# Impoting required packages import pandas as pd import numpy as np import zipfile # setting default option pd.set_option("mode.copy_on_write", True) # ------------------------------------------ # reading the files z = zipfile.ZipFile(".01_Data/01_Raw/raw_mortality.zip") fips = pd.read_csv(".01_Data/01_Raw/county_fips.csv") abbreviations = pd.read_csv(".01_Data/01_Raw/state_abbreviations.csv") # extracting list of files from Zip folder to read # using files starting with "Underlying" so as to ignore system files file_list = sorted([f for f in z.namelist() if f.startswith("Underlying")]) # ------------------------------------------ # read data selected files and append to list df_list = [] for file in file_list: # read individual files df_temp = pd.read_csv(z.open(file), sep="\t") # drop the notes columns and remove rows with null values in County column df_temp.drop(columns=["Notes"], inplace=True) df_temp.dropna(subset=["County"], inplace=True) # add the cleaned temp Df to the main list df_list.append(df_temp) # ------------------------------------------ # create the dataframe df = pd.concat(df_list, ignore_index=True) # ------------------------------------------ # Correcting Data Types for columns df2 = df.copy() # Pad county code with 0 for consistency with other data sets df2["County Code"] = df2["County Code"].astype(int).astype(str).str.zfill(5) # padding fips to have consistency fips["countyfips"] = fips["countyfips"].astype(str).str.zfill(5) # Convert Year to Int df2["Year"] = df2["Year"].astype(int) # Convert Deaths to Int df2["Deaths"] = df2["Deaths"].replace("Missing", np.nan) df2["Deaths"] = ( df2["Deaths"].astype(float).astype("Int64") ) # making it as int64 so that we retain null values for later analysis # ------------------------------------------ # Store only the rows related drugs, modify this list later if required required_causes = [ "Drug poisonings (overdose) Unintentional (X40-X44)", "All other drug-induced causes", "Drug poisonings (overdose) Homicide (X85)", "Drug poisonings (overdose) Suicide (X60-X64)", "Drug poisonings (overdose) Undetermined (Y10-Y14)", ] # ------------------------------------------------------ # create and optimize subset data df3 = df2[df2["Drug/Alcohol Induced Cause"].isin(required_causes)] # remove extra columns df3.drop(columns=["Year Code", "Drug/Alcohol Induced Cause Code"], inplace=True) # renaming columns df3.rename( columns={"Drug/Alcohol Induced Cause": "Cause", "County Code": "County_Code"}, inplace=True, ) # ------------------------------------------------------ # mapping with fips for proper county names and state name df4 = pd.merge( df3, fips, how="left", left_on="County_Code", right_on="countyfips", validate="m:1", indicator=True, ) # -------------------------------------------------------- # Prepare final DF for saving # select required colums df5 = df4[["BUYER_STATE", "BUYER_COUNTY", "County_Code", "Year", "Cause", "Deaths"]] # rename columns df5 = df5.rename(columns={"BUYER_COUNTY": "County", "BUYER_STATE": "State_Code"}) abbreviations = abbreviations.rename( columns={ "state": "State", "code": "State_Code", } ) # merge with abbreviations df6 = pd.merge( df5, abbreviations[["State", "State_Code"]], how="left", on="State_Code", validate="m:1", ) # reorder columns to match population data df6 = df6[["State", "State_Code", "County", "County_Code", "Year", "Cause", "Deaths"]] # ------------------------------------------ # Writing to Parquet df6.to_parquet(".01_Data/02_Processed/02_Mortality.parquet", index=False)