stringlengths 2
| abc
stringlengths 2.32k
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2012 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.600000cm
%%sysstaffsep 0.00000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "22 OPENING SONGS"
%%footer Jn 6:67-68, 8:31-32, Heb 4:12, Jn 1:1-5, 8:12, 1Cor 2:14 7 8 7 8 8 8
%OHSCRIP Jn 6:67-68, 8:31-32, Heb 4:12, Jn 1:1-5, 8:12, 1Cor 2:14
%OHTOPICS {Church on Earth (Church Militant)}, {Consolation [4]}, {Darkness, Spiritual [2]}, {Education [2]}, {Father [4]}, {Guidance}, {Holiness}, {Holy Spirit [2-4]}, {Invitation (Faithful's to God)}, {Invitation (God's to Us)}, {Jesus [1,4]}, {Knowledge [2]}, {Light [2,3]}, {Love}, {Opening Songs}, {Presence}, {Trinity}
%OHMETRICAL 7 8 7 8 8 8
%OHCOMPOSER Ahle, Johann Rudolph (1625-1673)
%OHARRANGER Layriz, Fridrich (1808-1859)
%OHAUTHOR Clausnitzer, Tobias (1619-1684)
%OHTRANSLATOR Winkworth, Catherine (1827-1878)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 22
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: G
{ B G A d ; D D D F ; G, B, A, A, ; G, G, F, D, }
{ B G A2 ; D E F2 ; G, B, D2 ; G, E, D,2 }
{ G G G G ; D D E D ; G, B, C G, ; B,, G,, C, B,, }
{ A B A2 ; F G2 F ; C D D2 ; A,, G,, D,2 }
{ G4 ; G4 ; B,4 ; G,,4 }
{ D D D F ; G, B, A, A, ; G, G, F, D, ; B G A d }
{ D E F2 ; G, B, D2 ; G, E, D,2 ; B G A2 }
{ D D E D ; G, B, C G, ; B,, G,, C, B,, ; G G G G }
{ F G2 F ; C D D2 ; A,, G,, D,2 ; A B A2 }
{ G4 ; B,4 ; G,,4 ; G4 }
{ G, B, A, A, ; G, G, F, D, ; B G A d ; D D D F }
{ G, B, D2 ; G, E, D,2 ; B G A2 ; D E F2 }
{ G, B, C G, ; B,, G,, C, B,, ; G G G G ; D D E D }
{ C D D2 ; A,, G,, D,2 ; A B A2 ; F G2 F }
{ B,4 ; G,,4 ; G4 ; G4 } | X: 22
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: G
X: 22
T: Blessed Jesus at Thy Word
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: verses 1-3, Tobias Clausnitzer, 1663. verse 4, unknown author. Translated by Catherine Winkworth, 1858.
C: Music: 'Liebster Jesu wir Sind Hier' Johann Rudolph Ahle, 1664. Setting: Fridrich Layriz, 1854.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2012 Revision.
S: Music source: "Kern des Deutschen Kirchengesangs zum Gebrauch Evangelisch-Lutherischer Gemeinden und Familien", 1854 by Fridrich Layriz Hymn 75 page 46
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: G % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=120] B G A d | B G A2 | G G G G | A B A2 | G4 |
w: 1.~Bles- sed Je- sus, at Thy Word We are ga- thered all to hear Thee;
w: 2.~All our know- ledge, sense, and sight Lie in deep- est dark- ness shroud- ed,
w: 3.~Glor- ious Lord, Thy- self im- part! Light of light, from God pro- ceed- ing,
w: 4.~Fa- ther, Son, and Ho- ly Ghost, Praise to Thee and a- do- ra- tion!
[V: S1V2] D D D F | D E F2 | D D E D | F G2 F | G4 |
[V: S2V1] G, B, A, A, | G, B, D2 | G, B, C G, | C D D2 | B,4 |
[V: S2V2] G, G, F, D, | G, E, D,2 | B,, G,, C, B,, | A,, G,, D,2 | G,,4 |
% 6
[V: S1V1] B G A d | B G A2 | G G G G | A B A2 | G4 |
w: Let our hearts and souls be stirred Now to seek and love and fear Thee,
w: Til Thy Spir- it breaks our night With the beams of truth un- cloud- ed;
w: O- pen Thou our ears and heart; Help us by Thy Spir- it's plead- ing;
w: Grant that we Thy Word may trust And ob- tain true con- so- la- tion,
[V: S1V2] D D D F | D E F2 | D D E D | F G2 F | G4 |
[V: S2V1] G, B, A, A, | G, B, D2 | G, B, C G, | C D D2 | B,4 |
[V: S2V2] G, G, F, D, | G, E, D,2 | B,, G,, C, B,, | A,, G,, D,2 | G,,4 |
% 11
[V: S1V1] D D E F | G A F D | !sintro!G G A B | c B A2 | G4 !eintro!|]
w: By Thy teach- ings sweet and ho- ly, Drawn from earth to love Thee sole- ly.
w: Thou a- lone to God canst win us; Thou must work all good with- in us.
w: Hear the cry Thy peo- ple rais- es; Hear and bless our prayers and prais- es.
w: While we here be- low must wan- der, Till we sing Thy prais- es yon- der.
[V: S1V2] D D ^C D | D E D D | D B, D D | E D D2 | B,4 |]
[V: S2V1] B, A, G, A, | B, A, A, F, | G, G, F, G, | G, G,2 F, | G,4 |]
[V: S2V2] G, F, E, D, | B,, ^C, D, D, | B,, E, D, G,, | C, G,, D,2 | G,,4 |]
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2012 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.600000cm
%%sysstaffsep 0.00000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "OPENING SONGS 23"
%%footer Hab 2:20, 2Sam 22:7, Ps 48:9-10, Rev 7:9-12, Is 6:2-3 6 6 8 6 6 8 6 6 6
%OHSCRIP Hab 2:20, 2Sam 22:7, Ps 48:9-10, Rev 7:9-12, Is 6:2-3
%OHTOPICS {Angels [2,3]}, {Art and Music [2]}, {Church in Heaven (Church Victorious/Church Triumphant) [2]}, {Church on Earth (Church Militant) [3]}, {God, As King}, {God, Majesty & Power of}, {Holiness}, {Humility}, {Jesus [2]}, {Praise, Father}, {Praise, Holy Spirit}, {Praise, Son}, {Presence}, {Reverence}, {Trinity}, {Worship}
%OHMETRICAL 6 6 8 6 6 8 6 6 6
%OHCOMPOSER Neander, Joachim (1650-1680)
%OHAUTHOR Tersteegen, Gerhard (1697-1769)
%OHTRANSLATOR Foster, Frederick William (1760-1835);Miller, John (1756-1790)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 23
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: G
{ B B B B ; G G G G ; D D D D ; G, G, B, G, }
{ A2 A2 ; (G F/E/) F2 ; D2 D2 ; D,2 D,2 }
{ G G G G ; E E E E ; B, B, B, B, ; E, E, G, E, }
{ F2 F2 ; (E ^D/^C/) D2 ; B,2 B,2 ; B,,2 B,,2 }
{ E E D G ; E C B, E ; G, G, G, B, ; C, E, G, E, }
{ G G G G ; D D D D ; G, G, B, G, ; A B A2 }
{ (G F/E/) F2 ; D2 D2 ; D,2 D,2 ; G4 }
{ E E E E ; B, B, B, B, ; E, E, G, E, ; B B B B }
{ (E ^D/^C/) D2 ; B,2 B,2 ; B,,2 B,,2 ; A2 A2 }
{ E C B, E ; G, G, G, B, ; C, E, G, E, ; G G G G }
{ D D D D ; G, G, B, G, ; A B A2 ; F G (G F) }
{ D2 D2 ; D,2 D,2 ; G4 ; G4 }
{ B, B, B, B, ; E, E, G, E, ; B B B B ; G G G G }
{ B,2 B,2 ; B,,2 B,,2 ; A2 A2 ; (G F/E/) F2 }
{ G, G, G, B, ; C, E, G, E, ; G G G G ; E E E E }
{ G, G, B, G, ; A B A2 ; F G (G F) ; D D D2 }
{ D,2 D,2 ; G4 ; G4 ; B,4 }
{ E, E, G, E, ; B B B B ; G G G G ; D D D D }
{ B,,2 B,,2 ; A2 A2 ; (G F/E/) F2 ; D2 D2 }
{ C, E, G, E, ; G G G G ; E E E E ; B, B, B, B, } | X: 23
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: G
X: 23
T: God Himself is Present
%%combinevoices 1
T: (also known as God Himself is With Us or God Reveals His Presence or Lo! God Is Here)
C: Words: Gerhard Tersteegen, 1729. Translated by Frederick W. Foster and John Miller, 1789, alt.
C: Music: 'Wunderbarer König' or 'Arnsberg' or 'Groeningen' Joachim Neander, 1680.
C: Setting: "Common Service Book", 1918.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2012 Revision.
S: Music source: Common Service Book Hymn 424
S: Lyrics of this hymn have been one huge trail of modifications since its original translation in 1789. Most significant changes seemed to be around 1880 with the Hymnal of the Presbyterian Church in Canada p. 13-14. These Lyrics from CSB
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: G % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=130] B B B B | A2 A2 | G G G G | F2 F2 | E E D G |
w: 1.~God Him- self is pre- sent: Let us now a- dore Him, And with awe ap-
w: 2.~God Him- self is pre- sent: Hear the harps re- sound- ing! See the crowds the
w: 3.~O Thou fount of bless- ing, Pur- i- fy my spi- rit; Trust- ing on- ly
[V: S1V2] G G G G | (G F/E/) F2 | E E E E | (E ^D/^C/) D2 | E C B, E |
[V: S2V1] D D D D | D2 D2 | B, B, B, B, | B,2 B,2 | G, G, G, B, |
[V: S2V2] G, G, B, G, | D,2 D,2 | E, E, G, E, | B,,2 B,,2 | C, E, G, E, |
% 2
[V: S1V1] A B A2 | G4 | B B B B | A2 A2 | G G G G |
w: pear be- fore Him. God is in His tem- ple, all with- in keep
w: throne sur- round- ing! "Ho- ly, ho- ly, ho- ly", hear the hymn as-
w: in Thy mer- it, Like the ho- ly an- gels Who be- hold Thy
[V: S1V2] F G (G F) | G4 | G G G G | (G F/E/) F2 | E E E E |
[V: S2V1] D D D2 | B,4 | D D D D | D2 D2 | B, B, B, B, |
[V: S2V2] D, G, D,2 | G,,4 | G, G, B, G, | D,2 D,2 | E, E, G, E, |
% 2
[V: S1V1] F2 F2 | E E D G | A B A2 | G4 | B2 B2 | c4 |
w: si- lence, Pro- strate lie with deep- est rev- erence. Him a- lone
w: cend- ing, An- gels, saints, their voi- ces blend- ing! Bow Thine ear
w: glo- ry, May I cease- less- ly a- dore Thee, Let Thy will
[V: S1V2] (E ^D/^C/) D2 | E C B, E | F G (G F) | G4 | D2 D2 | E4 |
[V: S2V1] B,2 B,2 | G, G, G, B, | D D D2 | B,4 | G,2 G,2 | G,4 |
[V: S2V2] B,,2 B,,2 | C, E, G, E, | D, G, D,2 | G,,4 | G,2 G,2 | C,4 |
% 2
[V: S1V1] A2 A2 | B4 | !sintro!d d c B | A2 B2 | | d d c B | A2 G2 !eintro!|]
w: God we own, Him our God and Sa- vior; Praise His name for- ev- er.
w: to us here: Hear, O Christ, the prai- ses That Thy Church now rai- ses.
w: Ev- er still Rule Thy Church ter- res- trial, As the hosts ce- les- tial.
[V: S1V2] F2 F2 | G4 | F G G G | (G F) G2 | G3/2 F/ E G | (G F) G2 |]
[V: S2V1] D2 D2 | D4 | D D E D | D2 D2 | G, B, C D | (E D/C/) B,2 |]
[V: S2V2] D,2 D,2 | G,4 | D, B,, C, G, | D,2 G,2 | B,, G,, A,, B,, | (C, D,) G,2 |]
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2012 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.600000cm
%%sysstaffsep 0.00000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "24 OPENING SONGS"
%%footer 1Cor 6:19-20, 3:16, 1Jn 1:5-7, 1Pt 2:5-9, Ez 36:27, 1Cor 1:18, 2:13, Jn 4:14, Rev 2:10 8 8 7 8 8 7 4 8 4 8
%OHSCRIP 1Cor 6:19-20, 3:16, 1Jn 1:5-7, 1Pt 2:5-9, Ez 36:27, 1Cor 1:18, 2:13, Jn 4:14, Rev 2:10
%OHTOPICS {Aspiration}, {Christian Life}, {Commitment}, {Consecration}, {Consolation [3]}, {Courage in Affliction [5,6]}, {Faithfulness [2-4,6]}, {Father [2]}, {Fellowship [7]}, {Fire [2, 6]}, {Following Jesus, In Action}, {Following Jesus, In Faith}, {Following Jesus, Sanctification}, {Guidance}, {Healing [4]}, {Holiness [8]}, {Holy Spirit}, {Inner Life}, {Invitation (Faithful's to God)}, {Jesus [2]}, {Joy [1,7]}, {Light [1,4]}, {Love [1,6,7]}, {Opening Songs}, {Peace [6,7]}, {Presence}, {Temperance & Moral Reform (see also Law) [4,5]}, {Wisdom [3,6]}
%OHMETRICAL 8 8 7 8 8 7 4 8 4 8
%OHCOMPOSER Nicolai, Phillipp (1556-1608)
%OHAUTHOR Schirmer, Michael (1606-1673)
%OHTRANSLATOR Winkworth, Catherine (1827-1878)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 24
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: Eb
{ z2 E2 ; x2 B,2 ; z2 G,2 ; x2 E,2 }
{ B2 G2 ; F2 B,2 ; F,2 G,2 ; D,2 E,2 }
{ E2 B2 ; C2 F2 ; G,2 B, B,- ; C,2 D,2 }
{ c c B2 ; G F D2 ; B, =A, B,2 ; E, F, B,,2 }
{ z B c d ; x E E F ; z G, G, B, ; x E, C, B,, }
{ e d ; G F ; B, B, ; E, B,, }
{ x2 B,2 ; z2 G,2 ; x2 E,2 ; c c }
{ F2 B,2 ; F,2 G,2 ; D,2 E,2 ; B2 z B }
{ C2 F2 ; G,2 B, B,- ; C,2 D,2 ; c2 B2 }
{ G F D2 ; B, =A, B,2 ; E, F, B,,2 ; A G F2 }
{ x E E F ; z G, G, B, ; x E, C, B,, ; E4 }
{ G F ; B, B, ; E, B,, ; z2 E2 }
{ z2 G,2 ; x2 E,2 ; c c ; F E }
{ F,2 G,2 ; D,2 E,2 ; B2 z B ; D2 x E }
{ G,2 B, B,- ; C,2 D,2 ; c2 B2 ; E2 E2 }
{ B, =A, B,2 ; E, F, B,,2 ; A G F2 ; C B, B,2 }
{ z G, G, B, ; x E, C, B,, ; E4 ; B,4 }
{ B, B, ; E, B,, ; z2 E2 ; x2 B,2 }
{ x2 E,2 ; c c ; F E ; B, =A, }
{ D,2 E,2 ; B2 z B ; D2 x E ; B,2 z G, }
{ C,2 D,2 ; c2 B2 ; E2 E2 ; A,2 B,2 }
{ E, F, B,,2 ; A G F2 ; C B, B,2 ; E, E,2 D, }
{ x E, C, B,, ; E4 ; B,4 ; G,4 }
{ E, B,, ; z2 E2 ; x2 B,2 ; z2 G,2 }
{ c c ; F E ; B, =A, ; F, F,, }
{ B2 z B ; D2 x E ; B,2 z G, ; B,,2 x E, }
{ c2 B2 ; E2 E2 ; A,2 B,2 ; A,,2 G,,2 }
{ A G F2 ; C B, B,2 ; E, E,2 D, ; A,, E,, B,,2 }
{ E4 ; B,4 ; G,4 ; E,,4 }
{ z2 E2 ; x2 B,2 ; z2 G,2 ; x2 E,2 }
{ B2 G2 ; F2 B,2 ; F,2 G,2 ; D,2 E,2 } | X: 24
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: Eb
X: 24
T: O Holy Spirit, Enter In
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Michael Schirmer, 1650 except verse 2 by unknown author circa 1660.
C: Verses 1, 4, 6-8 translated by by Catherine Winkworth, 1863. Remaining verses unknown translator before 1931.
C: Music: 'Wie Schön Leuchtet' Phillipp Nicolai, 1599. Setting: "Mehrstimmiges ChoralBuch", 1906.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2012 Revision.
S: Music source: "Mehrstimmiges ChoralBuch", 1906 Hymn #184, page 145 Ed. Karl Brauer.
S: Text source "Evangelical Lutheran Hymn-Book", 1931.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: Eb % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=150] z2 E2 | B2 G2 | E2 B2 | c c B2 | z B c d | e d
w: 1.~O Ho- ly Spir- it, en- ter in, And in our hearts Thy
w: 2.~Give to Thy Word im- press- ive pow'r That in our hearts, from
w: 3.~Thou foun- tain whence all wis- dom flows Which God on pi- ous
w: 4.~Left to our- selves, we shall but stray; O lead us on the
w: 5.~Thy heav'n- ly strength sus- tain our heart That we may act the
[V: S1V2] x2 B,2 | F2 B,2 | C2 F2 | G F D2 | x E E F | G F
[V: S2V1] z2 G,2 | F,2 G,2 | G,2 B, B,- | B, =A, B,2 | z G, G, B, | B, B,
[V: S2V2] x2 E,2 | D,2 E,2 | C,2 D,2 | E, F, B,,2 | x E, C, B,, | E, B,,
% 6
[V: S1V1] c c | B2 z B | c2 B2 | A G F2 | E4 | z2 E2 | B2 G2 |
w: work be- gin Thy Tem- ple deign to make us; Sun of the
w: this good hour, As fire it may be glow- ing; That we con-
w: hearts be- stows, Grant us Thy con- so- la- tion. That in our
w: nar- row way, With wis- est coun- sel guide us; And give us
w: val- iant part With Thee as our Re- li- ance; Be Thou our
[V: S1V2] F E | D2 x E | E2 E2 | C B, B,2 | B,4 | x2 B,2 | F2 B,2 |
[V: S2V1] B, =A, | B,2 z G, | A,2 B,2 | E, E,2 D, | G,4 | z2 G,2 | F,2 G,2 |
[V: S2V2] F, F,, | B,,2 x E, | A,,2 G,,2 | A,, E,, B,,2 | E,,4 | x2 E,2 | D,2 E,2 |
% 13
[V: S1V1] E2 B2 | c c B2 | z B c d | e d c c | B2 z B | c2 B2 |
w: soul, Thou Light di- vine, A- round and in us bright- ly shine, To joy and
w: fess the Fa- ther, Son, And Thee, the Spir- it, Three in One, Thy glo- ry
w: pure faith's un- i- ty We faith- ful wit- ness- es may be Of grace that
w: stead- fast- ness, that we May ev- er faith- ful prove to Thee, What- ev- er
w: Re- fuge and our Shield That we may nev- er quit the field, But stand in
[V: S1V2] C2 F2 | G F D2 | x E E F | G F F E | D2 x E | E2 E2 |
[V: S2V1] G,2 B, B,- | B, =A, B,2 | z G, G, B, | B, B, B, =A, | B,2 z G, | A,2 B,2 |
[V: S2V2] C,2 D,2 | E, F, B,,2 | x E, C, B,, | E, B,, F, F,, | B,,2 x E, | A,,2 G,,2 |
% 19
[V: S1V1] A G F2 | E4 | B2 G2 | B2 G2 | G G F F | G G F F |
w: glad- ness wake us. That we to Thee Tru- ly liv- ing, To Thee giv- ing
w: ev- er show- ing. Stay Thou, guide now Our souls ev- er that they nev- er
w: brings sal- va- tion. Hear us, cheer us, By Thy teach- ing; let our preach- ing,
w: woes be- tide us; Lord now Heal Thou All hearts bro- ken, And be- to- ken
w: bold de- fi- ance. De- scend, de- fend From all err- ors And earth's ter- rors
[V: S1V2] C B, B,2 | B,4 | D2 E2 | D2 E2 | B, E E D | B, E E D |
[V: S2V1] E, E,2 D, | G,4 | B,2 B,2 | B,2 B,2 | E, B, B, F, | E, B, B, F, |
[V: S2V2] A,, E,, B,,2 | E,,4 | G,2 E,2 | G,2 E,2 | E, E,, B,, B,, | E, E,, B,, B,, |
% 25
%%header "OPENING SONGS 24(2)"
[V: S1V1] G G F !fermata!E | !sintro!e2 B2 | c2 B2 | A G F2 | E4 !eintro!|]
w: Prayer un- ceas- ing May in love be still in- creas- ing.
w: May for- sake Thee. But by faith their re- fuge make Thee.
w: And our la- bor Praise Thee, Lord, and serve our neigh- bor.
w: Thou art near us, Whom we trust to light and cheer us.
w: Thy sal- va- tion Be our con- stant con- so- la- tion.
