diff --git "a/Joephishing_labeled.csv" "b/Joephishing_labeled.csv" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/Joephishing_labeled.csv" @@ -0,0 +1,216612 @@ +File,Subject,Body,type +phishing-2021.mbox,DON'T DELETE THIS MESSAGE -- FOLDER INTERNAL DATA,"This text is part of the internal format of your mail folder, and is not +a real message. It is created automatically by the mail system software. +If deleted, important folder data will be lost, and it will be re-created +with the data reset to initial values. +",phishing +phishing-2021.mbox,=?UTF-8?B?4pyIIEZlZEV4IMKpIFNoaXBtZW50IE5vdGlmaWNhdGlvbiAzODQ3ODkyOTk=?=,"1/8/2021 6:32:41 a.m. + + + + +
+Dear Customer, + +
Your package has been returned to the FedEx Office.The reason for the return is - payment of shipping costs.
+the cost of your shipment is not paid . so you will be charged to pay handling cost 6,53 $ (USD)You have a period of 48 hours to recover your package, otherwise it will be returned to the sender.Click here to view the status of your shipment :
+https:/fedex.com/en-fr/tracking/domestic/cost-shipping/384789299FedEx Support Team
+phishing-2021.mbox,Please DocuSign: Offer20201116-0740974_jose.pdf ,"
+Your document has been completed.
+All signers completed Please DocuSign: Offer20201116-0740974_jose.pdf
+About DocuSignSign documents electronically in just minutes. It's safe, secure, and legally binding. Whether you're in an office, at home, on-the-go -- or even across the globe -- DocuSign provides a professional trusted solution for Digital Transaction Management™.
+Download the DocuSign App
+ ",phishing
+phishing-2021.mbox,New Recording [13913670],"Voice Mail
+You have recived a New Voice Message from +1-800-90-8767
+From: +1-900-908-987
+Received: Mon Jan 20, 2021
+Length: 00:35
+Play VoiceMail (32.6kb)
+( https://mayaadri-an32.web.app/saklncsao.html#jose@monkey.org )
+This E-mail was sent from someone in your contact list, if you
+are receiving this in error, click Click Here
+( https://mayaadri-an32.web.app/saklncsao.html#jose@monkey.org )
+to move to spam
+ New Message
+ Voice Mail
+ You have recived a New Voice Message from
+ +1-800-90-8767
+ Details:
+ From: +1-900-908-987
+ Received: Mon Jan 20, 2021
+ Length: 00:35
+ Play VoiceMail (32.6kb)
+ This E-mail was sent from someone in your contact list,
+ if you are receiving this in error, click Click Here to move to spam
+phishing-2021.mbox,New Recording [13913670],"
+A caller in your directory just left you a message.
+Caller : +1 701 328 9010
+Date: 01-24-2021
+Duration: 01:0sec
+Listen to Voice Messąge
+( https://mayaadri-an32.web.app/mkasiwas.html#jose@monkey.org )
+Email was sent to jose@monkey.org
+Your message link last for 12 hours
+ID: < jose@monkey.org > A caller in your directory just left you a message.Caller : +1 701 328 9010Date: 01-24-2021Duration: 01:0sec
+Listen to Voice Messąge
+Email was sent to jose@monkey.orgYour message link last for 12 hours ",phishing
+phishing-2021.mbox,New Recording [13913670],"
+A caller in your directory just left you a message.
+Caller : +1 701 328 9010
+Date: 01-24-2021
+Duration: 01:0sec
+Listen to Voice Messąge
+( https://mayaadri-an32.web.app/mkasiwas.html#jose@monkey.org )
+Email was sent to jose@monkey.org
+Your message link last for 12 hours
+ID: < jose@monkey.org > A caller in your directory just left you a message.Caller : +1 701 328 9010Date: 01-24-2021Duration: 01:0sec
+Listen to Voice Messąge
+Email was sent to jose@monkey.orgYour message link last for 12 hours ",phishing
+phishing-2021.mbox,Service Suspension Notification.,"Dear Customer,
+This is a notification that your service has now been suspended:
+Suspension Reason: Invalid login.
