defects., The mosquito-borne virus wasn't considered a major health threat until the 2015 outbreak revealed that Zika can lead to severe birth defects.,1 +" But last week, those safeguards weren't enough when a woman answered his knock."," But nothing prepared the 17-year postal veteran from Hatboro, Pennsylvania, for what happened when a woman answered his knock.",1 + Rescue services spokesman Peter Nystedt said 31 others sustained minor injuries., Rescue services spokesman Peter Nystedt said some 30 others sustained minor injuries.,0 +" --- Associated Press writer Jill Bleed in Little Rock, Arkansas, contributed to this report."," --- Associated Press writers Sean Murphy in Oklahoma City and Jill Bleed in Little Rock, Arkansas, contributed to this report.",1 +The organization denies any wrongdoing Daleiden is facing felony charges in California accusing him of recording people without their permission., Daleiden is facing felony charges in California accusing him of recording people without their permission in violation of state law.,1 +"The storm also brought hurricane-force winds, large hail and sparked flash flooding."," In Louisiana, the storm also brought hurricane-force winds, large hail and sparked flash flooding.",1 + Thomas said authorities got a call from a woman saying her car was being swept off into the water around 4 a.m., He said authorities got a call from a woman saying her car was being swept into the water.,0 +"But no charges were filed after both men were interviewed, and that co-worker was not among Monday's victims, the sheriff said.","But no charges were filed, and that co-worker was not among Monday's victims, the sheriff said.",1 + He estimated that there are 2 million people living in France of Chinese origin.," He estimated that there are 2 million people of Chinese origin living in France, a country with a population of about 66 million.",1 + Ferguson voters also approved a ballot measure adding strict police body camera requirements to the city charter., Voters also approved a ballot measure adding strict police body camera requirements to the city charter.,0 +"A 9-year-old boy was also shot and was in stable condition Tuesday, police said.","A 9-year-old boy also was shot but was in stable condition and in good spirits, watching cartoons in his hospital bed Tuesday, police said.",1 +U.N. agencies estimate war damages across Syria at $350 billion.,"U.N. agencies estimate war damage across Syria so far at $350 billion, including physical destruction and the loss of economic activity.",1 + The 2013 ruling set a new standard for floating homes.,""" The 2013 ruling set a new standard for floating homes and other structures.",1 +"""I don't think it does us any good to have the House go through these impeachment proceedings."," ""I don't think it does us any good to have the House go through these impeachment proceedings,"" Marsh said Thursday.",1 + The cause of the accident was not known but the road reportedly was icy when the accident occurred at about 7 a.m. (0500 GMT)., The cause of the accident was not immediately known but the road reportedly was icy when the accident occurred about 7 a.m. (0500 GMT).,0 +" Several states and civil rights groups also challenged the revised ban, saying it remained rooted in discrimination and exceeded the president's authority."," Several states and civil rights groups challenged the revised ban, saying it remained rooted in discrimination and exceeded the president's authority.",0 + Condolences poured in to Sweden from top European Union officials and German Chancellor Angela Merkel., Condolences poured into Sweden on Friday from top European Union officials and German Chancellor Angela Merkel.,1 +"""It didn't hurt that much, but it was very aggressive, one after the other.","It didn't hurt that much, but it was very aggressive, one after the other.",0 +""" Robert Lieb, a professor of supply chain management at Northeastern University, said he expects dog attacks to keep increasing."," Robert Lieb, a professor of supply chain management at Northeastern University, said he expects dog attacks to keep increasing.",0 +A special government commission re-investigating the crash is to present its findings later in the day.,A special government commission re-investigating the crash is to present its findings later Monday.,1 +" Visiting the attack site at an upscale department store, Sweden's Crown Princess Victoria laid roses on the ground Saturday and wiped away a tear."," Visiting the attack site, Sweden's Crown Princess Victoria laid roses on the ground Saturday and wiped away a tear.",0 +"He was removed from office, and is now serving a prison sentence, for conspiring to sell an appointment to President Barack Obama's vacant U.S.",He was removed from office and is now serving a prison sentence for conspiring to sell an appointment to President Barack Obama's vacant U.S.,0 + The measure was added to a separate bill that would ban most abortions at 20 weeks of pregnancy., The heartbeat provision had been one of several restrictions added to a bill that separately would ban most abortions around 20 weeks of pregnancy.,1 +He emptied and reloaded the gun before turning it on himself.,Anderson emptied and reloaded the gun before turning it on himself.,0 + Air France canceled all flights Sunday and Monday because of the strike.,Air France canceled all flights Sunday and Monday because of the strike.,0 + A GOP-led House committee was scheduled to vote on the provision Tuesday night., A GOP-led House committee had been set to vote on the provision Tuesday night but lawmakers later adjourned without a decision.,1 +She was one of only a few senior aides not present at this week's summit with the Chinese president at Trump's Florida estate.,She was one of only a few senior aides not present this week when Trump met with the Chinese president at Trump's Florida estate.,0 + Traffic was bumper to bumper on nearby streets as people scrambled to find alternate routes after the fire broke out during rush hour Thursday afternoon., Traffic was bumper to bumper on nearby streets as drivers were forced to take a detour.,1 +Capitol in 1984. The justices heard competing accounts Wednesday of the murder of 48-year-old Catherine Fuller.,Capitol in 1984. The court is considering overturning the convictions of seven men who were convicted of murdering 48-year-old Catherine Fuller.,1 +" ""He was a very young officer, just getting a start,"" he said."," ""He was a very young officer, just getting a start,"" Kidney said.",0 +Prosecutors say she feared losing custody of her young children to Green., say she feared losing custody of her young children to Green.,1 +""" The caches are in southwestern France, a region historically used as a support base by ETA."," The caches were in southwestern France, a region historically used as a support base by ETA.",1 +His lawyers said he was refusing to communicate with them and asked the judge for a mental competency exam.,His defense team said he was refusing to communicate with them and asked the judge for a mental competency exam.,1 + The City Council voted 5-2 to reverse course after last week's 6-0 vote to call itself a sanctuary., The City Council voted 5-2 to reverse course just nine days after unanimously deciding to call Lansing a sanctuary.,0 + He said the U.S. can achieve 3 percent economic growth if the United States makes historic changes in taxes and regulations., He said the U.S. can achieve 3 percent economic growth or more if the United States makes historic changes in taxes and regulations.,0 + The justices on Monday considered the case of three church-affiliated nonprofit hospital systems being sued for underfunding employee pension plans.," Justices considered the cases of three church-affiliated nonprofit hospital systems being sued for underfunding pension plans covering about 100,000 employees.",1 +" ""Manchester by the Sea"" tells the story of a man who accidentally sets a fire that kills his children."," ""Manchester by the Sea"" tells the story of a man who accidentally sets a house fire that kills his children and isn't prosecuted.",1 +The House Judiciary Committee has scheduled impeachment hearings to begin Monday.,"A circuit judge had blocked the hearings, which are scheduled to begin Monday.",1 + Last week's suicide bombing on the subway in Russia's second largest city killed 13 passengers and injured dozens., The suicide bombing in Russia's second largest city killed 13 passengers and injured dozens of others.,1 +" ""She's going to self-guess herself and get herself killed or somebody else,"" she said."," ""She's going to self-guess herself and get herself killed or somebody else,"" McMurray said.",0 +" He had worked as a nurse's aide at hospitals in Cincinnati and London, Kentucky, and claimed he was trying to end his patients' suffering."," Harvey, 64, pleaded guilty in 1987 to killing 37 people, mostly while he worked as a nurse's aide at hospitals in Cincinnati and London, Kentucky.",1 +They say prosecutors did not provide their lawyers with evidence implicating another man with a record of violent attacks against women as Fuller's killer., Lawyers for the men said prosecutors did not turn over evidence implicating another man with a record of violent attacks against women as Fuller's killer.,1 +"And senior adviser Kellyanne Conway, at the forefront in the early weeks of the administration, has been less visible after a series of misstatements."," Senior adviser Kellyanne Conway, at the forefront in the early weeks of the administration, has been less visible after a series of misstatements.",0 + A GOP-led House committee was scheduled to vote Tuesday to add the provision to an abortion bill., A GOP-led House committee had been set to vote on the provision Tuesday night but lawmakers later adjourned without a decision.,1 +"""He was taken way too soon."" The man who fired on Terney was also shot multiple times and in intensive care Monday morning, Kidney said.","""He was taken way too soon."" The man who fired on Terney was also shot multiple times.",1 +The president gets higher marks for efforts to boost defense spending and beef up the border patrol.," The president gets higher marks for efforts to boost defense spending and beef up the border patrol, the poll found.",1 + He said the boiler was still hot when rescuers arrived and that it had traveled up to 500 feet (150 meters).," The boiler was still hot when rescuers arrived, the fire chief said, noting that the equipment traveled up to 500 feet (150 meters).",1 +Joe Wilson was not a State of the Union address.,Joe Wilson was not a State of the Union address and that Rep.,1 +" According to the Red Cross, 400 people are injured and 220 believed missing."," According to the Red Cross, 400 people were injured and 220 believed missing.",0 +"Video widely broadcast during the campaign shows Trump pointing at the protesters and repeating ""get them out."" U.S."," The rally was televised, showing Trump pointing at the protesters and repeating ""get 'em outta here.",1 +" Florence Police Chief Richard Thomas, speaking to WJTV, said the current where the woman died was fast and strong.", Florence Police Chief Richard Thomas said the current where Williams died was fast and strong.,0 +" Police have not released the woman's name, saying she is a witness to the killing.",Her name has not been released because police say she is a witness in the killing.,0 +" Herman Granados, an anesthesiologist at the local hospital, said he arrived early Saturday morning and worked throughout the night on victims.",""" Herman Granados, an anesthesiologist at the local hospital, said he arrived early Saturday morning and worked throughout the night on victims.",0 + A senior administration official said Trump on Monday will announce the White House Office of American Innovation., White House spokesman Sean Spicer said Monday that Trump will announce the White House Office of American Innovation.,1 +"The Switzerland international told Swiss daily Blick that he was sitting in the last row of the bus, next to Bartra.","Buerki, who is from Switzerland, told Swiss daily Blick that he was sitting in the last row of the bus, next to Bartra.",1 +" Ross Garber, the lawyer representing Bentley in the impeachment investigation, has urged lawmakers to be cautious.",""" Ross Garber, the lawyer representing Bentley in the impeachment investigation, has urged lawmakers to be cautious.",0 + The alleged police rape of Theo in the Paris suburb of Aulnay-sous-Bois turned the 22-year-old into a symbol for minorities standing up to police violence., The alleged police sodomizing of Theo in the Paris suburb of Aulnay-sous-Bois turned the 22-year-old into a symbol for minorities standing up to police violence.,1 +Ginny Higgins told The Associated Press that the tornado touched down soon after a warning was issued.,Ginny Higgins told The Associated Press that the tornado in Breaux Bridge touched down seconds after a warning was issued.,1 +" Since the 1979 revolution, Iran has required women to wear the Islamic headscarf and to only show their face, hands and feet in public."," Since the 1979 revolution, Iran has required women to wear the Islamic headscarf and to cover all but their face, hands and feet in public.",1 +And the president himself is increasingly frustrated by the leaks that keep flowing out of the West Wing.,Trump himself is increasingly frustrated by the leaks that keep flowing out of the West Wing.,1 +" British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson talked with Gibraltar's chief minister, Fabian Picardo, on Friday to assure him of the U.K.'s support.", British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said the status of Gibraltar can only be changed by the territory's people and by U.K. citizens.,1 +" Candidates for France's two-round April-May presidential election have urged aid or intervention in Guiana, as the concerns of overseas voters suddenly entered the spotlight.", Candidates in the race for France's presidency have urged aid or intervention in French Guiana amid pressure from overseas voters.,1 +" At that rally, Crutcher's family called for one concrete change: For city leadership to block Shelby from returning to her job.", Crutcher's family has called for city leadership to block Shelby from returning to her job.,1 +"Former Obama officials contend that intelligence was disseminated to pockets of the government where officials had clearance to see classified reports, not publicly leaked.","Former Obama officials contend that intelligence was not publicly leaked, but disseminated to pockets of the government where officials had clearance to see classified reports.",1 + Immigrant families and children traveling alone have accounted for hundreds of thousands of arrests at the border in recent years.," Immigrant families and children traveling alone have accounted for hundreds of thousands of arrests at the border in recent years, at times overwhelming federal authorities.",1 +" RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) -- North Carolina Republican lawmakers and Democratic Gov."," RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) -- Republican legislative leaders in North Carolina and Democratic Gov.",1 +" Trump's administration argued the court should not look beyond the text of the executive order, which doesn't mention religion."," Trump's administration argued the 4th Circuit should not look beyond the text of the executive order, which doesn't mention religion.",1 +" ""We know he has been sympathetic to extremist organizations,"" said Jonas Hysing of Sweden's national police.","Swedish police started formally seeking him on Feb. 24. ""We know he has been sympathetic to extremist organizations,"" said Jonas Hysing of Sweden's national police.",0 +"Associated Press writer Kristena Hansen in Salem, Oregon, also contributed to this story.","Associated Press writers Kristena Hansen in Salem, Oregon, and Brian Witte in Annapolis, Maryland, contributed to this story.",1 +" The phone rang unanswered at Loy-Lange Box Co., and an email message by The Associated Press to the company wasn't immediately returned."," The phone rang unanswered at Loy-Lange Box Co., and an email message from The Associated Press to the company wasn't returned.",0 +" ""We have sent all runner names to Iran's Foreign Ministry for issuing visas,"" he said."," ""We have sent all runner names to Iran's Foreign Ministry for issuing visas,"" Keyhani said.",0 +" Trump repeatedly dismisses the story as ""fake news,"" but the investigations show no sign of abating anytime soon."," Trump repeatedly dismisses the story as ""fake news,"" but the investigations show no sign of abating and scrutiny has mounted on key associates and relatives.",1 +"The bridge collapse effectively ""puts a cork in the bottle,"" Georgia State Patrol Commissioner Mark McDonough said."," The collapse effectively ""puts a cork in the bottle,"" Georgia State Patrol Commissioner Mark McDonough said.",0 +Robert Bentley broke state law in a scandal that has engulfed him for a year.,Robert Bentley broke state law in a sex-tinged scandal that has engulfed him for the last year.,0 + Critics said the changes don't erase the legal problems with the ban.,Critics said the changes don't erase the legal problems with the ban.,0 +They want to overturn three lower court rulings against them.,They want to overturn three lower court rulings that ruled against them.,0 + --- This story has been corrected to fix the number of people arrested to eight., --- This story has been corrected to give the number of people arrested as eight.,1 +" Right before the election, Vucic visited Putin, who reportedly promised his signature on the delivery of fighter planes, battle tanks and armored vehicles to Serbia."," Putin has reportedly promised his signature on the delivery of fighter planes, battle tanks and armored vehicles to Serbia.",1 +"He said he heard several explosions beneath the bridge, followed by a slow rumbling.","He said he heard several explosions, followed by a slow rumbling.",0 +The school was to remain closed for the remainder of the week.,It was to remain closed for the remainder of the week.,1 + DeVos says former Education Secretary Arne Duncan's signature $7 billion project targeting failing schools did not produce significant results.," Speaking at the Brookings Institution in Washington, DeVos said that Arne Duncan's signature $7 billion project targeting failing schools did not produce any significant improvement.",1 + The Associated Press and 15 other news organizations sought release of the tapes on First Amendment grounds.," The Associated Press and 15 other news organizations had sought release of the videos, arguing that they were part of the public record.",1 +" Brown declared the drought emergency in 2014, and officials later ordered mandatory conservation for the first time in state history."," Brown declared the emergency in 2014, and officials later ordered mandatory conservation for the first time in state history.",0 + U.S. intelligence agencies have been blunt in their assessment that the hacks of Democratic email accounts were intended to benefit Republican Trump and harm Clinton., U.S. intelligence agencies have been blunt in their assessment that the hacks of Democratic email accounts were intended to benefit Trump and harm Clinton.,0 + The cause of the accident was not immediately known but the road reportedly was icy when the accident occurred about 7 a.m. (0500 GMT).," The cause of the accident was not immediately known, but the road reportedly was icy when the accident occurred about 7 a.m. (0500 GMT).",0 +A potentially more lucrative slate of events may be at stake in this latest round of decisions.,A potentially more lucrative slate of events is in jeopardy in this latest round of decisions.,1 +Backers of the measure fell three votes short of the two-thirds majority necessary to overturn a veto.,"But supporters needed three more votes, or 84 in the 125-member chamber, for the two-thirds majority necessary to overturn the governor's action.",1 +" --- Hakan Kaplan in Stockholm and Jan M. Olsen in Copenhagen, Denmark, contributed to this report."," --- Hakan Kaplan and Pietro DeCristofaro in Stockholm, and Jan M. Olsen in Copenhagen, Denmark, contributed to this report.",1 + The original bill without the fetal heartbeat amendment would ban abortions at 20 weeks of pregnancy., The measure was added to a separate bill that would ban most abortions at 20 weeks of pregnancy.,1 +" On Thursday, amid the mounting pressure, the North Carolina's Republican-controlled legislature voted to undo HB2 and sent the measure to Democratic Gov."," On Thursday, amid the mounting pressure, North Carolina's Republican-controlled legislature voted to undo HB2, and Democratic Gov.",0 +" While details about his injuries weren't released, the State Highway Patrol said he was in critical condition Wednesday."," He was found in his cell Tuesday afternoon at the state's prison in Toledo and was in critical condition Wednesday, the State Highway Patrol said.",1 +It also encourages them to wear long-sleeve t-shirts that cover their hips and to avoid shorts or skirts.,It also encouraged them to wear long-sleeve t-shirts that cover their hips and to avoid shorts or skirts.,0 +" Donald Harvey, who is serving multiple life sentences, was hospitalized, said JoEllen Smith, spokeswoman for Ohio's prison system."," Donald Harvey, who was serving multiple life sentences, was found beaten in his cell Tuesday afternoon at the state's prison in Toledo, state officials said.",1 +Bentley has acknowledged making personal mistakes but maintained he did nothing illegal or to merit his removal from office.,The mild-mannered dermatologist and former Baptist deacon has acknowledged making personal mistakes but maintained he did nothing illegal or to merit his removal from office.,1 + --- Associated Press writer Louise Watt in Beijing contributed to this report., --- Associated Press writer Louise Watt in Beijing and Angela Charlton in Paris contributed to this report.,1 +"Li will be required to turn over her passports, wear an electronic monitor and remain under house arrest.",""" Li will be required to turn over her passports, wear an electronic monitor and remain under house arrest.",0 +" China's state-run Xinhua News Agency says that, according to witnesses, one man of Chinese origin was injured in the clashes."," China's state-run Xinhua News Agency said that, according to witnesses, one man of Chinese origin was injured in the clashes.",0 + HB2 has caused some businesses to halt expansions in North Carolina and entertainers to cancel concerts.," HB2 has prompted some businesses to halt expansions and entertainers and sports organizations to cancel or move events, including the NBA All-Star game in Charlotte.",1 +Security Council readies for an emergency meeting over a suspected deadly chemical attack there.,Security Council readied for emergency talks over a suspected chemical attack that killed dozens in a rebel-held province.,1 +""" There are also shorter men's courses of 10 and 21 kilometers (6 and 13 miles).",There were also shorter men's courses of 10 and 21 kilometers (6 and 13 miles).,1 + His father's appearance on the witness stand came hours after Frein showed up in court disheveled and unsteady on his feet., Monday's session was delayed for hours after Frein showed up in court appearing disheveled and unsteady on his feet.,1 + Montgomery Circuit Judge Greg Griffin on Friday said he was granting the governor's request for a temporary restraining order.," The same day, Montgomery Circuit Judge Greg Griffin granted the governor's request for a temporary restraining order to stop impeachment proceedings.",1 +"Mark Sherman and Darlene Superville in Washington and Matt Barakat in McLean, Virginia, contributed to this report.","and Matt Barakat in McLean, Virginia, contributed to this report.",1 +The judge also noted that the Supreme Court has ruled out constitutional protections for speech that incites violence.,The judge said the First Amendment doesn't protect speech that incites violence.,1 +"District Judge Susan Wigenton to give him a non-custodial sentence - probation, possibly with community service - as a reward for his cooperation.","District Judge Susan Wigenton to give him probation, possibly with community service, as a reward for his cooperation.",0 + The decision came days after the administration announced it would slap hefty tariffs on softwood lumber being imported from Canada., The moves came days after the administration announced it would slap hefty tariffs on softwood lumber being imported from Canada.,0 +"And within Trump's administration, there are still divisions over how to approach China.","Within Trump's administration, divisions remain over how to approach China.",0 + Anadolu says government authorities are expected to block access to the website as soon as they receive official notification from the court., Anadolu said that government authorities are expected to block access to the website as soon as they receive official notification from the court.,1 +" ""It's a very unfortunate situation but there was no other way,"" he said."," ""It's a very unfortunate situation, but there was no other way,"" he said.",0 +" ""We hope that with this the movement can move forward to a long-lasting peace in the Basque country,"" Mixel Berhokoirigoin said."," ""We hope that with this the movement can move forward to a long-lasting peace in the Basque country,"" activist Mixel Berhokoirigoin said.",1 +" Bannon, the former head of the conservative news outlet Breitbart, is a right wing bomb-thrower who powered Trump's populist campaign message."," Bannon, the former head of the conservative news outlet Breitbart, powered Trump's populist campaign message.",0 +"Eight-year-old Jonathan Martinez, who suffered from a genetic condition known as Williams Syndrome and had survived heart surgery, was killed."," Killed was Jonathan Martinez, 8, who had a rare genetic condition known as Williams syndrome and had survived heart surgery.",1 + Teachers hugged one another and wiped away tears as they returned to the school Tuesday afternoon to retrieve their belongings., Teachers hugged one another and wiped away tears as they returned to the school Tuesday to retrieve their belongings.,0 + House Democrats tried for a third time to use a procedural vote to pry loose Trump's returns., House Democrats tried for a third and a fourth time to use procedural votes to pry loose Trump's returns.,1 + A phone message left at Cooley and Ferreira's law firm number was not immediately returned., A phone message at Cooley and Ferreira's law firm number was not immediately returned.,0 +"This week, Trump removed him from the National Security Council, reversing an earlier, controversial decision to give Bannon access to the group's high-level meetings.","This past week, Trump removed him from the National Security Council, reversing his decision to give Bannon access to the group's high-level meetings.",1 +Flights from regional airlines to Cayenne on Friday were canceled.,Flights from regional airlines to the city of Cayenne were canceled.,0 +"Gordhan has been replaced by Malusi Gigaba, a former home affairs minister, a statement from the president's office said."," Gordhan is being replaced by Malusi Gigaba, a former home affairs minister.",1 + Regional governor Pawel Hreniak said the search and rescue operation was expected to continue through Sunday., Regional governor Pawel Hreniak said the search-and-rescue operation was expected to continue through Sunday.,0 + The commission functions like a grand jury and will decide if there is probable cause that Bentley broke the ethics law., The commission functions similarly to a grand jury and will decide if there is probable cause that Bentley broke the ethics law.,0 +"Some territories use the euro currency, and they all depend heavily on imported goods and policy decisions made in Paris.","Like some of the territories, French Guiana uses the euro currency, and they all depend heavily on imported goods and policy decisions made in Paris.",1 + -Creating an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty for committing multiple fouls during the same down with the purpose of manipulating the game clock., -An unsportsmanlike conduct penalty for committing multiple fouls during the same down with the purpose of manipulating the game clock will be instituted.,1 + --- This story has been corrected to show that Affleck portrayed the father of those who died in the fire.," --- This story has been corrected to show Affleck portrayed the father, not the uncle, of the children who died in the fire.",0 +" Gary Michael Moran, 57, received the sentence that was called for in a plea agreement in the death of the Rev."," Gary Michael Moran, 57, also was punished for badly beating another priest whose handgun was used to kill the Rev.",0 + The Koch brothers' political network announced it is preparing to spend millions of dollars to promote a tax overhaul., The conservative Koch brothers' political network announced it is preparing to spend millions of dollars toward that end.,1 +"Therefore, she says, it is vital to give American parents the options of charter, private and other schools.","That failure, she said, was further proof that it is vital to give American parents the options of charter, private and other schools.",1 + That word came as a handful of business executives told a congressional committee that the current tax system makes U.S. companies uncompetitive.,The announcement came on the same day a handful of business executives told a congressional committee that the current tax system makes U.S. companies uncompetitive.,1 +Carr says their lawyers didn't ask for bail because they don't have the resources to post a multi-million dollar bail bond like Li did.,Carr says their lawyers didn't ask for bail because they don't have the resources to post a multimillion-dollar bail bond like Li did.,0 +" Hatch has been in office since 1977, making him the most senior Republican in the Senate.",""" Hatch has been in office since 1977, making him the most senior Republican in the Senate.",0 + Bortnikov admitted that intelligence agencies have failed in tackling a terrorist threat., Bortnikov admitted intelligence agencies failures leading up to the attack.,1 +"Intelligence later indicated the gunmen landed ashore in Inabangan, prompting military and police officials to deploy their forces, the official said.","Intelligence later indicated the gunmen landed ashore in Inabanga, prompting military and police officials to deploy their forces, he said.",1 + Some of the hospital workers came to help even while there are own relatives remained missing., Some of the hospital workers came to help even though their own relatives remained missing.,0 + Millin says the children are ages 12-14. Niles Fire Department Mechanical Inspector Capt., Millin says the children are ages 12 to 14. Niles Fire Department Mechanical Inspector Capt.,0 +" The gunman also never finished college, though he lied and told his parents he had graduated.",The gunman - one of three children - lied and told his parents he had graduated from college.,1 + Air France cancelled all flights Sunday and Monday because of the strike., Air France canceled all flights Sunday and Monday because of the strike.,0 +Trump's administration had hoped it would avoid the legal problems that the first version from January encountered.,Trump's administration had hoped it would avoid the legal problems that the first version encountered.,0 +It also would ban any government interference in a woman's choice to have an abortion., It also would prohibit any government interference in a woman's choice to have an abortion.,0 +"help all Arizona kids succeed!"" If approved, the program would give Arizona one of broadest voucher programs in the nation.","help all Arizona kids succeed!"" If signed, the program would give Arizona one of broadest voucher programs in the nation.",0 +Orrin Hatch of Utah will retire instead of running for re-election.,Orrin Hatch will retire instead of running for re-election next year.,1 +""" Meanwhile, Justice Department officials have scrutinized the business dealings of Paul Manafort, who resigned in August as Trump's campaign chairman."," Meanwhile, Justice Department officials have scrutinized the business dealings of Paul Manafort, who resigned in August as Trump's campaign chairman.",0 + Other actions taken Tuesday included: -Crackback blocks by a backfield player who goes in motion are now banned., -Crackback blocks by a backfield player who goes in motion no longer are legal.,0 +"These circumstances added to Poland's sense of continuous suffering due to Russia, and fueled conspiracy theories."," Those circumstances have added to Poland's sense of continuous suffering due to Russia, and fueled conspiracy theories about the plane crash.",1 +" ""When parents have more choices, kids win,"" his tweet said."," ""When parents have more choices, kids win,"" Ducey tweeted after the House and Senate barely passed the legislation Thursday evening.",1 +" Liguori says Rashimi was ""firing over his shoulder"" as he fled.","He says Rahimi was ""firing over his shoulder"" as he fled.",0 +"and tabled reducing overtime in the regular season from 15 minutes to 10, a subject likely to be addressed at the May meetings in Chicago.","a proposal to drop it from 15 minutes to 10 was tabled, a subject likely to be addressed at the May meetings in Chicago.",1 +"The recall caused South Africa's rand to lose nearly 5 percent, another blow to Africa's most industrialized economy that has stalled amid high unemployment.","The recall caused South Africa's rand to lose nearly 5 percent, another blow to Africa's most industrialized economy that grew just 0.5 percent last year.",1 +The decision affected thousands of floating homes and business owners nationwide.,"The decision affected thousands of floating homes and business owners across the U.S., including floating gambling casinos docked on rivers.",1 +" However, officials said no one was hurt despite dramatic images of towering flames and plumes of smoke.","However, officials said no one was hurt despite dramatic images of towering flames and plumes of smoke.",0 + President Juan Manuel Santos warned the death toll could continue to rise.,President Juan Manuel Santos declared a state of emergency and warned the death toll could rise.,1 + China responds that it is in full compliance with sanctions enacted under U.N., China says it is in full compliance with sanctions enacted under U.N.,0 +" WASHINGTON (AP) -- A 20-year-old woman described as ""erratic and aggressive"" drove a vehicle into a U.S."," WASHINGTON (AP) -- A 20-year-old woman described as ""erratic and aggressive"" who drove a vehicle into a U.S.",0 +" ""The world should not be shocked, because it's letting such a regime do what it is doing."," ""The world should not be shocked because it's letting such a regime do what it is doing.",0 +" GOP leaders in the House and Senate have called on Bentley to resign, as has the Alabama Republican Party's steering committee."," GOP leaders in the House and Senate called on Bentley to resign, as has the Alabama Republican Party's steering committee.",0 +" Murphy died Wednesday in New York of leukemia, according to his representative, Domenick Nati.","He was 57. Murphy died Wednesday in New York of leukemia, according to his representative, Domenick Nati.",1 +It got rid of language that would give priority to religious minorities and removed Iraq from the list of banned countries.,It also got rid of language that would give priority to religious minorities and removed Iraq from the list of banned countries.,1 +" Earlier this week, at least 58 people were reported killed, including 11 children, in a suspected chemical attack in a town in northern Syria."," The conference began just a day after at least 58 people, including 11 children, were reported killed in a suspected chemical attack.",1 +" Protests have already blocked roads to neighboring Brazil and Suriname, and shuttered many businesses and schools.","Roads to neighboring Brazil and Suriname are blocked, and many businesses and schools are closed.",1 +"He apologized to Eric Frein and added: ""I do love him or I wouldn't be here.","He apologized to his son and added: ""I do love him or I wouldn't be here.",1 +"It's the gateway to the West, the seat of the language, the seat of the empire, the seat of major finance,"" he said.","It's the gateway to the West, the seat of the language, the seat of the empire, the seat of major finance,"" Serio said.",1 +"According to the partial results, the League captured around 18 percent of the vote, while Forza Italia had less than 14 percent.","The League captured around 18 percent of the vote, while Forza Italia had less than 14 percent, according to the ministry's results.",1 + The National Weather Service issued a winter storm warning into Thursday morning from the Philadelphia area through most of New England.,""" The National Weather Service issued a winter storm warning into Thursday morning from the Philadelphia area through most of New England.",0 +"""If Mother Nature wants to give us one last blast of winter, that's up to her."," ""If Mother Nature wants to give us one last blast of winter, that's up to her,"" he said.",0 +" Amtrak suspended service along the Northeast Corridor, from Washington to Boston."," Amtrak suspended service along the Northeast Corridor, from Washington to Boston, until at least Saturday.",1 + It's most obvious in crowded Republican primaries for safe GOP seats opened by incumbents retiring., It's most obvious in the Republican House primaries for seats opened by retiring GOP incumbents.,1 +" Leah Rubalcaba says 11 people were initially assessed, and three were transported for medical care."," Leah Rubalcaba said 11 people were initially assessed, and three were transported for medical care.",0 +Some areas will get as much as 2 to 3 inches of snow an hour., Some areas were bracing for as much as 2 to 3 inches of snow an hour.,0 +"The changes would allow Xi, already China's most powerful leader in decades, to extend his rule over the world's second largest economy possibly for life.","The changes would allow Xi, already China's most powerful leader in decades, to extend his rule over the world's second-largest economy possibly for life.",0 +"Vladimir Isachenkov in Moscow, Danica Kirka in London and Jo Kearney in Salisbury contributed reporting.","Vladimir Isachenkov in Moscow, Danica Kirka in London and Jo Kearney in Salisbury contributed to this report.",1 +" In suburban Atlanta, one of Georgia's largest school systems announced that students who participate might face unspecified consequences."," In suburban Atlanta, one of Georgia's largest school systems announced that students who participated might face unspecified consequences.",0 +" The Marine Corps says the building was evacuated, and several Marines are receiving medical care."," The Marine Corps said the building was evacuated, and several Marines are receiving medical care.",0 +"He never worked at the White House and was jettisoned from the Trump campaign early on, in August 2015.","He never worked at the White House and was jettisoned from the Trump campaign early on, in August 2015, after racist social media postings surfaced.",1 +" The Rockets led 54-45 at halftime as Harden posted 13 points, seven assists and five rebounds.",""" The Rockets led 54-45 at halftime as Harden posted 13 points, seven assists and five rebounds.",0 +" Most of the injured were brought to Kathmandu Medical College, the closest hospital to the airport, where relatives wept as they awaited news."," Most of the injured were brought to Kathmandu Medical College, where relatives wept as they awaited news.",0 +" ""It was always about the students. He really wanted the students to understand the concept,"" Zeisig said."," ""It was always about the students. He really wanted the students to understand the concept,"" said 18-year-old senior Rowdy Zeisig.",1 +"But there were storylines, too, about different kinds of diversity: racial, geographic, and generational, for example.","But there were storylines, too, about different kinds of diversity: racial, geographic, generational.",0 +""" ""PHE understands that those exposed to the substances have been decontaminated,"" the health agency said.",""" ""PHE understands that those exposed to the substances have been decontaminated,"" the health agency said in a statement.",1 +"He also said: ""I was very excited to receive this invitation and ruin your evening in person."," Trump quipped: ""I was very excited to receive this invitation and ruin your evening in person.",1 + The trial put a harsh spotlight on the attempts of several private companies to gain influence with the Cuomo administration., The trial put a harsh spotlight on the attempts of several companies to gain influence with the Cuomo administration.,1 +" Just days before western Pennsylvania's special election, his campaign informed some residents that he may knock on doors that morning in this critical GOP stronghold.","House election in western Pennsylvania, Saccone's campaign told some residents that he might be knocking on doors that morning.",0 +""" Later that day, Lamb marched up and down the hilly streets of Carnegie, Pennsylvania, in the snow to encourage Democrats to vote.",""" Later that day, Lamb marched up and down the hilly streets of Carnegie in the snow to encourage Democrats to vote.",0 +He also said he plans to file a motion challenging her order.,Downing also said he plans to file a motion challenging her order.,1 +" Student Emma Jacobs texted her mother while she hid inside a darkened classroom, her mother, Annmarie Jacobs, told The Associated Press.",""" Student Emma Jacobs texted her mother while she hid inside a darkened classroom, said her mother, Annmarie Jacobs.",0 +"Kathaleen Wall, who is running for a southeast Texas seat now held by Rep.","One example is Kathaleen Wall, who is running for a southeast Texas seat now held by Rep.",0 +" Shortly after he lobbed that allegation, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders rebuffed him during the White House press briefing."," Shortly after Nunberg lobbed the first allegation, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders rebuffed him during the White House press briefing.",1 +"Forty-seven percent, including three-quarters of blacks, think they've been bad for African Americans.","Forty-seven percent, including three-quarters of blacks, think they've been bad for African-Americans.",0 +" The jury also convicted one of the businessmen charged with paying the bribes, Steven Aiello, an executive at a Syracuse area development company, Cor Development."," The jury also convicted one of the businessmen charged with paying the bribes, Steven Aiello, an executive at a Syracuse-area development company, Cor Development.",0 +Some planned roadside rallies to honor shooting victims and protest violence.,Some were expected to hold roadside rallies to honor shooting victims and protest violence.,1 +Boston and Rhode Island were expected to get 2 to 5 inches.,Boston and Rhode Island expected to get 2 inches to 5 inches.,0 +Some New England and New Jersey communities are still feeling the effects of that storm.,Some New England and New Jersey shoreline communities were still dealing with the effects of that storm.,1 +Both were found comatose on a bench Sunday in the medieval city of Salisbury.,Both were found comatose on a public bench Sunday in the medieval English city of Salisbury.,1 +"Oldman saluted his almost ""99-years-young"" mother back at home with the words: ""Put the kettle on, I'm bringing Oscar home.","This year, Oldman saluted his almost ""99-years-young"" mother back at home with the words: ""Put the kettle on, I'm bringing Oscar home.",0 + Things worth keeping an eye on Tuesday as Texans cast ballots: DEMOCRATIC SURGE Democrats remain underdogs to knock off Republican Sen., Things worth keeping an eye on Tuesday as Texans cast ballots: THE TRUMP EFFECT AND DEMOCRATIC TURNOUT Democrats remain underdogs to knock off Republican U.S.,1 +He finished with 10 points in just over 23 minutes.,The former Rocket finished with 10 points in just over 23 minutes.,1 +" The plane was carrying 67 passengers and four crew members, according to an airline spokesman."," US-Bangla Airlines flight BS211 from Dhaka to Kathmandu was carrying 67 passengers and four crew members, according to an airline spokesman.",1 +" In Myanmar, leader Aung San Suu Kyi urged women to build peaceful democracies using their strength in politics, economics and social issues."," Myanmar's leader Aung San Suu Kyi urged women to build peaceful democracies using their strength in politics, economics and social issues.",1 +They were being treated in several hospitals in Nepal's capital.,"The injured were being treated in various hospitals in Kathmandu, Nepal's capital.",1 +" A mix of snow and light rain fell before daybreak in many areas, then began turning to all snow."," A mix of snow and light rain fell before daybreak in many areas, then began turning to all snow, making driving treacherous.",1 +The governors of New Jersey and Pennsylvania declared states of emergency.,"School districts and government offices from Delaware northward closed, and the governors of New Jersey and Pennsylvania declared states of emergency.",1 + Kushner's attorney tells the AP that Kushner's ability to do his job won't be affected by any change to his clearance., Kushner's attorney told the AP that Kushner's ability to do his job won't be affected by any change to his clearance.,1 +"Jim Justice and the Republican-controlled House, which approved the 5 percent raise on Wednesday.","Jim Justice and the Republican-controlled House, which approved the 5 percent raise Wednesday.",0 +President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump were in Florida at the time., President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump were in Florida at the time.,0 +""" A charitable organization, the Gridiron Club and Foundation provides contributions for college scholarships and journalistic organizations.",""" A charitable organization, the Gridiron Club and Foundation contributes to college scholarships and journalistic organizations.",1 + The organization has been active on the ground since early January to help execute an aggressive get-out-the-vote operation of its own., The organization has been active since early January on an aggressive get-out-the-vote operation of its own.,0 +The seat has been in Republican hands for the last 15 years.,The seat has been in Republican hands for the past 15 years.,0 +"By Saturday afternoon, airports from Washington, D.C. to Boston were still reporting dozens of delays and cancellations.","A day later, airports from Washington, D.C. to Boston were still reporting dozens of delays and cancellations, but they were recovering.",1 +" Follow Binkley on Twitter at @cbinkley --- Find all of AP's coverage on the walkouts and the Parkland, Florida, shooting at https://apnews.com/tag/Floridaschoolshooting"," --- Find all of AP's coverage on the walkouts and the Parkland, Florida, shooting at https://apnews.com/tag/Floridaschoolshooting",0 +""" Martin had already arranged to stay in Philadelphia overnight, preferring not to take a chance with the expected treacherous road conditions.",""" Martin had already arranged to stay in Philadelphia overnight.",1 +"A second executive with the company, Joseph Gerardi, was acquitted on all counts.","A second executive with the company, Joseph Gerardi, was acquitted on all charges.",1 +Republican Congressional candidates across the state have pledged fealty to Trump.,Republican Congressional candidates across the state had pledged fealty to Trump.,0 +Anthony passed Jerry West to move into 20th in NBA history in scoring., Thunder: Anthony passed Jerry West to move into 20th in NBA history in scoring.,1 +"Kimmel quipped in a speech that she didn't get nominated for a stretch in the '90s, but ""that's only because she was in prison.","Kimmel quipped that she didn't get nominated for a stretch in the '90s, but ""that's only because she was in prison.",0 +"Floodwaters in Quincy, Massachusetts, submerged cars and trapped people in their homes."," Floodwaters in Quincy, Massachusetts, submerged cars and trapped people in their homes.",0 +" Sweden has had diplomatic relations with North Korea since 1973, and is now one of the few Western countries to have an embassy in Pyongyang.", Sweden has had diplomatic relations with North Korea since 1973 and is one of the few Western countries with an embassy in Pyongyang.,0 +" Saccone may be President Donald Trump's strong favorite in a conservative region, but he is struggling with the basics of modern-day politics.",""" Saccone may be President Donald Trump's strong favorite in a conservative region, but he is struggling with the basics of modern-day politics.",0 +" The Pentagon had recommended that Trump only pursue targeted tariffs, so as not to upset American partners abroad.","Sorry, it's time for a change!"" The Pentagon had recommended that Trump only pursue targeted tariffs, so as not to upset American partners abroad.",1 +" There were, of course, plenty of #MeToo moments, including an emotional appearance by three of Weinstein's most prominent Hollywood accusers."," There were, of course, plenty of #MeToo moments in Sunday night's ceremony, including an emotional appearance by three of Weinstein's most prominent Hollywood accusers.",1 +"Davidson, a teacher since 2004, also serves as the play-by-play announcer for the high school's football team, police said in a tweet .","A teacher since 2004, Davidson also serves as the play-by-play announcer for the high school's football team.",1 +""" Nunberg also said he thinks former Trump foreign policy adviser Carter Page worked with the Kremlin.",""" Nunberg also said he thinks former Trump foreign policy adviser Carter Page, a key figure in the Russia investigation, worked with the Kremlin.",1 +He said the students could not be expected to remain in class when there was work to do to prevent gun violence.,He said students couldn't be expected to stay in class while there was work to do to prevent gun violence.,0 +" Passage of the proposed constitutional amendment by the congress' nearly 3,000 handpicked delegates is all but certain."," Passage of the proposed constitutional amendment by the congress' nearly 3,000 hand-picked delegates is all but certain.",0 +Pennsylvania's Poconos Mountains and parts of western Massachusetts could see up to 18 inches.,Forecasters said Pennsylvania's Poconos Mountains and parts of western Massachusetts could see up to 18 inches.,0 +" Chung led a 10-member South Korean delegation that met with Kim during a two-day visit to Pyongyang, North Korea's capital.", Chung led a 10-member South Korean delegation on a two-day visit to North Korea.,1 +"TED CRUZ A key matchup in November will be the Senate race between O'Rourke and Cruz, who easily won their party nominations.",TED CRUZ The most watched matchup in Texas in November will be the Senate race between O'Rourke and Cruz.,1 +"""You listen to us now."" The bombshell announcement comes as Putin is set to easily win another six-year presidential term in the March 18 election.", Putin's bombshell announcement comes as he is set to easily win another six-year presidential term in the March 18 election.,1 +"The tower repeatedly asked if the pilot was OK and the reply was 'yes,'"" Raj Kumar Chetri said.","The tower repeatedly asked if the pilot was OK and the reply was 'Yes,'"" said the general manager, Raj Kumar Chetri.",1 +" The coordinated protests were organized by Empower, the youth wing of the Women's March, which brought thousands to Washington last year.",""" The coordinated protests Wednesday were organized by Empower, the youth wing of the Women's March, which brought thousands to Washington last year.",1 +Others were to hold demonstrations in school gyms or on football fields.,Others planned demonstrations in school gyms or on football fields.,0 +" Some schools applauded students for taking a stand or at least tolerated the walkouts, while others threatened punishment.", While administrators and teachers at some schools applauded students for taking a stand - and some joined them - others threatened punishment for missing class.,1 +"Eighty-five percent of Democrats consider Trump racist, but just 21 percent of Republicans agree.","The poll finds that 85 percent of Democrats consider Trump racist, but just 21 percent of Republicans agree.",0 +"But it felt like the best-actress winner was also addressing the evening's broader vibe: Change, of many kinds, at the first post-Harvey Weinstein Academy Awards.","But it felt like she was also addressing the evening's broader vibe: Change, of many kinds, at the first post-Harvey Weinstein Academy Awards.",0 +" Other events are planned across Asia, the Mideast, Europe and the Americas."," Other International Women's Day events are planned across Asia, the Mideast, Europe and the Americas.",1 +" Depending on the storm's track, communities along the Interstate 95 corridor could see heavy rain, heavy snow or a mix of both."," Depending on the storm's track, communities along the I-95 corridor could see heavy rain, heavy snow or a mix of the two.",0 +" The storm killed at least five people, including a 77-year-old woman struck by a branch outside her home near Baltimore.",A 77-year-old woman died after being struck by a branch outside her home near Baltimore.,1 +" The storm swept in Friday and prompted more than 2,800 flight cancellations, mostly in the Northeast."," The storm prompted more than 2,800 flight cancellations, mostly in the Northeast on Friday.",1 +""" --- AP writers Kelly Daschle and Bill Barrow contributed to this report.",""" --- Associated Press writers Kelly Daschle and Bill Barrow contributed to this report.",1 +" After the walkout Wednesday, some students in Massachusetts say they plan to rally outside the Springfield headquarters of Smith &"," Some students in Massachusetts said that after Wednesday's protest, they planned to rally outside the Springfield headquarters of the gun maker Smith &",1 + Police spokesman Bruce Frazier said the teacher was taken into custody after a 30- to 45-minute standoff with officers.," The teacher, Jesse Randal Davidson, was taken into custody without incident after a 30- to 45-minute standoff with officers, Dalton police spokesman Bruce Frazier said.",1 +He did not provide the nationalities of the four crewmembers.,He did not provide the nationalities of the four crew members.,0 +" The plane swerved repeatedly as it prepared to land, said Amanda Summers, an American working in Nepal."," One witness, Amanda Summers, an American working in Nepal, said the plane swerved repeatedly as it prepared to land.",0 +" Sam Nunberg said he thinks Mueller may already have incriminating evidence on Trump directly, although he would not say what that evidence might be."," Nunberg said he thinks Mueller may already have incriminating evidence on Trump directly, although he would not say what that evidence might be.",0 +" The election results showed a stunning loss for the Democratic Party, the main partner in the center-left government that has ruled Italy since 2013."," The election results were a stunning loss for the Democratic Party, the main partner in the current center-left government.",0 +" Amtrak canceled some train service Wednesday, and regional rail trains in Philadelphia will be operating on a weekend schedule."," Amtrak canceled some train service, and commuter trains in Philadelphia were put on a weekend schedule.",1 +" WASHINGTON (AP) -- In Donald Trump's roller-coaster White House, no insider is above rebuke and no outcast beyond redemption."," WASHINGTON (AP) -- In the squabbling Trump White House, no insider is ever above rebuke and no one blacklisted beyond redemption.",0 +" Prosecutors say Percoco and his family accepted more than $300,000 in bribes in all."," Prosecutors say Percoco and his family accepted more than $300,000 in bribes.",0 +" LONDON (AP) -- Britain offers wealthy Russians many attractions - but for some former spies and foes of President Vladimir Putin, it has become lethal.","But for some former spies and other foes of President Vladimir Putin, it has become lethal.",1 +" More than a foot of snow is expected for some interior areas, the weather service said.", More than a foot of snow was expected in some interior areas.,1 +"Gokul Bhandari, the Nepal army spokesman, said 50 people had died and the fate of the others was unknown.","Gokul Bhandari, the Nepal army spokesman, said it was clear that at least 50 people had died.",1 +"In Massachusetts and Georgia and Ohio, students said they'll head to the statehouse to lobby for new gun regulations.","In Massachusetts and Ohio, students said they would head to the statehouse to lobby for new gun laws.",0 +""" The coordinated protests Wednesday were organized by Empower, the youth wing of the Women's March, which brought thousands to Washington last year."," Wednesday's coordinated protests were organized by Empower, the youth wing of the Women's March, which brought thousands to Washington last year.",0 +A White House official confirms to The Associated Press that Kelly's order has been implemented.,A White House official confirmed to The Associated Press that Kelly's order has been implemented.,0 +"Davidson, 53, serves as the play-by-play announcer for the high school's football team, police said in a tweet .","A teacher since 2004, Davidson also serves as the play-by-play announcer for the high school's football team.",1 + The trial was the latest in a long line of corruption allegations to emerge from Albany in recent years.,""" The trial was the latest in a long line of corruption allegations to emerge from Albany in recent years.",0 +And the sting of the GOP's embarrassing December defeat in Alabama's special Senate race is still fresh.,And the sting of the GOP's December defeat in Alabama's special U.S.,0 +Congressional candidates across the state pledge fealty to the president and blast his critics.,Republican Congressional candidates across the state have pledged fealty to Trump.,1 +" State Land Commission George P. Bush, the nephew for former President George W. Bush, won the Republican nomination for another term.","Land Commissioner George P. Bush, the nephew of former President George W. Bush, and Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller.",1 +At least five people were killed by falling trees or branches.,At least five people were killed Friday by falling trees or branches.,0 +" US-Bangla operates Boeing 737-800 and smaller Bombardier Dash 8 Q-400 planes, the model of the plane that crashed."," US-Bangla operates Boeing 737-800 and smaller Bombardier Dash 8 planes, the model of the plane that crashed.",0 +Jurors who deliberated off and on for three weeks acquitted Percoco of two extortion counts and one of the bribery charges he had faced.,Jurors who deliberated off and on for three weeks acquitted Percoco of extortion and one of the bribery charges he had faced.,0 +" WASHINGTON (AP) -- More than half of Americans, including large majorities of blacks and Hispanics, think President Donald Trump is a racist."," WASHINGTON (AP) -- Large numbers of Americans say they think President Donald Trump's policies have made things worse for African-Americans, Hispanics and Muslims.",1 + British officials say they were exposed to a rare nerve agent., British officials say they were exposed to a rare nerve agent of undetermined origin.,1 +Attorney's office didn't immediately announce whether it would seek a retrial.,Attorney's office didn't immediately say whether it would seek a retrial.,0 +"She had pain in her legs and bruising but was otherwise unscathed, and taken to a hospital for evaluation, he said.","She had pain in her legs and bruising but was otherwise unscathed and taken to a hospital for evaluation, he said.",0 +Ohio and upstate New York got a foot or more of snow., Ohio and upstate New York got a foot or more of snow.,0 +"Greg Abbott, but there's been a surge among Democratic candidates and voters that reflects nationwide momentum for the left since Trump's election.","Greg Abbott, but there's been a surge in numbers of Democratic candidates and voters that reflects nationwide momentum for the left since Trump's election.",1 +" The teacher, Jesse Randal Davidson, was taken into custody without incident after a 30- to 45-minute standoff with officers, Dalton police spokesman Bruce Frazier said."," The teacher was taken into custody without incident after a 30- to 45-minute standoff with officers, police spokesman Bruce Frazier said.",0 +He played his first game with the team last Saturday in Portland.,The guard played his first game with the Oklahoma City last Saturday in Portland.,1 +"We're a hearty bunch, so some snow and rain isn't going to stop us.","We're a hardy bunch, so some snow and rain isn't going to stop us.",0 +Andrew Cuomo was convicted on federal bribery and fraud charges Tuesday in a trial that further exposed the state capital's culture of backroom deal-making.,Andrew Cuomo on federal bribery and fraud charges Tuesday in a trial that further exposed the state capital's culture of backroom deal-making.,1 +"Some have applauded students for taking a stand, while others threatened discipline."," Some schools applauded students for taking a stand or at least tolerated the walkouts, while others threatened discipline.",1 +""" TRUMP EFFECT The president won Texas during the 2016 nominating process and in the November election.",""" The president won Texas during the 2016 nominating process and in the November election.",0 +"Peter Navarro, who was once barred from sending private emails and spotted skulking in West Wing hallways, has emerged from the chaos ascendant.","Trade adviser Peter Navarro, once barred from sending private emails and spotted skulking in West Wing hallways, has abruptly emerged from the chaos ascendant.",1 + Nathangel Lopez hunkered down with other students and teachers in a gym locker room.,""" Nathangel Lopez hunkered down with students and teachers in a gym locker room.",1 +"And another round of school walkouts is planned for April 20, the 19th anniversary of the Columbine High School shooting in Colorado.","24. Another round of school walkouts is planned for April 20, the 19th anniversary of the Columbine High shooting in Colorado.",1 + He said the students could not be expected to remain in class when there was work to do to prevent gun violence.,He said the students could not be expected to remain in class when there was work to do to prevent gun violence.,0 +Lawmakers are scrambling to take some kind of action before then., Lawmakers are scrambling to take some kind of action before the legislature's annual session ends Friday.,1 + Registered Democrats also outnumbered Republicans in early voting in the most populous counties tracked by the state., Registered Democrats outnumbered Republicans in early voting in the most populous counties tracked by the state.,1 +The Justice Department and FBI obtained a secret warrant in October 2016 to monitor his communications., The Justice Department and FBI obtained a secret warrant in October 2016 to monitor Page's communications.,1 +The full House has yet to take up its version of the bill., The full House has yet to take up its version of the bill.,0 +"It was his first court appearance since his co-defendant and longtime business associate, Rick Gates, pleaded guilty and agreed to cooperate with prosecutors."," It was his first court appearance since his co-defendant and longtime business associate, Rick Gates, pleaded guilty and agreed to cooperate with prosecutors.",0 + Avenatti said Daniels wasn't looking to profit from her story., Avenatti said Clifford wasn't looking to profit from her story.,1 + --- AP journalists Niranjan Shrestha and Upendra Mansingh in Kathmandu and Julhas Alam in Dhaka contributed to this report.," --- AP journalists Niranjan Shrestha and Upendra Mansingh in Kathmandu and Julhas Alam in Dhaka, Bangladesh, contributed to this report.",1 +"Rick Scott has been lobbying lawmakers to pass his plan to assign at least one law-enforcement officer for every 1,000 students at a school.",Rick Scott has been lobbying lawmakers to pass his plan to assign law-enforcement officers to schools.,1 +" Norman Haynes of Victoria, Texas said his daughter, 18-year-old trumpet player Makena Campa, was on the bus with her mother."," Norman Haynes of Victoria, Texas, said his daughter, 18-year-old trumpet player Makena Campa, was headed home on the bus with her mother.",1 +A 25-year-old man in Connecticut and a 57-year-old Pennsylvania man were killed when trees fell on their cars Friday.,"A 25-year-old man in Connecticut, a 57-year-old Pennsylvania man and a 37-year-old Massachusetts man were killed when trees fell on their vehicles Friday.",1 + US-Bangla Airlines flight BS211 from Dhaka to Kathmandu was carrying 67 passengers and four crew members.,US-Bangla Airlines Flight BS211 from Dhaka to Kathmandu was carrying 67 passengers and four crew members.,0 +" ""I don't think I'm ready for this to happen again,"" Caprice Dantzler, 32, said as she walked through Philadelphia's snowy, rainy Rittenhouse Square."," ""I don't think I'm ready for this to happen again,"" Caprice Dantzler said as she walked through Philadelphia's Rittenhouse Square.",0 +" The protesters carried signs with messages such as ""Our Blood/Your Hands"" and ""Never Again"" and chanted slogans against the NRA."," The students carried signs with messages such as ""Our Blood/Your Hands"" and ""Never Again"" and chanted slogans against the NRA.",0 + A slight consolation is that the storm is not expected to bring the coastal flooding like the one last week., One slight consolation: The storm was not expected to bring coastal flooding like the one last week.,1 + Houston extended its lead to 19 midway through the fourth quarter.,""" Houston extended its lead to 19 midway through the fourth quarter.",0 + But whether they can make a difference on Capitol Hill remains to be seen., But whether the students can make a difference on Capitol Hill remains to be seen.,0 +" Amtrak canceled some train service, and commuter trains in Philadelphia were put on a weekend schedule."," Amtrak canceled some train service, and commuter trains in Philadelphia and New Jersey were put on an abbreviated schedule.",1 +"Case instructors said 150 or more students will line a sidewalk along a nearby road, carrying posters with the names of Parkland victims.","Case instructors said 150 or more students were expected to line the sidewalk, carrying posters with the names of Parkland victims.",1 +"Gusts of up to 60 mph were forecast on Cape Cod, 45 mph at the Jersey shore and 30 mph around suburban Philadelphia.","Gusts up to 60 mph were forecast on Cape Cod, 45 mph at the Jersey shore and 30 mph around suburban Philadelphia.",0 +" KATHMANDU, Nepal (AP) -- A passenger plane from Bangladesh crashed as it landed Monday at Kathmandu airport in Nepal, an airport official said."," KATHMANDU, Nepal (AP) -- A passenger plane swerved, crashed and burst into flames as it landed Monday at Kathmandu airport in Nepal, a witness said.",1 +The Arlington County Fire Department says on Twitter that the three are stable and the investigation is ongoing., The Arlington County Fire Department said on Twitter that the three are stable and the investigation is ongoing.,0 +"The League captured around 18 percent, while Forza Italia had less than 14 percent.","According to the partial results, the League captured around 18 percent of the vote, while Forza Italia had less than 14 percent.",1 + NEW YORK (AP) -- A former top aide to Gov., NEW YORK (AP) -- Jurors convicted a former top aide to Gov.,1 + An employee who answered the phone at the US-Bangla offices in Dhaka said no one was available to talk.," An employee who answered the phone at the US-Bangla offices in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, said no one was available to talk.",1 +" --- AP journalists Niranjan Shrestha and Upendra Mansingh in Kathmandu and Julhas Alam in Dhaka, Bangladesh, contributed to this report."," --- Associated Press journalists Niranjan Shrestha and Upendra Mansingh in Kathmandu and Julhas Alam in Dhaka, Bangladesh, contributed to this report.",0 + School districts and municipal operations around Pennsylvania and Connecticut are closed for the day., School districts and municipal operations around Pennsylvania and Connecticut closed.,1 +" The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of airport policy, said the flight was arriving from Dhaka, the Bangladesh capital."," The flight was arriving from Bangladesh, said an airport official who spoke on condition of anonymity because of airport policy.",1 +" In January, a Pepsi delivery driver's tractor-trailer became struck at the same crossing in January, the city said in a statement at the time."," In January, a Pepsi delivery driver's tractor-trailer became struck at the same crossing.",1 +""" Purinton, who is jailed on $2 million bond, was moved Friday from Missouri to Kansas."," Purinton, who is being held on $2 million bond, was moved Friday from Missouri to Kansas.",0 +" That fire started in Oklahoma, where it burned an estimated 390 square miles in Beaver County."," The largest of the Kansas fires started in Oklahoma, where it burned an estimated 390 square miles in Beaver County.",1 +"Ted Cruz of Texas, who has said he has significant concerns about the GOP health care bill Trump is pushing for passage.","Ted Cruz, who has said he has significant concerns about the health care bill Trump wants Congress to pass.",0 +" GENEVA (AP) -- The U.N. human rights chief says he is ""dismayed"" by U.S."," GENEVA (AP) -- The U.N. human rights chief said Wednesday he is ""dismayed"" by U.S.",0 + --- Associated Press writer Alicia A. Caldwell and Sadie Gurman contributed to this report., --- Associated Press reporters Julie Pace and Sadie Gurman contributed to this report.,1 +" The police commander was summoned to testify, but he failed to show up."," The commander was summoned to testify, but he failed to show up.",0 + --- Follow Julie Pace at http://twitter.com/jpaceDC and Jill Colvin at http://twitter.com/colvinj, --- Follow Alicia A. Caldwell on Twitter at http://twitter.com/acaldwellap and Jill Colvin at http://twitter.com/colvinj,1 + The protest in Moscow was the largest opposition gathering since a similar memorial march for Nemtsov last year., The memorial protest was the largest opposition gathering since a similar march for Nemtsov in 2016.,1 +Senate Democratic staff said that Caterpillar had avoided paying $2.4 billion in U.S. taxes since 2000 by shifting profits to a wholly-controlled affiliate in Switzerland.,Senate Democratic staff said that Caterpillar had avoided paying $2.4 billion in U.S. taxes since 2000 by shifting profits to the affiliate in Switzerland.,1 +" The necropsy findings were consistent with hyperthermia, but further testing will be conducted, race marshal Mark Nordman said in a news release."," The necropsy findings were consistent with hyperthermia, but further testing will be conducted, race marshal Mark Nordman said.",1 + The NAACP's Friday meeting comes after Sessions suggested the agency would pursue fewer federal investigations of troubled police departments., The Friday meeting came after Sessions suggested the agency would pursue fewer federal investigations of troubled police departments.,0 +"House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, a California Democrat, accused Sessions of ""lying under oath"" and demanded that he resign."," Democratic House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, a California Democrat, accused Sessions of ""lying under oath"" and demanded that he resign.",1 + But investigators said they never established who ordered Nemtsov's assassination.,Investigators said they never established who ordered the politician's assassination.,1 +" Jacobs ""aggressively shoved a recorder in Greg's face, and began asking badgering questions"" before being asked to leave, Scanlon said in a statement.","It contends he ""aggressively shoved a recorder in Greg's face and began asking badgering questions"" before being asked to leave.",0 +The National Transportation Safety Board said it is also investigating.,The National Transportation Safety Board said it also is investigating.,0 +" All the residents of the homes have been accounted for, Moore said."," All residents of the destroyed homes have been accounted for, Moore said.",1 +" The heaviest damage has been in Clark County on the state's southern border with Oklahoma, where about 545 square miles have burned."," The Kansas Division of Emergency Management said late Tuesday that the heaviest damage is in Clark County, where 548 square miles have burned.",1 +"Records show there have been 16 accidents at the crossing since 1976, including in 1983 and 2003, each of which involved one fatality.",Records show there have been 16 accidents at the crossing since 1976. Accidents in 1983 and 2003 each involved a fatality.,1 + Congress returned Monday from a recess that signaled that the GOP faces a lot of difficulties in its task., Congress returned Monday from a recess that spotlighted hurdles the GOP faces.,1 +Another was in a dealer's home alongside 429 bags of heroin.,Another was found in a dealer's home alongside 429 bags of heroin.,0 +""" Covington, whose trial began May 30, was the first of five church members to face trial in the case.", Covington was the first of five church members to face trial in the case.,1 +" ""People are dying. The world must act now to stop this,"" the U.N. chief tweeted to announce his arrival in this Horn of Africa nation."," ""People are dying. The world must act now to stop this,"" the U.N. chief tweeted on his arrival in this Horn of Africa nation.",0 +" A husband, wife and three teenagers were on the plane that had just taken off from Riverside Municipal Airport at 4:40 p.m.", The twin-engine plane with five occupants had just taken off from Riverside Municipal Airport at 4:40 p.m.,1 +"Women dressed in red and waved signs reading ""Nevertheless she persisted,"" ''Misogyny out of the White House now"" and ""Resist like a girl.","Women wore red and waved signs reading ""Nevertheless she persisted,"" ''Misogyny out of the White House now"" and ""Resist like a girl.",0 +" Even if he were asked again, Schwarzenegger said he wouldn't want to do it.","He said even if he were asked again, he wouldn't want to host the show.",0 +no one immediately responded to phone or email messages to his relatives., No one immediately responded to phone or email messages to Redzepagic's relatives.,1 +"All roads leading to the summit venue have been blocked and all offices, schools and most businesses in Islamabad have been closed."," All roads leading to the venue in Islamabad were blocked and all offices, schools and most businesses in the capital were closed on Wednesday.",1 +Pyongyang has staged a series of missile test-launches of various ranges in recent months.,"Pyongyang has staged a series of missile test-launches of various ranges in recent months, including a new intermediate-range missile in February.",1 +Four other men were convicted of involvement in the killing., Four other men were convicted of involvement in the killing.,0 +He said he wasn't familiar with the facts of any investigation and was unaware of any requirement that he abandon oversight.,He said he was not familiar with the facts of any investigation and was unaware of any requirement that he abandon oversight.,0 +Some businesses and institutions said they would either close or give female employees the day off., Some businesses and institutions said they would either close or give female employees the day off.,0 +" ""It's unrecognizable really as a plane,"" said Railsback, who added that it was ""remarkable"" no one on the ground was hurt."," ""It's unrecognizable, really, as a plane,"" police Officer Ryan Railsback said, adding it was remarkable that no one on the ground was hurt.",1 +"Customs and Border Protection, which screens travelers at airports, declined to discuss the case.","Customs and Border Protection, which screens travelers at airports, also declined to discuss the family's situation.",1 +"He also made threats in which he identified the woman as the culprit, authorities said.","Thompson also made threats in which he identified the woman as the culprit, authorities said.",0 + Restaurant groups said they don't support drunken driving but a .05 limit won't catch drivers who are actually impaired., Restaurant groups said they don't support drunken driving but a 0.05 percent limit won't catch drivers who are actually impaired.,0 +USA Nationals for girls age 15 and under was held at Disney California Adventure Park over the weekend.,USA Nationals for girls 15 and under was held at Disney California Adventure Park over the weekend.,0 +""" At a nearby reception, Perez said the party must be the center of Trump resistance.",""" Perez said the party must be the center of Trump resistance.",1 + Ken Hoffman worked for the district for decades and had served as an assistant superintendent.,"Ken Hoffman, 82, worked for the district for decades and was an assistant superintendent.",1 +"""These sites are part of the internet, but they're not the entire internet,"" Montgomery said.","""This is a part of the internet, but it's not the entire internet that is being taken away from these offenders,"" Montgomery said.",1 +Any more defections from Republican senators would place the GOP effort on the education rule in jeopardy.,A couple more defections from Republican senators would place the GOP effort on the education rule in jeopardy.,1 +" Key details about the Republican plan are still unknown, including cost and coverage."," Important details about the Republican plan are unknown, including cost and coverage.",0 +""" The disclosure came two days after FBI Director James Comey publicly confirmed the bureau's own investigation into the Trump campaign's connections with Russia.", Nunes' disclosure came two days after FBI Director James Comey publicly confirmed the bureau's own investigation into the Trump campaign's connections with Russia.,1 +"Federal Railroad Agency records show 10 trains a day typically use the track, with a maximum speed of 45 mph."," Federal Railroad Agency records show 10 trains a day typically use the track, with a maximum speed of 45 mph.",0 +" Takata's air bag inflators can explode with too much force, hurling shrapnel into drivers and passengers."," Takata admitted hiding evidence that its air bag inflators can explode with too much force, hurling shrapnel into drivers and passengers.",1 +" Lily Collins was nominated for a Golden Globe earlier this year for her role in Warren Beatty's ""Rules Don't Apply."," Lily Collins was nominated for a Golden Globe this year for her role in Warren Beatty's ""Rules Don't Apply.",0 +President Barack Obama signed the health care bill 14 months after entering office.,President Barack Obama signed his health care bill 14 months after entering office.,0 +" Police in Concord arrested 29-year-old Felicia Farruggia this week, about six months after her son was born."," Police in Concord arrested 29-year-old Felicia Farruggia, of Concord, about six months after her son was born in September.",1 +Two former senators she helped prosecute for plunder when she was the Philippines' justice secretary have been detained in the same center for three years.,Two former senators she helped prosecute for plunder when she was the justice secretary have been detained in the same center for three years.,0 +"The key, he said, is too ""knock on doors and engage people"" while pushing policies that benefit them.","The key, he said, is to ""knock on doors and engage people"" while pushing policies that benefit them.",0 + The Indianapolis Star (http://indy.st/2m4OK6j ) says the emails were delivered Thursday to be archived for public review as required under Indiana law.," Attorneys for Pence delivered the emails Thursday to be archived for public review as required under Indiana law, the Indianapolis Star reported (http://indy.st/2m4OK6j ).",1 +"At the vigil, Madasani recalled how Kuchibhotla never complained about picking him up and driving him to work over a six-month period.","At the vigil, Madasani recalled how Kuchibhotla never complained about picking him up and driving him to work for six months.",1 + Pence spokesman Marc Lotter says the emails are from government accounts as well as Pence's private email account used for government business.," The emails are from government accounts as well as Pence's private email account used for government business, spokesman Marc Lotter said.",0 +" ""These conditions will make it somewhat easier for firefighting efforts, but far from perfect. The fires still will be moving,"" Bunting told The Associated Press."," ""These conditions will make it somewhat easier for firefighting efforts, but far from perfect. The fires still will be moving,"" Bunting said.",1 +"Key suspects have disappeared and reportedly have been whisked abroad, and the investigators have failed to name the organizers.","Key suspects have disappeared, reportedly whisked abroad, and the investigators have failed to identify the organizers.",0 +"""With China's domestic economy still in the phase of transformation, the tasks for China's economic growth are arduous but with great potential."," ""With China's domestic economy still in the phase of transformation, the tasks for China's economic growth are arduous but with great potential,"" said Song.",1 +Prosecutors are expected to announce the sentences they are seeking at a hearing next week., Prosecutors are expected to announce the sentences they are seeking at a hearing next week.,0 + American officials said earlier this week that the U.S. military expected another North Korean missile launch in the next several days., American defense officials had said Tuesday that the U.S. military was expecting another North Korean missile launch in the next several days.,1 +"(its) power to prevent thefts,"" including more patrols and K-9 units.","(its) power to prevent"" the gun thefts, including extra patrols and K-9 units.",1 +Scanlon said Jacobs then grabbed Gianforte's wrist and both apparently fell to the ground.,"Jacobs then grabbed Gianforte's wrist and both fell to the ground, the campaign said.",1 +" Also on Tuesday, two suburban Jewish community centers in upstate New York were shut down when someone phoned in bomb threats, authorities said."," Also Tuesday, two suburban Jewish community centers in upstate New York were shut down when someone phoned in bomb threats, authorities said.",0 +Thompson had written that a cousin named Scott Roof claimed the white gunman was angry that a love interest chose a black man over him., Thompson had written that a cousin named Scott Roof claimed the gunman was angry that a love interest chose a black man over him.,0 +"Shortly afterward, firefighters arrived and Farruggia gave birth while entering the ambulance.","Shortly afterward, firefighters arrived, and Farruggia gave birth while entering the ambulance.",0 +"As in the current system, Swedes will still be able to volunteer for military service.",1. Swedes will still be able to volunteer for military service.,1 + The turnout this time appeared in many places to be far smaller.," The turnout on the streets this time was much smaller in many places, with crowds often numbering in the hundreds.",1 +It was compiled by the Interior Ministry with information from Germany's 16 states.,It was compiled by the Interior Ministry with information from Germany's 16 states in response to a question in Parliament by the Left party.,1 + Police told the newspaper that the agency has contacted the FBI and other law enforcement agencies about the incident., Police told the newspaper that the agency has contacted the FBI and other law enforcement agencies about the case.,0 +" Despite the mounting pressure to investigate Kadyrov's role in the killing, Putin stood by him and the investigation has fizzled."," Despite the mounting pressure to include Kadyrov in the investigation, Putin stood by him and the inquiry went nowhere.",1 +The problem touched off the largest automotive recall in U.S. history involving 42 million vehicles and 60 million inflators.,"The problem touched off the biggest recall in U.S. automotive history, involving 42 million vehicles and up to 69 million inflators.",1 +" The penalties include $850 million in restitution to automakers, $125 million for victims and families and a $25 million criminal fine."," Penalties in the criminal case include $850 million in restitution to automakers, $125 million for victims and $25 million for the U.S. government.",1 +" Juan Thompson, 31, was arrested in St. Louis and appeared there in federal court Friday on a cyberstalking charge.", Juan Thompson was arrested in St. Louis and appeared there in federal court Friday on a cyberstalking charge.,0 + --- Associated Press writers Sandy Cohen and Lindsey Bahr contributed to this report.," --- Associated Press' Sandy Cohen, Lindsey Bahr and Matt Sayles contributed to this report.",1 +" A crowd of about 1,000 people, the vast majority of them women, gathered on Fifth Avenue in the shadow of Trump Tower to demonstrate."," A crowd of about 1,000 people, the vast majority of them women, gathered on New York's Fifth Avenue in the shadow of Trump Tower.",1 + Nemtsov was a fierce critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin.," Nemtsov, a former Russian deputy prime minister, was a fierce critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin.",1 +" ""There's not many Mormons in Rome and they're doing it there,"" Herbert quipped Thursday."," ""There's not many Mormons in Rome, and they're doing it there,"" Herbert quipped Thursday.",0 +"The national uninsured rate is below 9 percent, a historic low.","National uninsured rate is below 9 percent, a historic low.",0 +" Still, American women continue to be paid less than men, earning 80 cents for every dollar a man makes."," At the same time, American women earn 80 cents for every dollar a man makes.",0 +" In Kansas, wildfires have burned about 625 square miles of land and killed one person.", Kansas wildfires have burned about 625 square miles of land and killed one person.,0 +""" Schwarzenegger replaced the president as host of the show, but Trump remained as an executive producer."," Schwarzenegger, who replaced Trump as host of the show while the president remained its executive producer, announced Friday he's through.",1 +Their awards marked the first time in more than a decade that multiple Oscar acting honors went to black actors.,"She and Ali, both widely expected winners, marked the first time in more than a decade that multiple Oscar acting honors went to black actors.",1 +But Islamabad is using the ECO summit as a chance to show investors its potential as one of Asia's emerging markets., Islamabad also used the summit as a chance to show its potential as one of Asia's emerging markets.,1 +" ""Even in my dreams this cannot be true,"" said an astonished Jenkins, once he reached the stage."," ""Even in my dreams this cannot be true,"" said an astonished Jenkins, once he reached the microphone.",0 + Gronkowski celebrated with Busch and the Monster girls in victory lane and raved about the win., Gronkowski celebrated with Busch and the Monster girls in victory lane.,1 + --- Associated Press writer Amanda Lee Myers contributed to this report., --- Associated Press writer Amanda Lee Myers in Los Angeles contributed to this report.,1 +Sweden's women's football team replaced the names on the backs of their jerseys with tweets from Swedish women., Sweden's women's soccer team replaced the names on the backs of their jerseys with tweets from Swedish women.,0 +"The levees weren't designed for overtopping,"" Randolph County Judge David Jansen told the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette.","The levees weren't designed for overtopping,"" Randolph County Judge David Jansen told the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette before the levee failed.",1 +" Following Putin's call for a full probe, investigators quickly tracked down several people linked to the killing, all of them from Chechnya."," Following Putin's call for a full probe, investigators quickly tracked down several people linked to the killing, all from Chechnya.",0 +""" Trump took to Twitter and asked others to join him in ""honoring the critical role of women"" in the U.S. and around the world.",""" Trump took to Twitter to salute ""the critical role of women"" in the U.S. and around the world.",0 +" --- This story has been corrected to show that Thompson is accused of tweeting the Secret Service, not the FBI."," --- This story has been corrected to show Thompson is accused of tweeting the Secret Service, not the FBI.",0 +"Things like that don't happen,"" said the 59-year-old Mullins, who has lived in the neighborhood for 25 years.","Things like that don't happen,"" said Mullins, 59, who has lived in the neighborhood for 25 years. ""You can't believe somebody would do that.",0 +"All of a sudden it turned into a freefall,"" he told the Press-Enterprise."," ""All of a sudden it turned into a freefall,"" he told the Press-Enterprise.",0 + It had priced its initial public offering of 200 million non-voting shares at $17 each on Wednesday., The company had priced its initial public offering of 200 million shares at $17 each on Wednesday.,1 +"About half of those structures were near the small city of Englewood, which was one of two communities evacuated.","About half of those structures are near the small city of Englewood, which was one of two communities evacuated.",1 +"An appeal could be heard by a five-member tribal Supreme Court, and that decision would be final.","If an appeal were filed in a jury decision, it could be heard by a five-member tribal Supreme Court, and that decision would be final.",1 +He said he estimates that wealthy investors who use high-priced advisers have wasted over $100 billion over the past decade.,He said he estimates that wealthy investors who use high-priced advisers have wasted more than $100 billion over the past decade.,0 + Dry conditions and strong winds had put the region at risk for wildfires., Dry conditions and strong winds have put the region at risk for wildfires.,0 +" He said their identities would remain protected for now, citing potential danger for the father's work for the U.S. government in Afghanistan."," He said their identities would remain protected for now, citing potential danger to them because of the father's work for the U.S. government in Afghanistan.",1 +" The other dog, from musher Seth Barnes' team, died late Thursday near Galena."," The other dog, from musher Seth Barnes' team, died unexpectedly late Thursday near Galena.",0 +" He says the families arrive scared, exhausted and in need of supplies, which were being stockpiled at the church via donations from several parishes."," Families arrive scared and in need of supplies, which are being stockpiled at the church via donations from several parishes, he said.",1 + There was no immediate word on the man's possible motives or where he came from.," There was no immediate word on the man's possible motives, where he came from or his condition in the hospital.",1 +Those countries will then have 50 days to comply with U.S. government requests to update or improve that information.,Those countries will then have 50 days to comply with U.S. requests to update or improve that information.,0 +" In 2015, identity thieves stole nearly 700,000 fraudulent tax refunds from the IRS."," In 2015, identity thieves stole nearly 700,000 tax refunds from the IRS.",0 +" ""If they were outside, they always waved at you,"" said Clearsy Mullins."," ""If they were outside, they always waved at you,"" said Clearsy Mullins, who's been living with her son for about 10 years.",1 + The protest Sunday in Moscow is expected to be the largest opposition gathering since a similar memorial march last year., The protest in Moscow was the largest opposition gathering since a similar memorial march for Nemtsov last year.,1 + News organizations that were allowed in included the conservative website Breitbart news.," Several news organizations were allowed in, including the conservative website Breitbart News.",1 + --- Follow Drew at www.twitter.com/jonldrew and Foreman at www.twitter.com/skipforeman1 --- This story has been corrected to reflect that the suspect's last name is Funes., --- Follow Drew at www.twitter.com/jonldrew and Foreman at www.twitter.com/skipforeman1 .,1 +"It's popular with young people, but growth has slowed down in recent months.","It's popular with young people, but growth has slowed in recent months.",0 +28. He claimed on Twitter the ex-girlfriend was behind the calls.,28. He claimed on Twitter that his ex-girlfriend was behind the calls.,1 +"A few minutes after that, as an ambulance rushed him to a hospital, Kim Jong Nam died."," A few minutes after that, as an ambulance rushed him to a hospital, Kim Jong Nam died.",0 +Ryan Zinke resigned to join Trump's Cabinet as secretary of the Interior Department.,House left vacant when Ryan Zinke resigned to join Trump's Cabinet as secretary of the Interior Department.,1 +" ""We suspect that that subject was highly intoxicated,"" Police Chief Michael Harrison said on Saturday evening."," ""We suspect that that subject was highly intoxicated,"" Police Chief Michael Harrison had said on Saturday evening.",0 +The group also was nominated for last year's Nobel Peace Prize.,The group was also nominated for last year's Nobel Peace Prize.,0 +It took a lot of courage for him to come forward in the first place.,"""It took a lot of courage for him to come forward in the first place.",0 + The ministry said it was analyzing what type of missile was launched but gave no further details.,It said it was analyzing what type of missile was launched.,1 +" According to the criminal complaint, Thompson and the victim, a social worker, broke up last summer."," According to the criminal complaint, Thompson and the ex-girlfriend, a social worker, broke up last summer.",1 +The order quickly became the subject of several legal challenges and was ultimately put on hold last month by a federal judge in Washington state.,The order quickly became the subject of several legal challenges and was put on hold last month by a federal judge in Washington state.,0 +He showed no emotion in court as the verdicts were read but struck an upbeat tone outside court., The former sheriff showed no emotion in court as the verdicts were read but struck an upbeat tone outside.,0 + City crews trucked in snow overnight to make the streets ready for the dog sleds.,""" City crews trucked in snow overnight to make the streets ready for the dog sleds.",0 + WASHINGTON (AP) -- Melania Trump is hosting a luncheon on International Women's Day., WASHINGTON (AP) -- First lady Melania Trump is visiting a Washington charter school with Queen Rania of Jordan and Education Secretary Betsy DeVos.,1 +" In Rome, hundreds of women set off on a march from the Colosseum to demand equal rights."," In Rome, hundreds of women marched from the Colosseum to demand equal rights.",0 +" The film focuses on Syrian first-responders, rescue workers who risk their lives to save Syrians affected by the civil war, now in its sixth year.",""" The film focuses on Syrian first-responders who risk their lives to save people from the civil war, now in its sixth year.",0 +" Executives insisted that no job cuts are currently foreseen, and that PSA will respect all existing agreements with workers."," Executives insisted that no job cuts are currently foreseen, but analysts say they're inevitable over the long term.",1 +" The 2017 defense spending bill includes $516 billion for basic military requirements, which covers everything from the purchase of bombs and bullets to troop training."," The defense bill includes $516 billion for basic military requirements, which covers everything from the purchase of bombs and bullets to troop training.",0 +"That, in turn, had created the biggest stir since Facebook took its first bow on Wall Street in 2012.","That, in turn, had created the biggest stir since Facebook made its debut on Wall Street in 2012.",0 +"Census, women make up more than 47 percent of the workforce and are dominant in professions including registered nurses, dental assistants, cashiers, accountants and pharmacists.","Census, women make up more than 47 percent of the workforce and are dominant among registered nurses, dental assistants, cashiers, accountants and pharmacists.",0 +" The decision comes several days after Vitaly Milonov, a lawmaker known for his extreme right views, petitioned the ministry to ban it."," The culture ministry's decision comes several days after Vitaly Milonov, a lawmaker known for his extreme-right views, petitioned the ministry to ban it.",1 + Local media reported that statues of naked men and women at the palace would be covered out of courtesy to the Saudi visitors., Local media reported that statues of naked men and women at the Bogor palace were covered out of courtesy to the Saudi visitors.,1 + Salman is on a tour of Asian countries to drum up business and improve ties., Salman is on a tour of Asian countries to advance the kingdom's economic and business interests.,1 +""" Aaron Mallin told WPVI-TV that he discovered the damage when he came to visit his father's grave.", Aaron Mallin told WPVI-TV that he discovered the damage when he came to visit his father's grave.,0 +Gianforte would face a maximum $500 fine or 6 months in jail if convicted., Gianforte could face a maximum $500 fine or six months in jail if convicted;,1 +" Packingham, 36, originally pleaded guilty in 2002 to taking indecent liberties with a child.", Packingham originally pleaded guilty in 2002 to taking indecent liberties with a child.,0 +"The sale was publicized at the time, though the purchase price wasn't revealed.","The sale was publicized at the time, though the purchase price wasn't.",1 + Ward's attorneys have argued he is a diagnosed schizophrenic with no rational understanding of his impending execution.,Ward's attorneys say he's a diagnosed schizophrenic with no rational understanding of his impending execution.,1 +" Grief counselors were on hand at schools in the South Umpqua School District, where some of the children attended class, said Superintendent Tim Porter."," Grief counselors were on hand at schools in the South Umpqua School District, where some of the children attended, said Superintendent Tim Porter.",0 +""" --- Associated Press writers Christopher Weber, John Antczak and Andrew Dalton in Los Angeles contributed to this report.",""" --- AP writers Christopher Weber, John Antczak and Andrew Dalton in Los Angeles contributed to this report.",0 +""" Factory closures are a concern in Germany as well, especially in an election year."," Factory closures are a concern in Germany as well, especially in an election year.",0 +""" Madasani and Kuchibhotla both worked for GPS device-maker Garmin.",""" Madasani and Kuchibhotla, 32, both worked for GPS device-maker Garmin in Olathe.",1 +" Police also arrested 37-year-old Rhianna Frenette, of Belmont, accused of giving Farruggia the drugs."," Police also arrested Rhianna Frenette, 37, of Belmont, who is accused of giving Farruggia the drugs.",1 +"She was able to talk to firefighters about what had happened as she was taken to Riverside Community Hospital, Moore said.","She was able to talk to firefighters about what had happened as she was taken to a hospital, Moore said.",0 +"31. Saryusz-Wolski was expelled from the European People's Party on Monday, two days after being removed from Poland's Civic Platform party.","31. Saryusz-Wolski was expelled from the presidency of the European People's Party on Monday, two days after being removed from Poland's Civic Platform party.",1 +Women in colorful saris and headscarves and men in turbans and beards sat on the floor on opposite sides inside the worship space.,Women in colorful saris and headscarves and men wearing turbans sat on the floor on opposite sides inside the worship space.,1 +" Miller said the Echo Transportation bus had come from Austin, Texas, carrying passengers to one of Biloxi's eight casinos.","Miller said the Echo Transportation bus had come from Austin, Texas, carrying passengers to one of Biloxi's eight casinos.",0 + --- Associated Press reporters Julie Pace and Sadie Gurman contributed to this report., --- New executive order can be found at: http://bit.ly/2lwCL4j --- Associated Press reporters Julie Pace and Sadie Gurman contributed to this report.,1 + The crossings are major arteries for trade and commerce between the two neighbors., The crossings are also major arteries for trade and commerce between the two neighbors.,0 + He said people were screaming in the street and he saw a woman pulled from the wreckage.," People were screaming in the street, and he saw a woman pulled away from the flames.",0 +" Five others were executed for other crimes, including rape, he said."," Five others were executed for other crimes, including incest, Momani said in a statement carried by the state news agency Petra.",1 +" But the 2016 Republican campaign was uniquely brutal, leading to some awkward interactions."," But the 2016 GOP campaign was harsh, and that's led to some awkward interactions.",0 + -- Associated Press writer Lolita C. Baldor contributed to this report from Washington., --- Associated Press writer Lolita C. Baldor in Washington contributed to this report.,0 +""" The Academy also apologized to presenters Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway and to fans watching around the world.",""" The academy also apologized to presenters Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway and to viewers.",1 +" The suspect fled and was then found by a police patrol, and was shot by an officer following a short standoff.",He was intercepted by a police patrol and shot by an officer following a short standoff.,1 +"Some believe that made the Temple a target for extremists, he said.",Some believe that made the synagogue a target for extremists.,1 +He had been indicted for the statutory rape of a 13-year-old.,He had been indicted for the statutory rape of a 13-year-old and ordered to register as a sex offender.,1 +""" Graham also appeared to forgive the president for once reading out his personal cellphone number to a rally crowd.",""" Graham also appeared to forgive the president for once reading out Graham's personal cellphone number to a rally crowd.",1 +""" Several hundred more people evacuated their homes in Russell, Ellsworth and Comanche counties, which are in central Kansas.","""I just want to go home."" Several hundred more people evacuated their homes in Russell, Ellsworth and Comanche counties, in central Kansas.",0 +""" Witnesses also told the Star about Purinton's yelling about leaving the country.", Witnesses also told the newspaper about Purinton's yelling about leaving the country.,0 +" The new threshold in Utah would take effect on Dec. 30, 2018, just before New Year's Eve."," In Utah, the new law would take effect on Dec. 30, 2018, just before New Year's Eve.",0 + Buffett used the letter to again explain the advantages of low-cost index funds., --- FEE FORTUNES Buffett used the letter to again explain the advantages of low-cost index funds.,1 +He's looking to join Rick Swenson as the race's only five-time winners.,He could join Rick Swenson as the race's only five-time winners.,1 +Mary Fallin has declared a state of emergency in 22 counties due to wildfires.,Mary Fallin on Tuesday declared a state of emergency in 22 counties.,1 + It says she was accompanied by one of her three sons at the time of the attack.," La Jornada said Breach, 54, was accompanied in the car by one of her three children at the time of the attack.",1 + Islamabad has accused Kabul of failing to take action against Pakistani militant sanctuaries in Afghanistan's border regions.,Islamabad has accused Kabul of failing to take action against Pakistani militant sanctuaries in Afghanistan's border regions.,0 +" --- Associated Press writer Mohammed Daraghmeh in Ramallah, West Bank, contributed to this report."," --- Associated Press writers Mohammed Daraghmeh in Ramallah, West Bank, and Omar Akour in Amman, Jordan, contributed to this report.",1 +" One of the teenagers, a girl, was thrown from a back seat of the plane on impact but had only minor injuries, Moore said."," One of the teenagers, a girl, was thrown from a back seat of the plane but suffered only minor injuries, Moore said.",0 +" WASHINGTON (AP) -- A top White House education adviser says American families should have various school options for their children, including private schools."," WASHINGTON (AP) -- A senior presidential aide said Wednesday that American families should have various school options for their children, including private schools.",1 + Authorities on the scene said it took more than an hour to get everyone aboard the bus out of the wreckage.,Authorities said it took more than an hour to get everyone aboard the bus out of the wreckage.,0 +"Finding guns later was luck, not an inside job, prosecutors said.","It was sheer luck, not an inside job, that they selected the boxcar with guns, officials said.",1 + Twenty-one people were hospitalized after the crash with five victims in guarded condition.," City Emergency Services Director, Dr. Jeff Elder said 21 people were hospitalized after the crash with five in guarded condition.",1 + It also underscored how the aspirations of the Arab Spring movement that swept the entire region have bottomed out., It also underscored the failed aspirations of the Arab Spring movement that swept the region.,0 +"The bearded Gibson, for a decade a pariah in Hollywood, was seated front and center for the show, and was a frequent presence throughout.","Gibson, for a decade a pariah in Hollywood, was seated front and center for the show, and was a frequent presence throughout.",0 + A bartender at Austins Bar and Grill said Purinton used racial slurs before firing., A bartender at Austins Bar and Grill in the suburb of Olathe said Purinton used racial slurs before firing.,1 +"""It's amazing what we can accomplish when we have strong parties everywhere that allow us to put those values into action,"" he said.","""It's amazing what we can accomplish when we have strong parties everywhere that allow us to put those values into action.",0 + Mubarak's sons were also convicted and sentenced to three years in prison in the same embezzlement case., Mubarak's sons also were convicted in the same embezzlement case and sentenced to three years in prison.,1 +""" Trump's latest unsupported claim on Twitter that Obama ordered wiretaps on Trump, has apparently chilled those relations a bit.",""" Trump's latest unsupported claim on Twitter that Obama ordered wiretaps on Trump has apparently chilled those relations.",0 +" Gianforte asked Jacobs to lower a phone that being used as an audio recorder, then tried to grab it, the campaign said."," Gianforte asked Jacobs to lower a phone that being used as an audio recorder, then tried to grab it, Scanlon said in a statement.",1 +"Starting with the 2020 fiscal year, each state would receive a limited, per-beneficiary amount based on enrollment and costs.","Starting with the 2020 budget year, each state would receive a limited, per-beneficiary amount based on enrollment and costs.",0 +" Moore did not give the name of the cheerleading competition, but the Jr."," Moore did not provide the name of the cheerleading competition, but the Jr.",0 +" Firefighters entered one of the burning houses and pulled out another plane passenger, who was unconscious."," Firefighters entered one of the burning houses and pulled out another passenger, who was unconscious.",0 +" The Intercept wrote Friday it was ""horrified"" to learn of his arrest."," The Intercept wrote Friday it was ""horrified"" to learn of Thompson's arrest.",1 +"They have not, however, made a combined profit in 18 years despite multiple turnaround efforts.","They have not, however, made a combined profit in the past 18 years despite multiple turnaround efforts.",0 +" Up until the chaotic end, the telecast had seesawed between jabs at Donald Trump and passionate arguments for inclusivity."," Up until the frenzied end, the telecast had seesawed between jabs at Donald Trump and passionate arguments for inclusivity.",0 +" In addition, the Wilderness Society has created a parody website featuring Trump and Zinke selling luxury real estate at the sites."," In addition, the Wilderness Society has created a parody website featuring Trump and Zinke selling luxury real estate at the lands.",1 +" Similar demonstrations to honor Nemtsov took place Sunday in other Russian cities, including St. Petersburg and Nemtsov's hometown of Nizhny Novgorod."," Similar demonstrations took place Sunday in other Russian cities, including St. Petersburg and Nemtsov's hometown of Nizhny Novgorod.",0 +" --- Associated Press writers Chris Carola in Albany, New York, and Kiley Armstrong in New York contributed to this report."," --- Associated Press writers Chris Carola in Albany, New York and Kiley Armstrong in New York contributed to this report.",0 +"""There was only one task: find the triggerman and hold a trial."," ""There was only one task: Find the triggerman and hold a trial.",0 +" Democratic House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, a California Democrat, accused Sessions of ""lying under oath"" and demanded that he resign."," House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi accused Sessions of ""lying under oath"" and demanded that he resign.",0 +" Attorneys representing the 3,200-member tribe in north-central Oklahoma say the lawsuit is the first earthquake-related litigation filed in a tribal court.",""" Attorneys representing the 3,200-member tribe in north-central Oklahoma say the lawsuit is the first earthquake-related litigation filed in a tribal court.",0 + Prosecutors said the four men were accomplices who helped obtain the murder weapons and transported the shooter to the crime scene., Prosecutors said the four helped obtain the murder weapons and drove the shooter to the crime scene.,1 + Pakistan's ongoing war with local and al-Qaida-linked foreign Islamic militants has killed tens of thousands of people.,"Pakistan's decades-long war with local Taliban, al-Qaida-linked militants and other Islamic extremists has killed tens of thousands of people.",1 +"Weeks later, the Justice Department began a ""pattern and practices"" investigation of the city's police force.","Weeks later, the Justice Department began a ""pattern and practice"" investigation of the city's police force.",0 +" The fire killed four children ranging from 4 to 13 and devastated the tiny town with a population of fewer than 1,000 people."," The fire devastated the tiny town with a population of fewer than 1,000 people.",1 +But we will continue to fight for the truth by any means we have.,"But we will continue to fight for the truth by any means we have,"" she said.",0 +" Separately, three former executives are charged with falsifying test reports.","Separately, three former executives are charged with falsifying test reports.",0 +"Reyes, who lives about a quarter-mile from the crash site, told The Associated Press she felt the ground shake and saw plumes of black smoke.","Reyes, who lives about a quarter-mile from the crash site, said she felt the ground shake and saw plumes of black smoke.",0 +" GOP bill: Extent of coverage is unknown at this time, as well as its impact on the nation's uninsured rate."," GOP bill: Extent of coverage is unknown at this time, as is the impact on the uninsured rate.",0 +Nationwide another 12 million buy private health insurance through government-sponsored markets that offer plans with subsidized premiums.,"Nationwide, an additional 12 million buy private health insurance through government-sponsored markets that offer plans with subsidized premiums.",0 +" The former California governor said he wouldn't mind working with NBC and producer Mark Burnett again ""on a show that doesn't have this baggage.","The former California governor said he wouldn't mind working with NBC and producer Mark Burnett again ""on a show that doesn't have this baggage.",0 +" The defense bill includes $516 billion for basic military requirements, which covers everything from the purchase of bombs and bullets to troop training."," The spending bill has $516 billion for basic military requirements, which covers everything from the purchase of bombs and bullets to troop training.",1 +The Vietnam representative of a bank and the heads of two companies would also face sanctions.,The Vietnam representative of a bank and the heads of two companies will also face sanctions.,0 +""" GM chief Mary Barra said it was a ""win"" for both sides.",""" GM Chairman and CEO Mary Barra said it was a ""win"" for both sides.",0 +"A necropsy also will be conducted on that 2-year-old male, named Deacon, to determine a cause of death, race officials said.","A necropsy on the 2-year-old male, Deacon, found abnormalities but not the cause of death, race officials said Sunday.",1 +" Over the weekend, Staton issued a temporary order blocking U.S. authorities from removing the family from California and setting Monday's hearing in their case."," Over the weekend, Staton issued a temporary order blocking federal authorities from removing the family from California, and setting Monday's hearing in Santa Ana.",1 +"Chris Christie of New Jersey and his wife for Valentine's Day meatloaf, and had a working lunch with Gov.","Chris Christie, R-N.J., and his wife over for Valentine's Day meatloaf, and had a working lunch with Gov.",1 +"Associated Press writers Sarah Smith in Jackson, Mississippi, and Jeff Martin in Atlanta contributed to this report."," --- Associated Press writers Jeff Amy in Jackson, Mississippi, and Jeff Martin in Atlanta contributed to this report.",1 + The board is seeking administrative fines potentially totaling thousands of dollars., The state board is seeking administrative fines potentially totaling thousands of dollars.,0 + One of the destroyed houses was empty at the time and a man escaped the neighboring home without suffering injuries., One of the houses hit by the plane was empty at the time and a man escaped a neighboring home without suffering injuries.,1 + Police chief John Miller said he was unsure why the train was stopped on the tracks., Police Chief John Miller said he wasn't sure why the bus couldn't move.,1 + The Gianforte campaign released a statement blaming the incident on Jacobs.,""" The Gianforte campaign Wednesday night released a statement blaming the incident on Jacobs.",1 +" Six decades ago, during the civil rights era's turmoil, 50 sticks of dynamite blasted a ragged hole in Atlanta's largest synagogue."," Six decades ago, during the turmoil of the civil rights era, 50 sticks of dynamite blasted a ragged hole in Atlanta's largest synagogue.",0 + Local media say police will question Netanyahu on Monday as part of two ongoing investigations., Local media reported that police will question Netanyahu as part of two ongoing investigations.,1 +" Carlos Tavares, the CEO of PSA, said the deal was ""a game-changer for PSA."," Carlos Tavares, the CEO of the French company, said the deal was ""a game-changer for PSA.",1 +" ""I am sorry to know about the attack on Deep Rai, a US national of Indian origin,"" said foreign minister Sushma Swaraj."," ""I am sorry to know about the attack on Deep Rai, a U.S. national of Indian origin,"" Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj said.",0 +"Seven others declined to be hospitalized, city Emergency Services Director, Dr. Jeff Elder said.","However, their conditions did not seem to be life-threatening, said Dr. Jeff Elder, city emergency services director.",1 +"All were arrested, suspended without pay, and jailed overnight pending detention hearings on Thursday.","All were arrested, suspended without pay and jailed overnight pending detention hearings Thursday.",0 +" Fenner, 23, said he was leaving a prayer service Jan. 27, 2013, when nearly two dozen people surrounded him in the sanctuary.",""" Fenner, 23, said he was leaving a prayer service Jan. 27, 2013, when nearly two dozen people surrounded him in the sanctuary.",0 + At least five justices suggested during argument Monday they would rule for North Carolina resident Lester Packingham Jr., At least five justices suggested during argument that they would rule for North Carolina resident Lester Packingham Jr.,0 +"Facilities in East Peoria and Morton, Illinois, also were searched under a federal warrant, U.S.","Facilities in East Peoria and Morton, Illinois, also were raided under a federal warrant, U.S.",1 + Yet there is one rival candidate who has yet to make nice with the president: former Florida Gov.," Still, there is one rival candidate who has yet to break bread with the president: former Florida Gov.",0 + Tabitha Howell is the mother of the remaining children and is married to James Howell., Tabitha Howell was the mother of the other children and was married to James Howell.,1 +" In 2015, identity thieves stole nearly 700,000 tax refunds from the IRS."," In 2015, thieves stole the identities of nearly 700,000 victims.",1 +"Washington, Seoul and others view the North's space program as a cover for its banned long-range missile development program.","Washington, Seoul and others call the North's space program a cover for its long-range missile development program.",0 +" Nemtsov, a former Russian deputy prime minister, was a fierce critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin."," Nemtsov, a former deputy prime minister, was a fierce critic of President Vladimir Putin.",0 +House since Ryan Zinke resigned to join Trump's Cabinet as secretary of the Interior Department.,House left vacant when Ryan Zinke resigned to join Trump's Cabinet as secretary of the Interior Department.,1 +" At the same time, he said, more businesses are being targeted.","At the same time, he said, more businesses are being targeted.",0 +But the chemical can deteriorate when exposed to prolonged airborne moisture.,"But when exposed to prolonged high temperatures and humidity, the chemical can deteriorate and burn too fast.",1 + Biloxi Fire Chief Joe Boney says rescuers needed one hour and four minutes to clear everyone from the wreckage., Biloxi Fire Chief Joe Boney said rescuers needed about an hour to clear everyone from the wreckage.,0 +Last year Pakistan had to cancel a key regional cooperation conference after neighboring India and Afghanistan refused to attend;,"Last year, a key regional cooperation conference was cancelled after neighboring India and Afghanistan refused to attend;",1 +He added that he had spoken to the father of the victim.,He added that he had spoken with the father of the victim.,0 + Three witnesses told TV stations the girl crawled from the home asking for help., Three witnesses told TV stations one survivor crawled from the home asking for help.,1 + --- Associated Press Writer Heather Hollingsworth contributed to this report., --- Associated Press writers Heather Hollingsworth and Margaret Stafford contributed to this report.,1 +" Creel, the city spokesman, said 48 passengers and the driver were on the bus;"," Vincent Creel, the city spokesman, said 48 passengers and the driver were on the bus.",1 + Many Republicans received rough receptions at town hall meetings from activist backers of Obama's overhaul., Many Republicans endured rough receptions at town hall meetings from activist backers of Obama's overhaul.,0 +"Smead said the 86-year-old Buffett and his investing partner, 93-year-old Charlie Munger, seem concerned about their legacies and how Berkshire is perceived."," Smead said Buffett and his investing partner, 93-year-old Charlie Munger, seem concerned about their legacies and how Berkshire is perceived.",0 + Harrison was asked twice by the media if terrorism was suspected., Harrison was asked by the media if terrorism was suspected.,0 +" Islamabad hosted the day-long 10-nation Economic Cooperation Organization summit to finalize a ""Vision 2025"" plan for expanding trade and prosperity among member nations."," Islamabad hosted the day-long 10-nation Economic Cooperation Organization summit that finalized a ""Vision 2025"" plan for expanding trade and prosperity among member nations.",0 +" The United Nations estimates that 5 million people in Somalia need aid, amid warnings of a famine.","The United Nations estimates that 5 million people in Somalia need aid, amid warnings of a famine.",0 +" On Friday, authorities evacuated more than 150 people from two villages in the direct path of the landslide."," Authorities on Friday evacuated more than 150 people from two villages in the direct path of the landslide, Ribnica and Mramor.",1 +"""It's like time froze in the house,"" he said Sunday."," ""It's like time froze in the house,"" he said Sunday.",0 +" ""We suspect that that subject was highly intoxicated,"" he said."," ""We suspect that that subject was highly intoxicated,"" Police Chief Michael Harrison said on Saturday evening.",1 +" But backstage, Stone said she was holding her winning envelope at the time.",""" Backstage, Stone said she was holding her winning envelope at the time.",0 +" IRS Commissioner John Koskinen said Tuesday that the number of victims was nearly cut in half last year, compared to the previous year."," The number of victims was nearly cut in half last year, compared to the previous year.",1 +It wasn't what you'd expect for a man once tipped to be the next dictator of North Korea., It wasn't what you'd expect of a man once tipped to be the next dictator of North Korea.,0 +"Immigration and Customs Enforcement, said in a news release that the suspect was from Honduras and was in the country illegally.","In a statement, Cox said the suspect was from Honduras and was in the country illegally.",1 +"He told police the man then shot him in the arm, the newspaper reported.",It said t The victim told police the man then shot him in the arm.,0 +"Believing the suspect's magazine was empty, he then chased the gunman in hopes of subduing him.","Believing the suspect's magazine was empty, he chased the gunman in hopes of subduing him.",0 +Investigators with the National Transportation Safety Board will try to determine what occurred in the minutes after takeoff., Investigators with the National Transportation Safety Board will try to determine what occurred in the minutes after takeoff.,0 + Sessions said this week that too much federal scrutiny on police departments could cause police to be less effective and crime to rise., Sessions said this week that too much federal scrutiny on police departments could cause officers to be less effective in crime-fighting.,0 +" ""She was moaning and that is how the firefighters found her,"" he said.","""She was moaning and that is how the firefighters found her,"" he said.",0 +""" Growth has cooled steadily since 2010 as communist leaders try to develop a consumer-driven economy and reduce reliance on trade, heavy industry and investment."," Growth has cooled steadily since 2010 as communist leaders try to develop a consumer-driven economy and reduce reliance on trade, heavy industry and investment.",0 +"While he didn't say ""No"" he did say it looks like a case of DWI.","While he didn't say ""No,"" he did say it looks like a case of DWI.",0 + Chicago Jewish Day School on the city's north side was evacuated for a few hours while police investigated., Chicago Jewish Day School on the city's north side was evacuated for a few hours.,0 +" Dallas Seavey, who turned 30 on Saturday, has won four of the last five Iditarods."," Dallas Seavey, 30, has won four out of the last five races.",1 +" Among them was Shelley Wilson, who fled with her disabled son and pets from a blaze Monday that was encircling her farm outside of Hutchinson."," Among them was Shelley Wilson, who fled Monday with her disabled son and pets from a blaze that was encircling her farm outside of Hutchinson.",0 +" Jordan is a part of a U.S.-led military coalition against IS, which holds territory in Syria and Iraq.","Jordan is a part of a U.S.-led military coalition against IS, which holds territory in Syria and Iraq.",0 +German airline Lufthansa had six all-female crews flying from several cities in the country to Berlin.,Germany's Lufthansa airline had six all-female crews flying from several cities in the country to Berlin.,1 +""" Shannon Coulter, co-founder of the #GrabYourWallet Trump protest, agreed.",""" Shannon Coulter, co-founder of the #GrabYourWallet Trump protest, agreed with Schwarzenegger.",1 +" One of the teenagers, a girl, was thrown from a back seat of the plane but suffered only minor injuries, Moore said."," One of the survivors was thrown from a back seat of the plane but suffered only minor injuries, Moore said.",1 +The CSX Transportation locomotive pushed the bus about 300 feet before coming to a stop with the mangled bus still straddling the tracks., The CSX Transportation locomotive pushed the bus about 300 feet before coming to a stop with the mangled bus still straddling the tracks.,0 +"He will spend six of his nine days in Indonesia vacationing on the resort island of Bali, a predominantly Hindu part of the Indonesian archipelago."," Salman will spend six of his nine days in Indonesia vacationing on the resort island of Bali, a predominantly Hindu part of the Indonesian archipelago.",1 + The Gianforte campaign Wednesday night released a statement blaming the incident on Jacobs.,""" The Gianforte campaign Wednesday night released a statement blaming the incident on Jacobs.",0 +"Smith dropped the dog, Smoke, from the team Tuesday because of a wrist injury.","Smith dropped the dog, named Smoke, from the team Tuesday because of a wrist injury.",0 + A crowd of supporters who attended would say only that Thompson had no criminal record., A crowd of supporters who attended said Thompson had no criminal record.,1 +And there were no immediate estimates of how many women heeded the call to skip work.,There were no immediate estimates of how many women heeded the call to skip work.,0 +" ""I noticed the commotion that was happening and I thought that something strange had occurred,"" Jenkins said backstage.",""" ""I noticed the commotion that was happening and I thought that something strange had occurred,"" Jenkins said backstage.",0 +" ""We'll talk to you about that later,"" Gianforte says on the record, referring Jacobs to a spokesman."," ""We'll talk to you about that later,"" Gianforte says on the recording, referring Jacobs to a spokesman.",0 +The inflators are blamed for at least 16 deaths worldwide and more than 180 injuries., The inflators are blamed for at least 16 deaths worldwide - 11 of them in the U.S. - and more than 180 injuries.,1 +"According to witnesses to the attack, Purinton yelled ""get out of my country"" at the two Indian men before he opened fire.","According to witnesses, Purinton yelled ""get out of my country"" at the two Indian men before he opened fire.",0 +" Grillot said the bullet went through his right hand and into his chest, just missing a major artery but fracturing a vertebra in his neck."," A bullet went through his right hand and into his chest, just missing a major artery but fracturing a vertebra in Grillot's neck.",1 +Authorities said it took more than an hour to get everyone aboard the bus out of the wreckage., Authorities said it took more than an hour to get everyone out of the wreckage.,0 + Federal records show that Gootkin donated $250 to Gianforte's congressional campaign in March., Federal records show that the sheriff donated $250 to Gianforte's congressional campaign in March.,1 + Sweden abolished compulsory military service for men in 2010 because there were enough volunteers to meet the region's military needs., Sweden abolished compulsory military service for men in 2010 because there were enough volunteers to meet its military needs.,1 +""" The annual military exercises have consistently infuriated the North, which views them as rehearsals for an invasion."," The annual U.S.-South Korean military exercises have consistently infuriated the North, which views them as rehearsals for an invasion.",1 +Sunday to report that three of his relatives' headstones had been knocked over and damaged., A man visiting Mount Carmel Cemetery on Sunday called police to report that three of his relatives' headstones had been knocked over and damaged.,1 +Spokeswoman Bridget Patton said the agency's role is to help determine if a civil rights violation occurred.,Spokeswoman Bridget Patton said the federal agency's role is to help determine if a civil rights violation occurred.,1 +" Gootkin previously had contributed $250 to Gianforte's campaign, according to elections records."," Gootkin previously contributed $250 to Gianforte's campaign, according to elections records.",0 +" In northeastern Colorado near the Nebraska border, firefighters battled a blaze that burned more than 45 square miles and was 50 percent contained Tuesday."," In northeastern Colorado, firefighters battled a blaze that burned more than 45 square miles and was 50 percent contained Tuesday.",0 +"They make up at least a third of physicians and surgeons, as well as lawyers and judges."," They make up at least a third of physicians and surgeons, and the same with lawyers and judges.",0 +"His Feb. 27, 2015 death, in what appeared to be a contract killing, sparked an outpouring of anger and fear from Russia's beleaguered opposition movement.","His Feb. 27, 2015, death, in what appeared to be a contract killing, sparked an outpouring of anger and fear in Russia's beleaguered opposition movement.",0 +"He said the money will be added to the school's endowments, which will double it, while administrators decide how to spend it.","He said the money will be added to the school's endowment, which will double it, while administrators decide how to spend the infusion of cash.",1 + District Attorney Mike Waters said officials were seeking a mental evaluation of Funes-Machada., District Attorney Mike Waters said officials were seeking a mental evaluation of Funes Machada.,0 +Mullins then went back to his house across the street and told his 91-year-old mother to stay inside., Mullins then went back to his house across the street and told his 91-year-old mother to stay inside.,0 +", said on Tuesday he wants to pass the bill before the April recess, sending it to President Donald Trump for his signature.",", says he wants to pass the bill before the April recess, sending it to President Donald Trump for his signature.",0 +" For GM, the agreement seems to suggest that Barra decided to focus on profits over market share."," For GM, the agreement indicates that Barra decided to focus on profits over market share.",0 + Sikhs have previously been the target of attacks in the United States., Sikhs have previously been the target of attacks in the U.S.,0 +" ""We need to make as much noise as possible,"" said Guterres as his plane touched down in Mogadishu."," ""We need to make as much noise as possible,"" said Guterres.",1 +"The crossing has a sign warning drivers that it has a low-ground clearance as well as a bell, lights and crossing arms."," The crossing had a sign warning drivers of a low-ground clearance, as well as a bell, lights and crossing arms.",0 +"and Chapel Hill, North Carolina, canceled classes because so many teachers and other employees were expected to be out.","and Chapel Hill, North Carolina, canceled classes after hundreds of teachers and other employees let it be known they would be out.",1 +""" ""I was just doing what anyone should have done for another human being,"" he said."," ""I was just doing what anyone should have done for another human being,"" he said.",0 +They have not given the ages or identities of the victims.,""" Authorities have not given the ages or identities of the victims.",1 + Some in Atlanta fear history is once again arcing toward the viperous climate that set the stage for earlier violence., Some fear that history is once again arcing toward the viperous climate that set the stage for the earlier violence.,0 + It was not immediately clear what type of missile was fired or the exact number;, It was not immediately clear the exact type of missile fired;,0 + Forest Service spokesman Phillip Truitt said as many as four firefighters were hurt battling the fires Monday.,"Three firefighters were hurt battling the fires in Texas, Forest Service spokesman Phillip Truitt said Wednesday.",1 +" ""It's horrible,"" Moore said, especially given that they had gone to a cheer competition and it was ""supposed to be a happy time."," ""It's horrible,"" Moore said, especially given that they had gone to a cheerleading competition and it was ""supposed to be a happy time.",0 +"One of the stories involved Dylann Roof, the Charleston, South Carolina, church shooter.","One of the stories involved Dylann Roof, the white shooter of black worshippers at a Charleston, South Carolina, church.",1 +" ""It is a media prize, it's not a political prize ..."," ""It is a media prize, it's not a political prize,"" he said. ""But still it sheds light on the tragedy of the Syrian people.",1 +Republicans must navigate a complicated path to turn their 123-page proposal from legislation to law.,The GOP still must navigate a complicated path to turn its 123-page proposal from legislation to law.,1 +" The weeklong trip was organized by a senior citizens' center in Bastrop, Texas, about 30 miles east of Austin."," The weeklong trip started Sunday and was organized by a senior citizens' center in Bastrop, Texas, about 30 miles east of Austin.",0 +" Three bodies, all from the plane, were found in the combined wreckage of the aircraft and the homes."," Three bodies, all from the plane, were found in the wreckage of the aircraft and the homes.",0 +" Snap Inc. jumped $7, or 41 percent, to $24 a share."," Shares of Snap Inc. jumped $8.21, or 48 percent, to $25.21 a share in afternoon trading on Thursday.",1 + The rule addressed concerns from auditors over the years that contracting officers frequently failed to consider violations when awarding contracts because they had inadequate information., The rule addressed government auditors' concerns over the years that contracting officers frequently failed to consider violations when awarding contracts because they lacked adequate information.,1 +But they contest that dire description and have shown no interest in helping Republicans kill Obama's statute.,But they contest that dire description and have no interest in helping Republicans kill Obama's statute.,0 +" Howell is the father of the youngest victim and the stepfather of the two victims, ages 7 and 10, and the surviving 13-year-old.", Howell is the father of the youngest victim and the stepfather of the three victims.,1 +" The deal, subject to regulatory approval, is expected to be completed at the end of this year.",""" The deal, subject to regulatory approval, is expected to be completed at the end of this year.",0 +" Two opposition officials wrote in a letter to Steve Bannon, a senior adviser to U.S."," Two opposition officials, Andrija Mandic and Milan Knezevic, wrote in a letter to Steve Bannon, a senior adviser to U.S.",1 + The Kansas City Star reported Purinton's comments to the bartender., The Kansas City Star reported Purinton's comments to the second bartender.,1 + Police spokeswoman Anne Baas said one of the three people hit outside a bakery on Saturday afternoon was seriously injured.," One of the three people hit outside a bakery on Saturday afternoon was seriously injured, police spokeswoman Anne Baas said.",0 + Some businesses and institutions have said they will either close or give female employees the day off.,Some businesses and institutions said they would either close or give female employees the day off.,0 + North Korea is pushing hard to upgrade its weapons systems to cope with it calls U.S. hostility., North Korea is pushing hard to upgrade its weapons systems to cope with what it calls U.S. hostility.,0 +A general consensus for the post has been the EU tradition.,"A general consensus for the post has been the EU tradition, and resistance from his own country might undermine Tusk's position.",1 +"According to the nonpartisan Kaiser Family Foundation, there are now 16 states with GOP governors that have expanded Medicaid.","According to the nonpartisan Kaiser Family Foundation, 16 states with GOP governors have expanded Medicaid.",0 + Holloway did not immediately return two calls but City Manager Kathy Wilson confirmed the authenticity of the Facebook post in a phone interview., Holloway did not immediately return calls but City Manager Kathy Wilson confirmed the authenticity of the Facebook post in a phone interview.,0 +Kuhns said there also have been significant cattle losses and that there were entire ranches that were engulfed.,Kuhns said there also have been significant cattle losses and that entire ranches were engulfed.,0 +" The defense legislation passed Wednesday, 371-48, clearing the way for the Senate to act."," The fiscal year 2017 defense legislation passed the GOP-led chamber by a wide margin, 371-48, clearing the way for the Senate to act.",1 +" Trump took to Twitter and asked others to join him in ""honoring the critical role of women"" in the U.S. and around the world.",""" Trump took to Twitter and asked others to join him in ""honoring the critical role of women"" in the U.S. and around the world.",0 +" Witness Brian Marsh, driving nearby, said he saw plane's wings nearly perpendicular to the ground as it made a turn moments before the crash."," Witness Brian Marsh, driving nearby, said he saw the Cessna turn moments before the crash.",1 + The South's Joint Chief of Staff said in a statement that Monday's launches were made from the Tongchang-ri area in North Pyongan province., South Korea's Joint Chief of Staff said in a statement that Monday's launches were made from the Tongchang-ri area in North Pyongan province.,1 +" Some of those acquitted have made a comeback in public life, while others partially paid back fortunes they illegally amassed."," Some of those acquitted have made a comeback in public life, while others partially paid back fortunes amassed illegally.",0 +" --- Associated Press writer Matthew Ott contributed from Washington, D.C."," --- AP Business Writers Matthew Ott and Marcy Gordon in Washington, D.C., contributed to this report.",1 +"It said its partner, Brian Cullinan, mistakenly handed presenters Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway an envelope containing the winner of the best actress award.","It said its partner, Brian Cullinan, mistakenly handed Beatty and Dunaway an envelope containing the winner of the best actress award.",1 +"Spectators can pet the dogs, mingle with mushers and even grab an autograph or two.","Spectators pet the dogs, mingled with mushers and even grabbed an autograph or two.",0 + Voters are deciding in the special election whether Republican Greg Gianforte or Democrat Rob Quist will fill the U.S., The altercation occurred hours before voters went to the polls to decide whether Gianforte or Democrat Rob Quist will fill the U.S.,1 +" At least five justices, a majority of the court, suggested during argument that they would rule for North Carolina resident Lester Packingham Jr.", The justices ruled unanimously in favor of North Carolina resident Lester Packingham Jr.,0 +"She said 66 people from the area were in shelters Tuesday in Hutchinson, which is 40 miles northwest of Wichita.","She said 66 people from the area were in shelters Tuesday in Hutchinson, 40 miles northwest of Wichita.",0 +""" Nemtsov's family petitioned investigators to look into Kadyrov's possible involvement and to question Ruslan Geremeyev, commander of the police unit in which Dadayev served."," Nemtsov's family petitioned investigators to look into Kadyrov's possible involvement and to question Ruslan Geremeyev, commander of the police unit in which Dadayev served.",0 +"Opel and Vauxhall last year sold just under 1.2 million vehicles, amounting to only 5.6 percent of the market, according to GM's full-year earnings release.","Opel and Vauxhall last year sold just under 1.2 million vehicles, amounting to only 5.6 percent of the market, according to GM.",0 +"Officials said the fire had destroyed at least five homes and 15 outbuildings, with no serious injuries.","Officials said the fire had destroyed at least 20 structures, with no serious injuries.",1 +" ""In the text, these terrorists say we are the people who benefited most from the Tunisian revolution,"" he said."," ""In the text, these terrorists say 'We are the people who benefited most from the Tunisian revolution,'"" he said.",0 +" The United States has 28,500 troops stationed in South Korea as a deterrent against a potential aggression from the North."," The United States has 28,500 troops stationed in South Korea, and 50,000 in Japan, as a deterrent against a potential aggression from the North.",1 +" NEWARK, N.J. (AP) -- A former New Jersey attorney general and mentor to Republican New Jersey Gov."," NEWARK, N.J. (AP) -- The former head of one of the nation's most powerful transportation agencies and a longtime mentor to Gov.",1 + Two House committees - Ways and Means and Energy and Commerce - plan to take up the legislation on Wednesday., Two House committees - Ways and Means and Energy and Commerce - moved ahead on the legislation Thursday.,1 + The department said Friday it would begin hosting the briefings the first full week in March., The department said Friday it will begin hosting the briefings the first full week in March.,0 + The Indian government said its diplomats would monitor the investigation in Kansas., The Indian government said its diplomats would monitor the Kansas investigation.,0 +" ""We can meet the challenges of poverty by implementing a joint strategy,"" he said."," ""We can meet the challenges of poverty by implementing a joint strategy,"" Zakhiwal said.",1 +Three witnesses told TV stations she crawled from the home asking for help., Three witnesses told TV stations the girl crawled from the home asking for help.,0 + At least five justices suggested during argument that they would rule for North Carolina resident Lester Packingham Jr.," At least five justices, a majority of the court, suggested during argument that they would rule for North Carolina resident Lester Packingham Jr.",1 +""" In addition to those four states, conditions were ripe for fires in Iowa, Missouri and Nebraska.","Forecasters said conditions were also ripe for fires in Iowa, Missouri and Nebraska.",0 + There was no immediate word on the man's possible motives., There was no immediate word on the man's possible motives or where he came from.,1 +She also said he isn't affiliated in any way with Word of Faith Fellowship.,She also said he is not affiliated in any way with Word of Faith Fellowship.,0 +"He said a half-dozen more law enforcement vehicles arrived within minutes, and a deputy covered the woman's head.",He said a half-dozen more law enforcement vehicles arrived within minutes and a deputy covered the woman's head.,0 +"Nearly $62 billion is included to pay for ongoing military operations in Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere.","Nearly $62 billion is included in the bill to pay for ongoing military operations in Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere.",0 +" Jacobs told ABC's ""Good Morning America"" on Thursday that he never touched Gianforte."," Jacobs told ABC's ""Good Morning America"" that he never touched Gianforte.",0 +" The government of Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim nation, has said Salman's entourage and related delegations number about 1,500 people."," The first visit of a Saudi monarch to Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim nation, in nearly a half century generated blanket media coverage.",1 +" Democrats, under pressure from their base to resist every part of Trump's agenda, are expected to lend little help."," --- AND THE DEMOCRATS? Democrats, under pressure from their base to resist every part of Trump's agenda, are expected to lend little help.",0 + Sweden's women's soccer team replaced the names on the backs of their jerseys with tweets from Swedish women.,Sweden's women's soccer team replaced the names on the backs of the players' jerseys with tweets from Swedish women.,0 +"Some of them have made a comeback to public life, while others partially paid back fortunes they illegally amassed."," Some of those acquitted have made a comeback in public life, while others partially paid back fortunes they illegally amassed.",1 +"He added that Poland's diplomats were ""taking action"" to garner support for the new candidate.","He added that Poland's diplomats were ""taking action"" to generate support for the new candidate.",0 +Consumers are unhappy that Obama's statute did not tame the problem of costs but don't see taking coverage away as the answer.,Consumers are unhappy that Obama's statute did not tame cost problems but don't see taking coverage away as the answer.,0 +" Li called for attention to the risks of China's surging debt levels, which economists see as a rising threat to growth."," The premier called for attention to the risks of China's surging debt levels, which economists see as a rising threat to growth.",0 +""" ""La La Land"" still collected a leading six awards, including honors for cinematography, production design, score, the song ""City of Stars"" and best director.","""La La Land"" still collected a leading six awards, including honors for cinematography, production design, score, the song ""City of Stars"" and best director.",0 +The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children got a note saying the woman watched child porn.,The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children got a note saying she watched child porn.,0 +"They later retracted their confessions, saying they had been tortured into taking responsibility for the slaying.","They later retracted their confessions, saying they had been tortured.",1 +" If convicted, Baca faces up to 20 years in prison."," If convicted, Baca, who has early stage Alzheimer's disease, could face up to 20 years in prison.",1 +" The weeklong trip started Sunday and was organized by a senior citizens' center in Bastrop, Texas, about 30 miles east of Austin."," The weeklong trip had started Sunday and was organized by a senior citizens' center in Bastrop, Texas, about 30 miles east of Austin.",1 + Lawmakers in Washington and Hawaii had considered lowering their blood-alcohol limits to .05 this year but both measures appear dead., Lawmakers in Washington and Hawaii had considered lowering their limits to 0.05 percent this year but both measures appear dead.,1 +" Trump, now the nation's 45th president, dubbed the Taj Mahal ""the eighth wonder of the world"" when it opened in 1990."," Trump, now the nation's 45th president, dubbed the Taj Mahal ""the eighth wonder of the world"" when it opened.",0 +"The first protest, held after a Tunisian follower of Islamic State attacked the Berlin Christmas market, drew just a few hundred;"," The first protest, held after a Tunisian follower of Islamic State attacked the Berlin Christmas market, drew just a few hundred;",0 +"Because he has not yet appeared in court, Purinton did not yet have an attorney formally assigned.","Because he has not yet appeared in court, he did not have an attorney formally assigned to his case.",1 +" In addition the sign warning of a low ground clearance, the crossing has a bell, lights and crossing arms.","The crossing has a sign warning drivers that it has a low-ground clearance as well as a bell, lights and crossing arms.",1 +"They are then transported to be housed in and around the city, in private homes and now also housing provided by the government.","They are then transported to be housed in and around the city, in private homes and now also accommodation provided by the government.",0 +" Sharif, later in the day, expressed the member nations' resolve to fight terrorism and extremism collectively."," Sharif, in televised remarks at the end of the summit, expressed the member nations' resolve to fight terrorism and extremism collectively.",1 +The statement added that Jacobs' injuries did not meet the legal definition of felony assault.,he's due in court on or before June 7. Gootkin said Jacobs' injuries did not meet the legal definition of felony assault.,1 +" Prosecutors and witnesses were prohibited by a judge's order from discussing the case, but Fenner's friends and family were quick to respond."," Prosecutors and witnesses were prohibited by a judge's order from discussing the case, but Fenner's friends and family were quick to do so.",0 +" ""He was sitting there like he didn't have a care in the world,"" Mullins said of Funes-Machada.","""He was sitting there like he didn't have a care in the world,"" Mullins said of the 18-year-old.",1 +Al Franken of Minnesota alerted Sessions to allegations of contact between Russia and Trump aides during the 2016 election.,Al Franken of Minnesota asked Sessions about allegations of contact between Russia and Trump aides during the 2016 election.,1 +But business groups argued that the rule would increase compliance costs for companies and punish all contractors for the actions of a few., But business groups argued that the rule would increase compliance costs for companies and punish all contractors for the actions of a few.,0 +"He said temperatures should top in the 70s, with afternoon humidity low.","He expected temperatures to peak in the 70s, with afternoon humidity low.",1 +When he bumped into a friend outside the Wynn he was looking for company.,He was looking for company when he bumped into a friend outside the Wynn.,0 +"The company, a nonprofit that works to end homelessness, got faxes saying she was anti-Semitic.","Her company, a nonprofit that works to end homelessness, got faxes saying she was anti-Semitic.",1 +" The ethics forms are required by the Ethics in Government Act of 1978, passed after the Watergate scandal."," The ethics agreement is required by the Ethics in Government Act of 1978, passed after the Watergate scandal.",0 +" It, like the other phones of the family, has gone unused since Feb."," Sebastien's phone, like the other phones of the family, has gone unused since Feb.",1 +"The ADL said threats were also made in Oregon, Wisconsin, Illinois, Florida, Maryland and Toronto.",The ADL said threats were also made in Florida and Maryland.,1 +" Police in Concord arrested 29-year-old Felicia Farruggia this week, about six months after her son was born."," Police in Concord arrested Felicia Farruggia, 29, of Concord, this week, about six months after her son was born.",1 +""" CIA spokespeople didn't immediately respond to a message Saturday about the case.",""" The CIA declined to comment Saturday on the case.",1 +""" Miller said passenger on the Echo Transportation bus had come from Austin, Texas, carrying passengers to one of Biloxi's eight casinos."," Miller said the Echo Transportation bus had come from Austin, Texas, carrying passengers to one of Biloxi's eight casinos.",1 +" In addition to detaining the family, Customs and Border Protection prevented attorneys from communicating with them, lawyers said in court filings.","In addition to detaining the family, Customs and Border Protection prevented attorneys from communicating with them, lawyers said in court filings.",0 +""" --- AP writers Christopher Weber, John Antczak and Andrew Dalton in Los Angeles contributed to this report.",""" --- AP writers Christopher Weber, John Antczak, Amanda Lee Myers and Andrew Dalton in Los Angeles contributed to this report.",1 +"Two SUVs crashed into the jackknifed truck, injuring six people who were taken to hospitals, state trooper Michael Racy said.","Two SUVs crashed into the truck, injuring six people who were taken to hospitals, state trooper Michael Racy said.",0 +"Elizabeth Warren on the Senate floor - for $50 to $100, with proceeds going to Planned Parenthood.",Elizabeth Warren on the Senate floor - with proceeds going to Planned Parenthood.,1 +"Jordan is a part of a U.S.-led military coalition against IS, which holds territory in Syria and Iraq."," Jordan is a part of a U.S.-led military coalition against IS, which holds territory in Syria and Iraq.",0 +" ""We need to make as much noise as possible,"" said Guterres."," ""We need to make as much noise as possible,"" Guterres said.",0 + Randy Mullins said the suspect appeared placid as he sat handcuffed and the deputy was kneeling down to comfort the two younger children.,""" He added the suspect appeared calm while he sat handcuffed as a deputy kneeled down to comfort the two younger children.",1 + Spanish fly is made from a green beetle called the Spanish fly.," Spanish fly is made from a green beetle called the Spanish fly, in the family of blister beetles.",1 +" Earlier Tuesday, a man was charged with harassing the jurors."," Chad Metcalf, 35, who had a court hearing Tuesday for an unrelated traffic violation, was charged with harassing a juror.",1 +He's charged with attempting to provide material support to a foreign terrorist organization.," Elvis Redzepagic, 26, was charged Saturday with attempting to provide material support to a foreign terrorist organization.",1 +Business groups also voiced concerns that violations still making their way through a full review could be considered in denying a contract to a company.,Business groups also voiced concerns that violations still making their way through a full review could be considered in evaluating a bid.,1 +" Madasani's father, Jaganmohan Reddy, said he had spoken with his wounded son over the phone and is worried about his safety."," Madasani's father, Jaganmohan Reddy, said he had spoken with his wounded son by phone from India and was worried about his safety.",1 +"The fallen protesters, contend some of them, were shot by members of the now-banned Islamist group, the Muslim Brotherhood.","They contend that the fallen protesters were shot not by security forces but by the now-banned Islamist group, the Muslim Brotherhood.",1 +"Nearly $62 billion is included in the bill to pay for ongoing military operations in Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere.","Nearly $62 billion is included to pay for ongoing military operations in Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere.",0 +" ""I am bringing a message of solidarity to the president. A message of support,"" said Guterres.","""I am bringing a message of solidarity to the president. A message of support,"" said Guterres.",0 +"International Women's Day rallies also are planned in Philadelphia, Baltimore, Milwaukee, Washington and Berkeley, California."," Rallies were planned in New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Milwaukee, Washington and Berkeley, California.",1 +" With the outcome of Saturday's vote uncertain, former Labor Secretary Tom Perez and Minnesota Rep.", The contest between former Labor Secretary Tom Perez and Minnesota Rep.,1 + The reported launch failure come as U.S. and South Korean troops were conducting their annual military drills that the North calls an invasion rehearsal., The reported launch failure comes as the North angrily reacts to ongoing annual U.S.-South Korean military drills that it views as an invasion rehearsal.,1 +" Over the months, 13,000 young Swedes will be called upon and 4,000 will be enrolled."," Sweden expects eventually that 13,000 young people will be called upon and 4,000 will be enrolled.",1 + Twenty-one people were hospitalized after the crash with five victims in guarded condition., Twenty-one people were hospitalized after the crash with five victims taken to the trauma center in guarded condition.,1 +"I don't know nothing, they won't show me a finger, a hand.","""I don't know nothing, they won't show me a finger, a hand.",0 +" ""That's not my call,"" Tweeden told ABC's ""Good Morning America."" She later added: ""I think that's for the people of Minnesota to decide.","""That's not my call,"" she told ABC's ""Good Morning America. ""I think that's for the people of Minnesota to decide.",0 +""" The result would be higher premiums for people who need comprehensive health insurance, often those who are older and patients coping with chronic conditions."," The result would be higher premiums for people who need comprehensive health insurance, often those who are older or coping with chronic conditions.",0 + Felix was a central figure in what was found to be a group of abusive drill instructors at Parris Island.," Felix was a central figure among a group of abusive drill instructors at Parris Island, the jury was told.",1 + The EPIRB communicates with satellites and sends locations to authorities., The emergency beacon communicates with satellites and sends locations to authorities within minutes.,1 +" MANILA, Philippines (AP) -- President Donald Trump is known for his long, at times aggressive, handshakes with world leaders."," President Donald Trump is known for his long, at times aggressive, handshakes with world leaders.",0 +"He grimaced at first, particularly when bending down to reach the hands of the two shorter leaders next to him.","He grimaced at first, particularly when bending down to reach the hands of the shorter leaders on either side.",1 +Corey Kluber of the Cleveland Indians has easily won his second American League Cy Young Award., Corey Kluber of the Cleveland Indians easily won his second AL Cy Young Award earlier in the day.,1 +" Key elements of the women's account are contradicted by authorities, and are not consistent with weather reports or basic geography of the Pacific Ocean.",""" Key elements of the women's account are contradicted by authorities and are not consistent with weather reports or basic geography of the Pacific Ocean.",0 +"The area is a rural, mountainous region where residents rely mainly on farming to make a living.","Kermanshah is a rural, mountainous region where residents rely mainly on farming.",0 +""" The two women met in late 2016, and within a week of knowing each other decided to take the trip together."," The women met in late 2016, and within a week decided to take the trip together.",0 +"They'd notice a shift away from the ""Obamacare"" requirement that health plans cover a broad set of ""essential"" benefits.",They'd notice a shift away from health plans that cover a broad set of benefits.,1 +" In Riyadh, Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir said the kingdom ""rejected"" allegations that it is holding Hariri against his will.",""" Meanwhile, in Riyadh, Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir said the kingdom ""rejected"" allegations that it is holding Hariri against his will.",0 +" Frustration has been growing in once-prosperous Zimbabwe as the economy collapses under Mugabe, the world's oldest head of state.", Frustration has been growing in once-prosperous Zimbabwe as the economy collapses under Mugabe.,1 +He said 80 percent of the buildings in the town had been damaged by the quake.,He said 80 percent of the buildings in the town had been damaged.,0 +" ""The sheriff wouldn't do anything about it,"" said Juan Caravez."," ""The sheriff wouldn't do anything about it,"" Juan Caravez said.",0 +"Speaking en route to Sochi, Russia, Erdogan also said a convoy of 50 aid trucks has already crossed the border into Iraq.","Speaking en route to Sochi, Russia, Erdogan said a convoy of 50 aid trucks has crossed the border into Iraq.",1 +Workers say the manufacturer owes them three months of pay as well as severance allowance.,""" The workers were employed by the manufacturer Bravo, which the workers say owes them three months of pay as well as severance allowance.",1 +" MANILA, Philippines (AP) -- Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte (doo-TEHR'-tay) has sanctioned a bloody drug war that features extrajudicial killing."," MANILA, Philippines (AP) -- Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has sanctioned a bloody drug war that features extrajudicial killing.",0 + --- Associated Press writer Marcy Gordon contributed to this report.,""" --- Associated Press writer Marcy Gordon contributed to this report.",0 +He said his findings were consistent with a brief Army Sanity Board document that previously made the diagnosis public.,He said he concurred with an Army Sanity Board document that previously made the diagnosis public.,0 + The bill would penalize federal agencies that fail to properly report required records and rewards states that comply with federal grant preferences and other incentives., The bill would penalize federal agencies that fail to properly report required records and rewards states that comply by providing them with federal grant preferences.,1 +They've argued that the dynamics of the battlefield have shifted over the past 16 years and it's well past time to replace the post-Sept.,They've argued that the dynamics of the battlefield have shifted over the past 16 years and it's past time to replace the post-Sept.,0 + Morgan's testimony was part of defense efforts to mitigate any potential punishment., Morgan's testimony was part of defense efforts to mitigate potential punishment.,0 +" Tehama County Assistant Sheriff Phil Johnston said authorities responded to calls several times, but the 44-year-old Neal wouldn't open the door, so they left."," Tehama County Assistant Sheriff Phil Johnston said authorities responded to neighbors' calls several times, but the 44-year-old Neal wouldn't open the door, so they left.",1 +"It's a cross-body exercise, during which each leader extends their right arm over their left and shakes the opposite hands of those next to him.",It's a cross-body exercise in which leaders extend their right arms over their left and shake the opposite hands of those on either side.,0 +" --- Associated Press writer Ken Moritsugu contributed to this report from Naha, Japan."," --- Associated Press writers Ken Moritsugu in Naha, Japan, and Rachel D'oro and Mark Thiessen in Anchorage, Alaska, contributed to this report.",1 + Appel and Fuiava also said they had six forms of communication that all failed to work., Appel and Fuiava also said they had six forms of communication that all failed.,0 +The unnamed professor also introduced Papadopoulos to a third unnamed person who claimed he had connections to the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.,The professor also introduced Papadopoulos to a third unnamed person who claimed he had connections to the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.,0 +" Then he laughed, crossed his arms and reached to the correct sides."," Trump laughed, crossed his arms and reached to the correct sides.",1 +"Fellow Democrats swiftly condemned his actions, mindful of the current climate as well as the prospect of political blowback.","Fellow Democrats swiftly condemned his actions, mindful of the current climate as well as the prospect of political blowback in next year's elections.",1 +Archived NASA satellite images confirm there were no tropical storms around Hawaii that day.,Archived NASA satellite images confirm no tropical storms were around the state.,1 +""" The four U.S. soldiers were killed Oct. 4 in Niger when they were attacked by militants tied to the Islamic State group.","La David Johnson, one of four soldiers killed Oct. 4 in a firefight with militants tied to the Islamic State group in Niger.",1 +"He'd go off the hinges,"" she said. The shooting, ""it would be during the day, during the night, I mean, it didn't matter.","He'd go off the hinges,"" she said. The shooting ""would be during the day, during the night, I mean, it didn't matter.",0 + Aoun had refused to accept Hariri's resignation and accused the Saudis of holding him against his will., Aoun has refused to accept Hariri's resignation and accused the Saudis of holding him against his will.,0 +The campaign says that the manufacturer owes them three months of pay and severance allowance.,Workers say the manufacturer owes them three months of pay as well as severance allowance.,1 +" Schrader is not surprised the topic is preying on many minds, including his."," Schrader is not surprised the topic is on many minds, including his.",0 + Morgan believes Bergdahl had post-traumatic stress disorder before his 2008 Army enlistment largely due to growing up with a quick-tempered father.," Morgan believes Bergdahl had post-traumatic stress disorder before his 2008 Army enlistment, largely because of growing up with a quick-tempered father.",0 +One was on probation and several officers returned to the hotel to search her room - but encountered Littlecloud.," Several officers returned to the hotel to search her room - and encountered Littlecloud, authorities said.",1 +" Among those killed was the 14-year-old daughter of the church's pastor, Frank Pomeroy, and his wife, Sherri."," Among those killed was the church pastor's 14-year-old daughter, Annabelle Pomeroy.",1 + Police found the bullet-riddled body of Neal's wife stuffed under the floorboards of their home., Police found the bullet-riddled body of Neal's wife stuffed under the floorboards of their home in the rural community of Rancho Tehama Reserve.,1 + Morgan believes Bergdahl had post-traumatic stress disorder even before he enlisted in the Army in 2008 because of his childhood with a quick-tempered father., Morgan believes Bergdahl had post-traumatic stress disorder before his 2008 Army enlistment largely due to growing up with a quick-tempered father.,1 +"""It's going to leave a lot of people poorly served,"" she said.","""It's going to leave a lot of people poorly served,"" Hempstead said.",1 +" Franken apologized Thursday, but there were no signs the issue would go away any time soon."," While Franken has repeatedly apologized, there were no signs the issue would go away any time soon.",1 + Johnston did not comment on the shooter's access to firearms.,He did not comment on the shooter's access to firearms.,1 +He said he was kept in a cage for four out of the five years in captivity after several escape attempts.,He said he was kept in a cage for four of years in captivity after several escape attempts.,0 + Relations between Iraq's semi-autonomous Kurdish region and Turkey were strained following the Iraqi Kurds' controversial September independence referendum., Relations between Iraq's semi-autonomous Kurdish region and Turkey were strained following the Iraqi Kurds' September independence referendum.,0 +"Associated Press writer Jon Gambrell in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, contributed to this report.","Associated Press writer Jon Gambrell in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, contributed.",1 + Those in Sarpol-e-Zahab also said the power and water were out in the town as telephone and cellphone lines were spotty., Sarpol-e-Zahab residents said the power and water were out and telephone and cellphone lines were spotty.,1 +" Seven deaths occurred in Iraq and 535 people were injured, all in the country's northern, semiautonomous Kurdish region, according to its Interior Ministry."," Seven people were killed in Iraq and 535 were injured, all in the country's northern, semiautonomous Kurdish region, according to its Interior Ministry.",0 + Police found the bullet-riddled body of Neal's wife stuffed under the floorboards of their home in the rural community of Rancho Tehama Reserve., Police found the bullet-riddled body of Neal's wife stuffed under the floorboards of their home.,1 +"Arresting officers learned Prendez of Oakland, California, was on probation and had booked a room in the Ramada Inn.",Arresting officers learned Prendez was on probation and had booked a room in the hotel.,0 + Foreign Minister Nikola Dimitrov and Greek counterpart Nikos Kotzias told reporters Thursday that their governments were committed to working on good relations and regional cooperation., Foreign Minister Nikola Dimitrov and Greek counterpart Nikos Kotzias told reporters that their governments were committed to working on good relations and regional cooperation.,0 +" Lebanon's President Michel Aoun welcomed Hariri's decision to accept the invite, saying he hoped it ""opened the door for a resolution"" of the crisis."," Earlier Thursday, Aoun welcomed Hariri's decision to accept the French invitation, saying he hoped it ""opened the door for a resolution"" of the crisis.",1 + Salvador Tello said the gunman fired at a truck in front of him as he was dropping off his three children., Salvador Tello said the gunman fired at a truck in front of him as he went to drop off his three children at school.,1 +" On the stand, Morgan went into greater detail than what was previously disclosed about Bergdahl's mental health."," On the stand, Morgan went into greater detail than previously disclosed about Bergdahl's mental health.",0 +" Hariri, a dual Saudi-Lebanese citizen, has been facing financial difficulties recently as his business in Saudi Arabia suffers."," Hariri, a dual Saudi-Lebanese citizen, has faced financial difficulties recently as his business in Saudi Arabia suffers.",0 +Earlier this year he closed his family's Oger construction firm that had made billions of dollars since his late father founded it in the 1970s.,"Earlier this year he closed his family's Oger construction firm, which had made billions of dollars since his late father founded it in the 1970s.",0 +", are sponsoring legislation to install a new war authority for operations against the Islamic State group, al-Qaida and the Taliban.",", are sponsoring legislation for a new war authority for operations against the Islamic State group, al-Qaida and the Taliban.",0 +" The quake killed 530 people in Iran and injured 7,460, the state-run IRNA news agency reported Tuesday."," Aside from the 530 people killed in Iran, 7,817 were injured, the state-run IRNA news agency reported.",1 +He also said he engages in fantasy and has thoughts of self-castration to purify himself.,"Bergdahl, he said, engages in fantasy and has thoughts of self-castration to purify himself.",1 +Appel expressed surprise that there was no record of the storm., Appel expressed surprise Tuesday that there was no record of the storm.,1 + Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson are scheduled to testify before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Monday.," During testimony Monday before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Defense Secretary Jim Mattis urged Congress to tread carefully.",1 +" ""I need to see him so I will know that that is my husband."," ""I need to see him so I will know that that is my husband,"" she said.",0 +" SKOPJE, Macedonia (AP) -- Macedonia and Greece have committed to improving relations strained for more than two decades by a dispute over Macedonia's name."," SKOPJE, Macedonia (AP) -- Macedonia and Greece committed Thursday to improving relations strained for more than two decades by a dispute over Macedonia's name.",1 +" Both rescuers and local residents alike stood atop the remains of apartment complexes Tuesday, looking through the rubble."," Both rescuers and residents stood on the remains of homes, looking through the rubble.",0 +" ""The faults and shortcomings in the construction of these buildings should be investigated,"" he said, according to the state-run IRNA news agency."," ""The faults and shortcomings in the construction of these buildings should be investigated,"" he said.",1 +""" On Friday, Tweeden said she didn't come forward with the hope that Franken would step down."," On Friday, Tweeden said she didn't come forward with the hope that Franken would step down.",0 +" Tehama County Assistant Sheriff Phil Johnston said authorities responded to neighbors' calls several times, but the 44-year-old Neal wouldn't open the door, so they left."," Johnston said authorities responded to calls several times, but the 44-year-old Neal wouldn't open the door, so they left.",0 +" Inditex, which owns Zara, did not immediately respond to questions from the AP."," Inditex, which owns Zara, did not immediately respond to questions from The Associated Press.",0 +She and another woman who were believed to be in a stolen vehicle were chased for 20 miles (32 kilometers) before being apprehended., She and another woman who were believed to be in a stolen vehicle were chased for 20 miles (32 kilometers) before being apprehended.,0 +""" But insurers, hospitals and doctors say that from the standpoint of society as a whole, some kind of requirement needs to be in place.",""" But insurers, hospitals and doctors say some kind of requirement is needed.",1 +"At 50 feet (15 meters) long, the vessel is relatively small, and both islands have harbors that accommodate boats of that size."," At 50 feet (15 meters) long, the vessel is relatively small, and both islands have harbors that accommodate boats of that size.",0 +"Both had been performing for military personnel in Afghanistan two years before the one-time ""Saturday Night Live"" comedian was elected to the Senate."," Both had been performing for military personnel in Afghanistan two years before the one-time ""Saturday Night Live"" comedian was elected to the Senate.",0 +" The disparity in casualty tolls immediately drew questions from Iranians, especially because so much of the town was new."," The disparity in casualty tolls has drawn questions from Iranians, especially because so much of Sarpol-e-Zahab was new.",1 +"Then, the announcer intoned that it was time for the leaders to take part in the ""traditional"" ASEAN handshake.","And then the announcer intoned that it was time for the leaders to take part in a ""traditional"" ASEAN handshake.",0 +"Tello said he was about three blocks from the school when bullets made ""big holes"" in the truck in front of him.","Tello said he was about three blocks from the school when bullets made ""big holes"" in the truck.",1 +The official was not authorized to discuss the ongoing investigation and spoke to the AP on the condition of anonymity.,The official spoke on the condition of anonymity because the person was not authorized to discuss the investigation.,1 + Congress has taken no steps on guns in the weeks after deadly shootings in Las Vegas and Texas.," Congress has taken no steps on guns in the weeks after deadly shootings in Las Vegas and Sutherland Springs, Texas.",1 +" Neal was also known to have violent squabbles with his neighbors and his wife, both of whom were among his first victims Tuesday."," Neal was also known to have violent squabbles with his neighbors and his wife, both of whom were among his first victims.",1 +" The Trump administration announced earlier this month that it will cut off cost-sharing reduction payments, which aim to reduce out-of-pocket costs for lower-income people."," The Trump administration had announced earlier this month that it will cut off cost-sharing reduction payments, which aim to reduce out-of-pocket costs for lower-income people.",0 +And two military agents who debriefed Bergdahl testified Tuesday about how much valuable intelligence he provided when he was returned in a prisoner swap.,Two military agents who debriefed Bergdahl also testified about how much valuable intelligence he provided.,1 +" The earthquake struck 23.2 kilometers (14.4 miles) below the surface, a shallow depth that can have broader damage."," The earthquake struck 23.2 kilometers (14.4 miles) below the surface, a shallow depth that can amplify damage.",1 +" Then, they say, another storm killed their engine at the end of May."," Then, they say another storm killed their engine at the end of May.",0 +" ""It was very clear at the onset that we had an individual that was randomly picking targets,"" Tehama County Assistant Sheriff Phil Johnston said."," ""It was very clear at the onset that we had an individual that was randomly picking targets,"" Johnston said.",0 +" ""The men are sitting tight for the moment,"" Rintoul told The Associated Press."," ""The men are sitting tight for the moment,"" Rintoul said.",1 + He said he forced his children to duck down and slammed his truck into reverse and headed to the children's grandmother's house.," He said he forced his children to duck down, slammed his vehicle into reverse and headed to the children's grandmother's house.",1 + Elliott's parents have lived in the sparsely populated area of rolling woodlands dotted with grazing cattle about 130 miles north of Sacramento since 1986., The community is a sparsely populated area of rolling woodlands dotted with grazing cattle.,1 +"Growing up, Bergdahl would sometimes hide when he heard the sound of his father's truck pulling up to their house in Idaho.","Growing up, Bergdahl would sometimes hide when he heard his father's truck arriving at their house in Idaho.",0 + Put the two together and the marketplace for about 18 million people buying their own health insurance may look very different in a few years., Put the two together and the marketplace for about 18 million people buying their own health insurance could look very different in a few years.,0 +" Franken, meanwhile, abruptly canceled a sold-out book festival appearance scheduled for Monday in Atlanta, festival organizers said."," Franken abruptly canceled a sold-out book festival appearance scheduled for Monday in Atlanta, festival organizers said.",0 + She wept as she told The Associated Press she spoke to Neal on the phone on Monday., She wept as she told The AP she spoke to Neal on the phone on Monday.,0 +"Littlecloud was found with a rifle and high-capacity magazine, which are illegal to purchase in California, Turnbull said."," Littlecloud was found Wednesday with a rifle and a high-capacity magazine, which are illegal to purchase in California, Turnbull said.",0 +" The tags say the workers were employed by the manufacturer Bravo, which closed down overnight."," The tags say the workers were employed by Bravo, which closed down overnight.",0 +" Kokab Fard, a 49-year-old housewife in Sarpol-e-Zahab, said she could only flee empty-handed when her apartment complex collapsed."," Kokab Fard, a 49-year-old housewife in Sarpol-e-Zahab, said she fled empty-handed when her apartment complex collapsed.",0 +" The two highway patrol officers were in stable condition Thursday and expected to recover from their wounds, Turnbull said.",The two CHP officers were in stable condition Thursday and expected to recover from their wounds.,1 +" However, the temblor did visible damage to the dam at Darbandikhan, which holds back the Diyala River."," However, the temblor caused visible damage to the dam at Darbandikhan, which holds back the Diyala River.",1 +" On the stand, Morgan went into much greater detail than what was previously disclosed about Bergdahl's mental health."," On the stand, Morgan went into greater detail than what was previously disclosed about Bergdahl's mental health.",0 +" Hariri, citing Iran and Hezbollah's meddling in the region, announced his resignation from Saudi Arabia."," Hariri announced his resignation from Saudi Arabia on Nov.4, citing meddling in the region's affairs by Iran and its Lebanese ally, Hezbollah.",1 +"She continued to assail Trump, and he fired off insulting tweets, calling her ""wacky"" and accusing her of secretly listening to the phone call.","She continued to assail Trump, and he fired off insulting tweets, calling her ""wacky"" and accusing her of secretly listening.",1 + Mugabe in the past has warned military commanders from interfering in ZANU-PF succession politics., Mugabe in the past has warned military commanders from interfering in succession politics.,1 +The extra-long keel meant it couldn't get in to nearby harbors.,"The extra-long keel meant the boat couldn't get in to nearby harbors, she said.",1 +Consumers would have layers of new options with different pluses and minuses.,Consumers would have new options with different pluses and minuses.,1 +"The United States has resettled 54 of them in recent weeks and is considering taking almost 1,200 more."," The United States has resettled 54 of them in recent weeks and is considering taking almost 1,200 more.",0 +" ""We really did think we could make it to the next spot,"" Appel said."," ""We really did think we could make it to the next spot,"" Appel has said.",0 +"And this week, he boasted that he killed a man with his own hands.","He called Barack Obama a ""son of a whore."" This week, he boasted that he murdered a man with his own hands.",1 +" Felix, a 34-year-old Iraq veteran, was also ordered to forfeit all pay, demoted to private and given a dishonorable discharge.","Joseph Felix, a 34-year-old Iraq veteran, to forfeit all pay, be demoted to private and given a dishonorable discharge.",1 +" However, the administration had been making the monthly payments even as Trump threatened to cut them off to force Democrats to negotiate over health care.", The administration had been making the monthly payments even as Trump threatened to cut them off to force Democrats to negotiate over health care.,1 + The announcement that Hariri will head to France came after Le Drian met with the Saudi crown prince and the Saudi king., The announcement that Hariri will head to France came after Le Drian met with Saudi King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.,1 +"The discrepancies raised questions about whether Appel and her sailing companion, Tasha Fuiava, could have avoided disaster.",The discrepancies raised questions about whether the pair could have avoided disaster.,1 + Coalition spokesman Ian Rintoul said the first night without security staff guarding the center had at least passed peacefully.,Coalition spokesman Ian Rintoul said the first night without security staff guarding the residents had at least passed peacefully.,1 +""" Asked if she had a message for the president, Johnson replied: ""No.","Asked if she had a message for the president, she replied: ""No.",1 +" Neal was also known to have violent squabbles with his neighbors and his wife, both of whom were among his first victims.", Neal was also known to have violent squabbles with his wife.,1 + Iranian social media and news agencies showed images and videos of people fleeing their homes into the night., Iranian social media and news agencies showed images and videos of people fleeing their homes.,1 +" The quake was centered about 19 miles (31 kilometers) outside the eastern Iraqi city of Halabja, according to the U.S."," The temblor hit about 19 miles (31 kilometers) outside the eastern Iraqi city of Halabja, according to the U.S.",1 +" The announcer's instructions briefly baffled Trump, who at first simply crossed his hands in front of him."," The announcer's instructions appeared for a moment to baffle Trump, who at first simply crossed his hands in front of him.",0 +"The 28-year-old officer told him to drop the weapons and then fired once, striking the man.","Nash, 28, told him to drop the weapons and then fired, striking the man once.",1 +" They are not living with their mother but are in the Houston area and are in good health, said state police Lt."," The daughters live in the Houston area and are in good health, according to state police.",1 +"In another departure, the current opposition delegation is mainly drawn from armed groups, rather than civilian organizations.","In another departure, the opposition delegation is mainly drawn from armed groups, not civilian organizations.",0 +"But Kenya denied it, saying ""scores"" of the extremist fighters were killed instead while repelling the assault.","But Kenya denied it, saying ""scores"" of the extremist fighters were killed instead when its soldiers repelled the assault.",1 +And they were ready to make his women and his workers part of the hearing on Thursday.,And they were ready to make women and his workers part of the confirmation hearing.,0 +Neither Hamon nor Melenchon seems keen to unite under a single banner to boost the left's chances.,Neither Hamon nor Melenchon appear keen to unite to boost the left's presidential chances.,0 +" ""Right now, all of our eggs for life are in one basket,"" Binstead said.","""Right now, all of our eggs for life are in one basket.",1 + This crew will wear devices around their necks that will measure their moods and proximity to other team members.,""" The researchers will wear devices around their necks that measure their moods and proximity to other team members.",0 +""" A separate study from Covered California, the health insurance marketplace in the nation's most populous state, earlier reached similar conclusions.",""" An earlier study from Covered California, the health insurance marketplace in the nation's most populous state, reached similar conclusions.",1 +" The order also hit longtime, legal U.S. residents traveling abroad."," The order also caused confusion for longtime, legal U.S. residents traveling abroad.",0 +Legal insufficiency is not necessarily a lack of evidence - it may be that an officer wasn't clear enough in explaining why someone was ticketed.,it may be that an officer wasn't clear enough in explaining why someone was ticketed.,1 + The official and the aides weren't authorized to speak publicly on the matter and demanded anonymity.,The aides and the State Department official weren't authorized to speak publicly on the matter and demanded anonymity.,1 + The officials and the public policy organization's representative insisted on anonymity in order to outline the plans ahead of Trump's official announcements., The officials and the public policy organization source insisted on anonymity in order to outline the plans ahead of the president's official announcements.,1 +" ""One passenger is currently in an induced coma and in life-threatening condition,"" Hungarian Foreign Minister Szijjarto told reporters in Budapest.",Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto told reporters in Budapest that one passenger was in an induced coma.,1 + Kelly Yates was 10 months old and Kimberly was 3 years old when they disappeared., Kelly was 10 months old and Kimberly was 3 years old when they disappeared.,0 +They're asking McAuliffe to commute Teleguz's sentence to life in prison.," The Richmond Times-Dispatch, in an editorial this month noting the questions surrounding the case, urged McAuliffe to commute Teleguz's sentence to life without parole.",1 +A presidential permit is needed to approve the pipeline because it would cross the U.S border.,A presidential permit is needed because the pipeline would cross the northern U.S border.,1 +" A victory for the band would be welcome news for the Washington Redskins, embroiled in their own legal fight over the team name."," A victory for the Oregon-based band would be welcome news for the Washington Redskins, embroiled in their own legal fight over the team name.",0 +" NEW YORK (AP) -- Twitter says it has suspended 360,000 user accounts in the past 18 months for threatening or promoting acts of terrorism.", Twitter says it has suspended hundreds of thousands of user accounts in the past 18 months for threatening or promoting acts of terrorism.,1 + The convicted Sinaloa cartel boss has been held most recently in a prison near the northern border city of Ciudad Juarez., The convicted Sinaloa cartel boss has been held most recently in a prison near Ciudad Juarez.,1 +" The new U.S. administration is not directly involved in the current talks, because of the ""immediate demands of the transition,"" the State Department said Saturday."," The Trump administration is not directly involved because of the ""immediate demands of the transition,"" the State Department said Saturday.",1 + Numerous flights were delayed or canceled at the state's airports., More than 300 arriving and departing flights were delayed or canceled at Los Angeles International Airport.,1 +Crews are working to repair 19 utility poles on the 141-square-mile island.," Maui Electric Co. said crews were working to repair 19 utility poles on the 141-square-mile island where about 3,000 people live.",1 + Fast-food CEO Andrew Puzder pulled out on Wednesday after it became clear he lacked the votes to win Senate confirmation.," Puzder, a fast-food CEO, pulled out on Wednesday after it became clear he lacked the votes to win Senate confirmation.",1 +""" Nadal spent two months recovering from a left wrist injury before heading to Brisbane for a warmup tournament, breaking his usual routine.",""" Nadal spent two months recovering from a left wrist injury before heading to Brisbane for a warmup tournament.",1 +""" The organization predicts tens of thousands of demonstrators will rally on the National Mall and then march to the Supreme Court.", The organization has predicted tens of thousands of demonstrators would rally on the National Mall starting around midday Friday before marching to the Supreme Court.,1 + Trump supporters started lining up at security checkpoints before dawn to take their places in the quadrennial rite of democracy., People were lined up at security checkpoints before dawn to take their places in this quadrennial rite of democracy.,0 +""" Justice Stephen Breyer said the Slants are free to use the name in all kinds of ways, just not on the trademark itself."," Breyer noted that the Slants are free to use their name in all kinds of ways, just not in the trademark itself.",0 +" ""These are the real unemployment numbers. The 5 percent figure is one of the biggest hoaxes in modern politics,"" he said."," ""The 5 percent figure is one of the biggest hoaxes in modern politics,"" he said.",1 +Federal officials want to return the population to this level.,Federal officials want to return the population to that level.,0 +Ebell declined to discuss specific numbers of EPA staff that could be targeted for pink slips.,"Ebell, who left the transition team last week, declined to discuss specific numbers of EPA staff that could be targeted for pink slips.",0 +"She's also lost six of the eight Grand Slam finals she's played against her younger sister, and is 11-16 in career meetings.","She's also lost six of the eight Grand Slam finals she's played against Serena, and is 11-16 in their career meetings at tour-level.",1 +" It adds up to an estimated $2.3 billion more in 2018, or an additional $31 billion over 10 years."," It works out to an estimated $2.3 billion more in 2018, or an additional $31 billion over 10 years.",0 +Associated Press writers Mary Clare Jalonick and Darlene Superville contributed to this report.,Associated Press writers Mary Clare Jalonick and Darlene Superville in Washington and Dan Elliott in Denver contributed to this report.,1 +" In a statement early Monday, police say both suspects face preliminary charges of capital murder and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.", Authorities said both suspects face preliminary charges of capital murder and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.,0 + But adding the contentious wall issue to the already volatile mix of the September agenda could be too risky., But adding the contentious issue to a volatile mix on the September agenda could prove too risky.,0 +"He concluded his sons would have ""miserable"" lives when they returned home later because they came to know the truth of the North.","He concluded that his sons would have ""miserable"" lives if they returned home because they had come to know the truth about the country.",1 +" Matthew Festing decided to resign after meeting with the pope on Tuesday, Knights of Malta spokeswoman Marianna Balfour told The Associated Press."," Matthew Festing, 67, decided to resign after meeting with the pope on Tuesday, the order's spokeswoman Marianna Balfour told The Associated Press.",1 +" ""The American people won and the president negotiated that victory for them."" -- Associated Press writer Andrew Taylor contributed to this report.", --- Associated Press writer Andrew Taylor contributed to this report.,1 + The 20-10 party-line vote for preliminary approval requires women to purchase extra insurance to cover abortions except amid medical emergencies.,It requires women to purchase extra insurance to cover abortion except amid medical emergencies.,0 + Biosphere 2 was a 1990s experimental greenhouse-like habitat in Arizona., Biosphere 2 was a 1990s experimental greenhouse-like habitat in Arizona that became a debacle.,1 +"In September, Frauke Petry's four-year-old Alternative for Germany party hopes to enter the German parliament.","And in September, Petry's party hopes to enter the German parliament.",1 + The judge on Wednesday rejected requests by Bridget Kelly and Bill Baroni for an acquittal and a new trial., The judge on Wednesday rejected requests by Bridget Kelly and Bill Baroni for an acquittal and new trial.,0 +France intervened in Mali in 2013 to crush Islamist extremists.,France intervened in Mali in 2013 to crush Islamist extremists who controlled much of northern Mali and threatened the south.,1 +""" By Saturday afternoon, the survivors had been taken to a nearby hotel and were being interviewed by investigators, the ANSA news agency reported."," By Saturday afternoon, the survivors had been taken to a nearby hotel and were being interviewed by investigators, the ANSA news agency reported.",0 +" ""Once I got rolling in the second, it was like a freight train, you couldn't stop it,"" she said."," ""Once I got rolling in the second, it was like a freight train,"" she said, ""You couldn't stop it.",1 +"It's not clear why so many employees are needed at the federal level,"" he said.",It's not clear why so many employees are needed at the federal level.,1 + The government and the ELN have been holding exploratory peace talks for more than three years., The two sides have been holding exploratory peace talks for more than three years.,0 +The parents of some of the children were heading there to bring them home.,The parents of some of the students were heading there to bring them home.,0 + LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Erin Andrews has revealed that she battled cervical cancer during the NFL season.," LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Erin Andrews says she battled cervical cancer during the NFL season, months after winning a lawsuit against a stalker.",1 +" Not long after, he fired an ace to get his second match point and hit a forehand crosscourt winner to finish off."," Not long after, he fired an ace to get his second match point and hit a forehand crosscourt winner.",1 +" Ultimately, Republicans made it clear that Puzder did not have the votes for confirmation."," Ultimately, Republicans made it clear that Puzder lacked the votes in a chamber narrowly split between Republicans and Democrats.",1 + The project is designed to help NASA send humans to examine an asteroid by 2025 and to land on Mars sometime in the 2030s., The project is designed to help the U.S. space agency send humans on long space voyages including to Mars by the 2030s.,1 +A Dutch court has approved his extradition following his trial in the Netherlands.,A Dutch court has approved his extradition following his trial in Amsterdam.,0 +"Instead, he pointed to an unusually mild winter that likely boosted hiring by construction firms as a potential cause.","Instead, he pointed to an unusually mild winter that likely boosted hiring by construction firms.",1 + Puzder's withdrawal was the latest example of the disorganized nature of the new administration not known for thorough vetting of its people or its plans.," Puzder's withdrawal was the latest example of the disorganized nature of the new administration, not known for thorough vetting of its people or its plans.",0 +Both testified they believed the lane realignment was part of a legitimate traffic study conceived by then-Port Authority official David Wildstein., Baroni and Kelly testified they thought the lane realignment was part of a legitimate traffic study.,1 +" And unlike health care, the upcoming agenda - outside of tax reform and Trump nominations - requires Democratic votes."," Unlike health care, the upcoming agenda - outside of taxes and Trump's nominations - requires Democratic votes.",0 +The prosecutor says he'll seek to have the case moved from juvenile court to adult court.,Talebi also has said he will seek to have the case moved from juvenile court to adult court.,1 +""" Federer had lost six of the previous eight Grand Slam finals he'd played against Nadal, and was 11-23 in their career meetings.",""" Federer had lost six of the previous eight Grand Slam finals he'd played against Nadal and was 11-23 in their career meetings.",0 +" Carter and Bolt were teammates on the winning 4x100-meter relay team, which also included Michael Frater and Asafa Powell."," Carter and Bolt were teammates on the winning 4x100-meter team, which set a world record of 37.10 seconds.",1 + The justices heard arguments Wednesday in a dispute involving an Asian-American band called the Slants that was denied a trademark because the U.S., The justices heard arguments in a dispute involving an Asian-American band called the Slants that was denied a trademark because the U.S.,0 +"The regional force has been securing the country during the transition, which has remained peaceful.","The regional force has secured the country during the transition, which has remained peaceful.",0 + Advocates for travelers say they did not have clear picture about what's happening and that the chaos is likely to continue., Advocates for travelers say the chaos is likely to continue.,1 +The statement says he carried out so-called Shariah death sentences.,"The statement says he carried out ""so-called Shariah death sentences.",1 + But the money is under a legal cloud after a federal judge's ruling in a lawsuit by House Republicans against the Obama administration., The money is under a legal cloud because of a federal judge's ruling in a lawsuit by House Republicans against the Obama administration.,0 +The other dead men were identified as businessman Carlos Alberto Filgueiras and pilot Osmar Rodrigues.,"They include Zavascki, businessman Carlos Alberto Filgueiras and pilot Osmar Rodrigues.",1 +"Mick Mulvaney, R-S.C., was testifying before the Senate Budget Committee Tuesday morning.","Mick Mulvaney, R-S.C., testified before the Senate Budget Committee Tuesday morning.",1 +The aides said written notification dated Jan. 20 was sent to Congress just hours before Donald Trump took the oath of office.," Kerry formally notified Congress that State would release the money Friday morning, just hours before President Donald Trump took the oath of office.",1 +But confusion remained about who could stay and who will be kept out.,But confusion remained about who could stay and who will be kept out of the country in the coming weeks.,1 +But confusion remained about who could stay and who will be kept out of the country in the coming weeks.,But confusion remained about who could stay and who will be kept out.,1 + Trump will speak Thursday to House and Senate GOP lawmakers at their annual policy retreat., Trump was to speak Thursday to House and Senate GOP lawmakers at their annual policy retreat.,1 +" Hardiman, a 51-year-old with a conservative track record and working-class background, serves alongside Trump's sister on the Philadelphia-based 3rd U.S.","Other finalists also came from that list, including Thomas Hardiman, who serves alongside Trump's sister on the Philadelphia-based 3rd U.S.",1 + Close to 5 million Syrians have fled their homeland since the conflict there erupted in 2011., Close to 5 million Syrians have fled their country since an uprising against President Bashar Assad erupted in 2011 and escalated into civil war.,1 +It housed different natural ecosystems in an effort to study what would be needed for habitation on other planets.,It housed different natural ecosystems and a small crew in an effort to understand what would be needed for humans to live on other planets.,1 +The trademark office canceled the football team's lucrative trademarks in 2014 after finding the word Redskins is disparaging to Native Americans.,"The trademark office canceled the football team's lucrative trademarks in 2014 after finding the word ""Redskins"" is disparaging to Native Americans.",0 +"He also says Trump likely will seek significant reductions to the agency's workforce of about 15,000 employees."," He also said Trump is likely to seek significant reductions to the agency's workforce, currently about 15,000 employees nationwide, with 8,000 of those in Washington.",1 +"The other team members include engineers, a computer scientist, a doctoral candidate and a biomedical expert."," The team members on the dome project include engineers, a computer scientist, a doctoral candidate and a biomedical expert.",1 + Congress is expected to vote this week on the $1.1 trillion spending bill to fund the government through September., Congress is expected to vote this week on the $1.1 trillion spending bill.,1 +Hundreds of thousands of Gambians welcomed Barrow's return to Gambia days later.,Hundreds of thousands welcomed Barrow's return to Gambia days later.,1 +"Instead, he reassigned his staff to file more than a dozen lawsuits challenging EPA regulations.",He reassigned his staff to file more than a dozen lawsuits challenging EPA regulations.,0 +But the trademark office said a term can be disparaging even if it's meant to be used in a positive light.,But the trademark office said a term can be disparaging even when used in a positive light.,1 +"The 60-yeaer-old Khan asked Rhodes what she had done to him and the 57-year-old Rhodes said she'd done nothing, authorities said.","The 60-year-old Khan asked Rhodes what she had done to him and Rhodes said she'd done nothing, authorities said.",0 +" NEWARK, N.J. (AP) -- New Jersey Transit officials warned riders to be prepared for a crowded, crawling Tuesday morning commute due to earlier weather-related damage."," NEWARK, N.J. (AP) -- New Jersey Transit trains resumed normal service Tuesday after making repairs to storm damage that delayed thousands of commuters.",1 +", citing obstacles such as Indian reservations and national parks and forests.",", former House Appropriations Committee Chairman, citing obstacles such as Indian reservations and national parks and forests.",1 +McCain voted to advance Mulvaney to a final vote but again told reporters that he's likely to oppose him.,McCain voted to advance Mulvaney to a final vote but again told reporters he's likely to oppose him.,0 +" COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) -- A federal judge has declared Ohio's new lethal injection process unconstitutional and delayed three upcoming executions."," COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) -- A federal judge on Thursday declared Ohio's new lethal injection process unconstitutional and delayed three executions, including one scheduled next month.",0 +" Pasadena cancelled Saturday's annual Black History Month parade, citing public safety concerns including possible lightning strikes."," Pasadena canceled Saturday's annual Black History Month parade, citing public safety concerns, including possible lightning strikes.",0 +Scores were arrested for trashing property and attacking officers while a burning limousine sent clouds of black smoke into the sky during Trump's procession.,At least 217 people were arrested for rioting while a burning limousine sent clouds of black smoke into the sky during Trump's procession.,0 + The Dakota pipeline is set to carry North Dakota oil through South Dakota and Iowa to a shipping point in Illinois., The Dakota pipeline is to carry North Dakota oil through South Dakota and Iowa to a shipping point in Illinois.,0 +" WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Supreme Court won't hear an appeal from the family on TV's ""Sister Wives"" challenging Utah's law banning polygamy."," WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Supreme Court said Monday it won't hear an appeal from the family on TV's ""Sister Wives"" challenging Utah's law banning polygamy.",0 + The attacks drastically changed America's footprint abroad and challenged some of the most basic tenets of the U.S.,The attacks drastically changed America's footprint abroad and challenged some of the most basic tenets of the U.S.,0 +" Kosovo declared independence from Serbia in 2008, but Serbia has not recognized it as a separate country."," Kosovo declared independence from Serbia in 2008, but Serbia has not recognized it.",0 +" They mostly blame man-made global warming with help from a natural El Nino, which has since disappeared.","They mostly blame man-made global warming with help from a natural El Nino, which has since disappeared.",0 + NOAA calculated that the average global temperature last year was 58.69 degrees (14.84 degrees Celsius) - beating the previous year by .07 degrees (.04 Celsius)., NOAA calculated that the average 2016 global temperature was 58.69 degrees (14.84 degrees Celsius) - beating the previous year by 0.07 degrees (0.04 Celsius).,0 +" U.S. taxpayers will foot the bill, starting with money already in the Department of Homeland Security account that amounts to a small down payment."," Instead, U.S. taxpayers will foot the bill, starting with money already in the Department of Homeland Security account that amounts to a small down payment.",0 +"Khan asked Rhodes what she had done to him and Rhodes replied, ""You did nothing,"" Brown said.","The 60-year-old Khan asked Rhodes what she had done to him and Rhodes said she'd done nothing, authorities said.",1 + The Dakota pipeline is to carry North Dakota oil through South Dakota and Iowa to a shipping point in Illinois.," The 1,200-mile pipeline would carry North Dakota oil through South Dakota and Iowa to an existing pipeline in Illinois.",1 + The scientists say that bit of history gives clues about what food security could be like in the era of climate change.,The researchers assert that bit of history gives clues about what food security could be like in the modern era of climate change.,0 +"Rhodes then punched the door, which hit the back of Khan's chair, investigators said.","Rhodes then punched the door, which hit the back of Khan's chair, he said.",0 +" ""We're not seeing anything like we did the other day,"" said Colusa County Assistant Sheriff Jim Saso."," ""We're not seeing anything like we did the other day,"" Colusa County Assistant Sheriff Jim Saso said.",0 + HONOLULU (AP) -- The entire Hawaiian island of Lanai has not had electrical service since Saturday after strong winds snapped or damaged utility poles., HONOLULU (AP) -- The entire Hawaiian island of Lanai remained without electrical service Monday after strong winds snapped or damaged utility poles over the weekend.,1 +All serious peace negotiations in that have time have assumed that the two-state solution was the basis for future peace.,All serious peace negotiations in that time have assumed that the two-state solution was the basis for future peace.,1 + Trump's first words as commander in chief were an unapologetic reprisal of the economic populism and nationalism that fueled his improbable campaign., The new president's first words as commander in chief were an unapologetic reprisal of the economic populism and nationalism that fueled his improbable campaign.,0 +Lower courts issued mixed decisions on the return of the officers in a series of separate hearings., Lower courts issued mixed decisions on the return of the officers in a series of separate hearings.,0 + The proposal from Assemblywoman Nily Rozic would prevent the state from signing contracts or investing in companies hired for the wall project., Assemblywoman Nily Rozic's bill would prevent the state from signing contracts or investing in companies hired for the federal project.,1 +The one sure outcome will be an American in the final at Melbourne Park.,The one sure outcome when they meet this week will be an American in the final at Melbourne Park.,1 +" ""From this day forward, a new vision will govern our land.","In a warning to the world, he said, ""From this day forward, a new vision will govern our land.",0 +"He reached the quarterfinals there, and had no expectations of reaching the final in Australia.",He had no expectations of reaching the final in Australia.,1 + A bill requiring women to purchase extra insurance to cover abortions except amid medical emergencies already cleared the state House after hours of emotional debate., The 20-10 party-line vote for preliminary approval requires women to purchase extra insurance to cover abortions except amid medical emergencies.,1 +" Both will require bipartisan cooperation, something that's been in short supply on Capitol Hill this year."," Both will require bipartisan cooperation, something in short supply on Capitol Hill this year.",0 +" The Obama administration had for some time been pressing for the release of the money for the Palestinian Authority, which comes from the U.S.",""" The Obama administration had for some time been pressing for the release of the money, which comes from the U.S.",1 +"A federal appeals court had ruled that the law is unconstitutional, but the government appealed.",A federal appeals court in Washington later said the law barring offensive trademarks is unconstitutional.,1 + --- THE OUTSIDERS Other presidential hopefuls are lining up across the spectrum., --- THE OUTSIDERS Other French presidential hopefuls are lining up across the spectrum.,1 +But confusion remained about who could stay and who will be kept out of the country in the coming weeks.,But confusion remained about who could stay and who will be kept out of the country.,1 + Spirited demonstrations unfolded peacefully at various security checkpoints near the Capitol as police helped ticket-holders get through to the inaugural ceremony., Several spirited demonstrations unfolded peacefully at various security checkpoints near the Capitol as police helped ticket-holders get through to the inaugural ceremony.,1 +" LAUSANNE, Switzerland (AP) -- Usain Bolt has been stripped of one of his nine Olympic gold medals in a doping case involving teammate Nesta Carter."," LAUSANNE, Switzerland (AP) -- Usain Bolt has lost one of his nine Olympic gold medals in a doping case involving teammate Nesta Carter.",1 +""" Any future shutdowns would likely cost the federal government billions of dollars.", Any future shutdowns would likely cost the federal government billions of dollars.,0 +"So far in January, he said, a single convoy reached 40,000 people.","So far in January, he said, the situation isn't much better with just a single convoy reaching 40,000 people.",0 +Patent and Trademark office said the name is offensive to Asians.,Patent and Trademark Office denied the request on the ground that the name disparages Asians.,1 + Mateen pledged allegiance to several terror organizations during the attack before police shot and killed him.,Mateen pledged allegiance to several terror organizations during the attack before police shot and killed him.,0 + MOSCOW (AP) -- Russia's biggest cybersecurity firm says that its manager in charge of investigating hacking attacks has been arrested.," MOSCOW (AP) -- A manager at Russia's biggest cybersecurity firm in charge of investigating hacking attacker has been arrested, the company said Wednesday.",0 +" ""This should be a bright spark, a glimmer of hope, that thing that fuels conservation.","""This should be a bright spark, a glimmer of hope, that thing that fuels conservation.",0 + The justices said part of a law that bars the government from registering disparaging trademarks violates free speech rights., The justices were unanimous in saying that the 71-year-old trademark law barring disparaging terms infringes free speech rights.,0 +" The Slants tried to trademark the name in 2011, but the U.S."," Slants founder Simon Tam tried to trademark the band name in 2011, but the U.S.",1 +He criticized the party in 2015 for not putting up Muslim candidates in the general election.,He criticized the NLD in 2015 for not putting up Muslim candidates in the general election.,1 +He was sworn into office last month at Gambia's embassy in neighboring Senegal as former leader Yahya Jammeh refused to cede power.,Barrow first took the oath at Gambia's embassy in neighboring Senegal in January as former leader Yahya Jammeh refused to cede power.,1 +The pipeline would run from Canada to U.S. refineries in the Gulf Coast.,"The pipeline would run from Canada to Nebraska, where it would join other lines already leading to refineries along the Gulf Coast.",1 + Navy disposal teams took away the 2-foot by 1-foot (60-centimeter by 30-centimeter) device early Friday.," Navy disposal teams towed the 2-foot by 1-foot (60-centimeter by 30-centimeter) device downriver to Tilbury, in the Thames estuary, where it was detonated.",1 +" Stoyanov's previous jobs, listed on the LinkedIn website include a position at the Cyber Crime Unit at the Russian interior ministry in the early 2000s."," Stoyanov's previous jobs, listed on the LinkedIn website, include a position at the Cyber Crime Unit at the Russian Interior Ministry in the early 2000s.",0 +" Her thought now was, ""Where am I going to live?"" Another tree smashed a carport and vehicles in the Santa Barbara suburb of Goleta.", Another tree smashed a carport and vehicles in the Santa Barbara suburb of Goleta.,1 + Cold weather in February typically shuts down building work sites across much of the country., Cold weather in February typically shuts down work sites across much of the country.,1 +" HACKENSACK, N.J. (AP) -- New Jersey prosecutors said Friday they will not pursue a criminal misconduct case against Republican Gov."," NEWARK, N.J. (AP) -- A New Jersey judge has turned down an appeal by two former aides to Republican Gov.",1 + Barrow has pledged to reverse many of Jammeh's actions and has committed to stay in the International Criminal Court and rejoin the Commonwealth.,He has committed to stay in the International Criminal Court and rejoin the Commonwealth.,1 +Her gap between major finals is the longest for any player in the Open era.,Her seven-and-a-half year gap between major finals is the longest for any player in the Open era.,0 +" ""What we're saying here is: If you want to buy this coverage, you can buy it,"" said Smithee, a Republican from Amarillo."," ""What we're saying here is: If you want to buy this coverage, you can buy it,"" Smithee, a Republican from Amarillo, said during House debate.",1 +"""There is no alternative."" Israel rejects the 1967 lines as a possible border, saying it would impose grave security risks."," Israel rejects the 1967 lines as a possible border, saying it would impose grave security risks.",0 + Ploumen says she has received thousands of reactions - the vast majority of them positive - after announcing the fund Tuesday., Ploumen said she has received thousands of reactions - the vast majority of them positive - since announcing the fund Tuesday.,1 +He started at 24.3 percent in 2008 and jumped from 55 percent in 2015 to 69.8 percent last year.,""" Raines started at 24.3 percent in 2008 and jumped from 55 percent in 2015 to 69.8 percent last year.",1 +Ryan has discussed the issue privately with the president and recently said congressional Republicans had been working with his team on a solution.,He has discussed the issue privately with the president and recently said congressional Republicans had been working with his team on a solution.,0 +" Condolences came in from Italy's president and its foreign minister, as well as the German chancellor."," Condolences to Hungary came in from Italy's president and its foreign minister, as well as the German chancellor.",1 +" Outnumbered Democrats dismissed the bill as purely political, arguing that insurance companies already cover only medically necessary abortions."," Outnumbered Democrats in both chambers dismissed the bill as purely political, arguing that insurance companies already cover only medically necessary abortions.",1 +Ebell says in an interview with The Associated Press that his specific proposals to the White House remain confidential., Myron Ebell said in an interview with The Associated Press that his specific recommendations to the White House remain confidential.,1 +" The IOC says Carter tested positive for methylhexaneamine, a banned stimulant, in re-analysis of samples from the 2008 Beijing Olympics."," The IOC said Wednesday that Carter tested positive for methylhexaneamine, a banned stimulant, in re-analysis of samples from the 2008 Beijing Olympics.",0 +Wright had argued the suit is an attempt to put a legal obstacle in the way of enacting the referendum result.,Wright had argued the suit was an attempt to put a legal obstacle in the way of enacting the referendum result.,0 + WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Supreme Court is expressing doubts about a law that bars the government from registering trademarks that are deemed offensive., WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Supreme Court raised doubts Wednesday about a law that bars the government from registering trademarks that are deemed offensive.,0 +A presidential permit is needed because the pipeline would cross the northern U.S border., State Department approval is needed because the pipeline would cross the northern U.S border.,1 +" Matthew Festing met with the pope on Tuesday and offered his resignation, Knights of Malta spokeswoman Marianna Balfour told The Associated Press."," Matthew Festing decided to resign after meeting with the pope on Tuesday, Knights of Malta spokeswoman Marianna Balfour told The Associated Press.",1 +" But the statement said Thursday's sweeps had been planned for ""a longer time,"" suggesting no immediate link."," But the prosecutor's statement said Thursday's operation had been planned for ""a longer time,"" suggesting no immediate link.",1 +They were selected from a group of 700 applicants with backgrounds in space science., They were selected from a group of 700 applicants that went through cognitive and personality tests as well as extensive interviews.,1 +The crew will get occasional resupply deliveries that will be recovered by a robot in order to maintain their isolation., Occasional resupply deliveries are recovered with a robot in order to maintain the crew's isolation.,0 +Police in riot gear used pepper spray from large canisters and eventually cordoned off the protesters.,Police in riot gear used pepper spray from large canisters and eventually cordoned off protesters at 12th and L streets in northwest Washington.,1 +"Some canned food and lightweight snacks are also brought in, including one of Hawaii's favorites."," Also, the crew will eat mostly freeze-dried foods, with some canned goods and snacks brought in, including one of Hawaii's favorites, Spam.",1 +"Le Pen, who came in third in the 2012 race, is facing financial investigations, too.","Le Pen, who came in third in the 2012 race, is facing financial investigations too.",0 + Appropriations Committee Chairman Thad Cochran of Mississippi is also unwilling to commit to supporting Mulvaney on Thursday., Appropriations Committee Chairman Thad Cochran of Mississippi is now supporting Mulvaney after expressing reservations Wednesday morning.,1 +" Sharks also attacked recently weaned seals at French Frigate Shoals, one of the island chain's most pristine atolls."," Sharks also attacked recently weaned seals at French Frigate Shoals, one of the chain's most pristine atolls.",0 +""" Both players were returning from extended layoffs - Federer for six months after Wimbledon with an injured left knee;", Both players were returning from extended layoffs - Federer for six months after Wimbledon with an injured left knee;,0 +" Or the Trump administration could appeal the district judge's ruling, as the Obama administration had planned."," Or the new administration could appeal the district judge's ruling, as the Obama administration had planned.",1 +" LAUSANNE, Switzerland (AP) -- Usain Bolt has lost one of his nine Olympic gold medals in a doping case involving teammate Nesta Carter.", GENEVA (AP) -- Usain Bolt has lost one of his nine Olympic gold medals in a doping case involving Jamaican teammate Nesta Carter.,1 +Trump also suspended the U.S. refugee program for 120 days.,The president also suspended the U.S. refugee program for four months.,0 +"But they hadn't met in a major final since the 2011 French Open, won by Nadal.",But they hadn't met in a major final in six years.,1 +" ""I'm here for history,"" said Kevin Puchalski, a 24-year-old construction worker who drove from Philadelphia to attend the swearing-in."," ""I'm here for history,"" said Kevin Puchalski, a 24-year-old construction worker who drove from Philadelphia.",1 +" The camera went live the morning of the inauguration, along with a website inviting the public to show up and participate.",""" The camera went live the morning of the inauguration.",1 +The government could ask for even less time for him considering his cooperation against Baroni and Kelly.,The government could ask for even less time for him considering his cooperation.,1 +" The eight officers are fighting extradition, arguing that they face mistreatment in prison if returned."," The eight officers fought extradition in a six-month legal battle, arguing that they face mistreatment in prison if returned.",1 + The robbery happened Sunday afternoon at a jewelry store inside Rolling Oaks Mall., Police Chief William McManus said the two suspects robbed a jewelry store at the Rolling Oaks Mall on Sunday afternoon.,1 +" Individuals interviewed during the transition said they were not asked by Trump's team to provide vetting information, raising questions about the level of scrutiny."," Individuals interviewed during the transition said Trump's team did not ask them to provide vetting information, raising questions about the level of scrutiny.",1 +""" --- Associated Press writer Juan A. Lozano in Houston contributed to this report."," --- Associated Press writers Juan A. Lozano in Houston and Michelle R. Smith in Providence, Rhode Island, contributed to this report.",1 +" So far, thanks to spending in the late 2000s, Congress provided about $2.3 billion to construct 654 miles of fencing and vehicular blockades."," So far, thanks to spending in the late 2000s, Congress has provided about $2.3 billion to construct 654 miles of fencing and vehicular blockades.",0 +" Police said in a statement that the group damaged vehicles, destroyed property and set small fires while armed with crowbars and hammers."," Police said protesters damaged vehicles, destroyed property and set small fires while armed with crowbars and hammers.",0 +"They are publicizing several unflattering stories from current and former employees of Puzder's company, and his hearing has been postponed several times.","They are publicizing several unflattering stories from current and former employees of Puzder's company, and his hearing had been postponed several times.",0 +" NASA's figures include more of the Arctic, which was warmer than usual."," NASA's figures, which include more of the Arctic, are higher at 0.22 degrees (0.12 Celsius) warmer than 2015.",1 +" Serving for the match, Federer had to save two break points with an ace and a forehand winner."," Serving for the match, and after saving two break points, Federer was called for a double-fault at deuce.",1 +" McConnell has said he's not inclined to change Senate rules on the filibuster and legislation, something that has been echoed by other Republicans.", McConnell has said he's not inclined to change Senate rules on the filibuster and legislation.,1 +"They claim the eastern sector of the city, captured by Israel in 1967, as their capital.","They claim the eastern sector of the city, captured by Israel in the 1967 war, as their capital.",1 +"Savings have run out, jobs are scarce and poorly paid, while refugee children learn in crowded classrooms and have very limited access to higher education."," Savings have run out, jobs are poorly paid and refugee children learn in crowded classrooms.",1 +" Not long after, he fired an ace to get his second match point and hit a forehand crosscourt winner."," After hitting a forehand crosscourt winner on his second match point, his celebrations were delayed when Nadal challenged the call.",1 +" Of the 39 survivors, 26 were injured, some seriously, he said.","Of the 39 survivors, 26 were injured, some seriously, he said.",0 +It came amid a growing outcry over the New York Police Department's encounters with minorities., It came amid a growing outcry over the New York Police Department's encounters with minorities.,0 +""" Trump has repeatedly promised that Mexico will pay for his wall, though neither he nor his allies in Congress are able to articulate how."," Trump has repeatedly promised that Mexico will pay for his wall, though neither he nor his allies in Congress are able to articulate how.",0 +" It was a jarring contrast from the campaign, when Trump repeatedly questioned the stats' legitimacy."," What a difference from last year's presidential campaign, when Trump repeatedly assailed the report's legitimacy.",0 + Sheikh Abdiaziz Abu-Musab says the fighters also seized military vehicles during Friday's early morning attack.," Al-Shabab spokesman Sheikh Abdiaziz Abu-Musab said the extremist fighters seized military vehicles during the early morning attack in Kulbiyow, a town in Lower Jubba region.",1 +" In Budapest, a black flag flew from a flagpole above the door of the Szinyei Merse Pal Gimnazium.", A black flag flew Saturday above the entrance to the Szinyei Merse Pal high school in Budapest.,1 +Trump also suspended the U.S. refugee program for four months.,The president also suspended the U.S. refugee program for four months.,0 +"contributes to the continuation of bloodshed and obstructs any opportunity for a cease-fire,"" Alloush said in the video.","contributes to the continuation of bloodshed and obstructs any opportunity for a cease-fire,"" Alloush said.",1 +" His mother, Dorothy Rhodes, said the behavior alleged by authorities is uncharacteristic of her son.","His next court date is Feb. 8. His mother, Dorothy Rhodes, said the behavior alleged by authorities is uncharacteristic of her