[V: S1V2] B, E D E | G2 E2 | E2 E2 | C B, B,2 | G,4 |]
[V: S2V1] E, B, B, !invertedfermata!G, | C2 G,2 | A,2 B,2 | E, E,2 D, | E,4 |]
[V: S2V2] E,, G,, B,, E,, | C,2 E,2 | A,,2 G,,2 | A,, E,, B,,2 | E,,4 |]
%% vskip 1.0in
W: 6. O mighty Rock, O Source of life,
W: Let Thy dear Word 'mid doubt and strife
W: Be so within us burning,
W: That we be faithful unto death,
W: In Thy pure love and holy faith,
W: From Thee true wisdom learning!
W: Thy grace And peace
W: On us shower; By Thy power
W: Christ confessing,
W: Let us win our Savior's blessing.
W: 7. O gentle Dew, from Heav'n now fall
W: With pow'r upon the hearts of all,
W: Thy tender love instilling,
W: That heart to heart more closely bound,
W: Fruitful in kindly deeds be found,
W: The law of love fulfilling;
W: The Lord, Discord
W: Shall not grieve Thee; We recieve Thee;
W: Where Thou livest.
W: Peace, and love, and joy Thou givest.
W: 8. Grant that our days, while life shall last,
W: In purest holiness be passed,
W: Be Thou our Strength forever;
W: Grant that our hearts henceforth be free
W: From sinful lust and vanity
W: Which us from Thee must sever.
W: Keep Thou pure Now
W: From offenses Heart and senses.
W: Blessed Spirit!
W: Let us heavenly life inherit.
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.720000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "25 OPENING SONGS"
%%footer Ps 100:1-5, Ps 118:19-26, Is 26:1-4, 1Cor 3:16-17, Lk 8:4-15 8 7 8 7 7 7
%OHSCRIP Ps 100:1-5, Ps 118:19-26, Is 26:1-4, 1Cor 3:16-17, Lk 8:4-15
%OHTOPICS {Anticipation [1]}, {Discipleship}, {Faith [4]}, {Harvest [3]}, {Heaven [2]}, {Joy}, {Light [1]}, {Presence}, {Sowing & Reaping [3]}, {Temptation [4]}, {Worship}
%OHMETRICAL 8 7 8 7 7 7
%OHCOMPOSER Neander, Joachim (1650-1680)
%OHAUTHOR Schmolck, Benjamin (1672-1737)
%OHTRANSLATOR Winkworth, Catherine (1827-1878)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 25
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: Bb
{ B,3/2 C/ D B, ; B,3/2 A,/ B, B, ; D,3/2 F,/ F, F, ; B,,3/2 F,,/ B,, D, }
{ D E F F ; B, B, C C ; F, G, A, A, ; B,, G,, F,, F, }
{ B A/G/ F d ; B, B, B, F ; B, B, B, B, ; G, F,/E,/ D, B,, }
{ c c B2 ; G F/E/ D2 ; B, A, F,2 ; E, F, B,,2 }
{ B,3/2 A,/ B, B, ; D,3/2 F,/ F, F, ; B,,3/2 F,,/ B,, D, ; B,3/2 C/ D B, }
{ B, B, C C ; F, G, A, A, ; B,, G,, F,, F, ; D E F F }
{ B, B, B, F ; B, B, B, B, ; G, F,/E,/ D, B,, ; B A/G/ F d }
{ G F/E/ D2 ; B, A, F,2 ; E, F, B,,2 ; c c B2 }
{ D,3/2 F,/ F, F, ; B,,3/2 F,,/ B,, D, ; B,3/2 C/ D B, ; B,3/2 A,/ B, B, }
{ F, G, A, A, ; B,, G,, F,, F, ; D E F F ; B, B, C C }
{ B, B, B, B, ; G, F,/E,/ D, B,, ; B A/G/ F d ; B, B, B, F }
{ B, A, F,2 ; E, F, B,,2 ; c c B2 ; G F/E/ D2 } | X: 25
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: Bb
X: 25
T: Open Now Thy Gates of Beauty
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Benjamin Schmolck, 1730. Translated by Catherine Winkworth, 1863.
C: Music: 'Unser Herrscher' or 'Neander' Joachim Neander, 1680. Setting: "Chorale Book for England", 1863.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Revision.
S: Music source: "Chorale Book for England", 1863 Hymn 15.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: Bb % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=100] B,3/2 C/ D B, | D E F F | B A/G/ F d | c c B2 |
w: 1.~Op- en now thy gates of beau- ty, Zi- on, * let me en- ter there,
w: 2.~Lord, my God, I come be- fore Thee, Come Thou * al- so un- to me;
w: 3.~Here Thy praise is glad- ly chant- ed, Here Thy * seed is du- ly sown;
w: 4.~Thou my faith in- crease and quick- en, Let me * keep Thy gift di- vine,
w: 5.~Speak, O God, and I will hear Thee, Let Thy * will be done in- deed;
[V: S1V2] B,3/2 A,/ B, B, | B, B, C C | B, B, B, F | G F/E/ D2 |
[V: S2V1] D,3/2 F,/ F, F, | F, G, A, A, | B, B, B, B, | B, A, F,2 |
[V: S2V2] B,,3/2 F,,/ B,, D, | B,, G,, F,, F, | G, F,/E,/ D, B,, | E, F, B,,2 |
% 5
[V: S1V1] B,3/2 C/ D B, | D E F F | B A/G/ F d | c c B2 |
w: Where my soul in joy- ful du- ty Waits for * Him Who an- swers prayer.
w: Where we find Thee and a- dore Thee, There a * heav'n on earth must be.
w: Let my soul, where it is plant- ed, Bring forth * pre- cious sheaves a- lone,
w: How- so- e'er temp- ta- tions thick- en; May Thy * Word still o'er me shine
w: May I un- dist- urbed draw near Thee While Thou * dost Thy peo- ple feed.
[V: S1V2] B,3/2 A,/ B, B, | B, B, C C | B, B, B, F | G F/E/ D2 |
[V: S2V1] D,3/2 F,/ F, F, | F, G, A, A, | B, B, B, B, | B, A, F,2 |
[V: S2V2] B,,3/2 F,,/ B,, D, | B,, G,, F,, F, | G, F,/E,/ D, B,, | E, F, B,,2 |
% 9
[V: S1V1] d3/2 d/ c c | B B A2 | !sintro!G3/2 G/ F B | c A B2 !eintro!|]
w: Oh, how bless- èd is this place, Filled with so- lace, light and grace!
w: To my heart, oh, en- ter Thou, Let it be Thy tem- ple now!
w: So that all I hear may be Fruit- ful un- to life in me.
w: As my guid- ing star through life, As my com- fort in my strife.
w: Here of life the foun- tain flows, Here is balm for all our woes.
[V: S1V2] F3/2 F/ F F | D D D2 | B,3/2 E/ D D | C C D2 |]
[V: S2V1] B,3/2 B,/ A, A, | G, G, ^F,2 | G,3/2 B,/ B, B, | G, F, F,2 |]
[V: S2V2] B,,3/2 D,/ F, F, | G, B,,/C,/ D,2 | E,3/2 E,/ B,, G, | E, F, B,,2 |]
% 14
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2006 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "OPENING SONGS 26"
%%footer Jn 11:52, Jer 10:23-24, Jer 30:11, Zech 10:8-9, Zeph 3:14-20 6 6 6 5 6 6 6 5
%OHSCRIP Jn 11:52, Jer 10:23-24, Jer 30:11, Zech 10:8-9, Zeph 3:14-20
%OHTOPICS {Brotherhood}, {Church on Earth (Church Militant)}, {God, Care of}, {God, Providence of [1,2]}, {Guidance}, {Invitation (Faithful's to God) [1,3]}, {Leadership}, {Opening Songs}, {Presence}
%OHMETRICAL 6 6 6 5 6 6 6 5
%OHARRANGER Kremser, Eduard (1838-1914)
%OHAUTHOR unknown
%OHTRANSLATOR Baker, Theodore (1851-1934)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 26
M: 3/4
L: 1/4
K: D
{ A ; D ; F, ; D, }
{ A3/2 B/ A ; D3/2 D/ D ; F,3/2 G,/ F, ; D,3/2 D,/ D, }
{ F G A ; D D D ; A, A, A, ; D, E, F, }
{ G3/2 F/ E ; D3/2 D/ C ; B,3/2 B,/ C ; E,3/2 E,/ A, }
{ F D ; D D ; A, F, ; D, D, }
{ D ; F, ; D, ; A }
{ D3/2 D/ D ; F,3/2 G,/ F, ; D,3/2 D,/ D, ; A3/2 B/ c }
{ D D D ; A, A, A, ; D, E, F, ; d3/2 e/ c }
{ D3/2 D/ C ; B,3/2 B,/ C ; E,3/2 E,/ A, ; B3/2 A/ B }
{ D D ; A, F, ; D, D, ; A2 }
{ F, ; D, ; A ; F }
{ F,3/2 G,/ F, ; D,3/2 D,/ D, ; A3/2 B/ c ; E3/2 E/ E }
{ A, A, A, ; D, E, F, ; d3/2 e/ c ; F E E }
{ B,3/2 B,/ C ; E,3/2 E,/ A, ; B3/2 A/ B ; F3/2 F/ ^G }
{ A, F, ; D, D, ; A2 ; E2 }
{ D, ; A ; F ; A, }
{ D,3/2 D,/ D, ; A3/2 B/ c ; E3/2 E/ E ; A,3/2 A,/ A, }
{ D, E, F, ; d3/2 e/ c ; F E E ; A, ^G, A, }
{ E,3/2 E,/ A, ; B3/2 A/ B ; F3/2 F/ ^G ; A,3/2 D/ D }
{ D, D, ; A2 ; E2 ; C2 } | X: 26
M: 3/4
L: 1/4
K: D
X: 26
T: We Gather Together
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Anonymous circa 1597. Translated Theodore Baker, 1894.
C: Music: 'Kremser' Traditional Dutch circa 1597. Setting: Eduard Kremser, 1877.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2006 Revision.
S: Music source: 'The Hymnal of the Protestant Episcopal Church', 1940 Hymn 315.
M: 3/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: D % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=100] A | A3/2 B/ A | F G A | G3/2 F/ E | F D
w: 1.~We ga- ther to- ge- ther to ask the Lord's bless- ing;
w: 2.~Be- side us to guide us, our God with us join- ing,
w: 3.~We all do ex- tol Thee, Thou Lea- der tri- um- phant,
[V: S1V2] D | D3/2 D/ D | D D D | D3/2 D/ C | D D
[V: S2V1] F, | F,3/2 G,/ F, | A, A, A, | B,3/2 B,/ C | A, F,
[V: S2V2] D, | D,3/2 D,/ D, | D, E, F, | E,3/2 E,/ A, | D, D,
% 5
[V: S1V1] A | A3/2 B/ c | d3/2 e/ c | B3/2 A/ B | A2
w: He cha- stens and ha- stens His will to make known.
w: Or- dain- ing, main- tain- ing His king- dom di- vine;
w: And pray that Thou still our De- fen- der will be.
[V: S1V2] F | E3/2 E/ E | F E E | F3/2 F/ ^G | E2
[V: S2V1] A, | A,3/2 A,/ A, | A, ^G, A, | A,3/2 D/ D | C2
[V: S2V2] D, | C,3/2 C,/ C, | B,, E, A,, | D,3/2 B,,/ E, | A,,2
% 9
[V: S1V1] A | A3/2 B/ c | d A A | (A3/2 B/) G/A/ | F D
w: The wi- cked op- pres- sing now cease * from dis- tres- sing.
w: So from the be- gin- ning the fight * we were win- ning;
w: Let Thy con- gre- ga- tion es- cape * trib- u- la- tion;
[V: S1V2] E | E3/2 E/ E | D D D | D2 C/C/ | D D
[V: S2V1] C | C3/2 B,/ A, | A, A, A, | B,2 A,/A,/ | A, F,
[V: S2V2] A, | G,3/2 G,/ G, | F, F, F, | E,2 A,/A,/ | D, D,
% 13
[V: S1V1] D | G3/2 A/ B/G/ | (A3/2 G/) !sintro!F/F/ | G E3/2 D/ | D2 !eintro!|]
w: Sing prai- ses to His Name; * He for- gets not His own.
w: Thou, Lord, were at our side, * all * glo- ry be Thine!
w: Thy Name be ev- er praised! * O * Lord, make us free!
[V: S1V2] D | D3/2 D/ D/D/ | E2 D/D/ | D C3/2 D/ | D2 |]
[V: S2V1] F, | G,3/2 F,/ G,/G,/ | (E, A,) A,/A,/ | G, G,3/2 F,/ | F,2 |]
[V: S2V2] D, | B,,3/2 A,,/ G,,/B,,/ | C,2 D,/D,/ | E, A,,3/2 D,/ | D,2 |]
% 18
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2013 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.600000cm
%%sysstaffsep 0.00000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "27 CLOSING SONGS"
%%footer 1Jn 4:13-16, Mt 28:20, Jn 1:1-14, Phil 4:13, Col 1:11-12 7 6 7 6
%OHSCRIP 1Jn 4:13-16, Mt 28:20, Jn 1:1-14, Phil 4:13, Col 1:11-12
%OHTOPICS {Closing Songs}, {Darkness, Spiritual [3]}, {Following Jesus, Sanctification}, {God, Care of}, {Grace [1]}, {Invitation (Faithful's to God)}, {Jesus}, {Joy [2]}, {Light [3]}, {Love [6]}, {Peace [2]}, {Presence}, {Security [5]}, {Wisdom [4]}
%OHCOMPOSER Vulpius, Melchior (1560-1615)
%OHAUTHOR Stegmann, Joshua (1588-1632)
%OHTRANSLATOR Crull, August (1845-1923)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 27
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: Eb
{ E ; B, ; G, ; E, }
{ G F G A ; E D E E ; B, B, B, E, ; E, B,, E, C, }
{ B2 !fermata!G c ; D2 E E ; (F, B,) !invertedfermata!B, A, ; B,,2 E, A,, }
{ B3/2 A/ G F ; E3/2 C/ E D ; G,3/2 A,/ B, B, ; E,3/2 F,/ E, B,, }
{ G2 ; E2 ; B,2 ; E,2 }
{ B, ; G, ; E, ; z B }
{ E D E E ; B, B, B, E, ; E, B,, E, C, ; c c d e }
{ D2 E E ; (F, B,) !invertedfermata!B, A, ; B,,2 E, A,, ; c2 !fermata!B !sintro!G }
{ E3/2 C/ E D ; G,3/2 A,/ B, B, ; E,3/2 F,/ E, B,, ; F E E D }
{ E2 ; B,2 ; E,2 ; E3 !eintro! } | X: 27
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: Eb
X: 27
T: Abide, O Dearest Jesus
%%combinevoices 1
T: (also known as Abide with Us, Lord Jesus or Abide Among Us with Thy Grace or
T: Abide with Us, Our Savior or Come, Abide with Thy Grace, in Our Hearts or O Savior, Go Beside us)
C: Words: Joshua Stegmann, 1628. Translated by August Crull circa 1892.
C: Music: 'Christus der ist mein Leben' Melchior Vulpius, 1609.
C: Setting: "Mehrstimmiges ChoralBuch", 1906.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2013 Revision.
S: Music source: "Mehrstimmiges ChoralBuch", 1906 Hymn #32, page 23 Ed. Karl Brauer.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: Eb % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=120] E | G F G A | B2 !fermata!G c | B3/2 A/ G F | G2
w: 1.~A- bide, O dear- est Je- sus, A- mong us with Thy grace,
w: 2.~A- bide, O dear Re- deem- er, A- mong us with Thy Word,
w: 3.~A- bide with heav'n- ly bright- ness A- mong us, pre- cious Light;
w: 4.~A- bide with rich- est bless- ings A- mong us, boun- teous Lord;
w: 5.~A- bide with Thy pro- tec- tion A- mong us, Lord, our Strength,
[V: S1V2] B, | E D E E | D2 E E | E3/2 C/ E D | E2
[V: S2V1] G, | B, B, B, E, | (F, B,) !invertedfermata!B, A, | G,3/2 A,/ B, B, | B,2
[V: S2V2] E, | E, B,, E, C, | B,,2 E, A,, | E,3/2 F,/ E, B,, | E,2
% 5
[V: S1V1] z B | c c d e | c2 !fermata!B !sintro!G | F E E D | E3 !eintro!|]
w: That Sa- tan may not harm us, Nor we to sin give place.
w: And thus now and here- af- ter True peace and joy af- ford.
w: Thy truth di- rect, and keep us From er- ror's gloom- y night.
w: Let us in grace and wis- dom Grow dai- ly through Thy Word.
w: Lest world and Sa- tan fell us And o- ver- come at length.
[V: S1V2] x E | E E F E | E2 E E | C B, C B, | B,3 |]
[V: S2V1] z G, | A, G, B, B, | A,2 !invertedfermata!G, B, | A, G, F, F, | G,3 |]
[V: S2V2] x E, | A,, C, B,, G,, | A,,2 E, E,, | F,, G,, A,, B,, | E,,3 |]
W: 6. Abide, O faithful Savior, Among us with Thy love;
W: Grant steadfastness, and help us To reach our home above.
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.7500000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "CLOSING SONGS 28"
%%footer Lk 2:29-32, Gen 49:18, Is 42:6-7, Is 49:6 8 5 8 4 7 7
%OHSCRIP Lk 2:29-32, Gen 49:18, Is 42:6-7, Is 49:6
%OHTOPICS {Assurance}, {Closing Songs}, {Comfort [1]}, {Darkness, Spiritual [4]}, {Eternal Life [1]}, {Faithfulness}, {God, Faithfulness of}, {God, Goodness of}, {Gratitude}, {Israel [4]}, {Jesus}, {Joy}, {Light [4]}, {Peace}, {Praise, Son}, {Promises (see also Gospel) [1,3]}, {Salvation [3]}, {Trust}, {Worship}
%OHMETRICAL 8 5 8 4 7 7
%OHCOMPOSER from Walter's Geistliche Gesangbüchlein, 1524
%OHARRANGER Praetorius, Michael (1571-1621)
%OHAUTHOR Luther, Martin (1483-1546)
%OHTRANSLATOR Bacon, Leonard Woolsey (1830-1907)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 28
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: C
{ D2 A A ; A,2 A, D ; F,2 E, F, ; D,2 ^C, D, }
{ G d c B ; B, B, E E ; G, G,3/2 A, ^G,/ ; E, B,, C, E, }
{ A2 c2 ; C2 E2 ; A,2 C2 ; A,,2 A,2 }
{ A c (B/A/ B) ; F G (F//G// A ^G/) ; C E (D B,) ; F, C, (D,/E,/ E,) }
{ A ; A ; C ; A, }
{ A,2 A, D ; F,2 E, F, ; D,2 ^C, D, ; z/ A/ c3/2 B/ }
{ B, B, E E ; G, G,3/2 A, ^G,/ ; E, B,, C, E, ; c A/ (G F/) E }
{ C2 E2 ; A,2 C2 ; A,,2 A,2 ; D2 A3/2 G/ }
{ F G (F//G// A ^G/) ; C E (D B,) ; F, C, (D,/E,/ E,) ; (F D) C2 }
{ F,2 E, F, ; D,2 ^C, D, ; z/ A/ c3/2 B/ ; x/ F/ =G G }
{ G, G,3/2 A, ^G,/ ; E, B,, C, E, ; c A/ (G F/) E ; G F/ D3/2 ^C }
{ A,2 C2 ; A,,2 A,2 ; D2 A3/2 G/ ; D2 F3/2 E/ }
{ C E (D B,) ; F, C, (D,/E,/ E,) ; (F D) C2 ; (D/C/ B,) C2 } | X: 28
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: C
X: 28
T: In Peace and Joy I Now Depart
%%combinevoices 1
T: (also known as The Song of Simeon: Nunc Dimitis)
C: Words: Martin Luther, 1524. Translated by Leonard Woolsey Bacon, 1884, alt.