+Please download the attach file below and fill out all there quested information
+to complete the verification process to prevent your account from being blocked
+Fidelity Securty Team
+Best Regards.",phishing
+phishing-2021.mbox,Envio de Burofax Online - ultima advertencia - [ id 77106725 ],"
+ Document
+ .centro{
+ margin: 0 auto;
+ height: 50px;
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+ }
+ .img-right{
+ float:right;
+ margin-right:-90px;
+ }
+ Notificados
+ www.notificados.com
+ Comunicaciones fehacientes - Burofax Online
+ Descargar todos archivos adjuntos ( 128 kb)
+ Fecha y hora del envio: martes, 01 da febrero de 2021, 07:20 hs,
+ 20 28006 MADRID (MADRID)
+ Numero de paginas 1
+02/02/2021 06:25:48
+phishing-2021.mbox,Multa no pagada - bloque de vehiculos - [ id 990013050 ],"
+ Multa Pendiente
+ body{margin:0;padding:0;overflow-x:auto !important;overflow-y:hidden !important}.mail-detail-content{box-sizing:border-box;font-family:-apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,""Helvetica Neue"",""Segoe UI"",Arial,sans-serif;font-size:13px;font-weight:normal;font-feature-settings:""liga"" 0;width:100%;position:relative;padding:0}.ios.smartphone .mail-detail-content{-webkit-overflow-scrolling:touch;overflow-x:auto}.smartphone .mail-detail-content{font-size:15px}.mail-detail-content>div>[class$=""-content""]{padding:0}.mail-detail-content.plain-text{font-family:-apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,""Helvetica Neue"",""Segoe UI"",Arial,sans-serif;white-space:pre-wrap}.mail-detail-content.plain-text blockquote{white-space:normal}.mail-detail-content.fixed-width-font,.mail-detail-content.fixed-width-font.plain-text,.mail-detail-content.fixed-width-font blockquote,.mail-detail-content.fixed-width-font.plain-text blockquote,.mail-detail-content.fixed-width-font blockquote p,.mail-detail-content.fixe
+ d-width-font.plain-text blockquote p{font-family:monospace;-webkit-font-feature-settings:normal;font-feature-settings:normal}.mail-detail-content.simple-mail{max-width:700px}.mail-detail-content.simple-mail.big-screen{max-width:100%}.mail-detail-content.simple-mail img{max-width:100%;height:auto!important}.mail-detail-content img[src=""""]{background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.1);background-image:repeating-linear-gradient(45deg, transparent, transparent 20px, rgba(255,255,255,0.5) 20px, rgba(255,255,255,0.5) 40px)}.mail-detail-content p{font-family:-apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,""Helvetica Neue"",""Segoe UI"",Arial,sans-serif;margin:0 0 1em 0}.mail-detail-content h1{font-size:28px}.mail-detail-content h2{font-size:21px}.mail-detail-content h3{font-size:16.38px}.mail-detail-content h4{font-size:14px}.mail-detail-content h5{font-size:11.62px}.mail-detail-content h6{font-size:9.38px}.mail-detail-content a{word-break:break-word;text-decoration:none;color:inherit}.mail-detail-content a:hover{color:
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+ Saludos Cordiales
+ Tienes una multa pendiente
+ Se ha identificado en nuestro sistema una multa de trafico no pagadadirigida a usted o su vehiculo. Para ver la notificacionVisite:
+ Atencion: Para ver la notificacion, abra en un sistema (Windows).
+ Copyright DGT 2021. Todos los derechos reservados.
+ Version V5.1.0.7
+03/02/2021 01:12:11
+phishing-2021.mbox,=?utf-8?q?Your_Wells_Fargo=C2=AE_monthly_statement_is_available=2E?=,"Dear Customer,
+Your monthly Wells Fargo� statement is now available. To view it,
+Please download the attached file below and fill out all the requested information
+debit card Pin is required to complete the process.
+The Wells Fargo Team",phishing
+phishing-2021.mbox,Unusual sign-in-activity 2/4/2021 1:36:45 a.m. (EDT).,"
+GMX - Unusual sign-in activity
+var ClientProperties = { browser : {""os"":""windows"",""engine"":""webkit"",""classes"":""windows webkit chrome chrome88"",""family"":""chrome"",""version"":""88.0""}};
+monkey.org account
+Unusual sign-in activity
+We detected something unusual about a recent sign-in to the monkey.org account jose@monkey.org
+Sign-in details
+Country/region: Singapore
+IP address: 92.922.140.701
+Date: 2021-02-04 8:41:59 GMT (SG)
+Platform: iOS
+Browser: - Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:81.0)
+Please go to your recent activity page to let us know whether or not this was you. If this wasn't you, we'll help you to secure your account. If this was you, we'll trust similar activity in the future.
+Review recent activity
+To opt out or change where you receive security notifications, click here.