son.",1 + The band says the 70-year-old law violates free speech rights.,""" The Oregon-based band says the 70-year-old law violates free-speech rights.",0 +Raines was a seven-time All-Star and the 1986 NL batting champion.," Raines, fifth in career stolen bases, was a seven-time All-Star and the 1986 NL batting champion who compiled a .294 average and .385 on-base percentage.",1 +The fighting there has cut off the water supply to millions of the capital's residents for more than a month.,The fighting there has cut off water to millions of the capital's residents for a month.,1 + But some justices were concerned that imposing no limits on trademark names would go too far., But the justices also seemed concerned that imposing no limits on trademark names would go too far.,0 +" The city has logged 24.50 inches of rain since Oct. 1, said weather service forecaster Bob Benjamin."," The city has logged 24.50 inches of rain since Oct. 1, said forecaster Bob Benjamin.",0 + The Redskins made similar arguments after the trademark office canceled the team's trademark in 2015., The Redskins made similar arguments after the trademark office ruled in 2014 that the name offends American Indians and canceled the team's trademark.,1 + The study will assess the psychological difficulties associated with living in isolated and confined conditions for an extended time., The NASA-funded project will study the psychological difficulties associated with living in isolated and confined conditions for an extended period.,1 + He says his disappointment with leader Kim Jong Un was another reason to defect., Thae said his disappointment with leader Kim Jong Un was another reason he defected.,0 +" Hungary's Foreign Ministry said it was told that there were 54 passengers and two drivers aboard, but said it believes the actual number was higher.","Hungary's Foreign Ministry said it was told 54 passengers and two drivers were on the bus, but said it believes the actual number was higher.",1 +The victims were soldiers and former fighters trying to stabilize the region after a 2015 peace agreement with the government.,"The victims, all Malians, were soldiers and former fighters grouped together to try to stabilize the region after a 2015 peace agreement with the government.",1 +" ""Last night probably the worst night I've had out of the 10 years,"" he said. ""I knew I was close, but I wasn't sure."," ""Last night was probably the worst night I've had out of the 10 years,"" Raines said. ""I knew I was close, but I wasn't sure.",1 +Hundreds of thousands of Gambians welcomed Barrow's return to Gambia soon afterward.,Hundreds of thousands of Gambians welcomed Barrow's return to Gambia days later.,0 + The entire Hawaiian island of Lanai lost electrical service earlier Monday after strong winds snapped or damaged utility poles over the weekend., The entire Hawaiian island of Lanai lost electrical service after strong winds snapped or damaged utility poles over the weekend.,0 +" As of Friday afternoon, the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services said that that it was still processing DACA-related work permits.",Citizenship and Immigration Services said it was still processing DACA-related work permits.,1 +" ""It all begins today!"" Trump tweeted at daybreak, before heading to a morning church service with his family as light rain fell."," ""It all begins today!"" Trump tweeted at daybreak, before attending a morning church service with his family.",1 + The rule announced Wednesday is a victory for animal rights groups two days before President Barack Obama leaves office., The rule is a victory for animal rights groups two days before President Barack Obama leaves office.,0 +" They just might eliminate billions of dollars in disputed ""Obamacare"" subsidies."," The administration just might eliminate billions of dollars in disputed ""Obamacare"" subsidies.",0 +"But the second batch also tended to overheat, prompting Samsung to discontinue the Note 7. The debacle dealt a blow to Samsung's corporate image.","The second batch also tended to overheat, prompting Samsung to discontinue the Note 7. The debacle dealt a blow to Samsung's corporate image.",0 +"He was able to give police information about the attack, but died later in a hospital.",He was able to give police information before he died a few hours later.,1 +"From this day forward, it's going to be only, 'America First,"" Trump said in a 16-minute address.","From this day forward, it's going to be only, 'America First,'"" Trump said.",1 +" Trump defended his son, saying he ""openly gave his e-mails to the media &"," Trump defended his son in one of the tweets, saying he ""openly gave his e-mails to the media &",0 +"Overseas sales plans will be determined later, it said in a statement.","Overseas sales plans will be determined later, the company said in a statement.",0 +" A victory for the Oregon-based band would be welcome news for the Washington Redskins, embroiled in their own legal fight over the team name."," A victory for the band would be welcome news for the Washington Redskins, embroiled in their own legal fight over the team's name.",0 +" Back then, candidate Trump denounced ""phony unemployment numbers"" he claimed had been invented by politicians to make them look good."," Back then, candidate Trump denounced ""phony unemployment numbers"" he claimed had been invented to make the Democrats look good.",1 + Globo news cited firefighters saying three of the four people aboard the plane had died., Globo news cited firefighters saying the plane was carrying four passengers and that three had died.,1 +" Earlier this year, the company released the investigation results and blamed flaws in design and production of batteries supplied by two battery makers.", The company released investigation results that blamed flaws in design and production of batteries supplied by two battery makers.,1 + Nigeria's military said it had been trying to target Boko Haram fighters.," Nigeria's military has called the bombing accidental, saying it was trying to target Boko Haram Islamic extremists.",1 +" The lawsuit argued that police were routinely ordered to issue summonses ""regardless of whether any crime or violation"" had occurred in order to meet quotas."," The lawsuit argued police were routinely ordered to issue summonses ""regardless of whether any crime or violation"" had occurred to meet quotas.",0 + Salman's attorney Charles Swift said outside court that Salman made those statements without a lawyer present during an 18-hour interrogation immediately after the attack., He said outside court earlier this month that Salman made those statements without a lawyer present during an 18-hour interrogation immediately after the attack.,1 +" --- Associated Press writers Alan Suderman, Matthew Barakat, Alanna Durkin Richer and Luis Alonso Lugo contributed to this report."," --- Associated Press writers contributing to this report were: Steve Peoples, Alan Suderman, Matthew Barakat, Alanna Durkin Richer and Luis Alonso Lugo in Washington;",1 +""" Mayor Rahm Emanuel criticized Trump on Monday for worrying about the size of the crowd at his inauguration.", Trump's tweet came a day after Mayor Rahm Emanuel criticized Trump for worrying about the size of the crowd at his inauguration.,1 +" ""This is phenomenal, hopeful news for the population,"" Littnan told reporters."," ""This is phenomenal, hopeful news for the population,"" Littnan said Tuesday.",1 + Customs and Border Protection said Thursday that Morgan's last official day in office will be Tuesday., Customs and Border Protection said Morgan's last official day in office will be Tuesday.,0 +" One of President Donald Trump's top advisers, Kellyanne Conway, is also on the list of speakers.","One of President Donald Trump's top advisers, Kellyanne Conway, is also on the list of speakers.",0 + Other executive actions expected Wednesday include bolstering border patrol agents and ending what Republicans have argued is a catch-and-release system at the border., Other executive actions expected Wednesday include ending what Republicans have labeled a catch-and-release system at the border.,1 + Intelligence officials have worked for more than two years to declassify the hundreds of documents captured in the raid., Intelligence officials have been working for more than two years to declassify the hundreds of documents captured in the raid.,0 +"The White House website says, ""Our country needs more law enforcement, more community engagement and more effective policing.""","The White House website says: ""Our country needs more law enforcement, more community engagement and more effective policing."" Rep.",0 +" Prosecutors have argued against her release, saying she is a danger to the public."," Prosecutors argued against releasing Salman, calling her a danger to the public.",1 +"His wife, Barbara, was also admitted to the hospital after falling ill.","His wife, Barbara, was also in the hospital after falling ill.",0 +"and Paul Manafort, a former campaign chairman, are scheduled to appear before Senate committees investigating Russian meddling.","and Paul Manafort, his former campaign chairman, are scheduled to appear before Senate committees investigating Russian meddling.",1 + And French voters may again see Jacques Cheminade's name on their ballot., French voters may also again see Jacques Cheminade's name on their ballot.,1 + --- Associated Press writers Verena Dobnik in New York and Caryn Rousseau in Chicago contributed to this report., --- Associated Press writers Verena Dobnik and Karen Matthews in New York and Caryn Rousseau in Chicago contributed to this report.,1 +"I think there's a sense that he's working hard to create jobs and I think that's incredibly positive,"" said Sen.",I think there's a sense that he's working hard to create jobs and I think that's incredibly positive.,1 +" Rutte, leader of the center-right People's Party for Freedom and Democracy, says he understands calls for people who don't integrate to leave the Netherlands."," Rutte, leader of the center-right People's Party for Freedom and Democracy, said he understands calls for people who don't integrate to leave the Netherlands.",1 +" As his confirmation hearing got underway early Wednesday, shouting could be heard from people outside in the hall who were not allowed in."," As the hearing got underway, shouting could be heard from people who were not allowed in.",0 + Prosecution spokesman Wim de Bruin says prosecutors are expected to make their sentencing demand next month., Prosecutors are expected to make their sentencing demand next month.,1 +President George W. Bush used that same power in the immediate aftermath of the Sept. 11 attacks on the U.S. homeland.,Bush used that same power in the immediate aftermath of the Sept. 11 attacks.,1 +Winds could reach 60 mph in the San Francisco Bay Area.,It said winds could reach 60 mph in the San Francisco Bay Area.,0 +" ""You don't roll up your bridges until you get to the creek,"" Cochran said. ""I'm going to wait."," ""You don't roll up your britches until you get to the creek,"" Cochran said. ""I'm going to wait.",0 +" Outnumbered Democrats in both chambers dismissed the bill as purely political, arguing that insurance companies already cover only medically necessary abortions."," Outnumbered Democrats called the bill purely political, arguing that insurance companies already cover only medically necessary abortions.",0 +"Rhodes followed her, got down on his knees and began to bow down to imitate Muslim prayers and shouted obscenities, investigators said.","Rhodes, 57, followed her, got down on his knees and began to bow down to imitate Muslim prayers and shouted obscenities, investigators said.",0 +"At the same time, Congress has made virtually no progress on infrastructure or the budget, with the unfinished work piling up.","At the same time, Congress has made virtually no progress on infrastructure or the budget, and the unfinished work is piling up.",1 +" The new administration on Friday promoted new Labor Department statistics that show U.S. employers added 235,000 jobs in February."," The new administration on Friday promoted Labor Department statistics that show U.S. employers added 235,000 jobs in February.",1 +"Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, a member of the staunchly conservative House Freedom Caucus, said leaders need to start the process now.","Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, a member of the staunchly conservative House Freedom Caucus.",1 +" Yet here they were, first Grand Slam tournament of the season, renewing the classic rivalry that saw them dominate tennis a decade ago."," Yet here they were, the first Grand Slam tournament of the season, renewing the classic rivalry that saw them dominate tennis a decade ago.",0 +""" --- Follow Hawaii correspondent Caleb Jones on Twitter: https://twitter.com/CalebAP See more of his work here: https://apnews.com/search/Caleb%20Jones%20Hawaii", --- Follow Hawaii correspondent Caleb Jones on Twitter: https://twitter.com/CalebAP See more of his work here: https://apnews.com/search/Caleb%20Jones%20Hawaii,0 +" Quackenbush rejected arguments that Mitchell and Jessen acted as agents of the federal government, making them immune from lawsuits.","District Judge Justin Quackenbush rejected arguments that the psychologists acted as agents of the federal government, which could make them immune from lawsuits.",1 +" --- AP writers Mike Balsamo, Robert Jablon and Doug Ferguson contributed to this report.", --- AP writers John Antczak and Mike Balsamo contributed to this report.,1 +The experiment quickly spiraled out of control as the habitat failed to maintain safe levels of carbon dioxide and the crew grew discontent., The experiment quickly spiraled out of control as the habitat failed to maintain safe levels of carbon dioxide and the crew grew discontent.,0 +McCain voted to advance Mulvaney to a final vote but again told reporters he's likely to oppose him.,McCain voted to advance Mulvaney to a final vote while making his opposition clear.,1 + Trump isn't offering specifics about how the federal government could help.," In Tuesday's tweet, Trump did not offer specifics about how the federal government could help.",0 + The White House and congressional Republicans put on a full-court press to reverse a Washington narrative that the catchall bill was a win for Democrats., The White House and congressional Republicans are pressing to reverse a Washington narrative that the catchall bill is a win for Democrats.,1 +"The U.S. ambassador to Kazakhstan, George Krol, attended Monday's opening session held at the luxury Rixos President Hotel in Astana.","The U.S. ambassador to Kazakhstan, George Krol, attended Monday's session at the luxury Rixos President Hotel, a Turkish-owned chain.",1 +" --- Associated Press writers Matthew Barakat, Alanna Durkin Richer and Luis Alonso Lugo contributed to this report."," --- Associated Press writers Alan Suderman, Matthew Barakat, Alanna Durkin Richer and Luis Alonso Lugo contributed to this report.",1 +"Among 220 Hall of Fame players, he is the 50th who spent his entire career with one big league team.","Among 220 Hall of Fame players, he is the 50th whose entire big league career was with one club.",0 +" ""I do not believe climate change is a hoax,"" said Pruitt, a Republican."," ""I do not believe climate change is a hoax,"" Pruitt said.",0 +"Those who have pushed Trump to embrace more restrictive immigration policies, including policy guru Stephen Miller, are said to prefer a more hard-line approach."," Those who have pushed Trump to embrace more restrictive immigration policies, including policy guru Stephen Miller, are said to prefer a harder line.",0 +"Asked what he would personally like to see, however, Ebell replied that slashing the agency's workforce by half would be a good start."," Asked what he would personally like to see, however, Ebell said slashing the agency's size by about half would be a good start.",0 +" While Trump came to power bucking convention, he was wrapping himself in the traditional pomp and pageantry that accompanies the peaceful transfer of power."," While Trump came to power bucking convention, he was wrapping himself in the traditional pomp and pageantry that accompany the peaceful transfer of power.",0 + The Israeli prime minister is also scheduled to have breakfast Thursday with Vice President Mike Pence before departing back to Israel., The Israeli prime minister is also scheduled to have breakfast Thursday with Vice President Mike Pence before departing for Israel.,1 +"But Trump has promised a wall, not just fencing - and it's not a universally popular idea by any stretch.","But Trump has promised a wall, not just fencing, and it's not a universally popular idea by any stretch.",0 +" BEIRUT (AP) -- Syrian activists say the Islamic State group has killed 33 young men in eastern Syria, close to the border with Iraq."," Elsewhere in Syria, IS militants killed 33 young men in eastern Syria, close to the border with Iraq, according to Syrian opposition activists.",1 +"The amount of water flowing down the spillway has been reduced to 55,000 cubic feet per second, the department said."," The amount of water flowing down the spillway was increased from 55,000 cubic feet a second",1 +" He added that such outfits were no different than the Islamic State group, which is excluded from the cease-fire."," Such outfits were no different, he added, than the Islamic State group, which is excluded from the cease-fire.",0 +Congressional holds are generally respected by the executive branch but are not legally binding.,Congressional holds are generally respected by the executive branch but are not legally binding after funds have been allocated.,1 + The peace process has been stalled since 2014 when former Secretary of State John Kerry's effort to lead the sides into peace talks collapsed.," The peace process has been stalled since 2014, and there have been no serious attempts to restart negotiations.",1 +" ""They shouldn't be very worried,"" Trump told ABC News this week. ""I do have a big heart."," ""They shouldn't be very worried,"" Trump told ABC News. ""I do have a big heart.",0 + The witness says eight Boko Haram fighters were killed and one soldier was wounded.,"One witness said eight Boko Haram fighters were killed and one soldier was injured, though others said the toll was still being determined.",1 +" He walked free after his lawyers, two members of Congress and as many as 2,000 demonstrators went to the airport to seek his release.","He walked free after his lawyers, two members of Congress and as many as 2,000 demonstrators went to the airport to seek his release.",0 + The more than 200 protesters in front of the U.S., The more than 200 protesters burned a U.S. flag near the U.S.,1 + Biosphere 2 was an experimental greenhouse-like habitat in Arizona in the 1990s., Biosphere 2 was a 1990s experimental greenhouse-like habitat in Arizona.,0 +" NEWARK, N.J. (AP) -- A New Jersey judge has turned down an appeal by two former aides to Republican Gov."," NEWARK, N.J. (AP) -- A New Jersey judge turned down an appeal by two former aides to Republican Gov.",0 +" Sweeney also said the couple ran up $25,000 in credit card debt and spent $5,000 in cash in the days before the shooting."," Sweeney also has said that the couple ran up $25,000 in credit card debt and spent $5,000 in cash in the days before the shooting.",0 +" A draft order spelling out a tougher line in the fight against terror dramatically rethinks how the U.S. should detain, monitor and prosecute terrorist suspects.", A draft order spelling out a tougher line in the fight against terror dramatically rethinks how the U.S. should detain and prosecute terrorist suspects.,0 + --- Associated Press writers Christopher S. Rugaber and Jonathan Lemire contributed to this report.,""" --- Associated Press writer Jonathan Lemire contributed to this report.",1 +"He then cursed at her and kicked her in the leg, Khan told police, according to Brown.","He then cursed at her and kicked her in the leg, Khan told police.",1 +" Consecutive forehand errors gave Federer the pivotal break for 5-3, but Nadal made him work for the very last point."," Federer got the pivotal break later that game for 5-3, but Nadal made him work for the very last point.",1 +"The number's probably 28, 29, as high as 35,"" he said in February, on the day of the New Hampshire presidential primary election.","The number's probably 28, 29, as high as 35,"" he said last February, on the day of the New Hampshire presidential primary.",0 +"""I think it's a good overall strategy for us as a species to spread out further.",I think it's a good overall strategy for us as a species to spread out further.,0 +"The 1200-square-foot simulated space home has small sleeping quarters for each member as well as a kitchen, laboratory and bathroom."," The dome has small sleeping quarters for each member as well as a kitchen, laboratory and bathroom.",1 +"They will pack in food that has a long shelf life, mostly freeze-dried goods and some canned food.",The crew eats mostly freeze-dried foods that have a long shelf life.,0 + The Associated Press generally doesn't identify juveniles charged with crimes., The Associated Press isn't naming the suspect - or his sister - because it generally doesn't identify juveniles charged with crimes.,0 +"Currently, some immigrants caught crossing the border illegally are given notices to report back to immigration officials at a later date.","Currently, some immigrants caught crossing the border illegally are released and given notices to report back to immigration officials at a later date.",1 + But Trump's call for restrictive immigration measures and his caustic campaign rhetoric about women and minorities angered millions.," Trump's call for restrictive immigration measures, religious screening of immigrants and his caustic campaign rhetoric about women and minorities angered millions.",1 +"After the June 12 attack, moved from Orlando to her mother's suburban San Francisco home, where she was arrested in January.","After the June 12 attack, she moved from Orlando to her mother's suburban San Francisco home, where she was arrested in January.",1 +" In a remarkable scene, Trump ripped into Washington's longtime leaders as he stood among them at the U.S."," In one remarkable passage, Trump ripped into Washington's longtime leaders as he stood among them at the U.S.",1 +His ascent puts Republicans in control of the White House for the first time in eight years.,His victory gives Republicans control of the White House for the first time in eight years.,1 +His nomination was fiercely opposed by environmentalists who cite his cozy relationships with oil and gas industry executives who have donated generously his political campaigns.,Environmentalists opposing his nomination cite his cozy relationships with oil and gas industry executives who have donated to his political campaigns.,0 +He said the helicopter was taking the injured skier from the Campo Felice ski area to the Abruzzo regional capital of L'Aquila.,"The helicopter was taking the injured skier from the Campo Felice ski area to the Abruzzo regional capital of L'Aquila, he said.",0 +"Chris Collins, R-N.Y., ""We're probably going to need bipartisan votes to keep the government open."," ""We're probably going to need bipartisan votes to keep the government open,"" Collins said.",0 + More than 60 House Democrats refused to attend his swearing in ceremony in the shadow of the Capitol dome., But more than 60 House Democrats refused to attend Trump's swearing-in ceremony in the shadow of the Capitol dome.,1 + Prosecutors accused her of accompanying Mateen on scouting trips to the bar., They have said Salman accompanied Mateen on scouting trips to the nightclub and other possible targets - including a Disney attraction.,1 +" The Senate voted 52-48 along party lines to advance Mulvaney to a final, up-or-down vote Thursday, where the outcome is in greater doubt.",""" The Senate voted 52-48 along party lines to advance Mulvaney to a final, up-or-down vote Thursday, where the outcome is in greater doubt.",0 + WASHINGTON (AP) -- Government scientists say the Earth sizzled to a third straight heat record last year.," WASHINGTON (AP) -- Earth sizzled to a third-straight record hot year in 2016, government scientists said Wednesday.",1 +" U.N. envoy Staffan de Mistura is mediating the talks, which are to be followed by more negotiations in Geneva next month."," U.N. envoy Staffan de Mistura mediated the talks, which are to be followed by more negotiations in Geneva next month.",1 + The group says it's not clear who the men were and whether they were Syrian troops or rebels.,The group said it's not clear who the men were or whether they were Syrian troops or rebels.,0 +" Stewart said the government was concerned about allowing trademarks for racial slurs, religious insults and other crude names that distract consumers and hinder commerce."," Stewart said the government was concerned about allowing trademarks for racial slurs, religious insults and the ""vilest racial epithets"" that distract consumers and hinder commerce.",1 +" ""It will not make America safer,"" Egeland told The Associated Press in a phone interview from Norway."," ""It will not make America safer,"" Jan Egeland, head of the Norwegian Refugee Council, said by phone from Oslo.",1 + Both players were returning from extended layoffs - Federer for six months after Wimbledon with an injured left knee;,""" Both players were returning from extended layoffs - Federer for six months after Wimbledon with an injured left knee;",0 +The Red Cross says at least 70 people were killed.,The Red Cross has estimated that 70 people were killed.,1 +"The party came second with 20 seats, but mainstream leaders have ruled out working with him.","Wilders' Party for Freedom came second, but Rutte and the leader of the Christian Democrats have ruled out working with him.",1 + The six crew members head into their new home Thursday on the Big Island's Mauna Loa volcano for an eight-month stay., The six scientists enter their new home Thursday on the Big Island's Mauna Loa volcano for an eight-month stay.,1 +"Unfortunately for businesses and other institutions, Brexit still means uncertainty,"" said Phillip Souta, head of U.K. public policy at law firm Clifford Chance."," ""Unfortunately for businesses and other institutions, Brexit still means uncertainty,"" said Phillip Souta, head of U.K. public policy at the international law firm Clifford Chance.",1 +An actual wall constructed of concrete or brick would be more costly and difficult.,An actual wall constructed of concrete and steel would be more costly and difficult.,1 +" In a show of solidarity, all of the living American presidents attended the swearing-in ceremony, except for 92-year-old George H.W."," In a show of solidarity, all of the living American presidents attended Trump's inaugural, except for 92-year-old George H.W.",1 + Financial entrepreneur Gina Miller sued to force the government to seek Parliamentary approval before invoking Article, Financial entrepreneur Gina Miller sued to force the government to seek parliamentary approval.,1 + Appropriations Committee Chairman Thad Cochran of Mississippi is now supporting Mulvaney after expressing reservations Wednesday morning., Appropriations Committee Chairman Thad Cochran of Mississippi is supporting Mulvaney after expressing reservations Wednesday morning.,0 +" --- Associated Press writers Nancy Benac, Ben Nuckols, Alanna Durkin Richer, Jessica Gresko, Jill Colvin and Jonathan Lemire contributed to this report.",""" --- Associated Press writers Nancy Benac, Ben Nuckols, Alanna Durkin Richer, Jessica Gresko, Jill Colvin and Jonathan Lemire contributed to this report.",0 + Rozic says New York must honor its tradition of diversity and tolerance.," Rozic said that while it's unusual to consider restrictions relating to a federal project, New York must honor its tradition of diversity and tolerance.",1 +"Turkey has recently improved its ties with Moscow, raising hopes for a breakthrough.","Turkey, whose president is embroiled in troubles at home, has recently improved ties with Moscow, raising hopes for a breakthrough.",1 + His dreams of a better life were crushed when President Donald Trump issued an indefinite ban on displaced Syrians entering the United States., His dream of a better life was abruptly crushed when President Donald Trump banned Syrian refugees from the U.S. until further notice.,1 +The judge also barred the state from using drugs that paralyze inmates and stop their hearts., The judge also barred the state from using the second and third drugs in the protocol that paralyze inmates and stop their hearts.,1 +"Steve King, R-Iowa, who has chafed at signals from top Trump aides that immigrants covered by DACA are not a priority for deportation.","Steve King, who has chafed at signals from Trump aides that immigrants covered by DACA are not a priority for deportation.",0 +" Vandeweghe dictated play against French Open champion Garbine Muguruza in a 6-4, 6-0 quarterfinal win."," She'll be meeting a confident Vandeweghe, who dictated play against French Open champion Garbine Muguruza in a 6-4, 6-0 quarterfinal win.",1 +Patent and Trademark Office denied the request on the ground that the name disparages Asians.,Patent and Trademark Office denied the request on the ground that it disparages Asians.,1 +" In a show of solidarity, all of the living American presidents attended Trump's inaugural, except for 92-year-old George H.W."," In a show of solidarity, all of the living American presidents attended the inaugural, except for 92-year-old George H.W.",0 +The unemployment also rate dipped to a low 4.7 percent from 4.8 percent.,The unemployment rate dipped to 4.7 percent from 4.8 percent.,0 +"Askarov, who can appeal the ruling in the Supreme Court, shouted out after the verdict that he would go on hunger strike in protest."," Askarov, who can appeal the ruling in the Supreme Court, shouted out after Tuesday's decision that he would go on hunger strike in protest.",1 + Winds gusting to 60 mph or more lashed the area., Winds gusting to 70 mph or more lashed parts of the region.,1 +" """"I've been having trouble sleeping for three days,"" the popular Pudge said. ""Johnny Bench was my favorite player growing up."," ""I've been having trouble sleeping for three days,"" he said.",1 + But the justices also seemed concerned that imposing no limits on trademark names would go too far., But the justices also seemed concerned that imposing absolutely no limits on trademark names might go too far.,0 +Samsung said the Note FE is part of its efforts to minimize waste.,Samsung said the Note FE is part of its effort to minimize waste.,0 +"Federer watched the replay on the tournament screen, and leaped for joy when it showed his last shot was in.","Federer watched the replay on the stadium screen, and leaped for joy when it showed his last shot was in.",0 + VATICAN CITY (AP) -- Pope Francis has told an interviewer that he'll wait to see what U.S., VATICAN CITY (AP) -- Pope Francis says he'll wait to see what U.S.,0 +"Police in riot gear deployed pepper spray and made numerous arrests after protesters smashed the windows of downtown businesses, denouncing capitalism and Trump.","Police in riot gear deployed pepper spray after protesters smashed the windows of downtown businesses, denouncing capitalism and the new president.",1 +"Trump's representatives have instituted a media blackout, clapping down on media releases, social media posts and other external communications issued by career staff.","Trump's representatives also instituted a media blackout, clamping down on media releases, social media posts and other external communications issued by career staff.",0 +"Njuguna in a statement says the ""rumors"" being spread by al-Shabab are false.","Njuguna said in a statement that the ""rumors"" being spread by al-Shabab were false.",1 +" But the Swiss star rallied, and broke back in a pivotal sixth game and took control in a period when he won 10 straight points."," But the Swiss star rallied, broke back and took control in a period when he won 10 straight points.",0 +His prepared remarks offer few clues about the direction the new administration will take in tackling the deficit.,His remarks offered few clues about the direction the new administration will take in tackling the deficit.,0 +Barrow first took the oath at Gambia's embassy in neighboring Senegal in January as former leader Yahya Jammeh refused to cede power.,Barrow first took the oath of office at Gambia's embassy in neighboring Senegal in January as former leader Yahya Jammeh refused to cede power.,1 + A lawyer for two political action committees tied to Pruitt told AP earlier this month they would be dissolved before any move to Washington.,A lawyer for two political action committees tied to Pruitt told The Associated Press this month they would be dissolved before any move to Washington.,0 +The two leaders will hold a joint press conference before convening for meetings and a working lunch.,The two leaders will hold a joint news conference before convening for meetings and a working lunch.,1 + Santa Cruz County had seen 2.8 inches of rain in 24 hours and could see up to 8 inches before the storm passes., Santa Cruz County had seen 2.8 inches of rain in 24 hours and could see up to 8 inches before the storm passes Tuesday.,1 + The crisis intervention policy was submitted late Thursday to the federal judge overseeing an agreement between Cleveland and U.S., The crisis intervention policy was formulated as part of a court-ordered agreement to reform Cleveland's police department and was submitted to U.S.,1 +" ""He's never been a friend of the Appropriations Committee,"" Cochran said. ""I don't think he's ever"," ""He's never been a friend of the Appropriations Committee,"" Cochran said earlier. ""I don't think he's ever",0 +""" The centrist, pro-business candidate vowed to reinforce public and private investment in sectors linked to climate change."," In the one-and-a-half-minute appeal, the centrist, pro-business Macron vowed to boost public and private investment in sectors linked to climate change in France.",1 +"In a third step, he issued a 90-day ban on all entry to the U.S. from countries with terrorism concerns, including Syria, Iraq and Libya.","Trump also issued a 90-day ban on all entry to the U.S. from seven Muslim-majority countries with terrorism concerns, including Syria.",1 + Ko Ni was Burmese and one of the NLD's most prominent Muslim members., Ko Ni was one of the country's most prominent Burmese Muslims.,1 + --- Associated Press Writers Alan Fram and Erica Werner contributed to this report.," --- Associated Press Writers Alan Fram, Erica Werner and Jill Colvin contributed to this report.",1 + Trump's journey to the inauguration was as unlikely as any in recent American history., Trump's journey to the inauguration was as unlikely as any in recent U.S. history.,1 +All parties have agreed to put the ruling on hold.,All parties have agreed to put the ruling on hold and the disputed payments continue.,1 +""" In a separate action Saturday, Trump took steps to begin restructuring the White House National Security Council.",""" In a pair of separate actions, Trump took steps to begin restructuring the White House National Security Council and the Homeland Security Council.",1 +"A federal appeals court ruled that the law is unconstitutional, but the government has appealed.","A federal appeals court had ruled that the law is unconstitutional, but the government appealed.",0 +" The suspect faces charges in Canada in the Todd case including extortion, possession of child pornography and attempting to lure a child online."," In the Canadian case focused on Todd, C. faces charges including extortion, possession of child pornography and attempting to lure a child online.",1 + The March for Life is held each year by protesters marking the anniversary of a landmark 1973 Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion nationwide., The March for Life is held each year by protesters marking the anniversary of Roe v.,1 +"But last month was the second-warmest February since 1895, according to the Commerce Department.","But last month was the second-warmest February since 1895, helping construction firms add the most new jobs in a decade.",1 +Carter and Bolt were teammates on the winning 4x100-meter relay team.," Carter and Bolt were teammates on the winning 4x100-meter relay team, which also included Michael Frater and Asafa Powell.",1 +" The Senate voted 52-48 along party lines to advance Mulvaney to a final, up-or-down vote on Thursday, where the outcome is in greater doubt."," The Senate voted 52-48 along party lines to advance Mulvaney to a final, up-or-down vote Thursday, where the outcome is in greater doubt.",0 +Trump said this week he intends to reveal a proposal within a month.,Trump said this past week he intends to reveal a proposal within a month.,0 +" Most refugees have settled in overburdened neighboring countries, including Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey where the struggle for survival has become increasingly difficult."," Most refugees have settled in neighboring countries, including Jordan and Lebanon where their struggle for survival gets tougher every day.",1 + NJ Transit said Amtrak crews were working to restore the signal system in the Linden area., NJ Transit said Amtrak crews worked to restore the signal system in the Linden area.,0 +"That's sure to be another sore point between Trump and McConnell, since Trump wants the Senate to eliminate the filibuster.",That's sure to be another sore point between Trump and McConnell because Trump wants the Senate to eliminate the filibuster.,0 +"The company developing the 1,200-mile pipeline, Texas-based Energy Transfer Partners, disputes that and says it will be safe.","The company developing the pipeline, Texas-based Energy Transfer Partners, says it will be safe.",1 +HB2 required transgender people to use restrooms corresponding to the sex on their birth certificates in many public buildings.,Roy Cooper eliminated a provision that required transgender people to use restrooms in many public buildings corresponding to the sex on their birth certificates.,1 +He was followed in lifting the prize by two other players who survived the crash - goalkeeper Jackson Follmann and winger Alan Ruschel., Neto was followed in lifting the prize by two other players who survived the crash - goalkeeper Jackson Follmann and winger Alan Ruschel.,1 +"The Slovenian truck driver stayed at the scene, trying to help, until investigators arrived.",The Slovenian truck driver stayed at the scene to help until investigators arrived.,0 +The person was briefed on the details of that proposed action by a government official and outlined the expected steps for The Associated Press.,The person was briefed on the details of that proposed action by a government official and outlined the plan to The Associated Press.,0 +" The company developing the 1,200-mile pipeline, Texas-based Energy Transfer Partners, disputes that and says the pipeline will be safe.","The company developing the 1,200-mile pipeline, Texas-based Energy Transfer Partners, disputes that and says it will be safe.",0 +" First into the talks Monday was Rutte, whose party won the most seats and is therefore most likely to lead the next government."," First into the talks was Rutte, whose party won the most seats - 33 - and is therefore most likely to lead the next government.",1 +French soldiers remain as part of a larger operation in the Sahel region.," While the French intervention has ended, French soldiers remain as part of a larger operation in the Sahel region.",1 +" Samsung said the Note FE has ""perfect safety."" The original Note 7 was one of the biggest black eyes in Samsung's history.", The original Note 7 was one of the biggest black eyes in Samsung's history.,1 +"The room accommodated about 100 people, with most of the seats taken by congressional staff, reporters and others who were allowed in early.","most seats were taken by congressional staff, reporters and others who were allowed in early.",1 +He has committed to stay in the International Criminal Court and rejoin the Commonwealth.,"Barrow has promised to stay in the International Criminal Court, rejoin the Commonwealth, and free political prisoners.",1 +" But asked what he personally would like to see, Ebell replied that slashing the agency workforce by half would be a good start.","Asked what he would personally like to see, however, Ebell replied that slashing the agency's workforce by half would be a good start.",1 +" Al-Shabab spokesman Sheikh Abdiaziz Abu-Musab said the extremist fighters seized military vehicles during the early morning attack in Kulbiyow, a town in Lower Jubba region.", Al-Shabab spokesman Sheikh Abdiaziz Abu-Musab said the extremists seized military vehicles during the early morning attack in Kulbiyow town in Lower Jubba region.,0 +""" Kerry says Donald Trump will enter office Friday ""armed with enormous advantages,"" including Obama's legacy of diplomacy.",""" Trump will enter office Friday ""armed with enormous advantages,"" Kerry added, inheriting the world's strongest economy and military, and Obama's diplomatic achievements.",1 +He's also expected to target so-called sanctuary cities and is reviewing proposals that would restrict the flow of refugees to the United States.,"He is also expected to target so-called sanctuary cities and potentially restrict the flow of refugees to the United States, according to administration officials.",1 +"If his allegations should be confirmed by Brazil's top electoral court, Temer would be removed from the presidency and Congress would pick a successor.","If his allegations are confirmed by Brazil's top electoral court, Temer would be removed from the presidency and Congress would pick a successor.",0 +" In the one-and-a-half-minute appeal, the centrist, pro-business Macron vowed to boost public and private investment in sectors linked to climate change in France."," In the appeal, the centrist, pro-business Macron vowed to boost public and private investment in sectors linked to climate change in France.",0 +" The official said the camps were located about 45 kilometers, or 28 miles, southwest of the city of Sirte"," The official said the camps were located about 45 kilometers, or 28 miles, southwest of the central coastal city of Sirte.",1 +Demonstrations unfolded at various security checkpoints near the Capitol as police in riot gear helped ticket-holders get through to the ceremony., Demonstrations unfolded at various security checkpoints near the Capitol as police helped ticket-holders get through.,1 + Ko Ni was the Supreme Court advocate for the NLD and a longstanding adviser to the country's leader Aung San Suu Kyi., Ko Ni was the Supreme Court advocate for the NLD and a longstanding legal adviser to the country's leader Aung San Suu Kyi.,1 +"Federer watched the replay on the stadium screen, and leaped for joy when it showed his last shot was in.","Federer watched the replay, and leaped for joy when it showed his last shot was in.",0 +"50. Leaving the EU will change the fundamental rights of citizens and this can't be done without a vote of lawmakers, she argued.","Leaving the EU, she said, would change the fundamental rights of citizens and this can't be done without a vote of lawmakers.",0 + Bahram Ghasemi suggested that discussions over a larger political settlement would have to wait., Bahram Ghasemi suggested that discussions of a larger political settlement would have to wait.,0 + Balancing the budget would require crunching cuts to domestic agencies and big health programs like Medicare., Balancing the budget would require crushing cuts to domestic agencies and big health programs like Medicare.,1 +A federal judge upheld the trademark office's cancellation of the team's name and the Redskins are appealing.,A federal judge upheld the trademark office's cancellation of the name and the team is appealing.,1 +" In a full-page message published Monday in national newspapers, Rutte says ""we have to actively defend our values"" against people who refuse to integrate."," In a full-page newspaper message, Rutte said ""we have to actively defend our values"" against people who refuse to integrate or act antisocially.",1 +A protective barrier was set up and some trees have been removed but students were being told to be ready to evacuate.,"A protective barrier was set up and some trees were removed, but students were told to be ready to evacuate.",0 + AMSTERDAM (AP) -- A Dutch man suspected of cyberbullying young girls and gay men via webcams has gone on trial in the Netherlands., AMSTERDAM (AP) -- A Dutch man suspected of cyberbullying young girls and gay men via webcams went on trial Wednesday in the Netherlands.,1 +"Craig's attorney, Lee Merritt, said in an email that he had received the video from a trusted anonymous source."," Craig's attorney, Lee Merritt, said in an email that he had received the bodycam video from a trusted source whom he declined to identify.",1 +" His friends, Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi, were killed in a police shootout outside the contest in Garland."," His friends, Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi, were killed in a police shootout outside a Prophet Muhammad contest in Garland, Texas, two years ago.",1 + It appeared as though the refugee restrictions were still to be finalized., It appeared as though the refugee restrictions were still being finalized.,0 +"Ukraine, a non-EU country with its own conflicts with Moscow, was expelling 13 Russians, President Petro Poroshenko said.","Ukraine, a non-EU country with its own conflicts with Moscow, was expelling 13 Russians.",0 +"They roped off a large area around the shopping center in the enclave of Sunset Valley and were collecting evidence, including surveillance camera footage.",They roped off a large area around the shopping center in the enclave of Sunset Valley and were collecting evidence.,1 +", also spoke to reporters near the high school, saying that at a minimum, universal background checks and a ban on assault-style weapons are needed.",", said at a minimum, universal background checks and a ban on assault-style weapons are needed.",0 +"One worker was treated for minor injuries and released, according to statements issued by the Schertz Police Department and FedEx.","A worker was treated for minor injuries and released, police said.",1 +"2. She didn't have details about the size, weight or description of the package.","She did not have details about the size, weight or description of the package.",0 +" The Feb. 14 attack that killed 17 people, 14 of them students, became one of the deadliest schools shootings in U.S. history."," The Feb. 14 attack in Florida killed 17 people, 14 of them students, became one of the deadliest school shootings in U.S. history.",1 +"The team learned of the death from friends of Staub who were with him at the time, a spokesman added.","The team learned of his death from friends of Staub who were with him at the hospital, a spokesman added.",1 +"EU leaders warn Britain that it cannot ""cherry-pick"" the benefits of membership without the obligations.","EU leaders warn Britain that it cannot ""cherry-pick"" the benefits of EU membership without the obligations.",0 +Police asked anyone with surveillance cameras at their homes to come forward with the footage on the chance it captured suspicious vehicles or people.,Police asked anyone with surveillance cameras at home to come forward with the footage on the chance it captured suspicious vehicles or people.,0 +""" --- Associated Press contributors include Jesse Holland, Alex Brandon, Brian Witte, Matthew Daley, Alan Suderman, Sarah Rankin, David McFadden and Courtney Columbus.",""" --- Associated Press contributors include Alex Brandon, Courtney Columbus, David McFadden, Sarah Rankin, Alan Suderman and Brian Witte.",1 + The $14.2 million bridge crossed over a busy seven-lane road highway that divided the university's campus from the city of Sweetwater., The $14.2 million bridge crossed over a busy seven-lane highway that divided the university's campus from the city of Sweetwater.,0 + Special police units were sent to the scene and local authorities blocked roads and urged residents to stay away.," In an hours-long standoff, special police units converged on the scene and authorities blocked roads and urged residents to stay away.",1 +" He diced up Virginia's defense in the second half, getting the hole easily on six different occasions and making easy layups."," He diced up Virginia's defense in the second half, getting to the hole easily and making easy layups.",0 +" In other races on the Illinois primary ballot, former Democratic Gov."," In other races on the Illinois primary ballot, state Sen.",1 +"""Wringing our hands is not enough."" In this case, it appeared the shooter illegally possessed the gun.","""Wringing our hands is not enough."" In this case, it appeared Rollins possessed the gun illegally.",1 +" Authorities didn't release a motive, but said they believe the girl and the shooter - 17-year-old Austin Rollins - previously had a relationship.",""" Authorities didn't release a motive, but said they believe the girl and Rollins previously had a relationship.",0 +"""I'm supposed to be up at 6 a.m. in the morning to go to work,"" she said. ""That ain't happening."," ""I'm supposed to be up at 6 a.m. in the morning to go to work,"" she said. ""That ain't happening.",0 +"In his first year in office, Trump surrounded himself with foreign policy aides whose views spanned a wide spectrum."," In his first year in office, Trump surrounded himself with foreign policy aides whose views spanned a wide spectrum.",0 +"Her plea also led to the dismissal of a charge of malicious punishment of a child, online court records say.","Her plea led to the dismissal of a charge of malicious punishment of a child, online court records say.",0 +""" The Kremlin said President Vladimir Putin himself will make the final decision on how to respond.", The Kremlin said President Vladimir Putin himself will make the final decision on how to respond.,0 +Several people were seen being loaded into ambulances and authorities launched search and rescue missions., Several people were seen being loaded into ambulances and authorities launched search and rescue missions.,0 + Russia's Foreign Minister blamed the U.S. for blackmailing its allies to expel Russian diplomats., Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov blamed the U.S. for strong-arming its allies to expel Russian diplomats.,1 +" In the 1990s, the parade's organizers were involved in annual fights over whether to exclude openly gay groups from the march."," In the 1990s, parade organizers were involved in annual court fights over whether to exclude openly gay groups from the march.",1 +" ""I can tell you that Americans are listening to our students. I think our political system will respond,"" he said."," ""I can tell you that Americans are listening to our students,"" he said.",1 +"But we don't have action,"" Hoyer said. ""Wringing our hands is not enough.","But we don't have action,"" said the No. 2 U.S.",1 +" MBS, in particular, has been closely identified with the three-year-old war in the Arab world's poorest country, which started while he was defense minister."," Prince Mohammed, in particular, has been closely identified with the three-year-old war in the Arab world's poorest country, which started while he was defense minister.",0 +(AP) -- California has courted a reputation for fighting the Trump administration's immigration crackdown.,(AP) -- California and its Democratic-controlled Legislature have courted a reputation for leading resistance against the Trump administration's immigration crackdown.,1 +" The tripwire twist heightened the fear around Austin, a town famous for its cool, hipster attitude."," The tripwire heightened fears around Austin, a town famous for its cool, hipster attitude.",0 +"They're backing retired teacher Tanzie Youngblood, who supports gun restrictions and abortion rights.","His loudest critics support retired teacher Tanzie Youngblood, who supports gun restrictions and abortion rights.",1 +""" Jones didn't hide his support for abortion rights, but emphasized ""kitchen-table issues"" at every opportunity and pledged to work with anyone, even Trump.",""" Jones didn't hide his support for abortion rights but emphasized ""kitchen-table issues"" at every opportunity and pledged to work with anyone, even Trump.",0 +And the school resource officer who responded inside of 60 seconds and fired off a shot at the attacker was praised as a hero., The school resource officer who responded inside of 60 seconds and fired off a shot at the attacker was praised as a hero.,0 +" The women, both 39, and their children Markis Hart, 19;"," The 100-foot (31-meter) drop killed the women, both 39, and their children Markis Hart, 19;",1 + The Russian Embassy in Canberra said the decision was regrettable and jeopardized bilateral relationships., The Russian Embassy in Canberra said the decision jeopardized bilateral relationships.,1 +" Police eventually kicked in the locker room door, said Ziyanna Williams, a 14-year-old ninth-grader.","Police eventually kicked in the locker room door, said Ziyanna Williams, a 14-year-old ninth-grader.",0 +They were captured in early January in eastern Syria by the Kurdish-led U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces amid the collapse of IS.,"They were captured in early January in eastern Syria by the Kurdish-led, U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces amid the collapse of IS.",0 +" MCM, the Miami-based construction management firm that won the bridge contract, took its website down on Thursday."," Munilla Construction Management, or MCM, the Miami-based construction management firm that won the bridge contract, took its website down Thursday.",1 +She then got a call from her son in Missouri asking if they were being evacuated.,Then she then got a call from her son in Missouri asking if they were being evacuated.,0 +" The bacteria found included Legionella and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a bacterium that is ""often implicated in hospital-acquired infections."," The bacteria found included Legionella and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a bacterium that is ""often implicated in hospital-acquired infections,"" the authors said in a statement.",1 + The ATF's Milanowski said the latest bomb was anchored to a metal yard sign near the head of a hiking trail.," The latest bomb was anchored to a metal yard sign near the head of a hiking trail, Milanowski said.",1 +" Maryland's Senate joined the House on Monday night to ban bump stocks, which enable a semi-automatic rifle to mimic a fully automatic weapon.",""" Maryland's Senate joined the House on Monday night to ban bump stocks, which enable a semi-automatic rifle to mimic a fully automatic weapon.",0 + Wednesday's announcement follows revelations that a Trump-affiliated consulting firm got data on millions of unsuspecting Facebook users.," Wednesday's announcement follows revelations that a Trump-affiliated consulting firm, Cambridge Analytica, got data on millions of Facebook users.",1 +" Although the U.S. has welcomed MBS's determination to purge pervasive corruption in Saudi Arabia, including by royals, the Trump administration hasn't endorsed his tactics."," Although the U.S. has welcomed Prince Mohammed's determination to purge pervasive corruption in Saudi Arabia, including by royals, the Trump administration hasn't endorsed his tactics.",0 +"Navy base, said the senior U.S. officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they weren't authorized to be identified by name.",The officials weren't authorized to be identified by name and spoke on condition of anonymity.,1 +"They stayed indoors most of the time, even in really nice weather,"" Groener told AP."," ""They stayed indoors most of the time, even in really nice weather,"" Groener said.",0 +"Police described the men's injuries as significant, and both remained hospitalized in stable condition on Monday."," Police described the men's injuries as significant, and both remained hospitalized Monday in stable condition.",0 +"Turnbull slammed Russia for ""reckless and deliberate"" conduct that he said harms global security and violates rules against the use of chemical weapons.","He slammed Russia for ""reckless and deliberate"" conduct that he said harms global security and violates rules against the use of chemical weapons.",0 +" Hyde-Smith, 58, would be the first woman to represent Mississippi in Congress.","Hyde-Smith, 58, would be the first woman to represent Mississippi in Congress.",0 + Yet liberals hammer Van Drew for opposing abortion and voting with the National Rifle Association., Yet liberals hammer Van Drew as a National Rifle Association supporter and abortion-rights threat.,0 + The California Highway Patrol has not determined why the vehicle went off the overlook on a particularly rugged part of coastline., The California Highway Patrol has not determined why the vehicle went off an ocean overlook on a rugged part of coastline.,1 + Remainers argue Britain should be able to change its mind if it turns out Brexit will damage the economy and the country., Remainers argue that Britain should be able to change its mind if it turns out that Brexit will damage the economy and the country.,0 +" The effort failed, and Trump ended up getting just $1.6 billion for his wall and other border security steps, a year's worth of funds."," The immigration talks failed, and Trump ended up getting $1.6 billion for his wall and other border security steps, just a year's worth of funds.",1 + The law limits cooperation between police and federal immigration authorities.," The law, Senate Bill 54, limits police cooperation with federal immigration authorities.",1 + The Pentagon says in a statement Friday that the crash does not appear to be the result of enemy activity and is under investigation.," The crash did not appear to be the result of enemy activity and is under investigation, the Pentagon said.",0 + The Swiss government isn't making any recommendations at this stage.,The Swiss government isn't making any recommendations at this stage.,0 +The $14.2 million bridge connected Florida International University and the city of Sweetwater.,The span stretched almost 200 feet to connect Florida International University with the city of Sweetwater.,1 +"Within a minute after Rollins fired his first shot, Gaskill had responded and fired a shot of his own."," Within a minute after Rollins fired his first shot, Gaskill had responded and fired a shot of his own.",0 +"He drew 1,255 walks and struck out only 888 times in 9,720 at-bats over 2,951 games.","He drew 1,255 walks and struck out only 888 times in 9,720 at-bats over 2,951 games, 13th-most in big league history.",1 +"There also are numerous contested congressional primary races, including progressive candidate Marie Newman's challenge to seven-term Democratic Rep.","There also were numerous contested congressional primary races, including a Chicago-area district where seven-term Democratic Rep.",1 +" Known for their squeaks, rubber duckies have been a childhood bath-time staple for years."," Known for their squeaks and eulogized in a Sesame Street song on TV, rubber duckies have been a childhood bath-time staple for years.",1 + The death toll in Wednesday's disaster surpasses nearly every recent mass casualty event at Venezuelan prisons and jails on record., The death toll in Wednesday's disaster surpasses nearly every recent mass casualty event at Venezuelan prisons and jails.,1 +"Pritzker easily won the primary over Chris Kennedy, the son of the late Sen."," Pritzker, 53, easily won Tuesday's Democratic primary over Chris Kennedy, the son of the late Sen.",1 +"One of them said the killings of captives was ""regrettable"" and could have been avoided.","One of them said the killings of captives was ""a mistake"" and could have been avoided.",1 +"A 16-year-old girl, who authorities said had some type of relationship with the shooter, was critically injured and a 14-year-old boy was also wounded.","Authorities said a 16-year-old girl who had some type of relationship with the shooter was critically wounded, and a 14-year-old boy also was wounded.",0 + Tight security greeted the now-20-year-old university student upon her arrival Thursday., Tight security greeted the now-20-year-old university student upon her arrival at Pakistan's Benazir Bhutto International Airport.,0 +" The officer, who doubles as a SWAT team member, was unharmed."," Gaskill, who doubles as a SWAT team member, was unharmed.",1 + The fighters rolled into town around 2 a.m. in nine vehicles and the girls were left in the center of town., The fighters rolled into Dapchi around 2 a.m. in nine vehicles and the girls were left in the center of town.,1 +"Andrew Cuomo, a Democrat, spoke briefly as the festivities began, calling it a ""day of inclusion"" and saying: ""We're all immigrants.","Andrew Cuomo spoke briefly, calling it a ""day of inclusion"" and adding: ""We're all immigrants.",0 +" On Tuesday, Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said his country was expelling two Russian diplomats whom he described as undeclared intelligence officers.", Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said his country was expelling two Russian diplomats whom he described as undeclared intelligence officers.,0 +Finding the balance between the base's demands and winning general elections is Democrats' new dilemma as they look to toward to the November midterms.,Finding the balance between the base's demands and winning general elections is Democrats' new mission as they look toward the November midterms.,0 + MBS could dangle a huge carrot in front of Trump for his support., The crown prince could dangle a huge carrot in front of Trump for his support.,1 +Facebook is also facing criticism for collecting years of data on call and text histories from Android users.,"In addition, Facebook is also facing widespread criticism for collecting years of contact names, telephone numbers and call and text histories from Android users.",1 +The orange-haired outfielder became a huge hit with fans in the U.S. and Canada during a career spanning 23 seasons.,"He became a huge hit with fans in the U.S. and Canada, most adored in New York and Montreal.",1 + Bryant scheduled an announcement Wednesday in Hyde-Smith's hometown of Brookhaven., Bryant has scheduled an announcement at noon Wednesday in Hyde-Smith's hometown of Brookhaven.,1 +" She was riding along the parade route in a Central Park horse carriage, driven by a family friend.", She rode along the parade route in a Central Park horse carriage driven by a family friend.,1 +" The parade is a familiar occasion for Matthew McCrosson, 68, who has marched in the New York event many times in the past 50 years."," The parade was a familiar occasion for Matthew McCrosson, 68, who has frequently marched in it during the past half-century.",0 +"Seoul says Kim proposed meeting with President Donald Trump, who agreed to meet him by the end of May.",Seoul says Kim also proposed meeting with President Donald Trump.,1 +"""It would have been very difficult for someone to see."" Milanowski said authorities have checked more than 500 leads.","""It would have been very difficult for someone to see."" Authorities have checked more than 500 leads, Milanowski said.",0 +Cameron said he did not know whether Rollins was intending to shoot himself or Gaskins.,"Cameron said he did not know whether Rollins was intending to shoot himself or Gaskins, who was unharmed.",1 +"It helps communities determine where to build schools, hospitals, grocery stores and more.","Communities and businesses depend on it in deciding where to build schools, hospitals, grocery stores and more.",0 +"Before it ends, an estimated 150,000 marchers were to make the 1.4-mile (2.2-kilometer) trek past Central Park, St. Patrick's Cathedral and Trump Tower.","An estimated 150,000 marchers were to make the 1.4-mile (2.2-kilometer) trek past Central Park, the Cathedral and Trump Tower.",1 +"It's a fate for drug dealers that Trump, who aims to be seen as tough on crime, has been highlighting publicly in recent weeks."," It's a fate for drug dealers that Trump, who aims to be seen as tough on crime, has been highlighting publicly in recent weeks.",0 +Inmates are also frequently able to obtain weapons and drugs with the help of corrupt guards and heavily armed groups control cellblock fiefdoms.,Inmates also frequently obtain weapons and drugs with the help of corrupt guards and heavily armed groups who control cellblock fiefdoms.,0 +Combined they're expected to top California in 2010 as the nation's most expensive governor's race.,Combined they're expected to spend enough by November top California in 2010 as the nation's most expensive governor's race.,1 +Their main achievement so far is a transition period that will last until the end of 2020.,Their main achievement so far is agreeing to a transition period that will last until the end of 2020.,0 +" The U.S. military helicopter crashed in western Iraq, U.S. officials said Thursday."," The aircraft crashed in western Iraq a day earlier, U.S. officials said.",1 +" Bargainers discussed trading a three-year DACA extension for three years of wall money, some sources said, or five for five."," Bargainers also discussed trading a three-year DACA extension for three years of wall money, some sources said, or five for five.",1 +"Matthews, the Kentucky transfer and Chicago native, added 17 points, including a run-out dunk with 1:33 left that made it 63-53. And that was that.","Matthews, the Kentucky transfer and Chicago native, had a run-out dunk with 1:33 left that made it 63-53.",0 + The changes won't affect Facebook's privacy policies or the types of data it gathers about its users., The changes won't affect Facebook's privacy policies or the types of data it gathers on users.,0 +"This weekend, students across the country plan an anti-gun violence march on the nation's capital."," This weekend, students across the country plan an anti-gun violence march on the nation's capital.",0 +" Cristina Rodriguez, a 23-year-old junior who was on spring break with other students, said she was not surprised when she heard the bridge collapsed."," Cristina Rodriguez, a junior at FIU, said she was not surprised when she heard about the collapse.",1 +" The ""accelerated bridge construction"" method was supposed to reduce risks to workers and pedestrians and minimize traffic disruption, the university said."," An accelerated construction method was supposed to reduce risks to workers and pedestrians and minimize traffic disruption, the university said.",0 +A 14-year-old boy also suffered a gunshot wound - it wasn't clear who shot him - and was in stable condition.,"A 14-year-old boy also suffered a gunshot wound, but it wasn't clear who shot him.",1 + Almost all of the countries said publicly that the Russian diplomats they were expelling were actually spies., Almost all of the countries said publicly that those being expelled were actually Russians intelligence operatives working under diplomatic cover.,1 +" The parade, which began at 11 a.m., typically lasts nearly six hours."," The parade, beginning at 11 a.m., lasted nearly six hours.",0 +""" Maryland's Senate joined the House on Monday night to ban bump stocks, which enable a semi-automatic rifle to mimic a fully automatic weapon."," Maryland's Senate joined the House on Monday night to ban bump stocks, which enable a semi-automatic rifle to mimic a fully automatic weapon.",0 + BAGHDAD (AP) -- The Pentagon says all seven service members aboard a U.S. helicopter that crashed in Iraq were killed.," BAGHDAD (AP) -- All seven service members aboard a U.S. helicopter that crashed in Iraq were killed, the Pentagon said Friday in a written statement.",1 +"Associated Press writers Tom James in Woodland, Washington, and Phuong Le in Seattle also contributed.","AP reporter Steven Dubois in Portland, Oregon, and Phuong Le in Seattle also contributed.",1 +" That was a departure from the first three bombings, which involved parcels left on doorsteps that detonated when moved or opened."," The presence of a tripwire was a departure from the first three bombings, which involved parcels left on doorsteps that detonated when moved or opened.",1 +"Canada, too, said it was taking action, kicking out four and denying three who have applied to enter the country.","Canada also took action, kicking out four Russians and denying three who have applied to enter the country.",1 +" Residents were evacuated ""out of an abundance of caution,"" Bowman said, because a substance had spilled during the crash and ignited a fire."," Nearby residents were evacuated ""out of an abundance of caution after the crash was reported at 11:14 p.m., Lexington Fire Lt.",1 +""" Bowman said the identities of the four injured and their conditions were not known.", Bowman said she had no information about the four injured and their conditions.,1 + Florida International University is also home to the National Hurricane Center., The university is also home to the National Hurricane Center.,1 +" MCM, the Miami-based construction management firm who won the bridge contract, took its website down on Thursday."," MCM, the Miami-based construction management firm that won the bridge contract, took its website down on Thursday.",0 +" They also denounced as ""illegal"" the British government's decision in February to strip them of citizenship."," Elsheikh and Kotey denounced as ""illegal"" the British government's decision in February to strip them of citizenship.",1 +"Thousands of Islamists and several leading secular activists have been jailed, and unauthorized protests have been outlawed."," Thousands of Islamists and several leading secular activists have been jailed, and unauthorized protests have been outlawed.",0 +Hub said they were prepared to receive hundreds of people.,Hub said he could see smoke billowing from the scene and they were prepared to receive hundreds of people.,1 + The Paris prosecutor's office said counterterrorism investigators were taking over the probe but did not provide details about why., The Paris prosecutor's office said counterterrorism investigators were taking over the probe but did not explain why.,0 + Authorities also closed off an Austin-area FedEx store where they believe the bomb that exploded was shipped to the distribution center., Authorities also closed off an Austin-area FedEx store where they believe the bomb that exploded in Schertz was shipped.,1 +The main part of the 174-foot span was assembled by the side of the road and had to be swung into place.,The main part of the 174-foot span was assembled by the side of the road and had to be moved into place.,0 +" ""In every of these fields it will be necessary to find a new arrangement,"" Verhofstadt told The Associated Press."," ""In every one of these fields it will be necessary to find a new arrangement,"" Verhofstadt told The Associated Press.",0 +""" Lavrov warned that Moscow will retaliate for the expulsions, saying ""such boorishness can't be tolerated.",""" He warned that Moscow will retaliate for the expulsions, saying ""such boorishness can't be tolerated.",0 +" Authorities haven't identified the two men injured Sunday, saying only that they are in their 20s and white."," Authorities have not identified the two men who were hurt Sunday, saying only that they are in their 20s and white.",1 +"""People want authentic candidates, and they want leadership."" ----- Associated Press reporter Lisa Mascaro in Washington contributed to this report.","""People want authentic candidates, and they want leadership."" --- Associated Press writer Lisa Mascaro in Washington contributed to this report.",0 + The population count taken every 10 years is more than an academic exercise.," The population count, a massive effort taken every 10 years, is far more than an academic exercise.",0 + Staub was traded to the Mets in 1972 and one year later helped lead them to a surprising National League pennant.,""" Staub was traded to the Mets in 1972 and one year later helped lead them to a surprising National League pennant.",0 +" Born and raised in New Orleans, Daniel Joseph Staub was called Rusty because of his bright red hair.",""" Born and raised in New Orleans, Daniel Joseph Staub was called Rusty because of his bright red hair.",0 +"""Nobody voted in the referendum to be worse off,"" said pro-EU Labour lawmaker Chris Leslie."," ""Nobody voted in the referendum to be worse off,"" said pro-EU Labour lawmaker Chris Leslie.",0 + Grote said his grandson was cognizant but was still in a lot of pain., Grote said his grandson was in a lot of pain.,1 + The parade's organizers were once involved in annual fights over whether to exclude openly gay groups from the march.," In the 1990s, the parade's organizers were involved in annual fights over whether to exclude openly gay groups from the march.",1 +All three Baltic states said they would kick diplomats out.,All three Baltic states said they would make diplomats leave.,1 +A team spokesman says the Mets learned of the death from friends of Staub who were with him at the time.,"The team learned of the death from friends of Staub who were with him at the time, a spokesman added.",1 +But Cameron credited the officer with preventing any more loss of life.,But the sheriff credited the officer with preventing any more loss of life.,1 +" Cameron Krutwig, Loyola's big man in the middle, scored 17 points and Clayton Custer had 13 of his 15 after halftime."," Cameron Krutwig, Loyola's big man, scored 17 points and Clayton Custer had 13 of his 15 after halftime.",0 +Shortly after many residents arrived they were able to return home.,"Shortly after many residents arrived, they were able to return home.",0 +"The 52 percent-48 percent referendum result divided Britain into two mutually mistrustful camps, leavers and remainers, battling over the nation's future."," And Britain remains divided.The 52 percent-48 percent referendum result divided Britain into two mutually mistrustful camps, leavers and remainers, battling over the nation's future.",0 +"The violence hasn't abated since the massacre in Parkland, Florida;","The violence hasn't abated since the massacre in Parkland, Florida.",1 +" The school has about 1,600 students and is near the Patuxent River Naval Air Station, about 65 miles (104 kilometers) southeast of Washington.", Politicians responded swiftly to the shooting about 65 miles (105 kilometers) southeast of Washington.,1 +" The 16-year-old girl was hospitalized in a life-threatening condition with critical injuries, the sheriff said."," The 16-year-old girl was hospitalized with a life-threatening wound, the sheriff said.",0 + The Orange County Board of Supervisors voted Tuesday to condemn the state's sanctuary law and join a federal lawsuit trying to have it declared unconstitutional.," On Tuesday, the Orange County Board of Supervisors voted to condemn the state's sanctuary law and join a U.S.",0 +" The parade, which began at 11 a.m., typically lasts for nearly six hours."," The parade, which began at 11 a.m., typically lasts nearly six hours.",0 +" Moscow has dismissed the British accusations as baseless, saying that it fully destructed its Soviet-era chemical arsenals last year."," Moscow has dismissed the British accusations as baseless, emphasizing that it completed the destruction of its Soviet-era chemical arsenals last year.",1 +"One police officer had a shoulder injury but it was not serious, Lefebvre said.","One police officer was shot in the shoulder, but the injury was not serious, Lefebvre said.",1 +" Florida International University is the second-largest university in the state, with 55,000 students."," Florida International University is the second largest university in the state, with 55,000 students, most of whom live off-campus.",1 +Rick Scott tweeted that he was on his way to the scene.,Rick Scott tweeted that he was headed there as well.,0 +" Staub played from 1963 to 1985 and finished 284 hits shy of 3,000."," A savvy, reliable slugger with left-handed power and a discerning eye, Staub played from 1963 to 1985 and finished 284 hits shy of 3,000.",1 +She grabbed her purse and a pillow and headed over to the elementary school., She grabbed her purse and a pillow and headed over to the elementary school.,0 +" And Britain remains divided.The 52 percent-48 percent referendum result divided Britain into two mutually mistrustful camps, leavers and remainers, battling over the nation's future.","The 52 percent-48 percent referendum result divided Britain into two mutually mistrustful camps, Leavers and Remainers, battling over the nation's future.",0 +The move came after unconfirmed media reports that the assailant claimed connections to the Islamic State group.,Unconfirmed media reports say the assailant claimed connections to the Islamic State group.,0 +"He would not elaborate, though, saying he didn't want to undermine the investigation.","He would not elaborate, though, saying he did not want to undermine the investigation.",0 +Trebes is about 60 miles (100 kilometers) southeast of Toulouse.," The suspect then went to a Super U supermarket in the nearby small town of Trebes, about 60 miles (100 kilometers) southeast of Toulouse.",1 +" Yet Democrats and Republicans have approached some of the crown prince's other bold steps with trepidation, particularly as they pertain to his anti-Iran efforts."," Yet Democrats and Republicans have approached some of the crown prince's other bold steps with trepidation, particularly in the broader Middle East.",0 + Varadkar watched the parade at St. Patrick's Cathedral before joining the march himself.," Varadkar, Ireland's first openly gay leader, watched the parade at St. Patrick's Cathedral before joining the march.",1 +" Wagner, Charles Matthews and the Wolverines erased a 10-point second-half deficit and Michigan beat the Ramblers 69-57 Saturday night in the Final Four."," Wagner scored 24 points, Charles Matthews added 17 and the Wolverines rallied to beat the Ramblers 69-57 Saturday night in the Final Four.",1 +"Russia denounced the actions as ""boorish"" and pledged to retaliate.","Russia denounced the actions as ""boorish"" and insignificant but pledged to retaliate.",1 +"As she and her son were leaving an officer warned them to get out of the neighborhood, she said.","As she and her son were leaving, an officer warned them to get out of the neighborhood, she said.",0 +But many experts say animosities would flare again if the summits fail to produce any progress and leave the nuclear issue with few diplomatic options.,But many experts say tensions would flare again if the summits fail to make any progress and leave the nuclear issue with few diplomatic options.,0 +" The Feb. 14 attack that killed 17 people, 14 of them students, became one of the deadliest school shootings in U.S. history."," The Feb. 14 attack in Florida killed 17 people, 14 of them students, becoming one of the deadliest school shootings in U.S. history.",1 +The U.S. has been pressing for the home countries of foreign jihadis in Iraq and Syria to take their nationals for trial., The U.S. has been pressing for the home countries of foreign jihadis in Iraq and Syria to take their nationals for trial.,0 +Three state Republican sources have told The Associated Press that he chose the 58-year-old Hyde-Smith to succeed Sen.,Three state Republican sources told The Associated Press that he chose the Hyde-Smith to succeed Sen.,1 +" Like other school shootings before it, the attack at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla.",""" Barna and her classmates Kevin Trejos and Lewis Mizen, all seniors at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla.",0 +" Bill Groener, 67, was a next-door neighbor of the family when they lived in West Linn, Oregon, and described the siblings as foster children."," Bill Groener, 67, was a next-door neighbor of the family when they lived in West Linn, Oregon, and said the kids were home-schooled.",1 +"The officer, who doubles as a SWAT team member, was unharmed."," The officer, who doubles as a SWAT team member, was unharmed.",0 +"He'd apparently gotten a text from a friend who saw the accident on Facebook, she said.","He'd apparently received a text from a friend who saw the accident on Facebook, she said.",0 +""" --- Associated Press contributors include Alex Brandon, Courtney Columbus, David McFadden, Sarah Rankin, Alan Suderman and Brian Witte."," --- Associated Press contributors include Alex Brandon, Courtney Columbus, David McFadden, Sarah Rankin, Alan Suderman and Brian Witte.",0 +But an archived version of the website featured a news release touting the project.,"But an archived version of the site featured a news release touting the project with FIGG Bridge Engineers, a firm based in Tallahassee.",1 +"In 2010, the Obama administration offered assurances that the census data would not be used for immigration purposes.","In 2010, the Obama administration offered assurances that the census data would not be used for immigration enforcement.",1 + Several bagpipe bands led a parade made up of over 100 marching bands after Democratic Gov., Several bagpipe bands led a parade made up of more than 100 marching bands after Democratic Gov.,0 +" Virginia entered the NCAA Tournament as the No. 1 overall seed after going 31-2 this season, including 20-1 in ACC competition."," Virginia entered the NCAA Tournament as the No. 1 overall seed after going 31-2 in the regular season, including 20-1 in ACC competition.",0 +"An estimated 150,000 marchers were to make the 1.4-mile (2.2-kilometer) trek past Central Park, the Cathedral and Trump Tower.","An estimated 150,000 marchers made the 1.4-mile (2.2-kilometer) trek past Central Park, the Cathedral and Trump Tower.",1 + Sherburne scored on an and-one drive and then knocked down a 3-pointer from the top of the key after a behind-the-back pass from KJ Maura.,He scored on an and-1 drive and then knocked down a 3-pointer from the top of the key after a behind-the-back pass from KJ Maura.,0 + Pihera confirmed that the 911 call came from a woman who was inside the home at 4:47 a.m.,Michele Pihera confirmed that the 911 call came from a woman who was inside the home at 4:47 a.m.,0 +" During the election campaign, Trump criticized a 2012 U.S.-South Korea free trade agreement because of a large South Korean trade surplus for merchandize."," During the election campaign, Trump criticized a 2012 U.S.-South Korea free trade agreement because of a large South Korean trade surplus for merchandise.",0 +The German news agency dpa reported that all passengers were Germans.,The news agency dpa reported that all passengers were Germans.,0 +" WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Republican-led House is moving forward with legislation to crack down on illegal immigration, a priority for President Donald Trump."," WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Republican-led House on Thursday pressed ahead with legislation to crack down on illegal immigration, a key priority for President Donald Trump.",1 + WASHINGTON (AP) -- Emails released by President Donald Trump's eldest son Tuesday detailing communications with Russians provoked a collective shrug from many Republicans in Congress., WASHINGTON (AP) -- Emails released by President Donald Trump's eldest son detailing communications with Russians have provoked a collective shrug from many Republicans in Congress.,1 +" The report also found that insurer participation in the ACA markets will be lower than at any time since ""Obamacare"" opened for business in 2014.", The report found insurer participation in the ACA markets will be lower than at any time since they opened for business in 2014.,0 +"Justin Walters shot him in the torso with a rifle, leaving him in a roadside ditch, according to police and court documents.","Justin Walters shot him in the torso with a rifle, leaving him in a roadside ditch, police and court documents said.",0 +The Grand Rapids Press reports Walters pleaded guilty in family court to conspiracy to carry a dangerous weapon.," Walters pleaded guilty in family court to conspiracy to carry a dangerous weapon, according to the news outlet, which cited Grand Rapids Press reports.",1 + Donana National Park is a UNESCO World Heritage site since 1994.," Donana National Park protects more than 107,000 hectares (264,403 acres) land.",1 +"On Sunday, a fire ripped through another settlement near Qab Elias town, killing one person.","On Sunday, a fire ripped through another settlement near the town of Qab Elias, also killing one person.",1 +"She had been doing research on crop photosynthesis, which included using drones to study fields, the university's communications office has said.","She had been doing research on crop photosynthesis, which included using drones to study fields.",1 +"Gaffney remains on the force but, per department policy, he has been suspended because of the felony indictment, according to the department.","Gaffney remains but, per department policy, has been suspended because of the felony indictment.",1 +"The ride was stopped by an operator after getting word of a rider in distress, officials said.",The ride was stopped by an operator after getting word of a rider in distress.,0 + Thorpe advised Martinez to hire a lawyer or to allow one to be appointed for her.,""" Thorpe advised Martinez to hire a lawyer or allow one to be appointed.",0 +"To make good on that pledge, ruling party lawmakers and pro-government activists plan to bus in groups from the provinces to hear Trump's speech.",Ruling party lawmakers and pro-government activists plan to bus in groups of people for Trump's speech.,1 +" The measure approved Friday is designed to enforce the country's existing limits on speech, including the long-standing ban on Holocaust denial."," The measure approved is designed to enforce the country's existing limits on speech, including the long-standing ban on Holocaust denial.",0 +" The hospitalized girl was still alive Thursday afternoon, police said in a brief update on the case."," The hospitalized girl, Diana Romero, was in serious but stable condition Thursday evening, police said.",1 + --- Associated Press writer Jeff Martin in Atlanta contributed to this report., --- Associated Press writers Jonathan Landrum Jr. and Jeff Martin in Atlanta contributed to this report.,1 +"The charges will also further complicate Francis' financial reform efforts at the Vatican, which were already strained by Pell's repeated clashes with the Italian-dominated bureaucracy."," The charges will also further complicate Francis' financial reform efforts at the Vatican, which were already strained by Pell's repeated clashes with the Italian-dominated bureaucracy.",0 +"So far, the European Union has pledged 50 million euros ($57 million).", The European Union already has pledged some 50 million euros ($57 million) in support of the new G5 force.,1 +" An Interior Ministry report, meanwhile, pointed a finger at the Civil Protection Agency."," An Interior Ministry report, meanwhile, blamed the Civil Protection Agency for not deploying extra mobile satellite receivers to handle the exceptional load of calls.",1 +Most people are injured in falls or by being trampled on by bulls.,Most people are hurt in falls or by being trampled on by bulls.,0 + As the crowd of rail commuters heading into Penn Station grew so did the confusion.," As the crowd of rail commuters heading into the country's busiest train station grew, so did the confusion.",1 +" The four children killed appear to be under age 10, Pihera said."," The four children killed were identified as Isabela Martinez, 10;",1 +""" --- Associated Press writers Kathleen Foody and Jeff Martin in Atlanta contributed to this report.", --- Associated Press writer Jeff Martin in Atlanta contributed to this report.,1 +" Ultra-Orthodox rabbis strictly govern Jewish practices in Israel such as weddings, divorces and burials."," Ultra-Orthodox rabbis strictly govern Jewish practices in Israel such as weddings, divorces, burials and conversions.",1 +Five people- four Americans and a Spaniard- have been gored since the runs started Friday., Four Americans and a Spaniard have been gored since the runs started Friday.,1 + The product can be added to ground beef to reduce the overall fat content.," Lean, finely textured beef can be added to ground beef to reduce the overall fat content.",1 +"Chris Christie, because New Jersey is one of only a handful of states with a state-owned vacation home for its chief executive.","Chris Christie, because his state is one of only a handful with a state-owned vacation home for its chief executive.",0 + The two men already received life sentences in 2014 for crimes against humanity.,""" The two men already received life sentences in 2014 for crimes against humanity.",0 +"Kevin Graham, president of the officers' union, said the union has not yet reviewed the indictment and declined to comment because it's an ongoing investigation.","Kevin Graham, president of the officers' union, said the union has not yet reviewed it and declined to comment because it's an ongoing investigation.",0 +"President Donald Trump on climate change Saturday, reaffirming their support for international efforts to fight global warming.","President Donald Trump on climate change, reaffirming their support for international efforts to fight global warming.",0 +" ESET, a Slovakian cybersecurity firm, also said the cyberattacks did not come out of nowhere.","""These families are connected."" ESET, a Slovakian cybersecurity firm, said the cyberattacks did not come out of nowhere.",1 + Votes on the Judiciary panel are often delayed a week at the request of any committee member.,20. Votes on the Judiciary panel are often delayed a week at the request of any committee member.,1 + Charlie Gard suffers from a rare genetic condition and is unable to breathe unaided.,""" Charlie Gard suffers from a rare genetic condition and is unable to breathe unaided.",0 +"The law takes effect in September, but the training likely won't be available until early next year.","The law takes effect Sept. 1, but the training likely won't be available until next year.",0 + -- On Twitter follow Salama at https://twitter.com/vmsalama and Thomas at https://twitter.com/KThomasDC, -- On Twitter follow Superville at https://twitter.com/dsupervilleap and Thomas at https://twitter.com/KThomasDC,1 +" In a split decision, the three-judge panel from the U.S."," In a split decision Monday, the three-judge panel from the U.S.",1 +"The average: 4.6 insurers in the states studied, down from 5.7 insurers this year.","The average is 4.6 insurers in the states studied, down from 5.1 insurers this year.",1 +Chris Christie said he would sign a deal he and the Democratic Legislature crafted.,Chris Christie signed a deal he and the Democratic Legislature crafted.,1 +"said on NBC Sunday that ""This isn't a time for innuendo or to allow room to be read between the lines.","Cory Gardner of Colorado said Sunday on NBC, ""This isn't a time for innuendo or to allow room to be read between the lines.",1 + The report comes with Republicans in Congress unable to deliver on their promise to repeal and replace the Obama-era Affordable Care Act., Republicans in Congress have not delivered on their promise to repeal and replace the Obama-era Affordable Care Act.,0 +"Self-spreading software, often described as ""worms,"" are particularly feared because they can spread rapidly, like a contagious disease.","Such self-spreading software, often called ""worms,"" are particularly feared because they can replicate rapidly, like a contagious disease.",0 + Victoria Nievs said the children's mother had recently suffered the death of her father., Victoria Nievs said Martinez had recently suffered the death of her father.,1 +Thousands of people tour the first floor each summer and the governor hosts events there with national and state leaders.,"Thousands of people tour the first floor each summer, and the governor hosts events there with national and state leaders.",0 + He declined in an interview to discuss how the Bonifield video came about., O'Keefe declined to discuss how the Bonifield video came about.,1 +" ""Those on the first and second floors sank immediately,"" a female survivor who wasn't identified by name told Teleantioquia."," ""Those on the first and second floors sank immediately,"" survivor Lorena Salazar told local media.",1 +They do not have the same distinctive markings that appear on runways.,Taxiways do not have the same distinctive markings and lighting as runways.,1 +The county sheriff's office said Martinez is on a hold for US Immigration and Customs Enforcement but didn't provide further details.,The county sheriff's office said Martinez is on a hold for U.S.,1 +" The incident, which Air Canada says it also is investigating, was first reported by the Bay Area News Group on Monday."," The San Francisco incident, which Air Canada says it too is examining, was first reported Monday by the Bay Area News Group.",0 +"Security Council unanimously approved a resolution welcoming the deployment of the new force with troops contributed by Mali, Burkina Faso, Mauritania, Niger and Chad.",Security Council unanimously approved a resolution welcoming the deployment of the new force.,1 +" The fire has burned nearly 9 square miles (23 square kilometers) of grass, injured four firefighters and destroyed at least 17 structures."," The blaze burned nearly 9 square miles (23 square kilometers) of grass, injured four firefighters and destroyed at least 17 structures.",0 +Those calls were ignored by Beijing and Xi indicated there would be no giving ground in the future.,"Those calls were ignored by Beijing and Xi indicated there would be no giving ground in the future, frustrating many young people and deepening divisions.",1 + The SBU added the attackers appeared uninterested in making a profit from the ransomware program and were more focused on sowing chaos in Ukraine., The SBU added that the attackers appeared uninterested in making a profit from the ransomware program and were more focused on sowing chaos in Ukraine.,0 + --- Associated Press writers Jonathan Landrum Jr. and Jeff Martin in Atlanta contributed to this report.,Associated Press writers Jonathan Landrum Jr. and Jeff Martin in Atlanta contributed to this report.,0 +"He ordered a 14-day stay last week for 114 people who were rounded up in the Detroit area, including many who are Christian.","He ordered a 14-day stay last week for 114 Iraqi nationals who recently were rounded up in the Detroit area, including many who are Christian.",1 + The U.S. and South Korea responded Saturday by conducting joint live-fire exercises.," Immediately after the launch, U.S. and South Korean forces conducted live-fire exercises.",1 +"and, for its sixth and final season, HBO's ""Girls."" The Emmys are scheduled to air Sept. 17 on CBS, with Stephen Colbert as host."," The Emmys are scheduled to air Sept. 17 on CBS, with Stephen Colbert as host.",1 +" The shooting gained widespread attention after Castile's girlfriend, who was in the car with her then-4-year-old daughter, livestreamed its gruesome aftermath on Facebook.","The shooting gained widespread attention after Castile's girlfriend, who was in the car with her then-4-year-old daughter, livestreamed its gruesome aftermath on Facebook.",0 +Pell said he intended to eventually return to Rome to resume his work as prefect of the Vatican's economy ministry.,Pell said he intends to eventually return to Rome to resume his work as prefect of the Vatican's economy ministry.,0 +The team begins the unofficial second half of the season on July 14 in Oakland to start a six-game trip.,Cleveland begins its unofficial second half of the season July 14 in Oakland to start a six-game trip.,1 +He said Nichole Walters was devoted to her toddler-aged son and was always willing to help people.,"She was devoted to her toddler-age son and was always willing to help people, he said.",0 +" But many secretaries of state, of both parties, say all or parts of the requested data are not public in their states.", But many secretaries of state say all or parts of the requested data are not public in their states.,0 +" ""It would be absurd to try and protect marriage by preventing people to marry,"" he told lawmakers."," ""It would be absurd to try and protect marriage by preventing people to marry,"" he told lawmakers in the debate ahead of the vote.",1 +" Wednesday's run along the 930-yard (850-meter) cobbled-street course to the bullring lasted 2 minutes, 16 seconds, one of the fastest so far."," Thursday's run along the 930-yard (850-meter) cobbled-street course to the bullring lasted 2 minutes and 40 seconds, an average length.",1 +"Investigators know who the culprit is, but have not yet released the person's identity or what charges will be leveled.","Investigators said they know who the culprit is, but they haven't yet released the person's identity or what charges will be leveled.",0 +" The hospitalized girl, Diana Romero, was in serious but stable condition Thursday evening, police said in a brief update on the case."," The hospitalized girl, Diana Romero, was in serious but stable condition Thursday evening, police said.",1 + Prosecutor German Juarez tells The Associated Press that he has asked a judge to jail Humala and former first lady Nadine Heredia for 18 months., Prosecutor German Juarez told The Associated Press that he asked a judge to jail Humala and former first lady Nadine Heredia for 18 months.,1 + Two cybersecurity outfits have publicly tied the NotPetya malware to hacking groups linked to Russian intelligence operations., Two cybersecurity outfits have publicly tied the NotPetya malware to hacking groups that many other experts in turn believe are linked to Russian intelligence operations.,0 +" --- Associated Press writer Kim Chandler in Montgomery, Alabama, contributed to this report."," --- Associated Press writers Matthew Daly in Washington and Kim Chandler in Montgomery, Alabama, contributed to this report.",1 + Here's a look at the wildfires tearing through the West., Here's a closer look at the fires burning in the western United States and Canada.,1 +" Trump has been unhappy with CNN since he was a candidate last year, and hasn't granted the network an interview since he's been president."," Trump has been unhappy with CNN since he was a candidate, and has been particularly annoyed by its reporting on connections with Russia.",1 +" In exchange for DiNardo's cooperation, Lang said, prosecutors were taking the death penalty off the table."," In exchange for DiNardo's cooperation, Lang said, prosecutors would not seek the death penalty.",1 +" Don Winder, the lawyer for the Speer family and Morris, didn't immediately return messages Thursday night."," Don Winder, the lawyer for the Speer family and Morris, did not respond to messages seeking comment.",1 +"Glass from the club's second story windows littered the ground, along with empty drink cups."," Glass from the Power Ultra Lounge's second-story windows littered the ground, along with empty drink cups.",1 +" Justin Walters, 32, was clad only in shorts when he was brought to a town court around 4 a.m."," Justin Walters, 32, was barefoot and clad only in shorts when he was taken to a town court around 4 a.m.",1 + It remained unclear if Pell would face a church trial stemming from the accusations., It was unclear if Pell would face a church trial stemming from the accusations.,0 +" The girl lost her grip and fell down where Howard and Winchell, and others, were waiting."," The girl lost her grip and fell down where Howard and Winchell, arms outstretched, waited with a few other good Samaritans.",0 +" Not only must Qatar shut down the Doha-based satellite broadcaster, the list says, but also all of its affiliates."," Also, not only must Qatar shut down the Doha-based satellite broadcaster, the list says, but also all of its affiliates.",0 +" The court fined Kobach $1,000 and ordered him to testify on Thursday about the documents."," The lower court fined Kobach $1,000 and ordered him to testify on Thursday.",1 +" ""I'm sick of all the killing and I'm tired of all the shooting, the kids getting hurt,"" Bunche said."," ""I'm sick of all the killing and I'm tired of all the shooting.",1 + A military statement said the military carried out the air raids near the town of Gence in the mainly-Kurdish province of Bingol on Tuesday.," A military statement said the attack occurred Monday near the town of Yusekova, in the mainly Kurdish province of Hakkari.",1 +" Trump congratulated Varadkar on his ""great victory"" and said he feels like he knows all the Irish people in America."," Trump congratulated Varadkar on his ""great victory"" during a portion of the telephone conversation that the White House opened up to reporters.",1 +"At least 20 structures burned, but officials didn't say if they were homes."," At least 20 structures burned, but officials didn't say if they were homes.",0 +"Walters was stationed at Fort Drum, home of the 10th Mountain Division.","He was stationed at Fort Drum, home of the 10th Mountain Division.",1 +District Attorney Matthew Weintraub said he wanted a higher bond to make sure he remained behind bars because he posed an even greater flight risk.,The district attorney he wanted a higher bond to make sure he remained behind bars because he posed an even greater flight risk.,1 +"The 28-second clip was posted on Trump's official Twitter account, with the message: ""#FraudNewsCNN #FNN.",The 28-second clip was posted on Trump's official Twitter account Sunday morning.,1 + A fire in Utah has burned 94 square miles (244 square kilometers) and was 60 percent contained Saturday., A fire in southern Utah has burned 94 square miles (244 square kilometers) and was 60 percent contained Saturday.,0 +"Former Department of Agriculture microbiologist Gerald Zirnstein named the product ""pink slime"" in a 2002 agency email."," Former Department of Agriculture microbiologist Gerald Zirnstein named the product ""pink slime"" in a 2002 agency email.",0 +" For years, Pell has faced allegations that he mishandled cases of clergy abuse when he was archbishop of Melbourne and, later, Sydney."," For years, Pell has faced allegations that he mishandled cases of clergy abuse as archbishop of Melbourne and, later, Sydney.",0 +"4. The missile was launched on very high trajectory, which limited the distance it traveled, and landed west of Japan's island of Hokkaido.","The missile was launched on very high trajectory, which limited the distance it traveled, and landed west of Japan's island of Hokkaido.",0 +It will come into force Oct. 1 at the earliest.,That means it will come into force Oct. 1 at the earliest.,0 +"Authorities say based on that and other facts uncovered during the investigation, agents believe Zhang is no longer alive.",Authorities say agents believe Zhang is no longer alived based on that and other facts their investigation uncovered.,1 + Moon's government has ordered an environmental review before allowing additional launchers for the Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense system., Moon's government has ordered an environmental review before allowing additional launchers for the Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense system (THAAD).,1 +She later added that her attorney will always be the people and her faith.,"She later added that her attorney will always be the people ""that we're fighting for"" and her faith.",1 +" In the bull runs, hundreds of people test their bravery and speed to dash through the streets with six fighting bulls without getting gored."," In the runs, hundreds of people test their courage and speed by dashing with six fighting bulls without getting gored.",0 + Whether Liu is able to travel is a question in negotiations for his possible release from a Chinese hospital., Whether Liu is able to travel is a key question in negotiations for his possible release from a Chinese hospital.,0 + Democratic Senate President Steve Sweeney and Assembly Speaker Vincent Prieto announced the budget deal earlier Monday., Democratic Senate President Steve Sweeney and Assembly Speaker Vincent Prieto announced the budget deal late Monday.,1 +" On climate, summit deputies hashed out a three-part fudge that everyone could sign."," On climate, summit deputies worked until shortly before the ending news conferences to hash out a three-part fudge that everyone could sign.",1 +"But President Juan Manuel Santos, who traveled to Guatape to oversee search efforts, said it was sailing well below capacity.","But President Juan Manuel Santos, who traveled Sunday to Guatape to oversee search efforts, said it was sailing well below capacity.",1 + The governing Socialists had agreed in May to give the opposition Democrats a greater role in oversight on election transparency., The governing Socialists agreed in May to give the opposition Democrats a greater role in overseeing election transparency.,1 +"It was popularized by Nobel Literature laureate Ernest Hemingway's 1926 novel ""The Sun Also Rises."""," The nine-day fiesta became world famous with Ernest Hemingway's 1926 novel ""The Sun Also Rises.""",1 + But the program was never implemented as powerful ultra-Orthodox members of Netanyahu's coalition government raised objections to the decision they had initially endorsed.," But the program was never implemented, as powerful ultra-Orthodox members of Netanyahu's coalition government raised objections to the decision they had initially endorsed.",0 +His attorney didn't immediately return a call Friday from The Associated Press.,His attorney didn't immediately return a call Wednesday from The Associated Press.,0 +" Democrats on the committee signaled support for Wray, but it is unclear if they will try and delay the vote."," Democrats on the committee signaled support for Wray, but it was unclear if they will try and delay the vote.",1 +" Search and rescue efforts were underway involving more than 400 rescuers, including police."," Search and rescue efforts were underway involving more than 400 workers, including police.",0 +" DiNardo, 20, agreed to plead guilty to four first-degree murder counts, attorney Paul Lang said outside court, where DiNardo had met with investigators."," DiNardo agreed to plead guilty to four first-degree murder counts, attorney Paul Lang said outside court, where DiNardo had met with investigators.",0 +"Crews also made progress on wildfires in Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico."," Crews were making progress against that fire and dozens of others across California, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico, and into Canada.",1 +"Roughly 600,000 people pass through each day on trains and New York City subways.","Roughly 600,000 people pass through each day on the three railroads and on New York City subways.",1 +""" People covered under Obama's law ""can expect to have great health care,"" Trump said at the time.",""" People covered under President Barack Obama's law ""can expect to have great health care,"" Trump said at the time.",1 +"The shooter fled in a red pickup truck, driving partly along the shoulder of the highway until exiting the road.","The shooter fled in a red pickup, driving partly along the shoulder of the highway until exiting the road.",0 +"The two took the brunt of the girl's fall, tumbling to the ground themselves the catch.","The two took the brunt of the girl's fall, tumbling to the ground themselves after the catch.",0 +The statement from the city and Castile's attorneys says no taxpayer money will be used to fund the settlement., Monday's joint statement said no taxpayer money will be used to fund Valerie Castile's settlement.,1 +"The park said in a statement that the accident ""does not appear to be any malfunction of the ride."" No additional information was immediately available.",The park said in a statement that the safety of guests is a top priority.,1 +"It was one of 14 wildfires across California that about 5,000 firefighters battled Sunday."," The wildfire was one of more than a dozen across California that about 5,000 firefighters battled Monday.",1 +"He told detectives he helped his uncle, Steven Avery, rape and kill Halbach in the Avery family's junk yard in Manitowoc County."," Brendan Dassey was sentenced to life in prison in 2007 after he told detectives he helped his uncle, Steven Avery, rape and kill Teresa Halbach.",1 +The 71-year-old has been considered a front-runner for next year's presidential election.,He faces charges in four other cases but has been considered a front-runner for next year's election.,1 +" Organizers of Thursday's demonstration have titled the event ""G-20: Welcome to Hell."," Ahead of the summit, a Thursday evening demonstration is planned, which organizers have titled as ""G-20: Welcome to Hell.",1 +" ""Orphan Black"" isn't in the running for the same reason, depriving star Tatiana Maslany of the chance to repeat as best-drama actress.","""Orphan Black"" isn't in the running for the same reason, depriving star Tatiana Maslany of the chance to repeat as best-drama actress.",0 +" The accident led to long traffic jams on the A9, the main thoroughfare from Berlin to Munich.","The accident led to long traffic jams on the A9, the main thoroughfare from Berlin to Munich.",0 +The two and some other good Samaritans carried to her to where emergency workers later arrived to help her.,They and others carried to her to where emergency workers later arrived to help her.,1 + DiNardo's parents declined to comment after leaving a government building where he spent several hours with Bucks County District Attorney Matthew Weintraub and other investigators., DiNardo's parents declined to comment after leaving a government building where he spent several hours with the district attorney and other investigators.,0 +" Istanbul governor Vasip Sahin said 15,000 police officers have been dispatched for security."," Istanbul governor Vasip Sahin said 15,000 police officers were providing security at the post-march rally.",1 +"Police said no gun was found at the scene, but they haven't described what led up to the shooting."," Police said no gun was found at the scene, but they have provided no details on what prompted the officers to shoot.",1 +"He questioned the white officer's account, according to police, that he shot the off-duty officer because he feared for his safety.",The lawyer questioned the white officer's account to police that he shot the off-duty officer because he feared for his safety.,1 + Researchers analyzed hormones in excrement collected at sea and found that more than two-thirds of orca pregnancies failed over a seven-year period., Researchers analyzed hormones in orca excrement collected at sea and found that more than two-thirds of orca pregnancies failed over a seven-year period.,0 +""" Volvo said that it will launch five fully electric cars between 2019 and 2021.",""" Volvo, which since 2010 has been owned by Chinese firm Geely, will launch five fully electric cars between 2019 and 2021.",1 +" Fire danger also remains high on Hawaii's Big Island for the duration of the forecast, which covers July through October."," Fire danger also remains high on the Big Island of Hawaii for the duration of the forecast, which covers July through October.",0 + The election is seen as a key benchmark to the country's bid to launch membership negotiations with the European Union., The election was seen as a key benchmark in the country's bid to launch membership negotiations with the European Union.,1 +" Carlos Moore, an African-American attorney in Mississippi, filed suit in 2016 seeking to have the flag declared an unconstitutional relic of slavery.",Supreme Court that lower courts were correct to reject the lawsuit that sought to have the flag declared an unconstitutional relic of slavery.,1 +"He says ""we see an attack against a state's sovereignty rights."," ""Here we see an attack against a state's sovereignty rights,"" Erdogan said.",0 +" A bill known as ""Kate's Law"" would impose harsher prison sentences on deportees who re-enter the United States."," One of the bills, known as ""Kate's Law,"" would impose harsher prison sentences on deportees who re-enter the United States.",1 + Some Democrats have said the commission is merely trying to provide cover for Trump's unsubstantiated claims of voter fraud.,Some Democrats have said the commission is merely trying to provide cover for Trump's unsubstantiated claims of voter fraud.,0 + Pihera confirmed that the 911 call came from an adult woman who was inside the home., Pihera confirmed that the 911 call came from a woman who was inside the home at 4:47 a.m.,1 +" WWNY-TV in Watertown reports (http://bit.ly/2uZwkrE ) that state police officials expect 3,000 to 5,000 officers to attend Saturday's services for Trooper Joel Davis."," State police officials say up to 5,000 officers from across the U.S. and Canada are expected to attend Saturday afternoon's services for Joel Davis.",1 +""" Early Saturday, Raida Bunche waited outside the club after she had heard from a friend that her son had been at the club.","The kids getting hurt,"" said Raida Bunche, who was waiting outside the club after hearing from a friend that her son had been inside.",0 + Tate told the station that his client identified himself to the on-duty officers at the scene and complied with their commands.,Tate told the station that his client identified himself to the on-duty officers at the scene and complied with their commands.,0 +not putting a name to one eliminates an individual's responsibility for its truthfulness and often undercuts its significance.,not putting a name to one eliminates an individual's responsibility and often undercuts the significance.,0 +Her car veered off the road and was later found in a ditch.," After Roberson was shot, her car veered off the road, struck a tree and was found in a ditch.",1 +Qatar's government has said it won't negotiate until Arab nations lift their blockade., Qatar's government has said it won't negotiate until Arab nations lift their blockade.,0 +"Patton said there are multiple complainants against Pell, but gave no other details on the allegations against the cardinal.","Patton said there are multiple complainants against Pell, but he gave no other details.",1 +Democrats say the administration has only itself to blame for the slow pace of filling vacancies.,Democrats countered that the administration has only itself to blame for the slow pace of filling vacancies.,0 + The Department of Homeland Security last fall said hackers believed to be Russian agents targeted voter registration systems in more than 20 states., The Department of Homeland Security said last fall that hackers believed to be Russian agents targeted voter registration systems in more than 20 states.,0 +He has said trade must be fair as well as open and must benefit American companies and workers.," The wording echoes concerns voiced by Trump, who has said trade must be fair as well as open and must benefit American companies and workers.",1 + The Trump administration sidestepped questions about its own role raised by the Kaiser study., The administration sidestepped questions about its own role raised by the Kaiser study.,0 +" BPI could have been seeking damages as high as $1.9 billion, according to a U.S.",""" BPI could have been seeking damages as high as $1.9 billion, according to a U.S.",0 +"The newly appointed crown prince, 31 years old, is the architect of Saudi Arabia's war in Yemen against Shiite rebels, now stalemated.", The newly appointed 31-year-old crown prince is the architect of Saudi Arabia's stalemated war in Yemen against Shiite rebels.,1 +" Bennett said Castile's girlfriend, Diamond Reynolds, is not part of the settlement announced Monday."," Bennett said Castile's girlfriend, Diamond Reynolds, is not part of the settlement.",1 + The review board announced in June that it found a potential error in the department's decision.," In June, the board said it found a potential unspecified error in the department's decision.",1 + News reports indicated that reconstruction work was being carried out on the building., News reports indicated that reconstruction work was being carried out on the building before the collapse.,1 + The landslide also blocked a 2 kilometer (1.24 mile)-section of a river., The landslide blocked a 2 kilometer (1.24 mile)-section of a river.,0 +" ""We started seeing sparks through the windows. People were falling,"" said passenger Susan Pak, of Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey."," ""We started seeing sparks through the windows. People were falling,"" said passenger Susan Pak.",1 +""" White nationalists had assembled in Charlottesville to vent their frustration against the city's plans to take down a statue of Confederal Gen.", White nationalists had assembled in Charlottesville to vent their frustration against the city's plans to take down a statue of Confederal Gen.,0 +The document says Qatar has 10 days to comply with all demands.,"Those countries have now given Qatar 10 days to comply with all of the demands, which include paying an unspecified sum in compensation.",1 + That's according to a list obtained by The Associated Press from one of the countries involved in the dispute.,The Associated Press obtained a copy of the list in Arabic from one of the countries involved in the dispute.,1 + Lawmakers approved the bill on June 30 in its last session before Germany's September election., Lawmakers approved the bill on June 30 in parliament's last session before Germany's September election.,1 +"Silva never owned the apartment, but prosecutors argued it was intended for him.","He never owned the apartment, but prosecutors argued it was intended for him.",1 +"They also used DNA to determine the identity, sex and family line of the whale.","They also collected DNA to determine the identity, sex and family lines of the whales.",1 +" ""It's like somebody sneezing into a train full of people,"" said Botezatu. ""You just have to exist there and you're vulnerable."," ""It's like somebody sneezing into a train full of people,"" Botezatu told The Associated Press. ""You just have to exist there and you're vulnerable.",1 +And he vowed to help end a rash of suicides that has plagued church abuse victims in his Australian hometown of Ballarat.,He vowed to help end a rash of suicides that has plagued church abuse victims in his hometown of Ballarat.,0 +"So far, investigators have only been able to identify one set of remains - those of Finocchiaro.","So far, investigators said they have only been able to identify one set of remains - those of Finocchiaro.",1 +The officer who shot him is 36 years old and has been with the department more than eight years.,The officer who shot him is 36 and has been with the department more than eight years.,0 +" The president said the 13-point demand list by Arab states, already rejected by Qatar, contradicted international law."," Turkey's president said his country ""admires and embraces"" Qatar's attitude, while slamming the demands by arguing they contradict international law.",1 +" ""No amount of money could ever replace Philando,"" the joint statement said."," ""No amount of money could ever replace Philando,"" a joint statement from the attorneys and city of St. Anthony said.",1 +" Asked what he would do about North Korea, Trump responded just before taking flight: ""We're going to do very well.","Asked, as he left the White House on Wednesday, what he would do about North Korea, Trump said only: ""We're going to do very well.",1 +" On Monday he declared victory, saying that he had wanted since February to get reform of Horizon."," On Monday he declared victory, saying he had wanted since February to get reform of Horizon.",0 +"He was killed while the blast wounded six foreigners and five members of security forces, according to the Interior Ministry's statement.","He was killed, while the blast wounded six foreigners and five members of security forces, according to the Interior Ministry's statement.",0 +" ""We probably haven't seen this sort of activity that involves so many residences and people in the history of the province of B.C.,"" he said.","""We probably haven't seen this sort of activity that involves so many residences and people in the history of the province of B.C.,"" he said.",0 + DiNardo's parents declined to comment after leaving a government building where he spent several hours with the district attorney and other investigators.,""" His parents declined to comment after leaving a government building where he spent several hours with investigators.",1 +"No calves were seen in those cases, indicating that the whales lost the babies or the calves died shortly after birth.","No calves were seen in those cases, indicating the whales lost the babies or the calves died shortly after birth.",0 +" --- Hussain Al-Qatari in Kuwait, Jon Gambrell in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and Vivian Salama in Washington contributed to this report.","Jon Gambrell in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and Vivian Salama in Washington contributed to this report.",1 +" -- AP Writers Christine Armario from Bogota, Colombia and Joshua Goodman from Caracas, Venezuela contributed to this report"," -- Armario reported from Bogota, Colombia and AP Writer Joshua Goodman contributed to this report from Caracas, Venezuela.",1 +" In Arizona, firefighters had to ground aircraft after they spotted drones being flown near the fire, said Bureau of Land Management spokesman Dennis Godfrey."," In Arizona, firefighters had to ground aircraft after they spotted drones being flown near the fire, Bureau of Land Management spokesman Dennis Godfrey said.",0 +" The demands regarding Al-Jazeera, the Doha-based satellite broadcaster, state that Qatar must also shut down all affiliates."," Not only must Qatar shut down the Doha-based satellite broadcaster, the list says, but also all of its affiliates.",1 +"The coverage emphasized that the product at the time was present in 70 percent of the ground beef sold in supermarkets, but wasn't labeled."," The coverage emphasized that the product at the time was present in 70 percent of the ground beef sold in supermarkets, but wasn't labeled.",0 +He was supposed to conduct cancer research at Boston Children's Hospital.,He was expecting to conduct cancer research at Boston Children's Hospital.,0 + He faces charges of desertion and misbehavior before the enemy at his trial scheduled for late October.,He faces charges of desertion and misbehavior before the enemy at his trial scheduled for late October at Fort Bragg.,1 +It described the black officer as an 11-year department veteran and said he was treated at a hospital and released.,Police described the black officer as an 11-year department veteran and said he was treated at a hospital and released.,0 +" When Thorpe informed her of her right to have an attorney, she said through a Spanish-language interpreter, that she doesn't want one.",""" When Thorpe said she had a right to an attorney, she replied through a Spanish-language interpreter that she doesn't want one.",1 +"Steve Bullock, a Democrat, said Republicans in Congress are ""still trying to put lipstick on a pig, but guess what?","Steve Bullock, a Democrat, said Republicans in Congress are ""still trying to put lipstick on a pig.",1 +" WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Republican crusade to repeal ""Obamacare"" has turned into an effort to limit the growth of Medicaid."," WASHINGTON (AP) -- Somewhere along the way, the Republican crusade to repeal ""Obamacare"" also turned into an effort to limit the future growth of Medicaid.",1 + Friends and family said Zhang dreamed of one day landing a professorship and being able to help her parents financially.,Friends and family said she dreamed of one day landing a professorship and helping her parents financially.,0 +" ""We are talking about a cyberattack,"" said Anders Rosendahl, a spokesman for the Copenhagen-based group."," ""We are talking about a cyberattack,"" said Anders Rosendahl, a spokesman for the Copenhagen-based shipping group.",1 +" ANKARA, Turkey (AP) -- Turkey's military says 10 Kurdish militants have been killed in aerial operation in southeast Turkey."," ANKARA, Turkey (AP) -- Turkey's military says Kurdish rebels have detonated an improvised explosive device as a military vehicle passed by, wounding 17 soldiers.",1 +" Earlier this year, actor Harrison Ford flew over an airliner and landed his small plane on a taxiway in Southern California."," Earlier this year, actor Harrison Ford flew over an airliner and landed his small plane on a taxiway at John Wayne Airport in Southern California.",1 +"If anything, the total based on media reports at the time underestimates the reality, she said.","If anything, the total based on media reports at the time underestimates the reality, said Meyer, a psychology professor at Wright State University in Ohio.",1 + President Donald Trump has said he will not allow North Korea to obtain an ICBM that can deliver a nuclear warhead., Trump has said he will not allow North Korea to obtain an ICBM that can deliver a nuclear warhead.,0 +But critics believe it will spur demand and tempt poachers to launder rhino horns into the legal trade.,Critics believe it will spur demand and tempt poachers to launder horns into the legal trade.,0 +" The violence has left at least 459 people dead including 39 civilians, 336 militants, and 84 soldiers and policemen."," The violence has left at least 459 people dead, including 336 militants, 84 soldiers and policemen, and 39 civilians.",0 +""" Christie said Monday that state workers would - at his request - receive Tuesday as a paid holiday.",""" Christie said Monday that state workers would, at his request, receive Tuesday as a paid holiday.",0 +"That bit of mission creep is complicating things for the GOP, and could lead to deadlock.","That bit of mission creep is complicating prospects for the GOP, and could lead to deadlock.",0 +"In seeking $5 million bail on a stolen-car charge this week, prosecutors said he had been diagnosed with schizophrenia.","In seeking $5 million bail on a stolen car charge this week, prosecutors said he had been diagnosed with schizophrenia.",0 + Francona had been forced to leave two games last month when he became lightheaded during games., Francona had been forced to leave two games last month when he became lightheaded.,1 +"The blast demolished the building, its walls crushing a parked car as what appeared to be shrapnel and bullet holes peppered nearby structures.","The blast demolished the building, its walls crushing a parked car.",1 +Most American Jews belong to its more liberal Reform and Conservative streams and feel alienated by Israel's ultra-Orthodox authorities that question their faith and practices.,"Most American Jews belong to the more liberal Reform and Conservative streams and feel alienated by Israel's ultra-Orthodox authorities, which question their faith and practices.",1 + The fires broke out amid a blistering weekend heatwave that toppled temperature records and made conditions dangerous for firefighters., The fires broke out amid a blistering weekend heat wave that toppled temperature records.,1 +" Families making less than $10,000 would lose, on average, more than $2,500 in annual benefits under the bill, once the plan is fully phased in."," Families making less than $10,000 would lose, on average, more than $2,500 in annual benefits under the bill, once it is fully phased in.",0 +A pregnancy was deemed successful if the female whale was later observed with her calf.,Pregnancies were deemed successful if the female whales were later observed with their calves.,1 + Trump often railed against illegal immigration during his presidential campaign.," Trump often railed against illegal immigration during his presidential campaign, and his support for tougher immigration policies is crucial to his voting base.",1 +"CNN's public relations staff refuted Trump's notion that the network is hurting, saying it is completing the most-watched second quarter in the network's history.","CNN's public relations staff refuted Trump's notion that the network is hurting, saying it is completing the most-watched second quarter in its history.",0 +A leaked National Security Agency document from May said Russian military intelligence had attempted to hack into voter registration software used in eight states.,And a leaked National Security Agency document from May said Russian military intelligence had attempted to hack into voter registration software used in eight states.,0 +"And the GOP bills in Congress would have left millions more uninsured, a sobering side-effect that contributed to their political undoing.","The GOP bills in Congress would have left millions more uninsured, a sobering side-effect that contributed to their political undoing.",0 + But the commission has since lost much of its credibility after its two members who were survivors of abuse left., But the commission has lost much of its credibility after its two members who were survivors of abuse left in frustration.,1 +" The charges will also further complicate Francis' financial reform efforts at the Vatican, which were already strained by Pell's repeated clashes with the Italian-dominated bureaucracy."," They will also further complicate Francis' financial reform efforts at the Vatican, which were already strained by Pell's repeated clashes with the Italian-dominated bureaucracy.",0 + The SITE Intelligence Group says the recently formed Nusrat al-Islam wal Muslimeen issued the video Saturday on Telegram.," The recently formed Nusrat al-Islam wal Muslimeen issued the video Saturday on Telegram, the SITE Intelligence Group said.",1 + ---- Associated Press correspondents Jonathan Lemire and Julie Bykowicz in Washington contributed to this report.," ---- Associated Press correspondents Julie Bykowicz and Jill Colvin in Washington, and Jonathan Lemire in New York contributed to this report.",1 +Pell said he intends to eventually return to Rome to resume his work as prefect of the Vatican's economy ministry., Pell said he intends to return to Rome eventually to resume his work as prefect of the Vatican's economy ministry.,0 +The retracted CNN story was heavily dependent upon on anonymous source.,The retracted CNN story was heavily dependent upon one anonymous source.,0 +Gina Raimondo said she plans to voice strong opposition to Pence when she meets with him privately.,Gina Raimondo said she planned to voice strong opposition to Pence.,1 +"Meanwhile, failure to agree on climate doesn't stop countries from moving ahead in meeting the Paris agreement's goals, or exceed them if they want to."," Meanwhile, failure to agree on climate doesn't stop countries from moving ahead in meeting the Paris agreement's goals, or exceed them if they want to.",0 +" Saudi state television aired footage after the raid near the Grand Mosque, showing police and rescue personnel running through the neighborhood's narrow streets."," Saudi state television aired footage after the raid Friday near the Grand Mosque, showing police and rescue personnel running through the neighborhood's narrow streets.",1 +Prieto's speakership is under threat from another lawmaker who's already announced a bid against him.,Prieto's speakership is under threat from another lawmaker who's announced a bid against him.,0 +"It requires approval by a state court, which could take several weeks.","The plan for distribution of funds requires approval by a state court, which could take several weeks.",1 +""" The exchange was captured on a recording of air traffic controller communications, posted on the website LiveATC.net.","""I lost my right engine."" The dramatic exchange was captured on a recording of air traffic controller communications, posted on the website LiveATC.net.",1 +" DiNardo agreed to plead guilty to four first-degree murder counts, attorney Paul Lang said outside court, where DiNardo had met with investigators.","DiNardo agreed to plead guilty to four first-degree murder counts, attorney Paul Lang said.",1 + The National News Agency said some 22 of the 185 tents in the informal settlement burned down., Lebanon's state-run National News Agency said 22 of the 185 tents in the informal settlement burned down.,1 + Photos posted on the site showed an area buried by earth and massive rocks., Photos showed an area buried by earth and massive rocks.,0 +"Mueller has insisted they cannot, given church teaching on the indissolubility of marriage.","Mueller had insisted they cannot, given church teaching on the indissolubility of marriage.",1 + Eastern Montana and western North Dakota received less than half their normal rainfall in June.," Eastern Montana and western North Dakota received less than half their normal rainfall in June, the National Interagency Fire Center said.",1 +"A fifth child, a girl, survived and was hospitalized with injuries described as serious, police said.","The injured child, a 9-year-old girl, survived but remained hospitalized with injuries police described as serious.",1 + An EPA spokeswoman says the agency is reviewing the opinion and examining its options., EPA spokeswoman Amy Graham said the agency was reviewing the court's opinion and examining its options.,1 +That presumably would mean Qatar would have to close down Al-Jazeera's English-language affiliate.,That presumably would mean Qatar would have to close down Al-Jazeera's English-language sister network.,0 +"Her little brother sat next to her in the green two-person pod, crying hysterically for help, saying he couldn't hold on.","Her little brother sat next to her in the green two-person pod, crying hysterically, saying he couldn't hold on.",0 + He said if the events can happen they will likely be scaled back with fewer visitors - and with no fireworks.," If the events can happen, they will likely be scaled back with fewer visitors - and with no fireworks, he said.",1 +"Another trooper arrived and found Davis, 36, who died about an hour later at a hospital.","Another trooper arrived and found Davis, who died about an hour later at a hospital.",0 +" ""Obviously, we want his health to be fine first before he comes back but we're itching to get him back,"" Tomlin said."," ""Obviously, we want his health to be fine first before he comes back but we're itching to get him back.",0 +"The Filipino militant is on Washington's list of most-wanted terrorists, with a $5 million bounty on his head.","He is on Washington's list of most-wanted terrorists, with a $5 million bounty on his head.",1 +""" --- Associated Press writer Jeff Martin in Atlanta contributed to this report.", --- Associated Press writers Jonathan Landrum Jr. and Jeff Martin in Atlanta contributed to this report.,1 +" Images show the structure partially collapsed, revealing the interior of some apartments."," Images show the structure partially collapsed, revealing the interiors of some apartments.",0 +"Even Republican governors will say that they're worried, especially the ones that have taken the Medicaid expansion."," ""There's a high degree of anxiety,"" she said. ""Even Republican governors will say that they're worried, especially the ones that have taken the Medicaid expansion.",1 + WASHINGTON (AP) -- The White House complained on Monday that Senate Democrats are obstructing President Donald Trump's qualified nominees., WASHINGTON (AP) -- The White House complained that Senate Democrats are obstructing President Donald Trump's qualified nominees.,0 +Officials believe that actually makes it difficult for hackers to have any sizable effect on the vote.,Officials believe that makes it difficult for hackers to have any major effect on the vote.,0 +Arizona firefighters had to ground aircraft due to unauthorized drones over a fire near Flagstaff.,Arizona firefighters had to ground aircraft because of unauthorized drones over a fire near Flagstaff.,0 +It was especially busy Sunday as Colombians celebrated a long holiday weekend.,"It was especially busy Sunday as Colombians celebrated a long holiday weekend, some of them taking a $5 pleasure cruise on El Almirante.",1 +""" Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell plans to keep in place Medicaid cuts GOP governors and Senate moderates have objected to.",""" Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell plans to keep in place Medicaid cuts that Republican governors and Senate moderates have objected to.",1 +" While some in Merkel's conservative bloc spoke against the measure, Berlin Christian Democrat Jan-Marco Luczak urged his fellow party members to vote for same-sex marriage."," Berlin Christian Democrat Jan-Marco Luczak, one of 75 lawmakers from Merkel's bloc who voted for the measure, urged his fellow party members to join him.",1 +" The bill would also repeal a new Medicare payroll tax on high-income families, saving them about $59 billion over the next decade.",""" The bill would also repeal a new Medicare payroll tax on high-income families, saving them about $59 billion over the next decade.",0 +""" Castile's girlfriend, Diamond Reynolds, later said Castile was reaching for his wallet.",""" Reynolds later said Castile was reaching for his wallet.",1 + The White House statement Sunday went further than Trump did., But the White House did not attach a name to the statement.,0 +" Republicans repeatedly have failed to scrap the law preventing churches and other non-profits from backing candidates, so now they are trying to starve it."," Republicans repeatedly have failed to scrap the law preventing churches and other nonprofits from backing candidates, so now they are trying to starve it.",0 +" A fifth child, a 9-year-old girl, survived but remained hospitalized with injuries described by police as serious.","The injured child, a 9-year-old girl, survived but remained hospitalized with injuries police described as serious.",0 +" Pihera said the caller was speaking Spanish, which initially made it difficult for 911 operators to communicate with her.","Michele Pihera said the caller was speaking Spanish, which initially made it difficult for 911 operators to communicate with her.",0 +Medical experts were seen saying Liu's treatment plan was going smoothly.,Medical experts were seen saying that Liu's treatment plan was going smoothly.,0 +" Jack Cox, a software developer, said he felt a ""large thump"" and heard and felt the train grinding for as long as 30 seconds."," Passenger Jack Cox said he felt a ""large thump"" and heard and felt the train grinding for as long as 30 seconds.",1 +Most governors couldn't get caught in a brouhaha like the one surrounding Gov.,Most governors couldn't get caught in a brouhaha like the one surrounding New Jersey Gov.,1 + Mohsen Dehnavi was detained at Boston's airport with his wife and three children upon arrival Monday., Mohsen Dehnavi was detained at Boston's Logan International Airport along with his wife and three young children upon arrival Monday.,1 +" But on top of that, the researchers found the mixed signals from the administration account for some of the higher charges."," On top of that, researchers found that mixed signals from the administration account for some of the higher charges.",0 +"Those countries have now given Qatar 10 days to comply with all of the demands, which include paying an unspecified sum in compensation."," Those countries have now given Qatar 10 days to comply with all of the demands, which include paying an unspecified sum in compensation.",0 +"The life-long bureaucrat and her Cabinet swore to serve China and Hong Kong and to uphold the Basic Law, the territory's mini-constitution.","The career civil servant and her Cabinet swore to serve China and Hong Kong and to uphold the Basic Law, the territory's mini-constitution.",1 +" Reynolds has also hired an attorney, but it's not clear if she is still planning a lawsuit or has any standing for a federal claim.","Reynolds has also hired an attorney, but it's not clear if she is still planning a lawsuit or has any standing for a federal claim.",0 + But several governors at the meeting - both Democrat and Republican - expressed concern or opposition about the bill.," But several governors, Democratic and Republican, expressed concern about the bill and even outright opposition.",1 +" He walked away from reporters before returning and saying ""nobody is more eager than I am to find out"" what happened.","He walked away from reporters before returning and saying ""nobody is more eager than I am to find out"" what happened.",0 +""" Russia's Rosneft oil company also reported falling victim to hacking, as did Danish shipping giant A.P."," Russia's Rosneft oil company also reported falling victim to hacking and said it had narrowly avoided major damage, as did Danish shipping giant A.P.",1 +" WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Donald Trump has held his first telephone conversation with Ireland's new prime minister, Leo Varadkar."," WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Donald Trump spoke for the first time Tuesday with Ireland's new prime minister, Leo Varadkar.",0 +" Poland is also host to about 1,000 U.S. troops, and is supporting U.S. and NATO forces in Iraq and Afghanistan."," Poland also hosts a few thousand U.S. troops, in addition to supporting U.S. and NATO forces in Iraq and Afghanistan.",1 + The White House didn't respond to a request for comment on those reports.,The White House didn't respond to a request for comment on the reports.,0 +""" --- Associated Press writer Geoff Mulvihill in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, contributed."," --- Associated Press writer Geoff Mulvihill in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, contributed.",0 +"Fires were also burning in Arizona, California, Colorado, New Mexico and Washington state."," Other fires were burning in California, Colorado and New Mexico.",1 + Mississippi has the last state flag featuring the Confederate battle emblem., Mississippi has the last state flag featuring the Confederate symbol that critics see as racist.,1 + The Assembly and the Senate approved the budget early Tuesday morning., The Assembly and the Senate approved the budget early Tuesday.,1 +" BPI has said the sales drop forced it to close plants in Iowa, Kansas and Texas, laying off more than 700 workers."," BPI has said the sales drop forced it to close plants in Iowa, Kansas and Texas and lay off more than 700 workers.",0 +" Rosenstein said it's unclear if furloughed workers will get back pay once the shutdown ends but ""we certainly feel we're entitled to that."," Rosenstein said it's unclear if furloughed workers will get back pay but ""we certainly feel we're entitled to that.",0 +"The president says ""Obamacare"" is collapsing, but he's also threatened to give it a shove by stopping billions of dollars in payments to insurers.","At the same time, he's threatened to stop billions of dollars in payments to insurers.",1 + Rescuers including firefighters from nearby cities and air force pilots were searching for survivors at the Guatape reservoir where the four-story El Almirante ferry sank., Rescuers including firefighters and air force pilots in helicopters searched for survivors at the Guatape reservoir where El Almirante ferry sank.,1 +" The Jesuit pope tapped the No. 2 in the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Jesuit Monsignor Luis Ladaria Ferrer, to succeed Mueller.","The Jesuit pope instead tapped the No. 2 in the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Jesuit Monsignor Luis Ladaria Ferrer, to succeed Mueller.",0 +The president added a late-morning meeting with Sessions and FBI director Christopher Wray to his Monday schedule.,""" Trump gave his statement after meeting with Sessions and FBI Director Christopher Wray.",1 + The presidential office said Friday that President Frank-Walter Steinmeier signed the legislation on Thursday., The presidential office said President Frank-Walter Steinmeier signed the legislation on Thursday.,0 +" The opposition Democratic party of Lulzim Basha won 29 percent, or 43 seats."," The opposition Democratic party of Lulzim Basha won 29 percent, or 43 seats in Sunday's election.",1 +" --- Vladimir Isachenkov in Moscow and Jan M. Olsen in Copenhagen, Denmark contributed to this report."," --- Associated Press writers Vladimir Isachenkov in Moscow and Jan M. Olsen in Copenhagen, Denmark, contributed to this report.",1 +Some seemed bewildered by a new routine devised to accommodate the extensive repairs to tracks and signals at the station.,Some seemed bewildered by a new routine devised to accommodate the major repairs to the station's tracks and signals.,1 +" The state police superintendent said Davis was wearing body armor, but the round hit him in his side, where he had no protection."," The state police superintendent said Davis was wearing body armor but the round hit him in his side, where he had no protection.",0 +" According to Polish media reports, Poland's government promised the White House a reception of cheering crowds as part of its invitation.", Polish media reports say the government promised the White House cheering crowds as part of its invitation.,0 + Their analysis showed 35 orca pregnancies between 2008 and 2014., The analysis revealed 35 orca pregnancies between 2008 and 2014.,0 +" Monday's run along the 930-yard (850-meter) cobbled-street course lasted 2 minutes, 19 seconds, one of the fastest so far."," Wednesday's run along the 930-yard (850-meter) cobbled-street course to the bullring lasted 2 minutes, 16 seconds, one of the fastest so far.",1 +"They called the deal to reduce greenhouse gases ""irreversible"" and vowed to implement it quickly and without exception.","They called the deal to reduce greenhouse gases ""irreversible"" and vowed to implement it ""swiftly"" and without exception.",0 + Some survivors and people who witnessed the tragedy unfold from the nearby shore said the boat appeared to be overloaded., Some survivors and people who witnessed the tragedy unfold from the shore said the boat appeared to be overloaded.,0 + --- Hussain Al-Qatari in Kuwait and Vivian Salama in Washington contributed to this report.," --- Hussain Al-Qatari in Kuwait, Jon Gambrell in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and Vivian Salama in Washington contributed to this report.",1 +"If a monkey can sue for copyright infringement, what else can a monkey do?"" she said.","If a monkey can sue for copyright infringement, what else can a monkey do?"" she said after the hearing.",1 +"Beginning Tuesday, computers across Ukraine at government agencies, energy companies and banks were temporarily disabled as their data was encrypted amid demands for ransom payments.","Beginning Tuesday, computers across Ukraine at government agencies, energy companies and banks were disabled as their data was encrypted amid demands for ransom payments.",0 +" When the judge informed her of her right to have an attorney, she said through a Spanish-language interpreter, that she doesn't want one."," When Thorpe informed her of her right to have an attorney, she said through a Spanish-language interpreter, that she doesn't want one.",1 + The Vatican said the leave took effect immediately and that Pell would not participate in any public liturgical event while it was in effect., The Vatican said the leave takes effect immediately and that Pell will not participate in any public liturgical event while it is in place.,1 +"If they uphold the conviction, Brazilian law says Silva would be barred from seeking office.","If they uphold the conviction, Silva would be barred from seeking office.",0 +"Roy Cooper and his family are currently staying at the western mansion, through the Fourth of July, a spokesman said Monday.","Roy Cooper and his family are staying at the western mansion, through the Fourth of July, a spokesman said Monday.",0 + What remains unclear is what exactly the hodgepodge of data will be used for.,""" It remains unclear exactly how the data will be used for.",1 +Slightly cooler weather was expected to give crews a break in the coming days.,Slightly cooler weather is expected to give crews a break in the coming days.,0 + They were in Oroville on Friday afternoon when the fire broke out and roads to their hillside home were blocked., They were in Oroville on Friday when the fire broke out and roads to their hillside home were blocked.,0 +The affidavit stated that investigators noted Christensen couldn't recall what he was doing on the day Zhang disappeared.,The affidavit stated that investigators noted Christensen couldn't recall what he was doing the day Zhang disappeared.,0 +" The accident happened on the ""Sky Ride"" at Six Flags Amusement Park, about 55 miles (88.51 kilometers) north of Albany, New York.",""" The accident happened on the Sky Ride at Six Flags Great Escape Amusement Park, about 55 miles (89 kilometers) north of Albany, New York.",1 +" Researchers from the Kaiser foundation looked at proposed premiums for a benchmark silver plan across major metropolitan areas in 20 states and Washington, D.C."," Kaiser researchers looked at proposed premiums for a benchmark silver plan across major metropolitan areas in 20 states and Washington, D.C.",0 + Alt-right leader Richard Spencer and former Ku Klux Klan member David Duke attended the demonstrations., Alt-right leader Richard Spencer and former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke attended the demonstrations.,1 +"The other states are undecided or will provide just some of the data, according to a tally of every state by The Associated Press.","The other states are undecided or will provide some of the data, according to a tally of every state by The Associated Press.",0 +The Associated Press obtained a copy of the list in Arabic from one of the countries involved in the dispute.,The Associated Press obtained a copy of the 13-point list in Arabic from one of the countries involved in the dispute.,1 +" The former Minnesota governor is now a high-powered banking lobbyist, and he's eyeing a climb back onto the national stage."," Now The former Minnesota governor is a high-powered banking lobbyist, and he's eyeing a climb back onto the national stage.",0 +"Amid a groundswell against the cardinal, including rare public rebukes from some of his own priests, Law asked to resign and the pope said yes."," Amid a groundswell against him, including rare public rebukes from some of his own priests, Law asked to resign and the pope said yes.",0 +"A hallmark of the gang, which has ties to Central America, is repeated slashes to a victim's body.",A hallmark of the gang is repeated slashes to a victim's body.,0 +" In a televised speech to the Russian troops at the base, the Russian leader hailed their valor."," In a televised speech to the Russian troops at the base, the Russian leader hailed their ""excellent"" performance in Syria.",1 +" --- Thomas Adamson, Philippe Sotto, Jeffrey Schaeffer, Masha Macpherson in Paris and Frank Jordans in Berlin contributed."," --- Associated Press writers Angela Charlton, Sylvie Corbet, Jeffrey Schaeffer and Masha Macpherson in Paris and Frank Jordans in Berlin contributed.",1 +"Kirsten Gillibrand on Tuesday, tweeting that she would come to his office ""begging"" for campaign contributions and ""do anything"" to get them.","Kirsten Gillibrand on Tuesday, tweeting that the New York Democrat would come to his office ""begging"" for campaign contributions and ""do anything"" to get them.",1 + Sessions afterward told reporters he had cast an absentee ballot in Tuesday's special U.S., Sessions afterward told reporters he cast an absentee ballot in Tuesday's special U.S.,0 +"The 7:30 a.m. blast caused smoke to fill the passageway, which was crowded with throngs of Monday morning commuters.","The 7:20 a.m. blast caused smoke to fill the passageway, which was crowded with Monday morning commuters.",0 +The officials spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly about the incident.,The officials spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly about the blast.,1 + --- Follow Ralph D. Russo at www.Twitter.com/ralphDrussoAP --- More AP college football: http://collegefootball.ap.org and http://www.twitter.com/AP-Top25,""" --- Follow Ralph D. Russo at www.Twitter.com/ralphDrussoAP --- More AP college football: http://collegefootball.ap.org and http://www.twitter.com/AP-Top25",0 +" Bullitt County Coroner Dave Billings said Johnson died of a single gunshot wound Wednesday night on a road in Mount Washington, Kentucky.", Bullitt County Coroner Dave Billings said Johnson died of a single gunshot wound.,1 +That could make a difference in states such as Texas and Florida.,"That could make a difference in states such Florida, Texas, and Georgia.",1 +""" During the Obama years, officials allowed a grace period for consumers who started an application before the final deadline, but were unable to finish.",""" During the Obama years, officials allowed a grace period for consumers who started an application, but were unable to finish by the deadline.",1 +"Associated Press writer Karin Laub in Amman, Jordan, contributed to this report.","Associated Press writer Karin Laub in Jericho, the West Bank, contributed to this report.",1 +"He worked closely with church leaders in Latin America, acting as an unofficial envoy of the pope to Cuba and revolutionary leader Fidel Castro.","He worked closely with church leaders in Latin America, acting as an unofficial envoy of the pope to Fidel Castro's Cuba.",1 +" Maltese media, citing unidentified police sources, said among the suspects were two brothers."," Maltese media, citing unidentified police sources, said two brothers were among the suspects.",0 +"Shortly afterward, he tweeted that two others had been arrested."," A little while later, Muscat tweeted that two others had been arrested.",1 +"When John Paul died the next year, Law was among bishops who presided at a memorial Mass for the pontiff in St. Peter's Basilica.","When Pope John Paul II died the next year, Law was among the bishops who presided at a Mass for the pontiff in St. Peter's.",1 +One exception: People living in hurricane-affected areas can get an extension to sign up by Dec. 31 by contacting the HealthCare.gov call center., One exception: People living in hurricane-affected areas can get an extension to sign up by Dec. 31 by contacting the HealthCare.gov call center.,0 +The #MeToo movement was founded by activist Tarana Burke on Twitter a decade ago to raise awareness about sexual violence.,#MeToo was actually founded by activist Tarana Burke a decade ago to raise awareness about sexual violence.,1 + The sexual assault accusations came amid a sexual harassment scandal involving other Republican lawmakers that unfolded at the state Capitol., The accusations came amid a sexual harassment scandal involving other Republican lawmakers at the state Capitol.,0 + Manigault Newman's decision comes at the start of what's expected to be a round of departures heading into the new year., Her exit comes at the front end of what's expected to be a wave of departures.,0 +People ran out of buildings in panic in many areas and Indonesian television showed heavy traffic on roads as people left coastal areas., Panicking people ran out of buildings in many areas and Indonesian television showed heavy traffic on roads as people fled coastal areas.,1 +More than 130 people eventually came forward to say Geoghan abused them., More than 130 people eventually came forward to say Geoghan abused them.,0 + The Navy and National Park Service host the ceremony each year at the same time the attack began.,""" The Navy and National Park Service host the ceremony each year at the same time the attack began.",0 + For millions of eligible consumers time runs out on Friday., For millions of consumers eligible to enroll time runs out on Dec.,1 +""" - ""FINAL DEADLINE: Enroll in a 2018 health plan before December 15 or risk going without Marketplace coverage.","Example: - ""FINAL DEADLINE: Enroll in a 2018 health plan before December 15 or risk going without Marketplace coverage.",0 + The island nation has a reputation as a tax haven in the European Union and has attracted companies and money from outside Europe as well., Malta has a reputation as a tax haven in the European Union and has attracted companies and money from outside Europe as well.,0 +" Manigault Newman, who drew a top salary of $179,700, was one of Trump's highest-profile supporters during the campaign and also worked with Trump's transition team."," Manigault Newman, who drew a top salary of $179,700, was one of Trump's highest-profile supporters during the campaign.",1 +" Law tried to manage the mushrooming scandal in his own archdiocese by first refusing to comment, then apologizing and promising reform."," Law tried to manage the scandal at first by refusing to comment, then by apologizing and promising reform.",0 +"Under President George W. Bush, Law was a regular visitor to the White House.",He was a regular visitor to the White House under President George W. Bush.,1 +" ""We're not expecting temperatures to drop below freezing until sometime Friday evening,"" Nadler said."," ""We're not expecting temperatures to drop below freezing until sometime Friday evening,"" Nadler said of the Atlanta forecast.",1 + --- Associated Press writers Jonathan Lemire in New York and Zeke Miller contributed to this report., --- Associated Press writers Zeke Miller and Jonathan Lemire in New York contributed to this report.,1 +"For the vast majority, this is the last opportunity to secure coverage for 2018, or switch from an existing plan.","For most people, this is the last opportunity to secure coverage for 2018, or switch from an existing plan.",0 +The archdiocese paid $10 million in settlements with 86 of his victims and their relatives as Law was clinging to his job.,The archdiocese paid $10 million in settlements with 86 of his victims and their relatives as Law clung to his job.,1 +"As long as the temperature doesn't drop we'll be fine,"" said Thompson, who works in the shop. ""The roads are wet but they're clear.","As long as the temperature doesn't drop we'll be fine,"" said Thompson. ""The roads are wet but they're clear.",0 +He returned to Arizona this past weekend where he will undergo physical therapy and rehabilitation at the Mayo Clinic., A statement from his office late Sunday said he would undergo physical therapy and rehabilitation at the Mayo Clinic in Arizona.,1 +" ""The fire growth is just absolutely exponential,"" Ventura County Fire Chief Mark Lorenzen said."," ""The prospects for containment are not good,"" Ventura County Fire Chief Mark Lorenzen said before dawn.",1 + The man and the other person were being treated for non-life-threatening injuries., The man and three others were being treated for non-life-threatening injuries.,1 +" ""I won't shed a tear for him - I might shed a tear for everyone who's been a victim under him.",I might shed a tear for everyone who's been a victim under him.,1 +"Law also continued for several years to serve in Vatican dicasteries, or policy-making committees, including the Congregation for Bishops, which recommends appointments to the pope."," Law also continued for several years to serve on Vatican policy-making committees, including one that recommends bishops' appointments to the pope.",1 +Geological Survey said the earthquake had a magnitude of 6.5 and was about 91 kilometers (56 miles) deep and located just inland.," The earthquake had a magnitude of 6.5 and was about 91 kilometers (56 miles) deep and located just inland, the U.S.",0 +"They say the materials included communications from more than a dozen Trump officials, including Michael Flynn.", They said the materials included communications from more than a dozen senior Trump transition officials.,1 +"President Donald Trump has promised to broker the ""ultimate deal,"" but has not divulged details.","President Donald Trump says he hopes to broker the ""ultimate deal,"" but has not divulged details.",0 +"Isolating the reclusive, totalitarian state has been a central component of the U.S. plan, even though Washington says it remains open to talks.","Isolating the totalitarian state has been a central component of the U.S. plan, even though Washington says it remains open to talks.",0 +"The 7:30 a.m. blast filled the passageway, crowded with throngs of Monday morning commuters, with smoke.","The 7:30 a.m. blast caused smoke to fill the passageway, which was crowded with throngs of Monday morning commuters.",0 +The officials said the 27-year-old lives in Brooklyn and may be of Bangladeshi descent.,The officials said he lives in Brooklyn and may be of Bangladeshi descent.,0 +" While Dec. 15 is the deadline for states served by HealthCare.gov, that's not the case in all parts of the country."," While Dec. 15 is the deadline for states served by HealthCare.gov, that's not the case everywhere.",0 +"This year, Fallon's NBC late-night partner, Seth Meyers, will host the January 7 ceremony.","This year, Seth Meyers, will host the January 7 ceremony.",1 +"Deputy national security adviser Dina Powell is also departing early next year, the White House said last week.",Deputy national security adviser Dina Powell is also departing early next year.,0 +" A rough cut of the film was screened for the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, which puts on the Globes."," A rough cut of the film was screened last week for the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, which puts on the Globes.",1 +" Declining to give details on the arrests, Muscat cited concerns any information could compromise prospects to successfully prosecute the case."," Explaining the reason for staying tight-lipped, Muscat cited concerns that divulging information could compromise the prosecutions.",1 +She grew impatient with the repeated questions and pledged to provide a list of eyewitnesses whose accounts exonerated the president., White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders pledged to provide a list of eyewitnesses whose accounts exonerated the president.,0 +" The two runners-up were Chinese President Xi Jinping and President Donald Trump, himself accused of sexual misconduct by numerous women.",""" The two runners-up were Chinese President Xi Jinping and President Donald Trump, himself accused of sexual misconduct by numerous women.",0 +" The winds were pushing it toward Santa Paula, a city of some 30,000 people about 60 miles northwest of Los Angeles."," The winds were pushing it toward Santa Paula, a city of some 30,000 people about 60 miles (97 kilometers) northwest of Los Angeles.",0 +" Putin's visit marks his first trip to Syria, drawing a symbolic line under the campaign that has shored up President Bashar Assad's government."," Putin's surprise visit marked his first trip to Syria, drawing a symbolic line under the campaign that has shored up President Bashar Assad's government.",1 +" --- For complete coverage of the deadly derailment, click here: https://www.apnews.com/tag/TrainDerailment ."," --- For complete coverage of the deadly derailment, click here: https://www.apnews.com/tag/TrainDerailment",0 +" The National Weather Service says the snow is expected to move into the Mid-Atlantic, parts of the Northeast and New England this weekend."," The weather service said the snow is expected to move into the Mid-Atlantic, parts of the Northeast and New England this weekend.",0 +" White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Manigault Newman's last day will be Jan. 20, one year since Trump's inauguration."," White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Wednesday that Manigault Newman's resignation is effective Jan. 20, one year after Trump's inauguration.",1 +"The animals are getting antibiotics, pain medication, food and water.",""" Stadler said the burros are getting antibiotics and pain medication, as well as food and water.",1 +" In Alabama, manager Liza Snell worked the morning shift at Bertile's Restaurant, where coffee cuts and utensils clattered and regulars talked at their tables."," In Alabama, manager Liza Snell worked the morning shift at Bertile's Restaurant, as coffee cups and utensils clattered and regulars talked at their tables.",0 +""" Law was expected to be buried in Rome, O'Malley said."," Law is expected to be buried in Rome, O'Malley said.",0 + The helicopter suffered minor damage while the drone was destroyed.," The helicopter suffered minor damage while the DJI Phantom 4 drone was destroyed, the report said.",1 +"The press association, which has worked in recent years to curtail its reputation for oddball choices, is composed of approximately 90 freelance international journalists.","The press association, which has worked in recent years to curtail its reputation for odd choices, is composed of approximately 90 freelance international journalists.",0 +But thousands more church records were released describing new cases of how Law and others expressed more care for accused priests than for victims.,But the release of thousands more church records exposed additional cases in which Law and others expressed more concern for accused priests than for victims.,1 + The report said the operator flew the drone 2.5 miles away despite an FAA prohibition on drone flights beyond the sight of an operator.," The operator flew the drone 2.5 miles away despite a long-standing FAA prohibition on drone flights beyond the sight of an operator, the report said.",0 + They said the materials included communications from more than a dozen senior Trump transition officials., The tens of thousands of emails in question pertain to 13 senior Trump transition officials.,1 + Mayfield finished fourth in the Heisman voting two years ago and third last year.,""" Mayfield finished fourth in the Heisman voting two years ago and third last year.",0 +"In previous deadly train wrecks, investigators looked at whether the engineer was distracted or disoriented."," In previous wrecks, investigators looked at whether the engineer was distracted or incapacitated.",1 +" The Globes haven't traditionally predicted the Oscars, but they did last January.",""" The Globes haven't traditionally predicted the Oscars, but they did last January.",0 + State police did not release any details about the shooter but confirmed the other two people who were killed attended Aztec High School., Police did not release any details about the shooter but confirmed the other two people who were killed attended Aztec High School.,0 + Officials with Trump for America learned last Wednesday that GSA officials had turned over the massive cache of emails to Mueller's team.,Officials with Trump for America learned last Wednesday that GSA officials had turned over the cache of emails to Mueller's team.,0 +"Snow also was reported falling early Friday in the suburbs north of Atlanta, with drizzle reported in other parts of the state.","Snow also began falling early Friday in the suburbs north of Atlanta, with drizzle reported in other parts of the state.",0 +" Thurlow said the blast left her buried under the rubble of a school, but she was able to see some light and crawl to safety."," Thurlow said the Hiroshima blast left her buried under the rubble, but she was able to see light and crawl to safety.",0 +" White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders says Manigault Newman's resignation is effective Jan. 20, one year since Trump's inauguration."," White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Manigault Newman's last day will be Jan. 20, one year since Trump's inauguration.",1 +" As the head of the ANC, Ramaphosa will be the party's candidate for president in the 2019 elections, which he is widely expected to win.","As the head of the ANC, Ramaphosa will be the party's candidate for president in 2019 elections, which he is widely expected to win.",0 + WASHINGTON (AP) -- The House Ethics Committee says it is expanding an investigation into sexual harassment allegations against Republican Rep.,Farenthold of Texas The House Ethics Committee says it is expanding its investigation into sexual harassment allegations against Republican Rep.,1 + Law was once one of the most important leaders in the U.S. church.," Law was once one of the most important figures in the U.S. church, wielding considerable influence inside the Vatican.",1 +"The minister brushed off the allegation, but the family said it was prepared to take legal action to prevent the government from sabotaging the investigation.","The minister brushed off the allegation, but the family said it was prepared to take legal action to prevent the government from sabotaging the case.",0 +15 is the last day for procrastinators to enroll in subsidized private coverage in 39 states served by the federal HealthCare.gov website., Friday is the last day to enroll for subsidized private coverage in 39 states served by the federal HealthCare.gov website.,1 + Authorities issued a tsunami warning for parts of Java's coastline after the quake struck just before midnight Friday., The quake struck at 11:47 p.m. and triggered a tsunami warning for parts of Java's coastline that was lifted about two hours later.,1 +"They were joined by a several thousand Navy sailors, officials and members of the public.","They were joined by about 2,000 Navy sailors, officials and members of the public.",0 +" Heavy traffic could slow the website, and lead to long hold times at the federal call center."," That could slow the HealthCare.gov website, and lead to long hold times at the federal call center.",1 +It is also the first visit by a foreign head of state to war-ravaged Syria since its bloodletting started nearly seven years ago.,It was also the first visit by a foreign head of state to war-ravaged Syria since its bloodletting started nearly seven years ago.,0 +" The winds were pushing it toward Santa Paula, a city of some 30,000 people about 60 miles (97 kilometers) northwest of Los Angeles."," The winds were pushing the fire toward Santa Paula, a city of some 30,000 people about 60 miles (97 kilometers) northwest of Los Angeles.",0 + A Trump recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital would up-end Washington's traditional approach to the conflict., A Trump recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital would upend Washington's traditional approach to the conflict.,0 +" A comeback bid could test whether a mild-mannered, establishment Republican and once-vocal critic of President Donald Trump fits into the Trump-era GOP.","A comeback bid could test whether a mild-mannered, establishment Republican and once-vocal critic of President Donald Trump fits into the Trump-era GOP.",0 + The GSA has provided office space and other aid to presidential transitions in recent years and typically houses electronic transition records in its computer system.,The GSA has provided office space and other aid to presidential transitions in recent years and typically houses electronic transition records in its computer system.,0 +"Other units, including the 501st Combat Support Wing, the 352nd Special Operations Wing and the 95th Reconnaissance Squadron are also stationed there."," Other units, including the 501st Combat Support Wing, the 352nd Special Operations Wing and the 95th Reconnaissance Squadron are also stationed there.",0 +" At least 150 structures have burned so far, fire officials said."," At least 150 structures had burned so far in Ventura County, officials said.",1 +" A transition attorney sent letters Saturday to Congress saying Mueller's investigation was provided ""unauthorized disclosure"" of transition records by the General Services Administration.", A transition attorney sent letters Saturday to two congressional committees saying the General Services Administration had improperly provided the transition records to Mueller's investigators.,1 + A vote is expected in the House on Tuesday and the Senate on Wednesday., A vote is expected in the House and Senate on Tuesday.,1 +"The location hasn't been disclosed, but Law would be entitled to be buried at St. Mary Major.","The location hasn't been disclosed, but Law would be entitled to burial at St. Mary Major.",0 +" Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, Lebanon's President Michel Aoun, Jordanian King Abdullah II and top ministers of numerous nations were also attending the gathering in Istanbul."," Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, Lebanon's President Michel Aoun, and top ministers of numerous nations were also attending the gathering in Istanbul.",1 +"Authorities, including anti-Mafia investigators in nearby Italy, worry that Malta is in the eye of criminals on the lookout for money-laundering schemes.","Authorities, including anti-Mafia investigators in nearby Italy, worry that Malta is eyed by criminals on the lookout for money-laundering schemes.",0 +"The nature of the disturbance was unclear, though British media reported that a car tried to ram the gates."," The nature of the disturbance was unclear, although British media reported that a car tried to ram the perimeter gates at RAF Mildenhall.",1 +"When John Paul died the next year, Law was among bishops who presided at a memorial Mass for the pontiff in St. Peter's Basilica.","When Pope John Paul died the next year, Law was among the bishops who presided at a Mass for the pontiff in St. Peter's.",1 +" Temperatures were expected to sink below freezing across much of the region overnight, and forecasters warned that black ice could make roads treacherous."," With temperatures expected to sink below freezing across much of the region, forecasters warned that black ice could make roads treacherous.",1 + The people familiar with the transition spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because of the records' sensitivity., The people familiar with the transition organization spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because of the records' sensitivity.,1 + Law was once one of the most important leaders in the U.S. church.," Law was once one of the most important figures in the U.S. church, serving in one of its most visible and storied posts.",1 +" ""It felt oddly silent after the actual crashing,"" Shafer said."," ""It felt oddly silent after the actual crashing,"" she said.",0 +" The journalist focused her reporting for years on investigating political corruption and scandals, and reported on Maltese mobsters and drug trafficking."," Caruana Galizia focused her reporting for years on investigating political corruption and scandals, and reported on Maltese mobsters and drug trafficking.",1 +" The Hartsfield-Jackson airport - serving 104 million passengers a year - is the world's busiest, a distinction it has held since 1998.",""" The Hartsfield-Jackson airport - serving 104 million passengers a year - is the world's busiest, a distinction it has held since 1998.",0 +" ""This will be a confidence bounce, not just among markets, but among ordinary people,"" says William Gumede, executive chairman of Democracy Works Foundation."," Ramaphosa's win ""will be a confidence bounce,"" says William Gumede, executive chairman of Democracy Works Foundation.",1 +Authorities said there were 80 passengers and five on-duty crew members on board when it derailed and pulled 13 cars off the tracks.,Authorities said there were 80 passengers and five on-duty crew members on board.,1 +" Back in southwestern Alabama, Snell took another look at the weather outside Bertile's Restaurant where sleet had turned to snow."," In southwestern Alabama, Snell took another look at the weather outside Bertile's Restaurant where sleet had turned to snow.",0 +" Dozens of men and women have shared their stories since October about sexual misconduct by numerous high-profile men in entertainment, media, business and sports."," Numerous women have spoken out since October about sexual misconduct by dozens of high-profile men in entertainment, media, business and sports.",1 +" By late afternoon Friday, a total of 688 flights had been cancelled at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport, said airport spokesman Reese McCranie."," By late afternoon Friday, 688 flights had been canceled at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport, airport spokesman Reese McCranie said.",0 + The people familiar with the transition organization spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because of the records' sensitivity.,They spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because of the records' sensitivity.,0 + Indonesia's MetroTV said a general hospital in the central Java town of Banyumas was damaged and patients were evacuated.," A hospital in the central Java town of Banyumas was damaged and patients were evacuated, Indonesia's MetroTV reported.",1 +Neither GSA representatives nor Flynn attorney Robert Kelner were immediately available to respond to AP's emailed requests for comment.,Spokespeople for GSA didn't immediately respond to AP's emailed requests for comment.,1 + WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Donald Trump laced into Democratic Sen.," WASHINGTON (AP) -- Plowing into the sexual harassment debate in a big way, President Donald Trump laced into Sen.",1 +"Louisville quarterback Lamar Jackson, the other finalist and last year's Heisman winner, was third.","Louisville quarterback Lamar Jackson, the other finalist and last year's Heisman Trophy winner, was third in the award announced Thursday.",1 +" Manigault Newman, better known by just her first name, was escorted from the White House complex Tuesday night but was allowed to tender her resignation."," Better known by just her first name, Manigault Newman was escorted from the White House complex Tuesday night but was allowed to offer her resignation.",0 +"There is only one way to prevent the use of nuclear weapons - prohibit and eliminate them,"" she said.","There is only one way to prevent the use of nuclear weapons - prohibit and eliminate them,"" Fihn said.",1 + No Cecil B. DeMille lifetime achievement recipient has yet been chosen.," Last year's Cecil B. DeMille lifetime achievement honoree, Streep, spoke forcefully against then President-elect Donald Trump, shortly before his inauguration.",1 + Central to Tuesday's summit was countering Trump's main argument that the 2015 Paris accord on reducing global emissions would hurt U.S. business., Central to the summit was countering Trump's main argument that the 2015 Paris accord on reducing global emissions would hurt U.S. business.,0 + Nugroho said strong tremors were felt for about 20 seconds in the capital of Jakarta and in cities and villages.," Strong tremors were felt for about 20 seconds in the capital Jakarta and in other cities and towns, Nugroho said.",1 +"Get out!'"" John Miles, 28, from Vermont, was waiting for a bus to Massachusetts.","Get out!'"" John Miles, who is from Vermont, was waiting for a bus to Massachusetts.",1 +But thousands more church records were released describing new cases of how Law and others expressed more care for accused priests than for victims.,But thousands more church records were released describing new cases of how Law and others expressed more concern for accused priests than for victims.,1 + The school of about 900 students was cordoned off as authorities cleared the buildings and teens were taken to another location., The school of about 900 students was cordoned off as authorities cleared the campus and teens were taken to another location.,0 + All schools in the Ventura Unified School District will be closed on Tuesday., All schools in the Ventura Unified School District will be closed Tuesday.,0 +"Additionally, the Federal Aviation Administration implemented a ""ground stop"" for flights headed to the airport.","Additionally, the Federal Aviation Administration implemented a ""ground stop,"" meaning flights heading to Atlanta were held on the ground at their departure airport.",1 + Her exit comes at the front end of what's expected to be a wave of departures., Manigault Newman's exit comes at the front end of what's expected to be a wave of departures.,1 +" Masterson said Tuesday he was disappointed with the decision, saying that in the current climate people are presumed guilty the moment they are accused."," Masterson responded that he was disappointed with the decision, saying that in the current climate people are presumed guilty when they are accused.",0 + Police say the explosion happened in an underground passageway under 42nd Street between 7th and 8th Avenues., The explosion happened in a long underground passageway that runs a full city block under 42nd Street between 7th and 8th Avenues.,1 +" No one was injured other than the detained man, who had cuts and bruises.","No one was injured other than the detained man, who suffered cuts and bruises, police said.",1 +" WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Trump administration came into office looking to dismantle Barack Obama's health care law, but the Affordable Care Act survived."," President Donald Trump came into office looking to dismantle Barack Obama's health care law, but it survived.",1 +Scott was also nominated for best director and Michelle Williams for best supporting actress.,Scott was also nominated for best director and Michelle Williams for best actress.,1 + Georgia Power spokesman John Kraft said the utility was working to find out the cause and restore electricity.,Georgia Power spokesman John Kraft said the utility was working to find out the cause of the outage and restore electricity.,1 +""" Snowfall and icy roads in North Carolina closed government offices and schools, sent cars sliding off the road and altered the governor's travel plans."," Snowfall and icy roads in North Carolina closed government offices and schools, sent cars sliding off the road and altered the governor's travel plans.",0 +""" --- Associated Press writers Jeff Martin and Don Schanche in Atlanta and Jay Reeves in Birmingham, Alabama, contributed to this report."," --- Associated Press writers Jeff Martin and Don Schanche in Atlanta and Jay Reeves in Birmingham, Alabama, contributed to this report.",0 +"More than 27,000 people have been evacuated and one firefighter was injured."," More than 27,000 people have been evacuated and one firefighter was injured in Ventura County.",1 +"Israel's current government, unlike its predecessors, rejects the idea of partition and claims the entire city as Israel's capital.","Israel's current government, unlike its predecessors, rejects the idea of partition of the city.",1 +Only about 90 businesses received state licenses to open on New Year's Day.,Only about 90 businesses received state licenses to open New Year's Day.,0 +Secret Service say they worked with the Secret Service on preparations for months before the College Football Championship game between Alabama and Georgia., Atlanta police say they worked with the Secret Service on preparations for months before the College Football Championship game between Alabama and Georgia.,1 +"It's time to move on,"" Sam Coleman, a spokesman for Jones, wrote in an email.","It's time to move on,"" Sam Coleman wrote in an email.",1 +"A large mob of Muslims shouting anti-Christian slogans stormed an unlicensed church south of Cairo on Dec. 22, assaulting worshippers and destroying furniture and fittings.","On Dec. 22, a large mob of Muslims shouting anti-Christian slogans stormed an unlicensed church south of Cairo, assaulting worshippers and destroying furniture and fittings.",1 +"The Loudoun County Sheriff's Office tweeted that the shooting occurred in Sterling, which is about 30 miles northwest of Washington."," The Loudoun County Sheriff's Office tweeted that the shooting occurred in Sterling, which is about 30 miles northwest of Washington.",0 + A video circulated onsocial media after the attack apparently shows the dead gunman on the ground., A video circulated on social media after the attack apparently shows the gunman lying on the ground.,0 + The AP's analysis points to a pattern of benefits from the health law in states the president won.,But the AP's analysis points to a pattern of benefits from the health law in states the president won.,1 +"When he first saw the gunman, he thought he was a plainclothes policeman assigned to guard the church.",At first he thought the gunman was a plainclothes officer assigned to guard the church but he quickly found out otherwise.,1 +"At least 20 of their neighbors scrambled out via fire escapes on a bitterly cold night, but others could not."," At least 20 people scrambled out via fire escapes on a bitterly cold night, but others could not.",0 + The Milwaukee County Medical Examiner's office said two bodies found on Sunday showed signs of hypothermia., The Milwaukee County Medical Examiner's office said two bodies found Sunday showed signs of hypothermia.,0 +" The mayor planned to head to the scene, Phillips said."," The mayor was headed for the scene, Phillips said, and officials were planning a news briefing.",1 +"During the swearing-in, Jones will be wearing a pair of Heflin's cufflinks."," During the swearing-in, Jones wore a pair of Heflin's cufflinks.",1 +"He also was well-known for his baseball catchphrase of ""Touch 'em all"" for home runs.","He also was well-known for his baseball catchphrase of ""Touch 'em all!"" for home runs.",0 + A video circulated on social media after the attack apparently shows the gunman lying on the ground., A video circulating on social media after Friday's attack apparently shows the gunman lying on the ground with his face covered in blood.,1 +The other such appearance he makes is for his birthday in December.,The other such appearance he makes each year is for his birthday in December.,1 +" Young spent his last 17 years at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston in management, focusing on safety issues.",""" Young spent his last 17 years at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston in management, focusing on safety issues.",0 +" From the start, when she married Naruhito, in 1993, the public was aware of the pressures she might face in the cloistered tradition-bound royal family."," From the start, when Masako married Naruhito in 1993, the public was aware of the pressures she might face in the cloistered tradition-bound royal family.",1 +Senate seat that previously belonged to Attorney General Jeff Sessions.,He takes over the seat previously held by Attorney General Jeff Sessions.,1 +" ""It appears we are the only ones!"" Haskell replied, according to the Huffington Post."," According to the Huffington Post, Haskell replied: ""It appears we are the only ones!"" --- Follow Wayne Parry at http://twitter.com/WayneParryAC",1 +Tuesday and returned to LAX at 7:33 p.m. Model Chrissy Teigen was aboard and live-tweeted the developments.,"Tuesday and returned at 7:33 p.m. Model Chrissy Teigen and her singer husband, John Legend, were aboard and she live-tweeted the developments.",1 +" ""I couldn't get along without it,"" said Parker, who lives with her 93-year-old husband, Robert, along with a cat, dog and four birds."," ""I couldn't get along without it,"" said Parker, who lives with her 93-year-old husband, Robert Parker, along with a cat, a dog and four birds.",1 + Smith is known largely as a liberal Democrat who has maintained connections to the state's large and politically powerful business community., Smith is known largely as a liberal Democrat who has maintained connections to the state's politically powerful business community.,0 +" ""This is not a Republican or Democrat issue as election integrity should matter to everyone,"" Moore said in a statement released Wednesday announcing the complaint."," ""This is not a Republican or Democrat issue as election integrity should matter to everyone,"" Moore said in a statement Wednesday.",1 +Nathan Deal declared a state of emergency through Friday for 28 counties because of the frigid weather.,Nathan Deal declared a state of emergency through Friday for 28 counties.,1 +" But finding a retail outlet to buy non-medical pot in California won't be easy, at least initially.", Finding a retail outlet to buy non-medical pot in California won't be easy - at least initially.,0 +" Emperors have rarely abdicated in Japan, the last being 200 years ago."," Emperors have rarely abdicated in Japan, the last time being 200 years ago.",0 +" The Huffington Post reported Thursday on the emails, which it says it received from two sources."," The Huffington Post reported Thursday on the emails, which mock some former winners' appearance, intellect and sex lives.",1 +Accumulation of 3 to 5 inches (8 to 13 centimeters) was possible in eastern North Carolina.,Accumulations of 3 to 5 inches (8 to 13 centimeters) were possible in eastern North Carolina.,0 +" In Savannah, a coastal city that hasn't seen measurable snowfall since February 2010, up to 2 inches (5 centimeters) of snow and sleet were forecast.",Up to 2 inches (5 centimeters) of snow and sleet were forecast Wednesday.,0 +Moore has denied the accusations and says he has taken and passed a polygraph test to prove they are false.,Moore denied the accusations and said in the lawsuit that he had passed a polygraph test to prove they are false.,1 +"54. He said his sister, a home care attendant, was a selfless person who had helped him when he was homeless.","He described his sister, a home care attendant, as a selfless person who helped him when he was homeless.",0 +The complaint asks for a fraud investigation and eventually a new election.,The complaint asked for a fraud investigation and eventually a new election.,0 +(AP) -- Authorities say two sheriff's deputies have been shot while responding to a domestic dispute in northern Virginia.,"(AP) -- Two Virginia sheriff's deputies were shot and wounded Sunday while responding to a domestic dispute in northern Virginia, authorities said.",1 +" Akihito's abdication was set for April 30, 2019, after he expressed his wish to retire because of his age and health concerns."," Akihito's abdication was set last month for April 30, 2019, after he expressed his wish to retire because of his age and health concerns.",1 +Her husband divorced her after she was kidnapped and raped by militants because she worked with an American company.,"An Iraqi woman was kidnapped, raped and threatened with death for her work with an American company.",1 +Young was 87. The space agency said in a statement that Young died Friday night following complications from pneumonia.,Young was 87. The space agency said Young died Friday night at home in Houston following complications from pneumonia.,1 +"The previous record was the 44 inches that fell in Morgantown in March 1958. Erie issued a snow emergency, citing ""dangerous and impassable"" roads."," Erie has issued a snow emergency, citing ""dangerous and impassable"" roads.",1 +" Young was in NASA's second astronaut class, chosen in 1962, along with the likes of Neil Armstrong, Pete Conrad and James Lovell.",""" Young was in NASA's second astronaut class, chosen in 1962, along with the likes of Neil Armstrong, Pete Conrad and James Lovell.",0 + Fire officials say they responded to the blaze at a four-story building near the Bronx Zoo in Van Nest at about 5:30 a.m., Officials say over 200 firefighters have responded to the blaze at a four-story building near the Bronx Zoo in Van Nest.,1 +"He was 82. Engberg's daughter, Nicole, confirmed the death to The Associated Press.","He was 82. Enberg's daughter, Nicole Enberg Vaz, confirmed the death to The Associated Press.",0 +Monday at the building that contains President Donald Trump's home and business offices., The fire started around 7 a.m. at the Manhattan building that contains President Donald Trump's home and business offices.,1 +"But the building was not new enough that it was required to have modern-day fireproofing, like sprinkler systems and interior steel construction.",But the building was too old to be required to have modern fireproofing such as sprinkler systems and interior steel construction.,0 +It took about an hour to put out the fire on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan.,It took about an hour to put out the fire.,1 + The injuries are serious but not expected to be life-threatening., The injuries were serious but not expected to be life-threatening.,0 +Iranians already are largely skeptical of him over his refusal to re-certify Iran's nuclear deal with world powers.,Iranians already are largely skeptical of him over his refusal to re-certify the nuclear deal.,1 +" It was so cold officials in New Jersey canceled a New Year's Day ""polar bear plunge"" in which swimmers dash into the Atlantic Ocean."," It was so cold officials in New Jersey canceled a New Year's Day polar bear plunge, in which swimmers dash into the Atlantic Ocean.",0 +" The assailant was shot by a senior police officer, according to local media accounts."," The assailant was shot and wounded by a senior police officer, according to local media accounts.",0 +" The National Weather Service office in Cleveland says Monday's storm brought 34 inches of snow, an all-time daily snowfall record for Erie."," The storm brought 34 inches of snow on Christmas Day, an all-time daily snowfall record for Erie.",1 +"The smoke, I guess, overcame her - everything happened so quick,"" said Batiz,"," ""The smoke, I guess, overcame her. Everything happened so quick,"" Batiz said.",1 +" --- Associated Press writers Christopher Weber, Michael R. Blood and Michael Balsamo contributed to this report.","Associated Press writers Christopher Weber, Michael R. Blood and Michael Balsamo contributed to this report from Los Angeles.",1 +The demonstrators destroyed the church's contents and assaulted Christians inside before security personnel arrived and dispersed them.,The demonstrators destroyed the church's fittings and assaulted Christians inside before security personnel arrived and dispersed them.,0 + The Pakistanis caught the Haqqani fighters at some point after they had moved with their captives across the border from Afghanistan.,The Pakistanis caught the Haqqani fighters at some point after they had moved with their captives across the border from Afghanistan.,0 +" ""I couldn't get along without it,"" said Parker, who lives with her 93-year-old husband, Robert Parker, along with a cat, a dog and four birds."," ""I couldn't get along without it,"" said Parker, who lives with her husband, Robert Parker, 93, along with a cat, a dog and four birds.",1 + Residents described opening their front doors to see smoke too thick to walk through and clambering down icy fire escapes with children in hand., Residents described opening their front doors to see smoke too thick to walk through and descending icy fire escapes with children in hand.,0 +" The blaze was in a five-story building, a block from the grounds of the Bronx Zoo."," The blaze broke out at a five-story building, a block from the grounds of the Bronx Zoo.",0 +"President Donald Trump released nearly $3 billion, or 90 percent, of the funding in October after previously trying to eliminate the program altogether.","President Donald Trump released nearly $3 billion, or roughly 90 percent, of the funding in October after previously trying to eliminate the program.",0 +Moore's campaign was deeply wounded by accusations of sexual misconduct involving teenage girls decades ago.,Moore was dogged by accusations of sexual misconduct involving teenage girls that occurred decades ago.,0 +"Western wildfires fanned by heat racked up $18 billion in damage, triple the previous U.S. wildfire record, according to NOAA."," Western wildfires fanned by heat racked up $18 billion in damage, triple the U.S. wildfire record, according to NOAA.",1 + ANA says it's trying to determine how the passenger boarded the wrong flight., ANA said it was trying to determine how the passenger boarded the wrong flight.,1 +"Irma was $50 billion, for the fifth most expensive hurricane.","Irma was $50 billion, mainly in Florida, for the fifth most expensive hurricane.",0 +It was the latest attack targeting the mostly Muslim country's embattled minority.,It was the latest attack targeting the majority Muslim country's embattled Christian minority.,1 + A publication ban bars reporting any information that could identify the alleged victims.,A publication ban bars reporting information that could identify the alleged victims.,0 + Catastrophic fires at the turn of the 20th century ushered in an era of tougher enforcement of fire codes., Catastrophic fires at the turn of the 20th century ushered in an era of tougher fire-code enforcement.,0 +""" Counting his takeoff from the moon in 1972 as commander of Apollo 16, Young's blastoff tally stood at seven, for decades a world record.","Counting his takeoff from the moon in 1972 as commander of Apollo 16, his blastoff tally stood at seven, for decades a world record.",0 +" The man expected to take Monson's seat, the 93-year-old Nelson, has been a church apostle since April 1970."," The man expected to take Monson's seat, the 93-year-old Nelson, has been a church apostle since April 1984.",1 +" Smith, 59, served as chief of staff to Minnesota Gov.",""" Smith, 59, served as chief of staff to Minnesota Gov.",1 +Gerges said he was walking in a nearby street when the shooting happened.,Gerges said he was walking along a nearby street when the shooting broke out.,1 +Jones will take the seat once held by Attorney General Jeff Sessions.," Jones is taking the seat once held by Attorney General Jeff Sessions, and before that the man Jones considered his mentor, the late Sen.",1 +" ""Once the gunfire was heard, the gates were closed immediately,"" she told The Associated Press over the phone.","""Once the gunfire was heard, the gates were closed immediately,"" she told The Associated Press over the phone.",0 +" In his decision, Robart wrote that ""former officials detailed concretely how the Agency Memo will harm the United States' national security and foreign policy interests."," ""In fact, the former officials detailed concretely how the agency memo will harm the United States' national security and foreign policy interests,"" Robart said.",0 +" ""Kindest, most proactive possible treatment of newcomers in this business, for the length of his career,"" broadcaster Keith Olbermann said of Enberg on Twitter.",""" ""Kindest, most proactive possible treatment of newcomers in this business, for the length of his career,"" broadcaster Keith Olbermann said of Enberg on Twitter.",0 +" ""It's very, very, very shocking,"" Vaz said. ""He'd been busy with two podcasts and was full of energy."," ""It's very, very, very shocking,"" said Vaz, who lives in Boston. ""He'd been busy with two podcasts and was full of energy.",1 + Flight 175 left Los Angeles International Airport at 11:36 a.m., The flight left Los Angeles International Airport at 11:36 a.m.,0 +" Naruhito and Masako have a daughter, Princess Aiko, but only males can inherit the throne."," Naruhito and Masako have one child, Princess Aiko, but only males can inherit the throne.",0 +" Jones defeated Moore by about 20,000 votes in the Dec. 12 special election."," Jones defeated Moore on Dec. 12 by about 22,000 votes in a stunning victory in a deeply red state.",1 +He saw people running and some of them went to hide from the gunfire inside a nearby restaurant.,He saw people running and some taking cover from the gunfire in a nearby restaurant.,1 +""" The three released a joint statement Friday hours after an ESPN report, citing undisclosed sources, detailed an array of tension."," The three released a joint statement Friday hours after an ESPN report, citing undisclosed sources, detailed an array of tension.",0 +"President Donald Trump released nearly $3 billion, or roughly 90 percent, of the funding in October after previously trying to eliminate the program.","Trump, a Republican, released nearly $3 billion, or roughly 90 percent, of the funding in October after previously trying to eliminate the program.",1 +"Jerry Van Dyke was 86. Van Dyke's manager, John Castonia, said Van Dyke died Friday at his ranch in Hot Spring County.",He was 86. John Castonia said Van Dyke died at his ranch in Hot Spring County.,1 +"The demonstrators shouted anti-Christian slogans and called for the church's demolition, the diocese in the area said at the time.","The demonstrators shouted anti-Christian slogans and called for the church's demolition, according to the local diocese.",1 + Haskell and Miss America Organization officials did not respond to requests for comment Friday.,Haskell and Miss America Organization officials did not respond to requests for comment Friday.,0 +" ""Black Panther"" viewing parties are already being scheduled around the country for its February release, smack dab in the middle of Black History Month."," ""Black Panther"" viewing parties are being scheduled around the country for its February release, smack dab in the middle of Black History Month.",0 +"Nonetheless, African elephants, lions and gorillas were being sheltered out of public view because of the dangerously low temperatures.","African elephants, lions and gorillas were sheltered out of public view.",1 +" The 3 ½ year-old-boy, his mother and another child were able to flee their first-floor apartment."," The 3½-year-old-boy, his mother and another child were able to flee their first-floor apartment.",0 +""" Another witness, Mustafa Mahmoud, was on the street a short distance away from the church when the gunman opened fire.",""" Another witness, Mustafa Mahmoud, was on the street a short distance from the church when the assailant opened fire.",0 +" It is unclear when firefighters can break into the four-story NCCC Mall in Davao city, which burned up late Saturday."," It is unclear when firefighters can break into the NCCC Mall in Davao, which burned up to late Saturday.",1 + Moore asked a judge late Wednesday to issue a restraining order to stop the state's canvassing board from certifying Doug Jones' victory on Thursday., Moore asked a judge late Wednesday to issue a restraining order to stop Alabama's canvassing board from certifying Doug Jones' victory on Thursday.,1 + Olsson said police were scanning and sweeping through the area the subway station to make sure no additional explosive devices were around., Olsson said police were scanning and sweeping outside and inside the subway station to make sure no additional explosive devices were there.,1 +" Twum Bredu still didn't know Friday afternoon what had become of his brother, Emmanuel Mensah,"," Twum Bredu still did not know Friday what had become of his brother, Emmanuel Mensah,",0 +"""He still had ample chance to get away but seemed not to want to. He was either suicidal or deranged,"" Mahmoud said.","""He still had ample chance to get away but seemed not to want to. He was either suicidal or deranged,"" he said.",0 +The purported acts allegedly occurred between Oct. 14 and Dec. 30 after Boyle returned to Canada., The purported acts allegedly occurred between Oct. 14 and Dec. 30 after Boyle returned to Canada.,0 +" WABC-TV reports there are twelve apartments in the building, but the blaze appears to have started in a furniture store on the first floor."," WABC-TV reports there are twelve apartments in the building, but the blaze appears to have started in a first-floor furniture store.",0 + The Border Patrol said talks between agents and camp representatives on gaining access to question the men about their citizenship and legal status were unsuccessful., The Border Patrol said talks between agents and camp representatives on gaining access to question the men about their citizenship and legal status failed.,0 + The researchers estimated more than 107 million children and 603 million adults can be counted are obese., The researchers estimated more than 107 million children and 603 million adults are obese.,0 + The June 4 video showed Miguel Feliz exiting his car before being kicked by the officers.,"A video shows the driver of the second vehicle, Miguel Feliz, exiting his car with his clothes on fire before being kicked by the officers.",1 +" ""The devastation is huge,"" said Shah Kamal, secretary of the Ministry of Disaster Management."," ""Still, we are alert"" for news of more residents missing or in need of rescue, said Shah Kamal, secretary of the Ministry of Disaster Management.",1 +""" --- This story has been corrected to remove reference to the attacker being shot to death.",The story has been corrected to remove reference to the attacker being shot to death.,0 + Wyoming officials say the celebration of life for Otto Warmbier will be Thursday morning in the Wyoming High School auditorium., Wyoming officials say the celebration of life for 22-year-old University of Virginia student Otto Warmbier will be Thursday in the Wyoming High School auditorium.,1 + Protesters tried to block the observances and were removed by police Saturday evening.," Protesters tried to block the observance Saturday evening, with some chaining themselves together on a street, and were removed by police.",1 +" But much of Trump's attention was on the suburbs of Atlanta, in the 6th Congressional District race.","Does that make sense?"" But much of Trump's attention was on the suburbs of Atlanta, in the 6th Congressional District race.",0 +"A video shows the driver of the second vehicle, Miguel Feliz, exiting his car with his clothes on fire before being kicked by the officers.",A video showed the driver of the second vehicle exiting his car with his clothes on fire before being kicked by the officers.,0 +iPhones will only keep the most recent messages on the device to save storage.,These devices will only keep the most recent messages in local storage.,0 + He didn't mind being tethered to a tall tree because he occasionally catches a cool breeze.,He didn't mind being tethered to a tall tree because he occasionally catches a cool breeze.,0 +" Twitter says in the last six months of 2016, it suspended a total of 376,890 accounts for violations related to the promotion of terrorism."," Twitter says in the last six months of 2016, it suspended a total of 376,890 accounts for violations related to the promotion of extremism.",0 +" Critics of voucher programs fear that private schools may discriminate against students based on sexual orientation, gender identity, religion or disability.","Critics fear that private religious schools may discriminate against students based on sexual orientation, gender identity, religion or disability.",1 + Azima was the subject of an Associated Press investigative story published Tuesday.,""" Azima was the subject of an AP investigative article published Tuesday.",1 + Police and the mayor say the shooting will be investigated.,""" Police and the mayor say the shooting will be investigated.",0 +"Others went to a bar where the temperature is set at 23 degrees, and glasses, walls and seats are sculpted from ice.","Others went to a bar where the temperature is set at 23 degrees and glasses, walls and seats are sculpted from ice.",0 + The ministry added that it had warned the U.S. of the coming strike., The Defense Ministry added that it had warned the U.S. of the coming strike.,0 +"After those attacks, the mosque was shut down and reorganized and has not been associated with radical views for more than a decade.","However, the mosque was shut down and reorganized and has not been associated with radical views for more than a decade.",1 +A mob surrounded him and witnesses said the crowd began attacking him.,People surrounded the driver and witnesses said the outraged crowd began attacking him.,1 +" But Turkey pushed back, taking offense at the mounting criticism."," But Turkey has pushed back, taking offense at the mounting criticism.",1 +"CDT Wednesday, Harvey was centered about 445 miles (715 kms) southeast of Port Mansfield, Texas."," The tropical storm was centered about 410 miles (660 kilometers) southeast of Port Mansfield, Texas, and was moving northwest near 7 mph (11 kph).",1 +" ""I heard gunfire coming from the camp and I saw people running out of the tourist site,"" said Modibo Diarra, who lives nearby."," ""I heard gunfire coming from the camp and I saw people running out of the site,"" said Modibo Diarra, who lives nearby.",0 +He is scheduled for sightseeing events and a meeting with North Korea's sports minister before he leaves the country on Saturday.,He is scheduled to meet North Korea's sports minister before he leaves the country on Saturday.,1 +"Palm Springs, California, hit 120, still two degrees lower than a June four years ago.","Death Valley, California, reached 125 and Palm Springs hit 121, still a degree lower than the same day last year.",1 +She pleaded not guilty to two counts harassment and obstructing a police officer at her arraignment the next day.,She pleaded not guilty to two counts of harassment and obstructing a police officer.,1 + Forecasters were calling for afternoon temperatures to approach 90 while humidity levels were expected to remain in the single-digits through the weekend., Forecasters called for afternoon temperatures near 90 while humidity levels were expected to remain in the single-digits through the weekend.,0 +The decision meant she no longer required court-mandated psychiatric care.," She was deemed sane by a jury in 2015, meaning she no longer required court-mandated psychiatric care.",1 +""" Messages seeking comment from The Public Theater regarding Delta's decision weren't immediately returned.",""" Messages seeking comment from The Public Theater weren't immediately returned.",1 +" ""She said 'stay where you are, please don't come for us, it's too dangerous,'"" Tamano recalled."," ""She said, 'Stay where you are, please don't come for us, it's too dangerous,'"" Tamano recalled.",0 +" Dominique Heaggan-Brown, who is also black, is charged with first-degree reckless homicide in the death of Sylville Smith,", Dominique Heaggan-Brown is charged with first-degree reckless homicide in the death of 23-year-old Sylville Smith.,1 +"Addressing those problems, along with the flow of migrants north, requires building up the economies of the countries, he said.","Addressing those problems and the flow of migrants north requires building up the economies of the countries, he said.",0 +"DeVos says: ""Schools that receive federal funds must follow federal law, period."" But Sen.","DeVos said: ""Schools that receive federal funds must follow federal law, period."" But when Sen.",0 +"Walking on the Las Vegas Strip in 112 degrees was too much to handle, even for people accustomed to high temperatures.","Walking on the Strip in 112 degrees was too much to handle, even for people accustomed to heat.",0 +"She was twice elected on the ticket with the term-limited governor, but she has gone to great lengths to try to highlight their differences."," Guadagno, who was twice elected on the ticket with the term-limited governor, has gone to great lengths to try to highlight their differences.",1 +Those fingerprints help the companies more quickly identify and remove terrorist content on the web.,Those fingerprints help the companies identify and remove extremist content.,1 +" Here's a look at terrorism on the web, what's being done to stop it and what could come next."," Here's a look at extremism on the web, what's being done to stop it and what could come next.",1 + MOSCOW (AP) -- Police in the Ukrainian capital Kiev say someone has hurled an explosive device onto the grounds of the U.S. embassy., MOSCOW (AP) -- Police in the Ukrainian capital Kiev said on Thursday someone hurled an explosive device onto the grounds of the U.S. embassy.,0 +" The reward for information leading to the arrests of Rowe, 43, and Dubose, 24, continued to grow."," The reward for information leading to their arrest grew Wednesday to $90,000, contributed by multiple agencies, Sills said.",1 +"He said there are no French troops based in Bamako, but about 2,000 French troops based in northern Mali fighting Islamic extremists."," There are no French troops based in Bamako, but about 2,000 French troops are based in northern Mali fighting Islamic extremists.",1 +" Doctors said he suffered extensive loss of brain tissue and ""profound weakness and contraction"" of his muscles, arms and legs."," Doctors said Warmbier suffered extensive loss of brain tissue and ""profound weakness and contraction"" of his muscles, arms and legs.",1 + All Seattle officers now receive training on how to better handle those with mental illness or abusing drugs.,All Seattle officers now receive training on how to better handle those with mental illness or abusing drugs.,0 +" Gianforte contested the judge's original order then that he be booked, fingerprinted and photographed."," Gianforte contested the judge's original order that he be booked, fingerprinted and photographed.",0 +"In the U.S., less than a third of the company's workers are female.","In the U.S., less than a third of Uber's workers are female.",1 + LONDON (AP) -- Firefighters are battling a massive fire in an apartment high-rise in London., LONDON (AP) -- Firefighters were battling a massive fire and evacuating residents from the burning 27-floor building in London early Wednesday morning.,1 +" TRENTON, N.J. (AP) -- A former Wall Street executive and New Jersey Gov."," TRENTON, N.J. (AP) -- Voters on Tuesday began the process of finding Republican Gov.",1 +" On June 4, the officers chased a man whose car resembled one used in a shooting.", The officers chased a man whose car resembled one used in a shooting.,0 +Ambulances and firetrucks rushed to the scene and the injured were taken to a hospital.,"Ambulances and firetrucks rushed to the scene and the injured were taken to a hospital, where two later died.",1 + Tech companies say encryption is vital and compromising it won't just stop terrorists., Tech companies say encryption is vital and compromising it won't just stop extremists.,0 +He dismissed concerns about the reduced funding as part of wider cuts that proposed throughout the government by Trump.,"He dismissed concerns about the reduced funding, which are part of wider cuts that proposed throughout the government by Trump.",1 +" On South Padre Island, people filled sandbags and loaded them into cars and vans to take to protect exposed homes and businesses."," On South Padre Island, people filled sandbags and loaded them into cars and vans Wednesday to take to protect exposed homes and businesses.",1 +They joined environmental groups in vowing to file lawsuits if President Donald Trump accepts the recommendation and shrinks the monument.,They joined environmental groups in vowing to file lawsuits if Trump accepts the recommendation and shrinks the monument.,0 + Monday morning started in Scottsdale - a Phoenix suburb - with a longtime customer who had called the night before.," Monday morning started in Scottsdale, a Phoenix suburb, with a longtime customer who had called the night before.",0 +"The researchers raised an alarm in March, prompting an FBI investigation and revealing other security problems.","The researchers raised an alarm in March, prompting an FBI investigation and revealing still more problems.",0 +Apple said that makes the Mac a great platform for development virtual-reality experiences.,"Apple said that makes the Mac a great platform for development virtual-reality ""experiences."" But Apple is late to the game on VR.",0 +The country has also sent a vessel to the island to bring some 200 Turkish tourists home.,""" Turkey sent a vessel to Kos to bring some 200 Turkish tourists home, and named the dead tourist as Sinan Kurdoglu.",1 + Russ Goodman said the temperature in his house had risen to 89 degrees by the time he went to bed., Russ Goodman said the temperature in his house had risen to 89 degrees (32 degrees Celsius) by the time he went to bed.,1 +" PRISTINA, Kosovo (AP) -- Kosovars vote on Sunday to choose the new 120-seat parliament that will face some seemingly intractable problems."," PRISTINA, Kosovo (AP) -- Voters in Kosovo were casting their ballots Sunday in an early general election for the new 120-seat parliament.",1 +"The company's diversity figures are similar to the rest of Silicon Valley, with low numbers for women and underrepresented minorities.","Its diversity figures are similar to the rest of Silicon Valley, with low numbers for women and underrepresented minorities.",0 +"' The attack occurred outside the Muslim Welfare House, a small mosque with about 200 congregants.","""These are the values that define this country."" The attack occurred outside the Muslim Welfare House, a small mosque with about 200 congregants.",0 +" The forecast called for a high of 120 degrees (49 degrees Celsius) in Phoenix, which it hasn't seen in more than two decades."," The forecast called for a high of 120 degrees (49 degrees Celsius) in Phoenix, which has hit 120 only three times in recorded history.",1 +"The number of casualties was unclear in the assault, which continued through the afternoon, authorities said.","The number of casualties was unclear in the assault, which continued into the evening, authorities said.",1 + Schwandt worked methodically: checking blue and red pressure gauges and adding coolant.," Schwandt worked methodically, checking blue and red pressure gauges and adding coolant.",0 +One video shared on social media even showed Erdogan watching the melee from his car., One video shared on social media even showed Erdogan watching the melee from his car.,0 + Before the drawing Saturday night the jackpot was estimated at $435 million.," Before the drawing Saturday night, the jackpot was estimated at $435 million.",0 +The operator of California's power grid called on people to conserve electricity during peak hours., The operator of California's power grid called on people to conserve electricity during peak hours.,0 +" PHNOM PENH, Cambodia (AP) -- Cambodians voted in local elections Sunday that could shake longtime ruler Hun Sen's grip on power."," PHNOM PENH, Cambodia (AP) -- Cambodia's opposition claimed victory in local elections Sunday that could shake Prime Minister Hun Sen's longtime grip on power.",1 +Flash flood watches were in effect in much of Kentucky and West Virginia.,Flash flood watches were issued for much of Kentucky and West Virginia.,1 +" In recent years, the jihadists have become even more brazen, attacking sites frequented by Westerners."," In recent years, the extremists have become even more brazen, attacking sites frequented by Westerners.",0 + Scalise dragged himself off the infield leaving a trail of blood as colleagues rushed to his assistance.,He dragged himself away from the infield leaving a trail of blood before fellow lawmakers could rush to his assistance.,1 + Family friend Jeff White says 39-year-old victim Memorez (MEM-or-ay) Rackley had three sons., Family friend Jeff White said Thursday the injured boy also suffered a brain aneurysm last year related to natural causes.,1 +" Many expect statehood supporters to crowd voting centers because three of Puerto Rico's political parties are boycotting the referendum, including the island's main opposition party."," Statehood supporters were expected to dominate the vote because three parties that favor other options were boycotting, including the island's main opposition party.",1 +"A local imam, Mohammed Mahmoud, said he organized a group of people and shielded the man until police could take him away.","A local imam, Mohammed Mahmoud, said he and others shielded the man until police could take him away.",0 + Scalise distributed commemorative baseball bats to fellow members when he ran for a leadership post in 2014.," An avid sports fan, Scalise distributed commemorative baseball bats to fellow House members when he ran for the leadership post in 2014.",1 +"Ali Habib, a 23-year-old student, said residents are angry that the mosque attack hasn't been portrayed in the same light as other attacks across Britain."," Ali Habib, a 23-year-old student, said residents were upset that Monday's attack wasn't portrayed in the same light as other attacks across Britain.",0 + The Trump administration released two members of Erdogan's detail after holding them briefly following the clash.,"Although the State Department continues to investigate the matter, the Trump administration released two members of Erdogan's detail after holding them briefly following the clash.",1 +" Tonya and Lavonda Williams traveled to Sin City from Orlando, Florida, to get out of town and see the Backstreet Boys in concert."," Tonya and Lavonda Williams traveled to Sin City from Orlando, Florida, to see the Backstreet Boys in concert.",1 +" SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) -- Puerto Ricans are getting the chance to tell the U.S."," SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) -- Puerto Ricans got the chance Sunday to tell the U.S.",1 +It comes as researchers say deadly heat waves like this one are going to grow more frequent.," Arizona, Nevada and California saw dramatic temperatures Tuesday as researchers say deadly heat waves like this one were going to grow more frequent.",1 +" Sun City has about 4,700 homes developed in the 1960s for residents age 55 and older."," Sun City has about 4,700 homes developed for residents age 55 and older.",0 +" Critics say the waterboarding amounts to torture, because prisoners are made to feel they are drowning."," Advocates describe waterboarding as a form of ""enhanced interrogation."" Critics say it amounts to torture, because prisoners are made to feel they are drowning.",1 +"A storm surge watch was in effect for Port Mansfield to High Island, just up the coast from Galveston.",A storm surge watch was in effect from Port Mansfield to High Island.,1 +" Some, like shopkeeper Ruben Sanchez Mendoza, 47, were fed up with almost 90 years of uninterrupted rule by the PRI."," Some, like shopkeeper Ruben Sanchez Mendoza, 47, were fed up with almost 90 years of uninterrupted rule in the state by the PRI.",1 + Several outside advisers who speak to Trump regularly have said the president has not mentioned the existence of tapes during their conversations.,Advisers who speak to Trump regularly have said he had not mentioned the existence of tapes during their conversations.,1 +" After Fowler posted her blog, Uber Technologies Inc. made changes in human resources and opened a 24-hour hotline for employees."," After Fowler posted her blog, Uber Technologies Inc. made changes in human resources and opened a 24-hour employee hotline.",1 +Comey has suggested that the tweet prompted him to ask an associate to leak damaging information to the media.,Comey has suggested that the tweet prompted him to ask an associate to release damaging information to the media.,0 +" Merkel didn't directly mention Trump or his administration, but stressed the importance of balancing interests and trying to create ""win-win situations.","The German leader, however, stressed the importance of standing up for shared values, of balancing interests and trying to create ""win-win situations.",1 + That pales compared to how the Democratic-run Congress handled Obama's legislation.,That pales compared to how the Democratic-run Congress handled Obama's legislation.,0 + The agency declined to comment on the German group's legal efforts to have Haspel arrested.,The agency declined to comment on the German group's legal efforts to have Haspel arrested.,0 +" Ali Habib, a 23-year-old student, said residents are angry that the mosque attack hasn't been portrayed in the same light as other attacks across Britain.","Ali Habib, a 23-year-old student, said residents are angry that the mosque attack hasn't been portrayed in the same light as other attacks across Britain.",0 +"Out-of-town visitors tried to stay inside air-conditioned casinos as much as possible, and some tourists lugged packs of bottled water around the Strip.","Visitors tried to stay inside air-conditioned casinos, and some tourists lugged packs of bottled water around the Strip.",0 +The attack Monday hits a community already feeling targeted in the fallout from the London Bridge killings and other attacks blamed on Islamic extremists.," Monday's attack hit a community already feeling targeted from the fallout from three previous attacks in as many months, all blamed on Islamic extremists.",1 +The video shows him later exiting the vehicle and peered toward the chaos.,The video showed him later exiting the vehicle and peering toward the chaos.,1 +" Britain's terrorist alert has been set at ""severe"" meaning an attack is highly likely.","Britain's terrorist alert has been set at ""severe"" meaning an attack is highly likely.",0 +"Jon Corzine, another Goldman Sachs alumnus who, like Murphy, donated to local New Jersey Democratic parties.","Jon Corzine, another Goldman Sachs alumnus who, like Murphy, donated to local Democratic parties.",0 +"The Louisiana conservative was elected majority whip, the job of chief vote counter for the GOP leadership team.","The Louisiana conservative was elected majority whip, the job of chief Republican vote counter.",1 + He added that the investigation will be reviewed by a federal monitoring team supervising a consent decree involving the Police Department., He added that the investigation will be reviewed by a federal monitoring team supervising a consent decree involving the Seattle Police Department.,1 +He said during his confirmation hearing that he had not met with Russians during the campaign.,He had told lawmakers at his January confirmation hearing that he had not met with Russians during the campaign.,1 +"Google, for example, says it employs thousands of people to fight abuse on its platforms."," Google, for example, says it employs thousands of people to fight abuse on its platforms.",0 +"Peter Breggin testified that Carter was taking Celexa, an anti-depressant targeting the brain's frontal lobe, which controls decision-making and empathy.","Peter Breggin testified Monday that Carter was taking Celexa, an anti-depressant targeting the brain's frontal lobe, which controls decision-making and empathy.",1 +" Meanwhile, rice farmers in coastal Matagorda County moved quickly to harvest their crops.","Meanwhile, rice farmers in coastal Matagorda County moved quickly to harvest their crops.",0 +"Most of the town's 200,000 inhabitants