C: Music: 'Mit Fried und Freud ich Far Dahin' from Walter's Geistliche Gesangbüchlein, 1524.
C: Setting: Michael Praetorius, 1610.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Revision.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: C % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=120] D2 A A | G d c B | A2 c2 | A c (B/A/ B) | A
w: 1.~In peace and joy I now de- part At God's dis- pos- * * ing;
w: 2.~'Tis Christ that wrought this work for me, My faith- ful Sa- * * vior,
w: 3.~Him Thou hast un- to all set forth Their great Sal- va- * * tion
w: 4.~He is the Hope and sa- ving Light Of lands be- night- * * ed;
[V: S1V2] A,2 A, D | B, B, E E | C2 E2 | F G (F//G// A ^G/) | A
[V: S2V1] F,2 E, F, | G, G,3/2 A, ^G,/ | A,2 C2 | C E (D B,) | C
[V: S2V2] D,2 ^C, D, | E, B,, C, E, | A,,2 A,2 | F, C, (D,/E,/ E,) | A,
% 5
[V: S1V1] z/ A/ c3/2 B/ | c A/ (G F/) E | D2 A3/2 G/ | (F D) C2 |
w: For full of com- fort is * my heart, Soft re- pos- * ing.
w: Whom Thou hast made mine eyes * to see By Thy fa- * vor.
w: And to His king- dom called * the earth, Ev- ery na- * tion,
w: By Him are they who dwelt * in night Fed and light- * ed.
[V: S1V2] x/ F/ =G G | G F/ D3/2 ^C | D2 F3/2 E/ | (D/C/ B,) C2 |
[V: S2V1] z/ D/ E3/2 D/ | C3/2 B, A, A,/ | A,2 A,2 | A, G, E, z |
[V: S2V2] x/ D,/ C,3/2 G,/ | E, F,/ (G, D,/A,/) A,,/ | D,2 D,3/2 E,/ | (F, G,) C, x |
% 9
[V: S1V1] (A3/2 G/) F c- | c/_B/ A G/F/ G | A z/ !sintro!G/ F D | C F (E/D/ E) | D4 !eintro!|]
w: So * the Lord * * hath pro- * mised me, And death is but a slum- * * ber.
w: Now * I know * * He is * my Life, My Help in need and dy- * * ing.
w: By * Thy dear * * and whole- * some Word, In ev- ery place re- sound- * * ing.
w: He * is Is- * * rael's Praise * and Bliss, Their Joy, Re- ward, and Glor- * * y.
[V: S1V2] C2 D C | D2 D D | ^C x/ B,/ (D/ =C) B,/ | A,/G,/ D (^C/ D ^C/) | A,4 |]
[V: S2V1] (F,/G,/ A,2) A, | D, F, G, D, | E, z/ G,/ A, G, | E, A, A,/F,/A,/G,/ | ^F,4 |]
[V: S2V2] (F,3/2 E,/) (D, A,,) | G,, D, _B,, _B,, | A,, x/ E,/ F, G, | C, D, (A,,/_B,,/ A,,) | D,4 |]
% 15
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2011 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "29 CLOSING SONGS"
%%footer Num 6:22-27, 1Cor 15:54-57, Heb 9:15, Is 63:9 8 7 8 7 8 7
%OHSCRIP Num 6:22-27, 1Cor 15:54-57, Heb 9:15, Is 63:9
%OHTOPICS {Assurance}, {Brevity of Life}, {Christian Life}, {Closing Songs}, {Day [3]}, {Gospel [2]}, {Grace [1]}, {Joy [1]}, {Peace [1]}, {Victory}
%OHMETRICAL 8 7 8 7 8 7
%OHCOMPOSER Smart, Henry Thomas (1813-1879)
%OHAUTHOR Fawcett, John (1740-1817);Thring, Godfrey (1823-1903)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 29
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: C
{ G E ; E C ; C G, ; C, C, }
{ c G e3/2 d/ ; G E G3/2 G/ ; G, C C3/2 B,/ ; E, C, G,3/2 F,/ }
{ c G A A ; G G C C ; C C A, C ; E, E, F, F, }
{ G c G F ; C C D B, ; G, A, G, G, ; E, A,, B,, G,, }
{ E2 ; C2 ; G,2 ; C,2 }
{ E C ; C G, ; C, C, ; G E }
{ G E G3/2 G/ ; G, C C3/2 B,/ ; E, C, G,3/2 F,/ ; c G e3/2 d/ }
{ G G C C ; C C A, C ; E, E, F, F, ; c B c B }
{ C C D B, ; G, A, G, G, ; E, A,, B,, G,, ; A B/c/ B A }
{ C2 ; G,2 ; C,2 ; G2 }
{ C G, ; C, C, ; G E ; E C }
{ G, C C3/2 B,/ ; E, C, G,3/2 F,/ ; c G e3/2 d/ ; G G/F/ E3/2 F/ }
{ C C A, C ; E, E, F, F, ; c B c B ; E E E E }
{ G, A, G, G, ; E, A,, B,, G,, ; A B/c/ B A ; E E G ^F }
{ G,2 ; C,2 ; G2 ; G2 } | X: 29
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: C
X: 29
T: Lord, Dismiss Us With Thy Blessing
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: John Fawcett, 1773; verse 3 alt. by Godfrey Thring, 1880.
C: Music: 'Regent Square' Henry Smart, 1867. Setting: "Psalms and Hymns for Divine Worship", 1867.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2011 Revision.
S: Music source: "Psalms and Hymns for Divine Worship", 1867 Hymn 58.
S: Fawcett's original 3 verses can be found in "The Anglican Hymn Book" of 1871 Hymn 332.
S: modified verse three found in "The hymnal, revised and enlarged" (Episcopal), 1889 Hymn 34.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: C % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=100] G E | c G e3/2 d/ | c G A A | G c G F | E2
w: 1.~Lord, dis- miss us with Thy bless- ing; Fill our hearts with joy and peace;
w: 2.~Thanks we give and a- dor- a- tion For Thy Gos- pel's joy- ful sound;
w: 3.~So that when Thy love shall call us, Sa- vior, from the world a- way,
[V: S1V2] E C | G E G3/2 G/ | G G C C | C C D B, | C2
[V: S2V1] C G, | G, C C3/2 B,/ | C C A, C | G, A, G, G, | G,2
[V: S2V2] C, C, | E, C, G,3/2 F,/ | E, E, F, F, | E, A,, B,, G,, | C,2
% 5
[V: S1V1] G E | c G e3/2 d/ | c B c B | A B/c/ B A | G2
w: Let us each Thy love pos- ses- sing, Tri- umph in re- * deem- ing grace.
w: May the fruits of Thy sal- va- tion In our hearts and * lives a- bound.
w: Fear of death shall not ap- pall us, Glad Thy sum- mons * to o- bey.
[V: S1V2] E C | G G/F/ E3/2 F/ | E E E E | E E G ^F | G2
[V: S2V1] C C | G, G, C3/2 B,/ | A, ^G, A, G, | E D/C/ D C | B,2
[V: S2V2] C G, | E, E,/D,/ C,3/2 D,/ | E, E, A, E, | C, A,, D, D, | G,,2
% 9
[V: S1V1] d3/2 d/ | B G e3/2 d/ | c A !sintro!f e | d c c B | c2 !eintro!|]
w: O re- fresh us, O re- fresh us, Trav'- ling through this wil- der- ness.
w: Ev- er faith- ful, ev- er faith- ful, To the truth may we be found.
w: May we ev- er, may we ev- er, Reign with Thee in end- less day.
[V: S1V2] G3/2 G/ | G G G3/2 E/ | F F A G | F E/F/ G3/2 F/ | E2 |]
[V: S2V1] B,3/2 B,/ | D B, C3/2 _B,/ | A, C D G, | A,/B,/ C D D | C2 |]
[V: S2V2] G,3/2 G,/ | G, G, C,3/2 C,/ | F, F, D, E, | F,/G,/ A, G, G,, | C,2 |]
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2013 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.600000cm
%%sysstaffsep 0.00000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "CLOSING SONGS 30"
%%footer Mk 4:26-29, 1Cor 3:6-7, 1Thess 3:11-13, 2Cor 9:10 6 6 6 6 8 8
%OHSCRIP Mk 4:26-29, 1Cor 3:6-7, 1Thess 3:11-13, 2Cor 9:10
%OHTOPICS {Closing Songs}, {Fellowship [3]}, {Forgiveness [2]}, {Grace [1]}, {Harvest [1]}, {Prayer [2]}, {Scripture [2]}, {Sowing & Reaping [1]}, {Trust}
%OHMETRICAL 6 6 6 6 8 8
%OHCOMPOSER Darwall, John (1731-1789)
%OHAUTHOR Newton, John (1725-1807)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 30
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: D
{ D ; A, ; F, ; D, }
{ F D A F ; D D E F ; A, F, A, A, ; D, D, C, D, }
{ d3 c ; F3 F ; D3 D ; B,3 A, }
{ B A G F ; G D C D ; D A, A, A, ; G, F, E, D, }
{ E3 E ; C3 C ; A,3 A, ; A,,3 A,, }
{ F ; D ; A, ; D, }
{ A, ; F, ; D, ; D B A }
{ D D E F ; A, F, A, A, ; D, D, C, D, ; ^G E e d }
{ F3 F ; D3 D ; B,3 A, ; c2 B2 }
{ G D C D ; D A, A, A, ; G, F, E, D, ; A3 A }
{ C3 C ; A,3 A, ; A,,3 A,, ; B2 c2 }
{ D ; A, ; D, ; d3 }
{ F, ; D, ; D B A ; D F E }
{ A, F, A, A, ; D, D, C, D, ; ^G E e d ; E E E F }
{ D3 D ; B,3 A, ; c2 B2 ; E3 D }
{ D A, A, A, ; G, F, E, D, ; A3 A ; C3 D }
{ A,3 A, ; A,,3 A,, ; B2 c2 ; D2 G2 }
{ A, ; D, ; d3 ; F3 } | X: 30
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: D
X: 30
T: On What Has Now Been Sown
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: John Newton, 1779. Music: 'Darwall`s 148th' John Darwall, 1770.
C: Setting: "Common Service Book" (ULCA), 1917.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2013 Revision.
S: Music source: 'Common Service Book with Hymnal', ULCA 1918 Hymn 68.
S: Lyrics from Evangelical Lutheran Hymn-Book, 1931 Hymn 11.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: D % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=140] D | F D A F | d3 c | B A G F | E3 E | F
w: 1.~On what has now been sown Thy bless- ing, Lord, be- stow; The pow'r
w: 2.~To Thee our wants are known, From Thee are all our pow'rs; Ac- cept
w: 3.~Oh, grant that each of us Now met be- fore Thee here May meet
[V: S1V2] A, | D D E F | F3 F | G D C D | C3 C | D
[V: S2V1] F, | A, F, A, A, | D3 D | D A, A, A, | A,3 A, | A,
[V: S2V2] D, | D, D, C, D, | B,3 A, | G, F, E, D, | A,,3 A,, | D,
% 6
[V: S1V1] D B A | ^G E e d | c2 B2 | A3 A | B2 c2 | d3
w: is Thine a- lone To make it spring and grow. Do Thou in grace
w: what is Thine own And par- don what is ours. Our prais- es, Lord,
w: to- ge- ther thus When Thou and Thine ap- pear And fol- low Thee
[V: S1V2] D F E | E E E F | E3 D | C3 D | D2 G2 | F3
[V: S2V1] F, D C | B, ^G, A, A, | A,2 ^G,2 | A,3 F, | G,2 G,2 | A,3
[V: S2V2] D, B,, C,/D,/ | E, D, C, D, | E,2 E,2 | A,,3 D, | G,2 E,2 | D,3
% 11
[V: S1V1] D | E F G !sintro!A | B c d e | d2 c2 | d3 !eintro!|]
w: the har- vest raise, And Thou a- lone shalt have the praise.
w: and prayers re- ceive And to Thy Word a bless- ing give.
w: to Heav'n, our home. E'en so, A- men, Lord Je- sus, come!
[V: S1V2] D | C D D D | D G F E | F2 G2 | F3 |]
[V: S2V1] A, | G, A, G, F, | G, G, A, B, | A,2 A,2 | A,3 |]
[V: S2V2] F, | E, D, B,, D, | G, E, F, G, | A,2 A,,2 | D,3 |]
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2008 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "31 ADVENT"
%%footer Is 9:6, Lk 1:67-75, Is 61:1-2, 2Pt 1:3-4 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7
%OHSCRIP Is 9:6, Lk 1:67-75, Is 61:1-2, 2Pt 1:3-4
%OHTOPICS {Anticipation}, {Atonement}, {Christmas/Advent}, {God, As King}, {God's Children - the Faithful (see also Saints, People of the World)}, {Hope}, {Invitation (Faithful's to God)}, {Israel [1]}, {Jesus}, {Joy [1]}, {Presence}, {Throne (also see God - As King) [2]}
%OHMETRICAL 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7
%OHCOMPOSER from Southern Harmony, 1835
%OHARRANGER from Southern Harmony, 1835
%OHAUTHOR Wesley, Charles (1707-1788)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 31
M: 2/4
L: 1/4
K: C
{ A A/G/ ; A, A,/B,/ ; E, E,/G,/ }
{ E G/A/ ; C A, ; A, A, }
{ c B/A/ ; E B ; G, E,/F,/ }
{ B A ; G/F/ E ; G, E, }
{ A/G/ E/D/ ; C B, ; C,/D,/ E,/G,/ }
{ E G/A/ ; A, B,/A,/ ; A, D, }
{ c B ; C B, ; E, E, }
{ A2 ; A,2 ; A,,2 }
{ A, A,/B,/ ; E, E,/G,/ ; A A/G/ }
{ C A, ; A, A, ; E G/A/ }
{ E B ; G, E,/F,/ ; c B/A/ }
{ G/F/ E ; G, E, ; B A }
{ C B, ; C,/D,/ E,/G,/ ; A/G/ E/D/ }
{ A, B,/A,/ ; A, D, ; E G/A/ }
{ C B, ; E, E, ; c B }
{ A,2 ; A,,2 ; A2 }
{ E, E,/G,/ ; A A/G/ ; A, A,/B,/ }
{ A, A, ; E G/A/ ; C A, }
{ G, E,/F,/ ; c B/A/ ; E B }
{ G, E, ; B A ; G/F/ E }
{ C,/D,/ E,/G,/ ; A/G/ E/D/ ; C B, }
{ A, D, ; E G/A/ ; A, B,/A,/ }
{ E, E, ; c B ; C B, }
{ A,,2 ; A2 ; A,2 }
{ A A/G/ ; A, A,/B,/ ; E, E,/G,/ }
{ E G/A/ ; C A, ; A, A, }
{ c B/A/ ; E B ; G, E,/F,/ }
{ B A ; G/F/ E ; G, E, }
{ A/G/ E/D/ ; C B, ; C,/D,/ E,/G,/ }
{ E G/A/ ; A, B,/A,/ ; A, D, }
{ c B ; C B, ; E, E, }
{ A2 ; A,2 ; A,,2 } | X: 31
M: 2/4
L: 1/4
K: C
X: 31
T: Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus
%%combinevoices 1
T: (also known as Hail, Thou Long-Expected Jesus)
C: Words: Charles Wesley, 1745.
C: Music and Setting: 'Jefferson' from "Southern Harmony", 1835, alt.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2008 Revision.
S: Music source: Southern Harmony, 1835, Hymn 42. Setting heavily altered for congregational use.
M: 2/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | S2
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: C % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=100] A A/G/ | E G/A/ | c B/A/ | B A | A/G/ E/D/ | E G/A/ | c B | A2 |
w: 1.~Come, Thou * long ex- * pect- ed * Je- sus Born * to * set Thy * peo- ple free;
w: 2.~Born Thy * peo- ple * to de * li- ver, Born * a * child and * yet a King,
[V: S1V2] A, A,/B,/ | C A, | E B | G/F/ E | C B, | A, B,/A,/ | C B, | A,2 |
[V: S2] E, E,/G,/ | A, A, | G, E,/F,/ | G, E, | C,/D,/ E,/G,/ | A, D, | E, E, | A,,2 |
% 9
[V: S1V1] A A/G/ | E G/A/ | c B/A/ | B A | A/G/ E/D/ | E G/A/ | c B | A2 |
w: From our * fears and * sins re- * lease us, Let * us * find our * rest in Thee.
w: Born to * reign in * us for- * ev- er, Now * Thy * grac- ious * king- dom bring.
[V: S1V2] A, A,/B,/ | C A, | E B | G/F/ E | C B, | A, B,/A,/ | C B, | A,2 |
[V: S2] E, E,/G,/ | A, A, | G, E,/F,/ | G, E, | C,/D,/ E,/G,/ | A, D, | E, E, | A,,2 |
% 17
[V: S1V1] c d | e e | c B/A/ | B A | c d | e e/d/ | c B/A/ | B2 |
w: Is- rael's Strength and Con- sol- * a- tion, Hope of all the * earth Thou * art;
w: By Thine own e- ter- nal * Spi- rit Rule in all our * hearts a- * lone;
[V: S1V2] C B, | A, A, | C/D/ E/D/ | E E | E D | C A, | C D/C/ | B,2 |
[V: S2] E, G, | A, A, | G, A, | E, E, | C, D, | E, A, | G, D, | E,2 |
% 25
[V: S1V1] A c/d/ | e e | c B/A/ | B A | !sintro!A/G/ E/D/ | E G/A/ | c B | A2 !eintro!|]
w: Dear De- * sire of ev- ery * na- tion, Joy * of * ev- ery * long- ing heart.
w: By Thine * all suf- fi- cient * mer- it, Raise * us * to Thy * glor- ious throne.
[V: S1V2] E E/D/ | B, C/B,/ | C B,/C/ | D E | C B, | A, B,/A,/ | G, B, | A,2 |]
[V: S2] A, G,/A,/ | B, A, | A, E, | D, E, | A, B, | A, D, | E, E, | A,,2 |]
% 34
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2008 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.74000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "ADVENT 32"
%%footer Is 40:1-8 8 7 8 7 7 7 8 8
%OHSCRIP Is 40:1-8
%OHTOPICS {Atonement}, {Christmas/Advent}, {Comfort}, {Darkness, Spiritual}, {Following Jesus, Sanctification}, {God, As King [4]}, {God, Love of}, {God's Children - the Faithful (see also Saints, People of the World)}, {Gospel [1,3]}, {Grace [1,3]}, {Presence [2]}, {Promises (see also Gospel)}, {Salvation}
%OHMETRICAL 8 7 8 7 7 7 8 8
%OHCOMPOSER from Trente Quatre Pseaumes de David, Geneva, 1551
%OHAUTHOR Olearius (Oelschlaeger), Johann (1611-1684)
%OHTRANSLATOR Winkworth, Catherine (1827-1878)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 32
M: 6/4
L: 1/4
K: F
{ F2 G A2 G ; C2 E F2 E ; A,2 C C2 C ; F,,2 C, F,2 C, }
{ F E D2 C2 ; D C B,2 A,2 ; A, A, F,2 F,2 ; D, A,, B,,2 F,,2 }
{ F2 G A2 B ; D2 E F2 F ; A,2 C C2 D ; D,2 C, F,2 B,, }
{ A2 G2 !fermata!F2 ; F2 E2 C2 ; C3 B, !invertedfermata!A,2 ; C,2 C,2 F,,2 }
{ C2 E F2 E ; A,2 C C2 C ; F,,2 C, F,2 C, ; F2 G A2 G }
{ D C B,2 A,2 ; A, A, F,2 F,2 ; D, A,, B,,2 F,,2 ; F E D2 C2 }
{ D2 E F2 F ; A,2 C C2 D ; D,2 C, F,2 B,, ; F2 G A2 B }
{ F2 E2 C2 ; C3 B, !invertedfermata!A,2 ; C,2 C,2 F,,2 ; A2 G2 !fermata!F2 }
{ A,2 C C2 C ; F,,2 C, F,2 C, ; F2 G A2 G ; C2 E F2 E }
{ A, A, F,2 F,2 ; D, A,, B,,2 F,,2 ; F E D2 C2 ; D C B,2 A,2 }
{ A,2 C C2 D ; D,2 C, F,2 B,, ; F2 G A2 B ; D2 E F2 F }
{ C3 B, !invertedfermata!A,2 ; C,2 C,2 F,,2 ; A2 G2 !fermata!F2 ; F2 E2 C2 }
{ F,,2 C, F,2 C, ; F2 G A2 G ; C2 E F2 E ; A,2 C C2 C }
{ D, A,, B,,2 F,,2 ; F E D2 C2 ; D C B,2 A,2 ; A, A, F,2 F,2 }
{ D,2 C, F,2 B,, ; F2 G A2 B ; D2 E F2 F ; A,2 C C2 D }
{ C,2 C,2 F,,2 ; A2 G2 !fermata!F2 ; F2 E2 C2 ; C3 B, !invertedfermata!A,2 } | X: 32
M: 6/4
L: 1/4
K: F
X: 32
T: Comfort, Comfort Ye My People
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Johann Olearius (Oelschlaeger), 1671. Translated by Catherine Winkworth, 1862.