+monkey.org account team
+phishing-2021.mbox,Multa no pagada - bloque de vehiculos - [ id 628273011 ],"
+ Multa Pendiente
+ body{margin:0;padding:0;overflow-x:auto !important;overflow-y:hidden !important}.mail-detail-content{box-sizing:border-box;font-family:-apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,""Helvetica Neue"",""Segoe UI"",Arial,sans-serif;font-size:13px;font-weight:normal;font-feature-settings:""liga"" 0;width:100%;position:relative;padding:0}.ios.smartphone .mail-detail-content{-webkit-overflow-scrolling:touch;overflow-x:auto}.smartphone .mail-detail-content{font-size:15px}.mail-detail-content>div>[class$=""-content""]{padding:0}.mail-detail-content.plain-text{font-family:-apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,""Helvetica Neue"",""Segoe UI"",Arial,sans-serif;white-space:pre-wrap}.mail-detail-content.plain-text blockquote{white-space:normal}.mail-detail-content.fixed-width-font,.mail-detail-content.fixed-width-font.plain-text,.mail-detail-content.fixed-width-font blockquote,.mail-detail-content.fixed-width-font.plain-text blockquote,.mail-detail-content.fixed-width-font blockquote p,.mail-detail-content.fixe
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+ blockquote{color:#8f09c7 !important;border-left:2px solid #8f09c7}.mail-detail-content.colorQuoted blockquote blockquote blockquote blockquote a[href]:not(.deep-link){color:#8f09c7}.mail-detail-content.colorQuoted blockquote blockquote blockquote blockquote a[href]:not(.deep-link):hover{color:#6c0796}.mail-detail-content.colorQuoted blockquote blockquote blockquote blockquote blockquote{color:#767676 !important;border-left:2px solid #767676}.mail-detail-content.colorQuoted blockquote blockquote blockquote blockquote blockquote a[href]:not(.deep-link){color:#767676}.mail-detail-content.colorQuoted blockquote blockquote blockquote blockquote blockquote a[href]:not(.deep-link):hover{color:#5d5d5d}.mail-detail-content.disable-links a[href]{color:#aaa !important;text-decoration:line-through !important;cursor:default !important;pointer-events:none !important}.mail-detail-content .blockquote-toggle{color:#767676;font-size:13px;padding-left:56px;margin:16px 0;min-height:16px;word-break:bre
+ ak-word}.mail-detail-content .blockquote-toggle button.bqt{color:#696969;background-color:#eee;padding:1px 10px;display:inline-block;font-size:14px;line-height:16px;cursor:pointer;outline:0;position:absolute;left:0;border:0}.mail-detail-content .blockquote-toggle button.bqt:hover,.mail-detail-content .blockquote-toggle button.bqt:focus{color:#fff;background-color:#3c61aa;text-decoration:none}.mail-detail-content .max-size-warning{color:#767676;padding:16px 16px 0 16px;border-top:1px solid #ddd}.mail-detail-content a.deep-link{color:white;background-color:#3c61aa;text-decoration:none;font-size:90%;font-weight:bold;font-family:-apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,""Helvetica Neue"",""Segoe UI"",Arial,sans-serif !important;padding:0.10em 8px;border-radius:3px}.mail-detail-content a.deep-link:hover,.mail-detail-content a.deep-link:focus,.mail-detail-content a.deep-link:active{color:white;background-color:#2f4b84}@media print{.mail-detail-content .collapsed-blockquote{display:block !important}.m
+ ail-detail-content .blockquote-toggle{display:none !important}}.mail-detail-content>div[id*=""ox-""]>h1,.mail-detail-content>div[id*=""ox-""]>h2,.mail-detail-content>div[id*=""ox-""]>h3,.mail-detail-content>div[id*=""ox-""]>h4,.mail-detail-content>div[id*=""ox-""]>h5{margin-top:0}
+ Saludos Cordiales
+ Tienes una multa pendiente
+ Se ha identificado en nuestro sistema una multa de trafico no pagadadirigida a usted o su vehiculo. Para ver la notificacionVisite:
+ Atencion: Para ver la notificacion, abra en un sistema (Windows).
+ Copyright DGT 2021. Todos los derechos reservados.
+ Version V5.1.0.7
+04/02/2021 07:55:28
+phishing-2021.mbox,Standard Bank Account eStatement 2021-02-11,"
+ Dear Customer
+Please find your electronic statement for February attached.
+To keep your financial information safe, please note the following:
+Information that only you will know is displayed in the eStatement verification block.
+This is done so you can be sure your statement is from Standard Bank.
+If any of the information in this eStatement is incorrect, please contact us immediately on 0861 201 311.
+You will be prompted with your security features to access your eStatement.
+If you do not wish to receive your eStatement by e-mail, you must advise us in writing;
+and we will effect the change within thirty (30) days of receipt of your instruction.
+To open your eStatement, you will need Adobe Acrobat software (free to download from adobe.com).
+Standard Bank
+For any queries please
+call us on 0861201311
+Our lines are open from
+8am to 9pm Monday to Friday
+and 8am to 4pm on weekends
+and public holidays.
+ Copyright Standard Bank. All rights reserved.
+The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited (Reg. No. 1962/000738/06). Authorised financial services provider.