have fled, and more than 200 people have died.","There is no electricity, and most of the town's 200,000 inhabitants have fled.",1 +" To the north, Manchester was hit by a deadly attack May 22 when a suicide bomber killed 22 people at an Ariana Grande concert.", Manchester was hit by a deadly attack on May 22 when a suicide bomber killed 22 people at an Ariana Grande concert.,0 +The judge issued the order last week and it was first reported Monday by the Bozeman Daily Chronicle.,""" The judge issued the order last week, and it was first reported Monday by the Bozeman Daily Chronicle.",0 +The officers had been chasing a different man whose car resembled one used in a shooting several days earlier.," On June 4, the officers chased a man whose car resembled one used in a shooting.",0 +" ""They were inside the caged area of the bus,"" he said."," ""They were inside the caged area of the bus,"" Sills said.",1 +" In addition, the report says that diversity and inclusiveness should be a key value for Uber that's included in management training."," In addition, the report says diversity and inclusiveness should be a key value that's included in management training.",0 +" In Heaggan-Brown's bodycam video, he begins chasing Smith immediately after stepping out of his patrol car.", The video shows Heaggan-Brown begin chasing Smith immediately after stepping out of his patrol car.,1 +" ""There was a lot of screaming and crying and hysterics coming from the hotel,"" he said, referring to the hotel next to his apartment building."," ""There was a lot of screaming and crying and hysterics coming from the hotel.",1 +" In a second announcement Wednesday night, the commander's office said six navy ships and three military aircraft were searching for the missing plane.", The commander's office said six navy ships and three military aircraft were searching for the plane late Wednesday.,0 +"Cindy also caused widespread coastal highway and street flooding and several short-lived tornadoes, but no other deaths.",Cindy also caused widespread coastal highway and several short-lived tornadoes.,1 +"About 30 people managed to escape though at least two people were killed as the assault continued into the evening, authorities said.","More than 30 people managed to escape though at least two people were killed, authorities said.",0 + Avery and Dassey contend they were framed by police angry with Avery for suing Manitowoc County over his wrongful conviction for sexual assault.,""" Avery and Dassey contend they were framed by police angry with Avery for suing Manitowoc County over his wrongful conviction for sexual assault.",0 +" In Heaggan-Brown's bodycam video, he begins chasing Smith immediately after stepping out of his patrol car.", Heaggan-Brown's bodycam video shows him begin chasing Smith immediately after stepping out of his patrol car.,1 +" ""Everyone on that field is a public servant,"" Trump said."," ""Everyone on that field is a public servant,"" Trump said, his tone somber, America's acrimonious politics set aside for the moment.",0 +" ""We are tired of so much corruption, corrupt politicians, corrupt police,"" said Sanchez Mendoza."," ""We are tired of so much corruption, corrupt politicians, corrupt police,"" Sanchez Mendoza said.",0 +"Two helicopter gunships had just finished strafing the city, and now the people beside him were pointing toward a Vietnam-era attack aircraft circling overhead.","Two helicopter gunships had just finished strafing the city, and now people were pointing toward a Vietnam-era attack aircraft circling overhead.",0 + Thursday's revelation came a day ahead of a deadline to turn over any tapes to the House intelligence committee.,"'"" Thursday's revelation came a day ahead of a deadline to turn over any tapes to the House intelligence committee.",0 +"Jordan, a close U.S. military ally, initially suggested the Americans triggered the shooting by disobeying orders of Jordanian troops.","Jordan, a U.S. military ally, initially suggested the Americans triggered the shooting by disobeying orders of Jordanian troops.",0 +" Italian media said Macri had planned to fly to Caracas, Venezuela, where he is believed to have lived for some time."," Italian media said Macri, 52, had planned to fly to Caracas, Venezuela, where he is believed to have been living.",1 +"Greg Abbott ordered the State Operations Center to elevate its readiness level, making state resources available for possible rescue and recovery actions.","Greg Abbott has ordered the State Operations Center to elevate its readiness level, making state resources available for possible rescue and recovery actions.",1 +" Jordan, a close U.S. military ally, initially said the Americans triggered the shooting by disobeying orders of Jordanian troops.", Jordanian officials initially suggested the U.S. soldiers triggered the shooting by disobeying orders of Jordanian troops guarding the gate to the base.,1 + There had been previous reports of al-Baghdadi being killed but they did not turn out to be true.,""" There had been numerous reports in the past of al-Baghdadi being killed but they did not turn out to be true.",1 +Heaggan-Brown is facing 60 years in prison if he's convicted of first-degree reckless homicide for the death of 23-year-old Sylville Smith., Heaggan-Brown faces 60 years in prison if he's convicted of first-degree reckless homicide.,1 + Over the last week Thakur said that sales at his store had increased five-fold., He said that over the last week sales at his store had increased five-fold.,0 +That attack left 20 dead - six Malians and 14 foreigners.,A devastating attack on the Radisson Blu Hotel in Bamako later that year left 20 dead - six Malians and 14 foreigners.,1 +Macri was taken into custody after he showed authorities an identity document using a false name at Sao Paulo airport on Friday., Macri's two years on the run ended when he showed authorities an identity document using a false name at Sao Paulo airport on Friday.,1 +" BAMAKO, Mali (AP) -- Suspected jihadists attacked a hotel resort Sunday in Mali's capital, taking hostages at a spot popular with foreigners on the weekends."," BAMAKO, Mali (AP) -- Jihadis attacked a hotel resort Sunday in Mali's capital, taking hostages at a spot popular with foreigners on the weekends.",0 + Dinsmore said the group has noticed more surveillance from agents since the new administration took over.,"""Regardless of their immigration status, we render aid."" Dinsmore said the group has noticed more surveillance from agents since the new administration took over.",1 +"Do it!"" An officer radios ""We need help!"" and the police say ""Get back!"" again three more times before five gunshots are heard.","do it!"" An officer radios ""We need help!"" and the police say ""Get back!"" three more times before five rounds are fired.",1 +"'"" Trump's earlier suggestion about tapes evoked the secret White House recordings that led to Richard Nixon's downfall in the Watergate scandal.", Trump's earlier suggestion about tapes evoked the secret White House recordings that led to Richard Nixon's downfall in the Watergate scandal.,0 +"No one was hurt, though the monument was evacuated as a precaution."," The man was quickly subdued and no one was hurt, though the monument was evacuated as a precaution.",1 +" Under Kalanick, Uber has disrupted the taxi industry in hundreds of cities and turned the San Francisco-based company into the world's most valuable startup."," Under Kalanick, Uber has disrupted the taxi industry and turned the San Francisco-based company into the world's most valuable startup.",0 + The Hamilton County coroner is trying to determine the cause of Warmbier's death Monday., The Hamilton County coroner is still trying to determine the cause of Warmbier's death Monday.,1 +" The ministry said the strike came as IS leaders gathered to discuss the group's withdrawal from Raqqa, the group's de facto capital."," The ministry said the IS leaders were gathered to discuss the group's withdrawal from Raqqa, the group's de facto capital.",0 +" Panama's switching of relations leaves Taiwan with just 20 formal diplomatic partners, 12 of which are in Latin America and the Caribbean.","The island now has just 20 formal diplomatic partners, 12 of which are in Latin America and the Caribbean.",1 + It showed ambulances arriving and medics wheeling people into an emergency room.,The videos showed ambulances arriving and medics wheeling people into an emergency room.,0 +Rodman has traveled to the isolated nation four times previously.,"Rodman has traveled to the isolated nation four times since 2013, attracting a lot of publicity, much of it unfavorable.",1 +Justice Department told The Associated Press that the agency has not reviewed or approved the ballot's revised language., A department spokesman told the AP that the agency has not reviewed or approved the ballot's language.,1 +"The company should eliminate values that justified poor behavior, such as ""Let Builders Build,"" ''Always Be Hustlin',"" ''Meritocracy and Toe-Stepping"" and ""Principled Confrontation.","The company should eliminate values that justified poor behavior, such as ""Always Be Hustlin',"" ''Meritocracy and Toe-Stepping"" and ""Principled Confrontation.",0 + It was not immediately clear if Rodman's visit to North Korea was purely coincidental with Warmbier's release., It's unclear if Warmbier's release during Rodman's visit was purely coincidental.,1 + Ryan is due to give a speech on tax reform Tuesday afternoon to the National Association of Manufacturers., Ryan is scheduled to speak Tuesday afternoon to the National Association of Manufacturers.,0 + The team was taking batting practice when gunshots rang out and chaos erupted., The GOP lawmakers' team was taking batting practice when gunshots rang out and chaos erupted.,1 +" Warmbier, a University of Virginia undergraduate, was convicted and sentenced in a one-hour trial in North Korea's Supreme Court in March 2016."," Warmbier, a 22-year-old University of Virginia undergraduate, was convicted and sentenced in a one-hour trial in North Korea's Supreme Court in March 2016.",1 + Emergency officials asked residents along the upper Texas coastline to move or prepare to move inland., Emergency officials Wednesday asked residents along the upper Texas coastline to move or prepare to move inland.,0 +Christopher Sherman in Mexico City also contributed to this report.,AP writer Christopher Sherman in Mexico City contributed to this report.,1 +"There were fears it may have crashed into the ocean, since its route would have taken it over the Andaman Sea.",Its route would have taken it over the Andaman Sea.,1 + Mehra is just trying to figure out how it will all work., Mehra is trying to figure out how it will all work.,1 +"It wasn't part of their day-to-day operation, it was a staged military siege on our camp,"" Gaffney said.","It was a staged military siege on our camp,"" Gaffney said.",1 +" The four-engine Chinese-made Y-8 turboprop aircraft had left Myeik, also known as Mergui, heading for Yangon on a route over the Andaman Sea."," The plane left Myeik, also known as Mergui, and was heading for Yangon on a route over the Andaman Sea when contact was lost Wednesday.",1 +" Voters in the states of Coahuila and Nayarit were also choosing new governors Sunday, but Mexico State is the country's biggest electoral prize.", Voters in the states of Coahuila and Nayarit were also choosing new governors Sunday.,1 +Nathan Deal pledged every state resource necessary to catch the pair.,"Nathan Deal pledged every state resource necessary to catch the pair, and vowed that the guards' selflessness and sacrifice will not be forgotten.",1 +Applying uniform sales taxes should draw more revenue without singling out any classes or sections of society.,"Applying uniform sales taxes should draw more revenue without singling out any classes or sections of society, they say.",1 +"""It felt like being at a theme park with one of the illusions, an optical illusion where you feel like you're upside down.","It felt like being at a theme park with one of the illusions, an optical illusion where you feel like you're upside down.",0 +" The container ship ACX Crystal weighs 29,060 tons and is 222 meters (730 feet) long, much larger than the 8,315-ton Navy destroyer."," The ACX Crystal weighs 29,060 tons and is 222 meters (730 feet) long, much larger than the 8,315-ton destroyer.",0 +"Its entry into digital-music sales with iTunes, or the smartphone market with the iPhone, upended those industries and gave them mass appeal.","Its entry into digital-music sales with iTunes, and into the smartphone market with the iPhone, upended those industries and gave them mass appeal.",0 +"Paul Newell, who led news media on a visit to get a first-hand look at the mangled vessel.","Paul Newell, who led the media on a visit to get a firsthand look at the mangled destroyer.",1 +90. It is not unusual for such flights to carry civilians to offset transportation costs for military families stationed in the somewhat remote south.,It is not unusual for such flights to carry civilians to offset transportation costs for military families stationed in the somewhat remote south.,0 +" On the Democratic side, candidates attacked wealthy front-runner Phil Murphy over his time as an executive at Goldman Sachs."," On the Democratic side, candidates attacked wealthy front-runner Phil Murphy over his time at Goldman Sachs.",0 +"The number of casualties was unclear in the assault, which continued into the evening, authorities said.","About 30 people managed to escape though at least two people were killed as the assault continued into the evening, authorities said.",1 +And it faces problems in Mexico State that the PRI is hard pressed to blame on anyone else.,And it faced problems in Mexico State that the PRI was hard pressed to blame on anyone else.,0 +" Both men have been serving sentences for armed robbery and other crimes, according to the agency's website."," Both men have been serving long sentences for armed robbery and other crimes, according to the Department of Corrections website.",1 + The winners in Tuesday's primaries will compete in the Nov. 7 general election.," A former Goldman Sachs executive and Christie's second-in-command are the leading candidates, and Tuesday's winners will compete in the Nov. 7 general election.",1 +" ""The operation is ongoing and we estimate that there are between three and four assailants,"" he said."," ""The operation is ongoing,"" he said, estimating there were three or four assailants.",1 + Phoenix has hit the 120 mark only three times in recorded history - the last time 22 years ago., Phoenix has hit 120 only three times in recorded history - the last time 22 years ago.,0 +" Christie, who remained neutral during the campaign, said he voted for Guadagno.","Christie, who remained neutral during the campaign, said Tuesday that he voted for Guadagno.",1 + Breggin said Roy talked about how he wanted to kill himself with a younger and emotionally troubled Carter.," Breggin said Roy talked to Carter - a younger, emotionally troubled girl - about how he wanted to kill himself.",1 + The brothers are members of the Stockdale Family band known for its bluegrass music.," Jacob and James, along with their father Timothy Stockdale, were members of the Stockdale Family band known for bluegrass music.",1 +" As for the share of a state's overall population, New Mexico had the highest percentage of non-white Hispanics at 48.5 percent."," As for the share of a state's overall population, New Mexico had the highest percentage of nonwhite Hispanics at 48.5 percent.",0 + Police said in a statement on Thursday no one was injured when the device detonated on the embassy's lawn in the late hours on Wednesday., Police said in a statement no one was injured when the device detonated on the embassy's lawn in the late hours on Wednesday.,0 +" The forecast called for a high of 120 degrees (49 degrees Celsius) in Phoenix, 119 in Palm Springs, California, and 126 in Death Valley."," The forecast called for a high of 120 degrees (49 degrees Celsius) in Phoenix, which it hasn't seen in more than two decades.",1 +"Police searched the publishing house of the Yediot Ahronot newspaper, but not the paper itself, over the incident.",Police searched the publishing house of the Yediot Ahronot newspaper over the incident.,1 + One side of the building appeared to be in flames.," One side of the building appeared to be in flames, and 45 fire engines and 200 firefighters were called to the scene.",1 +"He toiled in temperatures close to 120 degrees, sometimes with one hand on his cell phone and the other on his tools."," He toiled in temperatures close to 120 degrees (49 degrees Celsius), sometimes with one hand on his cellphone and the other on his tools.",0 +"It was not immediately clear what was burning, although jihadists in other attacks have set cars ablaze.","It was not immediately clear what was burning, although extremists in other attacks have set cars ablaze.",1 +" ""It was like tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat,"" said Raymond Deng, who lives across the street from the warehouse.","""It was like tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat."" Police arrived in minutes.",1 +"With power cut off in the region, information was slow to trickle out."," With power cut off in the region since Tuesday, information was slow to trickle out.",1 + Lamia Sarver of McLean said the tragedy hits home because she has a daughter Nabra's age., Lamia Sarver of McLean said the tragedy hits home because she has a daughter Hassanen's age.,1 + Scalise faced questions last year about some of his Louisiana ties., Scalise has faced questions about some of his Louisiana ties.,1 +" Agents in that area conducted over 1,400 rescues and reported 84 deaths last fiscal year, according to statistics provided by the agency."," Agents in that area conducted over 1,400 rescues and reported 84 deaths last fiscal year, according to agency statistics.",0 + New iMacs unveiled Monday at Apple's annual conference for software programmers are getting better displays and graphics capabilities., KEEPING IT REAL WITH VR New iMacs unveiled Monday at Apple's annual conference for software programmers are getting better displays and graphics capabilities.,1 +" The PRI held power in Mexico from 1929 until 2000, and Pena Nieto recaptured the presidency in 2012."," The PRI held the presidency from 1929 until 2000, and Pena Nieto recaptured the top office in 2012.",0 +(AP) -- Two inmates are on the loose in Georgia after killing two prison guards during a bus transport Tuesday morning.,(AP) -- A manhunt is under way in Georgia for two inmates accused of killing two guards on a prison bus Tuesday morning.,1 +" In February, Haspel became the first female career CIA officer selected as deputy director.", Haspel was the first female career CIA officer selected to be deputy director in February .,1 + The main burn center in Phoenix has issued a warning to people to be careful around car interiors and pavement and with their pets., The main burn center in Phoenix warned people to be careful around car interiors and pavement and with their pets.,1 +" ""There has been an outpouring of sympathy for all for the recent terror attacks but hardly a whisper on this attack,"" he said."," ""There has been an outpouring of sympathy for all the recent terror attacks but hardly a whisper on this attack,"" he said.",0 + Scalise distributed commemorative baseball bats to fellow members when he ran for a leadership post in 2014.," An avid sports fan, Scalise distributed commemorative baseball bats to fellow members when he ran for the leadership post in 2014.",1 +" Kemp said Friday his office is ""equipped, trained, and tested to handle these operations in-house.","The Secretary of State's office is equipped, trained, and tested to handle these operations in-house.",1 +" Seven volunteers, including one doctor, were at the camp Thursday when agents arrested the four people.", Seven volunteers were at the camp Thursday when agents arrested the four people.,1 +" Despite the dangers, the heat may not be as bad as originally expected."," Despite the dangers, the weather may not be as bad as originally expected.",0 +"He later died of his injuries, President Donald Trump told the nation from the White House.","He later died of his injuries, Trump told the nation from the White House.",1 +"At another building site, men in hard hats and yellow vests labored and sweated in the heat and downed water to stay hydrated.","At another building site, men in hard hats and yellow vests labored and sweated in the heat, downing water to stay hydrated.",0 +" Apple is also bringing the ability to pay back a friend or other individual through its payment service, Apple Pay."," Apple is also bringing the ability to send money to friends or other people through its payment service, Apple Pay.",0 +""" The two officers had gone to Lyles' apartment after a call about a burglary.", The two officers had gone to Charleena Lyles' apartment on Sunday after she reported a burglary.,1 +and Ron DePasquale in New York contributed to this report.,and Ron DePasquale and Stephanie Siek in New York contributed.,1 +" Police searched the publishing house of the Yediot Ahronot newspaper, but not the paper itself, over the incident.","Police searched the publishing house of the Yediot Ahronot newspaper, but not the paper itself, over the incident.",0 +" There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attack, which came amid the final week of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan."," There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attack, which took place amid the final week of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.",0 + It could be worse: Death Valley could see 124 degrees on Tuesday., It could be worse: Death Valley could see 124 degrees Tuesday.,0 + --- Associated Press writer Josh Hoffner contributed to this report., --- Associated Press writers Regina Garcia-Cano in Las Vegas and Josh Hoffner contributed to this report.,1 +" Tillerson says relations with Russia are at a low point and deteriorating, and Trump asked him to try to stabilize the relationship and rebuild trust."," Tillerson said relations with Russia are at a low point and deteriorating, and Trump asked him to try to stabilize the relationship and rebuild trust.",0 +" Murphy faces challenges from former Teaneck firefighter Bill Brennan, one-time Clinton administration Treasury official Jim Johnson, state Sen."," Murphy faced challenges from former Teaneck firefighter Bill Brennan, one-time Clinton administration Treasury official Jim Johnson, state Sen.",0 +Montana Democratic Party spokesman Roy Loewenstein said Monday that the mug shot is part of Gianforte's story.,Montana Democratic Party spokesman Roy Loewenstein said Monday the mug shot is part of Gianforte's story.,0 +Lawmakers who were at the practice said the shootings could have been much worse if the security detail was not there.,Lawmakers who were at the practice said the shootings could have been much worse if the security detail had not been there.,0 +He was fired two months after the shooting when he was charged in an unrelated sexual assault case.,"He was fired two months after the shooting, when he was charged in an unrelated sexual assault case.",0 +" ""The officers immediately performed first aid,"" but medics arrived and determined she had died, the Police Department said."," Seattle police said the officers immediately performed first aid, but medics arrived and determined she had died.",0 +" He determined that the unit's motor needed to be replaced, but didn't have the part on hand."," He determined that the unit's motor needed to be replaced, but he didn't have the part on hand.",0 +" As a child in Florida, Schwandt watched his father work as an air conditioning repairman."," As a child in Florida, Schwandt watched his father work as an air conditioning repair worker.",0 + Kosovo is the only western Balkan country whose citizens need visas to enter the European Union's Schengen zone., Kosovo is the only western Balkan country whose citizens need visas to enter the EU's Schengen zone.,0 +" Police said the driver was arrested on suspicion of the commission, preparation or instigation of terrorism, including murder and attempted murder."," Osborne was arrested on suspicion of the commission, preparation or instigation of terrorism including murder and attempted murder.",1 +""" --- Associated Press writers Jill Colvin, Ken Thomas and Deb Riechmann contributed reporting."," --- Associated Press writers Jill Colvin, Ken Thomas and Deb Riechmann contributed reporting.",0 +" With the cooling and hydration stations in full swing across the region, hundreds flocked Grace Lutheran Church in Phoenix for water, meals, snacks, and refuge."," With cooling and hydration stations in full swing across the region, hundreds flocked to Grace Lutheran Church in Phoenix for water and refuge.",1 +"Both declined to testify before the grand jury, she said.","The Thompsons, who declined to testify before the grand jury, will be allowed to turn themselves in, District Attorney Kim Ogg said.",1 +" It came the same day a gunman opened fire on Republican lawmakers at a congressional baseball practice, wounding U.S.",""" The shooting came the same day a gunman opened fire on Republican lawmakers at a congressional baseball practice, wounding U.S.",0 +" Allen says the Las Vegas Strip's tall, close buildings and long stretches of concrete cause the area to heat quickly and cool slowly."," Weather service meteorologist Ashley Allen says the Strip's tall, close buildings and long stretches of concrete cause the area to heat quickly and cool slowly.",1 +"""Their sacrifice makes democracy possible."" Scalise, 51, the No. 3 House Republican leader, was first elected to the House in 2008.","Sanders said he denounced the violence ""in the strongest possible terms."" Scalise, 51, the No. 3 House Republican leader, was first elected in 2008.",1 +" The Hamilton County coroner is still trying to determine the manner and cause of his death Monday, less than a week after his return.", The Hamilton County coroner is trying to determine the cause of Warmbier's death Monday.,1 +"Anderson says instead of working together to censor the internet, governments and companies should focus on working together to share information more quickly.","Instead of working together to censor the internet, Anderson says, governments and companies should work together to share information more quickly.",0 + She said agents have arrested migrants who received aid a few times but that the large-scale operation on Thursday was unprecedented., She said agents have arrested migrants who received aid several times in the past but that the large-scale operation on Thursday was unprecedented.,1 +" Phoenix hit 118 degrees on Monday, which the National Weather Service says is quite rare.","The record high was 122 degrees on June 26, 1990. The city reached 118 on Monday, which the National Weather Service says is rare.",1 +" Toufik Kacimi, chief executive of the Muslim Welfare House, speaking to Sky News, said the attack clearly targeted Muslims leaving evening prayers during Ramadan."," Toufik Kacimi, chief executive of the Muslim Welfare House, told Sky News the attack clearly targeted Muslims leaving evening prayers during Ramadan.",0 +Lottery officials said the earliest the ticket could be redeemed is 8 a.m.,"Lottery officials said the earliest the ticket could be redeemed is 8 a.m., and the winner has one year to claim the prize.",1 +" Lyles was black, and Isabell said he's frustrated with police killing black people across the country.",""" Lyles was black, and Isabell said he's frustrated with police killing black people across the country.",0 +It has not been associated with radical views for more than a decade.,"After those attacks, the mosque was shut down and reorganized and has not been associated with radical views for more than a decade.",1 + The White House is making a renewed push to get the president out of Washington., Trump's aides are making a renewed push to get the president out of Washington.,1 +" One commenter called the hypothetical hanging of a Mexican child ""piñata time,"" according to The Crimson."," One commenter called the hypothetical hanging of a Mexican child ""pi",0 +"But 60 percent say there's more chance of an upside risk thanks to expected corporate tax reform, individual tax cuts and infrastructure spending.","But 60 percent say there's more chance of an upside risk thanks to expected corporate tax changes, individual tax cuts and infrastructure spending.",0 + He said much of the crew of about 300 was asleep when the collision happened at 2:20 a.m., Aucoin said that much of the crew of about 300 was asleep when the collision happened at 2:20 a.m.,1 + He didn't mind being tethered to a tall tree while operating a chain saw because he occasionally catches a cool breeze., He didn't mind being tethered to a tall tree because he occasionally catches a cool breeze.,1 +"Panama had ""submitted to the Beijing authorities for economic benefits"" and ""lied"" to the government of Taiwan.","Panama had ""submitted to the Beijing authorities for economic benefits"" and ""lied"" to the government of Taiwan, the statement said.",1 +" ""My biggest worry is they're going to kill somebody else,"" Sills said."," ""They just murdered two corrections officers in a brutal fashion,"" Sills said.",1 +"In that meeting, according to the memo, Trump asked Comey to consider dropping an investigation into the former national security adviser, Michael Flynn.","In that meeting, according to the memo, Trump told Comey he hoped he would let the Flynn investigation go.",1 +" All four officers are suspended indefinitely without pay, Mayor Steven Fulop said Monday."," The four officers were suspended without pay following the indictments, the city said.",1 + The sector also has 34 strategically-placed rescue beacons that migrants can activate for rescue.,The sector has 34 strategically-placed rescue beacons that migrants can activate for rescue.,0 + The shooting comes as Seattle police are under federal oversight following a 2011 investigation that found officers were too quick to use force., The shooting occurred as Seattle police are under federal oversight following a 2011 investigation that found officers were too quick to use force.,1 +"The attacker later died of his injuries, President Donald Trump told the nation from the White House.","He later died of his injuries, Trump told the nation from the White House.",1 +"Terry Branstad, picked by Trump to be ambassador to China.","Terry Branstad, whom he had just appointed the United States' ambassador to China.",1 +The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to journalists.,The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to talk to reporters.,0 +" Arizona is seeing the most stifling temperatures, but the wrath of the heat wave is being felt across Nevada and California as well."," Arizona is seeing some of the most dramatic temperatures Tuesday, but the heat wave is being felt across Nevada and California, too.",0 +" ""We must put aside short-term national gain to prevent long-term global catastrophe,"" the secretary-general said."," ""We must put aside short-term national gain to prevent long-term global catastrophe,"" Guterres said. ""Conserving our oceans and using them sustainably is preserving life itself.",1 +Even conservatives who still espouse lower income tax cite problems with Kansas' program.,Even conservatives who still espouse lower income taxes cite problems with Kansas' program.,0 +" All of the ACX Crystal's 20-member Filipino crew were safe, said Japanese shipping company Nippon Yusen K.K., which operates the Philippine-flagged ship."," All of the ACX Crystal's 20-member Filipino crew were safe, according to Japanese shipping company Nippon Yusen K.K., which operates the ship.",1 +" One child was believed to be among those missing, said National Disaster Management Unit Deputy Director Pius Mwachi."," One man was believed to be missing, said National Disaster Management Unit Deputy Director Pius Mwachi.",1 +"Just this week, authorities in Chalco found the burned bodies of a woman and two children in a grassy lot.",Just this week authorities in Chalco found the burned bodies of a woman and two children in a grassy lot.,0 +" The top U.S. diplomat spoke Tuesday in Wellington, New Zealand, where he met with Prime Minister Bill English."," The top U.S. diplomat spoke in Wellington, New Zealand, where he met with Prime Minister Bill English during a brief visit.",1 +They were in good spirits despite the heat and humidity as they prepared for the congressional baseball match that pits Republicans against Democrats.,They were in good spirits despite the heat and humidity as they prepared for the annual congressional baseball match that pits Republicans against Democrats.,1 + Schwandt rushed back to Scottsdale to a drop off Miller at his home office for a separate assignment., Schwandt headed back to Scottsdale to drop off Miller at his home office for a separate assignment.,0 + Investigators say Shauna Thompson helped her husband restrain Hernandez after Terry Thompson saw an intoxicated Hernandez urinating outside the restaurant., Investigators say Terry Thompson saw an intoxicated Hernandez urinating outside the restaurant and that he restrained Hernandez while his wife helped.,1 +" Family members spoke Tuesday at a vigil for Lyles outside her apartment building, calling Lyles as a good person and demanding justice."," At a vigil for Lyles outside her apartment building Tuesday, family members called Lyles a good person and demanded justice.",0 +24. The Georgia Department of Corrections says in a tweet that people should call 911 and should not approach the men if they them.,The Georgia Department of Corrections said in a tweet that people should call 911 and should not approach the men if they see them.,1 +" Still, Kumar said India was right to push forward with the new tax regime, even if it was painful."," Still, Kumar said India is right to push forward with the new tax regime, even if it is painful.",0 +" Myeik, also known as Mergui, is a city in southeastern Myanmar on the Andaman coast."," The plane had left Myeik, also known as Mergui, in southeastern Myanmar on the Andaman coast and was heading for the country's largest city, Yangon.",1 +" The other two main parties, the leftist Democratic Revolution and the conservative National Action, were behind in the state by significant margin."," The other two main parties, the leftist Democratic Revolution and the conservative National Action, were behind in the state by significant margins.",0 + The rally was expected to include a tribute to former Iowa Gov., Trump's evening in Iowa began with a tribute to former Iowa Gov.,0 +The polls could have a major impact on Cambodia's political landscape ahead of 2018 national elections.,Sunday's polls could have a major impact on Cambodia's political landscape ahead of the 2018 general election.,1 +" Jaitley has acknowledged that there may be ""teething troubles"" with many businesses as well as state governments still scrambling to get ready."," Jaitley has acknowledged there may be ""teething troubles"" with many businesses as well as state governments still scrambling to get ready.",0 + WASHINGTON (AP) -- Technology CEOs were urged by the White House on Monday to pitch in on President Donald Trump's effort to modernize government., WASHINGTON (AP) -- The White House on Monday urged technology CEOs to pitch in on President Donald Trump's effort to modernize government.,1 +" Scalise, who was shot in the hip, was transported to a Washington hospital and was undergoing surgery."," Scalise, who was shot in the hip, was transported to MedStar Washington and underwent surgery.",1 + American Airlines spokesman Ross Feinstein said the smaller regional jets flown by its partners can't operate once the temperature hits 118 degrees., American Airlines spokesman Ross Feinstein said the smaller regional jets flown by its partners can't operate once the temperature hits 118.,1 +" --- AP journalists Louise Watt in Beijing and Johnson Lai in Taipei, Taiwan, contributed to this report.","Associated Press videojournalist Johnson Lai in Taipei, Taiwan, contributed to this report.",1 +"Richard Forno, who directs the graduate cybersecurity program at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, said weakening encryption won't make people safer.","Weakening encryption won't make people safer, says Richard Forno, who directs the graduate cybersecurity program at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County.",0 +"It also seeks out potential terrorist accounts by tracing the ""friends"" of an account that has been removed for terrorism.","It also seeks out potential extremist accounts by tracing the ""friends"" of an account that has been removed for terrorism.",1 +"Associated Press journalists Suzan Fraser in Ankara, Elena Becatoros in Saranda, Albania;","Ayse Wieting in Bitez, Turkey, Suzan Fraser in Ankara, Elena Becatoros in Saranda, Albania, and Ron DePasquale and Stephanie Siek in New York contributed.",0 + Gianforte plans to work off his community service sentence with a Bozeman organization that builds custom wheelchairs for children., Gianforte plans to work off his community-service sentence with a Bozeman organization that builds custom wheelchairs for children.,0 +But he assured that the effort would eventually help reduce rampant tax evasion.,But he said the effort would eventually help reduce rampant tax evasion.,0 +" The military announcement said Myanmar received the Y-8 plane in March last year, and since then it had logged 809 flying hours."," The military said Myanmar received the Y-8 plane in March last year, and since then it had logged 809 flying hours.",0 +"On the way, he was stopped near a hospital at a checkpoint manned by militants.","He ran home anyway, but was stopped at a checkpoint manned by militants.",0 +" ""They say they give out rotten beans, but at least they give out beans,"" said Sanchez Morales."," ""They say they give out rotten beans, but at least they give out beans,"" she said.",1 +The extreme heat led the operator of California's power grid to call on people to conserve electricity during peak hours., The operator of California's power grid called on people to conserve electricity during peak hours.,0 +"So far, over 730 commitments have been received, most on managing protected areas, according to conference spokesman Damian Cardona.","So far, over 730 commitments have been received, most on managing protected areas, conference spokesman Damian Cardona said.",0 +" The ministry said that among other militant leaders killed in the raid were IS leaders Abu al-Khadji al-Mysri, Ibrahim al-Naef al-Khadj and Suleiman al-Shauah."," The Russian ministry said that among other militant leaders killed in the raid were IS leaders Abu al-Khadji al-Mysri, Ibrahim al-Naef al-Khadj and Suleiman al-Shauah.",0 +" ""They're feeling pretty good about the neighborhoods that are at risk but a lot depends on what the wind does today,"" Overton said."," ""They're feeling pretty good about the neighborhoods that are at risk, but a lot depends on what the wind does today,"" Overton said.",0 + The U.S. government condemned the sentence and accused North Korea of using such American detainees as political pawns.,"The official referred to them as ""hostages."" The U.S. government accuses North Korea of using such detainees as political pawns.",1 +"ISIS"" cried one boy, laughing as he pointed to a tiny black flag on one of the tanks.","ISIS!"" cried one boy, laughing as he pointed to a tiny black flag on one of the tanks.",0 +" Schwandt promised Robertson he would return later to switch the part, and left tools behind as he moved on to the next customer."," Schwandt promised Robertson he would return later to switch the part, leaving tools behind as he moved on to the next customer.",0 + A medical examiner ruled that Hernandez died of lack of oxygen to the brain caused by strangulation and chest compression.,A medical examiner ruled that Hernandez died of lack of oxygen to the brain caused by strangulation and chest compression.,0 +" Olmert was rushed to hospital with chest pains last month, but doctors ruled out a heart attack."," Olmert was rushed to the hospital with chest pains last month, but doctors ruled out a heart attack.",0 +He was in Poland under a false identity and worked as a trade representative.,"He was in Poland under a false identity and worked as a salesman of cosmetics, detergents and small power generators.",1 +"Health officials with Maricopa County, which is home to the state's capital, say most heat-related deaths involve people with non-functioning air conditioners.","Health officials with Maricopa County, which is home to the Phoenix area, say most heat-related deaths involve people with non-functioning air conditioners.",0 +"While it remains the only truly national party in Mexico, it lost governorships last year in four states it had never lost before.","While it remains the only truly national party in Mexico, PRI lost governorships last year in four states where it had never lost before.",1 +"Also wounded was former congressional aide Matt Mika, who now works for Tysons Food in its Washington office.","Also wounded was former congressional aide Matt Mika, who now works for Tyson Foods in its Washington office.",0 +"""They need to surrender before we find 'em,"" Sills said.","""They've certainly had time to get out of the state,"" Sills said.",0 + A UPS statement said the shooter and all the victims were employees.,"The shooter and all the victims were employees, UPS said in a statement.",0 +" Voters in the states of Coahuila and Nayarit also will choose new governors on Sunday, but Mexico State is the country's biggest electoral prize."," Voters in the states of Coahuila and Nayarit were also choosing new governors Sunday, but Mexico State is the country's biggest electoral prize.",0 + Disney's young adult cable network Freeform will air the full concert live at 2 p.m.,Disney's young adult cable network Freeform will air the full concert live at 2 p.m.,0 +The city's minority Christians have been singled out for execution., The city's minority Christians have been singled out for execution.,0 +"And as you can see now the ship is still listing, so they had to fight the ship to keep it above the surface.","And as you can see now, the ship is still listing, so they had to fight the ship to keep it above the surface.",0 +"That will have a positive impact on economic growth, but likely not until 2018, the survey said.","That would have a positive impact on economic growth, but likely not until 2018, the survey said.",0 +" Scalise, who was shot in the hip, was transported to a Washington hospital and was undergoing surgery."," Scalise, who was shot in the hip, was transported to a Washington hospital and underwent surgery.",1 + PARIS (AP) -- French President Emmanuel Macron's new government is presenting a security bill to beef up police powers amid sustained extremist threats to Europe., PARIS (AP) -- French President Emmanuel Macron's new government presented a security bill Thursday to beef up police powers amid extremist threats to Europe.,1 +"the continuation of fraught talks with Serbia, which denies Kosovo's existence as a state;", The continuation of fraught talks with Belgrade - which denies Kosovo's existence as a state - is also a key concern.,1 +" Experts said evacuating is a complicated decision with major ramifications, and none interviewed by The Associated Press second-guessed Turner."," Experts said evacuating during a hurricane is a complicated decision with major ramifications, and none who spoke to the Associated Press second-guessed Turner.",1 +" The group will also conduct a broad look at the personnel and equipment needs of the nation's overburdened crime labs, among other aims.","It will also conduct a broad look at the personnel and equipment needs of the nation's overburdened crime labs, among other aims.",0 +" The fire that erupted Monday at a wooden house in the center of Rostov-on-Don, a city of 1.1 million, quickly engulfed neighboring buildings."," The fire that erupted at a wooden house in the center of Rostov-on-Don, a city of 1.1 million, quickly engulfed neighboring buildings.",0 +Associated Press writer Mark Thiessen in Alaska contributed to this report.,Associated Press writer Mark Thiessen in Anchorage contributed to this report.,1 +" The mortuary at Connaught Hospital has been overwhelmed by the number of dead, with bodies spread out on the floor."," The Connaught Hospital mortuary in central Freetown was overwhelmed on Tuesday with more than 300 bodies, many spread on the floor.",1 +"The city's public schools were closed, along with six universities and a medical school."," The city's public schools were closed, along with six universities and a medical school.",0 + SALT LAKE CITY (AP) -- Three GOP candidates hoping to replace Jason Chaffetz in Congress face off in a primary election Tuesday., SALT LAKE CITY (AP) -- Three GOP candidates hoping to replace former Rep.,1 + The courthouse was closed for the day as local and state authorities helped to secure the scene., The courthouse was closed for the day as local and state authorities helped secure the scene.,0 +And officials acknowledge that fatalities from Harvey could soar once the floodwaters start to recede from one of America's most sprawling metropolitan centers., Authorities acknowledge that fatalities from Harvey could soar once the floodwaters start to recede from one of America's most sprawling metropolitan centers.,1 +The videos showed two types of new missiles with ranges of 800 kilometers (497 miles) and 500 kilometers (310 miles) being fired from truck-mounted launchers.,They showed two types of new missiles with ranges of 800 kilometers (500 miles) and 500 kilometers (310 miles) being fired from truck-mounted launchers.,0 +"The government blames Rohingya insurgents for the violence, including the arson."," The Myanmar government blames Rohingya insurgents for the violence, including the arson.",1 +"Foreboding images of Harvey were lighting up weather radar screens early Tuesday, the 12th anniversary of the day Katrina made landfall in Plaquemines Parish.","Foreboding images of Harvey lit up weather radar screens early Tuesday, the 12th anniversary of the day Katrina made landfall in Plaquemines Parish.",1 + Joshua Green is charged with not reporting the birth of his son to the state.," Joshua Green, whose relationship to the other Greens was also unclear, is charged with not reporting the birth of his son to the state.",1 +" ""We are starting to get down to the end of the tunnel of all this rain,"" he said."," ""We are starting to get down to the end of the tunnel of all this rain,"" National Weather Service meteorologist Roger Erickson said.",1 +" A video posted on the government's Twitter site showed Morales declaring Ivan Velasquez ""non grata"" and ordering him to leave the country immediately."," A video posted on the government's Twitter site early Sunday showed Morales declaring Ivan Velasquez ""non grata"" and ordering him to leave the country immediately.",1 + A barricade separated the groups of protesters as police officers stood by dressed in black riot gear., A barricade separated the two groups as police officers stood by dressed in black riot gear.,0 +One woman died when a car rammed into a crowd of people protesting the white nationalist rally., One woman died when a car plowed into a crowd of people protesting the white nationalist rally.,0 + Local media reported that the suspect's body could be seen lying next to a car at the drive-thru of a neighboring bank., The shooting suspect's body could be seen lying next to a car at the drive-thru of a neighboring bank.,0 +"The protest was in response to violence at a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, over the weekend.","The protest was in response to violence and a death at a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, over the weekend.",1 + But the statement raised worries amid a barrage of threats from both sides., But the statement raised worries amid threats from both sides.,0 +" Investigators are still looking for a motive in the shooting and haven't found a connection to the rape case, said Jefferson County Prosecutor Jane Hanlin."," Investigators are looking for a motive in the shooting and haven't found a connection to the rape case, prosecutor Jane Hanlin said.",1 + The effort underscores Trump's shaky political positioning not yet seven months into his presidency., The surge underscores Trump's shaky political position not yet seven months into his presidency.,0 + The water was above the middle of the bottom kitchen cabinet., The water was more than halfway up the lower kitchen cabinets.,0 +" ""Maybe that statement wasn't tough enough,"" Trump said in the latest round of an escalating exchange of threats between the two nuclear-armed nations."," ""Maybe that statement wasn't tough enough,"" Trump said, in the latest U.S. salvo in an escalating exchange of threats between the nuclear-armed nations.",1 +Most of those in detention are Islamist supporters of Morsi but also include a number of secular and liberal activists.," Most of those in detention are Islamist supporters of Morsi, but a number of prominent liberal and secular activists have also been jailed.",1 + SYDNEY (AP) -- Search and rescue operations were underway for three U.S., SYDNEY (AP) -- U.S. military officials called off a search and rescue operation on Sunday for three U.S.,0 + In May a Guatemalan judge ordered that the brother and son of Morales must stand trial on fraud charges.," In May, a Guatemalan judge ordered that the brother and son of Morales stand trial on fraud charges.",1 +That strains Kenya's security forces as they seek to keep the vote free of violence.,That strains Kenya's security forces as they seek to keep the country calm.,0 +"Asay's second victim was Robert McDowell, 26, who was mixed race, white and Hispanic.","Asay also was convicted of the 1987 murder of 26-year-old Robert McDowell, who was mixed race, white and Hispanic.",1 +"Other students in the class intervened and tried to restrain the attacker, but he assaulted four people, including the teacher.","Other students in the class intervened and tried to restrain Ophel, but he assaulted four people, including the teacher.",1 +Pollution has been known to drift to Britain from industrial units in France.,""" Pollution has been known to drift to Britain from industrial units in France, but police said wind direction made that unlikely in this case.",1 +"15. Sect members Deborah Green, Joshua Green and Stacey Miller also face various charges ranging from child abuse, bribery and not reporting a birth.","Sect members Deborah Green, Joshua Green and Stacey Miller also face various charges ranging from child abuse, bribery and not reporting a birth.",0 +Associated Press writers Ciaran Giles in Madrid and Albert Stumm in Barcelona also contributed to this report.,"Associated Press writers Ciaran Giles in Madrid, Albert Stumm in Barcelona and Alan Clendenning in Phoenix also contributed to this report.",1 +" Paris Poe, 37, killed two government witnesses planning to testify against the Hobos gang, U.S."," Paris Poe, 37, killed two government witnesses planning to testify against the gang, U.S.",0 + Deforestation for firewood and charcoal is one of the leading factors of worsening flooding and mudslides.,""" Deforestation for firewood and charcoal is one of the leading factors of worsening flooding and mudslides.",0 + Sheriff David Beth urged any witnesses to the shooting to contact his department., Beth urged any witnesses to the shooting to contact his department.,0 +" In 1994, a pipeline ruptured on the river near Interstate 10 and caught fire.","In 1994, a pipeline ruptured on the river near Interstate 10 and caught fire.",0 +" In an unusual move, South Korea's military released footage of its own missile tests it says were conducted last week."," In an unusual move, the military in Seoul released footage of three South Korean missile tests conducted last week.",1 +" Like Trump's embrace of the legislation curtailing legal immigration, some of what the president has to offer his core supporters is more show than substance.", Some of what the president has to offer his core supporters is more show than substance.,1 +" Egyptian authorities have clamped down on civil society, particularly human rights groups and other organizations that receive foreign funding."," In recent years, Egypt has clamped down on civil society, particularly human rights groups and other organizations that receive foreign funding.",1 + The appointment of White House chief of staff John Kelly also fits in to that effort., The appointment of White House chief of staff John Kelly also fits into that effort.,0 +" On Wednesday, firefighters found and collected what appeared to be pieces of helicopter fuselage and a helmet.", Firefighters found and collected what appeared to be pieces of helicopter fuselage and a helmet earlier in the week.,1 +Weakened levees were in danger of failing and a less-ferocious but still potent Harvey was on track to slam into Louisiana overnight.,"Weakened levees were in danger of failing, even as a less-ferocious but still potent Harvey returned to shore.",1 +"stronger than ever before,"" he wrote on Twitter. He later insisted that his support ""will never change!"" But polling doesn't support Trump's claim.","stronger than ever before"" and ""will never change!"" But polling doesn't support Trump's claim.",0 +"But after landing some shots in the first three rounds, his punches seemed to lose their steam, and Mayweather went on the pursuit."," McGregor boxed surprisingly well but after landing some shots in the early rounds, his punches seemed to lose their steam.",1 +"Seems silly now, but it seemed the right thing to do at the time.","Seems silly now, but at the time it seemed the right thing to do.",0 +" Brima Mundeh, 40, said he feared that three of his missing family members were buried under the mud unleashed by the storm Monday morning."," Forty-year-old Brima Mundeh, who escaped the disaster with his two children, said he feared that three missing family members were buried under the mud.",1 +"As we made our way toward the local church that become a shelter, the boat's propeller hit the ground and we all got off.","As we made our way toward the local church that had become a shelter, the boat's propeller hit the ground and we all got off.",0 +" The presence of nearly 10,000 people in the guru's headquarters has raised fears they may turn violent again after their leader is sentenced on Monday.","However, the presence of another 10,000 or so there has raised fears that they may turn violent again after their leader is sentenced on Monday.",1 +""" State corrections officials defended the choice, saying it has been reviewed."," State corrections officials have defended the choice of etomidate, saying it has been reviewed.",1 +He has met with Israeli and Palestinian leaders aiming to encourage the resumption of peace talks.,"During a four-day visit that was ending Wednesday, he met with Israeli and Palestinian leaders to encourage the resumption of peace talks.",1 +" ""It's time for the party to put the matter to rest once and for all,"" Smith told reporters on Monday."," ""It's time for the party to put the matter to rest once and for all,"" Smith told reporters before the meeting.",1 +" Eventually, a car rammed into a peaceful crowd of anti-white-nationalist protesters, killing a woman."," Eventually, a car rammed into a peaceful crowd of anti-white-nationalist protesters, killing 32-year-old Heather Heyer.",1 +" The capacity crowd at the arena cheered McGregor on, but they quieted as the fight progressed and Mayweather showed his dominance."," The capacity crowd of 14,623 cheered McGregor on, but they quieted as the fight progressed and Mayweather showed his dominance.",1 + Copenhagen police suspect that Madsen deliberately sunk the submarine though he initially blamed technical problems.," Danish police said they suspect that Madsen deliberately sank the submarine, though he initially blamed technical problems.",1 +The Confederate statue of Robert E. Lee is in the background.,The Confederate statue of Robert E. Lee was in the background.,1 + Authorities say more than 300 were killed in and around Freetown on Monday following heavy rains., Authorities have said more than 300 people were killed in and around Freetown on Monday following heavy rains.,1 +""" - Daily Stormer, a white supremacist website promoting the Charlottesville demonstration on its Summer of Hate edition.",""" - Daily Stormer, a white supremacist website promoting the Charlottesville demonstration as part of its Summer of Hate edition.",0 + Erickson says another 4 to 8 inches (10 to 20 centimeters) of rain is likely across southwest Louisiana., As much as 6 to 12 more inches of rain (15 to 30 centimeters) could fall in western Louisiana.,1 +They also said he did not provide the names of doctors or other evidence he illness., Italian police say he didn't provide the names of doctors or other evidence he is ill.,1 + Three alleged accomplices also were ordered to be held on suspicion they helped plan the attack.,Three alleged accomplices - all believed to be Moroccan - were ordered to be held on suspicion they helped plan the attack.,1 + --- Associated Press writer Thomas Peipert contributed to this report., --- Associated Press writers P. Solomon Banda and Thomas Peipert contributed to this report.,1 +"Associated Press writers Lolita C. Baldor in Washington and Eric Talmadge in Seoul, South Korea, contributed to this report."," --- Associated Press writers Jonathan LeMire in Bedminster, New Jersey, and Josh Lederman and Lolita C. Baldor in Washington contributed to this report.",1 +Democrats and some Republicans called on him to specifically denounce white supremacy and racially motivated hate by name., Democrats and some Republicans called on him to specifically denounce white supremacy and racially motivated hate by name.,0 +" The rest of North America was treated to a partial eclipse, as were Central America and the top of South America.","But the rest of North America was treated to a partial eclipse, as were Central American and the upper reaches of South America.",1 +"Later, his political rally provides the atmospherics of the campaign trail itself.","Later, his political rally in Phoenix provides the atmospherics of the campaign trail itself.",1 +"Instead, referee De Burgos Bengoetxea showed Ronaldo a second yellow for diving and sent him off.","Instead, referee De Burgos showed him a second yellow for diving and sent him off.",1 +" The journalist's boyfriend alerted authorities Aug. 11 that the 40-ton, nearly 18-meter-long (60-foot-long) sub, named the UC3 Nautilus, had not returned from a test run.",""" The journalist's boyfriend alerted authorities Aug. 11 that the 40-ton, nearly 18-meter-long (60-foot-long) sub, named the UC3 Nautilus, hadn't returned from a test run.",0 +A total of 92 Florida inmates have been executed in that time period.,A total of 92 Florida inmates had been executed previously in that time period.,1 + Strange was Alabama's attorney general before he was appointed to the Senate in February by Gov.,""" Strange was Alabama's attorney general before he was appointed to the Senate in February by Gov.",0 + Some focused on showing support for the people whom white supremacists' condemn., Some focused on showing support for the people whom white supremacists condemn.,0 + Clashes in 2007 between Dera Sacha Sauda followers and members of the Sikh faith left at least three people dead in northern India., Clashes in 2007 between the guru's Dera Sacha Sauda followers and members of the Sikh faith left at least three people dead in northern India.,1 +Police later arrested Madsen on preliminary manslaughter charges in the disappearance of 30-year-old freelance journalist Kim Wall.,Police later arrested the Dane on preliminary manslaughter charges in the disappearance of 30-year-old freelance journalist Kim Wall.,1 +"People walk down a wide, pedestrian path in the center of the street but cars can travel on either side.",It features a pedestrian-only walkway in the center while cars can travel on either side.,1 +" A visiting judge from Hamilton County, where Cincinnati is located, handled the vast majority of the rape case."," A visiting judge from Hamilton County, where Cincinnati is located, handled the majority of the rape case.",0 + Democratic leaders and other Trump opponents plan protests and marches outside the Phoenix rally to decry his immigration policies and his comments about Charlottesville., Democratic leaders and other Trump opponents plan protests and marches outside the rally to decry his immigration policies and his comments about Charlottesville.,0 +" About 325,000 people have already sought federal emergency aid in the wake of Harvey.","About 325,000 people have already sought federal emergency aid in the wake of Harvey.",0 +"He touted the ""very big financial impact"" of the sanctions and noted optimistically that both China and Russia had joined in the unanimous vote.","He cited the ""very big financial impact"" of the sanctions and noted optimistically that both China and Russia had joined in the unanimous vote.",0 +"In Seattle, police made arrests and confiscated weapons as Trump supporters and counter-protesters converged downtown.","In Seattle, police arrested three men and confiscated weapons as Trump supporters and counter-protesters converged downtown.",1 +" In New Orleans, Mayor Mitch Landrieu urged residents to stay home Tuesday due to the threat of potential flooding."," In New Orleans, Mayor Mitch Landrieu urged residents to stay home Tuesday because of the threat of potential flooding.",0 + Japanese officials made their usual strongly worded condemnations of the launch.,""" Japanese officials made their usual strongly worded condemnations of the launch.",0 +"On Tuesday, heavy rains were starting to flood some New Orleans streets.","On Tuesday, rains flooded a few of the city's streets.",1 +But Trapero said it was not linked to the van attack.,But Trapero the driver's actions were not linked to the van attack.,1 +"The higher the water got, the more polluted the water looked.","The higher the water got, the more polluted it looked.",0 +The ship's small boats and aircraft immediately responded in the search and rescue efforts.,"The ship's small boats and aircraft immediately responded in the search and rescue efforts, and 23 of 26 personnel aboard the aircraft were rescued.",1 +"Rainfall remains in the forecast for the coming days, slowing recovery efforts and bringing the threat of further mudslides.","Rainfall is in the forecast for the coming days, slowing recovery efforts.",1 +"Associated Press writers Jill Colvin and Andrew B. Taylor in Washington and Kelly P. Kissel in Rockport, Texas, contributed to this report."," -- Associated Press writers Jill Colvin and Andrew B. Taylor in Washington and Kelly P. Kissel in Rockport, Texas, contributed to this report.",0 +"Ed Royce, the Republican chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said in an interview after meeting with South Korea's leaders.","Ed Royce, the Republican chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said in an interview after meeting with South Korean leaders.",0 +" Vessels and aircraft from the U.S., Indonesia, Singapore and Malaysia are searching for the missing sailors."," Vessels and aircraft from the U.S., Indonesia, Singapore and Malaysia were searching for the missing sailors.",1 +"Before announcing the sentence, Tharp asked Poe if he wanted to make a statement."," Before announcing the sentence, Tharp asked Poe if he would be making a statement.",0 +Foreboding images of Harvey lit up weather radar screens on the 12th anniversary of the day Katrina made landfall in Plaquemines Parish., Foreboding images of Harvey lit up weather radar screens on the 12th anniversary of the day Katrina made landfall in Plaquemines Parish.,0 + That missile was fired at an extremely lofted angle and landed about 200 kilometers (120 miles) off Japan's Hokkaido island., The ICBM North Korea tested July 30 flew on a highly lofted trajectory and landed about 200 kilometers (120 miles) off Japan's Hokkaido island.,1 +The removals partly were based on violent acts committed white supremacists using Confederate imagery and historians questioning the legitimacy of The Lost Cause.,The removals partly were based on violent acts committed by white supremacists using Confederate imagery and historians questioning the legitimacy of The Lost Cause.,0 +Washington and Seoul say the exercises are defensive in nature and crucial to maintaining a deterrent against North Korean aggression.,Washington and Seoul say they're meant as a deterrent against North Korean aggression.,1 +" Meanwhile, Gov.John Bel Edwards said Louisiana is offering to shelter storm victims from Texas.",John Bel Edwards said Louisiana is offering to shelter storm victims from Texas.,0 +" Powell was in leg shackles and handcuffs when he jumped over the seat and put the deputy in a headlock, causing the van to crash."," Powell jumped over a seat wearing leg shackles and handcuffs and put the deputy in a headlock, causing the van to crash.",1 + The latest statewide damage surveys revealed the staggering extent of the destruction caused by Harvey.,And the latest statewide damage surveys revealed the staggering extent of the destruction.,1 +Boats belonging to the Sea Rescue Society were sailing along southwestern Sweden searching for clues.,Boats belonging to the Sea Rescue Society sailed along southwestern Sweden searching for clues.,1 +" ""The victims were known gang members,"" Malecki said, adding that they came from the Aurora area in Illinois."," ""The victims were known gang members,"" Malecki said, adding that deputies were investigating the possibility that the assailant was a rival gang member.",1 + North Korea frequently uses extremely bellicose rhetoric with warnings of military action to keep its adversaries on their heels.," North Korea, no stranger to bluffing, frequently uses extremely bellicose rhetoric with warnings of military action to keep its adversaries on their heels.",0 + Steubenville City Manager James Mavromatis tells WTOV-TV that Bruzzese was talking after being wounded.," Bruzzese, 65, was talking after being wounded, Steubenville City Manager James Mavromatis told WTOV-TV.",0 +" -- On Twitter follow Ken Thomas at https://twitter.com/KThomasDC and Darlene Superville at https://twitter.com/dsupervilleAP --- For complete Harvey coverage, visit https://apnews.com/tag/HurricaneHarvey"," -- On Twitter follow Ken Thomas at https://twitter.com/KThomasDC and Darlene Superville at https://twitter.com/dsupervilleAP --- For complete Harvey coverage, visit https://apnews.com/tag/HurricaneHarvey",0 +The water took away my mother and sister and they have buried them today.," ""The water took away my mother and sister and they have buried them today.",1 + Rail spokeswoman Heather Redfern said none of the 42 people hurt in the crash suffered life-threatening injuries.," None of the 42 people hurt in the crash suffered life-threatening injuries, said Heather Redfern, a spokeswoman for the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority.",1 +" By launching a volley of four, the North would be attempting to make it harder for the U.S. to intercept all of the incoming missiles."," By launching a salvo of four, the North would be attempting to make it harder for the U.S. to intercept all of the incoming missiles.",0 +"Army's missile defense system known as Terminal High Altitude Area Defense, or THAAD, the same system recently installed in South Korea.","Army's defense system known as Terminal High Altitude Area Defense, or THAAD, which can intercept missiles.",1 +"The washing machine had turned on its side in the water, and so had the standup freezer.","The washing machine had turned on its side in the water, and so had the stand-up freezer.",0 +"Accusing his predecessors of insufficient action, Trump said it was time somebody stood up to the pariah nation.","Accusing his predecessors of insufficient action, Trump said it was time somebody stood up to Kim Jong Un.",1 +4. The Massachusetts State Lottery announced on Twitter that the single winning ticket was sold at the Handy Variety convenience store in Watertown.,4. The Massachusetts State Lottery announced Thursday morning that the winning ticket was sold at the Pride Station &,1 +" The state crime lab will help investigate the shooting, said Republican Attorney General Mike DeWine."," The state crime lab will help investigate the shooting, Republican Attorney General Mike DeWine said.",0 +" The killings were meant to send a message to other potential witnesses, and it worked, the judge said."," The killings were meant to send a warning to potential witnesses, and it worked, Tharp said.",0 +"But the releases were not enough to relieve the pressure after one of the heaviest downpours in U.S. history, Army Corps of Engineers officials said.","But the releases were not enough to relieve the pressure after the relentless downpours, Army Corps of Engineers officials said.",0 +" In early August, a cargo vessel collided with a tugboat on the Amazon River, also in the state of Para."," In early August a cargo vessel collided with a tugboat on the Amazon River, also in the state of Para.",0 +" ""Right now nothing is off the table,"" Tom Fargione said."," ""Right now, nothing is off the table. This is a tremendous disaster in terms of size and scope."" Gov.",1 +" ""We are not turning anyone away. But it does mean we need to expand our capabilities and our capacity,"" Turner said."," ""We are not turning anyone away. But it does mean we need to expand our capabilities and our capacity,"" Mayor Sylvester Turner said.",0 +""" The university, which is located in Australia's capital, Canberra, said counseling services were being provided to anyone affected by the attack."," The university, which is located in Australia's capital, Canberra, said counseling services were being provided to anyone affected by the attack.",0 +"The current jackpot refers to the annuity option, doled out in 30 payments over 29 years, increasing 5 percent annually.","That amount refers to the annuity option, doled out in 30 payments over 29 years.",1 +" Trump accused Pakistan on Monday night of giving extremists a safe haven, while next door in Afghanistan they kill U.S. troops.",""" Trump accused Pakistan of giving extremists a safe haven, while next door in Afghanistan they kill U.S. troops.",1 + Paulding County Sheriff Jason Landers said Saturday that FBI agents and U.S.," Paulding County Sheriff Jason Landers said Sunday that authorities, including the FBI and U.S.",1 + Supporters of charter schools had feared that Trump's polarizing rhetoric could hurt the school-choice movement.,But some charter school supporters had feared that Trump's polarizing rhetoric could actually hurt the school-choice movement.,1 +"But animosity is higher than usual following threats by Trump to unleash ""fire and fury"" on the North, and Pyongyang's Guam threat.",But animosity is higher than usual following threats traded between Trump and the North.,0 +" The gunman killed Virginia's executive chef, 37-year-old Anthony Shane Whiddon, deputy Charleston County coroner Sheila Williams said late Thursday.",Deputy Charleston County Coroner Sheila Williams identified the victim as 37-year-old Anthony Shane Whiddon.,1 +"When it comes to tax credit-funded scholarships, resistance fell from 29 percent to 24 percent, while support was at 54 percent now.","When it comes to tax credit-funded scholarships for private schools, resistance fell from 29 percent to 24 percent, while support was at 54 percent now.",1 +Marines who were missing after their Osprey aircraft crashed into the sea off the east coast of Australia on Saturday while trying to land.,Marines who were missing after their Osprey aircraft crashed into the sea off the east coast of Australia while trying to land.,0 +"AP writers Eileen Ng in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and Ali Kotarumalos in Jakarta, Indonesia, contributed to this report.","AP writer Robert Burns in Amman, Jordan, Eileen Ng in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and Ali Kotarumalos in Jakarta, Indonesia, contributed to this report.",1 + Australian Defense Minister Marise Payne said Saturday's incident occurred off the coast of Shoalwater Bay in Queensland state., Australian Defense Minister Marise Payne said Saturday's incident occurred off the coast of Shoalwater Bay.,0 +" The main suspect, Abderrahman Mechkah, has admitted to Friday's stabbings, but the others - all Moroccan - have denied any involvement."," The main suspect, who was identified as Abderrahman Mechkah, has acknowledged Friday's stabbings, but denied the murder charges.",1 +"He would win other important battles against other Union's generals, but he was often stalled.",""" He won other important battles against other Union's generals, but often was stalled.",1 + Madsen has denied having anything to do with Wall's disappearance.,He has denied having anything to do with her vanishing.,1 +"Curtis Kellogg, a spokesman for the Army's 25th Infantry Division.","Curits Kellogg, a spokesman for the Army's 25th Infantry Division.",0 +North American Aerospace Defense Command says no satellite reached orbit.,North American Aerospace Defense Command said no satellite reached orbit.,1 +" Speaking to reporters in New Jersey, Trump said North Korea has been ""getting away with a tragedy that can't be allowed."," The president insisted the North had been ""getting away with a tragedy that can't be allowed.",1 +""" Tokyo said there was no reported damage from the missile, which Japan's NHK TV said separated into three parts.", Tokyo said there was no reported damage from the missile.,1 +"The president blamed ""many sides"" for the violence that left an anti-racism activist dead."," Trump has blamed ""both sides"" for the Aug. 12 violence that left an anti-racism activist dead.",1 +" In his statement, Cohen downplayed Sater's comments in the emails."," In his statement, Cohen downplayed the comments Sater made in email correspondence about the Trump Tower Moscow deal.",1 +Lawyers in Trump's Justice Department prosecuted the case at a five-day trial in late June and early July.,Lawyers in Trump's Justice Department prosecuted the case at a five-day trial this summer.,0 +"He compares them to ""the Taliban in Afghanistan"" in their desire to remove monuments.","He compared them to ""the Taliban in Afghanistan"" in their desire to remove monuments.",0 + Ronaldo will miss Wednesday's return leg of the Super Cup in Madrid plus the first four matches of the Spanish league season., Ronaldo will miss Wednesday's return leg of the Super Cup in Madrid plus the first four matches of Real Madrid's league title defense.,1 +Charlottesville officials say Fields crashed his car into the crowd at 1:42 p.m.,Saturday just hours before authorities say Fields crashed his car into the crowd at 1:42 p.m.,1 +"Separately, the spy agency said that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un's third child was born in February, but provided no other details."," Separately, the spy agency said North Korean leader Kim's third child was born in February, but provided no other details.",1 +"The second night inside the center was louder, more crowded and at times, more chaotic.","The second night inside the center was louder, more crowded and at times, more chaotic, and even more people arrived Tuesday.",1 +" Courthouse video on Monday shows both the judge and Nate Richmond firing about five times each, said Jefferson County Sheriff Fred Abdalla.","Courthouse video shows the judge and Richmond firing about five times each, Jefferson County Sheriff Fred Abdalla said.",0 +" On Thursday, Trump said it is time somebody stood up to the pariah nation.","Accusing his predecessors of insufficient action, Trump said it was time somebody stood up to the pariah nation.",1 + Hundreds of firefighters backed by several helicopters worked for hours to contain the blaze.," About 2,000 firefighters backed by several helicopters worked for hours to contain the blaze, which destroyed more than 80 houses.",1 +" The situation is reminiscent of Hurricane Katrina in 2005, when officials drew criticism for not ordering an evacuation sooner.",""" The situation is reminiscent of Hurricane Katrina in 2005, when New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin and Louisiana Gov.",1 +"""We should not exclude reliable forensic analysis-or any reliable expert testimony-simply because it is based on human judgment.","""We should not exclude reliable forensic analysis - or any reliable expert testimony - simply because it is based on human judgment.",0 +" Houston's largest shelter housed 10,000 of the displaced as two additional mega-shelters opened Tuesday for the overflow."," Houston's largest shelter housed 10,000 of the displaced - twice its initial intended capacity - as two additional mega-shelters opened Tuesday for the overflow.",1 +" He is critical of the U.S., and says only dialogue, not military actions or threats, can resolve tensions with the erratic leadership in Pyongyang."," He is critical of the U.S., and says only dialogue, not military actions or threats, can resolve tensions.",1 +"Skies were clear along most of the route, to the relief of those who feared cloud cover would spoil this once-in-a-lifetime moment."," Skies were clear along most of the route, to the relief of those who feared cloud cover would spoil the moment.",0 +" Bruzzese, 65, was talking after being wounded, Steubenville City Manager James Mavromatis told WTOV-TV."," Bruzzese was talking after being wounded, Steubenville City Manager James Mavromatis told WTOV-TV.",0 +She said Deborah Green ordered her to live in a shed with no toilet and with little food.,"She said Deborah Green, who is a ""general"" of the cult, ordered her to live in a shed with no toilet and with little food.",1 +The men hold white shields with a black-and-white logo of two axes.,The men held white shields with Vanguard America's black-and-white logo of two crossed axes.,1 +"""We warned about the risk of collapses also in the case of not particularly serious temblors,"" De Chiara said."," ""We warned about the risk of collapses also in the case of not particularly serious temblors,"" De Chiara told Corriere della Sera newspaper.",1 +"Prosecutors say Asay had hired McDowell, who was dressed as a woman, for sex and shot him six times after discovering his gender.","Asay had hired McDowell, who was dressed as a woman, as a prostitute, and killed him after learning his true gender, prosecutors said.",1 +" ""We must use forensic analysis carefully. But we must continue to use it,"" Rosenstein planned to tell a gathering of forensics professionals in Atlanta."," ""We must use forensic analysis carefully, but we must continue to use it,"" he said, according to prepared remarks.",1 +" Swift's mother, Andrea Swift, tried to keep the accusation quiet by not reporting the incident to police.",""" Swift's team initially tried to keep the accusation quiet by not reporting the incident to police, and instead contacting Mueller's bosses.",1 +"""Violence against judges represents an attack on the Rule of Law, the foundation of our country."""," ""Violence against judges represents an attack on the Rule of Law, the foundation of our country,"" O'Connor said.",1 +"It's been Barcelona's turn today,"" said Carles Puigdemont, the head of the regional government.","It's been Barcelona's turn today,"" Carles Puigdemont, president of Catalonia's government.",1 +""" --- Associated Press writer Edie Lederer at the United Nations contributed to this report.",""" --- Associated Press writer Edith Lederer at the United Nations contributed to this report.",0 +"The weather report predicted more, but we went to sleep.","The weather report predicted more, but we went to sleep - until my husband woke me in the pre-dawn hours Sunday.",1 +""" President Donald Trump issued a federal emergency declaration on Monday for five parishes in southwest Louisiana: Beauregard, Calcasieu, Cameron, Jefferson Davis and Vermillion."," President Donald Trump, moving to expedite federal disaster assistance, issued a federal emergency declaration Monday for five parishes in southwest Louisiana.",1 +"there was no amount mentioned,"" said Gerrie Nel, a prominent South African lawyer who has offered his assistance to the 20-year-old model.","There was no amount mentioned,"" said Gerrie Nel, a prominent South African lawyer who has offered his assistance to Engels.",1 +" First responders lifted the child from her mother's body and tried to revive the woman, but she never regained consciousness.","First responders lifted the child from her mother's body and tried to revive the woman, but she never regained consciousness.",0 + Former sect member Maura Alana Schmierer told The Associated Press on Monday by the group's latest troubles and had been interview by investigators recently., Maura Alana Schmierer told The Associated Press on Monday that she had been interviewed by investigators recently about the Aggressive Christianity Missions Training Corps.,1 +"Sunday night, as I was about to go to sleep at the church, my phone rang.","Sunday, as I was about to go to sleep at the church, my phone rang.",0 +" The Houston metro area covers about 10,000 square miles (25,900 sq. kilometers), an area slightly bigger than New Jersey."," The Houston metro area covers about 10,000 square miles (25,900 square kilometers), an area slightly bigger than New Jersey.",0 +" Tourism officials said that the damage was localized in two towns, and said much of the island was business as usual Tuesday."," Tourism officials said that the damage was localized to Casamicciola and Lacco Ameno, with much of the island business as usual by Tuesday.",1 + Gay marriage campaigner Anna Brown said her advocacy group The Equality Campaign would seek a High Court injunction to prevent any postal plebiscite.,She said her advocacy group The Equality Campaign would seek a High Court injunction to prevent any postal plebiscite.,1 +" Meanwhile, opposition to publicly funded vouchers that help parents pay private school tuition dropped from 44 percent last year to 37 percent;"," At the same time, opposition to publicly funded vouchers that help parents pay private school tuition dropped from 44 percent last year to 37 percent;",0 +It was not immediately clear what the launch meant for civilian flights using the airport.,It was not immediately clear what the launch meant for the few civilian flights that use the airport.,1 +" Tatsuya Yasue buried his face into the flag and smelled it, then he held Strombo's hands and kissed them."," Sadao Yasue's brother buried his face into the flag and smelled it, and his 93-year-old sister wept silently as it was placed on her lap.",1 +Arpaio also gave a speech at the Republican National Convention in which he said Trump would prevent immigrants from sneaking into the country.,He appeared for Trump and gave a speech at the Republican National Convention.,1 +" Palm oil is found in everything from cookies and lipstick to paint, shampoo and instant noodles, and Indonesia is the world's top producer."," Palm oil is used in everything from cookies and lipstick to paint, shampoo and instant noodles, and Indonesia is the world's top producer.",0 +""" Mayweather ran his record to 50-0, surpassing Rocky Marciano's 49-0 record and giving himself a great parting gift."," Mayweather ran his record to 50-0, surpassing Rocky Marciano's 49-0 record and giving himself a great parting gift.",0 +The plan would be sent to leader Kim Jong Un for approval just before or as the U.S.-South Korea exercises begin.,The plan would be sent to leader Kim Jong Un for approval just before or as the U.S.-South Korea drills begin.,1 +"He told investigators he first used the library's bathroom, exited and started shooting and yelling."," Jouett told investigators he first used the library's bathroom, exited and started shooting and yelling.",1 +" Makeshift memorials grew along Las Ramblas after it reopened to the public, albeit under heavy surveillance and an unusual quiet.", Makeshift memorials grew along Las Ramblas after it reopened to the public.,1 +"The attacker had been a student of the statistics class for four weeks, Claessens said.","Ophel had been a student of the statistics class for four weeks, Claessens said.",1 + The Danish inventor was known for financing his submarine project through crowdfunding., Madsen was known for financing his submarine project through crowdfunding.,1 +" --- Associated Press Writer Jay Reeves in Gallant, Alabama, contributed to this report."," --- Associated Press Writer Jay Reeves in Gallant, Alabama and Bill Barrow in Atlanta contributed to this report.",1 +Police said they were investigating a possible link to Thursday's attack.,Police said they were investigating a possible link between the explosion and Thursday's attack.,1 +""" The track's website shows the event included drag racing, tailgating, live entertainment and a car show.",""" Great Lakes Dragaway's website said the event included drag racing, tailgating, live entertainment and a car show.",1 +" The Houston metro area covers about 10,000 square miles (25,900 square kilometers), an area slightly bigger than New Jersey.","The Houston metro area covers about 10,000 square miles (25,900 square kilometers), an area slightly bigger than New Jersey.",0 +The capital also is plagued by unregulated construction in hilltop areas.,The capital is also plagued by unregulated construction on its hillsides.,1 +The president's advisers have tried to drown out the bad news by focusing on his agenda.,The president's advisers have tried to drown out the bad news by promoting policies that conservatives like.,0 +" Text messages flew between neighbors, and it was only 6 a.m.", Text messages flew between neighbors: It was only 6 a.m. and the water was at the middle of my shin.,0 +" Meanwhile, several hundred Trump supporters lined up at the Convention Center, with some arriving before dawn for the 7 p.m. rally.", But some of Trump's supporters were so keen to see the president that they began queuing up before dawn for the 7 p.m. rally.,0 +"On the boat were several other families: two elderly people, a six-month old baby and two dogs.","On the boat were several other families, including two elderly people, a 6-month old baby and two dogs.",0 +" The Houston center already held more than 9,000 people, almost twice the number officials originally planned to house there, Mayor Sylvester Turner said."," The city's largest shelter, the George R. Brown Convention Center, held more than 9,000 people, almost twice the number officials originally planned to house there.",1 +She said Tucker is listed as missing and hasn't been found among the more than 100 injured.,""" Tucker is listed as missing and hasn't been found among the 120 injured.",0 +"He has been arrested on charges of kidnapping to extort money and falsifying documents, pending an indictment.",He was detained on suspicion of kidnapping to extort money and falsifying documents.,1 + The president kept his distance from the epicenter of the damage in Houston to avoid disrupting recovery operations., The president deliberately kept his distance from the epicenter of the damage in Houston to avoid disrupting recovery operations.,0 +"""They made an offer and said 'Let us talk, this will go away' .","""They made an offer and said 'Let us talk, this will go away.' ...",0 +" Here is a look at some of the victims: --- Elke Vanbockrijck, Belgium.","14. Here is a look at some of the victims: --- Elke Vanbockrijck, Belgium.",0 + The collision was the second involving a ship from the Navy's 7th Fleet in the Pacific in two months., It was the second major collision in the last two months involving the Navy's 7th Fleet.,1 +" Pence said ""we are beginning to see progress"" when it comes to North Korea, but says that ""much more"" must still be done."," Pence said ""we are beginning to see progress"" when it comes to North Korea, but said ""much more"" must still be done.",0 +The president did not mention those who died in the storm or those forced from their homes by its floodwaters.,The president did not mention those who died in the storm or those forced from their homes.,1 +""" The honorees will be celebrated at a gala on Dec. 3, featuring performances and tributes from top entertainers."," The honorees will be celebrated at a Kennedy Center gala on Dec. 3, featuring performances and tributes from top entertainers.",1 +"In Tuesday's balloting, which includes other minor candidates, one must win more than 50 percent of the vote to avoid a runoff election.",One must win more than 50 percent of the votes that were cast Tuesday to avoid a runoff election.,0 +Police later arrested the Dane on preliminary manslaughter charges in the disappearance of 30-year-old freelance journalist Kim Wall.,Police later arrested the Dane on preliminary manslaughter charges in the disappearance of 30-year-old journalist Kim Wall.,0 +" In an unusual move, the military in Seoul released footage of three South Korean missile tests conducted last week."," In an unusual move, the military in Seoul released videos of three South Korean missile tests conducted last week.",0 +"Associated Press writer Eric Talmadge in Seoul, South Korea, contributed to this report.","Associated Press writers Lolita C. Baldor in Washington and Eric Talmadge in Seoul, South Korea, contributed to this report.",1 + South African authorities are debating whether to grant the 52-year-old Grace Mugabe diplomatic immunity., South African authorities are debating whether to grant the 52-year-old Mugabe diplomatic immunity.,0 +He has denied having anything to do with her vanishing.,Madsen has denied having anything to do with her vanishing.,1 +" South African police said a ""red alert"" had been issued to prevent Grace Mugabe from leaving the country after Zimbabwe's government requested diplomatic immunity."," South African police issued a ""red alert"" to prevent Mugabe from leaving the country after Zimbabwe's government requested diplomatic immunity.",1 +A weather station southeast of Houston reported 49.32 inches of rain as of Tuesday morning.,A weather station southeast of Houston reported 49.32 inches of rain.,1 + The next total solar eclipse in the U.S. will be in 2024., The next total eclipse in the U.S. will be in 2024.,0 +""" Irish fans arrived by the thousands in the days before the fight, filling the arena for the weigh-in and boisterously cheering for their man."," Irish fans arrived by the thousands in the days before the fight, filling the arena for the weigh-in and boisterously cheering for their man.",0 + The gatherings spanned from a planned march to President Donald Trump's home in New York to a candlelight vigil in Florida., The gatherings spanned from a march to President Donald Trump's home in New York to candlelight vigils in several cities.,1 +A State Department reception and awards dinner on Dec. 2 will also be held as planned.,A traditional State Department reception and awards dinner on Dec. 2 will be held as planned.,1 +" His sister, Tina Luke, told the AP that Tucker and his wife, Heidi Nunes-Tucker, were celebrating their honeymoon in Barcelona."," His sister, Tina Luke, told the Associated Press that Tucker and his wife, Heidi Nunes-Tucker, were celebrating their honeymoon in Barcelona.",0 + Leaders around the world offered their support to Barcelona after the attack., Leaders around the world offered their support and condolences to Barcelona after the attack.,1 +"The etomidate is followed by rocuronium bromide, a paralytic, and finally, potassium acetate, which stops the heart.","It's followed by rocuronium bromide, a paralytic, and finally, potassium acetate, which stops the heart.",0 +"Volunteers have been digging with pick axes and, at times, only their hands.","Many were volunteers who dug with shovels, pick axes and, at times, only their hands.",1 +" --- WHAT IF NO ONE WINS? The jackpot will keep growing until someone matches all the numbers, and that can take awhile."," --- WHAT IF NO ONE WINS? The jackpot will keep growing until someone matches all the numbers, and that can take a while.",0 +He made a last-minute escape from the sinking vessel Friday and has denied any responsibility for Wall's fate.,Madsen made a last-minute escape from the sinking vessel Friday.,1 +" ""What a crowd, what a turnout,"" Trump declared before waving a Texas flag from atop a step ladder positioned between two fire trucks."," ""What a crowd, what a turnout,"" Trump declared before waving a Texas flag from atop a step ladder positioned between two firetrucks.",0 + Documents show Lee was a cruel figure with his slaves and encouraged his overseers to severely beat slaves captured after trying to escape., Documents show Lee was cruel to his slaves and encouraged his overseers to severely beat slaves captured after trying to escape.,0 +"In December 2016, 12 people died after a driver used a hijacked trick to drive into a Christmas market in Berlin.","In December 2016, 12 people died after a driver used a hijacked truck to drive into a Christmas market in Berlin.",0 +"But it was dry, and we made it our home for the night.","There were at least 100 people there and no cots, but it was dry, and we made it our home for the night.",1 + Several safety violations were recorded for the tanker at its last port inspection in July.," Several safety violations were recorded for the oil tanker at its last port inspection in July, one fire safety deficiency and two safety-of-navigation problems.",1 +" The documents, first reported by USA Today, say Trump's order emphasizes public safety over the appearance of the heavily equipment."," The documents, first reported by USA Today, say Trump's order would emphasize public safety over the appearance of the heavily equipment.",0 +" ""She was not negative. She was always positive,"" he said in a phone interview."," ""She was always positive,"" he said in a phone interview.",1 +"Others fled in panic, screaming or carrying young children in their arms.","Others were ushered inside shops by officers with their guns drawn or fled in panic, screaming and carrying young children in their arms.",1 +" Engels attended the press conference on Thursday, a bandage still on her forehead, but did not comment."," Engels attended a news conference on Thursday, a bandage still on her forehead, but did not comment.",0 +"It is replacing midazolam, which has been harder to acquire after many drug companies began refusing to provide it for executions.","Etomidate replaced midazolam, which became harder to acquire after many drug companies began refusing to provide it for executions.",1 +Powell overpowered a deputy on a trip Friday from a psychiatric hospital to a county jail., Investigators say Powell had stolen a gun from a deputy he overpowered during a Friday trip from a psychiatric hospital to jail.,1 + The Kennedy Center said it respected Trump's decision and that the show will go on., The Kennedy Center said it respected Trump's decision and the show will go on.,0 +"But even for me, a non-native Houstonian, it was clear by Thursday this was not going to be a typical event.","But even for me, a non-native Houstonian, it had been clear since Thursday this was not going to be a typical event.",1 +"Foreboding images of Harvey lit up weather radar screens early Tuesday, the 12th anniversary of the day Katrina made landfall in Plaquemines Parish.",Foreboding images of Harvey lit up weather radar screens on the 12th anniversary of the day Katrina made landfall in Plaquemines Parish.,1 +" Brock Long, the man directing the Trump administration's response to Hurricane Harvey, is a veteran of disaster management in government and the private sector.", The man directing the Trump administration's response to Hurricane Harvey is a veteran manager of disasters - both natural and man-made.,1 +"""The president was heartbroken by what he saw,"" the governor said.","""The president was heartbroken by what he saw,"" Abbot said.",1 + Sunday's move capped days of speculation that Morales would move against Velasquez., The president's action Sunday capped days of speculation that Morales would move against Velasquez.,1 +" SEOUL, South Korea (AP) -- North Korea on Thursday announced a detailed plan to launch a volley of ballistic missiles toward the U.S.", Trump spoke after North Korea intensified its own rhetoric by announcing a detailed plan to launch a salvo of ballistic missiles toward the U.S.,0 +"Lee declined, citing his reservations about fighting against his home state of Virginia.","Lee declined, citing his reservations about fighting against his home state of Virginia and resigned from the U.S.",1 +"But most of that support is soft, and gay-rights advocates are concerned that referendums rarely change the status quo in Australia.",Gay-rights advocates are concerned that referendums rarely change the status quo in Australia.,1 +" Violence also broke out in several places across the neighboring states of Haryana and Punjab, police said."," Violence also broke out elsewhere in Haryana and the neighboring state of Punjab, as well as in the capital, New Delhi, police said.",1 + A look at the issues around the vote: --- THE CANDIDATES Kenyatta and Odinga are from storied political families., A look at the issues: --- THE CANDIDATES Kenyatta and Odinga are from storied political families.,1 +"It was the journalist's boyfriend who alerted authorities that the sub had not returned from a test run, police said."," The journalist's boyfriend alerted authorities that the sub had not returned from a test run, police said.",0 + It was the second major collision in the last two months involving the Navy's 7th Fleet., It was the second major collision in the past few months involving the Navy's 7th Fleet.,0 + But Trapero said neither of them was the van's driver.," Trapero said neither of them was the van's driver, who remained at large after abandoning the van and fleeing on foot.",1 +"Additional convictions could affect Hoegel's possibility of parole, but there are no consecutive sentences in Germany."," Additional convictions could affect Hoegel's possibility of parole, but there are no consecutive sentences in Germany.",0 + Lisa Baird told the newspaper (http://bit.ly/2wdMWOQ) that she was about 20 feet from the man as he opened fire inside the library., Lisa Baird told The Eastern New Mexico News (http://bit.ly/2wdMWOQ) that she was about 20 feet (6 meters) from the gunman as he opened fire.,1 +" Dried blood was found inside the submarine that also matched with Wall, he said."," Dried blood belonging to Wall was also found inside the submarine, he said.",0 + Some rescue workers and volunteers were digging through the mud and debris with their bare hands in a desperate search for missing relatives., Some rescue workers and volunteers dug overnight through the mud and debris with their bare hands in a desperate search for missing relatives.,1 +"Four other sailors were evacuated by a Singaporean navy helicopter to a hospital in the city-state for treatment of non-life threatening injuries, the Navy said.","Four other sailors were evacuated by a Singaporean navy helicopter to a hospital in the city-state for treatment of non-life-threatening injuries, the Navy said.",0 +He added police found marks on the torso indicating someone tried to press air out of the body so that it would not float.,He added police found marks on the torso indicating someone tried to press air out of the body so that it wouldn't float.,0 + Authorities acknowledge that fatalities from Harvey could soar once the floodwaters start to recede from one of America's most sprawling metropolitan centers., Authorities acknowledge that fatalities from Harvey could soar once the floodwaters start to recede from one of America's largest metropolitan centers.,0 +"Nearly all winners favor the cash option, which would now be $480.5 million.","Most people opt for the cash option, which for Wednesday's prize was $480.5 million.",1 +"That's why we are here, to mourn and go back home,"" said Zainab Kargbo, who was among those at the cemetery.","That's why we are here, to mourn and go back home,"" said one survivor, Zainab Kargbo.",0 +"But Egypt has defended the law, saying it was drafted and passed in accordance with constitutional provisions."," Egypt has defended the law, which provoked an international backlash, saying it was drafted and approved according to its constitution.",1 +" Thursday's bloodshed was the country's deadliest attack since 2004, when al-Qaida-inspired bombers killed 192 people in coordinated assaults on Madrid's commuter trains."," Thursday's bloodshed was Spain's deadliest attack since 2004, when al-Qaida-inspired bombers killed 192 people in coordinated assaults on Madrid's commuter trains.",0 +" Early Tuesday, Harvey's relentless downpour continued to drench Houston and the surrounding area."," Early Tuesday, Harvey continued to drench Houston and the surrounding area.",0 +Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said in characteristically understated fashion as he met with South Korea's top diplomat.,Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said in characteristically understated fashion.,1 +" The rains in Cedar Bayou, near Mont Belvieu, Texas, reached 51.88 inches (132 centimeters) as of 3:30 p.m."," The rains in Cedar Bayou, near Mont Belvieu, Texas, totaled 51.88 inches (132 centimeters) as of Tuesday afternoon.",1 + Its website is laced with anti-Semitic language and anti-gay tirades about same sex marriage., Its website is laced with anti-Semitic language and anti-gay tirades about same-sex marriage.,0 +Mario Cuomo on Sunday launched an online petition calling on Trump to denounce Saturday's white supremacist rally.,Andrew Cuomo launched an online petition Sunday calling on Trump to denounce Saturday's white supremacist rally.,1 + He told The Associated Press in a message that he couldn't say what happened.,He told The Associated Press in a message that he couldn't say what happened.,0 +"He seemed almost happy in the ring afterward, secure that he had given a good performance even in losing.",""" He seemed almost happy in the ring afterward, secure that he had given a good performance even in losing.",0 +Others had water in their homes over their heads and had broken through the roof to get out.,Others had water in their homes over their heads and had broken through their roofs to get out.,0 + Velasquez heads a 10-year-old commission of experts that has worked with Guatemalan prosecutors to root out corruption in the country., Velasquez heads a 10-year-old commission of experts that has worked with Guatemalan prosecutors to root out corruption.,1 + It said that in total 664 laying stalls at 258 farms were banned from selling eggs.," The report said that, in total, 664 laying stalls at 258 farms were banned from selling eggs.",1 +"The channel and its affiliate sites have been blocked in Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Bahrain."," The channel and its affiliate sites have been blocked in Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Jordan and Bahrain.",1 + Copenhagen police investigator Jens Moeller Jensen told reporters Wednesday that DNA tests confirmed the body matched with Wall.," DNA tests confirmed the torso is Wall's, Copenhagen police investigator Jens Moeller Jensen told reporters Wednesday.",1 +" The Robert E. Lee statue in Charlottesville, Virginia, went up in 1924.", The Robert E. Lee statue in Charlottesville was erected in 1924.,0 +"He did it in what he said would be his final fight, against a fighter who had never been in a professional boxing match.","He did it in what he said would be his final fight, against a man who had never been in a professional boxing match before.",1 +" The university's Deputy Vice Chancelor, Marni Hughes-Warrington, said she was moved by the courage shown by the students who tried to stop the attack."," The university's Deputy Vice Chancellor, Marni Hughes-Warrington, said she was moved by the courage shown by the students who tried to stop the attack.",0 +" Authorities identified the gunman as 51-year-old Nathaniel ""Nate"" Richmond, the father of Ma'Lik Richmond."," Authorities identified the gunman as Nathaniel ""Nate"" Richmond, the father of Ma'Lik Richmond.",0 +""" Kennedy Center Chairman David M. Rubenstein and President Deborah F. Rutter said in a joint statement that they respect Trump's decision.", Kennedy Center Chairman David M. Rubenstein and President Deborah F. Rutter said they respected Trump's decision.,1 +" In Asay's case, jurors recommended death for both murder counts by 9-3 votes."," In Asay's case, jurors recommended death for both murder counts by a 9-3 vote.",0 +He'd gone there to witness and deplore the white nationalist rally on a Saturday that spiraled into bloodshed.,He had gone there to witness and deplore the white nationalist rally on a Saturday that spiraled into bloodshed.,0 +20. The pesticide Fipronil was found to have been illegally mixed in an insect spray for chickens., The scandal started when Fipronil was found to have been illegally mixed in an insect spray for chickens.,0 +" Before then, up to 20 more inches (51 centimeters) of rain could fall, National Weather Service Director Louis Uccellini said Monday."," Before the storm is gone, up to 20 more inches (51 centimeters) of rain could fall, National Weather Service Director Louis Uccellini said Monday.",0 +Japan's NHK TV said the missile separated into three parts.,""" Tokyo said there was no reported damage from the missile, which Japan's NHK TV said separated into three parts.",1 +" Authorities identified the gunman as Nathaniel ""Nate"" Richmond, the father of Ma'Lik Richmond."," Authorities identified the gunman as 51-year-old Nathaniel ""Nate"" Richmond, the father of Ma'Lik Richmond.",1 + Madrid opens the league on Sunday at Deportivo La Coruna.,Zinedine Zidane's Madrid opens the league on Sunday at Deportivo La Coruna.,1 +"Forecast totals ranged from 4 to 8 inches (10 to 20 centimeters), with some places possibly getting up to a foot.","Forecast totals ranged from 4 to 8 inches (10 to 20 centimeters), with some places possibly getting up to a foot (30 centimeters).",1 + The U.S. also said it planned to rigorously monitor China's compliance with the new penalties., The U.S. also warned it planned to rigorously monitor China's compliance with the new penalties.,1 +""" Two years ago, corruption allegations against Perez Molina and his vice president, Roxana Baldetti, were mounting and public protests went on for months.",""" Two years ago, corruption allegations were mounting against Perez Molina and his vice president, Roxana Baldetti, and public protests went on for months.",1 +" Meanwhile, Louisiana Gov.John Bel Edwards said Louisiana is offering to shelter storm victims from Texas.",John Bel Edwards said Louisiana is offering to shelter storm victims from Texas.,1 +"More than $57 million in individual assistance has already been paid out, Federal Emergency Management Agency officials said.","More than $57 million in individual assistance has already been paid out, FEMA officials said.",0 +Police said 13 people were killed and more than 50 wounded in the terror attack.,"Thirteen people were killed and 100 were injured, 15 of them seriously, in what authorities called a terror attack.",1 +"The great apes are only found on two islands, Sumatra and Borneo, which Indonesia shares with Malaysia.","The great apes are only found on two islands, Indonesia's Sumatra and Borneo, which Indonesia shares with Malaysia.",1 +And he basked in the attention of cheering supporters outside the fire station where officials briefed him on the recovery.,He basked in the attention of cheering supporters outside the fire station where officials briefed him on the recovery.,0 + Clashes in 2007 between the Dera Sacha Sauda followers and members of the Sikh faith left at least three people dead in north India., Clashes in 2007 between Dera Sacha Sauda followers and members of the Sikh faith left at least three people dead in north India.,0 +Hamas also demanded he approve relief and development programs and pressure Israel about the Palestinian prisoners it holds., Hamas also demanded he approve relief and development programs and pressure Israel about the Palestinian prisoners it holds.,0 + Penisson said the child was in stable condition at Christus St. Elizabeth Hospital.," The child was taken to the Christus St. Elizabeth Hospital in Beaumont, and was expected to be released Wednesday.",1 +" ""They are telling him just enact your program,"" Conway said of the president's base."," ""They are telling him, 'just enact your program,'"" Conway said of the president's base.",0 +"As diplomats gathered in the Philippines for an annual regional meeting, President Donald Trump was cheering the move from afar.","As diplomats gathered in the Philippines for an annual regional meeting, President Donald Trump was cheering the move.",1 + Authorities said a Belgian was among the dead and a Greek woman was among the injured.," After the van attack, authorities said a Belgian was among the dead and a Greek woman was among the injured.",1 + Judge Joseph Corabi said he and the county's two other judges park in reserved spots next to the courthouse in eastern Ohio., Judge Joseph Corabi said he and the county's two other judges park in reserved spots next to the courthouse.,1 +" But our Houston neighborhood of Meyerland was not told to evacuate, and since 2010 when we moved to Houston we had been through four floods.","Still, our Houston neighborhood of Meyerland was not told to evacuate, and since 2010 when we moved to Houston we had been through four floods.",0 +" Meanwhile, more than 17,000 people are seeking refuge in Texas shelters, the American Red Cross said.","""Relief is coming."" More than 17,000 people have sought refuge in Texas shelters and that number seemed certain to increase, the American Red Cross said.",1 +Supreme Court ruling found the state's method of sentencing people to death to be unconstitutional.,Supreme Court halted the practice in the state after finding its method for sentencing people to death to be unconstitutional.,1 + A spokeswoman for a Houston hotel said one of its employees disappeared while helping about 100 guests and workers evacuate the building.,A Houston hotel said one of its employees disappeared while helping about 100 guests and workers evacuate the building.,0 +" The submarine's Danish owner, inventor Peter Madsen, was questioned after the UC3 Nautilus sank Friday.", Submarine owner Peter Madsen was questioned after the UC3 Nautilus sank Friday.,1 +Police said a man who was in the car with the suspected shooter was taken into custody.,Police said a man who was in the car with him was taken into custody.,0 +" The Durham protest was in response to a white nationalist rally held in Charlottesville, Virginia, over the weekend.","The protest was in response to violence at a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, over the weekend.",1 +"""Don't worry about a Congress that isn't supporting legislation to get big ticket items done.","""Don't worry about a Congress that isn't supporting legislation to get big-ticket items done.",0 +" ""So was Sheriff Joe was convicted for doing his job?"" Trump asked supporters at Tuesday's rally."," ""So Sheriff Joe was convicted for doing his job?"" Trump asked supporters at Tuesday's rally in Phoenix.",1 +" Mueller's attorney, Gabriel McFarland, asked why they didn't contact police."," Mueller's attorney, Gabriel McFarland, asked why Swift's team didn't contact police.",1 +"""We are doing what we can ... we will never give up.""","""We are doing what we can ... we will never give up."" The Nautilus set out from Copenhagen's harbor late Thursday.",0 +"Greg Abbott said Trump showed ""genuine compassion"" on the short flight to Austin as they watched video footage of the flooding in Houston.","Greg Abbott, R-Texas, said Trump showed ""genuine compassion"" on the short flight to Austin as they watched video footage of the flooding in Houston.",1 +"In recent years, Egypt has also cracked down on the once-vibrant tunnel trade along the border."," As part of the blockade, Egypt has cracked down on the once-vibrant tunnel trade along the border.",1 +" It is unclear whether North Korea would risk firing missiles so close to U.S. territory, which could provoke countermeasures and further escalation.", It is unclear whether - or exactly why - North Korea would risk firing missiles so close to U.S. territory.,1 +Germany's Foreign Ministry said it was checking reports that Germans were among the victims.,Germany's Foreign Ministry said it was checking reports that German citizens were among the victims.,1 +Many victims were trapped under tons of mud as they slept.,Many were trapped under tons of mud as they slept.,0 +"Health officials said about 40 people were injured, with several of them hospitalized.","Emergency officials said 45 people were injured, and seven of them were hospitalized.",1 + The government has hired 600 gravediggers for burials in a cemetery that holds victims of the 2014-15 Ebola outbreak that killed thousands in the country.,""" Burials have begun in a cemetery that holds victims of the 2014-15 Ebola outbreak that killed thousands in the West African country.",0 +"Madsen, who was arrested on preliminary manslaughter charges, denies having anything to do with Wall's disappearance."," Madsen, 46, who was then arrested on preliminary manslaughter charges, denies having anything to do with Wall's disappearance.",1 +" Danish police said they suspect that Madsen deliberately sank the submarine, though he initially blamed technical problems.","Danish police said they suspect that Madsen deliberately sank the vessel, though he initially blamed technical problems.",0 + Clinton is scheduled to appear with Shillady at a September 7 event in New York., Clinton is scheduled to discuss the book with Shillady at a Sept. 7 event in New York.,1 +Five white balls will be drawn from a drum containing 69 balls and one red ball will be selected from a drum with 26 balls.,Five white balls are drawn from a drum containing 69 balls and one red ball is selected from a drum with 26 balls.,0 +"The implication seemed to be that Obama struggled to create jobs for his fellow minorities, while Trump has a sterling jobs record."," The implication is that Obama struggled to create jobs for his fellow minorities, while Trump has a sterling jobs record.",1 +NEW YORK (AP) — Tiffany Haddish is feeling very recharged these days — thanks to her new car., Tiffany Haddish is feeling very recharged these days _ thanks to her new car.,1 +"""When you're playing good matches in big tournaments like this, I don't think it's peaking too soon."," ""When you're playing good matches in big tournaments like this, I don't think it's peaking too soon.",0 + Brian Dozier and Justin Turner also went deep as the Dodgers finished with their highest scoring total at Dodger Stadium., Brian Dozier and Justin Turner also went deep as Los Angeles finished with its highest scoring total at Dodger Stadium.,0 +The two-time All-Star also left Tuesday's game at Seattle when he injured his left shoulder while diving to make a catch in the first inning., The two-time All-Star also left Tuesday's game at Seattle when he injured his left shoulder while diving to make a catch in the first inning.,0 +She won the last time it was in Montreal in 2016. Halep complained Friday about playing the first semifinal day after two straight night matches.,She won the last time it was in Montreal in 2016.,1 + Offense was hard to come by after that for the Dodgers.,Offense was hard to come by after that for the Dodgers.,0 +It was unclear how many other civilians had been killed or wounded.,It was unclear how many other civilians had been killed or wounded during the attack.,1 +Health officials also worry that polio may return to Brazil.,Health officials also worry that polio may return to Latin America's largest nation.,1 +" In a statement Tuesday, the Pentagon acknowledged an ""ongoing review"" of Dana W. White but had no other comment."," The Pentagon issued a statement acknowledging there is an ""ongoing review"" of Dana W. White, but had no other comment.",1 +" There was no immediate word on the possible cause of the crash, which was under investigation by Swiss authorities.","There was no immediate word on the possible cause of the crash, which was under investigation by Swiss authorities.",0 +Springer was the unquestioned star of last year's World Series against the Dodgers., Springer was the unquestioned star of last year's World Series against the Dodgers.,0 +" Spike Lee's ""BlacKkKlansman"" also opened strongly with $10.8 million in 1,512 theaters."," Lee's critically acclaimed ""BlacKkKlansman"" also opened strongly with $10.8 million in 1,512 theaters.",0 + The Dodgers' Joc Pederson led off in the first inning with a home run off Verlander.,""" The Dodgers' Joc Pederson led off in the first inning with a home run off Verlander.",0 + The statement did not say how many militants took part in the attack., The Islamic State group's statement did not say how many militants took part in the attack.,1 + The state-run Anadolu Agency said the finance chief would address hundreds of foreign investors later Tuesday., The state-run Anadolu Agency said the finance chief would address hundreds of foreign investors on Thursday.,1 +Yan Gomes doubled with one out in the second and scored on Martin's single., Yan Gomes doubled with one out in the second and scored on Martin's single.,0 +The Japanese two-way star has homered four times and is batting .643 (9 for 14) against the Indians in four games this season.,He's homered four times and is batting .643 (9 for 14) against the Indians in four games.,1 +" In the tape played on MSNBC, Trump's daughter-in-law, Lara Trump, offers Manigault Newman a job earning $15,000 a month."," In the recording played on MSNBC, Trump's daughter-in-law Lara Trump offers Manigault Newman a job earning $15,000 a month.",0 +Hamilton has examined Trump's $1.5 trillion worth of tax cuts over the next decade., Hamilton has examined Trump's $1.5 trillion worth of tax cuts over the next decade.,0 +"LONDON (AP) — Weeks after tying the knot themselves, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are at another wedding — this time as guests.","LONDON (AP) — Weeks after tying the knot themselves, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex were at another wedding Saturday — this time as guests.",1 +Washington imposed financial sanctions on two Turkish ministers and warned of additional measures., Washington has demanded the pastor's release and imposed financial sanctions on two Turkish ministers and warned of additional measures.,1 +" The right-hander gave up two hits in four innings, struck out five and walked two before departing Saturday night."," The right-hander gave up two hits in four innings, struck out five and walked two before departing with a 1-0 lead.",1 +" Ewing, then 23, was arrested again two days later about 15 miles (24 kilometers) away by park rangers at Lake Mead."," Ewing, then 23, was arrested two days later by park rangers at Lake Mead.",1 +" The former American actress waved to well-wishers outside the church on Saturday, which is also her 37th birthday.","The former American actress waved to well-wishers outside the church on Saturday, which is also her 37th birthday.",0 +"P ASX 200 climbed 0.2 percent to 6,268.20 while South Korea's Kospi was flat at 2,300.67.","P ASX 200 climbed 0.2 percent to 6,268.50 while South Korea's Kospi edged 0.1 percent higher to 2,301.45.",1 +The Paramount Pictures release has pulled in $162 million in three weeks.,The Paramount Pictures release starring Tom Cruise has pulled in $162 million in three weeks.,1 +" The Dodgers hit three more Astros batters with pitches Sunday, and Springer was knocked down by an inside fastball from Buehler."," The Dodgers hit three more Astros batters with pitches, and Springer was knocked down by an inside fastball from Buehler.",0 +A credible election is a crucial step for lifting international sanctions and attracting badly needed foreign investment in Zimbabwe's long-collapsed economy., A credible election is a crucial step for lifting international sanctions and attracting badly needed foreign investment in Zimbabwe's long-collapsed economy.,0 +" President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Thursday portrayed the currency drop as a ""campaign"" to harm Turkey."," Erdogan on Thursday portrayed the currency drop as a ""campaign"" to harm Turkey and called on the people not to worry.",1 +LHP Zach Rosscup (left middle finger inflammation) pitched one scoreless inning in a rehab outing also at Single-A Rancho Cucamonga.,LHP Zach Rosscup (left middle finger inflammation) pitched one scoreless inning in a rehab outing also at Rancho Cucamonga.,0 +" Andrew Miller, making his first appearance since May 26, struck out one and walked a batter in a scoreless seventh.","Andrew Miller, making his first appearance since May 26, struck out one and walked a batter in a scoreless seventh.",0 +" At one point, Trump returned to the podium to poll those in the crowd on their views of the press, prompting more jeers."," Trump returned to the podium to poll those in the crowd on their views of the press, prompting more jeers.",0 +"LONDON (AP) — A high school science teacher from Cincinnati, Ohio, has rowed solo across the Atlantic, setting a record for a west-to-east crossing.","LONDON (AP) — A high school science teacher from Cincinnati, Ohio, has rowed solo across the Atlantic Ocean, setting a record for a west-to-east crossing.",0 +" Verlander won his first career regular-season start at Dodger Stadium, giving up one run on four hits over 7 2/3 innings.",""" Verlander won his first career regular-season start at Dodger Stadium, giving up one run on four hits over 7 2/3 innings.",0 +"Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said his government won't back down and was willing to ""go its own way"" if the U.S. imposes sanctions.","Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said his government wouldn't back down and was willing to ""go its own way"" if the U.S. did act.",1 + A credible election is a crucial step for lifting international sanctions and attracting badly needed foreign investment in Zimbabwe's long-collapsed economy.,A credible election is a crucial step for lifting international sanctions and attracting badly needed foreign investment in Zimbabwe's long-collapsed economy.,0 +" The Angels won at Progressive Field for the first time since June 17, 2014, breaking a 10-game skid.",""" The Angels won at Progressive Field for the first time since June 17, 2014, breaking a 10-game skid.",0 +RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — Brazil's health ministry has launched a nationwide vaccination campaign to protect children from measles and poliomyelitis.,RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — Brazil's health ministry launched a nationwide vaccination campaign on Monday to protect children from measles and poliomyelitis.,1 +"The driver then joined the passengers in attacking the tourists with knives, leaving four dead and three injured.","The driver and the passengers then got out and attacked the tourists with knives, leaving four dead and three injured.",1 + Turner delivered his sixth home run after coming off the 10-day disabled list earlier Thursday., Turner hit his sixth home run after coming off the 10-day disabled list earlier Thursday.,0 +" The comedian is enjoying her Tesla Model X, a high-end electric vehicle that was a gift from Tyler Perry.","The comedian is enjoying her Tesla Model X, a high-end electric vehicle that was a gift from Tyler Perry.",0 + High level meetings in Washington between U.S. and Turkish officials over a detained American pastor ended this week without an apparent resolution.,High level meetings in Washington between U.S. and Turkish officials ended this week without an apparent resolution.,1 +"In the semifinals, the American will face fifth-seeded defending champion Elina Svitolina or 14th-seeded Elise Mertens.","In the semifinals, the American will face fifth-seeded defending champion Elina Svitolina.",1 +""" The top-seeded Halep advanced with a 7-5, 6-1 victory over sixth-seeded Caroline Garcia."," The top-seeded Halep advanced with a 7-5, 6-1 victory over sixth-seeded Caroline Garcia.",0 +Shares rose in Indonesia and Thailand but fell in Singapore.,Shares rose in Thailand but fell in Indonesia and Singapore.,0 +It was Dozier's second home run in three games with the Dodgers.,It was Dozier's second home run in two starts with the Dodgers.,1 +" He said: ""If they have their dollar, we have the people, we have Allah."""," ""If they have their dollar, we have the people, we have Allah,"" he said.",1 + The team says Springer exited with discomfort in his thumb Sunday following a headfirst dive into the bag., Springer exited with discomfort in his thumb following a headfirst dive into the bag.,0 + Halep has reached the Rogers Cup final for the third time in four years.,"Open title defense, beat fifth-seeded Elina Svitolina 6-3, 6-3. Halep reached the Rogers Cup final for the third time in four years.",1 + The Warner Bros. release had been forecast by some for closer to half that total.," ""The Meg"" had been forecast by some analysts for closer to half that total.",1 +The Dodgers won the season series against the Brewers 4-3 after splitting the four-game series at Dodger Stadium., The Dodgers won the season series against the Brewers 4-3 after splitting the four-game series at home.,0 +"LHP Hyun-Jin Ruy (strained left groin) went four scoreless innings, giving up two hits, in a rehab start for Single-A Rancho Cucamonga.","LHP Hyun-Jin Ryu (strained left groin) went four scoreless innings, giving up two hits, in a rehab start for Single-A Rancho Cucamonga.",0 +"The protest was organized by the National Coordination for the Defense of the Quran, the Muslim holy book."," The protest was organized by the National Coordination for the Defense of the Quran, the Constitution and Equitable Development.",1 +"ALLEGANY, N.Y. (AP) — State wildlife officers have seized three king cobras and other venomous reptiles from a New York home.","ALLEGANY, N.Y. (AP) — State wildlife officers have seized three king cobras among the more than 300 reptiles kept in a New York home.",1 + Danish says more than 150 insurgents have been killed or wounded since the assault began early Friday.,Danish said more than 150 insurgents have been killed or wounded.,1 +"Ohtani, starting for the first time since Tuesday, took a 5-for-37 slump into the game.",""" Ohtani, starting for the first time since Tuesday, took a 5-for-37 slump into the game.",0 +Modi's speech was broadcast live to the nation from the historic Red Fort in New Delhi.,"Modi's 80-minute speech, broadcast live from the historic Red Fort in New Delhi, comes months before national elections.",1 + New reliever Roberto Osuna did not pitch in his first game on the active roster for Houston.,""" New reliever Roberto Osuna did not pitch in his first game on the active roster for Houston.",0 + TRAINER'S ROOM Indians: OF Tyler Naquin underwent right hip surgery Thursday and is expected to resume baseball activities in 6 to 10 weeks.,""" TRAINER'S ROOM Indians: OF Tyler Naquin underwent right hip surgery Thursday and is expected to resume baseball activities in 6 to 10 weeks.",0 + ENERGY: U.S. crude oil picked up 1 cent to $69.18 per barrel in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange.,ENERGY: U.S. crude oil picked up 6 cents to $69.23 per barrel in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange.,1 +" The new series is not a ""New Generation"" reboot but will tell the story of the next chapter of Picard's life."," The new series is not a ""Next Generation"" reboot but will tell the story of the next chapter of Picard's life.",1 + Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were attending the wedding Saturday of the prince's long-time friend Charlie van Straubenzee to Daisy Jenks., Prince Harry and Meghan Markle attended the wedding of the prince's long-time friend Charlie van Straubenzee to videographer Daisy Jenks.,1 +"His 27-year-old brother Henrik was second, ahead of Morhad Amdouni of France.","His 27-year-old brother, Henrik Ingebrigtsen, was second, ahead of Morhad Amdouni of France.",1 +""" Six people were killed during a military crackdown in Harare on Wednesday as soldiers opened fire on protesters, some of whom were rioting.","Soldiers opened fire on protesters, some of whom were rioting.",1 +" Clayton Kershaw (5-5) gave up two runs and five hits over six innings, winning his second consecutive start.",""" Clayton Kershaw (5-5) gave up two runs and five hits over six innings, winning his second consecutive start.",0 +All four fled the country the same morning Kim was killed.,The four North Korean suspects fled the country the same morning Kim was killed.,1 + Infielder Hernan Perez and catcher Erik Kratz each made his third appearance on the mound for the Brewers.,""" Infielder Hernan Perez and catcher Erik Kratz each made his third appearance on the mound for the Brewers.",0 +" Security was heavy during the protest, which remained calm despite the anger that the report has triggered.","Security was heavy during the protest, which remained calm despite the anger the report has triggered.",0 +"Jones's Facebook account has also been suspended for 30 days but he still has a ""verified"" Twitter account."," Jones' Facebook account has also been suspended for 30 days but he still has a ""verified"" Twitter account.",0 + The Colorado killings followed two other attacks near Denver that either involved or were suspected of involving a hammer., The Colorado killings followed two other attacks near Denver that authorities suspected involved a hammer.,0 +The Philadelphia Eagles have signed coach Doug Pederson and executive vice president of football operations Howie Roseman to contract extensions through the 2022 season., The Philadelphia Eagles signed their coach and executive vice president of football operations to contract extensions through the 2022 season.,1 +" Springer started all three games in the weekend series against the Dodgers, getting an extra-base hit in each game."," Springer started all three games in the weekend series against the Dodgers, getting an extra-base hit in each game of the World Series rematch.",1 +"The power-hitting second baseman has five extra-base hits in five games (four starts) with the Dodgers, including seven RBIs.", The power-hitting second baseman has five extra-base hits and seven RBIs in five games (four starts) with the Dodgers.,0 +They said they will promote their common vision at an EU summit next month in Austria.,They said they will share their common vision at an EU summit next month in Austria.,0 +" In 1984, Rakesh Sharma was the first India to travel in space aboard a Soviet rocket."," Rakesh Sharma was the first Indian to travel in space, aboard a Soviet rocket in 1984.",0 +"With a reaction time at the start of just 0.47, Peaty looked sharp from the beginning of the race."," With a reaction time at the start of just 0.47, Peaty looked sharp from the beginning of the race.",0 + Malaysia's government has said it will resume search if credible evidence on the plane's location emerges., Malaysia's government has said it will resume searching if credible evidence of the plane's location emerges.,1 + Ohtani launched a 3-2 pitch an estimated 443 feet to right for his second homer.,Ohtani launched a 3-2 pitch an estimated 443 feet to right for his second homer.,0 +Marisnick robbed Chris Taylor of a home run to end the sixth.,Marisnick robbed Taylor of a home run to end the sixth.,0 + The top-ranked Romanian will play for the title Sunday against the winner of the semifinal between third-seeded Sloane Stephens and fifth-seeded Elina Svitolina., The top-ranked Romanian will play for the title Sunday against the third-ranked Sloane Stephens in a rematch of Halep's victory in the French Open final.,1 +"In the three games, Dodgers pitchers plunked seven Astros batters.","In the series, Los Angeles pitchers plunked seven Houston hitters.",1 + The Morandi Bridge is a main thoroughfare connecting the A10 highway that goes toward France and the A7 highway that continues north toward Milan.,The Morandi Bridge is a main thoroughfare connecting the A10 highway that goes toward France and the A7 highway that continues north toward Milan.,0 +" Italy's transport minister, Danilo Toninelli, called the collapse ""an enormous tragedy."" Interior Minister Matteo Salvini said some 200 firefighters were responding to the accident."," Italy's transport minister, Danilo Toninelli, called the collapse ""an enormous tragedy."" News agency ANSA said Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte will travel to Genoa later Tuesday.",1 +Cleveland quickly tied it in on Michael Brantley's RBI double and Jose Ramirez's run-scoring single., Michael Brantley's RBI double and Jose Ramirez's run-scoring single tied the game in the first.,0 +" Three brothers, including a pair of twins, helped Belgium to win gold in the men's 4x400 relay."," Another trio of brothers, including a pair of twins, helped Belgium to win gold in the men's 4x400 relay.",0 +Poland won gold in the women's 4x400 ahead of France and Britain., Poland won gold in the women's 4x400 ahead of France and Britain.,0 +"His biggest single was 1981's ""We're in This Love Together.","His biggest single was 1981's ""We're in This Love Together"" from the album ""Breakin' Away.",1 + Police corralled the bull in a backyard Tuesday after a two-hour chase that continued even after the bull's hide was studded with tranquilizer darts., Police corralled the bull in a backyard in Queens after a two-hour chase that continued even after the bull's hide was studded with tranquilizer darts.,1 + Carroll County Sheriff Tobe Leazenby (tohb LEHZ'-ehn-BEE') said Thursday police just want to talk to the man about what he might have seen.,Carroll County Sheriff Tobe Leazenby (tohb LEHZ'-ehn-BEE') said Thursday police just want to talk to the man about what he might have seen.,0 +Larry Nassar pleaded guilty to three charges in federal court in Grand Rapids in western Michigan.," Nassar, 53, pleaded guilty to three charges in federal court in western Michigan, each carrying up to 20 years in prison.",1 +Many people returned to work and could be seen running to catch buses in television images of the morning commute.,Many people returned to work and could be seen running to catch buses for the morning commute.,0 +"Jakarta police spokesman Argo Yuwono estimated the crowds at 60,000 to 70,000 people.","Jakarta police spokesman Argo Yuwono estimated the crowd at 60,000 to 70,000 people in the morning.",1 +" The ""simplified naturalization of third-generation immigrants"" measure is expected to pass in the referendum."," The ""simplified naturalization of third-generation immigrants"" measure passed in a national referendum with 60.4 percent of the votes, Swiss broadcaster SRF reported.",1 +" CYPRESS, Texas (AP) -- A 17-year-old transgender boy has moved within one match of winning a Texas state girls wrestling title."," CYPRESS, Texas (AP) -- A 17-year-old transgender boy moved within one match of winning a Texas state girls wrestling title.",0 +" Shortly later in the day, Temer accepted Rio de Janeiro state's request for military troops to help police."," Later in the day, Temer accepted Rio de Janeiro state's request for troops to help police.",1 +" Gregory Clayborn, the father of one of those killed, opposed the plea agreement in remarks to the judge before the hearing."," Gregory Clayborn, the father of one of the people killed, opposed the deal in an impassioned plea to the judge before the hearing.",1 +" Voters in the eastern Graubuenden canton, or region, are also deciding whether to bid to host the 2026 Winter Olympics."," Voters in the eastern Graubuenden canton, or region, also decided against a bid to host the 2026 Winter Olympics.",1 +" The U.K. awards are often seen as an indicator of who will win at Hollywood's Academy Awards, held two weeks later."," The U.K. awards, known as BAFTAs, are often seen as an indicator of who will win at Hollywood's Academy Awards, held two weeks later.",1 +" The dispute helped fuel the resignation of Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon, a former military chief who sided with the army."," Politicians' support for the soldier fueled the resignation last year of then-Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon, a former military chief of staff.",1 +" South Africa's main opposition party had gone to court, saying the government's notice was illegal because the South African parliament was not consulted."," South Africa's main opposition party had gone to court, saying the government's notice was illegal because parliament was not consulted.",0 +" In recent days, the White House exempted Keystone XL from the rule.","In recent days, the White House exempted Keystone XL from the rule.",0 +"Still, they said, rescinding those directives puts children in harm's way.","Still, they said, lifting the Obama directive puts children in harm's way.",1 + Footage airing on WABC-TV showed the black bull trotting through a residential neighborhood., Footage that aired on WABC-TV showed the black bull trotting briskly through a residential neighborhood.,0 +"The Linked-in accounts for Kuchibhotla and Madasani say that they were engineers working at GPS-maker Garmin, who had studied in India.",The Linked-in accounts for Kuchibhotla and Madasani say that they were engineers working at GPS-maker Garmin and had studied in India.,0 +" About 700 of these foreign fisherman are currently confined to vessels in Honolulu without visas, some making less than $1 an hour."," About 700 of these men are currently confined to vessels in Honolulu without visas, some making less than $1 an hour.",0 +Handel notes that many of those people live in Democratic-leaning states.,Handel says many of those people live in Democratic-leaning states.,0 +"Details of the agreement will be announced on Tuesday, Mello said.","Details of the agreement will be announced Tuesday, Mello said.",0 +"Trump tweeted early Tuesday that Ossoff will raise taxes, is weak on crime and ""doesn't even live in district.","Trump tweeted early Tuesday that Ossoff will raise taxes, is weak on crime and ""doesn't even live in",0 +" Others, like 26-year-old Alexander Bogdani and his wife, Anna Bokonozi, left on foot."," Alexander Bogdani and his wife, Anna Bokonozi, left on foot, pushing a stroller with their toddler daughter.",1 + Samsung has denied that it has offered bribes or sought any wrongful favors from the president., Samsung has denied that it offered bribes or sought any wrongful favors from the president.,1 +" Vitaly Churkin, 64, was taken to a hospital in New York, where he died, Russia's deputy U.N. ambassador, Vladimir Safronkov, told The Associated Press."," Vitaly Churkin was taken to a hospital, where he died a day before his 65th birthday, said Russia's deputy U.N. ambassador, Vladimir Safronkov.",1 +" HACKENSACK, N.J. (AP) -- A New Jersey judge says a criminal complaint against Republican Gov."," HACKENSACK, N.J. (AP) -- A New Jersey judge ruled for the second time that a criminal complaint against Gov.",1 + The Diyarbakir governor's office said five people were detained in connection with the attack.," At least five people were detained in connection with the attack, according to the Diyarbakir governor's office.",0 +It would simplify applications for anyone under 25 whose parents and grandparents have lived in Switzerland for years.,It simplifies applications for anyone under 25 whose parents and grandparents have lived in Switzerland for years.,0 +Szydlo was not in one of those that collided but two other Polish officials had minor injuries.,Szydlo was not in one of the cars involved but two other Polish officials had minor injuries.,0 +"Meanwhile, the Security Council is due this week to discuss Ukraine and Syria.","Meanwhile, the Security Council discussed Ukraine on Tuesday and is set to discuss Syria later in the week.",1 + The verdict against Azaria marked a victory for commanders seeking to preserve a code of ethics., The verdict marked a victory for commanders who said Azaria had violated the army's code of ethics.,1 +"The Palestinian, Abdel Fattah al-Sharif, was lying on the ground badly wounded and already unarmed when Azaria shot him in the head.","The Palestinian, Abdel Fattah al-Sharif, was lying on the ground unarmed when Azaria shot him in the head.",0 +" More than 200,000 people from across Europe were held at Dachau, and more than 40,000 prisoners died there.","In time, more than 200,000 people from across Europe were held at Dachau and subsidiary camps, and more than 40,000 died.",1 + Revis faces aggravated assault and other charges alleging he was in a fight with two men last weekend., Revis faces aggravated assault and other charges alleging he was in a fight with two men last weekend in Pittsburgh.,1 +"The agreement was confirmed by Marina Mello, a spokesman of Brazil's Defense Ministry.","The agreement was confirmed by Marina Mello, a spokesman for the Defense Ministry.",1 +" The German president has little executive power, but is considered an important moral authority.", The German president has little executive power but is considered an important moral authority.,0 + Tillerson and Kelly were meeting behind closed doors with Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto before returning to Washington., Tillerson and Kelly also met behind closed doors with Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto before returning to Washington.,1 +" But Trump said he was ""so confident"" that the measure would pass the Senate and vowed that premiums and deductibles would come down."," Trump said he was ""so confident"" that the measure would pass the Senate and vowed that premiums and deductibles would come down.",0 + Meek agreed to cooperate fully with prosecutors when he pleaded guilty in April to failing to report Roof's plans and lying to federal authorities., Meek agreed to cooperate fully with prosecutors when he pleaded guilty to failing to report Roof's plans and lying to federal authorities.,0 +" But, as with many things about the alleged motives of cloistered North Korea, the unknowns currently far outweigh the certainties."," But, as with many things about the motives of cloistered North Korea, the unknowns currently far outweigh the certainties.",0 +" --- Associated Press writers Christopher Weber, Michael Balsamo and Andrew Dalton contributed from Los Angeles."," --- AP writers Christopher Weber, Michael Balsamo and Andrew Dalton contributed from Los Angeles.",0 +" Thousands of residents, office workers and students fled from homes, buildings and schools and some were knocked over as the ground shook."," Thousands of residents, office workers and students fled from homes, buildings and schools, with some falling over as the ground shook.",0 +" Separately, Defense Minister Antoni Macierewicz escaped uninjured from an eight-car collision in January.", Defense Minister Antoni Macierewicz escaped uninjured from an eight-car collision two weeks ago.,1 +" Nassar was a sports medicine specialist at Michigan State, especially in treating gymnasts in the region.", Nassar was a sports doctor at Michigan State who specialized in treating campus gymnasts and others from around the state.,1 +""" Jury chair Stuart Franklin called Ozbilici's image ""an incredibly hard-hitting news photograph"" and part of a strong series documenting the assassination."," Jury chairman Stuart Franklin called Ozbilici's image ""an incredibly hard-hitting news photograph"" and part of a strong series documenting the assassination.",0 +" Gib Johnston, an 85-year-old resident of Athens, Georgia, stopped by to watch the move after dropping his wife off at Atlanta's airport."," Gib Johnston, an 85-year-old resident of Athens, Georgia, stopped by to watch the planned two-day move Thursday after dropping his wife off at Atlanta's airport.",0 + Trump's trip to Mar-a-Lago had begun as a bonding session for Trump and Abe., Trump's trip to Mar-a-Lago had begun as a bonding session with Abe.,0 +""" ""Your struggles are our struggles. Your success is our success, Pence said. ""And ultimately, we walk into the future together.",""" ""Your struggles are our struggles. Your success is our success,"" Pence said.",1 + Police Assistant Commissioner Stephen Leane also declined to say whether the four passengers were Americans., Police Assistant Commissioner Stephen Leane said no one outside the plane was injured.,1 +"While some South Carolina workers have representation - just about 52,000, according to the U.S.","Only about 52,000 South Carolina workers have union representation, according to the U.S.",1 + The shooting occurred at the height of what has become more than a yearlong wave of Israeli-Palestinian violence.,""" The shooting occurred at the height of what has become more than a yearlong wave of Israeli-Palestinian violence.",0 + Women and girls said they felt empowered to speak up after the newspaper published stories.,Women and girls said they felt empowered to speak up after the newspaper published its stories.,0 +Governor Dan Patrick equated it to blackmail and said his state was ready to forfeit federal education money rather than comply.,Dan Patrick equated it to blackmail and said his state was ready to forfeit federal education money rather than comply.,0 + Republicans won House special election victories this year in GOP-held districts in Kansas and Montana and hope to add Georgia to that string., Republicans won House special election victories already this year in GOP-held districts in Kansas and Montana and hope to add Georgia to that string.,0 +" Marchers held a large banner and signs with the slogan ""Enough Excuses!"," Marchers held a large banner and signs in Catalan with the slogans ""Enough Excuses!",1 +The senior Lee was indicted in 2008 on tax evasion and a breach of trust.,The senior Lee was indicted in 2008 on charges of tax evasion and breach of trust.,0 + A federal judge in Texas put a temporary hold on the Obama guidance in August after 13 states sued the administration., A federal judge in Texas put a temporary hold on the Obama guidance soon after it was issued - after 13 states sued.,1 +" ""People are suffering so badly with the ravages of Obamacare,"" Trump said."," ""People are suffering so badly with the ravages of Obamacare,"" he said.",0 + Demonstrators in Tehran on Friday chanted traditional slogans against the U.S. and Israel at a time when new U.S., Demonstrators in Tehran chanted traditional slogans against the U.S. and Israel.,1 +"Lee promised earlier to disband the secretive office, called the Corporate Strategy Office, which allegedly orchestrated bribery schemes centered on Choi Soon-sil, Park's confidante.","Lee promised in December to disband the secretive office, called the Corporate Strategy Office, which allegedly orchestrated bribery schemes centered on Choi Soon-sil, Park's confidante.",1 +"""Schools, communities, and families can find - and in many cases have found - solutions that protect all students.","""Schools, communities and families can find - and in many cases have found - solutions that protect all students.",0 +"Netanyahu called the meeting ""historic"" and one that strengthened the two countries' longtime alliance."," Netanyahu called the meeting ""historic"" and one that strengthened the two countries' longtime alliance.",0 +He couldn't legally have a gun because of a felony burglary conviction., McDowell couldn't legally own a gun because of a felony burglary conviction.,0 +"The protesters are demanding higher pay for the police officers, who, by law, are not allowed to strike."," The protesters are demanding higher pay for the police officers, who, by law, are not allowed to strike.",0 + He was as much a fan of the often-struggling Detroit as he was of sports.," Known simply as ""Mr. I"" to most people in Michigan, Ilitch was as much a fan of the often-struggling Detroit as he was of sports.",1 +" Now, it turns out, those projects are advancing without it."," Now, though, it turns out that both projects are advancing without meeting that requirement.",1 +Japanese media quoted the government in Tokyo as saying those women may now be dead.,"Japanese media quoted the government in Tokyo as saying those women may now be dead, but this has yet to be confirmed.",1 +"Many analysts believe the Fed will raise rates one more time this year, either in September or December.","Many economists believe the Fed will raise rates one more time this year, in either September or December.",0 + The crowds overflowed from Istiqlal Mosque in the heart of the capital into the surrounding streets., The crowds overflowed from Istiqlal Mosque in the heart of Jakarta into the surrounding streets.,1 +"After the verdict last month, he called for Azaria to be pardoned.","After last month's verdict, he called for Azaria to be pardoned.",0 + Meek agreed to cooperate fully with prosecutors when he pleaded guilty to failing to report Roof's plans and lying to federal authorities.,21. Meek has pleaded guilty to failing to report Dylann Roof's plans and lying to federal authorities.,1 +"A major port in Lipata district also was closed while engineers checked the stability of an access road, Gonzales said.","A major port in Lipata district also was briefly closed while engineers checked the stability of an access road, Gonzales said.",0 +" Police and hospital workers confirmed that at least 30 people were, including members of the security forces."," Police and hospital workers confirmed that at least 30 people were injured, including members of the security forces.",1 +The White House says President Donald Trump believes the issue is for the states to decide without federal involvement.," President Donald Trump believes the issue is for states to decide without the involvement of the federal government, the White House said.",1 + New York City's chief lawyer Zachary Carter filed papers Friday in federal court in Brooklyn on behalf of nearly three dozen cities.," New York City's chief lawyer, Zachary Carter, filed papers in federal court on behalf of nearly three dozen cities.",0 +""" What strikes Cornfield about the Boeing case is the company's silence over consequences for workers.", What strikes Cornfield about the Boeing case is the company's silence over consequences if its workers unionize.,1 +The official was not authorized to speak publicly about the plans and did so on condition of anonymity., That official was not authorized to speak publicly about the plans and did so on condition of anonymity.,0 + But he hasn't set foot in the city since leaving on Jan. 19 for Washington to be inaugurated into office the following day., Trump hadn't set foot in New York since leaving on Jan. 19 for the inauguration.,1 +" Britain, he added, would face tariffs on 90 percent of its EU exports by value and a raft of new regulatory hurdles."," Britain, Drechsler will say, would face tariffs on 90 percent of its EU exports by value and a raft of new regulatory hurdles.",1 + President Donald Trump has floated safe zones as a substitute for resettling refugees in the United States and elsewhere around the globe., Trump also has floated the idea of safe zones as a substitute for resettling refugees in the United States and elsewhere around the globe.,1 +"Trump was also supportive of Britain's vote last year to leave the 28-nation EU, known as Brexit.","Trump was also supportive of Britain's vote last year to leave the 28-nation EU, a withdrawal known as Brexit.",1 +"Since September 2015, Palestinian attackers have carried out numerous stabbing and shooting attacks that have killing 41 Israelis and two visiting Americans.","Since September 2015, Palestinian attackers have carried out numerous stabbing, shooting and car ramming attacks that have killed 41 Israelis and two visiting Americans.",1 +The strike there inspired a handful of much smaller family protests in Rio on Friday., The strike in Espirito Santo inspired a handful of much smaller family protests in neighboring Rio de Janeiro state on Friday and Saturday.,1 + Lavrov noted that Russia will wait for the U.S. to clarify its position., Lavrov noted that Russia will wait for the U.S. to spell it out.,0 +" The Lakers finished 17-65 last season, a franchise low in the last year of Kobe Bryant's two-decade run with the franchise."," The Lakers finished 17-65 last season, a franchise low in the last year of Bryant's two-decade run with the franchise.",0 +President Donald Trump's sons are in the United Arab Emirates for an invitation-only ceremony to open the Trump International Golf Club in Dubai.,President Donald Trump's sons arrived in the United Arab Emirates for an invitation-only ceremony Saturday to formally open the Trump International Golf Club in Dubai.,0 +"Associated Press writers Colleen Long in New York, Cara Anna in Johannesburg and James Heintz in Moscow contributed to this report.","Associated Press writers Colleen Long in New York, Cara Anna in Johannesburg and James Heintz and Brian Friedman in Moscow contributed to this report.",1 +" The city's airport was temporarily closed due to cracks in the runway, aviation officials said."," The city's airport was temporarily closed due to deep cracks in the runway, aviation officials said.",0 +"Basuki ""Ahok"" Tjahaja Purnama is on trial for alleged blasphemy but remains a leading candidate in elections for Jakarta governor set for Wednesday.","Basuki ""Ahok"" Tjahaja Purnama have snowballed since September when he was accused of blaspheming the Quran and subsequently charged.",1 +"Until the chemical attack, the Trump administration had sought to step back from the U.S. position that Assad should leave power."," Until the chemical attack, the Trump administration had sought to step back from the U.S. position that Assad should leave power.",0 + He also dedicated a sign that will greet visitors at a veterans clinic.," During his stop, Pence also dedicated a sign that will greet visitors at a veterans clinic.",0 + A Hilcorp helicopter Feb. 7 spotted bubbles at the surface and reported the leak., A Hilcorp helicopter flying to a drilling platform on Feb. 7 spotted gas bubbling to the surface.,1 + Christine Lagarde said Trump's plans for additional investment in U.S. infrastructure and his likely tax reforms will boost the American economy., Christine Lagarde said Trump's plans for additional investment in U.S. infrastructure and his likely tax reforms will boost America's economic fortunes.,1 +"But the first-time candidate barely mentions Trump, talking instead in generalities about ""restoring civility"" and Congress' oversight role.","Yet Ossoff barely mentions Trump, talking instead in generalities about ""restoring civility"" and Congress' oversight role.",0 +" Businesses were reopening Monday in Espirito Santos state's capital of Vitoria, which the defense minister had earlier described as a ghost town."," Businesses were reopening in the Espirito Santo state capital of Vitoria, which the defense minister had earlier described as a ghost town.",0 + The orders come a week before the president is scheduled to host Chinese President Xi Jinping for talks at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida.,The orders come a week before the president is scheduled to host President Xi Jinping of China at his estate in Florida.,1 +" Following Friday prayers, the protesters were marching from Istiqlal Mosque in central Jakarta to the nearby presidential palace, which was under heavy police guard."," Following Friday prayers, the protesters marched from Istiqlal Mosque in central Jakarta to the nearby presidential palace, which was under heavy police guard.",1 +Moscow has not yet given a date for the funeral.,Moscow has not yet given a date for Churkin's funeral.,1 +"The video of the Azaria shooting, taken by a Palestinian human rights activist, was the strongest evidence to date to support the Palestinian claims.","But before the video of the shooting, taken by a Palestinian human rights activist, it was difficult to prove these claims.",0 + Last month's verdict was accompanied by angry outbursts in the courtroom and protests outside that briefly blocked streets., Last month's verdict was accompanied by angry outbursts in the courtroom and protesters outside who briefly blocked streets and scuffled with police.,1 +"The Senate has scheduled a vote for Wednesday morning that would send the measure to President Donald Trump, who is expected to sign it.","The measure now goes to President Donald Trump, who is expected to sign it.",1 +Defense Secretary Jim Mattis during a NATO meeting in Brussels earlier in the week.,Defense Secretary Jim Mattis during a NATO meeting in Brussels this past week.,1 +Both officers and citizens have said cameras could help de-escalate tense situations that lead to violence.,Both officers and citizens have said cameras could help de-escalate situations that lead to violence.,0 +" Although the guidance carried no force of law, transgender rights advocates say it was necessary to protect students from discrimination."," Although the Obama guidance carried no force of law, transgender rights advocates say it was necessary to protect students from discrimination.",0 +"Director Ken Loach's gritty ""I, Daniel Blake,"" a stinging critique of Britain's welfare system, is up for five awards.","Director Ken Loach's gritty ""I, Daniel Blake,"" a stinging critique of Britain's welfare system, was up for five awards.",0 + --- Lederman reported from Moscow --- Reach Josh Lederman on Twitter at http://twitter.com/joshledermanAP,""" --- Lederman reported from Moscow --- Reach Josh Lederman on Twitter at http://twitter.com/joshledermanAP",0 +" Family spokesman Doug Kuiper said Ilitch died at a hospital, but no other details were provided."," Family spokesman Doug Kuiper confirmed the death, but no other details were provided.",1 + Arthur was convicted of killing Troy Wicker in 1982 as the man slept inside his Muscle Shoals home.,""" Arthur was convicted of killing Wicker as he slept inside his Muscle Shoals home.",0 + Carroll County Sheriff Tobe Leazenby said authorities do not yet have a suspect or suspects in the girls' slayings., Carroll County Sheriff Tobe Leazenby (tohb LEHZ'-ehn-BEE') said Thursday police just want to talk to the man about what he might have seen.,1 +Netanyahu said Sunday that the sides have formed joint teams to coordinate settlement construction along with other issues.,Netanyahu said Sunday that the sides have formed joint teams to coordinate settlement construction.,1 +Then events half-a-world away provided a more significant example of cooperation.,Then events in Asia provided a more significant example of cooperation.,0 +His family released a statement saying Ilitch was a visionary who set the tone for his company and his family.,They called him a visionary who set the tone for his company and his family.,1 +" Local residents reported strong shaking and said people fled from their houses, and some were knocked over."," Thousands of residents, office workers and students fled from homes, buildings and schools and some were knocked over as the ground shook.",1 + The court decision Tuesday overturns a lower court ruling nearly two years ago against extraditing Dymitro Firtash., The court decision overturns a lower court ruling nearly two years ago against extraditing Dymitro Firtash.,0 +""" Neither Christie nor his attorney attended the second probable cause hearing two weeks ago or Thursday's hearing.",Neither Christie nor his attorney attended the second probable cause hearing two weeks ago or Thursday's hearing.,0 +Annual flu shots are recommended for virtually all Americans age 6 months or older., Flu shots are recommended for virtually all Americans age 6 months or older.,0 +" There are more than 10,000 military police in the state, and, on a normal day, around 2,000 would be on patrol."," There are more than 10,000 military police officers in Espirito Santo, and on a normal day around 2,000 would be on patrol.",1 + A spokeswoman for Animal Care Centers of New York City says the bull died en route to one of the agency's facilities., A spokeswoman for Animal Care Centers of New York City said the bull died en route to one of the agency's care centers.,1 +" TEHRAN, Iran (AP) -- Iranians have begun a nationwide celebration to commemorate the 38th anniversary of the 1979 revolution with massive rallies."," TEHRAN, Iran (AP) -- Iranians began a nationwide celebration Friday to commemorate the 38th anniversary of the 1979 revolution with rallies around the country.",1 +" In rejecting the first attempt to arrest Lee last month, the court cited a lack of evidence.", Lee avoided arrest last month when the court dismissed the prosecutors' request citing the lack of evidence.,1 +"and Viggo Mortensen for ""Captain Fantastic."" Best-actress contenders are Stone;","and Viggo Mortensen for ""Captain Fantastic."" Best-actress contenders were Stone;",1 +Prosecutors had asked for a prison term of three to five years.,Prosecutors had sought a sentence of three to five years in prison.,0 +" LONDON (AP) -- Britain's music industry will salute chart-topping talent and departed icons at Wednesday's Brit Awards, where nominees include Drake, Beyonce and David Bowie."," LONDON (AP) -- Britain's music industry saluted chart-topping talent and departed icons at Wednesday's Brit Awards, where nominees included Drake, Beyonce and David Bowie.",1 +"""La La Land"" is a firm Oscars favorite, with 14 nominations.","""La La Land"" already is a dominant force at the Oscars, with 14 nominations.",1 +" TEHRAN, Iran (AP) -- An Iranian semi-official news agency is reporting that the country's elite Revolutionary Guard has launched sophisticated rockets during military exercises."," TEHRAN, Iran (AP) -- Iran's elite Revolutionary Guard has launched several sophisticated rockets during military exercises, Iranian media reported on Monday.",1 +"and most recently Tom Price, who resigned in February to join the administration.","and most recently Tom Price, who resigned in February to join Trump's administration.",1 +" The philosophical sci-fi yarn ""Arrival"" and the psychological thriller ""Nocturnal Animals"" have nine nominations each for the prizes, known as BAFTAs."," The philosophical sci-fi yarn ""Arrival"" and the psychological thriller ""Nocturnal Animals"" have nine BAFTA nominations each.",0 +" The book's author, Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio, said in an interview: ""He knows we love him and we are with him.""","""He knows we love him and we are with him,"" Coccopalmerio said in an interview with The Associated Press after the book launch.",1 + The justices voted 6-2 Wednesday in favor of inmate Duane Buck., The justices voted 6-2 in favor of inmate Duane Buck.,0 + Beggs' family has said he would rather be wrestling boys.,His family has said he would rather be wrestling boys.,1 +""" Kupchak had been the Lakers' GM since 2000, studying under Jerry West and eventually succeeding him.","He had been the Lakers' GM since 2000, studying under Jerry West and eventually succeeding him.",1 + The change in position was first reported by The Washington Post., The Trump administration's decision to revoke the guidelines was first reported by The Washington Post.,1 +" BAKU, Azerbaijan (AP) -- Azerbaijan's president has appointed his wife as the first vice president of the ex-Soviet nation."," BAKU, Azerbaijan (AP) -- Azerbaijan's president on Tuesday appointed his wife as the first vice president of the ex-Soviet nation.",1 +" The affluent and well-educated district has elected Newt Gingrich, the former speaker;", The affluent and well-educated district has elected former House Speaker Newt Gingrich;,0 + Those policies have raised fears in Mexico about the possibility of deportee and refugee camps emerging along Mexico's northern border., Those policies have stoked fears in Mexico about the possibility of deportee and refugee camps emerging along Mexico's northern border.,1 +The order followed a 2013 ruling that officers were wrongly targeting black and Hispanic men with its stop-and-frisk program.,The pilot program was ordered by a judge following a 2013 ruling that officers were wrongly targeting black and Hispanic men with its stop-and-frisk program.,1 +"The U.N. says more than 50,000 Palestinian refugees live there.","The U.N. says more than 50,000 Palestinian refugees live inside the camp's confines of less than 1 square mile (2.5 sq.",1 + Samsung has denied that it offered bribes or sought any wrongful favors from the president., Samsung has denied that it has offered bribes or sought any wrongful favors from the president.,1 +"The armed group is sworn to Israel's destruction and has killed hundreds of Israelis in suicide bombings, shootings and other attacks.","Hamas is sworn to Israel's destruction and has killed hundreds of Israelis in suicide bombings, shootings and other attacks.",1 + Bartender Garret Bohnen told the Kansas City Star that Kuchibhotla and Madasani stopped at Austins for a drink once or twice a week.,""" Bartender Garret Bohnen told the Kansas City Star that Kuchibhotla and Madasani stopped at Austins for a drink once or twice a week.",0 + The department has had two other officers killed in the line of duty: a detective in 1979 and a corporal in 1977., The department has had two other officers killed in the line of duty - a detective in 1979 and a corporal in 1977.,1 +" Republicans have pushed back, arguing that the federal effort was an example of Obama administration meddling in state and local matters."," Republicans pushed back, arguing that the federal effort was an example of Obama administration meddling in state and local matters.",0 + The Whittier Police Department has about 125 sworn officers who police Whittier and Santa Fe Springs in southeastern Los Angeles County., The Whittier Police Department has about 125 sworn officers who patrol Whittier and Santa Fe Springs.,0 +" Spain has accepted just 1,100 refugees of the over 17,000 it has pledged to take in.", Spain has taken in fewer than 10 percent of the refugees it pledged to accept by September.,1 +"Interior Secretary Miguel Angel Osorio Chong, Kelly's Mexican counterpart, said that concern had come up, too.","Interior Secretary Miguel Angel Osorio Chong, Kelly's Mexican counterpart, said that concern had come up Thursday, too.",1 + Sunday's referendum is the latest installment of Switzerland's direct democracy that gives voters a frequent say on political decisions., Sunday's referendum was the latest installment of Switzerland's direct democracy that gives voters a frequent say on political decisions.,0 +" Trump and Abe left Mar-a-Lago early Saturday morning and headed north to one of Trump's golf courses in Jupiter, Florida."," Trump and Abe, both frequent golfers, left Mar-a-Lago early Saturday morning and headed north to one of Trump's golf courses in Jupiter, Florida.",1 + Lee was once the face of the new Samsung but now follows in his father's footsteps.," Lee was once the face of the new Samsung, but now follows in the footsteps of his father, Samsung Electronics chairman Lee Kun-hee.",1 +" The companies announced the decision Sunday in a joint press release, saying that Kraft Heinz has ""amicably"" withdrawn the offer."," The companies announced the decision Sunday in a joint press release, saying that Kraft Heinz has ""amicably"" abandoned the offer.",0 +The staffer spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the situation and because he was not permitted to speak to the media.,The staffer spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not permitted to speak to the media.,1 +It would also help the team bring bribery charges against President Park Geun-hye whose powers were suspended in December by parliament., The court decision could also help the prosecution team bring bribery charges against President Park Geun-hye whose powers were suspended in December by parliament.,1 +" Among other places, demonstrators marched toward Azadi Square, where President Hassan Rouhani will address the crowd."," Among other places, demonstrators marched toward Azadi Square, where President Hassan Rouhani was slated to address the crowd.",1 +An approval would also help bring bribery charges against President Park.,It would also help the team bring bribery charges against President Park Geun-hye whose powers were suspended in December by parliament.,1 +" ""Right now we're not getting along with Russia at all,"" Trump said flatly during a White House news conference with NATO Secretary-General Jens Soltenberg."," ""Right now we're not getting along with Russia at all,"" Trump said flatly during a White House news conference.",1 +"President Vladimir Putin praised Churkin's professionalism and diplomacy, according to the state news agency TASS."," Russian President Vladimir Putin esteemed Churkin's ""professionalism and diplomatic talents,"" spokesman Dmitry Peskov said, according to the state news agency TASS.",1 +"Rescue teams were checking for possible casualties in a village called Poknoy in the city of 140,500 people, he said.","Rescue teams were checking for possible casualties in a village called Poknoy in the city of 140,500 people, officials said.",0 +" ""I'm just shocked,"" said Greg Levias, who was evacuating with his wife, Kaysi."," ""I'm just shocked,"" said Greg Levias, who was evacuating with his wife, Kaysi, two boys and a dog.",1 + The White House did not immediately respond to a request for an explanation of Trump's reasoning., The White House did not respond to requests for an explanation of Trump's reasoning.,1 +" ""We've been crying since this project started,"" her father, Lang Scott, said onstage."," ""We've been crying since this project started,"" her father, Lang Scott, said.",0 + The Seoul court said new criminal suspicion and additional evidence show there were enough reasons to take Lee into custody., The court said additional evidence showed there were enough reasons to take Lee into custody.,1 +A third issue on the national ballot involves infrastructure spending.,A third issue on the national ballot involving infrastructure spending passed with 61.9 percent of the votes.,1 +" Chief Justice John Roberts voted to halt the execution, but said Arthur's appeal ""does not merit the court's review."," Chief Justice John Roberts said Arthur's appeal ""does not merit the court's review.",1 +" Still, finding out who these women are and who hired them could go a long way to unlocking the mystery.", Finding out who these women are and who hired them could go a long way to unlocking the mystery.,0 +The two remain at large and will be tried in absentia.,They remain at large and are being tried in absentia.,1 + The data were presented at a medical meeting in Atlanta.," Results were presented at a meeting in Atlanta of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, which provides vaccine advice to the CDC.",1 + JOHANNESBURG (AP) -- A South African court has ruled that the government's decision to withdraw from the International Criminal Court was unconstitutional., JOHANNESBURG (AP) -- A South African court ruled Wednesday that the government's decision to withdraw from the International Criminal Court without parliament's approval was unconstitutional.,0 +" The girl's mother, Rachelle Bond, pleaded guilty to helping dispose of her daughter's body."," The girl's mother, Rachelle Bond, pleaded guilty in February to being an accessory after the fact for helping McCarthy dispose of her body.",1 +" Given the tight race, electoral authorities decided against announcing a quick count of results and instead appealed for patience as official results came in."," Given the tight race, electoral authorities decided against announcing a quick count of results and appealed for patience as official results came in.",0 +"Actions are planned in cities including Philadelphia, Washington, and Austin, Texas."," ""A Day Without Immigrants"" actions are planned in cities including Philadelphia, Washington, Boston and Austin, Texas.",1 + The verdict marked a victory for commanders who said Azaria had violated the army's code of ethics., The verdict marked a victory for commanders who said Azaria had violated army procedures.,1 +" Wilders was convicted last year for anti-Moroccan comments and, while campaigning last weekend, referred to ""Moroccan scum"" who commit crimes in the Netherlands."," Wilders was convicted last year for anti-Moroccan comments and while campaigning just last weekend referred to ""Moroccan scum"" who commit crimes in the Netherlands.",0 +"In rare cases including medical emergencies, Customs can parole the men to go ashore.","In rare cases, including medical emergencies, Customs can parole the men to go ashore.",0 + Lady Antebellum's Hillary Scott won two Grammys in the Christian category for the album she recorded with her family.,Lady Antebellum's Hillary Scott won two Grammys in the Christian category for the album she recorded with her family.,0 +" The combination would have brought together Kraft Heinz brands such as Oscar Mayer, Jell-O and Velveeta and Unilever's Hellman's, Lipton and Knorr."," The deal would have combined Kraft Heinz brands such as Oscar Mayer, Jell-O and Velveeta with Unilever's Hellman's, Lipton and Knorr.",0 +"He has pleaded not guilty, and his attorney, Shannon Smith, said Nassar intends to proceed to trial in those cases.","He has pleaded not guilty, and his attorney, Shannon Smith, said Nassar intends to proceed to trial.",1 + Obama spokesman Kevin Lewis says the Harry Walker Agency will represent both Obamas for speaking appearances.," The Harry Walker Agency will represent both Obamas for speaking appearances, said Kevin Lewis, a spokesman for the former president.",1 + The ruling is significant from a legal standpoint because U.S., The Monday ruling is significant from a legal standpoint because U.S.,0 +"And, to the leaders trying to recruit businesses by promoting their states' lack of union presence, it'd make their jobs more difficult.","And, to leaders trying to recruit businesses by promoting their states' lack of union presence, it'd make their jobs more difficult.",0 +"The report, he said, will examine whether deficits are being driven by things like cheating, specific trade obligations, lax enforcement and World Trade Organization rules."," The report, Ross said, will examine whether deficits are being driven by things like cheating, specific trade obligations, lax enforcement and World Trade Organization rules.",0 +" The Lebanese army, which according to a longstanding agreement is not allowed inside the Palestinian camp, says it has closed a major highway nearby.","The Lebanese army, which according to a longstanding agreement is not allowed inside the Palestinian camp, closed a major highway nearby.",1 + Ilham Aliyev on Tuesday named his wife Mehriban to the position created after a constitutional referendum in September.," Ilham Aliyev named his wife Mehriban, 52, to the position created after a constitutional referendum in September.",1 +" Among the evacuees were 450 refugees staying at a former factory, who were transported by bus to visit the city's archaeological museum."," Among the evacuees were 450 refugees staying at a former factory, who bused to visit the city's archaeological museum.",1 +" The company estimates the leak is emitting 210,000 to 310,000 cubic feet of gas per day."," The company estimates the pipeline is emitting 210,000 to 310,000 cubic feet of gas per day.",1 +" Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who initially defended the military, later softened his position and called Azaria's parents to console them."," Netanyahu, who initially defended the military, later softened his position and called Azaria's parents to console them.",0 +"That potentially subjects millions in the U.S. illegally to deportation, including many Mexicans.","That potentially subjects millions in the U.S. illegally to deportation, many Mexicans included.",1 +But it has actively supported nationalist groups and parties opposed to Montenegro's NATO membership.,But it has openly supported nationalist parties and groups opposed to Montenegro's NATO membership.,0 + The Republican-dominated Senate voted to confirm President Donald Trump's pick to lead EPA on Friday in a largely party-line vote., The Republican-dominated Senate voted on Friday to confirm President Donald Trump's pick to lead EPA.,1 +" Other performers include Kelsea Ballerini, Cynthia Erivo, John Legend, William Bell and Gary Clark Jr.","Other performers include Kelsea Ballerini, Cynthia Erivo, John Legend, William Bell and Gary Clark Jr.",0 +"He has said the address is close to Emory University, where his fiancée attends medical school.","He has said he grew up in the district and now lives close to Emory University, where his fiancée attends medical school.",1 +" The city of Anaheim, with about 350,000 people, was roiled in 2012 by demonstrations following the fatal police shootings of two unarmed Latino men.", The city 24 miles southeast of Los Angeles was roiled in 2012 by demonstrations following the fatal police shootings of two unarmed Latino men.,1 +"The other officer and the alleged gunman were hospitalized in stable condition, Corina said.","Hazel, a three-year veteran, and the suspect were hospitalized in stable condition and were expected to live.",1 + The revelations came three weeks before the Netherlands holds a parliamentary election., The revelations came three weeks before the Netherlands holds its March 15 parliamentary election.,1 +The jury awarded prizes in eight categories to 45 photographers from 25 countries.,The World Press jury awarded prizes in eight categories to 45 photographers from 25 countries.,1 +"The Vice President noted ""challenging times"" in the Asia Pacific and told the troops the Trump administration was seeking a large increase in military funding.",He told the troops the Trump administration was seeking a large increase in military funding.,1 +Opponents argue it was federal overreach and violated the safety and privacy of all other students.,Opponents argued it was federal overreach and violated the safety and privacy of other students.,0 + The unions said Monday that the strike will continue until a pay raise of between 7.5 to 10.3 percent is granted., The unions said Monday that the strike would continue until a pay raise of between 7.5 to 10.3 percent is granted.,0 + Several mostly low-slung buildings and schools sustained cracks in the coastal city and a bridge collapsed in an outlying town., Roads had visible cracks in the coastal city and a bridge collapsed in an outlying town.,1 + On Monday he was disinvited from the Conservative Political Action Conference after video of his remarks was promoted through social media by a conservative blog.,""" On Monday, he was disinvited from the Conservative Political Action Conference after video of his remarks was promoted through social media.",1 +She also criticized the federal government's stance toward refugees in December at a Vatican conference on Europe's refugee crisis., Colau had also criticized the federal government's stance toward refugees in December at a Vatican conference on Europe's refugee crisis.,1 +" Grime artists Stormzy and Kano are also award contenders, reflecting the growing artistic and commercial clout of the distinctly British rap genre.",""" Grime artists Stormzy and Kano were also award contenders, reflecting the growing artistic and commercial clout of the distinctly British rap genre.",1 +""" His top diplomat offered a similarly grim assessment from the other side of the globe after meeting with Vladimir Putin in Moscow.",""" His top diplomat offered a similarly grim assessment from the other side of the globe after meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow.",1 + Spokeswoman Julie Bolcer said the case was referred to the office by the hospital.,"The case was referred to the medical examiner's office by the hospital, spokeswoman Julie Bolcer said.",1 + Husband-and-wife assailants Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik were killed in a gunfight with authorities later that day.,Husband-and-wife assailants Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik were killed in a shootout with authorities later that day.,0 +""" The Fed's key policy rate, the federal funds rate, currently stands in a range of 1 percent to 1.25 percent.",It is now in a range of 1 percent to 1.25 percent.,1 + --- Read draft memo here: http://apne.ws/2l1Dj0k The AP National Investigative Team can be reached at investigate@ap.org and https://www.ap.org/tips Follow Garance Burke on Twitter at @garanceburke, The AP National Investigative Team can be reached at investigate@ap.org and https://www.ap.org/tips Follow Garance Burke on Twitter at @garanceburke,1 + Lee avoided arrest last month when the court dismissed the prosecutors' request citing the lack of evidence., Lee avoided arrest last month when the court said prosecutors did not have enough evidence.,1 +"Jeanie Buss also removed her brother, Jim, from his job as the Lakers' executive vice president of basketball operations.",Jim Buss also was dismissed as the Lakers' executive vice president of basketball operations in a major shake-up of the struggling team's front office.,1 +She barely mentioned him ahead of finishing second to Ossoff in an April primary but welcomed him for a private fundraiser in late April.,She barely mentioned him ahead of finishing second to Ossoff in an April primary but welcomed him for a private fundraiser later that month.,1 +" On Friday, the president will sign a pair of executive orders aimed at cracking down on trade abuses, according to top administration officials."," On Friday, the president will sign a pair of executive orders aimed at cracking down on trade abuses.",1 + Sergey Lavrov said Wednesday he had briefly discussed the issue with U.S., Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said he had briefly discussed the issue with U.S.,0 +" ""The shaking was so strong I could hardly stand,"" coast guard personnel Rayner Neil Elopre said."," ""The shaking was so strong I could hardly stand,"" coast guard personnel Rayner Neil Elopre told The Associated Press by telephone.",1 +"They are also investigating Lee on allegations of embezzlement of Samsung funds, hiding assets overseas and lying under oath during a parliamentary hearing."," They are also investigating Lee on allegations of embezzlement of Samsung funds, hiding assets overseas and lying under oath during a parliamentary hearing.",0 +He answered no media questions as he turned himself in Friday.,He answered no questions from the media as he turned himself in Friday.,0 +"Associated Press writers Rod McGuirk in Canberra, Australia contributed to this report."," --- Associated Press writers Rod McGuirk in Canberra, Australia, and Deepti Hajela and Deniz Cam in New York contributed to this report.",1 +" Ilitch is survived by his wife, seven children and numerous grandchildren."," Ilitch is survived by his wife, seven adult children, 22 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.",1 +"It was Sunday lunchtime,"" said Giorgos Gerasimou, 86, whose home is half a mile away.","It was Sunday lunchtime,"" said Giorgos Gerasimou, 86, whose home is half a mile away from the bomb site.",1 +" Guinea's government condemned the events leading to the deaths on Monday, calling the demonstrations illegal."," Guinea's government announced the deaths and condemned the events leading to them, calling the demonstrations illegal.",1 +" Lavrov blasted U.S. claims that it has ""irrefutable evidence"" of election interference."," Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov blasted U.S. claims that it has ""irrefutable evidence"" of election interference.",0 +"Israel says that Sinwar's brother, Mohammed, was among the masterminds of the soldier's capture and negotiated the prisoner swap.","Israel says Sinwar's brother, Mohammed, was among the masterminds of the soldier's capture and negotiated the prisoner swap.",0 +A second round of voting was set for Wednesday afternoon to accommodate all the employees.,A second round was set for Wednesday afternoon to accommodate all employees.,0 + His official Twitter account and website say he died early Sunday.," His official Twitter account and website say he died surrounded by his wife, son and a few other family members and friends.",1 +"But his detractors, including senior military commanders, have said his actions violated military procedures."," But his detractors, including senior military commanders, have said his actions violated military procedures.",0 +"Montenegro joined NATO in June despite strong opposition from Moscow, which considers the small Adriatic country a historic, Slavic ally.","Montenegro joined NATO in June despite strong opposition from Moscow, which considers the country its historic ally.",0 + Police have denied hard-line groups permission to march through the city., Police denied hard-line groups permission to march through the city.,0 +"Their bodies were found the next day in a rugged, wooded area.",Their bodies were found the next day in nearby woods.,1 +" Still, Ross argued, the U.S. has the lowest tariff rates of any developed country.", Ross argued the U.S. has the lowest tariff rates of any developed country.,1 + Prosecutors have said Marquez agreed to buy the weapons because the attackers feared Farook's Middle Eastern appearance might arouse suspicion.,Prosecutors have said Marquez agreed to buy the weapons because the pair feared Farook's Middle Eastern appearance might arouse suspicion.,1 +"During the same time, Israeli forces have killed 235 Palestinians, most of them attackers.","During the same time, Israeli forces have killed 235 Palestinians, most of them said to be attackers.",0 + The leak four miles offshore is from an 8-inch line carrying processed natural gas from shore to power four drilling platforms.,"The pipeline belonging to Hilcorp Alaska, LLC, moves processed natural gas from shore to four drilling platforms in the inlet.",1 +" Republicans immediately pushed back, arguing it was an example of federal government overreach and the Obama administration meddling in local matters."," Republicans have pushed back, arguing that the federal effort was an example of the Obama administration meddling in state and local matters.",1 +" Ossoff, 30, is a former congressional staffer turned documentary filmmaker who has become a symbol of the anti-Trump movement.", Ossoff is a former congressional staffer turned documentary filmmaker who has become a symbol of the anti-Trump movement.,0 +" There was no immediate reaction from El Aissami, but he has long denied any criminal ties."," There was no immediate reaction from the Venezuelan government or El Aissami, who has long denied any criminal ties.",1 +Al-Bashir was allowed to leave South Africa even though a local court ordered authorities to stop him.,Al-Bashir was allowed to leave South Africa even though a local court ordered authorities to arrest him.,1 +" In March 2016, a limousine carrying President Andrzej Duda skidded into a grassy ditch due to a punctured tire."," In March 2016, a limousine carrying President Andrzej Duda skidded into a ditch due to a punctured tire.",0 +""" A ""yes"" vote would be meaningful throughout the region, said Daniel Cornfield, sociology professor and labor expert at Vanderbilt University.",""" A ""yes"" vote could inspire others in the region to consider unions, said Daniel Cornfield, sociology professor and labor expert at Vanderbilt University.",1 +"As a member of the 28-country bloc, British firms don't have to pay any tariffs to trade in the EU.","As a member of the 28-country bloc, British firms don't have to pay any tariffs to trade in the EU and adhere to EU regulations.",1 +"Schuster authors had objected to his book deal, which was announced last December, and Roxane Gay withdrew a planned book.","Schuster authors had objected to his book deal, which was announced last December, and prominent feminist writer Roxane Gay withdrew a planned book.",1 + But Jeanie Buss still picked a dramatic way to end this family business' years of tradition., But Jeanie Buss still picked a dramatic way to break up the family business structure.,1 +"As part of the federal mandate, the department sought public comment through a questionnaire.", The department sought public comment through a questionnaire and worked with New York University's Policing Project to analyze the results.,1 + The justices on Tuesday turned down an appeal from inmate Tommy Arthur., The justices turned down an appeal from inmate Tommy Arthur.,0 +" The ""simplified naturalization of third-generation immigrants"" measure is expected to pass in Sunday's referendum."," The ""simplified naturalization of third-generation immigrants"" measure is expected to pass in the referendum.",0 +" Sinwar, who is in his mid-50s, is a founder of Hamas' military wing."," Sinwar, who is in his mid-50s, comes from the southern Gaza town of Khan Younis and is a founder of Hamas' military wing.",1 +" The remarks by Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Tuesday are some of his most vitriolic against the Jewish state, Iran's archenemy."," The remarks by Ayatollah Ali Khamenei were some of his most vitriolic against Israel, Iran's archenemy.",1 + Lakers owner Jeanie Buss fired general manager Mitch Kupchak on Tuesday and put Johnson in charge of basketball operations., Jeanie Buss fired general manager Mitch Kupchak on Tuesday and put Johnson in charge of basketball operations.,1 +" Europeans have also worried about Trump's enthusiastic endorsement of the British ""Brexit,"" or decision to leave the European Union.",""" Europeans are also worried about Trump's enthusiastic endorsement of the British ""Brexit,"" or decision to leave the 28-nation European Union.",0 +"Kelly said the U.S. approach will involve ""close coordination"" with Mexico's government.","He said the U.S. approach will involve ""close coordination"" with Mexico's government.",1 + Smoke could be seen rising above the Ein el-Hilweh camp on Tuesday and gunfire could be heard from the nearby port city of Sidon., Witnesses could see smoke rising above the Ein el-Hilweh camp and hear gunfire echoing behind its walls from the nearby port city of Sidon.,1 +Opponents argued it was overreach and said it violated the safety and privacy of all other students.,Opponents argue it was federal overreach and violated the safety and privacy of all other students.,1 +It said it was centered near Masarayao in Leyte province at a depth of 6.5 kilometers (4 miles).,Geological Survey said the quake had a magnitude of 6.5 and struck at a depth of 6.5 kilometers (4 miles) in Leyte province.,1 + A federal appeals court in Seattle has upheld a stay of the ban in a case brought by Washington state and Minnesota.,A federal appeals court in Seattle has upheld a stay of the ban in a case brought by Washington state and Minnesota.,0 + Srinivas Kuchibhotla died at an area hospital and Alok Madasani and Ian Grillot were hospitalized.," Srinivas Kuchibhotla, 32, died at an area hospital, police said.",1 +The U.S. deficit with China was $347 billion last year.,The U.S. has its highest trade deficit with China at $347 billion last year.,1 +" About 700 of these men are currently confined to vessels in Honolulu without visas, some making less than $1 an hour."," About 700 of these foreign fisherman are currently confined to vessels in Honolulu without visas, some making less than $1 an hour.",1 + Revis' attorney says Revis was physically assaulted by a group of at least five people., Revis' attorney has said Revis was physically assaulted by a group of at least five people.,1 + A hospital worker says the dead were shot at close range by riot police and gendarmerie.," The dead were shot at close range by riot police and gendarmerie, according to a hospital worker.",0 +" The administration came down on the side of states' rights, lifting federal guidelines that had been issued by the Obama administration."," The administration came down on the side of states' rights, lifting Obama-era federal guidelines that had been characterized by Republicans as an example of overreach.",1 +"The Palestinian, Abdel Fattah al-Sharif, was lying on the ground and already unarmed when Azaria shot him in the head.","The Palestinian, Abdel Fattah al-Sharif, was lying on the ground badly wounded and already unarmed when Azaria shot him in the head.",0 +he criticized his half-brother - but he's been generally seen more as an annoyance than an existential threat to North Korea's stability.,he criticized his half brother - but he's been generally seen more as an annoyance than an existential threat to North Korea's stability.,0 +" Over the weekend, police started to cross the barricades - some were even airlifted from the roof of their barracks by helicopter."," Over the weekend, military police started to cross the protest barricades - some were even flown from the roof of their barracks by helicopter.",1 +"Amid the insecurity, many state services were suspended, and more than 3,000 federal troops were called in to keep the peace.","Amid the insecurity, many state services were suspended, and more than 3,000 troops were called in to keep the peace.",0 +"Governor Dan Patrick equated it to ""blackmail"" and said at the time that the state was ready to forfeit federal education money rather than comply.",Governor Dan Patrick equated it to blackmail and said his state was ready to forfeit federal education money rather than comply.,0 +He was previously ambassador at large and earlier served as the foreign ministry spokesman., Churkin was previously ambassador at large and earlier served as the foreign ministry spokesman.,0 +"Some of it helped feed the Obama family and guests at White House events, and supply neighborhood food kitchens.","Some of it was used to feed the Obama family, as well as guests attending White House events, such as state dinners.",1 + Indonesia is the world's most populous Muslim nation but recognises several faiths and has a large Christian minority., Indonesia is the world's most populous Muslim nation but recognizes several faiths and has a large Christian minority.,0 + The blasts were heard Thursday during the ceremony for President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo.," At least three mortars slammed into a residential area near the palace, killing two civilians, during the ceremony for President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, Capt.",1 +" Spain has taken in just 1,100 refugees of the over 17,000 it has pledged to accept."," Spain has accepted just 1,100 refugees of the over 17,000 it has pledged to take in.",1 +" Adele, who took four Grammys last week, is not up for the Brits because her album ""25"" was eligible last year, and took four Brits."," Adele, who took four Grammys last week, was not up for many Brits because her album ""25"" was eligible last year, and won four Brits.",1 +" The Chainsmokers, who have dominated the pop charts, are nominated for best new artist with Chance the Rapper, Maren Morris, Anderson ."," The Chainsmokers, who have dominated the pop charts, will compete with Chance the Rapper, Maren Morris, Anderson .",0 +" Steinmeier, Germany's foreign minister until last month, has the support of Chancellor Angela Merkel's ""grand coalition"" of center-right and center-left parties."," Steinmeier, a Social Democrat, had the support of Chancellor Angela Merkel's ""grand coalition"" of center-right and center-left parties.",1 +" The winning image announced Monday was among 80,408 photos submitted to the prestigious competition by 5,034 photographers from 125 countries.",""" The winning image announced Monday was among 80,408 photos submitted to the prestigious competition by 5,034 photographers from 125 countries.",0 +" The administration is coming down on the side of states' rights, revoking federal guidelines that had been issued by the Obama administration."," The administration came down on the side of states' rights, lifting federal guidelines that had been issued by the Obama administration.",1 +"He held ambassadorships in Canada and Belgium, among other posts.","He later held ambassadorships in Canada and Belgium, among other posts.",1 +""" Only weeks ago, it appeared that Trump, who praised Putin throughout the U.S. election campaign, was poised for a potentially historic rapprochement with Russia."," Only weeks ago, it appeared that Trump, who praised Putin throughout the U.S. election campaign, was poised for a potentially historic rapprochement with Russia.",0 +" This weekend, police started to cross the barricades - some were even airlifted from the roof of their barracks by helicopter."," Over the weekend, police started to cross the barricades - some were even airlifted from the roof of their barracks by helicopter.",0 +"Lee Kun-hee, 75, Samsung Electronics chairman, was later convicted and pardoned by a former president.",He was later convicted and then pardoned by a former president.,1 +" Polls suggest the ""simplified naturalization of third-generation immigrants"" will pass."," The ""simplified naturalization of third-generation immigrants"" measure is expected to pass in Sunday's referendum.",1 +"However, in Rio family members did not block barracks, instead demonstrating peacefully outside them.","However, in Rio, family members did not block barracks, instead demonstrating peacefully outside them.",0 +"The reversal would be a major setback for transgender rights, which had been urging Trump to keep the safeguards in place.","The reversal would be a major setback for transgender rights groups, which had been urging Trump to keep the safeguards in place.",1 +But then Roof put up only a minimum defense during his trial and Meek was never mentioned.," But Roof put up only a minimum defense during his trial, and Meek was never mentioned.",0 +" Churkin, 64, was rushed to a hospital in New York, where he died, Russia's deputy U.N. ambassador, Vladimir Safronkov, told The Associated Press."," Vitaly Churkin was taken to a hospital, where he died a day before his 65th birthday, said Russia's deputy U.N. ambassador, Vladimir Safronkov.",1 +"Take Them In Now!"" as they made their way through the city center to the Mediterranean coast.","Take Them In Now!"" and ""No More Deaths, Open The Borders!"" as they made their way through the city center to its Mediterranean coast.",1 +He spoke on condition of anonymity because he was discussing Hamas' secretive internal elections.,"A Hamas official, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was discussing the group's secretive election process, also confirmed the appointment.",1 + The Wisconsin native has won seven Grammys over a 50-year career., The Milwaukee native won seven Grammys over the course of his half-century in music.,1 +"This is a story about trade abuses, this is a story about an under-collection of duties,"" he said, later adding: ""We're not here for tweets.","This is a story about trade abuses, this is a story about an under-collection of duties,"" he told reporters at a Thursday evening briefing.",1 +" Throssell says the rights office has called for a ""full and independent"" investigation, and urged military forces to show restraint."," Throssell said the rights office has called for a ""full and independent"" investigation, and urged military forces to show restraint.",1 + He said one in the group had tried to reach Syria in 2015 and was known to intelligence services., He said person in the group had tried to reach Syria in 2015 and was known to intelligence services.,1 +29. The age of consent in the U.K. is 16. It's unclear who edited the videos.,29. The age of consent in the United Kingdom is 16. It's unclear who edited the videos.,0 +" ""The prosecution was thirsty for Elor's blood and the sentencing proves that,"" Yoram Sheftel, one of the soldier's lawyers, said outside the court."," ""The prosecution was thirsty for Elor's blood and the sentencing proves that,"" said defense lawyer Yoram Sheftel, vowing an appeal.",1 +" The American Conservative Union founded and hosts CPAC, is being held Wednesday through Saturday outside Washington."," The American Conservative Union founded and hosts CPAC, which is being held Wednesday through Saturday outside Washington.",0 +"At least 5,000 doctors are on strike for better pay and working conditions.","At least 5,000 doctors are on strike for better pay and to protest the dilapidated state of Kenya's public health care.",1 + Michael McCarthy is charged in the 2015 death of Bella Bond.," McCarthy is charged in the 2015 death of his former girlfriend's daughter, Bella Bond.",1 + South Africa is set to become the first country to leave the tribunal that prosecutes the world's worst atrocities.,South Africa has been set to become the first country to leave the tribunal that prosecutes the world's worst atrocities.,0 +" His successor, Avigdor Lieberman, visited Azaria in court during the trial."," He was replaced by Avigdor Lieberman, a hard-line politician who had earlier visited Azaria in court during the trial.",1 +" In the wake of President Nicolas Maduro's crackdown on dissent following anti-government protests in 2014, the U.S."," In the wake of President Nicolas Maduro's bloody crackdown on anti-government protests in 2014, the U.S.",1 +They won't record demonstrations unless there is a crime in process or other enforcement.,They won't record demonstrations unless there is a crime or other enforcement.,0 +The combined company would have rivaled Nestle as the world's biggest packaged food maker by sales.,The merged company would have rivaled Nestle as the world's biggest packaged food maker by sales.,0 +" Ein el-Hilweh, split between supporters of the Palestine Liberation Organization and Islamic militant groups, is notorious for its lawlessness."," Ein el-Hilweh is notorious for its lawlessness and disrepair, with the Palestine Liberation Organization and Islamic militant rivals controlling different parts of the camp.",1 + A federal judge in Texas put a temporary hold on the Obama-guidance in August after 13 states sued the administration over the requirements., A federal judge in Texas put a temporary hold on the Obama guidance in August after 13 states sued the administration.,1 + The 26-year-old Rojas was arrested on charges of murder and attempted murder and is being held pending his July 13 arraignment.," Rojas, 26, was charged with murder and attempted murder and is being held pending a July 13 arraignment.",1 +" --- Associated Press correspondent Carlos Rivera Giusti reported this story in San Juan and AP writer David McFadden reported from Port-au-Prince, Haiti."," --- Associated Press writer Carlos Rivera Giusti reported this story in San Juan and AP writer David McFadden reported from Port-au-Prince, Haiti.",0 + Trump's hosts were standing by the president and calling Cotton's appearance an opportunity for Republican activists to meet a potential future leader.," Cotton's hosts were standing by the president, and calling their guest's appearance an opportunity for Republican activists to meet a potential future leader.",1 +"In the last one, held in 2012, 54 percent said they wanted a change in status.","In the last one, in 2012, 54 percent said they wanted a change in status.",0 +" As he arrived, the president waved from the doorway of Air Force One and then descended the steps, joined by first lady Melania Trump.", Trump waved from the doorway after Air Force One touched down and before descending the staircase with first lady Melania Trump.,1 + BA operates hundreds of flights from the two London airports on a typical day - and both are major hubs for worldwide travel.,""" BA operates hundreds of flights from the two London airports on a typical day - and both are major hubs for worldwide travel.",0 +" Fenner, 23, said he was leaving a prayer service Jan. 27, 2013, when nearly two dozen people surrounded him in the sanctuary."," Fenner, 23, has said he was leaving a prayer service Jan. 27, 2013, when nearly two dozen people surrounded him in the sanctuary.",0 +" The tiger, nicknamed Vladik, was captured last October on the edge of Vladivostok."," The tiger, nicknamed Vladik, was captured in October on the edge of Vladivostok.",0 +" Meanwhile, The Washington Post reported that an unidentified senior Trump adviser was being considered a ""person of interest"" in the law enforcement investigation."," Meanwhile, The Washington Post reported that an unidentified senior Trump adviser was being considered a ""person of interest"" in the investigation.",0 + The jury took only a couple of hours to find Hagen not guilty in state court.," The jury took only a couple of hours to find Hagen, of Sioux Falls, not guilty in state court.",1 +Frederick P. Crosby and bury him in his hometown of San Diego.,"Frederick P. Crosby, shot down as a Navy pilot in the Vietnam War.",1 + Covington has pleaded not guilty to charges of kidnapping and assaulting former church member Matthew Fenner in January 2013., Covington is charged with kidnapping and assaulting former church member Matthew Fenner.,1 +He also said the deaths of some of the other children are being re-examined and that additional charges could be coming.,He also said the deaths of some of the other children were being re-examined and that additional charges could be coming.,0 +The two had been friends for four decades but did not acknowledge each other.,The two women had been friends for four decades but did not acknowledge each other.,0 +Human Rights Watch said in April that public caning would constitute torture under international law., Human Rights Watch said in April that public caning would constitute torture under international law.,0 +"About 600 are in custody of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, according to statistics by the agency.","About 600 are in the custody of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, according to statistics by the agency.",0 +All were delayed as a pro bono legal team fought his convictions.,All were delayed as a pro bono legal team fought his sentence.,1 +" Authorities removed work crews from the area last week after realizing that saturated soil in that area was increasingly unstable, Cruz said.","Authorities removed work crews from the area last week after realizing that saturated soil in that area was increasingly unstable, Jones said.",1 + It was not immediately clear whether civilians were among the dead.,It was not clear whether civilians were among the dead.,0 + Both districts have since been redrawn and the state conducted elections under the new congressional map in 2016.," In North Carolina, both districts have since been redrawn and the state conducted elections under the new congressional map in 2016.",0 +" Hapilon, who is a commander of the Abu Sayyaf militant group, pledged allegiance to the Islamic State group in 2014."," Hapilon, an Islamic preacher, is a commander of the Abu Sayyaf militant group who pledged allegiance to the Islamic State group in 2014.",1 +" Over the years, Putin also has frequently met with Fillon, the French prime minister in 2007-2012, and praised him as an experienced statesman.","Putin also has frequently met with Fillon, the French prime minister from 2007-2012, and praised him as an experienced statesman.",1 +A street celebration was expected to draw thousands of supporters later in the day.,A street celebration in Rio Piedras was expected to draw thousands of supporters later in the day.,1 +" ""I will forgive her, I have to forgive her...my father would want that,"" she said."," ""I will forgive her, I have to forgive her ... my father would want that,"" she said.",0 + Social media carried messages from families concerned about missing loved ones.,""" Social media carried messages from families concerned about missing loved ones.",0 + The $3.8 billion pipeline will move North Dakota oil through South Dakota and Iowa to a distribution point in Illinois., The $3.8 billion pipeline is moving North Dakota oil through South Dakota and Iowa to a distribution point in Illinois.,1 + China has leverage with rebels near its border and says it supports peace.,China has leverage with rebels near its border and says it supports peace.,0 +" During Jones' time working in hospitals and clinics in San Antonio and elsewhere in Texas, children died of unexplained seizures and other complications."," During Jones' time working at a San Antonio hospital and elsewhere in Texas, children died of unexplained seizures and other complications.",1 + Khan said some of the injured were in critical condition.,""" Khan said some of the injured were in critical condition.",0 +" ""That's the Jupiter we've all known and grown to love,"" Bolton told reporters. ""And when you look from the pole, it looks totally different ..."," ""That's the Jupiter we've all known and grown to love,"" Bolton said. ""And when you look from the pole, it looks totally different ...",0 +An attorney for Rojas did not immediately return a call seeking comment.,An attorney for Rojas did not return a call seeking comment.,0 +" Brothers John and Dow Didion began Didion Milling in 1972 and construction on the Cambria corn mill was completed in 1991, according to the website.","Construction on the Cambria corn mill was completed in 1991, according to the website.",1 +"Later, he spiked his racket, then mangled it by breaking it over his knee, drawing a warning from the chair umpire.","Later, he spiked that piece of equipment, then mangled it, breaking it over his knee.",0 +"(AP) -- Monstrous cyclones are churning over Jupiter's poles, until now a largely unexplored region.","(AP) -- Monstrous cyclones are churning over Jupiter's poles, until now a largely unexplored region that is more turbulent than scientists expected.",1 +" By Wednesday afternoon, Tillis had returned to work and was chatting with staff on the Senate floor.",""" Shortly before the video was released, Tillis was chatting with staff on the Senate floor.",1 + The Hillary Step is the last highly difficult section climbers must pass before the summit., The Hillary Step is a sheer 12-meter (40-foot) vertical wall that is the last highly difficult section climbers must pass before reaching the summit.,1 + Christian was sentenced to more than seven years in prison after striking a plea deal that eliminated coercion and weapons charges., He was sentenced to more than seven years in prison.,1 +President Donald Trump announced he was pulling out of the Paris climate accord.,"President Donald Trump announced he was pulling out of the Paris climate accord, but they rejected his suggestion that the deal could later be renegotiated.",1 +He has been staying with his daughter at her home in the capital of San Juan.,He had been staying with his daughter at her home in the capital of San Juan.,0 +" Ano also said foreign fighters were believed to be inside, but he was more cautious."," Ano said foreign fighters were believed to be inside, but he was more cautious.",0 +The driver said his passenger spoke fluent Tagalog and appeared normal during the ride.,The taxi driver who dropped him off told police said his passenger spoke fluent Tagalog and appeared normal during the ride.,1 + TRIAL THEMES Prosecutors called several witnesses to try to show Yanez acted recklessly and unreasonably., Prosecutors called several witnesses to try to show that Yanez never saw the gun and acted recklessly and unreasonably.,1 +Mathers said she intended to send the photo privately to a friend and accidentally posted it publicly., The 2015 Playmate of the Year contended she intended to send the photo privately to a friend and accidentally posted it publicly.,1 +""" The case against Cosby has attracted worldwide publicity that the judge hopes to shield from jurors during the trial.", The case against Cosby has attracted worldwide publicity that the judge hopes to shield from jurors during the trial.,0 +"The urinalysis was presumptively positive for benzodiazepine, a tranquilizer, and the field tests indicated possible use of stimulants or cannabis, the complaint said."," The urinalysis was presumptively positive for benzodiazepine, a tranquilizer, and the field tests indicated possible use of stimulants or cannabis, the complaint said.",0 +Trump's proposal could have a disproportionate effect on Republican-leaning states - seven of the 10 states with the highest food stamp participation supported Trump., And Trump's proposal could have a disproportionate effect on Republican-leaning states - seven of the 10 states with the highest food stamp participation supported Trump.,1 +"Several days later it was lowered to ""severe,"" meaning an attack is highly likely.","Several days later it was lowered again to ""severe,"" meaning an attack is highly likely.",0 + --- Follow Howard Fendrich on Twitter at http://twitter.com/HowardFendrich --- More AP tennis coverage: https://apnews.com/tag/apf-Tennis,""" --- Follow Howard Fendrich on Twitter at http://twitter.com/HowardFendrich --- More AP tennis coverage: https://apnews.com/tag/apf-Tennis",0 +"Two of Abedi's brothers also have been arrested - one in England, and the other in Libya.","Two of Abedi's brothers also have been arrested - one in England, the other in Libya.",0 +" Police tweeted a warning telling people in the area to run to safety, hide and then call police if it is safe to do so."," Police tweeted a warning telling people in the area to run to safety, hide and then call police if it was safe to do so.",0 +" And, the offer went beyond the Obama administration's offers, suggesting that cooperation in establishing no-fly zones was possible."," And the offer went beyond the Obama administration's previous proposal, suggesting that cooperation in establishing no-fly zones was possible.",1 +" Afterward, Hagen said South Dakota had overstepped in charging him."," Afterward, Hagen said the prosecution had damaged Monarch America, the consulting company for which he serves as president and CEO that helped the Santee Sioux.",1 +" While many Puerto Ricans support Lopez, those seeking independence remain a small group."," While some Puerto Ricans supported Lopez as a sort of patriot and political prisoner, those seeking independence remain a small group.",0 +" When not in Washington, Tillis lives north of Charlotte and is a former speaker of the North Carolina General Assembly."," When not in Washington, Tillis lives north of Charlotte and is a former speaker of the North Carolina House of Representatives.",1 +" It takes a majority of the court, at least five justices, to put the policy into effect.","It takes a majority of the court, at least five justices, to put the policy into effect.",0 +""" Assistant Metropolitan Police Commissioner Mark Rowley said that while police believe all the attackers were killed, the investigation continued."," Assistant Metropolitan Police Commissioner Mark Rowley said that while police believe all the attackers were killed, the investigation is expanding.",1 + Mathers was ordered to pay her $60 to replace a backpack seen in the photo so she wouldn't easily be identified., Mathers was ordered to pay her $60 to replace a backpack seen in the photo so the woman wouldn't easily be identified.,1 +" The Disaster Management Center says more than 2,900 people have been displaced."," The Disaster Management Center said more than 2,900 people have been displaced.",0 + Keita expressed his gratitude toward France for its military intervention that began in 2013 after extremist groups overran the country's vast northern region., Mali's president expressed his gratitude toward France for its military intervention that began in 2013 after extremist groups overran the country's vast northern region.,1 +" IS has carried two statements claiming responsibility for the attack, but there have been discrepancies."," IS carried two statements claiming responsibility for the attack, but they contained discrepancies.",1 +"Lawyers on both sides are contemplating a person's race, sex, age, occupation and interests as they weigh their likely sympathies, experts said."," The lawyers are studying each person's race, sex, age, occupation and interests to try to guess their inherent sympathies, experts said.",1 +" Moments after Trump lifted off for Saudi Arabia, fresh reports stemming from the Russia investigation surfaced and threatened to overshadow the trip.", But fresh news reports about the Russia investigation surfaced shortly after Trump departed and threatened to overshadow the nine-day trip.,1 +"The attack unfolded quickly, and police said officers had shot and killed the three attackers within eight minutes."," The assault unfolded - and ended - quickly, with police fatally shooting the three attackers within eight minutes.",0 +The kingdom's ruling family grew deeply frustrated with former President Barack Obama's detente with Iran and his restrained approach to the conflict in Syria.,Saudi's ruling family grew deeply frustrated with Obama's detente with Iran and his restrained approach on Syria.,0 +""" Some flights were delayed during the ordeal, but airport operations were returning to normal late Tuesday night.",""" Some flights were delayed, but airport operations were returning to normal late Tuesday night.",0 + --- Associated Press writer Matthew Pennington in Washington and researcher Fu Ting in Shanghai contributed to this report., --- Associated Press writer Matthew Pennington in Washington and researcher Fu Ting in Ganzhou contributed to this report.,1 +" At least 44 people have died in the fighting, including 31 militants and 11 soldiers, officials said.","""We have to finish this."" At least 44 people have died in the fighting, including 31 militants and 11 soldiers, officials said Thursday.",1 +The two men will then be left alone with a translator to hold a private discussion before emerging again to exchange gifts and farewells.,The two men were to be left alone with a translator to hold a private discussion before emerging again to exchange gifts and farewells.,0 +" All these groups are inspired by the Islamic State group, but so far there is no sign of significant, material ties."," Although Hapilon and other groups in the southern Philippines have pledged allegiance to the IS, there is no clear sign of significant, material ties.",1 +""" She said the parachutist was among four who drifted down from high in the sky from two helicopters.", Peters was among four parachutists who drifted down from two helicopters.,1 +" As Trump flew to Saudi Arabia, more reports stemming from the Russia investigation surfaced."," Moments after Trump lifted off for Saudi Arabia, fresh reports stemming from the Russia investigation surfaced and threatened to overshadow the trip.",1 +"Ball faces malicious wounding and firearm charges in connection with the shooting of Special Agent Michael Walter, who died Saturday.", Travis Ball of Richmond faces malicious wounding and firearm charges in connection with Friday night's shooting.,1 +"""If he was a danger, we would not have ever let him go,"" he said."," ""If he was a danger, we would not have ever let him go,"" he said.",0 +""" Among other pledges, Tedros said he would work ""tirelessly to fulfill WHO's promise of universal health care.",""" He said he would work ""tirelessly to fulfill WHO's promise of universal health care,"" among other pledges.",1 + The visit kicks off an ambitious international debut for Trump., The visit kicked off an ambitious international debut for Trump.,1 +A phone at his home in Portland rang unanswered early Saturday.,"A phone at his home in Portland rang unanswered Saturday, and no one came to the door at his parents' home.",1 +" The man at the center of the Marawi violence is Isnilon Hapilon, an Arabic-speaking Islamic preacher known for his expertise in commando assaults."," The man at the center of the Marawi violence is Hapilon, an Arabic-speaking Islamic preacher known for his expertise in commando assaults.",0 +Multiple witnesses reported a vehicle veering off the road and hitting as many as six pedestrians., Multiple witnesses reported a vehicle veering off the road and hitting as many as six pedestrians.,0 +"Cubans convicted after then, such as Lima-Marin, are not automatically accepted by Cuba because of that deal."," Cubans convicted after that agreement, such as Lima-Marin, are not automatically accepted by Cuba because of that deal.",0 +Saudi's ruling family grew deeply frustrated with Obama's detente with Iran and his restrained approach on Syria., Saudi's ruling family grew deeply frustrated with Obama's detente with Iran and his restrained approach on Syria.,0 + More than 30 victims are being treated at London hospitals and a number of others suffered less serious injuries.,More than 40 people were treated at London hospitals and a number of others suffered less serious injuries.,1 +"In addition, Comey agreed to testify at an open hearing of the Senate intelligence committee in the near future, the panel said.","Separately, Comey agreed to testify at an upcoming, open hearing of the Senate intelligence committee, the panel said.",0 +" But Tedros received a boost from Dr. Thomas Frieden, an ex-director of the U.S."," ""Tedros is an excellent choice to lead WHO,"" said Dr. Thomas Frieden, an ex-director of the U.S.",1 + Planning for the massive transition has been underway for years.,Planning for the massive transition has been underway for years.,0 +"""We have to finish this."" At least 44 people have died in the fighting, including 31 militants and 11 soldiers, officials said Thursday."," At least 44 people have died in the fighting, including 31 militants and 11 soldiers, officials say.",0 + The 24-year-old suspect arrived Saturday at the police station accompanied by an attorney who said he asserts his innocence., The 24-year-old suspect arrived at the police station accompanied by an attorney who said he asserts his innocence.,0 +Washington has increased foreign aid and encouraged American investors by lifting sanctions.,Washington has increased foreign aid and encouraged American investors last September by lifting the remaining economic sanctions other than on arms sales.,1 + The opposite is happening as the Southeast Asian country's new civilian government fails to attract Western investment and Beijing goes on a charm offensive., The opposite is happening: The new government is failing to attract Western investment and Beijing is on a charm offensive.,0 + Emails sent to several company officials Thursday weren't immediately returned., Emails sent to several Didion officials Thursday and a voicemail left for Vice President of Sales Jeff Dillon weren't immediately returned.,1 + Albayalde said the security footage contained a clear motive: the gunman headed straight for a storage room that contained poker chips., Albayalde said the security footage contained a motive: the gunman headed straight for a storage room that contained poker chips.,0 + The president's stop in Saudi Arabia kicks off an ambitious international debut., The visit kicks off an ambitious international debut for Trump.,0 + International human rights groups have described the treatment of the men as abusive and humiliating and called for their immediate release., International human rights groups described the treatment of the men as abusive and humiliating and called for their immediate release.,0 +" PHILADELPHIA (AP) -- A Philadelphia city councilman was stabbed during an attempted robbery near his home, police said.", PHILADELPHIA (AP) -- A man sought in the stabbing of a Philadelphia city councilman during an attempted robbery near his residence has turned himself in.,1 + Jones was due to be freed next March under a mandatory release law that was in place when she was convicted.,But she was scheduled to be released in March under a mandatory release law in place when she was convicted.,0 +"After that attack, Britain's official terrorism threat level was raised to ""critical,"" meaning an attack may be imminent.","After that attack, Britain's official terrorism threat level was raised from ""severe"" to ""critical,"" meaning an attack may be imminent.",0 +The king did not greet Obama at the airport when he visited last year.,The king did not greet Obama at the airport as he did Saturday with Trump.,0 + Police say Councilman David Oh was getting out of his car late Wednesday night when he was stabbed during an attempted robbery.," Republican Councilman David Oh was getting out of his car late Wednesday night when he was approached by a man, said police Lt.",1 +"He went back, got another boarding pass for the flight and went through security screening again.",He got another boarding pass for the flight and went through security screening again.,1 +""" Gunmen are trying to find a way to extricate Hapilon, who suffered a stroke after a government airstrike wounded him in January, Ano said.",""" He said Hapilon suffered a stroke after a government airstrike wounded him in January.",1 +" Arthur, in a telephone interview from a south Alabama prison, maintained his innocence."," Speaking by telephone Monday from a south Alabama prison, Arthur acknowledged his hopes of gaining an eighth reprieve are diminishing.",1 +"One syringe was used for all the children, and the vaccine was not stored properly.","One syringe was used for all the children during the four-day campaign, and the vaccine was stored without refrigeration the entire time.",1 +" Wicker's wife, Judy, initially told police she came home and was raped by a black man who shot and killed her husband.", Wicker's wife Judy initially told police she came home and was