C: Music: 'Freu dich sehr, o meine Seele' from Trente Quatre Pseaumes de David, Geneva, 1551.
C: Setting: "Evangelical Lutheran Hymn-Book", 1931.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2008 Revision.
M: 6/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: F % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=160] F2 G A2 G | F E D2 C2 | F2 G A2 B | A2 G2 !fermata!F2 |
w: 1.~Com- fort, com- fort ye My peo- ple, Speak ye peace, thus saith our God;
w: 2.~For the her- ald's voice is cry- ing In the des- ert far and near,
w: 3.~Yea, her sins our God will par- don, Blot- ting out each dark mis- deed;
w: 4.~Make ye straight what long was crook- ed, Make the rough- er pla- ces plain:
[V: S1V2] C2 E F2 E | D C B,2 A,2 | D2 E F2 F | F2 E2 C2 |
[V: S2V1] A,2 C C2 C | A, A, F,2 F,2 | A,2 C C2 D | C3 B, !invertedfermata!A,2 |
[V: S2V2] F,,2 C, F,2 C, | D, A,, B,,2 F,,2 | D,2 C, F,2 B,, | C,2 C,2 F,,2 |
% 5
[V: S1V1] F2 G A2 G | F E D2 C2 | F2 G A2 B | A2 G2 !fermata!F2 |
w: Com- fort those who sit in dark- ness, Mourn- ing 'neath their sor- row's load;
w: Bid- ding all men to re- pent- ance, Since the king- dom now is here.
w: All that well de- served His an- ger He will no more see nor heed.
w: Let your hearts be true and hum- ble, As be- fits His ho- ly reign,
[V: S1V2] C2 E F2 E | D C B,2 A,2 | D2 E F2 F | F2 E2 C2 |
[V: S2V1] A,2 C C2 C | A, A, F,2 F,2 | A,2 C C2 D | C3 B, !invertedfermata!A,2 |
[V: S2V2] F,,2 C, F,2 C, | D, A,, B,,2 F,,2 | D,2 C, F,2 B,, | C,2 C,2 F,,2 |
% 9
[V: S1V1] A2 A c2 B | A G A2 z2 | c2 c d2 c | B A G2 z2 |
w: Speak ye to Je- ru- sa- lem Of the peace that waits for them;
w: O that warn- ing cry o- bey! Now pre- pare for God a way!
w: She has suff- ered many a day, Now her griefs have passed a- way,
w: For the glo- ry of the Lord O'er the earth is shed a- broad,
[V: S1V2] F2 F F2 F | F E F2 x2 | A2 F F2 E | F F E2 x2 |
[V: S2V1] C2 D C2 D | C C C2 z2 | C2 A, B,2 G, | D C C2 z2 |
[V: S2V2] F,2 D, A,,2 B,, | F,, C, F,,2 x2 | F,2 F, B,,2 C, | D, F, C,2 x2 |
% 13
[V: S1V1] A2 c B2 A | F G A2 F2 | !sintro!A2 A B2 A | G F E2 !fermata!F2 !eintro!|]
w: Tell her that her sins I co- ver, And her war- fare now is o- ver.
w: Let the val- leys rise to meet Him, And the hills bow down to greet Him.
w: God will change her pi- ning sad- ness In- to ev- er spring- ing glad- ness.
w: And all flesh shall see the to- ken That His Word is ne- ver bro- ken.
[V: S1V2] C2 _E D2 F | D E F2 D2 | F2 F F2 F | D C C2 C2 |]
[V: S2V1] F,2 G, G,2 C | A, C C2 B,2 | C2 D D2 C | B, A, (G, B,) !invertedfermata!A,2 |]
[V: S2V2] F,2 C, G,,2 A,, | D, C, F,,2 B,,2 | F,2 D, B,,2 F,, | G,, A,, C,2 F,,2 |]
% 18
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2005 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "33 ADVENT"
%%footer Lk 1:26-38, 1:42-48 10 10 12 7 3
%OHSCRIP Lk 1:26-38, 1:42-48
%OHTOPICS {Angels}, {Christmas/Advent}, {Fire [1]}
%OHMETRICAL 10 10 12 7 3
%OHARRANGER Pettman, Edgar (1866 - 1943)
%OHTRANSLATOR Gould, Sabine Baring (1834-1924)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 33
M: 3/4
L: 1/4
K: C
{ E ; E ; E, ; E, }
{ A2 c ; C2 E ; E,2 E, ; A,,2 A,, }
{ B2 d ; D2 F ; E,2 E, ; A,,2 A,, }
{ c2 B ; E2 D ; E,2 E, ; A,,2 A,, }
{ A3 ; E3 ; C3 ; A,3 }
{ B3 ; F3 ; D3 ; A,3 }
{ E3- ; D3- ; B,3- ; (A,3 }
{ E2 ; D2 ; B,2 ; ^G,2) }
{ E ; E, ; E, ; E }
{ C2 E ; E,2 E, ; A,,2 A,, ; A2 c }
{ D2 F ; E,2 E, ; A,,2 A,, ; B2 d }
{ E2 D ; E,2 E, ; A,,2 A,, ; c2 B }
{ E3 ; C3 ; A,3 ; A3- }
{ F3 ; D3 ; A,3 ; A2 G }
{ D3- ; B,3- ; (A,3 ; A3- }
{ D2 ; B,2 ; ^G,2) ; A2 }
{ E, ; E, ; E ; D }
{ E,2 E, ; A,,2 A,, ; A2 c ; C2 E }
{ E,2 E, ; A,,2 A,, ; B2 d ; D2 F }
{ E,2 E, ; A,,2 A,, ; c2 B ; E2 F }
{ C3 ; A,3 ; A3- ; E3- }
{ D3 ; A,3 ; A2 G ; E3 }
{ B,3- ; (A,3 ; A3- ; E3- }
{ B,2 ; ^G,2) ; A2 ; E2 }
{ E, ; E ; D ; B, }
{ A,,2 A,, ; A2 c ; C2 E ; A,2 A, }
{ A,,2 A,, ; B2 d ; D2 F ; A,2 A, }
{ A,,2 A,, ; c2 B ; E2 F ; A,2 B, }
{ A,3 ; A3- ; E3- ; (C3 }
{ A,3 ; A2 G ; E3 ; B,3) }
{ (A,3 ; A3- ; E3- ; C3- }
{ ^G,2) ; A2 ; E2 ; C2 } | X: 33
M: 3/4
L: 1/4
K: C
X: 33
T: Gabriel's Message
%%combinevoices 1
T: (also known as The Angel Gabriel From Heaven Came)
C: Words: Traditional Basque Carol; Paraphrased by Sabine Baring Gould, (1834-1924).
C: Music: 'Gabriel`s Message' Traditional Basque Carol. Setting: Edgar Pettman, 1922.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2005 Revision.
S: Music source: Public domain representation in another format by Andrew Crookall at '', 24 June 2005.
M: 3/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: C % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=200] E | A2 c | B2 d | c2 B | A3 | B3 | E3- | E2
w: 1.~The an- gel Ga- bri- el from hea- ven came, *
w: 2.~"For know a bless- ed Mo- ther thou shalt be, *
w: 3.~Then gen- tle Ma- ry meek- ly bowed her head, *
w: 4.~Of her, Em- man- u- el, the Christ was born *
[V: S1V2] E | C2 E | D2 F | E2 D | E3 | F3 | D3- | D2
[V: S2V1] E, | E,2 E, | E,2 E, | E,2 E, | C3 | D3 | B,3- | B,2
[V: S2V2] E, | A,,2 A,, | A,,2 A,, | A,,2 A,, | A,3 | A,3 | (A,3 | ^G,2)
% 9
[V: S1V1] E | A2 c | B2 d | c2 B | A3- | A2 G | A3- | A2
w: his wings as drift- ed snow, his eyes * as flame; *
w: all gen- er- a- tions laud and ho- * nor thee, *
w: "To me be as it pleas- eth God," * she said, *
w: in Beth- le- hem, all on a Christ- * mas morn, *
[V: S1V2] D | C2 E | D2 F | E2 F | E3- | E3 | E3- | E2
[V: S2V1] B, | A,2 A, | A,2 A, | A,2 B, | (C3 | B,3) | C3- | C2
[V: S2V2] =G, | A,2 A,, | A,,2 A,, | A,,2 D, | (C,3 | E,3) | A,3- | A,2
% 17
[V: S1V1] c | c2 d | c2 B | c2 d | e2 e | (d3 | c3) | (B3 | B2)
w: "All hail," said he, "thou low- ly mai- den, Ma- * ry, *
w: thy Son shall be Em- ma- nu- el, by seers fore- told, *
w: "my soul shall laud and mag- ni- fy His ho- ly Name." *
w: and Christ- ian folk through- out the world will ev- er say *
[V: S1V2] E | E2 F | E2 F | G2 F | E2 E | (A3 | A3) | (A3 | G2)
[V: S2V1] C | C2 G, | G,2 D | C2 B, | C2 C | (A,3 | D3) | D3- | D2
[V: S2V2] C, | C,2 B,, | C,2 D, | E,2 D, | C,2 C, | (F,3 | ^F,3) | G,3- | G,2
% 25
[V: S1V1] c | d2 c | B2 A | B3 | E3 | !sintro!(A3 | c B c | A3 | A2) G | A3- | A3 !eintro!|]
w: most high- ly fa- vored la- dy," Glo- * * * * * ri- a! *
[V: S1V2] G | D2 D | D2 D | D3 | D3 | (C3 | F3 | E3) | E3 | C3- | C3 |]
[V: S2V1] C | A,2 A, | A,2 A, | A,3 | ^G,3 | (A,3- | A,3 | C3) | B,3 | A,3- | A,3 |]
[V: S2V2] E, | F,2 F, | F,2 F, | E,3 | E,3 | (F,3 | D,3 | C,3) | E,3 | [A,,3-E,3-] | [A,,3E,3] |]
% 35
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2011 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.600000cm
%%sysstaffsep 0.00000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "ADVENT 34"
%%footer Lk 4:18-19, Is 61:1-2, Rev 5:11-12, Ps 107:13-14, Acts 16:25-34, Lv 25:9-10, Mk 2:18-22 8 6 8 6
%OHSCRIP Lk 4:18-19, Is 61:1-2, Rev 5:11-12, Ps 107:13-14, Acts 16:25-34, Lv 25:9-10, Mk 2:18-22
%OHTOPICS {Art and Music}, {Atonement}, {Christmas/Advent}, {Fire [2]}, {God, As King [1]}, {God, Care of [3-6]}, {God, Goodness of}, {God, Love of}, {Holy Spirit[2]}, {Jesus}, {Joy}, {Praise, Son}, {Presence}, {Salvation}, {Throne (also see God - As King) [1]}, {Victory}, {Worship}
%OHCOMPOSER Haweis, Thomas (1734-1820)
%OHAUTHOR Doddridge, Philip (1702-1751)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 34
M: 3/4
L: 1/4
K: G
{ D G B ; B, D D ; G, B, G, ; G,, G, G, ; x3 }
{ d2 c ; D2 F ; A,2 A, ; F,2 D, ; x3 }
{ (B c) A ; (G E) D/C/ ; (G, A,) F, ; (E, C,) D, ; x3 }
{ G2 B ; B,2 D ; G,2 G, ; G,,2 G, ; x3 }
{ (A d) G ; D2 E ; A,2 A, ; (F, B,,) ^C, ; x3 }
{ (F G) E ; (D E) ^C ; (A, B,) G, ; (D, G,,) A,, ; x3 }
{ D2 ; D2 ; F,2 ; D,2 ; x2 }
{ B, D D ; G, B, G, ; G,, G, G, ; x3 ; A }
{ D2 F ; A,2 A, ; F,2 D, ; x3 ; (B A) G }
{ (G E) D/C/ ; (G, A,) F, ; (E, C,) D, ; x3 ; (c B) A }
{ B,2 D ; G,2 G, ; G,,2 G, ; x3 ; (d c) B }
{ D2 E ; A,2 A, ; (F, B,,) ^C, ; x3 ; e2 !sintro!G }
{ (D E) ^C ; (A, B,) G, ; (D, G,,) A,, ; x3 ; (E c) B }
{ D2 ; F,2 ; D,2 ; x2 ; (A G) F } | X: 34
M: 3/4
L: 1/4
K: G
X: 34
T: Hark the Glad Sound
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Philip Doddridge, 1735.
C: Music: 'Chesterfield' or 'Richmond (Haweis)' or 'Spa Fields Chapel' Thomas Haweis, 1792.
C: Setting: "The Church Hymnal, Revised and Enlarged" (Episcopal), 1896.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2011 Revision.
S: Music source: "The Church Hymnal, Revised and Enlarged" (Episcopal), 1896 Ed. Charles Hutchins Hymn 31 first tune.
S: text from "Hymns founded on various texts in the Holy Scriptures" Philip Doddridge, 1766 Hymn 203 p.180
M: 3/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2 S2V3)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2 stem=down
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V3
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: G % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 5 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=130] D G B | d2 c | (B c) A | G2 B | (A d) G | (F G) E | D2
w: 1.~Hark, the glad sound! the Sa- * vior comes! The Sa-* vior pro- * mised long;
w: 2.~On Him the Spi- rit, large- * ly poured, Ex- erts* its sac- * red Fire;
w: 3.~He comes the pris- 'ners to * re- lease, In Sa-* tan's bon- * dage held;
w: 4.~He comes from thick- est films * of vice To clear* the men- * tal ray,
w: 5.~He comes the bro- ken heart * to bind, The bleed-* ing soul * to cure;
[V: S1V2] B, D D | D2 F | (G E) D/C/ | B,2 D | D2 E | (D E) ^C | D2
[V: S2V1] G, B, G, | A,2 A, | (G, A,) F, | G,2 G, | A,2 A, | (A, B,) G, | F,2
[V: S2V2] G,, G, G, | F,2 D, | (E, C,) D, | G,,2 G, | (F, B,,) ^C, | (D, G,,) A,, | D,2
[V: S2V3] x3 | x3 | x3 | x3 | x3 | x3 | x2
% 2
[V: S1V1] A | (B A) G | (c B) A | (d c) B | e2 !sintro!G | (E c) B | (A G) F | G3 !eintro!|]
w: Let ev- * ery heart * pre- pare * a throne, And ev- * ery voice * a song.
w: Wis- dom * and might, * and zeal * and love, His ho- * ly Breast * in- spire.
w: The gates * of brass * be- fore * Him burst, The ir- * on fet- * ters yield.
w: And on * the eye- * balls of * the blind To pour * ce- les- * tial day.
w: And with * the trea- * sures of * His grace T'en- rich * the hum- * ble poor.
[V: S1V2] D | (D E) D | (E/F/ G) F | G/D/E/F/ G/=F/ | E2 D | (E ^F) G | (E D) C | B,3 |]
[V: S2V1] F, | (G, C) B, | (A, D) D | D2 D | C2 G | (C/B,/ A,) G, | (C B,) A, | G,3 |]
[V: S2V2] D, | D,2 D, | D,2 C | (B, A,) G, | C,2 B,, | (C, D,) E, | (C, D,) D, | G,,3 |]
[V: S2V3] x | D,,3- | D,,3- | D,,2 G,, | C,,2 x | x3 | x3 | x3 |]
W: 6. His silver trumpets publish loud
W: The jub'lee of the Lord
W: Our debts are all remitted now
W: Our heritage restored.
W: 7. Our glad hosannas, Prince of Peace,
W: Thy welcome shall proclaim;
W: And Heav'n's eternal arches ring
W: With Thy belovèd name.
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2008 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "35 ADVENT"
%%footer Mk 13:26, Zech 9:9, Lk 2:14, Jn 14:18, Mt 25:31-34 8 7 8 7 8 7
%OHSCRIP Mk 13:26, Zech 9:9, Lk 2:14, Jn 14:18, Mt 25:31-34
%OHTOPICS {Atonement}, {Christmas/Advent}, {Cloud [5]}, {Comfort [2,4]}, {Courage in Affliction}, {Forgiveness [3]}, {God, Love of}, {Heaven}, {Humility [1]}, {Jesus}, {Joy [3-5]}, {Salvation [1]}, {Second Coming [5]}
%OHMETRICAL 8 7 8 7 8 7
%OHCOMPOSER from Geistreiches Gesangbuch Darmstadt, 1698
%OHAUTHOR Thring, Godfrey (1823-1903)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 35
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: D
{ F F B B ; D C D E ; B, C B, G, ; B,, A,, G,, E, }
{ A3/2 G/ F D ; E3/2 C/ D D ; A,3/2 A,/ A, F, ; C,3/2 A,,/ D, D, }
{ A F B A ; E D D D ; A, A, G, A, ; C, D, G, F, }
{ G G F2 ; D C D2 ; B, G, A,2 ; E, E, D,2 }
{ D C D E ; B, C B, G, ; B,, A,, G,, E, ; E E E C }
{ E3/2 C/ D D ; A,3/2 A,/ A, F, ; C,3/2 A,,/ D, D, ; D E F F }
{ E D D D ; A, A, G, A, ; C, D, G, F, ; F ^G A B }
{ D C D2 ; B, G, A,2 ; E, E, D,2 ; A G F2 }
{ B, C B, G, ; B,, A,, G,, E, ; E E E C ; C C B, A, }
{ A,3/2 A,/ A, F, ; C,3/2 A,,/ D, D, ; D E F F ; A, E D D }
{ A, A, G, A, ; C, D, G, F, ; F ^G A B ; D E C F/G/ }
{ B, G, A,2 ; E, E, D,2 ; A G F2 ; F E F2 } | X: 35
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: D
X: 35
T: Jesus Came, the Heavens Adoring
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Godfrey Thring, 1864.
C: Music: 'Sieh, hier bin ich, Ehrenkoenig' from Geistreiches Gesangbuch Darmstadt, Germany, 1698.
C: Setting: "Evangelical Lutheran Hymn-Book", 1931, alt.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2008 Revision.