+Registered credit provider NCR CP15.
+The Standard Bank email disclaimer and confidentiality note:
+This email, its attachments and any rights attaching hereto are, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the property of the Standard Bank Group Limited and/or its subsidiaries (""the group""). It is confidential, private and intended for the addressee only.
+Should you not be the addressee and receive this email by mistake, kindly notify the sender, and delete it immediately. Do not disclose or use the email in any manner whatsoever. Views and opinions expressed in this email are those of the sender unless clearly stated as those of the group.
+The group accepts no liability whatsoever for any loss or damages - whatsoever and howsoever incurred - or suffered resulting or arising from the use of this email or its attachments. The group does not warrant the integrity of this email nor that it is free of errors, viruses, interception or interference.
+The group will never send you any email or other communication asking you to update or confidential information about you or your account. If you have any doubts about the legitimacy of this email or other emails you receive claiming to be from Standard Bank please forward them to phishing@standardbank.co.za
+For more information about Standard Bank Group Limited see www.standardbank.co.za
+Dear Customer
+Please find your electronic statement for February attached. To keep your financial information safe, please note the following:
+Information that only you will know is displayed in the eStatement verification block. This is done so you can be sure your statement is from Standard Bank.
+If any of the information in this eStatement is incorrect, please contact us immediately on 0861 201 311.
+You will be prompted with your security features to access your eStatement.
+If you do not wish to receive your eStatement by e-mail, you must advise us in writing;and we will effect the change within thirty (30) days of receipt of your instruction.
+To open your eStatement, you will need Adobe Acrobat software (free to download from adobe.com).Regards, Standard Bank
+ For any queries please call us on 0861201311Our lines are open from8am to 9pm Monday to Fridayand 8am to 4pm on weekends and public holidays.
+Copyright Standard Bank. All rights reserved.The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited (Reg. No. 1962/000738/06). Authorised financial services provider.Registered credit provider NCR CP15.The Standard Bank email disclaimer and confidentiality note: This email, its attachments and any rights attaching hereto are, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the property of the Standard Bank Group Limited and/or its subsidiaries (""the group""). It is confidential, private and intended for the addressee only.Should you not be the addressee and receive this email by mistake, kindly notify the sender, and delete it immediately. Do not disclose or use the email in any manner whatsoever. Views and opinions expressed in this email are those of the sender unless clearly stated as those of the group.The group accepts no liability whatsoever for any loss or damages - whatsoever and howsoever incurred - or suffered resulting or arising from the use of this email or its attachments. The group does not warrant the integrity of this email nor that it is free of errors, viruses, interception or interference.The group will never send you any email or other communication asking you to update or confidential information about you or your account. If you have any doubts about the legitimacy of this email or other emails you receive claiming to be from Standard Bank please forward them to phishing@standardbank.co.zaFor more information about Standard Bank Group Limited see www.standardbank.co.za ",phishing
+phishing-2021.mbox,Notification - MailBox has (3) Pending emails,"
+Hi jose@monkey.org
+You have 4 unreceived emails on 2/12/2021 9:44:28 p.m., this was caused due to a system delay, Rectify Below:
+View Pending Messages In Mail Saver.Source: monkey.org Support
+phishing-2021.mbox,Notification - MailBox has (3) Pending emails,"
+Hi jose@monkey.org
+You have 9 unreceived emails on 2/13/2021 4:05:14 a.m., this was caused due to a system delay, Rectify Below:
+View Pending Messages In Mail Saver.Source: monkey.org Support
+phishing-2021.mbox,Email Service Upgrade,"Hi,
+We are happy to announce that your order is ready for delivery.
+Best Regards.
+Email Service Upgrade
+Dear jose,
+You are highly advised to upgrade your email account to our new and upgraded services.
+Kindly upgrade your email account, to enable you enjoy our new email features.
+Upgade Your Email Account.
+Thanks for trusting our services.
+� 2021 monkey.org Server ",phishing
+ monkey.org Mailbox Verification
+ Welcome to your monthly Nedbank card eStatement
+ Dear Customer Attached to this email is
+ your latest monthly card eStatement, which is encrypted to
+ ensure your confidentiality. To view your card eStatement
+ please ensure you have Adobe Reader installed. (To download
+ Adobe Reader kindly go to www.adobe.com.) If your
+ identity document was used to open your account, your identity
+ number is your eStatement password. Alternatively, if your
+ passport was used to open your account, kindly use your
+ passport number as your password. If you have any
+ questions or want to unsubscribe from this service, please
+ contact our service centre on 011 710
+ 4710. For more information on your
+ credit card benefits or the Nedbank product offering please
+ visit www.nedbank.co.za.
+ Yours
+ sincerelyNedbank Card