raped by a black man who shot and killed her husband.,0 +"A memorial where the stabbing occurred grew steadily Saturday, and a vigil was planned.",A memorial where the stabbing occurred grew steadily Saturday and there were night time vigils.,1 +The new Egyptian government accuses Hamas of cooperating with Islamic militants in Egypt's Sinai desert.,The new Egyptian government accuses Hamas of cooperating with Islamic militants in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula.,0 +" Josefina Vidal was sworn in to her new role Sunday at a ceremony presided over by President Raul Castro, according to Cuban media."," Josefina Vidal was sworn in to her new role at a ceremony presided over by President Raul Castro, according to Cuban media.",0 +The issue is important to many companies that complained about patent owners choosing more favorable courts in other parts of the country to file lawsuits.,"The issue is important to many companies that complain about patent owners ""shopping"" for favorable courts in other parts of the country to file lawsuits.",1 +" Officials say more than 36,000 Cubans are facing orders of deportation for conviction of crimes or immigration violations.",""" Officials say more than 36,000 Cubans are facing orders of deportation for conviction of crimes or immigration violations.",0 + Witnesses reported a vehicle hitting pedestrians and injured people on the ground., Witnesses reported seeing injured people on the ground on the bridge.,1 +" More than 1 million tons of rock and dirt tumbled down the slope, which remained unstable.", More than 1 million tons of rock and dirt tumbled down a saturated slope in an area called Mud Creek.,1 +" South Sudan's government on Friday said vaccinations are not being denied to any part of the country, including those held by opposition forces."," South Sudan's government on Friday also said vaccinations are not being denied to any part of the country, including those held by opposition forces.",0 + Tillis posted a video on Twitter from his hospital bed hours after the early morning race.," Tillis posted a video on Twitter from his hospital bed hours after the early morning race, still dressed in his running gear.",1 +Assistant Attorney General Bridget Mayer said that Hagen aided and abetted Hunt in possessing more than 10 pounds of marijuana.,Assistant Attorney General Bridget Mayer told jurors that Hagen aided and abetted Hunt in possessing more than 10 pounds of marijuana.,0 +" The terror threat in the region is ""clearly a risk for Europe,"" he said."," The region's terror threat is ""clearly a risk for Europe,"" he said, vowing that French troops would remain in Mali until the extremists are eliminated.",1 +"While awaiting retrial, he escaped from jail in 1986 by shooting a jailer in the neck with a pistol.","While awaiting retrial, he escaped jail in 1986 by shooting a guard in the neck.",1 +" While some Puerto Ricans supported Lopez as a sort of patriot and political prisoner, those seeking independence remain a small group."," While some Puerto Ricans support Lopez as a sort of patriot and political prisoner, those seeking independence remain a small group.",0 + Ano predicted that the military operation will take about a week as soldiers go house to house to clear the city of militants., Ano predicted that the military operation would take about a week as soldiers go house to house to clear the city of militants.,1 +One told the BBC a white van veered off the road and struck as many as six people.,"One, Holly Jones, told the BBC a white van veered off the road and struck as many as six people.",1 +" The parachutist, whose identity was not immediately released, was a member of an elite Navy parachute team called the Leap Frogs, a Navy spokesman said."," Peters, whose identity was revealed late Monday, was a member of an elite Navy parachute team called the Leap Frogs.",1 +" Dahlan is interested in making a comeback to the Palestinian politics through Gaza, where he has support among wide slices of Fatah members."," Dahlan is looking to make a comeback to Palestinian politics through Gaza, where he has support among many Fatah members.",0 + Defense lawyer Dana Cole argued unsuccessfully that the charge should be dismissed because the woman in the photo can't easily be identified., Defense lawyer Dana Cole earlier argued unsuccessfully that the charge should be dismissed because the woman in the photo can't easily be identified.,0 + Gao is where a suicide attack on a Malian army camp killed more than 75 people in January., Gao also is where a suicide attack on a Malian army camp killed more than 75 people in January.,1 +"An off-duty law enforcement officer sat with Uskanli for the remainder of the flight, the complaint said.","An off-duty law enforcement officer sat with him for the remainder of the flight, the complaint said.",0 +" Although Fox removed the story from its website, its statement did not say the story was wrong."," Although Fox removed the Rich story from its website, its statement did not say the story was wrong.",0 + Emergency officials said 48 people were treated at London hospitals and a number of others suffered less serious injuries.," Emergency officials said 48 people, including a transport police officer and an off-duty officer, were treated at hospitals across London.",1 +" In the apartment with the victims' bodies on Friday, investigators found Nazi and white supremacist propaganda;"," In the Tampa apartment with the victims' bodies Friday, investigators found Nazi and white supremacist propaganda;",1 +" Jeffrey Noble, a use-of-force expert, testified there was ""absolutely no reason"" to believe Castile was a threat.","Prosecution use-of-force expert Jeffrey Noble testified there was ""absolutely no reason"" to believe Castile was a threat.",1 +"Hagen and fellow consultant Jonathan Hunt, officials with Monarch America, a Colorado-based company in the marijuana industry, were charged last year after helping the tribe.","Hagen and fellow consultant Jonathan Hunt, with Colorado-based Monarch America, were charged last year after helping the tribe.",0 + A bomb squad was investigating the explosion as heavily armed police guarded the area., A bomb squad was investigating the explosion as heavily armed police and soldiers guarded the area.,1 +"Washington police have said they think Rich was killed in a random robbery attempt, but conspiracy theories have emerged about his death.",Washington police have said they think Rich was killed in a random robbery attempt.,1 +"Security forces soon arrive, aiming the white lights on their weapons through the smoke-filled hallway.","Police soon arrive, aiming the white lights on their weapons through the smoke-filled hall.",0 +"The shorts are shorter, the hair more closely cropped, the shirt has sleeves.","Now he is 31, the shorts are shorter, the hair more closely cropped, the shirt has sleeves.",1 +" ""I think it doesn't really matter how I played, but I won,"" Kvitova said. ""I won already, before."," ""I think it doesn't really matter how I played,"" but I won, Kvitova said.",0 +"It found that institutional problems had led to serious civil rights violations, including racial bias and a tendency to use excessive force.","It found that institutional problems had led to serious civil rights violations, including a tendency to use excessive force.",1 + Columbia County Sheriff Dennis Richards says the blast was reported around 11 p.m., Sixteen employees were working when the blast was reported around 11 p.m.,1 + Prosecutors had asked that they receive 80 lashes and said the men had waived their right to defense lawyers.,"""It shows the increasingly conservative judiciary in Indonesia."" Prosecutors said the men had waived their right to defense lawyers.",1 + Advocates of consent decrees say they are the best way ensure police departments enact reforms., Advocates of consent decrees say they are the best way to ensure police departments enact reforms.,0 +But she was scheduled to be released in March under a mandatory release law in place when she was convicted.,She is scheduled for release in March under a mandatory release law in place when she was convicted.,1 +"The assailant on the train was ranting on many topics, using ""hate speech or biased language,"" according to a statement from police.","The assailant was ranting on many topics, using ""hate speech or biased language,"" police Sgt.",0 +" Participating in the somber, annual observance at Arlington National Cemetery, Trump recounted the stories of Green Beret Capt."," Participating in the somber, annual observance Monday at Arlington National Cemetery, Trump recounted the stories of Green Beret Capt.",1 +" The crash happened at midday on a hot, clear day that brought large crowds of people into the streets to enjoy the good weather.",""" The crash happened midday on a hot, clear day that brought large crowds of people into the streets to enjoy the good weather.",0 +" Despite his domestic troubles, Trump was expected to get a warm reception in Saudi Arabia."," Despite those troubles, Trump was warmly received in Saudi Arabia in contrast to his predecessor.",1 +" Subsequently, Malvo struck plea bargains in Maryland and Spotsylvania County, Virginia, in which he agreed to accept life sentences, without the possibility of parole.","Subsequently, Malvo struck plea bargains in Maryland and in Spotsylvania County, Virginia, in which he agreed to accept life sentences, without the possibility of parole.",0 +"Gao is home of the permanent French military base in Mali, with 1,600 troops.","The eastern city Macron visited, Gao, is home of the permanent French military base in Mali, with 1,600 troops.",1 +(bayr) County district attorney's office said in a statement that Genene Jones was charged in the September 1981 death of 2-year-old Rosemary Vega., The Bexar County district attorney's office said in a statement that Genene Jones was charged in the September 1981 death of 2-year-old Rosemary Vega.,0 +She also said five credible plots have recently been disrupted.,She said five credible plots have been disrupted since March.,1 + Immigration enforcement operations have generated headlines nationwide since Trump signed an executive order on Jan., Immigration enforcement operations have generated headlines nationwide since Trump signed an executive orders on immigration on Jan.,1 +" LONDON (AP) -- British police said they were dealing with an ""incident"" on London Bridge Saturday.", LONDON (AP) -- Armed British police rushed to London Bridge late Saturday after reports of a vehicle running down pedestrians and people being stabbed nearby.,1 + One of the men cried as his sentence was read out and pleaded for a lighter sentence.,One of the men cried as his sentence was read out and pleaded for leniency.,0 +" He will make a first court appearance Monday, and it wasn't immediately clear if he had an attorney."," He will make a first court appearance Tuesday, and it wasn't clear if he had an attorney.",1 +" Also known as Burma, Myanmar represented a foreign policy success for President Barack Obama."," Myanmar, also known as Burma, was a foreign policy success for President Barack Obama.",0 +"The jury had only the option of a death penalty or life in prison without parole, and opted for a life sentence.","The jury had the options of a death penalty or life in prison without parole, and opted for a life sentence.",1 +"The investigation began in 2015 after the release of dashcam video showing an officer shoot a black teenager, Laquan McDonald, 16 times.","The investigation began in 2015 after the release of dashcam video showing a white officer shooting a black teenager, Laquan McDonald, 16 times.",1 +"That's sometimes harder than it seems, one law professor said.","Sometimes that is not so easy, one law professor said.",1 +"16. Ester's sister Margot Herschenbaum, the sole survivor of her immediate family, will be there to meet Trump.","16. Ester's sister Margot Herschenbaum, the sole survivor of her immediate family, sat on a chair nearby.",1 +" The plane was undergoing maintenance at a Boeing facility in San Antonio, Texas, when the mishap occurred in April 2016."," The plane was undergoing extensive maintenance at a Boeing facility in San Antonio, Texas, when the mishap occurred in April 2016.",0 + Media outlets report that 27-year-old Travis Ball appeared via video teleconference for his arraignment Tuesday., News outlets report the 27-year-old appeared via video teleconference for his arraignment Tuesday.,1 +"Even Texas Attorney General Scott Keller led a coalition of 17 states calling for an end to so-called ""forum shopping"" in patent cases.",Even Texas Solicitor General Scott Keller led a coalition of 17 states calling for an end to so-called forum shopping in patent cases.,1 + Egypt and Hamas have had cool relations since the Egyptian military overthrew former Islamist President Mohammed Morsi in 2013., Egypt and Hamas have had cool relations since the Egyptian military overthrew Islamist President Mohammed Morsi in 2013.,1 +" ----- Associated Press reporter Keith Ridler contributed from Boise, Idaho.",""" ----- Associated Press reporter Keith Ridler contributed from Boise, Idaho.",0 +" Fenner, 23, has said he was leaving a prayer service Jan. 27, 2013, when nearly two dozen people surrounded him in the sanctuary."," Fenner has said he was leaving a Sunday night prayer service Jan. 27, 2013, when nearly two dozen people surrounded him in the sanctuary.",0 +" The parade's decision to honor Lopez prompted sponsors including Coca-Cola, JetBlue and AT&", The initial decision to honor Lopez had prompted sponsors and others to drop out of the parade.,1 +" The budget omits any proposal for negotiating prescription drug prices, a frequent Trump talking point.","And it omits any proposal for negotiating prescription drug prices, a Trump talking point.",0 +Karl Oliver of Winona apologized on Monday for referring to lynching in a Facebook post Saturday.,Karl Oliver of Winona posted the remark to Facebook on May 20. Oliver posted a general apology on Facebook May,1 +Varinsky expects about one in four jurors to say they or someone close to them has been the victim of a sexual assault.,And 35 of the 100 people questioned said they or a family member or close friend has been the victim of a sexual assault.,1 +Witnesses say three men fled the van with large knives and attacked people at bars and restaurants in nearby Borough Market.,"Three men fled the van with large knives and attacked people at bars and restaurants in nearby Borough Market, police and witnesses said.",1 +It was not clear why but guilty verdicts are certain in most cases that reach the Shariah court.,"It was not clear why, but guilty verdicts are certain in most cases that reach the Shariah court.",0 +" Albayalde said the man had sold off property to support his gambling habit of at least several years, including a vehicle."," Albayalde said that Carlos had sold off property to support his gambling habit of at least several years, including a vehicle.",1 +He spent the night at the U.S. ambassador to Italy's residence and will make the drive to the Vatican early Wednesday morning.,He spent the night at the U.S. ambassador to Italy's residence.,1 + The justices ruled Monday that Republicans who controlled the state legislature and governor's office in 2011 placed too many African-Americans in the two districts., The justices ruled that Republicans who controlled the state legislature and governor's office in 2011 placed too many African-Americans in the two districts.,0 +Drug Enforcement Administration is warning of a new problem presented by the nation's opioid epidemic: the threat of law enforcement officers accidentally overdosing.,Drug Enforcement Administration on Tuesday warned of a new problem presented by the nation's drug abuse epidemic: the threat of law enforcement officers accidentally overdosing.,1 +"Its corn products are used in brewing beer, making chips, breakfast cereals, bathroom moldings and steel as well as ethanol.","The company's corn products are used in brewing beer as well as in making chips, breakfast cereals, bathroom moldings, steel and ethanol.",1 +"I can't do anything until this is over,"" Fenner told the AP in a previous interview.","I can't do anything until this is over,"" Fenner previously told AP.",0 +" Her strokes were off all match against Makarova, who has reached two major semifinals, but never been past the fourth round in Paris.",""" Kerber's strokes were off against Makarova, who has reached two major semifinals but never been past the fourth round in Paris.",1 +" At least 44 people have died in the fighting, including 31 militants and 11 soldiers, officials said Thursday."," At least 44 people have died in the fighting, including 31 militants and 11 soldiers, officials say.",0 + BERLIN (AP) -- World leaders pledged Thursday to keep up the fight against global warming as U.S., BERLIN (AP) -- Top European leaders pledged Thursday to keep fighting against global warming as U.S.,1 +" Malvo was first put on trial in Chesapeake, Virginia, in 2003, in a trial that was moved from Fairfax County."," Malvo was first put on trial in Chesapeake, Virginia, in 2003, in a case that was moved from Fairfax County in northern Virginia.",1 +""" Former FBI Director James Comey is expected to testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee, on which Cotton sits."," Former FBI Director James Comey is expected to testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee, on which Cotton sits.",0 +"Bystanders were observed working on the senator in what appeared to be cardiac pulmonary resuscitation, but Tillis said there was no CPR administered.",Bystanders were observed working on the senator in what appeared to be cardiac pulmonary resuscitation.,1 +""" The verdict was a setback for Attorney General Marty Jackley, who opposed the tribe's project from the start."," The verdict was a setback for state Attorney General Marty Jackley, who opposed the tribe's project from the start.",1 +"There was no immediate claim of responsibility, but Greek politicians have been targeted in the past by militant far-left and anarchist groups."," There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attack, but Greek politicians have been targeted in the past by militant far-left and anarchist groups.",1 + The assault began Saturday night when a van veered off the road and barreled into pedestrians on busy London Bridge., It began Saturday night when a van veered off the road and barreled into pedestrians on busy London Bridge.,0 + Broadway became a pedestrian-only zone at Times Square eight years ago., Vehicles were banished from Broadway where it passes through the square eight years ago.,1 + Yanez testified Friday that he clearly saw a gun and that Castile ignored his commands to stop pulling it out of his pocket., Yanez testified that he clearly saw a gun and that Castile ignored his commands to stop pulling it out of his pocket.,0 + The nuclear-armed nations claim the territory in its entirety and have fought two wars over their rival claims to the territory., India and Pakistan claim Kashmir in its entirety and have fought two wars over their rival claims to the territory.,1 + The justices ruled unanimously on Monday that such lawsuits can be filed only in states where defendants are incorporated., The justices ruled unanimously that patent owners must bring lawsuits only in states where the targeted company is incorporated.,1 +"Malvo, 32, is serving his sentence at Red Onion State Prison in southwest Virginia.","Malvo, now 32, is serving his sentence at Red Onion State Prison in southwest Virginia.",0 +They are scheduled to appear in court to face corruption charges.,They are scheduled to appear in court to face charges including money laundering and illegal enrichment.,1 +" Trump will be the 13th president to visit the Vatican and, as part of his tour, he will view the Sistine Chapel."," Trump is the 13th president to visit the Vatican and, as part of his tour, he will view the Sistine Chapel.",0 + Ivanka Trump's brand has declined to comment on the allegations or the arrest and disappearances of the investigators., Ivanka Trump's brand has declined to comment on the allegations or the arrests.,1 +" The problem of militancy in the south, the scene of decades-long Muslim separatist uprisings in the predominantly Catholic nation, is not new.", The southern Philippines has been troubled by decades-long Muslim separatist uprisings in the predominantly Catholic nation.,1 +"The gunman asked him to change the radio channel to the news instead of music, Albayalde said.","The gunman asked him just one thing: to change the radio channel to the news instead of music, Albayalde said.",0 +"Both offered regular briefings to journalists about the state of diplomatic ties, which were re-established two years ago.","They offered regular briefings to journalists about the state of diplomatic ties, which were re-established two years ago.",0 +" Despite his unambiguous ""no,"" Cotton has made inroads with Iowa Republicans."," Despite his unambiguous ""no,"" Cotton offered a broad message, as would-be White House prospects often do in Iowa.",1 +" Finally back to full strength in the offseason, Nadal returned to work, reconstructing his forehand and redoubling his efforts to get back to his best."," Finally back to full strength in the offseason, Nadal returned to work, reconstructing his forehand and redoubling his efforts to be elite.",1 + The Justice Department is currently giving a final review of the draft., The Justice Department is currently giving the draft a final review.,0 +Ukraine and Russia have blamed one another for the lack of progress.,"Ukraine and Russia have blamed one another for the fighting that has left some 10,000 people dead.",1 +"As the violence raged, hundreds of angry residents chanting anti-India slogans marched in an attempt to help the trapped rebel escape."," As the violence raged, hundreds of angry residents chanting anti-India slogans marched in an attempt to help the trapped rebels escape.",1 +"The delegation also met Mohammed Dahlan, an exiled Palestinian leader and a rival of Abbas.","The delegation also met Mohammed Dahlan, an exiled Palestinian leader and Abbas rival.",0 + People who cannot be deported have been allowed to remain and live freely in the United States but check in regularly with immigration officials.,People who cannot be deported have been allowed to remain and live freely in the United States but check in regularly with immigration officials.,0 +"He said Londoners should remain vigilant but added: ""I'm reassured we are one of the safest global cities in the world."," Mayor Sadiq Khan said Londoners should remain vigilant but added: ""I'm reassured we are one of the safest global cities in the world.",1 + Officials said Vidal's deputy Gustavo Machin would also leave the division of U.S. affairs to become ambassador to Spain.,Officials said Vidal's deputy Gustavo Machin would also leave the division of U.S. affairs to become ambassador to Spain.,0 +" The airline said it was working to restore services out of Heathrow and Gatwick beginning Sunday, although some disruption is expected."," The airline said it was working to restore services out of Heathrow and Gatwick beginning Sunday, although some disruptions are expected.",0 +"The island is home to numerous military veterans, yet Puerto Ricans can't vote for president, and their representative in Congress can't vote either.","The island is home to numerous military veterans, though Puerto Ricans can't vote for president and their representative in Congress has no vote.",0 +" The attacker, they say, was found in the room with a gunshot wound to the mouth."," The attacker, they say, set a final fire in the room and was found dead with a gunshot wound to the mouth.",1 + Tillis at first appeared unconscious but was revived and breathing when taken away by ambulance.," At the race, Tillis at first appeared unconscious but was revived and breathing when taken away by ambulance.",1 + PHILADELPHIA (AP) -- A Philadelphia city councilman has been wounded in a stabbing.," PHILADELPHIA (AP) -- A Philadelphia city councilman was stabbed during an attempted robbery near his home, police said.",1 +"On Wednesday, the Justice Department relented to calls from Democrats to name a special counsel, tapping former FBI chief Robert Mueller to lead the probe.","This week, the Justice Department relented to pressure from Democrats and named former FBI chief Robert Mueller as special counsel to lead the probe.",1 +" The blast occurred late Wednesday at the Didion Milling Plant in Cambria, a rural village about 45 miles (72 kilometers) northeast of Madison."," The explosion occurred late Wednesday night at the Didion Milling Plant in Cambria, a rural village about 45 miles (72 kilometers) northeast of Madison.",1 + The military used large armored vehicles and boats to transport people to safe areas., The military used large armored vehicles and boats to transport people to safety.,0 + Covington is the first of five church members to face trial in the case.,She is the first of five church members to face trial in the case.,1 +Trump will be given a tour of the Vatican after he arrives and will then first meet with the pontiff in his library.,Trump was expected to be given a tour of the Vatican after he arrived and then meet with the pontiff in his library.,1 +" While arrests of immigrants targeted by agents rose, the number of deportations fell 12 percent during the period, Homan said."," While arrests of immigrants rose, the number of deportations fell 12 percent during the period, Homan said.",0 + Medicare officials said Tuesday beneficiaries and their families should start seeing changes next April.," Beneficiaries and their families should start seeing changes next April, Medicare announced Tuesday.",1 +"Jackley, a Republican running for governor next year, said in a statement that he respected the verdict.","Jackley, a Republican running for governor next year, said in a statement that he respected the jury's decision on Hagen's role.",1 +" Crosby said her brothers want to keep the fabric, lighter and wedding band.",""" Crosby said her brothers want to keep the fabric, lighter and wedding band.",0 +" But other immigrants have also been caught up in enforcement efforts, including people given leniency under the Obama administration."," But other immigrants have also been caught up in enforcement efforts, including people who received leniency under the Obama administration.",0 +Automatic gunfire and explosions could be heard in the distance and plumes of black smoke rose from the direction of the city center.,Automatic gunfire and explosions could be heard clearly and plumes of black smoke rose from the direction of the city center.,0 +"""I want to get back to the laughter and the enjoyment of things that I've written and things that I perform on stage."," ""I want to get back to the laughter and the enjoyment of things that I've written and things that I perform on stage.",0 + CHICAGO (AP) -- Two Chicago newspapers are reporting the city has proposed to the U.S., CHICAGO (AP) -- The city of Chicago and the U.S.,1 +" Amnesty says the dismissals have been arbitrary and links to terror groups unproven, devastatingly affecting individuals and their families."," Amnesty says the dismissals have been arbitrary and links to terror groups unproven, devastating the lives of the individuals and their families.",0 +The king did not greet Obama at the airport during his final visit to the nation last year.,The king did not greet Obama at the airport when he visited last year.,1 +" The third candidate, Pakistan's Dr. Sania Nishtar, was eliminated in the first round.","The third candidate, Pakistan's Dr. Sania Nishtar, was eliminated in the first round of voting.",1 +The country benefits from competitive goods such as luxury autos and industrial machinery that are in demand in the rest of the world., The country benefits from producing competitive goods such as luxury autos and industrial machinery that are in demand in the rest of the world.,1 +"If convicted, Covington faces up to two years in prison.","If convicted, she faces up to two years in prison.",1 +""" Inside the apartment, the officers found the bodies of 22-year-old Jeremy Himmelman and 18-year-old Andrew Oneschuk."," Inside the apartment, the officers found the bodies of 22-year-old Jeremy Himmelman and 18-year-old Andrew Oneschuk.",0 +" Michael Wayne Pettigrew, 26, was arrested after the almost three-hour standoff that ended peacefully, with no shots fired Tuesday night."," Michael Wayne Pettigrew, 26, was arrested after the almost three-hour standoff that ended peacefully Tuesday night.",1 +" Police have identified the suicide bombers as Ichwanul Nurul Salam and Ahmad Sukri, both from West Java province."," Police have identified the suicide bombers as Ichwan Nurul Salam, 31, and Ahmad Sukri, 32, both from West Java province.",1 +" Luchie Arguelles, 61, was playing the slots at around 12:10 a.m."," Luchie Arguelles, 61, was playing slots just after midnight when she saw the man enter.",1 +The site was sold to Russia under former President Nicolas Sarkozy amid criticism from rights groups about France's outreach to Putin.,The site was sold to Russia under former President Nicolas Sarkozy amid criticism from rights groups.,1 +"Trump poked fun at the typo, tweeting around 6 a.m., ""Who can figure out the true meaning of ""covfefe"" ???","Trump later poked fun at the typo: ""Who can figure out the true meaning of ""covfefe"" ???",0 +But he believes their accounts were likely confused by the chaos and panic they experienced.,But he believes their accounts were likely confused by the chaos and panic.,1 + It was not immediately clear whether civilians were among the dead.,It was not immediately clear whether civilians were among the dead.,0 + Duterte said a local police chief was stopped at a militant checkpoint and beheaded.,"President Rodrigo Duterte said a local police chief was stopped at a militant checkpoint and beheaded, and another policeman was also reportedly killed.",1 +" Wettlaufer deliberately injected James Silcox, an 84-year-old man with diabetes and Alzheimer's disease, with insulin the night of Aug."," In one case, Wettlaufer injected James Silcox, an 84-year-old man with diabetes and Alzheimer's disease, with insulin the night of Aug.",0 + And Trump's proposal could have a disproportionate effect on Republican-leaning states - seven of the 10 states with the highest food stamp participation supported Trump.,Trump's proposal could have a disproportionate effect on Republican-leaning states - seven of the 10 states with the highest food stamp participation supported Trump.,0 +"If convicted, she faces up to two years in prison.", Covington faces up to two years in prison if convicted.,1 +"Three men fled the van with large knives and attacked people at bars and restaurants in nearby Borough Market, police and witnesses said.","The three men fled the van with large knives and attacked people at bars and restaurants in nearby Borough Market, police and witnesses said.",0 +" While the six-hour flight was midair, Uskanli, with his head swathed in a blanket, tried to get to the front of the plane."," During the six-hour flight, Uskanli had his head swathed in a blanket and tried to get to the front of the plane.",1 + Crosby and her grandmother made a pact to someday bring home the remains of Lt., Crosby and her grandmother made a pact to someday bring home her father's remains and bury him in his hometown of San Diego.,1 +" The revelations confirm that ""this is not an act of terrorism,"" Albayalde told a news conference."," The revelations confirm that ""this is not an act of terrorism,"" Manila police chief Oscar Albayalde told a news conference.",1 +" Amreen Gomez, a security officer at Resorts World Manila, said witnesses interviewed had testified to seeing multiple assailants."," Armeen Gomez, chief security officer at Resorts World, said witnesses at the scene had testified to seeing multiple assailants.",1 + Williams said the fire was contained by early Thursday and there were no evacuations in the area., Cambria Village President Glen Williams said the fire was contained by early Thursday and there were no evacuations in the area.,1 +" The Associated Press doesn't typically identify people who say they are the victims of sexual assault unless they come forward, as Constand has done."," The Associated Press does not typically identify people who say they are the victims of sexual assault unless they come forward, as Constand has done.",0 +They acknowledged that they acquired the companies but deny wrongdoing.,They acknowledged that they acquired the companies but denied wrongdoing.,0 + But Shuster is running into opposition from the committee's Democratic members and unions representing air traffic controllers., But Shuster faces opposition from the committee's Democratic members and unions representing air traffic controllers.,1 +An online fundraising page said he was married and the father of two small children.,An online fundraising page said the man had been married and the father of two small children.,0 +And then he asked Israel to cut electricity supplies to Gaza by 40 percent.,Then he asked Israel to cut electricity supplies to Gaza by 40 percent.,0 + National police spokesman Setyo Wasisto said two people had died and nine others were injured - five civilians and four policemen., National police spokesman Setyo Wasisto said there were two explosions by two suicide bombers.,1 +Only about 54 are estimated to live in the wild.,Only about 540 are estimated to live in the wild.,1 +"It's very different, very complex,"" Southwest Research Institute's Scott Bolton, Juno's chief scientist, said Thursday.","It's very different, very complex,"" Juno's chief scientist Scott Bolton of the Southwest Research Institute said Thursday.",1 +" Hapilon, an Arabic-speaking Islamic preacher known for his expertise in commando assaults, pledged allegiance to the Islamic State group in 2014."," Hapilon, who is a commander of the Abu Sayyaf militant group, pledged allegiance to the Islamic State group in 2014.",1 +" ""Either he lost in the casino and wanted to recoup his losses or he went totally nuts,"" said Metropolitan Manila police chief Oscar Albayalde."," ""Either he lost in the casino and wanted to recoup his losses or he went totally nuts,"" Metropolitan Manila police chief Oscar Albayalde said.",0 +Republicans and Democrats touted the change as a victory for U.S. interests and values.,Republicans and Democrats promoted the change as a victory for U.S. interests and values.,0 + Dust explosions can occur when high concentrations of dust particles are suspended in the air in a confined space during grain handling.,They can occur when high concentrations of dust particles are suspended in the air in a confined space during grain handling.,0 +"The slide is covering up about one-quarter of a mile of Highway 1. ""We haven't been able to go up there and assess."," ""We haven't been able to go up there and assess.",0 +"Without those subsidies, experts say, premiums could jump about 20 percent in 2018.",Experts say premiums could jump about 20 percent without the funding.,1 +" But Trump's team has allotted no longer than 30 minutes to Yad Vashem, citing the busy schedule of his 27-hour stay in Israel."," But Trump's team allotted 30 minutes to Yad Vashem, citing the busy schedule of his 27-hour stay in Israel.",0 +Her father had criticized then-lady Michelle Obama for not wearing a headscarf during a 2015 visit to the kingdom.,Trump had criticized former-lady Michelle Obama for not wearing a headscarf during a 2015 visit to the kingdom.,1 + All three were described as being conscious and hospitalized in stable condition., Authorities said all three were conscious and hospitalized in stable condition.,1 +" Per E. Samuelson, Assange's lawyer in Sweden, told The Associated Press that it was a ""day of victory"" for the WikiLeaks founder.",""" Per E. Samuelson, Assange's lawyer in Sweden, told The Associated Press that it was a ""day of victory"" for the WikiLeaks founder.",0 +" Bryan Moles, 43, was arrested at Trump International Hotel in downtown Washington on Wednesday and faces charges of unlawful possession and transportation of a firearm."," Bryan Moles, 43, faces charges of unlawful possession and transportation of a firearm.",1 +" Pettigrew pointed the fake gun at officers as they arrived at the rental car section of the airport, and also pointed the gun at himself."," Pettigrew pointed the fake gun at officers as they arrived at the airport's rental car section, and also pointed the gun at himself.",0 + Trump lit the memorial's eternal flame and laid a wreath in honor of the 6 million dead.," In a solemn ceremony, Trump rekindled the memorial's eternal flame and laid a wreath in honor of the 6 million Jews killed.",1 + Prosecutors in San Antonio said in a statement that 66-year-old Genene Jones was indicted Wednesday in the 1981 death of 2-year-old Rosemary Vega.,(bayr) County district attorney's office said in a statement that Genene Jones was charged in the September 1981 death of 2-year-old Rosemary Vega.,1 +He's serving a life term at the Red Onion State Prison in southwest Virginia.,"Malvo, 32, is serving his sentence at Red Onion State Prison in southwest Virginia.",1 +"The package includes tanks, combat ships, missile defense systems, radar and communications and cybersecurity technology.","The military package includes tanks, combat ships, missile defense systems, radar and communications, and cybersecurity technology.",0 +"The fate of $7 billion in ""cost-sharing subsidies"" remains under a cloud as insurers finalize their premium requests for next year."," The fate of $7 billion in ""cost-sharing subsidies"" remains under a cloud as insurers finalize their premium requests for next year.",0 +CDT Thursday for the 1982 murder-for-hire slaying of Troy Wicker.," Arthur, 75, was convicted in the 1982 murder-for-hire slaying of Troy Wicker.",1 +The violence forced thousands to flee and raised fears of growing extremism in the country.,The violence has forced thousands of people to flee and raised fears of growing extremism in the country.,0 + Medics treated the injured near the market as shocked people cried and shouted around them.,""" Medics treated the injured near the market as shocked people cried and shouted around them.",0 + Sixteen employees were working when the blast was reported around 11 p.m., Seventeen employees were working in the plant when the blast was reported around 11 p.m.,1 +"Israel is now providing just 88 megawatts of power each day, down from 120 megawatts earlier this week.","Israel is now providing just 88 megawatts of power each day, down from 120 earlier this week.",0 +" The vote at midnight Wednesday is for the confirmation of 26 ministers, including Prime Minister-designate Zoran Zaev, who heads the Social Democrats."," The midnight vote is for the confirmation of 26 ministers, including Prime Minister-designate Zoran Zaev, who leads the Social Democrats.",0 +""" Major Caitlin Brown, spokeswoman for the Florida National Guard, confirmed Russell was a current member of the Florida National Guard.",""" Major Caitlin Brown, spokeswoman for the Florida National Guard, confirmed that Russell was a current member of the Florida National Guard.",1 + Defense lawyer Dana Cole earlier argued unsuccessfully that the charge should be dismissed because the woman in the photo can't easily be identified., Defense lawyer Dana Cole earlier argued unsuccessfully that the charge should be dismissed because the victim couldn't easily be identified.,1 +" --- Associated Press photographer Carlos Rivera Giusti reported this story in San Juan and AP writer David McFadden reported from Port-au-Prince, Haiti."," --- Associated Press correspondent Carlos Rivera Giusti reported this story in San Juan and AP writer David McFadden reported from Port-au-Prince, Haiti.",0 +"He was helicoptered Monday to Bikin National Park, 500 kilometers (350 miles) further north.","He flown by helicopter Monday to Bikin National Park, 500 kilometers (350 miles) further north.",0 +"Daimler AG makes Mercedes-Benz cars in Tuscaloosa County, Alabama, while Volkswagen has a plant in Chattanooga, Tennessee."," Daimler AG makes Mercedes-Benz cars in Tuscaloosa County, Alabama, while Volkswagen has a plant in Chattanooga, Tennessee.",0 + Columbia County Sheriff Dennis Richards said 16 people were in the plant at the time of the explosion., Sixteen people were inside the plant at the time of the explosion.,0 +" All these groups are inspired by the Islamic State group, but so far there is no sign of significant, material ties."," All of the groups are inspired by the Islamic State group, but so far there is no sign of significant, material ties.",0 +" Michael Wayne Pettigrew, 26, was in ""mental distress"" when police surrounded him at the rental car area of the airport, authorities said."," Authorities say 26-year-old Michael Wayne Pettigrew was in ""mental distress"" when police surrounded him at the rental car area of the airport.",1 +It says it stopped producing Ivanka Trump shoes months ago.,The company has denied the allegations and says it stopped producing Ivanka Trump shoes months ago.,1 +" ""He then did a gesture simulating a chopping motion toward my neck,"" the agent wrote."," ""He then did a gesture simulating a chopping motion toward my neck,"" the agent said.",1 + --- Associated Press writer Maamoun Youssef in Cairo contributed to this report., --- Associated Press journalists Teresa Cerojano and Kiko Rosario in Manila and Maamoun Youssef in Cairo contributed to this report.,1 +" Arthur's lawyers have made a flurry of last-minute appeals, both in and out of court, seeking to halt Thursday's planned 6 p.m."," Arthur's lawyers have made a flurry of last-minute appeals, both in and out of court, seeking to halt the execution planned at 6 p.m.",1 +" The children died in the town of Kapoeta in early May, and other children have become gravely ill after vaccination campaign.", The children died in the rural town of Kapoeta in early May.,1 +" In the final scenes, he is exchanging fire with security forces tracking him through a stairwell."," In the footage's last scenes, the gunman is seen exchanging fire with one of the hotel's security officers at a stairwell doorway.",1 +"He's the first Asian-American elected to public office in Philadelphia, and the only U.S. military veteran currently serving on council.",He's the first Asian-American elected to office in Philadelphia and the council's only U.S. military veteran.,1 +But soldiers have been going house-to-house to clear the city of militants., Ano predicted that the military operation will take about a week as soldiers go house to house to clear the city of militants.,1 +"""You were too good."" --- Follow Howard Fendrich on Twitter at http://twitter.com/HowardFendrich --- More AP tennis coverage: https://apnews.com/tag/apf-Tennis", --- Follow Howard Fendrich on Twitter at http://twitter.com/HowardFendrich --- More AP tennis coverage: https://apnews.com/tag/apf-Tennis,1 +The violence has forced thousands of people to flee and raised fears of growing extremism in the country.,The violence has forced thousands of people to flee and raised fears of growing extremism.,1 +" ""Well,"" Makarova said when informed of the history made by her victory, ""that's unbelievable.","Open runner-up Roberta Vinci 6-3, 3-6, 6-2. Makarova's take when informed of the history made by her victory? ""Well,"" she said, ""that's unbelievable.",0 + The law enforcement official spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity.,The official wasn't authorized to speak publicly about an ongoing investigation and spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity.,1 +" The suspect's distraught mother, Teodora, wept during the news briefing and asked for forgiveness."," In Manila on Sunday, the attacker's distraught mother, Teodora, wept during the news briefing and asked for forgiveness.",1 +" Several hours after problems began cropping up Saturday morning, BA suspended flights up to 6 p.m. (1700GMT) because the two airports had become severely congested."," Several hours after problems began cropping up Saturday morning, BA suspended flights up to 6 p.m. because the two airports had become severely congested.",0 +(AP) -- A man accused of fatally shooting a Virginia State Police special agent has been denied bond.,(AP) -- A Virginia State Police special agent shot at a public housing complex died of a gunshot wound to the head.,1 +Residents say there are more people trapped in interior villages where boats have been unable to reach.,But some remained trapped in interior villages where boats have been unable to reach.,1 +"Cosby, 79, has said he thinks race ""could be"" a motivating factor in the accusations lodged against him.","Cosby, in an interview last week, said he thinks race ""could be"" a motivating factor in the accusations against him.",1 +" His humble background, he said, taught him to refuse ""to accept that people should die because they're poor."," His humble background, Tedros said, taught him to refuse ""to accept that people should die because they're poor.",1 +"He pointed what looked like a real gun at officers and himself, authorities said.",He pointed what looked like a real gun at officers and himself.,0 + PARIS (AP) -- French President Emmanuel Macron says his new administration will push for an international debt relief deal for austerity-weary Greece.," On Monday, French President Emmanuel Macron said his new administration will push for a Greek debt relief deal.",1 +"Tedros had 133 votes to Nabarro's 50, with two abstentions.","Tedros received 133 votes to Nabarro's 50, with two abstentions.",0 + He served more than 35 years in prison before his sentence was commuted by Democratic President Barack Obama., Lopez Rivera served more than 35 years in prison before his sentence was commuted by Democratic President Barack Obama.,1 +" It also doesn't address Medicare's long term financial problems, but it targets the much smaller Children's Health Insurance Program, or CHIP."," While not addressing Medicare's long term financial problems, the budget targets the much smaller Children's Health Insurance Program, or CHIP.",1 +"On Friday, Deborah Crosby fulfilled that promise to her late grandmother by receiving her father's casket at the airport in San Diego.","On Friday, Deborah Crosby fulfilled her promise to her late grandmother.",1 +" - 10,800 did not have criminal convictions, compared to 4,200 in the prevous period."," - 10,800 did not have criminal convictions, compared to 4,200 in the previous period.",0 +Grande and other stars are scheduled to perform a benefit concert for victims Sunday night.,Grande and other stars are scheduled to perform a benefit concert for victims under tight security in Manchester Sunday night.,1 + The attack at the Resorts World Manila sent people panicking in the streets during the night., Authorities have said 36 people died from the smoke in the early morning attack at the Resorts World Manila.,1 + Analysts say the main reason why Greece has taken a step back is its stalled bailout negotiations.,Analysts say the main reason why Greece has taken a step back is its stalled bailout negotiations.,0 +""" Police received the first call of reports of a vehicle hitting pedestrians on London Bridge at 10:08 p.m. (2108 GMT).", Police received the first call of reports of a vehicle hitting pedestrians on London Bridge at 10:08 p.m. (2108 GMT).,0 + BOSTON (AP) -- Heat records are burning up in cities in the Northeast as the region gets a summer preview., BOSTON (AP) -- Heat records were burning up Thursday in cities in the Northeast as the region gets a summer preview.,1 +"A quarterfinal loss in 2015 ended that run, then came last year's injury.","A quarterfinal loss in 2015 ended that run, and then came last year's injury.",0 +" At 1:46 a.m., he breaks into an empty room and sets it on fire, too."," At 1:46 a.m., the gunman kicks in the door of Room 501 and goes inside.",0 +"In response, Uskanli made a gun shape with his fingers and pretended to shoot her, she wrote.","In response, he made a gun shape with his fingers and pretended to shoot her, the agent wrote.",1 + Prime Minister Theresa May planned to chair an emergency security Cabinet session Sunday to deal with the crisis.,Prime Minister Theresa May called an emergency security cabinet session Sunday to deal with the crisis.,1 +" His intentions weren't known, and a federal judge in Honolulu on Monday ordered Uskanli return to the U.S. mainland to undergo a competency evaluation."," His intentions were unknown, and the judge ordered Uskanli returned from Hawaii to the U.S. mainland to undergo the competency evaluation.",1 +"Even bigger, though shapeless weather systems - spanning many thousands of miles - are present in both polar regions.","Even bigger, though shapeless weather systems are present in both polar regions.",1 +"In 2015, her husband had, in a tweet, criticized former first lady Michelle Obama for not wearing a headscarf during a visit to the kingdom.",Her father had criticized then-lady Michelle Obama for not wearing a headscarf during a 2015 visit to the kingdom.,1 +""" Trump, Cohn added, had noted that ""his dad is from Germany"" and said: ""'I don't have a problem with Germany.",""" Cohn noted that ""his dad is from Germany"" and that he had said: ""'I don't have a problem with Germany.",1 + Defense lawyer Dana Cole earlier argued unsuccessfully that the charge should be dismissed because the victim couldn't easily be identified.,The defense argued unsuccessfully that the charge should be dismissed because the victim couldn't easily be identified in the photo shot from a distance.,1 + International human rights groups have described the treatment of the men as degrading and humiliating and called for their immediate release., International human rights groups have described the treatment of the men as abusive and humiliating and called for their immediate release.,0 +" For two decades, while Myanmar languished under repressive military rule, U.S. administrations and influential lawmakers adored Suu Kyi."," For two decades, while Myanmar was under military rule, U.S. administrations and influential lawmakers adored Suu Kyi.",1 +" Ball was appointed a public defender, who can request a bond hearing at a later date.","He was denied bond and appointed a public defender, who can request a bond hearing at a later date.",1 +Or are they bitter about Cosby's scolding of the young black community? -Is the jury pool familiar with the scores of other Cosby accusers?,Or are they bitter about Cosby's scolding of the young black community? -What's the final breakdown in terms of men/women;,0 + Vidal and Machin were given unusual rein to talk publicly about Cuba's relations with Washington.," In a government renowned for its opacity, Vidal and Machin were given unusual rein to talk publicly about Cuba's relations with Washington.",1 +" If confirmed as terrorism, this would be the third attack to hit Britain in as many months.", It was the third attack to hit Britain in as many months.,0 +" The company's contracts in the Dominican Republic since 2001 totaled $5 billion, or 7 percent of the Caribbean country's annual GDP."," Odebrecht's contracts in the Dominican Republic since 2001 have totaled $5 billion, or 7 percent of the Caribbean country's annual GDP.",1 +" Turnout was 52 percent of the more than 340,000 eligible voters, eight hours before the polls closed, the electoral commission said."," Turnout was 92 percent of the more than 340,000 eligible voters, the electoral commission said.",1 +" Attorney General Jeff Sessions has expressed reservations about consent decrees, saying they can unfairly malign all officers for the actions of some bad-apple officers."," Attorney General Jeff Sessions has expressed reservations about consent decrees, saying they can unfairly malign all officers for the actions of some bad apples.",0 +" Assange, 45, took refuge in Ecuador's embassy in London in 2012 to escape extradition to Sweden to answer questions about sex-crime allegations from two women.",""" Assange has been holed up at Ecuador's embassy in London to avoid extradition to answer questions about sex-crime allegations from two women.",1 +Special counsel Robert Mueller is investigating potential ties between Russia and Trump's 2016 campaign as well as possible obstruction of justice by the president.,Mueller is investigating potential ties between Russia and Trump's 2016 campaign as well as possible obstruction of justice by the president.,0 + Jenkins noted that Manchin missed a big opportunity to align himself with Trump on key issues such as taxes and health care.,Jenkins noted that Manchin missed a big chance to align himself with Trump on key issues such as taxes and health care.,0 +He initially cited Comey's handling of the probe into Democratic rival Hillary Clinton's emails.," In announcing the firing, the White House initially cited the FBI director's handling of the probe into Democratic rival Hillary Clinton's emails.",1 + PHOENIX (AP) -- A mistrial was declared Monday in the case of a U.S., PHOENIX (AP) -- Prosecutors are evaluating whether to pursue a retrial for a U.S.,1 +Politicians urged citizens to vote and security forces struggled to maintain order as fights broke out in and around polling stations.," Politicians had urged citizens to vote, and security forces struggled to maintain order as fights broke out in and around polling stations.",0 +"But in the meantime, suspects can be prosecuted using the ordinance.","But in the meantime, suspects can be prosecuted under the order.",0 + That's according to two senior administration officials speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss internal deliberations.,The officials spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal deliberations.,1 +" FDA regulators also are asking manufacturer Juul Labs to turn over documents about the design, marketing and ingredients of its devices."," FDA regulators also asked manufacturer Juul Labs to turn over documents about the design, marketing and ingredients of its product.",1 +" In Hezbollah strongholds in southern Beirut, there was a steady flow of voters Sunday."," In Hezbollah strongholds in southern Beirut, there was a steady flow of voters.",0 +""" Carson-Sandler was attacked in her home in Citrus Heights.",""" Carson-Sandler was attacked in her home in Citrus Heights, California.",1 +" Still, Hariri will most likely be named to form a national unity Cabinet after the vote."," Still, Hariri would most likely be named to form a national unity Cabinet after the vote.",1 +""" Andress expects other sports like soccer, gymnastics, swimming, cycling and running to join the movement.","Andress also expects other sports like, gymnastics, swimming, cycling and running to join.",1 +Abdeslam attended the opening day of the trial in February but has refused to cooperate since., Abdeslam attended the opening day of the trial in February but has refused to cooperate since.,0 +" Mohammed Ali, 30, riding his scooter to the beach, said he's not voting because there are no choices."," Mohammed Ali, 30, riding his scooter to the beach, said he was not voting because there are no choices.",0 +"It says it will not allow Iran to establish a permanent military presence in Syria, fearing the Iranians will launch attacks.","Israel says it will not allow Iran to establish a permanent military presence in Syria, fearing the Iranians use it to launch attacks.",1 +"""This is not a stable scene at this point."" First Selectman Michael Freda said the wife escaped before the blast.","""This is not a stable scene at this point."" First Selectman Michael Freda said the wife escaped before the explosion.",1 +The White House provided temporary exemptions in March and has until the end of Monday to decide whether to extend them.,The White House provided temporary exemptions in March and had until the end of Monday to decide whether to extend them.,0 + This year's vote is according to a new election law that is based on proportional representation for the first time., This year's vote was according to a new election law providing for proportional representation for the first time.,1 + Fred and Cindy Warmbier filed the lawsuit Thursday in the U.S., Fred and Cindy Warmbier filed the lawsuit in the U.S.,1 +Tennis is one of the few sports where the women have some parity with the men as far as earnings.,Tennis is one of the few sports where the women have some parity - all four Grand Slam events pay the two sexes equally.,0 + It is unclear when he will face trial over the Paris attacks., It is unclear when Abdeslam will face trial over the Paris attacks but it is expected to take several years.,1 +""" Comey said in an interview Thursday with CNN that he's ""fine"" with the Justice Department turning his memos over to Congress."," Comey said in an interview Thursday with CNN that he's ""fine"" with the Justice Department turning his memos over to Congress.",0 +" As part of the FDA initiative, regulators are asking Juul Labs to turn over documents about the design and marketing of its devices."," FDA regulators also asked manufacturer Juul Labs to turn over documents about the design, marketing and ingredients of its product.",1 + The deal will have to be reviewed by the Justice Department and the Federal Communications Commission., The agreement will have to be reviewed by the Justice Department and the FCC.,1 + The ordinance will require the approval of Parliament within six months in order to become law., It will require the approval of Parliament within six months to become law.,0 +They said the incident highlighted the importance of the Trump administration's push to counter Iranian supported-aggression in the region.,They said the incident highlighted the importance of the Trump administration's push to counter Iran in the region.,0 +" The court issued a 4-3 ruling Friday that Skakel's trial attorney, Michael Sherman, failed to present evidence of an alibi.", The high court issued a 4-3 ruling that Skakel's trial attorney failed to present evidence of an alibi.,0 +Force 10 Sports Management owns and operates the Seattle Storm.,Force 10 Sports Management owns and operates the WNBA'S Seattle Storm.,1 +""" All the league commissioners signed a pledge and filmed a public service announcement promoting the movement.",""" All the league commissioners signed a pledge and filmed a public service announcement promoting the effort.",0 +" Nabi Tajima died of old age in a hospital Saturday evening in the town of Kikai in southern Japan, town official Susumu Yoshiyuki confirmed."," Nabi Tajima died in a hospital Saturday evening in the town of Kikai in southern Japan, town official Susumu Yoshiyuki said.",1 + The big unknown is whether the combination will win the necessary approval from the Trump administration's antitrust regulators., The big unknown is whether the deal will win approval from the Trump administration's antitrust regulators.,1 +" Saunders identified the man detained after the incident as Alek Minassian, 25, a resident of the Toronto suburb of Richmond Hill."," Saunders said the suspect, Alek Minassian, who lives in the Toronto suburb of Richmond Hill, had not been known to police previously.",1 + The EU has said if it loses its exemption it will retaliate with its own tariffs on U.S. goods imported to Europe., The EU has said if it loses its exemption it will retaliate with its own tariffs.,1 + The FBI says it has a team gathering evidence at a Sacramento- area home linked to DeAngelo., The FBI says it had a team gathering evidence at a Sacramento-area home linked to DeAngelo.,0 + FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb said the agency plans additional actions in coming weeks.," FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb said the current ""blitz"" targeting Juul will continue through the end of the month, with additional actions in coming weeks.",1 +" ""We are human beings. It is not fair that we have to be carried like bags of potatoes,"" the woman, Silvana Lakkis, said."," ""We are human beings. It is not fair that we have to be carried like bags of potatoes,"" Silvana Lakkis told him.",1 +" ""We love the resistance,"" said Amira Sidani, an 85-year-old woman, after casting her ballot."," ""We love the resistance,"" Amira Sidani, 85, said after casting her ballot.",0 + It comes after Sprint dropped its bid for T-Mobile more than three years ago following concerns by the Obama administration about wireless competition.,Sprint dropped a bid for T-Mobile more than three years ago following concerns by the Obama administration about wireless competition.,0 +" Cindy Warmbier told a U.N. symposium on human rights in North Korea Thursday: ""I can't let Otto die in vain."," Cindy Warmbier told a U.N. symposium on the human rights situation in North Korea: ""I can't let Otto die in vain.",1 +" Early results were expected to start coming in later Sunday, but official results are not expected to be announced before Monday."," Early results were expected to start coming in late Sunday, but official results were not expected to be announced before Monday.",1 +"That, along with the new electoral law, has injected some unpredictability to the process.","That, along with the new electoral law, injected some unpredictability to the process.",0 + Prosecutors acknowledged during the monthlong trial that Elena Rodriguez was lobbing rocks across the border during a drug smuggling attempt., The teen was fatally shot as he threw rocks at authorities during a drug smuggling attempt.,1 + Raptors: Toronto had 10 assists on 13 made baskets in the first.,He finished 3 for 13. Raptors: Toronto had 10 assists on 13 made baskets in the first.,0 +Comey writes that Trump did not say when Putin had made the comment.,Comey says Trump did not say when Putin had made the comment.,0 +" If it loses its exemption, the EU has said it will retaliate with its own tariffs on U.S. goods imported to Europe.", The EU has said if it loses its exemption it will retaliate with its own tariffs on U.S. goods imported to Europe.,0 + Abdeslam was close to being arrested in a hideout when he and Ayari fled while another man sprayed gunfire at police and was killed.,Abdeslam was close to being arrested in a hideout when he and Ayari fled while another man sprayed gunfire at police and was killed.,0 +" CINCINNATI (AP) -- The Reds fired Bryan Price on Thursday after their 3-15 start, the first managerial change in the major leagues this season."," The Reds fired their fifth-year manager on Thursday because of their 3-15 start, the first managerial change in the major leagues this season.",1 +""" Residents near the home said on the police department's Facebook page that they heard the explosion and felt their own homes shake.", Residents near the home said on the police department's Facebook page that they heard the blast and felt their own homes shake.,0 + WASHINGTON (AP) -- Researchers say there are far more western Africa gorillas than conservationists previously thought., WASHINGTON (AP) -- A first-of-its-kind intensive count of western Africa gorillas found far more of the apes than conservationists previously thought.,1 + The alignment with Trump was so effective former White House adviser Steve Bannon worried privately to colleagues that Trump might actually endorse the Democrat., The alignment with Trump was so effective that former White House adviser Steve Bannon worried privately to colleagues that Trump might actually endorse the Democrat.,1 +"And the administration said it had also reached agreements in principle with Argentina, Australia and Brazil on steel and aluminum that will be finalized shortly.","And it's reached agreements in principle with Argentina, Australia and Brazil on steel and aluminum that will be finalized shortly.",0 +""" The initiative was the brainchild of Brenda Andress, who is the commissioner of the Canadian Women's Hockey League.",""" The initiative was the brainchild of Brenda Andress, the commissioner of the Canadian Women's Hockey League who came up with the idea last November.",1 + Mulhern would not comment when asked early Thursday if the suspect was in custody., Deputy Police Chief Jonathan Mulhern would not comment when asked early Thursday if the suspect was in custody.,1 +Arsenal became accustomed to qualifying for the Champions League before missing out for the first time in two decades after finishing fifth last season.,Arsenal became accustomed to qualifying for the Champions League before missing out last season for the first time in two decades.,0 + Now Reinking is charged in Tennessee with four counts of criminal homicide., Reinking is charged in Tennessee with four counts of criminal homicide after Sunday's attack.,1 + More than 500 candidates are running for 128 seats in Lebanon's National Assembly., More than 500 candidates ran for 128 seats in Lebanon's National Assembly.,1 +" TORONTO (AP) -- LeBron James had 26 points, 13 assists and 11 rebounds, J.R."," James had 26 points, 13 assists and 11 rebounds for his 21st career playoff triple-double, J.R.",0 +"14. Pompeo said the U.S. is ""incredibly proud"" of the embassy move.","14. Pompeo said the U.S. is ""incredibly proud"" of that upcoming move.",0 + The new two-year contract that Wenger signed after winning the FA Cup for a record seventh time last May will now not be completed., Now the new two-year contract that Wenger signed after winning the FA Cup for a record seventh time last May will not be completed.,1 +I'll buy a ticket to a hockey game in Canada or a fastpitch softball game.,I'll buy a ticket to a hockey game in Canada or a fast-pitch softball game.,0 +Eric Greitens following allegations of sexual misconduct and misuse of charity resources.,Eric Greitens following allegations of sexual misconduct and misuse of charity resources for his political campaign.,1 + The court handed both Abdeslam and Sofiane Ayari the maximum 20 year sentence.," The court handed both Abdeslam, Europe's most wanted fugitive at the time, and Sofiane Ayari the maximum 20-year sentence.",1 + President Donald Trump is to decide by May 12 whether to remain in the nuclear deal., President Donald Trump is to decide by May 12 whether to keep the U.S. in the nuclear deal.,1 + The San Francisco-based company says it monitors retailers to ensure they are following the law., Juul Labs says it monitors retailers to ensure they are following the law.,1 + Bench coach Jim Riggleman will manage the team on an interim basis.,""" Bench coach Jim Riggleman will manage the team on an interim basis, the fourth time in his career he's been promoted during a season.",0 +""" - AP writer Jonathan J. Cooper contributed to this report from Citrus Heights, California.",""" --- Associated Press writer Jonathan J. Cooper contributed to this report from Citrus Heights, California.",1 +" The officers were taken to a hospital with non-life-threatening injuries after the explosion around 8:30 p.m., North Haven First Selectman Michael Freda said."," The officers were taken to a hospital with non-life-threatening injuries after the explosion around 8:30 p.m., North Haven Deputy Police Chief Jonathan Mulhern said.",1 +"Former Raptors guard Jose Calderon stood in front of Drake during the exchange, while Smith moved Perkins toward the locker room.",Former Raptors guard Jose Calderon stood in front of Drake during the halftime exchange as Smith gently moved Perkins toward the locker room.,1 +" LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Actor Verne Troyer from the ""Austin Powers"" movie franchise has died."," LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Verne Troyer, who played Dr. Evil's small, silent sidekick ""Mini-Me"" in the ""Austin Powers"" movie franchise, has died.",1 +"On take-your-children-to-work day, parents brought crying toddlers and squirming kids to hear Pruitt defend his job.","On Take Our Daughter and Sons to Work Day, parents brought crying toddlers and squirming kids to hear Pruitt defend his job.",1 +"The Federal Reserve cited ""widespread abuses"" as its reason for taking such an action.","The Federal Reserve cited ""widespread abuses"" for taking such an action.",0 + The agreement will have to be reviewed by the Justice Department and the FCC., The deal will have to be reviewed by the Justice Department and the FCC.,0 +" Green and Smith each scored 11 points in the second quarter and the Cavs found their shooting stroke, connecting on 14 of 22 attempts."," Green and Smith each scored 11 points in the second and the Cavs found their shooting stroke, connecting on 14 of 22 attempts.",0 +It was the first time Lebanon's large expatriate community was allowed to take part in the vote.,It was the first time Lebanon's large expatriate community was allowed to take part in an election.,1 +" In Zahle, the politician Mryiam Skaff blamed members of the right-wing Lebanese Forces party of beating up her supporters in polling stations."," In Zahle, politician Mryiam Skaff accused members of the right-wing Lebanese Forces party of beating up her supporters in polling stations.",1 + The officials reassured Haspel that her nomination was still on track and she had the president's support.," They said Haspel, who is the acting director of the CIA, was reassured that her nomination was still on track and will not withdraw.",1 +""" The SheIS group need only look as far as Seattle to see a group already using this format of cross-sport support.",""" The SheIS group can point to a Seattle group already using this multisport format.",0 + UP NEXT Game 2 is Thursday night at 8 p.m. --- More NBA basketball: https://apnews.com/tag/NBAbasketball, UP NEXT Game 2 is Thursday at 6 p.m. --- More NBA basketball: https://apnews.com/tag/NBAbasketball,1 +""" --- Associated Press writers Zeke Miller and Matthew Daly contributed to this report.", --- Associated Press writers Zeke Miller and Matthew Daly contributed to this report.,0 +" ""After thoughtful and meticulous consideration of the information and evidence provided to us, we came to our unanimous verdict,"" the jury said in the statement."," ""After thoughtful and meticulous consideration of the information and evidence provided to us, we came to our unanimous verdict,"" the jury said.",0 +""" Among the early contenders to succeed Wenger are two Germans: Thomas Tuchel, who left Borussia Dortmund last year, and Germany coach Joachim Loew."," Among the early contenders to succeed Wenger are two Germans: Thomas Tuchel, who left Borussia Dortmund last year, and Germany coach Joachim Loew.",0 +"""They were doing that before SheIS is born."" The city itself has also embraced female athletes such as Sue Bird, Megan Rapinoe and Breanna Stewart.","""They were doing that before SheIS is born."" The city has embraced female athletes such as Sue Bird, Megan Rapinoe and Breanna Stewart.",0 +"""SheIS will give the first true platform for these real-world, real-women heroes who have been living among us."," ""SheIS will give the first true platform for these real-world, real-women heroes who have been living among us.",0 +"Some 586 candidates, including 86 women, are running for the 128-seat parliament, which is equally divided between Muslims and Christians."," Some 586 candidates, including 86 women, were running for the 128-seat parliament, which is equally divided between Muslims and Christians.",1 +"""We are even more powerful when we are collaborative. In public, we have to support each other."" --- Follow Doug on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/dougfeinberg","""We are even more powerful when we are collaborative. In public, we have to support each other."" The initiative also has support from pro wrestling.",0 +" Like other e-cigarettes, Juul is an electronic device that vaporizes liquid nicotine into an inhalable vapor."," Like other e-cigarettes, Juul is an electronic device that turns liquid - usually containing nicotine - into an inhalable vapor.",1 +" The U.S.-based Gerontology Research Group says that another Japanese woman, Chiyo Miyako, is now the world's oldest person in its records."," The U.S.-based Gerontology Research Group says that another Japanese woman, Chiyo Miyako, is now the world's oldest person.",1 +"The two companies have been considering a combination for years, but a 2014 attempt fell apart amid resistance from the Obama administration.",But a 2014 attempt fell apart amid resistance from the Obama administration.,1 +"Her town of Kikai is a small island of about 7,000 people halfway between Okinawa and Kyushu, the southernmost of Japan's four main islands."," Tajima's town of Kikai is a small island of about 7,000 people halfway between Okinawa and Kyushu, the southernmost of Japan's four main islands.",1 + The all-stock deal values each share of Sprint at slight more than 0.10 T-Mobile shares., The all-stock deal values each share of Sprint at slightly more than 0.10 T-Mobile shares.,0 +" She became the world's oldest person seven months ago after the death in September of Violet Brown in Jamaica, also at the age of 117."," She became the world's oldest person after the death in September of Violet Brown of Jamaica, also at the age of 117.",0 +" ""We are living in a time of anger and fear because of these current global threats,"" Macron told lawmakers."," ""We are living in a time of anger and fear"" because of ""global threats,"" Macron told lawmakers.",0 + But there is also skepticism that he was treated fairly by the courts., But there is skepticism that Blankenship was treated fairly by the courts.,1 +The rare request particularly focuses on whether certain product features are directly appealing to young people.,The rare request focuses on whether certain product features are specifically appealing to young people.,0 +Even Republicans who heartily support Pruitt's policy agenda said his apparent lapses had to be put under scrutiny.,Even Republicans who heartily support Pruitt's policy agenda said his apparent lapses had to be scrutinized.,1 + WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Donald Trump's explanation for why he fired FBI Director James Comey is again shifting., WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Donald Trump's explanation for why he fired FBI Director James Comey has shifted again.,0 +"He says his family members will vote for whoever pays them, but he's not interested in the money.","He said his relatives vote for whoever pays them, but he was not interested in the money.",0 +"he had another year left on his contract,"" the 26-year-old Wilshere said."," ""We didn't see it coming,"" midfielder Jack Wilshere said. ""He had another year left on his contract.",0 + NEW YORK (AP) -- Women's sports leagues are banding together for the first time with a new initiative - SheIS., NEW YORK (AP) -- Women's sports leagues are banding together with a new initiative - SheIS.,0 +The mine is located in the southern town of Jastrzebie-Zdroj near Poland's border with the Czech Republic.,Saturday after a quake hit the Zofiowka coal mine in the town of Jastrzebie-Zdroj near Poland's border with the Czech Republic.,1 + The $500 million paid to the Comptroller of the Currency will be paid directly to the U.S., The $500 million paid to the Comptroller of the Currency will go directly to the U.S.,0 + Jeff Green scored 16 points and Kevin Love had 13 rebounds.,""" Jeff Green scored 16 points and Kevin Love had 13 rebounds.",0 +"Evan Jenkins, who switched his party affiliation from Democrat to Republican in 2013, has highlighted his West Virginia roots and deep allegiance to Trump.","Evan Jenkins, a former Democrat, has highlighted his West Virginia roots and deep allegiance to Trump.",1 + A statement provided by Troyer's spokesperson that was also posted to his Instagram and Facebook accounts says the 49-year-old actor died Saturday.,He was 49. A statement provided by Troyer's representatives that was also posted to his Instagram and Facebook accounts said the actor died Saturday.,1 +" President Donald Trump has continued to stand by his EPA chief, but behind closed doors, White House officials concede Pruitt's job is in serious jeopardy."," Trump has stood by his EPA chief, but behind closed doors, White House officials concede Pruitt's job is in serious jeopardy.",1 +" In a statement when the allegations first surfaced, Rose apologized for ""inappropriate behavior,"" but said some allegations were not accurate."," In a statement made when the allegations first surfaced, Rose apologized for ""inappropriate behavior"" but said some allegations were not accurate.",0 +""" Bosniaks and Serbs watched from near and far as the long-awaited climax approached.", Bosniaks and Serbs watched from near and far as the long-awaited climax approached.,0 +" After graduating, he worked in customer support at the Ultimate Medical Academy, a school that trains workers for health care jobs."," After graduating from college, Donaldson worked in customer support at the Ultimate Medical Academy, a school that trains workers for health care jobs.",1 +"His troops control Syria's four largest cities, 10 of Syria's 14 provincial capitals and its Mediterranean coast.","His troops control Syria's four largest cities, 10 of its 14 provincial capitals and its Mediterranean coast.",0 +"She said she hoped Mnangagwa would learn from the errors of his predecessor, and acknowledged that Zimbabwe's future is unknown.","She said she hoped Mnangagwa would learn from the errors of his predecessor, but acknowledged that the path ahead for Zimbabwe is unknown.",1 +" Thousands of Puerto Ricans remain homeless, and many complain the federal government is taking too long to install tarps."," Thousands of Puerto Ricans remain homeless, and many complain that the federal government is taking too long to install tarps.",0 +The Mets would neither confirm nor deny that he was employed there.,The Mets would neither confirm nor deny that he was employed by them.,0 +" Despite ailing health, Mladic looked relaxed, greeting lawyers and giving a thumbs-up to photographers in court."," Despite ailing health, Mladic looked relaxed, greeting lawyers, crossing himself and giving a thumbs-up to photographers in court.",1 +" The dome opened in 1992, and it was flattened within about 15 seconds."," The dome opened in 1992, and it was flattened in just about 15 seconds.",0 +" Akihito's elder son Crown Prince Naruhito will ascend the throne a day later, on May 1, 2019, beginning a new as yet unnamed era."," Akihito's elder son Crown Prince Naruhito will ascend the throne a day later, beginning a new as yet unnamed era.",0 +But her speech highlighted the views of many in Myanmar who see the Rohingya as illegal immigrants and blame the population for terrorist acts.,But her speech highlighted the views of many in the country who see the Rohingya as illegal immigrants and accuse them of terrorist acts.,1 +Fish and Wildlife Service began issuing permits Oct. 20 for lions killed in Zimbabwe and Zambia between 2016 and 2018.,Fish and Wildlife Service began issuing permits on Oct. 20 for lions killed in Zimbabwe and Zambia between 2016 and 2018.,0 +Both sides would promise to keep the trading rules compatible.,"Both sides would promise to maintain compatible trading rules, keeping the border transparent for trade.",1 + Nasralla and Hernandez have urged calm and warned their supporters to not be provoked into violence.,Nasralla and Hernandez have urged calm and warned their supporters to not be provoked into violence.,0 +" ""Pray so that my husband, Fernando Santilli can return home,"" Jesica Gopar said on Twitter."," ""Pray so that my husband, Fernando Santilli can return home,"" Jesica Gopar wrote.",0 +""" ---- Associated Press writer Summer Ballentine in Columbia, Missouri, contributed to this report.",""" ---- Associated Press writers Chris Carola in Albany, New York, and Summer Ballentine in Columbia, Missouri, contributed to this report.",1 +" A 5-story tall industrial strength curtain between the two stadiums was on the scene to protect the new venue from damage, officials said."," A 5-story tall industrial strength curtain between the two stadiums had been erected to protect the new venue from damage, officials said.",1 +Keillor has been working on a Lake Wobegon screenplay and a memoir about growing up in Minnesota., He also has been working on a Lake Wobegon screenplay and a memoir about growing up in Minnesota.,1 +"Penney is opening its doors at 2 p.m., an hour earlier than last year and at least three hours ahead of its department store rivals.","Penney opened its doors at 2 p.m., an hour earlier than last year and at least three hours ahead of its department store rivals.",0 +"Also, no force on the ground is capable of driving Assad out at this stage.",No force on the ground is capable of driving Assad out at this stage.,0 +"""Some were crying. Some were disoriented and crying."" Barclay Friends offers various levels of care including memory care, skilled nursing and post-acute rehab."," Barclay Friends offers various levels of care including memory care, skilled nursing and post-acute rehab.",0 +" ""We had a community that was on edge,"" Mayor Bob Buckhorn said."," ""We had a community that was on edge,"" Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn said Wednesday.",1 +" At the Vatican, Argentine Pope Francis said that he is sending ""fervent prayers"" for the crew."," At the Vatican, Pope Francis, a native of Argentina, said he was sending ""fervent prayers"" for the crew.",1 +""" Tillerson's likely ouster loomed awkwardly over an Oval Office meeting Thursday between Trump and the visiting crown prince of Bahrain.", Tillerson's likely ouster loomed awkwardly over an Oval Office meeting Thursday between Trump and the visiting Bahraini crown prince.,1 +Relatives of the crew members also took to social media on Monday to ask for support during the search., Relatives of crew members took to social media Monday to ask for support during the search.,0 + WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Donald Trump is retweeting a series of anti-Muslim videos posted by a far-right British politician., WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Donald Trump retweeted a series of inflammatory videos Wednesday that purport to show violence being committed by Muslims.,1 + Cellphone videos posted on Twitter show Wintrich running up to the woman and grabbing her before other audience members get involved.," Cellphone videos posted on Twitter show Wintrich, 29, running after the woman and grabbing her before other audience members get involved.",1 +President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin agreed that there is no military solution to the conflict in Syria.,President Donald Trump and Russia's Putin agreed there is no military solution to Syria's war.,0 +"Israel rejects such claims, saying the matter should be resolved in negotiations.","Israel rejects such claims, citing the land's strategic and religious significance, and says the matter should be resolved in negotiations.",1 +" ""I feel deeply moved that the decision was made by the Imperial Household Agency making a major step toward an imperial succession,"" Abe said."," ""I feel deeply moved that the decision was made smoothly by the Imperial House Council, marking a major step toward an imperial succession,"" Abe said.",1 +"He accepted responsibility for his actions in a written statement, though he said he had also been subjected to false accusations.","Flynn accepted responsibility for his actions in a written statement, though he said he had also been subjected to false accusations.",0 + Mothers of Srebrenica's victims clapped when the convictions were read out.," Survivors known as the Mothers of Srebrenica, clapped when the convictions were read out.",1 +" Suu Kyi did not directly mention the refugee exodus as she welcomed European and Asian foreign ministers to Naypyitaw, the capital of Myanmar."," Suu Kyi did not directly mention the refugee exodus in a speech to European and Asian foreign ministers in Myanmar's capital, Naypyitaw.",1 +"The agent, Peter Strzok, had also worked on the investigation of Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server.","The agent, Peter Strzok, had also worked on the investigation of Democrat Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server.",1 +" The hearing later resumed and, ultimately, all six Croats charged in the case had their sentences, ranging from 25 to 10 years, confirmed."," The hearing later resumed and ultimately, all six Croats charged in the case had their sentences, ranging from 25 to 10 years, confirmed.",0 +"He nodded regularly as presiding Judge Alphons Orie read out descriptions of atrocities by Bosnian Serb forces, one by one.","He nodded regularly as Orie read out descriptions of atrocities by Bosnian Serb forces, one by one.",0 +But Navy spokesman Enrique Balbi said Monday that officials analyzed the seven low-frequency satellite signals and determined they were not received from the submarine.,But Balbi said earlier Monday that officials analyzed the seven low-frequency satellite signals and determined they were not received from the submarine.,0 +" Previously, only wild lions killed in South Africa were eligible to be imported.","Previously, only wild lions killed in South Africa were eligible to be imported.",0 +"Only 83 feet - less than 30 yards - separates the two venues, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported.",Only 83 feet - less than 30 yards - separated the two venues.,1 +"""Manson was memorable: his voice, his appearance, his mannerisms, as well as his crimes and the crazy Charlie act he put on.","""Manson was memorable: his voice, his appearance, his mannerisms, as well as his crimes and the 'crazy Charlie' act he put on.",1 + Agius had overturned some of Praljak's convictions but upheld others and left his sentence unchanged.," Presiding Judge Carmel Agius overturned some of Praljak's convictions, but upheld others and left his sentence unchanged.",1 + Yet the conference's focus on female entrepreneurs raises questions about some of the commercial decisions made by Trump and her famous namesake brand.,""" And the conference's focus on female entrepreneurs raises questions about some of the commercial decisions made by Trump and her famous namesake brand.",1 +" Thile tweeted Wednesday that he was ""in shock"" by the firing."," Keillor's hand-picked successor to host the show, mandolinist Chris Thile, tweeted Wednesday he was ""in shock"" after Keillor's firing.",1 + The ongoing Rohingya exodus is sure to be raised by the visitors at the meetings held Monday and Tuesday., The ongoing Rohingya exodus is sure to be raised by the visitors at the meetings Monday and Tuesday.,0 +"When he left, they reported the gun to a police officer who was doing paperwork there, setting off an investigation.","Restaurant workers reported the gun to a police officer who was there, setting off an investigation.",1 +"On Friday, $100 cash was selling for between $140 and $150. As the inauguration crowds streamed by, Sharon Samuriwo sat on a ledge, watching."," As inauguration crowds streamed by, Sharon Samuriwo sat on a ledge, watching.",1 +But I'm 75 and don't have any interest in arguing about this.," ""But I'm 75 and don't have any interest in arguing about this.",0 +Dowd declined to comment when reached by The Associated Press on Saturday night.,Dowd declined to comment when reached by the AP on Saturday night.,0 +The network was widely criticized for not immediately correcting the report., The network was widely criticized for not immediately correcting the report.,0 +" Harper told the San Antonio Express-News on Sunday that Martinez and his partner were ""not fired upon,"" but she didn't elaborate."," An FBI spokeswoman told the San Antonio Express-News on Sunday that the agents were ""not fired upon,"" but she didn't elaborate.",0 +" Britain First is a far-right group that opposes multiculturalism and what it calls the ""Islamization"" of Britain."," Britain First is a group that opposes multiculturalism and what it calls the ""Islamization"" of Britain.",0 + Reitz had said that free speech is among the university's bedrock principals and it does not bar speakers on the basis of content.," ""UConn does not bar speakers on the basis of content.",1 +"Claiming he mistook his girlfriend for an intruder, he was initially convicted of manslaughter.",He claimed he mistook the 29-year-old model and reality TV star for an intruder and was initially convicted of manslaughter by trial judge Thokozile Masipa.,1 +" --- Associated Press writers Zeke Miller, Richard Lardner and Darlene Superville contributed to this report."," --- AP writers Zeke Miller, Catherine Lucey, Deb Riechmann, Stephen Braun, Bradley Klapper, Richard Lardner, Robert Burns and Darlene Superville contributed.",1 +Yet several administration officials said that Pompeo has said in the past that he's open to taking the job.,""" Several administration officials said that Pompeo has said previously he's open to the job.",1 + Trump did not offer any explanation for why he retweeted the videos.," Trump did not offer any explanation for why he retweeted the videos, and the White House did not immediately respond to request for comment.",1 +" Dozens of major Israeli companies, as well as multinationals that do business in Israel, are expected to appear on the list.","Dozens of major Israeli companies, as well as multinationals that do business in Israel, are expected to appear on the list.",0 +" Nearly 5,000 pounds of explosives were on hand to blast the Georgia Dome in Atlanta to smithereens Monday at 7:30 a.m."," Nearly 5,000 pounds of explosives were used to blast the Georgia Dome in Atlanta to smithereens at 7:30 a.m.",1 +" Robert Hoffa, the uncle of victim Monica Hoffa, said he was ""overjoyed"" when Tampa police called him to say they had made an arrest.",""" Robert Hoffa, the uncle of victim Monica Hoffa, said he was ""overjoyed"" when Tampa police called him to say they had made an arrest.",0 + Friction between the president and the nation's top diplomat has grown increasingly public through the year.,""" Friction between the president and the nation's top diplomat has grown increasingly public through the year.",0 +""" Myanmar has been criticized for the military crackdown that has driven more than 620,000 Rohingya to flee Rakhine state into neighboring Bangladesh.",""" Myanmar has been widely criticized for the military crackdown that has driven more than 620,000 Rohingya to flee Rakhine state into neighboring Bangladesh.",0 +"Romeo Vazquez, who led the coup that ousted President Manuel Zelaya in 2009, blamed the unrest on the electoral tribunal's delay in returning results.","Romeo Vazquez, who led the coup that ousted Zelaya in 2009, blamed the unrest on the electoral tribunal's delay in returning results.",1 +" The fire spread to multiple buildings, engulfing sections within minutes as more than 400 emergency personnel responded.",""" The fire spread to multiple buildings, engulfing sections within minutes as more than 400 emergency personnel responded.",0 +"GOD BLESS AMERICA!"" Trump has sought to ban immigrants from certain Muslim-majority nations.",He offered harsh anti-Muslim rhetoric during his presidential campaign and has sought to ban immigrants from certain Muslim-majority nations.,1 +"Trump said the injured agent was ""brutally beaten and badly, badly hurt"" but ""looks like he'll make it.","He also said Martinez's partner was ""brutally beaten and badly, badly hurt"" but that it ""looks like he'll make it.",1 +""" Authorities haven't said whether they have any suspects or whether they think smugglers or people who were in the country illegally were involved.",""" Authorities haven't said whether they think drug smugglers or people who were in the country illegally were involved.",1 + The report said the two leaders held bilateral talks on Monday and then met with Russian military chiefs., The report said the two leaders held bilateral talks on Monday then met with Russian military chiefs.,0 +"But barring any surprises, no negotiated resolution is likely to lead to Assad's ouster.","Barring any surprises, no negotiated resolution is likely to lead to Assad's ouster.",0 +"3. He picked it up after the four-day waiting period, and the first killing happened two days after that.",3. He picked it up after the four-day waiting period and the first killing happened two days after that.,0 +The retweets came amid a flurry of early morning Trump posts.,The retweets came amid a flurry of early-morning Trump posts.,0 +Argentine President Mauricio Macri met with family members there who anxiously waited for news about their loved ones., Argentine President Mauricio Macri met with family members at the base as they waited anxiously for news about their loved ones.,1 +He started there Feb. 13 and worked for about three months before being fired for absenteeism.,He started there in February and worked for about three months before he was fired for absenteeism.,0 +And they say she has failed to take a public stand on alleged abuses in her brand's own supply chain.,And they point out that she has failed to take a public stand on alleged abuses in her brand's own supply chain.,0 +""" Flynn, who is the former national security adviser, has pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI."," Flynn, who is the former national security adviser, pleaded guilty Friday to lying to the FBI about his contacts with the Russians.",1 +"Patients at Paoli Hospital were admitted with issues related to smoke inhalation, a spokeswoman said."," Patients at Paoli Hospital were admitted with issues related to smoke inhalation, a spokeswoman said.",0 +""" --- Associated Press writer Andrew Meldrum in Johannesburg contributed.",""" --- Associated Press writer Farai Mutsaka in Harare contributed.",1 +" Trump's retweets were condemned by Brendan Cox, whose lawmaker wife Jo Cox was murdered last year by an attacker with far-right views."," Trump's retweets were condemned by Brendan Cox, whose British lawmaker wife Jo Cox was murdered last year by an attacker with far-right views.",1 +That can mean opening earlier than rivals on the holidays or even jumping into new product categories., That can mean opening earlier than rivals on the holidays or even jumping into new product categories.,0 + Then Mladic's lawyer asked for a delay because the general was suffering high blood pressure.," But midway through the hearing Mladic's lawyer, Dragan Ivetic, asked for a delay because the general was suffering high blood pressure.",1 +" Several streets and parts of Atlanta's transit system were closed, police said, to accommodate the blast and spectators.", Several streets and parts of Atlanta's transit system were closed to accommodate the blast and spectators.,0 +Another scenario would be if the U.S. or other opposition backers reversed course and launched an all-out military drive against Assad., Another scenario would be if the U.S. or other opposition backers reversed course and launched an all-out military drive against Assad.,0 + Presiding Judge Alphons Orie read out the judgment Wednesday after ordering Mladic out of the courtroom for the final verdict over an angry outburst., Presiding Judge Orie read key parts of the judgment Wednesday after ordering Mladic out of the courtroom for the final verdict over an angry outburst.,0 +Fish and Wildlife Service began issuing permits on Oct. 20 for lions killed in Zimbabwe and Zambia between 2016 and 2018.,Fish and Wildlife Service began issuing permits Oct. 20 for lions killed in Zimbabwe and Zambia between 2016 and 2018.,1 +She said she saw no evidence of inappropriate behavior by him when she was on the show.,She said she saw no evidence of inappropriate behavior from Keillor.,1 + --- AP writer Elliot Spagat in San Diego contributed to this report.,Associated Press writers David Warren in Dallas and Elliot Spagat in San Diego contributed to this report.,1 +Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi will join her at the opening and will later host her for dinner at the luxurious Falaknuma Palace Hotel., Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi will join her at the opening and will later host her for dinner at the luxurious Falaknuma Palace Hotel.,0 +""" Several administration officials said that Pompeo has said previously he's open to the job.", Several administration officials said that Pompeo has said previously he's open to the job.,0 +" The victims ranged in age from 2 to 21, plus one adult who was somewhat older, fire officials said.","The victims ranged in age from 2 to 21, plus one adult who was somewhat older.",1 +"But she said Tuesday she had ""reluctantly"" changed her mind."," But May said Tuesday she had ""reluctantly"" changed her mind.",1 +Officers with help from acoustic sensors posted in the area arrested him less than five minutes after the rampage began.,"With help from acoustic sensors, officers in the area arrested him within minutes of the gunfire ringing out.",1 +" Schaeuble warned that economic policymakers needed ""to prepare ourselves"" for the end of easy money policy from the world's central banks.","Schaeuble warned that economic policymakers needed ""to prepare ourselves"" for the end of easy money policy from the world's central banks.",0 +Monument designations protect federal land from energy development and other activities.,The designation protects it from energy development and other activities.,1 +""" The government has issued nearly 800,000 DACA permits since President Barack Obama introduced the program in 2012 and nearly 700,000 renewals."," The government has issued nearly 800,000 DACA permits since President Barack Obama introduced the program in 2012 and nearly 700,000 renewals.",0 + United spokesman Charles Hobart said the airline is reviewing its handling of the animal.,He says the airline is reviewing its handling of the animal.,0 +He's expected to plead not guilty to a 1991 indictment charging him with taking part in a major cocaine smuggling operation during the 1980s.,"Falcon, 55, is charged in a 1991 indictment claiming he was part of a major cocaine smuggling operation during the 1980s.",1 +" Stephens worked at Beech Brook, a behavioral health agency headquartered in Pepper Pike, near Cleveland."," Stephens worked at Beech Brook, a social service agency in suburban Cleveland that deals with vulnerable young people.",1 +"A $50,000 reward is being offered for information leading to his capture and prosecution."," Within a day, authorities expanded the search nationwide and offered a $50,000 reward for information leading to his capture and prosecution.",1 +""" Godwin did not seem to recognize the woman's name.",""" The victim did not seem to recognize the woman's name.",1 +" The European Union condemned Thursday's violence, and said that the cornerstones of democracy should be respected."," The European Union and the United States condemned Thursday's violence, with the EU saying that the cornerstones of democracy should be respected.",1 +" The suspect then pointed a gun at Godwin, who shielded his face with the plastic bag.","The gunman then pointed a weapon at Godwin, who shielded his face with the plastic bag.",1 +" Light rail stations in the area were closed, and traffic was blocked for several blocks around the hotel as officers searched it."," The light rail station was closed overnight, while traffic was blocked for several blocks around the hotel as officers searched it.",1 + The Islamic State group quickly claimed responsibility for the attack.,The Islamic State group quickly claimed responsibility for the attack.,0 + Trump has promised to eradicate the gang in the U.S. through strict enforcement of immigration law.," Trump, a Republican, has promised to eradicate the gang in the U.S. through strict enforcement of immigration law.",1 + Deputy Medical Examiner Dr. Rachel determined Liu Yun had suffered blunt force injuries to the head.," Deputy Medical Examiner Dr. Rachel Lange determined Liu Yun Gong had suffered blunt force injuries to the head, the complaint said.",1 + Terry's family said through a spokesman on Wednesday that it was not commenting on the latest arrest due to the sensitivity of the case., Terry's family said through a spokesman Wednesday that it was not commenting on the latest arrest because of the sensitivity of the case.,0 +"Kidd had raised $15,500 in recent months but was left with only $1,600 after spending most of it, according to his most recent fundraising reports.","Kidd had raised $15,500 in recent months but was left with only $1,600, according to his most recent fundraising reports.",0 +" After an exchange of gunfire, the attackers fled the scene, the officials said, adding that some of the gunmen were wounded in the shootout."," After an exchange of gunfire, the attackers fled the scene, the ministry said, adding that some of the gunmen were wounded in the shootout.",1 +" On the one hand, he said, it looks as if they were able to get their backpacks off.",He said it looks as if they were able to get their backpacks off.,0 + ---- Lisa Marie Pane can be followed on Twitter at: http://twitter.com/lisamariepane, Lisa Marie Pane can be followed on Twitter at: http://twitter.com/lisamariepane,0 +" Detectives spoke with Stephens on Sunday by cellphone and tried to persuade him to surrender, police said.","Detectives spoke with the suspect on Sunday by cellphone and tried to persuade him to surrender, police said.",1 +Border Patrol agent whose death exposed a bungled gun-tracking operation by the federal government.,Border Patrol agent whose 2010 death exposed a bungled gun-tracking operation by the federal government.,0 +Stephen J. Ballard in the parking lot of a Wawa convenience store near Bear on Wednesday.,Stephen J. Ballard encountered Sealy in the parking lot of a Wawa convenience store near Bear.,0 +""" Butler, the suspect, is being held without bail on suspicion of murder."," Butler, the suspect, is being held without bail on suspicion of murder.",0 + WASHINGTON (AP) -- Global finance leaders are defending globalization against an assault from President Donald Trump and European populists., WASHINGTON (AP) -- World finance leaders on Thursday defended globalization against an assault from President Donald Trump and European populists.,1 +"The 50-year-old said in a text: ""My future plans are not yet finalized but I haven't ruled out the possibility of leaving early.","Chaffetz said in a text message: ""My future plans are not yet finalized but I haven't ruled out the possibility of leaving early.",0 +"Pruitt responded Wednesday, saying he would delay compliance with the rule while EPA reconsiders the restrictions."," Pruitt responded Wednesday, saying he would delay compliance with the rule while EPA reconsiders the restrictions.",0 + Court records show Dunn is scheduled for a hearing on the earlier misdemeanor charges in Clinton County Municipal Court in May., Court records show Dunn is scheduled for a hearing on the earlier misdemeanor charges in May.,0 +Since then she has ruled out calling an early election to get her own mandate.,Since then she has repeatedly ruled out calling an early election to get her own mandate.,0 + The affidavits and search warrants were unsealed in Carver County District Court as the yearlong investigation into Prince's death continues., The documents were unsealed in Carver County District Court as the yearlong investigation into Prince's death continues.,1 +""" The attack Friday against Christians traveling to a monastery south of Cairo killed 29 people.", Twenty-nine people died in the attack Friday on Christians traveling to a monastery south of Cairo.,1 + A man suspected of killing a state trooper has been inside the house in Middletown for several hours., A man suspected of killing a state trooper has been inside the house since Wednesday.,1 +" Petrus felt safe in the neighborhood, Hines said, recalling what she told people who worried about her."," Petrus felt safe in the neighborhood, Hines said, recalling what she told people who worried about her: ""'I've got a friend who goes with me.",0 +"Anadarko has previously declined to comment, citing the ongoing investigation.","The records do not show the reasons, and Anadarko has previously declined to comment on specifics of the well, citing the ongoing investigation.",1 +She said Simon had been purchased by a celebrity whom she did not identify.,Simon had been purchased by a celebrity whom Edwards did not identify.,0 +"Authorities also searched Johnson's cellphone records, to see who he was communicating with in the month before Prince died.",""" Authorities also searched Johnson's cellphone records, to see who he was communicating with in the month before Prince died.",0 +Prosecutors say the 59-year-old doctor lied to patients or exaggerated their risk of cancer to persuade them to have surgery.,Prosecutors say the 59-year-old lied to patients to persuade them to have surgery.,0 +" Butler is being held on suspicion of murder, without bail.",""" Butler, the suspect, is being held without bail on suspicion of murder.",1 + Fresno Police Chief Jerry Dyer says Kori Ali Muhammad will also face at least two additional charges of assault with a deadly weapon.,He also faces at least two additional charges of assault with a deadly weapon.,1 +"The well has been shut down, and officials say they don't believe any neighboring homes are in danger."," The well has been shut down, and officials say they don't believe any neighboring homes are in danger.",0 +" Although considered a moderate by Iranian standards, Rouhani was nonetheless the favorite pick for those seeking more liberal reforms in the conservative Islamic Republic."," Although considered a moderate by Iranian standards, Rouhani was the favorite pick for those seeking more liberal reforms in the conservative Islamic Republic.",0 +"The administration's immediate emphasis, the officials said, will be on increasing pressure on Pyongyang with the help of Beijing.","The administration's immediate emphasis, they said, was to be on increasing pressure on Pyongyang with the help of Beijing.",1 +""" McOmie said search and rescue teams have found both their backpacks and belongings inside it, but the family has interpreted that with mixed feelings.",""" McOmie said searchers have found their backpacks with belongings inside, which the family has interpreted with mixed feelings.",1 +"Neither Nigeria's government nor Boko Haram, which has links to the Islamic State group, gave details about the exchange."," Neither the government nor Boko Haram, which has links to the Islamic State group, gave details about the exchange.",0 +About fifty police officers encircled the monument and kept watch on the protesters.,About fifty police officers encircled the monument and kept an eye on protesters.,0 +"The gang purportedly smuggled at least 75 tons of cocaine into the U.S., earning some $2 billion during the hyper-violent ""Miami Vice"" era.","The gang purportedly smuggled at least 75 tons of cocaine into the U.S. during the hyper violent ""Miami Vice"" era.",0 +"The city recorded 188 killings in both 2015 and 2016 and had 45 this year through April 18, according to police statistics.","The city recorded 188 killings in both 2015 and 2016 and had 45 this year through April 18, according to police.",0 +"It may be up to his vice president, Mike Pence, to fill in the details when he arrives in Asia.","It may be up to his vice president, Mike Pence, to fill in the details during a visit to Asia.",1 +" The complaint said the Liu Yun did not show up for work on Aug. 21, 2016."," It said Liu Yun Gong did not show up for work on Aug. 21, 2016.",0 +" While Francis eschewed the armored ""popemobile,"" security was visibly tightened for the 27 hours he will be on the ground in Cairo."," While Francis did not use the ""popemobile,"" security was visibly tight for his 27 hours in Cairo.",1 +""" Paterson owned a luxury home in Birmingham as well as properties in Cardiff, Manchester and the United States, West Midlands police said.","The surgeon owned a luxury home in Birmingham as well as properties in Cardiff, Manchester and the United States.",1 + The United States will be represented at the meetings by Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen.,Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen were representing the United States at the discussions.,1 +"Raisi has been campaigning on that, proposing populist cash payments for the poor that have proven popular in the country in the past under Ahmadinejad.","Raisi has been campaigning on that, proposing cash payments for the poor that proved popular in the past under Ahmadinejad.",0 + The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation tweeted Thursday that teacher Tad Cummins had been taken into custody.," The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation says health sciences teacher Tad Cummins surrendered to sheriff's deputies Thursday without incident in Cecilville, California.",1 +"Shortly after that, a pet facility employee opened the cage and found that the rabbit was dead.","Shortly after that, a pet facility employee opened the cage and found the rabbit dead.",0 +" She used local, regional and European elections to build up a party machine to serve her ambitions."," She used local, regional and European elections to build a party machine to serve her ambitions.",0 +" ""Like mother's love, the love of France is not explained, it is lived,"" she wrote in a 2012 book."," ""Like mother's love, the love of France is not explained, it is lived,"" she once wrote.",0 +" Defensive back Devin McCourty told Time Magazine that ""I don't feel accepted in the White House."," Defensive back Devin McCourty told Time Magazine: ""I don't feel accepted in the White House.",0 +"President Donald Trump ordered the review, calling many monument designations land grabs by the federal government.","The review was ordered by President Donald Trump, who says many monument designations are unwarranted land grabs by the federal government.",1 +" And while he has long pledged to support American goods and workers, his own business record is mixed."," Trump has long pledged to support American goods and workers, but his own business record is mixed.",1 + The court said Oliveto's marriage violates church law that bars clergy who are in same-sex relationships.," Bishop Karen Oliveto's civil marriage to another woman violates church law that bars clergy who are ""self-avowed practicing homosexuals,"" the Judicial Council said.",1 +"He had been associated with gangs but he was not a confirmed member, police say.","He had been associated with gangs, but he was not a confirmed member, police said.",0 +""" Often, they're advertised as safe, natural products or dietary supplements.","Often, they're advertised as safe, natural products or dietary supplements.",0 +"His attorney, Amy Conners, told the AP last week that there are no restrictions on his license.",""" Schulenberg is practicing family medicine in Minnesota and Conners said there are no restrictions on his license.",1 +" ""I'm trying to leave the door open for possibilities down the road,"" he said."," ""I'm trying to leave the door open for possibilities down the road,"" Chaffetz said in an interview on KSL Newsradio.",1 +"Instead, the five-term congressman said he wants to spend time with his family, return to the private sector and potentially run for Utah governor.","Instead, Chaffetz said he wants to spend time with his family, return to the private sector and potentially run for Utah governor.",0 +" In a phone interview with The Associated Press, Demetrio said the settlement also averts any lawsuit against the city of Chicago."," In a phone interview with The Associated Press, Demetrio said the settlement also averts any lawsuit against Chicago officials.",1 + Pence said Saturday that the U.S. would honor the agreement even if it didn't agree with it., Pence said Saturday that the U.S. would honor the agreement even if the administration didn't agree with it.,1 +" In a recent roundup of 13 suspected MS-13 gang members accused of murder and other charges, seven had entered as unaccompanied minors."," In a recent roundup of 13 MS-13 gang suspects accused of murder and other crimes, seven had entered as unaccompanied minors.",0 + Vandzura said it's too early in the investigation to determine what went wrong., The park service said it's too early to determine what went wrong.,1 +"Authorities were unsure how many more could still be trapped, but about 30 people were still reported missing, Bopage said.","Authorities were unsure how many more people could still be trapped, but about 30 were reported missing, Bopage said.",0 +""" --- Associated Press reporters Dake Kang and Delano Massey in Cleveland and John Seewer in Toledo contributed to this report.", --- Associated Press reporters Dake Kang and Delano Massey in Cleveland and John Seewer in Toledo contributed to this report.,0 +A woman who identified herself as Taylor's grandmother said Tuesday that the family last saw him on Easter Sunday., A woman who identified herself as Taylor's grandmother said Tuesday that the family last saw him on Sunday.,0 + Attorneys for Kahn filed his brief Wednesday in San Francisco where the 9th U.S., Attorneys for Gold Star father Khizr Khan filed his brief in San Francisco where the 9th U.S.,1 +" Prosecutors said Dookhan admitted ""dry labbing,"" or testing only a fraction of a batch of samples, then listing them all as positive for illegal drugs."," Prosecutors said Dookhan admitted testing only a fraction of a batch of samples, then listing them all as positive for illegal drugs.",0 +" Police cruisers flooded the area, closing streets, and officers warned people to stay away."," Investigators closed off several blocks as police cruisers flooded the area, closing streets, and officers warned people to stay away.",1 +" The state will also investigate whether anyone broke laws or regulations in connection with the abandoned line, Hickenlooper said."," The state will investigate whether anyone broke laws or regulations in connection with the unused line, Hickenlooper said.",0 +" Some parents did not live long enough to see their daughters released, underscoring the tragedy of the three-year saga."," Some parents did not live long enough to see their daughters released, underscoring the tragedy of the saga.",0 +""" The first memorial to come down will be the Liberty Monument, an 1891 obelisk honoring the Crescent City White League.",""" The first memorial to come down, the Liberty Monument, was an 1891 obelisk honoring the Crescent City White League.",0 +" The robbery took place at a 7-11 convenience store near the city's oldest neighborhood, Pioneer Square, Deputy Police Chief Carmen Best said."," The robbery took place at a 7-11 store near Pioneer Square, the city's oldest neighborhood, Deputy Police Chief Carmen Best said.",0 +" On Monday evening, Facebook announced that it was launching a review for reporting harmful content following the killing.", Facebook has since announced it was launching a review for reporting harmful content.,1 +" Munoz ""said he was going to do the right thing, and he has,"" Thomas Demetrio said in the statement."," Munoz ""said he was going to do the right thing, and he has,"" attorney Thomas Demetrio said in a brief statement.",1 + Many demonstrators said they hoped Saturday's marches would convince Trump to voluntarily release them., But many demonstrators said they hoped Saturday's marches would convince Trump otherwise.,0 + The agency said Montes was once convicted of theft and sentenced to probation., Homeland Security said Montes was convicted of shoplifting in July 2016.,1 +"Oxycodone, the generic name for the active ingredient in OxyContin, was not listed as a cause of Prince's death."," Oxycodone, the generic name for the active ingredient in OxyContin, was not listed as a cause of Prince's death.",0 +" ""There is a need for interventions right now in order to calm what's going on,"" Wynne said."," ""There is a need for interventions right now in order to calm what's going on,"" she said.",0 +""" Her husband died about 15 years ago, Miller recalled, so the neighbors helped each other with routine suburban living chores.",""" Her husband died about 15 years ago, Miller said, so the neighbors helped each other with routine chores.",0 +"The water could then be cycled back to the surface to absorb more CO2 from the atmosphere, in a sort of conveyor belt.","The water could then be cycled back to the surface to absorb more carbon from the atmosphere, in a sort of conveyor belt.",0 + Neighbor Lloyd Miller said Petrus met her husband in her native Japan after the World War II., Neighbor Lloyd Miller said Petrus met her husband in her native Japan after World War II.,0 + The order specifically asks the secretary to review waivers of these rules in free-trade agreements.,The order asks for a review of waivers of these rules in free-trade agreements.,1 +Since then she has repeatedly ruled out calling an early election to get her own mandate.,Since then she had repeatedly ruled out calling an early election to get her own mandate.,0 +" The man faces charges of attempted murder, causing an explosion and serious bodily harm."," He faces charges of attempted murder, causing an explosion and serious bodily harm.",0 +"District Court in Anchorage, Alaska, the groups say Trump exceeded his constitutional authority and violated federal law.", The federal lawsuit filed in Anchorage claims Trump exceeded his constitutional authority and violated federal law.,1 +"Only Poland opposed Tusk's re-election, with 27 other EU members supporting another term for him.","Only Poland opposed Tusk's re-election, which was approved by the 27 other EU members.",1 +""" --- Associated Press Writer Paul Elias contributed from San Francisco.","'"" --- Associated Press Writer Paul Elias contributed from San Francisco.",0 +"(kilometers) away also on Wednesday, said Sacramento sheriff's spokesman Sgt.","(kilometers) away, also on Wednesday, said Sacramento sheriff's spokesman Sgt.",0 +"""The bad part is that they don't have their gear,"" McOmie said."," ""The bad part is that they don't have their gear,"" McOmie said.",0 + Dunn was charged earlier this month with misdemeanor counts of disorderly conduct and possession of marijuana.," Dunn was charged earlier this month with misdemeanor counts of disorderly conduct and possession of marijuana, court records show.",1 + WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Donald Trump will direct his administration Thursday to expedite a new investigation into whether aluminum imports are jeopardizing U.S. national security., WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Donald Trump is asking his administration to expedite a new investigation into whether aluminum imports are jeopardizing U.S. national security.,0 +The official spoke on condition of anonymity as he was not authorized to speak to reporters on the matter.,The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to talk to reporters.,0 +It's served as a scenic backdrop for photographs and was the site of a picnic Gen.,Officials say it was the site of a picnic Gen.,1 +" Trump has been widely criticized for a lack of openness for refusing to release his tax returns, breaking with decades of precedent.","Trump has been widely criticized for a lack of openness in refusing to release his tax returns, breaking with decades of precedent.",0 + David Dao's legal team said in a brief statement that the agreement includes a provision that the amount will remain confidential., David Dao's legal team said the agreement includes a provision that the amount will remain confidential.,0 +" Jorge's body and the three others were found cut, their torsos exposed and hands bound, just steps from a playground."," The bodies of Jorge and the three others were found cut, their torsos exposed and hands bound, steps from a playground.",0 + The Associated Press is not naming the girl or her father because she is an alleged victim of a sex crime., The Associated Press is not naming the girl or her family members because she is an alleged victim of a sex crime.,1 +" The statement didn't identify the suspect by his full name, but a Mexican federal official confirmed it was Osorio-Arellanes.","It didn't identify the suspect by his full name, but a Mexican federal official confirmed it was Osorio-Arellanes.",0 +The judge ordered them given to Carol Mersch in a court document filed Friday.,Judge Linda G. Morrissey ordered the artifacts turned over to Tulsa author and businesswoman Carol Mersch in a court document filed Friday.,1 + The premier said they are taking aim at speculators and are tackling affordability.,The premier said officials are taking aim at speculators and are tackling affordability.,1 +Tight end Rob Gronkowski stuck his head in the door of the briefing room as Press Secretary Sean Spicer was holding a televised press briefing.,Tight end Rob Gronkowski stuck his head in the door of the briefing room as Press Secretary Sean Spicer was holding a televised briefing.,0 +"As the garbage piled up, the growing mound began threatening the tiny homes nearby, prompting residents to stage regular protests while complaining of health hazards.","As the garbage piled up, it began threatening the nearby homes, prompting residents to stage regular protests while complaining of health hazards.",0 +" In the shooting video, Stephens told Godwin a woman's name and said, ""She's the reason that this is about to happen to you."," In the video, Stephens told Godwin a woman's name and said, ""She's the reason that this is about to happen to you.",0 +The Legislature killed a proposal this year that would have increased the minimum distance between schools and new oil and gas facilities.,"And this year, the Legislature killed a proposal that would have increased the minimum distance between schools and new oil and gas facilities.",1 +"The attack, which took place on the eve of Ramadan, was the fourth to target Egypt's Christian minority since December.","The attack, which took place on the eve of the holy Muslim month of Ramadan, was the fourth to target Egypt's Christian minority since December.",1 +He said both are avid hikers and knew the area well.," Mark McOmie, Jackson's uncle, said the Merrells were avid hikers and knew the area well.",1 +" A third person was badly burned in the April 17 explosion in Firestone, about 30 miles (48 kilometers) north of Denver."," The explosion occurred in Firestone, about 30 miles (48 kilometers) north of Denver.",1 + Iran's president is the second-most powerful figure within Iran's political system.,""" Iran's president is the second-most powerful figure within Iran's political system.",0 +Democrats are pushing for a vote on a bill from Rep., Democrats are pushing for a vote on a bill from Rep.,0 +" Police said arrests have been made, but gave no further details."," Police said arrests were made, but gave no further details.",1 +" The trip brings Trump to the congressional district of House Speaker Paul Ryan, but he is out of the country on a congressional trip."," The trip brought Trump to the congressional district of House Speaker Paul Ryan, but Ryan was out of the country on a congressional trip.",1 + The three airport police officers who dragged Dao from the plane were placed on leave from the Chicago Department of Aviation., The three airport police officers who took Dao off the plane were placed on leave from the Chicago Department of Aviation.,1 + Supporters of the government also blame Tusk for pro-business policies during his 2007-2014 term that they feel hurt the country., Supporters of the government also blame Tusk for pro-business policies during his 2007-2014 tenure as prime minister.,1 + Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said the president will sign a memo ordering him to determine the impact of rising aluminum imports., Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross says the president will sign a memo ordering him to determine the impact of rising aluminum imports.,0 +" The third victim, a 59-year-old man, was gunned down in the parking of the Catholic Charities building."," The third victim, a 59-year-old man, was gunned down in the parking lot of the charity's building.",1 +" Investigators do not know why the line remained connected to the well, or how or when it was cut and began to leak."," Officials said they do not yet know why the line was connected to the well, or when and how it was cut.",1 +"Eventually, police used stun grenades to evacuate the building, and free lawmakers and journalists trapped inside.","Eventually, police used stun grenades to evacuate the building and free lawmakers and journalists trapped inside.",0 + The collapse of the ornate domed building became a twin symbol of the quake's devastation and of the shattered government's dysfunction.," Following the magnitude 7.0 earthquake in 2010, it became a twin symbol of the devastation and of the shattered government's dysfunction.",1 +" Another victim, a 37-year-old man, had just picked up a bag of groceries Tuesday at a Catholic Charities building when he was gunned down."," Another victim, a 37-year-old man, had just gone shopping at a Catholic Charities building when he was gunned down.",0 +"U.S. imports, almost all of them from China, shot up an estimated 166 percent last year, while sales hit record levels in 2017.","U.S. imports, almost all from China, shot up an estimated 166 percent last year.",1 +They see the logs as an important tool for monitoring which individuals or groups may be trying to influence government policy.,The groups see the visitor logs as important tools for monitoring which individuals or groups may be trying to influence White House policy.,1 +" In 2013, Rouhani won the presidential election with nearly 51 percent of the vote.", Rouhani was first elected in 2013 with nearly 51 percent of the vote.,1 +" Another suspect was taken into custody, while a third was found with significant injuries, authorities said."," One suspect was dead, authorities said, and another was being questioned.",1 + Polish media reports say the deal was aimed at allowing Polish investigators working on the Smolensk crash to operate on Russian soil., Polish media reports say the deal was aimed at allowing Polish investigators probing the president's plane crash to operate on Russian soil.,1 +" United reported nine deaths and 14 injuries for a total of 23 incidents, the highest figures for each category among U.S. carriers.","United reported nine deaths and 14 injuries, the highest figures for each category among U.S. carriers.",0 +" Attorney Damian Kidd, a Republican who had already stepped in to challenge Chaffetz, said hopes the congressman's exit will free up fundraising money."," Attorney Damian Kidd, a Republican who had already stepped in to challenge Chaffetz, said he hopes Chaffetz's exit will free up fundraising money.",1 + President Jovenel Moise on Wednesday created a reconstruction commission that includes Haitian architects and historians.," President Jovenel Moise, who took office in February, launched a palace reconstruction commission that includes Haitian architects and historians.",1 +He remembered him as being fond of paintball and air soft guns as early as middle school.,He remembered him as being fond of paintball and airsoft guns as early as middle school.,0 +" Andrew Kornfeld was carrying buprenorphine, a medication that can be used to help treat opioid addiction.","Andrew Kornfeld was carrying buprenorphine, a medication that can be used to help treat opioid addiction.",0 + The demonstrations came just days before Tuesday's deadline for taxpayers to file their returns., The demonstrations came on the date taxpayers traditionally have to file their returns by and just days before this year's filing deadline Tuesday.,1 + Gold Star father Khizr Khan drew national attention when he criticized the anti-Muslim rhetoric of then-Republican nominee Trump during the Democratic National Convention.," During last year's Democratic National Convention, Khan drew national attention when he criticized the anti-Muslim rhetoric of then-Republican nominee Trump.",0 +Republicans hope to force a June runoff with the GOP's top candidate by keeping Ossoff below 50 percent of the vote., Republicans hope to force a June 20 runoff with the GOP's top candidate by keeping Ossoff below 50 percent of the vote.,1 +" In their chants, Tusk's supporters said he beat Kaczynski 27-1. Kaczynski and others accuse Tusk of failing to oversee proper security for the presidential flight.", Kaczynski and others accuse Tusk of failing to oversee proper security for the presidential flight.,1 +" Although Anadarko owns the well, investigators said they do not know who was responsible for the unused pipeline.", Investigators said they do not know whether Anadarko or someone else was responsible for the pipeline.,1 +Some noted their differences with the Republican administration though many others did not an issue a reason for their absence.,"Some noted their differences with the Republican administration, though others did not an issue a reason for their absence.",0 +" --- Billeaud reported from Phoenix and Burke reported from Nashville, Tennessee."," --- Jaques Billeaud reported from Phoenix and Sheila Burke reported from Nashville, Tennessee.",1 +"He will meet with Egypt's president, patriarch and the ""other"" pope, Tawadros II of the Coptic Orthodox Church, and pray for victims of the attacks."," He will meet with Egypt's president, patriarch and the ""other"" pope, Tawadros II of the Coptic Orthodox Church, and pray for victims of the attacks.",0 +Organizers say about 300 other protest marches are expected around the country., Organizers say about 300 other protest marches are expected around the country.,0 + Syrian officials say the attacks killed about 20 U.S.-allied Kurdish fighters who are members of the People's Protection Units.," The Turkish attacks killed at least 20 Syrian Kurdish fighters in the People's Protection Units, or YPG.",1 +" Distraught breeder Annette Edwards from Worcestershire in central England told The Associated Press by phone Wednesday that Simon, a 10-month-old, 3-foot"," Distraught breeder Annette Edwards told The Associated Press by phone Wednesday that a veterinarian checked Simon, a 10-month-old, 3-foot",1 +"Police, with help from acoustic sensors posted in the area, arrested him less than five minutes after the rampage began.",Officers with help from acoustic sensors posted in the area arrested him less than five minutes after the rampage began.,1 + Terry was struck in the back and died shortly after.,Terry was struck in the back and died shortly afterward.,0 +" However, most Iranians have yet to see the benefits of the nuclear deal.", Most Iranians have yet to see the benefits of the nuclear deal.,0 +" After the triumphant victory, tight end Martellus Bennett quickly made it clear he was not coming to the White House and other teammates followed."," After the victory in February, tight end Martellus Bennett quickly made it clear he was not coming to the White House, and other teammates followed.",1 +"Nearby homes, including the one that exploded, were built after the well was drilled.", The nearby homes were built after the well was drilled.,1 +"Images of his bloodied face were widely circulated on social media, forcing the airline's CEO to apologize.","Images of his bloodied face were widely circulated on social media, forcing United CEO Oscar Munoz to apologize.",1 +He first blamed the passenger but later apologized repeatedly for United's handling of the situation -- David Koenig contributed to this story.,He first blamed Dao but later apologized repeatedly for United's handling of the situation.,1 +" The court appeared divided between liberal and conservative justices, with Justice Anthony Kennedy holding the pivotal vote."," The decision split the court between liberal and conservative justices, with Justice Anthony Kennedy joining his more liberal colleagues.",1 +Several had said beforehand that would not show for political reasons.,Several had said beforehand that they would not show for political reasons.,0 + Judge E. Susan Garsh announced Wednesday that she'll hold a May 9 hearing at Bristol Superior Court in Fall River.,Judge E. Susan Garsh announced Wednesday that she'll hold a May 9 hearing in Fall River.,1 +"Kornfeld sent his son, Andrew, to Minnesota that night, and the younger Kornfeld was among those who found Prince's body.","Howard Kornfeld sent his son, Andrew, to Minnesota that night, and the younger Kornfeld was among those who found Prince's body.",0 +"Her motive, they said, was to burnish her productivity and reputation.","Her motive, they said, was to boost her productivity and burnish her reputation.",1 +""" The new order would direct U.S. agencies to propose rules to prevent immigration fraud and abuse in the program.", The new order would direct U.S. agencies to propose rules to prevent immigration fraud and abuse in the program.,0 +" ""I never would have thought he would do anything like this,"" sad Muhammad's brother, who asked not to be identified by name."," ""I never would have thought he would do anything like this,"" said Muhammad's brother, who asked not to be identified by name.",0 +"In all, 16 industrial projects currently capture and store around 27 million tons of CO2, according to the International Energy Agency.","In all, 16 industrial projects currently capture and store around 27 million tons of carbon, according to the International Energy Agency.",0 +" In Washington, D.C., large crowds on Saturday were making their way down Pennsylvania Avenue, where they planned to encircle the White House."," In Washington, D.C., large crowds on Saturday made their way down Pennsylvania Avenue in sweltering heat.",0 + --- Associated Press Writer Thomas Peipert contributed to this report., --- Associated Press Writer Thomas Peipert in Denver contributed to this report.,1 + --- Associated Press reporter Denise Lavoie in Boston contributed to this report., --- Associated Press writer Denise Lavoie in Boston contributed to this report.,1 +Asian investment in Toronto reportedly picked after Vancouver introduced its foreign buyer tax last summer.,Asian investment in Toronto reportedly picked up after Vancouver introduced its foreign buyer tax last summer.,0 +One detractor held up a large mock-up photo depicting him in striped prison garb.,One detractor raised a large mock-up photo depicting him in striped prison garb.,0 +" The suspect is being held while extradition proceedings are pending, the statement said."," The suspect was being held while extradition proceedings are pending, the statement said.",0 +"This is not a walk in the park event,"" Hayes said of the even in the park.","This is not a walk in the park event,"" Hayes said of the event in the park.",0 +"The brand, which Ivanka Trump still owns, says distribution is growing."," The brand, which Ivanka Trump no longer manages but still owns, says distribution is growing.",1 +" The four hikers in the group were on a different path known as Tapeats Trail, authorities said."," The group was on a different path known as Tapeats Trail, authorities said.",1 +", offered no timing for a vote, telling reporters on Thursday, ""we want to go when we're ready to go.",", offered no timing for a health care vote, telling reporters on Thursday, ""We want to go when we're ready to go.",1 +"Oxycodone, a painkiller, was not listed as a cause of Prince's death.","Oxycodone, the generic name for the active ingredient in OxyContin, was not listed as a cause of Prince's death.",0 +""" Gabriel has been Germany's foreign minister since January and its vice chancellor since 2013.", Gabriel has been Germany's foreign minister since January and its vice chancellor since 2013.,0 +""" El-Sissi has had the support of Egypt's Christian community in his crackdown.",""" El-Sissi has had the support of Egypt's Christians in his crackdown.",0 +"Once the legislation passes, the foreign tax would be effective retroactively to April 21. Wynne introduced other measures as well.","If adopted, as expected, the foreign tax would be effective retroactively to April 21. Wynne introduced other measures as well.",1 +" Law enforcement officials said his cellphone was last tracked Sunday afternoon in Erie, Pennsylvania, about 100 miles (160 kilometers) east of Cleveland."," Law enforcement officials said on Monday that his cellphone was last tracked Sunday afternoon in Erie, Pennsylvania, about 100 miles (160 kilometers) east of Cleveland.",1 +" ""I'm not convinced that cutting taxes is necessarily going to blow a hole in the deficit,"" said Sen."," ""I'm not convinced that cutting taxes is necessarily going to blow a hole in the deficit,"" Hatch said.",1 +"Electric Co. employee, in unprovoked attacks on the streets of downtown Fresno, California.","Electric Co. employee, in unprovoked attacks in downtown Fresno, California.",1 +" The well, owned by Anadarko Petroleum, was shut down all of 2016 but resumed production in January, state records show."," The well was shut down for all of 2016 but resumed production in January, state records show.",0 +"President Donald Trump said the shooting in Paris ""looks like another terrorist attack"" and sent condolences to France.","President Donald Trump said the shooting ""looks like another terrorist attack"" and sent condolences to France.",0 + Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne made the announcement Thursday in an effort to cool a hot housing market in Canada's largest city., Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne made the announcement Thursday in an effort to cool a hot housing market in Toronto.,1 +" ""Simon had his vet check just before getting on the plane,"" she said."," ""Simon had his vet check just before getting on the plane,"" she said from Worcestershire in central England.",1 +"He helped young people develop job skills and find employment, said Beech Brook spokeswoman Nancy Kortemeyer.","He helped them gain job skills and find employment, said Beech Brook spokeswoman Nancy Kortemeyer.",0 +"The airline transported 109,149 animals last year, second only to Alaska Airlines with 112,281."," United transported 109,149 animals last year, second only to Alaska Airlines with 112,281.",1 +" The secretary general for China's space agency, Tian Yulong, disclosed the talks Wednesday in Chinese state media."," The secretary general for China's space agency, Tian Yulong, first disclosed the talks about the envisioned lunar base in Chinese state media.",1 +" Godwin apparently was shot while out picking up cans in a plastic shopping bag, his daughter said.",""" Godwin's daughter said he was killed while collecting cans in a plastic shopping bag.",1 +" Another potential challenger is frequent Trump-critic Evan McMullin, a Mormon and former CIA agent who mounted an independent run for president last year."," Another potential challenger is Trump-critic Evan McMullin, a Mormon and former CIA agent who mounted an independent run for president last year.",0 + U.S. politicians have expressed concern about the airplane sales to Iran and President Donald Trump remains skeptical of the atomic accord overall., U.S. politicians have expressed concern about the airplane sales to Iran.,1 +" ""It says nothing about the authority to undo those withdrawals,"" Grafe said."," ""It says nothing about the authority to undo those withdrawals,"" said attorney Erik Grafe of Earthjustice, one of two law firms representing the 10 groups.",1 +"All three, who were 16 when the fight happened, were tried as juveniles.",All three were 16 when the fight happened and were tried as juveniles.,0 +Trump's break with precedent has raised questions about possible conflicts of interest., Trump's break with precedent has raised questions about possible conflicts of interest.,0 +Police officers watched the area from atop the parking garage of a nearby hotel.,"Police were also on hand, including officers who watched the area from atop the parking garage of a nearby hotel.",1 +" A call to Merrell Footlab in Vernal, Utah, for comment on the search wasn't immediately returned Monday evening.", A call to Merrell Footlab for comment wasn't immediately returned.,1 +"Pence will also visit Istiqlal Mosque, the largest mosque in Southeast Asia.","He and his family later visited the Istiqlal Mosque, the largest in Southeast Asia.",1 + Hernandez's lawyers formally requested to dismiss his first-degree murder conviction Tuesday.," On Tuesday, Hernandez's lawyers asked that his first-degree murder conviction be dismissed.",0 +The well was drilled in 1993 and had previous owners before Anadarko.,The well was drilled in 1993 and had other owners before Anadarko.,0 +"They are only looking for a quick profit or a safe place to park their money,"" Wynne said.","They are only looking for a quick profit or a safe place to park their money,"" she said.",1 +""" Officers searched dozens of places around Cleveland without finding Stephens or any other victims before expanding the manhunt.", Officers searched dozens of places around Cleveland without finding Stephens or any other victims before expanding the manhunt.,0 + Some parents say they are afraid to let their children go to school., Some parents say they're afraid to let their children go to school.,0 + French President Francois Hollande scheduled an emergency meeting Thursday night., French President Francois Hollande held an emergency meeting with the prime minister Thursday night and planned to convene the defense council Friday morning.,1 +"CEO Tim Sloan, who got that job in October, has repeatedly talked of making things right with customers.","Sloan, who got that job in October, has repeatedly talked of making things right with customers.",0 +Airport police officers who work for the city pulled Dao off the jet.,The airport police officers who pulled Dao off the jet work for the city.,0 +" ""True Islam does not command the killing of the innocent,"" he said."," ""True Islam does not command the killing of the innocent,"" el-Sissi said.",1 + The document is one of several affidavits and search warrants unsealed in Carver County District Court as the investigation into Prince's death continues., The affidavits and search warrants were unsealed in Carver County District Court as the yearlong investigation into Prince's death continues.,1 +"Some also have speculated that Qalibaf could serve as a vice president in Raisi's administration, in exchange for his support.",Some have speculated that Qalibaf could serve as a vice president in Raisi's administration in exchange for his support.,0 +" The commercial currents of the Trump White House are unprecedented in modern American politics, ethics lawyers say."," The commercial currents of President Donald Trump's White House are unprecedented in modern American politics, ethics lawyers say.",1 +It has until May 1 to file its opposition memo.,It has until May 1 to file papers making its case.,1 + It has launched new activewear and affordable jewelry lines and is working to expand its global intellectual property footprint.,"It has launched new active wear and affordable jewelry lines, and is working to expand its global intellectual property footprint.",0 + WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Trump administration wants to trash Obama-era rules to limit water pollution from coal-fired power plants., WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Trump administration is moving to rewrite Obama-era rules limiting water pollution from coal-fired power plants.,1 +"Several windows on the bus were shattered in the blasts, injuring defender Marc Bartra.","Several windows on the bus were shattered, injuring defender Marc Bartra.",0 + The Paris prosecutor's office said counterterrorism investigators are involved in the probe., The Paris prosecutor's office said counterterrorism investigators are involved in the probe of Thursday's attack.,1 + Poszywak said the two men were not responsible for the explosion.," Ted Poszywak, chief of the Frederick-Firestone fire department, said the men were not responsible for the explosion.",1 +" The company said well-established bankruptcy law allowed the newly reorganized GM to obtain the old company's assets ""free and clear"" of liabilities."," The company had argued that well-established bankruptcy law allowed the newly reorganized GM to obtain the old company's assets ""free and clear"" of liabilities.",1 + Shares were up 16 cents to $30.54 shortly after the market opened.," Shares were up 63 cents, or 2.1 percent, to $30.44 in Thursday afternoon trading.",1 +"He said Lou-Ann and Randy Merrell, who was also on the trip, live in Utah in a city on the eastern side of the state.","He said Lou-Ann and Randy Merrell, who was also on the trip, live in Vernal, a city in eastern Utah.",1 +" In the months leading up to her death, Kayla was involved in a series of disputes with members and associates of the MS-13, prosecutors said."," In the months leading up to Kayla's death, she was involved in disputes with members and associates of MS-13, prosecutors said.",1 +" Shares were up 63 cents, or 2.1 percent, to $30.44 in Thursday afternoon trading."," The stock finished the day up 68 cents, or 2.2 percent, to $31.07.",1 +A girl on the line said Jorge was dead along with three others in a park 20 miles from his home.,A girl on the line said Jorge was dead along with three others in a park.,1 +" The decision will outrage open-government groups, and possibly spark fresh litigation to try to force the Trump administration to release the information.", Three government watchdog groups sued this week to try to force the Trump administration to reinstate the public release of the logs.,1 +" In the Alabama case, a jury convicted inmate James McWilliams of raping and killing a convenience store clerk in Tuscaloosa.",McWilliams did not have his own expert when he was convicted of raping and killing a convenience store clerk in Tuscaloosa.,1 +Hernandez's lawyer says no note was left to any inmate., Hernandez's lawyer has said no note was left to any inmate.,1 +" An extensive background check before he was hired turned up nothing worrisome, she said.",The behavioral health agency where he worked said an extensive background check before he was hired turned up nothing worrisome.,0 +" The letters, dated April 13, were obtained by The Associated Press.",""" The letters to Cabinet heads, dated April 13, were obtained by The Associated Press.",1 +" Those who rallied to support Tusk expressed opposition to Poland's larger political direction under Kaczynski, which opponents view as xenophobic and having authoritarian tendencies."," Tusk's backers criticized Poland's larger political direction under Kaczynski, which critics view as xenophobic and having authoritarian tendencies.",1 +"Funeral services were held Monday in his hometown of Bristol, Connecticut.","He killed himself April 19, and funeral services were held Monday in his hometown of Bristol, Connecticut.",1 +He is scheduled to make his first court appearance Monday in Sacramento Superior Court.,He is scheduled to make his first court appearance Monday.,1 +"As the garbage piled up, it began threatening the tiny homes nearby, prompting residents to stage regular protests while complaining of health hazards.","As the garbage piled up, it began threatening the nearby homes, prompting residents to stage regular protests while complaining of health hazards.",0 +"Ontario is also expending rent control, which currently only applies to units built before November 1991.","Ontario is also expanding rent control, which currently applies only to units built before November 1991.",0 +" --- Associated Press writers Alan Fram in Washington and Brady McCombs, Michelle Price and Hallie Golden in Salt Lake City contributed to this story.", --- Associated Press writers Matthew Daly and Alan Fram in Washington and Brady McCombs and Hallie Golden in Salt Lake City contributed to this story.,1 +They argue that blocking free trade would hobble economic growth instead of saving jobs from foreign competition.,They argued that blocking free trade would hobble economic growth instead of saving jobs from foreign competition.,0 +" Speaking alongside Francis, el-Sissi said Islamic militants who commit acts of terror cannot claim to be Muslim."," In his remarks, the president repeated his denunciation that terrorists cannot claim to be Muslim.",1 +"Victims included opposition Social Democrat leader Zoran Zaev, the head of a small ethnic Albanian opposition party and 22 police."," Zaev was among the victims, as were the head of a small ethnic Albanian opposition party and 22 police officers.",1 + He declined to say if Sealy fired a gun at that time.,He declined to say if Sealy fired a gun at that time.,0 +" ""As religious leaders, we are called to unmask violence that masquerades as purported sanctity,"" Francis said to applause from the crowd."," ""As religious leaders, we are called to unmask violence that masquerades as purported sanctity,"" Francis said to applause.",0 + The federal lawsuit filed in Anchorage claims Trump exceeded his constitutional authority and violated federal law., The federal lawsuit claims Trump exceeded his constitutional authority and violated federal law.,0 +" Zinke said that while designations have done ""a great service to the public,"" the ""local community affected should have a voice."" Some, including Sen."," While designations have done ""a great service to the public,"" Zinke said the ""local community affected should have a voice."" Some, including Sen.",0 +" The McCallie School in Chattanooga, Tennessee, said Jackson was an eighth-grade student at the all-boys school."," The McCallie School in Chattanooga, Tennessee, said Jackson is an eighth-grade student at the all-boys school.",1 +" They don't reveal answers, but do shed light on Prince's struggle with addiction in the days before he died."," They don't reveal answers, but do shed light on Prince's struggle with addiction to prescription opioids in the days before he died.",1 +Electric worker sitting in a truck and two men who had come out of a Catholic Charities building.,Electric utility worker sitting in a truck and two men who had come out of a Catholic Charities building.,1 +""" Both the U.S. and the OPCW were at pains to defend the probe's methodology.",""" Both the U.S. and the OPCW defended the probe's methodology.",0 + He's due to return for arraignment on May 12. Muhammad is accused of the killings Tuesday of three other white men., Muhammad is accused of the killings Tuesday of three other white men.,1 +" Ross said that, thanks to steep competition from overseas, there is only one American smelter that produces high-purity, aerospace-quality aluminum still in operation."," Ross said that because of steep competition from overseas, there is only one American smelter still in operation that produces high-purity, aerospace-quality aluminum.",0 +"There weren't restrictions in other parts of the convention center, and after the president's departure attendees can again arm themselves.","There weren't restrictions in other parts of the convention center, and after the president's departure, attendees can again arm themselves.",0 +" The men refused to stop, prompting an agent to fire non-lethal bean bags toward them."," The men refused to stop, prompting an agent to fire non-lethal bean bags at them.",0 + Trump's action erases a rule that was finalized shortly before President Barack Obama left office in January.," Trump's action erases a rule, finalized shortly before President Barack Obama left office in January, that said states could not block the money.",1 +" ""Kids are losing their childhoods,"" said Jennifer Suarez, whose 15-year-old niece was beaten and hacked to death in the street last year."," ""Kids are losing their childhoods,"" said Jennifer Suarez, whose 15-year-old niece was beaten and hacked to death last year.",0 + The documents suggest Prince was struggling with an addiction to prescription opioids., The documents show Prince was struggling with an addiction to prescription opioids.,1 +Its findings will be used by a joint United Nations-OPCW investigation team to assess who was responsible., The findings of the investigation released Friday will be used by a joint United Nations-OPCW investigation team to assess who was responsible for the attack.,1 +" Officials said they do not yet know why the line was connected to the well, or when and how it was cut.", Investigators said they do not yet know when and how the line was cut.,0 +"A few minutes after that, he went live and confessed.","A few minutes after that, he went live and confessed, the company said.",1 +" Falcon was arrested by U.S. marshals in April near Orlando, where he lived under the fake name Luis Reiss with his wife."," Falcon was arrested in April near Orlando, where he lived with his wife under a phony name.",1 +" Researchers at Tel Aviv University said Sunday that assaults specifically targeting Jews, vandalism and other violent incidents fell 12 percent last year."," Researchers at Tel Aviv University said assaults specifically targeting Jews, vandalism and other violent incidents fell 12 percent last year.",0 +" Falcon vanished in 1991 when he, his older brother Augusto ""Willie"" Falcon, Salvador ""Sal"" Magluta and others were originally charged."," Falcon vanished in 1991 when he, his older brother Augusto ""Willie"" Falcon, Salvador ""Sal"" Magluta and others were charged in a federal indictment.",1 +He is set to be arraigned in Sacramento Superior Court on Monday.,He is scheduled to make his first court appearance Monday in Sacramento Superior Court.,1 + --- Associated Press writer Paul Wiseman in Washington contributed to this report.,"He called it ""very depressing."" --- Associated Press writers Paul Wiseman, Joshua Boak, Alicia Caldwell and Darlene Superville in Washington contributed to this report.",1 +The commerce secretary will review how to close loopholes in existing rules and provide recommendations to the president.,The commerce secretary is to review how to close loopholes in existing rules and provide recommendations to the president.,0 +"Kathryn Allen, a Democrat and first-time candidate, harnessed the anger over Chaffetz's iPhone comments and raised more than half a million dollars for her campaign.","Kathryn Allen, a Democrat and first-time candidate, harnessed the anger over Chaffetz's iPhone comments and raised more than half a million dollars.",1 +"""Bad guys know how the system works, and they have exploited it,"" he said."," ""Bad guys know how the system works, and they have exploited it,"" he said.",0 + A call to the boot company's Indiana headquarters wasn't immediately returned Monday., A call to the boot company's Indiana headquarters wasn't immediately returned.,1 + The woman was treated at a hospital and was released.," The woman appeared to be having a seizure and was taken to a hospital, where she was treated and released, police said.",1 +"Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, have hailed the order as the end of ""massive federal land grabs"" by presidents dating to Bill Clinton.","Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, have hailed the order as the end of ""land grabs"" by presidents dating to Bill Clinton.",0 +" She used local, regional and European elections to build a party machine to serve her ambitions.","Since then, she has used local, regional and European elections to build a party machine to serve her ambitions.",0 +"About a half-hour later, at the pet facility, it seemed to be sleeping.","About a half-hour later, at the company-run pet facility, Simon seemed to be sleeping.",1 + The airline has not said whether ticket sales have dropped since Dao was removed from the jet., United representatives have not said whether ticket sales have dropped since Dao was removed from the jet.,1 + China this month launched an unmanned spacecraft on a mission to dock with its currently unoccupied space station., Last week the China National Space Administration launched an unmanned spacecraft on a mission to dock with its currently unoccupied space station.,1 + Workers who were inspecting the statue ahead of its removal could be seen wearing flak jackets and helmets.," Workers who took the monument down Monday could be seen wearing bulletproof vests, military-style helmets and scarves that obscured their faces.",1 + They encountered a five-man group of suspected marijuana bandits and identified themselves as police in trying to arrest them.,They encountered a five-man group of suspected marijuana bandits and identified themselves as police in trying to arrest them.,0 +""" An attack destroyed the family apartment building as 8-year-old Marine Le Pen and her sisters slept.",""" One of the challenges included an attack that destroyed the family apartment building as 8-year-old Marine and her sisters slept.",1 +" Raisi, his nearest challenger, is close to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran's supreme leader, who stopped short of endorsing anyone in the election."," Raisi, his nearest challenger, is close to Khamenei, who stopped short of endorsing anyone in the election.",1 +" London's Metropolitan Police said the man in his late 20s was arrested Thursday ""as part of an ongoing operation."" Knives have been recovered."," London's Metropolitan Police said the 27-year-old man was stopped and detained ""as part of an ongoing operation"" by the force's counterterrorism unit.",1 +" Police and soldiers sealed off the area, ordering tourists back into their hotels and blocking people from approaching the scene."," Police and soldiers sealed off the area, ordering tourists back into hotels and blocking people from approaching the scene.",0 +"John Hickenlooper on Tuesday ordered inspections and tests of all active and abandoned gas pipelines within 1,000 feet of occupied buildings.","John Hickenlooper ordered inspections and tests of all active and abandoned gas pipelines within 1,000 feet of occupied buildings.",0 + Prisoners prepared cakes as gifts and planned to offer the pope zucchini and cucumbers from the prison's organic garden.,Prisoners prepared cakes as gifts and offered the pope zucchini and cucumbers from the prison's organic garden.,0 +" -- Jonathan Lemire, Julie Bykowicz and Jill Colvin contributed to this report.", -- Associated Press writers Julie Bykowicz and Jill Colvin contributed to this report.,1 + --- Associated Press Writers Lori Hinnant and Raphael Satter contributed to this report., --- Associated Press Writers Angela Charlton and Raphael Satter contributed to this report.,1 +"Authorities were unsure how many more people could still be trapped, but about 30 were reported missing, Bopage said.","Authorities were unsure how many more people could still be trapped, with contradictory reports being released.",0 +" Law enforcement officials said his cellphone signal was last detected on Sunday afternoon in Erie, Pennsylvania, about 100 miles (160 kilometers) east of Cleveland."," Law enforcement officials said his cellphone was last tracked Sunday afternoon in Erie, Pennsylvania, about 100 miles (160 kilometers) east of Cleveland.",0 + The government has heavily pursued prosecution of the men involved in the killing., The government has heavily pursued prosecution of the men involved in Terry's killing.,1 +"A demonstration stretched for several blocks in downtown Tampa, Florida, where marchers said they were concerned about the threat rising seas pose to the city."," A demonstration stretched for several blocks in downtown Tampa, Florida, where marchers said they were concerned about the threat rising seas pose to the city.",0 + Policemen in riverboats patrolled the Nile in front of the embassy., Police riverboats patrolled the Nile in front of the embassy.,1 + --- Associated Press writers Alan Fram and Matthew Daly contributed to this report.,""" --- Associated Press writers Alan Fram and Matthew Daly contributed to this report.",0 +" --- Associated Press writers Andrew Taylor, Kevin Freking and Alan Fram contributed to this report.",""" --- Associated Press writers Andrew Taylor, Kevin Freking and Alan Fram contributed to this report.",0 +Wynne said when the market jumps 33 percent in a year they know there's a problem.,Wynne said there is a problem when the market jumps 33 percent in a year.,0 +"The gang purportedly smuggled at least 75 tons of cocaine into the U.S. and made some $2 billion during the hyper-violent ""Miami Vice"" era.","The gang purportedly smuggled at least 75 tons of cocaine into the U.S., earning some $2 billion during the hyper-violent ""Miami Vice"" era.",0 + Trump and Macri enjoy a personal relationship from their days as businessmen that Macri hopes to leverage to boost relations.,"The two already enjoy a personal relationship from their days as businessmen, ties both hope to leverage to boost U.S.-Argentina relations.",1 + It matches the 15 percent tax the Pacific coast city of Vancouver has implemented.,It would match the 15 percent tax on foreign home buyers that the Pacific coast city of Vancouver has implemented.,1 + A team spokesman said the Patriots were aware of the reports of Hernandez's death but that the club wasn't expected to comment., A team spokesman said the Patriots were aware of the reports of Hernandez's death but the club wasn't expected to comment.,0 +" Five Boko Haram commanders were released in exchange for the 82 girls' freedom, a Nigerian government official said Sunday."," The girls were flown to Abuja on Saturday after their release in exchange for five Boko Haram commanders, a government official said Sunday.",1 + The Montana monument is the fourth Zinke has removed from his review ahead of a final report due later this month., Zinke has removed five sites from review ahead of a final report due later this month.,1 +The justices on Monday took up a case about whether the expert must be independent of the prosecution.,The justices are deciding whether the expert must be independent of the prosecution.,1 +" Trump said before the election that he was happy to see WikiLeaks publish private, politically damaging emails from Hillary Clinton's campaign manager, John Podesta."," Before the election, Trump said he was happy to see WikiLeaks publish private, politically damaging emails from Hillary Clinton's campaign manager, John Podesta.",0 +" If Chaffetz runs for Utah governor, however, he won't necessarily be the front-runner, Karpowitz said."," If Chaffetz runs for governor, he won't necessarily be the front-runner, Karpowitz said.",1 +"On U.S. university campuses, there was a 45 percent increase in anti-Semitic incidents, mostly insults and harassment of Jewish students, the report says."," On U.S. university campuses there was a 45 percent rise in anti-Semitic incidents, mostly insults and harassment of Jewish students, the report said.",1 +""" The tough talk has made some residents fearful of law enforcement as well of the gang.", The tough talk has made some residents fearful of law enforcement and the gang.,1 +"After a day of searching, Kayla was discovered in a wooded backyard nearby.","Kayla, who lived a block away, was discovered in a wooded backyard nearby.",1 +"Shares of Fox News' parent company, 21st Century Fox, are gaining ground following the firing of longtime and top-rated segment host Bill O'Reilly.","Shares of Fox News' parent company, 21st Century Fox, gained ground Thursday following the firing of longtime and top-rated segment host Bill O'Reilly.",1 +""" The incident comes less than two weeks after video of a man being violently dragged off a United Express flight sparked widespread outrage.",The incident comes less than two weeks after video of a man being violently dragged off a United Express flight sparked widespread outrage .,0 +"At the massive Sinopec fertilizer plant in China, CO2 is filtered and reused as fuel.","At the massive Sinopec fertilizer plant in China, carbon is filtered and reused as fuel.",0 +" In the video, Stephens blamed a former girlfriend he had lived with, saying he woke up last week and ""couldn't take it anymore."," In one video in which he blamed his girlfriend, Stephens said he woke up last week and ""couldn't take it anymore.",0 +The real meat and potatoes is going to be that fentanyl thing.,"""The real meat and potatoes is going to be that fentanyl thing."" The documents said Prince did not have any prescriptions, including for fentanyl.",1 + Trump dispatched his top lieutenants to Capitol Hill Tuesday to discuss his plan with Republican leaders., Trump dispatched his top lieutenants to Capitol Hill Tuesday evening to discuss his plan with Republican leaders.,1 +"The president has used executive orders aggressively over the last three months, despite railing against their use by Obama when he was campaigning.",The president has used executive orders aggressively over the past three months;,1 +" McOmie, who was not on the trip, said the Merrells are avid hikers and know the area well."," Mark McOmie, the boy's uncle, said the Merrells are avid hikers and know the area well.",1 + PHOENIX (AP) -- Mexican authorities have arrested the suspected shooter in the 2010 killing of a U.S., PHOENIX (AP) -- Mexican authorities have arrested the man accused of shooting and killing a U.S.,1 + Four other men involved in the killing have been convicted or have pleaded guilty in federal court to murder charges.,Four other men have been convicted or pleaded guilty in federal court to murder charges.,0 + The National Park Service said some searchers would stay in the field overnight and conditions will determine whether they search.," The National Park Service said some searchers will stay in the field overnight, but depending on conditions, may not actively search overnight.",1 +The operation set off a political firestorm and led Terry's family to file a lawsuit.,The operation set off a political backlash for the Obama administration and led Terry's family to sue.,1 +""" ""If he thinks he can get away with playing king, he's got another thought coming,"" Waters said."," ""If he thinks he can get away with playing king, he's got another thought coming,"" Waters said.",0 +" ""For this kind of weather this is an amazing crowd."," ""For this kind of weather, this is an amazing crowd.",0 +" ""We have damaged rooms in each floor of the hotel,"" he told The Associated Press over the phone."," ""We have damaged rooms in each floor of the hotel,"" he told The Associated Press.",1 + Keillor did not immediately respond to an emailed request for comment., Keillor did not respond to an emailed request for comment from The Associated Press.,1 + The one-time Klan leader was serving three consecutive 20-year terms for manslaughter when he died at 9 p.m., Killen was serving three consecutive 20-year terms for manslaughter when he died at 9 p.m.,1 +" China and Russia, which fought on the communist side in the war, oppose the meeting.","But it alienated China and Russia, which fought on the communist side in the war and were not invited.",1 +" --- Associated Press writers Terry Spencer in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and Lisa J. Adams in Atlanta, contributed to this report."," --- Associated Press writers Lisa Adams in Atlanta and Terry Spencer in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, contributed to this report.",1 +""" Goodman said Killen's passing is a reminder that issues of racism and white nationalism remain today.", Goodman said Friday that Killen's passing is a reminder that issues of racism and white nationalism remain today.,0 + Freed said there are indications a third officer may have been struck in his body armor but was not wounded.," Freed said there were indications that a third officer may have been struck in his body armor, but was not wounded.",0 +" The woman allegedly involved did not comment on the record to the station, which did not name her."," The woman involved did not comment on the record to the station, which did not name her.",0 +""" Under the revised regime, there will be fewer posts from brands, pages and media companies and more from people."," Under the revised regime, there will be fewer posts from brands, pages and media companies and more from people.",0 +"He has barely hidden his political ambitions, and reserved the web address ericgreitensforpresident.com years ago.",He has barely hidden his higher political ambitions and reserved the web address ericgreitensforpresident.com years ago.,0 +" Pence said the U.S. would support a two-state solution, but only if both sides support it.", Pence said the U.S. would support a two-state solution but only if both sides support it.,0 + The alleged March 2015 encounter came after Greitens opened a committee to explore a bid for Missouri governor but before he officially announced his candidacy., The alleged encounter came after Greitens created a committee to explore a bid for governor but before he officially announced his candidacy.,1 +" Months after the affair, the hairdresser sent Greitens an email asking him to stop booking appointments at the salon where she worked."," Months after the affair, the hairdresser sent Greitens an email asking him to stop booking appointments at the salon.",1 +" Mark Uffer, CEO at Corona Regional Medical Center, said seven of the children were there Tuesday."," Mark Uffer, CEO at Corona Regional Medical Center, said seven of the couple's children were there Tuesday.",1 +He is a member of the Sports Broadcasting Hall of Fame.," Jackson is a member of the Sports Broadcasting Hall of Fame, and called more Rose Bowl games, 15, than any other announcer.",1 +" He might be best known for his ""Whoa, Nelly!"" exclamation, but he didn't overuse it during games.","""He could do anything and loved doing it."" Jackson might be best known for his ""Whoa, Nelly!"" exclamation, but he didn't overuse it.",0 +" The woman allegedly involved did not comment on the record to the station, which did not name her."," The woman involved did not comment on the record to the TV station, which did not name her.",0 +MPR says the woman detailed the allegations in a 12-page letter that included excerpts of emails and written messages.," MPR said the woman, whom it has not identified, detailed the allegations in a 12-page letter that included excerpts of emails and written messages.",1 +He said the crew decided to turn back veering close to a residential area as smoke belched and flames then kicked up.,He said the crew decided to turn back veering close to a residential neighborhood as smoke belched and then flames kicked up.,0 +"Reports varied about how long the quake's shaking lasted, depending on where you were.","Reports varied about how long the quake's shaking lasted, depending on location.",0 + --- Associated Press Writer Jim Salter in St. Louis contributed to this report.," --- Associated Press writers David A. Lieb in Jefferson City, Missouri, and John Hanna in Topeka, Kansas, contributed to this report.",1 +" Trump is headed to the medical facility in Bethesda, Maryland, outside Washington, for his first medical checkup as president."," Trump's motorcade pulled into the medical facility in Bethesda, Maryland, outside Washington, early Friday afternoon.",1 + Tuesday's shooting happened as students gathered in a common area around 8 a.m.," Tuesday's shooting happened as students gathered in a common area, just before the day's first classes.",1 + Fellows told reporters there is no indication any student other than the couple's children were enrolled there.,Fellows told reporters there is no indication any student other than the couple's children were enrolled there.,0 +" ""I've been in Kodiak for 19 years that was the strongest, longest lasting one I've ever felt,"" he said by telephone."," ""I've been in Kodiak for 19 years that was the strongest, longest-lasting one I've ever felt,"" he said by telephone.",0 +"Then on Sunday, one of the children jumped out of a window, called 911 and led authorities to what they described as a torture chamber."," Then, on Sunday, one of the children jumped out of a window, called 911 and led authorities to the home and the bizarre scene inside.",1 +"On the next play he found Smith, another freshman, streaking down the sideline and hit him in stride for the national championship.","On the next play he found Smith, another freshman, and hit him in stride for the national championship.",0 +"Jackson was a longtime resident of Sherman Oaks, California, and Pender Harbor, British Columbia.","He was a longtime resident of Sherman Oaks, California, and died near his home there.",1 + NEW YORK (AP) -- Tom Petty's family says his death last year was due to an accidental drug overdose., LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Tom Petty's family says his death last year was due to an accidental drug overdose.,1 +Agency officials said the eruption and the avalanche could not be linked immediately., The agency also said the eruption and the avalanche could not be linked immediately.,0 + The bodies of four attackers have been recovered as security forces continued to clear the landmark hotel.," The bodies of four attackers were recovered as security forces continued to clear the landmark building, he said.",1 +"Kodiak is located about 200 miles (321 kilometers) south of Anchorage, the state's largest city, which was not under a tsunami threat.","Kodiak is about 200 miles (321 kilometers) south of Anchorage, the state's largest city, which was not under a tsunami threat.",0 +"Officials urged people to stay off the slick roads if possible, and to bundle up and wear layers of clothing if they ventured outside.","Officials urged people to stay off the roads if possible, and to bundle up if they ventured outside.",0 +" ""The claim that this nearly three-year old story has generated or should generate law enforcement interest is completely false,"" he said."," ""The claim that this nearly three-year-old story has generated or should generate law enforcement interest is completely false,"" he said.",0 +" The affair was ""a deeply personal mistake,"" the statement said."," The affair was ""a deeply personal mistake,"" the Greitens' statement said.",1 + The Legislature adjourned by midday Thursday for the long Martin Luther King Jr. holiday weekend., The Legislature adjourned Thursday for the long Martin Luther King Jr. holiday weekend.,0 +" On Monday, Afghan security forces remained positioned on all the roads leading to the hotel, barring everyone from access to the area."," On Monday, Afghan security forces remained positioned on all the roads leading to the hotel, barring everyone from the area.",0 + News footage at the site showed survivors cloaked in blankets after reaching safety., News footage at the site showed survivors cloaked in blankets trying to warm themselves after reaching safety.,0 +He described it as a controlled evacuation and compared it to folks driving home from a holiday fireworks show.,He described it as a controlled evacuation and compared it to people driving home from a holiday fireworks show.,0 +"They were scheduled for an initial court appearance on Thursday, and authorities say the pair could face charges of torture and child endangerment.",Authorities said the pair could face charges of torture and child endangerment.,1 +" ""I'm here to listen and learn and change my perspective where it's off, and I'm completely willing and want to.",""" ""I'm here to listen and learn and change my perspective where it's off, and I'm completely willing and want to,"" he said.",0 + --- Associated Press writer Jim Salter contributed to this report from St. Louis., --- Associated Press Writer Jim Salter in St. Louis contributed to this report.,0 +" Sweden dropped the case, though Assange has remained in the embassy because he is still subject to arrest in Britain for jumping bail.","Sweden dropped the case, but Assange has remained in the embassy because he is still subject to arrest in Britain for jumping bail.",0 +The White House said Trump will not undergo a psychiatric exam.,The White House said Trump would not undergo a psychiatric exam.,0 +They said the shuttle vessel was headed out to the casino ship at the time.,They said the shuttle vessel was headed out to the casino ship at the time of the fire.,1 +" Before moving to Perris, a rapidly growing suburb of 76,000 people, the family lived for a time in nearby Murrieta, Fellows said."," Before moving to Perris, a city of 76,000, the family lived for a time in nearby Murrieta.",0 +"""It wasn't even murder it was manslaughter,"" David Goodman, Andrew's younger brother, observed on Friday.","It was manslaughter,"" David Goodman, Andrew's younger brother, observed Friday.",0 +He has barely hidden his higher political ambitions and reserved the web address ericgreitensforpresident.com years ago.,He barely hid his higher ambitions and reserved the web address ericgreitensforpresident.com years ago.,0 +"and Heather Hollingsworth in Kansas City, Missouri contributed to this report.","and Heather Hollingsworth in Kansas City, Missouri, contributed to this report.",0 +" Still, ""if you get even a modest amount of snow, you can't be caught completely unprepared for that either,"" he said."," Still, he said, ""if you get even a modest amount of snow, you can't be caught completely unprepared.",1 + The hairdresser eventually sent Greitens an email asking him to stop booking appointments at the salon where she worked.," Months after the affair, the hairdresser sent Greitens an email asking him to stop booking appointments at the salon where she worked.",1 +" The Turpins filed for bankruptcy in 2011, stating in court documents they owed between $100,000 and $500,000, The New York Times reported."," The Turpins filed for bankruptcy that same year, stating in court documents they owed between $100,000 and $500,000.",1 +Attorney General Josh Hawley's office did not have an immediate response.,"Attorney General Josh Hawley's office said it would defer to local prosecutors, as required by state law.",1 +He was married to South African singer and activist Miriam Makeba for two years.,He collaborated with many musicians including Herb Alpert and was married to South African singer and activist Miriam Makeba for two years.,1 +" Besides dramatically lowering the standard corporate tax rate, the reforms offer a one-time break on cash being held overseas."," Besides dramatically lowering the standard corporate tax rate, the reforms offer a one-time break on cash held overseas.",0 +He also cleared brush from his central Texas ranch during the 100-degree summers.,He also cleared brush from his central Texas ranch during the 100-degree Fahrenheit (38-degree Celsius) summers.,1 +" For decades, Segre, 87, appeared reluctant to discuss her experiences in Auschwitz, Corriere della Sera daily said."," For decades, Segre appeared reluctant to discuss her experiences in Auschwitz, the Corriere della Sera daily said.",0 +""" What was he thinking as the winning pass soared? ""I could not believe it,"" Saban said."," What was Saban thinking as the winning pass soared this time? ""I could not believe it,"" he said.",0 +"An autopsy was pending, but no foul play was suspected, the corrections' statement said.","An autopsy was pending, but no foul play was suspected, the statement said.",0 +"Borrowed from his great-grandfather, a farmer, the phrase was also part of a commercial Jackson did for Miller Lite in the mid-'90s.","Borrowed from his great-grandfather, a farmer, the phrase also part of a commercial Jackson did for Miller Lite in the mid-'90s.",0 +Forecasters said travel could be difficult because of below-zero (-18 Celsius) wind chills., Forecasters said travel could be difficult in north Georgia because of below-zero (-18 Celsius) wind chills.,1 +" A longstanding international consensus holds that the city's final status should be decided through negotiations, which was also U.S. policy going back decades."," An international consensus has long held that the city's final status should be decided through negotiations, which was also U.S. policy going back decades.",1 +"He was 89. Jackson died Friday, according to a statement Saturday by ESPN, which consolidated with ABC Sports, Jackson's longtime employer.","He was 89. A statement by ESPN, which consolidated with ABC Sports, Jackson's longtime employer, announced his death Saturday.",1 + Tropical Breeze Casino Cruises didn't immediately respond to messages left late Sunday with the company., Tropical Breeze Casino Cruises didn't immediately respond late Sunday to calls for information.,1 +Several other Japanese volcanoes are considered unstable and have had small eruptions in recent years.,Several other Japanese volcanos are considered unstable and have had small eruptions in recent years.,0 +"The pedestrian was lightly injured, said the official, who was not authorized to speak publicly about an ongoing investigation.","The pedestrian was slightly injured, said the official, who wasn't authorized to speak publicly about an ongoing investigation.",0 + Ecuador gave Assange political asylum after he sought refuge in the embassy in 2012 to avoid extradition to Sweden for investigation of sex-related claims., Ecuador gave Assange asylum after he sought refuge in the embassy to avoid extradition to Sweden for investigation of sex-related claims.,0 +Tagovailoa looked off the safety threw the biggest touchdown pass in the history of Alabama football.,Tagovailoa looked off the safety and threw the biggest touchdown pass in the history of Alabama football.,0 +Trump was staying at the resort for the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday weekend.,Trump was staying at the resort for the holiday weekend.,1 + He did not say if the ex-husband has also heard from the FBI.,He did not say if the ex-husband has also heard from the FBI.,0 + Workers cleaned up shattered glass Thursday morning and started to repair damage from the robbery., Workers cleaned up shattered glass Thursday and started to repair damage from the robbery.,0 +" They seized watches from display cases holding wares from Rolex and Piaget, and then targeted the Reza jewelry boutique inside the hotel."," They seized watches from display cases holding wares from Rolex and Piaget, and then targeted the Alexandre Reza jewelry boutique inside the hotel.",0 +" They say Petty suffered from emphysema, a fractured hip and knee problems that caused him pain but he was still committed to touring."," Petty suffered from emphysema, a fractured hip and knee problems that caused him pain, the family said, but he was still committed to touring.",1 +" He described the atmosphere inside as calm, with people waiting for any updates.","He described the atmosphere inside as calm, with people waiting for updates.",0 +" Trump's motorcade pulled into the medical facility in Bethesda, Maryland, outside Washington, early Friday afternoon."," Trump boarded Marine One at the medical facility in Bethesda, Maryland, outside Washington, Friday afternoon after about three hours at the hospital.",1 +"Property records show they moved to Southern California in 2011 from Johnson County, Texas, near Dallas.",Property records show they moved to Southern California in 2011 from the Dallas area.,1 +"Five of them were flown about 120 miles (193 kilometers) to Nashville, Tennessee's Vanderbilt University Medical Center, spokeswoman Tavia Smith said.","Five were flown about 120 miles (193 kilometers) to Nashville, Tennessee's Vanderbilt University Medical Center, spokeswoman Tavia Smith said.",0 +""" --- Associated Press contributors include Adam Beam and Bruce Schreiner in Frankfort, Kentucky;",""" --- Associated Press contributors include Stephen Lance Dennee in Benton;",1 +"It's a diverse gathering of mostly European and Asian nations, as well as Australia, New Zealand and Columbia.","It's a diverse gathering of mostly European and Asian nations, as well as Australia, New Zealand and Colombia.",1 +""" She says: ""I knew he was being sexual and I still let him.",""" She said: ""I knew he was being sexual, and I still let him.",0 +He estimates it shook for at least 30 seconds but admits his timeframe might be skewed by sleeping through some of it.,He said it shook for at least 30 seconds but admits his estimate might be skewed by sleeping through some of it.,1 +"Knowing I'll be among senators-for-life is an honor and a great responsibility,"" she added.",Knowing I'll be among senators-for-life is an honor and a great responsibility.,0 +" Nabil Abu Rdeneh, an Abbas adviser, reiterated Sunday that ""the U.S. is no longer acceptable as a mediator."," Nabil Abu Rdeneh, an Abbas adviser, reiterated that ""the U.S. is no longer acceptable as a mediator.",0 +"Masekela's catchy composition ""Bring Him Back Home"" calling for Nelson Mandela to be released from prison became an international anthem for the anti-apartheid movement.","Masekela's catchy upbeat 1987 song ""Bring Him Back Home"" calling for Nelson Mandela's release from prison became an international anthem for the anti-apartheid movement.",0 + Danish says security forces are going room-by-room to make sure all attackers have been accounted for.," ""The security forces are going room-by-room to make sure that there is no any other attacker in the building,"" he said.",1 +"Jackson also covered 10 Olympics, calling swimming, track and field, basketball, speedskating and ski jumping.","He worked college basketball with Dick Vitale, and covered 10 Olympics, calling swimming, track and field, basketball, speedskating and ski jumping.",1 +" Neither sheriff's deputies nor child-welfare officials received a single call over the years about the Turpin home, he said."," Neither sheriff's deputies nor child welfare officials received a single call over the years about the Turpin home, he said.",0 +""" State transportation officials had 2,200 trucks out plowing and salting a day after the storm hit."," North Carolina transportation officials had 2,200 trucks out plowing and salting a day after the storm hit.",1 +" ""I had no idea this was going on,"" he told the Press-Enterprise of Riverside."," ""I had no idea this was going on,"" he told the Press-Enterprise newspaper of Riverside.",0 +" President Barack Obama played basketball, lifted weights, worked out on an elliptical machine or treadmill and played golf."," Obama played basketball, lifted weights, worked out on an elliptical machine or treadmill and played golf.",1 +" ""I feel like any other woman, a grandmother, and I never thought about this.","""I feel like any other woman, a grandmother, and I never thought about this.",0 +" --- Associated Press writer Amir Shah in Kabul, Afghanistan, contributed to this report.", --- Associated Press writer Amir Shah contributed to this report.,0 +" When authorities confronted the girl's mother, Louise Anna Turpin, sheriff's Capt.","Authorities confronted the girl's mother, Louise Anna Turpin, and Fellows said she appeared ""perplexed"" as to why they had come.",1 +" Trump's pivot on Jerusalem last month infuriated the Palestinians, who seek the Israeli-annexed eastern sector of the city as a future capital."," Trump's announcement on Jerusalem last month infuriated the Palestinians, who seek the Israeli-annexed eastern sector of the city as a future capital.",0 + The meeting is being attended by foreign ministers and senior diplomats of nations that sent troops or humanitarian aid to the U.N.,""" The meeting was attended by foreign ministers and senior diplomats of nations that sent troops or humanitarian aid to the U.N.",1 +""" He added, ""We got to find a way to work on this man's heart.","""We got to find a way to work on this man's heart.",0 +" Trump dedicated his weekly address to the nation, released Monday, to King.","And his weekly address to the nation, released Monday, was dedicated to King.",1 + Private schools are also subject to an annual inspection by state fire officials., Private schools are also subject to an annual fire inspection.,1 +""" She says she later realized he took a photo of her.",""" She said she later realized he took a photo of her.",0 +"They were arrested in 1943, and put onto trains departing from Milan's central station toward Nazi-run deportation camps.","They were arrested in 1943, and put onto trains departing from Milan toward Nazi-run deportation camps.",1 +""" ""I pride myself on taking responsibility for things that I have done,"" Franco told ""Late Show"" host Stephen Colbert."," ""I pride myself on taking responsibility for things that I have done,"" Franco told Colbert.",1 + ATLANTA (AP) -- President Donald Trump took the field before Alabama and Georgia faced off in the College Football Playoff National Championship in Atlanta., ATLANTA (AP) -- President Donald Trump took the field Monday before Alabama and Georgia faced off in the College Football Playoff National Championship.,1 +" The children, ages 2 to 29, ""appeared to be malnourished and very dirty,"" according to a press release announcing Sunday's arrest of the parents."," The children, ages 2 to 29, ""appeared to be malnourished and very dirty,"" according to a news release announcing Sunday's arrest of the parents.",0 + The Rose Bowl stadium's radio and TV booths were renamed in his honor two years ago.,""" The Rose Bowl stadium's radio and TV booths were renamed in his honor two years ago.",0 +Snow fell in a wide band that stretched from southeastern Texas all the way to western Massachusetts., Snow fell in a wide band that stretched from southeastern Texas all the way to western Massachusetts.,0 +Mississippi's then-governor claimed their disappearance was a hoax before their bodies were dug up.,"Mississippi's then-governor claimed their disappearance was a hoax, and segregationist Sen.",1 +Video posted by WPEC-TV showed several hundred pro-Haiti demonstrators yelling from one side of the street Monday while waving Haitian flags., Video posted by WPEC-TV showed several hundred pro-Haiti demonstrators yelling from one side of the street Monday while waving Haitian flags.,0 +"Considered role models because of their achievements, they have included figures from politics, business, the arts and science.","Considered role models because of their achievements, they include figures from politics, business, the arts and science.",1 +" Jackson also called multiple World Series and baseball All-Star games, and was ABC's lead NBA play-by-play announcer and worked college basketball with Dick Vitale."," He called multiple World Series and baseball All-Star games, and was ABC's lead NBA play-by-play announcer.",1 +" Others were believed to have died of exposure to bitterly cold weather in Louisiana, Texas and Tennessee.","Elsewhere, others were believed to have died of exposure to bitterly cold weather in Louisiana, Texas and Tennessee.",1 +Some cars went through red lights rather than stop and risk sliding on the ice.,Some motorists drove through red lights rather than stop and risk sliding.,0 +" Asked if Trump would attend if the government is still shutdown, Sanders said: ""I don't know that that's very likely."," Earlier Monday, when asked if Trump would attend if the government was still shut down, Sanders said: ""I don't know that that's very likely.",0 +" Kusatsu-Shirane last erupted in 1983. Japan sits on the Pacific ""Ring of Fire"" and is prone to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions."," Japan sits on the Pacific ""Ring of Fire"" and is prone to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.",1 + News footage at the site showed survivors cloaked in blankets trying to warm themselves after reaching safety., Local television news footage at the site showed survivors cloaked in blankets trying to warm themselves after their ordeal.,1 +"But in the 1990s, she began speaking to schoolchildren throughout Italy about the Holocaust.","But in the 1990s, she began speaking to students throughout Italy about the Holocaust.",0 + The agency also said the eruption and the avalanche could not be linked immediately., The agency said the eruption and avalanche could not be linked immediately.,1 + The Japan Meteorological Agency said Mount Kusatsu-Shirane erupted around 10 a.m., Only the crater had been off-limits because of low-level volcanic activity before Mount Kusatsu-Shirane erupted with rocks and ash around 10 a.m.,1 + A witness told The Tampa Bay Times that she heard screams before he saw the smoke rising.," He told the Tampa Bay Times that he then saw people wandering about confused, wet and cold.",0 + That was what happened last year after Amazon announced it would build a second headquarters in North America to expand beyond its current Seattle home., That's what happened last year after Amazon announced it would build a second headquarters in North America to expand beyond its current Seattle home.,0 +" The suspects inside threw bags of goods out a window to at least two accomplices outside, according to a police official."," The suspects inside threw bags of goods out of a window to at least two accomplices outside, according to a police official.",0 +" Mawarire has been charged with subverting a constitutionally elected government, which carries up to 20 years in prison.", Evan Mawarire faces a 20-year sentence if convicted of subverting a constitutionally elected government.,1 +"Whatever the appeals court decides, either side could ask the Supreme Court to intervene.","Whatever the court decides, either side could ask the Supreme Court to intervene.",0 +"Early in the Mosul fighting, she said, suicide bombers tended to be deployed haphazardly more to frighten than to kill."," Early in the Mosul fighting, she said, suicide bombers tended to be deployed haphazardly more to terrorize than to kill.",0 + There were some mixed-messages from Washington this week on the state of the agreement., There have been mixed messages from Washington all week on the state of the agreement.,0 +" Zuma is ""rotten to the core,"" said Julius Malema, leader of the Economic Freedom Fighters, an opposition party."," Zuma is ""rotten to the core,"" said Julius Malema, leader of the EFF.",0 +" Amid the cleanup, a 21-year-old student who supports Trump was brazenly attacked on campus.","Campus officials estimated the damage at about $100,000. Amid the cleanup, a 21-year-old student who supports Trump was attacked on campus.",1 +" Democrats, and even some veteran Republicans, opposed the change to no avail."," Democrats, and even some veteran Republicans, unsuccessfully opposed the change.",0 +"President Marc Badain said the Raiders have received over 40,000 refundable $100 deposits for personal seat licenses.","The Raiders have taken more than 40,000 refundable $100 deposits for personal seat licenses since NFL owners approved their relocation to Sin City in March.",1 +" About 1,000 firefighters, some in full rescue gear, chanted ""real jobs now"" and marched past parliament Wednesday."," About 1,000 firefighters, some in full rescue gear, chanted ""real jobs now"" and marched past parliament.",0 + House Republicans are expected to vote Wednesday to scuttle a regulation that prevents debris from coal mining from being dumped into nearby streams., House Republicans are expected to vote Wednesday to scuttle a new regulation that prevents coal mining debris from being dumped into nearby streams.,1 + --- CAN WE EXPECT COURT CHALLENGES TO THE NEW ORDER? Almost certainly., --- CAN WE EXPECT COURT CHALLENGES TO THE NEW ORDER? Yes.,1 + India initiated its request to buy 22 Guardian unmanned aircraft for maritime surveillance last year., India initiated its request to buy 22 Guardian MQ-9B unmanned aircraft for maritime surveillance last year.,1 +Court challenges have been filed nationwide from states and advocacy groups.,""" Court challenges of the ban have been filed nationwide from states and advocacy groups.",1 +He also said he knew it was coming because Trump had long talked about it as a presidential candidate.,Kelly also said he knew the order was coming because Trump had long talked about it as a candidate.,0 +He ran away but police found Cummings hiding on the patio of a nearby loft apartment building with a 9mm handgun., Police said Cummings was found hiding on the patio of a nearby loft apartment building with a 9mm handgun.,1 +" ""This is a president who does not have respect for the rule of the law,"" he said."," ""This is a president who does not have respect for the rule of the law,"" Schneiderman said.",1 +" Nationwide, 10 sites last month were designated as ""proving grounds"" for automated vehicles by the U.S."," Nationwide, 10 sites were designated last month as ""proving grounds"" for automated vehicles by the U.S.",1 +"On Wednesday afternoon, Trump was to meet with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who has favored remaining in the deal."," He was to meet later Wednesday with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who has favored remaining in the agreement.",1 +Regulators fined Wells Fargo $185 million after employees opened millions of customer accounts fraudulently to meet sales goals.,Regulators fined the bank $185 million after employees opened millions of customer accounts fraudulently to meet sales goals.,1 +But several states have challenged the ban and insisted that Trump's executive order is unconstitutional.,But several states have challenged the ban on travelers from seven predominantly Muslim nations and insisted that it is unconstitutional.,0 +Israeli security forces dismantled Amona earlier in the day amid clashes between police and dozens of hard-line settlers who had barricaded themselves inside a synagogue., Israeli security forces dismantled Amona earlier in the day amid clashes between police and dozens of hard-line settlers who had barricaded themselves inside a synagogue.,0 +They said evidence included genetic material found under victim Karina Vetrano's fingernails and on her phone and neck.,They say evidence including genetic material was found under victim Karina Vetrano's fingernails and on her phone and neck.,1 + --- Associated Press writer Mark Sherman contributed to this report., --- Associated Press writers Mark Sherman and Ken Thomas contributed to this report.,1 +"""God is watching what you're doing,"" one woman yelled at Republican lawmakers before being escorted out."," ""God is watching what you're doing,"" one woman yelled at Republican lawmakers before being escorted out.",0 +But it didn't take the group long to need a new approach.,But it didn't take long before IS needed a new approach.,1 +"Kennedy ripped Rauner's pro-business legislative agenda and blamed him for Illinois' more than one-year state budget stalemate, saying he's inflicting ""suffering and chaos"" on Illinois.","Kennedy ripped Rauner's pro-business legislative agenda and blamed him for Illinois' nearly two-year state budget stalemate, saying he's inflicting ""suffering and chaos"" on Illinois.",0 +" Word of Trump's expected decision comes a day after the president met with Scott Pruitt, the administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency.", Word of Trump's expected decision came a day after the president met with Pruitt.,1 +" The judge's order was a victory for Washington and Minnesota, which had challenged Trump's directive."," The judge's decision was a victory for Washington and Minnesota, which had challenged Trump's directive.",0 +"Firas Mehdi said, cautioning the AP journalists with the special forces unit to remain under cover during an outing in December.","Firas Mehdi said, cautioning AP journalists who were traveling with the special forces unit in December to remain under cover.",1 +" ""We cannot and will not accept unilateral, coercive changes to the status quo"" in the South China Sea, he said.","""We cannot and will not accept unilateral, coercive changes to the status quo."" Rep.",0 +" Fearing Garcia de Rayos would be return to Mexico, dozens of immigration activists Wednesday night blocked the gates surrounding the ICE office in Phoenix."," Ahead of Garcia de Rayos' deportation, dozens of immigration activists Wednesday night blocked the gates of ICE's Phoenix office.",1 + Defense Secretary Jim Mattis allayed many of those concerns during a trip last week to Japan and South Korea., Defense Secretary Jim Mattis allayed many of those concerns during a trip to Japan and South Korea last week.,0 +The worst damage was in the same 9th Ward that was so heavily flooded in Hurricane Katrina.,The worst damage was in the same 9th Ward that was so heavily flooded in 2005's Hurricane Katrina.,1 + The high tide allowed volunteers their one shot of the day to help the whales., The high tide allowed volunteers their one shot of the day to help some of the whales.,0 +" Thursday's storm is expected to last 6 to 10 hours, said Carl Erickson, a senior meteorologist with AccuWeather in State College, Pennsylvania."," Thursday's storm was expected to last 6 to 10 hours, said Carl Erickson, a senior meteorologist with AccuWeather in State College, Pennsylvania.",0 +" Modi's two-day visit to Washington, which starts Sunday, takes place amid uncertainty over the relationship because of differences on trade and other issues.", Their meeting comes amid uncertainty over the relationship because of differences on trade and other issues.,1 + Lawyer Harrison Nkomo argued that calling for the resignation of a sitting president is within Mawarire's constitutional rights.," Lawyer Harrison Nkomo argued Friday that calling for the resignation of a sitting president is within Mawarire's constitutional rights, as is challenging government policies.",1 +He also suspended the admission of all refugees for 120 days and indefinitely barred the processing of refugees from Syria.,He also suspended the admission of all refugees for 120 days and indefinitely barred refugees from Syria.,0 +"In nominating Gorsuch, President Donald Trump said he fulfilled a campaign pledge to pick someone in the mold of Scalia.","In nominating Gorsuch, Trump said he fulfilled a campaign pledge to pick someone in the mold of Scalia.",0 +" The Mercedes division had its best quarter for unit sales ever, with 2.4 billion euros ($2.8 billion) in operating profit.","On the bright side, the Mercedes division had its best quarter for unit sales ever and 2.4 billion euros ($2.8 billion) in operating profit.",1 +" Unlike the U.S., most countries separate their air traffic control operations from their aviation safety oversight agency."," Unlike the U.S., most countries separate air traffic control duties from their aviation-safety agencies.",1 +""" He said the administration is expecting potential new court challenges, but suggests the White House will be better prepared."," He said the administration is expecting potential new court challenges, but suggests the White House will be better prepared.",0 + Premier Sorin Grindeanu withdrew the decree but protests have continued.," Premier Sorin Grindeanu and his cabinet repealed the measure on Feb. 5, but protests have continued daily.",1 + The Northern New Jersey Council has agreed to change their policies in accordance with state laws against discrimination., The council also agreed to change its policies in accordance with state laws prohibiting discrimination.,0 + The catchall spending bill would be the first major piece of bipartisan legislation to advance during President Donald Trump's short tenure in the White House., The catchall spending bill would be the first major piece of bipartisan legislation to advance during Trump's short tenure in the White House.,0 +"Sixty supplemental buses were available, but only eight were used.",Sixty supplemental buses were available but only eight were used.,0 +"And that's what we're doing,"" Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson said when announcing his lawsuit against Trump's executive order.","And that's what we're doing,"" Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson said Monday when announcing his lawsuit against Trump's executive order.",1 +"The cause of the fire, in the No. 1 reactor building, was not immediately clear.","The cause of the fire, in the machine room of the No. 1 reactor, was under investigation.",1 + Bercow's intervention is unusual because Speakers are expected to remain above Parliament's partisan fray., Bercow's comments were unusual because speakers in the British Parliament are expected to remain above the partisan fray.,0 +" The judge then questioned federal government's lawyer, Michelle Bennett, about Trump's rationale."," The judge then questioned the federal government's lawyer, Michelle Bennett, about Trump's rationale.",0 +" BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) -- Notable events in the dispute over the four-state, $3.8 billion Dakota Access oil pipeline."," BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) -- Notable events in the dispute over the Dakota Access oil pipeline.",1 +The House and Senate have until Friday at midnight to pass the measure to avert a government shutdown.,the House and Senate have until midnight Friday to pass the measure to avert a government shutdown.,0 + The machine room housing turbines that produce electricity is a non-nuclear area of the plant.," The machine room, which houses turbines that produce electricity, is a non-nuclear area of the plant.",1 +" Couillard said he would ""not go there"" when asked if he blamed rhetoric in in the U.S. for the attack."," Couillard said he would ""not go there"" when asked if he blamed recent rhetoric in in the U.S. for the attack.",0 + But the election was marred by reports of widespread graft in a country recently ranked as the world's most corrupt by Transparency International.,But the election was marred by reports of widespread graft in a country recently ranked as the world's most corrupt by Transparency International.,0 +" ""At the moment, a visit to Konya is possible but not to Incirlik,"" Cavusoglu said during the news conference with Germany's Sigmar Gabriel.",""" ""At the moment, a visit to Konya is possible but not to Incirlik,"" Cavusoglu said at a news conference with German counterpart Sigmar Gabriel.",0 +" Authorities don't know whether anyone else has been injured, Bratz said.","Authorities don't know whether anyone else has been injured, he said.",0 +" In the end, no shots were fired, no one was injured and the cows were set free."," In the wash, a tense standoff ended with no shots fired, no one injured and the cows set free.",0 +" Workers at several banks downtown were replacing broken windows Thursday, repairing damaged cash machines and cleaning graffiti from brick walls."," Workers at several banks replaced broken windows Thursday, repaired damaged cash machines and cleaned graffiti from walls.",1 +"He stayed at the hotel with a woman and a child, and Kim said he never noticed anything out of the ordinary.",He stayed at the hotel with a woman and a child.,1 +" Bopp, a conservative Indiana lawyer, said current Texas laws infringe on the Houston group's free speech.",""" Bopp said current Texas campaign finance laws infringe on the Houston group's free speech.",1 + Over the summer the agency had to take about one-third of its regional railroad fleet out of service because of a defect.,"Over the summer, it took about one-third of its regional railroad fleet out of service because of a defect.",0 +"Last year, police cracked down on the street protests, and Mugabe said people unhappy with the situation in Zimbabwe should leave.","Police cracked down on last year's protests, and Mugabe said people unhappy with the situation in Zimbabwe should leave.",1 +But several states have challenged the ban on travelers from seven predominantly Muslim nations and insisted that it is unconstitutional.,But several states have fought the ban on travelers from seven predominantly Muslim nations and insisted that it is unconstitutional.,1 + Their Oval Office meeting Friday will be followed by a joint press conference and a working lunch.," Trump and Abe will hold talks in the Oval Office on Friday, followed by a joint news conference and a working lunch.",1 +" A small, black rotary drone flew over their position from the IS held neighborhood just a few hundred meters away.","A small, black rotary drone flew over their position from the IS-held neighborhood just a few hundred meters away.",0 + Artie Chaney said her granddaughter had just pulled up to the house from school.," Artie Chaney said her granddaughter pulled up to the house from school as a hailstorm fell, just ahead of the tornado.",1 +"Last month, the younger son died during what should have been a routine surgery.","Last month, their younger son died during what should have been routine surgery.",1 +He will be only the second foreign leader to meet Trump since he took office.,Abe will be only the second foreign leader to meet with Trump since the Republican took office last month.,1 +"Like his boss, Pruitt has questioned the consensus of climate scientists that the Earth is warming and that man-made climate emissions are to blame.","Like his boss, the EPA head has questioned the consensus of climate scientists that the Earth is warming and that man-made emissions are to blame.",0 + LONDON (AP) -- Britain's Royal Air Force says that fighter jets have escorted a civilian airliner to Stansted Airport after a passenger became disruptive.," LONDON (AP) -- British fighter jets escorted a Pakistani civilian airliner to Stansted Airport near London on Tuesday after a passenger became disruptive, authorities said.",1 +"Most people don't know that because it didn't get covered,"" Conway said.","""Most people don't know that because it didn't get covered.",1 +"Terrible!"" It was re-tweeted more than 4,000 times in less than 30 minutes.","Terrible!"" It was re-tweeted more than 6,000 times in less than an hour.",1 +" For decades, U.S. presidents have joined the international community in condemning the settlements as obstacles to peace."," For decades, U.S. presidents have joined the international community in condemning the settlements.",1 +"Also in response, Seattle city officials last October ended negotiations with Wells Fargo over a $100-million bond deal for the city's electric utility.","Also in response, Seattle officials last October ended negotiations with Wells Fargo over a $100 million bond deal for the city's electric utility.",0 +Senate to reject former Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt as administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency and Alabama Sen.,Senate to reject Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt as administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency and Alabama Sen.,0 +"Two devastating earthquakes hit northwestern Turkey in 1999, killing some 18,000 people.","Two devastating earthquakes hit northwestern Turkey in 1999, killing around 18,000 people.",0 +"He told the inspector general he had no knowledge of anybody trying to ""rosy-up intelligence.","He told the inspector general he had no knowledge ""of anybody trying to downplay or rosy-up intelligence.",1 + Gavin McInnes was invited to speak on campus Thursday night by the NYU College Republicans., McInnes was invited to speak by the NYU College Republicans.,1 +AP writer Gillian Flaccus and AP Researcher Rhonda Shafner contributed to this report.,Associated Press writer Gillian Flaccus and AP Researcher Rhonda Shafner contributed to this report.,1 +"Most were destroyed by IS as they retreated, Iraqi officers at the factory said."," Most of the completed drones were destroyed by IS fighters as they retreated, Iraqi officers at the warehouse said.",1 + LONDON (AP) -- The Speaker of Britain's House of Commons says he strongly opposes letting U.S., LONDON (AP) -- The Speaker of Britain's House of Commons said Monday that he strongly opposes letting U.S.,0 + --- This gallery was curated by Associated Press photo editor Hiroshi Otabe in Tokyo., --- This gallery was curated by Associated Press photo editor Wally Santana in Bangkok.,1 + More than 50 people were at the Quebec Islamic Cultural Centre when the shooting erupted Sunday night.,""" More than 50 people were at the Quebec Islamic Cultural Centre when the shooting erupted.",1 +"A version passed in March by the state Senate went further, permitting immigration inquires of anyone who is detained, including during traffic stops.","A version passed in March by the state Senate went further, permitting immigration questions for anyone detained.",1 +" The case against Liviu Dragnea, one of Romania's most powerful politicians, comes from the time when he was a regional party chief."," The case against Liviu Dragnea, leader of the ruling Social Democratic Party, stems from his time as a regional party chief.",1 + The White House said Monday it is studying the details of an Iranian ballistic missile test., The White House said on Monday that it is studying the details of an Iranian ballistic missile test.,0 +" The Kremlin published Putin's decree on Tuesday to pardon 46-year old Oksana Sevastidi, who was sentenced to seven years in prison in March 2016.", The Kremlin published Putin's decree on Tuesday to pardon 46-year-old Oksana Sevastidi on humanitarian grounds.,1 +" What's more, an officer then reported shutting down an ""illegal rave with drug and alcohol sales"" on March 1, 2015."," What's more, an officer reported shutting down an ""illegal rave with drug and alcohol sales"" on March 1, 2015.",0 + The AP National Investigative Team can be reached at investigate@ap.org, --- The AP National Investigative Team can be reached at investigate@ap.org,0 +" They are not numbered, but are sometimes published in the Federal Register, which gives the paperwork a little bit more status when that happens."," They are not numbered, but are sometimes published in the Federal Register, which gives the paperwork a little bit more status.",1 +Mehdi himself had been hit with shrapnel in his leg when a drone dropped a small bomb on his position a week earlier., Mehdi himself had been hit with shrapnel in his leg when a drone dropped a small bomb on his position a week earlier.,0 +"More important, it was unanimous despite the fact that the panel included judges appointed by Democratic and Republican presidents.","More important, though, it was unanimous even though the panel included judges appointed by Democratic and Republican presidents.",0 +State Department spokesman Mark Toner said the U.S. was looking into whether the ballistic missile test violates the U.N.,State Department spokesman Mark Toner said the U.S. was looking into whether the ballistic missile test violates a 2015 United Nations Security Council resolution.,1 + The speed with which the center-left government approved the proposal and the hour of its action alarmed critics at home and abroad., The speed with which the center-left government approved the proposal and the hour of its action alarmed critics.,1 +The 8-year-old had been asked to leave his Scout troop after parents and leaders found out he is transgender.," Eight-year-old Joe Maldonado was asked to leave his scout troop in Secaucus, New Jersey, last fall after parents and leaders found out he is transgender.",1 +"White House press secretary Sean Spicer predicted ""it will be implemented flawlessly"" because of the due diligence of officials.","White House press secretary Sean Spicer predicted last week ""it will be implemented flawlessly"" because of the due diligence of officials.",1 +" Meanwhile, attorneys and federal judges worked to clear a path for some of those who were turned away."," Meanwhile, attorneys and federal judges are working to clear a path for some of those who were turned away.",1 + WASHINGTON (AP) -- The daily White House press briefing has gone high-tech., WASHINGTON (AP) -- The daily White House press briefing went high-tech Wednesday.,1 +Central Command did not exaggerate the progress the U.S. was making in fighting Islamic State militants.,"Central Command did not exaggerate the progress the U.S. was making in fighting Islamic State militants, two U.S. officials said.",1 +It was the site of the state's death row and where executions were carried out., The prison opened in 1971 and was the site of the state's death row and where executions were carried out.,1 +" Atlanta isn't on the list, but city officials nevertheless hope to make an impact.","Atlanta isn't on the list, but city officials nevertheless hope to make an impact.",0 +"""My God, all the picture frames fell on the ground and I have no idea how I ran out."," ""My God, all the picture frames fell on the ground and I have no idea how I ran out.",0 +""" --- Associated Press writers Paul Elias in Berkeley and Jonathan J. Cooper in Sacramento contributed to this report.", --- Associated Press writers Tim Reiterman in San Francisco and Jonathan J. Cooper in Sacramento contributed to this report.,1 +" --- Associated Press writers Sarah Rankin in Richmond, Virginia, and David Dishneau in Hagerstown, Maryland, contributed to this report."," --- Associated Press writers Sarah Rankin in Richmond, Virginia, David Dishneau in Hagerstown, Maryland, and Sarah Brumfield in Washington, D.C., contributed to this report.",1 +He is one of the Parliamentary officials who would have to agree on an invitation by a foreign dignitary to address lawmakers and peers.,He is one of the parliamentary officials who would have to agree on inviting a foreign dignitary to address lawmakers and peers.,1 + Netanyahu vehemently opposes the 2015 international agreement that imposed curbs on Tehran's nuclear program in exchange for lifting sanctions - a deal Britain backs.,Netanyahu vehemently opposes the 2015 international agreement that imposed curbs on Tehran's nuclear program in exchange for lifting sanctions.,1 +The family has been pursuing a U.S. visa for her since then.,The family has been pursuing a U.S. visa for the girl since then.,1 +"They share a populist streak and a knack for using social media, and are likely to find common ground on combating Islamic extremism."," They share a populist streak and a knack for using social media, and are likely to find common ground on combating Islamic extremism.",0 +""" Purcell said there was an ""overwhelming amount of evidence"" to show that the order was directed at the Muslim religion, which is unconstitutional.",""" Purcell said there is an ""overwhelming amount of evidence"" to show the order is unconstitutionally directed at the Muslim religion.",0 + Trump has also criticized China's activities in the South China Sea and suggested he might use Taiwan as leverage in negotiations.," Trump has also criticized China's activities in the South China Sea, where it has built man-made islands with military features.",0 +Circuit Court of Appeals was the latest salvo in a high-stakes legal fight surrounding Trump's order., The filing with the appeals court was the latest salvo in a high-stakes legal fight surrounding Trump's order.,0 +" There were no details on the suspects' nationalities, who were allegedly taking orders from high-level IS members in Syria."," There were no details on the nationalities of the suspects, who were allegedly taking orders from high-level IS members in Syria.",1 +"The group had, after heated internal debate, decided in 2013 to allow openly gay youth as scouts.",The group decided in 2013 - after heated debate - to allow openly gay youth as scouts.,0 + If she loses one more Republican - and all Democrats vote against her - the nomination dies.,If she loses the support of one more Republican - and all Democrats vote against her - the nomination dies.,0 +" The president's tweet said: ""My daughter Ivanka has been treated so unfairly by @Nordstrom."," ""My daughter Ivanka has been treated so unfairly by @Nordstrom.",0 +"Like Scalia, he is a gifted writer with a flair for turning legal jargon into plain language people can understand.","Like Scalia, Gorsuch is a gifted writer with a flair for turning legal jargon into plain language people can understand.",1 +The second temblor occurred at 1:58 p.m. (1058 GMT) and was centered in Ayvacik.,The second temblor hit at 1:58 p.m. (1058 GMT) and was centered in Ayvacik.,1 +" Fillon has said he paid two of his children, ""who were lawyers,"" for ""specific assignments"" when he was a senator."," Fillon has confirmed that he paid two of his children, ""who were lawyers,"" for ""specific assignments"" when he was a senator.",1 + Atlanta would be among the largest urban areas testing so-called autonomous vehicles if its plans come together., Atlanta would become one of the largest urban areas for testing self-driving vehicles if plans come together for a demonstration as early as September.,1 +" North Korea also has said it is nearly ready to test-launch a ballistic missile of intercontinental range, meaning it could theoretically threat the United States.","North Korea has said it was nearly ready to test-launch a ballistic missile of intercontinental range, meaning it could theoretically threat the United States.",0 +" The armed officer, Scott Von Lanken of Loveland, was wearing a dark blue uniform similar to those worn by police."," Von Lanken of Loveland, was wearing a dark blue uniform similar to those worn by police when he was shot.",1 + Two state courts so far have upheld the Texas campaign finance laws at issue in the case., Two state courts so far have upheld the Texas campaign finance laws at issue.,0 +"Near whiteout conditions are possible, with the snow expected to fall at a clip of 2 to 4 inches per hour at its peak.","Near whiteout conditions were possible, with the snow expected to fall at a clip of 2 to 4 inches per hour at its peak.",0 +"The position is considered nonpartisan, although about half of the 70-plus inspectors general are appointed by the president;","The position is considered nonpartisan, although about half of the 70-plus inspectors general are appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate;",1 +""" Rausch said the enrollment decision goes into effect immediately.", The Boys Scouts said the enrollment decision goes into effect immediately.,0 + Mativo said the Kenyan government had not proved Somalia is safe for the refugees to return.," President Uhuru Kenyatta's government has also not proved Somalia is safe for the refugees to return, Mativo said.",1 +" The U.S. is the world's second largest emitter of carbon, following only China."," The U.S. is the world's second-largest emitter of carbon, following only China.",0 +Operating earnings at the luxury brand rose 53 percent to 2.56 billion.,"Operating earnings at the luxury brand rose 53 percent to 2.56 billion euros, driven by higher vehicle prices and sales of new SUVs.",1 +" The Anadolu Agency says Sunday that 60 IS suspects, the vast majority of them foreigners, were taken into custody in the capital, Ankara."," The Anadolu Agency said 60 IS suspects, the vast majority of them foreigners, were taken into custody early Sunday in the capital, Ankara.",0 +"He also said he thinks China, which is North Korea's closest ally, ultimately will see it as a liability.",He also said he thinks China ultimately will see it as a liability rather than an asset.,0 +" Trump on Monday denied his order was to blame for chaos at the nation's airports over the weekend, instead pointing to computer glitches and protesters."," Trump denied his order was to blame for chaos at the nation's airports over the weekend, instead pointing to computer glitches and protesters.",0 +"One hostage was released Wednesday afternoon, but four remained in custody and negotiations were ongoing as the evening stretched on, authorities said.","One hostage was released Wednesday afternoon and another was released hours later, leaving authorities negotiating into the evening for the last two being held.",1 +"and Michelle Smith in Providence, Rhode Island, contributed to this report.","Michelle Smith and Matt O'Brien in Providence, Rhode Island contributed to this report.",1 +Ted Cruz with misrepresenting remarks he'd made at an earlier hearing.,"Ted Cruz, of misrepresenting remarks he'd made in Sessions' hearing several weeks earlier.",1 + The president said he did not believe the decision undercut his presidency., Trump said he did not believe the unanimous decision undercut his presidency.,0 + The judges hearing the arguments - two Democrat-appointed judges and one Republican appointee - are from a randomly assigned panel., The panel hearing the arguments includes two Democrat-appointed judges and one Republican appointee.,1 +"Other officers responded to help, and five Department of Corrections employees were taken hostage.","Other officers responded to help, and the employees were taken hostage, he said.",1 + One group of protesters scuffled with police who blocked their path.,"While at least one group of protesters scuffled with police who blocked their path, the streets were mostly calm.",1 +" The NLD said Ko Ni was irreplaceable, both to Suu Kyi and the party."," Ko Ni ""is irreplaceable for both Aung San Suu Kyi and the party,"" Suu Kyi's ruling National League for Democracy party said in a statement.",1 + Mattis spoke to reporters aboard his military plane Thursday en route to Seoul from Washington., Mattis spoke to reporters aboard his military plane en route to Osan air base from Washington.,1 +" Officials also are warning of high winds, coastal flooding and power outages."," Officials also warned of high winds, coastal flooding and possible power outages.",1 +Tom Wolf's administration to institute a software program that could create unique tests for cadet classes., The state police said they plan to institute a software program that could create unique tests for cadet classes.,1 +" --- Associated Press writer Suzan Fraser in Ankara, Turkey contributed."," --- Associated Press writer Suzan Fraser in Ankara, Turkey, contributed.",1 +"Under 9th Circuit case law, temporary restraining orders cannot be appealed, a point noted by the states in their briefing to the court.","Under 9th Circuit case law, temporary restraining orders cannot be appealed, a point noted by the states.",0 +" --- Associated Press writer Sarah Rankin in Richmond, Virginia, contributed to this report."," --- AP writer Sarah Rankin in Richmond, Virginia, contributed to this report.",0 + Boy Scouts of America leaders lifted a blanket ban on gay troop leaders and employees