S: Music source: Evangelical Lutheran Hymn Book (LCMS), Edition of 1931 Hymn 131.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: D % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=100] F F B B | A3/2 G/ F D | A F B A | G G F2 |
w: 1.~Je- sus came, the heav'ns a- dor- ing, Came with peace from realms on high;
w: 2.~Je- sus comes a- gain in mer- cy, When our hearts are bowed with care;
w: 3.~Je- sus comes to hearts re- joic- ing, Bring- ing news of sins for- giv'n;
w: 4.~Je- sus comes in joy and sor- row, Shares a- like our hopes and fears;
w: 5.~Je- sus comes on clouds tri- um- phant, When the heav'ns shall pass a- way;
[V: S1V2] D C D E | E3/2 C/ D D | E D D D | D C D2 |
[V: S2V1] B, C B, G, | A,3/2 A,/ A, F, | A, A, G, A, | B, G, A,2 |
[V: S2V2] B,, A,, G,, E, | C,3/2 A,,/ D, D, | C, D, G, F, | E, E, D,2 |
% 5
[V: S1V1] E E E C | D E F F | F ^G A B | A G F2 |
w: Je- sus came for man's re- demp- tion, Low- ly came on earth to die.
w: Je- sus comes a- gain in an- swer To an ear- nest, heart- felt prayer;
w: Je- sus comes in sounds of glad- ness, Lead- ing souls re- deemed to Heav'n;
w: Je- sus comes, what- e'er be- falls us, Glads our hearts, and dries our tears;
w: Je- sus comes a- gain in glo- ry; Let us then our hom- age pay,
[V: S1V2] C C B, A, | A, E D D | D E C F/G/ | F E F2 |
[V: S2V1] A, A, ^G, F, | F, A, A, A, | B, B, A, D | C B, A,2 |
[V: S2V2] A,, C, E, F, | D, C, D, D, | B,, E, F, B,, | C, C, F,,2 |
% 9
[V: S1V1] !sintro!c c d c/B/ | ^A B c F | d c/B/ ^A B | B ^A B2 !eintro!|]
w: Al- le- lu- ia! * Al- le- lu- ia! Came in * deep hu- mil- i- ty.
w: Al- le- lu- ia! * Al- le- lu- ia! Comes to * save us from des- pair.
w: Al- le- lu- ia! * Al- le- lu- ia! Now the * gate of death is riv'n.
w: Al- le- lu- ia! * Al- le- lu- ia! Cheer- ing * e'en our fail- ing years.
w: Al- le- lu- ia! * Al- le- lu- ia! Till the * dawn of end- less day.
[V: S1V2] F F F G | F D F F | F E F F | G F F2 |]
[V: S2V1] ^A, A, B, E | C B, ^A, A, | B, B, C D | C C D2 |]
[V: S2V2] F, F, D, E, | F, G, F, F, | B,, G, F, D, | E, F, B,,2 |]
% 14
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2013 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 0.600000cm
%%sysstaffsep 0.00000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "ADVENT 36"
%%footer Ps 24:7, 118:19-20, Mt 3:1-3, Is 26:2, 60:4-5, Rev 22:20 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 6
%OHSCRIP Ps 24:7, 118:19-20, Mt 3:1-3, Is 26:2, 60:4-5, Rev 22:20
%OHTOPICS {Anticipation}, {Art and Music [1,32}, {Christian Home/Family [3]}, {Christmas/Advent}, {Consecration [4,5]}, {Crown [2]}, {Father [1]}, {God, As King}, {God, Creator [1]}, {God, Goodness of}, {God, Mercy of [2]}, {Grace}, {Gratitude}, {Holy Spirit [3-5]}, {Inner Life [4,5]}, {Invitation (Faithful's to God) [4,5]}, {Jesus}, {Kindness, God's}, {Light [3]}, {Presence}, {Salvation}, {Second Coming}, {Trinity}, {Worship}
%OHMETRICAL 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 6
%OHCOMPOSER Lemke, August (1820-1913)
%OHAUTHOR Weissel, Georg (1590-1635)
%OHTRANSLATOR Winkworth, Catherine (1827-1878)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 36
M: 3/4
L: 1/4
K: A
{ E ; E ; G, ; E, }
{ c2 A ; E2 E ; A,2 C ; A,,2 A,, }
{ (A G) A ; E2 E ; (A, B,) C ; (C, B,,) A,, }
{ B2 G ; E2 E ; B,2 B, ; G,,2 B,, }
{ E2 E ; E2 B, ; G,2 G, ; E,2 E, }
{ (E F) G ; B,2 E ; (G, A,) B, ; (E, ^D,) =D, }
{ A2 F ; E2 D ; A,2 A, ; C,2 D, }
{ E2 D ; C2 B, ; A,2 G, ; E,2 E, }
{ E ; G, ; E, ; C2 C }
{ E2 E ; A,2 C ; A,,2 A,, ; (E A) c }
{ E2 E ; (A, B,) C ; (C, B,,) A,, ; (B G) E }
{ E2 E ; B,2 B, ; G,,2 B,, ; (A F) ^D }
{ E2 B, ; G,2 G, ; E,2 E, ; E2 E }
{ B,2 E ; (G, A,) B, ; (E, ^D,) =D, ; A2 B }
{ E2 D ; A,2 A, ; C,2 D, ; c2 A }
{ C2 B, ; A,2 G, ; E,2 E, ; G2 }
{ G, ; E, ; C2 C ; A,2 A, }
{ A,2 C ; A,,2 A,, ; (E A) c ; (C E) E }
{ (A, B,) C ; (C, B,,) A,, ; (B G) E ; E2 B, }
{ B,2 B, ; G,,2 B,, ; (A F) ^D ; C2 B, }
{ G,2 G, ; E,2 E, ; E2 E ; B,2 C }
{ (G, A,) B, ; (E, ^D,) =D, ; A2 B ; C2 E }
{ A,2 A, ; C,2 D, ; c2 A ; E2 F }
{ A,2 G, ; E,2 E, ; G2 ; E2 }
{ E, ; C2 C ; A,2 A, ; E,2 E, }
{ A,,2 A,, ; (E A) c ; (C E) E ; A,2 A, }
{ (C, B,,) A,, ; (B G) E ; E2 B, ; B,2 G, }
{ G,,2 B,, ; (A F) ^D ; C2 B, ; (F, A,) F, }
{ E,2 E, ; E2 E ; B,2 C ; G,2 G, }
{ (E, ^D,) =D, ; A2 B ; C2 E ; F,2 G, }
{ C,2 D, ; c2 A ; E2 F ; A,2 C }
{ E,2 E, ; G2 ; E2 ; B,2 } | X: 36
M: 3/4
L: 1/4
K: A
X: 36
T: Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Mighty Gates
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Georg Weissel, 1642. Translated by Catherine Winkworth, 1855.
C: Music: 'Milwaukee' or 'Macht hoch die Tür (Lemke)' August Lemke, 1849.
C: Setting: "Concordia Kinderchöre", 1908.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2013 Revision.
S: Music source: "Concordia Kinderchöre", 1908 Hymn 6 page 10.
S: Lyrics source: The Chorale Book for England, 1865, Hymn 25. noted Arr. v. S.F.G.
M: 3/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: A % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=140] E | c2 A | (A G) A | B2 G | E2 E | (E F) G | A2 F | E2 D |
w: 1.~Lift up your heads, * ye might- y gates! Be- hold, * the King of glo- ry
w: 2.~The Lord is just, * a Help- er tried, Mer- cy * is ev- er at His
w: 3.~O blest the land, * the ci- ty blest, Where Christ * the Ru- ler is con-
w: 4.~Fling wide the por- * tals of your heart; Make it * a tem- ple, set a-
w: 5.~Re- deem- er, come! * I o- pen wide My heart * to Thee; here, Lord, a-
[V: S1V2] E | E2 E | E2 E | E2 E | E2 B, | B,2 E | E2 D | C2 B, |
[V: S2V1] G, | A,2 C | (A, B,) C | B,2 B, | G,2 G, | (G, A,) B, | A,2 A, | A,2 G, |
[V: S2V2] E, | A,,2 A,, | (C, B,,) A,, | G,,2 B,, | E,2 E, | (E, ^D,) =D, | C,2 D, | E,2 E, |
% 9
[V: S1V1] C2 C | (E A) c | (B G) E | (A F) ^D | E2 E | A2 B | c2 A | G2
w: waits; The King * of kings * is draw- * ing near, The Sa- vior of the world
w: side, His king- * ly crown * is ho- * li- ness, His scep- ter, pi- ty in
w: fessed! O hap- * py hearts * and hap- * py homes To whom this King in tri-
w: part From earth- * ly use * for heav'ns * em- ploy, A- dorned with prayer and love
w: bide! Let me * Thy in- * ner pres- * ence feel, Thy grace and love in me
[V: S1V2] A,2 A, | (C E) E | E2 B, | C2 B, | B,2 C | C2 E | E2 F | E2
[V: S2V1] E,2 E, | A,2 A, | B,2 G, | (F, A,) F, | G,2 G, | F,2 G, | A,2 C | B,2
[V: S2V2] A,,2 A,, | ( A,, C,) A,, | G,,2 G,, | A,,2 B,, | E,2 C, | F,,2 E,, | A,,2 F,, | B,,2
% 16
[V: S1V1] F | E2 A | G2 B | A2 c | B2 d | c2 E | (d c) B | (A G) F |
w: is here; Life and sal- va- tion doth He bring, Where- fore * re- joice * and
w: dis- tress, The end of all our woe He brings; Where- fore * the earth * is
w: umph comes! The cloud- less Sun of joy He is, Who bring- * eth pure * de-
w: and joy; So shall your Sov- ereign en- ter in, and new * and no- * bler
w: re- veal. Thy Ho- ly Spi- rit guide us on, Un- til * our glo- * rious
[V: S1V2] ^D | B,2 E | E2 E | E2 E | E2 E | E2 E | E2 E | E2 D |
[V: S2V1] B,/A,/ | G,2 C | B,2 G, | A,2 A, | B,2 B, | A,2 G, | (B, A,) G, | A,2 A, |
[V: S2V2] B,, | E,2 A,, | E,2 D, | C,2 A,, | G,,2 G,, | A,,2 E, | (G,, A,,) B,, | C,2 D, |
% 24
[V: S1V1] E2 E | E2 !sintro!e | e2 c | d2 e | c2 E | (F d) B | A2 G | A2 !eintro!|]
w: glad- ly sing: We praise Thee, Fa- ther, now! Cre- a- * tor, wise art Thou!
w: glad and sings: We praise Thee, Sa- vior, now! Migh- ty * in deed art Thou!
w: light and bliss. O Com- fort- er di- vine, What bound- * less grace is Thine!
w: life be- gin; To Thee, O God, be praise, For Word, * and deed, and grace!
w: goal be won! E- ter- nal praise and fame We of- * fer to Thy Name.
[V: S1V2] C2 B, | C2 E | E2 E | F2 E | E2 C | (D F) F | E2 E/D/ | C2 |]
[V: S2V1] A,2 G, | A,2 C | B,2 A, | A,2 B, | A,2 A, | (A, B,) B, | C2 B, | A,2 |]
[V: S2V2] E,2 E, | A,,2 A, | G,2 A, | F,2 G, | A,2 A,, | (D, B,,) D, | E,2 E, | A,,2 |]
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2010 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.720000
%%staffsep 0.0000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "37 ADVENT"
%%footer Rev 1:7, Jn 20:24-31, Rev 7:9-12, Acts 1:11, 1Thess 4:13-18, Rev 22:20 8 7 8 7 12 7
%OHSCRIP Rev 1:7, Jn 20:24-31, Rev 7:9-12, Acts 1:11, 1Thess 4:13-18, Rev 22:20
%OHTOPICS {Anticipation}, {Bride/Bridegroom [5]}, {Cloud [1]}, {Fear of the Lord}, {God, As King}, {God, Eternity of}, {God, Majesty & Power of}, {Jesus}, {Judgment [3]}, {Praise, Son}, {Presence}, {Saints (all Faithful) [1,4]}, {Second Coming}, {Sinners [1-3]}, {Throne (also see God - As King) [7]}, {Worship}
%OHMETRICAL 8 7 8 7 12 7
%OHCOMPOSER Olivers, Thomas (1725-1799)
%OHAUTHOR Cennick, John (1718-1755);Wesley, Charles (1707-1788)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 37
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: G
{ G2 (B d) ; D2 D2 ; B,2 (B, A,) ; G,2 (G, F,) }
{ (G F) (E D) ; (B, D) (C D) ; (G, B,) (G,/A,/ B,) ; (E, B,,) (C, G,,) }
{ (E3/2 F/ G) F/E/ ; (C3/2 D/ E) D/C/ ; G,3 G, ; C,3 C, }
{ (D3/2 C/) B,2 ; A,2 G,2 ; F,2 G,2 ; D,2 G,,2 }
{ D3 D ; A,3 D ; (F, G, F,) F, ; (D, E, D,) C, }
{ G2 A2 ; D2 (E F) ; G,2 C2 ; B,,2 A,,2 }
{ D2 D2 ; B,2 (B, A,) ; G,2 (G, F,) ; (B d) (c B) }
{ (B, D) (C D) ; (G, B,) (G,/A,/ B,) ; (E, B,,) (C, G,,) ; (B2 A2) }
{ (C3/2 D/ E) D/C/ ; G,3 G, ; C,3 C, ; G2 (B d) }
{ A,2 G,2 ; F,2 G,2 ; D,2 G,,2 ; (G F) (E D) }
{ A,3 D ; (F, G, F,) F, ; (D, E, D,) C, ; (E3/2 F/ G) F/E/ }
{ D2 (E F) ; G,2 C2 ; B,,2 A,,2 ; (D3/2 C/) B,2 }
{ B,2 (B, A,) ; G,2 (G, F,) ; (B d) (c B) ; (G B) (A G) }
{ (G, B,) (G,/A,/ B,) ; (E, B,,) (C, G,,) ; (B2 A2) ; (G2 F2) }
{ G,3 G, ; C,3 C, ; G2 (B d) ; D2 D2 }
{ F,2 G,2 ; D,2 G,,2 ; (G F) (E D) ; (B, D) (C D) }
{ (F, G, F,) F, ; (D, E, D,) C, ; (E3/2 F/ G) F/E/ ; (C3/2 D/ E) D/C/ }
{ G,2 C2 ; B,,2 A,,2 ; (D3/2 C/) B,2 ; A,2 G,2 }
{ G,2 (G, F,) ; (B d) (c B) ; (G B) (A G) ; B,2 E2 }
{ (E, B,,) (C, G,,) ; (B2 A2) ; (G2 F2) ; D4 }
{ C,3 C, ; G2 (B d) ; D2 D2 ; B,2 (B, A,) }
{ D,2 G,,2 ; (G F) (E D) ; (B, D) (C D) ; (G, B,) (G,/A,/ B,) }
{ (D, E, D,) C, ; (E3/2 F/ G) F/E/ ; (C3/2 D/ E) D/C/ ; G,3 G, }
{ B,,2 A,,2 ; (D3/2 C/) B,2 ; A,2 G,2 ; F,2 G,2 } | X: 37
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: G
X: 37
T: Lo! He Comes With Clouds Descending
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: John Cennick, 1752. Altered by Charles Wesley, 1758, alt.
C: Music: 'Helmsley' attr. Thomas Olivers, 1765. Setting: "The English Hymnal", 1906, alt.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2010 Revision.
S: Music source: LSB hymn 336.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: G % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=150] G2 (B d) | (G F) (E D) | (E3/2 F/ G) F/E/ | (D3/2 C/) B,2 | D3 D | G2 A2 |
w: 1.~Lo! He * comes * with * clouds * * de- * scend- * ing, Once for ev- 'ry
w: 2.~Ev- 'ry * eye * shall * now * * be- * hold * Him Robed in dread- ful
w: 3.~Ev- 'ry * is- * land, * sea, * * and * moun- * tain, Heav'n and earth, shall
w: 4.~Now re- * demp- * tion, * long * * ex- * pect- * ed, See in sol- emn
w: 5.~An- swer * Thine * own * bride * * and * Spi- * rit, Has- ten, Lord, the
[V: S1V2] D2 D2 | (B, D) (C D) | (C3/2 D/ E) D/C/ | A,2 G,2 | A,3 D | D2 (E F) |
[V: S2V1] B,2 (B, A,) | (G, B,) (G,/A,/ B,) | G,3 G, | F,2 G,2 | (F, G, F,) F, | G,2 C2 |
[V: S2V2] G,2 (G, F,) | (E, B,,) (C, G,,) | C,3 C, | D,2 G,,2 | (D, E, D,) C, | B,,2 A,,2 |
% 9
[V: S1V1] (B d) (c B) | (B2 A2) | G2 (B d) | (G F) (E D) | (E3/2 F/ G) F/E/ | (D3/2 C/) B,2 | D3
w: sin- * ner * slain; * Thou- sand * thou- * sand * saints * * at- * tend- * ing, Swell
w: ma- * jest- * y; * Those who * set * at * naught * * and * sold * Him, Pierced
w: flee * a- * way; * All who * hate * Him * must, * * con- * found- * ed, Hear
w: pomp * ap- * pear; * All His * saints, * by * man * * re- * ject- * ed, Now
w: gen- * 'ral * doom! * The new * Heav'n * and * earth * * in- * her- * it, Take
[V: S1V2] (G B) (A G) | (G2 F2) | D2 D2 | (B, D) (C D) | (C3/2 D/ E) D/C/ | A,2 G,2 | A,3
[V: S2V1] B,2 E2 | D4 | B,2 (B, A,) | (G, B,) (G,/A,/ B,) | G,3 G, | F,2 G,2 | (F, G, F,)
[V: S2V2] G,,2 C,2 | D,4 | G,2 (G, F,) | (E, B,,) (C, G,,) | C,3 C, | D,2 G,,2 | (D, E, D,)
% 13
[V: S1V1] D | G2 A2 | (B d) (c B) | (B2 A2) | (A3/2 B/ A) B | c2 B2 | (G3/2 A/ G) c |
w: the tri- umph of * His * train: * Hal- * * le- lu- jah! Hal- * * le-
w: and nailed Him to * the * tree, * Deep- * * ly wail- ing, deep- * * ly
w: the trump pro- claim * the * day: * Come * * to judg- ment! Come * * to
w: shall meet Him in * the * air: * Hal- * * le- lu- jah! Hal- * * le-
w: Thy pin- ing ex- * iles * home: * All * * cre- a- tion, all * * cre-
[V: S1V2] D | D2 (E F) | (G B) (A G) | (G2 F2) | (F3/2 G/ F) G | (E F) G2 | (D2 E) E |
[V: S2V1] F, | G,2 C2 | B,2 E2 | D4 | D3 D | C2 D2 | (B,3/2 A,/ B,) C |
[V: S2V2] C, | B,,2 A,,2 | G,,2 C,2 | D,4 | D,3 B,, | A,,2 G,,2 | (G,3/2 F,/ G,) A,, |
% 21
[V: S1V1] (B A) G2 | (B3/2 c/ B) d | (c B) A2 | !sintro!G2 (A B) | D2 c2 | B2 A2 | G4 !eintro!|]
w: lu- * jah! Hal- * * le- lu- * jah! God ap- * pears on earth to reign.
w: wail- * ing, deep- * * ly wail- * ing, Shall the * true Mes- si- ah see.
w: judg- * ment! Come * * to judg- * ment! Come to * judg- ment! Come a- way!
w: lu- * jah! Hal- * * le- lu- * jah! See the * day of God ap- pear!
w: a- * tion, all * * cre- a- * tion, Tra- vails! * groans! and bids Thee come!
[V: S1V2] (G F) E2 | E3 D | (F G) (G F) | D2 D2 | D2 G2 | G2 F2 | G4 |]
[V: S2V1] (D3/2 C/) B,2 | (G,3/2 A,/ G,) G, | (A, B,/C/) D2 | D2 (C B,) | A,2 (G, A,) | (B, C) (D C) | B,4 |]
[V: S2V2] (B,,/C,/ D,) E,2 | E,3 B,, | (A,, G,,) D,2 | B,2 (A, G,) | F,2 E,2 | D,2 D,2 | G,,4 |]
% 28
%%multicol start
%%rightmargin 12cm
%%textfont Times-Roman 12.0
%%begintext obeylines justify
%% 6.\tThe dear tokens of His passion Still His dazzling body bears;
%% \t\t\t\tCause of endless exultation To His ransomed worshipers;
%% \t\t\t\tWith what rapture, with what rapture, with what rapture
%% \t\t\t\tGaze we on those glorious scars!
%%multicol new
%%leftmargin 10cm
%%rightmargin 2cm
%%textfont Times-Roman 12.0
%%begintext obeylines justify
%% 7.\tYea, Amen! let all adore Thee, High on Thine eternal throne;
%% \t\t\t\tSavior, take the power and glory, Claim the kingdom for Thine own;
%% \t\t\t\tO come quickly! O come quickly! O come quickly!
%% \t\t\t\tEverlasting God, come down!
