""" To impute the missing death data based on the state level mortality. Saves final dataset as data.parquet refer to the 05_master_eda.ipynb for EDA and other details like how the data was imputed. """ # importing libraries and setting default option import pandas as pd import numpy as np pd.set_option("mode.copy_on_write", True) # reading the data files df = pd.read_parquet(".01_Data/02_Processed/02_Mortality.parquet") population = pd.read_parquet(".01_Data/02_Processed/01_Population.parquet") # ------------------------------------------ # initial Cleaning df = df[df["State"] != "AK"] # dropping ALASKA since it is Out of Scope (OOS) # We will consider only unintentional drug related deaths since other have very few values df = df[df["Cause"] == "Drug poisonings (overdose) Unintentional (X40-X44)"] df = ( df.dropna() ) # dropping rows with missing values since they are very few and will be imputed later # ------------------------------------------ # Merge with population data combined = pd.merge( df, population, on=["State", "State_Code", "County", "County_Code", "Year"], how="left", validate="1:1", indicator=True, ) # ------------------------------------------ # Clean the Merged Data df2 = combined[ [ "State", "State_Code", "County", "County_Code", "Year", "Population", "Deaths", ] ] # ------------------------------------------ # calculating Mortality Rate (County Level) df3 = df2.copy() df3["Mortality_Rate"] = df3["Deaths"] / df3["Population"] # ------------------------------------------ # Mortality Rate (State Level) # aggregate at state-cause level df4 = ( df3.groupby(["State", "Year"]) .agg({"Deaths": "sum", "Population": "sum"}) .reset_index() ) # clacualting mortality rate df4["State_Mortality_Rate"] = df4["Deaths"] / df4["Population"] # ------------------------------------------ # Creating a list of State-Counties from the POPULATION dataset st_county = population[ ["State", "State_Code", "County", "County_Code", "Year"] ].drop_duplicates() # ------------------------------------------ # Merging State Mortality Rate with State-County list master = pd.merge(st_county, df4, on=["State", "Year"], how="left", indicator=True) # dropping NA rows since we have no state level data for them master = master[master["_merge"] == "both"] # Cleaning the merged data master_2 = master[ [ "State", "State_Code", "County", "County_Code", "Year", "State_Mortality_Rate", ] ] # ------------------------------------------ # merge with the county level data df5 = pd.merge( master_2, df3, on=["State", "State_Code", "County", "County_Code", "Year"], how="left", indicator=True, validate="1:1", ) # adding a new flag to identify if original data or not df5["Original"] = df5["_merge"] == "both" # ------------------------------------------ # Remap with population data to get county population df6 = pd.merge( df5, population[["County_Code", "Year", "Population"]], on=["County_Code", "Year"], how="left", validate="1:1", indicator="merge2", ) # ------------------------------------------ def new_death(row): """Function to Calcuate the deaths in county using the State Mortality Rate and County Population if the deaths are missing in the original dataset. Max value is limited to 9 since we know that it can't be 10 or more""" if pd.isna(row["Deaths"]): return min(int(row["Population_y"] * row["State_Mortality_Rate"]), 9) else: return row["Deaths"] # ------------------------------------------ # calautating the Final Deaths by using the new_death function df7 = df6.copy() df7["Deaths_2"] = df7.apply(new_death, axis=1) # ------------------------------------------ # Cleaning the dataset df8 = df7[ [ "State", "State_Code", "County", "County_Code", "Year", "Population_y", "Deaths_2", "Original", "State_Mortality_Rate", ] ] # Renaming columns df8 = df8.rename(columns={"Population_y": "Population", "Deaths_2": "Deaths"}) # ------------------------------------------ # Calculating Mortality Rate for each county, if population is 0 then mortality rate is 0 df8["County_Mortality_Rate"] = np.where( df8["Population"] == 0, 0, df8["Deaths"] / df8["Population"] ) # sorting the rows df9 = df8.sort_values(by=["State", "County", "Year"]).reset_index(drop=True) # ------------------------------------------ # Saving the Final Dataset df9.to_parquet("data.parquet", index=False)