in July 2015.,""" Boy Scouts of America leaders lifted a blanket ban on gay troop leaders and employees in July 2015 amid intense pressure.",0 + --- Associated Press writers Jill Colvin and Michael Biesecker contributed from Washington.," --- Associated Press writers Jill Colvin and Michael Biesecker in Washington, and Lorne Cook in Brussels, contributed to this report.",1 +"Mideast policy for decades, and he has surrounded himself with advisers with deep ties to the settlement movement.","Mideast policy, and he has surrounded himself with advisers with deep ties to the settlement movement.",0 +Both sources requested anonymity as they weren't authorized to discuss the potential deal.,The staffer was not authorized to discuss the potential deal and requested anonymity.,1 + --- Associated Press writer Jonathan Lemire contributed reporting from New York.,""" --- Associated Press writer Jonathan Lemire in New York and Jill Colvin in Washington contributed to this report.",1 + A news release from the Delaware Department of Correction says the 14 were released about 12:30 a.m., A news release from the Delaware Department of Correction said 14 more inmates were released about 12:30 a.m.,1 +"One suspect was wanted for membership in a terror organization, according to the governor's office.","One suspect was wanted for membership in a terror organization, according to the Gaziantep provincial governor's office.",1 + --- Associated Press contributors include Jeff Martin in Atlanta and Janet McConnaughey and Chevel Johnson in New Orleans.," --- Associated Press writers Jeff Martin in Atlanta and Janet McConnaughey, Chevel Johnson, Rebecca Santana and Gerald Herbert in New Orleans contributed to this report.",1 +" Flamanville has two 1,300 megawatt reactors, the first in operation since 1985, and the second since 1986."," Flamanville has two 1,300-megawatt reactors, in operation since 1985 and 1986.",0 + Building records released previously and the documents released Wednesday show some city officials aware of activity inside the warehouse., Building records released previously and the documents provided Wednesday show some city officials were aware of activity inside the warehouse.,1 +"Forty Democratic senators sent Trump a letter urging him to stay in, saying a withdrawal would hurt America's credibility and influence on the world stage."," In Congress, 40 Democratic senators sent Trump a letter saying withdrawal would hurt America's credibility and influence on the world stage.",1 + Oakland Police officers responded to several landlord-tenant disputes at the warehouse in recent years., The records show Oakland police officers responded to several landlord-tenant disputes at in recent years.,1 + WASHINGTON (AP) -- A Defense Department review concludes that senior leaders at the U.S., WASHINGTON (AP) -- A Defense Department review delivered to Congress on Tuesday concludes that senior leaders at the U.S.,1 +" While the financial oversight order won't have any immediate impact, the administration's intent is clear."," While the order on Dodd-Frank, named after its Democratic sponsors, won't have an immediate impact, Trump's intent is clear.",1 +"She has spent more than two decades advocating for charter schools in her home state of Michigan, as well as promoting conservative religious values.","She has spent more than two decades advocating for charter schools in her home state of Michigan, as well as promoting conservative values.",0 + But his approval rating had been falling in opinion surveys on who should succeed impeached President Park Geun-hye., But his approval ratings have been falling in opinion surveys on who should succeed Park.,1 + Krenwinkel was a 19-year-old secretary living with her older sister when she met the then-33-year-old Manson at a party., She was a 19-year-old secretary living with her older sister when she met the 33-year-old Manson at a party.,0 +" ""Universities should be the most open, the most welcoming harbor of all ideas, left or right,"" Republican state Sen."," ""Universities should be the most open, the most welcoming harbor of all ideas, left or right,"" GOP state Sen.",1 +"Similar efforts have collapsed in the past, though, meaning the issue isn't yet fully settled.","Similar efforts have collapsed in the past, meaning the issue isn't yet fully settled.",0 +" Pence and Flynn spoke twice on Friday, according to an administration official."," Flynn spoke with the vice president about the matter twice on Friday, according to an administration official.",1 +"After a hearing, Dragnea said he was innocent and that testimony against him was false.",Dragnea said after a hearing in his trial that he was innocent and that the testimony implicating him was false.,0 + WASHINGTON (AP) -- Donald Trump's nomination of Betsy DeVos as education secretary could be in trouble., WASHINGTON (AP) -- Donald Trump's nomination of Betsy DeVos as education secretary appears to be in trouble.,0 +"The next hearing is March 28. Romania's center-left government passed a decree last month decriminalizing official misconduct, which would have helped Dragnea.","The next hearing is March 28. Romania's center-left government passed an emergency decree last month decriminalizing official misconduct, which would have helped Dragnea.",1 +""" Connecticut Attorney General George Jepsen said he has spoken with advocacy groups about legal strategies.", Connecticut Attorney General George Jepsen said he has spoken with advocacy groups about legal strategies.,0 +Withdrawing would leave the United States aligned only with Russia among the world's industrialized economies in rejecting action to combat climate change.,Withdrawing would leave the United States aligned only with Russia among the world's industrialized economies.,1 +""" Bennett argued that the states can't sue on behalf of citizens and the states have failed to show the order is causing irreparable harm.",""" Bennett argued that the states can't sue on behalf of citizens, and the states have failed to show the order is causing irreparable harm.",0 + ISTANBUL (AP) -- Turkey's state-run agency says anti-terrorism police have detained over 420 people over alleged links to the Islamic State group.," ISTANBUL (AP) -- Turkey's anti-terrorism police have detained over 440 people for alleged links to the Islamic State group, the state-run agency reported Sunday.",1 + NEW YORK (AP) -- Twitter is broadening its campaign to clamp down on hate speech and abuse., NEW YORK (AP) -- Twitter has broadened its campaign against hate speech and abuse.,1 +" According to the department's website, the prison is Delaware's largest correctional facility for men."," According to the department's website, the prison is Delaware's largest correctional facility for men, with about 2,500 inmates.",1 + The 30-year-old woman was attacked while running near her Queens home on Aug., The 30-year-old Vetrano was attacked while running near her Queens home on Aug.,1 +The Boy Scouts then reversed their ban on transgender boys when Maldonado's story gained attention.,The Boy Scouts of America in January announced it had reversed its ban on transgender boys after Joe's story gained national attention.,1 + The government on Tuesday evening also sent to Parliament a proposal that will pardon thousands of prisoners for non-violent crimes., The government on Tuesday evening also sent to Parliament a proposal that would pardon thousands of prisoners for non-violent crimes.,0 +Police said they did not believe there were other suspects but were investigating.,They said they did not believe there were other suspects but were investigating.,0 + The official wasn't authorized to speak publicly about the report and demanded anonymity., The officials were not authorized to speak publicly about the report and demanded anonymity.,1 + WASHINGTON (AP) -- A Defense Department review delivered to Congress on Tuesday concludes that senior leaders at the U.S., WASHINGTON (AP) -- An independent Pentagon review concludes that intelligence about U.S. progress fighting the Islamic State group wasn't falsified under President Barack Obama.,1 + Iraqi security forces report seeing drones used by IS for surveillance as early as 2015 in the fight for Ramadi in Iraq's western Anbar province., Iraqi security forces report seeing IS surveillance drones as early as 2015 in the fight for Ramadi in Iraq's western Anbar province.,1 +" All petitions with more than 100,000 signatures are eligible for debate in parliament - but not a binding vote."," All petitions that receive more than 100,000 signatures are eligible for debate in parliament, though not a binding vote.",0 +" Less than three weeks into Trump's presidency, the Democratic leaders tried to emphasize their unity."," Less than three weeks into Trump's presidency, New York Rep.",0 +""" The controversy surrounding Flynn comes as the young administration grapples with a series of national security challenges, including North Korea's reported ballistic missile launch."," The controversy surrounding Flynn comes as the young administration grapples with a series of national security challenges, including North Korea's reported ballistic missile launch.",0 +"They sometimes issue a presidential memorandum, which still amounts to an order from the president.","They sometimes issue presidential memoranda, which still amount to orders from the president.",0 +The White House has argued that it will make the country safer., The White House has argued that it will make the country safer.,0 +Recent regulations can be negated on a simple majority vote of both chambers and the president's signature.,Regulations imposed since June 13 can be invalidated on a simple majority vote of both GOP-led chambers and the president's signature.,1 +UC Berkeley is the birthplace of the free-speech movement and has been known for more than a half-century as a bastion of tolerance., UC Berkeley is the birthplace of the free-speech movement and has been known for more than a half-century as a bastion of tolerance.,0 +"It saw Senate Republicans trigger the ""nuclear option"" to eliminate the 60-vote filibuster threshold for all future high court nominees.","It saw Senate Republicans trigger the ""nuclear option"" to eliminate the 60-vote filibuster threshold for Gorsuch and all future high court nominees.",1 +" ""We need actions rather than words to strop the Israeli settlements expansion, which is violating the international law and killing the two-state solution,"" Zomlot added."," ""We need actions rather than words to stop the Israeli settlements expansion, which is violating the international law and killing the two-state solution,"" Zomlot added.",0 + WFP spokeswoman Bettina Luescher told reporters in Geneva on Tuesday that Cousin has informed staffers at the U.N. food assistance agency and U.N., WFP spokeswoman Bettina Luescher told reporters in Geneva on Tuesday that Cousin has informed U.N.,1 +" The Paris court on Monday convicted ""Spiderman"" Vjeran Tomic of stealing the paintings and sentenced him to eight years in prison."," The Paris court convicted ""Spiderman"" Vjeran Tomic of stealing the paintings and sentenced him to eight years in prison.",0 +" The paintings - by Picasso, Matisse, Modigliani, Braque and Fernand Leger - have not been seen since the dramatic 2010 heist.",") The paintings - by Picasso, Matisse, Modigliani, Braque and Fernand Leger - have not been seen since the dramatic 2010 heist.",0 + State Councilor Yang Jiechi is Chinese President Xi Jinping's top foreign policy adviser and a familiar face in Washington., Yang is Chinese President Xi Jinping's top foreign policy adviser and a familiar face in Washington.,1 +" Later, inmates reached out to The News Journal in Wilmington in two phone calls to explain their actions and make demands."," Earlier in the day, inmates reached out to The News Journal in Wilmington in two phone calls to explain their actions and make demands.",1 +Army Corps of Engineers grants pipeline permits at more than 200 water crossings., July 2016 - The Army Corps of Engineers grants pipeline permits at more than 200 water crossings.,1 +" ""My advice is, let's look for a sanctuary, a church that might wanna take you in if you wanna do that."," ""My advice is, let's look for a sanctuary, a church that might want to take you in if you want to do that.",0 +The deal is estimated to be worth about $2 billion.,"The deal, estimated to be worth about $2 billion, is still subject to congressional approval.",0 + But at least one other Republican wouldn't commit to supporting her.,""" But at least one other Republican wouldn't commit to supporting her.",0 +It temporarily halts immigration from seven Muslim-majority nations and suspends the United States' refugee program.," Civil liberties advocates have challenged the order, which temporarily suspends immigration from seven countries and the United States' entire refugee program.",1 +The German troops are part of the international coalition against the Islamic State group., The German troops at Incirlik are part of the international coalition against the Islamic State group.,0 +" --- AP writer Sarah Rankin in Richmond, Virginia, contributed to this report."," --- AP writers Sarah Rankin in Richmond, Virginia, and David Dishneau in Hagerstown, Maryland, contributed to this report.",1 + Prosecutor Edmore Nyazamba argued that the pastor should remain in custody until investigations are complete., Prosecutor Edmore Nyazamba had argued that Mawarire was a flight risk and should be kept in custody pending trial.,1 + The Texas House bill originally allowed local law enforcement officers to inquire about federal immigration status only if someone is arrested., The Texas House proposal originally allowed local law enforcement officers to inquire about federal immigration status only if someone is arrested.,0 +" Israeli nationalists, including Netanyahu, defend the settlements on both security and religious grounds."," Israeli nationalists, including Netanyahu, defend the settlements on both security grounds and the historic religious ties to the territory.",1 + Local television images showed investigators on the team looking into suspected bribes paid to authorities by the Odebrecht construction company entering Toledo's home., Local television images showed investigators who are on the team looking into suspected bribes paid by the Odebrecht construction company entering Toledo's home.,1 +", ""We are advising residents in affected areas of Lesbos to remain outdoors until buildings can be inspected."" senior seismologist Efthimios Lekkas said."," ""We are advising residents in affected areas of Lesbos to remain outdoors until buildings can be inspected,"" senior seismologist Efthimios Lekkas said.",0 +" Turkey in the last year has suffered dozens of deadly attacks linked to IS or Kurdish militants, and has been stepping up its anti-terrorism efforts."," Last year, Turkey suffered a series of deadly attacks carried out by IS or Kurdish militants and has stepped up anti-terrorism operations across the country.",1 +The change allowed the Senate to hold a final vote with a simple majority.,The change allowed the Senate to hold a final vote to approve Gorsuch with a simple majority.,1 +The organization had previously held a policy that relied on the gender listed on a child's birth certificate for those programs.,The Boy Scouts had previously held a policy that relied on the gender listed on a child's birth certificate for those programs.,0 +" Inwood said that whale strandings occur most years at Farewell Spit, but that the scale of this stranding had come as a shock."," Inwood said whale strandings occur most years at Farewell Spit, but that the scale of this stranding had come as a shock.",0 +Associated Press writer Sean Farrell in Montreal contributed to this report.,AP writer Sean Farrell in Montreal contributed to this report.,0 +"Years of conflict and al-Shabab attacks, along with famine, left this Horn of Africa country of about 12 million people largely shattered.","Years of conflict and al-Shabab attacks, along with famine, left this Horn of Africa country of some 12 million people shattered.",0 +The individuals weren't authorized to discuss the unannounced sanctions publicly and insisted on anonymity.,The individuals weren't authorized to discuss the unannounced sanctions publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity.,1 +The original indictment said Milidragovic fired his pistol at those who still showed signs of life after the carnage.,The indictment said Milidragovic fired his pistol at those who still showed signs of life after the carnage.,0 + The raucous scene unfolded as police and military forces patrolled central Cape Town to guard against protesters who want Zuma to quit.,"In the surrounding streets of Cape Town, police and hundreds of military forces patrolled to guard against protesters who want Zuma to quit.",1 +"Jeran has been accepted to the University of Toledo to begin a masters' program, said Goldberg.","'"" Jeran has been accepted to the University of Toledo to begin a masters' program in March, Goldberg said.",1 +"There's no appetite in Germany, which faces elections in September, for making concessions to the Turkish government."," There is no appetite in Germany, which faces elections in September, for making concessions to the Turkish government.",0 + The legislation passed Tuesday calls out Wells Fargo for a number of enforcement orders issued against it in recent years., The measure passed Tuesday calls out Wells Fargo for a number of enforcement orders issued against it in recent years.,0 + The Pentagon's inspector general spent 16 months investigating complaints from intelligence analysts who alleged that senior officials at the U.S., The Defense Department's inspector general spent 16 months investigating complaints from intelligence analysts who alleged that senior officials at the U.S.,1 + The Record reported (http://bit.ly/2lqlgPh ) the 9-year-old joined Pack 20 in Maplewood following the organization's decision to allow transgender scouts.," The 9-year-old joined Pack 20 in Maplewood following the organization's decision to allow transgender scouts, The Record reported (http://bit.ly/2lqlgPh).",0 + Authorities were asking for fit and competent volunteers to travel to the beach and help with the rescue efforts., Authorities were asking for fit volunteers to travel to the beach and help with the rescue efforts.,0 + --- Associated Press writer Raf Casert in Brussels contributed to this report., --- Associated Press writers Raf Casert in Brussels and Tia Goldenberg in Jerusalem contributed to this report.,1 +" The list of foreign dignitaries given the honor of an address to both houses of Parliament includes Nelson Mandela and Trump's predecessor, President Barack Obama."," World leaders given the honor of making a speech to both houses of Parliament include Nelson Mandela and Trump's predecessor, President Barack Obama.",0 +The organization had previously held a policy that relied on the gender listed on a child's birth certificate.,The organization had previously held a policy that relied on the gender listed on a child's birth certificate for those programs.,1 + BERLIN (AP) -- Germany's foreign minister is heading for Washington to meet newly sworn-in U.S., BERLIN (AP) -- German Chancellor Angela Merkel is likely to meet with U.S.,0 +"Beckman says McInnes tried to continue with the event, but stopped when protesters rushed into the room.", NYU spokesman John Beckman says McInnes tried to continue but stopped when protesters rushed into the room and shouted him down.,1 +"While in the United States, he organized protests against Zimbabwe's government at United Nations headquarters in New York.","While in the U.S., he organized protests against Zimbabwe's government at United Nations headquarters.",0 + The 69-year-old Krenwinkel was previously denied parole 13 times for the 1969 slayings of pregnant actress Sharon Tate and four other people.," Krenwinkel, 69, was previously denied parole 13 times for the 1969 slayings of pregnant actress Sharon Tate and four other people.",1 +They rejected the administration's argument that courts did not have the authority to review the president's immigration and national security decisions.,""" The 9th Circuit judges rejected the administration's argument that courts did not have the authority to review the president's immigration and national security decisions.",1 +Carter agreed to testify against Christeson and was sentenced to life in prison without parole.,Christeson's cousin testified against him and was sentenced to life in prison without parole.,1 + The inmates told a local newspaper that concerns about their treatment and the leadership of the United States had prompted their actions.,The inmates told a local newspaper that concerns about their treatment and the leadership of the United States had prompted their actions.,0 +It has the potential to be the most powerful storm that some areas have seen in a mostly snow-free winter.,Forecasters said Thursday's weather had the potential to be the most powerful storm that some areas have seen in a mostly snow-free winter.,1 + The White House swearing-in ceremony is a departure from recent history., The White House swearing-in ceremony was a departure from recent history.,0 +John Bel Edwards took an aerial tour and made a disaster declaration before meeting with officials in New Orleans., The governor took an aerial tour and made a disaster declaration before meeting with officials in New Orleans.,0 +"Only Gibson's ""Braveheart"" managed it in 1996. Actors, the largest group in the motion picture academy, hold considerable sway.",""" Actors, the largest group in the motion picture academy, hold considerable sway.",1 +Some later filed into the House visitors' gallery to applaud bill opponents on the floor.,Some protesters later filed into the House visitors' gallery to applaud bill opponents on the floor.,1 +The worst damage was in the same 9th Ward that was so heavily flooded in 2005's Hurricane Katrina.,Worst hit was the same 9th Ward so heavily flooded in 2005's Hurricane Katrina.,0 + Critics argue the rule limits retirees' investment choices by forcing asset managers to steer them to the lowest-risk options., The financial services industry argues that the rule would limit retirees' investment choices by forcing asset managers to steer them to low-risk options.,0 +" A doorman in New York City died after falling through a window while shoveling snow, police said."," A doorman in New York City died after falling down a set of stairs and crashing through a plate-glass window while shoveling snow, police said.",1 +""" Hours after the Washington Post story was published - and after Turnbull's comments - Trump took to Twitter to slam the deal.",""" Yet shortly after Turnbull made those comments to reporters, Trump took to Twitter to slam the deal.",0 +" So far in his presidency, Trump has focused on outreach to China, India's strategic rival, as he looks to Beijing to rein in North Korea."," Trump has focused on outreach to China, India's strategic rival, as he looks to Beijing to rein in North Korea.",0 +" Press secretary Sean Spicer says he does not yet know the ""exact nature"" of the test and expects to have more information later."," Press secretary Sean Spicer said he did not know the ""exact nature"" of the test and expected to have more information later.",1 +They say the driver was arrested and is facing a charge of driving while intoxicated., The driver was arrested and is facing a charge of driving while intoxicated.,0 + The White House and China's state broadcaster CCTV said the two spoke by phone on Thursday evening., The White House and China's state broadcaster CCTV said the two spoke at length by phone on Thursday evening.,1 + Dragnea is barred from being prime minister because of a two-year suspended sentence last year for vote rigging.,"Thieves!"" Dragnea is barred from being prime minister because of his conviction and two-year suspended sentence last year on vote-rigging charges.",1 +"Here's a look at their backgrounds, judicial decisions and questioning during arguments in the case this week: WILLIAM CANBY Canby rarely hears cases anymore.",Here's a look at the justices and their questioning during arguments in the case this week: WILLIAM CANBY Canby rarely hears cases anymore.,0 +Maldonado had been banned from a Cub Scout group in Secaucus before the policy change., Maldonado was originally refused membership to a Cub Scout pack in Secaucus because he was born a girl.,1 +" French politicians are allowed to hire family members as aides, on condition that they actually do the jobs for which they are paid."," French politicians are allowed to hire family members as aides, as long as they actually do the jobs for which they are paid.",0 +" Thousands of cheering Somalis quickly poured into the streets in jubilation, chanting the new president's name."," Thousands of jubilant Somalis poured into the streets, chanting the new president's name as cheering soldiers fired into the air.",1 + Gorka was a former editor for the conservative Breitbart News website.," A former editor for the conservative Breitbart News website, Gorka joined the administration as a counterterrorism adviser.",1 + Maldonado was originally refused membership to a Cub Scout pack in Secaucus because he was born a girl.," Last year, Joe was refused membership to a Cub Scout pack in Secaucus because he was born a girl.",1 +"Federal Judge Sara Ellis, who oversaw the ceremony, asked for a Syrian volunteer after delivering an impassioned speech about the difficulties immigrants face.","Federal Judge Sara Ellis, who oversaw Tuesday's ceremony, asked for a Syrian volunteer after delivering an impassioned speech about the difficulties immigrants face.",1 +" Joshua Cummings, 37, was arrested shortly after Tuesday night's shooting near Union Station, a hub for buses and trains, and the city's pedestrian mall."," Joshua Cummings was arrested shortly after Tuesday evening's shooting near Union Station, a hub for buses and trains, and the city's pedestrian mall.",0 + ST. LOUIS (AP) -- A Missouri man convicted of killing a woman and her two children almost 20 years ago asked the U.S., ST. LOUIS (AP) -- A Missouri man convicted of killing a woman and her two children in 1998 has asked the U.S.,1 + Yiannopoulos' visit to Berkeley was sponsored by the campus Republican club., His visit to Berkeley was sponsored by the campus Republican club.,0 +" Krenwinkel, 69, was previously denied parole 13 times for the 1969 slayings of pregnant actress Sharon Tate and four other people in Southern California."," Krenwinkel, 69, was previously denied parole 13 times for the slayings of pregnant actress Sharon Tate and four other people.",0 +There were no such attacks reported in the capital Wednesday and no public statements by al-Shabab.,There were no such attacks reported in the capital on Wednesday and no public statements by al-Shabab.,0 + --- Sandy Cohen in Los Angeles contributed to this report.,""" --- Sandy Cohen in Los Angeles contributed to this report.",0 +"Lars Larson, host of ""The Lars Larson Show"" based in Portland, Oregon;","Lars Larson, host of ""The Lars Larson Show,"" based in Portland, Oregon, and Jeff Jobe, of Jobe Publishing in south-central Kentucky.",1 + WASHINGTON (AP) -- The White House says Iran has conducted a ballistic missile test and the U.S. is studying the details., WASHINGTON (AP) -- The White House said Monday it is studying details of an Iranian ballistic missile test.,1 +""" After a series of meetings in Seoul on Thursday and Friday, Mattis was scheduled to fly to Tokyo for further consultations."," After a series of meetings in Seoul, Mattis was scheduled to fly to Tokyo on Friday for further consultations.",1 +" Zaoralek said that a large amount of data was involved, but he told a Tuesday news conference that no classified information had been compromised.","Zaoralek said a large amount of data was involved, but he told a news conference that no classified information had been compromised.",0 +" For decades, U.S. presidents have joined the international community in condemning the settlements as obstacles to the peace process."," For decades, U.S. presidents have joined the international community in condemning the settlements as obstacles to peace.",0 +A spokesman for the airline did not respond to a call for comment Wednesday.,A spokesman for the airline did not respond to a call for comment.,1 +Her arrest prompted a vocal demonstration in downtown Phoenix as protesters blocked enforcement vans from leaving a U.S. immigration office., Her arrest prompted a raucous demonstration in downtown Phoenix late Wednesday as protesters blocked enforcement vans from leaving a U.S. immigration office.,0 + Other sheriffs warn the bill could make their jobs harder if immigrant communities - including crime victims and witnesses - fear the police., Other sheriffs warn the bill could make their jobs harder if immigrants - including crime victims and witnesses - fear the police.,1 +"Japan logged the second largest trade surplus with the U.S. last year, similar to the surpluses of Germany and Mexico, but far smaller than China's.","Japan logged the second-largest trade surplus with the U.S. last year, similar to the surpluses of Germany and Mexico, but far smaller than China's.",0 +" Prosecutors say Dragnea intervened to keep two women on the payroll of a family welfare agency, though they were working for the Social Democratic Party.", Prosecutors have alleged Dragnea intervened to keep two women who were working for the Social Democratic Party on the payroll of a family welfare agency.,1 +" Among those kept out of the country was a California man's 12-year-old daughter, who was born in Yemen.",""" Among those kept out of the country was a California man's 12-year-old daughter, who was born in Yemen.",0 +Lawmakers also are set to rescind a rule requiring disclosure of payments made to foreign governments relating to mining and drilling.,Lawmakers also are set to rescind a rule requiring companies to disclose payments made to foreign governments relating to mining and drilling.,1 +" After their meetings, Modi and Trump will make statements in the Rose Garden."," After their talks, Modi and Trump will make statements in the Rose Garden.",0 + Parole commissioners postponed the proceeding in December while officials investigated the issue., Parole commissioners postponed the latest parole hearing in December while officials investigated whether Krenwinkel suffered from battered women's syndrome.,1 +" Police officials also said Lewis made detailed, incriminating statements to detectives."," Police also say Lewis made detailed, incriminating statements to detectives.",0 +"His campaign platform made no mention of a Palestinian state, the cornerstone of U.S.","His campaign platform made no mention of a Palestinian state, for decades the cornerstone of U.S.",0 +"But the decree sparked huge protests, with critics saying the government wanted to dilute the anti-corruption fight.","But the decree sparked huge protests, with critics saying the government wanted to weaken efforts to crack down on official corruption.",1 +" Judges initially selected a dozen candidates with a 13th picked through online voting joined in by 100 million people worldwide, reflecting the pageant's wide reach."," Judges initially selected a dozen candidates, with a 13th picked through online balloting involving 100 million votes worldwide.",1 +" ""From there it was pretty clear where that was headed,"" Schroden said."," ""From there, it was pretty clear where that was headed,"" Schroden said.",0 +Some believe the case ultimately could wind up before the U.S.,Some believe that the case ultimately could wind up before the U.S.,0 +" Washington-based businesses Amazon, Expedia and Microsoft support the state's efforts.","Washington-based businesses Amazon, Expedia and Microsoft support the challenge, saying the ban is hurting their operations as well.",1 + White House press secretary Sean Spicer fielded questions Wednesday from journalists around the country who were invited to participate via Skype.,"Press secretary Sean Spicer fielded questions from journalists around the country who participated via Skype, alongside their Washington-based colleagues in the room.",1 +" -As an associate justice, Gorsuch will earn $251,800 a year - more than 15 percent higher than his $217,600 salary as an appellate judge."," -As an associate justice, Gorsuch will earn $251,800 a year - over 15 percent above his $217,600 salary as an appellate judge.",0 +" ST. BONAVENTURE, N.Y. (AP) -- The Saint Louis University men's basketball team lost a game and then their bus while playing in New York.",The Saint Louis University men's basketball team lost a game and then its bus while playing in New York.,1 +" Prosecutors said on an official government Twitter account that they searched Toledo's home for five hours on Saturday, gathering evidence to be evaluated by investigators.", Prosecutors said on an official government Twitter account that the evidence they gathered at Toledo's home will be evaluated by investigators.,1 + Twenty-four-year-old Allen Scarsella of Bloomington was found guilty of assault and riot charges Wednesday.," Allen Scarsella, 24, of Bloomington, was found guilty of assault and riot charges.",1 +"Maldonado's son, Joe, was asked to leave his New Jersey Scout troop last fall after parents and leaders found out he is transgender.",The 8-year-old had been asked to leave his Scout troop after parents and leaders found out he is transgender.,1 +" Among the suspects is a special police unit commander, Nedeljko Milidragovic, also known as ""Nedjo the Butcher,"" accused of organizing the killings."," Among the suspects was special police unit commander Nedeljko Milidragovic, also known as ""Nedjo the Butcher,"" accused of organizing the killings.",0 + Iran is the subject of United Nations Security Council resolutions prohibiting tests of ballistic missiles designed to deliver a nuclear warhead., Iran is the subject of a United Nations Security Council resolution prohibiting tests of ballistic missiles designed to deliver a nuclear warhead.,0 +7 - The Army tells Congress it intends to grant an easement necessary to complete the pipeline.,8 - The Army forgoes further study and grants an easement necessary to complete the pipeline and the company immediately begins drilling under Lake Oahe.,1 +""" The victims were businessmen, a university professor and others who had gathered for evening prayers, said Mohamed Labidi, the vice president of the mosque."," The victims were businessmen, a university professor and others who had gathered for evening prayers, said Mohamed Labidi, the vice president of the mosque.",0 +" When the judge questioned the federal government's lawyer, Michelle Bennett, he repeatedly questioned the rationale behind the order."," The judge then questioned federal government's lawyer, Michelle Bennett, about Trump's rationale.",1 +The pipeline is projected to carry half a million barrels of oil daily.,The pipeline is projected to cost $3.8 billion and carry half a million barrels of oil daily.,1 + Trump opponents plan to demonstrate outside parliament in London as legislators hold a debate Monday., Trump opponents plan to demonstrate outside Parliament in London as legislators hold a non-binding debate Monday.,1 +" ""Security at our mosque was our major, major concern,"" he said.","""Security at our mosque was our major, major concern,"" he said.",0 +" ""The applicant is not the kind of person to abscond,"" the judge said.","""The applicant is not the kind of person to abscond,"" the judge said.",0 +" She said she left him twice only to be brought back, that she was usually under the influence of drugs and rarely left alone."," She said she left him twice only to be brought back, and that she was usually under the influence of drugs and rarely left alone.",0 + That appears to contradict the couple's defense in recent days that she was legitimately employed as his parliamentary aide.,That appears to contradict the couple's defense in recent days that she was legitimately employed as his parliamentary aide.,0 + EDF said staff at the Flamanville plant in Normandy immediately brought the fire under control., EDF said the staff at the Flamanville plant in Normandy immediately brought the fire under control.,0 +" Eighty-six candidates vied in the pageant, which was formerly owned by Donald Trump."," Eighty-six candidates vied in this year's pageant, which was formerly owned by Donald Trump.",0 +" ""And a lot of people agree with us, believe me,"" Trump said at a roundtable discussion with members of the National Sheriff's Association."," ""And a lot of people agree with us, believe me,"" Trump said at a round table discussion with members of the National Sheriff's Association.",0 + Bush was hospitalized April 14 for treatment of a persistent cough.," McGrath says Bush is ""pleased to be home."" Bush was admitted to Houston Methodist Hospital on April 14 for treatment of a persistent cough.",1 + Nkomo says he will apply for bail at the High Court on Monday., Nkomo said he will apply for bail at the High Court on Monday.,0 +But Washington and New Delhi share concerns about China's rise as a military power.,But Washington and New Delhi share concerns about China's rise as a military power that has underpinned increasingly close relations in the past decade.,0 +"Lawyers said the ban was a ""lawful exercise"" of the president's authority to protect national security and said Robart's order should be overruled.","Lawyers said it was a ""lawful exercise"" of the president's authority to protect national security and said Robart's order should be overruled.",0 +Some of those penalties could be re-imposed under separate sanctions authorities unrelated to nuclear issues.,Some of those penalties could be re-imposed under separate sanction authorities unrelated to nuclear issues.,0 +Zaoralek said that the case shows a need for funding to ensure the country's cybersecurity., He said the case shows a need for funding to ensure the country's cybersecurity.,0 +" ""Do you see a distinction between campaign statements and the executive order,"" Robart asked."," ""Do you see a distinction between campaign statements and the executive order?"" Robart asked.",0 +"Notable events in the dispute over the four-state, $3.8 billion Dakota Access oil pipeline."," BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) -- Notable events in the dispute over the four-state, $3.8 billion Dakota Access oil pipeline.",0 +" However, a pair of prominent Middle Eastern air carriers announced they would begin allowing passengers from the seven affected countries.", A pair of prominent Middle Eastern air carriers announced they would begin allowing passengers from the seven affected countries.,1 +Tents were being dispatched to temporarily house those whose homes were damaged.,"""We have five injured people. They are still being treated."" Tents were being dispatched to temporarily house those whose homes were damaged, he added.",0 +"Greg Abbott has declared the issue an ""emergency"" item, and the state is poised to pass an anti-sanctuary cities law regardless of what happens nationally.","Greg Abbott has declared the issue an ""emergency"" item, saying the state is poised to pass an anti-sanctuary cities law, regardless of what happens nationally.",1 + The official briefed reporters on condition of anonymity to discuss planning for the trip before Abe arrives late Thursday., The official briefed reporters on condition of anonymity to discuss planning for the trip.,1 +He stands trial Feb. 17. He was arrested this week on his return to Zimbabwe after fleeing to the United States last year., He was arrested this week upon his return to Zimbabwe after fleeing to the United States last year.,1 +He knew a string of concussions from high school football and boxing was catching up with him.," TOLEDO, Ohio (AP) -- Shawn Blazsek knew a string of concussions from high school football and boxing was catching up with him.",1 +" Toller said Zinouri had spent about 30 hours traveling from the Iranian capital, where she was visiting family since late last month.","Zinouri had spent about 30 hours traveling from the Iranian capital, where she had gone late last month to visit family.",0 +""" Trump's order sparked large protests around the country over the weekend.",""" Trump's order sparked large protests around the country over the weekend, including one that drew 3,000 people to Seattle-Tacoma International Airport.",1 +" Over the past 30 years, Oakland code enforcers received at least 22 complaints about the warehouse and surrounding properties."," The records show that over the past 30 years, Oakland code enforcers received at least 22 complaints about the warehouse and surrounding properties.",1 +"Chicago Alderman Ameya Pawar already has announced he's seeking the nomination, and other Democrats are considering bids, including billionaire businessman J.B."," Chicago Alderman Ameya Pawar already has announced he's seeking the Democratic nomination, and others are considering bids, including billionaire businessman J.B.",1 +"24 - President Donald Trump signs executive actions to advance the construction of the Dakota Access oil pipeline, along with the Keystone XL oil pipeline.",24 - President Donald Trump signs executive actions to advance the construction of the Dakota Access and Keystone XL oil pipelines.,1 +" Trump has focused on outreach to China, India's strategic rival, as he looks to Beijing to rein in North Korea."," Trump has so far focused on outreach to China, India's strategic rival, as he looks to Beijing to rein in nuclear-armed North Korea.",1 +"But pieces of styrofoam wings, fins and radio transmitters remained, piled up in the corners of the factory on a recent visit.","Scattered among stacks of paper were pieces of Styrofoam wings, fins and radio transmitters piled in the corners of the factory.",1 +" ""They just would not let this case go,"" Police Chief Beck told a news conference."," ""They just would not let this case go,"" Police Chief Charlie Beck told a news conference.",1 + The White House had said the earlier ban was needed to prevent would-be terrorists from entering the country., The White House says the ban is needed to prevent would-be terrorists from entering the country while stricter vetting measures are put in place.,1 +" Texas has no limit on what individuals or political committees can donate to candidates, requiring all political spending to be disclosed.",Texas has no limit on what individuals or political committees can donate to candidates.,1 +"She was arrested on Wednesday while reporting to ICE, an annual requirement after she was arrested nine years ago.","She was arrested on Wednesday while reporting to ICE, an annual requirement.",1 +He was on his way back from the trip and was not present for the vote.,Netanyahu was on his way back from the trip and was not present for the vote.,1 +" Air Berlin, which employs more than 8,000 people, filed for bankruptcy last month after major shareholder Etihad Airways withdrew funding following years of losses.", Germany's second-biggest airline after Lufthansa filed for bankruptcy last month after major shareholder Etihad Airways withdrew funding following years of losses.,1 + Worst I've got little time for this whole celebrity hiding in the corner business at postpremiere parties., Worst I've got little time for this whole celebrity hiding in the corner business at postpremiere parties.,0 +"Senator Marco Rubio greeted Trump and Vice President Mike Pence in Fort Myers, Florida.","Senator Marco Rubio, greeted Trump and Vice President Mike Pence in Fort Myers, Florida.",0 + Chapdelaine was promoted to interim head coach when Jim Popp was removed last September with the team mired in last place at 3-9., Chapdelaine was promoted to interim head coach when Jim Popp was removed last September with the team mired in last place at 3-9.,0 +"In 2006, he and three co-defendants paid $15.4-million to settle Medicare and Medicaid fraud claims against them without admitting wrongdoing.","He and three co-defendants, including Larkin Community Hospital, paid $15.4-million to settle those civil claims in 2006 without admitting wrongdoing.",1 + Story continues below advertisement Economists had forecast the PPI gaining 0.3 per cent last month and accelerating 2.5 per cent from a year ago., Economists had forecast the PPI gaining 0.3 percent last month and accelerating 2.5 percent from a year ago.,0 +" The facility has had a spotty inspection record, earning a ""below average"" grade Medicare's nursing home rating system."," Story continues below advertisement ""BELOW AVERAGE"" The facility has had a spotty inspection record, earning a ""below average"" grade Medicare's nursing home rating system.",1 +" Story continues below advertisement The Alouettes are 3-8, have lost four games in a row and sit third in the weak CFL East Division."," The Alouettes are 3-8, have lost four games in a row, and sit third in the weak CFL East Division.",0 +"Still, the industry was thrown into chaos on Sept. 4 when China issued a directive banning initial coin offerings (ICOs).",But they were thrown into chaos on Sept. 4 when China issued a directive banning initial coin offerings (ICOs).,0 +9. Jeremy Chan/Getty Images ANNE T. DONAHUE Best Reciting Canadian Heritage Minutes by heart with Ellen Page during our conversation about The Cured.,9. Jeremy Chan/Getty Images ANNE T. DONAHUE Best Reciting Canadian Heritage Minutes by heart with Ellen Page during our conversation about The Cured.,0 + Core goods prices rose 0.2 per cent last month after slipping 0.1 per cent in July., Core goods prices rose 0.2 percent last month after slipping 0.1 percent in July.,0 +" Data from the Energy Information Administration shows a build in U.S. crude inventories last week of 5.9 million barrels, exceeding expectations."," Data from the Energy Information Administration showed a build in U.S. crude inventories last week of 5.9 million barrels, exceeding expectations.",1 +" ""EVERYTHING IS GONE"" Story continues below advertisement Irma wreaked total devastation in parts of the Caribbean, where most of the deaths occurred."," 'EVERYTHING IS GONE' Irma wreaked total devastation in parts of the Caribbean, where at least 43 people have died.",1 + The team says general manager Kavis Reed will serve as head coach until the end of the season., The team said general manager Kavis Reed will serve as head coach until the end of the season.,1 +"But, as I was so often reminded, that's ""the point."" Yawn!","But, as I was so often reminded, that's ""the point."" Yawn! Actor Jason Mitchell poses on the red carpet for the movie Mudbound on Sept.",0 + Attempts by Reuters to reach representatives of the for-profit nursing home by phone and e-mail went unanswered., Attempts by Reuters to reach representatives of the for-profit nursing home by phone and email went unanswered.,0 +" In the 12 months through August, the PPI rose 2.4 per cent after advancing 1.9 per cent in July.","In the 12 months through August, the PPI rose 2.4 percent after advancing 1.9 percent in July.",0 +The state health care agency listed the centre as among the lowest-ranked 20 per cent of all nursing homes in Broward County.,The state health care agency listed the center as among the lowest-ranked 20 per cent of all nursing homes in Broward County.,0 +" The protesters criticized Suu Kyi, asking whether she had received the Nobel Prize for promoting peace or for persecuting Rohingya.","At a march in India's capital on Wednesday, protesters asked whether Suu Kyi had received her Nobel for promoting peace or for persecuting Rohingya.",0 + The so-called core PPI increased 1.9 per cent in the 12 months through August after a similar gain in July.,The so-called core PPI increased 1.9 percent in the 12 months through August after a similar gain in July.,0 +"They established Canada's leadership in an area of computing dismissed as the ""lunatic fringe"" until breakthroughs this decade caught the attention of Silicon Valley.","They established Canada's leadership in an area of computing once dismissed as the ""lunatic fringe"" until breakthroughs this decade caught the attention of Silicon Valley.",0 + The annual increase in the core PCE has consistently undershot the central bank's 2 per cent inflation target since mid-2012., The annual increase in the core PCE has consistently undershot the central bank's 2 percent inflation target since mid-2012.,0 +"Pineau is an expert in ""reinforcement learning"" whereby machines are taught make a unsupervised decisions in pursuit of set goals.","Pineau is an expert in ""reinforcement learning"" whereby machines are taught to make unsupervised decisions in pursuit of set goals.",0 +" ""What that means is, when the security forces are trying to stabilize the region, they have succeeded to a point,"" he said.","""What that means is, when the security forces are trying to stabilize the region, they have succeeded to a point,"" he said.",0 +""" The United Nations Security Council was to meet at 3 p.m.", The United Nations Security Council was to meet at 3 p.m.,0 +Those sanctions imposed a ban on the country's textile exports and capping imports of crude oil., Story continues below advertisement Story continues below advertisement Those sanctions imposed a ban on the country's textile exports and capping imports of crude oil.,0 + The UN Security Council condemned the violence in Myanmar's Rakhine State that sparked the mass exodus., The UN Security Council on Wednesday condemned the violence in Myanmar's Rakhine state that sparked the mass exodus.,0 + Wednesday's gains followed an IEA report that raised its estimate of 2017 world oil demand growth to 1.6 million barrels per day," On Wednesday, the IEA raised its estimate of 2017 world oil demand growth to 1.6 million barrels per day",0 + Long warned that life on the Keys would remain tough., Federal Emergency Management Agency administrator Brock Long said warned that life on the Keys would remain tough.,1 + Actress Kate Mara poses on the red carpet for Film Stars Don't Die In Liverpool on Sept., Story continues below advertisement Actress Kate Mara poses on the red carpet for Film Stars Don't Die In Liverpool on Sept.,1 +""" Prosecutor Kimberly Gardner said she was disappointed with the verdict and called on protesters to avoid violence.",Louis prosecutor Kimberly Gardner said she was disappointed with the verdict and called on protesters to avoid violence.,1 +" He said there had been at least 86 clashes through Sept. 5, but none since then."," He said at least 86 clashes occurred through Sept. 5, but none since.",0 +Both Dr. Pineau and Dr. Vincent will also remain professors in Montreal.,Both Dr. Pineau and Dr. Vincent will also stay employed by their universities.,0 +" German union Verdi, which among other represents cabin crew, criticized the decision by administrators to delay the announcement."," Story continues below advertisement German union Verdi, which among others represents cabin crew, criticized the decision by administrators to delay the announcement.",0 +) Worst Realizing there are millions of people who have no idea what a Heritage Minute is.,) Worst Realizing there are millions of people who have no idea what a Heritage Minute is.,0 +" After the verdict, about 600 protesters marched in downtown St. Louis, chanting ""No justice, no peace"" and ""Hey hey!"," Following the verdict, some 600 protesters marched through downtown St. Louis, chanting ""No justice, no peace"" and ""Hey hey!",1 + Actor Andrew Garfield arrives at the premiere of Breathe on Sept., Story continues below advertisement Actor Andrew Garfield arrives at the premiere of Breathe on Sept.,1 +" Brent crude was up 40 cents at $55.56 a barrel by 1100 GMT, having risen by 89 cents, or 1.6 per cent, on Wednesday."," Brent crude futures were up 56 cents, or 1 per cent, at $55.72 a barrel by 12:16 p.m.",1 +" Worst Are all single mothers really this dumb, I wondered to myself as TIFF began to compile the evidence against them."," Worst Are all single mothers really this dumb, I wondered to myself as TIFF began to compile the evidence against them.",0 +The Montreal Alouettes have fired head coach Jacques Chapdelaine and defensive co-ordinator and assistant head coach Noel Thorpe.,The Montreal Alouettes fired head coach Jacques Chapdelaine and defensive co-ordinator/assistant head coach Noel Thorpe on Wednesday.,1 + She questioned whether short staffing and fatigue on the part of overworked personnel may have factored in the crisis., She questioned whether short staffing and fatigue on the part of overworked personnel may have been factors in the crisis.,0 +"11. REUTERS/Fred Thornhill BRAD WHEELER Best Michael Shannon has an intimidating image, he being gaunt and towering with a postapocalyptic gaze and an in-his-own-world groove.","11. REUTERS/Fred Thornhill BRAD WHEELER Best Michael Shannon has an intimidating image, he being gaunt and towering with a postapocalyptic gaze and an in-his-own-world groove.",0 +U.S. stock index futures were trading lower and the dollar was weaker against a basket of currencies.,"Treasuries were trading lower, while the dollar rose against a basket of currencies.",1 +"The interim tag on is job title was removed after the season, and Reed was handed the general manager's job when Popp was fired."," The interim tag on his job title was removed after the season, and Reed was handed the general manager's job when Popp was fired.",0 +" Basic resources were scarce, including food, clean water and medical aid.","Basic resources were scarce, including food, clean water and medical aid.",0 +" Since January, Chinese bitcoin exchanges have rolled out a series of changes to comply with increased scrutiny by Beijing."," Story continues below advertisement Since January, Chinese bitcoin exchanges have rolled out a series of changes to comply with increased scrutiny by Beijing.",0 +"Rather, he said, a successful ecosystem would also include prosperous home-grown AI companies that draw the best talent.","Rather, he said, a successful ecosystem would also include prosperous homegrown AI firms that draw top talent.",0 +The cost of services edged up 0.1 per cent after falling 0.2 per cent in July.,The cost of services edged up 0.1 percent after falling 0.2 percent in July.,0 + Financial planners dread being asked how much money people need before they can say good-bye to work.,Financial planners dread being asked how much money people need before they can say good-bye to work.,0 +"Also known for his sensational one-handed catches and wild hair styles, Beckham caught 101 passes and scored 10 touchdowns last season."," Also known for his sensational one-handed catches and wild hair styles, Beckham caught 101 passes and scored 10 touchdowns last season.",0 +" By doing so, a retiree effectively transfers much of the risk in her retirement plan to government."," By doing so, a retiree effectively transfers much of the risk in her retirement plan to government.",0 +" Story continues below advertisement Beckham popped up, ripped off his helmet and slammed it in frustration."," Beckham popped up, ripped off his helmet and slammed it in frustration.",0 + This quarter's loss largely resulted from restructuring and other costs in their meat division.,This quarter's loss largely resulted from restructuring and other costs in their meat division.,0 +"Longer stories in this series feature people who have found their ""unbelievably cool place to hang out and retire:"" Niagara Falls, Ont."," Longer stories in this series feature people who have found their ""unbelievably cool place to hang out and retire:"" Niagara Falls, Ont.",0 +"The 22-year-old Thompson followed with an eagle putt on the 15th hole, and a birdie on 16 put her ahead for the first time."," The 22-year-old Thompson followed with an eagle putt on the 15th hole, and a birdie on 16 put her ahead for the first time.",0 +She says the patients she assists in filling out claim forms are often surprised by all the hidden costs of treating cancer., She says the patients she assists in filling out claim forms are often surprised by all the hidden costs of treating cancer.,0 +"Yes, seriously Few financial products are more hated by consumers than annuities.","Yes, seriously Few financial products are more hated by consumers than annuities.",0 +"""It will be paid off in a couple of years, so that helps tremendously."" Mr.","""It will be paid off in a couple of years, so that helps tremendously."" Story continues below advertisement Mr.",0 + The Giants said X-rays on Beckham's ankle were negative and that he has a sprain.,The Giants said X-rays on Beckham's ankle were negative and that he has a sprain.,0 +" Beckham popped up, ripped off his helmet and slammed it in frustration."," Story continues below advertisement Beckham popped up, ripped off his helmet and slammed it in frustration.",0 +"""If you want to give them $1 million tomorrow, it's not reportable anywhere."," ""If you want to give them $1 million tomorrow, it's not reportable anywhere.",0 +"Jonney Rosario homered for Venezuela, which is representing Latin America at the tournament."," Jonney Rosario homered for Venezuela, which is representing Latin America at the tournament.",0 +"""Her power and speed versus my agility and vision, those are probably the two differences,"" Sarah said."," ""Her power and speed versus my agility and vision, those are probably the two differences,"" Sarah said.",0 +"Scott Clayton, an analyst with investor newsletter service TSINetwork.ca, says the processor exhibits one of the things the firm loves in a stock: hidden value."," Scott Clayton, an analyst with investor newsletter service TSINetwork.ca, says the processor exhibits one of the things the firm loves in a stock: hidden value.",0 +"""We would advise considering managed solutions that don't require daily input: mutual funds, pooled funds or discretionary portfolios,"" he says."," ""We would advise considering managed solutions that don't require daily input: mutual funds, pooled funds or discretionary portfolios,"" he says.",0 +" As they age, retirees in both countries show less inclination to travel, to eat out and to spend large amounts on clothes and entertainment."," As they age, retirees in both countries show less inclination to travel, to eat out and to spend large amounts on clothes and entertainment.",0 +"Beckham returned to the sideline for the start of the third quarter, wearing street clothes with his ankle wrapped."," Beckham returned to the sideline for the start of the third quarter, wearing street clothes with his ankle wrapped.",0 +" Even in today's low-rate world, the cost of debt is substantial.","Even in today's low-rate world, the cost of debt is substantial.",0 +Joy through less junkHere's a trend to keep an eye on - the minimalism movement., Joy through less junkHere's a trend to keep an eye on - the minimalism movement.,0 +" They loved learning about a new culture, studying Spanish and throwing themselves into hobbies they relished - theatre for Ken and health journalism for Judith."," They loved learning about a new culture, studying Spanish and throwing themselves into hobbies they relished - theatre for Ken and health journalism for Judith.",0 +" The best of the web on money, markets and all things financial, as chosen daily by Globe and Mail personal finance columnist Rob Carrick.","The best of the web on money, markets and all things financial, as chosen daily by Globe and Mail personal finance columnist Rob Carrick.",0 +"More moneyJoin the people who are part of my Facebook personal finance community for talk about investing, retirement, real estate, banking and other financial matters."," More moneyJoin the people who are part of my Facebook personal finance community for talk about investing, retirement, real estate, banking and other financial matters.",0 +"Financial professionals are increasingly sensitive to aging clients' needs arising from degenerative illnesses, and can offer a number of suitable options, Mr. Stathopulos says."," Financial professionals are increasingly sensitive to aging clients' needs arising from degenerative illnesses, and can offer a number of suitable options, Mr. Stathopulos says.",0 + Beckham spent a few minutes sitting alone on the bench before heading to the locker room.,Beckham spent a few minutes sitting alone on the bench before heading to the locker room.,0 +"As a rule of thumb, this list considers communities situated in the warmest zones of Canada - from Zone 7 to Zone 9a;"," As a rule of thumb, this list considers communities situated in the warmest zones of Canada - from Zone 7 to Zone 9a;",0 +"""There's an account that I've targeted for things my wife and I need,"" says Mr. Filinski,"," ""There's an account that I've targeted for things my wife and I need,"" says Mr. Filinski,",0 + Keep family close - but not too close Many of us plan to move close to kids once we quit working., Keep family close - but not too close Many of us plan to move close to kids once we quit working.,0 +"Nordqvist did her best to set the tone for the Europeans in the opening match, winning the first four holes."," Nordqvist did her best to set the tone for the Europeans in the opening match, winning the first four holes.",0 + Chances are that much the same phenomenon is occurring in Canada., Chances are that much the same phenomenon is occurring in Canada.,0 +""" Because the tax rules around gifting assets are complicated, Heath says it's important to solicit advice from the right professional.",""" Because the tax rules around gifting assets are complicated, Heath says it's important to solicit advice from the right professional.",0 +About that obsession with home ownershipA woman from France wonders about the importance British people put on owning their own homes., Story continues below advertisement About that obsession with home ownershipA woman from France wonders about the importance British people put on owning their own homes.,0 +Analysts aren't too optimistic on the stock: Alexia Howard of Sanford C. Bernstein &, Analysts aren't too optimistic on the stock: Alexia Howard of Sanford C. Bernstein &,0 +" Rather than pinching pennies to make ends meet, many retirees don't spend what they have."," Rather than pinching pennies to make ends meet, many retirees don't spend what they have.",0 +" According to Ms. Holmes-Winton, the sad part of our rate obsession is that we often underestimate what we're really paying.","According to Ms. Holmes-Winton, the sad part of our rate obsession is that we often underestimate what we're really paying.",0 +"The best-case scenario for the Potomak clan is Amy and Sarah both wear the Maple Leaf in Pyeongchang, South Korea."," Story continues below advertisement The best-case scenario for the Potomak clan is Amy and Sarah both wear the Maple Leaf in Pyeongchang, South Korea.",0 +" Their optimism is surprising, especially compared to the anxiety that surrounds the topic during our working years."," Their optimism is surprising, especially compared to the anxiety that surrounds the topic during our working years.",0 +"""People are paying way more average interest than they realize.""","""People are paying way more average interest than they realize."" Report Typo/Error Follow Rob Carrick on Twitter: @rcarrick",0 + You shall not fear Start by taking a deep breath., You shall not fear Start by taking a deep breath.,0 +The 47-year-old Matthew was 3-1 after replacing the injured Suzann Pettersen., The 47-year-old Matthew was 3-1 after replacing the injured Suzann Pettersen.,0 +"Making matters trickier, the line between being financially capable and incapable is usually ""blurry"" because cognitive clarity often ebbs and flows."," Making matters trickier, the line between being financially capable and incapable is usually ""blurry"" because cognitive clarity often ebbs and flows.",0 +""" That lack of financial crisis is the big and largely untold story of Canadian retirement planning.",""" That lack of financial crisis is the big and largely untold story of Canadian retirement planning.",0 +"Amy is younger, but bigger at five foot eight and 148 pounds."," Amy is younger, but bigger at five foot eight and 148 pounds.",0 +" ""When I look around my condo building, I see health crises and loneliness crises among retirees,"" he says."," ""When I look around my condo building, I see health crises and loneliness crises among retirees,"" he says.",0 +" You shall live on less - and like it Yes, you still have to save diligently to finance a comfortable retirement."," Story continues below advertisement You shall live on less - and like it Yes, you still have to save diligently to finance a comfortable retirement.",0 +"The bills can be steep, leading seniors to cash in retirement savings or rely on children or other family members for financial support."," The bills can be steep, leading seniors to cash in retirement savings or rely on children or other family members for financial support.",0 + Check out this study showing how expensive traditional daycare already is across the country., Story continues below advertisement Check out this study showing how expensive traditional daycare already is across the country.,0 +" Story continues below advertisement That's the story with Maple Leaf Foods Inc., the Toronto-based consumer packaged food maker."," That's the story with Maple Leaf Foods Inc., the Toronto-based consumer packaged food maker.",0 +10 money tips for starting a new yearSome useful thoughts here on how to gauge whether your finances are on track., 10 money tips for starting a new yearSome useful thoughts here on how to gauge whether your finances are on track.,0 +""" Said Amy: ""We've always been really good at celebrating each other's successes.",""" Said Amy: ""We've always been really good at celebrating each other's successes.",0 +"More moneyJoin the people who are part of my Facebook personal finance community for talk about investing, retirement, real estate, banking and other financial matters."," More moneyJoin the people who are part of my Facebook personal finance community for talk about investing, retirement, real estate, banking and other financial matters.",0 +"""These are long illnesses,"" Ms. Micallef says, so finances often worsen as the disease progresses."," ""These are long illnesses,"" Ms. Micallef says, so finances often worsen as the disease progresses.",0 +"What we're not looking at is the question: How much does my debt cost me?"" Want to protect yourself against the risk of higher rates?","What we're not looking at is the question: How much does my debt cost me?"" Want to protect yourself against the risk of higher rates?",0 +Canada will play Japan on Wednesday for a chance to move on to the final of the international bracket., Canada will play Japan on Wednesday for a chance to move on to the final of the international bracket.,0 +"If transferring RESP funds between siblings isn't an option, there's no way to hold onto grant money."," If transferring RESP funds between siblings isn't an option, there's no way to hold onto grant money.",0 +"With lucrative government grants and tax-sheltering benefits, a Registered Education Savings Plan can play a substantial role in helping save for future schooling costs."," With lucrative government grants and tax-sheltering benefits, a Registered Education Savings Plan can play a substantial role in helping save for future schooling costs.",0 +" ""We've been taught to chase the shiny thing,"" Ms. Holmes-Winton says of our fixation with rates.","""We've been taught to chase the shiny thing,"" Ms. Holmes-Winton says of our fixation with rates.",0 + Paying down the mortgage principal is another tactic - one that we're pretty good at already.,Paying down the mortgage principal is another tactic - one that we're pretty good at already.,0 +"Hefflick allowed three runs - two of them earned - walked one and gave up five hits, including one home run, over 3 2/3 innings."," Hefflick allowed three runs - two of them earned - walked one and gave up five hits, including one home run, over 3 2/3 innings.",0 +" Three divorces have eroded the net worth of the 73-year-old retired financial adviser in Fergus, Ont."," Three divorces have eroded the net worth of the 73-year-old retired financial adviser in Fergus, Ont.",0 + Want to interact with other informed Canadians and Globe journalists?, Want to interact with other informed Canadians and Globe journalists?,0 +"In addition to long-term care, there are prescription-drug costs to consider, a reality that concerns 53 per cent of Canadians, according to Sun Life."," In addition to long-term care, there are prescription-drug costs to consider, a reality that concerns 53 per cent of Canadians, according to Sun Life.",0 +Few Canadians imagine their retirement will be derailed by a degenerative neurological disease., Few Canadians imagine their retirement will be derailed by a degenerative neurological disease.,0 +"Quirk said Brisbane Marketing, the city council's major events subsidiary, would be re-engaged for negotiations with promoters Top Rank and Duco Events."," Quirk said Brisbane Marketing, the city council's major events subsidiary, would be re-engaged for negotiations with promoters Top Rank and Duco Events.",0 +" Investors should look for companies that are ""honing what the business should be about,"" Mr. Clayton says.","Investors should look for companies that are ""honing what the business should be about,"" Mr. Clayton says.",0 +"Creamer was 3-1 filling in for the injured Jessica Korda, matching Kang and Salas for the top U.S. records."," Story continues below advertisement Creamer was 3-1 filling in for the injured Jessica Korda, matching Kang and Salas for the top U.S. records.",0 +"Every day, he receives bulletins about changes in rates for both guaranteed investment certificates and mortgages."," Every day, he receives bulletins about changes in rates for both guaranteed investment certificates and mortgages.",0 + None of this is to say that restructuring is a positive thing for everyone.,None of this is to say that restructuring is a positive thing for everyone.,0 +"""This is a huge issue and a few things are at play,"" Ms. Micallef says."," ""This is a huge issue and a few things are at play,"" Ms. Micallef says.",0 +"In other instances, individuals are reluctant to hand over their finances because it signifies losing independence."," In other instances, individuals are reluctant to hand over their finances because it signifies losing independence.",0 +The Giants said X-rays on Beckham's ankle were negative and that he has a sprain., The Giants said X-rays on Beckham's ankle were negative and that he has a sprain.,0 +"Investors should look for companies that are ""honing what the business should be about,"" Mr. Clayton says."," Investors should look for companies that are ""honing what the business should be about,"" Mr. Clayton says.",0 +"""She's really like a big sister personality,"" Amy said. ""Definitely the one in charge."," ""She's really like a big sister personality,"" Amy said. ""Definitely the one in charge.",0 +""" He's not the only retiree to find bliss on a modest income.",""" He's not the only retiree to find bliss on a modest income.",0 + This tendency to save in retirement reflects declining health and mobility., This tendency to save in retirement reflects declining health and mobility.,0 +"Horn's surprise win over 38-year-old Pacquiao caused controversy, with many observers outraged by the decision."," Horn's surprise win over 38-year-old Pacquiao caused controversy, with many observers outraged by the decision.",0 +" You're not getting any smarter Sadly, we don't get wiser as we get older."," You're not getting any smarter Sadly, we don't get wiser as we get older.",0 +The overarching message is: Prepare as much as possible while you still can., The overarching message is: Prepare as much as possible while you still can.,0 +"Sarah, five foot five and 140 pounds, led the University of Minnesota Golden Gophers in goals (20), including six game-winners."," Sarah, five foot five and 140 pounds, led the University of Minnesota Golden Gophers in goals (20), including six game-winners.",0 +"The $250,000 he split with his son, Tim Jr., after appearing on the reality TV program in 2013, helped shore up the family finances."," The $250,000 he split with his son, Tim Jr., after appearing on the reality TV program in 2013, helped shore up the family finances.",0 +The Americans are 10-5 in the biennial tournament after their biggest win since a 17-11 triumph in 1996 in Wales., The Americans are 10-5 in the biennial tournament after their biggest win since a 17-11 triumph in 1996 in Wales.,0 +"""I got the call first, getting the 'yes' and I thought for sure Amy would get the 'yes' and she got 'no,""' Sarah said."," ""I got the call first, getting the 'yes' and I thought for sure Amy would get the 'yes' and she got 'no,""' Sarah said.",0 +Here's a column I wrote last year about Bell and her family., Story continues below advertisement Here's a column I wrote last year about Bell and her family.,1 +But that isn't to say there aren't any tax advantages to gifting appreciable assets to your children while you're alive., But that isn't to say there aren't any tax advantages to gifting appreciable assets to your children while you're alive.,0 +"""It doesn't have to be a normalized or level withdrawal process,"" says Feigs."," ""It doesn't have to be a normalized or level withdrawal process,"" says Feigs.",0 +" If a food-processing company makes its processes more efficient, it could mean its dinners pay out dividends for investors.","If a food-processing company makes its processes more efficient, it could mean its dinners pay out dividends for investors.",0 +"Another option is rolling over investment earnings from an RESP to a Registered Disability Savings Plan, provided certain requirements are met."," Another option is rolling over investment earnings from an RESP to a Registered Disability Savings Plan, provided certain requirements are met.",0 +"Despite being majority-owned by Maple Leaf Foods, Canada Bread is its own publicly traded company;"," Despite being majority-owned by Maple Leaf Foods, Canada Bread is its own publicly traded company;",0 +Beckham spent a few minutes sitting alone on the bench before heading to the locker room., Beckham spent a few minutes sitting alone on the bench before heading to the locker room.,0 +" Filipino boxer Manny Pacquiao's rematch with Australian Jeff Horn has been confirmed for Brisbane later this year, the city's mayor said on Monday.","Filipino boxer Manny Pacquiao's rematch with Australian Jeff Horn has been confirmed for Brisbane later this year, the city's mayor said on Monday.",0 +""" Nordqvist went 3-0-1 during the week to lead the Europeans.",""" Nordqvist went 3-0-1 during the week to lead the Europeans.",0 +Rolling the money over into an RRSP also avoids the additional 20 per cent penalty tax., Rolling the money over into an RRSP also avoids the additional 20 per cent penalty tax.,0 +" Fortunately, there's a simple solution: After you hit 65, you can use part of your wealth to buy an annuity."," Fortunately, there's a simple solution: After you hit 65, you can use part of your wealth to buy an annuity.",0 +The winner of the international side will play the winner of the American bracket in the final., The winner of the international side will play the winner of the American bracket in the final.,0 +" Also known for his sensational one-handed catches and wild hair styles, Beckham caught 101 passes and scored 10 touchdowns last season.","Also known for his sensational one-handed catches and wild hair styles, Beckham caught 101 passes and scored 10 touchdowns last season.",0 + This is part of a series of stories on retirement and second-home destinations in North America.,This is part of a series of stories on retirement and second-home destinations in North America.,0 +" Beckham returned to the sideline for the start of the third quarter, wearing street clothes with his ankle wrapped.","Beckham returned to the sideline for the start of the third quarter, wearing street clothes with his ankle wrapped.",0 +Looking to move to a less-expensive home in a community that offers a good quality of life?, Looking to move to a less-expensive home in a community that offers a good quality of life?,0 +""" Those who plan for an early exit from the office can lose out in other ways as well.",""" Those who plan for an early exit from the office can lose out in other ways as well.",0 +Marshall came on in relief and pitched the final 1 2/3 innings for Canada., Marshall came on in relief and pitched the final 1 2/3 innings for Canada.,0 +"""It went toward the house,"" says the 51-year-old married father of four."," ""It went toward the house,"" says the 51-year-old married father of four.",0 +""" It's best to start planning ahead as soon as possible.",""" It's best to start planning ahead as soon as possible.",0 +" Scott Clayton, an analyst with investor newsletter service TSINetwork.ca, says the processor exhibits one of the things the firm loves in a stock: hidden value.","Scott Clayton, an analyst with investor newsletter service TSINetwork.ca, says the processor exhibits one of the things the firm loves in a stock: hidden value.",0 + Conventional wisdom says you need to replace 70 per cent of your working income in retirement to maintain your standard of living., Conventional wisdom says you need to replace 70 per cent of your working income in retirement to maintain your standard of living.,0 +" That's the story with Maple Leaf Foods Inc., the Toronto-based consumer packaged food maker."," Story continues below advertisement That's the story with Maple Leaf Foods Inc., the Toronto-based consumer packaged food maker.",1 +") So for investors who like their meat companies lean, an investment in Maple Leaf Foods might be worth considering.",") So for investors who like their meat companies lean, an investment in Maple Leaf Foods might be worth considering.",0 +" Having too much can be a curse Yes, rich retirees are happier than poor ones - but only up to a certain point."," Having too much can be a curse Yes, rich retirees are happier than poor ones - but only up to a certain point.",0 +But that can be overwhelming for individuals already under considerable stress., Story continues below advertisement But that can be overwhelming for individuals already under considerable stress.,1 +The company is mulling over the potential sale of Canada Bread Co., The company is mulling over the potential sale of Canada Bread Co.,0 +"""This is a significant problem simply because there are a significant number of people who develop cognitive impairment,"" he says."," ""This is a significant problem simply because there are a significant number of people who develop cognitive impairment,"" he says.",0 +" Strangely, though, the people who should know best - actual retirees - were much more positive."," Strangely, though, the people who should know best - actual retirees - were much more positive.",0 +) Kellogg Co. is one example of a company where restructuring hasn't worked out for anyone.,) Story continues below advertisement Kellogg Co. is one example of a company where restructuring hasn't worked out for anyone.,1 +"Cheap hobbies are even better Retirement is a new stage of life and you should plan accordingly, Dr. Finke says.","Cheap hobbies are even better Retirement is a new stage of life and you should plan accordingly, Dr. Finke says.",0 +" That advice comes as no surprise to Mr. Khan, the retired civil engineer in North Vancouver."," That advice comes as no surprise to Mr. Khan, the retired civil engineer in North Vancouver.",0 +"""I have had more people tell me they worry more about money than they worry about cancer."" Report Typo/Error Follow us on Twitter: @GlobeInvestor"," ""I have had more people tell me they worry more about money than they worry about cancer.""",1 +There's also the scenario in which one sister will be an Olympian in 2018 and the other won't., There's also the scenario in which one sister will be an Olympian in 2018 and the other won't.,0 +What they won't tell you about retirement Planning for life after work involves more than just tending your portfolio., What they won't tell you about retirement Planning for life after work involves more than just tending your portfolio.,0 + The widespread contentment among Canada's seniors suggests that many of us are approaching retirement with needless trepidation., Story continues below advertisement The widespread contentment among Canada's seniors suggests that many of us are approaching retirement with needless trepidation.,0 +" To be sure, not every over-65 Canadian is happily stowing away unneeded loonies."," To be sure, not every over-65 Canadian is happily stowing away unneeded loonies.",0 +"Parents and sisters agree that Amy is the raw, athletic talent for whom school comes easy."," Parents and sisters agree that Amy is the raw, athletic talent for whom school comes easy.",0 +" ""Early retirement sounds great, but it involves risks,"" Mr. Vettese warns."," ""Early retirement sounds great, but it involves risks,"" Mr. Vettese warns.",0 +" ""I'm on a fixed income, basically, so I really have to watch how I spend my money,"" he says."," ""I'm on a fixed income, basically, so I really have to watch how I spend my money,"" he says.",0 +""" Neither would find solace in being told 'You're young. You can play in the next Olympics' if they weren't named to the 2018 team.",""" Neither would find solace in being told 'You're young. You can play in the next Olympics' if they weren't named to the 2018 team.",0 + But planning for retirement also means having a realistic sense of what makes sense at different ages., But planning for retirement also means having a realistic sense of what makes sense at different ages.,0 + The company is mulling over the potential sale of Canada Bread Co.,The company is mulling over the potential sale of Canada Bread Co.,0 + Analysts aren't too optimistic on the stock: Alexia Howard of Sanford C. Bernstein &,Analysts aren't too optimistic on the stock: Alexia Howard of Sanford C. Bernstein &,0 +") So for investors who like their meat companies lean, an investment in Maple Leaf Foods might be worth considering.",") So for investors who like their meat companies lean, an investment in Maple Leaf Foods might be worth considering.",0 +This quarter's loss largely resulted from restructuring and other costs in their meat division., This quarter's loss largely resulted from restructuring and other costs in their meat division.,0 + Dick Haas is here to tell you that retirement planning doesn't always work out quite as smoothly as the online calculators suggest it should.,Dick Haas is here to tell you that retirement planning doesn't always work out quite as smoothly as the online calculators suggest it should.,0 +"Marshall's second homer of the game came in a seven-run third inning for the Canadians (1-0), who are represented by White Rock, B.C."," Marshall's second homer of the game came in a seven-run third inning for the Canadians (1-0), who are represented by White Rock, B.C.",0 + Surveys suggest that people who annuitize a significant part of their wealth are happier than those who don't., Surveys suggest that people who annuitize a significant part of their wealth are happier than those who don't.,0 + Ken and Judith Albanese are very conscious of the passing stages., Ken and Judith Albanese are very conscious of the passing stages.,0 + Story continues below advertisement The provincial government will be the lone wholesaler of recreational cannabis through the BC Liquor Distribution Branch., The provincial government will be the lone wholesaler of recreational cannabis through the BC Liquor Distribution Branch.,0 +"In Burnaby and New Westminster, however, multiple family starts are higher so far this year.","In Burnaby and New Westminster, multiple-family starts are higher so far this year.",0 +" To this end, stick to lighter colours such as cream, tan and white if you're new to the faux-fur trend."," To this end, stick to lighter colours such as cream, tan and white if you're new to the faux-fur trend.",0 +"naturally, we were having a by-election and we wanted the candidate to be there.","naturally, we were having a byelection and we wanted the candidate to be there.",0 +and this transaction demonstrates excellent synergy between both banks with customer-centric cultures.,"and this transaction demonstrates excellent synergy between both banks with customer-centric cultures,"" Scotiabank chief executive officer Brian Porter said in a statement.",1 +" In January, 2017, the ITC issued a preliminary ruling, saying Canadian softwood is harming the U.S. lumber industry.",""" In January, 2017, the ITC issued a preliminary ruling, saying Canadian softwood is harming the U.S. lumber industry - a stand upheld on Thursday.",1 + Story continues below advertisement Canada also challenged U.S. lumber tariffs on Nov. 28 by taking its fight to the World Trade Organization., Canada also challenged U.S. lumber tariffs on Nov. 28 by taking its fight to the World Trade Organization.,0 +Scotiabank says its offer to buy a sizable stake in a Chilean bank for $2.9-billion has been accepted.,Bank of Nova Scotia says its offer to buy a sizable stake in a Chilean bank for $2.9-billion has been accepted.,1 +"And HBC is pleased with the results of the Black Friday promotional weekend at the end of November, he said.","And HBC is pleased with its November results including its end-of-month Black Friday promotional weekend, he said.",1 +" A vest, such as Dylan's offering, has a slightly retro appeal."," Story continues below advertisement A vest, such as Dylan's offering, has a slightly retro appeal.",0 +Freeland was coy about what role Cuba is playing behind the scenes in defusing the standoff.,Freeland was unclear about what role Cuba is playing behind the scenes in defusing the standoff.,1 +"ET (1436 GMT), the Canadian dollar was trading at $1.2661 to the greenback, or 78.98 U.S. cents, up 0.1 per cent.","ET, the Canadian dollar was trading at $1.2698 to the greenback, or 78.75 U.S. cents, down 0.2 per cent.",1 + Booming demand will push China ahead of the United States as the world's biggest crude importer this year.,""" Booming demand will push China ahead of the United States as the world's biggest crude importer this year.",0 +"""During the riots IDF soldiers fired selectively towards two main instigators and hits were confirmed,"" the army statement said."," ""During the riots IDF soldiers fired selectively towards two main instigators and hits were confirmed,"" it said.",1 + Story continues below advertisement The measure funds government agencies from the Defence Department to the IRS.,""" The two-week measure funds government agencies from the Defence Department to the IRS.",1 +" ""It's going to be a while before quieter sales offices mean fewer cranes on the horizon,"" he said in a research note Friday.","""It's going to be a while before quieter sales offices mean fewer cranes on the horizon,"" he said in a research note on Friday.",0 +" Several premiers and law enforcement agencies, flustered by the tight timeline, have asked the federal government to delay legalization, but Ottawa has rejected those requests.","Several premiers and law-enforcement agencies, flustered by the tight timeline, have asked the federal government to delay legalization, but Ottawa has rejected those requests.",0 +The popular program provides medical care to more than 8 million children.,The popular health care program provides medical care to more than 8 million children.,0 +The newspaper's continuing investigation has revealed that more than 70 Canadian soldiers and vets who served on the Afghanistan mission have killed themselves.,The Globe's continuing investigation has revealed that more than 70 Canadian soldiers and vets who deployed to Afghanistan have killed themselves.,1 +Lumber Coalition fully supports the enforcement of America's trade laws.,"Lumber Coalition fully supports the enforcement of America's trade laws,"" coalition co-chairman Jason Brochu said in a release.",1 +" Concerns that the OPEC-led producer group's Nov. 30 decision to prolong their supply-cutting deal through 2018 could bolster U.S. shale drilling limited gains, however.", The OPEC-led producer group's Nov. 30 decision to extend their supply-cutting deal could bolster U.S. shale drilling given overall higher prices.,1 +25. They were 2.4 times more likely to kill themselves than their comparable population - a worrisome finding for government researchers involved in the study.,25. These vets were 2.4 times more likely to kill themselves than their comparable population - a worrisome finding that is prompting a deeper look.,1 +" MSCI's broadest index of Asia-Pacific shares outside Japan was up 0.04 per cent in early trade, poised to gain 1.2 per cent for the week."," MSCI's broadest index of Asia-Pacific shares outside Japan was down 0.5 per cent, but poised to gain 0.7 per cent for the week.",1 +""" BBVA Chile has $29-billion in assets and has 4,000 employees at 127 branches."," BBVA Chile has $29-billion in assets and 4,000 employees at 127 branches.",0 +Much of the current condo construction is also launching on units that were pre-sold during hotter times., Much of the current condo construction also comes from units that were pre-sold during hotter times.,1 +"Indeed, he said it had been scheduled before the by-election was called;","Indeed, he said it had been scheduled before the byelection was called;",0 +" There are also pieces with just a bit of fuzz, but don't just stop at something with a faux-fur collar."," There are also pieces with just a bit of fuzz, but don't just stop at something with a faux-fur collar.",0 +"Of the former soldiers lost to suicide over nearly four decades, 1,421 were men and 65 were women.","Of the 1,486 former soldiers who died by suicide, 1,421 were men and 65 were women.",1 +HBC is about half way through a $250-million (U.S.) renovation of the Saks flagship store to improve its performance.,HBC is about halfway through a $250-million (U.S.) renovation of the Saks flagship store to perk up its performance.,0 +" Scotiabank (TSX:BNS) says it intends to merge BBVA Chile with its existing Scotiabank Chile operations, subject to regulatory approvals.","Scotiabank says it intends to merge BBVA Chile with its existing Scotiabank Chile operations, subject to regulatory approvals.",0 +" Israeli soldiers shot dead a Palestinian man on Friday near the Gaza border, the Palestinian Health Ministry said."," Israeli soldiers shot dead a Palestinian man near the Gaza border, the first confirmed death in two days of unrest.",1 +"HBC will use the proceeds to repay debt, which will reduce interest expenses and strengthen the retailer's balance sheet.","HBC will use the proceeds to repay debt, helping to reduce its interest expenses and strengthen its balance sheet.",0 +"Canada's shipments of softwood lumber south of the border are injuring American producers, the U.S.","Canada's shipments of softwood lumber south of the border are injuring the American forestry sector, the U.S.",1 +"Holt said he is not confident about the durability of the pace of growth in condo construction, however.",Holt said he is not confident the condo construction trend will continue at the same pace.,1 +" In B.C., a 19-member committee of municipal politicians and bureaucrats began meeting in October to discuss legalization with the province."," In British Columbia, a 19-member committee of municipal politicians and bureaucrats began meeting in October to discuss legalization with the province.",0 +"Mr. Litt is among shareholders who have been pushing Mr. Baker to consider such as sale, as well as selling off its troubled European division.",Mr. Litt is among shareholders who have been pushing Mr. Baker to consider such a move as well as selling off its troubled European division.,0 + Bank of Montreal economist Robert Kavcic said housing starts trends are reinforcing a long-standing theme of population growth in Canada's biggest cities., Bank of Montreal economist Robert Kavcic said trends in housing starts are reinforcing a long-standing theme of population growth in Canada's biggest cities.,0 +" Story continues below advertisement ""We have achieved all that we set out to achieve,"" he said.","""We have achieved all that we set out to achieve,"" he said.",0 +""" Singh did not explain why the party would have planned a Scarborough event outside the riding for which a by-election call was imminent.",""" Singh did not explain why the party would have planned a Scarborough event outside the riding for which a byelection call was imminent.",0 + Story continues below advertisement The rise has drawn in millions of new investors., Story continues below advertisement Its rapid rise has drawn in millions of new investors.,1 +" The suicide toll is similar to the numbers that the United States, Britain and Australia have uncovered among their military veterans.",""" Canada's suicide toll is similar to the numbers that the United States, Britain and Australia have uncovered among their military veterans.",1 + The federal department has long faced calls to track how many former soldiers are ending their lives and why., The federal government has long faced calls to track how many former soldiers are ending their lives and why.,1 +"(bpd), the second highest on record, data from the General Administration of Customs showed on Friday.","(bpd), the second highest on record, data from the General Administration of Customs showed.",0 +" Also as part of that deal, HBC will shrink the size of its Lord &"," Story continues below advertisement Story continues below advertisement Also as part of the deals, HBC will shrink the size of its Lord &",0 +"In October, HBC announced a series of transactions under which it is selling its coveted Lord &"," In October, HBC announced a series of transactions under which it is selling its coveted Lord &",0 +"Brent crude futures had yet to trade on Friday after settling up 1.4 per cent, or 87 cents, at $63.31 a barrel on Thursday.","Brent crude futures were up 0.1 per cent, or 5 cents, at $63.35.",1 +" Before buying any faux-fur piece, make sure that you're paying attention to the type of texture it has."," Before buying any faux-fur piece, make sure that you're paying attention to the type of texture it has.",0 + The central bank raised rates in July and September for the first time in seven years., The central bank raised rates in July and September for the first time in seven years.,0 + HBC is grappling with a sagging department-store sector and a shift among consumers to digital shopping at such heavyweights as Amazon.com Inc.," HBC faces a sagging department-store sector, waves of discounting and a shift among consumers to digital shopping at such heavyweights as Amazon.com Inc.",1 +" The new look of faux is just so much fun to wear, though, so luckily there are options for those who prefer a subtle take."," The new look of faux is just so much fun to wear, though, so luckily there are options for those who prefer a subtle take.",0 +But there have been fears that once the U.K. is out of the EU some kind of border would have to be put in place.,"There have been fears that once the U.K. is out of the EU, some kind of border would have to be put in place.",0 + Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon also signaled that Friday's framework could pose problems going forward., Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon also signalled that Friday's framework could pose problems.,0 +" The retailer's recent transactions ""illustrate the types of options that are available to us"" in other parts of its business, Mr. Baker said."," HBC's recent transactions ""illustrate the types of options that are available to us"" in other parts of its business, Mr. Baker said.",0 +In Hebron and Bethlehem dozens of Palestinians threw stones at Israeli soldiers who fired back with tear gas.," In Hebron, Bethlehem and Nablus, dozens of Palestinians threw stones at Israeli soldiers who fired back with tear gas.",1 +"In 2014, Elimimian became the first pure defensive player to capture the CFL's outstanding player award."," Story continues below advertisement In 2014, Elimimian became the first pure defensive player to capture the CFL's outstanding player award.",0 +"""We are not going to abandon the people of Moss Park."" Story continues below advertisement Story continues below advertisement Ms.","""We are not going to abandon the people of Moss Park."" Ms.",0 +""" Last week, Mr. Marton issued a statement addressing the allegations.",""" Story continues below advertisement Story continues below advertisement Last week, Mr. Marton issued a statement addressing the allegations.",0 + Bombardier confirmed suspicions Thursday that it would not meet its previous target to deliver 30 C Series planes this year., Bombardier also confirmed suspicions on Thursday that it would not meet its previous target to deliver 30 C Series planes this year.,0 +The company burned through $495-million of cash in the quarter.,The company burned through $495-million of cash in the period.,0 +"""We have and still have a number of active campaigns ongoing."" He declined to give further details.","""We had, and we still have, a number of very active campaigns ongoing."" He declined to give further details.",0 +" The company plans to disclose these numbers to the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday, according to a person familiar with the testimony.","The company plans to disclose these numbers to the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday, according to a person familiar with the testimony.",0 +"Fake news, fake events, propaganda and other misinformation spread far and wide on the platforms in 2016 without the need for paid advertisements.","Fake news, fake events, propaganda and other misinformation spread far and wide on social media services in 2016 without the need for paid advertisements.",1 +That in turn will bite Bombardier's revenue for the year.,That in turn will bite into Bombardier's revenue for the year.,0 + She might also grant them conditional bail or order them to surrender their passports.," The judge, who will rule on this request on Thursday, might also grant them conditional bail or order them to surrender their passports.",0 +" ""President, enough is enough,"" said the influential Catalan newspaper el Peridico on its front page on Wednesday."," Story continues below advertisement Story continues below advertisement ""President, enough is enough,"" said the influential Catalan newspaper el Peridico on its front page on Wednesday.",0 +"The company estimates that roughly 29 million people were directly ""served"" these items in their news feeds from the agency over that time period.","The company estimates that roughly 29 million people were directly ""served"" posts in their news feeds from the agency over that time.",0 + Earlier this season Benjamin got his left knee bent backward in a game against the Saints and did not return.," Earlier this season, Benjamin got his left knee bent backward in a game against the Saints and did not return.",0 +"On Friday, Buffalo traded its highest paid player, defensive tackle Marcell Dareus, to Jacksonville.","Then, on Friday, Buffalo's top-paid player, defensive tackle Marcell Dareus , was dealt to Jacksonville.",1 +" ""It is clearly helping us to accelerate the sales momentum,"" Mr. Bellemare said on a conference call to discuss third-quarter earnings."," ""It is clearly helping us to accelerate the sales momentum,"" Mr. Bellemare said on a conference call with stakeholders.",1 +"Overall, he's scored 18 touchdowns in 40 games, and the 6-foot-5, 245-pound Benjamin provides quarterback Tyrod Taylor a big target, particularly in the red zone."," The 6-foot-5, 245-pound Benjamin has scored 18 touchdowns in 40 games and provides quarterback Tyrod Taylor a big target, particularly in the red zone.",0 +" Quarterbacks Mike Reilly and Ricky Ray, the league's top two passers, were named team finalists for the CFL's outstanding player award.","Quarterbacks Mike Reilly and Ricky Ray, the league's top two passers, were named team finalists for the CFL's outstanding player award.",0 +"Creel became CP's chief executive officer in January and said he wanted to end the acrimony with the company's biggest union, Teamsters Canada Rail Conference.",Creel became CP's CEO in January and said he wanted to end the acrimony with the Teamsters members.,1 +" CATALONIA DIVIDED Following a tumultuous month, attention is gradually turning to the December vote.","Following a tumultuous month, attention is gradually turning to the December vote.",0 +The judge is expected to rule on this request on Thursday.,The judge is due to rule on this request later on Thursday though she is widely expected to follow the prosecutor's recommendations.,1 +" Prices of oil, one of Canada's major exports, steadied after a week of gains as the prospect of increasing U.S. exports dampened bullish sentiment."," Prices of oil, one of Canada's major exports, added to recent gains.",0 +"ET (1313 GMT), the Canadian dollar was trading at $1.2892 to the greenback, or 77.57 U.S. cents, down 0.5 per cent.","EDT, the Canadian dollar was trading at $1.2900 to the greenback, or 77.52 U.S. cents, down 0.5 per cent.",1 + Story continues below advertisement He said part of that effort was his offer to extend the Teamsters' contract for one year.,Creel said part of that effort was his offer to extend the Teamsters' contract for one year.,0 +" U.S. light crude was up 13 cents, or 0.2 percent, to $54.43, almost 30 percent above its 2017-lows in June."," U.S. crude ended 24 cents, or 0.4 per cent, higher at $54.54, almost 30 per cent above its 2017-lows in June.",1 +" He says buyers no longer seem concerned about a bubble bursting and a market collapse, so are back shopping for homes.","He says buyers no longer seem concerned about a bubble bursting , so are back shopping for homes.",0 +" According to a union memo seen by the Globe and Mail on Thursday, 67 per cent of votes cast by union members rejected the deal.", Story continues below advertisement Sixty-seven per cent of votes cast by union members rejected the deal.,0 +"TREB reported 18,859 homes were listed for sale in the GTA as of October 31, up 78.5 per cent from 10,563 homes a year ago."," TREB reported 18,859 homes were listed for sale in the GTA as of Oct. 31, up 78.5 per cent from 10,563 homes a year ago.",0 +"On Wednesday, Brent reached $61.70, its highest intraday level since July 2015.","The benchmark hit $61.70 on Wednesday, its highest intraday level since July 2015.",0 +"ET (1308 GMT), the Canadian dollar was trading at $1.2905 to the greenback, or 77.49 U.S. cents, down 0.1 per cent.","EDT, the Canadian dollar was trading at $1.2865 to the greenback, or 77.73 U.S. cents, up 0.2 per cent.",1 +It expects to end fiscal 2017 with $16.3-billion in revenue and using $1-billion in cash.,"It expects to book $16.3-billion in revenue for fiscal 2017, roughly the same as 2016, and use $1-billion in cash.",1 +""" ""Police forces must be accountable to responsible politicians and the legislature, or we greatly increase the risk of drifting into totalitarianism,"" he said.",""" ""Police forces must be held accountable to responsible politicians and the legislature, or we greatly increase the risk of drifting into totalitarianism,"" he said.",0 +Profit margins improved in each of Bombardier's four business units., Profit margins improved in each of Bombardier's four business units.,0 + Brent crude was up 12 cents or 0.2 percent to $60.61 per barrel by 1:24 p.m..," Brent crude settled up 13 cents, or 0.2 per cent, at $60.62 per barrel.",1 + Story continues below advertisement Story continues below advertisement Provinces and territories will also have a significant say in how cannabis revenues are spent., Provinces and territories will also have a significant say in how cannabis revenues are spent.,0 + Gap has been offering frequent discounts to get shoppers to buy.," The company has been offering frequent discounts to get shoppers to buy, but recently it's been trying to pull back on price cutting.",1 +"West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude futures were up 8 cents at $49.24 a barrel, near a four-week high.","West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude futures fell 27 cents to $48.89, still near a three-week high.",0 +" In one central neighborhood of Mexico City, dozens of people stood outside after the quake, some wrapped in blankets against the cool night air."," In one central neighborhood, dozens stood outside, some wrapped in blankets against the cool night air.",0 +"The latest poll of polls puts the CDU/CSU on top, with 38 per cent of the vote.","The latest poll of polls puts the CDU/CSU on top, with 36 per cent of the vote, down about 2 points in recent weeks.",1 +"Gap Inc. says it will shift its focus to its growing brands Old Navy and Athleta, and away from the Gap and Banana Republic.","Gap Inc. plans to shift its focus to its growing Old Navy and Athleta stores, and away from the Gap and Banana Republic brands.",1 +"There, the young are endorsing ""Mutti"" - Mom - as Ms. Merkel is known.","There, the young are endorsing ""Mutti"" - Mommy - as Ms. Merkel is known.",1 +Germans go to the polls on Sept. 24 after a campaign that failed to stir the soul inside or outside of Germany.,Germans go to the polls today after a campaign that failed to stir the soul inside or outside of Germany.,1 +", who briefly sat in on the interview, released a statement later Thursday containing the federal statute barring lying to Congress.",", who briefly sat in on the interview, released a statement later containing the federal statute barring lying to Congress.",0 + Trump Jr. and the Judiciary Committee had negotiated for him to appear privately and be interviewed only by committee staff Thursday., Trump Jr. and the Judiciary Committee had negotiated for him to appear privately on Thursday and to be interviewed only by committee staff.,1 +Scores of people staged protests outside the Myanmar embassies in Tokyo and Manila.,Others were held outside Myanmar's embassies in Tokyo and Manila.,1 +"Because oil is priced in the greenback, a lower dollar makes it less expensive for holders of other currencies.","Because oil is priced in the U.S. currency, a lower dollar makes it less expensive for foreign buyers.",1 + Classes were suspended in much of central and southern Mexico on Friday to allow authorities to assess damage., Classes were suspended in much of central and southern Mexico on Friday to allow authorities to assess the impact.,1 +"At least 250 people in Oaxaca were also injured, according to agriculture minister Jose Calzada."," Story continues below advertisement WOKEN IN THE NIGHT At least 250 people in Oaxaca were also injured, according to agriculture minister Jose Calzada.",0 + Multiple congressional committees and Mueller's team of prosecutors are investigating whether the Trump campaign co-ordinated with Russia to influence the outcome of the election., Multiple congressional committees and Mueller's team of prosecutors are investigating whether the Trump campaign co-ordinated with Russia to influence the outcome of the election.,0 +"At least 300 boats carrying Rohingya arrived in the Bangladesh border district of Cox's Bazar on Wednesday, the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) said.","At least 300 boats carrying Rohingya arrived in Bangladesh's Cox's Bazar district on Wednesday, the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) said.",1 +" Television footage of the Franco-Dutch island of Saint Martin showed a damaged marina with boats tossed into piles, submerged streets and flooded homes."," Television footage from the island showed a damaged marina with boats tossed into piles, submerged streets and flooded homes.",0 +""" All the deaths were in three neighboring states clustered round the epicenter.",""" All the deaths were in three neighboring states clustered near the epicenter that lay about 70 km (40 miles) off the coast.",1 +" Story continues below advertisement Billed as the World's Best Tuque, the second iteration of the Frontier Tuque is back.","Billed as the World's Best Tuque, the second iteration of the Frontier Tuque is back.",0 +" In Palm Beach, the waterfront Mar-a-Lago estate owned by U.S."," In Palm Beach, the waterfront Mar-a-Lago estate owned by U.S.",0 + Classes were suspended in much of central and southern Mexico on Friday to allow authorities to review damage., Classes were suspended in much of central and southern Mexico on Friday to allow authorities to assess damage.,0 + Ontario will be the first province to outline how it plans to tackle the contentious issue of distribution., Ontario will be the first province to outline how it plans to tackle the contentious issue of distribution.,0 +"Champagne house Perrier-Jouet hosted a do' at the Four Seasons Hotel Toronto, that was part patio party, part trip down TIFF memory lane.","Champagne house Perrier-Jouet hosted a do at the Four Seasons Hotel Toronto, that was part patio party, part trip down TIFF memory lane.",0 +" Though the Fed often operates with fewer than its full complement of seven governors, it has never dipped as low as three."," Though the Fed often operates with fewer than its full complement of seven governors, it has never dipped as low as three.",0 +" ""We generally saw him as a centrist on the Committee,"" said JP Morgan economist Michael Feroli."," ""We generally saw him as a centrist on the Committee,"" said JPMorgan economist Michael Feroli.",0 +" Windows were shattered at Mexico City airport and power went out in several neighborhoods of the capital, affecting more than one million people."," OUTAGES, AFTERSHOCKS Windows were shattered at Mexico City airport and power went out in several neighborhoods of the capital, affecting more than 1 million people.",1 +" Barbuda, where one person died, was reduced ""to rubble,"" Prime Minister Gaston Browne said."," The eastern Caribbean island of Barbuda was reduced to ""rubble,"" and one person died, Prime Minister Gaston Browne said.",1 +"Last night might have been the start of TIFF 2017, but things were heating up the night before that.","Last night might have been the start of TIFF 2017, but things were heating up the evening before that.",0 +That triggered an army counter-offensive in which at least 400 people were killed.,That triggered an army counteroffensive in which at least 400 people died.,0 +""" Trump Jr. sought to explain that remark Thursday by saying it was ""simply a colloquial way of saying that I appreciated Rob's gesture."," Story continues below advertisement Trump Jr. said it was ""simply a colloquial way of saying that I appreciated Rob's gesture.",0 +" Story continues below advertisement Liliana Villa, 35, who was in her apartment when the quake struck, fled to the street in her nightclothes."," Liliana Villa, 35, who was in her apartment when the quake struck, fled in her nightclothes.",0 + But he said Mexico has sufficient funds to pay for a clean-up whether the bond was triggered or not., But he said Mexico has sufficient funds to pay for a cleanup whether the bond was triggered or not.,0 +Fischer's earlier than expected departure intensifies the urgency for Trump to decide how deeply he wants to overhaul U.S. monetary policy.,Fischer's earlier-than-expected departure intensifies the urgency for Trump to decide how deeply he wants to overhaul U.S. monetary policy.,0 +The company has been cutting its store numbers over the last few years.,The company has been cutting its store numbers over the last decade or so.,0 +"Virgin Islands, ripping down trees and flattening homes and hospitals.","Virgin Islands, flattening homes and hospitals and ripping down trees.",1 +" Brent crude futures were up 39 cents at $54.59 a barrel by 0921 GMT, close to their highest since May 25. U.S."," Brent crude futures were up 11 cents at $54.31 a barrel by 1356 GMT, close to their highest since May 25, while U.S.",1 + Prices also received a boost from a weakening U.S. dollar., Also affecting prices was support from a weakening U.S. dollar.,0 + Shares of Gap rose more 5 per cent to $25.32 in late morning trading., Shares of Gap rose almost 6 per cent to $25.39 in midday trading.,1 + Story continues below advertisement The dollar fell against a basket of currencies after Fischer's announcement., The dollar fell against a basket of currencies after Fischer's announcement.,0 +" If Congress does not act swiftly to pass a legislative fix, the next six months will be filled with uncertainty for Dreamers."," If Congress does not act swiftly to pass a legislative fix, the next six months will be filled with uncertainty for these undocumented young people.",0 +" But even as they came to grips with the massive destruction, residents of the islands faced the threat of another major storm, Hurricane Jose."," But even as they came to grips with the destruction, residents of the islands faced the threat of another major storm, Hurricane Jose.",0 +"Meade said the bond's coverage could reach $150 million, depending on magnitude and location.","Meade said the bond's coverage could reach $150-million, depending on magnitude and location.",0 +" The moves are the latest to reinvent the chain and are being spearheaded by CEO Art Peck, who took the helm in 2015."," Gap's moves are the latest to reinvent the chain and are being spearheaded by Peck, who took the helm in 2015.",1 + American skateboard staple Vans has teamed up with fashion designe Karl Lagerfeld on a collection.,American skateboard staple Vans has teamed up with fashion designe Karl Lagerfeld on a collection.,0 +The Washington Post reported in July that the president dictated a statement saying the meeting primarily concerned a Russian adoption program.,The White House has said the president was involved in drafting a statement saying the meeting primarily concerned a Russian adoption program.,1 +The private corporation route only really benefits people making more than hundreds,The private corporation route only really benefits people making more than hundreds [of] thousands of dollars.,0 +" This time, damage to the city was limited, as the quake was deeper and further from the capital, but still shocking.", This time damage to the city was limited as the quake was deeper and further from the capital.,1 +" Predictably, such good cheer had curdled by about 10 p.m., when the annual opening night ""soiree"" got under way."," Predictably, such good cheer had curdled by about 10 p.m., when the annual opening-night ""soiree"" got under way.",0 +" As part of its H Project #UncrateCanada collection, Holt Renfrew has partnered with Toronto leather goods brand Ela on two exclusive handbags.","As part of its H Project #UncrateCanada collection, Holt Renfrew has partnered with Toronto leather goods brand Ela on two exclusive handbags.",0 +" Trump Jr. said he only remembers seven people in the meeting, though eight have been publicly reported."," He said he remembers seven people in the meeting, though eight have been publicly reported.",0 +" Trump Jr. spoke to the committee for about five hours, leaving midafternoon out of view of reporters."," Trump Jr. spoke to the Senate Judiciary Committee for about five hours, leaving in the midafternoon, out of view of reporters.",1 +""" More news Streetwise Economic Insight Inside the Market In case you missed it", Read more More news Streetwise Economic Insight Inside the Market In case you missed it,1 +" Irma was about 300 miles (485 km) southeast of Miami, the NHC said in its latest advisory."," Story continues below advertisement Story continues below advertisement Irma was about 245 miles (395 km) south-southeast of Miami, the NHC said in its latest advisory.",1 + A man was reported missing after trying to cross a river in Cerca La Source in Haiti's Central Plateau region.,A man was reported missing after trying to cross a river in Haiti's Central Plateau region.,0 + But don't be lulled into thinking the election doesn't matter just because it hasn't electrified voters., Story continues below advertisement But don't be lulled into thinking the election doesn't matter just because it hasn't electrified voters.,0 +"Trump also owns property on the French side of Saint Martin, an island devastated by the storm.","Trump also owns property on the French side of St. Martin, a French-Dutch island devastated by the storm.",1 +" Late last year, Mr. Naqvi said his province was most concerned with ensuring cannabis is consumed in a socially responsible way."," Late last year, Mr. Naqvi said his province was most concerned with ensuring cannabis is consumed in a socially responsible way.",0 +" Shocked residents stepped through the rubble of about 100 collapsed buildings including houses, a flattened Volkswagen dealership and Juchitan's battered town hall."," Startled residents stepped through the rubble of about 100 wrecked buildings, including houses, a flattened Volkswagen dealership and Juchitan's shattered town hall.",0 +" ""We need to prepare for many more to come, I am afraid,"" said Shinni Kubo, the Bangladesh country manager for the agency."," ""We need to prepare for many more to come, I am afraid,"" said Shinni Kubo, Bangladesh country manager for UNHCR.",1 +"I'm an hour behind, This present-delivery thing is a grind.","I'm an hour behind, This present-delivery thing is a grind.",0 +" Rising output in the United States put a lid on gains, however.", But rising U.S. output has put a lid on gains.,0 +"Stephen Quinn is the former host of On the Coast on CBC Radio One, 690 AM and 88.1 FM in Vancouver."," Stephen Quinn is the former host of On the Coast on CBC Radio One, 690 AM and 88.1 FM in Vancouver.",0 +" The Bank of Canada raised interest rates in July, and then again in September, for the first time in seven years."," The Bank of Canada raised interest rates in July, and then again in September, for the first time in seven years.",0 + Attempts by police to locate the owner have also turned up empty., The RCMP say the file has now been turned over to local police.,0 +"Shale production will rise to a record in January, according to a government forecast published on Monday, as higher prices encourage companies to pump more.","Shale production will rise to a record in January, according to a government forecast published on Monday, as higher prices encourage increased drilling.",1 +"The strategy sets a goal of being an ""energy-dominant nation"" and says that the United States ""recognizes the importance of environmental stewardship.","The strategy sets a goal of being an ""energy-dominant nation"" but does say that the United States ""recognizes the importance of environmental stewardship.",1 + Aecon had said in August that it was looking for potential buyers.,""" Aecon had said in August that it was looking for potential buyers.",0 +" The system, which also carries a third of Britain's total offshore natural gas output, was shut down after a crack was found."," The system, which also carries a third of Britain's offshore natural gas output, was shut down after a crack was found.",0 +"T'was the night before Christmas, and in the West End, Santa had just met a brand new best friend.","T'was the night before Christmas, and in the West End, Santa had just met a brand new best friend.",0 +Rinaldo was expected to take part in a phone hearing Wednesday with the NHL after waiving his right to have an in-person hearing., Rinaldo was expected to take part in a phone hearing Wednesday with the NHL after waiving his right to have an in-person hearing.,0 +" ""If they're helping me with North Korea, I can look at trade a little bit differently, at least for a period of time.","""If they're helping me with North Korea, I can look at trade a little bit differently, at least for a period of time.",0 +""" Aecon had said in August that it was looking for potential buyers."," The company had said in August that it was looking for potential buyers, and in October it announced the friendly deal with CCCCI.",1 +" Story continues below advertisement Story continues below advertisement Earlier on Thursday, Boakai said he doubted that the vote was ""free, fair and transparent"", without elaborating."," Earlier on Thursday, Boakai said he doubted that the vote was ""free, fair and transparent"", without elaborating.",0 +" Wu Haitao, China's deputy U.N. ambassador, said tensions on the Korean peninsula risk ""spiralling out of control"" and he repeated Beijing's call for talks."," Wu Haitao, China's deputy UN ambassador, said tensions on the Korean peninsula risk ""spiraling out of control"" and he repeated Beijing's call for talks.",0 +They had won only one of their previous 11 games.,"They had won only one of their previous 11 games, losing the previous two games after having a one-goal lead in the final period.",1 + U.S. crude prices were up 0.05 per cent at $59.67 a barrel., U.S. crude futures settled 0.3 per cent higher at $59.84 a barrel.,1 +She said the train normally travels at 80 kph at that location.,She said the train normally travels at 80 kph (50 mph) at that location.,0 + Detroit's Danny DeKeyser pulled the Red Wings into a tie early in the first., DeKeyser pulled the Red Wings into a tie early in the first and Tatar's power-goal goal gave them a two-goal cushion they needed.,0 +" The government estimates there are about 15,000 grizzly bears in the province."," There are an estimated 15,000 grizzly bears in the province, which Donaldson said is a sustainable population.",1 + Arizona Coyotes centre Zac Rinaldo has been suspended six games for punching Samuel Girard of the Colorado Avalanche.,Arizona Coyotes centre Zac Rinaldo has been suspended six games for punching Samuel Girard of the Colorado Avalanche.,0 +Security Council resolutions pertaining to North Korea in their entirety and fulfils its international obligations.,Security Council resolutions pertaining to North Korea in their entirety and fulfills its international obligations.,1 +China on Friday denied reports it has been illicitly selling oil products to North Korea after U.S.,"China on Friday denied reports it had been illicitly selling oil products to North Korea in violation of U.N. sanctions, after U.S.",0 + The semi-annual forecast by Export Development Canada underlines the challenges posed by the more isolationist approach to trade of U.S., The semi-annual forecast by Export Development Canada reflects the challenges posed by the more isolationist approach to trade of U.S.,0 + Story continues below advertisement The company's board unanimously recommended shareholders support the deal.," Story continues below advertisement ""But it's definitely the right thing for everyone involved with the company.",1 +Sirleaf drew a line under years of civil war but drew criticism for failing to root out corruption or persistent poverty.,She drew a line under years of civil war but drew criticism for failing to root out corruption or persistent poverty.,1 +Aecon shareholders have voted overwhelmingly to approve a $1.5-billion takeover of the Canadian company by a Chinese firm.,Aecon shareholders voted overwhelmingly Tuesday to approve a $1.5-billion takeover of the Canadian company by a Chinese firm.,0 +Russian police detained several suspects from mainly Muslim states in ex-Soviet central Asia., Story continues below advertisement Russian police detained several suspects in that attack from mainly Muslim states in ex-Soviet central Asia.,1 + Canadian government bond prices were lower across the yield curve in sympathy with U.S., Story continues below advertisement Story continues below advertisement Canadian government bond prices were lower across the yield curve in sympathy with U.S.,0 +"""They've gone to the suburbs where the rents aren't so high."," ""They've gone to the suburbs where the rents aren't so high.",0 +"Rival currencies litecoin and ethereum were up 4.4 per cent and 2.6 per cent, respectively, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.","Rival currencies litecoin and ethereum were up 5.6 percent and 2.5 percent, respectively, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.",1 +" Business has slowed steadily since then, with zero shipments of diesel, gasoline and other fuel from China in October."," Business has slowed since then, with zero shipments of diesel, gasoline and other fuel from China in October.",0 +" Investors have also been weighing prospects for global central banks to tighten monetary conditions, lessening the divergence between the U.S."," Investors have been weighing prospects for global central banks to tighten monetary conditions, lessening the divergence between the U.S.",0 +""" He headed south, his next stop would be Oregon, While the ghost travelled east to wake Derek Corrigan.",""" He headed south, his next stop would be Oregon, While the ghost travelled east to wake Derek Corrigan.",0 + Both ships were among 10 vessels that the United States had proposed that the U.N.,SHIP-BAN PROPOSAL Both ships were among 10 vessels the United States has proposed that the U.N.,1 +"""I show them the future that they have created, And a public that's more than a little bit jaded."," ""I show them the future that they have created, And a public that's more than a little bit jaded.",0 + The North Korean mission to the United Nations did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the vote., The North Korean mission to the United Nations did not immediately respond to a request for comment.,1 + The two-year fell 2.5 cents to yield 1.584 per cent and the 10-year declined 40 cents to yield 1.908 per cent.,The two-year fell 6 cents to yield 1.603 per cent and the 10-year declined 64 cents to yield 1.937 per cent.,1 +" ""A lot of people are arriving, and no one is going out. No one is saying anything official. We are stuck here,"" she said."," ""A lot of people are arriving, and no one is going out. No one is saying anything official. We are stuck here,"" she said.",0 + Passengers at the airport were left in the dark when the lights suddenly went out at around 1 p.m., Passengers at the airport were left in the dark when the lights went out at around 1 p.m.,0 +Postal Service and Amazon were not immediately available for comment.,"Postal Service, FedEx and UPS declined comment or were not immediately available for comment on Trump's tweet.",1 + China and Russia subsequently asked for more time to consider the U.S. proposal., China and Russia have asked for more time to consider the U.S. proposal.,1 +" The first of these reports, from the American Petroleum Institute, is due at 2130 GMT on Tuesday."," The first of these reports, from the American Petroleum Institute, is due at 4:30 p.m.",1 +The two-year fell 3 cents to yield 1.679 per cent and the benchmark 10-year declined 30 cents to yield 2.016 per cent.,The two-year fell 5.5 Canadian cents to yield 1.693 per cent and the 10-year declined 42 Canadian cents to yield 2.031 per cent.,1 +"""And so here we are - Watch out for the bike!"," ""And so here we are - Watch out for the bike! There's something about this guy people don't like.",0 +" The semi-official Tasnim news agency quoted the deputy commander of Tehran's Revolutionary Guard base, Brig."," The semi-official Tasnim news agency later quoted the deputy commander of Tehran's Revolutionary Guard base, Brig.",0 +" He also celebrated his decision to make it easier for local police forces to purchase surplus military equipment, and questioned rising violence in Chicago."," Trump celebrated his decision to make it easier for local police forces to purchase surplus military equipment, and questioned rising violence in Chicago.",0 +" Story continues below advertisement Mohsen Araki, a Shiite cleric who serves in Iran's Assembly of Experts, praised Rouhani's efforts at improving the economy."," Mohsen Araki, a Shiite cleric who serves in Iran's Assembly of Experts, praised Rouhani's efforts at improving the economy.",0 +""" Story continues below advertisement Story continues below advertisement Mozell Smith, 68, of Atlanta arrived at the airport hours after the electricity went off."," Mozell Smith, 58, of Atlanta arrived at the airport hours after the electricity went off.",1 + U.S. crude prices were up 0.4 per cent at $57.38 a barrel., U.S. crude futures settled 0.5 per cent higher at $57.46 a barrel.,1 +"The blackout halted all outgoing flights, and arriving planes were held on the ground at their point of departure.","The outage halted all outgoing flights, and arriving planes were held on the ground at their point of departure.",0 + But losses for the greenback were pared after data showed that U.S. domestic home construction unexpectedly rose in November to a 13-month peak., The U.S. dollar also benefited from data showing that U.S. domestic home construction rose unexpectedly in November to a 13-month peak.,0 +It was an unusual find in an unlikely place: A Pepsi machine in a New Brunswick potato field.,Police say they've found the owner of a Pepsi machine discovered in a New Brunswick potato field.,0 +"On Wednesday, Ineos could not immediately comment on the current flow rates.","On Wednesday, Ineos could not immediately comment on current flow rates.",0 +" Interstate 5 is the West Coast's major north-south highway, running between the U.S-Mexican border in San Diego, California, and the border with Canada in Washington."," I-5 is the West Coast's major north-south highway, running between the U.S-Mexican border in San Diego, California, and the border with Canada in Washington.",0 +"ET (1408 GMT), the Canadian dollar was trading at $1.2591 to the greenback, or 79.42 U.S. cents, up 0.5 per cent.","ET (2100 GMT), the Canadian dollar was trading at C$1.2572 to the greenback, or 79.54 U.S. cents, up 0.7 per cent.",1 +"West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude futures were at $57.37 a barrel at 1137 GMT, up 33 cents, or 0.58 per cent, from their last settlement.",West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude futures were up 25 cents at $57.29 a barrel.,1 +" Four other children aged 12 or 13 died Thursday in the collision, and 16 others and the bus driver were injured.", Four children aged 12 or 13 died Thursday after the accident.,1 +" Story continues below advertisement The protests in the Iranian capital, as well as U.S."," Story continues below advertisement The protests in the Iranian capital, as well as President Donald Trump tweeting about them, raised the stakes.",1 +" Story continues below advertisement ""No personnel or passengers were in danger at any time,"" the statement said."," ""No personnel or passengers were in danger at any time,"" the statement said.",0 +" Story continues below advertisement In Vung Tau city, thousands of fishing boats halted their monthslong fishing trips to return to shore.", Story continues below advertisement The storm was expected to dissipate over the Gulf of Thailand later Tuesday.,0 +" Story continues below advertisement The ongoing outage of the Forties pipeline, which carries North Sea oil to Britain, was the main price driver, traders said."," The ongoing outage of the Forties pipeline, which carries North Sea oil to Britain, was the main price support early in the session, traders said.",1 +"ET, the Canadian dollar was trading at $1.2893 to the greenback, or 77.56 U.S. cents, down 0.2 per cent."," At 4 p.m. (2100 GMT), the Canadian dollar was trading at $1.2871 to the greenback, or 77.69 U.S. cents, down 0.1 per cent.",1 +" Delta Air Lines, which has its headquarters at the airport, said more than 450 mainline and regional flights were cancelled."," Delta Air Lines, which has its hub at the airport, said about 900 mainline and connection flights were cancelled, and 48 flights were diverted.",1 + It was not immediately possible to find contact information for the company., It was not immediately possible to find contact information for the Taiwanese charter company.,1 +"However, authorities said that electricity should be restored at the Hartfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport by midnight.","Hours after the blackout began, authorities announced that electricity would be restored at the Hartfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport by midnight.",1 + Story continues below advertisement Curtis McElhinney stopped 26 shots for Toronto.," Story continues below advertisement ""It got the pressure off us,"" Tatar said.",0 +" The Maple Leafs lost their third straight, matching a season high.","""They make you feel better about yourself."" The Maple Leafs lost their third straight, matching a season high.",0 +"""Now it's only the rich and the people they hire, To water their lawns and pick up the flyers."," ""Now it's only the rich and the people they hire, To water their lawns and pick up the flyers.",0 +The strategy emphasizes that U.S. economic security is national security., The strategy emphasizes that U.S. economic security is national security.,0 + Honduras has been roiled by political instability and violent protests since then., Honduras has been roiled by political instability and violent protests since the election.,1 + No areas outside of the airport were affected by the power loss., Story continues below advertisement No areas outside of the airport were affected by the power loss.,0 +" In September, the Security Council put a cap of 2 million barrels a year on refined petroleum products exports to North Korea.",""" In September, the Security Council put a cap of 2 million barrels a year on refined petroleum products exports to North Korea.",0 +" The bus was carrying students aged 11 to 15 from the Christian Bourquin school in the village of Millas, near Perpignan in southern France."," The bus was carrying 23 students aged 11 to 15 from the Christian Bourquin school in the village of Millas, near Perpignan in southern France.",1 +" Story continues below advertisement ""Anti-police sentiment is wrong and it's dangerous,"" he added. ""Anyone who kills a police officer should get the death penalty."," ""Anti-police sentiment is wrong and it's dangerous,"" he added. ""Anyone who kills a police officer should get the death penalty.",0 +" Benchmark 10-year notes last rose 7/32 in price to yield 2.2998 percent, from 2.323 per cent late on Thursday.","Benchmark 10-year notes last rose 7/32 in price to yield 2.2998 percent, from 2.323 per cent late on Thursday.",0 +"The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 54.25 points, or 0.24 per cent, to 22,895.26, the S&"," The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 54.25 points, or 0.24 per cent, to 22,895.26, the S&",0 +"""This is a matter of fairness for all market partners and for the safety of users,"" Fortin said in a statement."," ""This is a matter of fairness for all market partners and for the safety of users,"" Fortin said in a statement.",0 +"Toronto stocks are up 0.5 per cent for the week so far, putting the index on track for its fifth consecutive week in positive territory."," Toronto stocks are up 0.5 per cent for the week so far, putting the index on track for its fifth consecutive week in positive territory.",0 +" The Socialist Party's strong showing comes amid devastating food shortages, triple-digit inflation, and a collapsing currency in the South American OPEC nation."," The Socialist Party's strong showing came despite devastating food shortages, triple-digit inflation, and a collapsing currency in the South American OPEC nation.",1 +He gave up homers to Willson Contreras and Anthony Rizzo.,"He gave up homers to Willson Contreras and Anthony Rizzo, left while trailing 3-1 and did not factor in the decision.",1 + BofA's non-interest expenses fell 2.5 per cent to $13.14-billion (9.89 billion pounds)in the third quarter.,BofA's non-interest expenses fell 2.5 per cent to $13.14-billion (9.89 billion pounds)in the third quarter.,0 +"European shares also rose to their highest level in nearly four months, helped by some well-received corporate earnings updates."," European shares also rose to their highest level in nearly four months, helped by some well-received corporate earnings updates.",0 +That is the longest streak since a five-week run that ended in November 2014. At 11:17 a.m.,That is the longest streak since a five-week run that ended in November 2014.,1 +"Job security was a major issue in the talks, as Unifor wanted assurances the Ingersoll plant would be the lead plant for the hot-selling Equinox."," Job security was a major issue in the talks, as Unifor wanted assurances the Ingersoll plant would be the lead plant for the hot-selling Equinox.",0 +" Both venues have political issues which have caused the Saudis unease and delayed the location decision, according to a third source familiar with the matter.","Both venues have political issues which have caused the Saudis unease and delayed the location decision, according to a third source familiar with the matter.",0 +"That's on the supportive side,"" said Olivier Jakob, managing director of PetroMatrix.","That's on the supportive side,"" said Olivier Jakob, managing director of oil consultancy PetroMatrix.",1 + Story continues below advertisement They declined to name the investor or how much of Aramco would be sold.,They declined to name the investor or how much of Aramco would be sold.,0 +" Benefiting from higher Federal Reserve interest rates, the lender's net interest income rose 9.4 per cent to $11.16-billion.","Benefiting from higher Federal Reserve interest rates, the lender's net interest income rose 9.4 per cent to $11.16-billion.",0 +" Earlier in Asia, MSCI's broadest index of Asia-Pacific shares outside Japan hit a roughly 10-year high.","Earlier in Asia, MSCI's broadest index of Asia-Pacific shares outside Japan hit a roughly 10-year high.",0 +They declined to name the investor or how much of Aramco would be sold., Story continues below advertisement They declined to name the investor or how much of Aramco would be sold.,0 + Earnings per share rose to 48 cents and trumped analysts' average estimate of 45 cents per share.,Earnings per share rose to 48 cents and trumped analysts' average estimate of 45 cents per share.,0 +Dias complained Thursday about GM adding plants in Mexico while closing facilities in Canada and the U.S., Dias complained Thursday about GM adding plants in Mexico while closing facilities in Canada and the U.S.,0 +" ""We own this challenge, and we fully intend to do everything necessary to mitigate the impacts,"" said communications director Eric Prud`Homme.","""We own this challenge, and we fully intend to do everything necessary to mitigate the impacts,"" said communications director Eric Prud`Homme.",0 +" Slightly more than 50 per cent of executives said they would be supportive of a $15 minimum wage two years later, in 2021."," Slightly more than 50 per cent of executives said they would be supportive of a $15 minimum wage two years later, in 2021.",0 +Uber bypassed that regulation and started offering people rides without its drivers having to obtain a costly permit., Uber bypassed that regulation and started offering people rides without its drivers having to obtain a costly permit.,0 +"U.S. crude rose 1.11 per cent to $51.16 per barrel and Brent was last at $56.79, up 0.96 per cent on the day."," U.S. crude rose 1.11 per cent to $51.16 per barrel and Brent was last at $56.79, up 0.96 per cent on the day.",0 +" The government does retain significant support in poorer, rural settings and Venezuela's elite-led opposition has struggled to capitalize on discontent over the economy."," Venezuela's government does retain significant support in poorer, rural settings, however.",1 +") Three-quarters of Canadian executives said it was appropriate to speak out publicly on such issues, even if they're not related to their own businesses.",") Three-quarters of Canadian executives said it was appropriate to speak out publicly on such issues, even if they're not related to their own businesses.",0 +" U.S. crude rose 1.11 per cent to $51.16 per barrel and Brent was last at $56.79, up 0.96 per cent on the day.","U.S. crude rose 1.11 per cent to $51.16 per barrel and Brent was last at $56.79, up 0.96 per cent on the day.",0 +"Yet according to the government, everyone voted for them?"" said a skeptical Gloria Torres, 56, once a staunch supporter of former President Hugo Chavez.","Yet according to the government, everyone voted for them?"" said a skeptical Gloria Torres, 56, once a staunch supporter of Chavez.",0 + The research firm suggests there might be a connection between the prospect of rising rates and the economic outlook coming from Canada's corporate offices., The research firm suggests there might be a connection between the prospect of rising rates and the economic outlook coming from Canada's corporate offices.,0 +" ""Neither Venezuelans nor the world will swallow this fiction,"" said grave-faced opposition campaign chief Gerardo Blyde at a midnight news conference."," ""Neither Venezuelans nor the world will swallow this fiction,"" said grave-faced opposition campaign chief Gerardo Blyde.",1 +" ""Revenue across our four lines of business grew 4 per cent, even with a challenging comparable quarter for trading,"" Chief Executive Officer Brian Moynihan said.","""Revenue across our four lines of business grew 4 per cent, even with a challenging comparable quarter for trading,"" Chief Executive Officer Brian Moynihan said.",0 +" European shares also rose to their highest level in nearly four months, helped by some well-received corporate earnings updates.","European shares also rose to their highest level in nearly four months, helped by some well-received corporate earnings updates.",0 + Story continues below advertisement Polls suggested the opposition would easily win a majority., Story continues below advertisement Polls had suggested the opposition would easily win a majority.,0 +" Story continues below advertisement Politico named Caruana Galizia as one of 28 Europeans who are ""shaping, shaking and stirring"" Europe.", Story continues below advertisement Her slaying drew swift denunciations in the tiny EU nation.,1 +" Adjusted trading revenue fell 15 per cent, with revenue from fixed income trading down 22 per cent.","Adjusted trading revenue fell 15 per cent, with revenue from fixed income trading down 22 per cent.",0 + Shares of the No.2 U.S. bank by assets rose about 1 per cent in premarket trade on Friday.,Shares of the No.2 U.S. bank by assets rose about 1 per cent in premarket trade on Friday.,0 +" U.S. stocks rose on Friday and the Nasdaq notched a record high, helped by upbeat economic data and gains in technology shares.","U.S. stocks rose on Friday and the Nasdaq notched a record high, helped by upbeat economic data and gains in technology shares.",0 +""" Also on Thursday, the CRTC launched a consultation asking how Canadians will access audio and video content in the future.",""" Also on Thursday, the CRTC launched a consultation asking how Canadians will access audio and video content in the future.",0 +" ""A stable political environment is conducive to a stable business environment,"" said Normand Champigny, the chief executive of Quebec mining-exploration company Sphinx Resources."," ""A stable political environment is conducive to a stable business environment,"" said Normand Champigny, the chief executive of Quebec mining-exploration company Sphinx Resources.",0 + - 47 per cent of companies say they will have difficulty meeting demand in the next 12 months.,47 per cent of companies say they will have difficulty meeting demand in the next 12 months.,0 +" Oil prices on Friday closed at their highest level in October on bullish news from strong Chinese oil imports, U.S.","Oil prices on Friday closed at their highest level in October on bullish news from strong Chinese oil imports, U.S.",0 +Taxi drivers have been incensed with Uber ever since it arrived in the province., Story continues below advertisement Taxi drivers have been incensed with Uber ever since it arrived in the province.,0 +" Her comments echo a public relations initiative by Netflix this week, which sought to ""set the record straight"" on the deal.","Her comments echo a public relations initiative by Netflix this week, which sought to ""set the record straight"" on the deal.",0 +Left-hander Gio Gonzalez will start Game 5 for the Washington Nationals in their NL Division Series against the Chicago Cubs.,Left-hander Gio Gonzalez was picked to start Game 5 for the Washington Nationals on Thursday night in their NL Division Series against the Chicago Cubs.,1 +" The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 31.6 points, or 0.14 per cent, to close at 22,872.61, the S&","The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 31.6 points, or 0.14 per cent, to close at 22,872.61, the S&",0 +That is the longest streak since a five-week run that ended in November 2014.,That is the longest streak since a five-week run that ended in November 2014. At 11:17 a.m.,0 +"Both venues have political issues which have caused the Saudis unease and delayed the location decision, according to a third source familiar with the matter."," Both venues have political issues which have caused the Saudis unease and delayed the location decision, according to a third source familiar with the matter.",0 +" Consequently, it will increase production by doing final assembly at two sites and adding additional suppliers.","Consequently, it will increase production by doing final assembly at two sites and adding additional suppliers.",0 +" Revenue rose across three of BofA's four main businesses, with consumer banking up 10 per cent.","Revenue rose across three of BofA's four main businesses, with consumer banking up 10 per cent.",0 +" In other data on Friday, consumer prices recorded their biggest increase in eight months as hurricanes Harvey and Irma boosted demand.","In other data on Friday, consumer prices recorded their biggest increase in eight months as hurricanes Harvey and Irma boosted demand.",0 +The workers were to vote on Monday whether to accept the agreement., The workers were to vote on Monday whether to accept the agreement.,0 +"Earlier in Asia, MSCI's broadest index of Asia-Pacific shares outside Japan hit a roughly 10-year high."," Earlier in Asia, MSCI's broadest index of Asia-Pacific shares outside Japan hit a roughly 10-year high.",0 + The leak exposed the identities of the rich and powerful around the world with offshore holdings in Panama., The leak exposed the identities of rich and powerful people around the world who allegedly had offshore holdings in Panama.,1 +He raised the spectre of NAFTA in a statement Friday night about the tentative deal., He raised the spectre of NAFTA in a statement Friday night about the tentative deal.,0 +" The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 54.25 points, or 0.24 per cent, to 22,895.26, the S&","The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 54.25 points, or 0.24 per cent, to 22,895.26, the S&",0 +It had promised to cease operations as of Saturday if the province didn't revert to the original pilot project agreement., It had promised to cease operations as of Saturday if the province didn't revert to the original pilot project agreement.,0 +"Few details of the pact were provided by the company or Unifor, the union whose membership will later hold a vote on ratifying the agreement."," Few details of the pact were provided by the company or Unifor, the union whose membership will later hold a vote on ratifying the agreement.",0 + Concerns about the impact of the austerity measures on the economy are rising.,Concerns about the impact of the austerity measures on the economy are rising.,0 + BofA's large stock of deposits and rate-sensitive mortgage securities make the lender particularly dependent on a rise in interest rates to boost profits.,BofA's large stock of deposits and rate-sensitive mortgage securities make the lender particularly dependent on a rise in interest rates to boost profits.,0 + - Businesses in the energy-producing provinces reported higher sales activity for the first time since the 2015 oil price collapse.,Businesses in the energy-producing provinces reported higher sales activity for the first time since the 2015 oil price collapse.,0 +" Toronto stocks are up 0.5 per cent for the week so far, putting the index on track for its fifth consecutive week in positive territory.","Toronto stocks are up 0.5 per cent for the week so far, putting the index on track for its fifth consecutive week in positive territory.",0 +" Centene sank 3.2 per cent, Molina Healthcare dropped 3.4 per cent and Anthem fell 3.2 per cent.","Centene sank 3.2 per cent, Molina Healthcare dropped 3.4 per cent and Anthem fell 3.2 per cent.",0 +" President Nicolas Maduro's candidates took 17 governorships, versus six for the opposition, in Sunday's nationwide poll, according to the pro-government electoral board."," Maduro's candidates took 17 governorships, versus five for the opposition, in Sunday's nationwide poll, according to the pro-government electoral board.",1 +" ""Our legislation right now doesn't deal with the reality of the internet,"" Ms. Joly told reporters after the event.","""Our legislation right now doesn't deal with the reality of the internet,"" Ms. Joly told reporters after the event.",0 +" Muscat says Caruana Galizia's death resulted from a ""barbaric attack"" that also amounted to an assault on freedom of expression."," Caruana Galizia's death resulted from a ""barbaric attack"" that also amounted to an assault on freedom of expression, Muscat said.",0 +" Limiting the day's gains, the healthcare sector was down 0.3 per cent as health insurers and hospital operators tumbled on news that U.S.","Limiting the day's gains, the healthcare sector was down 0.3 per cent as health insurers and hospital operators tumbled on news that U.S.",0 +" The Trump administration has already imposed sanctions on Venezuelan officials, including Maduro."," The Trump administration has already imposed sanctions on Venezuelan officials, including Maduro, and on the government's ability to raise more funds via foreign debt.",1 +" Digital currency Bitcoin was up 5.9 per cent $5,767.33 after the previous session's 12.9-per-cent gain pushed it above $5,000 for the first time.","Digital currency Bitcoin was up 5.9 per cent $5,767.33 after the previous session's 12.9-per-cent gain pushed it above $5,000 for the first time.",0 + Net income attributable to common shareholders rose to $5.12-billion in third quarter ended Sept. 30 from $4.45-billion in the year-ago period.,Net income attributable to common shareholders rose to $5.12-billion in third quarter ended Sept. 30 from $4.45-billion in the year-ago period.,0 + China's huge imports have been strongly driven by purchases for its strategic petroleum reserves (SPR)., China's robust imports have been driven by purchases for its strategic petroleum reserves (SPR).,0 +"Sept. 19. ""Capacity and labour market pressures have intensified over the past year, suggesting that slack is being absorbed amid robust demand,"" the bank said."," ""Capacity and labour market pressures have intensified over the past year, suggesting that slack is being absorbed amid robust demand,"" the bank said.",0 +"Benchmark 10-year notes last rose 7/32 in price to yield 2.2998 percent, from 2.323 per cent late on Thursday."," Benchmark 10-year notes last rose 7/32 in price to yield 2.2998 percent, from 2.323 per cent late on Thursday.",0 +Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne issued a statement welcoming the tentative deal and expressing hope it would result in an end to the four-week-old strike., Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne issued a statement welcoming the tentative deal and expressing hope it would result in an end to the four-week-old strike.,0 + Business leaders here also support their American colleagues who have spoken out against U.S., Business leaders here also support their American colleagues who have spoken out against U.S.,0 + Another rate increase would further raise the cost of borrowing in an industry that already has reasons to worry., Another rate increase would further raise the cost of borrowing in an industry that already has reasons to worry.,0 +Concerns about the impact of the austerity measures on the economy are rising., Concerns about the impact of the austerity measures on the economy are rising.,0 +" Story continues below advertisement The financial services sector, which accounts for about a third of the index's weight, added 0.4 per cent."," The financial services sector, which accounts for about a third of the index's weight, added 0.4 per cent.",0 +" The government, which had controlled 20 of the 23 governorships, took states across Venezuela's languid plains and steamy Caribbean coast.","The government, which had previously controlled 20 governorships, took states across Venezuela's languid plains and steamy Caribbean coast.",1 +The deal came after GM told Unifor that it might shift more production to Mexico if the strike didn't end soon., The deal came after GM told Unifor that it might shift more production to Mexico if the strike didn't end soon.,0 +"Digital currency Bitcoin was up 5.9 per cent $5,767.33 after the previous session's 12.9-per-cent gain pushed it above $5,000 for the first time."," Digital currency Bitcoin was up 5.9 per cent $5,767.33 after the previous session's 12.9-per-cent gain pushed it above $5,000 for the first time.",0 +"For decades, Quebec has limited the number of taxi permits in each city in the province."," For decades, Quebec has limited the number of taxi permits in each city in the province.",0 +" Apple, up 0.6 per cent, gave the biggest boost to the S&","Apple, up 0.6 per cent, gave the biggest boost to the S&",0 + The deal will also give Hartford access to Aetna's digital assets to improve its workers' compensation and disability claims processes., It will also give The Hartford access to Aetna's digital assets to improve its workers' compensation and disability claims processes.,1 +" The Canada-U.S. two-year bond spread was -9.7 basis points, while the 10-year spread was -35.6 basis points."," Story continues below advertisement Story continues below advertisement The Canada-U.S. two-year bond spread was -8.6 basis points, while the 10-year spread was -34.5 basis points.",1 + The Russian embassy in Ottawa has posted a transcript of his remarks on Twitter.,The Russian embassy in Ottawa posted a transcript of his remarks on Twitter on Friday.,1 + Putin made the comments in Sochi at an international forum in which he fielded a wide range of questions., Putin made the comments Thursday in the Russian resort of Sochi at an international forum in which he fielded a wide range of questions.,1 + The law targets the actions of gross human rights violators in all countries.," Story continues below advertisement The law targets the actions of gross human rights violators in all countries, not just Russia.",1 +"Russian President Vladimir Putin is accusing Canada of playing ""unconstructive political games"" by passing its own Magnitsky law this week.","Russian President Vladimir Putin has accused Canada of playing ""unconstructive political games"" by passing its own Magnitsky law this week.",0 +""" Random thoughts It looks like Hewlett-Packard (HP) will return to IndyCar as the primary sponsor of Simon Pagenaud.",""" Random thoughts It looks like Hewlett-Packard (HP) will return to IndyCar as the primary sponsor of Simon Pagenaud.",0 +Tesla will replace the seat backs in the affected vehicles., Tesla will replace the seat backs in the affected vehicles.,0 +" ""We've come a long way in the last year - but there are lots of details yet."," ""We've come a long way in the last year - but there are lots of details yet.",0 +"""I think the solution is very simple"" Vettel said after Sunday's Brazilian Grand Prix."," Story continues below advertisement ""I think the solution is very simple"" Vettel said after Sunday's Brazilian Grand Prix.",0 + Amanda Robinson Wildly customized cars are hard to resell when the owners get tired of them., Amanda Robinson Wildly customized cars are hard to resell when the owners get tired of them.,0 +""" Mr. Gericke says the move has even been good for his dog, Rosco.","Gericke says the move has even been good for his dog, Rosco.",1 +" ""In 2015, the city relaxed the rules around garage suites to allow almost anybody to build one,"" Ms. Salvador explains."," ""In 2015, the city relaxed the rules around garage suites to allow almost anybody to build one,"" Ms. Salvador explains.",0 +""" Random thoughts It's difficult to feel sorry for Red Bull Racing as it scrambles to solve its engine crisis.",""" Random thoughts It's difficult to feel sorry for Red Bull Racing as it scrambles to solve its engine crisis.",0 +"""They're all amazing plans, among the best we've ever done, and all the units have long, large balconies with barbecue plug-ins,"" Mr. Lamb notes."," ""They're all amazing plans, among the best we've ever done, and all the units have long, large balconies with barbecue plug-ins,"" Mr. Lamb notes.",0 +" That's a steep challenge for traditional auto makers, since electric-car sales in Canada in 2016 were only half of 1 per cent."," That's a steep challenge for traditional auto makers, since electric-car sales in Canada in 2016 were only half of 1 per cent.",0 +" AMG SLC 43 driving in the foothills of the Rockies near Canmore, Alta."," AMG SLC 43 driving in the foothills of the Rockies near Canmore, Alta.",0 +"Among them:Car crashes were responsible for 10.4 deaths per 100,000 population members as a national average.","Among them: Story continues below advertisement Car crashes were responsible for 10.4 deaths per 100,000 population members as a national average.",0 +"Drover has a few favourite places to sit in his home, but it's dependent on the time of day."," The best features Mr. Drover has a few favourite places to sit in his home, but it's dependent on the time of day.",0 +"Ted Lancaster, Kia Canada vice-president and partnership leader, said in an interview that the company's dealership network will also be encouraged to participate."," Ted Lancaster, Kia Canada vice-president and partnership leader, said in an interview that the company's dealership network will also be encouraged to participate.",0 +" The exterior design features a long hood, giving this Buick a Saab-like quality."," The exterior design features a long hood, giving this Buick a Saab-like quality.",0 +" ""I think we must be eating here tonight,"" Mr. Gericke says."," ""I think we must be eating here tonight,"" Mr. Gericke says.",0 +" The first stop was St. John's, Newfoundland, but I only drove around the block before hurrying off to get screeched-in."," The first stop was St. John's, Newfoundland, but I only drove around the block before hurrying off to get screeched-in.",0 +" ""In Vancouver, the actual house or building is a tiny per cent of a property's total value."," ""In Vancouver, the actual house or building is a tiny per cent of a property's total value.",0 +" Concord Pacific ""The luxury market in Calgary is showing signs of recovery."," Concord Pacific ""The luxury market in Calgary is showing signs of recovery.",0 +" ""It's something that we do a lot,"" Mr. Ryan says."," ""It's something that we do a lot,"" Mr. Ryan says.",0 + Chevrolet Standard on the 2017 Silverado 1500 is a 4.3-litre EcoTec3 engine that can produce 285 horsepower and 305 lb., Chevrolet Standard on the 2017 Silverado 1500 is a 4.3-litre EcoTec3 engine that can produce 285 horsepower and 305 lb.,0 + The site on which the McFadzens are building is on London Road;, The site on which the McFadzens are building is on London Road;,0 +The recall involves Sienna minivans from the 2011-2016 model years., The recall involves Sienna minivans from the 2011-2016 model years.,0 +""" The city of Edmonton provided a $4-million Cornerstones grant to Habitat for Humanity;",""" The city of Edmonton provided a $4-million Cornerstones grant to Habitat for Humanity;",0 +" Habitat for Humanity Administration costs are covered by income from Habitat for Humanity's ReStore outlets, which sell second-hand goods and building supplies."," Habitat for Humanity Administration costs are covered by income from Habitat for Humanity's ReStore outlets, which sell second-hand goods and building supplies.",0 +" ""They were looking at condos to be near me or my sister, who lives in Canmore,"" Mrs."," ""They were looking at condos to be near me or my sister, who lives in Canmore,"" Mrs.",0 +"Canadian new-car sales continued to set records in May, reaching an all-time high of approximately 217,000 units sold."," Canadian new-car sales continued to set records in May, reaching an all-time high of approximately 217,000 units sold.",0 +" The Japanese auto maker says the Canadian recall covers 52,710 Odyssey minivans from the 2011 to 2016 models.","The Japanese auto maker says the Canadian recall covers 52,710 Odyssey minivans from the 2011 to 2016 models.",0 +" Smart fortwo Cabriolet in front of the Gilles Villeneuve Museum in Berthierville, Que.","Farms, forest and the sea - could that be Canada? Smart fortwo Cabriolet in front of the Gilles Villeneuve Museum in Berthierville, Que.",1 + He gives the example of someone living next to a loud party house., He gives the example of someone living next to a loud party house.,0 +""" However, he's optimistic that they'll make significant progress in the short term.",""" However, he's optimistic that they'll make significant progress in the short term.",0 +In Communist Czechoslovakia only high-ranking officials were driven in the 603.,In Communist Czechoslovakia only high-ranking officials were driven in the 603. The Ami was sold between 1961 and 1978 as a supermini.,1 +" The Agent's Take: ""It's a special location because it used to be a through street but is no longer a through street.","The Agent's Take: ""It's a special location because it used to be a through street but is no longer a through street.",0 +""" The River, a 38-unit luxury condo townhouse development, completed in 2015, is just two unit sales away from being sold out.",""" The River, a 38-unit luxury condo townhouse development, completed in 2015, is just two unit sales away from being sold out.",0 +" James Chamberlain and his partner live in a perfectly nice triplex near Vancouver General Hospital, a home many people in Vancouver would aspire to.","James Chamberlain and his partner live in a perfectly nice triplex near Vancouver General Hospital, a home many people in Vancouver would aspire to.",0 + Realtor Loren Dunsworth has been fielding questions from curious potential buyers since last summer., Story continues below advertisement Realtor Loren Dunsworth has been fielding questions from curious potential buyers since last summer.,0 +""" AR has been around for a while, but its first real worldwide hit came last year courtesy of Pokemon Go.",""" AR has been around for a while, but its first real worldwide hit came last year courtesy of Pokemon Go.",0 +The Juke is a mini SUV that began production in 2010 with a high waistline and slim side windows., The Juke is a mini SUV that began production in 2010 with a high waistline and slim side windows.,0 +" Dave Soutar The retired carpenter built much of his 720-square-foot suite with his own hands, in addition to the double garage and shop beneath it."," Dave Soutar The retired carpenter built much of his 720-square-foot suite with his own hands, in addition to the double garage and shop beneath it.",0 +"About 411,000 of the cars are in the U.S., with nearly 34,000 in Canada and just over 7,000 in Mexico."," About 411,000 of the cars are in the U.S., with nearly 34,000 in Canada and just over 7,000 in Mexico.",0 +Owners will be notified of the recall by mail in early February., Story continues below advertisement Owners will be notified of the recall by mail in early February.,0 +THE PROJECT Television City BUILDER/DEVELOPERS Lamb Development Corp. and Movengo Corp.,THE PROJECT Television City BUILDER/DEVELOPERS Lamb Development Corp. and Movengo Corp.,0 +" Auto makers are taking notice, as AR's potential in-car benefits are obvious."," Auto makers are taking notice, as AR's potential in-car benefits are obvious.",0 +Get This Deal on Globe Drive 2017 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 Custom 4WD Double Cab Standard Box 2017 Chevrolet Silverado., Get This Deal on Globe Drive 2017 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 Custom 4WD Double Cab Standard Box 2017 Chevrolet Silverado.,0 +" After a time, Mr. Weeks sold the inn to two Toronto-based partners."," Story continues below advertisement After a time, Mr. Weeks sold the inn to two Toronto-based partners.",0 +"The PT stands for ""Personal Transport."" The Cube began production in 1998 and entered the North American market in 2009.","The PT stands for ""Personal Transport."" The Cube began production in 1998 and entered the North American market in 2009.",0 +"We laughed then, too.Here are some of the new SUVs you can expect to see beginning next year: The F-Pace comes from Jaguar.",Here are some of the new SUVs you can expect to see beginning next year: 1 of 11 The F-Pace comes from Jaguar.,1 +" Story continues below advertisement We've featured some of our favourite offers this week on sports cars under $40,000."," We've featured some of our favourite offers this week on sports cars under $40,000.",0 +"""Hamilton is in the midst of a cultural renaissance, making it one of Canada's most exciting cities,"" Mr. Lamb says."," ""Hamilton is in the midst of a cultural renaissance, making it one of Canada's most exciting cities,"" Mr. Lamb says.",0 + Mr. Nikolai believes the growing momentum will help his organization make strides in tackling what he says is a systemic issue.,Nikolai believes the growing momentum will help his organization make strides in tackling what he says is a systemic issue.,0 +" ""The garage suite has improved my property and increased it's value but it's also improved my life."," ""The garage suite has improved my property and increased it's value but it's also improved my life.",0 +" The black, galvanized steel-clad house at 3691 Point Grey Rd."," The black, galvanized steel-clad house at 3691 Point Grey Rd.",0 +" As preparations were under way, the Shuberts saw lots of potential in the nascent tourism industry of Prince Edward County."," As preparations were under way, the Shuberts saw lots of potential in the nascent tourism industry of Prince Edward County.",0 +""" The McFadzens grew up in Lethbridge before moving to Victoria.",""" The McFadzens grew up in Lethbridge before moving to Victoria.",0 +" James Askew, president of rareEarth Project Marketing, is selling 46 Moodyville townhomes for developer Guildford Brook."," James Askew, president of rareEarth Project Marketing, is selling 46 Moodyville townhomes for developer Guildford Brook.",0 +"""I think I was expecting that it probably might happen after Russia."," ""I think I was expecting that it probably might happen after Russia.",0 +" Mark Richardson All good road trips should include a ferry, and the PEI ship to Wood Islands is officially a part of the Trans-Canada Highway."," Mark Richardson All good road trips should include a ferry, and the PEI ship to Wood Islands is officially a part of the Trans-Canada Highway.",0 +" ""That's not necessarily a bad thing,"" he adds, ""it's good that Cochrane recognizes the need to manage growth appropriately."," ""That's not necessarily a bad thing,"" he adds, ""it's good that Cochrane recognizes the need to manage growth appropriately.",0 +"""It's not that the buyers are not going to buy and pay fair dollar for good real estate, they've just had a change in psychology."," ""It's not that the buyers are not going to buy and pay fair dollar for good real estate, they've just had a change in psychology.",0 +"The Saab models under recall were sold in other markets including Europe, while the Astra was sold as an Opel in Europe and elsewhere."," The Saab models under recall were sold in other markets including Europe, while the Astra was sold as an Opel in Europe and elsewhere.",0 +" ""We know that 38 per cent of our families go back to education within two years,"" he says."," ""We know that 38 per cent of our families go back to education within two years,"" he says.",0 +"Suffice to say, it's a good thing the nine-time grand prix winner waited ."," Suffice to say, it's a good thing the nine-time grand prix winner waited .",0 +"Just like that, all that neglect is a distant memory."," Story continues below advertisement Just like that, all that neglect is a distant memory.",1 + Amanda Robinson Wildly customized cars are hard to resell when the owners get tired of them., Amanda Robinson Wildly customized cars are hard to resell when the owners get tired of them.,0 +"""We're more focused on helping you preserve the value of your investment,"" Mr. Alleyne-Martin says."," ""We're more focused on helping you preserve the value of your investment,"" Mr. Alleyne-Martin says.",0 +" Future Habitat for Humanity projects, he says, are partly funded by previous ones."," Future Habitat for Humanity projects, he says, are partly funded by previous ones.",0 +" Mr. Robins designed the interior kitchen island and built in cabinetry, and he staged the house with some of his own art.","Robins designed the interior kitchen island and built in cabinetry, and he staged the house with some of his own art.",1 +" The assembly has changed hands from the original developer, and is now owned by Wall Financial."," The assembly has changed hands from the original developer, and is now owned by Wall Financial.",0 +" It doesn't have to be that way, she said, but many building designs have the unintended effect of isolating people."," It doesn't have to be that way, she said, but many building designs have the unintended effect of isolating people.",0 +" Infiniti The 2017 Q50 comes standard with a 2.0-litre turbocharged 4-cylinder gasoline engine, which puts out 208 horsepower and achieves 8.4 litres/100 km highway mileage."," Infiniti The 2017 Q50 comes standard with a 2.0-litre turbocharged 4-cylinder gasoline engine, which puts out 208 horsepower and achieves 8.4 litres/100 km highway mileage.",0 +"""It's a world-class structure and facility, which there aren't a lot of currently being sold in Hamilton."," Story continues below advertisement Story continues below advertisement ""It's a world-class structure and facility, which there aren't a lot of currently being sold in Hamilton.",0 +" The families are calling their Our Urban Village project ""co-housing light."," Story continues below advertisement The families are calling their Our Urban Village project ""co-housing light.",0 +" James Lipman/Rolls-Royce For those wanting to make a different kind of statement, there's a Porsche 911 restored by Singer Vehicle Design."," James Lipman/Rolls-Royce For those wanting to make a different kind of statement, there's a Porsche 911 restored by Singer Vehicle Design.",0 +""" Pitstop is available through 15 dealerships so far, mainly in Ontario, with about 2,000 cars on its system, Mr. Bhardwaj says.",""" Pitstop is available through 15 dealerships so far, mainly in Ontario, with about 2,000 cars on its system, Mr. Bhardwaj says.",0 + The Honda Civic hatchback returns this fall to the Canadian market after a decade-long absence.,The Honda Civic hatchback returns this fall to the Canadian market after a decade-long absence.,0 +" Infiniti The 2017 Q50 comes standard with a 2.0-litre turbocharged 4-cylinder gasoline engine, which puts out 208 horsepower and achieves 8.4 litres/100 km highway mileage."," Infiniti The 2017 Q50 comes standard with a 2.0-litre turbocharged 4-cylinder gasoline engine, which puts out 208 horsepower and achieves 8.4 litres/100 km highway mileage.",0 +" ""It makes it more like a raised ranch,"" Mr. Drover said."," ""It makes it more like a raised ranch,"" Mr. Drover said.",0 +"Increasingly, that's going to be the case with cars, too."," Increasingly, that's going to be the case with cars, too.",0 +" Guildford Brook Moodyville, which is a historic neighbourhood, was the epitome of a working class area that overlooked the port."," Guildford Brook Moodyville, which is a historic neighbourhood, was the epitome of a working class area that overlooked the port.",0 +"This is 11.5 per cent above the same period for 2016."" New housing developments in Cochrane, Alta.","This is 11.5 per cent above the same period for 2016."" New housing developments in Cochrane, Alta.",0 +"Along with seven other Canadian transportation-oriented startups, the two companies are receiving mentorship and introductions to key industry contacts via the program."," Along with seven other Canadian transportation-oriented startups, the two companies are receiving mentorship and introductions to key industry contacts via the program.",0 +"According to Transport Canada, 6,102 units are affected in Canada The recall covers the Entourage minivan from the 2007 - 2010 model years in Canada."," According to Transport Canada, 6,102 units are affected in Canada The recall covers the Entourage minivan from the 2007 - 2010 model years in Canada.",0 +"The Smart Fortwo is a rear-engine, rear-wheel-drive two-seater introduced by Daimler AG in 1998."," The Smart Fortwo is a rear-engine, rear-wheel-drive two-seater introduced by Daimler AG in 1998.",0 +"anti-fog liquidsAvailable at: Automotive-supply storesPrice: 4.99 and upFor the sake of science, we tested Rain-X and Tune It!","anti-fog liquids Available at: Automotive-supply stores Price: 4.99 and up For the sake of science, we tested Rain-X and Tune It!",0 + Mr. Soutar says his garage suite has added significant value to his property.,Soutar says his garage suite has added significant value to his property.,1 +""" The transformation of this nearly one-acre development at 163 Jackson St., just south of Main Street, will coincide with those taking place nearby.",""" The transformation of this nearly one-acre development at 163 Jackson St., just south of Main Street, will coincide with those taking place nearby.",0 + The solution for the discriminating buyer is the bespoke automobile., The solution for the discriminating buyer is the bespoke automobile.,0 +" The materials are clean, smooth and continuous throughout the house: four-foot grey porcelain tiles, edge-grain bleached oak, veined marble and walnut."," The materials are clean, smooth and continuous throughout the house: four-foot grey porcelain tiles, edge-grain bleached oak, veined marble and walnut.",0 +"If that weren't enough to turn fans away, F1's commercial boss Bernie Ecclestone continues to work overtime to alienate those who follow the sport."," If that weren't enough to turn fans away, F1's commercial boss Bernie Ecclestone continues to work overtime to alienate those who follow the sport.",0 +" ""When families pay their mortgage, it gives us the money to build more homes,"" he says."," ""When families pay their mortgage, it gives us the money to build more homes,"" he says.",0 +"Pitstop, another Toronto-based startup, has a similar product and plan."," Pitstop, another Toronto-based startup, has a similar product and plan.",0 +" If you think driving is dangerous, maybe it's time to adjust your perspective.","If you think driving is dangerous, maybe it's time to adjust your perspective.",0 +" There aren't many convertibles in blustery Newfoundland, but if you want the roof off while driving on The Rock, a Mercedes is a good choice."," There aren't many convertibles in blustery Newfoundland, but if you want the roof off while driving on The Rock, a Mercedes is a good choice.",0 +""" In a hot market, the practice of offering ""exclusive listings"" or ""pocket listings"" always goes up, Vancouver realtor Ian Watt says.",""" In a hot market, the practice of offering ""exclusive listings"" or ""pocket listings"" always goes up, Vancouver realtor Ian Watt says.",0 +", TORONTO ASKING PRICE $1,149,900 SELLING PRICE $1,149,900 PREVIOUS SELLING PRICES $686,000 (2013);",", TORONTO ASKING PRICE $1,149,900 SELLING PRICE $1,149,900 Story continues below advertisement PREVIOUS SELLING PRICES $686,000 (2013);",1 +"The downside of such manufacturer built-in features, according to the startups, is that they try to lock users into their respective systems."," The downside of such manufacturer built-in features, according to the startups, is that they try to lock users into their respective systems.",0 + Chevrolet The current sixth generation of the Chevrolet Camaro was introduced in 2016 to coincide with the model's 50th anniversary., Chevrolet The current sixth generation of the Chevrolet Camaro was introduced in 2016 to coincide with the model's 50th anniversary.,0 +" ""Mackenzie has a mild disability so he'll benefit from living in a supported environment,"" Mr. Finley says."," Story continues below advertisement ""Mackenzie has a mild disability so he'll benefit from living in a supported environment,"" Mr. Finley says.",0 +" There's a lot at stake, when 10 student engineers meet in Montreal on June 7 for the test of their lives.","There's a lot at stake, when 10 student engineers meet in Montreal on June 7 for the test of their lives.",0 +""" Mr. Murray says the Concord represents good value when compared with the developer's other projects in Canada.",Murray says the Concord represents good value when compared with the developer's other projects in Canada.,0 +""" It's exciting working with motorsport, he says, but these days, production cars can be just as fulfilling.",""" It's exciting working with motorsport, he says, but these days, production cars can be just as fulfilling.",0 +" ""When we ask our homeowners about the benefits a year or two down the line, nobody ever talks about the financial impact;"," ""When we ask our homeowners about the benefits a year or two down the line, nobody ever talks about the financial impact;",0 +" Honda says there has been no injury or crash report linked to the problem, which was discovered through warranty claims.","Honda says there has been no injury or crash report linked to the problem, which was discovered through warranty claims.",0 +" Ms. Crowder and Mr. Thomas loved the idea, and Mr. Rekaj has worked closely with Mr. Smith to execute it.","Crowder and Mr. Thomas loved the idea, and Mr. Rekaj has worked closely with Mr. Smith to execute it.",1 +"""I never thought my husband would be as involved as he has been."" ","""I never thought my husband would be as involved as he has been."" ",0 +" There's a room dedicated to the favourite cars of Jan Wilsgaard, who died in 2016."," There's a room dedicated to the favourite cars of Jan Wilsgaard, who died in 2016.",0 +" A model stands by a KIA vehicle at the Beijing International Automotive Exhibition on April 25, 2016 in Beijing, China."," 1 of 13 A model stands by a KIA vehicle at the Beijing International Automotive Exhibition on April 25, 2016 in Beijing, China.",1 +" James Lipman/Rolls-Royce For those wanting to make a different kind of statement, there's a Porsche 911 restored by Singer Vehicle Design."," James Lipman/Rolls-Royce For those wanting to make a different kind of statement, there's a Porsche 911 restored by Singer Vehicle Design.",0 +" ""We know that 38 per cent of our families go back to education within two years,"" he says."," ""We know that 38 per cent of our families go back to education within two years,"" he says.",0 +Tagliani also stressed that none of these would have ever happened if it weren't for the unsung heroes who helped him along the way., Tagliani also stressed that none of these would have ever happened if it weren't for the unsung heroes who helped him along the way.,0 +" After a few months of searching, they came across the Merrill Inn in Picton."," After a few months of searching, they came across the Merrill Inn in Picton.",0 +" When the process began a couple of years ago, there was some resistance."," When the process began a couple of years ago, there was some resistance.",0 +"The recall covers the 2005 and 2006 Toyota Tundra and Sequoia, the 2003 through 2006 Land Cruiser, and the 2004 through 2006 4-Runner."," The recall covers the 2005 and 2006 Toyota Tundra and Sequoia, the 2003 through 2006 Land Cruiser, and the 2004 through 2006 4-Runner.",0 +" One of those architectural landmarks is the Gothic Revival home built in 1878 for the county's first magistrate, Edwards Merrill."," Story continues below advertisement One of those architectural landmarks is the Gothic Revival home built in 1878 for the county's first magistrate, Edwards Merrill.",0 +""" Currently there are 115 detached garage suites in Edmonton, 88 of which have been built in the last three years.",""" Story continues below advertisement Currently there are 115 detached garage suites in Edmonton, 88 of which have been built in the last three years.",0 +" Tesla Motors Inc. is recalling 2,700 Model X SUVs after the auto maker's own tests showed the third-row seats could snap forward in a crash.","Tesla Motors Inc. is recalling 2,700 Model X SUVs after the auto maker's own tests showed the third-row seats could snap forward in a crash.",0 +" Hot on the heels of that announcement was another by Panasonic, the exclusive battery supplier for Tesla."," Hot on the heels of that announcement was another by Panasonic, the exclusive battery supplier for Tesla.",0 +(Jens Meyer/AP) The Borgward BX7 gets the prize for the most awkward car of the show., Jens Meyer/AP 3 of 11 The Borgward BX7 gets the prize for the most awkward car of the show.,1 +"Honda says there has been no injury or crash report linked to the problem, which was discovered through warranty claims."," Honda says there has been no injury or crash report linked to the problem, which was discovered through warranty claims.",0 +Over the next week we will run a series of four polls in a March Madness-style bracket., Over the next week we will run a series of four polls in a March Madness-style bracket.,0 +"When their Passat was destroyed in a crash, they found themselves car-hunting again."," Story continues below advertisement Story continues below advertisement When their Passat was destroyed in a crash, they found themselves car-hunting again.",0 +" That smash success kicked off a gold rush, with companies of all sizes now racing to add AR to their products."," That smash success kicked off a gold rush, with companies of all sizes now racing to add AR to their products.",0 +" ""I live in an infill house, next door to my mom."," ""I live in an infill house, next door to my mom.",0 +" Room rates range between $245 and $345 a night, Mr. Shubert says."," Room rates range between $245 and $345 a night, Mr. Shubert says.",0 +"""It helps people make smarter decisions."" Drven is partnering with a large auto-maintenance chain to roll out Ke in Canada this fall.","""It helps people make smarter decisions."" Drven is partnering with a large auto-maintenance chain to roll out Ke in Canada this fall.",0 +"The latest round of recalls covers vehicles made by GM, Ford, BMW, Volkswagen, Honda, Mazda, Mercedes-Benz and Daimler Trucks."," The latest round of recalls covers vehicles made by GM, Ford, BMW, Volkswagen, Honda, Mazda, Mercedes-Benz and Daimler Trucks.",0 +Honda hopes the new hatchback will attract buyers who may be thinking about the Ford Focus or Volkswagen Golf., Honda hopes the new hatchback will attract buyers who may be thinking about the Ford Focus or Volkswagen Golf.,0 +" Buyers start with an extensive list of optional equipment that can be mixed and matched, from monogrammed door-sill plates to personalized headrests."," Buyers start with an extensive list of optional equipment that can be mixed and matched, from monogrammed door-sill plates to personalized headrests.",0 +" Gartner expects AR and its cousin, virtual reality, to generate $72-billion in device revenue alone over the next decade."," Gartner expects AR and its cousin, virtual reality, to generate $72-billion in device revenue alone over the next decade.",0 +" ""The feedback we got was that this was a very big problem,"" Mr. Usher says."," ""The feedback we got was that this was a very big problem,"" Mr. Usher says.",0 + Subaru The WRX STI is Subaru's most powerful car in Canada., Subaru The WRX STI is Subaru's most powerful car in Canada.,0 +" Both Porsche and Mercedes-Benz announced that they, too, would be charging into the series."," Both Porsche and Mercedes-Benz announced that they, too, would be charging into the series.",0 + A handful of fascinating stories revolving around the world of electric cars came to light as we charged into the final weekend of July.,A handful of fascinating stories revolving around the world of electric cars came to light as we charged into the final weekend of July.,0 +" ""We knew what we were looking for,"" Ms. Shubert says of the quick deal."," ""We knew what we were looking for,"" Ms. Shubert says of the quick deal.",0 +"107 ESGORE DR., TORONTO ASKING PRICE $3.295-million SELLING PRICE $3.225-million PREVIOUS SELLING PRICES $855,000 (2004);","107 ESGORE DR., TORONTO ASKING PRICE $3.295-million SELLING PRICE $3.225-million Story continues below advertisement PREVIOUS SELLING PRICES $855,000 (2004);",1 +Recall notices are expected to be sent to affected customers in mid-October., Recall notices are expected to be sent to affected customers in mid-October.,0 +" No two commissions, which take 4,000 hours to complete, are alike."," No two commissions, which take 4,000 hours to complete, are alike.",0 + Dennis Kastner Local records suggest the house changed hands a few times before it was divided into apartments., Dennis Kastner Local records suggest the house changed hands a few times before it was divided into apartments.,0 + Story continues below advertisement The majesty of the gardens is one of the main selling points of the home., The majesty of the gardens is one of the main selling points of the home.,0 +" ""When families pay their mortgage, it gives us the money to build more homes,"" he says."," ""When families pay their mortgage, it gives us the money to build more homes,"" he says.",0 +" A typical guest might choose between a weekend in Prince Edward County and a Porter Airlines flight to Chicago or New York, Mr. Shubert says."," A typical guest might choose between a weekend in Prince Edward County and a Porter Airlines flight to Chicago or New York, Mr. Shubert says.",0 +" Some townhouses will include lock-off basement suites, so homeowners have the option of renting them out, making their mortgages more affordable."," Some townhouses will include lock-off basement suites, so homeowners have the option of renting them out, making their mortgages more affordable.",0 +" ""We're hoping whoever takes this place will love it as much as we have,"" Mr. Drover said."," ""We're hoping whoever takes this place will love it as much as we have,"" Mr. Drover said.",0 +" Ian Watt, Realtor ""Realtors felt that they could handle it, that they were ethical, and I get that they didn't want to be tarnished."," Ian Watt, Realtor ""Realtors felt that they could handle it, that they were ethical, and I get that they didn't want to be tarnished.",0 +" ""Basically, the whole upstairs got redone in that first 18 months,"" Mr. Drover said."," ""Basically, the whole upstairs got redone in that first 18 months,"" Mr. Drover said.",0 + The bus and truck business kept Volvo afloat through the early years., The bus and truck business kept Volvo afloat through the early years.,0 +" ""Toyota recognizes the various benefits of heads-up display, including that a driver can see important information about roads, speeds ."," ""Toyota recognizes the various benefits of heads-up display, including that a driver can see important information about roads, speeds .",0 + But the lack of connections with anyone around him in the Fairview area had begun to bother him., But the lack of connections with anyone around him in the Fairview area had begun to bother him.,0 +""" Neigum provides advice on colour matching, finishes and other details.",""" Neigum provides advice on colour matching, finishes and other details.",0 +" Toyota Motor Corp. is recalling 834,000 Toyota Sienna minivans in North America because the sliding doors could open while the vehicle is moving.","Toyota Motor Corp. is recalling 834,000 Toyota Sienna minivans in North America because the sliding doors could open while the vehicle is moving.",0 + Manufacturer incentives and pricing calculations are based on Ontario customers and subject to availability of inventory., Manufacturer incentives and pricing calculations are based on Ontario customers and subject to availability of inventory.,0 +" ""A company can't be nostalgic,"" Froberg said. ""A company always has to look forward to the next new technology, to the next launch."," ""A company can't be nostalgic,"" Froberg said. ""A company always has to look forward to the next new technology, to the next launch.",0 +""" The first phase is a 105-unit tower which Mr. Murray says is currently 70 per cent sold.",""" The first phase is a 105-unit tower which Mr. Murray says is currently 70 per cent sold.",0 +" You'll find these and many other cars, organized by decade, at the museum."," Story continues below advertisement You'll find these and many other cars, organized by decade, at the museum.",0 +" In the Victorian era of the late 1800s, Picton was a thriving port and industrial town on the edge of Lake Ontario."," In the Victorian era of the late 1800s, Picton was a thriving port and industrial town on the edge of Lake Ontario.",0 +" The action on the city streets is relatively quiet (apart from the tires squealing and the transmissions clunking into gear), but it's heated."," The action on the city streets is relatively quiet (apart from the tires squealing and the transmissions clunking into gear), but it's heated.",0 +"There is mystery, too: what can explain the thinking of the designers who created an apparition like the Chevy Lumina van?","There is mystery, too: what can explain the thinking of the designers who created an apparition like the Chevy Lumina van? Nevermind.",0 + Story continues below advertisement Growing wealth and populations will likely boost demand for sub-orbital jets., Growing wealth and populations will likely boost demand for sub-orbital jets.,0 +"The recall will be paid for by Futuris Group, which made the seats."," The recall will be paid for by Futuris Group, which made the seats.",0 +The preventive-maintenance field is starting to attract interest from big players., The preventive-maintenance field is starting to attract interest from big players.,0 + Mr. Ryan has sold about $80-million in real estate in the past couple of years in Stonebridge alone.,Ryan has sold about $80-million in real estate in the past couple of years in Stonebridge alone.,0 +" ""The home also has rolling shutters, which come down to protect against floating debris, logs, branches, that sort of thing,"" Mrs."," ""The home also has rolling shutters, which come down to protect against floating debris, logs, branches, that sort of thing,"" Mrs.",0 + The additional coats and sanding will make it appear smoother and more like limestone., The additional coats and sanding will make it appear smoother and more like limestone.,0 +" The totally electric i3 gets the most generous Ontario rebate: $13,000 from a base price of $48,150."," Story continues below advertisement The totally electric i3 gets the most generous Ontario rebate: $13,000 from a base price of $48,150.",0 +" ""This type of infill development is much more relationship driven than financial,"" Ashley Salvador says."," ""This type of infill development is much more relationship driven than financial,"" Ashley Salvador says.",0 +"the neighbourhood plan was approved in 2015."" ""The idea is that it will be a complete community,"" he continues.","the neighbourhood plan was approved in 2015."" ""The idea is that it will be a complete community,"" he continues.",0 +""" The majority of Moodyville houses have been sold to eight developers, who purchased anywhere from three to 40 houses for land assemblies.",""" The majority of Moodyville houses have been sold to eight developers, who purchased anywhere from three to 40 houses for land assemblies.",0 +"According to a new study, your chances of dying in a car crash are miniscule compared to your prospects of death from other causes."," According to a new study, your chances of dying in a car crash are miniscule compared to your prospects of death from other causes.",0 + Today the historic inn has 13 guest rooms and suites in various configurations., Today the historic inn has 13 guest rooms and suites in various configurations.,0 +" ""I see the house as something of an art piece,"" he said in an e-mail."," ""I see the house as something of an art piece,"" he said in an e-mail.",0 +" Lamy at work with other international interns at the Renault Sport Research Facility in the U.K. ""It brings new challenges."," Lamy at work with other international interns at the Renault Sport Research Facility in the U.K. ""It brings new challenges.",0 +" ""This process doesn't mean we get to micromanage the building."," ""This process doesn't mean we get to micromanage the building.",0 +" The HVAC and the plumbing, she said, were like a one-two punch to the gut."," The HVAC and the plumbing, she said, were like a one-two punch to the gut.",0 +"(She said yes.) All of this, however, paled in comparison with the chaos that arrived with the HVAC systems earlier in the summer.","(She said yes.) All of this, however, paled in comparison with the chaos that arrived with the HVAC systems earlier in the summer.",0 +" Amanda Oster and Stephen Li ""That makes me crazy,"" she says."," Amanda Oster and Stephen Li ""That makes me crazy,"" she says.",0 +""" Mr. Nyhoff also grew up in Lethbridge, so he understood the importance of building sheltering features into the home.","Nyhoff also grew up in Lethbridge, so he understood the importance of building sheltering features into the home.",0 +" And, he said, providing WiFi for lounge-type spaces is important."," And, he said, providing WiFi for lounge-type spaces is important.",0 +" Story continues below advertisement ""The reason the gardens have been so easy to grow is because this was actually farmland,"" he said."," ""The reason the gardens have been so easy to grow is because this was actually farmland,"" he said.",0 +" ""The restaurant is your window to the community,"" Ms. Shubert says."," ""The restaurant is your window to the community,"" Ms. Shubert says.",0 +" ""It's a buddy who's buying it, so I can go up there and drink his wine,"" he joked."," ""It's a buddy who's buying it, so I can go up there and drink his wine,"" he joked.",0 +" Klaus Gericke, 85, says laneway living has given him and his wife Jackie, 73, a new lease of life."," Klaus Gericke, 85, says laneway living has given him and his wife Jackie, 73, a new lease of life.",0 +" The company says it will eventually install additional springs and brackets into the affected vehicles, without charge.","The company says it will eventually install additional springs and brackets into the affected vehicles, without charge.",0 +" Buyers start with an extensive list of optional equipment that can be mixed and matched, from monogrammed door-sill plates to personalized headrests."," Buyers start with an extensive list of optional equipment that can be mixed and matched, from monogrammed door-sill plates to personalized headrests.",0 +(Getty Images for Jaguar) Bentley's Bentayga is even more curious., Getty Images for Jaguar 2 of 11 Bentley's Bentayga is even more curious.,1 +"She calls the process ""bittersweet."" ""Overall, I'm more a for-density person, because people have to live somewhere.","She calls the process ""bittersweet."" ""Overall, I'm more a for-density person, because people have to live somewhere.",0 +" The search for the ugliest car of all time can take you into realms you would never expect, including culture, engineering and art.","The search for the ugliest car of all time can take you into realms you would never expect, including culture, engineering and art.",0 +"""[It] was a massive step in the wrong direction for me in the championship, but to complain doesn't help in these situations."," ""[It] was a massive step in the wrong direction for me in the championship, but to complain doesn't help in these situations.",0 + Fiat The all new Fiat 124 Spider is the modern successor of the classic Italian roadster of the same name., Fiat The all new Fiat 124 Spider is the modern successor of the classic Italian roadster of the same name.,0 +""" It helps BMW that it's a manufacturer of premium cars.",""" It helps BMW that it's a manufacturer of premium cars.",1 +" ""And there's certainly no question in North Vancouver that more housing is required for families."," ""And there's certainly no question in North Vancouver that more housing is required for families.",0 +"Quote of the week ""It was just a complete coward move, especially for a championship race car driver and race team."," Quote of the week ""It was just a complete coward move, especially for a championship race car driver and race team.",0 +" Hyundai is recalling more than 41,000 older minivans because the hoods can fly open while they're being driven.","Hyundai is recalling more than 41,000 older minivans because the hoods can fly open while they're being driven.",0 + Get This Deal on Globe Drive Andrew Tai is chief executive of Unhaggle.,Get This Deal on Globe Drive Andrew Tai is chief executive of Unhaggle.,0 +""" Urban planner Brent Toderian has been a consultant on the project since its early days, acting on behalf of a developer.",""" Urban planner Brent Toderian has been a consultant on the project since its early days, acting on behalf of a developer.",0 + The Background It's obvious that sub-orbital jets will become in demand as Earth's population and wealth continues to rise., The Background It's obvious that sub-orbital jets will become in demand as Earth's population and wealth continues to rise.,0 +The Fury was produced from 1956 to 1978 and designed to be a sporty premium-priced model that would attract consumers to showrooms., The Fury was produced from 1956 to 1978 and designed to be a sporty premium-priced model that would attract consumers to showrooms.,0 +" The smell of oil on a concrete floor immediately transports me back to the carport behind my grandfather's old house in St. Petersburg, Fla.","The smell of oil on a concrete floor immediately transports me back to the carport behind my grandfather's old house in St. Petersburg, Fla.",0 +" The largest of Cochrane's future planned developments, Southbow Landing, aims to break ground next year with a build-out period of 15 years."," The largest of Cochrane's future planned developments, Southbow Landing, aims to break ground next year with a build-out period of 15 years.",0 +Also included is the Saturn Astra from 2008 and 2009.,Also included is the Saturn Astra from 2008 and 2009. Dealers will replace the inflators.,1 +" Habitat for Humanity Administration costs are covered by income from Habitat for Humanity's ReStore outlets, which sell second-hand goods and building supplies."," Habitat for Humanity Administration costs are covered by income from Habitat for Humanity's ReStore outlets, which sell second-hand goods and building supplies.",0 +" In total, 150 homes will be built across Canada to commemorate the country's 150th anniversary."," In total, 150 homes will be built across Canada to commemorate the country's 150th anniversary.",0 +" Renderings by Nyhoff Architecture ""Lethbridge is very different to Calgary,"" Mr. McFadzen says."," Renderings by Nyhoff Architecture ""Lethbridge is very different to Calgary,"" Mr. McFadzen says.",0 +Testing them on the backseat window in the car wasn't a good idea., Testing them on the backseat window in the car wasn't a good idea.,0 +" The previous Buick Regal was a surprising ride, certainly more entertaining and more capable than one might expect."," The previous Buick Regal was a surprising ride, certainly more entertaining and more capable than one might expect.",0 + Architect Bruce Haden says the Happy Home/Happy City efforts are much needed in Vancouver., Architect Bruce Haden says the Happy Home/Happy City efforts are much needed in Vancouver.,0 +""" ""On the second floor, the home really opens up;",""" ""On the second floor, the home really opens up;",1 + Drivers can navigate through information using a steering wheel-mounted thumb dial or gesture sensors., Drivers can navigate through information using a steering wheel-mounted thumb dial or gesture sensors.,0 +"Calgary Real Estate Board's most recent monthly regional sales report for Cochrane states: ""So far this year sales growth outpaced the growth in new listings.","Calgary Real Estate Board's most recent monthly regional sales report for Cochrane states: ""So far this year sales growth outpaced the growth in new listings.",0 +" Phil McLachlin On Sept. 11, 2001, a couple of graduates from Ryerson University's hotel management program were well-ensconced in the hospitality industry in Florida."," Phil McLachlin On Sept. 11, 2001, a couple of graduates from Ryerson University's hotel management program were well-ensconced in the hospitality industry in Florida.",0 +""" Peter Larsen purchased a property in a community that is small enough he did not want to disclose its name, for fear of repercussions.",""" Peter Larsen purchased a property in a community that is small enough he did not want to disclose its name, for fear of repercussions.",0 +"$367,000 (2003) TAXES N/A DAYS ON THE MARKET 20 LISTING AGENT Bill Thom, Re/Max Realtron Bill Thom Group Realty Inc.","$367,000 (2003) TAXES N/A DAYS ON THE MARKET 20 LISTING AGENT Bill Thom, Re/Max Realtron Bill Thom Group Realty Inc.",0 +" Owner Ron Roadburg, a long-time property developer, has his Lamborghini, Bentley convertible and Range Rover in the four-car garage at the basement level."," Owner Ron Roadburg, a long-time property developer, has his Lamborghini, Bentley convertible and Range Rover in the four-car garage at the basement level.",0 +" ""I wanted all windows so we could capture all of the morning sunlight coming in,"" he said."," ""I wanted all windows so we could capture all of the morning sunlight coming in,"" he said.",0 +"In the 1970s Car and Driver referred to it as ""The Flying Fishbowl."" The Ami was sold between 1961 and 1978 as a supermini.","In the 1970s Car and Driver referred to it as ""The Flying Fishbowl."" The Ami was sold between 1961 and 1978 as a supermini.",0 +" ""What is different than Dunbar or Kerrisdale is these were a lot of 1,000-square-foot boxes - wartime houses - very inefficient,"" Mr. Mussatto says."," ""What is different than Dunbar or Kerrisdale is these were a lot of 1,000-square-foot boxes - wartime houses - very inefficient,"" Mr. Mussatto says.",0 +" From cool new concepts to costumes, virtual reality and a hoverboard, the Beijing International Automotive Exhibition is certainly something to see.","From cool new concepts to costumes, virtual reality and a hoverboard, the Beijing International Automotive Exhibition is certainly something to see.",0 +" ""Existing communities of Fireside, the Willows, Sunset Ridge and Heartland will also accommodate further growth when they reach full build out,"" Mr. Hyndman adds."," ""Existing communities of Fireside, the Willows, Sunset Ridge and Heartland will also accommodate further growth when they reach full build out,"" Mr. Hyndman adds.",0 +" ""Oh, and boy do they look,"" says Ms. Dunsworth says."," ""Oh, and boy do they look,"" says Ms. Dunsworth says.",0 +"""To be honest I did not expect a much different end result,"" Raikkonen said."," ""To be honest I did not expect a much different end result,"" Raikkonen said.",0 + The couple turned the pub into a dining room and now many of the inn's packages include dinner at the restaurant., The couple turned the pub into a dining room and now many of the inn's packages include dinner at the restaurant.,0 +""" He says being financially better off isn't the only benefit experienced by families who are accepted into their home-ownership program.",""" He says being financially better off isn't the only benefit experienced by families who are accepted into their home-ownership program.",0 +""" But, he says, the real value in his garage suite comes from having his daughter live there.",""" But, he says, the real value in his garage suite comes from having his daughter live there.",0 +" ""Outside, there will be a retaining wall along the perimeter of the site, which will further protect the property from high winds,"" Mr. Nyhoff adds."," ""Outside, there will be a retaining wall along the perimeter of the site, which will further protect the property from high winds,"" Mr. Nyhoff adds.",0 +""" The Regal Sportback will be available in two versions, either front-wheel drive or all-wheel drive, which features a new active twin-clutch differential.",""" The Regal Sportback will be available in two versions, either front-wheel drive or all-wheel drive, which features a new active twin-clutch differential.",0 +"What construction site is good looking?"" But most of the attention was positive, he adds.","What construction site is good looking?"" But most of the attention was positive, he adds.",0 +" Other, smaller companies are also finding novel uses for the technology."," Other, smaller companies are also finding novel uses for the technology.",0 +" ""We wanted something unique, something that suited our family unit and that was designed for our Lethbridge lifestyle,"" Mrs."," ""We wanted something unique, something that suited our family unit and that was designed for our Lethbridge lifestyle,"" Mrs.",0 + The GM recall includes the Saab 9-3 from 2003 to 2011 and the Saab 9-5 from 2010 and 2011., Story continues below advertisement The GM recall includes the Saab 9-3 from 2003 to 2011 and the Saab 9-5 from 2010 and 2011.,0 +" The sellers had owned the house for years, he says, and did an $8-million renovation before deciding they wanted something bigger."," Story continues below advertisement The sellers had owned the house for years, he says, and did an $8-million renovation before deciding they wanted something bigger.",0 + The backstory Part of the reason birds love Mr. Drover's home is because the lush gardens that surround the property., The backstory Part of the reason birds love Mr. Drover's home is because the lush gardens that surround the property.,0 +""" Ms. Dunsworth is showing the house by appointment over the weekend, with a realtor's open house on Tuesday.","Dunsworth is showing the house by appointment over the weekend, with a realtor's open house on Tuesday.",1 +""" The Nyhoffs' flood-proof design was undertaken for Ethel Nakano and Peter Stapleton in the southwestern neighbourhood of Erlton, on the Elbow River.",""" The Nyhoffs' flood-proof design was undertaken for Ethel Nakano and Peter Stapleton in the southwestern neighbourhood of Erlton, on the Elbow River.",0 +""" However, he's optimistic that they'll make significant progress in the short term.",""" However, he's optimistic that they'll make significant progress in the short term.",0 + More advanced implementations would allow for the addition of game-like capabilities., More advanced implementations would allow for the addition of game-like capabilities.,0 +""" Inside, an open-plan living, kitchen and dining space will be located on the second floor, which will be raised three feet above street level.",""" Inside, an open-plan living, kitchen and dining space will be located on the second floor, which will be raised three feet above street level.",0 +" The couple moved from their bungalow in Edmonton last August to an 800-square-foot, purpose-built laneway home in Jackie's daughter Jill Robert's backyard in Calgary."," The couple moved from their bungalow in Edmonton last August to an 800-square-foot, purpose-built laneway home in Jackie's daughter Jill Robert's backyard in Calgary.",0 +" Mark Richardson A flight to Ottawa followed, and then a drive in the larger and more expensive SL 550 east to Quebec."," Mark Richardson A flight to Ottawa followed, and then a drive in the larger and more expensive SL 550 east to Quebec.",0 + The majority who opted to sell to developers putting together land assemblies were motivated largely by the major port expansion that is under way., The majority who opted to sell to developers putting together land assemblies were motivated largely by the major port expansion that is under way.,0 +" ""When we talked to the city postflood, we were told we'd have to build on the original footprint and we couldn't have a basement."," ""When we talked to the city postflood, we were told we'd have to build on the original footprint and we couldn't have a basement.",0 +" ""Moodyville is a model, but it's a model of rare opportunity, not something that should be a blanket approach,"" he says."," ""Moodyville is a model, but it's a model of rare opportunity, not something that should be a blanket approach,"" he says.",0 +"The company says it will eventually install additional springs and brackets into the affected vehicles, without charge."," The company says it will eventually install additional springs and brackets into the affected vehicles, without charge.",0 +"In this year's 62nd Macau race, Yip continued that tradition by running Montreal's Lance Stroll in one of his three entries."," In this year's 62nd Macau race, Yip continued that tradition by running Montreal's Lance Stroll in one of his three entries.",0 + The couple began scouting locations from Florida to Vermont to Ontario for a property with 10 rooms or more., The couple began scouting locations from Florida to Vermont to Ontario for a property with 10 rooms or more.,0 +""" The Finley's garage suite was a 10-month project in the backyard of their 1950's home in Bellevue.",""" The Finley's garage suite was a 10-month project in the backyard of their 1950's home in Bellevue.",0 +" In the Formula E hospitality suite, representatives from Audi and BMW seemed bemused at the sight of all the Panasonic Jaguar Racing team paraphernalia."," In the Formula E hospitality suite, representatives from Audi and BMW seemed bemused at the sight of all the Panasonic Jaguar Racing team paraphernalia.",0 +" Renderings by Nyhoff Architecture ""We'd planned a pretty conventional home;"," Renderings by Nyhoff Architecture ""We'd planned a pretty conventional home;",0 +" ""It still looked like a pub with the TV down there and the paraphernalia,"" Ms. Shubert says."," ""It still looked like a pub with the TV down there and the paraphernalia,"" Ms. Shubert says.",0 + Amanda Oster and Stephen Li Mr. Watt thinks managing brokers should take charge of any double-ending deals that come up.,Watt thinks managing brokers should take charge of any double-ending deals that come up.,1 +" ""The cost to me to build the suite was about $160,000."," ""The cost to me to build the suite was about $160,000.",0 + The success of their multi-generational laneway project is encouraging to those advocating for laneway zoning in Calgary., The success of their multi-generational laneway project is encouraging to those advocating for laneway zoning in Calgary.,0 +Nikolai believes the growing momentum will help his organization make strides in tackling what he says is a systemic issue., Mr. Nikolai believes the growing momentum will help his organization make strides in tackling what he says is a systemic issue.,1 +"""We're going to do right by that building and bring it back, so it has a great life ahead of it,"" Mr. Lamb says."," ""We're going to do right by that building and bring it back, so it has a great life ahead of it,"" Mr. Lamb says.",0 +" ""I think a lot of people in North Vancouver see this as an area that is underdeveloped,"" Mr. Askew says."," ""I think a lot of people in North Vancouver see this as an area that is underdeveloped,"" Mr. Askew says.",0 +The Multipla was produced by Fiat between 1998 and 2010., The Multipla was produced by Fiat between 1998 and 2010.,0 +" Hail and snow on the Trans-Canada Highway approaching Canmore, Alta."," Story continues below advertisement Hail and snow on the Trans-Canada Highway approaching Canmore, Alta.",0 +Lancaster became personally involved with the organization as a volunteer and fundraiser because his brother Michael was a Special Olympics athlete., Lancaster became personally involved with the organization as a volunteer and fundraiser because his brother Michael was a Special Olympics athlete.,0 +"Despite the damage, Stroll climbed up the order to eighth by the chequered flag after starting 13th."," Despite the damage, Stroll climbed up the order to eighth by the chequered flag after starting 13th.",0 + It would bring passengers to the edge of black space with stunning views from its ultra-wide panoramic windows., It would bring passengers to the edge of black space with stunning views from its ultra-wide panoramic windows.,0 +""" Families will start taking up residence in their new homes before Christmas and all homes should be occupied within a year.",""" Families will start taking up residence in their new homes before Christmas and all homes should be occupied within a year.",0 +" ""There was nothing directly comparable, there were some renovated homes that sold for $3-million or $3-million plus,"" Ms. Pate says."," ""There was nothing directly comparable, there were some renovated homes that sold for $3-million or $3-million plus,"" Ms. Pate said.",1 +"The Japanese auto maker says the Canadian recall covers 52,710 Odyssey minivans from the 2011 to 2016 models."," The Japanese auto maker says the Canadian recall covers 52,710 Odyssey minivans from the 2011 to 2016 models.",0 +""" North shore realtor Patricia Houlihan, who is also a lawyer, agrees that exclusive listings make no sense for the seller.",""" North shore realtor Patricia Houlihan, who is also a lawyer, agrees that exclusive listings make no sense for the seller.",0 +" ""I'm not sure if the windscreen [route] is a long-term solution - unless there's a dramatic reduction in cost,"" Mr. Currie said."," ""I'm not sure if the windscreen [route] is a long-term solution - unless there's a dramatic reduction in cost,"" Mr. Currie said.",0 +" ""My dog is 14 years old, but he's like me;"," ""My dog is 14 years old, but he's like me;",0 + Homeowners will be able to cook in German engineered kitchens by Porche., Story continues below advertisement Homeowners will be able to cook in German engineered kitchens by Porche.,0 +" ""Our neighbourhood has hollowed out over the years,"" said Mr. Chamberlain, a fiftysomething elementary-school vice-principal."," ""Our neighbourhood has hollowed out over the years,"" said Mr. Chamberlain, a fiftysomething elementary-school vice-principal.",0 +"Similar to the 10th-generation Civic sedan, the new hatchback will have a more aggressive look with sharper lines."," Similar to the 10th-generation Civic sedan, the new hatchback will have a more aggressive look with sharper lines.",0 +" ""I was shocked,"" Mr. Robins says of his initial reaction to the price."," ""I was shocked,"" Mr. Robins says of his initial reaction to the price.",0 + RNL Design That happens naturally in single-family neighbourhoods where people are out gardening., RNL Design That happens naturally in single-family neighbourhoods where people are out gardening.,0 +" ""It's not about huge floor plans and expensive materials, it's about using design to shape an environment and a lifestyle,"" Mrs."," ""It's not about huge floor plans and expensive materials, it's about using design to shape an environment and a lifestyle,"" Mrs.",0 +" Dave Soutar ""Every spring the city sends a new property-tax assessment based on their market evaluation."," Dave Soutar ""Every spring the city sends a new property-tax assessment based on their market evaluation.",0 + But North Vancouver seems to have pulled off a rare feat., But North Vancouver seems to have pulled off a rare feat.,0 +" ""Ultimately, the mark of a true professional leaves aside remuneration and asks, 'Am I a salesman or an agent?' "" Mr. Usher says."," ""Ultimately, the mark of a true professional leaves aside remuneration and asks, 'Am I a salesman or an agent?' "" Mr. Usher says.",0 +" Because the house is relatively small, every detail mattered, Mr. Robins says."," Because the house is relatively small, every detail mattered, Mr. Robins says.",0 +" And for these little feathered creatures, Mr. Drover's yard is basically the Ritz for birds."," And for these little feathered creatures, Mr. Drover's yard is basically the Ritz for birds.",0 + Collectively these developments alone could accommodate another 50 per cent population growth;, Collectively these developments alone could accommodate another 50 per cent population growth;,0 + Grant Murray says the Concord represents good value when compared with the developer's other projects in Canada., Story continues below advertisement Grant Murray says the Concord represents good value when compared with the developer's other projects in Canada.,0 + There is an owner's suite which the Shuberts currently use as an office., There is an owner's suite which the Shuberts currently use as an office.,0 + Manufacturer incentives and pricing calculations are based on Ontario customers and subject to availability of inventory., Manufacturer incentives and pricing calculations are based on Ontario customers and subject to availability of inventory.,0 +Get This Deal on Globe Drive Andrew Tai is chief executive of Unhaggle., Get This Deal on Globe Drive Andrew Tai is chief executive of Unhaggle.,0 +" ""The law of unintended consequences is always at play,"" Mr. Usher says."," ""The law of unintended consequences is always at play,"" Mr. Usher says.",0 +" Mark Richardson The make-time flight from Regina to Calgary drops me just an hour from the Rockies, and I drive west in an AMG SLC"," Mark Richardson The make-time flight from Regina to Calgary drops me just an hour from the Rockies, and I drive west in an AMG SLC",0 +" Dave and Deborah Soutar, who recently built a garage suite at their Avonmore home, are also providing affordable housing for their daughter, Emma."," Dave and Deborah Soutar, who recently built a garage suite at their Avonmore home, are also providing affordable housing for their daughter, Emma.",0 +" ""The biggest issue with flooding isn't the flood itself, it's the cleanup afterwards."," ""The biggest issue with flooding isn't the flood itself, it's the cleanup afterwards.",0 +" In a curious way, it's been good for Panasonic Jaguar Racing that the first season has been such a challenge."," In a curious way, it's been good for Panasonic Jaguar Racing that the first season has been such a challenge.",0 +" Many people are going to third spaces - restaurants, cafes, pool halls, bookstores - to be around people and get out of their tiny apartments."," Many people are going to third spaces - restaurants, cafes, pool halls, bookstores - to be around people and get out of their tiny apartments.",0 +" Story continues below advertisement Story continues below advertisement The Agent's Take: ""It was beautifully done,"" agent Bill Thom says."," The Agent's Take: ""It was beautifully done,"" agent Bill Thom says.",0 +"""This isn't a weekend startup program, it's for advanced businesses,"" says Stephen Lester, managing director of Infiniti Canada."," Story continues below advertisement ""This isn't a weekend startup program, it's for advanced businesses,"" says Stephen Lester, managing director of Infiniti Canada.",0 + It's too ambitious to try to see Canada in a week - or even a month - but you've got to start somewhere., It's too ambitious to try to see Canada in a week - or even a month - but you've got to start somewhere.,0 +" Fortunately for graduates, auto makers recognize the importance of capturing customers while they are young to develop them into long-term, brand-loyal drivers."," Fortunately for graduates, auto makers recognize the importance of capturing customers while they are young to develop them into long-term, brand-loyal drivers.",0 +" If a space can't be outside, it should at least have windows."," If a space can't be outside, it should at least have windows.",0 +"The Agent's Take: ""It's a special location because it used to be a through street but is no longer a through street."," The Agent's Take: ""It's a special location because it used to be a through street but is no longer a through street.",0 +" At sea level, the exhaust speed of the thrusters would be in the range of 1,000 metres/second."," At sea level, the exhaust speed of the thrusters would be in the range of 1,000 metres/second.",0 +""" However, there is no way to enforce those rules.",""" However, there is no way to enforce those rules.",0 +" The plumbing contractors arrived when Mr. Thomas, a wealth adviser, was out of town."," The plumbing contractors arrived when Mr. Thomas, a wealth adviser, was out of town.",0 + Mark Richardson The rebates are essential to tempt drivers into cars that are much more expensive than conventional vehicles., Mark Richardson The rebates are essential to tempt drivers into cars that are much more expensive than conventional vehicles.,0 +Takata inflators can explode with too much force in a crash and hurl metal shrapnel into drivers and passengers., Takata inflators can explode with too much force in a crash and hurl metal shrapnel into drivers and passengers.,0 +" Ford is recalling nearly 452,000 midsize cars because the gas tanks potentially can leak fuel.","Ford is recalling nearly 452,000 midsize cars because the gas tanks potentially can leak fuel.",0 +" ""I don't think we ever dreamed that it would become the hipster hotspot that it has,"" says Ms. Shubert of the latest wave of visitors."," ""I don't think we ever dreamed that it would become the hipster hotspot that it has,"" says Ms. Shubert of the latest wave of visitors.",0 +""" Families will start taking up residence in their new homes before Christmas and all homes should be occupied within a year.",""" Families will start taking up residence in their new homes before Christmas and all homes should be occupied within a year.",0 +Cars can be about a lot more than getting from point A to point B or horsepower., Cars can be about a lot more than getting from point A to point B or horsepower.,0 +"As for my grandfather's car, I don't know what happened to it."," As for my grandfather's car, I don't know what happened to it.",0 +" While more people throughout the city are appreciating original house design, there are challenges in a hot real estate market, he says."," While more people throughout the city are appreciating original house design, there are challenges in a hot real estate market, he says.",0 +""" So Mr. Chamberlain and another person act as a liaison with the developer, to reduce the planning time.",""" So Mr. Chamberlain and another person act as a liaison with the developer, to reduce the planning time.",0 +" Mark Richardson There's not much to shield the wind in Fleming, the first town west of the Saskatchewan-Manitoba border on the Trans-Canada Highway."," Mark Richardson There's not much to shield the wind in Fleming, the first town west of the Saskatchewan-Manitoba border on the Trans-Canada Highway.",0 +" ""There's a spectrum of support which starts with folks that are homeless, and then emergency shelter and then subsidized housing."," ""There's a spectrum of support which starts with folks that are homeless, and then emergency shelter and then subsidized housing.",0 +""" Since 2010, more than 4,600 new dwelling units have been added to Cochrane's inventory, yet the town's resale numbers have remained strong.",""" Since 2010, more than 4,600 new dwelling units have been added to Cochrane's inventory, yet the town's resale numbers have remained strong.",0 +" The Designer The Orion concept was developed in collaboration with Ashish Thulkar, an industrial designer from Bangalore, India."," The Designer The Orion concept was developed in collaboration with Ashish Thulkar, an industrial designer from Bangalore, India.",0 + Both realtor and architect received angry e-mails and phone messages from people who complained it was boxy and lacked windows., Both realtor and architect received angry e-mails and phone messages from people who complained it was boxy and lacked windows.,0 +" According to Ms. Lurie, the whole luxury home market in Calgary has taken a turn for the better in recent months."," According to Ms. Lurie, the whole luxury home market in Calgary has taken a turn for the better in recent months.",0 +The move is part of a broader recall of about 5.4 million vehicles announced last month by U.S. safety regulators., The move is part of a broader recall of about 5.4 million vehicles announced last month by U.S. safety regulators.,0 + Currently the couple are living in their respective detached homes: Mr. Merriman in Shawnessy and Ms. Beesley in New Brighton., Currently the couple are living in their respective detached homes: Mr. Merriman in Shawnessy and Ms. Beesley in New Brighton.,0 + We recently bought a decade-old Ford F-150 with a lingering hint of Rover inside., Story continues below advertisement We recently bought a decade-old Ford F-150 with a lingering hint of Rover inside.,0 +The recall announced Thursday is for the 2014 and 2015 model years for the Honda Civic and the 2015 model for the Fit., The recall announced Thursday is for the 2014 and 2015 model years for the Honda Civic and the 2015 model for the Fit.,0 +" It had been listed at $19.9-million, but long-time real estate agent John Ryan found a buyer, and an offer, that suited the seller."," It had been listed at $19.9-million, but long-time real estate agent John Ryan found a buyer, and an offer, that suited the seller.",0 + The Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver says the typical price of a home in Metro Vancouver has surpassed $1-million.,The Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver says the typical price of a home in Metro Vancouver has surpassed $1-million.,0 +"I think we sold 900."" A Volvo