%%multicol end
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.7500000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "ADVENT 38"
%%footer Lk 1:46-55 8 8 8 8
%OHSCRIP Lk 1:46-55
%OHTOPICS {Assurance}, {Christmas/Advent}, {Comfort}, {Fear of the Lord [2]}, {God, Faithfulness of [5]}, {God, Goodness of}, {God, Majesty & Power of [3]}, {God, Mercy of [2]}, {Gratitude}, {Humility [1]}, {Joy}, {Kindness, God's}, {Promises (see also Gospel)}, {Salvation [1]}, {Trust}, {Worship}
%OHCOMPOSER Clarke, Jeremiah (1659-1707)
%OHAUTHOR Penney, Brian L. (1951-)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 38
M: 3/4
L: 1/4
K: Ab
{ F F/E/ D ; C C B, ; A, F, F, ; F, A,, B,, }
{ C2 G ; A,2 C ; A,2 G, ; F,2 =E, }
{ (A G) F ; C2 C/B,/ ; (F, G,) A,/F,/ ; (F, E,) D, }
{ =E3 ; C3 ; G,3 ; C,3 }
{ c c c ; C E E ; A, A, A, ; A,, C, A,, }
{ C C B, ; A, F, F, ; F, A,, B,, ; B2 A }
{ A,2 C ; A,2 G, ; F,2 =E, ; B G2 }
{ C2 C/B,/ ; (F, G,) A,/F,/ ; (F, E,) D, ; A3 }
{ C3 ; G,3 ; C,3 ; e e d }
{ C E E ; A, A, A, ; A,, C, A,, ; c2 c }
{ A, F, F, ; F, A,, B,, ; B2 A ; (E D) C }
{ A,2 G, ; F,2 =E, ; B G2 ; D B,2 }
{ (F, G,) A,/F,/ ; (F, E,) D, ; A3 ; C3 }
{ G,3 ; C,3 ; e e d ; A A G }
{ A, A, A, ; A,, C, A,, ; c2 c ; A2 E } | X: 38
M: 3/4
L: 1/4
K: Ab
X: 38
T: Magnificat
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Brian L. Penney, 2009. Music: 'Uffingham' Jeremiah Clarke, 1701. Setting: "The English Hymnal", 1906.
C: copyright: Words: Copyright 2009, Brian L. Penney. These lyrics may be freely reproduced or published for
C: Christian worship, provided they are not altered, and this notice is on each copy. All other rights reserved.
C: Music and Setting: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Revision.
S: Music source: The English Hymnal, 1906 Hymn 434.
M: 3/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: Ab % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=110] F F/E/ D | C2 G | (A G) F | =E3 | c c c |
w: 1.~My soul * shall mag- ni- fy * the Lord, And with my
w: 2.~Be- hold, * I am for- ev- * er blessed, For God has
w: 3.~The Lord * has shown His might- * y arm, Those proud in
w: 4.~The hun- * gry with good things * are filled, They see God's
w: 5.~The Lord * helps His be- lov- * ed ones, In mer- cy
[V: S1V2] C C B, | A,2 C | C2 C/B,/ | C3 | C E E |
[V: S2V1] A, F, F, | A,2 G, | (F, G,) A,/F,/ | G,3 | A, A, A, |
[V: S2V2] F, A,, B,, | F,2 =E, | (F, E,) D, | C,3 | A,, C, A,, |
% 5
[V: S1V1] B2 A | B G2 | A3 | e e d | c2 c | (c B) A |
w: spir- it I re- joice; My Sav- ior has re- gard * for
w: done great things for me; His mer- cy rests on those * who
w: heart He shall put down; The haught- y from their thrones * re-
w: kind- ness ev- 'ry day; But on the rich no bless- * ing
w: He His cov- 'nant keeps; Just as He pro- mised long * a-
[V: S1V2] (E D) C | D B,2 | C3 | A A G | A2 E | E2 E/=D/ |
[V: S2V1] G,2 A, | F, E,2 | E,3 | C A, B, | C2 C | (A, B,) C/A,/ |
[V: S2V2] E,2 F, | D, E,2 | A,,3 | A,, C, E, | A,2 A, | (A, G,) F, |
% 13
[V: S1V1] G2 !sintro!G | (A G) F | =E2 c | A2 G/F/ | F3 !eintro!|]
w: me, He hears * His low- ly ser- vant's * voice.
w: fear, Who hon- * or His Name most ho- * ly.
w: moved, The low- * ly have God's bless- ing * found.
w: rests, With emp- * ty hands they're sent a- * way.
w: go, to A- * bra- ham, and to his * Seed.
[V: S1V2] E2 =E | (F C3/2) B,/ | C2 C | C2 =E/F/ | C3 |]
[V: S2V1] B,2 C | C2 F, | G,2 F, | F,2 G, | A,3 |]
[V: S2V2] E,2 C, | (F, E,) D, | C,2 A,, | C,2 C, | [F,,3F,3] |]
% 18
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2005 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.700000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "39 ADVENT"
%%footer Is 7:14, 11:1, Rev 22:20 8 8 8 8 8 8
%OHSCRIP Is 7:14, 11:1, Rev 22:20
%OHTOPICS {Anticipation}, {Christmas/Advent}, {Cloud [4]}, {Darkness, Spiritual [4]}, {Education [2]}, {God, As King [5,8]}, {God, Providence of [2]}, {Hope}, {Invitation (Faithful's to God)}, {Israel}, {Jesus}, {Knowledge [2]}, {Law [6]}, {Presence}, {Second Coming}, {Security [3]}, {Victory [3]}, {Wisdom [2]}
%OHMETRICAL 8 8 8 8 8 8
%OHAUTHOR unknown
%OHTRANSLATOR Neale, John Mason (1818-1866)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 39
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: G
{ E ; E ; G, ; E, }
{ G B B B ; E B, D G ; B, F, G, D ; E, D, B,, G,, }
{ (A c B) A ; G3 F ; (E2 D) C ; (C, A,, B,,) D, }
{ G3 A ; D3 D ; B,3 F, ; G,3 D, }
{ B G E G ; D D C D ; G, G, G, B, ; G,, B,, C, B,, }
{ (A F E) D ; (E C B,) B, ; (A,2 G,) F, ; (C, A,, B,,) B,, }
{ E3 ; B,3 ; G,3 ; E,3 }
{ E ; G, ; E, ; A }
{ E B, D G ; B, F, G, D ; E, D, B,, G,, ; A E E F }
{ G3 F ; (E2 D) C ; (C, A,, B,,) D, ; (G2 F) E }
{ D3 D ; B,3 F, ; G,3 D, ; D3 G }
{ D D C D ; G, G, G, B, ; G,, B,, C, B,, ; A B B B }
{ (E C B,) B, ; (A,2 G,) F, ; (C, A,, B,,) B,, ; (A c B) A }
{ B,3 ; G,3 ; E,3 ; G3 }
{ G, ; E, ; A ; E/D/ }
{ B, F, G, D ; E, D, B,, G,, ; A E E F ; C A, E ^D }
{ (E2 D) C ; (C, A,, B,,) D, ; (G2 F) E ; (E =D D) ^C }
{ B,3 F, ; G,3 D, ; D3 G ; D3 B, }
{ G, G, G, B, ; G,, B,, C, B,, ; A B B B ; D D D G }
{ (A,2 G,) F, ; (C, A,, B,,) B,, ; (A c B) A ; G3 F }
{ G,3 ; E,3 ; G3 ; G3 } | X: 39
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: G
X: 39
T: O Come O Come Emmanuel
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: various, combined by unknown author approx 12th Century, Translated by John Mason Neale, 1851.
C: Music: 'Veni Emmanuel' 15th Century French processional. Setting: "Common Service Book" (ULCA), 1917.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2005 Revision.
S: Music source: ULCA Hymnal, 1917 Hymn 1.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: G % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=130] E | G B B B | (A c B) A | G3 A | B G E G | (A F E) D | E3
w: 1.~O come, O come, Em- man- * * u- el, And ran- som cap- tive Is- * * ra- el,
w: 2.~O come, Thou Wis- dom from * * on high, Who or- derest all things might- * * i- ly;
w: 3.~O come, Thou Rod of Jes- * * se, free Thine own from Sa- tan's ty- * * ran- ny;
w: 4.~O come, Thou Day- spring, come * * and cheer Our spi- rits by Thine ad- * * vent here;
w: 5.~O come, Thou Key of Da- * * vid, come, And o- pen wide our hea- * * v'nly home;
[V: S1V2] E | E B, D G | G3 F | D3 D | D D C D | (E C B,) B, | B,3
[V: S2V1] G, | B, F, G, D | (E2 D) C | B,3 F, | G, G, G, B, | (A,2 G,) F, | G,3
[V: S2V2] E, | E, D, B,, G,, | (C, A,, B,,) D, | G,3 D, | G,, B,, C, B,, | (C, A,, B,,) B,, | E,3
% 5
[V: S1V1] A | A E E F | (G2 F) E | D3 G | A B B B | (A c B) A | G3
w: That mourns in lone- ly e- * xile here Un- til the Son of God * * ap- pear.
w: To us the path of know- * ledge show, And teach us in her ways * * to go.
w: From depths of hell Thy peo- * ple save, And give them vic- t'ry ov'r * * the grave.
w: Dis- perse the gloom- y clouds * of night, And death's dark sha- dows put * * to flight.
w: Make safe the way that leads * on high, And close the path to mi- * * ser- y.
[V: S1V2] E/D/ | C A, E ^D | (E =D D) ^C | D3 B, | D D D G | G3 F | G3
[V: S2V1] A, | A, C B, A, | (G,2 A,) G, | F,3 G, | F, F, G, D | (E2 D) C | B,3
[V: S2V2] C,/B,,/ | A,, A, G, F, | (E, B,, A,,) A,, | D,3 E, | D, B,, G,, B,, | (C, A,, B,,) D, | G,,3
% 13
[V: S1V1] d | d3 B | B3 B | (A c B) A | G3 !sintro!A | B G E G | (A F E) D | E3 !eintro!|]
w: Re- joice! Re- joice! Em- man- * * u- el shall come to thee, O I- * * sra- el.
[V: S1V2] G | F3 G | F3 G | G3 F | G3 F | G D C D | (E C B,) B, | B,3 |]
[V: S2V1] B, | A,3 E | D3 D | (E2 D) C | B,3 D | D G, G, B, | (A,2 G,) F, | G,3 |]
[V: S2V2] G, | D,3 E, | B,,3 G,, | (C, A,, B,,) D, | E,3 D, | G,, B,, C, B,, | (C, A,, B,,) B,, | E,3 |]
% 22
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2006 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "ADVENT 40"
%%footer Jn 1:19-23, Mt 3:1-12, Mk 1:1-8, Lk 3:1-14, Mk 1:40-45 8 8 8 8
%OHSCRIP Jn 1:19-23, Mt 3:1-12, Mk 1:1-8, Lk 3:1-14, Mk 1:40-45
%OHTOPICS {Baptism}, {Father [5]}, {God, As King [1]}, {God, Care of [3,4]}, {Healing [4]}, {Holy Spirit [5]}, {Invitation (Faithful's to God) [2]}, {Jesus [5]}, {Presence [2,4]}, {Repentance [2]}, {Salvation [3]}, {Submission (see also Following Jesus, God - Providence of, Trust)}, {Temperance & Moral Reform (see also Law)}, {Trinity [5]}
%OHCOMPOSER Praetorius, Michael (1571-1621)
%OHARRANGER Woodward, George Ratcliffe (1848-1934)
%OHAUTHOR Coffin, Charles (or Carolo or Carolus) (1676-1749)
%OHTRANSLATOR Chandler, John (1806-1876)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 40
M: 3/4
L: 1/4
K: D
{ D ; A, ; F, ; D, }
{ D2 E ; B,2 C ; F,2 A, ; B,,2 A,, }
{ F2 G ; D2 D ; A,2 D, ; (D, C,) B,, }
{ F2 E ; D2 A, ; (A, B,) C ; (A,, G,,) A,, }
{ D2 D ; ^F,2 B, ; D2 D ; D,2 G, }
{ A2 A ; (D G) F ; D2 A, ; (F, E,) D, }
{ A, ; F, ; D, ; (A B) c }
{ B,2 C ; F,2 A, ; B,,2 A,, ; d2 d }
{ D2 D ; A,2 D, ; (D, C,) B,, ; d2 A }
{ D2 A, ; (A, B,) C ; (A,, G,,) A,, ; d2 d }
{ ^F,2 B, ; D2 D ; D,2 G, ; c2 A }
{ F, ; D, ; (A B) c ; E2 E }
{ F,2 A, ; B,,2 A,, ; d2 d ; F2 G }
{ A,2 D, ; (D, C,) B,, ; d2 A ; F2 E }
{ (A, B,) C ; (A,, G,,) A,, ; d2 d ; (D F) E }
{ D2 D ; D,2 G, ; c2 A ; E2 D } | X: 40
M: 3/4
L: 1/4
K: D
X: 40
T: On Jordan's Bank the Baptist's Cry
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Charles Coffin, 1736. st. 1-3 translated by John Chandler, 1837; st 4-5 translator unknown.
C: Music: 'Puer Nobis Nascitur' Michael Praetorius, 1609.
C: Setting: George Ratcliffe Woodward for "The English Hymnal", 1906.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2006 Revision.
S: Music source: 'The English Hymnal', 1906 Hymn 14.
M: 3/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: D % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=120] D | D2 E | F2 G | F2 E | D2 D | A2 A |
w: 1.~On Jor- dan's bank the Bap- tist's cry An- noun- ces
w: 2.~Then cleansed be ev- ery breast from sin; Make straight the
w: 3.~For Thou art our Sal- va- tion, Lord, Our Ref- uge,
w: 4.~Stretch forth Thine hand, to heal our sore, And make us
w: 5.~To Him Who left the throne of Heav'n To save man-
[V: S1V2] A, | B,2 C | D2 D | D2 A, | ^F,2 B, | (D G) F |
[V: S2V1] F, | F,2 A, | A,2 D, | (A, B,) C | D2 D | D2 A, |
[V: S2V2] D, | B,,2 A,, | (D, C,) B,, | (A,, G,,) A,, | D,2 G, | (F, E,) D, |
% 1
[V: S1V1] (A B) c | d2 d | d2 A | d2 d | c2 A |
w: that * the Lord is nigh; Come, then, and hear- ken,
w: way * for God with- in; Pre- pare we in our
w: and * our great Re- ward. With- out Thy grace our
w: rise * and fall no more; Once more up- on Thy
w: kind, * all praise be giv'n; Like praise be to the
[V: S1V2] E2 E | F2 G | F2 E | (D F) E | E2 D |
[V: S2V1] A,2 A, | A,2 B, | A,2 A, | B,2 B, | (A, G,) F, |
[V: S2V2] C,2 A,, | D,2 D, | D,2 C, | (B,, A,,) ^G,, | A,,2 D, |
% 9
[V: S1V1] B2 B | A2 !sintro!G | A2 F | E2 F | D2 C | !fermata!D2 !eintro!|]
w: for he brings Glad ti- dings from the King of kings!
w: hearts a home, Where such a might- y Guest may come.
w: souls must fade And wi- ther like a flow'r de- cayed.
w: peo- ple shine, And fill the world with love di- vine.
w: Fa- ther done, And Ho- ly Spi- rit, Three in One.
[V: S1V2] B,2 D | D2 B, | E2 D | C2 D | B,2 A, | A,2 |]
[V: S2V1] G,2 G, | F,2 G, | E,2 A, | A,2 A, | (G, F,) E, | !invertedfermata!F,2 |]
[V: S2V2] G,,2 B,, | D,2 E, | C,2 D, | (A,, G,,) F,, | G,,2 A,, | D,2 |]
% 19
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2014 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.600000cm
%%sysstaffsep 0.00000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "41 CHRISTMAS"
%%footer Jn 3:16, Acts 13:32-39, Rev 1:8, Jn 1:1-5, Phil 2:5-11, Mt 1:20-23, 13:16-17, Lk 24:27 8 7 8 7 8 7 7
%OHSCRIP Jn 3:16, Acts 13:32-39, Rev 1:8, Jn 1:1-5, Phil 2:5-11, Mt 1:20-23, 13:16-17, Lk 24:27
%OHTOPICS {Adam (first/second - see also Guidance, Invitation [ours to God], Repentance) [3]}, {Angels [5]}, {Art and Music}, {Atonement [3]}, {Children (see also God's Children - the Faithful) [8]}, {Christmas/Advent}, {God, As King [7]}, {God, Creator [2]}, {God, Eternity of [1]}, {God, Justness of [7]}, {God, Mercy of [3]}, {God's Children - the Faithful (see also Saints, People of the World) [5,8]}, {Jesus}, {People of the World [5,8]}, {Praise, Son}, {Presence}, {Worship}
%OHMETRICAL 8 7 8 7 8 7 7
%OHAUTHOR Prudentius, Aurelius Clemens (348-413)
%OHTRANSLATOR Neale, John Mason (1818-1866);Baker, Henry Williams (1821-1877)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 41
M: none
L: 1/4
K: F
{ F3/2 G/ A B A G ; C3/2 C/ F F F E ; A,3/2 B,/ C D C C ; F,3/2 F,/ F, B,, C, C, }
{ (A3/2 G/) F4 ; F2 F4 ; (C3/2 B,/) A,4 ; F,2 F,4 }
{ A B c d (c A3/2) ; F F F F (E F3/2) ; C B, A, B, (G, F,3/2) ; F, D, C, B,, (C, F,3/2) }
{ C3/2 C/ F F F E ; A,3/2 B,/ C D C C ; F,3/2 F,/ F, B,, C, C, ; B/ }
{ F2 F4 ; (C3/2 B,/) A,4 ; F,2 F,4 ; c4 }
{ F F F F (E F3/2) ; C B, A, B, (G, F,3/2) ; F, D, C, B,, (C, F,3/2) ; d3/2 e/ f c c B }
{ A,3/2 B,/ C D C C ; F,3/2 F,/ F, B,, C, C, ; B/ ; F/ }
{ (C3/2 B,/) A,4 ; F,2 F,4 ; c4 ; E4 }
{ C B, A, B, (G, F,3/2) ; F, D, C, B,, (C, F,3/2) ; d3/2 e/ f c c B ; G3/2 G/ F F F F }
{ F,3/2 F,/ F, B,, C, C, ; B/ ; F/ ; F,/ }
{ F,2 F,4 ; c4 ; E4 ; G,4 }
{ F, D, C, B,, (C, F,3/2) ; d3/2 e/ f c c B ; G3/2 G/ F F F F ; B,3/2 B,/ C C D D } | X: 41
M: none
L: 1/4
K: F
X: 41
T: Of The Father's Love Begotten
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Aurelius Prudentius Clemens, 5th Century.
C: Verses 1, 4-8 translated by John Mason Neale, 1854. Verses 2-3, 9 translated by Henry Williams Baker, 1859.
C: Music: 'Divinum Mysterium' or 'Corde Natus' Latin Plainsong, 13th Century.
C: Setting: "The Church Hymnal, Revised and Enlarged" (Episcopal), 1892, alt.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2014 Revision.
