Trace module — pxr-usd-api 105.1 documentation pxr-usd-api » Modules » Trace module   # Trace module Summary: The Trace module provides performance tracking utility classes for counting, timing, measuring, recording, and reporting events. Trace – Utilities for counting and recording events. Classes: AggregateNode A representation of a call tree. Collector This is a singleton class that records TraceEvent instances and populates TraceCollection instances. Reporter This class converts streams of TraceEvent objects into call trees which can then be used as a data source to a GUI or written out to a file. Functions: TraceFunction(obj) A decorator that enables tracing the function that it decorates. TraceMethod(obj) A convenience. TraceScope(label) A context manager that calls BeginEvent on the global collector on enter and EndEvent on exit. class pxr.Trace.AggregateNode A representation of a call tree. Each node represents one or more calls that occurred in the trace. Multiple calls to a child node are aggregated into one node. Attributes: children list[TraceAggregateNodePtr] count int exclusiveCount int exclusiveTime TimeStamp expanded bool expired True if this object has expired, False otherwise. id Id inclusiveTime TimeStamp key str property children list[TraceAggregateNodePtr] Type type property count int Returns the call count of this node. recursive determines if recursive calls are counted. Type type property exclusiveCount int Returns the exclusive count. Type type property exclusiveTime TimeStamp Returns the time spent in this node but not its children. Type type property expanded bool Returns whether this node is expanded in a gui. type : None Sets whether or not this node is expanded in a gui. Type type property expired True if this object has expired, False otherwise. property id Id Returns the node’s id. Type type property inclusiveTime TimeStamp Returns the total time of this node ands its children. Type type property key str Returns the node’s key. Type type class pxr.Trace.Collector This is a singleton class that records TraceEvent instances and populates TraceCollection instances. All public methods of TraceCollector are safe to call from any thread. Methods: BeginEvent(key) Record a begin event with key if Category is enabled. BeginEventAtTime(key, ms) Record a begin event with key at a specified time if Category is enabled. Clear() Clear all pending events from the collector. EndEvent(key) Record an end event with key if Category is enabled. EndEventAtTime(key, ms) Record an end event with key at a specified time if Category is enabled. GetLabel() Return the label associated with this collector. Attributes: enabled bool expired True if this object has expired, False otherwise. pythonTracingEnabled None BeginEvent(key) → TimeStamp Record a begin event with key if Category is enabled. A matching end event is expected some time in the future. If the key is known at compile time BeginScope and Scope methods are preferred because they have lower overhead. The TimeStamp of the TraceEvent or 0 if the collector is disabled. BeginScope Scope Parameters key (Key) – BeginEventAtTime(key, ms) → None Record a begin event with key at a specified time if Category is enabled. This version of the method allows the passing of a specific number of elapsed milliseconds, ms, to use for this event. This method is used for testing and debugging code. Parameters key (Key) – ms (float) – Clear() → None Clear all pending events from the collector. No TraceCollection will be made for these events. EndEvent(key) → TimeStamp Record an end event with key if Category is enabled. A matching begin event must have preceded this end event. If the key is known at compile time EndScope and Scope methods are preferred because they have lower overhead. The TimeStamp of the TraceEvent or 0 if the collector is disabled. EndScope Scope Parameters key (Key) – EndEventAtTime(key, ms) → None Record an end event with key at a specified time if Category is enabled. This version of the method allows the passing of a specific number of elapsed milliseconds, ms, to use for this event. This method is used for testing and debugging code. Parameters key (Key) – ms (float) – GetLabel() → str Return the label associated with this collector. property enabled bool Returns whether collection of events is enabled for DefaultCategory. type : None Enables or disables collection of events for DefaultCategory. Type classmethod type property expired True if this object has expired, False otherwise. property pythonTracingEnabled None Set whether automatic tracing of all python scopes is enabled. type : bool Returns whether automatic tracing of all python scopes is enabled. Type type class pxr.Trace.Reporter This class converts streams of TraceEvent objects into call trees which can then be used as a data source to a GUI or written out to a file. Methods: ClearTree() Clears event tree and counters. GetLabel() Return the label associated with this reporter. Report(s, iterationCount) Generates a report to the ostream s, dividing all times by iterationCount. ReportChromeTracing(s) Generates a timeline trace report suitable for viewing in Chrome's trace viewer. ReportChromeTracingToFile ReportTimes(s) Generates a report of the times to the ostream s. UpdateTraceTrees() This fully re-builds the event and aggregate trees from whatever the current collection holds. Attributes: aggregateTreeRoot AggregateNode expired True if this object has expired, False otherwise. foldRecursiveCalls bool globalReporter groupByFunction bool shouldAdjustForOverheadAndNoise None ClearTree() → None Clears event tree and counters. GetLabel() → str Return the label associated with this reporter. Report(s, iterationCount) → None Generates a report to the ostream s, dividing all times by iterationCount. Parameters s (ostream) – iterationCount (int) – ReportChromeTracing(s) → None Generates a timeline trace report suitable for viewing in Chrome’s trace viewer. Parameters s (ostream) – ReportChromeTracingToFile() ReportTimes(s) → None Generates a report of the times to the ostream s. Parameters s (ostream) – UpdateTraceTrees() → None This fully re-builds the event and aggregate trees from whatever the current collection holds. It is ok to call this multiple times in case the collection gets appended on inbetween. If we want to have multiple reporters per collector, this will need to be changed so that all reporters reporting on a collector update their respective trees. property aggregateTreeRoot AggregateNode Returns the root node of the aggregated call tree. Type type property expired True if this object has expired, False otherwise. property foldRecursiveCalls bool Returns the current setting for recursion folding for stack trace event reporting. type : None When stack trace event reporting, this sets whether or not recursive calls are folded in the output. Recursion folding is useful when the stacks contain deep recursive structures. Type type globalReporter =  property groupByFunction bool Returns the current group-by-function state. type : None This affects only stack trace event reporting. If true then all events in a function are grouped together otherwise events are split out by address. Type type property shouldAdjustForOverheadAndNoise None Set whether or not the reporter should adjust scope times for overhead and noise. Type type pxr.Trace.TraceFunction(obj) A decorator that enables tracing the function that it decorates. If you decorate with ‘TraceFunction’ the function will be traced in the global collector. pxr.Trace.TraceMethod(obj) A convenience. Same as TraceFunction but changes the recorded label to use the term ‘method’ rather than ‘function’. pxr.Trace.TraceScope(label) A context manager that calls BeginEvent on the global collector on enter and EndEvent on exit. © Copyright 2019-2023, NVIDIA. Last updated on Nov 14, 2023.