P1900 displayed at a retro gas station exhibit at the Volvo Museum.","I think we sold 900."" A Volvo P1900 displayed at a retro gas station exhibit at the Volvo Museum.",0 +""" With so much happening at once, those additional costs have begun to pile up.",""" With so much happening at once, those additional costs have begun to pile up.",0 +Get This Deal on Globe Drive 2017 Infiniti Q50 Red Sport 400 All Wheel Drive 2017 Infiniti Q50., Get This Deal on Globe Drive 2017 Infiniti Q50 Red Sport 400 All Wheel Drive 2017 Infiniti Q50.,0 + The next generation of supersonic and hypersonic Orions could use compact plasma fusion reactors., The next generation of supersonic and hypersonic Orions could use compact plasma fusion reactors.,0 +"Part I and Part II were published earlier this year, All of a sudden, it seemed as if everything was happening at once.","Part I and Part II were published earlier this year, All of a sudden, it seemed as if everything was happening at once.",0 +" Toyota last year patented an AR windshield - a slab of glass that can display computerized text and graphics, just like a smartphone screen."," Toyota last year patented an AR windshield - a slab of glass that can display computerized text and graphics, just like a smartphone screen.",0 +" ""I haven't lived with my parents in 25 years, so it's been interesting to suddenly have them in our backyard, but we do love it."," ""I haven't lived with my parents in 25 years, so it's been interesting to suddenly have them in our backyard, but we do love it.",0 +" You either have to be badly lost, or an extremely committed Swedish car enthusiast, to find yourself at the Volvo Museum.","You either have to be badly lost, or an extremely committed Swedish car enthusiast, to find yourself at the Volvo Museum.",0 +""" The Shuberts say that having a team of staff members is one of the main advantages of running an inn of this size.",""" The Shuberts say that having a team of staff members is one of the main advantages of running an inn of this size.",0 +" ""We had dreamed forever about owning a country inn,"" Ms. Shubert says."," ""We had dreamed forever about owning a country inn,"" Ms. Shubert says.",0 + Get This Deal on Globe Drive 2017 Infiniti Q50 Red Sport 400 All Wheel Drive 2017 Infiniti Q50.,Get This Deal on Globe Drive 2017 Infiniti Q50 Red Sport 400 All Wheel Drive 2017 Infiniti Q50.,0 + The Collaborators The new plasma jet engine concept was invented by IB Goeksel Electrofluidsystems and published in the Journal of Physics in April., The Collaborators The new plasma jet engine concept was invented by IB Goeksel Electrofluidsystems and published in the Journal of Physics in April.,0 +" ""That was the big difference,"" he says of the finished look."," ""That was the big difference,"" he says of the finished look.",0 +""" Each time Mr. Drover sees a bird, he pulls out the book, identifies it and puts a little sticker beside it.",""" Each time Mr. Drover sees a bird, he pulls out the book, identifies it and puts a little sticker beside it.",0 +Some car makers are further ahead than others in realizing the value of giving customers diagnostics information., Some car makers are further ahead than others in realizing the value of giving customers diagnostics information.,0 + It all adds up and they've been watching their budget - which was tight from the outset - nose up steadily., It all adds up and they've been watching their budget - which was tight from the outset - nose up steadily.,0 +The Pacer is a two-door compact that was produced between 1975 and 1980., The Pacer is a two-door compact that was produced between 1975 and 1980.,0 +"GM has no plans to offer loaner cars to people who don't want to drive their vehicles, spokesman Tom Wilkinson said."," GM has no plans to offer loaner cars to people who don't want to drive their vehicles, spokesman Tom Wilkinson said.",0 +" A 5.5-acre Whistler property with separate staff residence and infinity pool recently sold for $17.5-million, after sitting on the market for 150 days.","A 5.5-acre Whistler property with separate staff residence and infinity pool recently sold for $17.5-million, after sitting on the market for 150 days.",0 +" ""We used to be a very bedroom-oriented community,"" Mr. Brooker says."," ""We used to be a very bedroom-oriented community,"" Mr. Brooker says.",0 +"(ODD ANDERSEN/AFP/Getty Images) On the Mercedes-Benz stand, the compact GLC 350e made its auto show debut."," ODD ANDERSEN/AFP/Getty Images 8 of 11 On the Mercedes-Benz stand, the compact GLC 350e made its auto show debut.",1 + Mercedes' web tools allow buyers to preview designo features before they're in the car., Mercedes' web tools allow buyers to preview designo features before they're in the car.,0 +""" ""Most people I know in my age group, I'd say more than half, are moving into condos and townhouses these days,"" adds Mr. Merriman.",""" ""Most people I know in my age group, I'd say more than half, are moving into condos and townhouses these days,"" adds Mr. Merriman.",0 +""" -- NASCAR Sprint Cup driver Joey Logano after being wrecked by Matt Kenseth late in the Goody's Headache Relief Shot 500 at Martinsville Speedway.",""" -- NASCAR Sprint Cup driver Joey Logano after being wrecked by Matt Kenseth late in the Goody's Headache Relief Shot 500 at Martinsville Speedway.",0 + The car maker says no crashes or injuries have been linked to the software issue yet., Story continues below advertisement The car maker says no crashes or injuries have been linked to the software issue yet.,0 + The company says it has no reports of crashes or injuries caused by the problem., Story continues below advertisement The company says it has no reports of crashes or injuries caused by the problem.,0 +"A mirror was sectioned into quarters for tests of both products, with a cleaned strip and a second section left untouched."," A mirror was sectioned into quarters for tests of both products, with a cleaned strip and a second section left untouched.",0 +" ""[My spouse and I] aren't not officially birders,"" he said. ""But we have this book."," ""[My spouse and I] aren't not officially birders,"" he said. ""But we have this book.",0 + Dealers will inspect the valve and fuel tank for leaks and replace them if needed., Story continues below advertisement Dealers will inspect the valve and fuel tank for leaks and replace them if needed.,0 +" ""We're just more in touch with young people,"" Mr. Gericke says."," ""We're just more in touch with young people,"" Mr. Gericke says.",0 +"""Everything you see here, we planted."" Through trial and error, owner Blaine Drover figured out what combination of trees and plants would thrive.","""Everything you see here, we planted."" Through trial and error, owner Blaine Drover figured out what combination of trees and plants would thrive.",0 +" The BMW 530e, for example, starts at $66,900, and qualifies for a rebate of $4,000 off that price in Quebec and $2,500 in British Columbia."," The BMW 530e, for example, starts at $66,900, and qualifies for a rebate of $4,000 off that price in Quebec and $2,500 in British Columbia.",0 +" ""There's a stronger design consciousness in Alberta now than there's ever been,"" architect and co-owner Kevin Nyhoff says."," ""There's a stronger design consciousness in Alberta now than there's ever been,"" architect and co-owner Kevin Nyhoff says.",0 + How the garden went from vacant to verdant actually started with a lot of trial and error., How the garden went from vacant to verdant actually started with a lot of trial and error.,0 + Few surprises were expected at the unveiling of the 2018 Buick Regal at the General Motors Technical Center., Few surprises were expected at the unveiling of the 2018 Buick Regal at the General Motors Technical Center.,0 +""" After the Second World War, sales took off and Volvo began exporting cars to North America.",""" After the Second World War, sales took off and Volvo began exporting cars to North America.",0 +" The other innovative design choice is the back seat, which features an available 40/40-split flat-folding arrangement."," Story continues below advertisement The other innovative design choice is the back seat, which features an available 40/40-split flat-folding arrangement.",0 +" ""We get these stragglers who just stop here [in our yard] during their migration and they stay for a few days,"" Mr. Drover explained."," ""We get these stragglers who just stop here [in our yard] during their migration and they stay for a few days,"" Mr. Drover explained.",0 +" After that was done, Mr. Drover and his spouse worked on their weekends for about two years to renovate the lower level."," After that was done, Mr. Drover and his spouse worked on their weekends for about two years to renovate the lower level.",0 + The company has received no reports of seat failures from customers., Story continues below advertisement The company has received no reports of seat failures from customers.,0 +" ""We were also nervous about future flooding and what we might have to deal with if it happened again,"" Ms. Nakano says."," ""We were also nervous about future flooding and what we might have to deal with if it happened again,"" Ms. Nakano says.",0 +" D'Arcy Jones is another successful designer of modern homes, and he says the cube house controversy stems from a conventional view of residential design."," D'Arcy Jones is another successful designer of modern homes, and he says the cube house controversy stems from a conventional view of residential design.",0 +""" In the meantime, a number of third-party companies are betting drivers will want aftermarket units that deliver similar benefits.",""" In the meantime, a number of third-party companies are betting drivers will want aftermarket units that deliver similar benefits.",0 +" Those kinds of design efforts may eventually result in people in some high-density, multifamily buildings feeling more connected than even the stereotypical single-family neighbourhood."," Those kinds of design efforts may eventually result in people in some high-density, multifamily buildings feeling more connected than even the stereotypical single-family neighbourhood.",0 +"The largest and most lavish of four bedrooms upstairs has a balcony, fourth fireplace and five-piece bathroom."," The largest and most lavish of four bedrooms upstairs has a balcony, fourth fireplace and five-piece bathroom.",0 +" REUTERS ""The growth in the Canadian market is clearly in SUVs,"" says Mike Speranzini, director of brand marketing for General Motors of Canada."," REUTERS ""The growth in the Canadian market is clearly in SUVs,"" says Mike Speranzini, director of brand marketing for General Motors of Canada.",0 + The electric 3.2 megawatt powerpack system would be composed of four 800 kW new-generation aircraft fuel cell systems., The electric 3.2 megawatt powerpack system would be composed of four 800 kW new-generation aircraft fuel cell systems.,0 +" A lower density, he says, would have been ""a recipe for paralysis."" But the new Moodyville hasn't come without pain."," A lower density, he says, would have been ""a recipe for paralysis."" But the new Moodyville hasn't come without pain.",0 +" In an office development at 1133 Melville St., he has put in a series of terraces on different floors where workers can gather."," In an office development at 1133 Melville St., he has put in a series of terraces on different floors where workers can gather.",0 +" ""I think the city struggles with this concept of a multigenerational family that's trying to live on one lot."," ""I think the city struggles with this concept of a multigenerational family that's trying to live on one lot.",0 +"Details include wainscoting around areas such as the foyer and dining room, and fireplaces in the living room, sunken family space and lower-level recreation room."," Details include wainscoting around areas such as the foyer and dining room, and fireplaces in the living room, sunken family space and lower-level recreation room.",0 +" ""It is the most important model, I believe, for cities across Canada."," ""It is the most important model, I believe, for cities across Canada.",0 +" ""That is something that most planners or municipalities would likely tell you isn't possible."," ""That is something that most planners or municipalities would likely tell you isn't possible.",0 + The Aztek was sold between 2001 and 2005 as a mid-size crossover., The Aztek was sold between 2001 and 2005 as a mid-size crossover.,0 +"9 DUMONT ST., TORONTO ASKING PRICE $3,388,000 SELLING PRICE $3,300,000 Story continues below advertisement PREVIOUS SELLING PRICES $563,000 (2007);"," 9 DUMONT ST., TORONTO ASKING PRICE $3,388,000 SELLING PRICE $3,300,000 PREVIOUS SELLING PRICES $563,000 (2007);",0 +" Anthem Properties ""It's safe to say there was a strong incentive to sell and buy in other areas."," Anthem Properties ""It's safe to say there was a strong incentive to sell and buy in other areas.",0 +"""Unfortunately, the sport is very political with different interests from different people."," ""Unfortunately, the sport is very political with different interests from different people.",0 +" They are hoping that, with a mix of retired people and young families with children in the building, they can have shared child care."," They are hoping that, with a mix of retired people and young families with children in the building, they can have shared child care.",0 +" They operated mainly from afar and the building became quite dilapitated, Ms. Shubert adds."," They operated mainly from afar and the building became quite dilapitated, Ms. Shubert adds.",0 + She also thinks the screening process for realtors should be tougher., She also thinks the screening process for realtors should be tougher.,0 +""" The Lower Lonsdale area is highly central and close to the SeaBus, frequent bus transit and shopping.",""" The Lower Lonsdale area is highly central and close to the SeaBus, frequent bus transit and shopping.",0 +" ""We've been trying to create a culture where Cochrane can thrive as a high-tech business community."," ""We've been trying to create a culture where Cochrane can thrive as a high-tech business community.",0 +""" To be fair, Pirelli is trying to spice things up with its plan to offer an ""ultrasoft"" option in 2016.",""" To be fair, Pirelli is trying to spice things up with its plan to offer an ""ultrasoft"" option in 2016.",0 +" ""The managing broker is not going to lose his licence over a commission, so let the boss take it over [from the agent]."," ""The managing broker is not going to lose his licence over a commission, so let the boss take it over [from the agent].",0 +" Pfaff, whose luxury offerings include Porsche, BMW, Audi, McLaren and Pagani, partnered with Canadian fashion designer Sid Neigum to offer services for custom orders."," Pfaff, whose luxury offerings include Porsche, BMW, Audi, McLaren and Pagani, partnered with Canadian fashion designer Sid Neigum to offer services for custom orders.",0 + Get This Deal on Globe Drive 2017 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 Custom 4WD Double Cab Standard Box 2017 Chevrolet Silverado.,Get This Deal on Globe Drive 2017 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 Custom 4WD Double Cab Standard Box 2017 Chevrolet Silverado.,0 +""" So it's all over but the crying when it comes to the Buick Regal TourX.",""" So it's all over but the crying when it comes to the Buick Regal TourX.",0 +" No two commissions, which take 4,000 hours to complete, are alike."," No two commissions, which take 4,000 hours to complete, are alike.",0 +" Dennis Kastner Ideally, a young couple with lots of energy would continue the business they've built up, they say."," Dennis Kastner Ideally, a young couple with lots of energy would continue the business they've built up, they say.",0 +" ""Developments currently in planning stages include Precedence, which is the final stage of the Riversong community, Greystone and Southbow Landing,"" Mr. Hyndman says."," ""Developments currently in planning stages include Precedence, which is the final stage of the Riversong community, Greystone and Southbow Landing,"" Mr. Hyndman says.",0 +" Handout Volvo opened a factory in Nova Scotia in the 1960s, which produced versions of the Amazon, rebadged the Volvo Canadian."," Handout Volvo opened a factory in Nova Scotia in the 1960s, which produced versions of the Amazon, rebadged the Volvo Canadian.",0 +" Once regarded as solely an option for monied thrill-seekers, the segment actually offers a fairly broad range of choice for all tastes and budgets."," Once regarded as solely an option for monied thrill-seekers, the segment actually offers a fairly broad range of choice for all tastes and budgets.",0 +""" Mr. Roadburg had purchased the property along with Mr. Robins' plans, which he'd designed for the previous owner.","Roadburg had purchased the property along with Mr. Robins' plans, which he'd designed for the previous owner.",1 +" He's a fan of Mr. Robins' work, and he ""loved"" that the house was different, with the combined elements of wood, metal, glass and stone."," He's a fan of Mr. Robins' work, and he ""loved"" that the house was different, with the combined elements of wood, metal, glass and stone.",0 +"""We know who our market is."" Still, the Shuberts say they are always looking ahead to the next demographic.","""We know who our market is."" Still, the Shuberts say they are always looking ahead to the next demographic.",0 +"""So this was an area that would lend itself to this."" An aerial shot of Moodyville, North Vancouver.","""So this was an area that would lend itself to this."" An aerial shot of Moodyville, North Vancouver.",0 + Chevrolet Standard on the 2017 Silverado 1500 is a 4.3-litre EcoTec3 engine that can produce 285 horsepower and 305 lb., Chevrolet Standard on the 2017 Silverado 1500 is a 4.3-litre EcoTec3 engine that can produce 285 horsepower and 305 lb.,0 +""" Gothenburg is out of the way, but worth a visit, and not just for the museum.",""" Gothenburg is out of the way, but worth a visit, and not just for the museum.",0 +" Sales of the Civic amounted to 64,552, down 0.6 per cent from 2015 .","Sales of the Civic amounted to 64,552, down 0.6 per cent from 2015 .",0 +""" The city of Edmonton provided a $4-million Cornerstones grant to Habitat for Humanity;",""" The city of Edmonton provided a $4-million Cornerstones grant to Habitat for Humanity;",0 +" ""What we see [in the Sportback] is a really innovative package,"" says Speranzini. ""One that has stunning breakthrough design and great driving dynamics."," ""What we see [in the Sportback] is a really innovative package,"" says Speranzini. ""One that has stunning breakthrough design and great driving dynamics.",0 + He is not the only architect in the city thinking about sociable design., He is not the only architect in the city thinking about sociable design.,0 +" ""We'll be building in Calgary for the next 20 years,"" he says confidently, ""there's no doubt about that."," ""We'll be building in Calgary for the next 20 years,"" he says confidently, ""there's no doubt about that.",0 +" Pfaff, whose luxury offerings include Porsche, BMW, Audi, McLaren and Pagani, partnered with Canadian fashion designer Sid Neigum to offer services for custom orders."," Pfaff, whose luxury offerings include Porsche, BMW, Audi, McLaren and Pagani, partnered with Canadian fashion designer Sid Neigum to offer services for custom orders.",0 +" AMG C 43 in PEI, at the eastern end of the Confederation Bridge to New Brunswick."," Story continues below advertisement AMG C 43 in PEI, at the eastern end of the Confederation Bridge to New Brunswick.",0 +"13, 2015. IB Goeksel Electrofluidsystems invented the new plasma jet engine concept, which would be used in the Orion."," IB Goeksel Electrofluidsystems invented the new plasma jet engine concept, which would be used in the Orion.",0 +""" He says being financially better off isn't the only benefit experienced by families who are accepted into their home-ownership program.",""" He says being financially better off isn't the only benefit experienced by families who are accepted into their home-ownership program.",0 +" In total, 150 homes will be built across Canada to commemorate the country's 150th anniversary."," In total, 150 homes will be built across Canada to commemorate the country's 150th anniversary.",0 +(Jens Meyer/AP) The all-new Infiniti Q30 shown in Frankfurt will only make it harder to choose a little luxury SUV/CUV., Jens Meyer/AP 9 of 11 The all-new Infiniti Q30 shown in Frankfurt will only make it harder to choose a little luxury SUV/CUV.,1 + Wine makers were just discovering how hospitable the peninsula's micro-climate was for planting vineyards., Wine makers were just discovering how hospitable the peninsula's micro-climate was for planting vineyards.,0 +The software that will be repaired for free manages continuously variable transmission., The software that will be repaired for free manages continuously variable transmission.,0 +" Toyota is recalling about 320,000 trucks and SUVs because the roof-mounted air bags can inflate without a crash.","Toyota is recalling about 320,000 trucks and SUVs because the roof-mounted air bags can inflate without a crash.",0 +"Next week, Drive columnist Peter Cheney is going to be in England touring three car factories where they still make cars by hand."," Next week, Drive columnist Peter Cheney is going to be in England touring three car factories where they still make cars by hand.",0 +The Ami was sold between 1961 and 1978 as a supermini., The Ami was sold between 1961 and 1978 as a supermini.,0 +"""Their bottom line is about selling vehicles."" The third-party companies, on the other hand, are geared more toward maintenance than sales.","""Their bottom line is about selling vehicles."" The third-party companies, on the other hand, are geared more toward maintenance than sales.",0 +" ""Nissan and Infiniti is a global corporation, and diversity is at the core of our business,"" says Tommaso Volpe, director for Infiniti Global Motorsport."," ""Nissan and Infiniti is a global corporation, and diversity is at the core of our business,"" says Tommaso Volpe, director for Infiniti Global Motorsport.",0 + The renovations started with the relocation of the stairs that connect the ground floor to the lower level., The renovations started with the relocation of the stairs that connect the ground floor to the lower level.,0 +" ""It costs less to get more in Cochrane,"" explains David Allen, president of Situated, Greystone's project adviser."," ""It costs less to get more in Cochrane,"" explains David Allen, president of Situated, Greystone's project adviser.",0 +" One of the challenges in adding AR to cars, he added, is the extra cost of effectively transforming windshields into transparent TV screens."," One of the challenges in adding AR to cars, he added, is the extra cost of effectively transforming windshields into transparent TV screens.",0 +"""But simplicity and minimalism are not considered residential enough to many people."" Instead, we tear down old houses to build replicas of the old ones.","""But simplicity and minimalism are not considered residential enough to many people."" Instead, we tear down old houses to build replicas of the old ones.",0 +""" In the background of our conversation, a family dinner is being prepared in Mr. and Mrs.",""" In the background of our conversation, a family dinner is being prepared in Mr. and Mrs.",0 +"""For us it has driven bedroom business."" The couple drew chef Michael Sullivan to the county in 2004.","""For us it has driven bedroom business."" The couple drew chef Michael Sullivan to the county in 2004.",0 +" ""I'm really pleased,"" he adds. ""With every job, I don't know what's going to happen."," ""I'm really pleased,"" he adds. ""With every job, I don't know what's going to happen.",0 +""" Mr. Haden is working on building designs for BC Housing that aim to incorporate some of those ideas for fostering sociability.",Haden is working on building designs for BC Housing that aim to incorporate some of those ideas for fostering sociability.,0 +The Ford Pinto was produced throughout the 1970s with more than three million sold., The Ford Pinto was produced throughout the 1970s with more than three million sold.,0 +"And that's bad news for the sport, which potentially faces a string of dominant wins by Hamilton to end the season."," And that's bad news for the sport, which potentially faces a string of dominant wins by Hamilton to end the season.",0 + Mercedes' web tools allow buyers to preview designo features before they're in the car., Mercedes' web tools allow buyers to preview designo features before they're in the car.,0 +"Today also marks the one-year anniversary since the province's former Liberal government imposed a 15-per-cent foreign buyers' tax, aimed at cooling the hot housing market."," Today also marks the one-year anniversary since the province's former Liberal government imposed a 15-per-cent foreign buyers' tax, aimed at cooling the hot housing market.",0 +" ""We didn't want to put it up on stilts or anything that would exaggerate its flood-fighting attributes,"" Mr. Nyhoff says."," ""We didn't want to put it up on stilts or anything that would exaggerate its flood-fighting attributes,"" Mr. Nyhoff says.",0 +""" His wife, Mairi, also an architect and co-owner of the firm, agrees.",""" Story continues below advertisement His wife, Mairi, also an architect and co-owner of the firm, agrees.",0 +" Concord Pacific ""After the oil price crashed a lot of condo developments, especially the high end ones, were shelved."," Concord Pacific ""After the oil price crashed a lot of condo developments, especially the high end ones, were shelved.",0 +" ""We were pushed to follow our passion, and do it well,"" he explains."," ""We were pushed to follow our passion, and do it well,"" he explains.",0 +They surpassed their goal with the best of three bids at $2.01-million.,She surpassed her goal with the best of three bids at $2.01-million.,1 +" The qualities begin with a new platform, shared with the Insignia and the Commodore, that is stiffer and stronger than the outgoing version."," The qualities begin with a new platform, shared with the Insignia and the Commodore, that is stiffer and stronger than the outgoing version.",0 +"The hatchback prototype was unveiled at the Geneva Motor Show in March, and the production version is not much different."," The hatchback prototype was unveiled at the Geneva Motor Show in March, and the production version is not much different.",0 +" Future Habitat for Humanity projects, he says, are partly funded by previous ones."," Future Habitat for Humanity projects, he says, are partly funded by previous ones.",0 +" Canadian new-car sales continued to set records in May, reaching an all-time high of approximately 217,000 units sold.","Canadian new-car sales continued to set records in May, reaching an all-time high of approximately 217,000 units sold.",0 + Laura Finley Brian and Laura Finley are among the 15 per cent., Laura Finley Brian and Laura Finley are among the 15 per cent.,0 +"(Michael Probst/AP) Meanwhile, BMW has an all-new X1 - the most affordable SUV in its lineup."," Michael Probst/AP 10 of 11 Meanwhile, BMW has an all-new X1 - the most affordable SUV in its lineup.",1 +" From the outside it appears closed off, but inside, there is natural light in every room."," From the outside it appears closed off, but inside, there is natural light in every room.",0 +" Story continues below advertisement Saudi banks have begun freezing suspects' accounts, sources told Reuters."," Saudi banks have begun freezing suspects' accounts, sources told Reuters.",0 +" But the lawyers said they had not made final plans yet, and U.S."," But the lawyers said they had not made final arrangements yet, and U.S.",0 +" The allegations against the men include money laundering, bribery, extortion and taking advantage of public office for personal gain, a Saudi official told Reuters.",""" The allegations include money laundering, bribery, extortion and taking advantage of public office for personal gain, a Saudi official told Reuters.",1 +Several companies and industry groups appeared in Washington at a hearing called by the Surface Transportation Board into service problems at Florida-based CSX., Several companies and industry groups appeared in Washington at a hearing called by the Surface Transportation Board into service problems at Florida-based CSX.,0 +"P 500 sectors that posted gains, while financials were pressured by a slip in Treasury yields <","P 500 sectors that posted gains, while financials were pressured by a slip in Treasury yields and industrials also fell.",1 +"Clark said on Tuesday that while Boeing's operations in Britain were important, the Bombardier case highlighted a bigger issue.","Clark said Tuesday that while Boeing's operations in Britain were important, the Bombardier case highlighted a bigger issue.",0 +"He said there are no plans at this point to re-sign fan favourite Victor Cruz, who was released after last season."," McAdoo added there are no plans at this point to re-sign fan favourite Victor Cruz, who was released after last season.",1 + The first transaction will see Metro sell 11.37 million shares in Couche-Tard to dealers., The first transaction will see Metro sell 11.37 million shares in Couche-Tard to dealers.,0 +"Compared with a year ago, the national composite house price index was up 11.4 per cent."," Compared with a year ago, the national composite house price index was up 11.4 per cent.",0 +"""For bitcoin no such fundamentals exist."" Other cryptocurrencies -- whose prices tend to be highly correlated to bitcoin -- also rallied.","""For bitcoin no such fundamentals exist."" Other cryptocurrencies -- whose prices tend to be highly correlated to bitcoin -- also rallied.",0 +""" ""In a competitive market, shippers would vote with their business,"" he said.",""" ""In a competitive market, shippers would vote with their business,"" he said.",0 + Saskatchewan's Justice Ministry is still reviewing Husky's response to alarms before the spill to decide whether charges should be laid.,Saskatchewan's Justice Ministry is still reviewing Husky's response to alarms before the spill to decide whether charges should be laid.,0 + Global benchmark Brent crude was flat at $55.62 a barrel at 1353 GMT., Global benchmark Brent crude was down 2 cents at $55.60 a barrel at 11:31 a.m.,1 +" But after dipping below $3,000 in mid-September, bitcoin has leapt in value by more than 75 percent in four weeks.","But after dipping below $3,000 in mid-September, bitcoin has leapt in value by more than 75 percent in four weeks.",0 + Story continues below advertisement Story continues below advertisement It has been a frustrating season for Beckham., Story continues below advertisement Story continues below advertisement The Giants also signed wide receiver Darius Powe to replace Rudolph on the practice squad.,1 +" Beckham had 25 catches for 302 yards and three touchdowns this season, including a 48-yarder in the fourth quarter Sunday."," Beckham had 25 catches for 302 yards and three touchdowns this year, including a 48-yarder in the fourth quarter Sunday.",0 + Metro has also entered into a private agreement to sell 4.37 million Class B subordinate voting shares to Couche Tard for cancellation., Metro has also entered into a private agreement to sell 4.37 million Class B subordinate voting shares to Couche Tard for cancellation.,0 +" Story continues below advertisement With a steady rise in people buying online, Wal-Mart's e-commerce sales growth has been outstripping brick-and-mortar."," With a steady rise in online shopping, Wal-Mart's e-commerce sales growth has been outstripping brick-and-mortar, leading the company to slash new store openings.",1 +" ""The interest really stems from the media hype,"" he added.","""The interest really stems from the media hype,"" he added.",0 +"""I want to apologize to our valued shippers,"" said Mr. Harrison, who has insisted the company's service has improved recently."," ""I want to apologize to our valued shippers,"" said Mr. Harrison, who has insisted the company's service has improved recently.",0 + Story continues below advertisement Husky's own investigation concluded that the pipeline buckled because of ground movement., Husky's own investigation concluded that the pipeline buckled because of ground movement.,0 +""" Meanwhile in corporate news, shares of licensed marijuana producer Canopy Growth Corp.",""" Meanwhile in corporate news, shares of licensed marijuana producer Canopy Growth Corp.",0 +"The survey of 1,000 Canadians was conducted by Nanos Research and has a margin of error of 3.1 percentage points."," The survey of 1,000 Canadians was conducted by Nanos Research and has a margin of error of 3.1 percentage points.",0 +"If he says he did not declare it, then far-left party CUP would likely withdraw its support to his minority government.","If he says he did not declare it, then far-left party CUP would probably withdraw its support for his minority government.",0 +" ""I agree we are in transition,"" Mr. Carr said when asked about Mr. Rifkin's ""sunset"" comment.","""I agree we are in transition,"" Mr. Carr said when asked about Mr. Rifkin's ""sunset"" comment.",0 +"The rally pushed the main world stocks index, the MSCI's 47-country 'All-World' index, to a record high.","The rally propelled the main world stocks index, the MSCI's 47-country 'All-World' index, to a record high.",1 + Couche-Tard has also agreed to purchase 4.37 million shares from Metro for about $250-million.,Couche-Tard has also agreed to purchase 4.37 million shares from Metro for about $250-million.,0 + Husky's own investigation concluded that the pipeline buckled because of ground movement., Story continues below advertisement Husky's own investigation concluded that the pipeline buckled because of ground movement.,0 +" But that was not enough to put investors off, with bitcoin rallying around 10 percent since then.","But that was not enough to put investors off, with bitcoin rallying around 10 percent since then.",0 + Brandon Marshall and Sterling Shepard were hurt on the same series in the second quarter., Brandon Marshall and Sterling Shepard were hurt on the same series in the second quarter after falls trying to catch passes.,1 + Several companies and industry groups appeared in Washington at a hearing called by the Surface Transportation Board into service problems at Florida-based CSX.,Several companies and industry groups appeared in Washington at a hearing called by the Surface Transportation Board into service problems at Florida-based CSX.,0 +"""A major point of frustration has been CSX's decision to close yards without notice,"" said Justin Louchheim of the Fertilizer Institute."," ""A major point of frustration has been CSX's decision to close yards without notice,"" said Justin Louchheim of the Fertilizer Institute.",0 +" Bitcoin, the biggest and best-known cryptocurrency, has chalked up a more than fivefold increase in price this year.","Bitcoin, the biggest and best-known cryptocurrency, has chalked up a more than fivefold increase in price this year.",0 + Weinstein has denied any nonconsensual sexual conduct with any women.," Weinstein, through a spokeswoman, has denied any nonconsensual sexual conduct with any women.",0 +The rulings are preliminary and a final decision on the tariffs is expected early next year.,A final decision on the tariffs is expected early next year.,1 +"About 5.66 billion shares changed hands in U.S. exchanges, compared with the 6.1 billion daily average over the last 20 sessions."," About 5.66 billion shares changed hands in U.S. exchanges, compared with the 6.1 billion daily average over the last 20 sessions.",0 +" Dwayne Harris, who also returns punts and kickoffs, will have surgery Tuesday for a broken foot."," Harris, who also returns punts and kickoffs, will have surgery Tuesday for a broken foot.",0 +"Harrison became chief executive officer at CSX in March, and quickly began implementing changes to the company's operating methods.","Mr. Harrison became chief executive officer at CSX in March, and quickly began implementing changes to the company's operating methods.",0 +"""We have done extraordinary things at elevated costs to make sure we service our customers,"" Mr. Ridley said."," ""We have done extraordinary things at elevated costs to make sure we service our customers,"" Mr. Ridley said.",0 +Timol was just one of 73 people who died in apartheid detention from the 1960s to the 1980s.,Timol was among at least 73 people who died in apartheid detention from the 1960s to the 80s.,0 +" Compared with a year ago, the national composite house price index was up 11.4 per cent.","Compared with a year ago, the national composite house price index was up 11.4 per cent.",0 + Some of Catalonia's largest companies have moved their head offices out of the region and others were set to follow if he had declared independence., Some of Catalonia's largest companies have moved their head offices out of the region and others were set to follow if Puigdemont had declared independence.,0 +""" What that means, Mr. Holt said, is, actually, that ""the U.S. market is dragging the rest of the world index lower.",""" What that means, Mr. Holt said, is, actually, that ""the U.S. market is dragging the rest of the world index lower.",0 + It will also sell in the next two days the same amount of shares to subsidiaries of the Caisse de depot et placements du Quebec.,It will also sell in the next two days the same amount of shares to subsidiaries of the Caisse de depot et placements du Quebec.,0 +"Trudeau acknowledged that NAFTA talks are often challenging and that ""we have to be ready for anything, and we are.","He acknowledged that NAFTA talks are often challenging and that ""we have to be ready for anything, and we are.",1 +"David Madani, senior Canada economist at Capital Economics, said a sharper slowdown in price inflation in the coming months is unavoidable."," Story continues below advertisement David Madani, senior Canada economist at Capital Economics, said a sharper slowdown in price inflation in the coming months is unavoidable.",0 +"Still, the oil sands sector - which has attracted international opprobrium - remains one of the most energy-intensive, greenhouse-gas-emitting sources of crude that is produced."," Still, the oil sands sector - which has attracted international opprobrium - remains one of the most energy-intensive, greenhouse-gas-emitting sources of crude that is produced.",0 +" ""We have done extraordinary things at elevated costs to make sure we service our customers,"" Mr. Ridley said.","""We have done extraordinary things at elevated costs to make sure we service our customers,"" Mr. Ridley said.",0 +" ""A major point of frustration has been CSX's decision to close yards without notice,"" said Justin Louchheim of the Fertilizer Institute.","""A major point of frustration has been CSX's decision to close yards without notice,"" said Justin Louchheim of the Fertilizer Institute.",0 +""" Powell is seen as closer policy-wise to Yellen than another front-runner, Kevin Warsh.",""" Powell is seen as closer policy-wise to Yellen than another front-runner, Kevin Warsh.",0 +"Still, this release signalled nothing new in terms of market expectations, said Macan Nia, a senior investment strategist at Manulife Investments."," Still, this release signalled nothing new in terms of market expectations, said Macan Nia, a senior investment strategist at Manulife Investments.",0 +" Story continues below advertisement David Madani, senior Canada economist at Capital Economics, said a sharper slowdown in price inflation in the coming months is unavoidable.","David Madani, senior Canada economist at Capital Economics, said a sharper slowdown in price inflation in the coming months is unavoidable.",0 +Nia added market participants were also watching Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's meeting with U.S., Nia added market participants were also watching Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's meeting with U.S.,0 +"The December gold contract was down $4.90 to US$1,288.90 an ounce and the December copper contract was up four cents to US$3.10 a pound."," The December gold contract was down $4.90 to US$1,288.90 an ounce and the December copper contract was up four cents to US$3.10 a pound.",0 +" CRYPTO-RIVALS ALSO RALLY By 1245 GMT, bitcoin was trading up 8 percent on the day around $5,200 on Luxembourg-based exchange Bitstamp.","CRYPTO-RIVALS ALSO RALLY By 1245 GMT, bitcoin was trading up 8 percent on the day around $5,200 on Luxembourg-based exchange Bitstamp.",0 + The Pfizer business includes two of the 10 top-selling consumer health care brands globally in Advil and the multivitamin line Centrum., The Pfizer business includes two of the 10 top-selling consumer healthcare brands globally in Advil and the multivitamin line Centrum.,0 +" ""I want to apologize to our valued shippers,"" said Mr. Harrison, who has insisted the company's service has improved recently.","""I want to apologize to our valued shippers,"" said Mr. Harrison, who has insisted the company's service has improved recently.",0 +"The Canadian dollar was trading at an average price of 80.01 cents US, up 0.02 of a cent."," The Canadian dollar was trading at an average price of 80.01 cents US, up 0.02 of a cent.",0 +" Mr. Trump boasted via Twitter Wednesday that stocks have surged by 25 per cent, or $5.2-trillion (U.S.) since he won last November's election.","Trump boasted via Twitter Wednesday that stocks have surged by 25 per cent, or $5.2-trillion (U.S.) since he won last November's election.",0 +"After his visit to Washington, Trudeau heads to Mexico City on Thursday for his first official visit to the country.","After his visit to Washington, Mr. Trudeau heads to Mexico City on Thursday for his first official visit to the country.",0 +Britain's defence ministry also has contracts to buy P-8 spy planes and 50 Apache helicopters from Boeing.,Britain's Ministry of Defence also has contracts to buy P-8 spy planes and 50 Apache helicopters from Boeing.,1 +" If Puigdemont says he did declare independence, the government would likely trigger Article 155."," If Puigdemont says he did proclaim independence, the central government will step in.",1 +"After his visit to the White House, Trudeau held a press conference where he continued to defend the need to modernize NAFTA.","After his visit to the White House, Mr. Trudeau held a press conference where he continued to defend the need to modernize NAFTA.",1 +Saskatchewan's Justice Ministry is still reviewing Husky's response to alarms before the spill to decide whether charges should be laid., Saskatchewan's Justice Ministry is still reviewing Husky's response to alarms before the spill to decide whether charges should be laid.,0 +"Trump was dividing his day between the Trudeau visit and a rally in Harrisburg, Pa.","Mr. Trump was dividing his day between the Trudeau visit and a rally in Harrisburg, Pa.",0 +" Pfizer, whose shares were little changed in early trading, said it would decide on the future of its consumer unit during 2018."," Pfizer, whose shares were little changed on Tuesday, said it would decide on the future of its consumer unit during 2018.",0 + Irene Nattel of RBC Capital Markets said she would expect that Quebec-based Couche-Tard will give careful consideration to a potential acquisition.,Irene Nattel of RBC Capital Markets said she would expect that Quebec-based Couche-Tard will give careful consideration to a potential acquisition.,0 +"Louchheim said CSX's problems were ""self-inflicted,"" and a result of changing operations ""too much too quickly with too little communication.","Mr. Louchheim said CSX's problems were ""self-inflicted,"" and a result of changing operations ""too much too quickly with too little communication.",0 +" The survey of 1,000 Canadians was conducted by Nanos Research and has a margin of error of 3.1 percentage points.","The survey of 1,000 Canadians was conducted by Nanos Research and has a margin of error of 3.1 percentage points.",0 + Beckham was the last of four Giants' receivers knocked out of the game., Beckham was the last of four Giants' receivers knocked out of the game.,0 +" Despite setbacks with cancelled pipelines and projects, the minister said he remains confident the oil industry can not only survive but prosper.","Despite setbacks with cancelled pipelines and projects, the minister said he remains confident the oil industry can not only survive but prosper.",0 +" Story continues below advertisement Story continues below advertisement Couche-Tard is still integrating its $3.4-billion acquisition in June of CST Brands, its largest to date.","Couche-Tard is still integrating its $3.4-billion acquisition in June of CST Brands, its largest to date.",0 +" The chain generated US$4-billion in annual revenues in 2016, including from the sale of 1.2 billion gallons of fuel.","The chain generated US$4-billion in annual revenues in 2016, including from the sale of 1.2 billion gallons of fuel.",0 +" As ageing populations and health-conscious consumers drive demand for self-medication, the fragmented consumer health sector has proved a fertile ground for deal-making in recent years."," As aging populations and health-conscious consumers drive demand for self-medication, the fragmented consumer health sector has proved a fertile ground for deal-making in recent years.",0 +"Despite setbacks with cancelled pipelines and projects, the minister said he remains confident the oil industry can not only survive but prosper."," Despite setbacks with cancelled pipelines and projects, the minister said he remains confident the oil industry can not only survive but prosper.",0 +It also has 10 brands that each exceeded $100-million in 2016 sales.,It also has 10 brands that each exceeded $100 million in 2016 sales.,0 +"""It's sad that it took so long,"" Mr. Tutu said in a message to the Timol family after the judge's ruling.","""It's sad that it took so long,"" Mr. Tutu said in a message to the Timol family on Thursday.",1 + Other potential bidders could be 7-Eleven and Casey's General Stores.,Other potential bidders could be 7-Eleven and Casey's General Stores.,0 +"It ended last week 3.3 per cent lower, its biggest weekly loss since June 2016. U.S.","It ended last week 3.3 per cent lower, its biggest weekly loss since June 2017. Story continues below advertisement Story continues below advertisement U.S.",1 +" Madrid responded angrily to Puigdemont's speech, saying the Catalan government could not act on the results of the referendum."," Madrid responded angrily to Puigdemont's speech to Catalonia's parliament, saying his government could not act on the results of the referendum.",1 +Advancing issues outnumbered declining ones on the NYSE by a 1.49-to-1 ratio;, Advancing issues outnumbered declining ones on the NYSE by a 1.49-to-1 ratio;,0 + It was not clear how the Catalan government would respond to the offer., It was not clear how the Catalan government would respond to that offer.,0 +" The Dow Jones industrial average added 42.21 points at 22,872.89, the S&"," Story continues below advertisement The Dow Jones industrial average added 42.21 points at 22,872.89, the S&",0 +"In testimony at the hearing on Wednesday, several of his customers disagreed."," Story continues below advertisement Story continues below advertisement In testimony at the hearing on Wednesday, several of his customers disagreed.",0 +" They could be joined by Nestle, which is exploring the boundaries between food and health care."," They could be joined by Nestle, which is exploring the boundaries between food and healthcare.",0 +" Story continues below advertisement Story continues below advertisement ""Rajoy has two objectives: if Puigdemont remains ambiguous, the pro-independence movement will get more fragmented;"," ""Rajoy has two objectives: if Puigdemont remains ambiguous, the pro-independence movement will get more fragmented;",1 +" On that note, we bring you Derek Holt, Scotiabank's head of capital markets economics and, thus, not a faker."," On that note, we bring you Derek Holt, Scotiabank's head of capital markets economics and, thus, not a faker.",0 +"""I agree we are in transition,"" Mr. Carr said when asked about Mr. Rifkin's ""sunset"" comment."," ""I agree we are in transition,"" Mr. Carr said when asked about Mr. Rifkin's ""sunset"" comment.",0 +" That's what makes the new $10 bill such a powerful act of acceptance, he said.",""" That's what makes the new $10 bill such a powerful act of acceptance, Grosse said.",1 + The Champions League game was the start of a busy week for TFC.,""" The Champions League game was the start of a busy week for TFC.",0 +""" Ecuador's oil minister Carlos Perez said Venezuela's oil production is running 1.5 million barrels per day",""" Ecuador's oil minister Carlos Perez said Venezuela's oil production was running 1.5 million barrels per day",0 +" Story continues below advertisement Instead, the EU proposal sticks with the bloc's traditional approach to dealing with banks from non-EU or third countries."," Instead, the EU proposal sticks with the bloc's traditional approach to dealing with banks from third countries.",1 +" None more than Ms. Notley's, our likeliest candidate for tragedy."," None more than Ms. Notley's, our likeliest candidate for tragedy.",0 + Lucky bounces played a role in the past two goals of regulation time.," Actually, lucky bounces played a role in the last two goals of regulation time.",1 +""" Vanney had more players available for the second game of the Champions League set than he did for the first.", Vanney had more players available for the second game of the Champions League set than he did for the first.,0 + Rising U.S. crude output and climbing U.S. inventories have weighed on oil prices.," While oil stocks typically rise this time of year as refineries frequently close for maintenance, an increase in U.S. crude inventories has weighed on prices.",1 +Bruce sees a DPA for SNC-Lavalin as a way of levelling the playing field with international rivals.,Mr. Bruce sees a DPA for SNC-Lavalin as a way of levelling the playing field with international rivals.,1 +"Caroline Mulroney was more often than not silent during open debate, reminding viewers she is a newcomer to such forums, and to politics."," Caroline Mulroney was more often than not silent during open debate, reminding viewers she is a newcomer to such forums, and to politics.",0 +People who place the environment high on their list of priorities should steer clear of this party., People who place the environment high on their list of priorities should steer clear of this party.,0 +He was a managing director with a variety of senior responsibilities within the prime brokerage., Malik was a managing director with a variety of senior responsibilities within the prime brokerage.,1 +"It was a cliche night for the Toronto Maple Leafs - as in, if you can't be good, be lucky.","It was a cliche night for the Toronto Maple Leafs - as in if you can't be good, be lucky.",0 +"It was way more than they deserved against the Isles and their prize rookie Mathew Barzal, who had three points."," It was way more than they deserved against the Isles and their prize NHL rookie Matthew Barzal, who had three points.",1 +Lane's relatively upbeat remarks come a day after the bank opted to keep its benchmark interest rate at 1 1/4 per cent., His relatively upbeat remarks come a day after the central bank opted to keep its benchmark interest rate at 1.25 per cent.,0 + Toronto cleared a roster spot by designating outfielder Ezequiel Carrera for assignment., Toronto cleared a roster spot by designating outfielder Ezequiel Carrera for assignment.,0 + The central bank lifted rates in January for the third time since July., Story continues below advertisement Story continues below advertisement The central bank lifted rates in January for the third time since July.,0 +" ""By the same token, a pick-and-mix approach for a non-member state is out of the question.","By the same token, a pick-and-mix approach for a non-member state is out of the question.",0 +" But everything we know about Mr. Ford, as a politician, makes the parallels too numerous to overlook.", But everything we know about Mr. Ford makes the parallels too numerous to overlook.,0 +"Torstar also closed the free commuter papers 24 Hours in Toronto and Vancouver, where they formerly competed with its free Metro papers.","Torstar also closed the free commuter papers 24 Hours in Toronto and Vancouver, which competed with its free Metro papers.",0 +Lane added that the bank is watching closely the ongoing NAFTA talks and growing global trade tensions., He added that the bank is closely watching the continuing NAFTA talks and growing global trade tensions.,1 +" West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude futures fell 28 cents to $62.32 a barrel, a 0.5 per cent loss, by 11:09 a.m."," West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude futures fell $1.81 to $60.79 a barrel, a 2.9 per cent loss, by 12:32 p.m.",1 +" Story continues below advertisement Australian shares stumbled 0.8 per cent in early trade, while Japan's Nikkei dropped 0.8 per cent.", Story continues below advertisement Japan's Nikkei dropped 1 per cent and South Korea's Kospi index declined 0.6 per cent.,1 +The Bank of Canada has said that uncertainty about the future of NAFTA is weighing increasingly on the outlook for Canada's economy., The Bank of Canada has said that uncertainty about the future of NAFTA is weighing increasingly on the outlook for Canada's economy.,0 +"He sat down at midfield and the medical crew, complete with stretcher bearers, ran onto the pitch.","He sat at midfield and the medical crew, complete with stretcher-bearers, ran on to the pitch.",0 +"the simple sloganeering and attack lines against opponents (right down to his campaign's apparent attempt through social media to label Ms. Elliott ""crooked Christine"");","There is the simple sloganeering and attack lines against opponents (down to his campaign's apparent attempt through social media to label Ms. Elliott ""crooked Christine"");",1 +"EST, the Canadian dollar was trading 0.1 per cent higher at $1.2695 to the greenback, or 78.77 U.S. cents.","EST (2100 GMT), the Canadian dollar was trading 0.3 per cent higher at $1.2661 to the greenback, or 78.98 U.S. cents.",1 +Not even three power plays in the second period could shake the Maple Leafs from their doldrums.,""" Not even three power plays in the second period could shake the Maple Leafs from their doldrums.",1 +Malik declined to comment at the time of his departure.,"Malik declined to comment at the time of his departure, and an attorney representing him had no immediate comment on Wednesday.",1 + Henrik Lundqvist made his 798th career appearance and stopped 31 shots as the Rangers lost for the first time in four games.,""" Henrik Lundqvist made his 798th career appearance and stopped 31 shots as the Rangers lost for the first time in four games.",0 +P 500 down 0.6 per cent and the Nasdaq Composite down 1.0 per cent.,P 500 down 0.6 per cent and the Nasdaq Composite falling 1.0 per cent.,0 +" Story continues below advertisement Story continues below advertisement On Monday, the 10-year yield touched its lowest intraday in nearly two months 2.145 per cent."," On Monday, the 10-year yield touched its lowest intraday in nearly two months 2.145 per cent.",0 +"People wearing jackets labelled ""Competition Bureau"" as well as Toronto police could be seen inside the 12th floor executive offices of Postmedia.","People wearing jackets labelled ""Competition Bureau"" as well as Toronto police could be seen inside the 12th-floor executive offices of Postmedia.",0 +" The massacre spurred a youth-led wave of protests, and state and national officials are considering whether to take gun control measures."," The massacre spurred a youth-led wave of protests, and state and national officials are considering whether to pass stricter gun control measures.",1 +" The price of oil, one of Canada's major exports, rose as attempts by major producers to erode stockpiles offset rising U.S. oil output and exports."," The price of oil, one of Canada's major exports, was boosted by the shutdown of the El Feel oilfield in Libya.",1 +"However, he returned to play four minutes later and finished the half.","However, he returned to play four minutes later and finished the game.",1 +" U.S. crude rose 18 cents to $60.89. Spot gold was steady at $1,326 an ounce.","Brent ticked up 6 cents to $64.70. Spot gold was a touch firmer at $1,328.42 an ounce.",1 +But Tuesday's data did little to change market expectations of Fed rate rises with an increase next week now fully priced-in., Tuesday's data did little to move market expectations of Fed rate rises with an increase next week now fully priced-in.,0 +U.S. crude prices were up 0.2 per cent at $62.88 a barrel.,U.S. crude oil futures settled 1.2 per cent higher at $63.55 a barrel.,1 +" Immediately after the deal was announced in November, the bureau confirmed that it would review the transaction."," When the deal was announced in November, both companies also said they would subsequently shut down all but five of the papers.",1 +"Toronto FC elected to play efficient rather than spectacular soccer, and it served the purpose.",Toronto FC elected to play efficient rather than spectacular soccer and it served the purpose.,0 +"But a Mainstreet poll released Wednesday showed Mr. Ford and Ms. Elliott essentially tied in support, with Ms. Mulroney well back."," But a Mainstreet poll released Wednesday showed Mr. Ford and Ms. Elliott essentially tied in support, with Ms. Mulroney well back.",0 +" The weakness followed losses on Wall Street, with the Dow off 0.7 per cent, the S&"," The weakness followed overnight losses on Wall Street, with the Dow off 0.7 per cent, the S&",0 +This contest is going to boil down to which operation is able to persuade its supporters to cast an online ballot before voting ends March, This contest is going to boil down to which operation is able to persuade its supporters to cast an online ballot before voting ends March,0 +" Brent futures were up $1.33, or 2.1 per cent, at $65.70 a barrel by 11:55 a.m."," Brent futures gained $1.17, or 1.8 per cent, to settle at $65.54 a barrel, while U.S.",0 +" They came close to scoring several times, but could not find the net.",They came close to scoring several times but could not find the net.,0 +"Malik left the firm in January, a month after a woman in her 20s claimed that he had made unwanted advances.",Malik left the firm a month after a woman in her 20s claimed that he had made unwanted advances.,1 + NOTES: Twelve members of the gold medal-winning U.S. women's Olympic hockey team were honoured during the first period., Story continues below advertisement NOTES: Twelve members of the gold medal-winning U.S. women's Olympic hockey team were honoured during the first period.,0 +" The combination left investors scurrying for safety as global equities took a knock, the dollar fell and bonds rose."," The combination of moves by Trump left investors scurrying for safety as global equities took a knock, the dollar fell and bonds rose.",1 +But being elected to lead a municipality with a weak-mayor system is nothing like being entrusted to run the country's second-largest government., But being elected to lead a municipality with a weak-mayor system is nothing like being entrusted to run the country's second-largest government.,0 +" Story continues below advertisement Story continues below advertisement It isn't a question of if, but when."," Story continues below advertisement Story continues below advertisement Enter, in our closing act, B.C.'s coastal First Nations.",1 + Laine opened the scoring by putting a wrist shot past Lundqvist at 19:05 of the first period.,""" Laine opened the scoring by putting a wrist shot past Lundqvist at 19:05 of the first period.",0 +"EST (1440 GMT), the Canadian dollar was trading at C$1.272 to the greenback.","ET, the Canadian dollar was trading at $1.277 to the greenback.",1 +" Dick's, based in Pennsylvania, was the latest company to take action after the Florida shooting."," Story continues below advertisement Story continues below advertisement Dick's, based in Pennsylvania, was the latest company to take action after the Florida shooting.",1 +"7. Skepticism of immigration, for instance, is not part of his formula;","Skepticism of immigration, for instance, is not part of his formula;",0 +" Story continues below advertisement Brent crude futures fell 29 cents to $65.50 a barrel, a 0.4 per cent loss."," Brent crude futures fell $1.74 to $64.05 a barrel, a 2.6 per cent loss.",1 +" The Reds were content to play it safe in the second half as well, saving its best offensive strikes for the final 10 minutes.","TFC played it safe in the second half as well, saving its best offensive strikes for the final 10 minutes.",0 +The Canadian dollar weakened against its U.S. counterpart on Tuesday morning as the greenback rose on the release of testimony that showed new U.S.,The Canadian dollar weakened against its U.S. counterpart on Tuesday as the greenback rose on the release of testimony that showed new U.S.,0 +" Story continues below advertisement Another new signing, Spanish midfielder Ager Aketxe, was in uniform, but not among the starting"," Story continues below advertisement Another new signing, midfielder Ager Aketxe, was in uniform but was not among the starting",0 +" ""I would expect markets entered another period of correction,"" he added."," Story continues below advertisement ""I would expect markets entered another period of correction,"" he added.",0 + Desmond will be the first black person - and the first non-royal woman - on a regularly circulating Canadian bank note., Desmond becomes the first black person -- and the first non-royal woman -- on a regularly circulating Canadian bank note.,0 + The deal announced Monday includes a $2.5-million team option for 2019 that could become guaranteed based on appearances.," The deal announced Monday includes a $1.75-million salary this year and a $2.5-million team option for 2019 with a $250,000 buyout.",1 +" But the notion that Kinder Morgan's Trans Mountain pipeline expansion would add carbon to the atmosphere is comedy, too."," Story continues below advertisement But the notion that Kinder Morgan's Trans Mountain pipeline expansion would add carbon to the atmosphere is comedy, too.",1 +"Anything fine below $300-million would be viewed positively by the market, National Bank analyst Maxim Sytchev said."," Any fine below $300-million would be viewed positively by the market, National Bank analyst Maxim Sytchev said.",0 +""" There are conflicting indicators of how well the three major candidates are doing.",""" There are conflicting indicators of how well the three major candidates are doing.",0 + There was a small scare for TFC in the 25th minute when striker Jozy Altidore was kicked in the back of the leg., There was a small scare for TFC in the 25th minute when striker Jozy Altidore went down.,1 +" The stretcher was waved off and Altidore jogged off the pitch, but went straight to the dressing room.",The stretcher was waved off and Altidore jogged off the pitch but he went straight to the dressing room.,0 +"On the year, it posted an increase of 1.5 per cent, same as the previous two months.","On the year, it posted an increase of 1.5 per cent, in line with the previous two months.",0 +Ford is not Donald Trump to whom comparisons will be made on a daily basis between now and when Ontarians' cast their ballots on June,"Ford is not Donald Trump, to whom comparisons will be made on a daily basis between now and Ontarians' June 7 casting of ballots.",1 +"Defender Chris Mavinga, who missed the first game with an injury, was available but did not play until the 83rd minute.","Defender Chris Mavinga, who missed the first game with an injury, was available but he did not play until the 83rd minute.",1 +"And he was certainly much less bombastic, while seeking the PC nomination, than was Mr. Trump during his ascent to the U.S. presidency.","He was much less bombastic, while seeking the PC leadership, than Mr. Trump during his ascent to the U.S. presidency.",0 +" Crude stocks at the Cushing, Oklahoma, delivery hub fell by 605,000 barrels, EIA said."," Story continues below advertisement Story continues below advertisement Crude stocks at the Cushing, Oklahoma, delivery hub fell by 605,000 barrels, EIA said.",0 +" A Security Council resolution needs nine votes in favor and no vetoes by permanent members the United States, Britain, France, Russia or China to pass.","""The version on the table is strong, it is robust."" A Security Council resolution needs nine votes in favor and no vetoes to pass.",1 +"Mr. Irshad has been with Manulife for 20 years, most recently as CEO of Manulife Singapore.","Naveed Irshad, a 20-year Manulife veteran who has most recently been CEO of Manulife Singapore, will be head of North America legacy business.",1 +" With extensive feedback from our readers, we've made improvements to our section and article pages."," With extensive feedback from our readers, we've made improvements to our mobile and desktop section, article and home pages.",1 +" While the airport's regular flight operations were shut down Sunday, an Air Canada spokesperson said humanitarian flights were exempted."," While the airport's regular flight operations were shut down on Sunday, an Air Canada spokesperson said humanitarian flights were exempted.",0 +Additional changes to our mobile and desktop homepages and news apps are coming soon.,Additional changes to our iOS and Android news apps are coming soon.,1 +He said the government is aiming to evacuate all of those who have requested assistance by the end of Monday.,He said Ottawa is aiming to evacuate all of those who have requested assistance by the end of Monday.,1 +" ""There's still so much to do and we can't stop for a second to say we've done enough - there's so much more to do."," ""There's still so much to do, and we can't stop for a second to say we've done enough - there's so much more to do.",0 +Ms. Harrison is coming off the integration of Standard Life's Canadian operations - an acquisition she also oversaw in 2014.,Harrison is coming off the integration of Standard Life's Canadian operations - an acquisition she also oversaw in 2014.,0 + Story continues below advertisement (Return to top) How much will it cost to clean this up?, (Return to top) How much will it cost to clean this up?,0 +" (Return to top) With reports from Evan Annett, Reuters, The New York Times News Service THE COMING STORMS: MORE FROM THE GLOBE AND MAIL "," (Return to top) With reports from The New York Times News Service, Reuters and Globe staff THE COMING STORMS: MORE FROM THE GLOBE AND MAIL ",1 + Kovalyov says an organizer complained to him about his shorts just minutes before an all-important third-round match over the weekend., Story continues below advertisement Kovalyov said an organizer berated him about his shorts just minutes before his third-round match.,0 + The currency traded in a range of $1.2098 to $1.2170.," The currency, which was outperforming major currency counterparts, traded in a range of $1.2098 to C$1.2170.",1 +Gori stated in a press release Tuesday that the leadership shifts would accelerate change at Manulife.,Gori said in a news release on Tuesday that the leadership shifts would accelerate change at Manulife.,0 + The tech giant is expected Tuesday to unveil a super-jazzed version of the iPhone as it marks the gadget's 10th anniversary., The tech giant is expected today to unveil a super-jazzed version of the iPhone as it marks the gadget's 10th anniversary.,0 +"As of Monday, the storm was responsible for at least six deaths in Florida, three in Georgia and one in South Carolina.","As of Tuesday, Irma was responsible for at least six deaths in Florida, three in Georgia and one in South Carolina.",1 +" To lead the Manulife Asia growth engine and replace his former role, Mr. Gori is bringing aboard fellow Citigroup alumnus Anil Wadhwani."," To lead the Manulife Asia growth engine, in Mr. Gori's former role, is fellow Citigroup alumnus Anil Wadhwani.",1 +" ""I am disheartened to state that no additional investments will be made into Greece after September 22,"" Chief Executive George Burns told reporters in Athens."," ""I am disheartened to state that no additional investments will be made into Greece after September 22,"" Chief Executive George Burns told reporters in Athens.",0 +" ""Except you can't do it when you're prime minister and family,"" he said.","""Except you can't do it when you're Prime Minister and family,"" he said.",0 + Story continues below advertisement Other Canadian students hadn't waited for Monday's airlift., Story continues below advertisement The government said it has increased the number of staff working at its emergency-response centre in Ottawa.,1 +"ET (1402 GMT), the Canadian dollar was trading at $1.2143 to the greenback, or 82.35 U.S. cents, up 0.1 per cent.","ET (2000 GMT), the Canadian dollar was trading at $1.2119 to the greenback, or 82.52 U.S. cents, up 0.3 per cent.",1 +"The Globe and Mail was the media partner for the event, which was the first held in Canada.","The Globe and Mail was the media partner for the event, the first of its kind to be held in Canada.",0 + Story continues below advertisement The 25-year-old had worn the shorts in previous rounds without incident.," The Ukrainian-born Montrealer, currently a university student in Texas, had worn the shorts in previous rounds without incident.",1 +He becomes CEO of Manulife Canada after filling in as interim CEO of John Hancock since May when Craig Bromley left the company.,"He becomes CEO of Manulife Canada after filling in as interim CEO of John Hancock since May, when Craig Bromley left the company.",0 + Wigdor also represents more than 20 current and former Fox News employees pursuing unrelated bias and retaliation lawsuits against their former employer.,""" Wigdor also represents more than 20 current and former Fox News employees suing that company over alleged bias and retaliation.",1 + The broad consensus throughout the medical community is that any extra measure of empathy and better understanding between physician and patient is a good thing., The broad consensus throughout the medical community is that any extra measure of empathy and better understanding between physician and patient is a good thing.,0 +Terms of the latest offer were not released but the company had said it was optimistic the workers would accept the deal., Terms of the latest offer were not released but the company had said it was optimistic the workers would accept the deal.,0 +He says he's considering legal action to force the removal of the anchors., He says he's considering legal action to force the removal of the anchors.,0 +"""The gesture surely saved them both,"" said Andrea Gentile of the Italian police."," Story continues below advertisement Story continues below advertisement ""The gesture surely saved them both,"" said Andrea Gentile of the Italian police.",0 +"Corey Fleischer says the mayor of Pointe-des-Cascades called police to stop him from removing the symbols, which are emblazoned on two anchors in a park."," Corey Fleischer says the mayor of Pointe-des-Cascades called police to stop him from removing the symbols, which are emblazoned on two anchors in a park.",0 +" Time allows much to heal, even the wound of grief."," Time allows much to heal, even the wound of grief.",0 +" The idea is to give caregivers and family members a truer glimpse into an illness and, ultimately, to create more compassionate care."," The idea is to give caregivers and family members a truer glimpse into an illness and, ultimately, to create more compassionate care.",0 +"""We feel comfortable with who Kyrie is and who he can be,"" he said."," ""We feel comfortable with who Kyrie is and who he can be,"" he said.",0 +"""' All three were more cautious when pressed on what they thought of the mixed messages U.S.","""' All three were more cautious when pressed on what they thought of the mixed messages U.S.",0 +"""I've made it very clear that an unelected, unaccountable arbitrator will not determine the taxpayer's ability to pay,"" McNeil told reporters.","""I've made it very clear that an unelected, unaccountable arbitrator will not determine the taxpayers' ability to pay,"" McNeil told reporters.",0 +"Simon Laboissonniere says an estimated 4,000 people will get money for the month of September."," Simon Laboissonniere says an estimated 4,000 people will get money for the month of September.",0 +" The three-day operation will take place at Montreal's Palais des congres convention centre, beginning next Wednesday.","The three-day operation will take place at Montreal's Palais des congres convention centre, beginning next Wednesday.",0 +" ""It should be noted that this does not change our belief that Miss Shen's homicide was random,"" she said in a news release.","""It should be noted that this does not change our belief that Miss Shen's homicide was random,"" she said in a news release.",0 +"It also freezes a retirement allowance retroactive to April 1, 2015.","A retirement allowance is also frozen retroactive to April 1, 2015.",0 +" Tuesday's report carried by the KCNA news agency lacked the traditionally robust threats against the United States, and U.S.","Tuesday's report carried by the KCNA news agency lacked the traditionally robust threats against the United States, and U.S.",0 +"""Lorenzo is an absolute talent,"" Napoli coach Maurizio Sarri said."," ""Lorenzo is an absolute talent,"" Napoli coach Maurizio Sarri said.",0 + U.S. crude oil production hit 9.53 million barrels per day,U.S. crude oil production hit 9.53 million barrels per day,0 +"Over the past four years in this space, I've devoted thousands of words to things that don't exist."," Over the past four years in this space, I've devoted thousands of words to things that don't exist.",0 +"""When he comes on like that he's exciting to watch."," ""When he comes on like that he's exciting to watch.",0 +"So, these tend to be second- or third-time home buyers, Mr. Contento adds."," So, these tend to be second- or third-time home buyers, Mr. Contento adds.",0 +"Tiffany's earnings came in at 92 cents per share, while Signet reported a profit of $1.33 per share."," Tiffany's earnings came in at 92 cents per share, while Signet reported a profit of $1.33 per share.",0 +" The Product NIA Tech Neck Line Smoother, $39 at Murale and www.beautyboutique.ca.","The Product NIA Tech Neck Line Smoother, $39 at Murale and www.beautyboutique.ca.",0 +" The idea is to give caregivers and family members a truer glimpse into an illness and, ultimately, to create more compassionate care."," The idea is to give caregivers and family members a truer glimpse into an illness and, ultimately, to create more compassionate care.",0 +The latest collision has already prompted a fleet-wide investigation and plans for temporary halts in U.S., The latest collision has already prompted a fleet-wide investigation and plans for temporary halts in U.S.,0 +" In response to that move, Trudeau tweeted: ""To those fleeing persecution, terror &","In response to that move, Trudeau tweeted: ""To those fleeing persecution, terror &",0 + Twumasi netted again in the 69th to send Astana into a 4-1 lead but his team still required three more goals to go through.,Twumasi netted again in the 69th to send Astana into a 4-1 lead but his team still required three more goals to go through.,0 +"Keep in mind, when looking at transaction activities by insiders, purchasing activity may reflect perceived value in a security."," Keep in mind, when looking at transaction activities by insiders, purchasing activity may reflect perceived value in a security.",0 + Finance Minister Joe Ceci says the government is appealing last month's decision by a national internal trade panel.,Finance Minister Joe Ceci says the government is appealing last month's decision by a national internal trade panel.,0 +" Cindy Blazevic ""We tore down a whole bunch of pieces inside the buildings, basically to bring back the structure and circulation,"" Mr. Colthoff says."," Cindy Blazevic ""We tore down a whole bunch of pieces inside the buildings, basically to bring back the structure and circulation,"" Mr. Colthoff says.",0 +"In April, 2016, Ontario Court Justice Charles Vaillancourt acquitted Mr. Duffy on 31 charges of fraud, breach of trust and bribery.","In April, 2016, Ontario Court Justice Charles Vaillancourt said the Senate rules on expense claims were unclear, and acquitted Mr. Duffy on all charges.",1 +"The trade panel, in a 2-1 decision, ruled that rebates given only to Alberta brewers discriminate against out-of-province beers sold in the province."," The trade panel, in a 2-1 decision, ruled that rebates given only to Alberta brewers discriminate against out-of-province beers sold in the province.",0 +Police patrolled Central Park on bicycles and on foot after Shen's body was found and residents were asked to stay vigilant about their personal safety., Police patrolled Central Park on bicycles and on foot after Shen's body was found and residents were asked to stay vigilant about their personal safety.,0 + One of the most unusual elements is built above the pool., One of the most unusual elements is built above the pool.,0 +" And now that she has had the chance to see inside, Ms. Santos is impressed with the meticulous nature of the build."," And now that she has had the chance to see inside, Ms. Santos is impressed with the meticulous nature of the build.",0 +There will also be an additional sum depending on the recipient's family status., There will also be an additional sum depending on the recipient's family status.,0 +"Jackie Maxwell, former artistic director of the Shaw Festival, will direct Paradise Lost."," Story continues below advertisement Story continues below advertisement Jackie Maxwell, former artistic director of the Shaw Festival, will direct Paradise Lost.",0 +The boys' grandmother described Ciro as shaken by the ordeal., The boys' grandmother described Ciro as shaken by the ordeal.,0 +" Blais described the overall situation as ""exceptional"" and is not excluding asking Ottawa to help reimburse some of the welfare costs.","Blais described the overall situation as ""exceptional"" and is not excluding asking Ottawa to help reimburse some of the welfare costs.",0 +No arrests or detentions were reported until the bus driver was detained around 9 p.m. local time.,No arrests or detentions were reported until the bus driver was detained at around 9 p.m.,0 +" Tiffany's earnings came in at 92 cents per share, while Signet reported a profit of $1.33 per share.","Tiffany's earnings came in at 92 cents per share, while Signet reported a profit of $1.33 per share.",0 +"""Officials at the highest levels of the Canadian government have already stated."," Story continues below advertisement ""Officials at the highest levels of the Canadian government have already stated.",0 +"Seattle's Jordan Morris rattled the crossbar after the red, but it was Vancouver that would find get the breakthrough when Davies set up Montero."," Seattle's Jordan Morris rattled the crossbar after the red, but it was Vancouver that would find get the breakthrough when Davies set up Montero.",0 +" ""There's a vision here for a pretty significant improvement,"" he said."," ""There's a vision here for a pretty significant improvement,"" he said.",0 +" In that moment, I felt so strong and so confident I'm pretty sure my temperature shot up."," In that moment, I felt so strong and so confident I'm pretty sure my temperature shot up.",0 +" ""If you come later, you don't get to hear 'em, smell 'em."," ""If you come later, you don't get to hear 'em, smell 'em.",0 +The repertory theatre company plans to present a total of 12 productions next year., The repertory theatre company plans to present a total of 12 productions next year.,0 +"Mr. Greenspon said he believes there's a ""good portion"" of the public that is sympathetic towards Mr. Duffy.","Greenspon said he believes there's a ""good portion"" of the public that is sympathetic towards Mr. Duffy.",1 +" (Return to index) Ivey Business School Western University | London, Ont."," Story continues below advertisement Ivey Business School Western University | London, Ont.",1 +Maribor at the treble Only one side in action on Tuesday was eliminated after winning the first leg., Maribor at the treble Only one side in action on Tuesday was eliminated after winning the first leg.,0 +Judy Foote has announced her resignation from the federal cabinet and says she'll step down as a Liberal MP shortly after Parliament resumes next month.,Foote announced Thursday that she's resigning immediately from the federal cabinet and will step down as a Liberal MP shortly after Parliament resumes next month.,1 +Cantwell was featured in a short Vice News documentary about the events in Charlottesville that was broadcast two days later., Cantwell was featured in a short Vice News documentary about the events in Charlottesville that was broadcast two days later.,0 +The ground crew strike will end if the Swissport workers vote to approve the new deal., The ground crew strike will end if the Swissport workers vote to approve the new deal.,0 +""" Mr. Trudeau said he has no intention of changing the deal.",Trudeau said he has no intention of changing the deal.,0 +"Men searched through the rubble of the hotel, while others carried a body bundled in a blanket to a white van."," Men searched through the rubble, while others carried a body in a blanket to a white van.",0 + It would also give the world's largest online retailer hundreds of brick-and-mortar stores where it could showcase products and ready packages for home delivery.,It also gives Amazon more than 465 brick-and-mortar stores where it could showcase products and ready packages for home delivery.,1 +"He also takes exception to the common view that an all-in-one account is for the more sophisticated, experienced borrower."," He also takes exception to the common view that an all-in-one account is for the more sophisticated, experienced borrower.",0 + Director Nigel Shawn Williams will make his directorial debut at the festival with To Kill a Mockingbird.,Director Nigel Shawn Williams will make his directorial debut at the festival with To Kill a Mockingbird.,0 +" Get ready to do the ""Time Warp"" at the Stratford Festival in southwestern Ontario.","Get ready to do the ""Time Warp"" at the Stratford Festival in southwestern Ontario.",0 +"""It is potentially a disease issue and [an] impact on our fish ."," ""It is potentially a disease issue and [an] impact on our fish .",0 +I share this saga in the hopes of saving others some grey hair., I share this saga in the hopes of saving others some grey hair.,0 +" ""Everything's here,"" he said. ""It's a great place to do business."," ""Everything's here,"" he said. ""It's a great place to do business.",0 + Stepping into the ring on fight-night I was pumped and ready to kick some ass.,Could I persevere? Stepping into the ring on fight-night I was pumped and ready to kick some ass.,0 +"Their concerns have included pay and benefits cuts, scheduling issues, and what their union calls a lack of respect from Swissport managers."," Their concerns have included pay and benefits cuts, scheduling issues, and what their union calls a lack of respect from Swissport managers.",0 +"Finally came Ciro, who rescuers said kept the conversation going throughout the ordeal even though one of his legs was immobilized by the rubble."," Finally came Ciro, who rescuers said kept the conversation going throughout the ordeal even though one of his legs was immobilized by the rubble.",0 +"Listening well is seen as one of the traditional strengths of introverts, and compared with extroverts, that's true."," Listening well is seen as one of the traditional strengths of introverts, and compared with extroverts, that's true.",0 + Canada won gold in the women's 4x200-metre freestyle relay on Wednesday during the opening day of the FINA world junior championships.,Canada won gold in the women's 4x200-metre freestyle relay on Wednesday during the opening day of the FINA world junior championships.,0 +Montero grabbed the equalizer in the 64th minute after Whitecaps midfielder Tony Tchani was sent off for a second yellow card moments earlier., Montero grabbed the equalizer in the 64th minute after Whitecaps midfielder Tony Tchani was sent off for a second yellow card moments earlier.,0 +" ""We have someone who's been through the public grinder,"" he said.","""We have someone who's been through the public grinder,"" he said.",0 + Ottawa says that only 50 per cent of asylum applications from Haiti were successful last year.,Ottawa says that only 50 per cent of asylum applications from Haiti were successful last year.,0 +"Extroverts need breaks, too, but theirs are the polar opposite."," Extroverts need breaks, too, but theirs are the polar opposite.",0 +"""The Canadian dollar and oil relationship has been looser than in the past - the correlation's been slipping,"" said Chandler."," ""The Canadian dollar and oil relationship has been looser than in the past - the correlation's been slipping,"" said Chandler.",0 +" Montreal's Felix Auger-Aliassime was eliminated after dropping a 7-6 (8), 6-4 decision to Ukraine's Sergiy Stakhovsky.","Montreal's Felix Auger-Aliassime was eliminated after dropping a 7-6 (8), 6-4 decision to Ukraine's Sergiy Stakhovsky.",0 +"""Senator Duffy's acquittal at trial has not remedied his damages.","""Senator Duffy's acquittal at trial has not remedied his damages,"" the statement said. ""A significant stigma still remains.",1 +Yet the draw for sophisticated borrowers isn't this payoff structure., Yet the draw for sophisticated borrowers isn't this payoff structure.,0 +"The United Nations has put the death toll since the war began in March 2015 at more than 10,000."," The United Nations has put the death toll since the war began in March 2015 at more than 10,000.",0 +Seeing extroverts as valuable members of the team with a different set of skills is a great start to effectively working with an extrovert., Seeing extroverts as valuable members of the team with a different set of skills is a great start to effectively working with an extrovert.,0 +Advancing issues outnumbered declining ones on the NYSE by a 1.02-to-1 ratio;, Advancing issues outnumbered declining ones on the NYSE by a 1.02-to-1 ratio;,0 + The department has been monitoring the situation and crafting a spill-response plan with Canadian-based Cooke Aquaculture.,The department has been monitoring the situation and crafting a spill-response plan with Cooke.,1 +" Workers have complained of scheduling issues, a wage freeze, and a lack of respect from Swissport for their work.","Workers have complained of scheduling issues, a wage freeze, and a lack of respect from Swissport for their work.",0 + Monette says details of the latest offer won't be released until union members finish voting.,Monette said details of the latest offer won't be released until union members finish voting at around 10 p.m. on Wednesday night.,1 +""" Seattle (11-7-8), meanwhile, is now alone in first in the West, a point up on the Portland Timbers and Sporting Kansas City.",""" Seattle (11-7-8), meanwhile, is now alone in first in the West, a point up on the Portland Timbers and Sporting Kansas City.",0 +"Excerpts of Clinton reading from the book aired Wednesday on MSNBC's ""Morning Joe."" Report Typo/Error"," Excerpts of Clinton reading from the book aired Wednesday on MSNBC's ""Morning Joe.""",0 + Here is where simulations gadgets could perhaps help take caregivers out of their complacency or burnout., Here is where simulations gadgets could perhaps help take caregivers out of their complacency or burnout.,0 +A low point came last month in a 60-1 blowout loss to Calgary., A low point came last month in a 60-1 blowout loss to Calgary.,0 +" But in some ways, the device isn't trying to do all of that."," But in some ways, the device isn't trying to do all of that.",0 + A total of 204 rare vehicles were competing in 27 categories this year., A total of 204 rare vehicles were competing in 27 categories this year.,0 + Danish jeweler Pandora's shares were up 2 per cent in Copenhagen.,Danish jeweler Pandora's shares were up 2 per cent in Copenhagen.,0 +"In 2009, Wendy Ladner-Beaudry - a well-known physical-fitness advocate and a mother of two - was killed while running in Vancouver's Pacific Spirit Park."," In 2009, Wendy Ladner-Beaudry - a well-known physical-fitness advocate and a mother of two - was killed while running in Vancouver's Pacific Spirit Park.",0 + An anti-hate speech activist says he's not done fighting after a Quebec town's refusal to remove swastikas from a public park.,An anti-hate speech activist says he's not done fighting after a Quebec town's refusal to remove swastikas from a public park.,0 +More than a dozen players formed a circle on the team's sideline Monday night and prayed in silent protest during the national anthem., More than a dozen players formed a circle on the team's sideline Monday night and prayed in silent protest during the national anthem.,0 +They include one Namibia-based subsidiary of a Chinese company and a North Korean entity operating in Namibia.,They included a Namibia-based subsidiary of a Chinese company and a North Korean entity operating in Namibia.,0 + Ceci says the province will argue that its small brewers development program meets required trade obligations.,Ceci says the province will argue that its small brewers development program meets required trade obligations.,0 +"VIU also offers a master's in international management, in partnership with the University of Hertfordshire in the U.K. (Return to index) ","VIU also offers a master's in international management, in partnership with the University of Hertfordshire in the U.K. ",0 +"The median house price was $258,300, a 6.2 per cent rise from one year ago, reflecting the paucity of properties.","The median house price was $258,300 in July, a 6.2 per cent rise from a year ago.",1 +The NHL's elite came out in celebration of Bryan Murray's life and legacy this afternoon at Canadian Tire Centre., The NHL's elite came out in celebration of Bryan Murray's life and legacy this afternoon at Canadian Tire Centre.,0 +""" There was a very different verdict on Nice's Italian striker, Mario Balotelli, who was described as ""highly inadequate"" by coach Lucien Favre.",""" There was a very different verdict on Nice's Italian striker, Mario Balotelli, who was described as ""highly inadequate"" by coach Lucien Favre.",0 +" ""Then, you ask how much would it cost to replicate this house,"" Ms. Santos said, explaining how she got to a price of $8.5-million."," ""Then, you ask how much would it cost to replicate this house,"" Ms. Santos said, explaining how she got to a price of $8.5-million.",0 +And that's the concern about which most financial commentators warn., And that's the concern about which most financial commentators warn.,0 +" ""He's in the team to do exactly what he did,"" said Vancouver head coach Carl Robinson. ""It's about concentration levels."," Story continues below advertisement ""He's in the team to do exactly what he did,"" said Vancouver head coach Carl Robinson. ""It's about concentration levels.",0 +It's tremendous to see the Stratford Festival throw its resources behind such an ambitious new work., It's tremendous to see the Stratford Festival throw its resources behind such an ambitious new work.,0 +""" Ortega said she had evidence implicating Maduro and other top officials in corruption involving Brazilian constructor Odebrecht and other companies.",""" Ortega said she had evidence implicating Maduro and other top officials in corruption involving Brazilian constructor Odebrecht and other companies.",0 +"""Having come from Europe, we would have never thought we would have a place like this."" Mr. Vanneste's home office is lined with walnut.","""Having come from Europe, we would have never thought we would have a place like this."" Mr. Vanneste's home office is lined with walnut.",0 +" Here's the clincher, though: ""Many have decided not to have children,"" he said."," Story continues below advertisement Here's the clincher, though: ""Many have decided not to have children,"" he said.",1 +The union representing striking ground crew workers at Canada's busiest airport says it has received a new contract offer that will be voted on tomorrow.,The union representing striking ground crew workers at Canada's busiest airport said its members will be voting on a new contract offer on Wednesday.,1 +"The Canada-U.S. two-year bond spread stood at -6.5 basis points, while the 10-year spread stood at -30.9 basis points."," The Canada-U.S. two-year bond spread stood at -6.5 basis points, while the 10-year spread stood at -30.9 basis points.",0 +""" The Conservatives and the NDP have also taken Mr. Trudeau to task for a tweet he issued in January shortly after U.S.",""" The Conservatives and the NDP have also taken Mr. Trudeau to task for a tweet he issued in January shortly after U.S.",0 +Employment Minister Francois Blais is expected to hold a news conference in Quebec City on Thursday afternoon to discuss the measures., Employment Minister Francois Blais is expected to hold a news conference in Quebec City on Thursday afternoon to discuss the measures.,0 +" ""I just wished that my dad had been alive to see this property being built,"" Mr. Vanneste said."," ""I just wished that my dad had been alive to see this property being built,"" Mr. Vanneste said.",0 +Her two medals in Sochi helped Norway place second in the overall medals table behind the host nation., Her two medals in Sochi helped Norway place second in the overall medals table behind the host nation.,0 +But capital markets earnings fell by 10 per cent to $252-million.,"Capital markets profit fell 10 per cent to $252-million, largely due to lower equity derivatives and interest rate trading.",1 + Here is where simulations gadgets could perhaps help take caregivers out of their complacency or burnout., Here is where simulations gadgets could perhaps help take caregivers out of their complacency or burnout.,0 +"In June, as part of HBC's restructuring announcement, the company said Brian Pall, the long-time head of real estate at HBC, was also leaving."," In June, as part of HBC's restructuring announcement, the company said Brian Pall, the long-time head of real estate at HBC, was also leaving.",0 + The backstory The master bedroom features a sitting area and television., Story continues below advertisement The backstory The master bedroom features a sitting area and television.,0 + I want to talk about three key ways that introverted managers can be better managers for their extroverted employees.,So this is to talk about three key ways introverted managers can be better managers for their extroverted employees.,0 +" Via's Mr. Desjardins-Siciliano has been quietly meeting with municipal leaders along the proposed routes, encouraging them to speak out in favour of the plan."," Via's Mr. Desjardins-Siciliano has been quietly meeting with municipal leaders along the proposed routes, encouraging them to speak out in favour of the plan.",0 +U.S. officials have said they have tried to find ways to improve Saudi targeting., U.S. officials have said they have tried to find ways to improve Saudi targeting.,0 +A potential return to racing in November was challenged by the International Ski Federation (FIS)., A potential return to racing in November was challenged by the International Ski Federation (FIS).,0 +Twumasi netted again in the 69th to send Astana into a 4-1 lead but his team still required three more goals to go through., Twumasi netted again in the 69th to send Astana into a 4-1 lead but his team still required three more goals to go through.,0 +" Then I found my cheering squad of friends, work colleagues and training buddies."," Story continues below advertisement Then I found my cheering squad of friends, work colleagues and training buddies.",0 +"""I really believe that this is the best decision right now for the organization,"" Austin said at a media availability at Tim Hortons Field."," ""I really believe that this is the best decision right now for the organization,"" Austin said at a media availability at Tim Hortons Field.",0 +"When a fellow extrovert listens, they nod, they lean forward, they smile or frown;"," When a fellow extrovert listens, they nod, they lean forward, they smile or frown;",0 +Revenue of $4.1-billion was flat compared with the same quarter a year ago.,Revenue of $4.1-billion was flat compared with the same quarter last year.,0 +"Politicians meanwhile signalled that Finland, a Nordic country boasting one of the lowest levels of crime, should change its immigration-related policies."," Politicians meanwhile signalled that Finland, a Nordic country boasting one of the lowest levels of crime, should change its immigration-related policies.",0 +"""My employee group is owed millions in severance and termination payments,"" Susan Ursel, the lawyer representing the employees told the court."," ""My employee group is owed millions in severance and termination payments,"" Susan Ursel, the lawyer representing the employees told the court.",0 +" He also brought a friend, Laurence Gilman, former assistant general manager of the Vancouver Canucks, who seems dazzled by the spectacle."," Story continues below advertisement He also brought a friend, Laurence Gilman, former assistant general manager of the Vancouver Canucks, who seems dazzled by the spectacle.",0 +Trudeau said he has no intention of changing the deal.,""" Mr. Trudeau said he has no intention of changing the deal.",1 +""" ""The bar will be high,"" he said, pointing out that Mr. Duffy's lawyer will have to prove that the RCMP acted with malicious intent.",""" ""The bar will be high,"" he said, pointing out that Mr. Duffy's lawyer will have to prove that the RCMP acted with malicious intent.",0 +The lineup for Thursday's group-stage draw will be completed on Wednesday., The lineup for Thursday's group-stage draw will be completed on Wednesday.,0 +"The Senate's interim law clerk, Jacqueline Kuehl, said the Senate's position is that the labour board is overstepping its jurisdiction."," The Senate's interim law clerk, Jacqueline Kuehl, said the Senate's position is that the labour board is overstepping its jurisdiction.",0 +"Saab called Ortega a ""world tourist"" who had been pushed out because of her own infractions."," Story continues below advertisement Saab called Ortega a ""world tourist"" who had been pushed out because of her own infractions.",0 +" Yan Fossat at the Toronto-based company Klick Health, who developed the device, describes it as ""a booster shot of empathy"" for physicians."," Yan Fossat at the Toronto-based company Klick Health, who developed the device, describes it as ""a booster shot of empathy"" for physicians.",0 +" Although introverts are very good listeners, they can sometimes tend toward what extroverts feel are passive listeners.","Although introverts are very good listeners, they can sometimes tend toward what extroverts feel are passive listeners.",0 +Economists view a 6-month supply as a healthy balance between supply and demand.,Economists view a six-month supply as a healthy balance between supply and demand.,0 +" The playbill also includes: Julius Caesar, directed by Scott Wentworth;","The playbill also includes: Julius Caesar, directed by Scott Wentworth;",0 +"""This is a strong group of women and I'm lucky to be surrounded by them."," ""This is a strong group of women and I'm lucky to be surrounded by them.",0 +" How, then, would Klick's device fit within the course of this physician-patient relationship?"," How, then, would Klick's device fit within the course of this physician-patient relationship?",0 +"Just when you thought the world was finally over her, Princess Diana is back in the centre of the cultural imagination."," Just when you thought the world was finally over her, Princess Diana is back in the centre of the cultural imagination.",0 +Why not try out the skills I'd learned over the past two years to see if they actually translate?,Why not try out the skills I'd learned over the past two years to see if they actually translate? So I went for it.,0 +The women's award was won by Lieke Martens of the European champion Netherlands., The women's award was won by Lieke Martens of the European champion Netherlands.,0 +"Workers have complained of scheduling issues, a wage freeze, and a lack of respect from Swissport for their work."," Workers have complained of scheduling issues, a wage freeze, and a lack of respect from Swissport for their work.",0 + David Rosenberg is chief economist with Gluskin Sheff + Associates Inc. and author of economic newsletter Breakfast with Dave.,David Rosenberg is chief economist with Gluskin Sheff + Associates Inc. and author of economic newsletter Breakfast with Dave.,0 +" Demolition began in early 2007 and the rebuild lasted until December, 2009."," Story continues below advertisement Demolition began in early 2007 and the rebuild lasted until December, 2009.",0 +That has not stopped some in political office from questioning the merger., That has not stopped some in political office from questioning the merger.,0 +"""That's what Alphonso Davies is,"" said Montero. ""He's young, he has a lot of energy."," ""That's what Alphonso Davies is,"" said Montero. ""He's young, he has a lot of energy.",0 +"""So the interstitial spaces between the actual structures became the circulation."" The team also added a ""front door"" to the sprawling complex.","""So the interstitial spaces between the actual structures became the circulation."" The team also added a ""front door"" to the sprawling complex.",0 +" BC Green Party Leader Andrew Weaver dismissed the NDP levee as ""the last shakedown"" before political-fundraising legislation, and a cash-for-access event.","BC Green Party Leader Andrew Weaver dismissed the NDP levee as ""the last shakedown"" before political-fundraising legislation, and a cash-for-access event.",0 +" And it's not just a dream home, it has become an iconic home in the neighbourhood."," And it's not just a dream home, it has become an iconic home in the neighbourhood.",0 +"The lowest scores were for dark green and orange vegetables, fruit, whole grains and milk and alternatives."," The lowest scores were for dark green and orange vegetables, fruit, whole grains and milk and alternatives.",0 +RioCan made its bid after Sears had already accepted a $5-million offer for the property from WCRE Investments Ltd., RioCan made its bid after Sears had already accepted a $5-million offer for the property from WCRE Investments Ltd.,0 +Local politicians were told earlier this week that the tent city is an interim solution until winter begins to set in., Local politicians were told earlier this week that the tent city is an interim solution until winter begins to set in.,0 + About 30 of the 294 Haitians who initially arrived at the Cornwall centre have left since Monday after filing their initial asylum claims.,About 30 of the 294 Haitians who initially arrived at the Cornwall centre have left since Monday after filing their initial asylum claims.,0 +" ""It's a devastation,"" said Ellie Kinley, whose family has fished Puget Sound for generations. ""We don't want those fish preying on our baby salmon.","""It's a devastation,"" said Ellie Kinley, whose family has fished Puget Sound for generations. ""We don't want those fish preying on our baby salmon.",0 +" ""There is inherent incompatibility between freight and passenger trains,"" Mr. Emerson's report stated."," ""There is inherent incompatibility between freight and passenger trains,"" Mr. Emerson's report stated.",0 +" In some ways, Via's challenges in working with CN illustrates why Via wants its own, entirely separate, rail line."," In some ways, Via's challenges in working with CN illustrates why Via wants its own, entirely separate, rail line.",0 +"""They're definitely under pressure,"" said eMarketer analyst Patricia Orsini. Without ""some sort of e-commerce strategy."," ""They're definitely under pressure,"" said eMarketer analyst Patricia Orsini. Without ""some sort of e-commerce strategy.",0 +"""Parliament's privilege as it pertains to in-camera meetings is well established."," ""Parliament's privilege as it pertains to in-camera meetings is well established.",0 +" ""This is an unbelievable event,"" said Gilman, who drives a BMW back home."," ""This is an unbelievable event,"" said Gilman, who drives a BMW back home.",0 +"(The Globe and Mail) They tend to be astute, experienced mortgage borrowers, says Anthony Contento, chief executive officer of Sherwood Mortgage Group in Toronto."," They tend to be astute, experienced mortgage borrowers, says Anthony Contento, chief executive officer of Sherwood Mortgage Group in Toronto.",0 +New legislation is needed to enable businesses that have a social purpose to access capital from corporate and independent foundations., New legislation is needed to enable businesses that have a social purpose to access capital from corporate and independent foundations.,0 +"""I feel I did everything right,"" Johaug said on Tuesday."," ""I feel I did everything right,"" Johaug said on Tuesday.",0 +" The Rays' 1-0 lead was preserved in the fifth by the catches from Kiermaier, a two-time Gold Glover."," Story continues below advertisement The Rays' 1-0 lead was preserved in the fifth by the catches from Kiermaier, a two-time Gold Glover.",0 +"Ortega was removed by a new, pro-government constitutional assembly in early August after breaking with the socialist government.","Ortega was removed by a new, pro-government constitutional assembly in early August after breaking with Venezuela's socialist government.",1 +"In B.C. in 2015, the latest data available from Statistics Canada, there were 95 homicides."," In B.C. in 2015, the latest data available from Statistics Canada, there were 95 homicides.",0 +"""Senator Duffy's acquittal at trial has not remedied his damages."," ""Senator Duffy's acquittal at trial has not remedied his damages.",0 + Canada's securities regulators are wading into the murky world of initial coin offerings.,Canada's securities regulators are wading into the murky world of initial coin offerings.,0 +" But most fascinating is not so much what was said in the documentary, but what was not."," But most fascinating is not so much what was said in the documentary, but what was not.",0 +"The number of people effected by evacuation orders dropped to about 2,600 on Wednesday from 45,000 earlier this summer."," The number of people effected by evacuation orders dropped to about 2,600 on Wednesday from 45,000 earlier this summer.",0 +Irving's trade demand cast a shadow over the entire organization., Irving's trade demand cast a shadow over the entire organization.,0 +The second suggestion is to recognize the introvert's need to take breaks when they take an extrovert approach., The second suggestion is to recognize the introvert's need to take breaks when they take an extrovert approach.,0 +"Some other players followed Kaepernick's actions last season, and some are doing so in this year's pre-season."," Some other players followed Kaepernick's actions last season, and some are doing so in this year's pre-season.",0 +DPA also reported that at least two of the other suspects had been in Germany., DPA also reported that at least two of the other suspects had been in Germany.,0 +"But though he confessed to the killings in a closed-door court hearing, 18-year-old Abderrahman Mechkah did not admit any terrorist motive, lawyer Kaarle Gummerus said."," But though he confessed to the killings in a closed-door court hearing, 18-year-old Abderrahman Mechkah did not admit any terrorist motive, lawyer Kaarle Gummerus said.",0 +" ""Lorenzo is an absolute talent,"" Napoli coach Maurizio Sarri said.","""Lorenzo is an absolute talent,"" Napoli coach Maurizio Sarri said.",0 +"The minimum basic monthly payment will be $623, while there will be an additional sum depending on the recipient's family status."," The minimum basic monthly payment will be $623, while there will be an additional sum depending on the recipient's family status.",0 +He also said the Alberta action had been filed too late., He also said the Alberta action had been filed too late.,0 +The Tiger-Cats replaced defensive co-ordinator Jeff Reinebold with defensive run game co-ordinator/linebackers coach Phillip Lolley on Aug. 8 but the losses kept coming., The Tiger-Cats replaced defensive co-ordinator Jeff Reinebold with defensive run game co-ordinator/linebackers coach Phillip Lolley on Aug. 8 but the losses kept coming.,0 + The longtime NHL head coach and general manager died Aug. 12 at age 74 after a three-year battle with colon cancer.,The longtime NHL head coach and general manager died Aug. 12 at age 74 after a three-year battle with colon cancer.,0 + Owners also come here to get top dollar when they sell their rolling museum pieces., Owners also come here to get top dollar when they sell their rolling museum pieces.,0 +"It was also stronger against most major currencies, including the euro , the Australian and New Zealand dollars and the British pound ."," It was also stronger against most major currencies, including the euro , the Australian and New Zealand dollars and the British pound .",0 +" ""Ottawa's a lovely town to visit, but not for five minutes at the station."," ""Ottawa's a lovely town to visit, but not for five minutes at the station.",0 +Dollar Tree advanced 5.6 as one of the best performers on the S&, Dollar Tree advanced 5.6 as one of the best performers on the S&,0 +""" The Tiger-Cats are last in the league with 148 points scored and 310 points against.",""" The Tiger-Cats are last in the league with 148 points scored and 310 points against.",0 +"Fergus, who appeared at a news conference in Ottawa alongside Michael Coteau, the Ontario minister responsible for anti-racism, and Independent Sen."," Fergus, who appeared at a news conference in Ottawa alongside Michael Coteau, the Ontario minister responsible for anti-racism, and Independent Sen.",0 +"Greenspon said he believes there's a ""good portion"" of the public that is sympathetic towards Mr. Duffy.","Mr. Greenspon said he believes there's a ""good portion"" of the public that is sympathetic towards Mr. Duffy.",0 +" Not Moscow on the Hudson, but rather Toronto on Silver Lake?","Not Moscow on the Hudson, but rather Toronto on Silver Lake?",0 +She says children in Quebec had the highest score and kids in Newfoundland and Labrador were at the bottom of the list., She says children in Quebec had the highest score and kids in Newfoundland and Labrador were at the bottom of the list.,0 +" ""It took my husband 21 years to restore it,"" she said."," ""It took my husband 21 years to restore it,"" she said.",0 +"Denis Shapovalov defeated Portugal's Gastao Elias 6-3, 7-5 in second-round play Thursday at the US Open qualification tournament."," Denis Shapovalov defeated Portugal's Gastao Elias 6-3, 7-5 in second-round play Thursday at the US Open qualification tournament.",0 + An earlier meeting was told that the tent city is an interim solution until winter begins to set in.,Local politicians were told earlier this week that the tent city is an interim solution until winter begins to set in.,1 +"Firefighters said reaching the two older boys was more delicate, requiring them to create a hole in the collapsed ceiling without destabilizing the structure."," Firefighters said reaching the two older boys was more delicate, requiring them to create a hole in the collapsed ceiling without destabilizing the structure.",0 +"Investigators have not made clear what role the three other Moroccans, who deny involvement in the attack, are suspected of playing."," Investigators have not made clear what role the three other Moroccans, who deny involvement in the attack, are suspected of playing.",0 +"That protest earned the ire of an Ohio Supreme Court justice, the lone Democrat holding an Ohio statewide office."," That protest earned the ire of an Ohio Supreme Court justice, the lone Democrat holding an Ohio statewide office.",0 +" ""The number of choices of the details ... there were thousands to make,"" she said."," ""The number of choices of the details ... there were thousands to make,"" she said.",0 +""" Facebook, Alphabet's Google and Microsoft also maintain data centers in Iowa.","""As the App Store grows, we look forward to growing in Iowa."" Facebook, Alphabet's Google and Microsoft also maintain data centres in Iowa.",1 +" Even then, I never thought I'd actually step into the ring for a real, full-blown Muay Thai fight."," Even then, I never thought I'd actually step into the ring for a real, full-blown Muay Thai fight.",0 +"The largest fires, including a historic blaze west of Quesnel that is more than 4,600 square kilometres in size, have not grown since Monday."," The largest fires, including a historic blaze west of Quesnel that is more than 4,600 square kilometres in size, have not grown since Monday.",0 +" ""It twists and turns and it's a roller coaster,"" said Greg Gormick. ""The route itself is problematic."," ""It twists and turns and it's a roller coaster,"" said Greg Gormick. ""The route itself is problematic.",0 +"It operates over an area of 124 million square km (48 million square miles) from bases in Japan, South Korea and Singapore."," It operates over an area of 124 million square km (48 million square miles) from bases in Japan, South Korea and Singapore.",0 + Mr. Vanneste's favourite space is his home office on the main floor.,Vanneste's favourite space is his home office on the main floor.,1 +Fergus nonetheless said he agreed with the Liberal government's decision not to decriminalize simple possession of marijuana for the time being., Fergus nonetheless said he agreed with the Liberal government's decision not to decriminalize simple possession of marijuana for the time being.,0 +Danish jeweler Pandora's shares were up 2 per cent in Copenhagen., Danish jeweler Pandora's shares were up 2 per cent in Copenhagen.,0 +" The big surprise here is the pleasure that flows from driving this Camry - in each iteration, without exception."," The big surprise here is the pleasure that flows from driving this Camry - in each iteration, without exception.",0 +"Applications for asylum of at least two of three other suspects who had been arrested were also being processed, the Red Cross said."," Applications for asylum of at least two of three other suspects who had been arrested were also being processed, the Red Cross said.",0 + She said the minister's answers left local leaders comfortable with what is happening.,She said the minister's answers left local leaders comfortable with what is happening.,0 +"Seattle had another good chance in the 48th minute, but Chad Marshall's header hit a diving Ousted in the face and went wide."," Seattle had another good chance in the 48th minute, but Chad Marshall's header hit a diving Ousted in the face and went wide.",0 + Wyant Nguyen/The Globe and Mail I started three years ago taking a few classes a week at my local gym., Story continues below advertisement Wyant Nguyen/The Globe and Mail I started three years ago taking a few classes a week at my local gym.,0 +"Men searched through the rubble, while others carried a body in a blanket to a white van."," Men searched through the rubble, while others carried a body in a blanket to a white van.",0 +"Blais described the overall situation as ""exceptional"" and is not excluding asking Ottawa to help reimburse some of the welfare costs."," Blais described the overall situation as ""exceptional"" and is not excluding asking Ottawa to help reimburse some of the welfare costs.",0 +The Pyeongchang Games are staged in South Korea in February., The Pyeongchang Games are staged in South Korea in February.,0 +"Western music and dancing is taboo in Saudi Arabia, but such incidents in the past have not necessarily led to lengthy imprisonment or serious punishment."," Western music and dancing is taboo in Saudi Arabia, but such incidents in the past have not necessarily led to lengthy imprisonment or serious punishment.",0 +"The Seventh Fleet, headquartered in Japan, operates as many as 70 ships, including the U.S."," The Seventh Fleet, headquartered in Japan, operates as many as 70 ships, including the U.S.",0 + Maribor at the treble Only one side in action on Tuesday was eliminated after winning the first leg.,Maribor at the treble Only one side in action on Tuesday was eliminated after winning the first leg.,0 +"""Today's crimes remind us that we are all targeted as Yemenis,"" al-Masirah TV quoted the group's leader, Abdel-Malek al-Houthi as saying."," ""Today's crimes remind us that we are all targeted as Yemenis,"" al-Masirah TV quoted the group's leader, Abdel-Malek al-Houthi as saying.",0 +" ""Quebec has responsibilities in immigration,"" Francois Blais told a news conference.","""Quebec has responsibilities in immigration,"" Francois Blais told a news conference.",0 +Officials say more Haitians will be routed through Cornwall from Quebec for processing., Officials say more Haitians will be routed through Cornwall from Quebec for processing.,0 +Signet Jewelers surged 16.7 percent after the company issued results and said it would buy an online jeweler., Signet Jewelers surged 16.7 percent after the company issued results and said it would buy an online jeweler.,0 +"A day after the same two teams combined for nine home runs in a 7-6 Toronto win, pitching took over."," A day after the same two teams combined for nine home runs in a 7-6 Toronto win, pitching took over.",0 +"Robinson made just one alteration to the starting lineup that defeated Houston, with Williams replacing Jake Nerwinksi at right back."," Robinson made just one alteration to the starting lineup that defeated Houston, with Williams replacing Jake Nerwinksi at right back.",0 +The U.S. consumer has not stopped spending - that much is for sure., The U.S. consumer has not stopped spending - that much is for sure.,0 +"Extroverts need breaks, too, but theirs are the polar opposite."," Extroverts need breaks, too, but theirs are the polar opposite.",0 + Benchmark Brent crude was down 5 cents a barrel at $52.52 by 0745 GMT.,Benchmark Brent crude was down 25 cents a barrel at $52.32 by 1315 GMT.,1 +" ""It's the thing to do,"" said Mark Greene, a resident of Gig Harbor, Wash."," ""It's the thing to do,"" said Mark Greene, a resident of Gig Harbor, Wash.",0 +"The Office of Foreign Assets Control designated six Chinese-owned entities, one Russian, one North Korean and two based in Singapore."," The Office of Foreign Assets Control designated six Chinese-owned entities, one Russian, one North Korean and two based in Singapore.",0 +""" Austin spent 10 seasons as a CFL quarterback (1987-96) before moving into the coaching ranks.",""" Austin spent 10 seasons as a CFL quarterback (1987-96) before moving into the coaching ranks.",0 + How to use it Turn applicator on and squeeze the tube to release serum., How to use it Turn applicator on and squeeze the tube to release serum.,0 +"Although introverts are very good listeners, they can sometimes tend toward what extroverts feel are passive listeners."," Although introverts are very good listeners, they can sometimes tend toward what extroverts feel are passive listeners.",0 +" Klick Health/Handout Empathy is increasingly a focus in patient care and, naturally, it has entered the sphere of tech gadgets."," Klick Health/Handout Empathy is increasingly a focus in patient care and, naturally, it has entered the sphere of tech gadgets.",0 +"""We have thus far been unable to locate Mr. Khadr for personal service, although we are aware that he has been residing in Edmonton, Alta."," ""We have thus far been unable to locate Mr. Khadr for personal service, although we are aware that he has been residing in Edmonton, Alta.",0 + The lineup for Thursday's group-stage draw will be completed on Wednesday.,The lineup for Thursday's group-stage draw will be completed on Wednesday.,0 +The damage in Ischia focused attention on two recurring themes in quake-prone Italy: seismically outdated old buildings and illegal new construction with shoddy materials., The damage in Ischia focused attention on two recurring themes in quake-prone Italy: seismically outdated old buildings and illegal new construction with shoddy materials.,0 +" Swissport services several major airlines at the airport, including Air Transat, Sunwing Airlines, British Airways, Cathay Pacific, Air France, KLM and Lufthansa."," Swissport services 30 airlines at the airport, including Air Transat, Sunwing Airlines, British Airways, Cathay Pacific, Air France, KLM and Lufthansa.",1 +Samsung's Note series usually sport bigger screens than the S series and come equipped with a removable stylus.,Samsung's Note models usually sport bigger screens than the S series and come with a removable stylus.,0 +"Finance minister Petteri Orpo said the government should consider establishing better-controlled ""return centres"" in order to monitor more closely those who had been denied asylum."," Finance minister Petteri Orpo said the government should consider establishing better-controlled ""return centres"" in order to monitor more closely those who had been denied asylum.",0 +" ""Senator Duffy's acquittal at trial has not remedied his damages.","""Senator Duffy's acquittal at trial has not remedied his damages.",0 +CIBC hiked its quarterly dividend by three cents to $1.30 per share.,The bank also hiked its dividend by three cents to $1.30 a share - an increase of about 2.4 per cent.,1 +" Signet's new Chief Executive Virginia Drosos started her role earlier this month, while Tiffany's new CEO Alessandro Bogliolo will join in October this year.","Signet's new Chief Executive Virginia Drosos started her role earlier this month, while Tiffany's new CEO Alessandro Bogliolo will join in October this year.",0 +" ""A lot of people who are sick receive sympathy. But empathy is much more technical,"" he said."," ""A lot of people who are sick receive sympathy. But empathy is much more technical,"" he said.",0 + The effect is novelistic - the inner monologue juxtaposed with images captured by others., The effect is novelistic - the inner monologue juxtaposed with images captured by others.,0 + Featured below are companies that have experienced recent insider trading activity in the public market through their direct and indirect ownerships.,Featured below are companies that have experienced recent insider trading activity in the public market through their direct and indirect ownerships.,0 +The province was expected to issue maps online highlighting the affected areas., The province was expected to issue maps online highlighting the affected areas.,0 + Another potential red flag is Via Rail's recent history when it comes to delivering on its promises., Another potential red flag is Via Rail's recent history when it comes to delivering on its promises.,0 +"Rempel said it gave potential asylum claimants ""false hope."" ""I absolutely think that that set the tone. Man, was that ever irresponsible,"" she said.","Ms. Rempel said it gave potential asylum claimants ""false hope."" ""I absolutely think that that set the tone. Man, was that ever irresponsible,"" she said.",0 +"In addition to striking military targets, air strikes have hit hospitals, infrastructure and port facilities, exacerbating the humanitarian crisis."," In addition to striking military targets, air strikes have hit hospitals, infrastructure and port facilities, exacerbating the humanitarian crisis.",0 +"But, while I enjoyed Murphy's epic journey along the way, I felt let down by its final destination."," But, while I enjoyed Murphy's epic journey along the way, I felt let down by its final destination.",0 +" Klick Health/Handout Empathy is increasingly a focus in patient care and, naturally, it has entered the sphere of tech gadgets."," Klick Health/Handout Empathy is increasingly a focus in patient care and, naturally, it has entered the sphere of tech gadgets.",0 +"Director Nigel Shawn Williams will also make his festival debut, with To Kill a Mockingbird."," Director Nigel Shawn Williams will also make his festival debut, with To Kill a Mockingbird.",0 +"The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 28.69 points, or 0.13 percent, to 21,783.4, the S&"," The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 28.69 points, or 0.13 percent, to 21,783.4, the S&",0 +"""It's impossible for cases to be investigated in Venezuela,"" said Ortega, adding that she was providing documentation to the United States, Brazil, Colombia and Spain."," ""It's impossible for cases to be investigated in Venezuela,"" said Ortega, adding that she was providing documentation to the United States, Brazil, Colombia and Spain.",0 +"Oakland running back Marshawn Lynch also has sat during the national anthem in the preseason, but hasn't elaborated on his reasoning."," Oakland running back Marshawn Lynch also has sat during the national anthem in the preseason, but hasn't elaborated on his reasoning.",0 +"U.S. light, sweet crude was 5 cents lower at $48.36 a barrel.","U.S. light, sweet crude slipped by 45 cents to $47.96 a barrel.",1 +" The Canada-U.S. two-year bond spread was -6.4 basis points, while the 10-year spread was -29.5 basis points.","The Canada-U.S. two-year bond spread stood at -6.5 basis points, while the 10-year spread stood at -30.9 basis points.",1 +" The trade panel, in a 2-1 decision, ruled that rebates given only to Alberta brewers discriminate against out-of-province beers sold in the province.","The trade panel, in a 2-1 decision, ruled that rebates given only to Alberta brewers discriminate against out-of-province beers sold in the province.",0 +" Yan Fossat, Klick Health The sensation didn't change, but everything else did, including speaking and even just sitting."," Yan Fossat, Klick Health The sensation didn't change, but everything else did, including speaking and even just sitting.",0 +"Browns coach Hue Jackson, who last week clarified previous remarks that seemed to indicate he was opposed to any demonstrations, stood behind his players."," Browns coach Hue Jackson, who last week clarified previous remarks that seemed to indicate he was opposed to any demonstrations, stood behind his players.",0 +""" The BC Liberals long refused to limit political donations despite repeated criticism of the party's fundraising practices, including cash-for-access events.",""" The BC Liberals long refused to limit political donations despite repeated criticism of the party's fundraising practices, including cash-for-access events.",0 +" ""I remember thinking: 'That's not the garage - it must be an indoor pool,'"" Ms. Santos said."," ""I remember thinking: 'That's not the garage - it must be an indoor pool,'"" Ms. Santos said.",0 +The Chinese and Russians embassies in Washington did not respond to requests for comment., The Chinese and Russians embassies in Washington did not respond to requests for comment.,0 +Austin was in his fifth season as Hamilton's head coach., Austin was in his fifth season as Hamilton's head coach.,0 +" A few blocks from Silver Lake and the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Waterloo, Ont.","Or the Grand River, perhaps? A few blocks from Silver Lake and the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Waterloo, Ont.",1 +" Yet the drip, drip of new project details is also raising many new questions that Via will not answer."," Yet the drip, drip of new project details is also raising many new questions that Via will not answer.",0 +"Aucoin was due to step down next month, with Sawyer, a submariner by trade, already slated to succeed him."," Aucoin was due to step down next month, with Sawyer, a submariner by trade, already slated to succeed him.",0 +"Mattias was extricated first, emerging seven hours after his baby brother, covered in cement dust in his underwear as he clung to firefighters."," Mattias was extricated first, emerging seven hours after his baby brother, covered in cement dust in his underwear as he clung to firefighters.",0 +" Last year, the Liberals raised $13.1-million in donations while the NDP raised $6.2-million.","Last year, the Liberals raised $13.1-million in donations while the NDP raised $6.2-million.",0 +The Saudi-led coalition denied targeting the family home after a health official said nine civilians were killed in an air strike., The Saudi-led coalition denied targeting the family home after a health official said nine civilians were killed in an air strike.,0 +"Shares of San Ramon, California-based Chevron rose 0.5 per cent to $106.35 in afternoon trading.",Shares of Chevron rose 0.5 per cent to close at $106.36.,1 +" Yet, Wallace indicated that empathy won't grow merely by the use of a device."," Yet, Wallace indicated that empathy won't grow merely by the use of a device.",0 +"Separately, Signet also said on Thursday that it would buy parent company of online jeweler JamesAllen.com R2Net, for $328-million on Thursday."," Separately, Signet also said on Thursday that it would buy parent company of online jeweler JamesAllen.com R2Net, for $328-million on Thursday.",0 +" ""He didn't rush,"" she said of Goodale. ""He took questions.","""He didn't rush,"" she said of Goodale. ""He took questions.",0 +"The first is to see many traits of extroverts as considerable strengths, not weaknesses."," The first is to see many traits of extroverts as considerable strengths, not weaknesses.",0 +"About 5.27 billion shares changed hands in U.S. exchanges, below the 6.08 billion daily average over the last 20 sessions."," About 5.27 billion shares changed hands in U.S. exchanges, below the 6.08 billion daily average over the last 20 sessions.",0 +"In their bedroom, 11-year-old Ciro pushing Mattias under the bed."," In their bedroom, 11-year-old Ciro pushing Mattias under the bed.",0 + Rijeka's first Champions League campaign in 18 years is over after Olympiakos built on its 2-1 first leg success by winning 1-0 in Croatia.,Rijeka's first Champions League campaign in 18 years is over after Olympiakos built on its 2-1 first leg success by winning 1-0 in Croatia.,0 +"Wirth, 56, has been vice chairman since February and also runs the company's pipeline division.",""" Wirth, 56, has been vice chairman since February and also runs the company's pipeline division.",0 +"The United Nations has put the death toll since the war began in March 2015 at more than 10,000. Report Typo/Error"," The United Nations has put the death toll since the war began in March 2015 at more than 10,000.",0 +How our introverts manage has a very considerable impact on how effective our organizations can be., Story continues below advertisement How our introverts manage has a very considerable impact on how effective our organizations can be.,1 +In this article I have suggested three key ways an introverted manager can better handle extroverted employees., In this article I have suggested three key ways an introverted manager can better handle extroverted employees.,0 +Each of Ronaldo's honours as the best player in Europe followed Real Madrid winning the Champions League., Each of Ronaldo's honours as the best player in Europe followed Real Madrid winning the Champions League.,0 +" Cars that would turn heads anywhere else are so plentiful, they feel as common as a Ford Focus."," Cars that would turn heads anywhere else are so plentiful, they feel as common as a Ford Focus.",0 +The United States and Britain provide arms and logistical assistance to the alliance for its campaign., Story continues below advertisement The United States and Britain provide arms and logistical assistance to the alliance for its campaign.,0 + A spokesman for Quebec's employment minister says the provincial government will hand out welfare cheques to several thousand asylum seekers next week.,A spokesman for Quebec's employment minister says the provincial government will hand out welfare cheques to several thousand asylum seekers next week.,0 + The shortage of physical palladium is driving companies to seek out alternative ways of acquiring it.,The shortage of physical palladium is driving companies to seek out alternative ways of acquiring it.,0 +"23.) Now in their 30s, they speak for the first time about the impact of Diana's death and her loving influence as a mother.","23.) Now in their 30s, they speak for the first time about the impact of Diana's death and her loving influence as a mother.",0 +"""They tell a better story."" This is the Mecca of classic-car shows.","""They tell a better story."" This is the Mecca of classic-car shows.",0 + The repertory theatre company plans to present a total of 12 productions next year.,The repertory theatre company plans to present a total of 12 productions next year.,0 +"Also this month, North Korea threatened to fire ballistic missiles towards the U.S."," Also this month, North Korea threatened to fire ballistic missiles towards the U.S.",0 +"Vancouver (10-9-5) remains sixth in Major League Soccer's Western Conference, earning a hard-fought point following Saturday's 2-1 home victory over the Houston Dynamo."," Vancouver (10-9-5) remains sixth in Major League Soccer's Western Conference, earning a hard-fought point following Saturday's 2-1 home victory over the Houston Dynamo.",0 +"Adjusting to exclude certain items, CIBC said it earned $136-million, up 10 per cent from a year ago.","But adjusting to exclude certain items such as last year's gain on sale, CIBC earned $136-million, up 10 per cent.",0 +"Almost 374,000 people visited Prince Edward Island National Park before the end of July this year, up 37 per cent over the year before."," Almost 374,000 people visited Prince Edward Island National Park before the end of July this year, up 37 per cent over the year before.",0 +" But at 91, she is in the twilight of her reign, delegating more to the younger royals."," But at 91, she is in the twilight of her reign, delegating more to the younger royals.",0 +" One exception to the European rule is the U.S.-made Kurtis, a yellow fibreglass and aluminum vehicle owned by Carol Kurtis, the widow of Arlen Kurtis."," One exception to the European rule is the U.S.-made Kurtis, a yellow fibreglass and aluminum vehicle owned by Carol Kurtis, the widow of Arlen Kurtis.",0 +Daniel Robertson drove in the game's first run with a sacrifice fly in the second., Daniel Robertson drove in the game's first run with a sacrifice fly in the second.,0 +"Brazil's foreign minister, Aloysio Nunes, told Globo News that Ortega would be ""immediately"" granted asylum if she asked for it."," Brazil's foreign minister, Aloysio Nunes, told Globo News that Ortega would be ""immediately"" granted asylum if she asked for it.",0 +Housing inventory has declined for 26 consecutive months on a year-on-year basis.,Housing inventory has dropped for 26 straight months on a year-on-year basis.,0 +"Then the Celtics swooped in, landing the kind of star Ainge has long coveted."," Then the Celtics swooped in, landing the kind of star Ainge has long coveted.",0 +"Tugault-Lafleur says that since 2004, all provinces have issued guidelines affecting foods sold at schools, whether in vending machines or cafeterias."," Tugault-Lafleur says that since 2004, all provinces have issued guidelines affecting foods sold at schools, whether in vending machines or cafeterias.",0 + Main draw play begins Monday at the USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center.,Main draw play begins Monday at the USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center.,0 + The other element that makes 16 Edenbridge the Vannestes' dream house is its location., The other element that makes 16 Edenbridge the Vannestes' dream house is its location.,0 +"He said he'd been seriously considering stepping down as coach for the last two or three weeks, and made the final decision Wednesday."," He said he'd been seriously considering stepping down as coach for the last two or three weeks, and made the final decision Wednesday.",0 +" ""This is exactly the kind of infrastructure that would really benefit the Canadian economy,"" he said."," ""This is exactly the kind of infrastructure that would really benefit the Canadian economy,"" he said.",0 +Prime Minister Juha Sipila called on Monday for political unity to fast-track already planned legislation giving authorities new powers to monitor citizens online., Prime Minister Juha Sipila called on Monday for political unity to fast-track already planned legislation giving authorities new powers to monitor citizens online.,0 +"Paul Klein is founder and CEO of Impakt and founder of Impakt Labs Today, good is for everyone.","Paul Klein is founder and CEO of Impakt and founder of Impakt Labs Today, good is for everyone.",0 +IMMIGRATION POLICY Police have issued an international arrest warrant for a fifth Moroccan national., IMMIGRATION POLICY Police have issued an international arrest warrant for a fifth Moroccan national.,0 +" CEO of VIA Rail Yves Desjardins-Siciliano is photographed at Union Station in Toronto, Ontario, Tuesday, December 9, 2014."," Story continues below advertisement CEO of VIA Rail Yves Desjardins-Siciliano is photographed at Union Station in Toronto, Ontario, Tuesday, December 9, 2014.",0 +The Black Ferns advanced to the final with a 45-12 semifinal win over the United States on Tuesday., The Black Ferns advanced to the final with a 45-12 semifinal win over the United States on Tuesday.,0 +"Nonetheless, the victims of these horrific crimes are not soon forgotten."," Nonetheless, the victims of these horrific crimes are not soon forgotten.",0 +" Royal Dutch Shell, Anadarko Petroleum and Exxon Mobil have all taken steps to curb some oil and gas output at platforms in the Gulf.","Royal Dutch Shell, Anadarko Petroleum and Exxon Mobil have all taken steps to curb some oil and gas output at platforms in the Gulf.",0 +"For most of the play, her scenes are refreshingly hard to pin down - and she never artificially raises the stakes."," For most of the play, her scenes are refreshingly hard to pin down - and she never artificially raises the stakes.",0 +"Apple will spend $110-million to acquire and prepare the land for its data centers in Iowa, according to economic development officials.","Apple will spend $110-million to acquire and prepare the land for its data centres in Iowa, according to economic development officials.",0 +"All-in-one accounts are similar, but they take the line-of-credit premise a step further."," All-in-one accounts are similar, but they take the line-of-credit premise a step further.",0 + Police patrolled Central Park on bicycles and on foot after Shen's body was found and residents were asked to stay vigilant about their personal safety.,Police patrolled Central Park on bicycles and on foot after Shen's body was found and residents were asked to stay vigilant about their personal safety.,0 +"The three-day operation will take place at Montreal's Palais des congres convention centre, beginning next Wednesday."," The three-day operation will take place at Montreal's Palais des congres convention centre, beginning next Wednesday.",0 +" The photographs also showed the design for the Pukguksong-3, likely a new solid-fuel intermediate-range ballistic missile being developed for submarine launches.","The photographs also showed the design for the Pukguksong-3, likely a new solid-fuel intermediate-range ballistic missile being developed for submarine launches.",0 +"Champ said heading to court in the middle of a labour board hearing is ""rare and exceptional"" in his experience."," Champ said heading to court in the middle of a labour board hearing is ""rare and exceptional"" in his experience.",0 +"NATURAL EARTH Other Liberal MPs and ministers representing ridings along the route - including Trade Minister Francois-Philippe Champagne, have spoken out in favour.","NATURAL EARTH Other Liberal MPs and ministers representing ridings along the route - including Trade Minister Francois-Philippe Champagne, have spoken out in favour.",0 +Director Nigel Shawn Williams will make his directorial debut at the festival with To Kill a Mockingbird., Director Nigel Shawn Williams will make his directorial debut at the festival with To Kill a Mockingbird.,0 +" Winning over these target drivers is key to reinvigorating not just the market for Camry, but the intermediate sedan segment, Beatty said."," Winning over these target drivers is key to reinvigorating not just the market for Camry, but the intermediate sedan segment, Beatty said.",0 +The Cavs drafted Irving with the No. 1 overall pick in 2011., The Cavs drafted Irving with the No. 1 overall pick in 2011.,0 +" But in some ways, the device isn't trying to do all of that."," But in some ways, the device isn't trying to do all of that.",0 +" The three-day operation will take place at Montreal's Palais des congres convention centre, beginning next Wednesday."," Story continues below advertisement The three-day operation will take place at Montreal's Palais des congres convention centre, beginning next Wednesday.",0 +The investigation has led to prosecutions in several countries in Latin America where Odebrecht and other Brazilian construction companies operated., The investigation has led to prosecutions in several countries in Latin America where Odebrecht and other Brazilian construction companies operated.,0 +""" This isn't the first time Austin has shed one of his titles with the Tiger-Cats.",""" This isn't the first time Austin has shed one of his titles with the Tiger-Cats.",0 +" All three Camry variants are built atop the Toyota New Global Architecture, a highly rigid platform that boosts vehicle performance and ride quality."," All three Camry variants are built atop the Toyota New Global Architecture, a highly rigid platform that boosts vehicle performance and ride quality.",0 +New York-based Tiffany said it also benefited from higher sales of wholesale diamonds and increased spending in Japan., New York-based Tiffany said it also benefited from higher sales of wholesale diamonds and increased spending in Japan.,0 + Wyant Nguyen/The Globe and Mail My immediate feeling following the fight was disappointment., Wyant Nguyen/The Globe and Mail My immediate feeling following the fight was disappointment.,0 +" The footage, available for many years on YouTube, reminds us of why Diana became a worldwide star at the dawn of contemporary celebrity culture."," The footage, available for many years on YouTube, reminds us of why Diana became a worldwide star at the dawn of contemporary celebrity culture.",0 +" As a 32-year-old woman living in Toronto, it's not unusual to own a gym membership.","As a 32-year-old woman living in Toronto, it's not unusual to own a gym membership.",0 + In this article I have suggested three key ways an introverted manager can better handle extroverted employees.,In this article I have suggested three key ways an introverted manager can better handle extroverted employees.,0 +Johaug was banned for just 13 months by a Norwegian sports tribunal which noted the balm was approved by a team doctor., Johaug was banned for just 13 months by a Norwegian sports tribunal which noted the balm was approved by a team doctor.,0 +The Madrid and Portugal star is strongly favoured to get a fifth FIFA world player prize in October., The Madrid and Portugal star is strongly favoured to get a fifth FIFA world player prize in October.,0 +"When a fellow extrovert listens, they nod, they lean forward, they smile or frown;"," Story continues below advertisement Story continues below advertisement When a fellow extrovert listens, they nod, they lean forward, they smile or frown;",0 +Lowe's shares dipped 5.1 per cent to $71.91 in premarket trading on Wednesday.," Shares of Lowe's, the No.2 U.S. home improvement retailer, dipped more than 5 per cent to $71.78 in premarket trading.",1 +Rijeka's first Champions League campaign in 18 years is over after Olympiakos built on its 2-1 first leg success by winning 1-0 in Croatia., Rijeka's first Champions League campaign in 18 years is over after Olympiakos built on its 2-1 first leg success by winning 1-0 in Croatia.,0 +Mechkah arrived in Germany in 2015 but had not made any application for asylum there., Story continues below advertisement Mechkah arrived in Germany in 2015 but had not made any application for asylum there.,0 +" Those U-turns were really no hardship as we got acquainted with the Camry's suite of new engines, which offer the most surprising changes."," Those U-turns were really no hardship as we got acquainted with the Camry's suite of new engines, which offer the most surprising changes.",0 +"Tom Koehler (0-1) pitched five innings in his first start for Toronto, giving up one run on five hits while striking out seven."," Tom Koehler (0-1) pitched five innings in his first start for Toronto, giving up one run on five hits while striking out seven.",0 +"""This is not OK, I thought,"" Clinton says in her audio narration of ""What Happened,"" set for release Sept."," Story continues below advertisement ""This is not OK, I thought,"" Clinton says in her audio narration of ""What Happened,"" set for release Sept.",0 +"Scheer says if the crossing in Quebec and another in Emerson, Man."," Scheer says if the crossing in Quebec and another in Emerson, Man.",0 +" Extroverts need breaks, too, but theirs are the polar opposite.","Extroverts need breaks, too, but theirs are the polar opposite.",0 + RioCan made its bid after Sears had already accepted a $5-million offer for the property from WCRE Investments Ltd.,RioCan made its bid after Sears had already accepted a $5-million offer for the property from WCRE Investments Ltd.,0 +"The Senate's request to the court, filed Wednesday, argues the upper chamber will suffer irreparable harm if it surrenders documents subject to parliamentary privilege."," The Senate's request to the court, filed Wednesday, argues the upper chamber will suffer irreparable harm if it surrenders documents subject to parliamentary privilege.",0 +" ""Even the heat vents are all hand-painted to match the flow of the stone,"" Ms. Santos noted."," ""Even the heat vents are all hand-painted to match the flow of the stone,"" Ms. Santos noted.",0 + The second suggestion is to recognize the introvert's need to take breaks when they take an extrovert approach.,The second suggestion is to recognize the introvert's need to take breaks when they take an extrovert approach.,0 +"""Manulife brought this product to Canada, having seen its popularity in the early 1990s in Australia."," Story continues below advertisement Story continues below advertisement ""Manulife brought this product to Canada, having seen its popularity in the early 1990s in Australia.",0 +Skrepnek said thunderstorms are expected to bring gusty winds and lightning to the central Interior later this week and could hinder firefighting efforts., Skrepnek said thunderstorms are expected to bring gusty winds and lightning to the central Interior later this week and could hinder firefighting efforts.,0 +""" The blockbuster deal caps a wild summer for the Cavs, who lost their title defence in five games to Golden State in June.",""" The blockbuster deal caps a wild summer for the Cavs, who lost their title defence in five games to Golden State in June.",0 +"The action was filed by Calgary-based Artisan Ales, which imports beer and says the government's program has had a devastating effect on sales."," The action was filed by Calgary-based Artisan Ales, which imports beer and says the government's program has had a devastating effect on sales.",0 +"Once they have received the cheques, the asylum seekers will be asked to leave their temporary shelters and seek permanent accommodation."," Once they have received the cheques, the asylum seekers will be asked to leave their temporary shelters and seek permanent accommodation.",0 +" Others experience the machine-induced tremors with less anxiety, knowing they can easily turn off the device and stop their muscles from jerking."," Others experience the machine-induced tremors with less anxiety, knowing they can easily turn off the device and stop their muscles from jerking.",0 +" The Office of Foreign Assets Control designated 10 ""third-country"" entities, including six Chinese-owned, one Russian, one North Korean and two based in Singapore.","The Office of Foreign Assets Control designated six Chinese-owned entities, one Russian, one North Korean and two based in Singapore.",1 +"The currency's strength came even as the price of oil , a key Canadian export, settled down about 2 per cent on demand concerns."," The currency's strength came even as the price of oil , a key Canadian export, settled down about 2 per cent on demand concerns.",0 +" ""I love this little sitting area here where, I can read my book and look out onto the golf course,"" she said."," ""I love this little sitting area here where, I can read my book and look out onto the golf course,"" she said.",0 +"The playbill also includes: Julius Caesar, directed by Scott Wentworth;"," The playbill also includes: Julius Caesar, directed by Scott Wentworth;",0 +" Yet, Wallace indicated that empathy won't grow merely by the use of a device."," Yet, Wallace indicated that empathy won't grow merely by the use of a device.",0 +"""If they took a foothold and got to be self-reproducing, that would be a significant concern."," ""If they took a foothold and got to be self-reproducing, that would be a significant concern.",0 +" When I tried the device, Fossat first spritzed my arm with water."," When I tried the device, Fossat first spritzed my arm with water.",0 +" Listening well is seen as one of the traditional strengths of introverts, and compared with extroverts, that's true.","Listening well is seen as one of the traditional strengths of introverts, and compared with extroverts, that's true.",0 +Ottawa says that only 50 per cent of asylum applications from Haiti were successful last year., Ottawa says that only 50 per cent of asylum applications from Haiti were successful last year.,0 +" In Canada's it's not just about building it so they will come, it appears making it free also plays a role.","In Canada's it's not just about building it so they will come, it appears making it free also plays a role.",0 +"Kaepernick, who once took the 49ers to the Super Bowl, opted out of his contract with the team in March and remains unsigned."," Kaepernick, who once took the 49ers to the Super Bowl, opted out of his contract with the team in March and remains unsigned.",0 +Will Angu'juaq turn on his human mother and her neighbours when he grows up and finds a mate?, Will Angu'juaq turn on his human mother and her neighbours when he grows up and finds a mate?,0 +"""There's money on the table and they don't want to leave it there."," ""There's money on the table and they don't want to leave it there.",0 +"That's precisely what happened to yours truly, and it happens to mortgage applicants all across the country with surprisingly frequency."," That's precisely what happened to yours truly, and it happens to mortgage applicants all across the country with surprisingly frequency.",0 +""" This year, he sold two cars: a 1992 Porsche 911 Carrera RS for $250,000 and a 1995 911 Carrera RS Club Sport for $370,000.",""" This year, he sold two cars: a 1992 Porsche 911 Carrera RS for $250,000 and a 1995 911 Carrera RS Club Sport for $370,000.",0 +Lummi fishers were incensed at the Atlantic salmon intruding in home waters of native Pacific salmon., Lummi fishers were incensed at the Atlantic salmon intruding in home waters of native Pacific salmon.,0 +The 69th-ranked Shapovalov is seeded second in the qualifying draw after his breakout performance at the Rogers Cup in Montreal., The 69th-ranked Shapovalov is seeded second in the qualifying draw after his breakout performance at the Rogers Cup in Montreal.,0 +But Mr. Contento notes that he would dissuade a certain type of borrower from adopting this., But Mr. Contento notes that he would dissuade a certain type of borrower from adopting this.,0 +Hamilton's next game is Labour Day against the visiting Toronto Argonauts., Story continues below advertisement Story continues below advertisement Hamilton's next game is Labour Day against the visiting Toronto Argonauts.,0 + Via has indicated that it expects a federal decision this year., Via has indicated that it expects a federal decision this year.,0 +"More than ever, organizations of all types have the potential to help solve social problems."," Story continues below advertisement More than ever, organizations of all types have the potential to help solve social problems.",0 +The act doesn't end arbitration but does provide the guidelines for wages included in a contract.,The act doesn't end arbitration but does limit arbitrators from making awards that exceed the wage guidelines.,1 +"HBC announced the departure of its chief financial officer, Paul Beesley, in May and appointed former J.C."," HBC announced the departure of its chief financial officer, Paul Beesley, in May and appointed former J.C.",0 +"The first is to see many traits of introverts as considerable strengths, not weaknesses."," Story continues below advertisement The first is to see many traits of introverts as considerable strengths, not weaknesses.",0 +"""We have a player that's proven to be a sure thing."," ""We have a player that's proven to be a sure thing.",0 +"The bus driver was taken into police custody for questioning, he said."," The bus driver was taken into police custody for questioning, Aboutaleb said.",1 +"""It saddens me that in 2017 we have to do something like that,"" he said."," Story continues below advertisement ""It saddens me that in 2017 we have to do something like that,"" he said.",1 +" Yan Fossat, Klick Health The sensation didn't change, but everything else did, including speaking and even just sitting."," Yan Fossat, Klick Health The sensation didn't change, but everything else did, including speaking and even just sitting.",0 +"""We warned about the risk of collapses also in the case of not particularly serious temblors,"" De Chiara told Corriere della Sera newspaper."," ""We warned about the risk of collapses also in the case of not particularly serious temblors,"" De Chiara told Corriere della Sera newspaper.",0 +" When a fellow extrovert listens, they nod, they lean forward, they smile or frown;","When a fellow extrovert listens, they nod, they lean forward, they smile or frown;",0 +"Mr. Wright was never charged for giving $90,000 to Mr. Duffy to cover his controversial expenses, and instead testified against Mr. Duffy at the trial.","Wright was never charged for giving $90,000 to Mr. Duffy to cover his controversial expenses, and instead testified against Mr. Duffy at the trial.",0 + It was during that time that they decided to work with T. Gornik Build/Design Ltd., It was during that time that they decided to work with T. Gornik Build/Design Ltd.,0 +"Consumer staples, down 1.3 percent, were the worst performing of the 11 major S&"," Consumer staples, down 1.3 percent, were the worst performing of the 11 major S&",0 +Four more tips to avoid credit score drama:Do you pay bills from your credit card?, Four more tips to avoid credit score drama: Do you pay bills from your credit card?,0 +The 28-year-old Thomas was taken with the final selection in the 2011 draft -- 59 picks after Irving was picked first overall., The 28-year-old Thomas was taken with the final selection in the 2011 draft -- 59 picks after Irving was picked first overall.,0 +" Earlier this month in the UK, another explosive documentary, Diana: In Her Own Words, was broadcast on Channel 4 amid much controversy."," Earlier this month in the UK, another explosive documentary, Diana: In Her Own Words, was broadcast on Channel 4 amid much controversy.",0 +"Mabel Zavaros, who helped the team qualify through morning heats as top seed, will also receive a gold medal."," Mabel Zavaros, who helped the team qualify through morning heats as top seed, will also receive a gold medal.",0 +Monette says details of the latest offer won't be released until union members finish voting., Monette says details of the latest offer won't be released until union members finish voting.,0 +" In it, Diana is at her most natural - laughing, pulling faces at times, her doe eyes large and mesmerizing."," In it, Diana is at her most natural - laughing, pulling faces at times, her doe eyes large and mesmerizing.",0 +Wildfire officials reported 135 fires around B.C. on Monday and Wildfire Service spokesman Kevin Skrepnek said calmer and cooler conditions helped firefighters., Wildfire officials reported 135 fires around B.C. on Monday and Wildfire Service spokesman Kevin Skrepnek said calmer and cooler conditions helped firefighters.,0 +" How, then, would Klick's device fit within the course of this physician-patient relationship?"," How, then, would Klick's device fit within the course of this physician-patient relationship?",0 +"""Working with your financial adviser or Manulife representative, you develop this customized individual plan."," ""Working with your financial adviser or Manulife representative, you develop this customized individual plan.",0 + There is also the possibility that some of VIA's proposed new routes to Montreal won't reach the city's Central Station., There is also the possibility that some of VIA's proposed new routes to Montreal won't reach the city's Central Station.,0 +"The trademark curved screen of the latest incarnation measures 6.3 inches corner to corner, a mere 0.1 inch bigger than the S8+.","The trademark curved screen of the latest incarnation measures 6.3 inches (16 cm)corner to corner, just 0.1 inch bigger than the S8+.",0 +"Apple will purchase 2,000 acres (8.09 square km) of land in Waukee to build two data centers.",Apple will purchase eight square kilometres of land in Waukee to build two data centres.,0 +" About 700 baggage handlers, cabin cleaners, and other ground crew employed by Swissport at Toronto's Pearson International Airport have been on strike since late July.","About 700 baggage handlers, cabin cleaners, and other ground crew employed by Swissport at Toronto's Pearson International Airport have been on strike since late July.",0 +Corey Dickerson's 24th home run drove in Tampa Bay's other run in the eighth., Corey Dickerson's 24th home run drove in Tampa Bay's other run in the eighth.,0 +" Rather than improving travel time, the Auditor-General said VIA's travel time and on-time performance had worsened."," Rather than improving travel time, the Auditor-General said VIA's travel time and on-time performance had worsened.",0 +""" ""The bar will be high,"" he said, pointing out that Mr. Duffy's lawyer will have to prove that the RCMP acted with malicious intent.","""The bar will be high,"" he said, pointing out that Mr. Duffy's lawyer will have to prove that the RCMP acted with malice.",0 + The union representing striking ground crew workers at Canada's busiest airport says it has received a new contract offer that will be voted on tomorrow.,The union representing striking ground crew workers at Canada's busiest airport says it has received a new contract offer that will be voted on tomorrow.,0 +The due date to hand over the documents is Friday., The due date to hand over the documents is Friday.,0 +Ceci says the province will argue that its small brewers development program meets required trade obligations., Ceci says the province will argue that its small brewers development program meets required trade obligations.,0 +"Ruck recorded a world junior record time earlier in the day in the 100 backstroke semifinals, finishing in 59.28 seconds."," Ruck recorded a world junior record time earlier in the day in the 100 backstroke semifinals, finishing in 59.28 seconds.",0 +" The action was filed by Calgary-based Artisan Ales, which imports beer and says the government's program has had a devastating effect on sales.","The action was filed by Calgary-based Artisan Ales, which imports beer and says the government's program has had a devastating effect on sales.",0 +" Architecturally, the Tannery Building, which Communitech also inhabits, posed similar challenges for Raw."," Story continues below advertisement Architecturally, the Tannery Building, which Communitech also inhabits, posed similar challenges for Raw.",0 +" Analysts on average had expected Tiffany to post sales of $930.3-million and Signet $1.33-billion, according to Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S.","Analysts on average had expected Tiffany to post sales of $930.3-million and Signet $1.33-billion, according to Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S.",0 +"In Thomas, they're getting a proven playmaker with a stellar reputation."," In Thomas, they're getting a proven playmaker with a stellar reputation.",0 +" Story continues below advertisement The first is to see many traits of introverts as considerable strengths, not weaknesses.","The first is to see many traits of extroverts as considerable strengths, not weaknesses.",0 +Now he has to figure out how to beat him., Now he has to figure out how to beat him.,0 +" Like many women my age, I want to live an active, healthy lifestyle."," Like many women my age, I want to live an active, healthy lifestyle.",0 + The broad consensus throughout the medical community is that any extra measure of empathy and better understanding between physician and patient is a good thing., The broad consensus throughout the medical community is that any extra measure of empathy and better understanding between physician and patient is a good thing.,0 +People who knew Mechkah told Reuters he looked depressed and angry., People who knew Mechkah told Reuters he looked depressed and angry.,0 +The company will receive a $19.65-million investment tax credit for creating 50 jobs.,The company will receive a $19.65-million investment-tax credit for creating 50 jobs.,0 +"After spending a dog's age waiting on hold, ""negotiating"" (i.e. bickering) and escalating to supervisors, the phone company finally agreed to correct the credit report."," After spending a dog's age waiting on hold, ""negotiating"" (i.e. bickering) and escalating to supervisors, the phone company finally agreed to correct the credit report.",0 +"Upon realizing the credit damage, it became an epic battle with the cellphone company."," Upon realizing the credit damage, it became an epic battle with the cellphone company.",0 +"Tourism officials said that the damage was localized to Casamicciola and Lacco Ameno, with much of the island business as usual by Tuesday."," Tourism officials said that the damage was localized to Casamicciola and Lacco Ameno, with much of the island business as usual by Tuesday.",0 +" Johnny Eggitt/AFP/Getty Images They reveal the last time they spoke with their mother, only hours before her death."," Johnny Eggitt/AFP/Getty Images They reveal the last time they spoke with their mother, only hours before her death.",0 +" ""They tested the Hwasong-14 which has an estimated range of 9,000 km, 10,000 km.","""They tested the Hwasong-14 which has an estimated range of 9,000 km, 10,000 km.",0 +A line of credit offered by banks is a simple concept., A line of credit offered by banks is a simple concept.,0 +Jones was head coach of the University of Hawaii from 1999 to 2007., Jones was head coach of the University of Hawaii from 1999 to 2007.,0 +" (Return to index) Sandermoen School of Business University of Fredericton | Fredericton, N.B."," Sandermoen School of Business University of Fredericton | Fredericton, N.B.",0 +" Separately, Signet also said on Thursday that it would buy parent company of online jeweler JamesAllen.com R2Net, for $328-million on Thursday.","Separately, Signet also said on Thursday that it would buy parent company of online jeweler JamesAllen.com R2Net, for $328-million on Thursday.",0 +"""I feel strongly that most people don't hold those views."," ""I feel strongly that most people don't hold those views.",0 +Laboissonniere said it is easier to hand out the cheques in one place., Laboissonniere said it is easier to hand out the cheques in one place.,0 +"Wright was never charged for giving $90,000 to Mr. Duffy to cover his controversial expenses, and instead testified against Mr. Duffy at the trial.","Mr. Wright was never charged for giving $90,000 to Mr. Duffy to cover his controversial expenses, and instead testified against Mr. Duffy at the trial.",0 +"Random murders are uncommon, but often the hardest for detectives to solve, Prof. Boyd said."," Random murders are uncommon, but often the hardest for detectives to solve, Prof. Boyd said.",0 +"He is swaying his hips and arms to the 90s hit song, appearing to be smiling and giggling throughout the dance.","He is swaying his hips and arms to the 90s hit song, smiling and giggling throughout the dance.",0 +There may soon be one less name on that list., There may soon be one less name on that list.,0 +" Younes Bounhar/Double Space Photography Luckily, the design language Raw speaks works well in Canada's Silicon Valley."," Younes Bounhar/Double Space Photography Luckily, the design language Raw speaks works well in Canada's Silicon Valley.",0 +"Signet's new Chief Executive Virginia Drosos started her role earlier this month, while Tiffany's new CEO Alessandro Bogliolo will join in October this year."," Signet's new Chief Executive Virginia Drosos started her role earlier this month, while Tiffany's new CEO Alessandro Bogliolo will join in October this year.",0 +""" Calgary-based lawyer Dan Gilborn refused to discuss the proceedings on Thursday, saying his office was not authorized to comment.",""" Calgary-based lawyer Dan Gilborn refused to discuss the proceedings on Thursday, saying his office was not authorized to comment.",0 +"""It's two duplicative actions and there's no point in proceeding with both of them,"" Whitling said from Edmonton."," ""It's two duplicative actions and there's no point in proceeding with both of them,"" Whitling said from Edmonton.",0 +" (Return to index) Odette School of Business University of Windsor | Windsor, Ont."," Odette School of Business University of Windsor | Windsor, Ont.",0 +" ""People couldn't figure out what it was when it was being built,"" Mr. Vanneste said."," ""People couldn't figure out what it was when it was being built,"" Mr. Vanneste said.",0 +"Goodale promised the government would establish a point of contact for the municipality to keep local residents informed, Clement said."," Goodale promised the government would establish a point of contact for the municipality to keep local residents informed, Clement said.",0 +Now suppose this credit decline blocks you from getting a mortgage on the house you planned to buy., Now suppose this credit decline blocks you from getting a mortgage on the house you planned to buy.,0 +"If you're applying for a mortgage, missing a cellphone bill can sometimes kill an approval."," If you're applying for a mortgage, missing a cellphone bill can sometimes kill an approval.",0 +"Fleischer, who founded a group dedicated to removing hate graffiti, disputes the town's account and says the symbol has no place in a public space."," Fleischer, who founded a group dedicated to removing hate graffiti, disputes the town's account and says the symbol has no place in a public space.",0 +"""It's a devastation,"" said Ellie Kinley, whose family has fished Puget Sound for generations. ""We don't want those fish preying on our baby salmon."," ""It's a devastation,"" said Ellie Kinley, whose family has fished Puget Sound for generations. ""We don't want those fish preying on our baby salmon.",0 +"In April, 2016, Ontario Court Justice Charles Vaillancourt acquitted Mr. Duffy on 31 charges of fraud, breach of trust and bribery."," In April, 2016, Ontario Court Justice Charles Vaillancourt acquitted Mr. Duffy on 31 charges of fraud, breach of trust and bribery.",0 +" ""The North is trying to be in control of the playing field,"" Moon said.","""The North is trying to be in control of the playing field,"" Moon said.",0 +"The first project supported by the fund will be a youth sports complex that ""will be open to all,"" Cook said.","The first project supported by the fund will be a youth sports complex that ""will be open to all,"" Mr. Cook said.",1 +The company has also dealt with several changes in executive leadership over the past four years., The company has also dealt with several changes in executive leadership over the past four years.,0 +News agency DPA reported he had used several false identities in the country and left without nofitying authorities., News agency DPA reported he had used several false identities in the country and left without nofitying authorities.,0 +" Iconic Canadian retailer Roots Canada Ltd. hired banks to prepare an initial public offering this year, according to people familiar with the matter.","Iconic Canadian retailer Roots Canada Ltd. hired banks to prepare an initial public offering this year, according to people familiar with the matter.",0 +"Swissport services 30 airlines at the airport, including Air Transat, Sunwing Airlines, British Airways, Cathay Pacific, Air France, KLM and Lufthansa."," Story continues below advertisement Swissport services 30 airlines at the airport, including Air Transat, Sunwing Airlines, British Airways, Cathay Pacific, Air France, KLM and Lufthansa.",0 +" The exterior makeover is designed to draw the much-sought gaze not of Dad, but of double-income, career-building couples in their early 40s, Toyota says."," The exterior makeover is designed to draw the much-sought gaze not of Dad, but of double-income, career-building couples in their early 40s, Toyota says.",0 +"The fish are about 4.5 kilograms each and were set to be killed in the fall and sold across North America, she said."," The fish are about 4.5 kilograms each and were set to be killed in the fall and sold across North America, she said.",0 +""" Amazon has a loyal and spendthrift following thanks to its shopping club Prime.",""" Amazon has a loyal and spendthrift following thanks to its shopping club Prime.",0 +" Others experience the machine-induced tremors with less anxiety, knowing they can easily turn off the device and stop their muscles from jerking."," Others experience the machine-induced tremors with less anxiety, knowing they can easily turn off the device and stop their muscles from jerking.",0 +"""It should be noted that this does not change our belief that Miss Shen's homicide was random,"" she said in a news release."," ""It should be noted that this does not change our belief that Miss Shen's homicide was random,"" she said in a news release.",0 +Skrepnek said local municipalities may maintain their own restrictions on campfires and people should check with local fire officials to be certain of the rules., Skrepnek said local municipalities may maintain their own restrictions on campfires and people should check with local fire officials to be certain of the rules.,0 +"The ground crew strike has not significantly affected passengers, although the airport has been warning travellers that the labour disruption could affect some flights."," The ground crew strike has not significantly affected passengers, although the airport has been warning travellers that the labour disruption could affect some flights.",0 +I had to speak to two supervisors to ensure they'd report the correction to the credit bureau quickly., I had to speak to two supervisors to ensure they'd report the correction to the credit bureau quickly.,0 + Via itself has said the rail company is at a crossroads., Via itself has said the rail company is at a crossroads.,0 +"The announcement came during a bye week for the Tiger-Cats, who have struggled to an 0-8 start this season."," The announcement came during a bye week for the Tiger-Cats, who have struggled to an 0-8 start this season.",0 +" At the time, a ranch-style bungalow sat on the lot."," At the time, a ranch-style bungalow sat on the lot.",0 +" Story continues below advertisement The three-day operation will take place at Montreal's Palais des congres convention centre, beginning next Wednesday."," The three-day operation will take place at Montreal's Palais des congres convention centre, beginning next Wednesday.",0 + There will also be an additional sum depending on the recipient's family status.,There will also be an additional sum depending on the recipient's family status.,0 +" Jose Manuel Ribeiro/Reuters Twenty years on, she is a fascinating character in a troubled fairy tale - almost mythic now because of the distance."," Jose Manuel Ribeiro/Reuters Twenty years on, she is a fascinating character in a troubled fairy tale - almost mythic now because of the distance.",0 +"As a mortgage broker, I see this time and again."," As a mortgage broker, I see this time and again.",0 +"The court ordered Mechkah, who has yet to be charged with any offence, and three other Moroccan men to be detained in prison pending trial."," The court ordered Mechkah, who has yet to be charged with any offence, and three other Moroccan men to be detained in prison pending trial.",0 + The 69th-ranked Shapovalov is seeded second in the qualifying draw after his breakout performance at the Rogers Cup in Montreal.,The 69th-ranked Shapovalov is seeded second in the qualifying draw after his breakout performance at the Rogers Cup in Montreal.,0 +" ""It was always Luc's dream to live on a golf course,"" Mrs."," ""It was always Luc's dream to live on a golf course,"" Mrs.",0 +"The 21-year-old arrived at court wearing hospital-issue pyjamas, with a bandaged hand and cuts to his face and bare ankles.","The 21-year-old arrived at court wearing hospital-issue pajamas, with a bandaged hand and cuts to his face and bare ankles.",0 + The U.S. lumber industry is urging the Trump administration to extend punitive duties on Canadian softwood shipments indefinitely.,The U.S. lumber industry is urging the Trump administration to extend punitive duties on Canadian softwood shipments indefinitely.,0 +Both the Whitecaps and Sounders were playing their second of three games in eight days., Both the Whitecaps and Sounders were playing their second of three games in eight days.,0 + Economists polled by Reuters had forecast sales rising 0.9 per cent to a rate of 5.57 million units.,Economists had forecast sales gaining 0.9 per cent to a rate of 5.57 million units last month.,1 +" (Return to index) Shannon School of Business Cape Breton University | Sydney, N.S."," Shannon School of Business Cape Breton University | Sydney, N.S.",0 +" (Return to index) Goodman School of Business Brock University | St. Catharines, Ont."," Goodman School of Business Brock University | St. Catharines, Ont.",0 +"A former Olympic champion, World Cup winner and seven-time world champion in cross-country skiing, Therese Johaug is now barred from racing until mid-April."," A former Olympic champion, World Cup winner and seven-time world champion in cross-country skiing, Therese Johaug is now barred from racing until mid-April.",0 +" Wyant Nguyen/The Globe and Mail What felt like only a few seconds into the first round, I was hit with a hard knee."," Wyant Nguyen/The Globe and Mail What felt like only a few seconds into the first round, I was hit with a hard knee.",0 +"On its promotional websites, Manulife Bank of Canada highlights its mortgage payoff advantages and displays its payoff calculator prominently."," On its promotional websites, Manulife Bank of Canada highlights its mortgage payoff advantages and displays its payoff calculator prominently.",0 +"Analysts on average had expected Tiffany to post sales of $930.3-million and Signet $1.33-billion, according to Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S."," Analysts on average had expected Tiffany to post sales of $930.3-million and Signet $1.33-billion, according to Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S.",0 +" A distance in excess of 11,000 km (6,800 miles) will put Washington and New York within range from anywhere in North Korea.","A distance in excess of 11,000 km (6,800 miles) will put Washington and New York within range from anywhere in North Korea.",0 +"A fifth Moroccan, who had been under arrest since Friday, was released, the court said."," Story continues below advertisement Story continues below advertisement A fifth Moroccan, who had been under arrest since Friday, was released, the court said.",0 +"""You don't normally see cases on theories that are speculative,"" said Richard Feinstein, who headed the FTC's bureau of competition under former President Barack Obama."," ""You don't normally see cases on theories that are speculative,"" said Richard Feinstein, who headed the FTC's bureau of competition under former President Barack Obama.",0 +Supply was down 9.0 per cent from a year ago.,"Last month, there were 1.92 million previously owned houses on the market, down 9.0 per cent from a year ago.",1 +"Abanda, ranked 118th in the world, is the 12th seed in the qualifying tournament."," Abanda, ranked 118th in the world, is the 12th seed in the qualifying tournament.",0 +" ""I wanted to make the new Camry cool without reason,"" said Masato Katsumata, Toyota's chief engineer of mid-sized vehicles."," ""I wanted to make the new Camry cool without reason,"" said Masato Katsumata, Toyota's chief engineer of mid-sized vehicles.",0 +"An area in the Central Kootenay district downgraded its evacuation order to an alert late Tuesday, allowing more people to return home."," An area in the Central Kootenay district downgraded its evacuation order to an alert late Tuesday, allowing more people to return home.",0 + Warren said the spill was caused by tides pushed unusually high by Monday's approaching total solar eclipse.,Mr. Warren said the spill was caused by tides pushed unusually high by Monday's approaching total solar eclipse.,0 +"At the current sales rate, it would take 4.2 months to clear inventory, down from 4.8 months one year ago.","At July's sales pace, it would take 4.2 months to clear inventory, down from 4.8 months one year ago.",0 +"""I support Admiral Swift's decision to bring in new leadership."," ""I support Admiral Swift's decision to bring in new leadership.",0 + The UEFA vote by journalists from 55 member federations was announced on Thursday at the Champions League group-stage draw., Story continues below advertisement The UEFA vote by journalists from 55 member federations was announced on Thursday at the Champions League group-stage draw.,0 +" Yan Fossat at the Toronto-based company Klick Health, who developed the device, describes it as ""a booster shot of empathy"" for physicians."," Yan Fossat at the Toronto-based company Klick Health, who developed the device, describes it as ""a booster shot of empathy"" for physicians.",0 +" ""A lot of people who are sick receive sympathy. But empathy is much more technical,"" he said."," ""A lot of people who are sick receive sympathy. But empathy is much more technical,"" he said.",0 +"Chris Duffy with Emergency Management BC said roughly 2,600 people are still displaced by evacuation orders -- down from 3,800 reported Monday."," Chris Duffy with Emergency Management BC said roughly 2,600 people are still displaced by evacuation orders -- down from 3,800 reported Monday.",0 +"At the middle and first-line manager ranks, the number is closer to 50 per cent.","At the middle- and first-line manager ranks, the number is closer to 50 per cent.",0 +"However, in previous Ontario filings, Whitling argued against enforcement of the Utah judgment given its reliance on the military commission."," However, in previous Ontario filings, Whitling argued against enforcement of the Utah judgment given its reliance on the military commission.",0 +The Canadians opened strong with a 98-0 win over Hong Kong followed by a 15-0 victory over Wales., The Canadians opened strong with a 98-0 win over Hong Kong followed by a 15-0 victory over Wales.,0 +Finance Minister Joe Ceci says the government is appealing last month's decision by a national internal trade panel., Finance Minister Joe Ceci says the government is appealing last month's decision by a national internal trade panel.,0 +UEFA created a European prize after the original Ballon d'Or merged with FIFA's world award., UEFA created a European prize after the original Ballon d'Or merged with FIFA's world award.,0 +"Michael Lapointe, of the Pacific Salmon Commission, said the fish are unlikely to reproduce many offspring while swimming in their non-native habitat."," Michael Lapointe, of the Pacific Salmon Commission, said the fish are unlikely to reproduce many offspring while swimming in their non-native habitat.",0 + Toronto-Dominion Bank has picked Dublin for its new trading hub inside the European Union in preparation for Britain's departure from the economic bloc.,Toronto-Dominion Bank has picked Dublin for its new trading hub inside the European Union in preparation for Britain's departure from the economic bloc.,0 +" In 2015, the Toronto-based company agreed to sell a majority stake to New York-based private equity firm Searchlight Capital Partners.", The IPO comes two years after the Toronto-based company agreed to sell a majority stake to New York-based private equity firm Searchlight Capital Partners.,1 +Sanchez and Smith also swam for the Canadians at the senior worlds., Story continues below advertisement Sanchez and Smith also swam for the Canadians at the senior worlds.,0 +"However, the additional fees associated with all-in-one accounts aren't a factor, Mr. Contento argues."," However, the additional fees associated with all-in-one accounts aren't a factor, Mr. Contento argues.",0 +"The act exempts groups that already have agreements, including doctors and teachers, and about 15,000 management and non-union positions.","The act exempts groups that already have agreements, including judges, doctors, physician residents, teachers, and about 15,000 management and non-union positions.",1 +" Police had placed border posts on ""red alert"" to prevent Mrs.","Police had placed border posts on ""red alert"" to prevent Mrs.",0 +" The odds of a ticket having all six winning numbers are 292.2 million to 1, according to the Multi-State Lottery Association."," The odds of a ticket having all six winning numbers are 292.2 million to 1, according to the Multi-State Lottery Association.",0 +"ET, the Canadian dollar was trading at $1.2536 to the greenback, or 79.77 U.S. cents, up 0.1 per cent.","ET (2000 GMT), the Canadian dollar was trading at $1.2530 to the greenback, or 79.81 U.S. cents, up 0.2 per cent.",1 +Authorities asked people to be careful while conditions remain dry in much of the province and to report any wildfires immediately., Authorities asked people to be careful while conditions remain dry in much of the province and to report any wildfires immediately.,0 +Sears is selling the Winnipeg property because it cannot afford to maintain the location., Sears is selling the Winnipeg property because it cannot afford to maintain the location.,0 +" Powerball tickets are sold in 44 U.S. states, and Washington, D.C., Puerto Rico and the U.S."," Powerball tickets are sold in 44 U.S. states, and Washington, D.C.;",0 +"The Note 8 will be sold from mid-September, Samsung said, without elaborating on place or price.","The Note 8 will be sold from Sept. 15, Samsung said, without elaborating on place or price.",1 + New York-based Tiffany said it also benefited from higher sales of wholesale diamonds and increased spending in Japan.,New York-based Tiffany said it also benefited from higher sales of wholesale diamonds and increased spending in Japan.,0 +The study from Greenwich Associates found that RBC Dominion Securities Inc. is outpacing its domestic rivals in terms of market share and quality of service., The study from Greenwich Associates found that RBC Dominion Securities Inc. is outpacing its domestic rivals in terms of market share and quality of service.,0 +Skrepnek said 134 fires were burning in B.C. on Tuesday and that calmer and cooler conditions in recent days have helped firefighting efforts., Skrepnek said 134 fires were burning in B.C. on Tuesday and that calmer and cooler conditions in recent days have helped firefighting efforts.,0 +"A recurring theme has been Canada's obsession with oil and gas pipelines, a love-hate relationship that elicits the most extreme emotions."," A recurring theme has been Canada's obsession with oil and gas pipelines, a love-hate relationship that elicits the most extreme emotions.",0 +"Watros, who had previously served as HBC's chief operating officer, is the latest senior executive to leave the company in recent months."," Watros, who had previously served as HBC's chief operating officer, is the latest senior executive to leave the company in recent months.",0 +"""The United States is the greatest country in the world."," ""The United States is the greatest country in the world.",0 +"Mr. Duffy was suspended from the Senate without pay for almost two years in November, 2013, over concerns about his expenses.","Duffy was suspended from the Senate without pay for almost two years in November, 2013, over concerns about his expenses.",0 +"They all spoke of having strong reactions to seeing the racism and hatred expressed by white supremacists who marched earlier this month in Charlottesville, Va."," They all spoke of having strong reactions to seeing the racism and hatred expressed by white supremacists who marched earlier this month in Charlottesville, Va.",0 +" If developed, such a missile could possibly reach any place on the U.S. mainland, including Washington and New York, they said.","If developed, such a missile could possibly reach any place on the U.S. mainland, including Washington and New York, they said.",0 +Canada came into the tournament ranked third in the world and finished runner-up to England in the 2014 World Cup., Canada came into the tournament ranked third in the world and finished runner-up to England in the 2014 World Cup.,0 +The problem is most corporate and independent foundations have not caught up with the times., The problem is most corporate and independent foundations have not caught up with the times.,0 +"One of them, 18-year old Ilyas Berrouh, was refused a residence permit in Sweden twice in 2013, authorities said."," One of them, 18-year old Ilyas Berrouh, was refused a residence permit in Sweden twice in 2013, authorities said.",0 +The benchmark Canada share index was up 0.2 per cent., Story continues below advertisement The benchmark Canada share index was up 0.2 per cent.,1 +"""You have people who are thinking, 'Hey, you know what?"," ""You have people who are thinking, 'Hey, you know what?",0 +"""Quebec has responsibilities in immigration,"" Francois Blais told a news conference."," ""Quebec has responsibilities in immigration,"" Francois Blais told a news conference.",0 +"In 2010, 15-year-old Laura Szendrei died after a sexually motivated attack in Delta's Mackie Park."," In 2010, 15-year-old Laura Szendrei died after a sexually motivated attack in Delta's Mackie Park.",0 +Trump dissolved the American Manufacturing Council and the Strategic and Policy Forum on Aug., Trump dissolved the American Manufacturing Council and the Strategic and Policy Forum on Aug.,0 +She also claimed that Maduro was the owner of a Mexican company that Venezuela had contracted to provide basic foodstuffs., She also claimed that Maduro was the owner of a Mexican company that Venezuela had contracted to provide basic foodstuffs.,0 +"The John S. McCain's sister ship, the USS Fitzgerald, almost sank off the coast of Japan after colliding with a Philippine container ship on June"," The John S. McCain's sister ship, the USS Fitzgerald, almost sank off the coast of Japan after colliding with a Philippine container ship on June",0 +"""Even the veining of the marble is continued."" Heat vents are painted to match the veining of the marble.","""Even the veining of the marble is continued."" Heat vents are painted to match the veining of the marble.",0 +" Goodale promised the government would establish a point of contact for the municipality to keep local residents informed, Clement said.","Goodale promised the government would establish a point of contact for the municipality to keep local residents informed, Clement said.",0 +"On Wednesday, the Quebec government asked Ottawa to extend the July 1 deadline for legalization.","On Wednesday, the Quebec government asked Ottawa to extend the July 1, 2018, deadline for legalization.",1 +" The Senate version has already faced criticism from several Republican lawmakers, including Senator Susan Collins, who helped sink the Republican effort to repeal Obamacare."," Several other senators, including Ron Johnson and Susan Collins, who helped sink the Republican effort to repeal Obamacare, have expressed concerns.",1 +" Kalanick learned of the breach a month after it took place, in November 2016, as the company was in negotiations with the U.S."," Kalanick learned of the breach in November 2016, a month after it took place, as the company was in negotiations with the U.S.",0 + Steen tied it at 11:46 then Ferland's power play goal restored Calgary's one-goal lead at 12:31., Steen tied it at 11:46 before Ferland's power-play goal restored Calgary's one-goal lead at 12:31.,1 +"National Security Agency, to help him figure out how to best guide and structure the company's security teams and processes.","National Security Agency, to restructure the company's security teams and processes.",1 +" Toronto offered little on offence, with a patient safety-first approach that cleared the decks for the series rematch."," Toronto offered little on offence, with a patient safety-first approach that cleared the decks for the series rematch.",0 +" Story continues below advertisement Gaudreau had two points to extend his point streak to seven games (five goals, seven assists).","Gaudreau had two points to extend his point streak to seven games (five goals, seven assists).",0 +"Senate, where that chamber's separate plan has already encountered resistance from some Republicans.",That measure has already encountered resistance from some within the Republicans ranks.,1 + Fifth-seeded Columbus finished 15 points below top-seeded Toronto in the regular season but the Crew have been hot of late., Columbus finished 15 points below top-seeded Toronto in the regular season but the Crew have been hot of late.,0 +"The House measure is not as comprehensive as Reagan's 1986 sweeping package, but it is more ambitious than anything since then.","The House measure is not as comprehensive as Reagan's 1986 package, but it is more ambitious than anything since then.",0 +" Story continues below advertisement Story continues below advertisement In separate data, lending to Canadian small businesses cooled in September after climbing earlier in the year."," Story continues below advertisement Story continues below advertisement Speculators have cut bullish bets on the Canadian dollar, data from the U.S.",1 +"The statement was released Friday, before the second woman's allegations came to light."," The statement was released Friday, before the second woman's allegations came to light.",0 +"Last week, broadcaster Leeann Tweeden accused Franken of forcibly kissing her in 2006."," Last week, broadcaster Leeann Tweeden accused Franken of forcibly kissing her in 2006.",0 + It was hardly a masterpiece but Toronto got the job done.," It was hardly a masterpiece but Toronto, which did not put a shot on target, got the job done.",1 +" Story continues below advertisement Additionally, Mr. Heaps says Canada lags its global peers in terms of the amount of disclosure provided to investors."," Additionally, Mr. Heaps says Canada lags its global peers in terms of the amount of disclosure provided to investors.",0 +Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall says members of the legislature are shocked and saddened at sudden death of MLA Kevin Phillips.,Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall says members of the legislature are shocked and saddened at the sudden death of MLA Kevin Phillips.,0 +"ET, the Canadian dollar was down 0.3 percent at $1.2800 to the greenback, or 78.13 U.S. cents.","ET (2100 GMT), the Canadian dollar was trading at $1.2765 to the greenback, or 78.34 U.S. cents, down 0.1 per cent.",1 + A group of women who worked alongside Al Franken on NBC's Saturday Night Live have signed a statement of support for the Minnesota senator.,A group of women who worked alongside Al Franken on NBC's Saturday Night Live have signed a statement of support for the Minnesota senator.,0 +Columbus screamed for a penalty in the 52nd minute after Pedro Santos went down in the penalty box., Columbus screamed for a penalty in the 52nd minute after Pedro Santos went down in the penalty box.,0 + Democrats have pointed to analyzes showing millions of Americans could end up with a tax hike because of the elimination of popular deductions., Democrats have pointed to analyses showing millions of Americans could end up with a tax hike because of eliminated deductions.,0 +"The plan does not specify price or permissible levels of THC, the main psychoactive ingredient in marijuana.",The plan does not specify price or permissible levels of THC - the main psychoactive ingredient in marijuana.,0 +" Story continues below advertisement ""A simple, fair and competitive tax code will be rocket fuel for our economy, and it's within our reach."," ""A simple, fair and competitive tax code will be rocket fuel for our economy, and it's within our reach.",0 +Bell Media is confirming union reports that it is laying off employees at radio and TV stations across Canada.,"Bell Media is laying off employees, including prominent on-air personalities, at radio and TV stations across Canada.",1 +Repealing or cutting some deductions is a way to offset the revenue lost from tax cuts.,Repealing or shrinking some deductions is a way to offset the revenue lost from tax cuts.,0 +" Trump, who is looking for his first major legislative win since he took office in January, went to the U.S."," Story continues below advertisement Trump, who is still seeking his first major legislative win since taking office in January, went to the U.S.",1 +" Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer warned Republicans that by increasing the federal deficit, the tax bill would imperil other important priorities like military spending."," Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer warned Republicans that by increasing the deficit, the tax bill would imperil other important priorities such as military spending.",0 +"Capitol just before the vote to urge House Republicans to pass the tax bill, which Democrats call a give-away to the wealthy and businesses.","Capitol just before the House vote to urge Republicans to pass the tax bill, which Democrats call a giveaway to the wealthy and businesses.",0 +That exposed the tax initiative to the same political forces that wrecked Republicans' anti-Obamacare push earlier this year.,That exposed the tax initiative to the same political forces that wrecked Republicans' anti-Obamacare push earlier in July.,1 +" Of the 14 major markets included in the MLS Home Price Index, four saw sales prices fall over the past 12 months.", Home sale prices fell in four of 14 major markets included in the MLS Home Price Index.,0 + Each of the three co-founders of Broken Coast are expected to remain with the company.,The deal is anticipated to close by Jan. 31. Each of the three co-founders of Broken Coast are expected to remain with the company.,1 +" After Trump pulled the United States out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement last year, Japan took a leading role in pushing for a replacement pact."," After Trump pulled the United States out of the agreement last year, Japan took a leading role in pushing for a replacement pact.",0 + The report did not consider terrorist activity by people born in the United States., The report did not consider domestic terrorist activity by people born in the United States.,1 + Sources close to the discussions said Aurora is proposing a bid that is above its previous $24-a-share offer that CanniMed had rejected.,Sources close to the discussions said Aurora is proposing a bid that is well above its previous $24-a-share offer that CanniMed had rejected.,1 +"U.S. crude futures were up 41 cents, or 0.6 per cent, at $64.72 a barrel."," U.S. crude futures were up 23 cents, or 0.4 per cent, at $64.53 a barrel.",0 +" The talks have proceeded on two tracks: one that includes Aurora also buying Newstrike Resources Ltd. and one that does not, according to sources.","The talks have proceeded on two tracks: one that includes Aurora also buying Newstrike Resources Ltd. and one that does not, according to sources.",0 +" The 2018 earnings outlook was above market expectations, sending GM shares up nearly 3 per cent in early trading."," The 2018 earnings outlook was above market expectations, sending GM shares up about 2 per cent in midday trading.",0 +The mayor of Canada's most populous city says he wants Toronto to start the process of bidding to co-host the 2026 FIFA World Cup.,The mayor of Canada's most populous city says he wants Toronto to be among the North American cities to co-host the 2026 FIFA World Cup.,1 + MSCI's broadest index of Asia-Pacific shares outside Japan was down 0.2 per cent in early trade., MSCI's broadest index of Asia-Pacific shares outside Japan was up 0.4 per cent.,1 +""" Overall, however, oil prices remain well supported, and most analysts do not expect steep declines."," Overall, however, oil prices remain well supported, and most analysts do not expect steep declines.",0 + Bank of America's large stock of deposits and rate-sensitive mortgage securities make the lender particularly responsive to a rise in interest rates., The lender's large stock of deposits and rate-sensitive mortgage securities make the lender particularly responsive to a rise in interest rates.,1 + The bank's net interest income rose 11.4 per cent to $11.46-billion as rising interest rates helped it charge more on its loan., Bank of America's net interest income rose 11.4 per cent to $11.46-billion as three rate hikes in 2017 helped it charge more on its loan.,0 +The licence plate fight between Saskatchewan and Alberta is over.,A fight between Saskatchewan and Alberta over licence plates in construction sites is over.,1 +"Instagram will also sign up to the code, the European Commission said.","Instagram and Google+ will also sign up to the code, the European Commission said.",1 + U.S. crude oil production stood at 9.75 million barrels per day," U.S. crude oil production rose nearly 300,000 bpd to 9.75 million bpd last week, according to government data.",1 +"EST, the Canadian dollar was trading 0.2 per cent lower at $1.2444 to the greenback, or 80.36 U.S. cents.","EST, the Canadian dollar was trading at $1.2507 to the greenback, or 79.96 U.S. cents, down 0.7 per cent.",1 + Story continues below advertisement Canada sends about 75 per cent of its exports to the United States.,Canada sends about 75 per cent of its exports to the United States.,0 +"The Toronto Blue Jays acquired outfielder Randal Grichuk in a trade with the St. Louis Cardinals, the team announced Friday in a release.", Toronto acquired outfielder Randal Grichuk from the St. Louis Cardinals on Friday for reliever Dominic Leone and minor league pitcher Conner Greene.,1 +" Barra, Ammann and Stevens declined to say when investments in self-driving vehicle services and electrification will return profits."," Story continues below advertisement Barra, Ammann and Stevens declined to say when investments in self-driving vehicle services and electrification will return profits.",0 +"West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude futures were at $63.26 a barrel, down 69 cents from their last settlement.","West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude futures settled at $63.37 a barrel, down 58 cents, or 0.9 per cent.",1 +" According to one witness, who did not want to be quoted by name, the attackers took some hotel staff and guests hostage."," According to one witness, who did not want to be named, the attackers took some hotel staff and guests hostage.",0 +"It had offered 4.53 of its shares for each CanniMed share, but the exchange had a limit of $24 per CanniMed share.","It had previously offered 4.53 of its shares for each CanniMed share, but the exchange had a limit of $24 per CanniMed share.",1 +" Bitcoin traded as low as $11,191.59 on the Luxembourg-based Bitstamp exchange."," Bitcoin traded as low as $11,191.59 (PS8,127) on the Luxembourg-based Bitstamp exchange.",0 +" Story continues below advertisement ""There's too much sensationalism, misinformation and polarization in the world today,"" Zuckerberg wrote."," ""There's too much sensationalism, misinformation and polarization in the world today,"" Zuckerberg wrote.",0 +"CanniMed's current share price puts the current value of this transaction at $1.22 a share, or $477-million.","CanniMed's current share price puts the value of this transaction at $486-million, or $1.25 a share.",1 + Newstrike's stock was up more than 30 per cent to $1.94 mid-day Monday., CanniMed shares jumped nearly 9 per cent to an all-time high of $37.79 on the Toronto Stock Exchange on Monday.,0 + The South Korean military said a detailed analysis is needed to understand the North's intention behind the date change., The South Korean military said a detailed analysis was needed to understand the reason for the date change.,1 + The bank's non-interest expenses fell 1 per cent to $13.27-billion., Non-interest expenses fell 1 per cent to $13.27-billion as the lender kept a tight leash on costs.,1 +Prices in in the Fraser Valley rose 21 per cent and Vancouver Island prices climbed 19 per cent in December compared to a year earlier.,Prices in the Fraser Valley rose 21 per cent and Vancouver Island prices climbed 19 per cent in December compared with a year earlier.,0 +Aggregate home prices climbed 9 per cent in Canada in 2017 as strong gains in British Columbia offset weaker markets in Ontario.,Home prices climbed sharply in Canada in 2017 as booming sales in British Columbia offset weaker home sales in Ontario.,1 +" Jan. 23, 2018: Protesters rally in central Zurich to speak out against Donald Trump's visit to the Davos summit."," Story continues below advertisement Jan. 23, 2018: Protesters rally in central Zurich to speak out against Donald Trump's visit to the Davos summit.",0 +" More than 100 IT managers and engineers were on site when the attack occurred, Ahmad Waheed, an official at the telecommunications ministry, said.","More than 100 IT managers and engineers were on site when the attack took place, Ahmad Waheed, an official at the telecommunications ministry, said.",0 +"Firefighters were battling a large fire in Port Coquitlam, B.C., late Monday after a collision in a CP Rail yard.","Firefighters were still on the scene of a large fire in Port Coquitlam, B.C., late Monday after a collision in a CP Rail yard.",0 +" The supply cuts by OPEC and its allies, which are scheduled to last throughout 2018, were aimed at tightening the market to prop up prices."," Story continues below advertisement The supply cuts, scheduled to last throughout 2018, were aimed at tightening the market to prop up prices.",0 +As trade officials gather in Tokyo this week to try and forge ahead with a trade pact that U.S.,Trade officials gathered in Japan on Monday for two days of talks to try to forge a trade pact that U.S.,1 +American International Group on Monday said it would buy reinsurer Validus Holdings for $5.56-billion in cash to strenghten its general insurance business.,American International Group on Monday said it would buy property and casualty reinsurer Validus Holdings for $5.56-billion in cash to strengthen its general insurance business.,1 + AIG's offer of $68 per share represents a 45.5 per cent premium to Validus' Friday close., AIG's $68 per share offer represents a 45.5 per cent premium to Validus' Friday close.,0 + Story continues below advertisement The Competition Bureau's suit marks the formal start of a federal foray into the fight over ticketing transparency., Story continues below advertisement The bureau's lawsuit marks the formal start of a federal foray into the fight over ticketing transparency.,1 +"Alberta began revisiting its own ticketing laws in November, promising to ban bots as well, though stopping short of any major market-interfering measures.","Alberta began revisiting its own ticketing laws in November, promising to ban bots as well, although it stopped short of similar transparency measures.",1 +"President Donald Trump abandoned last year, the new 11-member club risks getting bogged down by resistance from Canada.","President Donald Trump abandoned last year, but the new 11-member club risks getting bogged down by resistance from Canada.",1 +U.S. markets were closed for a public holiday on Monday., U.S. markets were closed for a public holiday on Monday.,0 + The index adjusts for the mix of home types sold during the year to provide a benchmark typical sales price., The MLS Home Price Index adjusts for the mix of home types sold during the year to provide a benchmark sales price.,0 +"EST (1424 GMT), the Canadian dollar was trading 0.1 per cent higher at $1.2414 to the greenback, or 80.55 U.S. cents.","EST (2100 GMT), the Canadian dollar was trading at $1.2434 to the greenback, or 80.42 U.S. cents, barely weaker than its Monday close.",0 +" Story continues below advertisement Associated Press and Globe staff, with a report from Reuters DAVOS AND BEYOND: MORE FROM THE GLOBE AND MAIL"," Associated Press and Globe staff, with a report from Reuters DAVOS AND BEYOND: MORE FROM THE GLOBE AND MAIL",0 + U.S. crude prices were down 1.1 per cent at $63.22 a barrel as a bounce-back in U.S. production outweighed ongoing declines in crude inventories., U.S. crude prices settled 0.9 per cent lower at $63.37 a barrel as investors sold positions on re-emerging U.S. production concerns.,1 +"One sign at the protest read: ""We're opposed to Kim Jong Un's Pyongyang Olympics!.","Protesters burned a picture of Kim and one placard read: ""We're opposed to Kim Jong-un's Pyongyang Olympics!"".",1 + The offer of $68 per share is at a 45.5 per cent premium to Validus' Friday close., AIG's offer of $68 per share represents a 45.5 per cent premium to Validus' Friday close.,1 + GM shares surged nearly 3 per cent at $45.36 in early trading., GM shares rose 2.2 per cent to $45.04 in noon trading.,1 +"EST, the Canadian dollar was trading at $1.2464 to the greenback, or 80.23 U.S. cents, down 0.2 per cent.","EST (2100 GMT), the Canadian dollar was trading at $1.2419 to the greenback, or 80.52 U.S. cents, up 0.1 per cent.",1 +The Raptors and Canadian rap star Drake announced plans to grow their partnership Wednesday with a new program called Welcome Toronto., Raptors president Masai Ujiri and the Canadian rapper announced plans to grow their partnership Wednesday with a new program called Welcome Toronto.,1 +GM is moving closer to its goal of around 70 days supply by the end of the year.,GM is moving closer to its goal of around 70 days' supply by the end of the year.,0 +" Story continues below advertisement A rental truck lies on its side in Edmonton on October 1, 2017, after a high speed chase."," A rental truck lies on its side in Edmonton on Oct. 1, 2017, after a high-speed chase.",0 + Some investigators turned their focus Tuesday from the shooter's perch to the festival grounds where his victims fell.,Some investigators turned their focus Tuesday from the shooter's perch to the festival grounds where his victims fell.,0 +""" Lombardo said the investigation is proceeding cautiously in case criminal charges are warranted against someone else.",""" Story continues below advertisement Lombardo said the investigation is proceeding cautiously in case criminal charges are warranted against someone else.",1 + The prosecutor in the case filed a direct indictment against Alexandre Bissonnette today during a hearing in Quebec City., Prosecutors filed a direct indictment against Alexandre Bissonnette during a brief hearing before Quebec court Judge Jean-Louis Lemay.,1 +" ""I anticipate he was looking for anybody coming to take him into custody,"" Lombardo said.","""I anticipate he was looking for anybody coming to take him into custody,"" Lombardo said.",0 +" ""The genetics load the gun, personality and psychology aim it, and experiences pull the trigger, typically,"" Clemente said.","""The genetics load the gun, personality and psychology aim it, and experiences pull the trigger, typically,"" Clemente said.",0 +"""There were bloodstains everywhere."" More than 500 people were injured in the rampage, some by gunfire, some during the chaotic escape.","""There were bloodstains everywhere."" More than 500 people were injured in the rampage, some by gunfire, some during the chaotic escape.",0 +""" Clemente said a ""psychological autopsy"" may be necessary to try to establish the motive.",""" Clemente said a ""psychological autopsy"" may be necessary to try to establish the motive.",0 +"It notched up a third-quarter gain of around 20 per cent, the biggest third-quarter increase since 2004 and traded as high as $59.49 last week.","It notched a third-quarter gain of about 20 per cent, the biggest third-quarter increase since 2004 and traded as high as $59.49 last week.",0 + The latest On Saturday night a driver plowed a vehicle through a barricade into a police officer outside of a CFL game in Edmonton.," The basics On Sept. 30, a driver plowed a vehicle through a barricade into a police officer outside of a CFL game in Edmonton.",1 + The meeting will consider proposals to strip early investors of supervoting power and secure a multibillion-dollar investment., The meeting will consider proposals to strip early investors of super-voting power and secure a multibillion-dollar investment.,0 +" Brent crude, the global benchmark, was down 12 cents at $56.67 a barrel at 0846 GMT."," Brent crude, the global benchmark, was down $1.22 or 2.15 per cent at $55.56 a barrel at 11:20 a.m.",1 + Nevada's Gaming Control Board said it will pass along records compiled on Paddock and his girlfriend to investigators.,Nevada's Gaming Control Board said it will pass along records compiled on Paddock and his girlfriend to investigators.,0 + TfL cited the firm's approach to reporting serious criminal offences and background checks on drivers.,It cited the firm's approach to reporting serious criminal offences and background checks on drivers.,0 +Chernyk was released from hospital with cuts to his head and face and scrapes on his arm., Constable Chernyk was released from hospital with cuts to his head and face and scrapes on his arm.,1 +" ""Shoes, baby strollers, chairs, sunglasses, purses. The whole field was just littered with things,"" said Nevada Attorney General Adam Laxalt after touring the site Monday.","""Shoes, baby strollers, chairs, sunglasses, purses. The whole field was just littered with things,"" said Nevada Attorney General Adam Laxalt after touring the site Monday.",0 +" ""I need you to stay calm, but I need you outside,"" he told her.","""I need you to stay calm, but I need you outside,"" he told her.",0 +" He had no known criminal record, and public records showed no signs of financial troubles, though he was said to be a big gambler.","He had no known criminal record, and public records showed no signs of financial troubles, though he was said to be a big gambler.",0 +" During the Sunday night rampage, a hotel security guard who approached the room was shot through the door and wounded in the leg.","During the Sunday night rampage, a hotel security guard who approached the room was shot through the door and wounded in the leg.",0 + Story continues below advertisement Bissonnette already faces six counts of first-degree murder and five counts of attempted murder using a restricted firearm.," Bissonnette, 27, now faces six counts of first-degree murder and six counts of attempted murder using a restricted firearm.",1 +" December Brent crude futures were down 27 cents at $55.85 a barrel at 1315 GMT, having lost almost 2.5 per cent on Monday."," Brent crude futures closed down 12 cents or 0.2 per cent to $56.00 a barrel, having lost almost 2.5 per cent on Monday.",1 +" Uber's British management has been criticised by London Mayor Sadiq Khan, who is also chairman of TfL."," Uber's British management has been criticised by London Mayor Sadiq Khan, who is also chairman of TfL.",0 +" His brother, Eric Paddock, said he was at a loss to explain the massacre.","His brother, Eric Paddock, said he was at a loss to explain the massacre.",0 + Video shot outside the broken door of the room shows an assault-style rifle with a scope on a bipod.,Video shot outside the broken door of the room shows an assault-style rifle with a scope on a bipod.,0 +Sales of the revamped 2018 Camry sedan were up 13 per cent in the vehicle's first full month of sales.,Sales of the revamped 2018 midsize Camry sedan were up 13 per cent in its first full month of sales.,1 + Authorities are trying to determine why Stephen Paddock killed 59 people at a country music festival in the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history., Authorities are trying to determine why Stephen Paddock killed 59 people in the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history.,0 +" Uber's British management has been criticised by London Mayor Sadiq Khan, who is also chairman of TfL."," Uber's British management has been criticised by London Mayor Sadiq Khan, who is also chairman of TfL.",0 +" Story continues below advertisement Meanwhile, several areas of Newfoundland were under a snowfall warning, with 10-30 centimetres expected by midday Tuesday."," Story continues below advertisement ""This looks to be a fairly intense storm,"" said Libby on Tuesday.",1 +"In fact, the U.S.'s own calculations show it had a $12.5-billion surplus in 2016, the most recent year for which numbers are available.","In fact, his country's own calculations show it had a $12.5-billion surplus in 2016, the most recent year for which numbers are available.",1 + The North sees these drills as exercises for a possible invasion., The North sees these drills as preparations for invasion and just cause for its weapons programmes that it conducts in defiance of U.N.,1 +A federally commissioned report recommends that the Trudeau government create a new body to review the activities of the Canada Border Services Agency.,"The Trudeau government should create a new watchdog to handle public complaints about the Canada Border Services Agency, says a federally commissioned report.",1 +"States should try to align their Medicaid work requirements with similar conditions applying in other programs, such as food stamps.","States should try to align their Medicaid work requirements with similar conditions in other programs, such as food stamps and cash assistance.",1 +"Retail payrolls decreased by 20,300 in December, the largest drop since March, despite reports of a strong holiday shopping season.","Retail payrolls fell by 20,300 in December, the largest drop since March, despite reports of a strong holiday shopping season.",0 +Critics say it has proved anything but temporary - with many beneficiaries staying years after the initial justification applies.,Critics say it has proved anything but temporary -- with many beneficiaries staying years after the initial justification.,0 +Beyak defended her decision to post the correspondence on her website.,Beyak on Monday defended her decision to publicly post the correspondence.,0 +" Dumas began speaking to the 14 jurors around 11 a.m., one day after defence lawyers for the accused wrapped up their closing arguments.", Dumas began speaking to the jurors one day after defence lawyers for the accused wrapped up their closing arguments.,0 +Canada's Mikael Kingsbury won his 12th straight World Cup moguls event and set a record with his 47th career victory.,", won his 12th straight World Cup moguls event and set a record with his 47th career victory.",1 +"Allowing people under treatment for substance abuse problems to have their care counted as ""community engagement"" for purposes of meeting a requirement.","Allowing people under treatment for substance abuse to have their care counted as ""community engagement"" for purposes of meeting a requirement.",0 +"President Donald Trump's angry tweet about Pakistan's ""lies and deceit,"" while Foreign Minister Khawaja Asif dismissed the outburst as a political stunt.","President Donald Trump's angry tweet about Pakistani ""lies and deceit"", which Foreign Minister Khawaja Asif dismissed as a political stunt.",1 +Summer nuclear project in July after spending about $9-billion on it with Santee Cooper.,Summer nuclear project in July after spending about $9-billion on it with state-owned utility Santee Cooper.,1 +" ""We have said many times that Pakistan has put forth great effort and made great sacrifices in combating terrorism."," ""We have said many times that Pakistan has put forth great effort and made great sacrifices in combating terrorism,"" he said.",0 +", have reportedly been locked out after rejecting a contact offer.",", have been locked out after rejecting a contract offer.",0 +" Temperatures in Iqaluit were sitting at about -21 C on Sunday morning, with a wind chill of -37."," Temperatures in Iqaluit were sitting at about -21 C on Sunday morning, with a wind chill of -37 C.",0 + A study from the nonpartisan Kaiser Family Foundation found that most working-age adults on Medicaid are already employed., Another Kaiser study found that most working-age adults on Medicaid are already employed.,0 +A 72.5 per cent floor means that banks can only vary from a standard model by no more than 27.5 per cent.,They plan to implement a 72.5 percent floor means that banks can only vary from a standard model by no more than 27.5 percent.,1 +" ""He has tweeted against us (Pakistan) and Iran for his domestic consumption,"" Asif told Geo TV on Monday."," ""He has tweeted against us and Iran for his domestic consumption,"" Asif told Geo TV on Monday.",0 +" ""The WTO was set up for the benefit [of] everybody but us ."," Story continues below advertisement ""The WTO was set up for the benefit [of] everybody but us.",0 +The board also removed DIRTT's president and interim chief financial officer.,"The board also removed DIRTT's president and interim chief financial officer, who is no longer with the company.",1 +"She delayed a decision affecting more than 50,000 Hondurans, foisting the decision onto Nielsen.","She delayed a decision affecting more than 50,000 Hondurans, leaving that decision to Nielsen.",1 +"A new interim CFO has also been brought on board, but only on a temporary three-to-six month contract."," Story continues below advertisement A new interim CFO has also been brought on board, but only on a temporary three-to-six-month contract.",0 + The union says the key issue in the dispute is a company plan to introduce a new member-funded pension plan instead of a defined plan., The union says the key issue is a company plan to introduce a new member-funded pension plan instead of a defined benefit plan.,1 +Treasuries were mostly flat while the U.S. dollar was slightly stronger against a basket of currencies.,Treasuries fell on the employment report while the dollar rose marginally against a basket of currencies.,1 +" When he is done, 12 of the jurors will be sequestered to deliberate the fate of the former railway employees.", Jurors will be sequestered as of Thursday to deliberate the fate of the former railway employees.,1 +"EST (1417 GMT), the Canadian dollar was trading at $1.2379 to the greenback, or 80.78 U.S. cents, up 0.9 per cent.","EST, the Canadian dollar was trading at $1.2412 to the greenback, or 80.57 U.S. cents, up 0.6 per cent.",1 +" Story continues below advertisement Still, there are some indications the education process is already working."," Still, there are some indications the education process is already working.",0 + Canadian government officials say they believe it's increasingly possible Mr. Trump will withdraw from NAFTA., Canadian government officials say they believe it's increasingly possible Mr. Trump will start the process of withdrawing from NAFTA.,1 +" DIRTT stands for ""doing it right this time,"" and the company specializes in pre-fabricated building interiors."," DIRTT stands for ""doing it right this time,"" and the company specializes in prefabricated building interiors.",0 + That was the clearest sign yet that authorities were taking the protests seriously.,That was the clearest sign yet that authorities were taking the protests seriously.,0 +""" Story continues below advertisement There was a public outcry early in the new year after employees at two Tim Hortons locations in Cobourg, Ont."," The first public outcry came early in the new year when employees at two Tim Hortons locations in Cobourg, Ont.",1 +"Scana's shares were trading well below the offer price at $47.79, suggesting some investors were skeptical of the deal.","South Carolina-based Scana's shares were trading well below the offer price at $47.89, suggesting some investors were skeptical of the deal.",1 +"President Donald Trump has complained the organization, which came into being due to U.S. support, of being biased against American interest.","Mr. Trump has complained the organization, which came into being because of U.S. support, is biased against American interests.",1 +City officials in Iqaluit say all municipal services are suspended until further notice due to extreme weather conditions.,City officials in Iqaluit suspended all municipal services this weekend until further notice due to extreme weather conditions.,1 + Fox declined to comment while Sinclair did not immediately respond to request for comment., Fox declined to comment while Sinclair did not immediately respond to request for comment.,0 +" Intel shares were down 2.8 per cent at midday, following a 3.4 per cent decline on Wednesday."," Intel shares fell 1.8 per cent, following a 3.4 per cent decline Wednesday.",1 +One official said Salvadorans will have until September 2019 to leave the country or adjust their legal status.,"Salvadorans will have until Sept. 9, 2019, to leave the country or adjust their legal status.",1 +" Atlantic Canada was blasted by back-to-back storms around the Christmas break, which caused widespread blackouts in Nova Scotia."," Atlantic Canada was blasted by stormy weather around the Christmas break, and lashing winds caused widespread power outages in Nova Scotia.",1 +" Management, which had called the offer final, said Wednesday it was disappointed with vote result and would assess its next steps."," Management, which had called the offer final, said Wednesday it was disappointed with the vote result.",0 +" He said the cause of death wasn't immediately known, though authorities later described one of the deaths as the result of a personal dispute.","He said the cause of death wasn't immediately known, though authorities later described one of the deaths as the result of a personal dispute.",0 +"Demonstrators' videos corresponded with The Associated Press reporting from outside of Iran, though individual protesters themselves remain unreachable.","Demonstrators' videos corresponded with The Associated Press' reporting from outside of Iran, though individual protesters themselves remain unreachable.",0 + Story continues below advertisement Story continues below advertisement Some Wall Street analysts said the vulnerabilities were unlikely to affect Intel's long-term performance., Story continues below advertisement Story continues below advertisement Government agencies and security experts said they knew of no cyber attacks that had exploited the vulnerabilities.,1 + Day 2 of deliberations passed on Friday without any questions or messages from the 12 jurors., Day 3 of deliberations passed without any questions or messages from the 12 jurors.,1 +Much of Toronto's gain was driven by a 23-per-cent increase in condominium prices.,"Much of Toronto's gain was driven by a 23-per-cent increase in condominium prices, TREB said.",1 +" The largest maker of microprocessors confirmed on Wednesday that the vulnerabilities disclosed by a group of researchers affected computers, phones and other devices."," The largest chipmaker had confirmed on Wednesday that flaws reported by researchers could allow hackers to steal sensitive information from computers, phones and other devices.",1 +""" However, activist video showed unrest in Noor Abad, in Lorestan province, some 360 kilometres (225 miles) southwest of Tehran."," An activist video meanwhile showed unrest in Noor Abad, in Lorestan province, some 360 kilometres (225 miles) southwest of Tehran.",1 +That lifted the annual increase in wages to 2.5 per cent from 2.4 per cent in November.,"That lifted the annual increase in wages to 2.5 per cent, from 2.4 per cent in November.",0 + It was Kauf's third podium of the season and she had already secured a spot on the Olympic team., It was Kauf's third podium of the season and she had already secured a spot on the Olympic team.,0 +"By April, prices were 25 per cent higher than the same month in 2016."," By April, prices were 25-per-cent higher than the same month in 2016.",0 +" That was echoed Monday by Iranian judiciary chief Ayatollah Sadegh Larijani, who urged authorities to confront rioters, state TV reported."," That was echoed Monday by judiciary chief Ayatollah Sadegh Larijani, who urged authorities to confront rioters, state TV reported.",0 +"EST (1429 GMT), the Canadian dollar was trading at $1.2527 to the greenback, or 79.83 U.S. cents, down 0.1 per cent."," At 4 p.m., the Canadian dollar was trading at $1.2537 to the greenback, or 79.76 U.S. cents, down 0.2 per cent.",1 + Story continues below advertisement Dominion's $55.35 per share offer represents a premium of 42.4 per cent to Scana's last closing price of $38.87., Story continues below advertisement Dominion's $55.35 per share offer represents a premium of 42.4 per cent to Scana's Tuesday close.,0 +" ""I thought that was a sensible suggestion from the President."," ""I thought that was a sensible suggestion from the President,"" she told reporters on Friday at a cabinet retreat in London, Ont.",1 +" Katz, a Neiman lifer who has served as CEO since 2010, will retain her board seat after stepping down on Feb. 12, the company said."," Katz, who has led Neiman Marcus since 2010, will retain her board seat after retiring as CEO on Feb. 12, the company said.",1 +"""They've gone overboard,"" he told reporters at Queen's Park on Monday.","""They've gone overboard,"" Mr. Flynn told reporters at Queen's Park.",1 +"She delayed a decision affecting more than 50,000 Hondurans, leaving that decision to Nielsen.","She delayed a decision affecting Hondurans, leaving that decision to Nielsen.",0 +" The SoftBank deal values Uber at $48-billion, about a 30 per cent discount from its most recent valuation of $68-billion."," The SoftBank deal values Uber at $48-billion, about a 30 per cent discount from its most recent valuation of $68-billion.",0 + Verma said the goal is to help people move from public assistance into jobs that provide health insurance.,The goal is to help people move from public assistance into jobs that provide health insurance.,0 +" Shares of Dominion, which will also assume Scana's debt of $6.7-billion, were down 3 per cent."," Shares of Dominion, which will also assume Scana's debt of $6.7-billion, were down 4 per cent in after-market trading.",1 +"States can also require alternatives to work, including volunteering, caregiving, education, job training and even treatment for a substance abuse problem."," States can also require alternatives to work, including volunteering, caregiving, education, job training and even treatment for a substance abuse problem.",0 +The Globe and Mail's recent series on market fraud highlights the major problems facing enforcement agencies., The Globe and Mail's recent series on market fraud highlights the major problems facing enforcement agencies.,0 + Story continues below advertisement U.S. crude stood at $61.94 a barrel after having risen to as high as $62.21 the previous session., U.S. crude eased to $61.94 a barrel after having risen to as high as $62.21 the previous session.,0 + Many emerging economy currencies have gained sharply against the dollar this week as investors look for higher yields., Many emerging economy currencies have gained even more against the dollar this week as investors look for higher yields.,1 + It does seem the Greenest City is just not up for this fight., Story continues below advertisement It does seem the Greenest City is just not up for this fight.,0 +The parent company of Tim Hortons says restaurants in select markets have increased prices on certain breakfast items.," ""Some restaurants in select markets have slightly increased prices for some breakfast menu items,"" parent company Restaurant Brands International (TSX:QSR) said on Friday.",1 + Thursday's administration guidance to states spells out safeguards that states should consider in seeking work requirements., Story continues below advertisement Thursday's administration guidance spells out safeguards that states should consider in seeking work requirements.,0 +"It has made a prominent contribution to global anti-terror efforts,"" he said.","""It has made a prominent contribution to global anti-terror efforts.",0 +""" Related: Canada aims to break through NAFTA auto roadblock Opinion: No need for NAFTA panic .", Story continues below advertisement Related: Canada aims to break through NAFTA auto roadblock Opinion: No need for NAFTA panic .,0 + The result is that Canada has developed a reputation as an excellent place to launder money obtained through crime., Story continues below advertisement The result is that Canada has developed a reputation as an excellent place to launder money obtained through crime.,0 +" Nonfarm payrolls increased by 148,000 jobs last month after surging by 252,000 in November, the Labor Department said on Friday."," Nonfarm payrolls rose by 148,000 last month after a surge of 252,000 in November, the Labor Department said on Friday.",0 +" Despite the strong U.S. jobs report, the dollar was soft, hovering just above its three-month low against a basket of major currencies."," Despite signs of a strong U.S. labor market, the dollar was soft, hovering just above its three-month low against a basket of major currencies.",0 +" The services, which include water that's trucked into homes and waste management, have been suspended since Saturday in Nunavut's capital."," The services, which include water that's trucked into homes and waste management, have been on hold since Saturday in Nunavut's capital.",1 +"He previously ran Actuality Medical, a company that specializes in 3D imaging devices for surgical and radiation oncology.","He previously ran Actuality Medical, a company that specializes in 3-D imaging devices for surgical and radiation oncology.",0 +" House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi called it ""a heartbreaking blow to nearly a quarter of a million hard-working Salvadorans who are American in every way.","House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi called it ""a heartbreaking blow to nearly a quarter of a million hard-working Salvadorans who are American in every way.",0 +"It was expanded under President Barack Obama, with an option allowing states to cover millions more low-income adults;","Medicaid was expanded under former President Barack Obama, with an option allowing states to cover millions more low-income adults.",1 + The Trump administration called on Iran's government to stop blocking Instagram and other popular social media sites., The Trump administration has called on Iran's government to stop blocking Instagram and other popular social media sites.,1 +"Discerning citizens don't need government to tell them what is allegedly racist,"" she said.","""Discerning citizens don't need government to tell them what is allegedly racist,"" she said.",0 +" ""The potential liability is big for Intel,"" said Eric Johnson, dean of Vanderbilt University's Owen Graduate School of Management."," Story continues below advertisement ""The potential liability is big for Intel,"" said Eric Johnson, dean of Vanderbilt University's Owen Graduate School of Management.",0 + Scana was funding some of the project's costs from SCE&, Scana was funding some of the project's costs from SCE&,0 +" Like other retail chains, Neiman Marcus is struggling to reinvent itself as customers increasingly prefer online shopping to brick-and-mortar retail."," Like other retail chains, Neiman Marcus has also suffered as customers move away from brick-and-mortar stores in favor of online shopping.",1 + But they say delays in emergency services should be expected., But they said delays in emergency services should be expected.,0 + A spokesman for Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland said this challenge is tied to Canada's latest fight with the U.S. over softwood lumber., A spokesman for Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland said this challenge is tied to Canada's latest fight with the United States over softwood lumber.,0 +President Donald Trump at their two-day autumn meeting beginning on Tuesday in New York City.,President Donald Trump as their two-day autumn meeting began in New York City.,0 +"ET, the Canadian dollar was trading at $1.2497 to the greenback, or 80.02 U.S. cents, up 0.2 per cent.","EDT, the Canadian dollar was trading at $1.2466 to the greenback, or 80.22 U.S. cents, up 0.4 per cent.",1 + The two-year fell 2.5 cents to yield 1.524 per cent and the 10-year declined 19 cents to yield 2.039 per cent.,The two-year dipped 0.5 Canadian cent to yield 1.514 per cent and the 10-year declined 17 Canadian cents to yield 2.037 per cent.,0 + Canada's inflation report for September and retail sales data for August are due on Friday., Story continues below advertisement Story continues below advertisement Canada's inflation report for September and retail sales data for August are due on Friday.,0 +" ""iPhone 8 demand has been naturally soft out of the gates with the main event being the iPhone X launch in early November,"" he said."," ""iPhone 8 demand has been naturally soft out of the gates with the main event being the iPhone X launch in early November.",0 +"After that, we can have a full-fledged debate on where we go long-term on health-care,"" Alexander said.","After that, we can have a full-fledged debate on where we go long-term on health-care,"" Alexander said of the deal.",1 + The United States sided with Abadi in rejecting the Kurds' secessionist vote., The United States sided with Abadi's Shi'ite-led government in rejecting the Kurds' secessionist move.,1 +"Militants took over Raqqa, located on the Euphrates River, in 2014 and transformed it into the epicenter of their brutal rule.","IS took over Raqqa, located on the Euphrates River, in 2014 and transformed it into the epicenter of its brutal rule.",1 + No one's there for the coffee Asking for a coffee is non-threatening.,No one's there for the coffee Asking for a coffee is non-threatening.,0 + Amazon fared poorly for its original TV shows at last month's Primetime Emmy Awards., Story continues below advertisement Story continues below advertisement Amazon fared poorly for its original TV shows at last month's Primetime Emmy Awards.,1 +" What I've learned is that networking is a muscle, and you do get better at it over time.","What I've learned is that networking is a muscle, and you do get better at it over time.",0 +" That being said, you likely won't get what you're looking for Networking isn't meeting someone once - it's a process.","That being said, you likely won't get what you're looking for Networking isn't meeting someone once - it's a process.",0 +" It was the late 1970s, and while Western culture was new to me, I fell in love the music immediately.","It was the late 1970s, and while Western culture was new to me, I fell in love the music immediately.",0 + Aid and charity organizations have warned of the high cost borne by civilians in the intensifying fighting., Aid and charity organizations have warned of the high cost borne by civilians.,1 + The accusations against Price represented a rare scandal for the online retailer.,""" The accusations against Price represented a rare scandal for the online retailer.",0 +" Players, along with their union the NFL Players Association, have bristled at Trump's assertion they are unpatriotic."," Players, along with their union, the NFL Players Association, have bristled at Trump's assertion they are unpatriotic.",0 +" Executives, educators and human resources experts contribute to the ongoing Leadership Lab series.","Executives, educators and human resources experts contribute to the ongoing Leadership Lab series.",0 +National Football League officials will weigh the fervor of players who protest racism by kneeling for the national anthem against the anger of U.S.,National Football League officials on Tuesday weighed the fervor of players who protest racism by kneeling for the national anthem against the anger of U.S.,1 +Jones said he would punish players who kneel by keeping them off the field.,Jones has said he would punish players who kneel by keeping them off the field.,0 +"KRG President Masoud Barzani has stood by it, saying the overwhelming ""yes"" for independence ""won't be in vain"" and would be pursued by peaceful means.","Barzani has stood by it, saying the overwhelming ""yes"" for independence ""won't be in vain"" and would be pursued by peaceful means.",1 +The U.S.