S: Music source: "The Church Hymnal, Revised and Enlarged" (Episcopal), 1892 Ed. Charles Hutchins Hymn 52 (first tune)
S: Lyrics source: "Hymns Ancient and Modern", 1904 Hymn 58 except verse 6 kept Neale's original instead of Baker's altered: from "Collected Hymns, Sequences and Carols of John Mason Neale" By John Mason Neale
M: none % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: F % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=120] F3/2 G/ A B A G | (A3/2 G/) F4 | A B c d (c A3/2)
w: 1.~Of the Fa- ther's love be- got- * ten Ere the worlds be- gan *
w: 2.~At His Word they were cre- a- * ted; He com- mand- ed; it *
w: 3.~He is found in hu- man fash- * ion, Death and sor- row here *
w: 4.~Oh that birth for- ev- er bless- * èd! When the vir- gin, full *
w: 5.~O ye heights of heav'n a- dore * Him; An- gel hosts, His prais- *
[V: S1V2] C3/2 C/ F F F E | F2 F4 | F F F F (E F3/2)
[V: S2V1] A,3/2 B,/ C D C C | (C3/2 B,/) A,4 | C B, A, B, (G, F,3/2)
[V: S2V2] F,3/2 F,/ F, B,, C, C, | F,2 F,4 | F, D, C, B,, (C, F,3/2)
% 3
[V: S1V1] B/ | c4 | d3/2 e/ f c c B | (A3/2 G/) F4 | D3/2 E/ F G
w: to be, He is Al- pha and O- me- * ga, He the source, the
w: was done: Heav'n and earth and depths of o- * cean In their three- fold
w: to know, That the race of A- dam's child- * ren, Doomed by law to
w: of grace, By the Ho- ly Ghost con- ceiv- * ing, Bare the Sa- vior
w: es sing; Pow'rs, do- min- ions, bow be- fore * Him, and ex- tol our
[V: S1V2] F/ | E4 | G3/2 G/ F F F F | (F3/2 E/) F4 | A,3/2 A,/ D D
[V: S2V1] F,/ | G,4 | B,3/2 B,/ C C D D | (C3/2 B,/) A,4 | F,3/2 G,/ A, B,
[V: S2V2] D,/ | C,4 | G,,3/2 G,,/ A,, A,, B,,B,, C,2 D,4 | D,3/2 D,/ D, G,,
% 7
[V: S1V1] (F D3/2) E/ | F4 | F3/2 G/ A B A G | c2 d4 | (c A) B
w: end- * ing He, Of the things that are, that have been, And * that
w: or- * der one; All that grows be- neath the shin- ing Of * the
w: end- * less woe, May not hence- forth die and per- ish In * the
w: of * our race; And the Babe, the world's Re- deem- er, First * re-
w: God * and King: Let no tongue on earth be si- lent, Ev- * ery
[V: S1V2] (D A,3/2) C/ | C4 | C3/2 C/ F F F E | F2 F4 | F2 D
[V: S2V1] (A, F,3/2) G,/ | A,4 | A,3/2 B,/ C D C C | C2 B,4 | (A, C) B,
[V: S2V2] (D, D,3/2) C,/ | F,4 | F,3/2 F,/ F, B,, C, C, | A,,2 B,,4 | F,2 F,
% 11
%%header "CHRISTMAS 41(2)"
[V: S1V1] (c F3/2) E/ D E | (F3/2 D/ C2) z2 | F3/2 G/ A c A F | (G2 F4) |]
w: fu- * ture years shall see, * * Ev- er- more and ev- er- more! *
w: moon * and burn- ing sun, * * Ev- er- more and ev- er- more! *
w: dread- * ful gulf be- low, * * Ev- er- more and ev- er- more! *
w: vealed * His sac- red face, * * Ev- er- more and ev- er- more! *
w: voice * in con- cert ring, * * Ev- er- more and ev- er- more! *
[V: S1V2] C2 C B, B, | (A,3/2 B,/ A,2) x2 | C3/2 E/ F F F F | (E2 F4) |]
[V: S2V1] A,2 A, B, G, | F,4 x2 | A,3/2 C/ C C C B, | (B,2 A,4) |]
[V: S2V2] F,2 F, G, C, | (D,3/2 B,,/ F,2) z2 | F,3/2 C,/ F, A, F, D, | (C,2 F,4) |]
W:6.He is here, Whom seers in old time Chanted of, while ages ran;
W:Whom the writings of the prophets Promised since the world began:
W:Then foretold, now manifested, to receive the praise of man,
W:Evermore and evermore!
W:7.Righteous Judge of souls departed, Righteous King of them that live,
W:On the Father's throne exalted None in might with Thee may strive;
W:Who at last in vengeance coming Sinners from Thy face shalt drive,
W:Evermore and evermore!
W:8.Thee let old men, Thee let young men, Thee let choirs of infants sing;
W:Thee the matrons and the virgins, And the children answering:
W:Let their guileless songs re-echo, And the heart its music bring,
W:Evermore and evermore!
W:9.Christ, to Thee with God the Father, And, O Holy Ghost, to Thee,
W:Hymn and chant with high thanksgiving, And unwearied praises be:
W:Honor, glory, and dominion, And eternal victory,
W:Evermore and evermore!
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2008 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.75000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "42 ADVENT"
%%footer Mt 21:1-9, Ps 42:1-2 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6
%OHSCRIP Mt 21:1-9, Ps 42:1-2
%OHTOPICS {Anticipation [1,2,10]}, {Assurance}, {Christmas/Advent}, {Comfort [3-10]}, {Compassion [3-8]}, {Consolation}, {Courage in Affliction}, {Faithfulness}, {Fear of the Lord [8]}, {Forgiveness [4,8]}, {God, Mercy of}, {God's Children - the Faithful (see also Saints, People of the World)}, {Gratitude}, {Hope [8-10]}, {Humility}, {Jesus}, {Joy}, {Judgment [10]}, {Kindness, God's}, {Light [10]}, {Love}, {Peace [3,8]}, {Presence}, {Promises (see also Gospel)}, {Salvation [3,5]}, {Second Coming [10]}, {Security [8]}, {Service [2]}, {Sinners [8]}, {Trust}, {Victory [9]}
%OHMETRICAL 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6
%OHCOMPOSER Crüger, Johann (1598-1662)
%OHAUTHOR Gerhardt, Paul (1607-1676)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 42
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: Eb
{ E2 ; B,2 ; G,2 ; E,2 }
{ G A B B ; E E D E ; B, C F, G, ; E, C, B,, E, }
{ A2 G A ; (C D) E E ; A,2 C C ; F,2 C, A,, }
{ G E F F ; E B, C D ; B, B, A, F, ; E, G,, A,, B,, }
{ E2 ; B,2 ; G,2 ; E,2 }
{ B,2 ; G,2 ; E,2 ; E2 }
{ E E D E ; B, C F, G, ; E, C, B,, E, ; G A B B }
{ (C D) E E ; A,2 C C ; F,2 C, A,, ; A2 G A }
{ E B, C D ; B, B, A, F, ; E, G,, A,, B,, ; G E F F }
{ B,2 ; G,2 ; E,2 ; E2 }
{ G,2 ; E,2 ; E2 ; B,2 }
{ B, C F, G, ; E, C, B,, E, ; G A B B ; E E D E }
{ A,2 C C ; F,2 C, A,, ; A2 G A ; (C D) E E }
{ B, B, A, F, ; E, G,, A,, B,, ; G E F F ; E B, C D }
{ G,2 ; E,2 ; E2 ; B,2 }
{ E,2 ; E2 ; B,2 ; G,2 }
{ E, C, B,, E, ; G A B B ; E E D E ; B, C F, G, }
{ F,2 C, A,, ; A2 G A ; (C D) E E ; A,2 C C }
{ E, G,, A,, B,, ; G E F F ; E B, C D ; B, B, A, F, }
{ E,2 ; E2 ; B,2 ; G,2 } | X: 42
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: Eb
X: 42
T: O Lord, How Shall I Meet Thee
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Paul Gerhardt, 1653. translator unknown.
C: Music: 'Wie Soll ich Dich Empfange' Johann Crüger, 1653.
C: Setting: "Evangelical Lutheran Hymn-Book", 1931.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2008 Revision.
S: Music source: Evangelical Lutheran Hymn Book (LCMS), Edition of 1931 Hymn 136.
S: Translation found in "Hymn book for the use of Evangelical Lutheran schools and congregations" By August Crull, 1884
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: Eb % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=140] E2 | G A B B | A2 G A | G E F F | E2
w: 1.~O Lord, how shall I meet Thee, How wel- come Thee a- right?
w: 2.~Thy Zi- on palms is strew- ing, And branch- es fresh and fair;
w: 3.~What hast Thou left un- grant- ed To give me glad re- lief?
w: 4.~I lay in fet- ters groan- ing, Thou com'st to set me free;
w: 5.~Love caused Thine in- car- na- tion Love brought Thee down to me;
[V: S1V2] B,2 | E E D E | (C D) E E | E B, C D | B,2
[V: S2V1] G,2 | B, C F, G, | A,2 C C | B, B, A, F, | G,2
[V: S2V2] E,2 | E, C, B,, E, | F,2 C, A,, | E, G,, A,, B,, | E,2
% 5
[V: S1V1] E2 | G A B B | A2 G A | G E F F | E2
w: All na- tions long to see Thee, My Hope, my heart's De- light!
w: My heart, its pow'rs re- new- ing, An an- them shall pre- pare.
w: When soul and bo- dy pant- ed In ut- most depth of grief,
w: I stood, my shame be- moan- ing, Thou com'st to hon- or me.
w: Thy thirst for my sal- va- tion Pro- cured my lib- er- ty.
[V: S1V2] B,2 | E E D E | (C D) E E | E B, C D | B,2
[V: S2V1] G,2 | B, C F, G, | A,2 C C | B, B, A, F, | G,2
[V: S2V2] E,2 | E, C, B,, E, | F,2 C, A,, | E, G,, A,, B,, | E,2
% 9
[V: S1V1] B2 | c d e d | c2 B G | c B A G | F2
w: O kin- dle, Lord, most ho- ly, Thy lamp with- in my breast,
w: My soul puts off her sad- ness Thy glor- ies to pro- claim;
w: In deep- est de- gra- da- tion, De- void of joy and peace,
w: A glor- y Thou dost give me, A trea- sure safe on high,
w: O love be- yond all tell- ing, That led Thee to em- brace,
[V: S1V2] E2 | E F G F | F2 D E | E D E E | D2
[V: S2V1] G,2 | A, A, B, B, | (B, =A,) B, B, | A, F, C B, | B,2
[V: S2V2] E,2 | A, F, E, B,, | F,2 B,, E, | A,, B,, C, E, | B,,2
% 13
[V: S1V1] !sintro!G2 | E F G B | A2 G B | A G F F | !fermata!E2 !eintro!|]
w: To do in spir- it low- ly All that may please Thee best.
w: With all her strength and glad- ness She fain would serve Thy Name.
w: Then, Thou, my soul's Sal- va- tion, Didst come to bring re- lease.
w: That will not fail nor leave me As earth- ly rich- es fly.
w: In love all love ex- cel- ling, Our lost and fal- len race!
[V: S1V2] B,2 | C D E E | E2 E G | E E E D | E2 |]
[V: S2V1] G,2 | G, B, B, B, | C2 B, B, | C B, B,3/2 A,/ | !invertedfermata!G,2 |]
[V: S2V2] E,2 | C, B,, E, G,, | A,,2 E, E, | C, E, B,, B,, | E,2 |]
% 19
%%header "ADVENT 42(2)"
%%multicol start
%%leftmargin 6cm
%%begintext obeylines justify
%% 6.\tRejoice, then, ye sad-hearted, Who sit in deepest gloom,
%% \t\t\t\tWho mourn o'er joys departed, And tremble at your doom:
%% \t\t\t\tDespair not, He is near you, Yea, standing at the door;
%% \t\t\t\tHe brings His pity near you, And bids you weep no more.
%% 7.\tNo care nor effort either Is needed day or night,
%% \t\t\t\tHow ye may draw Him hither In your own strength and might.
%% \t\t\t\tHe comes, He comes with gladness, Moved by His love alone,
%% \t\t\t\tTo calm your fear and sadness, To Him they well are known.
%% 8.\tSin's debt, that fearful burden, Let not your souls distress;
%% \t\t\t\tYour guilt the Lord will pardon and cover with His grace.
%% \t\t\t\tHe comes, He comes procuring The peace of sin forgiv'n,
%% \t\t\t\tTo all God's sons securing Their part and lot in heav'n.
%% 9.\tWhy should the wicked move you? Heed not their craft and spite!
%% \t\t\t\tYour Savior who doth love you, Will scatter all their might.
%% \t\t\t\tHe comes, a King most glorious, and all His earthly foes
%% \t\t\t\tIn vain His course victorious Endeavor to oppose.
%% 10.He comes to judge the nations, A terror to His foes,
%% \t\t\t\tA light of consolations And blessed hope to those
%% \t\t\t\tWho love the Lord's appearing. O glorious Sun, now come,
%% \t\t\t\tSend forth Thy beams so cheering, And guide is safely home!
%%multicol end
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2006 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "43 ADVENT"
%%footer Ps 67:1-2, Jn 1:1-4, Lk 2:30-32 7 7 7 7
%OHSCRIP Ps 67:1-2, Jn 1:1-4, Lk 2:30-32
%OHTOPICS {Anticipation}, {Atonement [5]}, {Christmas/Advent}, {Faith [6]}, {God, As King}, {God, Majesty & Power of}, {Holiness}, {Jesus}, {Light [6]}, {Praise, Father [7]}, {Praise, Son}, {Praise, Holy Spirit [7]}, {Presence}, {Salvation [4-5]}, {Throne (also see God - As King) [3]}, {Victory [5]}
%OHCOMPOSER from Walter's Geistliche Gesangbüchlein, 1524
%OHAUTHOR Ambrose of Milan (340-397)
%OHTRANSLATOR Luther, Martin (1483-1546);Reynolds, William Morton (1812-1876)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 43
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: Bb
{ G G F B ; D E D F ; B, C A, D ; G,, C, D, B,, }
{ A/G/ A G2 ; E/G/ ^F G2 ; C/B,/ A, B,2 ; C,/G,,/ D, G,,2 }
{ G B c3/2 B/ ; D D E3/2 D/ ; B, B, G,3/2 B,/ ; G, G, C,3/2 G,/ }
{ c d B2 ; F F F2 ; A, B, D2 ; F, B,, B,,2 }
{ D E D F ; B, C A, D ; G,, C, D, B,, ; B c d B }
{ E/G/ ^F G2 ; C/B,/ A, B,2 ; C,/G,,/ D, G,,2 ; c B/A/ G2 }
{ D D E3/2 D/ ; B, B, G,3/2 B,/ ; G, G, C,3/2 G,/ ; !sintro!G G F B }
{ F F F2 ; A, B, D2 ; F, B,, B,,2 ; A/G/ A G2 !eintro! } | X: 43
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: Bb
X: 43
T: Savior Of The Nations Come
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Ambrose of Milan, c. 397. Translated to German by Martin Luther, 1524.
C: Translated from German to English by William M. Reynolds, 1851.
C: Music: 'Nun Komm, Der Heiden Heiland' from Walter's Geistliche Gesangbüchlein, 1524.
C: Setting: "Mehrstimmiges ChoralBuch", 1906.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2007 Revision.
S: Music source: "Mehrstimmiges ChoralBuch", 1906 Hymn #135, page 109 Ed. Karl Brauer. slightly altered.
S: Music source: The Evangelical Lutheran Hymn Book, 1931, Hymn 141.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: Bb % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=100] G G F B | A/G/ A G2 | G B c3/2 B/ | c d B2 |
w: 1.~Sa- vior of the na- * tions, come; Vir- gin's Son, here make Thy home!
w: 2.~Not by hu- man flesh * and blood; By the Spi- rit of our God
w: 3.~Won- drous birth! O won- * drous Child Of the vir- gin un- de- filed!
w: 4.~From the Fa- ther forth * He came And re- turn- eth to the same,
w: 5.~Thou, the Fa- ther's on- * ly Son, Hast o'er sin the vic- t'ry won.
[V: S1V2] D E D F | E/G/ ^F G2 | D D E3/2 D/ | F F F2 |
[V: S2V1] B, C A, D | C/B,/ A, B,2 | B, B, G,3/2 B,/ | A, B, D2 |
[V: S2V2] G,, C, D, B,, | C,/G,,/ D, G,,2 | G, G, C,3/2 G,/ | F, B,, B,,2 |
% 5
[V: S1V1] B c d B | c B/A/ G2 | !sintro!G G F B | A/G/ A G2 !eintro!|]
w: Mar- vel now, O heav'n and * earth, That the Lord chose such * a birth.
w: Was the Word of God made * flesh, Wo- man's off- spring, pure * and fresh.
w: Though by all the world dis- * owned, Still to be in hea- ven en- throned.
w: Cap- tive lead- ing death and * hell High the song of tri- * umph swell!
w: Bound- less shall Thy king- dom * be; When shall we its glo- * ries see?
[V: S1V2] D F F G | G/A/ G/^F/ G2 | E E D D | ^F/G/ F G2 |]
[V: S2V1] F, A, B, B, | E D B,2 | B, C A, B, | D/B,/ A, B,2 |]
[V: S2V2] B,, F,, B,, E, | C, D, G,,2 | E, C, D, G,, | D, D, G,,2 |]
% 10
W:6.Brightly doth Thy manger shine,
W:Glorious is its light divine.
W:Let not sin o'ercloud this light;
W:Ever be our faith thus bright.
W:7.Praise to God the Father sing,
W:Praise to God the Son, our King,
W:Praise to God the Spirit be
W:Ever and eternally.
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2008 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "ADVENT 44"
%%footer Lk 19:28-40, Phil 2:5-11, Eph 4:22-24, Dan 7:13-14 6 6 8 6
%OHSCRIP Lk 19:28-40, Phil 2:5-11, Eph 4:22-24, Dan 7:13-14
%OHTOPICS {Anticipation}, {Christmas/Advent}, {Cloud [4]}, {God, As King [3]}, {Gospel [5]}, {Humility [2,3]}, {Jesus}, {Judgment [4]}, {Law [5]}, {Light [4,5]}, {Presence}, {Second Coming [4-6]}, {Service [2]}, {Trinity [6]}
%OHCOMPOSER Williams, Aaron (1731-1776)
%OHAUTHOR Coffin, Charles (or Carolo or Carolus) (1676-1749)
%OHTRANSLATOR Chandler, John (1806-1876)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 44
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: G
{ D ; B, ; G, ; G,, }
{ G G B A/G/ ; D D D D/^C/ ; G, B, D A, ; B,, G,, G, F,/E,/ }
{ A3 B/c/ ; D3 G/F/ ; F,3 D ; D,3 G,/A,/ }
{ d c/B/ c B ; G F/G/ E/F/ G ; D D C D ; B, A,/G,/ A, G, }
{ A3 ; F3 ; D3 ; D,3 }
{ B, ; G, ; G,, ; d }
{ D D D D/^C/ ; G, B, D A, ; B,, G,, G, F,/E,/ ; B G A D }
{ D3 G/F/ ; F,3 D ; D,3 G,/A,/ ; G/A/ B/^c/ d3/2 !sintro!d/ }
{ G F/G/ E/F/ G ; D D C D ; B, A,/G,/ A, G, ; e d/c/ B A }
{ F3 ; D3 ; D,3 ; G3 !eintro! } | X: 44
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: G
X: 44
T: The Advent of Our God
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Charles Coffin, 1736. translated by John Chandler, 1837, alt.
C: Music: 'St. Thomas' Aaron Williams, 1770.
C: Setting: "The Church Hymnal, Revised and Enlarged" (Episcopal), 1905.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2008 Revision.
S: Music source: Episcopal Hymnal, 1905 Hymn 485.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: G % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=140] D | G G B A/G/ | A3 B/c/ | d c/B/ c B | A3
w: 1.~The ad- vent of our * God Shall * be our * theme for prayer
w: 2.~The ev- er- last- ing * Son In- * car- nate * stoops to be,
w: 3.~Come, Zi- on's daugh- ter, * rise To * meet your * low- ly King,
w: 4.~As judge, on clouds of * light, He * soon will * come a- gain
w: 5.~Be- fore the dawn- ing * day Let * sin be * put to flight;
[V: S1V2] B, | D D D D/^C/ | D3 G/F/ | G F/G/ E/F/ G | F3
[V: S2V1] G, | G, B, D A, | F,3 D | D D C D | D3
[V: S2V2] G,, | B,, G,, G, F,/E,/ | D,3 G,/A,/ | B, A,/G,/ A, G, | D,3
% 5
[V: S1V1] d | B G A D | G/A/ B/^c/ d3/2 !sintro!d/ | e d/c/ B A | G3 !eintro!|]
w: Come, let us meet him on * the * road And place for * Him pre- pare.
w: Him- self the ser- vant's form * puts * on To set His * peo- ple free.
w: Nor let your faith- less heart * des- * pise The peace He * comes to bring.
w: And all His scat- tered saints * u- * nite With Him on * high to reign.
w: No long- er let the law * hold * sway, But walk in * free- dom's light.
[V: S1V2] D | D D D D | D G F3/2 G/ | G G G F | D3 |]
[V: S2V1] A, | G, G, F, A, | B, G, A,3/2 B,/ | C D/E/ D C | B,3 |]
[V: S2V2] F, | G, B,, D, F, | G, E, D,3/2 G,/ | C, B,,/C,/ D, D, | G,,3 |]
% 11
W: 6.All glory to the Son
W: Who comes to set us free,
W: With Father, Spirit, ever One,
W: Through all eternity.