-led coalition cautioned that the clearing operations were not finished and that it estimated about 100 militants may still be hiding in the city.,"The U.S.-led coalition cautioned that the clearing operations would continue, saying some 100 militants may still be hiding in the city.",1 +" An NFL spokesman said ahead of the meeting that the president may not see an outright ban on the act soon, if ever."," An NFL spokesman has said the president may not see an outright ban on the act soon, if ever.",0 +" Mustafa Bali, spokesman for the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces, said preparations were also underway for a formal declaration of the liberation of Raqqa."," Mustafa Bali, spokesman for the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces, said preparations were underway for a formal declaration of the city's liberation.",1 +" ""No,"" Murray says, for the first time sounding surprised at a question.",""" Is that a regret? ""No,"" Murray says, for the first time sounding surprised at a question.",0 + The vehicle comes with 20-inch aluminum alloy wheels and performance tires., Story continues below advertisement The vehicle comes with 20-inch aluminum alloy wheels and performance tires.,0 +All of these Wilde plays ends with a death - some of which are for righteous causes and others for nothing at all., All of these Wilde plays ends with a death - some of which are for righteous causes and others for nothing at all.,0 + Doug Firby Also impressive are the electronically controlled transfer-case options., Doug Firby Also impressive are the electronically controlled transfer-case options.,0 +" With 306 horsepower packed into a 2.0-litre, turbocharged four-cylinder engine, 295 lb-feet of torque and a short-throw, six-speed manual transmission, it's addictively fun."," With 306 horsepower packed into a 2.0-litre, turbocharged four-cylinder engine, 295 lb-feet of torque and a short-throw, six-speed manual transmission, it's addictively fun.",0 +" Matt Bubbers For many diehards, the 996-generation marked the end of their love for the 911."," Matt Bubbers For many diehards, the 996-generation marked the end of their love for the 911.",0 + Eclipse chasers have trained themselves to look for other phenomena that grow stranger and more abundant as totality nears., Eclipse chasers have trained themselves to look for other phenomena that grow stranger and more abundant as totality nears.,0 +"Peacock's Agave makes an appearance with this liberated chorus early on - ecstatic, shedding her high heels on the way to the hills."," Peacock's Agave makes an appearance with this liberated chorus early on - ecstatic, shedding her high heels on the way to the hills.",0 + We like the way Nissan has packaged the SR Turbo., We like the way Nissan has packaged the SR Turbo.,0 +" ""We plan to keep it that way as much as possible moving forward,"" says Alan Long, director of marketing."," ""We plan to keep it that way as much as possible moving forward,"" says Alan Long, director of marketing.",0 +""" Along with social graces, ""having it together"" gets you tens across the board on the Murray scorecard.",""" Along with social graces, ""having it together"" gets you tens across the board on the Murray scorecard.",0 +Try to imagine the moment when Agave realizes the truth., Try to imagine the moment when Agave realizes the truth.,0 +Marshall's family issued a written statement saying he died in Toronto of a cardiac arrest on New Year's Day., Marshall's family issued a written statement saying he died in Toronto of a cardiac arrest on New Year's Day.,0 +"Smith is a favourite of Drake, who featured her on his album More Life."," Story continues below advertisement Smith is a favourite of Drake, who featured her on his album More Life.",0 +"Justin Bieber says he cancelled the final 14 dates on his Purpose World Tour because he wants his career to be ""sustainable."" The Stratford, Ont.","Justin Bieber says he cancelled the final 14 dates on his Purpose World Tour because he wants his career to be ""sustainable."" The Stratford, Ont.",0 +" The Duramax diesel engine costs extra, but makes mountain-climbing feel like a Sunday picnic."," Story continues below advertisement The Duramax diesel engine costs extra, but makes mountain-climbing feel like a Sunday picnic.",0 + There's an entire industry of artists and builders who dream up the cars of the future for Hollywood and bring them to life., There's an entire industry of artists and builders who dream up the cars of the future for Hollywood and bring them to life.,0 +"(Eric Gaillard/Reuters) Laurent Lafitte attends a Photocall during The 69th Annual Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, France."," Eric Gaillard/Reuters 3 of 10 Laurent Lafitte attends a Photocall during The 69th Annual Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, France.",1 +" Though she hasn't performed in public in nearly a decade, people still stop Anne Murray in the grocery store to ask how her career's going."," Though she hasn't performed in public in nearly a decade, people still stop Anne Murray in the grocery store to ask how her career's going.",0 +" I don't care how Porsche cools its flat-six engine, the 996 sounds glorious."," I don't care how Porsche cools its flat-six engine, the 996 sounds glorious.",0 +That's because mobile game makers often struggle to replicate the success of initial blockbusters., That's because mobile game makers often struggle to replicate the success of initial blockbusters.,0 +" Last year, venture-capital firms invested $73-billion in U.S. startups, well above $45-billion invested at the peak of the dot-com bubble."," Last year, venture-capital firms invested $73-billion in U.S. startups, well above $45-billion invested at the peak of the dot-com bubble.",0 +" If it were real estate, a vintage 911 is equivalent to a detached three-storey Victorian in downtown Toronto."," Story continues below advertisement If it were real estate, a vintage 911 is equivalent to a detached three-storey Victorian in downtown Toronto.",0 +" The Crosstrek is a popular vehicle though, chasing behind the Forester and Impreza for the company's sales."," The Crosstrek is a popular vehicle though, chasing behind the Forester and Impreza for the company's sales.",0 +" ""I said, 'I thought we were in a business meeting,'"" she recalls, declining to name the investor."," ""I said, 'I thought we were in a business meeting,'"" she recalls, declining to name the investor.",0 +" These gentle interruptions have been part of Murray's life for years, but they take her by surprise now."," These gentle interruptions have been part of Murray's life for years, but they take her by surprise now.",0 +" ""Well, that's true,"" Murray says, brightening. ""I forgot about that, too."," ""Well, that's true,"" Murray says, brightening. ""I forgot about that, too.",0 +" There was Lennon, the dreamer, and Smith, the mystic poet."," There was Lennon, the dreamer, and Smith, the mystic poet.",0 +" Markus Hoppe, project manager for electrical systems on the A8, said the 48V system can reduce fuel consumption by up to 0.7 L/100 km."," Markus Hoppe, project manager for electrical systems on the A8, said the 48V system can reduce fuel consumption by up to 0.7 L/100 km.",0 +" The free evening on June 14 will launch a Luminato that is leaner, more focused and more Canadian than previous iterations of the event."," The free evening on June 14 will launch a Luminato that is leaner, more focused and more Canadian than previous iterations of the event.",0 +"There's a speak-easy filled with jazz-singing flappers in the basement, while the Woman's Christian Temperance Union holds a meeting on the top floor."," There's a speak-easy filled with jazz-singing flappers in the basement, while the Woman's Christian Temperance Union holds a meeting on the top floor.",0 +" Redesigned for the 2018 model year, the Accord gets an all-new engine, transmission, platform and look."," Redesigned for the 2018 model year, the Accord gets an all-new engine, transmission, platform and look.",0 +"They're remembering him for his ""honesty, keen mind and wry humour."" The family said it will release information about the memorial service once it's finalized."," They're remembering him for his ""honesty, keen mind and wry humour."" The family said it will release information about the memorial service once it's finalized.",0 +" The path of totality is crisscrossed with highways, and dotted with hundreds of towns."," The path of totality is crisscrossed with highways, and dotted with hundreds of towns.",0 +" Cylla von Tiedemann Today, you can still find all-male troupes performing Shakespeare."," Cylla von Tiedemann Today, you can still find all-male troupes performing Shakespeare.",0 +" In Comfort mode, there's a satisfying purr and it's sticky in corners, if a bit hungry for more road."," In Comfort mode, there's a satisfying purr and it's sticky in corners, if a bit hungry for more road.",0 +The main plot of Twelfth Night has generally been taken as a recipe for the ridiculous., Story continues below advertisement The main plot of Twelfth Night has generally been taken as a recipe for the ridiculous.,1 +She begins with The Remarkable Rocket - a tale that seems tailor-made for the present and our concerns about over-coddled children., She begins with The Remarkable Rocket - a tale that seems tailor-made for the present and our concerns about over-coddled children.,0 +" This season, for instance, more Stratford productions are directed by women than men, and when it comes to living playwrights, women outnumber men."," This season, for instance, more Stratford productions are directed by women than men, and when it comes to living playwrights, women outnumber men.",0 +""" The prop cars, built by WETA Workshop in New Zealand, were rough around the edges.",""" The prop cars, built by WETA Workshop in New Zealand, were rough around the edges.",0 + The 911 is - more than ever - a sports car you could drive every day., The 911 is - more than ever - a sports car you could drive every day.,0 +" Brian Kerrigan On race-day Sunday, Catholic mass is held at the Chapel in the Woods, a few metres from the track."," Brian Kerrigan On race-day Sunday, Catholic mass is held at the Chapel in the Woods, a few metres from the track.",0 +" A three-point turn takes muscle, but once up and running, the SC feels light and delicate."," A three-point turn takes muscle, but once up and running, the SC feels light and delicate.",0 +"""I couldn't be more enthusiastic about their attempt - because someone has to build those silk roads if they don't exist,"" she says."," ""I couldn't be more enthusiastic about their attempt - because someone has to build those silk roads if they don't exist,"" she says.",0 +" If you have a garage, or even an outdoor driveway, you'll be able to install a wireless charger on the floor or in the ground."," If you have a garage, or even an outdoor driveway, you'll be able to install a wireless charger on the floor or in the ground.",0 + The band's latest album proves that Butler's still a man with a message., Story continues below advertisement The band's latest album proves that Butler's still a man with a message.,0 +" Its cars are cutting-edge technology top to bottom, while everything on the other side of the Armco crash barrier feels unchanged from the 1960s."," Its cars are cutting-edge technology top to bottom, while everything on the other side of the Armco crash barrier feels unchanged from the 1960s.",0 +" Design plays second fiddle to engineering, safety and performance in the Outback and customers don't mind."," Design plays second fiddle to engineering, safety and performance in the Outback and customers don't mind.",0 +""" The flip-flop ban is just good sense, but the band's overbearing messaging is becoming too much for some.",""" The flip-flop ban is just good sense, but the band's overbearing messaging is becoming too much for some.",0 +" For some midday visitors, it's also a refreshing dose of cool mist."," For some midday visitors, it's also a refreshing dose of cool mist.",0 +Below is a selection of new and remodelled vehicles introduced at the New York International Auto Show., Below is a selection of new and remodelled vehicles introduced at the New York International Auto Show.,0 + Power and torque grow by 3 to 5 per cent for the 3.3 V-6 and 5.0 V-8;, Power and torque grow by 3 to 5 per cent for the 3.3 V-6 and 5.0 V-8;,0 +" It's also capable off-road, with an ""X-Mode"" that keeps everything under control with the press of a button."," It's also capable off-road, with an ""X-Mode"" that keeps everything under control with the press of a button.",0 +"Maddy, for instance, is just another showgirl with big dreams involved with a petty criminal and gambler who won't commit."," Maddy, for instance, is just another showgirl with big dreams involved with a petty criminal and gambler who won't commit.",0 +"(Yves Herman/Reuters) Members of the French military patrol to supply security at the 69th Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, France."," Yves Herman/Reuters 9 of 10 Members of the French military patrol to supply security at the 69th Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, France.",1 +" The makeshift course incorporates many tight sections, which don't play to its strengths."," The makeshift course incorporates many tight sections, which don't play to its strengths.",0 +"But if you had watched her scenes play out in sequence on a regular old stage, you would be far from impressed."," But if you had watched her scenes play out in sequence on a regular old stage, you would be far from impressed.",0 + BMW's Connected+ system will be available in Canada in the middle of next year., Story continues below advertisement BMW's Connected+ system will be available in Canada in the middle of next year.,0 +" ALBERT GEA/REUTERS In addition to the usual 12-volt electric system found in all cars, the A8 has a 48-volt system."," ALBERT GEA/REUTERS In addition to the usual 12-volt electric system found in all cars, the A8 has a 48-volt system.",0 + NISSAN Nissan custom-outfitted the Rogue for carting the family dog around., NISSAN Nissan custom-outfitted the Rogue for carting the family dog around.,0 +"""This three-year commitment makes a transformational difference, helping us plan ahead,"" Sargent said."," Story continues below advertisement ""This three-year commitment makes a transformational difference, helping us plan ahead,"" Sargent said.",0 +""" Murray rates three disparate artists as her favourite voices - Raitt, seventies crooner Harry Nilsson and louche soul legend Dusty Springfield.",""" Murray rates three disparate artists as her favourite voices - Raitt, seventies crooner Harry Nilsson and louche soul legend Dusty Springfield.",0 + Sandro Campardo/AP 11 of 12 Maserati Levanti: Maserati is the latest luxury sports car maker to enter the SUV game.,(Sandro Campardo/AP) Maserati Levanti: Maserati is the latest luxury sports car maker to enter the SUV game.,0 +" ""It goes along with what the rest of the market is right now,"" he says."," Klinger calls it a ""soft landing"" from 2014. ""It goes along with what the rest of the market is right now,"" he says.",0 +""" In Canada, Shakespeare on the Saskatchewan has been just doing it.",""" In Canada, Shakespeare on the Saskatchewan has been just doing it.",0 +"Carnegie Bank A/S, Danske Bank A/S and Deutsche Bank AG are among banks advising on a potential listing, the people said."," Carnegie Bank A/S, Danske Bank A/S and Deutsche Bank AG are among banks advising on a potential listing, the people said.",0 + It's not the rumbling EcoBoost V-6 under the hood: I'm doing less than 10 km/h., It's not the rumbling EcoBoost V-6 under the hood: I'm doing less than 10 km/h.,0 +" Then the darkest part of the moon's shadow, known as the umbra, sweeps in."," Then the darkest part of the moon's shadow, known as the umbra, sweeps in.",0 +" Il Giardini hosts La Biennale's Central Pavilion, along with 29 of its more than 80 national pavilions, all built by participating countries."," Il Giardini hosts La Biennale's Central Pavilion, along with 29 of its more than 80 national pavilions, all built by participating countries.",0 + 1 of 12 Morgan EV3: A 2016 Morgan looks much the same as a 1936 Morgan., Morgan EV3: A 2016 Morgan looks much the same as a 1936 Morgan.,0 +""" In Canada, Shakespeare on the Saskatchewan has been just doing it.",""" In Canada, Shakespeare on the Saskatchewan has been just doing it.",0 +" The sermons and spiritual questioning from Butler continue with Everything Now, produced by the band and Daft Punk's Thomas Bangalter and Pulp's Steve Mackey."," The sermons and spiritual questioning from Butler continue with Everything Now, produced by the band and Daft Punk's Thomas Bangalter and Pulp's Steve Mackey.",0 +Henry has the actors treat all this with the utmost seriousness., Henry has the actors treat all this with the utmost seriousness.,0 +" FORD Fittingly, the 2018 cosmetic enhancements emphasize the F-truck's width, rather than intimidate other drivers with hulking bulk."," FORD Fittingly, the 2018 cosmetic enhancements emphasize the F-truck's width, rather than intimidate other drivers with hulking bulk.",0 +"After that, however, you are free to roam from room to room and follow whichever character you wish - and it gets more fun."," After that, however, you are free to roam from room to room and follow whichever character you wish - and it gets more fun.",0 +" Nissan A reasonable 382 L of cargo in the trunk, with 60/40 rear seating and even a pull-through if needed."," Nissan A reasonable 382 L of cargo in the trunk, with 60/40 rear seating and even a pull-through if needed.",0 +"""It's the dream - to perform here and with shows we feel good about, that we're proud of,"" he says."," ""It's the dream - to perform here and with shows we feel good about, that we're proud of,"" he says.",0 +""" The track and accompanying video, Beautiful Little Fools, was released this spring to mark International Women's Day.",""" The track and accompanying video, Beautiful Little Fools, was released this spring to mark International Women's Day.",0 +" Nissan Infiniti calls the cabin ""driver-centric, passenger-minded"" - good for all five seats."," Nissan Infiniti calls the cabin ""driver-centric, passenger-minded"" - good for all five seats.",0 +" Here, at long last, a Stratford Festival production of a classic that goes beyond the merely excellent to the essential.","Here, at long last, a Stratford Festival production of a classic that goes beyond the merely excellent to the essential.",0 + Summer evenings are long in the heart of France and the heat is intense., Summer evenings are long in the heart of France and the heat is intense.,0 +" Where to stay Accommodation in Venice can be scarily expensive, especially during the summer high season."," Where to stay Accommodation in Venice can be scarily expensive, especially during the summer high season.",0 +"Codrington's satire was, in a way, softer, but also hit targets closer to home."," Codrington's satire was, in a way, softer, but also hit targets closer to home.",0 +"It is for this reason the word ""immersive"" has moved from enticing to off-putting for me over the years."," Story continues below advertisement It is for this reason the word ""immersive"" has moved from enticing to off-putting for me over the years.",0 +"In most productions, Orsino's yearning and Olivia's mourning tend to be depicted as comically ostentatious or over the top."," In most productions, Orsino's yearning and Olivia's mourning tend to be depicted as comically ostentatious or over the top.",0 +" ALBERT GEA/REUTERS A plug-in hybrid version of the A8 will be available in due course, but it won't be a plug-in, exactly."," ALBERT GEA/REUTERS A plug-in hybrid version of the A8 will be available in due course, but it won't be a plug-in, exactly.",0 +" Ensuring that the early team was as un-diverse as possible was one of the keys to PayPal's success, Mr. Levchin has said."," Ensuring that the early team was as un-diverse as possible was one of the keys to PayPal's success, Mr. Levchin has said.",0 + The money has only reinforced some of the ingrained biases about what a successful startup should look like., The money has only reinforced some of the ingrained biases about what a successful startup should look like.,0 +"Naturally, Olivia falls for servant instead of master - and Viola, in disguise, pines for Orsino."," Naturally, Olivia falls for servant instead of master - and Viola, in disguise, pines for Orsino.",0 +" For 2017, a new NISMO version further buffs up the chassis and body, though the power ratings don't change."," For 2017, a new NISMO version further buffs up the chassis and body, though the power ratings don't change.",0 +"Mostly, however, the art surrounding Canada's sesquicentennial has assiduously avoided grappling with anything as tangible as, say, the British North America Act of 1867."," Mostly, however, the art surrounding Canada's sesquicentennial has assiduously avoided grappling with anything as tangible as, say, the British North America Act of 1867.",0 + Technology The headliner is Hyundai's new Blue Link embedded telematics - Hyundai's answer to GM's OnStar - at no charge for five years., Technology The headliner is Hyundai's new Blue Link embedded telematics - Hyundai's answer to GM's OnStar - at no charge for five years.,0 + Subsequent sport-ified Sentras never attracted the cult-like status of the first SE-R., Subsequent sport-ified Sentras never attracted the cult-like status of the first SE-R.,0 +" For many astronomers and educators, the eclipse is the perfect occasion for public science outreach."," For many astronomers and educators, the eclipse is the perfect occasion for public science outreach.",0 + Companies such as Uber are also staying private for longer because the deluge of private money makes it less necessary to tap public markets., Companies such as Uber are also staying private for longer because the deluge of private money makes it less necessary to tap public markets.,0 + 2018 911 Targa 4 GTS 2018 Porsche 911 Targa 4 GTS., 2018 911 Targa 4 GTS 2018 Porsche 911 Targa 4 GTS.,0 +" Now dubbed the PayPal Mafia, several of the company's former employees constitute a veritable who's who of today's most powerful and connected entrepreneurs and investors."," Now dubbed the PayPal Mafia, several of the company's former employees constitute a veritable who's who of today's most powerful and connected entrepreneurs and investors.",0 +"It started to feel like a kind of Yakov Smirnoff joke: In immersive theatre, the set changes you."," It started to feel like a kind of Yakov Smirnoff joke: In immersive theatre, the set changes you.",0 +"Having seen enough work in this vein to not find it entirely fresh, however, I did wish Carroll had applied more rigour to the proceedings."," Having seen enough work in this vein to not find it entirely fresh, however, I did wish Carroll had applied more rigour to the proceedings.",0 + Ms. Kimura is among those whose experience with sexual harassment has inspired her to start a new business.,Kimura is among those whose experience with sexual harassment has inspired her to start a new business.,1 + A common and key novelty on all the gas engines is dual port and direct fuel-injection., Story continues below advertisement A common and key novelty on all the gas engines is dual port and direct fuel-injection.,0 +" TECHNOLOGY With a basic design that launched back in 2012, the Sentra is a little behind the times here."," TECHNOLOGY With a basic design that launched back in 2012, the Sentra is a little behind the times here.",0 +" ""She has that thing. Really talented,"" Murray says delightedly, then catches herself."," ""She has that thing. Really talented,"" Murray says delightedly, then catches herself.",0 +This type of approach to the so-called classics is not entirely foreign to Canada's so-called classical theatres., This type of approach to the so-called classics is not entirely foreign to Canada's so-called classical theatres.,0 + Pandora said on Tuesday President Mike Herring and Chief Marketing Officer Nick Bartle are also leaving the company.,Pandora also said on Tuesday that President Mike Herring and Chief Marketing Officer Nick Bartle were leaving the company.,1 +"(Blair would be an international superstar if comic light opera were still in vogue.) Still, Me and Me Girl could use more to hold onto.","(Blair would be an international superstar if comic light opera were still in vogue.) Still, Me and Me Girl could use more to hold onto.",0 +"While words bring Romeo and Juliet together, they're also what tear the two apart."," While words bring Romeo and Juliet together, they're also what tear the two apart.",0 +- Mark Richardson 2018 LEXUS LS 500 F SPORT 2018 Lexus LS 500 F Sport.,- Mark Richardson 2018 LEXUS LS 500 F SPORT 2018 Lexus LS 500 F Sport.,0 +" On race day, the city's tram system impersonates the Tokyo subway at rush hour."," On race day, the city's tram system impersonates the Tokyo subway at rush hour.",0 + NISSAN Nissan custom-outfitted the Rogue for carting the family dog around., NISSAN Nissan custom-outfitted the Rogue for carting the family dog around.,0 +"Hollingsworth's sympathies become too easy to predict - he roots for the underdog, until an underdog to that underdog appears."," Hollingsworth's sympathies become too easy to predict - he roots for the underdog, until an underdog to that underdog appears.",0 + DENIS BALIBOUSE/REUTERS 8 of 12 NaroFlowcell AG's Quantino: NaroFlowcell AG is a research and development company in Lichtenstein.,(DENIS BALIBOUSE/REUTERS) NaroFlowcell AG's Quantino: NaroFlowcell AG is a research and development company in Lichtenstein.,0 +"""It was a piece I intended to share with my group of friends;"," ""It was a piece I intended to share with my group of friends;",0 +" Of course, when the big day arrives, any place along the path has a chance at being beautifully clear or tragically rainy."," Of course, when the big day arrives, any place along the path has a chance at being beautifully clear or tragically rainy.",0 + Sandro Campardo/AP 12 of 12 Subaru XV concept: This is a good indication of what the new Crosstrek will look like.,(Sandro Campardo/AP) Subaru XV concept: This is a good indication of what the new Crosstrek will look like.,0 +"In between, you get a lot of facts, but not a lot of feeling."," In between, you get a lot of facts, but not a lot of feeling.",0 +- Jeremy Sinek SUBARU ASCENT CONCEPT The Subaru Ascent SUV concept vehicle is displayed at the 2017 New York International Auto Show.,- Jeremy Sinek SUBARU ASCENT CONCEPT The Subaru Ascent SUV concept vehicle is displayed at the 2017 New York International Auto Show.,0 +" The 2018 Crosstrek, which is available in four trims, including a new entry-level Convenience trim, hits dealers this summer."," The 2018 Crosstrek, which is available in four trims, including a new entry-level Convenience trim, hits dealers this summer.",0 +The pop star was then supposed to wrap the tour in Asia., The pop star was then supposed to wrap the tour in Asia.,0 + Transformed suspension and available turbo engine elevate the 5-door Hyundai to hot-hatch potential., Transformed suspension and available turbo engine elevate the 5-door Hyundai to hot-hatch potential.,0 +The show opens to the public on Friday and continues until April,The show opens to the public on Friday and continues until April 23. 2018 DODGE DEMON The 2018 Dodge Challenger SRT Demon.,1 +" The offering included a new halo car, the Civic Type R;"," The offering included a new halo car, the Civic Type R;",0 +"Timon is played by Joseph Ziegler - a veteran actor with a crackling voice who, almost every holiday season, plays a wonderful Scrooge in Toronto."," Timon is played by Joseph Ziegler - a veteran actor with a crackling voice who, almost every holiday season, plays a wonderful Scrooge in Toronto.",0 + Thorp pleaded with the director to let him do one of the cars for the film., Thorp pleaded with the director to let him do one of the cars for the film.,0 +" That's Murray's life now - play dates with her grandkids, golf with friends, singing for free and just because she wants to."," That's Murray's life now - play dates with her grandkids, golf with friends, singing for free and just because she wants to.",0 +" Frank Franklin II/AP The Buick brand found rebirth with the SUV, starting with the Enclave."," Frank Franklin II/AP The Buick brand found rebirth with the SUV, starting with the Enclave.",0 + 2018 Crosstrek The 2018 Crosstrek gets a redesign that puts it leaps ahead of its predecessor., 2018 Crosstrek The 2018 Crosstrek gets a redesign that puts it leaps ahead of its predecessor.,0 +" The F-Pace is an exceptional vehicle, and deserves both its awards."," The F-Pace is an exceptional vehicle, and deserves both its awards.",0 +" In straight-line speed, it sits somewhere between base-engined mainstream compacts and their 200-hp-plus hotter versions."," In straight-line speed, it sits somewhere between base-engined mainstream compacts and their 200-hp-plus hotter versions.",0 +You'll like this car if you need to get to the cottage - fast! Shopping for a new car?,You'll like this car if you need to get to the cottage - fast!,1 +" Pricing has not been released for the 2018 Accord, but company officials promise it will be ""competitive."" It will be in showrooms in the fall."," Pricing has not been released for the 2018 Accord, but company officials promise it will be ""competitive."" It will be in showrooms in the fall.",0 +"She also said it is ""a real point of pride"" that ""Orphan Black"" is held up as a series with strong and diverse female characters."," She also said it is ""a real point of pride"" that ""Orphan Black"" is held up as a series with strong and diverse female characters.",0 +"In the 1980s, however, Me and My Girl was retooled as a piece of nostalgia and fit quite well into the Margaret Thatcher era."," In the 1980s, however, Me and My Girl was retooled as a piece of nostalgia and fit quite well into the Margaret Thatcher era.",0 +" Whether the Elantra GT is ""European"" isn't really the point any more."," Story continues below advertisement Whether the Elantra GT is ""European"" isn't really the point any more.",0 +" As technically impressive as the A8 is, there's a big catch."," Story continues below advertisement As technically impressive as the A8 is, there's a big catch.",0 +"Keiley's production is an attempt to demolish that idea, top to bottom, presenting this classic tragedy resolutely through the female gaze."," Keiley's production is an attempt to demolish that idea, top to bottom, presenting this classic tragedy resolutely through the female gaze.",0 +"In the titular role, following in the hoof steps of Al Jolson and George Jessel, is Patrick Cook."," In the titular role, following in the hoof steps of Al Jolson and George Jessel, is Patrick Cook.",0 +" From house party to startup In recent years, an unprecedented amount of outside money has flooded into Silicon Valley."," From house party to startup In recent years, an unprecedented amount of outside money has flooded into Silicon Valley.",0 +"""I kind of knew early on that those people were not correct."" Butler demands much from his band and much of his fans.","""I kind of knew early on that those people were not correct."" Butler demands much from his band and much of his fans.",0 +" Nissan There are no radical changes for style, but that's not a bad thing."," Nissan There are no radical changes for style, but that's not a bad thing.",0 + The 392-cubic-inch HEMI V-8 that powers the vehicle is shared with the Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT., The 392-cubic-inch HEMI V-8 that powers the vehicle is shared with the Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT.,0 +" When Murray meets people in the grocery store, she's happy to stop and chat."," When Murray meets people in the grocery store, she's happy to stop and chat.",0 +" Matt Bubbers Getting into the current 991.2-generation 911, it feels massive compared to its predecessors."," Matt Bubbers Getting into the current 991.2-generation 911, it feels massive compared to its predecessors.",0 +""" Elsewhere, the 1954-1965 Alfa Romeo Giulietta and 1957-1970 Lancia Flaminia have increased in value over the last year, with little sign of slowing down.",""" Elsewhere, the 1954-1965 Alfa Romeo Giulietta and 1957-1970 Lancia Flaminia have increased in value over the last year, with little sign of slowing down.",0 +" Designed in part to meet toughening emissions regulations, the engine has been paired with a 10-speed automatic transmission."," Designed in part to meet toughening emissions regulations, the engine has been paired with a 10-speed automatic transmission.",0 +Dracula continues at the Festival Theatre to Oct. 14 (shawfest.com)., Dracula continues at the Festival Theatre to Oct. 14 (shawfest.com).,0 +" Todd Eckert, Ford's truck brand marketing manager, says the F-150 has a different - albeit perhaps just a tad pretentious - owner profile."," Todd Eckert, Ford's truck brand marketing manager, says the F-150 has a different - albeit perhaps just a tad pretentious - owner profile.",0 +""" Murray comes up off the couch and begins to form the sound of an ""f,"" but thinks better of it.",""" Murray comes up off the couch and begins to form the sound of an ""f,"" but thinks better of it.",0 +Redinger says some manufacturers offer show-based incentives but you can't actually buy a car there., Story continues below advertisement Story continues below advertisement Redinger says some manufacturers offer show-based incentives but you can't actually buy a car there.,0 + The changes are subtle: things such as new stitching and new black caps on the mirrors., The changes are subtle: things such as new stitching and new black caps on the mirrors.,0 +" While the Clarity shares design characteristics consistent with Honda's mainstream fleet, it bears several unique details that hint at its environmental nature."," While the Clarity shares design characteristics consistent with Honda's mainstream fleet, it bears several unique details that hint at its environmental nature.",0 +" Mr. Thiel's venture firm, Founders Fund, is among those that have supported founder-friendly structures that limit investor control.","Thiel's venture firm, Founders Fund, is among those that have supported founder-friendly structures that limit investor control.",0 +" Pandora named Naveen Chopra, who was hired as chief financial officer in February, as its interim CEO.","Pandora named Naveen Chopra, who was hired as chief financial officer in February, as its interim CEO.",0 +" ""The capability is there and I don't think it's going to be that far,"" says Michael Ramsey, connected cars analyst for research firm Gartner."," ""The capability is there and I don't think it's going to be that far,"" says Michael Ramsey, connected cars analyst for research firm Gartner.",0 +" ""I don't believe it can be done,"" Murray says. ""When my son was in his teens, he was a really fine drummer."," ""I don't believe it can be done,"" Murray says. ""When my son was in his teens, he was a really fine drummer.",0 +Director Christine Brubaker has brought Hennig's script to life with heart and humour and perfect little puppets., Director Christine Brubaker has brought Hennig's script to life with heart and humour and perfect little puppets.,0 +" For $25,698, you lose some creature comforts but get body-hugging sport bucket seats to go with the toughened chassis and sticky rubber."," For $25,698, you lose some creature comforts but get body-hugging sport bucket seats to go with the toughened chassis and sticky rubber.",0 +"In the first act, it seems Peterson can't quite get his lines right;"," In the first act, it seems Peterson can't quite get his lines right;",0 + The interior of a limousine designed for Ghost in the Shell., Story continues below advertisement The interior of a limousine designed for Ghost in the Shell.,0 + The SR Turbo is unlikely to make Car and Driver 10-Best any time soon., The SR Turbo is unlikely to make Car and Driver 10-Best any time soon.,0 + Multimatic created something called Dynamic Suspensions Spool Valve (DSSV) dampers for Formula One race cars., Multimatic created something called Dynamic Suspensions Spool Valve (DSSV) dampers for Formula One race cars.,0 +" On until Nov. 26, the 2017 edition features artists representing more than 80 invited countries, including Canada's official entrant, Vancouver artist Geoffrey Farmer."," On until Nov. 26, the 2017 edition features artists representing more than 80 invited countries, including Canada's official entrant, Vancouver artist Geoffrey Farmer.",0 +"The company could raise about $400-million from a local market listing, the people said, asking not to be identified as the details aren't public."," The company could raise about $400-million from a local market listing, the people said, asking not to be identified as the details aren't public.",0 + She did one last tour in 2008 and that was it., She did one last tour in 2008 and that was it.,0 +"There are a few puzzling aspects to Wentworth's production, and it is perhaps too aloof from emotions other than doom than I would like."," There are a few puzzling aspects to Wentworth's production, and it is perhaps too aloof from emotions other than doom than I would like.",0 +" Again, this car is heavier than its predecessor, weighing 1,450 kilograms."," Again, this car is heavier than its predecessor, weighing 1,450 kilograms.",0 +" Brian Kerrigan The entertainment is a local marching band, a mix of school kids and retirees united in how ill-fitting their uniforms are."," Brian Kerrigan The entertainment is a local marching band, a mix of school kids and retirees united in how ill-fitting their uniforms are.",0 +" The ride on the pavement at the end of the day, meanwhile, offered near-sedan smoothness."," The ride on the pavement at the end of the day, meanwhile, offered near-sedan smoothness.",0 +""" It's reminiscent of the early ""girl bands"" Murray used to form with her students when she taught school.",""" It's reminiscent of the early ""girl bands"" Murray used to form with her students when she taught school.",0 +Beautiful's structure and Marc Bruni's direction can feel repetitive at times., Beautiful's structure and Marc Bruni's direction can feel repetitive at times.,0 +" Subaru There was a previous generation model here to drive as a comparison, and it showed the new edition is noticeably quieter and smoother."," Subaru There was a previous generation model here to drive as a comparison, and it showed the new edition is noticeably quieter and smoother.",0 +""" Pentheus's real downfall comes when he decides to don women's clothing to spy on the Bakkhai.",""" Pentheus's real downfall comes when he decides to don women's clothing to spy on the Bakkhai.",0 +""" In order to reassert control over the women and their sexuality, Pentheus tries to jail the so-called Bakkhai - and their beloved Bakkhos, too.",""" In order to reassert control over the women and their sexuality, Pentheus tries to jail the so-called Bakkhai - and their beloved Bakkhos, too.",0 +" This season, for instance, more Stratford productions are directed by women than men, and when it comes to living playwrights, women outnumber men."," This season, for instance, more Stratford productions are directed by women than men, and when it comes to living playwrights, women outnumber men.",0 +" Performance The base 2.0-litre supplies a pleasing mix of ""quick and quiet"" while the Sport's 1.6 turbo trades some peace for a lot more pace."," Performance The base 2.0-litre supplies a pleasing mix of ""quick and quiet"" while the Sport's 1.6 turbo trades some peace for a lot more pace.",0 +"Agave's big scenes come at the end - and, for those of you not versed in your Euripides: spoiler alert."," Agave's big scenes come at the end - and, for those of you not versed in your Euripides: spoiler alert.",0 +"What ultimately seems irredeemably missing in Henry's production is romance - any sense of real chemistry between Orsino and Cesario, or Olivia and the same."," What ultimately seems irredeemably missing in Henry's production is romance - any sense of real chemistry between Orsino and Cesario, or Olivia and the same.",0 +" The Accord gets an all-new engine, transmission, platform and look."," The Accord gets an all-new engine, transmission, platform and look.",0 +" They flew to New Zealand, where Scarlett Johansson and the crew were filming a big action sequence."," They flew to New Zealand, where Scarlett Johansson and the crew were filming a big action sequence.",0 +And why not take improvised interventions beyond the larkish from time to time?, And why not take improvised interventions beyond the larkish from time to time?,0 +" Moritz Hager/Reuters Speculation had transformed the industry from one driven by art to one fuelled by finance, Galerie Gmurzynska's Mathias Rastorfer said."," Moritz Hager/Reuters Speculation had transformed the industry from one driven by art to one fuelled by finance, Galerie Gmurzynska's Mathias Rastorfer said.",0 +" ""I would rank her as the major player of the whole lot,"" says Lightfoot, who's known her since the sixties."," ""I would rank her as the major player of the whole lot,"" says Lightfoot, who's known her since the sixties.",0 + NASA Planning Ahead Scientists are planning to make the most of this year's eclipse too., NASA Planning Ahead Scientists are planning to make the most of this year's eclipse too.,0 + Tim Scott/Sotheby's The downshift in overall sales isn't for lack of funds among buyers., Tim Scott/Sotheby's The downshift in overall sales isn't for lack of funds among buyers.,0 + It is built to compete with Toyota's Camry - and gets points out of the gate for being sportier with less mom-and-pop feel., It is built to compete with Toyota's Camry - and gets points out of the gate for being sportier with less mom-and-pop feel.,0 + Cylla von Tiedemann Other Canadian repertory theatres that focus on different repertoire seem to have a greater representation of women on stage., Cylla von Tiedemann Other Canadian repertory theatres that focus on different repertoire seem to have a greater representation of women on stage.,0 +"- The Associated Press Story continues below advertisement 2018 ACURA TLX Jon Ikeda, VP and GM of Acura USA introduces the 2018 Acura TLX.","- The Associated Press 2018 ACURA TLX Jon Ikeda, VP and GM of Acura USA introduces the 2018 Acura TLX.",0 +" Thierry Franco It's not often that the venue itself is the star, but then the Famous Spiegeltent is a pretty unusual venue."," Thierry Franco It's not often that the venue itself is the star, but then the Famous Spiegeltent is a pretty unusual venue.",0 +" But when the cosmos beckons, it's rarely wise to wait."," But when the cosmos beckons, it's rarely wise to wait.",0 +" Overnight, the two leading Toyotas drop out within 30 minutes of each other with technical issues."," Overnight, the two leading Toyotas drop out within 30 minutes of each other with technical issues.",0 +" Honda promises ""competitive pricing,"" so expect something in the range of $40,000 before taxes and rebates."," Honda promises ""competitive pricing,"" so expect something in the range of $40,000 before taxes and rebates.",0 + Crunch the numbers and it's clear: Shakespeare is still sexist.,Crunch the numbers and it's clear: Shakespeare is still sexist.,0 +" On that score, the 2018 GT is already ahead of the game."," On that score, the 2018 GT is already ahead of the game.",0 + Tim Scott/Sotheby's Not that there won't be primo cars for sale in Carmel - by a long shot., Tim Scott/Sotheby's Not that there won't be primo cars for sale in Carmel - by a long shot.,0 +" During this year's race, many cars flirt with a chance to win."," During this year's race, many cars flirt with a chance to win.",0 +" ""At that time, the 911 was not this icon it is today,"" says August Achleitner, product director for the current 911 and 718."," ""At that time, the 911 was not this icon it is today,"" says August Achleitner, product director for the current 911 and 718.",0 + The necessary soft landing The console of the 1956 Aston Martin DBR1., Story continues below advertisement The necessary soft landing The console of the 1956 Aston Martin DBR1.,0 + Interior Drivers get adequate six-way manual seat adjustment on the 2.0s and great eight-way power on the Sport., Interior Drivers get adequate six-way manual seat adjustment on the 2.0s and great eight-way power on the Sport.,0 +" The 2018 A8 is a tour-de-force of design and technology, a showcase meant to burnish Audi's image in the aftermath of the Dieselgate scandal."," The 2018 A8 is a tour-de-force of design and technology, a showcase meant to burnish Audi's image in the aftermath of the Dieselgate scandal.",0 + Murray was in many ways this country's first booming cultural export., Murray was in many ways this country's first booming cultural export.,0 +""" She also takes notice of people who don't return that small kindness.",""" She also takes notice of people who don't return that small kindness.",0 +" The circuit runs out of Le Mans to a small nearby town, across to a second, then back to complete the loop."," The circuit runs out of Le Mans to a small nearby town, across to a second, then back to complete the loop.",0 +""" The influx of money desperate to invest in Silicon Valley startups might seem like an opportunity for female entrepreneurs.",""" The influx of money desperate to invest in Silicon Valley startups might seem like an opportunity for female entrepreneurs.",0 +"Bringing the notoriously staid Snowden to life, however, is a more complicated task, one that Stone and his star Joseph Gordon-Levitt can't quite nail."," Bringing the notoriously staid Snowden to life, however, is a more complicated task, one that Stone and his star Joseph Gordon-Levitt can't quite nail.",0 +Billy Bishop Goes to War runs until Aug. 5 (soulpepper.ca)., Billy Bishop Goes to War runs until Aug. 5 (soulpepper.ca).,0 +" The world's oldest endurance race, the 24 Hours of Le Mans, celebrates the art of tradition and technology as only the French can.","The world's oldest endurance race, the 24 Hours of Le Mans, celebrates the art of tradition and technology as only the French can.",0 +" Even then, relationships between investors and entrepreneurs are typically not covered by employee-employer guidelines."," Even then, relationships between investors and entrepreneurs are typically not covered by employee-employer guidelines.",0 +" Arcade Fire is still coming, and the pressure may be getting to Butler, often criticized in the past for his prickly perfectionism."," Arcade Fire is still coming, and the pressure may be getting to Butler, often criticized in the past for his prickly perfectionism.",0 +" While neither of those companies have achieved gender parity, they come closer than most of the summer Shakespearean institutions I surveyed across the country."," While neither of those companies have achieved gender parity, they come closer than most of the summer Shakespearean institutions I surveyed across the country.",0 +Fans -- including some fellow TV and film stars -- flooded Twitter Sunday night with messages of congratulations for Maslany., Fans -- including some fellow TV and film stars -- flooded Twitter Sunday night with messages of congratulations for Maslany.,0 +"(Eric Gaillard/Reuters) Jesse Eisenberg and Kristen Stewart attend the ""Cafe Society"" Press Conference during 69th Cannes Film Festival."," Eric Gaillard/Reuters 6 of 10 Jesse Eisenberg and Kristen Stewart attend the ""Cafe Society"" Press Conference during 69th Cannes Film Festival.",1 +" ""Who's going to be taking care of our elderly two generations from now?"," ""Who's going to be taking care of our elderly two generations from now?",0 +"- The Associated Press 2018 ACURA TLX Jon Ikeda, VP and GM of Acura USA introduces the 2018 Acura TLX.","- The Associated Press Story continues below advertisement 2018 ACURA TLX Jon Ikeda, VP and GM of Acura USA introduces the 2018 Acura TLX.",1 +" ""It's a much more selective market right now,"" said David Brynan, senior specialist for Gooding &"," ""It's a much more selective market right now,"" said David Brynan, senior specialist for Gooding &",0 +The Grammy winner's upcoming concerts included two shows in Toronto in September and several others in the United States., The Grammy winner's upcoming concerts included two shows in Toronto in September and several others in the United States.,0 +" ""That's something that I regret - that I allowed them to browbeat me into doing an album every year."," ""That's something that I regret - that I allowed them to browbeat me into doing an album every year.",0 +" Cylla von Tiedemann Today, you can still find all-male troupes performing Shakespeare."," Cylla von Tiedemann Today, you can still find all-male troupes performing Shakespeare.",0 + CARGO The sedan's ample cargo room is the next-best thing to a hatchback., Story continues below advertisement CARGO The sedan's ample cargo room is the next-best thing to a hatchback.,1 +But the meaning of the musical has always shifted in revivals., But the meaning of the musical has always shifted in revivals.,0 +About $1-million (Canadian) has been siphoned from the company's regular operations and box-office budget;, Story continues below advertisement Story continues below advertisement About $1-million (Canadian) has been siphoned from the company's regular operations and box-office budget;,0 + ALBERT GEA/REUTERS Drivers will have to wait for the law to catch up to Audi's technology., ALBERT GEA/REUTERS Drivers will have to wait for the law to catch up to Audi's technology.,0 +" The vehicle's electric driving range is about 68 kilometres, meaning it has more than enough juice for most drivers' daily commutes."," Story continues below advertisement The vehicle's electric driving range is about 68 kilometres, meaning it has more than enough juice for most drivers' daily commutes.",0 +" Some features the company is currently working on, for example, include adding weather-delay data to driving-time predictions and pricing information to gas-station suggestions."," Some features the company is currently working on, for example, include adding weather-delay data to driving-time predictions and pricing information to gas-station suggestions.",0 + Handout But that's not the real story of this truck., Handout But that's not the real story of this truck.,0 +"The irony is that Goffin, most eager to embrace the"," The irony is that Goffin, most eager to embrace the",0 +" For a moment in the late seventies, the SC was supposed to be the last of the 911s."," For a moment in the late seventies, the SC was supposed to be the last of the 911s.",0 +" When my first test vehicle arrived wearing an automatic, it seemed all wrong for a would-be sport-compact."," When my first test vehicle arrived wearing an automatic, it seemed all wrong for a would-be sport-compact.",0 + The decrease comes because classic cars of this caliber are a finite resource., The decrease comes because classic cars of this caliber are a finite resource.,0 +The backlash has officially begun - and SRT is leading the charge., The backlash has officially begun - and SRT is leading the charge.,0 +" On curves, the Clarity was responsive and easy to handle."," On curves, the Clarity was responsive and easy to handle.",0 +" With their debut album Funeral in 2004, Win Butler and Arcade Fire told us to wake up, that our hearts were meant to bleed."," With their debut album Funeral in 2004, Win Butler and Arcade Fire told us to wake up, that our hearts were meant to bleed.",0 +" It starts at just $21,598, so gearheads don't have to pay for bells and whistles they may not want."," It starts at just $21,598, so gearheads don't have to pay for bells and whistles they may not want.",0 +" Matt Bubbers In 1988, Porsche unveiled the third-generation 911, the 964."," Matt Bubbers In 1988, Porsche unveiled the third-generation 911, the 964.",0 +" During this year's race, many cars flirt with a chance to win."," During this year's race, many cars flirt with a chance to win.",0 +" The GT should be in showrooms next month, though prices had not yet been set at writing."," The GT should be in showrooms next month, though prices had not yet been set at writing.",0 +The show opens to the public on Friday and continues until April 23. 2018 DODGE DEMON The 2018 Dodge Challenger SRT Demon.,The show opens to the public on Friday and continues until April,1 +""" All told, Sothebys will offer 10 Aston Martins, 18 Porsches, and 29 Ferraris over the course of the weekend.",""" All told, Sothebys will offer 10 Aston Martins, 18 Porsches, and 29 Ferraris over the course of the weekend.",0 + And both are blissfully far from the madding crowds of cruise-ship passengers who pour into Venice by the thousands on a daily basis., And both are blissfully far from the madding crowds of cruise-ship passengers who pour into Venice by the thousands on a daily basis.,0 +- Tom Maloney 2018 MERCEDES-AMG GLC 63 S 4MATIC+ SUV The Mercedes-AMG GT Concept car.,- Tom Maloney Story continues below advertisement 2018 MERCEDES-AMG GLC 63 S 4MATIC+ SUV The Mercedes-AMG GT Concept car.,0 +" Subaru is a very, shall we say, realistic car company.","Subaru is a very, shall we say, realistic car company.",0 +" Brian Kerrigan The entertainment is a local marching band, a mix of school kids and retirees united in how ill-fitting their uniforms are."," Brian Kerrigan The entertainment is a local marching band, a mix of school kids and retirees united in how ill-fitting their uniforms are.",0 +" The 3.0-litre motor only makes 201 horsepower, but the car feels peppy, eager to putter away from a stop, building speed slowly at first."," The 3.0-litre motor only makes 201 horsepower, but the car feels peppy, eager to putter away from a stop, building speed slowly at first.",0 + Flex was virtually undetectable as the Colorado tiptoed down the rocks., Story continues below advertisement Flex was virtually undetectable as the Colorado tiptoed down the rocks.,0 +" But as the rock messiahs raise bars, they raise ire, too, offending us with their unbearable audacity."," But as the rock messiahs raise bars, they raise ire, too, offending us with their unbearable audacity.",0 +" ""Currently we are in the process of migrating away from our local systems to ."," ""Currently we are in the process of migrating away from our local systems to .",0 +" Just married, 23 years old Abed (Muslim groom) and 19 years old Arige (Christian bride) walk through the bombed ruins of Beirut, Lebanon, 1983."," Just married, 23 years old Abed (Muslim groom) and 19 years old Arige (Christian bride) walk through the bombed ruins of Beirut, Lebanon, 1983.",0 +" On a test course at Honda's site, the Clarity proved itself to be nimble for a five-passenger EV."," On a test course at Honda's site, the Clarity proved itself to be nimble for a five-passenger EV.",0 +" It was a good day for the F-Pace, which was also named World Car Design of the Year at the same ceremony."," It was a good day for the F-Pace, which was also named World Car Design of the Year at the same ceremony.",0 +" Whether you are driving alone or with four passengers, the new Accord won't be a bore."," Story continues below advertisement Whether you are driving alone or with four passengers, the new Accord won't be a bore.",0 + Mark Sissons Summer in Venice can be an absolute scorcher., Mark Sissons Summer in Venice can be an absolute scorcher.,0 + GM has performed all the necessary tricks to turn this suburban appliance into a legitimate off-road contender., Story continues below advertisement GM has performed all the necessary tricks to turn this suburban appliance into a legitimate off-road contender.,0 +"Outback sales during the month hit 1,061 units compared with 1,056 units in March, 2016.","Outback sales during the month hit 1,061 units compared with 1,056 units in March, 2016. Inside, there are big changes.",1 + Murray could still go the Billy Joel/Elton John route and do a few shows here and there., Murray could still go the Billy Joel/Elton John route and do a few shows here and there.,0 + Other items include 3-D-printed sculptures cast in aluminum and bronze and a replica of the steam clock in Vancouver's Gastown., Other items include 3-D-printed sculptures cast in aluminum and bronze and a replica of the steam clock in Vancouver's Gastown.,0 + Interior details were tough to discern - the entire car was deliberately obscured by black-felt blanketing., Interior details were tough to discern - the entire car was deliberately obscured by black-felt blanketing.,0 + No one really needs a seven-seat SUV that's capable of this kind of speed., No one really needs a seven-seat SUV that's capable of this kind of speed.,0 +" At the New York Auto Show, Nissan is displaying a Rogue SUV custom-fitted to cart the family dog around.","At the New York Auto Show, Nissan is displaying a Rogue SUV custom-fitted to cart the family dog around.",0 +Sign up for our newly-designed weekly newsletter Like us on Facebook Follow us on Instagram and Twitter Report Typo/Error Follow us on Twitter: @GlobeDrive, Sign up for our newly-designed weekly newsletter Like us on Facebook Follow us on Instagram and Twitter,1 +" ""It's not possible to truly corporatise this business, which is built on relationships and interpersonal interactions,"" he said. ""That's why we have these art fairs."," ""It's not possible to truly corporatise this business, which is built on relationships and interpersonal interactions,"" he said. ""That's why we have these art fairs.",0 +" ""That worried me early on in my career - that I would change."," ""That worried me early on in my career - that I would change.",0 +""" Despite her hesitations, she cut a trail for others.",""" Despite her hesitations, she cut a trail for others.",0 +"It explains why, despite a wealth of data about new vehicles on the Web, there's continued solid attendance at automobile shows."," It explains why, despite a wealth of data about new vehicles on the Web, there's continued solid attendance at automobile shows.",0 +"""And the LGBT community as well really reached out and supported us."," ""And the LGBT community as well really reached out and supported us.",0 +Everything felt doubled up and repeated - I guess in case someone who hadn't seen the earlier scenes swung by., Everything felt doubled up and repeated - I guess in case someone who hadn't seen the earlier scenes swung by.,0 +""" Culture fit is often held out as an important factor when firms are starting out.",""" Culture fit is often held out as an important factor when firms are starting out.",0 +" In electric-only mode, the hybrid A8 will have a range of approximately 50 kilometres before the turbocharged V-6 gas engine kicks in."," In electric-only mode, the hybrid A8 will have a range of approximately 50 kilometres before the turbocharged V-6 gas engine kicks in.",0 + The trip-status sharing feature can show friends or family members exactly where a driver is via a private website and provides continually updating arrival-time estimates., The trip-status sharing feature can show friends or family members exactly where a driver is via a private website and provides continually updating arrival-time estimates.,0 +" Frank Franklin II/AP The Buick brand found rebirth with the SUV, starting with the Enclave."," Frank Franklin II/AP The Buick brand found rebirth with the SUV, starting with the Enclave.",0 +" ""The sky is not falling,"" says Jonathan Klinger, the spokesman for Hagerty."," ""The sky is not falling,"" says Jonathan Klinger, the spokesman for Hagerty.",0 +" The new Infiniti Q50 might not look remarkable, but it really is.","The new Infiniti Q50 might not look remarkable, but it really is.",0 +") And, at last, two 1989-1994 Nissan Skylines will be offered this week.",") And, at last, two 1989-1994 Nissan Skylines will be offered this week.",0 +" ""That group is booming,"" says Jonathan Klinger, spokesman for insurer Hagerty."," ""That group is booming,"" says Jonathan Klinger, spokesman for insurer Hagerty.",0 +" She was not working-class (her father was a doctor, her mother a nurse), but she had that outlook."," She was not working-class (her father was a doctor, her mother a nurse), but she had that outlook.",0 +" ""Beautiful little fools, that's what us girls are destined for,"" sings the sublime songstress Jorja Smith. ""Beautiful little fools, born to be adored.","""Beautiful little fools, that's what us girls are destined for,"" sings the sublime songstress Jorja Smith. ""Beautiful little fools, born to be adored.",0 +"Actually, I'm not entirely how how Renfield fits into this thesis - but the overall point is crystal clear: Foreign biters, stay away!"," Actually, I'm not entirely how how Renfield fits into this thesis - but the overall point is crystal clear: Foreign biters, stay away!",0 +" The 964 is heavier than its predecessor, weighing 1,380 kilograms."," The 964 is heavier than its predecessor, weighing 1,380 kilograms.",0 +" In the end, two candidates were presented to National Arts Centre CEO Peter Herrndorf, who made the final decision after one-on-one conversations with both."," In the end, two candidates were presented to National Arts Centre CEO Peter Herrndorf, who made the final decision after one-on-one conversations with both.",0 +But the really exciting work I've seen in the city in recent years has taken the stodgy old form of drama., But the really exciting work I've seen in the city in recent years has taken the stodgy old form of drama.,0 +" The sun is a star, a big blazing ball of plasma that takes centre stage in our solar system."," The sun is a star, a big blazing ball of plasma that takes centre stage in our solar system.",0 +" The 2013 follow-up Reflektor, inspired by a visit to an earthquake-ravaged Haiti, was released on major label Universal."," The 2013 follow-up Reflektor, inspired by a visit to an earthquake-ravaged Haiti, was released on major label Universal.",0 +" Occupying nearly 50 waterfront hectares, the Arsenale's massive complex of former shipyards and armouries was once the world's largest naval production centre."," Occupying nearly 50 waterfront hectares, the Arsenale's massive complex of former shipyards and armouries was once the world's largest naval production centre.",0 +" Now that I'm older, my heart's colder, And I can see that it's a lie."," Now that I'm older, my heart's colder, And I can see that it's a lie.",0 +"Sinha, the performer and writer of Crash, has been corresponding with Eve Ensler (writer of The Vagina Monologues)."," Sinha, the performer and writer of Crash, has been corresponding with Eve Ensler (writer of The Vagina Monologues).",0 +" As for all the ""Canada's Songbird"" stuff, Murray waves it away: ""It really had nothing to do with me."," As for all the ""Canada's Songbird"" stuff, Murray waves it away: ""It really had nothing to do with me.",0 +"Hollingsworth's take on Confederation is simple - or, perhaps, simplistic."," Hollingsworth's take on Confederation is simple - or, perhaps, simplistic.",0 +" FORD Last year's reboot gave the 3.5 a delicious V-8-like soundtrack to go with its equally V-8-like performance, and that doesn't change for 2018."," FORD Last year's reboot gave the 3.5 a delicious V-8-like soundtrack to go with its equally V-8-like performance, and that doesn't change for 2018.",0 +"I hadn't realized before how often they do: Romeo and Juliet seem aware of their fate, and almost eager to embrace it."," I hadn't realized before how often they do: Romeo and Juliet seem aware of their fate, and almost eager to embrace it.",0 +" ""What we can contribute is not always the biggest or most expensive work,"" Ridge said."," ""What we can contribute is not always the biggest or most expensive work,"" Ridge said.",0 + The autonomous taxi from Total Recall (1990) - driven by a somewhat less-than-artificially-intelligent robot - no longer seems like science fiction., The autonomous taxi from Total Recall (1990) - driven by a somewhat less-than-artificially-intelligent robot - no longer seems like science fiction.,0 + Chilina Kennedy and Carole King do make beautiful music together.,Barry Mann and Cynthia Weil Venue Ed Mirvish Theatre City Toronto Chilina Kennedy and Carole King do make beautiful music together.,1 +"(Not so long ago, this was considered a decent time for a stock Dodge Viper.) The seven-seat SUV's interior is incredibly comfortable.","(Not so long ago, this was considered a decent time for a stock Dodge Viper.) The seven-seat SUV's interior is incredibly comfortable.",0 +The Remarkable Rocket's journey toward understanding his more humble place in the world is woven around and through the three other stories., The Remarkable Rocket's journey toward understanding his more humble place in the world is woven around and through the three other stories.,0 +" Yet even after several years in which similar statistics have come to light, the needle has barely budged."," Yet even after several years in which similar statistics have come to light, the needle has barely budged.",0 +" But The Diversity Myth's main thesis was that, by promoting diversity and multiculturalism, colleges were instead breeding a dangerous intellectual conformity."," But The Diversity Myth's main thesis was that, by promoting diversity and multiculturalism, colleges were instead breeding a dangerous intellectual conformity.",0 +"Pandora named Naveen Chopra, who was hired as chief financial officer in February, as its interim CEO."," Pandora named Naveen Chopra, who was hired as chief financial officer in February, as its interim CEO.",0 +"Jorja Smith plays the Velvet Underground, Aug. 24, 8 p.m. $22.50 (sold out)."," Jorja Smith plays the Velvet Underground, Aug. 24, 8 p.m. $22.50 (sold out).",0 +"Well, in so many ways, he is a judge, a harsh one at that."," Well, in so many ways, he is a judge, a harsh one at that.",0 + Allegations of sexual harassment and discrimination have dogged Silicon Valley for years., Allegations of sexual harassment and discrimination have dogged Silicon Valley for years.,0 +" On the Pacific coast, the total eclipse will be a morning event."," On the Pacific coast, the total eclipse will be a morning event.",0 +"Okay, we get it: ""Youth's a stuff that won't endure,"" a.k.a. we're all going to die."," Okay, we get it: ""Youth's a stuff that won't endure,"" a.k.a. we're all going to die.",0 +Lochhead has also inserted class issues into Dracula by inventing a maid for the sisters named Florrie (Natasha Mumba)., Lochhead has also inserted class issues into Dracula by inventing a maid for the sisters named Florrie (Natasha Mumba).,0 +" On a test course at Honda's site, the Clarity proved itself to be nimble."," On a test course at Honda's site, the Clarity proved itself to be nimble.",0 +"Somebody told me she's put out a 96-hour video?"" Close.","Somebody told me she's put out a 96-hour video?"" Close.",0 +""" Murray is one of those people who hold good manners as the highest level of human endeavour.",""" Murray is one of those people who hold good manners as the highest level of human endeavour.",0 +" Story continues below advertisement The Durango SRT is a thundering piece of work, with power and torque that make for low-effort cruising."," The Durango SRT is a thundering piece of work, with power and torque that make for low-effort cruising.",0 +"From her cast, Brubaker elicits performances that are neither hammy, nor condescending - common theatre for young audience issues."," From her cast, Brubaker elicits performances that are neither hammy, nor condescending - common theatre for young audience issues.",0 +" ""How can we afford a half million-dollar car when we have to make three of them?"" Kuciara said."," ""How can we afford a half million-dollar car when we have to make three of them?"" Kuciara said.",0 +The first half of Ouimette's production is as flashy as Timon's fair-weather friends., The first half of Ouimette's production is as flashy as Timon's fair-weather friends.,0 + Acceleration to high speeds was smooth and the vehicle never strained., Acceleration to high speeds was smooth and the vehicle never strained.,0 +" Official estimates for the Pebble Beach auctions this week have set sales totals at $290-million, down 14 per cent since 2016."," Official estimates for the Pebble Beach auctions this week have set sales totals at $290-million, down 14 per cent since 2016.",0 + Other full-size pickups also list powerful engines and take turns at claiming this year's best-in-class toting or towing ratings., Other full-size pickups also list powerful engines and take turns at claiming this year's best-in-class toting or towing ratings.,0 +- Jeremy Sinek SUBARU ASCENT CONCEPT The Subaru Ascent SUV concept vehicle is displayed at the 2017 New York International Auto Show.,- Jeremy Sinek SUBARU ASCENT CONCEPT The Subaru Ascent SUV concept vehicle is displayed at the 2017 New York International Auto Show.,0 + Infiniti's always been at the head of the curve with this stuff., Story continues below advertisement Infiniti's always been at the head of the curve with this stuff.,0 +"Proceeds from an IPO could help the company fund the ""Angry Birds Movie 2,"" planned for 2019."," Proceeds from an IPO could help the company fund the ""Angry Birds Movie 2,"" planned for 2019.",0 +"The world's oldest endurance race, the 24 Hours of Le Mans, celebrates the art of tradition and technology as only the French can."," The world's oldest endurance race, the 24 Hours of Le Mans, celebrates the art of tradition and technology as only the French can.",0 +" ""The old God is just too far away,"" declared Smith's character, Cavale."," Story continues below advertisement ""The old God is just too far away,"" declared Smith's character, Cavale.",0 + Brian Kerrigan Race weekend draws many of Europe's car lovers., Brian Kerrigan Race weekend draws many of Europe's car lovers.,0 +THE VERDICT 8.0 A solid improvement all around for the popular crossover.,THE VERDICT 8.0 A solid improvement all around for the popular crossover.,0 +""" That JC reference could be a throwaway expletive, a sign of her growing frustration.",""" That JC reference could be a throwaway expletive, a sign of her growing frustration.",0 +Both the Stratford and the Shaw Festivals have been reaching out to the family market in recent years and only found intermittent success., Both the Stratford and the Shaw Festivals have been reaching out to the family market in recent years and only found intermittent success.,0 +" Touchscreens are necessary - how else could you control the 1,000-plus functions and settings in the new A8?"," Touchscreens are necessary - how else could you control the 1,000-plus functions and settings in the new A8?",0 +" LUCAS JACKSON/REUTERS This full-size, three-row version precedes an announced 2018 all-wheel-drive production model to be built on the company's global platform."," LUCAS JACKSON/REUTERS This full-size, three-row version precedes an announced 2018 all-wheel-drive production model to be built on the company's global platform.",0 +" A 1967 911 S in good condition, for example, was worth around $35,000 in 2007."," A 1967 911 S in good condition, for example, was worth around $35,000 in 2007.",0 +" Murray is sitting in the living room of her Markham, Ont."," Murray is sitting in the living room of her Markham, Ont.",0 +" INTERIOR The Sentra's age is betrayed by the small touch-screen, just 5.8 inches."," Story continues below advertisement INTERIOR The Sentra's age is betrayed by the small touch-screen, just 5.8 inches.",1 +"Lester has been working on the project - which she jokingly calls ""a serious military operation"" - for two years now."," Lester has been working on the project - which she jokingly calls ""a serious military operation"" - for two years now.",0 + There's a weird feedback loop that happens between science fiction and reality., There's a weird feedback loop that happens between science fiction and reality.,0 + GM says the ZR2 covers two market-niches: desert runner and rock crawler., GM says the ZR2 covers two market-niches: desert runner and rock crawler.,0 +" The trend began with smartphones and mobile apps, but became popular with Tesla owners when the electric-car manufacturer started offering over-the-air software updates."," The trend began with smartphones and mobile apps, but became popular with Tesla owners when the electric-car manufacturer started offering over-the-air software updates.",0 + FORD But he denies that adding port injection is connected to reports of premature carbon build-up on some DI engines., FORD But he denies that adding port injection is connected to reports of premature carbon build-up on some DI engines.,0 + DENIS BALIBOUSE/REUTERS 10 of 12 Ferrari GTC4 Lusso: This three-door wagon is the successor to the Ferrari FF.,(DENIS BALIBOUSE/REUTERS) Ferrari GTC4 Lusso: This three-door wagon is the successor to the Ferrari FF.,0 + PERFORMANCE In a straight line the Sentra performs somewhere between base mainstream compacts and their 200-hp-plus hotter versions.,Who needs a midsize car? PERFORMANCE In a straight line the Sentra performs somewhere between base mainstream compacts and their 200-hp-plus hotter versions.,1 +- Tom Maloney Story continues below advertisement 2018 MERCEDES-AMG GLC 63 S 4MATIC+ SUV The Mercedes-AMG GT Concept car.,- Tom Maloney 2018 MERCEDES-AMG GLC 63 S 4MATIC+ SUV The Mercedes-AMG GT Concept car.,1 +" Overnight, the two leading Toyotas drop out within 30 minutes of each other with technical issues."," Overnight, the two leading Toyotas drop out within 30 minutes of each other with technical issues.",0 +Pandora also said on Tuesday that President Mike Herring and Chief Marketing Officer Nick Bartle were leaving the company., Pandora said on Tuesday President Mike Herring and Chief Marketing Officer Nick Bartle are also leaving the company.,0 + The partial phase of the eclipse begins when the edge of the moon first shows up in silhouette as a slight notch in the sun., The partial phase of the eclipse begins when the edge of the moon first shows up in silhouette as a slight notch in the sun.,0 +" ""It's their art, their culture, their voice,"" she said in a recent interview. ""Let's hear what they have to say."," ""It's their art, their culture, their voice,"" she said in a recent interview. ""Let's hear what they have to say.",0 +" If you happen to be looking for different, look no further than the 2018 Dodge Durango SRT."," If you happen to be looking for different, look no further than the 2018 Dodge Durango SRT.",0 + Cosmic Coincidence The basic mechanism underlying a solar eclipse is easy to grasp., Cosmic Coincidence The basic mechanism underlying a solar eclipse is easy to grasp.,0 +" The car looked cool, but more than that, it looked so good you wished Lotus would make it."," The car looked cool, but more than that, it looked so good you wished Lotus would make it.",0 +" A little less inspiring was the 3.6L V-6, mated to an eight-speed automatic transmission."," A little less inspiring was the 3.6L V-6, mated to an eight-speed automatic transmission.",0 + Mid-sized trucks have a few off-road advantages over their full-sized brethren., Mid-sized trucks have a few off-road advantages over their full-sized brethren.,0 +" ""They beat me up, they beat each other up. Everybody got beaten up,"" she says brightly."," ""They beat me up, they beat each other up. Everybody got beaten up,"" she says brightly.",0 +" For Ridge, meanwhile, success will not necessarily be represented by larger crowds but by wider ones;"," For Ridge, meanwhile, success will not necessarily be represented by larger crowds but by wider ones;",0 +"Sitting in the audience, you're left with a puzzle - one that may vary from performance to performance."," Story continues below advertisement Sitting in the audience, you're left with a puzzle - one that may vary from performance to performance.",0 +" The launch of the F-Pace gave Jaguar a huge boost in Canada, and this year, sales for the company have already tripled."," The launch of the F-Pace gave Jaguar a huge boost in Canada, and this year, sales for the company have already tripled.",0 +" In 1979, GM let us compare X-cars tuned for the European market against the flabby U.S. setup."," In 1979, GM let us compare X-cars tuned for the European market against the flabby U.S. setup.",0 +I do wonder about changes in meaning to Jacobs-Jenkins's play when you the change its context from New York to Niagara-on-the-Lake., I do wonder about changes in meaning to Jacobs-Jenkins's play when you the change its context from New York to Niagara-on-the-Lake.,0 + FABRICE COFFRINI/AFP/Getty Images 6 of 12 Nissan IDS: IDS stands for Intelligent Driving System and the concept represents Nissan's vision for self-driving cars and electrification.,(FABRICE COFFRINI/AFP/Getty Images) Nissan IDS: IDS stands for Intelligent Driving System and the concept represents Nissan's vision for self-driving cars and electrification.,1 +Another couple of quibbles: Beautiful's sound design needs a tweak at the Ed Mirvish Theatre;, Story continues below advertisement Another couple of quibbles: Beautiful's sound design needs a tweak at the Ed Mirvish Theatre;,1 +" In Canada, a 1.5-litre turbocharged model with a continuously variable transmission (CVT) will also be available."," In Canada, a 1.5-litre turbocharged model with a continuously variable transmission (CVT) will also be available.",0 +"I first saw Peterson play the role at the Manitoba Theatre Centre in 1999, during its 20th-anniversary tour."," I first saw Peterson play the role at the Manitoba Theatre Centre in 1999, during its 20th-anniversary tour.",0 +" Day to day, these phenomenon are hiding in plain sight, concealed by the sun's blinding glare and the brilliant blue sky."," Day to day, these phenomenon are hiding in plain sight, concealed by the sun's blinding glare and the brilliant blue sky.",0 + Honda isn't planning to widen the lineup in Canada beyond the hybrid Clarity series - U.S. customers will also get full-battery and hydrogen fuel-cell versions., Honda isn't planning to widen the lineup in Canada beyond the hybrid Clarity series - U.S. customers will also get full-battery and hydrogen fuel-cell versions.,0 +""" The new capabilities are part of BMW's effort to transform itself into something more closely resembling a software company than an auto maker.",""" The new capabilities are part of BMW's effort to transform itself into something more closely resembling a software company than an auto maker.",0 +"This being a Shaw play, everyone chit-chats as they await death."," This being a Shaw play, everyone chit-chats as they await death.",0 + Summer evenings are long in the heart of France and the heat is intense., Summer evenings are long in the heart of France and the heat is intense.,0 +"However, you don't have to treat a trip to the show as a military mission."," Story continues below advertisement However, you don't have to treat a trip to the show as a military mission.",0 +The financing for Element AI has support from some of the largest names in the global tech sector., The financing for Element AI has support from some of the largest names in the global tech sector.,0 +" Mark Sissons IF YOU GO Biennale hours and tickets Il Giardini is open, except most Mondays, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m."," Mark Sissons IF YOU GO Biennale hours and tickets Il Giardini is open, except most Mondays, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.",0 +Crunch the numbers and it's clear: Shakespeare is still sexist., Crunch the numbers and it's clear: Shakespeare is still sexist.,0 + Brian Kerrigan Race weekend draws many of Europe's car lovers., Brian Kerrigan Race weekend draws many of Europe's car lovers.,0 +" More info For a complete listing of Biennale exhibitions and artists, visit labiennale.org."," More info For a complete listing of Biennale exhibitions and artists, visit labiennale.org.",0 +" The 2018 Outback, available in four trims, goes on sale this summer."," The 2018 Outback, available in four trims, goes on sale this summer.",0 + Below is a selection of new and remodelled vehicles introduced at the New York International Auto Show.,Below is a selection of new and remodelled vehicles introduced at the New York International Auto Show.,0 +" As with the Civic, the Accord is built on Honda's new modular platform."," As with the Civic, the Accord is built on Honda's new modular platform.",0 +" LUCAS JACKSON/REUTERS This full-size, three-row version precedes an announced 2018 all-wheel-drive production model to be built on the company's global platform."," LUCAS JACKSON/REUTERS This full-size, three-row version precedes an announced 2018 all-wheel-drive production model to be built on the company's global platform.",0 + The preview route certainly wasn't chosen to give the GT an easy pass., The preview route certainly wasn't chosen to give the GT an easy pass.,0 + Mark Hacking for The Globe and Mail VERDICT 7.5 An impressive piece of engineering from many angles., Mark Hacking for The Globe and Mail VERDICT 7.5 An impressive piece of engineering from many angles.,0 +" ""The habit of the last 15 years of buying voraciously is finito,"" Schiff said."," Story continues below advertisement ""The habit of the last 15 years of buying voraciously is finito,"" Schiff said.",0 +" The Clarity Plug-in is a true five-seat sedan positioned to take on Chevrolet's Volt, the top-selling green car in Canada."," The Clarity Plug-in is a true five-seat sedan positioned to take on Chevrolet's Volt, the top-selling green car in Canada.",0 +" Luminato has received a gift of $600,000 spread over three years for projects involving emerging artists.","Luminato has received a gift of $600,000 spread over three years for projects involving emerging artists.",0 +" Only two of six LMP1 cars are running at the end, the winning Porsche and a Toyota."," Only two of six LMP1 cars are running at the end, the winning Porsche and a Toyota.",0 +" 2018 Outback One of Subaru's top-selling vehicles, the Outback gets a refresh, but at first glance, it doesn't look much different."," 2018 Outback One of Subaru's top-selling vehicles, the Outback gets a refresh, but at first glance, it doesn't look much different.",0 +" Brian Kerrigan On race-day Sunday, Catholic mass is held at the Chapel in the Woods, a few metres from the track."," Brian Kerrigan On race-day Sunday, Catholic mass is held at the Chapel in the Woods, a few metres from the track.",0 +""" Pentheus has an idea - many men have this idea - that he can somehow see women without being seen by them.",""" Pentheus has an idea - many men have this idea - that he can somehow see women without being seen by them.",0 + Guy Aroch Butler's not a messiah in the biblical rise-from-the-dead sense., Guy Aroch Butler's not a messiah in the biblical rise-from-the-dead sense.,0 +" DENIS BALIBOUSE/REUTERS 9 of 12 VW T-Cross Breeze: Nissan didn't have much success with its convertible Murano, but maybe Volkswagen thinks it can catch on.","(DENIS BALIBOUSE/REUTERS) VW T-Cross Breeze: Nissan didn't have much success with its convertible Murano, but maybe Volkswagen thinks it can catch on.",1 +""" Some 40 brands are featured at the Toronto show, with more than 50 announced Canadian new-model premieres.",""" Some 40 brands are featured at the Toronto show, with more than 50 announced Canadian new-model premieres.",0 +"Which is too bad, because Shaw has an exceptionally entertaining Dracula in the form of Allan Louis."," Which is too bad, because Shaw has an exceptionally entertaining Dracula in the form of Allan Louis.",0 + She had to move recently from the house she owned in Markham for 38 years., She had to move recently from the house she owned in Markham for 38 years.,0 +"At each performance of Androcles and the Lion, a different cast member serves as emcee, reading stage directions and explaining the rules."," At each performance of Androcles and the Lion, a different cast member serves as emcee, reading stage directions and explaining the rules.",0 +"Winter months are normally slow for auto sales, but the Toronto show is ideally positioned to help shoppers who normally get serious in the spring."," Winter months are normally slow for auto sales, but the Toronto show is ideally positioned to help shoppers who normally get serious in the spring.",0 +There are more than a dozen concept vehicles on display that may hint at the kind you'll be driving a few years down the road., There are more than a dozen concept vehicles on display that may hint at the kind you'll be driving a few years down the road.,0 +" It would not be correct to say Murray has reached the contemplative stage of her life, because she was always that way."," It would not be correct to say Murray has reached the contemplative stage of her life, because she was always that way.",0 + CARGO Trunk volume of 427 L is among the segment's largest., CARGO Trunk volume of 427 L is among the segment's largest.,0 +" ""The thinking has been that when the car leaves the factory it's done,"" says Dieter May, BMW's senior vice-president of digital services and business models."," ""The thinking has been that when the car leaves the factory it's done,"" says Dieter May, BMW's senior vice-president of digital services and business models.",0 + Thomas Cordy/The Globe and Mail She was always an athlete and remains one., Thomas Cordy/The Globe and Mail She was always an athlete and remains one.,0 +" ""Performing really lost its joy. I always loved the recording studio, but even that became a chore,"" Murray says."," ""Performing really lost its joy. I always loved the recording studio, but even that became a chore,"" Murray says.",0 +" While neither of those companies have achieved gender parity, they come closer than most of the summer Shakespearean institutions I surveyed across the country."," While neither of those companies have achieved gender parity, they come closer than most of the summer Shakespearean institutions I surveyed across the country.",0 + Cylla von Tiedemann Other Canadian repertory theatres that focus on different repertoire seem to have a greater representation of women on stage., Cylla von Tiedemann Other Canadian repertory theatres that focus on different repertoire seem to have a greater representation of women on stage.,0 +"On a personal level for the playwrights and performers involved, you can see the payoff."," Story continues below advertisement On a personal level for the playwrights and performers involved, you can see the payoff.",1 +" Thierry Franco The spiegeltent performers also include Jeremy Dutcher, an operatic tenor who sings in the language of New Brunswick's Wolastoq (Maliseet) First Nation."," Thierry Franco The spiegeltent performers also include Jeremy Dutcher, an operatic tenor who sings in the language of New Brunswick's Wolastoq (Maliseet) First Nation.",0 +" Its cars are cutting-edge technology top to bottom, while everything on the other side of the Armco crash barrier feels unchanged from the 1960s."," Its cars are cutting-edge technology top to bottom, while everything on the other side of the Armco crash barrier feels unchanged from the 1960s.",0 +" The Nissan Sentra SE-R, a boxy two-door sport compact, made Car and Driver magazine's top-10 list in the 1991 to 1994 model years.","The Nissan Sentra SE-R, a boxy two-door sport compact, made Car and Driver magazine's top-10 list in the 1991 to 1994 model years.",0 +"""God in heaven, could you please me?"" The issue of suicide is raised on Good God Damn, a slow slice of seventies blue-eyed funk.","""God in heaven, could you please me?"" The issue of suicide is raised on Good God Damn, a slow slice of seventies blue-eyed funk.",0 +- Mark Richardson 2018 LEXUS LS 500 F SPORT 2018 Lexus LS 500 F Sport.,- Mark Richardson 2018 LEXUS LS 500 F SPORT 2018 Lexus LS 500 F Sport.,0 +"The idea behind this form of performance is simple: Rather than sitting in seats and watching a show, audience members are immersed in one."," The idea behind this form of performance is simple: Rather than sitting in seats and watching a show, audience members are immersed in one.",0 +The only thing that doesn't quite land are the songs John Gzowski has composed to lines by Wilde., The only thing that doesn't quite land are the songs John Gzowski has composed to lines by Wilde.,0 + VERDICT 7.5 A well-priced sporty sedan for boy racers who've grown up., VERDICT 7.5 A well-priced sporty sedan for boy racers who've grown up.,0 +"""I'm not going to quote 'New York, New York,'"" Schultz says."," ""I'm not going to quote 'New York, New York,'"" Schultz says.",0 +" ""It was a very good career, but it wasn't noisy."," ""It was a very good career, but it wasn't noisy.",0 +" There, Thorp and Kuciara got to sit in the hero car they designed for Johansson's sidekick, Batou."," There, Thorp and Kuciara got to sit in the hero car they designed for Johansson's sidekick, Batou.",0 +" The police cars from Blade Runner (1982) had an interactive central screen and a navigation system, long before such technology was available in cars."," The police cars from Blade Runner (1982) had an interactive central screen and a navigation system, long before such technology was available in cars.",0 +" The circuit runs out of Le Mans to a small nearby town, across to a second, then back to complete the loop."," The circuit runs out of Le Mans to a small nearby town, across to a second, then back to complete the loop.",0 +" Only two of six LMP1 cars are running at the end, the winning Porsche and a Toyota."," Only two of six LMP1 cars are running at the end, the winning Porsche and a Toyota.",0 +"An enjoyable trio between Belch, Aguecheek and Feste aside, this part of the plot still feels unusually subdued."," An enjoyable trio between Belch, Aguecheek and Feste aside, this part of the plot still feels unusually subdued.",0 + How you want to turn out is like Anne Murray., How you want to turn out is like Anne Murray.,0 +" Although pricing has yet to be released, Honda says the vehicle will be available in two trim levels (EX and Touring) in Canada."," Although pricing has yet to be released, Honda says the vehicle will be available in two trim levels (EX and Touring) in Canada.",0 +" Guy Aroch And Peter Pan delivers something of an homage to Bruce Springsteen, a generational hero who electrified a wandering, disillusioned herd."," Guy Aroch And Peter Pan delivers something of an homage to Bruce Springsteen, a generational hero who electrified a wandering, disillusioned herd.",0 +" Both engines, a 175-horsepower, 2.5-litre Boxer engine and a 256-hp, 3.6-L Boxer six-cylinder engine, are carry-overs."," Both engines, a 175-horsepower, 2.5-litre Boxer engine and a 256-hp, 3.6-L Boxer six-cylinder engine, are carry-overs.",0 +" Yet, come Aug. 21, Mother Nature is set to top it all with a spectacle that dwarfs any Hollywood blockbuster."," Yet, come Aug. 21, Mother Nature is set to top it all with a spectacle that dwarfs any Hollywood blockbuster.",0 +" On race day, the city's tram system impersonates the Tokyo subway at rush hour."," On race day, the city's tram system impersonates the Tokyo subway at rush hour.",0 +" Despite the influx of money into the sector, venture capital remains a niche industry of predominantly small firms consisting of a handful of friends."," Despite the influx of money into the sector, venture capital remains a niche industry of predominantly small firms consisting of a handful of friends.",0 +"Thanks to The Lambeth Walk, Me and My Girl was the most successful British musical until Cats, for whatever that's worth."," Thanks to The Lambeth Walk, Me and My Girl was the most successful British musical until Cats, for whatever that's worth.",0 +The parable is fleshed out with other Christians waiting to be devoured at the Imperial Circus., The parable is fleshed out with other Christians waiting to be devoured at the Imperial Circus.,0 +Bakkhai's chorus is comprised of seven women - one for each of the gates of the ancient city of Thebes., Bakkhai's chorus is comprised of seven women - one for each of the gates of the ancient city of Thebes.,0 +" But before we give Butler his due, let's pause for a moment to acknowledge the rock 'n' roll messiahs who've come before him."," But before we give Butler his due, let's pause for a moment to acknowledge the rock 'n' roll messiahs who've come before him.",0 + It is remarkable because of how it throws up a wall of protection around the car to save your backside., It is remarkable because of how it throws up a wall of protection around the car to save your backside.,0 +" Other historic eclipses allowed astronomers to discover the element helium and prove that gravity bends light, a key prediction of Einstein's theory of relativity."," Other historic eclipses allowed astronomers to discover the element helium and prove that gravity bends light, a key prediction of Einstein's theory of relativity.",0 +" During a brief demo, the new touschscreen-based infotainment system felt just as quick and responsive as any Apple smartphone or tablet."," During a brief demo, the new touschscreen-based infotainment system felt just as quick and responsive as any Apple smartphone or tablet.",0 + A total eclipse of the sun is one of life's genuine experiences., Story continues below advertisement A total eclipse of the sun is one of life's genuine experiences.,0 + Porsche hasn't tossed over the keys to any of the hyper-valuable old 911s., Porsche hasn't tossed over the keys to any of the hyper-valuable old 911s.,0 + Photos by Petrina Gentile/The Globe and Mail Ascent crossover concept Bigger is better seems to be the motto here., Photos by Petrina Gentile/The Globe and Mail Ascent crossover concept Bigger is better seems to be the motto here.,0 +Sargent added he is working on a plan to honour Luminato co-founders Tony Gagliano and the late David Pecaut (who died in 2009)., Sargent added he is working on a plan to honour Luminato co-founders Tony Gagliano and the late David Pecaut (who died in 2009).,0 + ALBERT GEA/REUTERS The cabin of the A8 is all-new and supremely futuristic., ALBERT GEA/REUTERS The cabin of the A8 is all-new and supremely futuristic.,0 +" Eventually, her brother Bruce Murray joined her on the road as a backup singer and got her out of her room."," Eventually, her brother Bruce Murray joined her on the road as a backup singer and got her out of her room.",0 +" ""The cool thing is you can break a lot of rules,"" Thorp said."," ""The cool thing is you can break a lot of rules,"" Thorp said.",0 +""" Composer Reza Jacobs has composed melancholy settings to this and other songs well suited to Carver's wide-eyed, almost traumatized delivery of them;",""" Composer Reza Jacobs has composed melancholy settings to this and other songs well suited to Carver's wide-eyed, almost traumatized delivery of them;",0 +You can see why an artistic director might find this 1985 adaptation of Dracula appealing on the page., You can see why an artistic director might find this 1985 adaptation of Dracula appealing on the page.,0 +") As Arcade Fire's undisputed leader, derisive scrutiny is Butler's cross to bear.",") As Arcade Fire's undisputed leader, derisive scrutiny is Butler's cross to bear.",0 +There's plenty to see and do even if you're not actively car-shopping., There's plenty to see and do even if you're not actively car-shopping.,0 +" ""We plan to keep it that way as much as possible moving forward,"" says Alan Long, director of marketing."," ""We plan to keep it that way as much as possible moving forward,"" says Alan Long, director of marketing.",0 + It was not the first - or the last - time that Ms. Kimura would face such behaviour., Story continues below advertisement It was not the first - or the last - time that Ms. Kimura would face such behaviour.,0 +"Somethin' filled up, my heart with nothin' Someone told me not to cry."," Somethin' filled up, my heart with nothin' Someone told me not to cry.",0 +West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude futures were down 36 cents at $65.78 a barrel.,"West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude futures fell 58 cents, or 0.9 per cent, to close at $65.56 a barrel.",1 + Democrats have said those inquires are intended to undermine and distract from Mueller's investigation., Democrats have said the inquires into the Clinton investigation were intended to undermine and distract from Mueller's investigation.,1 +""" Sanders also said Trump continues to have ""full confidence"" in FBI Director Christopher Wray, who the president appointed to replace Comey.",""" Sanders said Trump continues to have ""full confidence"" in FBI Director Christopher Wray, who was appointed by Trump to replace Comey.",1 +"That resistance wavered Monday as drops in real-estate, utility and telecom shares proved too strong for the market to shake off.","That resistance wavered on Monday as drops in real estate, utility and telecom shares proved too strong for the market to shake off.",0 +" ""Who has been the most successful in getting people to open up their DNA?"," ""Who has been the most successful in getting people to open up their DNA?",0 +" A mix of signals In the genomic era, people keen to dip into their DNA should be comfortable curling up with ambiguity."," A mix of signals In the genomic era, people keen to dip into their DNA should be comfortable curling up with ambiguity.",0 + Story continues below advertisement Story continues below advertisement Alberta Alberta will turn to the private sector to sell recreational cannabis provincially., Alberta Alberta will turn to the private sector to sell recreational cannabis provincially.,0 +" Desjardins Group lowered its target price for the grocery-and-pharmacy retailer to $76 per share, from $84, and cut its recommendation to hold.","Desjardins Group lowered its target price for the grocery-and-pharmacy retailer to $76 per share, from $84, and cut its recommendation to hold.",0 +""" Most research on DNA has focused on the single letter ""typos"" in genetic code as signposts of disease.",""" Most research on DNA has focused on the single letter ""typos"" in genetic code as signposts of disease.",0 +""" The fate of the memo is the latest flashpoint in the contentious relationship between Trump and the Justice Department.", The fate of the Nunes memo is only the latest flashpoint in the contentious relationship between Trump and the Justice Department.,1 +""" Boeing issued a harshly worded statement that suggested it could appeal the decision or launch a new petition.", Boeing issued a statement on Friday that suggested it might appeal the decision or launch a new petition.,1 +" Unsurprisingly, the new report concludes that Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) is not ready to become a standard feature of routine health care."," Unsurprisingly, the new report concludes that Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) is not ready to become a standard feature of routine health care.",0 + Revenue from the company's higher-margin data center business jumped about 20 per cent to $5.58-billion., Revenue from the company's higher-margin data center business jumped about 20 percent to $5.58 billion.,0 +"P 500 last year and led the index lower today, each falling at least 0.7 percent as of 2:46 p.m. in New York.","P 500 last year and led the index lower on Monday, each falling around 1 per cent.",1 + Nor can his genome currently offer him an explanation for the low cholesterol that runs in his family., Nor can his genome currently offer him an explanation for the low cholesterol that runs in his family.,0 +" Surprising, too, is that many of the volunteers carry mutated genes that suggest they should be sick, diseased or even near death - but aren't."," Surprising, too, is that many of the volunteers carry mutated genes that suggest they should be sick, diseased or even near death - but aren't.",0 + But asking people to pay their own way also resulted in a fairly select group of early volunteers., But asking people to pay their own way also resulted in a fairly select group of early volunteers.,0 +""" The study also examined changes in mitochondrial DNA, which people inherit only from their mothers.",""" The study also examined changes in mitochondrial DNA, which people inherit only from their mothers.",0 +" That made for biased samples, says Heidi Rehm, an associate professor of pathology at Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School."," That made for biased samples, says Heidi Rehm, an associate professor of pathology at Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School.",0 +" Brent crude futures were down 36 cents at $68.22 a barrel by 1010 GMT, while U.S."," Brent crude futures were down 90 cents at $67.68 a barrel by 1230 GMT, while U.S.",1 +" In all, the study found that a quarter of the participants, or 14 people, carry genetic variants associated with heart disease, cancer and neurological conditions."," In all, the study found that a quarter of the participants, or 14 people, carry genetic variants associated with heart disease, cancer and neurological conditions.",0 +" Andrew Berry, wearing a dark T-shirt, did not speak today during a brief appearance in court via a video link."," Andrew Berry, wearing a dark T-shirt, did not speak Thursday during a brief appearance in court via a video link.",0 +" More than 1,000 mourners attended a funeral service for the sisters last month at Victoria's Christ Church Cathedral."," More than 1,000 mourners attended a funeral service for the sisters last month at Victoria's Christ Church Cathedral.",0 +" Meanwhile, Loblaw fell more than three per cent after its stock was downgraded once details of the drug reform emerged.","Meanwhile, Loblaw, which owns the Shoppers Drug Mart chain, saw its stock downgraded once details of the drug reform emerged.",1 + The Calgary-based airline says daily direct flights will begin May 31 to Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris from Halifax Stanfield International Airport., The Calgary-based airline announced Monday that daily direct flights will begin May 31 to Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris from Halifax Stanfield International Airport.,1 +" ""You can imagine someone getting this report back and saying, 'Oh my God, I'm gonna die of this!"," ""You can imagine someone getting this report back and saying, 'Oh my God, I'm gonna die of this!",0 +" A spokesperson for Quebec's independent police watchdog added the constable, who was also injured, was out of danger."," Story continues below advertisement A spokesperson for Quebec's independent police watchdog added the constable, who was also injured, was out of danger.",0 +", this morning to face charges that he shot and killed a deer on private property without permission from the landowner.",", to face charges that he shot and killed a deer on private property in early November without permission from the landowner.",1 +" On Monday, the committee voted to make the Democratic memo available to all House members - but not the public.","On Monday, the committee voted to make the Democratic memo available to all House members - but not the public.",0 + The company operates 74 drugstores in Ontario and 184 in Quebec.,The company operates 74 drugstores in Ontario and 184 in Quebec.,0 +" However, despite generally bullish sentiment, analysts said the market had been dented by rising output in North America."," Despite generally bullish sentiment, analysts said the market had been dented by rising output in North America.",0 +" Brent crude futures held above $70 per barrel, but eased 23 cents on the day to $70.29 a barrel by 0943 GMT, while U.S."," Brent crude futures were down 64 cents at $69.88 a barrel by 1130 GMT, while U.S.",1 +" The biggest digital currency sank 10 per cent to $7,722 at 10:51 a.m. in London, according to composite Bloomberg pricing."," The biggest digital currency sank 14 per cent to $7,360 at 9:24 a.m. in New York, according to composite Bloomberg pricing.",1 + TSB spokesman Alexandre Fournier says the field phase of the investigation is over and the wreck has been removed.," TSB spokesman Alexandre Fournier told The Canadian Press that the field phase of the investigation was over, and the wreck had been removed.",1 +""" Cutting costs, saving lives In less than two decades, the cost to sequence a human genome has dropped by billions of dollars.",""" Cutting costs, saving lives In less than two decades, the cost to sequence a human genome has dropped by billions of dollars.",0 +And it means duties totalling nearly 300 per cent imposed by the U.S.,It means duties totalling nearly 300 per cent imposed by the U.S.,0 +A subplot that has gone largely unnoticed in this year's relentless stock rally is playing out in public Monday.,A subplot that has gone largely unnoticed in this year's relentless stock rally played out in public on Monday.,0 +" The constable then took out a gun and fired it, hitting the 18-year-old at least once in the head."," The constable then took out a gun and fired it, hitting Bertrand at least once in the head, the statement said.",1 +"West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude futures were at $66.24 a barrel, up 10 cents.",West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude futures were down 36 cents at $65.78 a barrel.,1 +"That suggests the virus has genetically mutated, making the vaccine less effective this year.","But because the virus appears to have genetically mutated since then, that's likely made the shot less effective this year.",1 + The FBI has previously said McCabe was not involved in the Clinton investigation until he was promoted to deputy director in January 2016., The FBI previously said McCabe was not involved in the Clinton investigation until he was promoted to deputy director in January 2016.,0 +"Mowbray was found to carry a total of ""26 genetic defects,"" he says, none of which he has, or at least, not yet.",""" Dr. Mowbray was found to carry a total of ""26 genetic defects,"" he says, none of which he has, or at least, not yet.",0 +" The FBI said on Monday that David Bowdich, the No. 3 FBI official, would take over as Acting Deputy Director for McCabe."," The FBI said on Monday that David Bowdich, the No. 3 FBI official, would take over as acting deputy director.",0 +"The Transportation Safety Board of Canada has completed its work at the scene of Wednesday's fatal helicopter crash near Drummondville, Que.","The Transportation Safety Board of Canada said Saturday that it had completed its work at the scene of Thursday's fatal helicopter crash near Drummondville, Que.",1 +""" Gains in employment and output in the agricultural sector will be offset by proportionately bigger losses everywhere else.",""" Gains in employment and output in the agricultural sector will be offset by proportionately bigger losses everywhere else.",0 +""" THE GENETIC FUTURE: MORE FROM THE GLOBE AND MAIL",""" THE GENETIC FUTURE: MORE FROM THE GLOBE AND MAIL ",0 +" ""Chelsea is one of the biggest teams in the Premier League,"" the 31-year-old said in a statement."," Story continues below advertisement ""Chelsea is one of the biggest teams in the Premier League,"" the 31-year-old Giroud said in a statement.",1 + There is nothing less sustainable than the sustainable food movement., There is nothing less sustainable than the sustainable food movement.,0 + Dr. Scherer stands among the genomic sequencing machines in the TCAG lab., Dr. Scherer stands among the genomic sequencing machines in the TCAG lab.,0 + McCullough says police statements about public safety made shortly after the discovery of the bodies of six-year-old Chloe and four-year-old Aubrey Berry were not fair., McCullough said police statements about public safety made shortly after the discovery of the bodies of six-year-old Chloe and four-year-old Aubrey Berry were not fair.,1 +" The PGP study found more than 27,000 CNVs among the 56 Canadians."," The PGP study found more than 27,000 CNVs among the 56 Canadians.",0 +Toronto FC has signed Dutch international defender Gregory van der Wiel from Italy's Cagliari.,MLS champion Toronto FC has strengthened its right side by signing Dutch international defender Gregory van der Wiel from Italy's Cagliari.,1 +" The researchers recommended further monitoring, tests and counselling for several participants, and noted the findings have health-management implications for their families and future generations."," The researchers recommended further monitoring, tests and counselling for several participants, and noted the findings have health-management implications for their families and future generations.",0 +An Alberta legislature member who once sat for the United Conservatives is not being allowed to return to the party.,An Alberta legislature member who once sat for the United Conservatives is not being allowed back into the party.,0 +" ""Loblaw has experienced a confluence of headwinds,"" wrote Keith Howlett, an analyst with Desjardins Capital Markets in a note Tuesday.","""Loblaw has experienced a confluence of headwinds,"" wrote Keith Howlett, an analyst with Desjardins Capital Markets in a note Tuesday.",0 +""" Industry groups that pay the highest dividends -- telecoms, utilities and property companies -- have been the sectors most sensitive to interest-rate increases.","Co Industry groups that pay the highest dividends - telecoms, utilities and property companies - have been the sectors most sensitive to interest-rate increases.",0 +" No single initiative will offset ""the significant industry headwinds,"" he said, but the company has made progress to mitigate them.","No single initiative will offset ""the significant industry headwinds,"" he said, but the company has made progress to mitigate them.",0 +" Take Participant No. 16, whose genes seem to tell the grim story of an aortic stenosis."," Take Participant No. 16, whose genes seem to tell the grim story of an aortic stenosis.",0 +" It's the steady hammering in companies with the highest dividends, a trend that before today had done little to slow the advance in the S&"," It's the steady hammering of companies with the highest dividends, which before this week had done little to slow the advance in the S&",0 + Story continues below advertisement The odds that the sustainable food movement convinces Ottawa to ban agri-food exports and pursue Khmer Rouge-style self-sufficiency may be remote., The odds that the sustainable food movement convinces Ottawa to ban agri-food exports and pursue Khmer Rouge-style self-sufficiency may be remote.,0 + Police have said the crash is not believed to be a criminal act., Police have said the crash is not believed to have been a criminal act.,0 +" Even Michael Szego, the project's lead ethicist, discovered something both leading and misleading in his genome."," Even Michael Szego, the project's lead ethicist, discovered something both leading and misleading in his genome.",0 +" After the Canadian launch of PGP, the movement gathered global steam, with projects taking off in Britain, Austria and, last October, in China."," After the Canadian launch of PGP, the movement gathered global steam, with projects taking off in Britain, Austria and, last October, in China.",0 + A woman who said she was the man's mother wrote on Facebook that her son was stable and that the bullet hadn't hit his brain.," Bertrand's mother, Julie, wrote on Facebook that her son was stable and the bullet hadn't hit his brain.",1 + Windrift Kennel has not responded to repeated requests for comment., Story continues below advertisement Story continues below advertisement Windrift Kennel did not responded to repeated requests for comment.,1 +" There may be various reasons the participants appear to be healthy despite the pathogenic variants they carry, lead author Dr. Reuter says."," There may be various reasons the participants appear to be healthy despite the pathogenic variants they carry, lead author Dr. Reuter says.",0 +""" In the United States, proof that the knowledge gap can lead to serious misinterpretations has already surfaced.",""" In the United States, proof that the knowledge gap can lead to serious misinterpretations has already surfaced.",0 +" Loblaw did not immediately respond to a request for comment, but management has previously noted the possible impact of generic drug pricing changes.","Loblaw declined to comment, but management has previously noted the possible impact of generic drug pricing changes.",1 +"When cannabis is legalized in July it will only be available at nine outlets, with four in the Halifax area.","When cannabis is legalized it will only be available at nine outlets, with four in the Halifax area.",1 +" With Ottawa promising a new national food policy shortly, there's good reason to take the proposals being made by the sustainable food movement seriously."," With Ottawa promising a new national food policy shortly, there's good reason to take the proposals being made by the sustainable food movement seriously.",0 +" But, given the profiles of the early recruits, few had high expectations for themselves going into it."," But, given the profiles of the early recruits, few had high expectations for themselves going into it.",0 + Story continues below advertisement Just ask Participant No. 16 about the heart abnormalities his genes suggest., Just ask Participant No. 16 about the heart abnormalities his genes suggest.,0 +"Authorities in South Korea and other countries are weighing increased regulatory scrutiny of the cryptocurrency industry, which has sparked a selloff to start the year.","And authorities in digital-coin powerhouse South Korea and other countries are weighing increased regulatory scrutiny of the industry, news which helped spark the ongoing selloffr.",1 +" The bans extends only to credit card purchases, with debit card users still able to buy crypto currencies."," The bans extends only to credit card purchases, with debit card users still able to buy cryptocurrencies.",0 +Bitcoin declined for a fifth day and led cryptocurrencies lower as a global equities sell-off deepened and investors migrated to havens.,"Bitcoin declined for a fifth day, breaking below $7,500 and leading cryptocurrencies lower as a global equities selloff deepened and investors migrated toward safe-haven assets.",1 +"EST (1414 GMT), the Canadian dollar was trading 0.2 per cent lower at $1.2458 to the greenback, or 80.27 U.S. cents.","EST, the Canadian dollar was trading 0.7 per cent lower at $1.2524 to the greenback, or 79.85 U.S. cents.",1 +" The philosophy behind the project sprouted at Harvard University, where the first PGP project began in 2005."," The philosophy behind the project sprouted at Harvard University, where the first PGP project began in 2005.",0 +Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin suggested President Donald Trump's administration favoured a weaker currency.,Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin that the U.S. administration favored a weaker currency.,1 +" On the health front, even before it had a name, excitement over DNA's power straddled centuries."," On the health front, even before it had a name, excitement over DNA's power straddled centuries.",0 +" Britain has agreed in principle with the EU to have an implementation period, which is expected to be finalized in March."," Britain has agreed in principle with the EU to have a status quo transition period, which is expected to be finalised in March.",1 + Republicans have criticized McCabe in connection with the Clinton e-mail server probe.,""" Story continues below advertisement Republicans have criticized McCabe in connection with the Clinton e-mail server probe.",0 +" ""It is fixable and everyone thinks so but we have to sit down and work at it,"" said Thomas."," ""It is fixable and everyone thinks so, but we have to sit down and work at it,"" Thomas said.",0 + Local food has been having a moment--for about the past de-cade., Local food has been having a moment--for about the past decade.,0 + No one disputes the right of rich urban folk to enjoy their farmers' markets and organic kale smoothies., No one disputes the right of rich urban folk to enjoy their farmers' markets and organic kale smoothies.,0 +Ontario's animal welfare organization has launched an investigation into the treatment of more than 100 dogs at a dog-sledding operation north of Toronto.,Allegations of animal abuse at a dog-sledding operation north of Toronto have prompted Ontario's animal welfare organization to launch an investigation.,1 +" A tour operator, Toronto Adventures, says it has cut ties with Windrift Kennel after the allegations surfaced.", Toronto Adventures said Thursday it has cut ties with Windrift Kennel and will no longer offer dog-sledding outings.,1 +" The stock has gained 20 per cent in the last 12 months, compared with a 40 per cent gain in the Philadelphia Semiconductor index."," The stock has gained 20 percent in the last 12 months, compared with a 40 percent gain in the Philadelphia Semiconductor index.",0 + Russian sports minister Pavel Kolobkov said the country's Olympic committee would ask the IOC to allow the 28 to compete in Pyeongchang., Russian sports minister Pavel Kolobkov said the IOC would be asked to allow the 28 athletes to compete in Pyeongchang.,1 +"""They have won maybe the most trophies in the last six or seven years."," ""They have won maybe the most trophies in the last six or seven years.",0 +" In December, Fildebrandt was found guilty in a hit and run in which he failed to notify the owner that he had damaged her vehicle."," In December, Fildebrandt was found guilty in a hit and run.",1 + MSCI's broadest index of Asia-Pacific shares outside Japan was down 0.3 per cent after rising to a record high the previous day.,MSCI's broadest index of Asia-Pacific shares outside Japan was down 0.5 per cent after rising to an all-time high the previous day.,0 + The equity market revival is merely a case of buying the fact after selling the rumour., The equity market revival is merely a case of buying the fact after selling the rumour.,0 + We ended up with roughly 20 of the donor's eggs., We ended up with roughly 20 of the donor's eggs.,0 +" It wasn't immediately clear what caused the crash, although weather was severe in the area."," It wasn't immediately clear what caused the crash, although weather was severe.",1 +" The Dow is coming off six straight winning sessions, a streak we last saw in November."," The Dow is coming off six straight winning sessions as of last Friday, a streak we last saw in November.",1 + Story continues below advertisement Men's ice hockey playoff qualification Team Canada will play Finland in the quarterfinals., Men's ice hockey playoff qualification Team Canada will play Finland in the quarterfinals.,0 +"An Aseman Airlines chartered flight in August 2008, flown by an Itek Air Boeing 737, crashed in Kyrgyzstan, killing 74 people.","An Aseman Airlines-chartered flight in August 2008, flown by an Itek Air Boeing 737, crashed in Kyrgyzstan, killing 74 people.",0 +" ""He's special,"" said American Casey Andringa. ""I don't think anyone's gonna beat him trying to replicate what he does.","""He's special,"" American Casey Andringa said. ""I don't think anyone's gonna beat him trying to replicate what he does.",0 +Feb. 19: Figure skating (Ice dancing short dance) 8:30 p.m.,Feb. 19: Figure skating (Ice dancing free dance) 12:05 a.m.,1 +There's also $16-billion to renew a slew of expired tax breaks that Congress seems unable to kill.,There's also $16 billion to renew a slew of expired tax breaks that Congress seems unable to kill.,0 +"Congress, which controls federal purse strings, but they allow the White House to lay out its priorities for the year.","Instead, the budget allows the White House to lay out its priorities for the year.",1 + The problem for Canadians is that the centre is the only viable path.,The problem for Canadians is that the centre is the only viable path.,0 +" Under decades of international sanctions, Iran's commercial passenger aircraft fleet has aged, with air accidents occurring regularly in recent years."," Story continues below advertisement Under decades of international sanctions, Iran's commercial passenger aircraft fleet has aged, with air accidents occurring regularly in recent years.",1 +" He batted away the usual questions about pressure and his last run in Russia, when an Olympic gold transmuted to silver.","He batted away the usual questions about pressure and his last run in Russia, when an Olympic gold transmuted to silver.",0 +"The message is that 2017 really was a year of 'low quality' economic growth, aided and abetted by wealth effects, dollar depreciation and borrowed money.","The message is that 2017 really was a year of ""low quality"" economic growth, aided and abetted by wealth effects, dollar depreciation and borrowed money.",0 +"Rand Paul repeatedly held up votes on the budget plan, which is married to a six-week government-wide spending measure.","Rand Paul repeatedly held up votes on the budget plan, futilely seeking a vote on reversing spending increases.",1 + Matt and I spent a weekend each scouring a donor agency's database., Matt and I spent a weekend each scouring a donor agency's database.,0 +" He has also vowed to sue CTV News, which broadcast the allegations.","He said his lawyers are in the process of launching a lawsuit against CTV News, which broadcast the allegations.",1 + The budget also seeks some $13 billion in new funding over the next two years to combat the opioid epidemic., The budget also seeks some $13-billion in new funding over the next two years to combat the opioid epidemic.,0 +" After the appointment, the three of us split up, and Matt and I both went back to work;"," After the appointment, the three of us split up, and Matt and I both went back to work;",0 +" Speed skating (Women's 5,000m) Ottawa's Ivanie Blondin was unable to reach the podium in the gruelling 5,000 metres, finishing fifth."," Speed skating (Women's 5,000m) Story continues below advertisement Ottawa's Ivanie Blondin was unable to reach the podium in the gruelling 5,000 metres, finishing fifth.",0 + - With files from Reuters Kenyan lawyer Miguna Miguna is arrested for taking part in opposition leader Raila Odinga's 'swearing in' ceremony., With a report from Reuters Kenyan lawyer Miguna Miguna is arrested for taking part in opposition leader Raila Odinga's 'swearing in' ceremony.,1 +" ""We would accept a challenge from Mr. T,"" Morris said. ""Not an arm-wrestling challenge."," ""We would accept a challenge from Mr. T,"" Mr. Morris said.",0 +This means that 70 per cent of the 2.3 per cent growth in 2017 was completely artificial and inorganic.,This means that 70 per cent of the 2.3-per-cent growth in 2017 was completely artificial and inorganic.,0 +" The proposal increases U.S. contributions to the United Nations, an organization that Trump has repeatedly criticized, by 4.5 percent."," The proposal increases U.S. contributions to the United Nations, an organization that Trump has repeatedly criticized, by 4.5 per cent.",0 +" The more distance I get from those chaotic first months, the more epiphanies I have."," The more distance I get from those chaotic first months, the more epiphanies I have.",0 +"Mikheil Saakashvili, the former Georgian president-turned opposition leader in Ukraine, was deported to Poland, Ukrainian officials said Monday."," He confirmed the deportation of the former Georgian president-turned-Ukrainian opposition leader, citing rulings by Ukrainian courts that said Saakashvili was staying in the country illegally.",1 +"Though mixed doubles curling is a young discipline, it contains within it all the ancient customs and conventions of the sport.","Though mixed-doubles curling is a young discipline, it contains within it all the ancient customs and conventions of the sport.",0 +As things kept getting worse for him - and partner Jenny Perret - Rios kept toweling off.,As things kept getting worse for him - and partner Jenny Perret - Mr. Rios kept towelling off.,1 + Philadelphia acquired goalie Petr Mrazek from Detroit on Monday night for a pair of draft picks to fill the void.,""" Philadelphia acquired goalie Petr Mrazek from Detroit on Monday night for a pair of draft picks to fill the void.",0 + He said he will return to Kenya if he can get his passport back.,Mr. Miguna said he will return to Kenya if he can get his passport back.,1 + David Rosenberg is chief economist with Gluskin Sheff + Associates Inc. and author of the daily economic newsletter Breakfast with Dave.,David Rosenberg is chief economist with Gluskin Sheff + Associates Inc. and author of the daily economic newsletter Breakfast with Dave.,0 +"Locals described hearing the crash, although no one had found the crash site yet, according to state TV.","Locals described hearing the crash, but no one has reached the crash site due to weather.",1 + U.S. crude prices were up 0.55 per cent to $62.02 a barrel.,U.S. crude prices settled 1.8 per cent higher at $62.77 a barrel.,1 +" Right before Eva was born, I had lunch with a source who worked on Bay Street."," Right before Eva was born, I had lunch with a source who worked on Bay Street.",0 +A mere three-quarters of a point separates the world's best ice dance teams before the long program.,A mere 1.74 points separate the world's best ice-dance teams before the long program.,0 +"EST, the Canadian dollar was trading 0.1 per cent lower at $1.2721 to the greenback, or 78.61 U.S. cents.","EST (2100 GMT), the Canadian dollar was trading 0.1 per cent lower at C$1.2713 to the greenback, or 78.66 U.S. cents.",1 + What you missed Canada's Justin Kripps and Germany's Francesco Friedrich tied for gold in men's two-man bobsleigh at the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics., Canada's Justin Kripps and Germany's Francesco Friedrich tied for gold in men's two-man bobsleigh at the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics.,0 +" Some realizations came quickly, and will be appreciated by any new parent."," Some realizations came quickly, and will be appreciated by any new parent.",0 +" In the final, Morris and partner Kaitlyn Lawes pulled Switzerland apart like kids playing with a bug."," In the final, Mr. Morris and partner Kaitlyn Lawes pulled Switzerland apart like kids playing with a bug.",1 +"and here we are in 2018, not even two months old, and we have already seen 10 such days.","and here we are in 2018, not even two months old and we have already seen 10 such days.",0 +""" You should have seen the look on Marquis's face.",""" You should have seen the look on Marquis' face.",0 +" Home to 80 million people, Iran represents one of the world's last untapped aviation markets."," Home to 80 million people, Iran is one of the world's last untapped aviation markets.",1 + SCORCHED EARTH Opposition-held eastern Ghouta has been under siege by Assad's forces since 2013., Eastern Ghouta has been under siege by the Syrian army and allied forces since 2013.,1 +" Commodity-linked currencies, such as the Canadian dollar tend to underperform when stocks fall."," Commodity-linked currencies, such as the Canadian dollar tend to underperform when stocks fall.",0 +Bonnell told police he sexually assaulted Hilary and killed her.,He told police he sexually assaulted Hilary and killed her.,1 + That agreement makes the president's budget request even less relevant than it would be normally because Congress has already locked in its own spending priorities., That bipartisan agreement means Congress has already locked in its own spending priorities and that Trump's proposals are unlikely to be taken on.,1 +Mixed doubles is officially the most delightfully weird part of this Olympics.,Mixed-doubles is officially the most delightfully weird part of this Olympics.,0 +"A Russian-made Ilyushin 76 carrying members of the Revolutionary Guard crashed in the mountains of southeastern Iran in February 2003, killing 302 people.","A Russian-made Ilyushin 76 carrying members of the Revolutionary Guard crashed in southeastern Iran in February 2003, killing 302 people.",0 +"The fact that the athletes are mic'd gives it a reality TV feel, even if little of what's said makes sense.","The fact that the athletes are mic'd gives it a reality-TV feel, even if little of what's said makes sense.",0 +Canada's Kim Boutin captures short-track bronze after initially finishing fourth.,Canada's Kim Boutin captured short-track bronze after initially finishing fourth.,1 +Half the correction is over and now the blue-chips are up a grand total of 2 per cent for the year.,"Half the correction is over and now, the blue-chips are up a grand total of 1 per cent for the year.",0 + I've come to support the Swedish model for parental leave., I've come to support the Swedish model for parental leave.,0 +" The federal government has tried to make life easier for parents, by boosting child benefits for many families and extending parental leave to 18 months."," The federal government has tried to make life easier for parents, by boosting child benefits for many families and extending parental leave to 18 months.",0 + Latest news The Canadian mixed doubles curling team of Kaitlyn Lawes and John Morrison trounced Switzerland 10-3 to capture the gold medal., Latest news The Canadian mixed doubles curling team of Kaitlyn Lawes and John Morrison trounced Switzerland 10-3 to win the gold medal.,0 +"Searches were under way for bodies amid the rubble in the town of Saqba and elsewhere, said rescuers."," Searches were under way for bodies amid the rubble in the town of Saqba and elsewhere, said rescuers.",0 +"He had both passports with him at the airport, but said authorities confiscated his Kenyan passport before he boarded.","He had both of his passports with him at the airport, but said authorities confiscated his Kenyan passport before he boarded.",0 + Matt and I first met on Bay Street as junior investment bankers., Matt and I first met on Bay Street as junior investment bankers.,0 + What struck you about Lawes and Morris afterward was how hard they worked on behalf of the game., What struck you about Ms. Lawes and Mr. Morris afterward was how hard they worked on behalf of the game.,1 +Curling is just one of the things we do well at the Olympics now.,1. Curling is just one of the things we do well at the Olympics now.,1 +" Rios is a throwback curler, which is to say he is a surprisingly nimble fellow for a man of such girth.","Rios is a throwback curler, which is to say he is a surprisingly nimble fellow for a man of such girth.",0 +" Sadly, the past year was also a harsh lesson in how much we still must evolve to accommodate parents - of either sex."," Sadly, the past year was also a harsh lesson in how much we still must evolve to accommodate parents - of either sex.",0 +" In the hospital waiting for our daughter's birth, my husband and I cycled through sitting and standing at the end of our surrogate's bed."," In the hospital waiting for our daughter's birth, my husband and I cycled through sitting and standing at the end of our surrogate's bed.",0 + Quebec's Philippe Marquis blew his ACL four weeks ago while training.,Quebec's Philippe Marquis blew his ACL four weeks ago while training.,0 +" The Kenyan government said it deported Mr. Miguna as a ""prohibited immigrant,"" because he had lost Kenyan nationality under a now-defunct law."," The Kenyan government said it deported Mr. Miguna as a ""prohibited immigrant"" who was given his Kenyan passport illegally.",1 + Follow The Globe in Pyeongchang With files from Canadian Press , Follow The Globe in Pyeongchang With files from Canadian Press ,0 +"However, it is banned from flying in the European Union over safety concerns.","It specializes in flights to remote airfields across the country but also flies internationally, although it is banned in the European Union over safety concerns.",1 +""" But then he took the memory in a bittersweet direction.",""" But then he took the memory in a bittersweet direction. ""I wanted to be in that position.",0 +"(Morris, for example: ""You swept it so it'll be a hair keener.","Morris, for example: ""You swept it so it'll be a hair keener.",0 +That leaves uncertain the exact date the package takes legal effect.,That could take months and leaves uncertain the exact date the package takes legal effect.,1 + The wall is a key item for Trump's political base of supporters but is opposed by Democrats., Story continues below advertisement The wall is a key item for Trump's political base of supporters but is opposed by Democrats.,0 +P 500 had its best start to the year since 1987 through to Jan.,"P 500 had its best start to the year since 1987, through to Jan.",0 +"EST, the Canadian dollar was trading 0.1 per cent lower at $1.2508 to the greenback, or 79.95 U.S. cents, underperforming some other major currencies."," At 4 p.m. (2100 GMT), the Canadian dollar was trading 0.1 per cent higher at $1.2485 to the greenback, or 80.10 U.S. cents.",1 +Baptiste said she had been unable to sleep last night because she was so anxious ahead of the meeting.,Baptiste said she was unable to sleep last night because she was so anxious about the meeting.,1 +" Had Matt changed industries, we probably couldn't have afforded the costly surrogacy process."," Had Matt changed industries, we probably couldn't have afforded the costly surrogacy process.",0 + The one instance in which he showed real interest was when Marquis's name came up.,The one instance in which he showed real interest was when Marquis' name came up.,0 +Yet this narrative of how great the economy is doing has been extremely difficult to dent.,"Yet, this narrative of how great the economy is doing has been extremely difficult to dent.",0 +"On Friday, a jury in Saskatchewan acquitted Mr. Stanley of second-degree murder in connection with her son's death.","On Friday, a jury in Saskatchewan acquitted Mr. Stanley of second-degree murder in Mr. Boushie's death.",1 +" ""Oh my God!"" Kingsbury said, his expression opening up and his cadence changing to exclamation marks.","""Oh my God!"" Kingsbury said, his expression opening up and his cadence changing to exclamation marks.",0 +" This journey began a little more than three years ago, starting with our struggle to conceive as a gay couple."," This journey began a little more than three years ago, starting with our struggle to conceive as a gay couple.",0 +"""That's the dream right, is to have your best race at the Olympics.","""That's the dream, right, to have your best race at the Olympics.",0 +" Miguna Miguna spoke to The Globe and Mail from his Richmond Hill, Ont."," Miguna Miguna spoke to The Globe and Mail from his home in Richmond Hill, Ont.",1 +In 2018. I've been back at work for two months and it's pretty clear the sacrifices won't be confined to pat leave., I've been back at work for two months and it's pretty clear the sacrifices won't be confined to pat leave.,0 +" The Trump administration says, however, that Congress need not spend all of the money called for by the deal, particularly with regard to domestic spending."," The Trump administration says, however, that Congress need not spend all of the money called for under the deal, particularly with regard to domestic spending.",0 + Kramer was the sport's most dominant distance skater when Bloemen left the Netherlands for Canada in 2014.,""" Kramer was the sport's most dominant distance skater when Bloemen left the Netherlands for Canada in 2014.",0 +" Like most athletes who receive a lot of attention, Kingsbury has developed a patter for responding to questions.","Like most athletes who receive a lot of attention, Kingsbury has developed a patter for responding to questions.",0 +" Story continues below advertisement Other filings attacking the repeal are expected on Thursday, including one from many state attorneys general.", Story continues below advertisement At least five petitions have been filed at the U.S.,1 +""" For a man who says he doesn't think about it, he sure seems to spend a lot of time thinking about it.",""" For a man who says he doesn't think about it, he sure seems to spend a lot of time thinking about it.",0 +" Someone asked if he was ""back"" after completing his run.","Someone asked if he was ""back"" after completing his run.",0 +" Before Eva was born, I was already sympathetic to her argument."," Before Eva was born, I was already sympathetic to her argument.",0 +" The proposed cuts drew a rebuke from the top Democrat on the House of Representatives Budget Committee, John Yarmuth."," Still, the proposed cuts drew a rebuke from the top Democrat on the House of Representatives Budget Committee, John Yarmuth.",0 +(6 a.m.) Luge (women's singles runs 3-4) Veteran Alex Gough earned Canada's first ever women's luge medal with her bronze-medal performance., Luge (women's singles runs 3-4) Veteran Alex Gough earned Canada's first ever women's luge medal with her bronze-medal performance.,0 +She told him the children are confused at how someone who had acknowledged causing the death of her son wasn't being sent to prison.,She told him the children are confused about why someone who had acknowledged causing the death of her son was not being sent to prison.,0 +" Though it was frigid in the Gangneung Curling Centre, Rios was sweating like a flopping Catskills comedian."," Though it was frigid in the Gangneung Curling Centre, Mr. Rios was sweating like a flopping Catskills comedian.",1 +"However, Western analysts are skeptical that there is demand for so many jets or available financing for deals worth billions of dollars.","However, Western analysts are skeptical there is demand for so many jets or available financing for deals worth billions of dollars.",0 +" That was the point at which he got drawn back to Marquis, and what he'd just done.",That was the point at which he got drawn back to Marquis and what he'd just done.,0 +" ""They kept me in a filthy corridor next to a toilet,"" he recounted."," ""They kept me in a filthy corridor next to a toilet ...",0 +"Baptiste, her brother, and Ms. Tootoosis also met Tuesday with Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould and Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale.","Boushie's cousin, Jade Tootoosis, and his uncle, Alvin Baptiste, also met on Tuesday with Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould and Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale.",1 +" Asked last weak if beating Kramer's records is a bit like defeating a legend like Roger Federer at tennis during his prime, Bloemen laughed.",""" Asked last week if beating Kramer's records is a bit like defeating a legend like Roger Federer at tennis during his prime, Bloemen laughed.",0 +"In spite of the dress slip, less than a point separates the two teams.","In spite of the dress slip, fewer than two points separates the two teams.",0 +" And early indicators suggest the trend may continue into the second quarter, helped by recent volatility in the stock markets, Mr. Culham added."," And early indicators suggest the trend may continue into the second quarter, helped by recent volatility in the stock markets, Mr. Culham added.",0 + Price played in his 552nd game for the Canadiens to move past Patrick Roy for second all-time in games played among Montreal goalies.,""" Price played in his 552nd game for the Canadiens to move past Patrick Roy for second all-time in games played among Montreal goalies.",0 + He landed in Toronto Wednesday to a crowd of supporters waiting for him at the arrival gate., A crowd of supporters met him at the arrival gate in Toronto on Wednesday.,1 +" Tabatabai said the plane crashed into Mount Dena, which is about 4,400 metres tall."," Tabatabai said the plane crashed into Mount Dena, which is about 4,400 metres (14,435 feet) tall.",1 +" Graham finished ninth on Friday, right behind the guy with a knee that doesn't work unless it's taped into place.","Graham finished ninth on Friday, right behind the guy with a knee that doesn't work unless it's taped into place.",0 +" She said Mr. Trudeau told her that ""Things need to change."," She said Mr. Trudeau told her: ""'Things need to change.",0 + U.S. crude prices were down 0.7 per cent at $60.18 a barrel.,U.S. crude oil futures settled 1.2 per cent higher at $61.34 a barrel.,1 +"EST, the Canadian dollar was trading 0.4 percent lower at $1.2604 to the greenback, or 79.34 U.S. cents."," At 4 p.m. (2100 GMT), the Canadian dollar was trading 0.7 per cent lower at $1.2645 to the greenback, or 79.08 U.S. cents.",1 +"After government gains since 2015, it is the final rebel bastion near the capital.","After government gains, it is the final rebel bastion near the capital.",0 +The Calgary-based company said it would prefer to hire the majority of the pilots from its existing WestJet pilot list.,The company said it would prefer to hire the majority of the pilots from its existing WestJet pilot list.,0 +" Story continues below advertisement Hamilton's Nick Poloniato and brakeman Jesse Lumsden -- the former CFL running back from Burlington, Ont."," Hamilton's Nick Poloniato and brakeman Jesse Lumsden -- the former CFL running back from Burlington, Ont.",0 + Voracek netted the game-winner when he skated to the slot and fired a wrist shot past Price's glove side.,""" Voracek netted the game-winner when he skated to the slot and fired a wrist shot past Price's glove side.",0 +" A personal example: At our first ultrasound, Matt and I saw two bright lights on the screen, which meant both of our embryos had caught."," A personal example: At our first ultrasound, Matt and I saw two bright lights on the screen, which meant both of our embryos had caught.",0 +", home on Thursday, one day after he landed at Toronto Pearson International Airport.",", on Thursday, one day after he landed at Toronto's Pearson Airport.",0 + CONSENT The British parliament must seek consent from the Scottish and Welsh assemblies when legislating on policy areas that overlap with their devolved powers., The British parliament must seek consent from the Scottish and Welsh assemblies when legislating on policy areas that overlap with their devolved powers.,0 + Ottawa's Morris and Winnipeg's Lawes claimed the second Olympic gold medals of their careers and Canada's third of the Pyeongchang Games., Story continues below advertisement Ottawa's Morris and Winnipeg's Lawes claimed the second Olympic gold medals of their careers and Canada's third of the Pyeongchang Games.,0 +" Story continues below advertisement Marquis had not skied properly since, and came to South Korea not sure he would be able to here.",Marquis has not skied properly since and came to South Korea not sure he would be able to here.,0 +"Odinga has said he was the rightful winner of last year's election, but Kenya's election authorities said Mr. Kenyatta won the August vote.","Odinga has said he was the rightful winner of last year's election, but Kenyan authorities said President Uhuru Kenyatta won the August vote.",1 +"Over objections from its Democrats, the FCC gave up most authority over broadband providers such as AT&","Over objections from Democrats, the FCC gave up most of its authority over broadband providers such as AT&",0 +" But then, after only a few hours of labour, she emerged."," But then, after only a few hours of labour, she emerged.",0 +" About a month after Eva was born, she wailed for three consecutive hours one afternoon."," About a month after Eva was born, she wailed for three consecutive hours one afternoon.",0 +" A few days after the procedure, Ayesha texted me while I getting ready for work."," A few days after the procedure, Ayesha texted me while I getting ready for work.",0 +" Yet in my own way, I've helped shape this narrative."," Yet in my own way, I've helped shape this narrative.",0 +He said he had his first shower in a week when he got home.,He said he had his first shower in a week at his Richmond Hill home.,1 +" In July 2009, a Russian-made jetliner crashed in northwestern Iran shortly after taking off from Tehran, killing all 168 on board."," In July 2009, a Russian-made jetliner crashed shortly after taking off from Tehran, killing all 168 on board.",1 +"The Supreme Court threw out the result and ordered another election, in October, which Mr. Odinga boycotted.","The Supreme Court threw out the result and ordered another election in October, which Mr. Odinga boycotted.",0 +"Rescue crews had to be flown in, walk to the crash site and use night vision goggles to find their way around, he said.","Rescue crews had to fly in, walk to the crash site and use night vision goggles to find their way around, he said.",0 +" ""Just to make it top to bottom - that's a miracle.","""Just to make it top to bottom - that's a miracle.",0 +""" Which neither you, I nor Kingsbury know for sure, but let's assume.",""" Which neither you, I nor Kingsbury know for sure, but let's assume.",0 +" Soon enough he'd returned to discussing expectations, and the typist inside Kingsbury's mind took over again.","Soon enough he'd returned to discussing expectations, and the typist inside Kingsbury's mind took over again.",0 +"55. ""It's a big failure because they needed to scream, they needed to make noise.","""It's a big failure because they needed to scream, they needed to make noise.",0 +"EST, showed it at 16,975 feet and descending, according to airplane-tracking website FlightRadar24.","EST), showed it at 16,975 feet and descending, according to airplane-tracking website FlightRadar24.",0 +" According to legend, that's where people inside the sport decided he might not be the next big thing, but the eventual biggest thing of all.","According to legend, that's where people inside the sport decided he might not be the next big thing, but the eventual biggest thing of all.",0 + Story continues below advertisement The jury that acquitted Mr. Stanley did not include any jurors who appeared to be Indigenous., The jury that acquitted Mr. Stanley did not include anyone who appeared to be Indigenous.,1 +"Colten's death was not in vain and we will move forward,"" Ms. Baptiste recounted.",Colten's death was not in vain and we will move forward.,1 +" Famously, Lawes and Morris practised together for a total of half an hour before the Canadian Olympic trials."," Famously, Ms. Lawes and Mr. Morris practised together for a total of half an hour before the Canadian Olympic trials.",1 +It has all the strategy but none of the sloth.,"It has all the strategy, but none of the sloth.",0 +" From our first meeting with CSO to Eva's birth, the whole process took 26 months."," From our first meeting with CSO to Eva's birth, the whole process took 26 months.",0 +He said he heard gasps and went to check out the commotion coming from about 183 metres below.,He said he heard gasps and went to check out the commotion coming from about 600 feet (183 metres) below.,1 +""" When Bloemen finished his race, he cheered the new record, but had to take a seat and wait for Kramer to skate."," When Bloemen finished his race, he cheered the new record, but had to take a seat and wait for Kramer to skate.",0 +" Marquis finished eighth on Friday, a remarkable result, but still may not be able to complete this competition.","Marquis finished eighth on Friday, a remarkable result, but he still may not be able to complete this competition.",0 + The midwife placed her on my bare chest and a natural instinct took over., The midwife placed her on my bare chest and a natural instinct took over.,0 + Eliminating the regulations frees broadband providers to begin charging websites for smooth passage over their networks., Eliminating the regulations frees broadband providers to begin charging websites for quicker passage over their networks.,0 +"(We hoped to, and we have.) Tim and Matt's wedding day.","(We hoped to, and we have.) Tim and Matt's wedding day.",0 +He resigned from that post in 2016 and harshly criticized Poroshenko for failing to stem the official corruption that has crippled the country.,He resigned from that post in 2016 and harshly criticized Poroshenko for failing to stem corruption.,1 +Feb. 16) Story continues below advertisement Ice hockey (Men's) Russia is looking more like the gold-medal favourite everyone expected it to be., Ice hockey (Men's) Russia is looking more like the gold-medal favourite everyone expected it to be.,0 + In the end I took the sole leave - 10 months in total., In the end I took the sole leave - 10 months in total.,0 + It also requests funding for more judges and attorneys to handle cases of illegal immigration.,It also requests funding for more judges and attorneys to handle cases of illegal immigration.,0 +"Since then, he has led repeated protests against Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko.","Since then, he has led repeated protests against Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and the official corruption that still plagues the country.",1 +" Story continues below advertisement He said Kenyan authorities then took him to the airport, where they forced him onto a midnight flight.", Story continues below advertisement He said Kenyan authorities then took him to the airport and forced him onto a midnight flight.,0 +This country has now won four of the last five golds.,This country has now won four of the past five golds.,0 +" Then we waited, and prayed that a surrogate would choose us."," Then we waited, and prayed that a surrogate would choose us.",0 + Story continues below advertisement The first major step was to find an egg donor., The first major step was to find an egg donor.,0 +"Calgary's Alex Gough earns bronze medal in women's singles luge, making history in the process.","Calgary's Alex Gough earned a bronze medal in women's singles luge, making history in the process.",0 +" ""They [Canadian officials] have not spoken with me,"" said Mr. Miguna,"," ""They [Canadian officials] have not spoken with me,"" Mr. Miguna, 55, said.",1 +" Settling on the donor is, quite possibly, the marital negotiation most fraught with risk."," Settling on the donor is, quite possibly, the marital negotiation most fraught with risk.",0 + Aseman Airlines spokesman Mohammad Taghi Tabatabai told state TV that all on board Flight No., Aseman Airlines spokesman Mohammad Taghi Tabatabai told state TV that all on board Flight EP3704 were killed.,1 +"It feels like there's going to be a change, but not right away.","""It feels like there's going to be a change, but not right away.",0 +" Story continues below advertisement On Friday, data showed that Canadian manufacturing shipments also declined in December."," On Friday, data showed that Canadian manufacturing shipments also declined in December.",0 + Figure skating costumes are often cleverly sewn on top of a see-through nylon base layer that helps keep the dresses in place., Figure-skating costumes are often cleverly sewn on top of a see-through nylon base layer that helps keep the dresses in place.,0 +" It all felt very daunting, a silent battle we endured in private before Eva was even born."," It all felt very daunting, a silent battle we endured in private before Eva was even born.",0 +"""I suspected they could be assassins because they did not say police,"" Mr. Miguna said."," ""I suspected they could be assassins because they did not say, 'Police,' "" Mr. Miguna said.",0 + Kingsbury was a forerunner eight years ago in Vancouver - one of the up-and-comers who get to ski ahead of the actual event.,Kingsbury was a forerunner eight years ago in Vancouver - one of the up-and-comers who get to ski ahead of the actual event.,0 +"ET, the Canadian dollar was trading at $1.2346 to the greenback, or 81.00 U.S. cents, down 0.2 per cent.","EDT, the Canadian dollar was trading at $1.2338 to the greenback, or 81.05 U.S. cents, down 0.1 per cent.",1 +""" Story continues below advertisement ""Hopefully there's some opportunity here,"" he said, in ""building a bit of a hockey culture in China, winter-sports culture.",""" Story continues below advertisement ""Hopefully, there's some opportunity here,"" he said, in ""building a bit of a hockey culture in China, winter-sports culture.",0 +" Mexico and Canada will survive current talks with the United States on trade relatively unscathed, according to a Reuters poll of economists, suggesting U.S."," Mexico and Canada will survive current talks with the United States on trade relatively unscathed, according to a Reuters poll of economists.",1 +South Korea said it was the first direct statement of its kind by a North Korean leader., South Korea said it was the first direct statement of its kind by a North Korean leader.,0 +" ""Certainly, Beijing raises a lot of the same challenges that South Korea raised,"" Mr. Daly said."," ""Certainly, Beijing raises a lot of the same challenges that South Korea raised,"" Daly said.",0 +"Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called for statesmanship to avoid ""sleepwalking"" into a war."," At the United Nations, Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called for statesmanship to avoid ""sleepwalking"" into a war.",0 + U.S. crude prices were down 0.47 per cent at $50.45 a barrel., U.S. crude prices settled 0.3 per cent lower at $50.55 a barrel.,1 +" This, he said, ""is supporting Brent and in turn is supporting U.S. products and WTI as well.","This, he said, ""is supporting Brent and in turn is supporting U.S. products and WTI as well.",0 +" ""I will surely and definitely tame the mentally deranged U.S. dotard with fire,"" Kim said in the statement carried by the KCNA state news agency."," ""I will surely and definitely tame the mentally deranged U.S. dotard with fire,"" Kim said in the statement on the KCNA state news agency.",0 +" ""Our experience in the United States and Canada has been that hockey can work anywhere,"" Mr. Daly said."," ""Our experience in the United States and Canada has been that hockey can work anywhere,"" Daly said.",0 +"Enbridge Inc. may sell 60-year bonds potentially as early as this week, following in the footsteps of fellow Canadian pipeline giant TransCanada Corp.","Enbridge Inc. is offering $1-billion of 60-year bonds on Thursday, following in the footsteps of fellow Canadian pipeline giant TransCanada Corp.",1 +"Sale will be led by BMO Capital Markets, RBC Capital Markets and TD Securities, the people said."," The sale is led by BMO Capital Markets, RBC Capital Markets and TD Securities.",1 +" Maria's pressure was 917 millibars, lower than Hurricane Irma's 929 millibars when it roared into the Florida Keys earlier this month.",It was even stronger than Hurricane Irma when Irma roared into the Florida Keys earlier this month.,1 +"Proceeds from the sale will be used to fund capital projects, reduce short-term debt, and other corporate purposes."," Proceeds from the sale will be used to fund capital projects, reduce short-term debt, and other corporate purposes.",0 +" For the week, Brent was on track for a gain of 2 per cent, while WTI was set to rise about 1.5 per cent."," For the week, Brent posted a gain of 2.2 per cent, while WTI was up 1.5 per cent.",1 + Rising U.S. output has somewhat offset cuts by other producers.,""" Rising U.S. output has somewhat offset OPEC-led production cuts.",1 +""" Indeed, Ms. Sun, a 30-year-old finance worker, came away from the Shanghai game confused.",""" Indeed, a 30-year-old finance worker named Sun (she also declined to give her first name), came away from the Shanghai game confused.",1 +"EDT, Maria had weakened to a Category 3, with winds of 115 mph (185 kph).","EDT, Maria had weakened into a Category 2 hurricane with winds of 110 mph (175 kph).",1 +" ""All relevant sides should exercise restraint and dedicate themselves to easing the situation rather than irritating each other,"" he said."," ""All relevant sides should exercise restraint and dedicate themselves to easing the situation rather than irritating each other,"" said Lu Kang, China's foreign ministry spokesman.",1 +" ""This is the test of whether they move forward and continue to play,"" Mr. Linden said as he looked out on the ice Thursday night."," ""This is the test of whether they move forward and continue to play,"" Linden said as he looked out on the ice Thursday night.",0 +"This time, it had moved to the stands, where yawning sections of empty seats looked down on a 5-2 Kings exhibition win.","This time, they came from the stands, where several yawning sections of empty seats looked down on a 5-2 Kings win.",0 +" More than 11,000 people -- and more than 580 pets -- were in shelters, authorities said.",""" More than 11,000 people -- and more than 580 pets -- were in shelters, authorities said.",0 + Many feared extended power outages would further sink businesses struggling amid a recession that has lasted more than a decade., Many people feared extended power outages would further sink businesses struggling amid a recession that has lasted more than a decade.,0 + Others saw potential for operational refinieries to delay typical September seasonal maintenance to benefit from high prices.,Others said higher gasoline prices might prompt operational refineries to delay typical September seasonal maintenance.,0 + The prosecution service says it postponed announcing his appointment pending completion of the investigation and approval of charges., The prosecution service said it postponed announcing his appointment pending completion of the investigation and approval of charges.,0 +"(bpd) were offline on Tuesday, representing 23 per cent of U.S. production, Goldman Sachs said.","(bpd) were offline on Tuesday, representing nearly 24 per cent of U.S. production, according to Reuters estimates and company reports.",1 +" Canadian troops have also been imparting advanced warfighting skills on local forces, including teaching Jordanian counterparts how to call in airstrikes on enemy targets."," But Canadian troops have also trained local forces in some advanced combat skills, such as how to call airstrikes onto enemy targets.",1 +" ""Until we get a better idea of when the infrastructure and logistics can be re-established ."," ""Until we get a better idea of when the infrastructure and logistics can be re-established .",0 +" Story continues below advertisement Wearing a blue shirt open at the collar, the 37-year-old Mr. Pavlov was brought into the courtroom in handcuffs."," Wearing a blue shirt open at the collar, Mr. Pavlov was brought to and from the courtroom in handcuffs.",0 +" POLICE OFFICER AMONG DEATHS The president said he was pleased with the response so far, but it was too soon to take a victory lap."," Story continues below advertisement The president said he was pleased with the response, but it was too soon for a victory lap.",0 +"About 254,000 homes and businesses were without power in Texas and Louisiana, according to figures from four utilities.","About 250,000 homes and businesses were without power in Texas and Louisiana, figures from four utilities showed.",1 + An adviser to President Donald Trump told a White House briefing more oil could be released from reserves.,An adviser to President Donald Trump told a White House briefing more oil could be released from reserves.,0 +"Explorer shut two main lines carrying fuel to the Chicago market Tuesday, and the main Colonial Pipeline to the U.S.",Explorer shut two main lines carrying fuel to the Chicago market Tuesday.,1 + The Ontario government has instead targeted declining math scores by requiring elementary-school students to receive at least 60 minutes of mandatory math instruction daily., Ontario's government has targeted declining scores by mandating that elementary-school students receive at least 60 minutes of math instruction daily.,1 +" Story continues below advertisement Large numbers of civilians also formed ad hoc rescue groups, many using boats to pluck neighbors from flooded homes."," 'I JUST LOST MY HOUSE' Large numbers of civilians also formed ad hoc rescue groups, many using boats to pluck neighbors from flooded homes.",0 +" In parallel with the prosecution in Sweden, the World Bank audit into the awarding of the Azerbaijan contract is ongoing.", Also included in the evidence is an interim report by the World Bank's anti-fraud division into the awarding of the Azerbaijan contract.,1 +" Story continues below advertisement Story continues below advertisement ""We would be very comfortable tapping into that,"" homeland security adviser Tom Bossert told reporters."," ""We would be very comfortable tapping into that,"" homeland security adviser Tom Bossert told reporters.",0 +Economists said the storm could hurt September payrolls if the disruption from the flooding lingers.,Economists say the storm could hurt September payrolls if the disruption from the flooding is prolonged.,1 +" ""The worst is not yet over for southeast Texas as far as the rain is concerned,"" Governor Greg Abbott said."," ""The worst is not yet over for southeast Texas, as far as the rain is concerned,"" Governor Greg Abbott said.",0 +" The central bank's policy rate sits at 0.75 per cent, after it was raised in July for the first time in nearly seven years."," The central bank's policy rate sits at 0.75 per cent, after it was raised in July for the first time in nearly seven years.",0 +"The Brent contract for October, which expired on Thursday, closed up $1.52 at $52.38. U.S. crude was last down 10 cents at $47.13 a barrel.","The Brent contract for October, which expired on Thursday, closed up $1.52 at $52.38. U.S. crude was last 1 cent higher at $47.24 a barrel.",0 +Shares in Home Capital rose 1.6 per cent at $13.45 on Wednesday.,Shares in Home Capital rose 1 per cent to C$13.37 on Wednesday.,1 +" Still, effects of the damages and shutdowns are expected to ripple for weeks.", Story continues below advertisement The effects of the damage and shutdowns are expected to ripple for weeks.,1 +" Story continues below advertisement U.S. commercial crude stocks fell by 5.39 million barrels last week to 457.77 million barrels, the U.S."," U.S. commercial crude stocks fell by 5.39 million barrels last week to 457.77 million barrels, the U.S.",0 +" Story continues below advertisement Story continues below advertisement Harvey has drawn comparisons with Hurricane Katrina, which devastated New Orleans 12 years ago, killing 1,800 people."," Harvey has drawn comparisons with Hurricane Katrina, which devastated New Orleans 12 years ago, killing 1,800 people and causing an estimated $108-billion in damage.",1 +" International benchmark Brent crude was at $51.22, up 36 cents from the previous session, when the contract fell more than 2 per cent."," International benchmark Brent crude was up 58 cents, or 1.1 per cent, at $51.44 a barrel.",1 + The slow-moving storm's center was in the Gulf of Mexico about 93 miles (150 km) southeast of Houston by midday Monday., The slow-moving storm's center was in the Gulf of Mexico about 70 miles (150 km) southeast of downtown Houston by Monday evening.,1 + The unemployment rate ticked up one-tenth of a percentage point to 4.4 per cent.," With job growth slowing, the unemployment rate ticked up one-tenth of a percentage point to 4.4 per cent.",1 +" ""We would be very comfortable tapping into that,"" homeland security adviser Tom Bossert told reporters."," Story continues below advertisement Story continues below advertisement ""We would be very comfortable tapping into that,"" homeland security adviser Tom Bossert told reporters.",0 +"Economists polled by Reuters had forecast payrolls increasing by 180,000 jobs last month.","Economists had forecast payrolls increasing by 180,000 jobs last month.",1 +"ET, the Canadian dollar was trading at $1.2557 to the greenback, or 79.64 U.S. cents, up 0.5 per cent.","ET (2000 GMT), the Canadian dollar was trading at $1.2487 to the greenback, or 80.08 U.S. cents, up 1.1 per cent.",1 + A stronger dollar makes dollar-priced gold costlier for non-U.S. investors.," Story continues below advertisement A stronger dollar, seen as a safe haven asset, makes dollar-priced gold costlier for non-U.S. investors.",1 +" On July 18, Finance Minister Bill Morneau released a detailed package of tax changes affecting small businesses."," On July 18, Mr. Morneau released a detailed package of tax changes affecting small businesses.",1 +" On Wednesday, Valero said that due to flooding they were fully shutting their Port Arthur refinery.",""" On Wednesday, Valero said that due to flooding they were fully shutting their Port Arthur refinery.",0 +Prosecutors allege at least some of the $84-million gap went to pay off Azerbaijani officials to win the contract.,Prosecutors believe at least some of the $84-million gap went to pay off Azerbaijani officials to win the contract.,1 +"Western Canada could see total increases by then of 10 cents a litre, he said.","Midwest and Pacific Northwest prices and could see increases of just 10 cents a litre, he said.",1 +"They now estimate that probability at 35 per cent, down from 50 percent previously.","They now estimate that probability at 35 per cent, down from 50 per cent previously.",0 +" Further, an increasing percentage of students who met provincial standards in math in Grade 3 failed to do so in Grade",An increasing percentage of students who met provincial standards in Grade 3 failed to do so in Grade,0 +"On Tuesday, the price jumped to $1,325.94, the highest since Mr. Trump was elected U.S. president.","On Tuesday, the price jumped to $1,325.94, the highest since Trump was elected U.S. president.",0 +It had fallen more than 2 per cent in the previous session.,It had fallen by just over 2 per cent in the previous session.,0 +" Khosrowshahi, who led the travel-booking site for 12 years, will continue to be a board member, the company said in a statement on Wednesday."," Khosrowshahi, who led the parent of Expedia.com for 12 years, will remain a board member.",1 +""" Spot gold slipped 0.1 per cent to $1,308.93 per ounce.",""" Spot gold slipped by 0.1 per cent to $1,307.51 an ounce by 2:08 p.m.",1 +" The slow-moving storm has brought catastrophic flooding to Texas, killing at least 11 people and paralyzing Houston, the fourth most-populous U.S. city."," The slow-moving storm has brought catastrophic flooding to Texas, killing at least 12 people and paralyzing Houston, the America's fourth most populous city.",1 +" This breaks the previous record of 48 inches set during tropical storm Amelia in 1978 in Medina, Texas, the NHC said."," That breaks a 1978 record of 48 inches (122 cm) during tropical storm Amelia in Medina, Texas, it added.",1 +" Underscoring labor market strength, manufacturing payrolls surged by 36,000 jobs.","Underscoring labor market strength, manufacturing payrolls surged by 36,000 jobs, the most in four years, with the motor vehicle sector adding 13,700 positions.",1 +" The prosecution alleges that Trans-Signal Rabita was created specifically for the purpose of winning the 2013 bid, in collusion with Azerbaijan Railways officials."," The prosecution alleges that Trans-Signal-Rabita was created for the purpose of winning the 2013 bid, in collusion with Azerbaijan Railways officials.",0 +"Damage was expected to run well into the tens of billions of dollars, making it one of the costliest U.S. natural disasters."," With damage expected to run well into the tens of billions of dollars, it will rank among the costliest U.S. natural disasters.",1 +" Anemic wage gain could, however, make the U.S. central bank cautious about raising interest rates gain this year."," Persistently sluggish wage growth could, however, make the U.S. central bank cautious about raising interest rates gain this year.",1 +Restarting plants under even the best conditions can take a week or more.,"That represents nearly a quarter of U.S. refining production, and restarting plants under even the best conditions can take a week or more.",1 +"The Labor Department said on Friday that nonfarm payrolls increased by 156,000 last month after rising 189,000 in July.","The Labor Department said on Friday nonfarm payrolls increased by 156,000 last month.",1 +Writing results showed a small decline year-over-year for both Grades 3 and 6 students.,But writing results showed a small decline year over year for both Grade 3 and Grade 6 students.,0 +Restarting plants even under the best conditions can take a week or more.,Restarting plants under even the best conditions can take a week or more.,0 +" ""Bombardier denies any allegations that it acted improperly,"" company spokesman Simon Letendre wrote."," Story continues below advertisement Story continues below advertisement ""Bombardier denies any allegations that it acted improperly,"" company spokesman Simon Letendre wrote.",0 +" Story continues below advertisement ""There was no other candidate that the board considered,"" Expedia Chairman Barry Diller said."," Story continues below advertisement ""There was no other candidate that the board considered,"" Expedia Chairman Barry Diller said in a statement.",1 +" U.S. gasoline futures were up 6.4 per cent at $1.8966 a gallon, having hit $1.9022, the highest since July 2015."," Story continues below advertisement U.S. gasoline futures were up 5.5 per cent at $1.8810 a gallon, having hit $1.9140, the highest since July 2015.",1 + Brent crude for November was down 10 cents at $52.76 a barrel by 1210 GMT., Brent crude for November was 2 cents higher at $52.88 a barrel by 11:02 EDT.,1 +"West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude futures were set to close the month down 7 per cent, their steepest monthly loss since July 2016.","West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude futures settled $1.27 higher at $47.23 per barrel, up 2.76 per cent.",1 +"But by the end of September, I expect the situation to be almost back to normal,"" said Frank Schallenberger, head of commodity research at LBBW.","But by the end of September I expect the situation to be almost back to normal,"" said Frank Schallenberger, head of commodity research at LBBW.",0 + Story continues below advertisement Home Capital benefited from Buffett's initial investment as well as a $2-billion credit facility., Story continues below advertisement Home Capital benefited from Buffett's initial investment as well as from a C$2-billion credit facility.,1 +" ""If these proposals go through, they will literally have a devastating effect on the small business [community],"" he said. ""That's not trying to be hyperbolic."," ""If these proposals go through, they will literally have a devastating effect on the small-business [community],"" he said. ""That's not trying to be hyperbolic.",0 + Brent crude for November was 2 cents higher at $52.88 a barrel by 11:02 EDT., Brent crude for November was 36 cents lower at $52.50 a barrel by 12:53 EDT.,1 +The contract rebounded 2.8 per cent on Thursday but is heading for a weekly decline of around 2 per cent.,The contract rebounded 2.8 per cent on Thursday but is heading for a weekly decline of roughly 1.5 per cent.,1 +An adviser to President Donald Trump told a White House briefing more oil could be released from reserves.,An adviser to President Donald Trump told a White House briefing more oil could be released.,1 +" OPEC oil output slipped in August by 170,000 bpd from a 2017 high, a Reuters survey found.","However, OPEC oil output slipped in August by 170,000 bpd from a 2017 high, a Reuters survey found.",0 +"The island of Kauai was hit with 52 inches of rain from Tropical cyclone Hiki in 1950, before Hawaii became a U.S. state.","In 1950, before Hawaii became a U.S. state, tropical cyclone Hiki dumped 52 inches (132 cm) of rain on the island of Kauai.",1 +" ""Refineries outside the affected area may delay maintenance to benefit from high processing margins,"" said Carsten Fritsch, oil analyst at Commerzbank."," ""Refineries outside the affected area may delay maintenance to benefit from high processing margins,"" said Commerzbank oil analyst Carsten Fritsch.",0 +"The Red Cross said it had 34,000 cots in the region and enough food for that many people.","The Red Cross said it had 34,000 cots in the region and enough food.",1 +"August's gains were far more than the 75,000 to 100,000 jobs per month needed to keep up with growth in the working-age population."," Still, August's gains were far more than the 75,000 to 100,000 jobs per month needed to keep up with growth in the working-age population.",0 + U.S. crude prices were up 1.26 per cent at $46.54 a barrel.," U.S. crude prices settled up $1.27, or 2.76 per cent, at $47.23 a barrel.",1 +"North Korea routinely says it will never give up its weapons programs, saying they are necessary to counter perceived American hostility.","North Korea routinely says it will never give up its weapons programs, calling them necessary to counter perceived American hostility.",0 +" ""This is by far the biggest response we've ever seen,"" he said.","We do the math ""This is by far the biggest response we've ever seen,"" he said.",1 +" Kim Moody, a tax expert with Moodys Gartner who hosted the free seminar at Mount Royal University, said that level of interest is unprecedented.","Kim Moody, a tax expert with Moodys Gartner who hosted the free seminar at Mount Royal University, said that level of interest is unprecedented.",0 +" International benchmark Brent crude was up 58 cents, or 1.1 per cent, at $51.44 a barrel."," International benchmark Brent crude settled $1.52 higher, or 2.99 per cent, at $52.38 a barrel.",1 +"West Texas Intermediate crude for November delivery rose $1.02, or 2 percent, to $51.68 a barrel, close to highs last seen in May.","West Texas Intermediate crude for November delivery rose $1.56, or 3 per cent, to settle at $52.22 a barrel, the highest since April.",1 +"In Canada, futures on Bay Street were modestly higher as oil held near multi-month highs overnight and traders awaited news on Bombardier.","In Canada, futures on Bay Street were mostly flat as oil held near multi-month highs overnight and traders awaited news on Bombardier.",0 +" The company touts the increasingly lucrative role Chinese consumers could play for Canadian businesses, given the country's growing middle class."," The company touts the increasingly lucrative role Chinese consumers could play for Canadian businesses, given the country's growing middle class.",0 +"The Sept. 25 proclamation doesn't address the temporary ban on refugee admissions, which expires on Oct. 24. Mr."," The Sept. 25 proclamation doesn't address the temporary ban on refugee admissions, which expires on Oct. 24. Mr.",0 +" Story continues below advertisement ""I was unable to sleep last night,"" Roethlisberger said in a statement."," ""I was unable to sleep last night,"" Roethlisberger said in a statement.",0 +"The measures help fulfill a campaign promise Mr. Trump made to tighten U.S. immigration procedures and align with his ""America First"" foreign policy vision."," The measures help fulfill a campaign promise Mr. Trump made to tighten U.S. immigration procedures and align with his ""America First"" foreign policy vision.",0 +" Since the crisis, AIG has sold dozens of businesses, including two Asian life insurance operations and one of the world's biggest aircraft leasing businesses."," Since then, AIG has sold dozens of businesses, including two Asian life insurance operations and one of the world's biggest aircraft leasing businesses.",0 +"McLennan Cos Inc's brokerage business, whom Duperreault previously named as AIG's chief operating officer, will be CEO of AIG's general insurance unit.","McLennan Cos Inc's brokerage business, he was previously Duperreault's choice as AIG's chief operating officer.",1 +" The restructuring ""better aligns with how investors actually prefer to analyze AIG,"" said Keefe, Bruyette &"," The restructuring ""better aligns with how investors actually prefer to analyze AIG,"" said Meyer Shields, an analyst at Keefe, Bruyette &",1 + David Rosenberg is chief economist with Gluskin Sheff + Associates Inc. and author of the daily economic newsletter Breakfast with Dave.,David Rosenberg is chief economist with Gluskin Sheff + Associates Inc. and author of the daily economic newsletter Breakfast with Dave.,0 + The Iraqi government does not recognize the referendum and has called on foreign countries to stop importing Kurdish crude oil., The Iraqi government does not recognize the referendum and has called on foreign countries to stop importing Kurdish crude.,0 + The energy minister from the United Arab Emirates said the country's compliance with OPEC's supply cuts was 100 percent., The energy minister from the United Arab Emirates said the country's compliance with OPEC's supply cuts was 100 per cent.,0 +" NBC, owned by Comcast Corp, said viewership for its Sunday night game was down compared with the prior week.","NBC, owned by Comcast Corp, said viewership for its Sunday night game was down compared with the prior week.",0 +" Even as both contracts rallied, concerns about U.S. production growth weighed on WTI, widening the spread between the two, he said."," Even as both contracts rallied, concerns about U.S. production growth weighed on WTI, widening its discount, he said.",1 +"(bpd) since the start of 2017, helping to lift oil prices by about 15 percent in the past three months.","(bpd) since the start of 2017, helping lift oil prices by about 15 per cent in the past three months.",0 + The use of personal email to discuss government business is a politically freighted issue that factored prominently in last year's presidential election., The use of a private email account to discuss government matters is a politically freighted issue that factored prominently in last year's presidential election.,0 + He called on the Republican president to propose an aid package to Congress in the next day or two.,He urged Trump to propose an aid package to Congress in the next day or two.,1 +" Story continues below advertisement Widely seen as a turnaround expert, 70-year-old Duperreault has said he wants to grow AIG's businesses."," Story continues below advertisement Widely seen as a turnaround expert, Duperreault, 70, has said he wants to grow AIG's businesses.",0 +" Under the new structure, AIG will have a general insurance unit, a life and retirement unit and a standalone technology unit."," Under the new structure, AIG will have a general insurance business, a life and retirement unit and a stand-alone technology unit.",1 +"Founded in 1999, AliPay is owned by Ant Financial Services Group, a ""related company"" to Alibaba.","It is now owned by Ant Financial Services Group, a ""related company"" to Alibaba.",1 +The new restrictions take effect at 12:01 a.m. (ET) on Oct., The new restrictions take effect at 12:01 a.m. (ET) on Oct.,0 + The use of a private email account to discuss government matters is a politically freighted issue that factored prominently in last year's presidential election., The use of a private e-mail account to discuss government matters is a politically freighted issue that factored prominently in last year's presidential election.,0 + Equity Markets U.S. stock futures were mixed Tuesday as simmering geopolitical concerns continue to weigh on world stocks.,Equity Markets U.S. stock futures were mixed Tuesday as simmering geopolitical concerns continue to weigh on world stocks.,0 +" ""The market reacted by selling the euro on the possibility of Merkel running into difficulties in forging a coalition."," ""The market reacted by selling the euro on the possibility of Merkel running into difficulties in forging a coalition.",0 +Two of those businesses will be led by longtime Duperreault colleagues whom he recruited to AIG in July.,Two of those businesses will be led by longtime colleagues Duperreault recruited to AIG in July.,1 +Next month marks my 30th anniversary as a Street economist - from Bay Street to Wall Street and then back to Bay Street., Next month marks my 30th anniversary as a Street economist - from Bay Street to Wall Street and then back to Bay Street.,0 +" The November Brent crude futures contract was up $1.51, or 2.5 percent, at $58.37 a barrel by 11:33 a.m."," The November Brent crude futures contract settled up$2.16, or 3.8 per cent, at $59.02 a barrel, its highest since July, 2015. U.S.",1 +" Unlike brain-stem-controlled breathing, speech breathing is controlled by the neocortex of the brain, which is responsible for executive functions."," Unlike brain-stem-controlled breathing, speech breathing is controlled by the neocortex of the brain, which is responsible for executive functions.",0 + You mention you had some apprehension about telling this story., You mention you had some apprehension about telling this story.,0 +The deal helps pave the way for the reported acquisition of unrestricted free agent C.J., The deal helps pave the way for the reported acquisition of unrestricted free agent C.J.,0 +" On another hill is Luckett Vineyards, owned by celebrity grocer Pete (Toodlee-doo) Luckett."," On another hill is Luckett Vineyards, owned by celebrity grocer Pete (Toodlee-doo) Luckett.",0 +Take a look inside Edmonton's Clementine Clementine's bar has stage presence., Story continues below advertisement Take a look inside Edmonton's Clementine Clementine's bar has stage presence.,0 +"The Olympic hockey tournament is slated for Feb. 9-25, with the IIHF World Championship following in May in Denmark."," The Olympic hockey tournament is slated for Feb. 9-25, with the IIHF World Championship following in May in Denmark.",0 +" Now trying to be a ""healthy, engaged mom myself,"" Bambrick has kept her relationship with her mother to a bare minimum for several years."," Now trying to be a ""healthy, engaged mom myself,"" Bambrick has kept her relationship with her mother to a bare minimum for several years.",0 +"Radicchio bundles ($11), although morphologically similar to cabbage rolls, are stuffed with tender mozzarella."," Radicchio bundles ($11), although morphologically similar to cabbage rolls, are stuffed with tender mozzarella.",0 +" ""It's always on my mind,"" he said. ""It's really about the battle with myself."," ""It's always on my mind,"" he said. ""It's really about the battle with myself.",0 + Yuzu almond is lightly sweet with wafts of citrus intermingling sinuously with nutty almond., Yuzu almond is lightly sweet with wafts of citrus intermingling sinuously with nutty almond.,0 + The Toronto Raptors will wear a sponsor patch on their game jerseys for the first time next season.,The Toronto Raptors will wear a sponsor patch on their game jerseys for the first time next season.,0 +The St. Theresa ($17) forgoes tomato sauce in favour of fontina and prosciutto., The St. Theresa ($17) forgoes tomato sauce in favour of fontina and prosciutto.,0 +"Dickerson, the next Rays batter, hit a flare to the right side that was taken on the short hop by Toronto second baseman Rob Refsnyder."," Dickerson, the next Rays batter, hit a flare to the right side that was taken on the short hop by Toronto second baseman Rob Refsnyder.",0 +"However, after an umpire's review, it was ruled that Dickerson had hit into a fielder's choice and that only Robertson was out at second."," However, after an umpire's review, it was ruled that Dickerson had hit into a fielder's choice and that only Robertson was out at second.",0 +The three-time all-star averaged 22.4 points and 7.0 assists last season for the Raptors., The three-time all-star averaged 22.4 points and 7.0 assists last season for the Raptors.,0 +Ronaldo helped Real Madrid to a second consecutive Champions League title and finished as the tournament's top scorer with 12 goals., Ronaldo helped Real Madrid to a second consecutive Champions League title and finished as the tournament's top scorer with 12 goals.,0 +" Dickinson understands these parents' stress and misery well, since he dealt with his own child's colic."," Dickinson understands these parents' stress and misery well, since he dealt with his own child's colic.",0 +" Book excerpt A drawing by Olivier Martini excerpted from The Unravelling (Freehand, 2017)."," Book excerpt A drawing by Olivier Martini excerpted from The Unravelling (Freehand, 2017).",0 + Sugary Cantopop blares from a high-tech karaoke stage beside the front door., Sugary Cantopop blares from a high-tech karaoke stage beside the front door.,0 +" Last summer, at age 14, Sue Jones suffered from stabbing pains in her abdomen that got so intense, ""I couldn't walk."," Last summer, at age 14, Sue Jones suffered from stabbing pains in her abdomen that got so intense, ""I couldn't walk.",0 +"Jereem Richards of Trinidad and Tobago took bronze, while Makwala faded down the stretch and finished sixth."," Jereem Richards of Trinidad and Tobago took bronze, while Makwala faded down the stretch and finished sixth.",0 +" Sue keeps a recording of her ""protection skirt"" hypnosis handy on her phone - all 5 minutes, 56 seconds of it."," Sue keeps a recording of her ""protection skirt"" hypnosis handy on her phone - all 5 minutes, 56 seconds of it.",0 +" In a previous study, published in The Lancet, Spiegel and colleagues instructed patients in self-hypnosis techniques before they underwent vascular or kidney procedures."," In a previous study, published in The Lancet, Spiegel and colleagues instructed patients in self-hypnosis techniques before they underwent vascular or kidney procedures.",0 +""" At high-end restaurants like his, and Scaramouche, an excess of bodies is one of the frills.",""" At high-end restaurants like his, and Scaramouche, an excess of bodies is one of the frills.",0 +" For a slap-up meal, the Digby Pines Golf Resort and Spa is the place to go."," For a slap-up meal, the Digby Pines Golf Resort and Spa is the place to go.",0 +" Bartender Jesse Werkman, left, serves Karl MacKinnon lunch at Alta."," Bartender Jesse Werkman, left, serves Karl MacKinnon lunch at Alta.",0 +""" As his voice meanders, I have a clear picture of a big black dog with massive metal jaws.",""" As his voice meanders, I have a clear picture of a big black dog with massive metal jaws.",0 + So it's not really surprising that they think a more personal booking system helps sell their goods., Story continues below advertisement So it's not really surprising that they think a more personal booking system helps sell their goods.,0 +""" It was his first British Open title, but there will surely be more.",""" It was his first British Open title, but there will surely be more.",0 +Included in the list were nine Canadian stadiums: McMahon Stadium (Calgary);, Included in the list were nine Canadian stadiums: McMahon Stadium (Calgary);,0 +" A more recent patient, 17-year-old Isabella Hay, says working with Kuttner helped her overcome muscle twitches and symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder."," A more recent patient, 17-year-old Isabella Hay, says working with Kuttner helped her overcome muscle twitches and symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder.",0 +On the side of the towering sand dune where his drive ended up on 13 after hitting a fan in the head?, On the side of the towering sand dune where his drive ended up on 13 after hitting a fan in the head?,0 +""" She spent three weeks in a wheelchair while doctors ruled out everything from digestive problems to appendicitis.",""" She spent three weeks in a wheelchair while doctors ruled out everything from digestive problems to appendicitis.",0 + Urology was the first specialty to welcome its new robot overlords., Urology was the first specialty to welcome its new robot overlords.,0 +"Adam Gemili was disqualified after a false start in the 100 final, won by Chijindu Ujah in 10.08 seconds ahead of an all-British field."," Adam Gemili was disqualified after a false start in the 100 final, won by Chijindu Ujah in 10.08 seconds ahead of an all-British field.",0 +" When the charitable money ran out, Vancouver General Hospital turned to an unconventional source to make up the funding shortfall: patients."," When the charitable money ran out, Vancouver General Hospital turned to an unconventional source to make up the funding shortfall: patients.",0 +"Instead of whining about a 12-hour layover at Hong Kong International Airport (HKG), I chose to make the most of it."," Instead of whining about a 12-hour layover at Hong Kong International Airport (HKG), I chose to make the most of it.",0 +" That's steep, but let's be honest: It lasted, what, five minutes, time being more metaphor than reality when you're focused on each crank rotation."," That's steep, but let's be honest: It lasted, what, five minutes, time being more metaphor than reality when you're focused on each crank rotation.",0 + Messi claimed the Spanish King's Cup with Barcelona and finished as La Liga's top scorer with 37 goals last season., Story continues below advertisement Messi claimed the Spanish King's Cup with Barcelona and finished as La Liga's top scorer with 37 goals last season.,0 +" Korte estimates that he spends about $17,000 a year on OpenTable."," Korte estimates that he spends about $17,000 a year on OpenTable.",0 + Donaldson connected in the first and added a sacrifice fly in the third to give the Blue Jays a 2-0 lead.,Donaldson connected in the first and added a sacrifice fly in the third to give the Blue Jays a 2-0 lead.,0 + Identical Swedish sisters Victoria and Elizabeth Lejonhjarta take #twinning to new heights., Identical Swedish sisters Victoria and Elizabeth Lejonhjarta take #twinning to new heights.,0 +" Hong Kong Tourism Board Eager to board the historic Star Ferry, taking passengers across Victoria Harbour since 1888."," Hong Kong Tourism Board Eager to board the historic Star Ferry, taking passengers across Victoria Harbour since 1888.",0 +"Messi and Ronaldo have both won the award twice, with the Portugal international voted winner last year."," Messi and Ronaldo have both won the award twice, with the Portugal international voted winner last year.",0 +"Osuna returned to retire the side in the ninth for his 30th save, his second multi-inning save of the season."," Osuna returned to retire the side in the ninth for his 30th save, his second multi-inning save of the season.",0 +" YouTube Slacklining is a cousin to, and an evolution of, tightrope walking."," YouTube Slacklining is a cousin to, and an evolution of, tightrope walking.",0 +"""I truly got to know myself."" Mia Noblet, tethered, crossed a 222-metre highline, then the farthest by a woman.","""I truly got to know myself."" Mia Noblet, tethered, crossed a 222-metre highline, then the farthest by a woman.",0 +"""Dealing with colic or dealing with whatever issues your child comes up with, you just somehow get through it.""","""Dealing with colic or dealing with whatever issues your child comes up with, you just somehow get through it."" ",0 +"In the first 200-metre final without Usain Bolt since 2009, it was wide open from the start."," In the first 200-metre final without Usain Bolt since 2009, it was wide open from the start.",0 + Direct cabbie to Ritz-Carlton's Ozone Bar - about a 15-minute drive to West Kowloon., Direct cabbie to Ritz-Carlton's Ozone Bar - about a 15-minute drive to West Kowloon.,0 +"For Donaldson, the homer was his eighth over his past 16 games, lifting his total to 17 on the year."," For Donaldson, the homer was his eighth over his past 16 games, lifting his total to 17 on the year.",0 +"As Leanne said, ""The newness was exciting. I was absolutely not bored."" Novelty aside, the class was mediocre over all.","As Leanne said, ""The newness was exciting. I was absolutely not bored."" Story continues below advertisement Novelty aside, the class was mediocre over all.",1 +" The Ottawa Senators have signed defenceman Johnny Oduya to a one-year, $1-million (U.S.) contract.","The Ottawa Senators have signed defenceman Johnny Oduya to a one-year, $1-million (U.S.) contract.",0 +"Now in its sixth year, James' foundation has brought hope to children who might not have any otherwise."," Now in its sixth year, James' foundation has brought hope to children who might not have any otherwise.",0 +The ethereal Marigold ($15) presents top notes of mint with a vibrant rye undercurrent., The ethereal Marigold ($15) presents top notes of mint with a vibrant rye undercurrent.,0 +" ""There is still a generation of people that do not go on the Internet to find things,"" Clark says."," ""There is still a generation of people that do not go on the Internet to find things,"" Clark says.",0 +"Running in the outside lane, Kori Carter picked up speed after 100 metres and never wavered, winning in 53.07 seconds."," Running in the outside lane, Kori Carter picked up speed after 100 metres and never wavered, winning in 53.07 seconds.",0 +"Louis Oosthuizen (70), Patrick Reed (67) and Francesco Molinari (67) tied for second, though none had a chance to win playing the 18th."," Louis Oosthuizen (70), Patrick Reed (67) and Francesco Molinari (67) tied for second, though none had a chance to win playing the 18th.",0 +"Happ (6-8) allowed just the one run, with four hits and eight strikeouts to earn his third straight win."," Happ (6-8) allowed just the one run, with four hits and eight strikeouts to earn his third straight win.",0 + The da Vinci system made it possible for more urologic surgeons to confidently offer their patients a minimally invasive prostatectomy., The da Vinci system made it possible for more urologic surgeons to confidently offer their patients a minimally invasive prostatectomy.,0 +" ""That was routine,"" Dr. Shayegan said afterward, holding the plum-sized gland that he and the robot had removed together."," ""That was routine,"" Dr. Shayegan said afterward, holding the plum-sized gland that he and the robot had removed together.",0 +" And in Windsor, the Cocoa Pesto restaurant in the 160-year-old Woodshire Inn has a great menu and exemplary execution."," And in Windsor, the Cocoa Pesto restaurant in the 160-year-old Woodshire Inn has a great menu and exemplary execution.",0 + It seems best to arrive at the station at least half an hour before the train is due to leave Niagara Falls., It seems best to arrive at the station at least half an hour before the train is due to leave Niagara Falls.,0 + Rucker emphasizes that reputable practitioners will not use hypnosis for purposes outside their medical specialty., Rucker emphasizes that reputable practitioners will not use hypnosis for purposes outside their medical specialty.,0 +""" Seniors tend to prefer edible cannabis products, such as oils.",""" Seniors tend to prefer edible cannabis products, such as oils.",0 + A household is considered food insecure when its members do not have adequate access to food because of financial constraints., A household is considered food insecure when its members do not have adequate access to food because of financial constraints.,0 + A study by researchers at the University of Calgary suggests most people treated for thyroid cancer have tumours that would never pose any harm.,A study by researchers at the University of Calgary suggests most people treated for thyroid cancer have tumours that would never pose any harm.,0 +"It's a juxtaposition of old and new, just like Clementine itself."," It's a juxtaposition of old and new, just like Clementine itself.",0 +""" Seniors tend to prefer edible cannabis products, such as oils.",""" Seniors tend to prefer edible cannabis products, such as oils.",0 +""" But Chris Nuessler, a retired RCMP officer in Summerland, B.C., argues that Health Canada's medical marijuana program is too limited.",""" But Chris Nuessler, a retired RCMP officer in Summerland, B.C., argues that Health Canada's medical marijuana program is too limited.",0 +" The Arthritis Society has dedicated $720,000 (Canadian) to medical cannabis research between 2015 and 2019, and asked the federal government for a parallel commitment."," The Arthritis Society has dedicated $720,000 (Canadian) to medical cannabis research between 2015 and 2019, and asked the federal government for a parallel commitment.",0 +Cesar Valdez (1-1) allowed six runs on six hits in 3 1/3 innings in his second straight rough start., Cesar Valdez (1-1) allowed six runs on six hits in 3 1/3 innings in his second straight rough start.,0 + So there were times I didn't know what to do., So there were times I didn't know what to do.,0 +" Seorak fills this void south of the river, making its home on Whyte Avenue."," Seorak fills this void south of the river, making its home on Whyte Avenue.",0 +" As with their earlier book, Bitter Medicine: A Graphic Memoir of Mental Illness, which won accolades including the City of Calgary W.O."," As with their earlier book, Bitter Medicine: A Graphic Memoir of Mental Illness, which won accolades including the City of Calgary W.O.",0 +The Stars obtained the top player available on the market on Day 3 of free agency., The Stars obtained the top player available on the market on Day 3 of free agency.,0 +4. Multitask There's no such thing as downtime in the meal planner's kitchen.,Multitask There's no such thing as downtime in the meal planner's kitchen.,0 +" To mark Canada 150, Globe Style's Clearly Canadian series explores iconic examples of domestic design.","To mark Canada 150, Globe Style's Clearly Canadian series explores iconic examples of domestic design.",0 +"""You can get hooked on that."" So, she tried about 10 drops of CBD oil her husband had obtained from an unlicensed producer.","""You can get hooked on that."" So, she tried about 10 drops of CBD oil her husband had obtained from an unlicensed producer.",0 + Chicago's Kevan Smith hit a two-run homer batting for injured designated hitter Matt Davidson in the sixth.,Chicago's Kevan Smith hit a two-run homer batting for injured designated hitter Matt Davidson in the sixth.,0 +"""You're then tied to the medical system for the rest of your life,"" said Dickinson."," ""You're then tied to the medical system for the rest of your life,"" said Dickinson.",0 +" Her bed and bureau are located next to the courtyard-facing window, offering full access to the natural light of the courtyard's skylights."," Her bed and bureau are located next to the courtyard-facing window, offering full access to the natural light of the courtyard's skylights.",0 +"Refsnyder flipped the ball to Ryan Goins to try to tag Bourjos out at second base, but he got back just in time."," Refsnyder flipped the ball to Ryan Goins to try to tag Bourjos out at second base, but he got back just in time.",0 +What unfolded on the back nine of one of golf's most venerable layouts was as astonishing as it was brilliant., What unfolded on the back nine of one of golf's most venerable layouts was as astonishing as it was brilliant.,0 +" The Toronto Blue Jays have transferred shortstop Troy Tulowitzki to the 60-day disabled list, likely ending his season.","The Toronto Blue Jays have transferred shortstop Troy Tulowitzki to the 60-day disabled list, likely ending his season.",0 + It has proven to be such a beneficial and effective intervention., It has proven to be such a beneficial and effective intervention.,0 +" In addition, it's not as simple as give and get."," In addition, it's not as simple as give and get.",0 +" Seorak's bingsu ($11.75) is, hence, fairly traditional, but ups the fun factor with flavours like Oreo and strawberry cheesecake."," Seorak's bingsu ($11.75) is, hence, fairly traditional, but ups the fun factor with flavours like Oreo and strawberry cheesecake.",0 +"""It didn't bother me the attention was on them,"" Guliyev said. ""Maybe at the next competition, everyone will look at me instead."," ""It didn't bother me the attention was on them,"" Guliyev said. ""Maybe at the next competition, everyone will look at me instead.",0 +Quebec-born Piette will make his home debut in front of family and friends., Quebec-born Piette will make his home debut in front of family and friends.,0 +"""I can't put it into words,"" Thomas said about his PGA of America heritage. ""I wish my grandpa could be here for it."," ""I can't put it into words,"" Thomas said about his PGA of America heritage. ""I wish my grandpa could be here for it.",0 +"""It's a twist of fate for sure, but we love the opportunity thanks to the gentlemen that we have introduced earlier today,"" he added."," ""It's a twist of fate for sure, but we love the opportunity thanks to the gentlemen that we have introduced earlier today,"" he added.",0 +" Atop East Lion, Seabrooke cursed and shed a few tears."," Atop East Lion, Seabrooke cursed and shed a few tears.",0 +"In the Super 8s, the top four teams get four home games while the bottom four have three home fixtures."," In the Super 8s, the top four teams get four home games while the bottom four have three home fixtures.",0 +" Colic starts in early infancy, and babies with colic typically cry most in the evenings."," Colic starts in early infancy, and babies with colic typically cry most in the evenings.",0 +" ""As scared as I was, it was as cool as anything I've ever done in my life,"" said Tucker."," ""As scared as I was, it was as cool as anything I've ever done in my life,"" said Tucker.",0 + The prostate itself is located between the bladder and the penis;, The prostate itself is located between the bladder and the penis;,0 + Country music superstar Shania Twain is coming back to the Grey Cup.,Country music superstar Shania Twain is coming back to the Grey Cup.,0 +" ""We said you [OHTAC] are basing the entire economic analysis on a flawed study,"" Dr. Pautler said."," ""We said you [OHTAC] are basing the entire economic analysis on a flawed study,"" Dr. Pautler said.",0 +" ""We need to wear some of that blame,"" Dr. Adili said."," ""We need to wear some of that blame,"" Dr. Adili said.",0 +" 12:10 a.m. The Ritz-Carlton Hotel fills 16 floors of the 484-metre-high (1,588 feet) International Commerce Centre, the tallest building in Hong Kong;"," 12:10 a.m. The Ritz-Carlton Hotel fills 16 floors of the 484-metre-high (1,588 feet) International Commerce Centre, the tallest building in Hong Kong;",0 +" Two summers ago, Spencer Seabrooke stepped off the edge of a cliff and out into the air.","Two summers ago, Spencer Seabrooke stepped off the edge of a cliff and out into the air.",0 + The menu is whatever is on the blackboard that day., The menu is whatever is on the blackboard that day.,0 +""" Then she thought about the four to six pills of Tylenol 3, laced with codeine, a narcotic analgesic, she took every day.",""" Then she thought about the four to six pills of Tylenol 3, laced with codeine, a narcotic analgesic, she took every day.",0 + There were all kinds of other issues at the time., There were all kinds of other issues at the time.,0 +The nine-year CFL veteran has played in 109 games for the Argos since being selected by them in the sixth round of the 2008 draft., The nine-year CFL veteran has played in 109 games for the Argos since being selected by them in the sixth round of the 2008 draft.,0 +"""They should have given video gamers the option."" South Carolina star A'ja Wilson admits she isn't really into video games, but that could change.","""They should have given video gamers the option."" South Carolina star A'ja Wilson admits she isn't really into video games, but that could change.",0 +" Multihour pauses in flights to the other side of the world are common, especially at HKG."," Multihour pauses in flights to the other side of the world are common, especially at HKG.",0 +" Milton Callwood, 46, fears authorities could remove his 92-year-old father from his care if they discovered he is giving him cannabis from a Vancouver dispensary."," Milton Callwood, 46, fears authorities could remove his 92-year-old father from his care if they discovered he is giving him cannabis from a Vancouver dispensary.",0 +"Other tips are more obvious, but so many of us don't actually do it: keep staple ingredients in easy reach;"," Other tips are more obvious, but so many of us don't actually do it: keep staple ingredients in easy reach;",0 +" Excerpt from The Unravelling by Clem Martini and Olivier Martini, to be published September 12, 2017 by Freehand Books."," Excerpt from The Unravelling by Clem Martini and Olivier Martini, to be published September 12, 2017 by Freehand Books.",0 +" The Arthritis Society has dedicated $720,000 (Canadian) to medical cannabis research between 2015 and 2019, and asked the federal government for a parallel commitment."," The Arthritis Society has dedicated $720,000 (Canadian) to medical cannabis research between 2015 and 2019, and asked the federal government for a parallel commitment.",0 +The IOC has been working towards setting up the ITA as an independent testing body to take over testing for the IOC and international federations., The IOC has been working towards setting up the ITA as an independent testing body to take over testing for the IOC and international federations.,0 +" But, he adds, meditation can take weeks or months of practice before it helps patients dial down pain."," But, he adds, meditation can take weeks or months of practice before it helps patients dial down pain.",0 +" ""If you're equating colic with excessive crying, then you aren't looking at colic,"" he says."," ""If you're equating colic with excessive crying, then you aren't looking at colic,"" he says.",0 +Sun Life partners with the Raptors in the group benefits and life and health insurance categories., Story continues below advertisement Sun Life partners with the Raptors in the group benefits and life and health insurance categories.,1 +Radulov said Montreal offered him a similar salary but not as many years as Dallas had until he already agreed to sign with the Stars., Radulov said Montreal offered him a similar salary but not as many years as Dallas had until he already agreed to sign with the Stars.,0 + What advice can you give to others who find themselves in a similar position?, What advice can you give to others who find themselves in a similar position? Reaching out to friends and family helps.,1 +"The 30-year-old Miles is coming off one of the best seasons of his career, shooting 41 per cent from three-point range."," The 30-year-old Miles is coming off one of the best seasons of his career, shooting 41 per cent from three-point range.",0 +A flight of three ciders with roasted corn kernels is $5.,A flight of three ciders with roasted corn kernels is $5. Slightly outside the central commercial core is the Blomidon Inn.,0 +" A year ago, a group of seven hiked six hours with more than 200 kilograms of gear to get to the Lions."," A year ago, a group of seven hiked six hours with more than 200 kilograms of gear to get to the Lions.",0 +Burke will serve as Canada's GM for the 2017-18 season with former Canucks coach Desjardins behind the bench., Burke will serve as Canada's GM for the 2017-18 season with former Canucks coach Desjardins behind the bench.,0 +"""Everybody plays their part in focusing on treating the right ones and not treating the others."" Report Typo/Error"," ""Everybody plays their part in focusing on treating the right ones and not treating the others.""",1 +" In France and Belgium, anesthesiologists are offering hypnosis combined with local anesthetic as an alternative to general anesthesia in surgery."," In France and Belgium, anesthesiologists are offering hypnosis combined with local anesthetic as an alternative to general anesthesia in surgery.",0 +""" Seniors interviewed for this article said they spend $10 to $50 a week on cannabis products, depending on the severity of their condition.",""" Seniors interviewed for this article said they spend $10 to $50 a week on cannabis products, depending on the severity of their condition.",0 +" The interesting thing to me is when you do talk about these things, how many people will say, ""That was my experience, too."," The interesting thing to me is when you do talk about these things, how many people will say, ""That was my experience, too.",0 +"The Impact will be without young phenom Ballou Jean-Yves Tabla, who is out with a throat infection."," The Impact will be without young phenom Ballou Jean-Yves Tabla, who is out with a throat infection.",0 +" The arms have ""wrists"" that are more supple than a human wrist, allowing surgeons to do things they couldn't with their own hands."," The arms have ""wrists"" that are more supple than a human wrist, allowing surgeons to do things they couldn't with their own hands.",0 +"Just two months ago, fresh off a record-tying 63 in the U.S."," Just two months ago, fresh off a record-tying 63 in the U.S.",0 +"Desjardins' coaching staff will include assistants Dave King, Scott Walker and Craig Woodcroft."," Desjardins' coaching staff will include assistants Dave King, Scott Walker and Craig Woodcroft.",0 +" The jolt came at the foot of the towering green curtain that's the Niagara Escarpment, spreading for kilometres left and right."," The jolt came at the foot of the towering green curtain that's the Niagara Escarpment, spreading for kilometres left and right.",0 +" They butcher whole animals to serve at their Saskatoon spot, The Hollows, which has about 90 seats, plus a private dining room and patio."," They butcher whole animals to serve at their Saskatoon spot, The Hollows, which has about 90 seats, plus a private dining room and patio.",0 +" Seabrooke continues to work the occasional day job, pouring concrete."," Seabrooke continues to work the occasional day job, pouring concrete.",0 +""" McKenna says he understands it can be difficult for parents when it feels like nothing they do helps.",""" McKenna says he understands it can be difficult for parents when it feels like nothing they do helps.",0 +" Levi Allen/Leftcoast Media House Noblet, 22, has since bettered her record, walking a 450-metre line this spring at Skaha Bluffs near Penticton, B.C."," Levi Allen/Leftcoast Media House Noblet, 22, has since bettered her record, walking a 450-metre line this spring at Skaha Bluffs near Penticton, B.C.",0 +"Meanwhile, Robertson was steaming into second on the play, where he was met by Goins holding the ball."," Meanwhile, Robertson was steaming into second on the play, where he was met by Goins holding the ball.",0 +" It could also sour top-flight surgical trainees on Canada, Dr. Rutka warned."," It could also sour top-flight surgical trainees on Canada, Dr. Rutka warned.",0 +""" Farah will retire from the track at the Diamond League finals in Zurich on Thursday.",""" Story continues below advertisement Story continues below advertisement Farah will retire from the track at the Diamond League finals in Zurich on Thursday.",1 +" The patient, a 70-year-old man with high-risk prostate cancer, was a Jehovah's Witness."," The patient, a 70-year-old man with high-risk prostate cancer, was a Jehovah's Witness.",0 +""" That Australian study, published a year ago in The Lancet, was the foundation of OHTAC's thumbs-down for robot-assisted prostatectomies.",""" That Australian study, published a year ago in The Lancet, was the foundation of OHTAC's thumbs-down for robot-assisted prostatectomies.",0 +" In this manner, he says, ""The kid doesn't get a chance to build up and cry to be hungry."," In this manner, he says, ""The kid doesn't get a chance to build up and cry to be hungry.",0 +It's the second major sporting event Twain will be performing at to promote her new album., It's the second major sporting event Twain will be performing at to promote her new album.,0 +""" Still, he expects the bulk of Canada's Olympic roster to come from European-based players.",""" Still, he expects the bulk of Canada's Olympic roster to come from European-based players.",0 +""" I feel more secure and confident, and less vulnerable in my own head.",""" I feel more secure and confident, and less vulnerable in my own head.",0 +"""We're thrilled to announce this new, first of its kind partnership with the Raptors and MLSE,"" said Sun Life Financial senior vice-president &"," ""We're thrilled to announce this new, first of its kind partnership with the Raptors and MLSE,"" said Sun Life Financial senior vice-president &",0 + The Toronto Raptors continued their restructuring Friday by confirming the trade of Canadian guard Cory Joseph to Indiana.,The Toronto Raptors continued their restructuring Friday by confirming the trade of Canadian guard Cory Joseph to Indiana.,0 +" Like Ontario's Niagara region and British Columbia's Okanagan, the Annapolis Valley has a robust wine sector - but it adds fresh seafood to the table."," Like Ontario's Niagara region and British Columbia's Okanagan, the Annapolis Valley has a robust wine sector - but it adds fresh seafood to the table.",0 +"On Tuesday night, the superstar gave a lesson in how it's done."," On Tuesday night, the superstar gave a lesson in how it's done.",0 + I hadn't planned on making this day trip such a big deal;, I hadn't planned on making this day trip such a big deal;,0 +"""What is happening now is trying to turn the mandate into something it never was,"" McLaren said."," ""What is happening now is trying to turn the mandate into something it never was,"" McLaren said.",0 +The 35-year-old Oduya started last season with the Dallas Stars before a February trade returned him to the Chicago Blackhawks., The 35-year-old Oduya started last season with the Dallas Stars before a February trade returned him to the Chicago Blackhawks.,0 +" According to French newspaper L'Equipe, PSG is unlikely to ask FIFA to rule on the issue because it could slow down proceedings further.","According to French newspaper L'Equipe, PSG is unlikely to ask FIFA to rule on the issue because it could slow down proceedings further.",0 +" I'd also decided on the scenic route, knowing full well that ""scenic route"" usually carries an undercurrent of masochistic when it comes to cycling."," I'd also decided on the scenic route, knowing full well that ""scenic route"" usually carries an undercurrent of masochistic when it comes to cycling.",0 +Was the restaurant a cover for an underground massage parlour?,Was the restaurant a cover for an underground massage parlour? Story continues below advertisement Curiouser and curiouser!,0 + What were the first signs your mother's cognitive abilities were declining?," What were the first signs your mother's cognitive abilities were declining? In retrospect, there were small signs along the way.",0 +" For those with dietary issues, Crystany's Brasserie, in the Village of Canning (near Wolfville), is the province's only gluten-free restaurant."," For those with dietary issues, Crystany's Brasserie, in the Village of Canning (near Wolfville), is the province's only gluten-free restaurant.",0 +"Concluding a day of fun and games at an amusement park, James turned serious when speaking about the recent violence and tragedy in Charlottesville."," Concluding a day of fun and games at an amusement park, James turned serious when speaking about the recent violence and tragedy in Charlottesville.",0 + Smoak and Donaldson each connected for the second straight night and third time in five games.,Smoak and Donaldson each connected for the second straight night and third time in five games.,0 +It's the reason Marsh says she never actually makes school lunches - she just chips away at them while doing other things., It's the reason Marsh says she never actually makes school lunches - she just chips away at them while doing other things.,0 +Spieth has a chance to join Jack Nicklaus as the only players to capture three different majors at age, Spieth has a chance to join Jack Nicklaus as the only players to capture three different majors at age,0 +"Toronto's Mike Babcock returned to coach in Sochi with help from assistants Ken Hitchcock, Claude Julien, Lindy Ruff, and consultant Ralph Krueger."," Toronto's Mike Babcock returned to coach in Sochi with help from assistants Ken Hitchcock, Claude Julien, Lindy Ruff, and consultant Ralph Krueger.",0 +""" Matsuyama also hit into the water on No. 18 and made bogey for a 72 to finish three back.",""" Matsuyama also hit into the water on No. 18 and made bogey for a 72 to finish three back.",0 +" In the facility's bedroom-sized intensive-care units, machinery for monitoring vital signs beeps nonstop as nurses and doctors cut away layers of clothing and scorched flesh."," In the facility's bedroom-sized intensive-care units, machinery for monitoring vital signs beeps nonstop as nurses and doctors cut away layers of clothing and scorched flesh.",0 +""" Crosby said long seasons mean there is not much recovery time during the summer months. ""You have to find out how to manage that.",""" Crosby said long seasons mean there is not much recovery time during the summer months.",0 + The OSNPPH have sent recommendations to Health Canada and Statistics Canada to make the household food security survey module mandatory for the CCHS going forward., The OSNPPH have sent recommendations to Health Canada and Statistics Canada to make the household food security survey module mandatory for the CCHS going forward.,0 +" In this case, it was this particular Escarpment access road."," In this case, it was this particular Escarpment access road.",0 +Gibbons plainly let his feelings be known on the matter., Gibbons plainly let his feelings be known on the matter.,0 +""" The menu at the new location is much larger and roams all over China.",""" The menu at the new location is much larger and roams all over China.",0 + Story continues below advertisement Toronto came out on top after dropping three of four and snapped a four-game road losing streak.,Toronto came out on top after dropping three of four and snapped a four-game road losing streak.,0 +" Babies presumed to have colic don't cry because they're in pain or because they need or want anything, he says."," Babies presumed to have colic don't cry because they're in pain or because they need or want anything, he says.",0 +The Wolfpack beat Keighley 48-21 when they played them in the third week of the regular season., Story continues below advertisement The Wolfpack beat Keighley 48-21 when they played them in the third week of the regular season.,0 +Other management members are Hockey Canada's Scott Smith and Scott Salmond., Other management members are Hockey Canada's Scott Smith and Scott Salmond.,0 +"""Pretty stress-free,"" Spieth said. ""On a Saturday with a lead in a major, that's as good as I can ask for."," ""Pretty stress-free,"" Spieth said. ""On a Saturday with a lead in a major, that's as good as I can ask for.",0 +" Next door is the Port Pub and Bistro, which also has an on-site microbrewery, Sea Level Brewing, and live music on weekends."," Next door is the Port Pub and Bistro, which also has an on-site microbrewery, Sea Level Brewing, and live music on weekends.",0 +""" James has grown his foundation beyond its initial goals of tackling the city's drop-out rate.",""" Story continues below advertisement James has grown his foundation beyond its initial goals of tackling the city's drop-out rate.",1 +A teetering tower of sunflower praline lined with apple cider caramel ($10) is an apt ending., A teetering tower of sunflower praline lined with apple cider caramel ($10) is an apt ending.,0 + Canada's Melissa Bishop survived a scare Thursday to advance to the semifinals of the 800 metres at the world track and field championships.,Canada's Melissa Bishop survived a scare Thursday to advance to the semifinals of the 800 metres at the world track and field championships.,0 +""" More than 700 players have participated in the Winter Olympics since 1998. Report Typo/Error",""" More than 700 players have participated in the Winter Olympics since 1998.",0 +"That is about where the Blue Jays will finish if they continue their win-two, lose-one pattern of late."," That is about where the Blue Jays will finish if they continue their win-two, lose-one pattern of late.",0 +" ""My life motto became 'This too shall pass,'"" she says."," ""My life motto became 'This too shall pass,'"" she says.",0 +"With three days to go, the United States has 19 medals over all."," With three days to go, the United States has 19 medals over all.",0 +" In cases of inconsolable crying, a glitch in the development of these nerve tracts may be frustrating though harmless."," In cases of inconsolable crying, a glitch in the development of these nerve tracts may be frustrating though harmless.",0 +""" Twain revealed in May that she's battling complications from Lyme disease as a result of a tick bite over 10 years ago.",""" Twain revealed in May that she's battling complications from Lyme disease as a result of a tick bite over 10 years ago.",0 +"""I wasn't questioning myself as a closer, but I was questioning why I couldn't just perform the shots that I was before,"" Spieth said."," ""I wasn't questioning myself as a closer, but I was questioning why I couldn't just perform the shots that I was before,"" Spieth said.",0 +" Ever since their baby was around three weeks old, she had become increasingly difficult to pacify."," Ever since their baby was around three weeks old, she had become increasingly difficult to pacify.",0 +Deals for both players were reported last week but couldn't be officially signed before Friday., Deals for both players were reported last week but couldn't be officially signed before Friday.,0 +" Other companies are offering standing-room-only info sessions in libraries and seniors' centres everywhere from Sudbury, Ont."," Story continues below advertisement Other companies are offering standing-room-only info sessions in libraries and seniors' centres everywhere from Sudbury, Ont.",0 + We have to think about the practicality of it and we have to think about the justice of it.,What are the options? We have to think about the practicality of it and we have to think about the justice of it.,0 +Those are good pretty good numbers to hitch to your playoff wagon., Those are good pretty good numbers to hitch to your playoff wagon.,0 +Instead he'll be celebrated for one of the most clutch performances ever., Instead he'll be celebrated for one of the most clutch performances ever.,0 +"""I'm going to have to talk to him about this,"" she said, laughing. ""It's the first question I'm going to ask him."," ""I'm going to have to talk to him about this,"" she said, laughing. ""It's the first question I'm going to ask him.",0 +"Johnny Miller called it the ""greatest finish I have seen in championship golf,"" and for once this wasn't television hyperbole."," Johnny Miller called it the ""greatest finish I have seen in championship golf,"" and for once this wasn't television hyperbole.",0 +" The memoir, told through text by Clem and illustrations by Olivier, recounts their family's desperate scramble when their mother, Catherine, develops dementia."," The memoir, told through text by Clem and illustrations by Olivier, recounts their family's desperate scramble when their mother, Catherine, develops dementia.",0 +"Aerial yoga is absolutely a fitness adventure, but adventures are only positive if you survive injury-free."," Aerial yoga is absolutely a fitness adventure, but adventures are only positive if you survive injury-free.",0 +" Private residences - and there's difficulty in accommodating people there, too - can be very, very expensive."," Private residences - and there's difficulty in accommodating people there, too - can be very, very expensive.",0 +"""Whenever you're in the kitchen making anything, say: 'What else can I do?'"""," ""Whenever you're in the kitchen making anything, say: 'What else can I do?'"" 5.",0 +" ""The CCHS data is showing that we are higher than the provincial average."," ""The CCHS data is showing that we are higher than the provincial average.",0 + Recent data on the number of Canadian seniors using cannabis are unavailable., Recent data on the number of Canadian seniors using cannabis are unavailable.,0 +" The downsides are the loss of relationship-building interaction, plus usage fees and, perhaps most important to the bottom line, the rise of no-shows."," The downsides are the loss of relationship-building interaction, plus usage fees and, perhaps most important to the bottom line, the rise of no-shows.",0 +"""Very routine."" This is how nine out of 10 prostatectomies are carried out in the United States.","""Very routine."" This is how nine out of 10 prostatectomies are carried out in the United States.",0 +" Married for 37 years, this Japanese couple documents their adorably coordinated outfits, creating a feed that combines #OOTD inspo with #couplegoals."," Married for 37 years, this Japanese couple documents their adorably coordinated outfits, creating a feed that combines #OOTD inspo with #couplegoals.",0 +" My mind was still back on the longer stretch of Escarpment roads from earlier in the day, and I was getting tired."," My mind was still back on the longer stretch of Escarpment roads from earlier in the day, and I was getting tired.",0 +He said the effects of radioactive iodine are fairly isolated and short-lived., He said the effects of radioactive iodine are fairly isolated and short-lived.,0 +" The sport emerged in the early 1980s, around the rock climbing scene at Yosemite National Park in California."," The sport emerged in the early 1980s, around the rock climbing scene at Yosemite National Park in California.",0 +""" ""Is that a must-have or is that a nice-to-have?"" Dr. Pisters asked.",""" ""Is that a must-have or is that a nice-to-have?"" Dr. Pisters asked.",0 + The male pelvis is a narrow work site packed with trip wires., The male pelvis is a narrow work site packed with trip wires.,0 +"Hockey Canada says it has already been scouting players, with two tournaments next month in Russia kicking off the road to Pyeongchang."," Hockey Canada says it has already been scouting players, with two tournaments next month in Russia kicking off the road to Pyeongchang.",0 +"A Sun Life logo will be added to the front left shoulder of the team's uniform, the Raptors said Thursday in a release."," A Sun Life logo will be added to the front left shoulder of the team's uniform, the Raptors said Thursday in a release.",0 + Let me tell you about the time I went to Richmond for Szechuan food and fell down the proverbial rabbit hole., Let me tell you about the time I went to Richmond for Szechuan food and fell down the proverbial rabbit hole.,0 +""" Earlier at the WADA event, McLaren attended a speech by Russian Sports Minister Pavel Kolobkov.",""" Earlier at the WADA event, McLaren attended a speech by Russian Sports Minister Pavel Kolobkov.",0 +" In the meantime, seniors such as Bobowski say they have all the evidence they need."," In the meantime, seniors such as Bobowski say they have all the evidence they need.",0 + The bigger change happened when online reservations became part of our restaurant experience., The bigger change happened when online reservations became part of our restaurant experience.,0 +"""Will Claye makes it difficult for me every time,"" Taylor said."," ""Will Claye makes it difficult for me every time,"" Taylor said.",0 +" What to take: Full water bottles and trail mix or energy bars, maybe a banana or two, are a must."," What to take: Full water bottles and trail mix or energy bars, maybe a banana or two, are a must.",0 +"Too often yoga, aerial included, is billed as a panacea."," Too often yoga, aerial included, is billed as a panacea.",0 +""" Having a meal plan means you can also chip away at future meals midweek: wash and prep vegetables, premix a spice mixture, boil potatoes.",""" Having a meal plan means you can also chip away at future meals midweek: wash and prep vegetables, premix a spice mixture, boil potatoes.",0 +What to expect We were all varying degrees of nervous., What to expect We were all varying degrees of nervous.,0 +"""To be under-par for this championship after the way I started, I'm ecstatic with that,"" the 28-year-old told reporters."," Story continues below advertisement ""To be under-par for this championship after the way I started, I'm ecstatic with that,"" the 28-year-old told reporters.",0 +" Proponents of robot-assisted surgery had hoped the Ontario Ministry of Health would eventually step in, which is unlikely after the OHTAC recommendation."," Proponents of robot-assisted surgery had hoped the Ontario Ministry of Health would eventually step in, which is unlikely after the OHTAC recommendation.",0 +"""I'm back here for a reason,"" Lowry said a press conference Friday. ""They believe in me and I believe in them."," ""I'm back here for a reason,"" Lowry said a press conference Friday. ""They believe in me and I believe in them.",0 + Seabrooke tore the meniscus in his right knee in late 2015 and struggled thereafter., Seabrooke tore the meniscus in his right knee in late 2015 and struggled thereafter.,0 + You give readers a vivid sense of how frustrating it was to deal with certain health-care authorities., You give readers a vivid sense of how frustrating it was to deal with certain health-care authorities.,0 +""" The jeering went on for nearly a year, until his mother - they have since divorced - finally put a stop to it.",""" The jeering went on for nearly a year, until his mother - they have since divorced - finally put a stop to it.",0 +" ""For a small business like ours, we feel the direct contact with our customers is worth the extra time,"" general manager Lacey Sellinger says."," ""For a small business like ours, we feel the direct contact with our customers is worth the extra time,"" general manager Lacey Sellinger says.",0 +" ""We have to look at it because we can't say, 'It's not us.","""We have to look at it because we can't say, 'It's not us.",0 +Crosby's annual hockey camp for boys and girls age 9-12 benefits his foundation for underprivileged kids., Crosby's annual hockey camp for boys and girls age 9-12 benefits his foundation for underprivileged kids.,0 +" Chewy, greasy, succulent, crunchy, it hits all the late-night meal requirements;"," Chewy, greasy, succulent, crunchy, it hits all the late-night meal requirements;",0 +"Until the 2016 Summer Games in Rio de Janeiro, the IOC was responsible for doping tests during the Olympics."," Until the 2016 Summer Games in Rio de Janeiro, the IOC was responsible for doping tests during the Olympics.",0 + The French league said in an email to The Associated Press on Thursday that it had not received the document needed from the Spanish federation.,The French league said in an email to The Associated Press on Thursday that it had not received the document needed from the Spanish federation.,0 +"""Snacks can be the thing that break you, because they always want a snack in the craziest place and you're like, 'Are you kidding me?"," ""Snacks can be the thing that break you, because they always want a snack in the craziest place and you're like, 'Are you kidding me?",0 +"There were also disagreements over who should pay for travel, insurance and accommodations costs for the players."," There were also disagreements over who should pay for travel, insurance and accommodations costs for the players.",0 +" ""This is a harbinger of bad things to come,"" said James Rutka, chair of the surgical division at the University of Toronto's medical school."," ""This is a harbinger of bad things to come,"" said James Rutka, chair of the surgical division at the University of Toronto's medical school.",0 +" 11:10 p.m. Reluctantly pull our heads back into the boat, put cameras away and disembark;"," 11:10 p.m. Reluctantly pull our heads back into the boat, put cameras away and disembark;",0 +""" Montreal, which has won five of their last six games at Saputo Stadium, is facing Chicago at just the right time.",""" Montreal, which has won five of their last six games at Saputo Stadium, is facing Chicago at just the right time.",0 +"And Spieth was left trying to process it himself, as a dazed Matt Kuchar walked off into the embrace of his tearful family."," And Spieth was left trying to process it himself, as a dazed Matt Kuchar walked off into the embrace of his tearful family.",0 +" The CCHS, issued by Statistics Canada, is the only government-mandated method of tracking food insecurity numbers provincially."," The CCHS, issued by Statistics Canada, is the only government-mandated method of tracking food insecurity numbers provincially.",0 +" Hearing about their rides, all seem to have taken the direct route."," Hearing about their rides, all seem to have taken the direct route.",0 +" Hypnosis allows patients to avoid general anesthesia in surgeries ranging from mastectomies to heart-valve replacements, Faymonville says."," Hypnosis allows patients to avoid general anesthesia in surgeries ranging from mastectomies to heart-valve replacements, Faymonville says.",0 + She used to feel panicky at the idea of sleeping away from home., She used to feel panicky at the idea of sleeping away from home.,0 +""" But Chris Nuessler, a retired RCMP officer in Summerland, B.C., argues that Health Canada's medical marijuana program is too limited.",""" But Chris Nuessler, a retired RCMP officer in Summerland, B.C., argues that Health Canada's medical marijuana program is too limited.",0 +And he's got his name on the claret jug to prove it., And he's got his name on the claret jug to prove it.,0 +"Appetizers tread familiar territory and, for the most part, succeed in executing Italian standards."," Appetizers tread familiar territory and, for the most part, succeed in executing Italian standards.",0 +5. Secure the buy-in A big part of ensuring meal planning works is getting the whole family on board.,Secure the buy-in A big part of ensuring meal planning works is getting the whole family on board.,0 +"For people who typically find yoga boring (myself, Leanne and Josh included) but have a hankering for mobility work, aerial yoga offers an enjoyable alternative."," For people who typically find yoga boring (myself, Leanne and Josh included) but have a hankering for mobility work, aerial yoga offers an enjoyable alternative.",0 + Recent data on the number of Canadian seniors using cannabis are unavailable., Recent data on the number of Canadian seniors using cannabis are unavailable.,0 +The AHL's decision does not affect players assigned to that league on NHL one- or two-way contracts., The AHL's decision does not affect players assigned to that league on NHL one- or two-way contracts.,0 +"""You can get hooked on that."" So, she tried about 10 drops of CBD oil her husband had obtained from an unlicensed producer.","""You can get hooked on that."" So, she tried about 10 drops of CBD oil her husband had obtained from an unlicensed producer.",0 +" Danis Zaripov, who played for Russia at the 2010 Olympics, is among three Kontinental Hockey League players banned for doping.","Danis Zaripov, who played for Russia at the 2010 Olympics, is among three Kontinental Hockey League players banned for doping.",0 +"Vaticano's menu covers a fair bit of ground, from antipasti and salads to pasta and pizza."," Story continues below advertisement Vaticano's menu covers a fair bit of ground, from antipasti and salads to pasta and pizza.",0 +"Thomas began his move with a 35-foot birdie putt on No. 9, and then caught two breaks on the par-5 10th."," Thomas began his move with a 35-foot birdie putt on No. 9, and then caught two breaks on the par-5 10th.",0 +" Clem, a playwright, screenwriter and novelist who teaches in the University of Calgary's drama department, spoke with The Globe and Mail by phone."," Clem, a playwright, screenwriter and novelist who teaches in the University of Calgary's drama department, spoke with The Globe and Mail by phone.",0 +""" Nuessler, 62, uses high-potency CBD oil from an unlicensed producer to take the edge off post-traumatic stress disorder.",""" Nuessler, 62, uses high-potency CBD oil from an unlicensed producer to take the edge off post-traumatic stress disorder.",0 +"Dickinson said there are lessons to be drawn for family physicians, radiologists, pathologists and surgeons."," Dickinson said there are lessons to be drawn for family physicians, radiologists, pathologists and surgeons.",0 +The teams carry forward their regular-season points with the top team after the Super 8s winning automatic promotion., The teams carry forward their regular-season points with the top team after the Super 8s winning automatic promotion.,0 + Players on American Hockey League contracts will be eligible to play in the 2018 Winter Olympics.,Players on American Hockey League contracts will be eligible to play in the 2018 Winter Olympics.,0 +" Yet, that was hardly the limit of his father's abuse."," Yet, that was hardly the limit of his father's abuse.",0 +" You mention the term ""caregiving"" didn't really fit for the relationship between your mother and Olivier."," You mention the term ""caregiving"" didn't really fit for the relationship between your mother and Olivier.",0 + Making two separate deals to ultimately get Miles gives Toronto some financial flexibility., Story continues below advertisement Making two separate deals to ultimately get Miles gives Toronto some financial flexibility.,1 +"But Tepesch extricated himself from that mess nicely, getting Corey Dickerson to fly out deep to right."," But Tepesch extricated himself from that mess nicely, getting Corey Dickerson to fly out deep to right.",0 + Edmonton's Vaticano Cucina has taken over a space formerly occupied by a Greek eatery.,Edmonton's Vaticano Cucina has taken over a space formerly occupied by a Greek eatery.,0 +" Miriam, an attendant I'd met earlier when I first arrived, peeks in to announce lunch."," Miriam, an attendant I'd met earlier when I first arrived, peeks in to announce lunch.",0 +"Michelle Campbell, executive director of the LeBron James Family Foundation, is awed by what the group has accomplished."," Michelle Campbell, executive director of the LeBron James Family Foundation, is awed by what the group has accomplished.",0 +"""I will only make a school lunch if I'm making dinner or I'm making breakfast."," ""I will only make a school lunch if I'm making dinner or I'm making breakfast.",0 +" Since 2005, Ontario's rate of household food insecurity has hovered around 12 per cent."," Since 2005, Ontario's rate of household food insecurity has hovered around 12 per cent.",0 +"Dawnelle Topstad and James Dickinson, with the university's Cumming School of Medicine, pored over four decades worth of Canadian data on the disease."," Dawnelle Topstad and James Dickinson, with the university's Cumming School of Medicine, pored over four decades worth of Canadian data on the disease.",0 +" That drastic decision is rarely easy, but is often the healthiest choice to make, Forward said."," That drastic decision is rarely easy, but is often the healthiest choice to make, Forward said.",0 +"""We should probably shred them, burn 'em, I don't know - give them away to charity or something."," ""We should probably shred them, burn 'em, I don't know - give them away to charity or something.",0 + You describe how confusing and opaque the whole process was to get your mother into a care facility., You describe how confusing and opaque the whole process was to get your mother into a care facility.,0 +" Adults tend to insist they are impervious to hypnosis, even if they've never tried it, Raz says."," Adults tend to insist they are impervious to hypnosis, even if they've never tried it, Raz says.",0 + Troy - look for the wooden horse - has a Mediterranean menu., Troy - look for the wooden horse - has a Mediterranean menu.,0 +""" ""This is a serious, serious problem that a lot of people think is being taken care of.",""" ""This is a serious, serious problem that a lot of people think is being taken care of.",0 +"Ordinarily that is a good recipe for securing a playoff spot, provided such a run is initiated earlier in the season."," Ordinarily that is a good recipe for securing a playoff spot, provided such a run is initiated earlier in the season.",0 +" Even name calling can warrant an investigation of emotional abuse, said Pat Sisson, a child welfare supervisor at the Children's Aid Society of Toronto."," Even name calling can warrant an investigation of emotional abuse, said Pat Sisson, a child welfare supervisor at the Children's Aid Society of Toronto.",0 +"Late into the night, Amy Ellard-Gray and her wife took turns bouncing their screaming infant daughter, trying to soothe her, but to no avail."," Late into the night, Amy Ellard-Gray and her wife took turns bouncing their screaming infant daughter, trying to soothe her, but to no avail.",0 +" Digby The Digby Pines Golf Resort and Spa, a chateau built in the golden age of railway hotels."," Digby The Digby Pines Golf Resort and Spa, a chateau built in the golden age of railway hotels.",0 +" There was also collapsed eggplant stewed in dark garlic sauce made from caramelized sugar, and excellent Shanghainese chicken noodle soup (better than mama would make)."," There was also collapsed eggplant stewed in dark garlic sauce made from caramelized sugar, and excellent Shanghainese chicken noodle soup (better than mama would make).",0 +" ""We get a lot of OpenTable no-shows,"" says Carl Korte, co-owner of Scaramouche in Toronto."," Story continues below advertisement ""We get a lot of OpenTable no-shows,"" says Carl Korte, co-owner of Scaramouche in Toronto.",0 +" It's never too late for your 15 minutes of fame, especially in the digital age."," Story continues below advertisement It's never too late for your 15 minutes of fame, especially in the digital age.",0 + The iconic packaging of Windsor Salt's one-kilogram box helped make the product a bestseller in Canada., The iconic packaging of Windsor Salt's one-kilogram box helped make the product a bestseller in Canada.,0 +"Watching the bar team work is half the fun, and their movements are as seamlessly choreographed as a modern ballet."," Watching the bar team work is half the fun, and their movements are as seamlessly choreographed as a modern ballet.",0 + Ritz Carlton Step out into room filled with glass and black lights;, Ritz Carlton Step out into room filled with glass and black lights;,0 +" Story continues below advertisement Other companies are offering standing-room-only info sessions in libraries and seniors' centres everywhere from Sudbury, Ont."," Other companies are offering standing-room-only info sessions in libraries and seniors' centres everywhere from Sudbury, Ont.",0 +"After facing Chicago, Montreal hosts Real Salt Lake and Toronto FC."," After facing Chicago, Montreal hosts Real Salt Lake and Toronto FC.",0 + Yukon and Newfoundland and Labrador also chose not to monitor food insecurity for those years., Yukon and Newfoundland and Labrador also chose not to monitor food insecurity for those years.,0 +"St. Benedict ($16) is Vaticano's version of the traditional ""four seasons"" pizza, which sees ingredients that represent each season occupying quarters of the pie.","Benedict ($16) is Vaticano's version of the traditional ""four seasons"" pizza, which sees ingredients that represent each season occupying quarters of the pie.",0 +" A dentist by training, Rucker is tall, pointy-browed and looks you straight in the eye."," A dentist by training, Rucker is tall, pointy-browed and looks you straight in the eye.",0 +""" Ray has been sacked a CFL-high 20 times this season.",""" Ray has been sacked a CFL-high 20 times this season.",0 +" This time, accompanied by my friend's wife, who once lived in Beijing and has travelled extensively through northern China, we ordered better."," This time, accompanied by my friend's wife, who once lived in Beijing and has travelled extensively through northern China, we ordered better.",0 +" This time, the restaurant was busier and the customers awfully eclectic."," This time, the restaurant was busier and the customers awfully eclectic.",0 +"Picture a room with hammocks - or ""silks"" - hanging from the ceiling, each over a yoga mat."," Picture a room with hammocks - or ""silks"" - hanging from the ceiling, each over a yoga mat.",0 +If working out Cirque-du-Soleil-style sounds enticing - and being upside down doesn't make you ill - aerial yoga might be for you., If working out Cirque-du-Soleil-style sounds enticing - and being upside down doesn't make you ill - aerial yoga might be for you.,0 +""" Notes: Montreal has scored in 17 consecutive home matches in MLS, including the post-season.",""" Notes: Montreal has scored in 17 consecutive home matches in MLS, including the post-season.",0 +" ""If the French federation does not start proceedings with FIFA, we could still receive the ICT up until Saturday night,"" the league said.","""If the French federation does not start proceedings with FIFA, we could still receive the ICT up until Saturday night,"" the league said.",0 +" In this series, we explore how our online identities intersect with who we really are.","In this series, we explore how our online identities intersect with who we really are.",0 +" Another misconception is that medical cannabis always causes euphoria, when products such as CBD oil do not."," Another misconception is that medical cannabis always causes euphoria, when products such as CBD oil do not.",0 +""" The survey was conducted online and by telephone between March 6 and 19 by the exploration committee's research partner Stone-Olafson.",""" The survey was conducted online and by telephone between March 6 and 19 by the exploration committee's research partner Stone-Olafson.",0 +""" Nuessler, 62, uses high-potency CBD oil from an unlicensed producer to take the edge off post-traumatic stress disorder.",""" Nuessler, 62, uses high-potency CBD oil from an unlicensed producer to take the edge off post-traumatic stress disorder.",0 +"They're such a tough injury in terms of symptoms, and everybody is different,"" he said. ""I think as players, we've become more educated...","They're such a tough injury in terms of symptoms, and everybody is different,"" he said.",1 +"For Reed, it was his first top 10 in a major."," For Reed, it was his first top 10 in a major.",0 +(Callwood agreed to an interview on the condition he could use a pseudonym.) His father suffers from Parkinson's disease and related dementia.,(Callwood agreed to an interview on the condition he could use a pseudonym.) His father suffers from Parkinson's disease and related dementia.,0 +"They will see each other again tomorrow, and they put some distance from everyone else."," They will see each other again tomorrow, and they put some distance from everyone else.",0 +" Between the market and Fort Anne, you'll find Leo's Cafe."," Between the market and Fort Anne, you'll find Leo's Cafe.",0 +" The explosion in popularity of esports events, drawing large crowds of youngsters to arenas for tournaments, has already seen gaming embraced by the Asian Games.","The explosion in popularity of esports events, drawing large crowds of youngsters to arenas for tournaments, has already seen gaming embraced by the Asian Games.",0 +"Happ put it on lockdown after that first inning and allowed just one hit, by Sean Rodriguez, over the next five innings."," Happ put it on lockdown after that first inning and allowed just one hit, by Sean Rodriguez, over the next five innings.",0 +"He gets referred to endlessly as Spieth's best friend because Spieth, who is 3 months younger, has done so much so quickly."," He gets referred to endlessly as Spieth's best friend because Spieth, who is 3 months younger, has done so much so quickly.",0 +"Yes, there are other players who might have made bogey from the driving range like Spieth did on 13, though not many."," Yes, there are other players who might have made bogey from the driving range like Spieth did on 13, though not many.",0 +"While many have called this Plan B, Hockey Canada CEO Tom Renney sees it differently."," While many have called this Plan B, Hockey Canada CEO Tom Renney sees it differently.",0 +" The method appeals to patients who want to be ""aware during surgery, but comfortable."" Patients do not get a dry run."," The method appeals to patients who want to be ""aware during surgery, but comfortable."" Patients do not get a dry run.",0 +" Jackie Dives/The Globe and Mail The gift of hypnosis The ability to be hypnotized is a talent, like an ear for music, researchers say."," Jackie Dives/The Globe and Mail The gift of hypnosis The ability to be hypnotized is a talent, like an ear for music, researchers say.",0 +" Route: A good route is to follow sections of the Toronto-Niagara Falls-Toronto ""Hairshirt"" round-trip ride."," Route: A good route is to follow sections of the Toronto-Niagara Falls-Toronto ""Hairshirt"" round-trip ride.",0 +" A faint surge of electricity comes when you know you're doomed, or at least doomed to a quick bout of uphill intensity."," A faint surge of electricity comes when you know you're doomed, or at least doomed to a quick bout of uphill intensity.",0 +Martens was named the Women's Euro 2017 player of the tournament earlier this month after helping Netherlands to their first senior female continental title., Martens was named the Women's Euro 2017 player of the tournament earlier this month after helping Netherlands to their first senior female continental title.,0 +"28. ""You find yourself in a really calm place."" Tightrope walking has a long history.","28. ""You find yourself in a really calm place."" Tightrope walking has a long history.",0 +" ""While I'm out there, it's home, for me,"" said Seabrooke,"," ""While I'm out there, it's home, for me,"" said Seabrooke,",0 +"""The last 50 metres I was feeling tired. The lactic came,"" Makwala said."," ""The last 50 metres I was feeling tired. The lactic came,"" Makwala said.",0 +Madrid could still take the case to the Spanish government's sports court to try to reduce the ban., Madrid could still take the case to the Spanish government's sports court to try to reduce the ban.,0 +" For Ellard-Gray and her wife, their baby, who is now seven months old, eventually became happier at around four months."," For Ellard-Gray and her wife, their baby, who is now seven months old, eventually became happier at around four months.",0 +" In the United States, seniors have become the fastest-growing demographic of cannabis users, CBS News reported last year."," Story continues below advertisement In the United States, seniors have become the fastest-growing demographic of cannabis users, CBS News reported last year.",0 +" We sit in the front seats of his scarlet Acura, parked outside a cluster of big-box stores near his home in Burnaby, B.C."," We sit in the front seats of his scarlet Acura, parked outside a cluster of big-box stores near his home in Burnaby, B.C.",0 + Sidney Crosby says he wasn't paying attention to those questioning whether he should continue playing hockey after suffering another concussion during this spring's NHL playoffs.,Sidney Crosby says he wasn't paying attention to those questioning whether he should continue playing hockey after suffering another concussion during this spring's NHL playoffs.,0 +""" Johnston said he has never been able to make his father see the hurt he caused.",""" Johnston said he has never been able to make his father see the hurt he caused.",0 +" When I've completed the paperwork, the director takes me to the physiotherapy room, where my mother is arguing with the physiotherapist."," When I've completed the paperwork, the director takes me to the physiotherapy room, where my mother is arguing with the physiotherapist.",0 + The standard of care is also something to think about., The standard of care is also something to think about.,0 + Bell urges seniors interested in medical cannabis to talk to a family doctor., Bell urges seniors interested in medical cannabis to talk to a family doctor.,0 +The PGA has been part of the Thomas family for three generations., The PGA has been part of the Thomas family for three generations.,0 +" In today's restaurant world, it's unusual to have a human being taking all the reservations."," In today's restaurant world, it's unusual to have a human being taking all the reservations.",0 +" Chrstopher Katsarov/the Globe and Mail OHTAC's recommendation, which is in the hands of Ontario's health ministry, has sparked an outcry."," Chrstopher Katsarov/the Globe and Mail OHTAC's recommendation, which is in the hands of Ontario's health ministry, has sparked an outcry.",0 +"Burke has served Canada in a variety of management roles at the IIHF World Championship, Spengler Cup and Deutschland Cup."," Burke has served Canada in a variety of management roles at the IIHF World Championship, Spengler Cup and Deutschland Cup.",0 +But it did not take long for the Toronto offence to strike back., But it did not take long for the Toronto offence to strike back.,0 + Story continues below advertisement The Raptors remain in talks with all-star point guard Kyle Lowry.,The Raptors remain in talks with all-star point guard Kyle Lowry.,0 +" But even if you only have five hours, you can get out and make it back in time to get through security."," But even if you only have five hours, you can get out and make it back in time to get through security.",0 +" Earlier this year, the Ontario government announced the basic income pilot project to measure outcomes in certain key areas, including food security."," Earlier this year, the Ontario government announced the basic income pilot project to measure outcomes in certain key areas, including food security.",0 +"Goalkeeper Buffon led Juventus to a sixth successive Serie A title, a third-straight Italian Cup success and a runner-up finish in the Champions League."," Goalkeeper Buffon led Juventus to a sixth successive Serie A title, a third-straight Italian Cup success and a runner-up finish in the Champions League.",0 +" At just six-years-old, Tokyo-based Coco may be the youngest hypebeast around."," At just six-years-old, Tokyo-based Coco may be the youngest hypebeast around.",0 +""" Lowry's deal is for US$100-million over three years, a source told The Associated Press last week.",""" Lowry's deal is for US$100-million over three years, a source told The Associated Press last week.",0 +" Next is Paddy's Brewpub and Rosie's Restaurant, which spans the block and offers sidewalk seating on Main Street and a patio on Front Street."," Next is Paddy's Brewpub and Rosie's Restaurant, which spans the block and offers sidewalk seating on Main Street and a patio on Front Street.",0 +" In February, he drove his dad from their home in the suburbs to a dispensary on Vancouver's upscale West Side."," In February, he drove his dad from their home in the suburbs to a dispensary on Vancouver's upscale West Side.",0 + 12:15 a.m. Exit elevator into plush 102nd-floor lobby of the Ritz;, 12:15 a.m. Exit elevator into plush 102nd-floor lobby of the Ritz;,0 +" Although Ellard-Gray suspected their daughter might have had some kind of digestive issue or allergy, she still doesn't know what caused all the crying."," Although Ellard-Gray suspected their daughter might have had some kind of digestive issue or allergy, she still doesn't know what caused all the crying.",0 +"If patients can get through the postsurgical period faster, ""you can prevent them from getting hooked."" But hypnosis has an image problem.","If patients can get through the postsurgical period faster, ""you can prevent them from getting hooked."" But hypnosis has an image problem.",0 +"The slackline stretched over a deep gully atop Stawamus Chief Mountain in Squamish, B.C. The plan was to walk across - without a safety harness.","The slackline stretched over a deep gully atop Stawamus Chief Mountain in Squamish, B.C. The plan was to walk across - without a safety harness.",0 +"""We're going to play these two events in August, hopefully find out a lot of things that we have."," ""We're going to play these two events in August, hopefully find out a lot of things that we have.",0 +" ""From what we can figure out, people in public health were absolutely blindsided by this."," ""From what we can figure out, people in public health were absolutely blindsided by this.",0 +"The McCulloughs have been directly impacted by James and his work, and they're forever grateful."," The McCulloughs have been directly impacted by James and his work, and they're forever grateful.",0 + DIRECT MESSAGE Let the world know you're on vacation with Loewe's cheeky and roomy See U Later handbag., DIRECT MESSAGE Let the world know you're on vacation with Loewe's cheeky and roomy See U Later handbag.,0 +"""Just a little sore,"" Ray said after the game, Toronto's third in 11 nights."," Story continues below advertisement ""Just a little sore,"" Ray said after the game, Toronto's third in 11 nights.",0 +" The town's centrepiece is Fort Anne, which is the oldest national historic site in Canada."," The town's centrepiece is Fort Anne, which is the oldest national historic site in Canada.",0 +He fell just short of getting the first 200-400 double at the world championships since Michael Johnson in 1995.,"He fell just short of getting the first 200-400 double at the world championships since Michael Johnson in 1995. Still, he was upbeat.",0 +" Friedi Kuhne, a German slackliner, walked a free solo highline 72 metres long, besting Seabrooke's record."," Friedi Kuhne, a German slackliner, walked a free solo highline 72 metres long, besting Seabrooke's record.",0 + Tourism Nova Scotia Digby is home to the world's largest scallop fleet., Tourism Nova Scotia Digby is home to the world's largest scallop fleet.,0 +" Loewe Hammock leather bag, $3,910 at Saks Fifth Avenue (www.saksfifthavenue.com)."," Story continues below advertisement Loewe Hammock leather bag, $3,910 at Saks Fifth Avenue (www.saksfifthavenue.com).",0 +""" It will be the first time the 39-year-old Kuchar plays in the final group at a major.",""" It will be the first time the 39-year-old Kuchar plays in the final group at a major.",0 + Justin Thomas emerged from the shadow of a longtime friend and won the PGA Championship to take his place among the young elite in golf.,Justin Thomas emerged from the shadow of a longtime friend and won the PGA Championship to take his place among the young elite in golf.,0 +"In the long term, it's a delicate balance to replace the hormones that the gland produced, since the wrong dosage can have dangerous side effects."," In the long term, it's a delicate balance to replace the hormones that the gland produced, since the wrong dosage can have dangerous side effects.",0 +"Clinging to their one-run lead in the eighth, Gibbons brought in closer Roberto Osuna with two out, and he retired Ramos on a grounder."," Clinging to their one-run lead in the eighth, Gibbons brought in closer Roberto Osuna with two out, and he retired Ramos on a grounder.",0 +""" Head scans of WNBA players were conducted over the past year.",""" Story continues below advertisement Head scans of WNBA players were conducted over the past year.",0 +" In the made-for-TV-movie version, things get bad and then things get good, and everyone learns a lesson.","Why? In the made-for-TV-movie version, things get bad and then things get good, and everyone learns a lesson.",0 +" ""I am sure this edition of the games will build confidence between the IOC, the rings and the population,"" Estanguet said.","""I am sure this edition of the games will build confidence between the IOC, the rings and the population,"" Estanguet said.",0 +"""It's never enough with him,"" she said. ""He is always pushing, just like on the basketball court, pushing and pushing."," ""It's never enough with him,"" she said. ""He is always pushing, just like on the basketball court, pushing and pushing.",0 +"On the sillier side, consider asking how often the silks are washed."," On the sillier side, consider asking how often the silks are washed.",0 +" The Wolfville Farmers' Market, held every Saturday, is a popular spot for locals to brunch."," The Wolfville Farmers' Market, held every Saturday, is a popular spot for locals to brunch.",0 +The injury is definitely a concern for the Argos as Ray missed 15 games in 2015 recovering from off-season shoulder surgery., The injury is definitely a concern for the Argos as Ray missed 15 games in 2015 recovering from off-season shoulder surgery.,0 +Brad Peacock (10-1) allowed a season-high seven runs on nine hits with six strikeouts in six innings for his seventh straight win., Brad Peacock (10-1) allowed a season-high seven runs on nine hits with six strikeouts in six innings for his seventh straight win.,0 +Argentine midfielder Andres Romero may be available off the bench for the Impact., Story continues below advertisement Argentine midfielder Andres Romero may be available off the bench for the Impact.,0 +" Their presence itself is a luxury, one that technology can't replicate."," Their presence itself is a luxury, one that technology can't replicate.",0 +" ""They would go on for hours where they would come up with fat jokes or late-bloomer jokes."," Story continues below advertisement ""They would go on for hours where they would come up with fat jokes or late-bloomer jokes.",0 +" Kuttner's office has a rumpus-room feel, with toys, plants and colourful pictures scattered about."," Kuttner's office has a rumpus-room feel, with toys, plants and colourful pictures scattered about.",0 + Vancouver General is the only hospital in British Columbia with a da Vinci system., Vancouver General is the only hospital in British Columbia with a da Vinci system.,0 +"If you meet Josh's barometer and want something new, by all means, try aerial yoga."," If you meet Josh's barometer and want something new, by all means, try aerial yoga.",0 +"While there are a few stand-outs on the menu, one is unlikely to be born again at Vaticano."," While there are a few stand-outs on the menu, one is unlikely to be born again at Vaticano.",0 +""" Guliyev finished in 20.09 seconds, .02 seconds ahead of both van Niekerk and Richards.",""" Guliyev finished in 20.09 seconds, .02 seconds ahead of both van Niekerk and Richards.",0 +" 10:15 p.m. Prolific English signage makes it easy to find Airport Express station, a 10-minute walk;"," 10:15 p.m. Prolific English signage makes it easy to find Airport Express station, a 10-minute walk;",0 +" Later in the evening, Liv calls and I can hear he's upset."," Later in the evening, Liv calls and I can hear he's upset.",0 +" YouTube On a highline - any slackline of a considerable height - fear is universal, even for the likes of Seabrooke and his band."," YouTube On a highline - any slackline of a considerable height - fear is universal, even for the likes of Seabrooke and his band.",0 +" The 27-year-old Ibaka averaged 14.2 points and 6.8 rebounds in 23 games for the Raptors, including 14.3 points and 6.5 rebounds in 10 playoff games.","The 27-year-old Ibaka averaged 14.2 points and 6.8 rebounds in 23 games for the Raptors, including 14.3 points and 6.5 rebounds in 10 playoff games.",0 +Third-place Chicago (12-6-5) has one of the most potent offences in the league., Third-place Chicago (12-6-5) has one of the most potent offences in the league.,0 +" Now, restaurants such as The Hollows are definitely in the minority."," Now, restaurants such as The Hollows are definitely in the minority.",0 +The Argos also added defensive lineman Linden Gaydosh to their practice roster., The Argos also added defensive lineman Linden Gaydosh to their practice roster.,0 +" Another misconception is that medical cannabis always causes euphoria, when products such as CBD oil do not."," Another misconception is that medical cannabis always causes euphoria, when products such as CBD oil do not.",0 +NBA Live 18 is adding women's basketball players to the popular game this fall., NBA Live 18 is adding women's basketball players to the popular game this fall.,0 +A Justin Smoak double and a walk by Ezequiel Carrera left runners at first and second for Goins., A Justin Smoak double and a walk by Ezequiel Carrera left runners at first and second for Goins.,0 +" Seabrooke was held aloft by a narrow band of fabric, three centimetres wide."," Seabrooke was held aloft by a narrow band of fabric, three centimetres wide.",0 + 12:55 a.m. Begin descent from the world's highest bar for late-night dim sum., 12:55 a.m. Begin descent from the world's highest bar for late-night dim sum.,0 +Keogh's admits her big struggle now is that her 10-year-old daughter has decided she won't eat leftovers., Keogh's admits her big struggle now is that her 10-year-old daughter has decided she won't eat leftovers.,0 +" ""My husband and I have decided she's not really a safe person."," ""My husband and I have decided she's not really a safe person.",0 +"Though a recent addition to the city's culinary landscape, its soul is old and comfortable."," Though a recent addition to the city's culinary landscape, its soul is old and comfortable.",0 +" Seorak divides its menu into tapas, sushi, snow bowls and booze."," Seorak divides its menu into tapas, sushi, snow bowls and booze.",0 +" But the overlap of digital and human reservation methods is not a redundancy, he says."," But the overlap of digital and human reservation methods is not a redundancy, he says.",0 +" Story continues below advertisement In the United States, seniors have become the fastest-growing demographic of cannabis users, CBS News reported last year."," In the United States, seniors have become the fastest-growing demographic of cannabis users, CBS News reported last year.",0 +" Lights for the evening ride back home after arriving at Union Station (or wherever you depart the train) are essential, too, but easy to forget."," Lights for the evening ride back home after arriving at Union Station (or wherever you depart the train) are essential, too, but easy to forget.",0 +""" In hypnosis circles, the word ""powerful"" comes up a lot.",""" In hypnosis circles, the word ""powerful"" comes up a lot.",0 +"Kathleen Trotter is a personal trainer, Pilates equipment specialist and author of Finding Your Fit."," Kathleen Trotter is a personal trainer, Pilates equipment specialist and author of Finding Your Fit.",0 +Kolobkov reiterated Russian denials that the doping program was state-controlled - a claim he said Monday that even McLaren had withdrawn., Kolobkov reiterated Russian denials that the doping program was state-controlled - a claim he said Monday that even McLaren had withdrawn.,0 +"Michael Mason of New Westminster, B.C., was seventh in the high jump, clearing 2.20 metres."," Michael Mason of New Westminster, B.C., was seventh in the high jump, clearing 2.20 metres.",0 +(Callwood agreed to an interview on the condition he could use a pseudonym.) His father suffers from Parkinson's disease and related dementia.,(Callwood agreed to an interview on the condition he could use a pseudonym.) His father suffers from Parkinson's disease and related dementia.,0 +" Bishop is the reigning world silver medallist, and was fourth at last summer's Rio Olympics."," Story continues below advertisement Bishop is the reigning world silver medallist, and was fourth at last summer's Rio Olympics.",0 +"""There were more facts by December. No facts were changed. No facts were proven to be wrong."" Report Typo/Error","""There were more facts by December. No facts were changed. No facts were proven to be wrong.""",0 +" The athletic big man's deal, which can't be finalized until the NBA's moratorium on free agent signings is lifted on Thursday, is reportedly worth US$65-million.","The athletic big man's deal, which can't be finalized until the NBA's moratorium on free agent signings is lifted on Thursday, is reportedly worth US$65-million.",0 +The lowest score in major championship history was already in the books Saturday when Spieth was still warming up on the range at Royal Birkdale., The lowest score in major championship history was already in the books Saturday when Spieth was still warming up on the range at Royal Birkdale.,0 + On the other side of the yarn shop is the Just Us!, Story continues below advertisement On the other side of the yarn shop is the Just Us!,1 +"Behind the scenes, chef Roger Letourneau lets fly with unbridled creativity that is a feast for both eyes and palate."," Behind the scenes, chef Roger Letourneau lets fly with unbridled creativity that is a feast for both eyes and palate.",0 +Their win on Sunday against the Pirates was their second successive series in which they won two of three games., Their win on Sunday against the Pirates was their second successive series in which they won two of three games.,0 + The province chose not to monitor food insecurity as part of the Canadian Community Health Survey for 2015 and 2016., The province chose not to monitor food insecurity as part of the Canadian Community Health Survey for 2015 and 2016.,0 + Health Canada's kiboshing of Vancouver General's payment model means patient pay is off the table everywhere else., Health Canada's kiboshing of Vancouver General's payment model means patient pay is off the table everywhere else.,0 +" Port Williams Beer from the Wayfarers' Ale Society in Port Williams, N.S. Domini Clark Port Williams is growing its funky factor."," Port Williams Beer from the Wayfarers' Ale Society in Port Williams, N.S. Domini Clark Port Williams is growing its funky factor.",0 + Executive chef Dale Nichols is in charge of Churchill's Restaurant and Lounge., Executive chef Dale Nichols is in charge of Churchill's Restaurant and Lounge.,0 +"Toronto (3-4) returns to action next Friday, visiting the Montreal Alouettes (2-4) to open a home-and-home series."," Toronto (3-4) returns to action next Friday, visiting the Montreal Alouettes (2-4) to open a home-and-home series.",0 +" As the most populous jurisdiction, Ontario is home to the largest number of food insecure households in the country."," As the most populous jurisdiction, Ontario is home to the largest number of food insecure households in the country.",0 +" ""I always knew my dad loved me after a fashion. I always wanted him to be proud of me,"" Johnston said."," ""I always knew my dad loved me after a fashion. I always wanted him to be proud of me,"" Johnston said.",0 + Toronto Argonauts continued assessing quarterback Ricky Ray's right shoulder injury Friday and expect to know his status when they reconvene Sunday.,Toronto Argonauts continued assessing quarterback Ricky Ray's right shoulder injury Friday and expect to know his status when they reconvene Sunday.,0 +" ""That's the Maillard reaction,"" Mr. Shen enthused, still an engineer at heart."," ""That's the Maillard reaction,"" Mr. Shen enthused, still an engineer at heart.",0 +" Highly recommended is the Old Jar Pickle Fish, which is only advertised on the daily specials menu written in Mandarin (#801)."," Highly recommended is the Old Jar Pickle Fish, which is only advertised on the daily specials menu written in Mandarin (#801).",0 +"The Calgary Bid Exploration Committee surveyed approximately 2,000 residents from Calgary, Cochrane, Canmore and Banff."," The Calgary Bid Exploration Committee surveyed approximately 2,000 residents from Calgary, Cochrane, Canmore and Banff.",0 + And I had never heard of a psychiatrist doing house calls., And I had never heard of a psychiatrist doing house calls.,0 +Hyman played one season with the American Hockey League's Toronto Marlies and four seasons with the University of Michigan., Hyman played one season with the American Hockey League's Toronto Marlies and four seasons with the University of Michigan.,0 +" At 13, Johnston was slightly overweight and had yet to hit puberty."," At 13, Johnston was slightly overweight and had yet to hit puberty.",0 +"""This is our plan, it is our Plan A,"" he told a media conference call Tuesday."," ""This is our plan, it is our Plan A,"" he told a media conference call Tuesday.",0 +" Then came the Falls, with its natural beauty and unnatural gaudiness, its hordes and yet surprisingly little traffic."," Then came the Falls, with its natural beauty and unnatural gaudiness, its hordes and yet surprisingly little traffic.",0 +"That was enough for Toronto manager John Gibbons, who called on lefty Aaron Loup to settle things down."," Story continues below advertisement That was enough for Toronto manager John Gibbons, who called on lefty Aaron Loup to settle things down.",0 +""" He's thinking about a 101-metre free solo highline on the Stawamus Chief, farther than Kuhne's mark and his previous walk.",""" He's thinking about a 101-metre free solo highline on the Stawamus Chief, farther than Kuhne's mark and his previous walk.",0 +BEACHY KEEN A visit to Australia's sandy shores wouldn't be complete without a sophisticated suit by Sydney-based outfitters Zimmermann.,BEACHY KEEN A visit to Australia's sandy shores wouldn't be complete without a sophisticated suit by Sydney-based outfitters Zimmermann.,0 +"Canada would host 10 of the 80 World Cup matches under the proposed bid, with Mexico hosting another"," Canada would host 10 of the 80 World Cup matches under the proposed bid, with Mexico hosting another",0 +" Dental patients - triggered by memories of needles, drills and frozen-gums past - are often in a daze even before they lie on the chair."," Dental patients - triggered by memories of needles, drills and frozen-gums past - are often in a daze even before they lie on the chair.",0 +"Four-time Olympic champion Mo Farah signed off track racing in Britain by winning the 3,000 metres ."," Four-time Olympic champion Mo Farah signed off track racing in Britain by winning the 3,000 metres .",0 + The Toronto Raptors have officially re-signed point guard Kyle Lowry and forward/centre Serge Ibaka.,The Toronto Raptors have officially re-signed point guard Kyle Lowry and forward/centre Serge Ibaka.,0 +" Now, about 90 per cent of radical prostatectomies in the United States are performed robotically."," Now, about 90 per cent of radical prostatectomies in the United States are performed robotically.",0 +"""This is one of the toughest teams in the league,"" said Impact midfielder Blerim Dzemaili, who scored twice against the Union."," ""This is one of the toughest teams in the league,"" said Impact midfielder Blerim Dzemaili, who scored twice against the Union.",0 +"Before the game, the Blue Jays selected the contract of left-handed reliever Tim Mayza from their Triple-A affiliate in Buffalo."," Before the game, the Blue Jays selected the contract of left-handed reliever Tim Mayza from their Triple-A affiliate in Buffalo.",0 +"McIlroy had a 69, rarely a bad score in the third round of a major."," McIlroy had a 69, rarely a bad score in the third round of a major.",0 +"(I tried to look a little pulled together, less caked in salt when I asked.) But next time, the Escarpment will be my focus.","(I tried to look a little pulled together, less caked in salt when I asked.) But next time, the Escarpment will be my focus.",0 +" Even so, Lester says he has noticed differences in babies' cries in different cultures."," Even so, Lester says he has noticed differences in babies' cries in different cultures.",0 +www.thepeak.com.hk Hong Kong Island: Take the Airport Expess to Hong Kong Central.,www.thepeak.com.hk Hong Kong Island: Take the Airport Expess to Hong Kong Central.,0 +" The cause of colic is still very much a mystery, to the chagrin of frazzled parents such as Ellard-Gray and her wife."," The cause of colic is still very much a mystery, to the chagrin of frazzled parents such as Ellard-Gray and her wife.",0 + Scott Munn Wolfville is the epicentre of Nova Scotia's wine region., Scott Munn Wolfville is the epicentre of Nova Scotia's wine region.,0 +" Ibaka, who's entering his ninth NBA season, has career averages of 12 points and 7.3 rebounds.","Ibaka, who's entering his ninth NBA season, has career averages of 12 points and 7.3 rebounds.",0 +The RFEF did not immediately respond to a Reuters request for comment., The RFEF did not immediately respond to a Reuters request for comment.,0 +The Raptors acquired the six-foot-10 Ibaka in the deal that sent Terrence Ross to Orlando at the trade deadline., The Raptors acquired the six-foot-10 Ibaka in the deal that sent Terrence Ross to Orlando at the trade deadline.,0 +" Nonetheless, Osaka okonomiyaki ($17) is an absolute riot of ingredients."," Nonetheless, Osaka okonomiyaki ($17) is an absolute riot of ingredients.",0 +" Although the relationship with his father may be over, the effects persist."," Although the relationship with his father may be over, the effects persist.",0 +""" Biello's men are coming off back-to-back wins against divisional rivals, breathing new life into the club's playoff aspirations.",""" Biello's men are coming off back-to-back wins against divisional rivals, breathing new life into the club's playoff aspirations.",0 +"The league said Tuesday that Zaripov tested positive during the 2016-17 season for unnamed substances including a stimulant and a banned diuretic, or masking agent."," The league said Tuesday that Zaripov tested positive during the 2016-17 season for unnamed substances including a stimulant and a banned diuretic, or masking agent.",0 +""" It's not the first time that EA Sports has added females to a game.",""" It's not the first time that EA Sports has added females to a game.",0 + The family's ability to take care of one another had long depended on a delicate balance., Story continues below advertisement The family's ability to take care of one another had long depended on a delicate balance.,0 +""" James' remarks ended a star-studded show that included pop stars Jordin Sparks and Usher as well as his Cavaliers' teammate J.R.",""" James' remarks ended a star-studded show that included pop stars Jordin Sparks and Usher as well as his Cavaliers' teammate J.R.",0 +" In the meantime, seniors such as Bobowski say they have all the evidence they need."," In the meantime, seniors such as Bobowski say they have all the evidence they need.",0 +""" Seniors interviewed for this article said they spend $10 to $50 a week on cannabis products, depending on the severity of their condition.",""" Seniors interviewed for this article said they spend $10 to $50 a week on cannabis products, depending on the severity of their condition.",0 +" Now, the hospital is covering the extra cost out of its global budget."," Now, the hospital is covering the extra cost out of its global budget.",0 + Christopher Katsarov/the Globe and Mail Describing the machine as a robot can be a little misleading., Christopher Katsarov/the Globe and Mail Describing the machine as a robot can be a little misleading.,0 +Tepesch was slated to make his Jays debut Wednesday night against the Yankees., Tepesch was slated to make his Jays debut Wednesday night against the Yankees.,0 +REUTERS/Brian Snyder(Brian Snyder/Reuters) Boston Celtics' Rajon Rondo (L) and Philadelphia 76ers' Thaddeus Young battle for the ball during the third quarter.,REUTERS/Brian Snyder Brian Snyder/Reuters 8 of 14 Boston Celtics' Rajon Rondo (L) and Philadelphia 76ers' Thaddeus Young battle for the ball during the third quarter.,1 +" ""When you step out into the air, there's something so clean about it,"" said Seabrooke. ""Height makes it real."," ""When you step out into the air, there's something so clean about it,"" said Seabrooke. ""Height makes it real.",0 +"Stewart hopes that her younger brother, who plays video games a lot, will pick her when he plays the game."," Stewart hopes that her younger brother, who plays video games a lot, will pick her when he plays the game.",0 +" 1:10 a.m. Chewy, greasy, succulent, crunchy, Caterking Dim Sum hits all the late-night meal requirements."," 1:10 a.m. Chewy, greasy, succulent, crunchy, Caterking Dim Sum hits all the late-night meal requirements.",0 + A final Pines amenity is the Stanley Thompson-designed championship golf course., A final Pines amenity is the Stanley Thompson-designed championship golf course.,0 +The study noted sharp regional differences -- Ontario had a thyroid cancer incidence rate in 2012 twice that of British Columbia., The study noted sharp regional differences -- Ontario had a thyroid cancer incidence rate in 2012 twice that of British Columbia.,0 +Case in point: Carrots with Sea Buckthorn and Amaranth ($6) sees auburn spindles of barely-cooked carrot rolled in toasted amaranth., Case in point: Carrots with Sea Buckthorn and Amaranth ($6) sees auburn spindles of barely-cooked carrot rolled in toasted amaranth.,0 +" Front of house employees aren't robots, just there to take your coat and order."," Front of house employees aren't robots, just there to take your coat and order.",0 +""" In Vancouver, Chad Clark is a gushing fan of OpenTable.",""" In Vancouver, Chad Clark is a gushing fan of OpenTable.",0 +"""The likely cause of the increase in incidence is an overdiagnosis epidemic for clinically unimportant lesions detected by modern diagnostic imaging,"" Topstad and Dickinson wrote."," ""The likely cause of the increase in incidence is an overdiagnosis epidemic for clinically unimportant lesions detected by modern diagnostic imaging,"" Topstad and Dickinson wrote.",0 +" For months, when she started slacklining, the height froze her with fear."," For months, when she started slacklining, the height froze her with fear.",0 +The Impact are looking for their first three-game win streak of the season as they host the Chicago Fire at Saputo Stadium on Wednesday., The Impact are looking for their first three-game win streak of the season as they host the Chicago Fire at Saputo Stadium on Wednesday.,0 +" The rest are in Ontario, where, in most cases, philanthropic funds are covering the extra operating costs."," The rest are in Ontario, where, in most cases, philanthropic funds are covering the extra operating costs.",0 +" An honour student, Sue is thin, dark-haired and lily pale."," An honour student, Sue is thin, dark-haired and lily pale.",0 + The Toronto Argonauts re-signed Canadian defensive back Matt Black on Monday.,The Toronto Argonauts re-signed Canadian defensive back Matt Black on Monday.,0 +" Noblet on a slackline close to the Stawamus Chief in Squamish, B.C. James Frystak Studio Progression in the past two years has been rapid."," Noblet on a slackline close to the Stawamus Chief in Squamish, B.C. James Frystak Studio Progression in the past two years has been rapid.",0 +If the manager has a say in such things - which he usually doesn't - Estrada isn't going anywhere., If the manager has a say in such things - which he usually doesn't - Estrada isn't going anywhere.,0 +" Even at its original location, the beer-drinking pub fare was never spectacular."," Even at its original location, the beer-drinking pub fare was never spectacular.",0 +""" The Pirates tapped Happ for three singles in their first at-bats in the first inning to take a quick 1-0 lead.",""" The Pirates tapped Happ for three singles in their first at-bats in the first inning to take a quick 1-0 lead.",0 +" ""We knew we had to challenge this reputation that the budget of the games can explode.","""We knew we had to challenge this reputation that the budget of the games can explode.",0 +"At the Flying Yogi in Toronto, I swung from the ceiling with Jenn and Leanne, both"," At the Flying Yogi in Toronto, I swung from the ceiling with Jenn and Leanne, both",0 +"Guliyev had the second-slowest start of the eight finalists, but he quickly surged among the leaders."," Guliyev had the second-slowest start of the eight finalists, but he quickly surged among the leaders.",0 +"More trouble awaited Tepesch in the seventh, when he plunked Peter Bourjos with a pitch and then walked Daniel Robertson."," More trouble awaited Tepesch in the seventh, when he plunked Peter Bourjos with a pitch and then walked Daniel Robertson.",0 +"""Obviously being in seventh place is not where you want to be,"" said newly signed midfielder Samuel Piette, who made his Impact debut last week."," ""Obviously being in seventh place is not where you want to be,"" said newly signed midfielder Samuel Piette, who made his Impact debut last week.",0 +" At his clinic, Lester has found medicine and techniques for propping up babies can help in cases of reflux."," At his clinic, Lester has found medicine and techniques for propping up babies can help in cases of reflux.",0 +" Slacklining and tightrope walking are similar, but a tightrope is much more taut."," Story continues below advertisement Slacklining and tightrope walking are similar, but a tightrope is much more taut.",0 +"""It's like bumper cars out there,"" Bishop said of all the bumping that occurred."," ""It's like bumper cars out there,"" Bishop said of all the bumping that occurred.",0 +""" Then she thought about the four to six pills of Tylenol 3, laced with codeine, a narcotic analgesic, she took every day.",""" Then she thought about the four to six pills of Tylenol 3, laced with codeine, a narcotic analgesic, she took every day.",0 +" In February, he drove his dad from their home in the suburbs to a dispensary on Vancouver's upscale West Side."," In February, he drove his dad from their home in the suburbs to a dispensary on Vancouver's upscale West Side.",0 +"If it was exhilarating to watch, it was just as exhausting to play."," If it was exhilarating to watch, it was just as exhausting to play.",0 + The Raptors defeated Milwaukee in the first round of the post-season before being swept by Cleveland in the Eastern Conference semifinals.,The Raptors defeated Milwaukee in the first round of the post-season before being swept by Cleveland in the Eastern Conference semifinals.,0 +""" Montreal (8-8-6) is seventh in the Eastern Conference and five points out of a playoff spot behind Atlanta United and the Columbus Crew.",""" Montreal (8-8-6) is seventh in the Eastern Conference and five points out of a playoff spot behind Atlanta United and the Columbus Crew.",0 +" ""If you talk to anyone running high-end restaurants, we open up a certain amount of inventory for online bookings."," ""If you talk to anyone running high-end restaurants, we open up a certain amount of inventory for online bookings.",0 +"""It has proven to be such a beneficial and effective intervention."" Hypnosis stimulates specific brain activity, according to a 2016 study from Stanford University.","""It has proven to be such a beneficial and effective intervention."" Hypnosis stimulates specific brain activity, according to a 2016 study from Stanford University.",0 + THIS WEEK'S STYLE HAPPENINGS The Apparel Textile Sourcing Show is happening next week in Toronto from Aug. 21 to, THIS WEEK'S STYLE HAPPENINGS The Apparel Textile Sourcing Show is happening next week in Toronto from Aug. 21 to,0 +"""Coming away with two medals - both a good colour, gold and silver."," Story continues below advertisement Story continues below advertisement ""Coming away with two medals - both a good colour, gold and silver.",0 +"Heading into Tuesday's start against the Tampa Bay Rays at Rogers Centre, Estrada had been nothing short of sensational in his previous three outings."," Heading into Tuesday's start against the Tampa Bay Rays at Rogers Centre, Estrada had been nothing short of sensational in his previous three outings.",0 +" Satisfied that she won't be interfered with again, my mother continues lurching across the dining hall floor looking angry and scared."," Satisfied that she won't be interfered with again, my mother continues lurching across the dining hall floor looking angry and scared.",0 +" Of note: Seorak serves oshizushi (pressed sushi), which is extremely difficult to find in Edmonton, and they do a fine job of it."," Of note: Seorak serves oshizushi (pressed sushi), which is extremely difficult to find in Edmonton, and they do a fine job of it.",0 +"Nikolic has scored in his last five matches, the longest drought of his young MLS career."," Nikolic has scored in his last five matches, the longest drought of his young MLS career.",0 +" Milton Callwood, 46, fears authorities could remove his 92-year-old father from his care if they discovered he is giving him cannabis from a Vancouver dispensary."," Milton Callwood, 46, fears authorities could remove his 92-year-old father from his care if they discovered he is giving him cannabis from a Vancouver dispensary.",0 +""" As simple as it sounds, the technique usually works, says Ogden, who began offering hypnosis six months ago.",""" As simple as it sounds, the technique usually works, says Ogden, who began offering hypnosis six months ago.",0 +" Victoria Peak: Take the Airport Express to its last stop, Hong Kong Central, and it's a short walk to the historic tram's starting point."," Victoria Peak: Take the Airport Express to its last stop, Hong Kong Central, and it's a short walk to the historic tram's starting point.",0 + Benches and bullpens emptied when Chicago's Tim Anderson appeared to exchange words with Stroman after striking out to lead off the seventh.,Benches and bullpens emptied when Chicago's Tim Anderson appeared to exchange words with Stroman after striking out to lead off the seventh.,0 +" The decision comes as a disappointment to public health workers in the province, who found out about it in May."," Story continues below advertisement The decision comes as a disappointment to public health workers in the province, who found out about it in May.",0 +"Black, 32, was released by Toronto last week and hasn't played in a game yet this season."," Black, 32, was released by Toronto last week and hasn't played in a game yet this season.",0 + Read Alexandra Gill's story about Hapag Ihaw Ihaw Filipino here., Read Alexandra Gill's story about Hapag Ihaw Ihaw Filipino here.,0 +"But unlike his first outing in Toronto, Tepesch was able to limit the damage - although the Rays hit him hard at times."," But unlike his first outing in Toronto, Tepesch was able to limit the damage - although the Rays hit him hard at times.",0 + A life-long grinding habit could be a problem that a single session in a parked car cannot solve., A life-long grinding habit could be a problem that a single session in a parked car cannot solve.,0 +" Grand-Pre Luckett Vineyards, owned by celebrity grocer Pete (Toodlee-doo) Luckett, offers one of the best views in southwest Nova Scotia."," Grand-Pre Luckett Vineyards, owned by celebrity grocer Pete (Toodlee-doo) Luckett, offers one of the best views in southwest Nova Scotia.",0 + Catherine Dawson March/The Globe and Mail Slide into a booth at Caterking Dim Sum just in time;, Catherine Dawson March/The Globe and Mail Slide into a booth at Caterking Dim Sum just in time;,0 + Forward Zach Hyman signed a four-year contract extension with the Toronto Maple Leafs on Wednesday with an average annual value of US$2.25-million.,Forward Zach Hyman signed a four-year contract extension with the Toronto Maple Leafs on Wednesday with an average annual value of US$2.25-million.,0 +Thomas finished at 8-under 276 for his fourth victory of the year., Thomas finished at 8-under 276 for his fourth victory of the year.,0 +" ""My son was being overly dramatic [recently] and manufactured a stutter to pretend that he was extra scared."," ""My son was being overly dramatic [recently] and manufactured a stutter to pretend that he was extra scared.",0 +"The United Bid Committee of Canada, Mexico and the United States released a list of 49 potential venues in 44 cities on Tuesday."," The United Bid Committee of Canada, Mexico and the United States released a list of 49 potential venues in 44 cities on Tuesday.",0 +The Cowboys open the regular season Sept. 10 at home against the New York Giants., The Cowboys open the regular season Sept. 10 at home against the New York Giants.,0 +"""This team understands we can't just leave points on the table,"" said Dzemaili. ""We have to win because our opponents are winning."," ""This team understands we can't just leave points on the table,"" said Dzemaili. ""We have to win because our opponents are winning.",0 +"The contract has games played, time-on-ice and playoff bonuses that could add up to another $1,250,000 to the one million guarantee."," The contract has games played, time-on-ice and playoff bonuses that could add up to another $1,250,000 to the one million guarantee.",0 +" Above all, the transparency of the system is quite negligent."," Above all, the transparency of the system is quite negligent.",0 +The initial ruling on the field was that both Bourjos and Robertson were out on the play., The initial ruling on the field was that both Bourjos and Robertson were out on the play.,0 +"I would categorize the class at the Flying Yogi as a ""suspension-combo"" workout: yoga- and Pilates-inspired moves and a few strength exercises."," I would categorize the class at the Flying Yogi as a ""suspension-combo"" workout: yoga- and Pilates-inspired moves and a few strength exercises.",0 + Story continues below advertisement Sean Monahan's second goal of the game gave Calgary a 4-3 lead 6 minutes into the third period.,""" Sean Monahan's second goal of the game gave Calgary a 4-3 lead 6 minutes into the third period.",0 + Investors will be looking to a speech by Bank of Canada Governor Stephen Poloz in December for clues on prospects for more rate hikes., Investors will be looking to a speech by Bank of Canada Governor Stephen Poloz in December for clues on prospects for more rate hikes.,0 +""" The lack of agreement Monday suggests difficult questions remain unresolved.",""" The lack of an agreement Monday suggests difficult questions remain.",1 +" The SPD, meanwhile, needs a platform for its policies after its poorest election showing since 1933.", The SPD needs a platform for its policies after its poorest election showing since 1933.,0 + International benchmark Brent crude rose more than 1 per cent on Thursday to above $64 per barrel., International benchmark Brent crude rose around 0.5 per cent on Thursday to trade above $63 per barrel.,0 +"Comments from hundreds of pedophiles were posted alongside the images, which appeared to have been uploaded by the children themselves, according to a Times investigation."," Comments from hundreds of pedophiles were posted alongside the videos, which appeared to have been uploaded by the children themselves, according to a Times investigation.",1 + Trump wants lower taxes to lift annual GDP growth to 3 per cent on a sustained basis., Story continues below advertisement Story continues below advertisement Trump wants lower taxes to lift annual GDP growth to 3 per cent on a sustained basis.,0 + It was unclear if the changes would impact an internal accounting practice known as general interest principle., Story continues below advertisement It was unclear if the changes would impact an internal accounting practice known as general interest principle.,0 +" POLICY SPATS Even before any talks get under way, the two blocs have started to outline their policy priorities."," POLICY SPATS Even before any talks get under way, the two blocs have started to spar over policy priorities.",1 +" The euro was steady at $1.1906, within striking distance of a two-month high."," The euro was steady at $1.1898, within reach of a two-month high.",0 + It had been widely anticipated that Canada would become the first Group of Seven country to commence free trade talks with China., It had been widely anticipated that Canada would become the first Group of Seven country to commence free-trade talks with China.,0 +" The restructuring, disclosed internally last month, will combine the fuels and lubricants division with the supply and refining divisions."," The downstream restructuring, disclosed internally last month, will combine the fuels and lubricants division with the supply and refining divisions.",0 +Consumer spending increased at a brisk 3.3 per cent rate in the second quarter.,Consumer spending increased at a robust 3.3 per cent rate in the second quarter.,0 + That has been a major force in the remarkable pace of curve flattening in recent weeks., Story continues below advertisement That has been a major force in the remarkable pace of curve flattening in recent weeks.,1 +" Financial terms of the deal were not disclosed, but Aurora says it includes performance-based milestone payments."," Financial terms of the Larssen deal were not disclosed, but Aurora said they include performance-based milestone payments.",0 +One video of a pre-teenage girl in a nightie drew 6.5 million views.,One clip of a pre-teenage girl in a nightie drew 6.5 million views.,0 +" Olympic gymnasts Aly Raisman, McKayla Maroney and Gabby Douglas are among the women who have publicly said they were among Nassar's victims."," Olympic gymnasts Aly Raisman, McKayla Maroney and Gabby Douglas are among the women who have publicly said they were among Nassar's victims.",0 +"Brent crude held at $63.84, not far from a near 2-1/2 year peak of $64.65 touched earlier this month.","Brent crude slipped 13 cents to $63.71, but not far from a near 2-1/2 year peak of $64.65 touched earlier this month.",1 + The Irish political crisis is over Deputy Prime Minister Frances Fitzgerald's handling of a legal case involving a police whistleblower., Story continues below advertisement The Irish political crisis is over Deputy Prime Minister Frances Fitzgerald's handling of a legal case involving a police whistleblower.,0 +"In the quarter ending Sept. 30, the asset accounted for about 55 per cent of Lundin's revenue.","In the quarter ending Sept. 30, it accounted for about 62 per cent of Lundin's revenue.",1 +" ""We will continue to work on the FTA -- that is, exploratory talks or a feasibility study,"" said Mr. Li.","Li did speak briefly: ""We will continue to work on the FTA - that is, exploratory talks or a feasibility study.",0 + Economists polled by Reuters had expected that third-quarter GDP growth would be raised to a 3.2 per cent rate., Economists had expected that third-quarter GDP growth would be raised to a 3.2 per cent rate.,1 + The saving rate was lowered to 3.3 per cent in the third quarter from the previously reported 3.4 per cent.,The saving rate decreased to 3.3 per cent in the third quarter from 3.7 per cent in the April-June period.,1 +" Excluding inventory investment, the economy grew at a 2.5 per cent rate.","Excluding inventory investment, the economy grew at a 2.5 per cent rate.",0 +"EST, the Canadian dollar was trading at $1.2720 to the greenback, or 78.62 U.S. cents, down 0.2 percent."," At 4 p.m. (2100 GMT), the Canadian dollar was trading at $1.2718 to the greenback, or 78.63 U.S. cents, down 0.1 per cent.",1 +" Woods has moved first to reshape the businesses he knows best, according to sources familiar with the matter.","Woods has moved first to reshape the parts of the businesses he knows best, according to sources familiar with the matter.",1 +The company is investing $20-billion through 2022 to expand its chemical and oil refining plants on the U.S.,The company is investing $20-billion (U.S.) through 2022 to expand its chemical and oil refining plants on the U.S.,1 +" The producers' current deal, under which they are cutting supply by about 1.8 million barrels per day"," Story continues below advertisement The producers' current deal, under which they are cutting supply by about 1.8 million barrels per day",0 +" The Canada-U.S. two-year bond spread was -31 basis points, while the 10-year spread was -44.5 basis points."," The Canada-U.S. two-year bond spread widened slightly to -31.5 basis points, while the 10-year spread widened 1.3 basis points to -46.4 basis points.",1 +" Story continues below advertisement In commodity markets, U.S. light crude was off 26 cents at $57.85, having fallen more than a dollar overnight."," In commodity markets, U.S. light crude was off 29 cents at $57.82, having fallen more than a dollar overnight.",0 +" Exxon operates 22 refineries in 14 countries, processing nearly 5 million barrels of oil per day."," Exxon operates 22 refineries in 14 countries, processing nearly 5 million barrels of oil a day.",0 +Huffaker said she could not say if there would be any impact on jobs.,Exxon's Ms. Huffaker said she could not say if there would be any impact on jobs.,0 +That suggests inventories could be a drag on growth in the fourth quarter., That suggests inventories could be a drag on growth in the fourth quarter.,0 +An Emnid poll showed on Sunday that 52 per cent of Germans backed a grand coalition., An Emnid poll also showed on Sunday that 52 per cent of Germans backed a grand coalition.,1 +" ""When we get to an exit, we are going to do it very gradually ."," ""When we get to an exit, we are going to do it very gradually .",0 +"Before taking the helm at Exxon, Woods ran Exxon's refining operations and earlier in his career was a senior executive in its global chemicals unit.","Before taking the helm at Exxon, Mr. Woods ran Exxon's refining operations.",1 + The Canadian dollar was slightly stronger against the euro and weaker versus the Japanese yen.," Story continues below advertisement The Canadian dollar was weaker against all of the major global currencies, most noticeably the Japanese yen.",1 + Launching free trade talks with China was supposed to be part of a pivot toward Asia as economic relations with the United States sour., Launching free-trade talks with China was supposed to be part of a pivot toward Asia as economic relations with the United States sour.,0 +" The deceleration in consumer spending likely reflects the impact of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, which struck Texas and Florida in early August and late September."," The deceleration in consumer spending likely reflects the impact of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, which struck Texas and Florida during the third quarter.",1 + Story continues below advertisement Story continues below advertisement Kurniawan said more than 40 injured people were being treated at three hospitals., Story continues below advertisement Police said 103 people were working at the factory and 10 are still unaccounted for.,1 + Trump issued his new order on refugee screening as the administration's four-month ban on refugee admissions expired., Trump issued his new order on refugee screening Tuesday as the administration's four-month ban on refugee admissions expired.,1 +" Story continues below advertisement The refundable credit is worth up to $1,028 for single individuals without dependents and $1,868 for families."," The refundable credit is worth up to $1,028 for single individuals without dependents and $1,868 for families.",0 +" Brent futures were up 13 cents, or 0.2 per cent, at $58.57 a barrel by 12:45 p.m."," Brent futures gained 86 cents, or 1.5 per cent, to settle at $59.30 a barrel, its highest close since July 3, 2015. U.S.",1 +"It directs federal agencies to resume refugee processing, which he clamped down on shortly after taking office.","It directs federal agencies to resume refugee processing, which he reined in shortly after taking office.",0 +""" Speaking with reporters, Mr. Morneau defended his decision not to set a target for eliminating the deficit."," Speaking with reporters, Mr. Morneau defended his decision not to set a target for balancing the books.",1 +" Story continues below advertisement ""Price volatility in the oil market is expected to persist in the run-up to the November OPEC meeting."," ""Price volatility in the oil market is expected to persist in the run-up to the November OPEC meeting.",0 +"Lloyd Axworthy, a former foreign affairs minister, is chair of the board of Cuso International.","Lloyd Axworthy, a former foreign affairs minister, is chair of the World Refugee Council.",1 +A police report said the fire spread after an explosion and that the factory's roof had collapsed.,A police report said the fire spread after an explosion that caused the roof to collapse.,0 +" As a result, costs at the plant rose to $35 per barrel, from $27.65.","As a result, Syncrude costs rose to $35 per barrel, from $27.65 a year ago.",1 +"There will be no more free passes for boat owners who dump dirty, old hulks in Canadian harbours and waterways.",Canada is no longer going to give a free pass to boat owners who dump their dirty old vessels in Canadian harbours and waterways.,1 + Several analysts said the weakening of the company's outlook might benefit competitor Priceline Group Inc.," Some analysts said Expedia's financial woes were endemic to the company, not the industry, and could possibly benefit rival Priceline Group Inc.",1 +" Story continues below advertisement It would have been a lot easier and cheaper to remove it before it sank, she said."," It would have been a lot easier and cheaper to remove it before it sank, she noted.",0 +"New Democrat MP Sheila Malcolmson said the number of abandoned boats is actually ""in the thousands,"" according to her unofficial conversations with coast guard officials.","NDP MP Sheila Malcolmson said the number of abandoned boats is actually ""in the thousands,"" according to her unofficial conversations with Coast Guard officials.",0 +"Last year it cost more than $1 million to remove the Viki Lyne II from Ladysmith's harbour, four years after it was abandoned nearby.","Last year it cost more than $1-million to remove the Viki Lyne II from Ladysmith's harbour, four years after it was abandoned nearby.",0 +The party said Saturday that 94 per cent of those eligible to vote cast a ballot.,The party said Saturday that 94 per cent of those eligible to vote cast a preferential ballot.,1 +"A dozen high-ranking local officials were arrested, La Vanguardia newspaper said."," A dozen high-ranking local officials were arrested, La Vanguardia newspaper said.",0 + The storm had winds of about 45 mph (75 kph) and it was centred about 140 miles (225 kilometres) south-southwest of Cabo San Lucas., Norma had winds of about 85 kph and it was centred about 225 kilometres south-southwest of Cabo San Lucas.,1 + The province will increase all monetary penalties and suspensions for impaired driving offences.,The province will also increase all monetary penalties and suspensions for impaired driving offences.,0 +" Brent crude futures rose 29 cents to $55.43 a barrel by 0800 GMT, while U.S."," Brent crude futures rose $1.06, or 1.9 per cent, to $56.20 a barrel by 12:19 p.m.",1 +" Meanwhile, Tropical Storm Lee slipped back to tropical depression force in the Atlantic and Tropical Storm Otis was gaining force fall out in the Pacific."," Meanwhile, Tropical Storm Lee weakened into a tropical depression far out in the Atlantic while Otis strengthened into a hurricane out in the Pacific.",1 +Tony Gali tweeted that there had been damaged buildings in the city of Cholula including collapsed church steeples.,"Tony Gali tweeted there were damaged buildings in the city of Cholula, including collapsed church steeples.",0 + The cyberattack occurred through a vulnerability in an open-source application framework it uses called Apache Struts., The cyberattack occurred through a vulnerability in an open-source application framework that was detected and disclosed in March.,1 +Ontario plans to introduce new penalties for drug-impaired drivers ahead of the legalization of recreational marijuana next July.,Ontario plans to introduce tough new penalties for drug-impaired drivers ahead of the legalization of recreational marijuana next July.,1 + Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on Sunday that the United States could remain in the Paris climate accord under the right conditions.,Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on Sunday the United States could remain in the Paris climate accord under the right conditions.,0 + Story continues below advertisement The storm had maximum sustained winds of 65 mph (100 kph) Sunday afternoon., Story continues below advertisement The storm had maximum sustained winds of 140 kph late Sunday.,1 +Geological Survey said the magnitude 7.1 hit at 1:14 p.m. (2:15 p.m.,Geological Survey said the magnitude 7.1 quake hit at 1:14 p.m. (2:15 p.m.,1 +" There have been 19 earthquakes of magnitude 6.5 or larger within 250 kilometres of Tuesday's quake in the past century, Earle said."," There have been 19 earthquakes of magnitude 6.5 or larger within 150 miles (250 kilometres) of Tuesday's quake over the past century, Earle said.",0 + The U.S. dollar lost ground against a basket of major currencies ahead of the start of the Federal Reserve's two-day policy meeting., The U.S. dollar weakened against a basket of currencies in advance of the Fed decision.,1 +" The police confirmed they were carrying out raids connected with the banned referendum, but did not give details.","The police confirmed they were carrying out raids connected with the banned referendum, but did not give details.",0 + Mexico City's international airport suspended operations and was checking facilities for any damage., Mexico City's international airport suspended operations and was checking facilities for damage.,0 + The Constitutional Court has suspended the vote after the central government challenged its legality.," The constitutional Court has ordered the vote to be suspended as it assesses its legality, but Catalan officials say they will press ahead regardless.",1 +National Hurricane Center said Maria weakened briefly before recovering sustained winds of 160 mph (260 kph).,National Hurricane Center in Miami said Maria's winds had intensified to 175 mph (280 kph) and additional strengthening was possible.,1 +" Story continues below advertisement Market stall vendor Edith Lopez, 25, said she was in a taxi a few blocks away when the quake struck."," Market stall vendor Edith Lopez, 25, said she was in a taxi a few blocks away when the quake struck Tuesday.",1 + The deal will require the approval of Thyssenkrupp's supervisory board and Tata Steel's board of directors as well as that of the European Commission.," The deal will require approval of Thyssenkrupp's supervisory board, Tata Steel's board of directors and European regulators.",1 +" In the Pacific, Tropical Storm Norma's threat to Mexico's Los Cabos area appeared to be easing."," Story continues below advertisement Story continues below advertisement In the Pacific, Tropical Storm Norma's threat to Mexico's Los Cabos area appeared to ease.",0 +The Wall Street Journal reported that Trump administration officials had said Washington would not pull out of the agreement and had offered to re-engage.,The Wall Street Journal reported that Trump administration officials said Washington would not pull out of the agreement and had offered to re-engage.,0 +Forecasters said the storm was weakening and its centre was likely to remain offshore.,Forecasters said the storm's centre was likely to remain offshore.,1 + Dozens of buildings collapsed or were damaged in in densely populated parts of Mexico City and nearby states., Dozens of buildings tumbled into mounds of rubble or were severely damaged in densely populated parts of Mexico City and nearby states.,1 +" Brent crude futures rose $1.06, or 1.9 per cent, to $56.20 a barrel by 12:19 p.m."," Brent crude futures rose $1.06, or 1.9 per cent, to $56.20 a barrel, while U.S.",0 +"EDT) and it was centred near the Puebla state town of Raboso, about 76 miles (123 kilometres) southeast of Mexico City.","EDT) and was centred near the Puebla state town of Raboso, about 76 miles (123 kilometres) southeast of Mexico City.",0 +" Market stall vendor Edith Lopez, 25, said she was in a taxi a few blocks away when the quake struck."," Market stall vendor Edith Lopez, 25, said she was in a taxi a few blocks away when the quake struck Tuesday.",1 +" Police issued an Amber Alert after the boy's mother, also 41, was found dead inside a Saint-Eustache home the same day the youngster went missing."," Police issued an Amber Alert on Thursday after the boy's mother was found dead inside a home in Saint-Eustache, Que.",1 +"The hackers obtained access to files containing the personal information of some Canadian consumers through the interface, Equifax said.",The hackers apparently obtained access to files containing the personal information of some Canadian consumers through the interface.,0 + Story continues below advertisement Explainer: Where is Hurricane Maria headed now?,""" Story continues below advertisement Explainer: Where is Hurricane Maria headed now?",0 + Mexican media broadcast images of multiple downed buildings in densely populated parts of Mexico City and nearby Cuernavaca., Dozens of buildings tumbled into mounds of rubble or were severely damaged in densely populated parts of Mexico City and nearby states.,1 +"ET (1307 GMT), the Canadian dollar was trading at $1.2280 to the greenback, or 81.43 U.S. cents, up 0.1 per cent.","EDT (2000 GMT), the Canadian dollar was trading at $1.2274 to the greenback, or 81.47 U.S. cents, up 0.2 per cent.",1 +" The suspect was charged today with second-degree murder at the courthouse in Saint-Jerome, Que."," The single charge of second-degree murder was filed at the courthouse in Saint-Jerome, Que.",1 +That has meant the wider adoption of LEAN manufacturing principles and smart investment in automation., That has meant the wider adoption of LEAN manufacturing principles and smart investment in automation.,0 +Mr. Kaeser told reporters on a separate call Thursday that antitrust authorities in Europe and elsewhere were blindsided by the Chinese merger.,Kaeser told reporters on a separate call Thursday that antitrust authorities in Europe and elsewhere were blindsided by the Chinese merger.,0 +" ""In terms of abundance, I don't think the message is clear.","""In terms of abundance, I don't think the message is clear.",0 +The BC Liberals under then-premier Christy Clark held three major LNG conferences in Vancouver in an effort to court global energy players., The BC Liberals under then-premier Christy Clark held three major LNG conferences in Vancouver in an effort to court global energy players.,0 +" The central bank's rate is based on posted five-year fixed mortgage rates at Canada's largest banks, and was most recently set at 4.64 per cent."," The central bank's rate is based on posted five-year fixed mortgage rates at Canada's largest banks, and was most recently set at 4.64 per cent.",0 +"""I'd describe our approach as incrementalism,"" he says of the company's plan to trim costs and stay competitive."," ""I'd describe our approach as incrementalism,"" he says of the company's plan to trim costs and stay competitive.",0 +The biggest of RBS's legal problems remains an outstanding investigation by the U.S., The biggest of RBS's legal problems remains an outstanding investigation by the U.S.,0 +" To unlock the economic potential of women miners, advocates from groups such as Partnership Africa Canada are discussing a new strategy."," To unlock the economic potential of women miners, advocates from groups such as Partnership Africa Canada are discussing a new strategy.",0 +"That said, Rio's total costs are somewhat muted by historical standards."," That said, Rio's total costs are somewhat muted by historical standards.",0 +" The chart above, published last month by BMO Nesbitt Burns, shows the MLS Home Price Index for both the Toronto and Vancouver areas."," The chart above, published last month by BMO Nesbitt Burns, shows the MLS Home Price Index for both the Toronto and Vancouver areas.",0 +" ""It's becoming too much,"" she says. ""I have a family, other obligations."," ""It's becoming too much,"" she says. ""I have a family, other obligations.",0 +" ""2017 is expected to be the big year,"" says Danial Agha, Mode-este's director of finance."," ""2017 is expected to be the big year,"" says Danial Agha, Mode-este's director of finance.",0 +" ""You really can't tax your way out of a housing problem,"" he said."," ""You really can't tax your way out of a housing problem,"" he said.",0 + OneEleven expects to add one net new company every month for the next 12 months., OneEleven expects to add one net new company every month for the next 12 months.,0 +" In the mines around Metale village, there is an even deeper discrimination against unmarried women."," In the mines around Metale village, there is an even deeper discrimination against unmarried women.",0 +Roberto Castano became known to the BCSC in 2009 through a tip from a financial institution., Roberto Castano became known to the BCSC in 2009 through a tip from a financial institution.,0 +She returned to Canada this spring after her release and pleaded guilty in the Alberta case., She returned to Canada this spring after her release and pleaded guilty in the Alberta case.,0 + Story continues below advertisement Homeowners with fixed-rate mortgages There is no immediate impact on payments for existing mortgages., Homeowners with fixed-rate mortgages There is no immediate impact on payments for existing mortgages.,0 +"The social-networking site said ""abundance"" is when worker supply of a certain skill exceeds employer demand for that skill."," The social-networking site said ""abundance"" is when worker supply of a certain skill exceeds employer demand for that skill.",0 +"That means just-in-time manufacturing, so he's rarely sitting on old inventory."," That means just-in-time manufacturing, so he's rarely sitting on old inventory.",0 +" Still, for those affected by the country's crippling economic crisis, there's likely no silver lining in these budget-busting Summer Games."," Still, for those affected by the country's crippling economic crisis, there's likely no silver lining in these budget-busting Summer Games.",0 +Mr. Korhani's 150-employee business has ended up serving as the avant garde for Canadian companies coming back home to make their products.,Korhani's 150-employee business has ended up serving as the avant garde for Canadian companies coming back home to make their products.,0 +"The unit currently has just a handful of staff but plans to employ a total of around 150, McEwan said."," The unit currently has just a handful of staff but plans to employ a total of around 150, McEwan said.",0 +"Brian Brennan is a senior partner at MAX Potential, an organization committed to assisting clients with the successful growth of their businesses."," Brian Brennan is a senior partner at MAX Potential, an organization committed to assisting clients with the successful growth of their businesses.",0 + Aicha Chtourou and her husband Bilal Mashhedi of Mode-ste The secularization of modest fashion is a boon to the business., Aicha Chtourou and her husband Bilal Mashhedi of Mode-ste The secularization of modest fashion is a boon to the business.,0 +Bolstering the domestic trend The return to Canada for manufacturers is a recent trend., Bolstering the domestic trend The return to Canada for manufacturers is a recent trend.,0 +""" For Sultana Odishou, who owns Romeo and Juliet Hair Studio on Bayview Avenue, rent is a constant concern.",""" Story continues below advertisement For Sultana Odishou, who owns Romeo and Juliet Hair Studio on Bayview Avenue, rent is a constant concern.",0 +" ""It is an interesting perspective to see what is happening among a largely 'professional group,'"" he said.","""It is an interesting perspective to see what is happening among a largely 'professional group,'"" he said.",0 +" ""There are far more condominiums being constructed right now than purpose-build rental apartments."," ""There are far more condominiums being constructed right now than purpose-build rental apartments.",0 +"Meanwhile, Mr. Bellemare has been rebuilding Bombardier's earnings power and the train division has led the way in that effort."," Meanwhile, Mr. Bellemare has been rebuilding Bombardier's earnings power and the train division has led the way in that effort.",0 +Offer fair compensation packages Just because you are small does not mean that you can pay significantly less than market rates., Offer fair compensation packages Just because you are small does not mean that you can pay significantly less than market rates.,0 +" ""There's several reasons for that,"" he continues. ""Firstly, it's a less costly way of developing residential property;"," ""There's several reasons for that,"" he continues. ""Firstly, it's a less costly way of developing residential property;",0 +RBS last month agreed to pay $5.5-billion pounds to settle a similar case with the U.S., RBS last month agreed to pay $5.5-billion pounds to settle a similar case with the U.S.,0 +" ""We are not the global tax collector for everybody else,"" FAZ quoted him as saying.","""We are not the global tax collector for everybody else,"" FAZ quoted him as saying.",0 +""" To ensure the company's longevity, he's now seeking a balance between the efficiency of mass production and the possible profitability in being diverse.",""" To ensure the company's longevity, he's now seeking a balance between the efficiency of mass production and the possible profitability in being diverse.",0 +" On Feb. 28, visit The Globe and Mail's data store at tgam.ca/datastore to purchase comprehensive tables from the Canadian Venture Capital &"," On Feb. 28, visit The Globe and Mail's data store at tgam.ca/datastore to purchase comprehensive tables from the Canadian Venture Capital &",0 +"Meanwhile, Toronto gained the most workers from Montreal, the United Arab Emirates and London, Ont."," Meanwhile, Toronto gained the most workers from Montreal, the United Arab Emirates and London, Ont.",0 +Tanzania introduced an export ban on concentrates for gold and copper ore in March., Tanzania introduced an export ban on concentrates for gold and copper ore in March.,0 +" ""They see the long-term and overall benefit to doing this."," ""They see the long-term and overall benefit to doing this.",0 +" In interviews for her research, women told her: ""We don't have the right to speak."," Story continues below advertisement In interviews for her research, women told her: ""We don't have the right to speak.",0 + The British pound dipped below $1.30 (U.S.) on Tuesday - and the sagging currency is projected to fall further.,The British pound dipped below $1.30 (U.S.) on Tuesday - and the sagging currency is projected to fall further.,0 + What could be seen as one of the band's biggest failings is what has bolstered our dedication.,What could be seen as one of the band's biggest failings is what has bolstered our dedication.,0 +" ""Domain expertise is becoming more and more crucial in Canadian venture, and that's a sign of maturation of the industry,"" says Mr. Woollatt."," ""Domain expertise is becoming more and more crucial in Canadian venture, and that's a sign of maturation of the industry,"" says Mr. Woollatt.",0 +" While a previous generation of shopkeepers tended to own their buildings, retailers today are more likely to lease."," While a previous generation of shopkeepers tended to own their buildings, retailers today are more likely to lease.",0 +" Canada saw another banner year for venture capital and private equity in 2016, hitting levels of investment not seen since the dot-com boom.","Canada saw another banner year for venture capital and private equity in 2016, hitting levels of investment not seen since the dot-com boom.",0 +And all Canadian businesses who are staying put have one thing in common: they have changed how they manufacture at home because of offshoring's influence., And all Canadian businesses who are staying put have one thing in common: they have changed how they manufacture at home because of offshoring's influence.,0 +" However, many observers said the tax hit as the market was already softening, spurring an even greater response."," However, many observers said the tax hit as the market was already softening, spurring an even greater response.",0 +" Like other commercial landlords, Strategic is adjusting its portfolio to reflect a changing real estate landscape."," Like other commercial landlords, Strategic is adjusting its portfolio to reflect a changing real estate landscape.",0 +" Yet, it also found that 58 per cent of women miners in the survey were the main income earners in their families."," Yet, it also found that 58 per cent of women miners in the survey were the main income earners in their families.",0 +"""We are not the global tax collector for everybody else,"" FAZ quoted him as saying."," ""We are not the global tax collector for everybody else,"" FAZ quoted him as saying.",0 +" ""Rent will be determined by the market, at the time of completion,"" he says."," ""Rent will be determined by the market, at the time of completion,"" he says.",0 +" Anything the Internet can do, we can do - sort of.","Anything the Internet can do, we can do - sort of.",0 +State-owned CRRC reported a profit of about 230-billion yuan for its first full year of operation in 2016 (about $34-billion U.S. at current exchange rates).,State-owned CRRC reported revenue of about 230-billion yuan for its first full year of operation in 2016 (about $34-billion U.S. at current exchange rates).,0 +"These ideas, some borrowed from offshore innovators, but most adopted out of necessity to keep Canadian manufacturers competitive, can only do so much."," These ideas, some borrowed from offshore innovators, but most adopted out of necessity to keep Canadian manufacturers competitive, can only do so much.",0 + Monthly cost for a 25-year mortgage at various interest rates *Note: Mortgage default insurance costs not included here., Monthly cost for a 25-year mortgage at various interest rates *Note: Mortgage default insurance costs not included here.,0 + The Tragically Hip are both part of the Canadian fabric and born of it.,The Tragically Hip are both part of the Canadian fabric and born of it.,0 +" Dino Carella and Enzo Salvaggio are owners of Hollywood Gelato, a 750-square-foot ice cream shop that has been on Bayview Avenue since 1998."," Dino Carella and Enzo Salvaggio are owners of Hollywood Gelato, a 750-square-foot ice cream shop that has been on Bayview Avenue since 1998.",0 +""" ""It's easy to find the first and more difficult to find the second,"" he adds.",""" ""It's easy to find the first and more difficult to find the second,"" he adds.",0 +" The social-networking site said ""abundance"" is when worker supply of a certain skill exceeds employer demand for that skill.","The social-networking site said ""abundance"" is when worker supply of a certain skill exceeds employer demand for that skill.",0 +"""We must be very careful not to endanger our reputation as advocates for free trade,"" he said."," ""We must be very careful not to endanger our reputation as advocates for free trade,"" he said.",0 +" The best-paying jobs are underground, in the tunnels and shafts, where diggers pry loose the rocks that contain gold."," The best-paying jobs are underground, in the tunnels and shafts, where diggers pry loose the rocks that contain gold.",0 +" ""Now we've got a series of companies who have to think hard what it means;","""Now we've got a series of companies who have to think hard what it means;",0 +I've always interviewed good people even when I didn't need to hire them., I've always interviewed good people even when I didn't need to hire them.,0 +Kaeser told reporters on a separate call Thursday that antitrust authorities in Europe and elsewhere were blindsided by the Chinese merger.,Mr. Kaeser told reporters on a separate call Thursday that antitrust authorities in Europe and elsewhere were blindsided by the Chinese merger.,1 +" The Teranet-National Bank Composite House Price Index, which measures changes for repeat sales of single-family homes, showed prices rose 2.6 per cent from May.","The Teranet-National Bank Composite House Price Index, which measures changes for repeat sales of single-family homes, showed prices rose 2.6 per cent from May.",0 + Bombardier has said repeatedly that it intends to take a pro-active approach as the consolidation unfolds.,Bombardier has said repeatedly that it intends to take a pro-active approach as the consolidation unfolds.,0 +" Oxford, which owns 13 acres of property along the south side of Front Street, sees the Union Park tech hub expanding eastward toward Simcoe Street."," Oxford, which owns 13 acres of property along the south side of Front Street, sees the Union Park tech hub expanding eastward toward Simcoe Street.",0 + OneEleven sold Oxford Properties on the cluster plan via their mutual relationship with the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System., OneEleven sold Oxford Properties on the cluster plan via their mutual relationship with the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System.,0 +""" So Mr. Droppo has found new clients with different product needs and he's now producing outerwear and flame-retardant safety wear for them.",""" So Mr. Droppo has found new clients with different product needs and he's now producing outerwear and flame-retardant safety wear for them.",0 +"Its core capital ratio, a key measure of financial strength, also rose to a better than expected 14.8 per cent."," Its core capital ratio, a key measure of financial strength, also rose to a better than expected 14.8 per cent.",0 +"""In terms of abundance, I don't think the message is clear."," ""In terms of abundance, I don't think the message is clear.",0 +"If you want to win the employment game, you need to find ways for your organization to seem attractive to potential employees."," If you want to win the employment game, you need to find ways for your organization to seem attractive to potential employees.",0 +" ""We must be very careful not to endanger our reputation as advocates for free trade,"" he said.","""We must be very careful not to endanger our reputation as advocates for free trade,"" he said.",0 +"A steady job market has bulked up demand among many would-be buyers, but there are fewer properties on the market."," Story continues below advertisement A steady job market has bulked up demand among many would-be buyers, but there are fewer properties on the market.",0 +" Even before the rate hike, the mortgage market was changing."," Even before the rate hike, the mortgage market was changing.",0 +"The area's sales-to-new-listings ratio dropped to 39.4 per cent in June, according to seasonally adjusted figures released Monday by the Canadian Real Estate Association."," The area's sales-to-new-listings ratio dropped to 39.4 per cent in June, according to seasonally adjusted figures released Monday by the Canadian Real Estate Association.",0 +""" Mr. Ferguson says his company is looking for a property to meet two requirements in order to be considered for a residential conversion.",Ferguson says his company is looking for a property to meet two requirements in order to be considered for a residential conversion.,0 +Smaller companies like yours have the advantage of having fewer managerial layers so you can make decisions much more quickly., Smaller companies like yours have the advantage of having fewer managerial layers so you can make decisions much more quickly.,0 +" ""There's no question that the condominium boom is a large part of it."," ""There's no question that the condominium boom is a large part of it.",0 +" ""I think the OSFI thing is a game-changing policy decision - it would have a massive impact on the entire market,"" he said."," ""I think the OSFI thing is a game-changing policy decision - it would have a massive impact on the entire market,"" he said.",0 +" ""We are completely amazed at how many incredible companies are out there that fit our model and our criteria,"" managing director Bilal Khan said."," ""We are completely amazed at how many incredible companies are out there that fit our model and our criteria,"" managing director Bilal Khan said.",0 + Story continues below advertisement Story continues below advertisement Get help You are probably not the only person who can collect accounts in your company.,Get help You are probably not the only person who can collect accounts in your company.,0 + GEOFFREY YORK/THE GLOBE AND MAIL The rules that discriminate against women are drafted by government committees in which women have no voice., GEOFFREY YORK/THE GLOBE AND MAIL The rules that discriminate against women are drafted by government committees in which women have no voice.,0 +Bombardier has said repeatedly that it intends to take a pro-active approach as the consolidation unfolds., Bombardier has said repeatedly that it intends to take a pro-active approach as the consolidation unfolds.,0 +" Clustering companies into a singular hub is the best way to take Toronto's vibrant startup scene to the next level, he added."," Clustering companies into a singular hub is the best way to take Toronto's vibrant startup scene to the next level, he added.",0 +Some businesses are moving some or all of their production back to Canada., Some businesses are moving some or all of their production back to Canada.,0 + Just fill out the mortgage amount (the home's purchase price minus your down payment) and the amortization period., Just fill out the mortgage amount (the home's purchase price minus your down payment) and the amortization period.,0 +"The report, which is based on information from LinkedIn profiles in Toronto, said the information is designed to help workers ""better navigate"" their careers."," The report, which is based on information from LinkedIn profiles in Toronto, said the information is designed to help workers ""better navigate"" their careers.",0 +"Meanwhile, the newly in-force Canada-Korea Free Trade Agreement and the in-progress trade agreement with the EU will bolster manufacturing here."," Meanwhile, the newly in-force Canada-Korea Free Trade Agreement and the in-progress trade agreement with the EU will bolster manufacturing here.",0 +THE QUESTION I'm spending too much time following up on unpaid invoices.,THE QUESTION I'm spending too much time following up on unpaid invoices.,0 +"For those with a fixed-rate mortgage that will come up for renewal, we've created the following tool to see how your monthly payments could change."," For those with a fixed-rate mortgage that will come up for renewal, we've created the following tool to see how your monthly payments could change.",0 +Audi confirmed it had been notified by prosecutors and will continue to cooperate constructively with the Munich-based authority., Audi confirmed it had been notified by prosecutors and will continue to cooperate constructively with the Munich-based authority.,0 +The Liberal government is looking to remove what it sees as a financial advantage people with corporations have compared with salaried employees., The Liberal government is looking to remove what it sees as a financial advantage people with corporations have compared with salaried employees.,0 +" Toronto prices were up 29.3 per cent from a year ago, while Hamilton was up 25.6 per cent.","Toronto prices were up 29.3 per cent from a year ago, while Hamilton was up 25.6 per cent.",0 +"Be the ""squeaky wheel."" Stick to your terms Finance people try matching accounts receivable and accounts payable in terms of the number of days outstanding.","Be the ""squeaky wheel."" Stick to your terms Finance people try matching accounts receivable and accounts payable in terms of the number of days outstanding.",0 + The Toronto housing market has taken a breather after the Ontario government unveiled a raft of measures aimed at cooling torrid activity.,The Toronto housing market has taken a breather after the Ontario government unveiled a raft of measures aimed at cooling torrid activity.,0 +" The changes have included a combination of vacant homes taxes, breaks for first-time home buyers, tighter mortgage qualification rules and restrictions on foreigners buying homes."," The changes have included a combination of vacant homes taxes, breaks for first-time home buyers, tighter mortgage qualification rules and restrictions on foreigners buying homes.",0 +"If you want a fun environment, provide outlets for people to have fun."," If you want a fun environment, provide outlets for people to have fun.",0 +" By one metric, the Greater Toronto housing market has quickly shifted from a seller's market to one favouring buyers.","By one metric, the Greater Toronto housing market has quickly shifted from a seller's market to one favouring buyers.",0 +" ""If you're a small team and you're working hard or working late, it's sometimes lonely."," ""If you're a small team and you're working hard or working late, it's sometimes lonely.",0 +It's clear that Siemens views its position as one of strength in any merger talks., Story continues below advertisement Story continues below advertisement It's clear that Siemens views its position as one of strength in any merger talks.,1 +" Resolve outstanding issues quickly The longer an issue surrounding an invoice is outstanding, the less likely it is that you will collect the full amount.","Resolve outstanding issues quickly The longer an issue surrounding an invoice is outstanding, the less likely it is that you will collect the full amount.",0 +""" The federal government's jobs data has long been criticized for not providing enough detail.",""" The federal government's jobs data has long been criticized for not providing enough detail.",0 + Young Muslims in multicultural societies have led the charge on updating traditional wardrobes., Young Muslims in multicultural societies have led the charge on updating traditional wardrobes.,0 +" Story continues below advertisement Don Drummond, an economist who is trying to improve Canada's labour data, said the report is useful, but not entirely new.","Don Drummond, an economist who is trying to improve Canada's labour data, said the report is useful, but not entirely new.",0 +" While other data has shown sales have tumbled since then, the Teranet report pointed to ongoing price acceleration.","While other data has shown sales have tumbled since then, the Teranet report pointed to ongoing price acceleration.",0 +"To start out, the new company did what they knew best: shirts."," To start out, the new company did what they knew best: shirts.",0 + She describes another rule that discriminates against women miners here., She describes another rule that discriminates against women miners here.,0 +The bank took an additional 396 million pounds in charges in the first half of the year for resolving past misconduct., The bank took an additional 396 million pounds in charges in the first half of the year for resolving past misconduct.,0 +" Homeowners with variable-rate mortgages The interest cost on variable-rate mortgages is pegged to your lender's prime rate, minus whatever discount you negotiated."," Homeowners with variable-rate mortgages The interest cost on variable-rate mortgages is pegged to your lender's prime rate, minus whatever discount you negotiated.",0 +" First, figure out the mortgage amount remaining at the start of your next term, and the remaining amortization."," First, figure out the mortgage amount remaining at the start of your next term, and the remaining amortization.",0 +Get help You are probably not the only person who can collect accounts in your company., Story continues below advertisement Story continues below advertisement Get help You are probably not the only person who can collect accounts in your company.,0 +" Anticipating an office exodus in Edmonton, Strategic Group has applied for a permit to convert a long-held commercial property into a rental apartment building."," Anticipating an office exodus in Edmonton, Strategic Group has applied for a permit to convert a long-held commercial property into a rental apartment building.",0 +"Arrange interim payments For projects that require substantial cash outlays on your part, ask for interim invoicing to ease the strain on your finances."," Arrange interim payments For projects that require substantial cash outlays on your part, ask for interim invoicing to ease the strain on your finances.",0 +" RBC, which is Canada's second-biggest bank by assets, boosted its posted rates for two-year, three-year and five-year fixed rate mortgages by 20 basis points each.","RBC, which is Canada's second-biggest bank by assets, boosted its posted rates for two-year, three-year and five-year fixed rate mortgages by 20 basis points each.",0 +"""Every day people come in and ask for it,"" says Jimson Bienenstock, the cafe's co-owner."," ""Every day people come in and ask for it,"" says Jimson Bienenstock, the cafe's co-owner.",0 +" On average, the value of non-residential properties in the 84 BIAs increased during the four years by 40.9 per cent."," On average, the value of non-residential properties in the 84 BIAs increased during the four years by 40.9 per cent.",0 +"""It is an interesting perspective to see what is happening among a largely 'professional group,'"" he said."," ""It is an interesting perspective to see what is happening among a largely 'professional group,'"" he said.",0 +""" Mr. Kiru says retail has been ""under siege"" over the last few years, through ""the Wal-Marts of the world, and most recently online shopping.","Kiru says retail has been ""under siege"" over the last few years, through ""the Wal-Marts of the world, and most recently online shopping.",0 + The Rio Olympics are primed for a 10-figure price hike.,The Rio Olympics are primed for a 10-figure price hike.,0 +"TV is seen by advertisers as a mass medium, a blanket way to get exposure for their brands to large segments of people at once."," TV is seen by advertisers as a mass medium, a blanket way to get exposure for their brands to large segments of people at once.",0 +" Dan Kelly, president of the Canadian Federation of Independent Business, says the hot residential real estate market puts pressure on commercial property."," Dan Kelly, president of the Canadian Federation of Independent Business, says the hot residential real estate market puts pressure on commercial property.",0 + Consultations in the mining sector are routinely conducted in all-male meetings., Consultations in the mining sector are routinely conducted in all-male meetings.,0 +" If you have any information on that mystery deal, my contact information can be found by clicking on my byline."," If you have any information on that mystery deal, my contact information can be found by clicking on my byline.",0 +"""People have socially taken for granted that the coffee shop is a workplace."," ""People have socially taken for granted that the coffee shop is a workplace.",0 +" ""In Calgary, high vacancy rates are largely focused in the urban downtown market and in the A class towers."," ""In Calgary, high vacancy rates are largely focused in the urban downtown market and in the A class towers.",0 +"At Dayton, this approach offers a possible way to expand."," At Dayton, this approach offers a possible way to expand.",0 +" Many such operations are currently scattered throughout Toronto and adjoining municipalities, and they, too, will likely benefit from the centralization of talent, he added."," Many such operations are currently scattered throughout Toronto and adjoining municipalities, and they, too, will likely benefit from the centralization of talent, he added.",0 +" Photo: Fred Lum Current companies include corporate benefits facilitator Humi, courtroom case predictor Blue J Legal and sales software provider Nudge."," Current companies include corporate benefits facilitator Humi, courtroom case predictor Blue J Legal and sales software provider Nudge.",0 + Mr. Ferguson says he knows a number of Strategic's competitors are looking at making similar conversions of their properties.,Ferguson says he knows a number of Strategic's competitors are looking at making similar conversions of their properties.,0 + It comes as policy makers and workers try to figure out which skills are needed in today's labour market.,It comes as policy makers and workers try to figure out which skills are needed in today's labour market.,0 +" ""[The assessment numbers] have a significant impact on the taxes, which could effectively impact the rents."," ""[The assessment numbers] have a significant impact on the taxes, which could effectively impact the rents.",0 +"Unlike rivals Lloyds and Barclays, RBS did not increase its provision for claims of mis-selling payment protection insurance, Britain's costliest consumer finance scandal."," Unlike rivals Lloyds and Barclays, RBS did not increase its provision for claims of mis-selling payment protection insurance, Britain's costliest consumer finance scandal.",0 +"If Toronto follows Vancouver's lead, how quickly will prices fully rebound?"," If Toronto follows Vancouver's lead, how quickly will prices fully rebound?",0 +" Like in Vancouver, the impact of the reforms was immediate."," Like in Vancouver, the impact of the reforms was immediate.",0 +"Resolve outstanding issues quickly The longer an issue surrounding an invoice is outstanding, the less likely it is that you will collect the full amount."," Resolve outstanding issues quickly The longer an issue surrounding an invoice is outstanding, the less likely it is that you will collect the full amount.",0 + It will be difficult to introduce the plan in a region where the taboos have been entrenched for decades., It will be difficult to introduce the plan in a region where the taboos have been entrenched for decades.,0 +"It's a movement that's not likely going to reverse soon, particularly with the Canadian dollar's plunge."," Story continues below advertisement Story continues below advertisement It's a movement that's not likely going to reverse soon, particularly with the Canadian dollar's plunge.",0 +" In its previous 15,000-square-foot space, OneEleven was able to accommodate up to 14 companies at a time."," In its previous 15,000-square-foot space, OneEleven was able to accommodate up to 14 companies at a time.",0 +" Meanwhile, Mr. Bellemare has been rebuilding Bombardier's earnings power and the train division has led the way in that effort.","Meanwhile, Mr. Bellemare has been rebuilding Bombardier's earnings power and the train division has led the way in that effort.",0 +"THE QUESTION I need to hire good people, but we are too small to pay the salaries that experienced people are asking from us.","THE QUESTION I need to hire good people, but we are too small to pay the salaries that experienced people are asking from us.",0 +" In some mines in this region, the rule is even more bizarre."," Story continues below advertisement In some mines in this region, the rule is even more bizarre.",0 + Mark Blinch/The Globe and Mail He's currently in the midst of talks with his landlord., Mark Blinch/The Globe and Mail He's currently in the midst of talks with his landlord.,0 +" Harley Court totals 156,000 square feet and could accommodate more than 170 one- and two-bedroom apartments."," Harley Court totals 156,000 square feet and could accommodate more than 170 one- and two-bedroom apartments.",0 +"""There is a chance we may not get it done this year , but that depends on when those conversations start,"" he said."," ""There is a chance we may not get it done this year , but that depends on when those conversations start,"" he said.",0 +" Apple has also hired Matt Cherniss, who until recently was president of Tribune Media Co.'s WGN America cable network, to head development.","Apple has also hired Matt Cherniss, who until recently was president of Tribune Media Co.'s WGN America cable network, to head development.",0 +" Paul Teshima, co-founder and chief executive of Nudge, said clustering can also deliver intangible benefits."," Paul Teshima, co-founder and chief executive of Nudge, said clustering can also deliver intangible benefits.",0 +" Arrange interim payments For projects that require substantial cash outlays on your part, ask for interim invoicing to ease the strain on your finances.","Arrange interim payments For projects that require substantial cash outlays on your part, ask for interim invoicing to ease the strain on your finances.",0 +"Finding the right people Chances are that when you need someone in a hurry, you won't find them very easily."," Finding the right people Chances are that when you need someone in a hurry, you won't find them very easily.",0 +" They've done it their way, unpolished and determined, and looking back, there are some who would say we've found our voice through theirs.","They've done it their way, unpolished and determined, and looking back, there are some who would say we've found our voice through theirs.",0 +"If you want open communication, have regular communications with employees individually and as a group."," If you want open communication, have regular communications with employees individually and as a group.",0 + Prospective buyers It could become tougher to qualify for home ownership., Prospective buyers It could become tougher to qualify for home ownership.,0 +"The benefits to having a domestic manufacturing, for him, are many."," Story continues below advertisement The benefits to having a domestic manufacturing, for him, are many.",0 +" Among the most active funds of the year was iNovia Capital, a backer of Thalmic, which participated in 17 deals worth $308-million."," Among the most active funds of the year was iNovia Capital, a backer of Thalmic, which participated in 17 deals worth $308-million.",0 +"Yet, there's a risk to approaching customers seen to be abusing the free WiFi, Mr. Delany says."," Yet, there's a risk to approaching customers seen to be abusing the free WiFi, Mr. Delany says.",0 +"Unfortunately, most business owners neglect networking because they feel that they are too busy running the business to spend time on it."," Unfortunately, most business owners neglect networking because they feel that they are too busy running the business to spend time on it.",0 +" For more small business insights, attend The 2017 Globe and Mail Small Business Summit.","For more small business insights, attend The 2017 Globe and Mail Small Business Summit.",0 +""" Strategic Group currently operates five office buildings in Edmonton with a 14-per-cent vacancy rate.",""" Strategic Group currently operates five office buildings in Edmonton with a 14-per-cent vacancy rate.",0 +" ""Just on my block we have 15 vacant storefronts,"" Mr. Carella says."," ""Just on my block we have 15 vacant storefronts,"" Mr. Carella says.",0 +" While each province currently has more generating capacity than is required, both forecast those surpluses will shrink.","While each province currently has more generating capacity than is required, both forecast those surpluses will shrink.",0 +"The settlement is key to the bank resuming dividend payments, and to the British government selling its 71 per cent stake in RBS."," The settlement is key to the bank resuming dividend payments, and to the British government selling its 71 per cent stake in RBS.",0 +"""Acacia refutes each set of findings and re-iterates that it has fully declared all revenues,"" the company said."," ""Acacia refutes each set of findings and re-iterates that it has fully declared all revenues,"" the company said.",0 +" The report, which is based on information from LinkedIn profiles in Toronto, said the information is designed to help workers ""better navigate"" their careers.","The report, which is based on information from LinkedIn profiles in Toronto, said the information is designed to help workers ""better navigate"" their careers.",1 +"The largest annual gain was in Seattle, where prices have surged 12.3 per cent."," The largest annual gain was in Seattle, where prices have surged 12.3 per cent.",0 +" Meanwhile, Toronto gained the most workers from Montreal, the United Arab Emirates and London, Ont.","Meanwhile, Toronto gained the most workers from Montreal, the United Arab Emirates and London, Ont.",0 +"Don Drummond, an economist who is trying to improve Canada's labour data, said the report is useful, but not entirely new."," Story continues below advertisement Don Drummond, an economist who is trying to improve Canada's labour data, said the report is useful, but not entirely new.",0 +" As a quarter of the world's population, Muslims have incredible collective buying power;"," As a quarter of the world's population, Muslims have incredible collective buying power;",0 + Some of the women themselves are convinced that the superstitions are true., Some of the women themselves are convinced that the superstitions are true.,0 +"For more small business insights, attend The 2017 Globe and Mail Small Business Summit."," For more small business insights, attend The 2017 Globe and Mail Small Business Summit.",0 +" ""For many landlords, the increase in property taxes has gone from $33,000 to $44,000."," ""For many landlords, the increase in property taxes has gone from $33,000 to $44,000.",0 +"Acacia, majority owned by Canada's Barrick Gold, has denied the allegations."," Acacia, majority owned by Canada's Barrick Gold, has denied the allegations.",0 +"WiFi is available with no restrictions at all six Jimmy's Coffee locations in downtown Toronto, says Ryan Maloney, the company's director of operations."," WiFi is available with no restrictions at all six Jimmy's Coffee locations in downtown Toronto, says Ryan Maloney, the company's director of operations.",0 +" ""It's a catalyst for the innovation community,"" said Oxford Properties executive vice-president Michael Turner."," ""It's a catalyst for the innovation community,"" said Oxford Properties executive vice-president Michael Turner.",0 +"""In the short term, it hurt us,"" Mr. Bienenstock says."," Story continues below advertisement ""In the short term, it hurt us,"" Mr. Bienenstock says.",0 +"The commission's whistle-blower office opened Thursday, promising payouts of up to $5-million for people who report securities-related crimes that lead to successful prosecutions."," The commission's whistle-blower office opened Thursday, promising payouts of up to $5-million for people who report securities-related crimes that lead to successful prosecutions.",0 +" ""You have to sell a lot of olive oil or a lot of tennis rackets or a lot of paninis to make rent,"" he says."," ""You have to sell a lot of olive oil or a lot of tennis rackets or a lot of paninis to make rent,"" he says.",0 +" Brian Brennan is a senior partner at MAX Potential, an organization committed to assisting clients with the successful growth of their businesses.","Brian Brennan is a senior partner at MAX Potential, an organization committed to assisting clients with the successful growth of their businesses.",0 +It comes as policy makers and workers try to figure out which skills are needed in today's labour market., It comes as policy makers and workers try to figure out which skills are needed in today's labour market.,0 +""" Ms. Soliman, who runs Muslim social-shopping app Souqina, says she collaborates with any company designing modest clothing, no matter its affiliations.","Soliman, who runs Muslim social-shopping app Souqina, says she collaborates with any company designing modest clothing, no matter its affiliations.",1 +""" The U.S. central bank is looking more likely to hike this year following a better-than-expected jobs report on Friday.",""" The U.S. central bank is looking more likely to hike this year following a better-than-expected jobs report on Friday.",1 +"The pound's recent weakness comes amid dovish comments from the Bank of England, which cut rates last week, and soft economic data."," The pound's recent weakness comes amid dovish comments from the Bank of England, which cut rates last week, and soft economic data.",0 +They were nearly 100 per cent before Governor Stephen Poloz signalled last week that a third hike was not imminent.,They were nearly 100 percent before Governor Stephen Poloz signaled last week that a third hike was not imminent.,0 + Many of the displaced people will probably return to work., Many of the dislocated people will probably return to work.,0 +It was also reported that the advocate's office was denied critical information in examining the case.,It was also reported that the child and youth advocate's office was denied critical information in examining the case.,1 +" The firm, which has strongly denied those allegations, issued a statement on Thursday saying it found itself caught in the middle of a geopolitical fight.", Kaspersky said in a statement on Thursday that it found itself caught in the middle of a geopolitical fight.,1 + The length of the average workweek was unchanged at 34.4 hours.,"About 2.9 million people worked part-time, the largest number since February 2014. The length of the average workweek was unchanged at 34.4 hours.",1 +"ET (1319 GMT), the Canadian dollar was trading at $1.2542 to the greenback, or 79.73 U.S. cents, down 0.5 per cent.","ET (2000 GMT), the Canadian dollar was trading at C$1.2571 to the greenback, or 79.55 U.S. cents, down 0.8 percent.",1 +" ""It's a disservice to the public and our national security to continue withholding this information,"" she said in a statement."," ""It's a disservice to the public and our national security to continue withholding this information,"" Shaheen said in a statement.",1 +" ""The NSA needs to get its head out of the sand and solve its contractor problem,"" Sasse said."," ""The NSA needs to get its head out of the sand and solve its contractor problem,"" Sasse said.",0 + U.S. crude prices were up 0.24 per cent at $50.10 a barrel.," U.S. crude futures settled at $50.79 a barrel, up 1.62 percent.",1 +Alberta Mounties have laid charges in a high-profile case of a four-year-old girl who died in government care.,"Alberta Mounties have laid charges against relatives of a four-year-old girl, alleging they neglected her after taking over from the government as her legal guardians.",1 +He added that intelligence agencies have considered Kaspersky products to be a source of risk for years.,He said that intelligence agencies have considered Kaspersky products to be a source of risk for years.,0 +The screen Return on equity is an extremely important metric when measuring profitability of companies., The screen Return on equity is an extremely important metric when measuring profitability of companies.,0 +"She went through several surgeries and scans, only to have the cancer return in 2007 which resulted in more surgery."," She went through several surgeries and scans, only to have the cancer return in 2007 which resulted in more surgery.",0 +Cisco fell 3.5 per cent after reporting a revenue miss in its closely-watched security business., Cisco fell 3.5 per cent after reporting a revenue miss in its closely-watched security business.,0 +" With the family fireworks out of the way, weary investors are counting on Bellemare to now start delivering big gains."," Story continues below advertisement With the family fireworks out of the way, weary investors are counting on Bellemare to now start delivering big gains.",0 +" The growing market for exchange-traded funds hasn't been fully put to the test, according to one of the top U.S. speed-trading firms.","The growing market for exchange-traded funds hasn't been fully put to the test, according to one of the top U.S. speed-trading firms.",0 +"U.S. crude was about 0.2 per cent higher at $46.88 a barrel, failing to make up most of Wednesday's 1.6 per cent slide."," U.S. crude was about 0.2 per cent higher at $46.88 a barrel, failing to make up most of Wednesday's 1.6 per cent slide.",0 +"It's not only our views on gender that have come a long way in six years, but the office itself."," It's not only our views on gender that have come a long way in six years, but the office itself.",0 +"Naturally, professionals should not always feel overworked, and finding time to enjoy life - by all accounts - remains a healthy and productive approach."," Naturally, professionals should not always feel overworked, and finding time to enjoy life - by all accounts - remains a healthy and productive approach.",0 +"The new fee and performance disclosure rules known as CRM2, meanwhile, could push more investors into the passive fold."," The new fee and performance disclosure rules known as CRM2, meanwhile, could push more investors into the passive fold.",0 +MSCI's broadest index of Asia-Pacific shares outside Japan added 0.5 per cent., MSCI's broadest index of Asia-Pacific shares outside Japan added 0.5 per cent.,0 +- Tourists: those who are minimally invested in both community and skills and infrequently participate., - Tourists: those who are minimally invested in both community and skills and infrequently participate.,0 +Successful innovation requires more than the theatre of sticky notes and whiteboards., Successful innovation requires more than the theatre of sticky notes and whiteboards.,0 +"The default group maintains the status quo unless the resistors get to it first, which is what makes the resistors the most concerning."," The default group maintains the status quo unless the resistors get to it first, which is what makes the resistors the most concerning.",0 +"Paul Paz y Mino, associate director, Amazon Watch, Oakland, Calif."," Paul Paz y Mino, associate director, Amazon Watch, Oakland, Calif.",0 +" To any outsider looking in, it's a terrible time to be in the pipeline business."," To any outsider looking in, it's a terrible time to be in the pipeline business.",0 +" Top 1000 Rank #27 | 2016 revenue $14.4 billion | 2016 loss $15.6 million To see the full Top 1000 rankings, click here.","Top 1000 Rank #27 | 2016 revenue $14.4 billion | 2016 loss $15.6 million To see the full Top 1000 rankings, click here.",0 +" When Ms. Doane's children started attending school seven years ago in Toronto, she volunteered to start a ukulele class."," When Ms. Doane's children started attending school seven years ago in Toronto, she volunteered to start a ukulele class.",0 +U.S. corporate results overall have come in better than expected for the second quarter., U.S. corporate results overall have come in better than expected for the second quarter.,0 +"""Firms need to offer better platforms that facilitate skill and community building, matching those needs,"" says Dr. Arsel."," The researchers' take-away? ""Firms need to offer better platforms that facilitate skill and community building, matching those needs,"" says Dr. Arsel.",0 +"Chevron does not even deny the deliberate dumping of this toxic waste, but it has spent billions avoiding responsibility for a cleanup."," Chevron does not even deny the deliberate dumping of this toxic waste, but it has spent billions avoiding responsibility for a cleanup.",0 +"""That's why you have not seen much in the way of additional follow through in dollar demand."," ""That's why you have not seen much in the way of additional follow through in dollar demand.",0 +"Chinese shares rose, with the blue-chip index up 0.15 percent and the Shanghai Composite up 0.2 percent."," Chinese shares rose, with the blue-chip index up 0.15 percent and the Shanghai Composite up 0.2 percent.",0 +"Trailing commissions are on the decline, however, as more and more advisers shift to a fee-based model."," Trailing commissions are on the decline, however, as more and more advisers shift to a fee-based model.",0 +SSC chose BlackBerry to secure multiple devices across many operating systems., SSC chose BlackBerry to secure multiple devices across many operating systems.,0 +"Those fees, however, provide little incentive for financial advisers to push indexing as a cheaper alternative."," Those fees, however, provide little incentive for financial advisers to push indexing as a cheaper alternative.",0 +" Murray Edwards moved across the pond for a change of scenery, but he can still make a splash back in Alberta.","Murray Edwards moved across the pond for a change of scenery, but he can still make a splash back in Alberta.",0 +"""Alex wanted to dream big and he wants everybody in the world to eventually have safe drinking water,"" said Mr. Custer."," ""Alex wanted to dream big and he wants everybody in the world to eventually have safe drinking water,"" said Mr. Custer.",0 +" But this past May, amid intense pressure from large institutional shareholders, Pierre Beaudoin--Laurent's son--agreed to relinquish the job of executive chairman."," Story continues below advertisement But this past May, amid intense pressure from large institutional shareholders, Pierre Beaudoin--Laurent's son--agreed to relinquish the job of executive chairman.",0 +A lot to fight over Re Should Canadian courts hear a case when there's nothing to fight over?,A lot to fight over Re Should Canadian courts hear a case when there's nothing to fight over?,0 +What are we looking for? Companies that will potentially benefit from a renegotiated North American free-trade agreement.,Companies that will potentially benefit from a renegotiated North American free-trade agreement.,0 +" Story continues below advertisement Gori has had success exploiting Asia's growth, but in North America, there seem to be more headaches than opportunities."," Gori has had success exploiting Asia's growth, but in North America, there seem to be more headaches than opportunities.",0 +Money is gushing out of active U.S. funds amid a growing body of evidence supporting passive strategies with minimal fees., Money is gushing out of active U.S. funds amid a growing body of evidence supporting passive strategies with minimal fees.,0 +"Bitcoin, which has surged over $1,500 this month on speculative demand for the digital currency, slipped slightly."," Story continues below advertisement Bitcoin, which has surged over $1,500 this month on speculative demand for the digital currency, slipped slightly.",0 +"""We simply have to move faster."" HBC is pursuing a somewhat different strategy.","""We simply have to move faster."" HBC is pursuing a somewhat different strategy.",0 +" At the company's anniversary gala in April, the 200 employees held a silent auction and raised $10,200 that Mr. Birnie matched."," At the company's anniversary gala in April, the 200 employees held a silent auction and raised $10,200 that Mr. Birnie matched.",0 +"Larry Brown, national president, National Union of Public and General Employees Letters to the editor should be exclusive to The Globe and Mail.","Larry Brown, national president, National Union of Public and General Employees Letters to the editor should be exclusive to The Globe and Mail.",0 +"- Aspirers: those who lack both skills and bonds, but aim to gain more of both."," - Aspirers: those who lack both skills and bonds, but aim to gain more of both.",0 +Better to manage globalization and free trade by expanding and strengthening the social safety net., Better to manage globalization and free trade by expanding and strengthening the social safety net.,0 +"Gold rose to $1,1270.98, its highest since June 14 early on Monday and was last steady on the day at $1,26789 an ounce."," Gold rose to $1,1270.98, its highest since June 14 early on Monday and was last steady on the day at $1,26789 an ounce.",0 +""" For now, the market is not looking that far ahead.",""" Story continues below advertisement For now, the market is not looking that far ahead.",0 +"Active Canadian funds continue to considerably outdraw passive investments, which account for fewer than 10 per cent of the industry's assets."," Active Canadian funds continue to considerably outdraw passive investments, which account for fewer than 10 per cent of the industry's assets.",0 +"By now it's mostly shadow boxing, and it obscures what the fate of the project will be."," By now it's mostly shadow boxing, and it obscures what the fate of the project will be.",0 +" Top 1000 Rank #31 | 2016 Revenue $12.8 billion | 2016 Profit $1.2 billion To see the full Top 1000 rankings, click here.","Top 1000 Rank #31 | 2016 Revenue $12.8 billion | 2016 Profit $1.2 billion To see the full Top 1000 rankings, click here.",0 + Big oil companies seem to agree with you and have shifted more of their investments to natural gas., Big oil companies seem to agree with you and have shifted more of their investments to natural gas.,0 +Bankers' nightmares Re Austerity and monetary policy are out of steam.,Bankers' nightmares Re Austerity and monetary policy are out of steam.,0 +" ""Part of me is able to relive my childhood by enjoying some of the wonderful things that I was given as a kid,"" she added.","""Part of me is able to relive my childhood by enjoying some of the wonderful things that I was given as a kid,"" she added.",0 +" Yet Manulife's share price kept sliding, down to $10.22 in July, 2012, and new headwinds emerged."," Yet Manulife's share price kept sliding, down to $10.22 in July, 2012, and new headwinds emerged.",0 +" Bellemare declined to be interviewed, but Bombardier's vice-president of investor relations, Patrick Ghoche, says the company is back on track."," Bellemare declined to be interviewed, but Bombardier's vice-president of investor relations, Patrick Ghoche, says the company is back on track.",0 +"""Even BMO, the country's second-largest ETF provider, wraps its moderately priced ETFs in high-priced mutual funds before selling them at bank branches,"" Mr. Davis said."," ""Even BMO, the country's second-largest ETF provider, wraps its moderately priced ETFs in high-priced mutual funds before selling them at bank branches,"" Mr. Davis said.",0 +"This is all in steady contrast to a few years ago, where stories of The End of Men, proliferated."," This is all in steady contrast to a few years ago, where stories of The End of Men, proliferated.",0 +"Industrial metals held gains following their surge overnight, underpinned by expectations of strong global demand and tight supplies."," Industrial metals held gains following their surge overnight, underpinned by expectations of strong global demand and tight supplies.",0 +"One reason Canadian investors may be sticking with higher-cost funds is that they are more willing to pay for advice, Mr. Hallett said."," One reason Canadian investors may be sticking with higher-cost funds is that they are more willing to pay for advice, Mr. Hallett said.",0 +The first clue was the renaming of the venerable Industry department., The first clue was the renaming of the venerable Industry department.,0 +"It also excavates zinc, whose price retreated 0.9 percent to $3,092.50 a tonne."," It also excavates zinc, whose price retreated 0.9 percent to $3,092.50 a tonne.",0 +"The Korean won was up 0.1 percent on Monday at 1,122.2 won to the dollar, after sliding almost 0.7 percent on Friday."," The Korean won was up 0.1 percent on Monday at 1,122.2 won to the dollar, after sliding almost 0.7 percent on Friday.",0 +"In covering our evolving relationship with work, I've realized that the more things change, the more they stay the same."," In covering our evolving relationship with work, I've realized that the more things change, the more they stay the same.",0 + The screen We started with Canadian-listed real estate investment trusts with a market capitalization of $1-billion or more.,The screen We started with Canadian-listed real estate investment trusts with a market capitalization of $1-billion or more.,0 +" When Darren Entwistle addresses shareholders and employees at annual meetings, he sounds like the leader of a small country."," When Darren Entwistle addresses shareholders and employees at annual meetings, he sounds like the leader of a small country.",0 +Investors will also be keeping a close eye on data including eurozone core inflation for July on Monday;, Investors will also be keeping a close eye on data including eurozone core inflation for July on Monday;,0 +Brent prices are down almost 12 per cent since OPEC and its allies began cutting production in January., Brent prices are down almost 12 per cent since OPEC and its allies began cutting production in January.,0 +"Even the office chair no longer can be taken for granted, as employees and employers alike assess the impact of prolonged sitting on one's health."," Even the office chair no longer can be taken for granted, as employees and employers alike assess the impact of prolonged sitting on one's health.",0 +"Trump on Wednesday praised North Korean leader Kim Jong Un for a ""wise"" decision not to fire missiles towards the U.S."," Trump on Wednesday praised North Korean leader Kim Jong Un for a ""wise"" decision not to fire missiles towards the U.S.",0 +"In other words, we'll need to determine who we really are."," In other words, we'll need to determine who we really are.",0 +"I have an iPad in my hand, hooked up to a TV the size of a school blackboard."," I have an iPad in my hand, hooked up to a TV the size of a school blackboard.",0 + SSC chose BlackBerry to secure multiple devices across many operating systems.,SSC chose BlackBerry to secure multiple devices across many operating systems.,0 +" Donald Trump is convinced that slamming the door on the world's tired, poor and huddled masses will mean higher wages and greater prosperity for Americans.","Donald Trump is convinced that slamming the door on the world's tired, poor and huddled masses will mean higher wages and greater prosperity for Americans.",0 +" ""It's a revamped version of my father's program,"" said Ms. Doane, who also teaches lessons, trains teachers and raises money.","""It's a revamped version of my father's program,"" said Ms. Doane, who also teaches lessons, trains teachers and raises money.",0 +They tossed around a few ideas and then decided to raise money for Toronto's Hospital for Sick Children., They tossed around a few ideas and then decided to raise money for Toronto's Hospital for Sick Children.,0 +"The Dow Jones Industrial Average was down 142.3 points, or 0.65 per cent, at 21,882.60 and the S&"," The Dow Jones Industrial Average was down 142.3 points, or 0.65 per cent, at 21,882.60 and the S&",0 +"Despite the overwhelming efforts to push women into science, technology, engineering and mathematics fields, their opportunities are often tainted in professional and personal ways."," Despite the overwhelming efforts to push women into science, technology, engineering and mathematics fields, their opportunities are often tainted in professional and personal ways.",0 +"That was 1983 and Mr. Viol, now 64, is still struggling with the loss."," That was 1983 and Mr. Viol, now 64, is still struggling with the loss.",0 +"""I think there is a lot of confidence in Bellemare."" Plenty of big problems remain, however.","""I think there is a lot of confidence in Bellemare."" Plenty of big problems remain, however.",0 +"In implementing exponential change, it's often overlooked that getting a buy-in from stakeholders requires a purposeful action plan that takes time."," In implementing exponential change, it's often overlooked that getting a buy-in from stakeholders requires a purposeful action plan that takes time.",0 +" On its face, Dodig has reasons to be bullish about the PrivateBancorp deal."," On its face, Dodig has reasons to be bullish about the PrivateBancorp deal.",0 +Featured below are companies that have experienced recent insider trading activity in the public market through their direct and indirect ownerships., Featured below are companies that have experienced recent insider trading activity in the public market through their direct and indirect ownerships.,0 +"Meanwhile, the rise of the exchange-traded fund has facilitated the transition to passive investing, giving average investors options they never had before."," Meanwhile, the rise of the exchange-traded fund has facilitated the transition to passive investing, giving average investors options they never had before.",0 +"For Canada, the overriding objective is a deal that sustains and improves access to the U.S. market."," For Canada, the overriding objective is a deal that sustains and improves access to the U.S. market.",0 +" There are certainly lots of reasons for optimism in Asia, where Manulife already earns more than a third of its profits."," There are certainly lots of reasons for optimism in Asia, where Manulife already earns more than a third of its profits.",0 +They say the agreement upholds and promotes values that we share., They say the agreement upholds and promotes values that we share.,0 +" The screen Renegotiations between Canada, the United States and Mexico begin in Washington over NAFTA.","The screen Renegotiations between Canada, the United States and Mexico begin in Washington over NAFTA.",0 +" Re: Ottawa Opens Door to Samsung Smartphones, Marking an End to BlackBerry's Reign (Report on Business, July 31).","Re: Ottawa Opens Door to Samsung Smartphones, Marking an End to BlackBerry's Reign (Report on Business, July 31).",0 +" On Aug. 26, Mr. Viol will begin a ride on his own from Vancouver to Waterloo in memory of Monique."," On Aug. 26, Mr. Viol will begin a ride on his own from Vancouver to Waterloo in memory of Monique.",0 +" The donor: Peter Viol The gift: Raising $30,000 The cause: Regional Cardiac Care Centre at St. Mary's General Hospital in Kitchener, Ont.","The donor: Peter Viol The gift: Raising $30,000 The cause: Regional Cardiac Care Centre at St. Mary's General Hospital in Kitchener, Ont.",0 +"Executives, educators and human resources experts contribute to the ongoing Leadership Lab series."," Executives, educators and human resources experts contribute to the ongoing Leadership Lab series.",0 +"Japan's Nikkei added 0.15 per cent, poised for a weekly rise of 1 per cent."," Story continues below advertisement Japan's Nikkei added 0.15 per cent, poised for a weekly rise of 1 per cent.",0 +"It fell about 1.5 per cent to $4,308.48, but remained within a whisker of its all-time high of $4,400 touched earlier this week."," It fell about 1.5 per cent to $4,308.48, but remained within a whisker of its all-time high of $4,400 touched earlier this week.",0 +"""Our hope is that this is just the beginning of something significant with the WWF,"" Mr. Temple said."," ""Our hope is that this is just the beginning of something significant with the WWF,"" Mr. Temple said.",0 +The event has taken on special meaning as Mr. Arfin's mother is now being treated at Baycrest for early cognitive impairment., The event has taken on special meaning as Mr. Arfin's mother is now being treated at Baycrest for early cognitive impairment.,0 +"The donor: Paul Pipher The gift: Creating the nu Klezmer Orchestra The cause: Raising money for charities around St. Catharines, Ont.","The donor: Paul Pipher The gift: Creating the nu Klezmer Orchestra The cause: Raising money for charities around St. Catharines, Ont.",0 +"Global benchmark Brent gained 0.4 per cent to $50.47, after the previous session's 1 per cent drop."," Global benchmark Brent gained 0.4 per cent to $50.47, after the previous session's 1 per cent drop.",0 +"In commodities, oil prices rose for their sixth straight session on bigger-than-expected inventory drawdowns and signs that Saudi Arabia will reduce output further in August."," In commodities, oil prices rose for their sixth straight session on bigger-than-expected inventory drawdowns and signs that Saudi Arabia will reduce output further in August.",0 +""" GTS helps shepherd more than 1,200 listed shares as a ""designated market maker"" at the New York Stock Exchange.",""" Story continues below advertisement GTS helps shepherd more than 1,200 listed shares as a ""designated market maker"" at the New York Stock Exchange.",0 +"""Historically, fund companies paid advisers to sell more costly funds, and they've gotten their wish,"" Mr. Davis said."," ""Historically, fund companies paid advisers to sell more costly funds, and they've gotten their wish,"" Mr. Davis said.",0 +What are we looking for? Short-term earnings growth in companies with a reasonable risk profile over the long term.,Short-term earnings growth in companies with a reasonable risk profile over the long term.,0 + Keep in mind when looking at transaction activities by insiders that purchasing activity may reflect perceived value in a security.,Keep in mind when looking at transaction activities by insiders that purchasing activity may reflect perceived value in a security.,0 +Energy Information Administration (EIA) data showed commercial U.S. crude stockshave fallen by almost 13 per cent from their peaks in March to 466.5 million barrels., Energy Information Administration (EIA) data showed commercial U.S. crude stockshave fallen by almost 13 per cent from their peaks in March to 466.5 million barrels.,0 +"""The fees charged at the retail level dilute the skill that does exist among professional investment managers,"" he said."," ""The fees charged at the retail level dilute the skill that does exist among professional investment managers,"" he said.",0 +- Utilizers: those looking to sharpen their skills without much intention to form social bonds., - Utilizers: those looking to sharpen their skills without much intention to form social bonds.,0 +Seeing whiteboards with doodles and sticky notes all over them in corporate offices is quite common these days., Seeing whiteboards with doodles and sticky notes all over them in corporate offices is quite common these days.,0 +"Not since 1998 have U.S. stock pickers enjoyed that level of control, Morningstar said in its November report."," Not since 1998 have U.S. stock pickers enjoyed that level of control, Morningstar said in its November report.",0 +" But even as HBC tries to upgrade, it has to cut costs."," But even as HBC tries to upgrade, it has to cut costs.",0 + Think about your own habits and how difficult it is to change them overnight., Story continues below advertisement Think about your own habits and how difficult it is to change them overnight.,0 +"Third, the tax is a shameless revenue grab with no government commitment to use the incremental revenue for any particular purpose."," Third, the tax is a shameless revenue grab with no government commitment to use the incremental revenue for any particular purpose.",0 +"The low-rate environment that has persisted since the financial crisis has increasingly brought scrutiny upon fees, making every basis point count."," The low-rate environment that has persisted since the financial crisis has increasingly brought scrutiny upon fees, making every basis point count.",0 +"The Big Six banks together control nearly half of long-term mutual-fund assets, which are overwhelmingly of the active variety."," The Big Six banks together control nearly half of long-term mutual-fund assets, which are overwhelmingly of the active variety.",0 +"While that helped Wall Street close in positive territory overnight, concerns on the home front sent the dollar into reverse."," While that helped Wall Street close in positive territory overnight, concerns on the home front sent the dollar into reverse.",0 +"In the latest week to Aug. 11 for which government data was available, Cushing inventories increased nearly 700,000 barrels."," In the latest week to Aug. 11 for which government data was available, Cushing inventories increased nearly 700,000 barrels.",0 +"The dollar index, which tracks the greenback against a basket of six major peers, edged up 0.1 percent to 93.376, after Friday's 0.6 percent decline."," The dollar index, which tracks the greenback against a basket of six major peers, edged up 0.1 percent to 93.376, after Friday's 0.6 percent decline.",0 +" Still, Telus has a history of success in the face of adversity."," Still, Telus has a history of success in the face of adversity.",0 +""" Alternatively, HBC could simply sell properties or borrow against them.",""" Alternatively, HBC could simply sell properties or borrow against them.",0 +Inventories in the U.S. are closely watched as the market grapples with a global supply glut., Inventories in the U.S. are closely watched as the market grapples with a global supply glut.,0 +""" So what do all those prospects and trends add up to for investors?",""" So what do all those prospects and trends add up to for investors?",0 +"View a workshop as a first step, something to spur your thinking and imagination."," Story continues below advertisement View a workshop as a first step, something to spur your thinking and imagination.",0 +" A former diplomat, Colin Robertson is vice-president and fellow at the Canadian Global Affairs Institute.","A former diplomat, Colin Robertson is vice-president and fellow at the Canadian Global Affairs Institute.",0 + Guloien concedes that Gori has his work cut out for him in North America., Guloien concedes that Gori has his work cut out for him in North America.,0 +Dubious tax objective Re B.C. to tax foreigners who buy in Vancouver (July 26): This is a bad idea.,Dubious tax objective Re B.C. to tax foreigners who buy in Vancouver (July 26): This is a bad idea.,0 +" But then a funny thing happened to the airline sector in general, and Air Canada in particular: They became investible."," But then a funny thing happened to the airline sector in general, and Air Canada in particular: They became investible.",0 + It's not surprising that Gori was chosen to succeed Guloien., It's not surprising that Gori was chosen to succeed Guloien.,0 + Horn suggests that Great-West and IGM--both of which are publicly listed companies--may be even better options., Horn suggests that Great-West and IGM--both of which are publicly listed companies--may be even better options.,0 +What most Vancouverites want is neighbourhoods filled with residents living close to ground level in the wonderful West Coast houses that we already have., What most Vancouverites want is neighbourhoods filled with residents living close to ground level in the wonderful West Coast houses that we already have.,0 +"First, they worked long hours to keep the companies afloat and prepare for recovery during very difficult times."," First, they worked long hours to keep the companies afloat and prepare for recovery during very difficult times.",0 +"It may not have fully embraced the concept yet, but it sure loves the word."," It may not have fully embraced the concept yet, but it sure loves the word.",0 +""" A White House official said Mr. Cohn ""intends to remain in his position as NEC director .",""" Story continues below advertisement A White House official said Mr. Cohn ""intends to remain in his position as NEC director .",0 + The only reason we're having this discussion at all is that IT workers don't have a voice.,The only reason we're having this discussion at all is that IT workers don't have a voice.,0 +"The network ""has become a very big passion for me,"" she said, adding that she has had no recurrence of the disease since 2012."," The network ""has become a very big passion for me,"" she said, adding that she has had no recurrence of the disease since 2012.",0 +"In 2009, she set up the Melanoma Network Society of Canada, an Oakville, Ont."," In 2009, she set up the Melanoma Network Society of Canada, an Oakville, Ont.",0 + It's been a tough slog for shareholders of Power Corp., It's been a tough slog for shareholders of Power Corp.,0 +" Finally, the billions of dollars Telus has spent on extending its fibre-optic service may soon start to pay off."," Finally, the billions of dollars Telus has spent on extending its fibre-optic service may soon start to pay off.",0 +" Airlines improved efficiency, while consolidation reduced the number of major U.S. carriers from nine to four."," Airlines improved efficiency, while consolidation reduced the number of major U.S. carriers from nine to four.",0 +" Top 1000 Rank #4 | 2016 Revenue $36.7 billion (U.S.) | 2016 Profit $2.0 billion (U.S.) To see the full Top 1000 rankings, click here.","Top 1000 Rank #4 | 2016 Revenue $36.7 billion (U.S.) | 2016 Profit $2.0 billion (U.S.) To see the full Top 1000 rankings, click here.",0 + To say Cenovus Energy Inc. has a lot riding on its plans for up to $5-billion worth of asset sales would be understating the matter.,To say Cenovus Energy Inc. has a lot riding on its plans for up to $5-billion worth of asset sales would be understating the matter.,0 +"Chinese shares bucked the positive trend, with the CSI 300 index falling marginally, and the Shanghai Composite down 0.15 per cent."," Chinese shares bucked the positive trend, with the CSI 300 index falling marginally, and the Shanghai Composite down 0.15 per cent.",0 +The study seeks to help companies better harness crowd creativity and specific skills by tackling the subject from a new angle., The study seeks to help companies better harness crowd creativity and specific skills by tackling the subject from a new angle.,0 + Some observers are nervous about how a decline in U.S. vehicle sales or a broader economic downturn will affect the company., Some observers are nervous about how a decline in U.S. vehicle sales or a broader economic downturn will affect the company.,0 +Investors remained wary after North Korea conducted another missile test late on Friday that it said proved its ability to strike the U.S. mainland., Investors remained wary after North Korea conducted another missile test late on Friday that it said proved its ability to strike the U.S. mainland.,0 +"The euro was steady at $1.1741, following Friday's 0.6 percent gain."," The euro was steady at $1.1741, following Friday's 0.6 percent gain.",0 +" Top 1000 rank #22 | 2016 Revenue $18.8 billion | 2016 Profit $4.3 billion To see the full Top 1000 rankings, click here."," Top 1000 rank #22 | 2016 Revenue $18.8 billion | 2016 Profit $4.3 billion To see the full Top 1000 rankings, click here.",0 +" In fairness, Entwistle can boast of many strengths at Telus."," Story continues below advertisement In fairness, Entwistle can boast of many strengths at Telus.",1 +" For the second summer in a row, there will be little rest for the weary at Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce."," For the second summer in a row, there will be little rest for the weary at Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce.",0 +" Top 1000 rank #20 | 2016 Revenue $16.5 billion (U.S.) | 2016 Loss $1.0 billion To see the full Top 1000 rankings, click here."," Top 1000 rank #20 | 2016 Revenue $16.5 billion (U.S.) | 2016 Loss $1.0 billion To see the full Top 1000 rankings, click here.",0 +" Her father, J. Chalmers Doane, developed a pioneering music program featuring the ukulele that became a fixture in Canadian schools.","Her father, J. Chalmers Doane, developed a pioneering music program featuring the ukulele that became a fixture in Canadian schools.",0 +"Brent crude advanced 0.3 percent to $52.69, adding to Friday's 2 percent surge."," Brent crude advanced 0.3 percent to $52.69, adding to Friday's 2 percent surge.",0 + It's Thursday night in a downtown bar and I am as close to sports heaven as I can get on this Earth.,It's Thursday night in a downtown bar and I am as close to sports heaven as I can get on this Earth.,0 +" When Ms. Dube died last year at the age of 28, Ms. McNee wanted to do something to honour her memory."," When Ms. Dube died last year at the age of 28, Ms. McNee wanted to do something to honour her memory.",0 +"Our work with the Canadian government is part of our mission to build a safer world by securely connecting people, devices, processes and systems."," Our work with the Canadian government is part of our mission to build a safer world by securely connecting people, devices, processes and systems.",0 +"This will be the 27th year for the WWF CN Tower Climb for Nature, which will be held April 8-9."," This will be the 27th year for the WWF CN Tower Climb for Nature, which will be held April 8-9.",0 +Ford has announced that it will start selling cars for use as driverless taxis in 2021., Ford has announced that it will start selling cars for use as driverless taxis in 2021.,0 +What are we looking for? U.S.-listed growth companies that don't appear overvalued relative to their respective sectors.,U.S.-listed growth companies that don't appear overvalued relative to their respective sectors.,0 +MSCI's broadest index of Asia-Pacific shares outside Japan reversed early losses to rise 0.1 percent., MSCI's broadest index of Asia-Pacific shares outside Japan reversed early losses to rise 0.1 percent.,0 + Manulife has introduced a slew of changes in recent years to keep up with shifting demand and technological change., Manulife has introduced a slew of changes in recent years to keep up with shifting demand and technological change.,0 + Better to manage globalization and free trade by expanding and strengthening the social safety net.,Better to manage globalization and free trade by expanding and strengthening the social safety net.,0 +"Communicate quickly and often: People are not robots Whatever your change is, it must be communicated quickly and often."," Communicate quickly and often: People are not robots Whatever your change is, it must be communicated quickly and often.",0 + But history is littered with examples of Canadian banks' missteps in the U.S. market., But history is littered with examples of Canadian banks' missteps in the U.S. market.,0 +"Investing in an airline and getting bumped from a flight have traditionally left one feeling much the same--dazed, bloodied and cheated."," Investing in an airline and getting bumped from a flight have traditionally left one feeling much the same--dazed, bloodied and cheated.",0 +"Gold inched down slightly to $1,216.1899 an ounce, heading for a 0.3 per cent gain for the week."," Gold inched down slightly to $1,216.1899 an ounce, heading for a 0.3 per cent gain for the week.",0 +"U.S. oil output, however, is rising fast as shale producers take advantage of a recent increase in prices.","Stocks are now lower than in 2016. U.S. oil output, however, is rising fast as shale producers take advantage of a recent increase in prices.",1 + The screen An increasing concern for many investors is the continued buildup of the U.S. market.,The screen An increasing concern for many investors is the continued buildup of the U.S. market.,0 +"Meanwhile, volatility has been low, with the CBOE volatility index falling eight out of the past 10 weeks."," Meanwhile, volatility has been low, with the CBOE volatility index falling eight out of the past 10 weeks.",0 +What are we looking for? Rising interest rates have sparked a sell-off in the Canadian REIT sector recently.,Rising interest rates have sparked a sell-off in the Canadian REIT sector recently.,0 +All thought leaders agree that it's not just Canada's Motor City that will change - it will be the global auto and technology industries., All thought leaders agree that it's not just Canada's Motor City that will change - it will be the global auto and technology industries.,0 +"Barrie Kirk, executive director, Canadian Automated Vehicles Centre of Excellence, Kanata, Ont."," Barrie Kirk, executive director, Canadian Automated Vehicles Centre of Excellence, Kanata, Ont.",0 +The central bank is also considering reducing its $4.2-trillion portfolio of Treasury bonds and mortgage-backed securities., The central bank is also considering reducing its $4.2-trillion portfolio of Treasury bonds and mortgage-backed securities.,0 +" These factors may help, but other countries may not be so fortunate.","These factors may help, but other countries may not be so fortunate.",0 +Rising interest rates have sparked a sell-off in the Canadian REIT sector recently.,What are we looking for? Rising interest rates have sparked a sell-off in the Canadian REIT sector recently.,0 +The screen We started with Canadian-listed real estate investment trusts with a market capitalization of $1-billion or more., The screen We started with Canadian-listed real estate investment trusts with a market capitalization of $1-billion or more.,0 +A raft of private manufacturing surveys will also be released on Tuesday., Story continues below advertisement A raft of private manufacturing surveys will also be released on Tuesday.,1 +" Despite its mighty-sounding name, Power doesn't do a whole lot."," Story continues below advertisement Despite its mighty-sounding name, Power doesn't do a whole lot.",0 +Wal-Mart was down 1.7 per cent after the retailer reported a drop in margins due to continued price cuts and investments in its e-commerce operations., Wal-Mart was down 1.7 per cent after the retailer reported a drop in margins due to continued price cuts and investments in its e-commerce operations.,0 +"Use innovation practices to facilitate deeper thinking Most organizations are outcome-focused and view going through a workshop as an outcome, equating that with progress."," Use innovation practices to facilitate deeper thinking Most organizations are outcome-focused and view going through a workshop as an outcome, equating that with progress.",0 +"But the Dow closed higher and set an intraday record, lifted by Chevron's strong earnings."," But the Dow closed higher and set an intraday record, lifted by Chevron's strong earnings.",0 +"As this newspaper reported, Shared Services Canada is expanding the devices it supports for secure mobile communications."," As this newspaper reported, Shared Services Canada is expanding the devices it supports for secure mobile communications.",0 +No matter that a more welcoming immigration model has served the United States pretty well for more than two centuries., No matter that a more welcoming immigration model has served the United States pretty well for more than two centuries.,0 +The loonie was about 0.1 per cent weaker early on Friday at C$1.2729 to the dollar but is up 1.1 per cent this week., The loonie was about 0.1 per cent weaker early on Friday at C$1.2729 to the dollar but is up 1.1 per cent this week.,0 +" Top 1000 Rank #2 | 2016 Revenue $50.6 billion | 2016 Profit $1.1 billion To see the full Top 1000 rankings, click here.","Top 1000 Rank #2 | 2016 Revenue $50.6 billion | 2016 Profit $1.1 billion To see the full Top 1000 rankings, click here.",0 + I'm more optimistic on this one--not because I have to be but because the fundamentals point that way., I'm more optimistic on this one--not because I have to be but because the fundamentals point that way.,0 +"Anna-Maria Parente is vice-president, human resources, at SureWerx, Vancouver It's not uncommon for organizations to set an ambitious timeline when they undergo change.","Anna-Maria Parente is vice-president, human resources, at SureWerx, Vancouver It's not uncommon for organizations to set an ambitious timeline when they undergo change.",0 +Be respectful and honest with your employees because they are your most important asset and deserve to know how change may impact them., Be respectful and honest with your employees because they are your most important asset and deserve to know how change may impact them.,0 + Political intrigue is dragging into the late rounds in the provinces over Kinder Morgan's Trans Mountain pipeline expansion.,Political intrigue is dragging into the late rounds in the provinces over Kinder Morgan's Trans Mountain pipeline expansion.,0 +"The MSCI World Index was marginally higher early on Friday, just a whisker below an all-time intraday high hit earlier."," The MSCI World Index was marginally higher early on Friday, just a whisker below an all-time intraday high hit earlier.",0 +"Big banks also gained, helping the financials group add 0.2 per cent overall."," Big banks also gained, helping the financials group add 0.2 per cent overall.",0 +"The perceived safe-haven Japanese yen strengthened, with the dollar shedding 0.2 percent to 110.48 yen, touching its weakest levels since mid-June."," The perceived safe-haven Japanese yen strengthened, with the dollar shedding 0.2 percent to 110.48 yen, touching its weakest levels since mid-June.",0 + What does a department store retailer do when department stores are falling out of favour and the traditional bricks-and-mortar retailing concept is struggling for relevance?, What does a department store retailer do when department stores are falling out of favour and the traditional bricks-and-mortar retailing concept is struggling for relevance?,0 +"From my experience on the front lines of corporate innovation in Silicon Valley, I've identified these three requirements for the successful implementation of innovation practices."," From my experience on the front lines of corporate innovation in Silicon Valley, I've identified these three requirements for the successful implementation of innovation practices.",0 +"Top 1000 Rank #1 | 2016 Revenue $53.5 billion | 2016 Profit $2.9 billion To see the full Top 1000 rankings, click here."," Top 1000 Rank #1 | 2016 Revenue $53.5 billion | 2016 Profit $2.9 billion To see the full Top 1000 rankings, click here.",0 +Both benchmarks fell more than 1 per cent on Wednesday despite data showing that U.S. inventories last week fell the most in nearly a year., Both benchmarks fell more than 1 per cent on Wednesday despite data showing that U.S. inventories last week fell the most in nearly a year.,0 +Zinc rallied 60 per cent last year as worldwide demand topped supply after producers including Glencore Plc suspended some output., Zinc rallied 60 per cent last year as worldwide demand topped supply after producers including Glencore Plc suspended some output.,0 +"We've come a long way, but there is still so much work left to do to achieve women's equality."," We've come a long way, but there is still so much work left to do to achieve women's equality.",0 +" Say what you will about America's economic recovery, but in one area it's not lacking steam."," Say what you will about America's economic recovery, but in one area it's not lacking steam.",0 +" As this newspaper reported, Shared Services Canada is expanding the devices it supports for secure mobile communications.","As this newspaper reported, Shared Services Canada is expanding the devices it supports for secure mobile communications.",0 +How would Mr. Barlow know that shorting banks led to losses?, How would Mr. Barlow know that shorting banks led to losses?,0 +" Top 1000 Rank #26 | 2016 Revenue $14.7 billion | 2016 Profit $876 million To see the full Top 1000 rankings, click here.","Top 1000 Rank #26 | 2016 Revenue $14.7 billion | 2016 Profit $876 million To see the full Top 1000 rankings, click here.",0 +" ""We're turning the experiences of the Jewish community into something we can all imagine,"" said Mr. Pipher, a former music teacher.","""We're turning the experiences of the Jewish community into something we can all imagine,"" said Mr. Pipher, a former music teacher.",0 +""" Story continues below advertisement The trouble was that Guloien walked into a firestorm.",""" The trouble was that Guloien walked into a firestorm.",0 +" Of course, competing life insurers and banks are also chasing wealth management clients."," Of course, competing life insurers and banks are also chasing wealth management clients.",0 +"U.S. crude slipped 0.15 per cent to $46.02 a barrel, after rising 1.3 per cent on Thursday."," U.S. crude slipped 0.15 per cent to $46.02 a barrel, after rising 1.3 per cent on Thursday.",0 + Story continues below advertisement Guloien says that Gori will have much more leeway than he did to pursue growth., Guloien says that Gori will have much more leeway than he did to pursue growth.,0 +""" In many ways, however, CIBC has just cleared a first hurdle.",""" Story continues below advertisement In many ways, however, CIBC has just cleared a first hurdle.",0 +"Ari Rubenstein, chief executive officer and co-founder of Global Trading Systems LLC, told U.S. law makers Tuesday that while investment dollars have flooded the U.S."," Ari Rubenstein, chief executive officer and co-founder of Global Trading Systems LLC, told U.S. law makers Tuesday that while investment dollars have flooded the U.S.",0 +" Top 1000 Rank #11 | 2016 Revenue $36 billion | 2016 Profit $2.1 billion To see the full Top 1000 rankings, click here.","Top 1000 Rank #11 | 2016 Revenue $36 billion | 2016 Profit $2.1 billion To see the full Top 1000 rankings, click here.",0 +"Today, conditions are excellent for the Vancouver-based miner, and that suggests shareholders should consider departing from this roller coaster of an investment."," Today, conditions are excellent for the Vancouver-based miner, and that suggests shareholders should consider departing from this roller coaster of an investment.",0 +" Our work with the Canadian government is part of our mission to build a safer world by securely connecting people, devices, processes and systems.","Our work with the Canadian government is part of our mission to build a safer world by securely connecting people, devices, processes and systems.",0 +He knew many other students who were interested in a career in health care as well but didn't know where to turn to for information., He knew many other students who were interested in a career in health care as well but didn't know where to turn to for information.,0 +"U.S. crude futures rose 0.3 percent to $49.85 a barrel, after earlier hitting $50.06, their first foray above $50 in two months."," U.S. crude futures rose 0.3 percent to $49.85 a barrel, after earlier hitting $50.06, their first foray above $50 in two months.",0 +"""I think the penetration of indexing in Canada has been really, really disappointing,"" said Tom Bradley, president of Steadyhand Investment Funds."," ""I think the penetration of indexing in Canada has been really, really disappointing,"" said Tom Bradley, president of Steadyhand Investment Funds.",0 +"Oil prices rose on Thursday on expectations of a hefty stockpile draw at the U.S. oil storage hub at Cushing, Okla."," Oil prices rose on Thursday on expectations of a hefty stockpile draw at the U.S. oil storage hub at Cushing, Okla.",0 +"In British Columbia, the new government appears to be ever-so-gradually softening its stand against the $7.4-billion proposal."," In British Columbia, the new government appears to be ever-so-gradually softening its stand against the $7.4-billion proposal.",0 +" None of them worked, and when Gerry McCaughey succeeded Hunkin in 2005, he reversed course and ushered in a new risk-averse era."," None of them worked, and when Gerry McCaughey succeeded Hunkin in 2005, he reversed course and ushered in a new risk-averse era.",0 +Thank goodness the peoples of Europe and Canada are increasingly calling the bluff on these empty polemics., Thank goodness the peoples of Europe and Canada are increasingly calling the bluff on these empty polemics.,0 +"Japan's Nikkei fell 0.1 percent, with the firm yen offsetting news the country's industrial output rebounded in June from a decline in May."," Japan's Nikkei fell 0.1 percent, with the firm yen offsetting news the country's industrial output rebounded in June from a decline in May.",0 +"Both, broadly speaking, are high-profile companies that make advanced technology."," Both, broadly speaking, are high-profile companies that make advanced technology.",0 +"""I like the social aspect of medicine,"" she said explaining why she's always loved medicine."," ""I like the social aspect of medicine,"" she said explaining why she's always loved medicine.",0 +My greatest hope is that we finally learn the value of happiness., My greatest hope is that we finally learn the value of happiness.,0 + Story continues below advertisement Paul Pipher has been a music lover all his life.,Paul Pipher has been a music lover all his life.,0 +"Sudhir Jain, Calgary Letters to the editor should be exclusive to The Globe and Mail."," Sudhir Jain, Calgary Letters to the editor should be exclusive to The Globe and Mail.",0 +"Jerome Hass, Lightwater Partners, Toronto Letters to the editor should be exclusive to The Globe and Mail."," Jerome Hass, Lightwater Partners, Toronto Letters to the editor should be exclusive to The Globe and Mail.",0 +" Comparing Bombardier Inc. with Apple Inc. seems inane, the equivalent of comparing a Kia Rio with a Ferrari.","Comparing Bombardier Inc. with Apple Inc. seems inane, the equivalent of comparing a Kia Rio with a Ferrari.",0 +Neither the EU nor Canada has serious projections on which to base their purely ideological claims that CETA will boost both economies., Neither the EU nor Canada has serious projections on which to base their purely ideological claims that CETA will boost both economies.,0 +"Gold advanced 0.4 per cent to $1,287.51 an ounce, adding to Wednesday's 0.9 per cent jump."," Gold advanced 0.4 per cent to $1,287.51 an ounce, adding to Wednesday's 0.9 per cent jump.",0 +"Specifically, the strategy ranks stocks on these factors: Three-year and five-year price beta versus the S&","Specifically, the strategy ranks stocks on these factors: X To continue reading this article, you must be a Globe Unlimited subscriber.",1 +""" To offset the burden from those businesses, Gori needs to keep expanding Manulife's wealth management operations--mutual funds, investment advice and the like.",""" To offset the burden from those businesses, Gori needs to keep expanding Manulife's wealth management operations--mutual funds, investment advice and the like.",0 +"While U.S. investors continue to sink enormous sums into passive alternatives, in Canada, the stock pickers still rule the market."," While U.S. investors continue to sink enormous sums into passive alternatives, in Canada, the stock pickers still rule the market.",0 +"These factors may help, but other countries may not be so fortunate."," These factors may help, but other countries may not be so fortunate.",0 +"Whatever your change is, understand clearly how it will affect each stakeholder and map out the change-management plan accordingly."," Whatever your change is, understand clearly how it will affect each stakeholder and map out the change-management plan accordingly.",0 +" HBC is remodelling flagship stores in many major cities, including Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver, to let in more natural light."," Story continues below advertisement HBC is remodelling flagship stores in many major cities, including Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver, to let in more natural light.",1 +The metals rally has some investors warning of a pullback., The metals rally has some investors warning of a pullback.,0 +"Royal Bank of Canada rose 0.3 per cent to $93.22, and Toronto-Dominion Bank added 0.3 per cent to $64.14.","Royal Bank of Canada rose 0.3 per cent to $93.22, and Toronto-Dominion Bank added 0.3 per cent to $64.14. At 11:16 a.m.",0 +"Brent crude was up 50 cents, or 1 per cent at $50.77 a barrel."," Brent crude was up 50 cents, or 1 per cent at $50.77 a barrel.",0 +" We've come a long way, but there is still so much work left to do to achieve women's equality.","We've come a long way, but there is still so much work left to do to achieve women's equality.",0 +"The amateur astronomy buff, who operates a bed-and-breakfast that caters to star gazers, is shutting his business down for five days to drive to Wyoming."," The amateur astronomy buff, who operates a bed-and-breakfast that caters to star gazers, is shutting his business down for five days to drive to Wyoming.",0 +"It's little more than a table with three chairs and three yellow needle-disposal boxes, crammed into a corner of Toronto Public Health's downtown addiction clinic.",It's little more than a table with three chairs and three yellow needle-disposal boxes crammed into a corner of Toronto Public Health's downtown addiction clinic.,0 +"The cabinet ministers in charge of major departments including Justice, Health and Education remain the same."," The cabinet ministers in charge of major departments including Justice, Health and Education remain the same.",0 +" Police say they're investigating anti-Semitic and race-related graffiti that was found on walls, windows and playground equipment at three Ontario schools over the weekend.","Police say they're investigating anti-Semitic and race-related graffiti that was found on walls, windows and playground equipment at three Ontario schools over the weekend.",0 +" ""I said, 'Somebody's out in the woods playing a trick on us."," Story continues below advertisement ""I said, 'Somebody's out in the woods playing a trick on us.",0 +"The school was a colony within a colony - an island of crisp toast and, in my mind, egg coddlers."," The school was a colony within a colony - an island of crisp toast and, in my mind, egg coddlers.",0 +"Foreign aid from the rest of the world is being sent to Freetown, said authorities."," Foreign aid from the rest of the world is being sent to Freetown, said authorities.",0 +" Ron Schuler becomes the new Minister of Infrastructure and Blaine Pedersen goes to the Department of Growth, Enterprise and Trade.","Ron Schuler becomes the new Minister of Infrastructure and Blaine Pedersen goes to the Department of Growth, Enterprise and Trade.",0 +" He was all of 22 years old, a homesteader from Fairford, Man."," He was all of 22 years old, a homesteader from Fairford, Man.",0 + Manitoba Premier Brian Pallister has announced a minor cabinet shuffle which makes Indigenous and Northern Relations a stand-alone department.,Manitoba Premier Brian Pallister has announced a minor cabinet shuffle which makes Indigenous and Northern Relations a stand-alone department.,0 + Under Armour CEO Kevin Plank and Intel CEO Brian Krzanich also resigned from the manufacturing council on Monday., Story continues below advertisement Under Armour CEO Kevin Plank and Intel CEO Brian Krzanich also resigned from the manufacturing council on Monday.,0 +Canadian government bond prices were higher across a flatter yield curve in sympathy with U.S., Canadian government bond prices were higher across a flatter yield curve in sympathy with U.S.,0 +It's alleged the incidents likely occurred sometime between late Saturday and early Sunday., It's alleged the incidents likely occurred sometime between late Saturday and early Sunday.,0 +"""But with science today, I figured 'Why not give it a whirl?'"" Mrs.","""But with science today, I figured 'Why not give it a whirl?'"" Mrs.",0 +"By then, a fairly large crowd had gathered to watch the rescue."," Story continues below advertisement Story continues below advertisement By then, a fairly large crowd had gathered to watch the rescue.",0 +"Besides Angus, Manitoba MP Niki Ashton, Quebec MP Guy Caron and Jagmeet Singh, a member of the Ontario provincial legislature, are running."," Besides Angus, Manitoba MP Niki Ashton, Quebec MP Guy Caron and Jagmeet Singh, a member of the Ontario provincial legislature, are running.",0 +"These were but some of the yard-sale lessons I learned, and my mother schooled others on those ""no early birds"" mornings as well."," These were but some of the yard-sale lessons I learned, and my mother schooled others on those ""no early birds"" mornings as well.",0 +"The last coast-to-coast total eclipse in the U.S. was in 1918, when Woodrow Wilson was president."," The last coast-to-coast total eclipse in the U.S. was in 1918, when Woodrow Wilson was president.",0 +"About 3,800 people around the province remain displaced by the flames and another 9,700 are on evacuation alert."," About 3,800 people around the province remain displaced by the flames and another 9,700 are on evacuation alert.",0 +" Over the years, as the students studied the letter and learned about Sgt."," Story continues below advertisement Over the years, as the students studied the letter and learned about Sgt.",0 +"The exact amount the government will spend on these programs is still being calculated, but Popham said it will be in the millions of dollars."," The exact amount the government will spend on these programs is still being calculated, but Popham said it will be in the millions of dollars.",0 + Builders are launching construction on fewer detached homes in the Toronto region as buyers are favouring lower-cost housing options in a weakening market.,Builders are launching construction on fewer detached homes in the Toronto region as buyers are favouring lower-cost housing options in a weakening market.,0 +" Amid this bitter debate, it is odd to think that Lee may have been on the side of those who would bring the statues down."," Amid this bitter debate, it is odd to think that Lee may have been on the side of those who would bring the statues down.",0 +"In Victoria, the eclipse on Monday will block out 90 per cent of the sun, the largest percentage anywhere in Canada."," In Victoria, the eclipse on Monday will block out 90 per cent of the sun, the largest percentage anywhere in Canada.",0 +A deadline for candidates to sign up new members is Thursday., A deadline for candidates to sign up new members is Thursday.,0 +"Another U.S. naval vessel, the amphibious assault ship USS America, deployed its Osprey aircraft and Seahawk helicopters to search for the missing the sailors."," Another U.S. naval vessel, the amphibious assault ship USS America, deployed its Osprey aircraft and Seahawk helicopters to search for the missing the sailors.",0 +"Fred Hines, principal at an Edmonton school with mostly Indigenous students but a number of non-Indigenous teachers, said professional development, along with support, is key."," Fred Hines, principal at an Edmonton school with mostly Indigenous students but a number of non-Indigenous teachers, said professional development, along with support, is key.",0 +" Until recently, the monuments had largely dissolved into the background of public life in America."," Until recently, the monuments had largely dissolved into the background of public life in America.",0 +"Toronto will see a 70-per-cent partial eclipse, Calgary 77 per cent and Regina 75 per cent, the astronomical society says on its website."," Toronto will see a 70-per-cent partial eclipse, Calgary 77 per cent and Regina 75 per cent, the astronomical society says on its website.",0 +"On Monday, the city said 232 overdose deaths have been recorded since the beginning of the year."," On Monday, the city said 232 overdose deaths have been recorded since the beginning of the year.",0 + Here's a breakdown of the master vision for Olympic facilities., Here's a breakdown of the master vision for Olympic facilities.,0 +" Rather than wasting time poring over stock reports and fund records each day, however, take a passive approach to building your portfolio, Mr. Abbott explains.","Rather than wasting time poring over stock reports and fund records each day, however, take a passive approach to building your portfolio, Mr. Abbott explains.",0 +"""I didn't expect to get so emotionally caught up with it."," ""I didn't expect to get so emotionally caught up with it.",0 +"York regional police say they believe the same suspects were responsible for all the incidents at the schools in Markham, Ont."," York regional police say they believe the same suspects were responsible for all the incidents at the schools in Markham, Ont.",0 +""" Meanwhile, a good-faith debate about what to do with monuments is likely to carry on for years.",""" Meanwhile, a good-faith debate about what to do with monuments is likely to carry on for years.",0 +""" A replacement has not been confirmed at this time, says BlackRock.",""" A replacement has not been confirmed at this time, says BlackRock.",0 +It was the second major collision in two months involving the 7th Fleet., It was the second major collision in two months involving the 7th Fleet.,0 +""" Whatever becomes of these artifacts, they are now tarnished in the eyes of many Americans.",""" Whatever becomes of these artifacts, they are now tarnished in the eyes of many Americans.",0 +" Only one facility - the main hockey arena - would not require additional investment, according to the committee's master plan."," Only one facility - the main hockey arena - would not require additional investment, according to the committee's master plan.",0 + Blunder No. 5: You spend way too much time tweaking Just starting your first job?,Blunder No. 5: You spend way too much time tweaking Just starting your first job?,0 +Manitoba Premier Brian Pallister has announced a minor cabinet shuffle which makes Indigenous and Northern Relations a stand-alone department., Manitoba Premier Brian Pallister has announced a minor cabinet shuffle which makes Indigenous and Northern Relations a stand-alone department.,0 +"""That was a very interesting introduction to eclipse viewing,"" said Mr. Carr, who is a member of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada in Victoria."," ""That was a very interesting introduction to eclipse viewing,"" said Mr. Carr, who is a member of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada in Victoria.",0 +"Buying new was a harshly judged thing we rarely did in our house and I'm grateful, because where's the fun in that?"," Buying new was a harshly judged thing we rarely did in our house and I'm grateful, because where's the fun in that?",0 +A trailer home that was destroyed in a fire 40 kilometres east of Alexis Creek has also been deemed a suspicious occurrence., A trailer home that was destroyed in a fire 40 kilometres east of Alexis Creek has also been deemed a suspicious occurrence.,0 +Federal Agriculture Minister Lawrence MacAulay and B.C. counterpart Lana Popham met in Victoria on Tuesday., Federal Agriculture Minister Lawrence MacAulay and B.C. counterpart Lana Popham met in Victoria on Tuesday.,0 +The report says the improved deficit figure was due in large part to lower-than-expected expenses booked for the Liberals' infrastructure investment program., The report says the improved deficit figure was due in large part to lower-than-expected expenses booked for the Liberals' infrastructure investment program.,0 +"-- Robert Iger (@RobertIger) June 1, 2017 But the majority of Corporate America has remained silent or has denounced racism without criticizing the President's actions.","-- Robert Iger (@RobertIger) June 1, 2017 But the majority of Corporate America has remained silent or has denounced racism without criticizing the President's actions.",0 +" Fortunately there are plenty of options for conscious consumers who want to invest in companies with a good environmental, social and governance (ESG) track record.","Fortunately there are plenty of options for conscious consumers who want to invest in companies with a good environmental, social and governance (ESG) track record.",0 +") Charlie Locke, a former investment banker, controls Lake Louise Ski Resort, an international destination in Banff National Park.",") Charlie Locke, a former investment banker, controls Lake Louise Ski Resort, an international destination in Banff National Park.",0 +""" Another lost-but-found soldier, Sergeant Harold Wilfred Shaughnessy of St. Stephen, N.B., will also be buried that day at the Loos cemetery.",""" Another lost-but-found soldier, Sergeant Harold Wilfred Shaughnessy of St. Stephen, N.B., will also be buried that day at the Loos cemetery.",0 +"Angus missed the last leadership debate in Victoria on Aug. 2 to be by her side, taking a 10-day break from his campaign."," Angus missed the last leadership debate in Victoria on Aug. 2 to be by her side, taking a 10-day break from his campaign.",0 +But it's about to become a frontline in the fight against the city's rising tide of opioid overdose deaths.,But it's now a front line in the city's fight against a wave of opioid overdose deaths.,0 +"EDT (2000 GMT), the Canadian dollar was trading at C$1.2705 to the greenback, or 78.71 U.S. cents, down 0.3 percent.","ET, the Canadian dollar was trading at $1.2693 to the greenback, or 78.78 U.S. cents, down 0.2 per cent.",1 +""" Gradually, advocates for racial justice began to challenge the prevalence of visible Confederate monuments.",""" Gradually, advocates for racial justice began to challenge the prevalence of visible Confederate monuments.",0 +Ontario Education Minister Mitzie Hunter said the province's review will look at school boards' compliance with their policies on outdoor education., Ontario Education Minister Mitzie Hunter said the province's review will look at school boards' compliance with their policies on outdoor education.,0 +" The independent budget office projects the final 2016-17 shortfall at $21.4-billion, although the government's March prediction was $23.5-billion."," Story continues below advertisement The independent budget office projects the final 2016-17 shortfall at $21.4-billion, although the government's March prediction was $23.5-billion.",0 +"""Thousands of dollars we're going to lose, but it's worth it,"" Mr. Newton said."," ""Thousands of dollars we're going to lose, but it's worth it,"" Mr. Newton said.",0 +The destroyer is named for two decorated World War II admirals who were the father and grandfather of U.S., The destroyer is named for two decorated World War II admirals who were the father and grandfather of U.S.,0 +""" Mr. Gibson said he saw the five loons feeding on minnows in the lake the next day, so he figures everything worked out fine.","Gibson said he saw the five loons feeding on minnows in the lake the next day, so he figures everything worked out fine.",0 +" The study group figured the BMO Centre, the aging Big Four Building and temporary modules could house the International Broadcast Centre and Main Press Centre."," The study group figured the BMO Centre, the aging Big Four Building and temporary modules could house the International Broadcast Centre and Main Press Centre.",0 +"Chris Li, who specializes in consumer companies, joins Macquarie's equity research team from Bank of America."," Chris Li, who specializes in consumer companies, joins Macquarie's equity research team from Bank of America.",0 +"Guy Verhofstadt, the European Parliament's Brexit point-man, underlined the distance between the two sides."," Guy Verhofstadt, the European Parliament's Brexit point-man, underlined the distance between the two sides.",0 +""" Large-scale-burials have taken place all this week amid rainy weather that threatened further mudslides.",""" Large-scale-burials have taken place all this week amid rainy weather that threatened further mudslides.",0 +" While the sun is out and the temperature is high, make a point of heading to one of the city's top patios this weekend.","While the sun is out and the temperature is high, make a point of heading to one of the city's top patios this weekend.",0 +"""It took almost 80 years after 1930 to have another financial crisis that could have been of that magnitude."," Story continues below advertisement ""It took almost 80 years after 1930 to have another financial crisis that could have been of that magnitude.",0 + The Olympic bid exploration committee's capital budget to prepare 14 venues for the Games rings in at $391.82-million., The Olympic bid exploration committee's capital budget to prepare 14 venues for the Games rings in at $391.82-million.,0 +"For Mexico, they're probably starting to feel like the same thing."," For Mexico, they're probably starting to feel like the same thing.",0 +" After a couple of strong quarters, Canada's big banks are expected to post declines in capital markets revenue in the fiscal third quarter.","After a couple of strong quarters, Canada's big banks are expected to post declines in capital markets revenue in the fiscal third quarter.",0 +"The weather forecast calls for a cold front, bringing gusty winds to British Columbia that could inflame wildfires that had been stabilized this week."," The weather forecast calls for a cold front, bringing gusty winds to British Columbia that could inflame wildfires that had been stabilized this week.",0 +BlackRock Canada's head of sales is set to leave at month-end., BlackRock Canada's head of sales is set to leave at month-end.,0 +But Milne said it's hard to take something from a document or a book and implement it confidently., But Milne said it's hard to take something from a document or a book and implement it confidently.,0 +"Skies were clear along most of the route, to the relief of those who feared cloud cover would spoil the moment."," Skies were clear along most of the route, to the relief of those who feared cloud cover would spoil the moment.",0 +""" For his part, Dr. Foner makes the case for building new monuments to the real heroes of the Civil War and its aftermath.",""" For his part, Dr. Foner makes the case for building new monuments to the real heroes of the Civil War and its aftermath.",0 +"""This is the right team for the next phase of our mandate."" There are now 14 ministers in cabinet, including the Premier.","""This is the right team for the next phase of our mandate."" There are now 14 ministers in cabinet, including the Premier.",0 +" Robert Turner with Emergency Management BC says officials are working to decide whether a provincial state of emergency declaration, which expires Friday, should be extended.","Robert Turner with Emergency Management BC says officials are working to decide whether a provincial state of emergency declaration, which expires Friday, should be extended.",0 +"provisionyyc.ca On a warm, sunny day, you would be hard pressed to find a patio more quintessentially summer than this one.","provisionyyc.ca On a warm, sunny day, you would be hard pressed to find a patio more quintessentially summer than this one.",0 +"""Our proposals are ambitious, and rightly so,"" finance minister Philip Hammond said in a statement."," ""Our proposals are ambitious, and rightly so,"" finance minister Philip Hammond said in a statement.",0 +" Gimli MLA Jeff Wharton is the new Minister of Municipal Relations, while his predecessor Eileen Clarke is now solely responsible for Indigenous Relations.","Gimli MLA Jeff Wharton is the new Minister of Municipal Relations, while his predecessor Eileen Clarke is now solely responsible for Indigenous Relations.",0 +" Furthermore, the Agrium Western Event Centre near the Saddledome would be turned into a practice facility for figure skating."," Furthermore, the Agrium Western Event Centre near the Saddledome would be turned into a practice facility for figure skating.",0 +"At 4 p.m. on Monday, Toronto opened its first officially sanctioned supervised drug-use site."," At 4 p.m. on Monday, Toronto opened its first officially sanctioned supervised drug-use site.",0 +An Ontario court has approved the settlement of a $29.5-million class-action lawsuit by investors against alternative mortgage lender Home Capital Group Inc., An Ontario court has approved the settlement of a $29.5-million class-action lawsuit by investors against alternative mortgage lender Home Capital Group Inc.,0 + A new report says last year's federal budgetary shortfall was smaller than the government predicted last spring.,A new report says last year's federal budgetary shortfall was smaller than the government predicted last spring.,0 +Hunter has also said the province would immediately increase funding to life-saving swimming programs and increase awareness about the programs for incoming Canadian residents., Hunter has also said the province would immediately increase funding to life-saving swimming programs and increase awareness about the programs for incoming Canadian residents.,0 +"In addition to the evacuation alert in Loon Lake, an area restriction remains in place, which prohibits the public from entering the vicinity."," In addition to the evacuation alert in Loon Lake, an area restriction remains in place, which prohibits the public from entering the vicinity.",0 +" Canada's wholesale sales declined slightly in June, with the food and auto industries showing the biggest impact.","Canada's wholesale sales declined slightly in June, with the food and auto industries showing the biggest impact.",0 +" But that doesn't mean you can't invest, too - once you're ready.","But that doesn't mean you can't invest, too - once you're ready.",0 + Others worry that their hard-earned dollars invested in a mutual fund or ETF could wind up funding a corporation to which they're ethically opposed.,Others worry that their hard-earned dollars invested in a mutual fund or ETF could wind up funding a corporation to which they're ethically opposed.,0 + Just six venues that would be upgraded under the proposed budget would leave definitive legacies., Just six venues that would be upgraded under the proposed budget would leave definitive legacies.,0 + The group estimated it would cost $17.5-million to transform the proposed field house into a temporary curling rink., The group estimated it would cost $17.5-million to transform the proposed field house into a temporary curling rink.,0 +" City council voted 9-4 Wednesday to continue examining the feasibility of hosting the Winter Olympics, which would be Calgary's second in 38 years."," City council voted 9-4 Wednesday to continue examining the feasibility of hosting the Winter Olympics, which would be Calgary's second in 38 years.",0 +" ""It's kind of mind-boggling that they could do this after all that time,"" Mr. Johnston says."," ""It's kind of mind-boggling that they could do this after all that time,"" Mr. Johnston says.",0 + Justin Trudeau should take heed: Australia's Prime Minister just suffered an embarrassing setback trying to do with China just what Ottawa is considering.,Justin Trudeau should take heed: Australia's Prime Minister just suffered an embarrassing setback trying to do with China just what Ottawa is considering.,0 +"""All levels of government have a role to play to ensure those who need supports can easily access them,"" she said in a statement."," ""All levels of government have a role to play to ensure those who need supports can easily access them,"" she said in a statement.",0 + The group was able to gain permission from France to build the memorial on eight hectares of parkland given over by the town of Loos-en-Gohelle., The group was able to gain permission from France to build the memorial on eight hectares of parkland given over by the town of Loos-en-Gohelle.,0 +" The country's largest mining companies have lost their way, according to geologist Mark O'Dea.","The country's largest mining companies have lost their way, according to geologist Mark O'Dea.",0 +RCMP are continuing to investigate human-caused fires and suspected arson., RCMP are continuing to investigate human-caused fires and suspected arson.,0 +"""Oh, God, oh, that was amazing,"" said Joe Dellinger, a Houston man who set up a telescope on the Capitol lawn in Jefferson City, Missouri."," ""Oh, God, oh, that was amazing,"" said Joe Dellinger, a Houston man who set up a telescope on the Capitol lawn in Jefferson City, Missouri.",0 +" ""I believe that many of these monuments should not be removed, but should be interpreted, discussed, used as an educational tool,"" she said."," ""I believe that many of these monuments should not be removed, but should be interpreted, discussed, used as an educational tool,"" she said.",0 +" ""American headquartered companies increasingly spend more branding themselves progressive via advertising and public relations while exhibiting conscientious corporate behaviour with declining frequency,"" he said."," ""American headquartered companies increasingly spend more branding themselves progressive via advertising and public relations while exhibiting conscientious corporate behaviour with declining frequency,"" he said.",0 +The government of the impoverished West African nation in recent days has warned residents to evacuate a mountainside where a large crack has opened., The government of the impoverished West African nation in recent days has warned residents to evacuate a mountainside where a large crack has opened.,0 +" ""I expect it will be a very humbling experience,"" Mrs."," ""I expect it will be a very humbling experience,"" Mrs.",0 + The committee's plan for curling also leaves Calgary with little legacy., The committee's plan for curling also leaves Calgary with little legacy.,0 +"These massive omnibus bills are huge and fast, and now the Conservatives seem to believe that they can travel through time."," These massive omnibus bills are huge and fast, and now the Conservatives seem to believe that they can travel through time.",0 +The Bank of England is watching wage growth closely as it gauges whether the increase in inflation is creating longer-lasting pressure on prices., The Bank of England is watching wage growth closely as it gauges whether the increase in inflation is creating longer-lasting pressure on prices.,0 +"But Turkey, while not an EU member, is part of a separate customs union for industrial goods and can still negotiate bilateral trade deals."," But Turkey, while not an EU member, is part of a separate customs union for industrial goods and can still negotiate bilateral trade deals.",0 +"""They collect eclipses. They want to go to every one of them that happens on earth."" Report Typo/Error","""They collect eclipses. They want to go to every one of them that happens on earth.""",0 +"According to Sucha, concerns raised by those who support ending daylight time included health concerns, specifically the impact on children and the elderly."," According to Sucha, concerns raised by those who support ending daylight time included health concerns, specifically the impact on children and the elderly.",0 +" ""These statues had a lot more to do with the time in which they were erected than with the Confederacy,"" Dr. Foner said."," ""These statues had a lot more to do with the time in which they were erected than with the Confederacy,"" Dr. Foner said.",0 +"More than 1,000 fires have burned across B.C. since April 1, scorching about 9,000 square kilometres."," More than 1,000 fires have burned across B.C. since April 1, scorching about 9,000 square kilometres.",0 +""" Jack Newton of Osoyoos, B.C., said the lure of a total solar eclipse is too strong for him to miss.",""" Story continues below advertisement Jack Newton of Osoyoos, B.C., said the lure of a total solar eclipse is too strong for him to miss.",1 + The committee's overall Olympic budget of $4.6-billion depends on taxpayers kicking in $2.4-billion., The committee's overall Olympic budget of $4.6-billion depends on taxpayers kicking in $2.4-billion.,0 +The British Columbia Teachers' Federation in June launched a guide for teaching about residential schools., The British Columbia Teachers' Federation in June launched a guide for teaching about residential schools.,0 +" The project entailed multiple initiatives: a book, Capturing Hill 70: Canada's Forgotten Battle of the First World War;"," The project entailed multiple initiatives: a book, Capturing Hill 70: Canada's Forgotten Battle of the First World War;",0 + BlackRock Canada's head of sales is set to leave at month-end.,BlackRock Canada's head of sales is set to leave at month-end.,0 +" ""These statues were a statement fundamentally about who had the power,"" Dr. Foner said."," ""These statues were a statement fundamentally about who had the power,"" Dr. Foner said.",0 +Economists taking part in a Reuters poll had expected wage growth of 1.8 per cent., Economists taking part in a Reuters poll had expected wage growth of 1.8 per cent.,0 +" Canadian retail sales data for April is due out on Thursday, while inflation data for May is due on Friday.","Canadian retail sales data for April is due out on Thursday, while inflation data for May is due on Friday.",0 +"""By no means, has this rain done much to really alleviate our situation right now,"" he said."," ""By no means, has this rain done much to really alleviate our situation right now,"" he said.",0 +" ""I think you are going to see this slow erosion of Confederate symbols,"" Dr. Foner said."," ""I think you are going to see this slow erosion of Confederate symbols,"" Dr. Foner said.",0 +It was one of 137 fires still burning in B.C., It was one of 137 fires still burning in B.C.,0 +""" Mr. Newton said he's been to Siberia, Indonesia, Mexico and Baker Lake, NWT.","Newton said he's been to Siberia, Indonesia, Mexico and Baker Lake, NWT.",0 +"""Everyone who is seeing a partial eclipse, they are standing outside of the auditorium and they can barely hear the concert,"" he said."," ""Everyone who is seeing a partial eclipse, they are standing outside of the auditorium and they can barely hear the concert,"" he said.",0 + It was an unbelievably horrific fight in a year filled with such bloodshed., It was an unbelievably horrific fight in a year filled with such bloodshed.,0 +"""But doesn't the toast get hard and cold?"" the confused hostess would invariably ask, and my mother would sigh."," ""But doesn't the toast get hard and cold?"" the confused hostess would invariably ask, and my mother would sigh.",0 +"""Loon Lake itself is in the heart of where the fire did burn,"" Skrepnek said."," ""Loon Lake itself is in the heart of where the fire did burn,"" Skrepnek said.",0 +""" Mr. Carr said people are not satisfied with seeing only one total eclipse.",Carr said people are not satisfied with seeing only one total eclipse.,0 +""" Instead of diving in, decide why you want to invest in the first place.",""" Instead of diving in, decide why you want to invest in the first place.",0 +"The families of the lost soldiers would never forget: ""My Great Grandfather Charles Reed was killed on 15 August, 1917 in the Battle of Hill","The families of the lost soldiers would never forget: ""My Great Grandfather Charles Reed was killed on 15 August, 1917 in the Battle of Hill",0 +"The Navy's 7th Fleet said ""significant damage"" to the McCain's hull resulted in the flooding of adjacent compartments including crew berths, machinery and communications rooms."," The Navy's 7th Fleet said ""significant damage"" to the McCain's hull resulted in the flooding of adjacent compartments including crew berths, machinery and communications rooms.",0 + Story continues below advertisement Each settlement had been conditional on approval of the other.,Each settlement had been conditional on approval of the other.,0 +" Olympic boosters like to focus on the ""legacy"" of hosting a Games in Canada and, specifically, Calgary, Canmore, Lake Louise and Kananaskis."," Olympic boosters like to focus on the ""legacy"" of hosting a Games in Canada and, specifically, Calgary, Canmore, Lake Louise and Kananaskis.",0 +"He calls it, ""investing before they have the right to invest."" Maybe they still have debt they need to pay off first.","He calls it, ""investing before they have the right to invest."" Maybe they still have debt they need to pay off first.",0 +"""OPG has been engaged in respectful, ongoing dialogue with SON and that will continue,"" the utility said in a statement."," ""OPG has been engaged in respectful, ongoing dialogue with SON and that will continue,"" the utility said in a statement.",0