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2005 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "45 ADVENT"
%%footer Zeph 1:14, Rev 22:20 8 6 8 6
%OHSCRIP Zeph 1:14, Rev 22:20
%OHTOPICS {Anticipation}, {Christmas/Advent}, {Crown [2]}, {Darkness, Spiritual [5]}, {Easter}, {God, As King}, {Jesus}, {Joy}, {Light [1,2,7]}, {Presence}, {Resurrection [3]}, {Saints (all Faithful) [6]}, {Second Coming}, {Truth [6]}, {Victory}
%OHCOMPOSER Wyeth, John (1770-1858)
%OHAUTHOR unknown
%OHTRANSLATOR Brownlie, John (1857-1925)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 45
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: Ab
{ C ; C ; C, ; C, }
{ F G A B/A/ ; C C C D ; C B, A, F, ; A, G, F, B,, }
{ G F/E/ C C ; E C A, C ; E, G, A, G, ; C, C, F, E, }
{ F G A B ; B, E C E ; F, C A, G, ; D, C, F, E, }
{ c3 ; E3 ; A,3 ; A,,3 }
{ C ; C, ; C, ; A/B/ }
{ C C C D ; C B, A, F, ; A, G, F, B,, ; c d/c/ B A }
{ E C A, C ; E, G, A, G, ; C, C, F, E, ; G F/E/ C !sintro!C }
{ B, E C E ; F, C A, G, ; D, C, F, E, ; F G A/F/ G }
{ E3 ; A,3 ; A,,3 ; F3 !eintro! } | X: 45
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: Ab
X: 45
T: The King Shall Come
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Unknown author. Translated by John Brownlie, 1907.
C: Music and Setting: 'Consolation' or 'Morning Song' John Wyeth, 1813.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2006 Revision.
S: Music source: ccel - 'Repository of Sacred Music, Part Second' 1813. Ed. John Wyeth
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: Ab % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=100] C | F G A B/A/ | G F/E/ C C | F G A B | c3
w: 1.~The King shall come when * morn- ing * dawns, And light tri- um- phant breaks;
w: 2.~Not as of old a * lit- tle * child To bear, and fight, and die,
w: 3.~O bright- er than the * ris- ing * morn When He, vic- tor- ious, rose,
w: 4.~O bright- er than that * glor- ious * morn Shall this fair morn- ing be,
w: 5.~The King shall come when * morn- ing * dawns, And earth's dark night is past;
[V: S1V2] C | C C C D | E C A, C | B, E C E | E3
[V: S2V1] C, | C B, A, F, | E, G, A, G, | F, C A, G, | A,3
[V: S2V2] C, | A, G, F, B,, | C, C, F, E, | D, C, F, E, | A,,3
% 5
[V: S1V1] A/B/ | c d/c/ B A | G F/E/ C !sintro!C | F G A/F/ G | F3 !eintro!|]
w: When * beau- ty * gilds the east- ern * hills, And life to joy * a- wakes.
w: But * crowned with * glo- ry like the * sun That lights the morn- * ing sky.
w: And * left the * lone- some place of * death, De- spite the rage * of foes.
w: When * Christ, our * King, in beau- ty * comes, And we His face * shall see.
w: O * haste the * ris- ing of that * morn, The day that aye * shall last.
[V: S1V2] E | E D F D | B, C C C | C E C C | A,3 |]
[V: S2V1] A, | A, F, F, F, | E,/F,/ G, A, A,/B,/ | C B, A, E, | F,3 |]
[V: S2V2] C,/B,,/ | A,, B,,/C,/ D, B,, | E, C, F, F,/G,/ | A, E, A,, C, | F,,3 |]
% 10
W: 6.And let the endless bliss begin,
W: By weary saints foretold,
W: When right shall triumph over wrong,
W: And truth shall be extolled.
W: 7.The King shall come when morning dawns,
W: And light and beauty brings:
W: Hail, Christ the Lord! Thy people pray,
W: Come quickly, King of kings.
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2010 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 0.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "CHRISTMAS 46"
%%footer 1Tim 3:16, Jn 1:14-17, Lk 2:1-20, 1Tim 2:5-6, Heb 2:14-15 7 6 7 6 6 7 6
%OHSCRIP 1Tim 3:16, Jn 1:14-17, Lk 2:1-20, 1Tim 2:5-6, Heb 2:14-15
%OHTOPICS {Angels [2,3]}, {Art and Music [3]}, {Atonement [4]}, {Christmas/Advent}, {God, As King [3,5]}, {Healing [1]}, {Jesus}, {Joy}, {Nature [3]}, {Peace}, {Praise, Son}, {Presence}
%OHMETRICAL 7 6 7 6 6 7 6
%OHCOMPOSER from Altes Catholische Geistliche Kirchengeseng, Köln, 1599
%OHARRANGER Praetorius, Michael (1571-1621)
%OHAUTHOR Germanus of Constantinople (634-734)
%OHTRANSLATOR Neale, John Mason (1818-1866)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 46
M: none
L: 1/4
K: F
{ c2 ; A2 ; C2 ; F,2 }
{ c c d c ; A F F F ; C A, B, A, ; F, F, B, F, }
{ c2 A2 B2 ; E2 D2 D2 ; G,2 F,2 F,2 ; C,2 D,2 B,,2 }
{ A G2 F2 E ; C2 D A, C2 ; A, C (B, A,2) G, ; F, E, D,2 C,2 }
{ F3 ; C3 ; A,3 ; F,3 }
{ A2 ; C2 ; F,2 ; c2 }
{ A F F F ; C A, B, A, ; F, F, B, F, ; c c d c }
{ E2 D2 D2 ; G,2 F,2 F,2 ; C,2 D,2 B,,2 ; c2 A2 B2 }
{ C2 D A, C2 ; A, C (B, A,2) G, ; F, E, D,2 C,2 ; A G2 F2 E }
{ C3 ; A,3 ; F,3 ; F3 }
{ C2 ; F,2 ; c2 ; A2 }
{ C A, B, A, ; F, F, B, F, ; c c d c ; A F F F }
{ G,2 F,2 F,2 ; C,2 D,2 B,,2 ; c2 A2 B2 ; E2 D2 D2 }
{ A, C (B, A,2) G, ; F, E, D,2 C,2 ; A G2 F2 E ; C2 D A, C2 }
{ A,3 ; F,3 ; F3 ; C3 } | X: 46
M: none
L: 1/4
K: F
X: 46
T: A Great and Mighty Wonder
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Germanus of Constantinople (634-734). Translated by John Mason Neale, 1862.
C: Music: 'Es Ist Ein Ros Entsprungen (Rhythmic)' German from Köln, 1599. Setting: Michael Praetorius, 1609.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2010 Revision.
S: Music source: The English Hymnal, 1906. Hymn 19
M: none % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: F % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=100] c2 | c c d c | c2 A2 B2 | A G2 F2 E | F3
w: 1.~A great and might- y won- der, a full and ho- ly cure:
w: 2.~The Word be- comes in- car- nate and yet re- mains on high,
w: 3.~While thus they sing your Mon- arch, those bright an- gel- ic bands,
w: 4.~Since all He comes to ran- som, by all be He a- dored,
w: 5.~And id- ol forms shall per- ish, and er- ror shall de- cay,
[V: S1V2] A2 | A F F F | E2 D2 D2 | C2 D A, C2 | C3
[V: S2V1] C2 | C A, B, A, | G,2 F,2 F,2 | A, C (B, A,2) G, | A,3
[V: S2V2] F,2 | F, F, B, F, | C,2 D,2 B,,2 | F, E, D,2 C,2 | F,3
% 5
[V: S1V1] c2 | c c d c | c2 A2 B2 | A G2 F2 E | F3
w: The vir- gin bears the In- fant with vir- gin hon- or pure!
w: And cher- u- bim sing an- thems to shep- herds from the sky.
w: Re- joice, ye vales and moun- tains, ye oc- eans, clap your hands.
w: The In- fant born in Beth- l'em, the Sa- vior and the Lord.
w: And Christ shall wield His scep- ter, our Lord and God for aye.
[V: S1V2] A2 | A F F F | E2 D2 D2 | C2 D A, C2 | C3
[V: S2V1] C2 | C A, B, A, | G,2 F,2 F,2 | A, C (B, A,2) G, | A,3
[V: S2V2] F,2 | F, F, B, F, | C,2 D,2 B,,2 | F, E, D,2 C,2 | F,3
% 9
[V: S1V1] A | G E F D | C3 !sintro!c | c c d c | c2 A2 B2 | A G2 F2 E | F3 !eintro!|]
w: Re- peat the hymn a- gain: "To God on high be glo- ry And peace on earth to men!"
[V: S1V2] F | D C C =B, | C3 E | G F F F | E2 D2 D2 | F (D E) F C2 | C3 |]
[V: S2V1] C | B, A, A, G, | E,3 G, | G, A, B, A, | G,2 ^F,2 G,2 | C B, A,2 G,2 | A,3 |]
[V: S2V2] F, | G, A, F, G, | C,3 C, | E, F, B,, F, | C,2 D,2 G,,2 | A,, B,, C,2 C,2 | [F,,3F,3] |]
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2013 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 0.600000cm
%%sysstaffsep 0.00000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "47 CHRISTMAS"
%%footer Lk 2:8-15, Is 7:14, 9:2-7, Gal 4:4, Heb 2:14-17 8 3 3 6 8 3 3 6
%OHSCRIP Lk 2:8-15, Is 7:14, 9:2-7, Gal 4:4, Heb 2:14-17
%OHTOPICS {Angels [1]}, {Christmas/Advent}, {Compassion}, {Father [3]}, {God, Care of}, {God, Goodness of}, {God, Love of}, {God, Mercy of}, {Gospel}, {Grace}, {Healing [7]}, {Jesus}, {Joy}, {Kindness, God's}, {Love}, {People of the World}, {Presence}, {Salvation}, {Sinners [7]}, {Worship}
%OHMETRICAL 8 3 3 6 8 3 3 6
%OHCOMPOSER Ebeling, Johann Georg (1637-1676)
%OHAUTHOR Gerhardt, Paul (1607-1676)
%OHTRANSLATOR Winkworth, Catherine (1827-1878)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 47
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: G
{ G2 A2 ; D2 F2 ; B,2 D2 ; G,2 D,2 }
{ B3 A ; G3 A ; D3 D ; G,3 F, }
{ B d e2 ; G G G2 ; D D C2 ; G, B, C2 B,4 }
{ d4 ; G4 ; D4 ; B, G, A,2 }
{ d e c2 ; G B A2 ; D B, E2 ; A, F, G,2 }
{ D2 F2 ; B,2 D2 ; G,2 D,2 ; B d c B }
{ G3 A ; D3 D ; G,3 F, ; A2 G2 }
{ G G G2 ; D D C2 ; G, B, C2 B,4 ; d2 c2 }
{ G4 ; D4 ; B, G, A,2 ; B3 A }
{ G B A2 ; D B, E2 ; A, F, G,2 ; G F }
{ B,2 D2 ; G,2 D,2 ; B d c B ; G G G G }
{ D3 D ; G,3 F, ; A2 G2 ; F2 G2 }
{ D D C2 ; G, B, C2 B,4 ; d2 c2 ; D2 (E F) }
{ D4 ; B, G, A,2 ; B3 A ; G3 A }
{ D B, E2 ; A, F, G,2 ; G F ; D D } | X: 47
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: G
X: 47
T: All My Heart This Night Rejoices
%%combinevoices 1
T: (also known as All My Heart Again Rejoices)
C: Words: Paul Gerhardt, 1656. Translated by Catherine Winkworth, 1858.
C: Music: 'Ebeling' or 'Bonn' or 'Warum Sollt Ich' or 'All My Heart This Night' Johann Georg Ebeling, 1666.
C: Setting: "Chorale Book For England", 1863.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2013 Revision.
S: Music source: "The Chorale book for England" 1863 Hymn 31. Lyric source: Lyra Germanica, 1872 Hymn I. page 13
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: G % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=140] G2 A2 | B3 A | B d e2 | d4 | d e c2 | c d B2 |
w: 1.~All my heart this night re- joi- ces, As I hear, Far and near,
w: 2.~For it dawns,\- the pro- mised mor- row Of His birth Who the earth
w: 3.~Yea, so tru- ly for us car- eth, That His Son All we've done
w: 4.~Hark! a voice from yon- der man- ger, Soft and sweet, Doth en- treat,
w: 5.~Come then, let us has- ten yon- der; Here let all, Great and small,
[V: S1V2] D2 F2 | G3 A | G G G2 | G4 | G B A2 | E A G2 |
[V: S2V1] B,2 D2 | D3 D | D D C2 | D4 | D B, E2 | C A, D2 |
[V: S2V2] G,2 D,2 | G,3 F, | G, B, C2 B,4 | B, G, A,2 | A, F, G,2 |
% 7
[V: S1V1] B d c B | A2 G2 | d2 c2 | B3 A | G F
w: Sweet- est an- gel voi- ces; "Christ is born," their choirs are
w: Res- cues from her sor- row. God to wear our form de-
w: As our off'r- ing bear- eth; As our Lamb who, dy- ing
w: "Flee from woe and dan- ger; Breth- ren come, from all doth
w: Kneel in awe and won- der. Love Him who with love is
[V: S1V2] G G G G | F2 G2 | D2 (E F) | G3 A | D D
[V: S2V1] D B, C D | D2 B,2 | B,2 C2 | D3 D | B, A,
[V: S2V2] G, G, E, G, | D,2 G,2 | B,2 A,2 | G,3 F, | G, D,
% 2
[V: S1V1] E2 | D4 | !sintro!d e c2 | c d B2 | B A c B | A2 G2 !eintro!|]
w: sing- ing, Till the air Ev'r- y- where Now with joy is ring- ing.
w: scen- deth, Of His grace To our race Here His Son He lend- eth:
w: for us, Bears our load, And to God Doth in peace re- store us.
w: grieve you You are freed, All you need I will sure- ly give you."
w: yearn- ing; Hail the Star That from far Bright with hope is burn- ing!
[V: S1V2] (D ^C) | D4 | A B A2 | G A G2 | G F G G | (G F) G2 |]
[V: S2V1] A,2 | F,4 | D B, E2 | C A, D2 | D D E D | D2 B,2 |]
[V: S2V2] A,,2 | D,4 | F, G, A,2 | E, F, G,2 | G, D, C, G, | D,2 G,2 |]
W: 6. Ye who pine in weary sadness, Weep no more, For the door
W: Now is found of gladness. Cling to Him for He will guide you
W: Where no cross, Pain or loss, Can again betide you.
W: 7. Hither come, ye heavy\- hearted, Who for sin Deep within,
W: Long and sore have smarted; For the poison'd wounds you're feeling
W: Help is near, One is here Mighty for their healing!
W: 8. Hither come, ye poor and wretched; Know His will Is to fill
W: Every hand outstretched; Here are riches without measure,
W: Here forget All regret, Fill your hearts with treasure.
W: 9. Blessed Savior, let me find Thee! Keep Thou me Close to Thee,
W: Cast me not behind Thee! Life of life, my heart Thou stillest,
W: Calm I rest On Thy breast, All this void Thou fillest.
W: 10. Thee, dear Lord, with heed I'll cherish, Live to Thee, And with Thee
W: Dying, shall not perish; But shall dwell with Thee for ever,
W: Far on high In the joy That can alter never.
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.7500000
%%staffsep 1.90000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "CHRISTMAS 48"
%%footer Jn 1:14, Lk 2:7-14, Is 9:2, 1Tim 3:16, 1Jn 1:1-3 8 7 8 8 with Alleluia
%OHSCRIP Jn 1:14, Lk 2:7-14, Is 9:2, 1Tim 3:16, 1Jn 1:1-3
%OHTOPICS {Angels [1,6]}, {Christmas/Advent}, {Compassion [6,7]}, {God, Care of [4-6]}, {God, Goodness of}, {God, Love of [4-6]}, {Grace [7]}, {Jesus}, {Kindness, God's}, {Light [4]}, {Praise, Son}, {Presence}
%OHMETRICAL 8 7 8 8 Alleluia4
%OHCOMPOSER from Walter's Geistliche Gesangbüchlein, 1524
%OHARRANGER Haupt, Karl August (1810-1891)
%OHAUTHOR German;Luther, Martin (1483-1546)
%OHTRANSLATOR Massie, Richard (1800-1887)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 48
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: C
{ G ; D ; B, ; G, }
{ G G A G ; E E C E ; B, C A, B, ; E, C, F, E, }
{ c d c2 ; E G/F/ E2 ; C B, C2 ; A, G, C,2 }
{ B d e d ; G G G ^F ; D B, C A, ; G, G, C, D, }
{ D ; B, ; G, ; B A !fermata!G G }
{ E E C E ; B, C A, B, ; E, C, F, E, ; c B d A }
{ E G/F/ E2 ; C B, C2 ; A, G, C,2 ; G E !fermata!D D }
{ B, ; G, ; B A !fermata!G G ; D ^F G E }
{ B, C A, B, ; E, C, F, E, ; c B d A ; G G G ^F }
{ C B, C2 ; A, G, C,2 ; G E !fermata!D D ; E ^C D D } | X: 48
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: C
X: 48
T: All Praise to Jesus' Hallowed Name
%%combinevoices 1
T: (also known as All Praise to Thee, O Jesus Christ or O Jesus Christ, All Praise
T: to Thee or We Praise You, Jesus at Your Birth or All Praise to Thee, Eternal Lord)
C: Words: verse 1, ancient German. verses 2-7, Martin Luther, 1524. Translated by Richard Massie, 1854, alt.
C: Music: 'Gelobet Seist Du' ancient German found in Walter's Geistliche Gesangbüchlein, 1524.
C: Setting: Karl August Haupt, 1869.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Revision.
S: Music source: "The Hymns of Martin Luther by Leonard Woolsey Bacon 1883, p. 20.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: C % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=120] G | G G A G | c d c2 | B d e d |
w: 1.~All praise to Je- sus' hal- lowed Name Who of vir- gin
w: 2.~Th'E- ter- nal Fa- ther's on- ly Son For a man- ger
w: 3.~He whom the world could not in- wrap Yon- der lies in
w: 4.~Th'E- ter- nal Light, come down from heav'n, Hath to us new
w: 5.~The Fa- ther's Son, God ev- er\- blest, In the world be-
[V: S1V2] D | E E C E | E G/F/ E2 | G G G ^F |
[V: S2V1] B, | B, C A, B, | C B, C2 | D B, C A, |
[V: S2V2] G, | E, C, F, E, | A, G, C,2 | G, G, C, D, |
% 5
[V: S1V1] B A !fermata!G G | c B d A | G E !fermata!D D |
w: pure be- came True man for us! The an- gels sing As
w: leaves His throne Dis- guised in our poor flesh and blood See
w: Ma- ry's lap; He is be- come an in- fant small, Who
w: sun- shine giv'n; It shin- eth in the midst of night, And
w: came a guest; He leads us from this vale of tears, And
[V: S1V2] D ^F G E | G G G ^F | E ^C D D |
[V: S2V1] B, D/C/ !invertedfermata!B, C | C D D D | B, A, !invertedfermata!^F, F, |
[V: S2V2] G, D, G, C, | E, G, B,, D, | E, A,, D, D, |
% 9
[V: S1V1] A A A !sintro!d | c A (G/A/ B | !fermata!A) G G G | !fermata!G z2 !eintro!|]
w: the glad news to earth they bring. * * * Hal- le- lu- jah!
w: now the ev- er- last- ing Good. * * * * * * *
w: by His might up- hold- eth all. * * * * * * *
w: mak- eth us the sons of light. * * * * * * *
w: makes us in his king- dom heirs. * * * * * * *
[V: S1V2] ^C E D D | E D (B,/ C/ D | D) B, D E | E x2 |]
[V: S2V1] E, A,/G,/ ^F, G, | G, ^F, (G,2 | !invertedfermata!^F,) G, G, G,/A,/ | !invertedfermata!B, z2 |]
[V: S2V2] A,, ^C, D, B,, | C, D, (E, B,,/C,/ | D,) E, B,, C, | G, x2 |]
% 13
W: 6. He came to earth so mean and poor, Man to pity and restore,
W: And make us rich in heaven above, Equal with angels through his love.
W: 7. All this He did to show His grace To our poor and sinful race;
W: For this let Christendom adore And praise His name for evermore.
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2006 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "49 CHRISTMAS"
%%footer Lk 2:6-20, Mt 2:1-11 8 7 8 7 8 7
%OHSCRIP Lk 2:6-20, Mt 2:1-11
%OHTOPICS {Angels [1]}, {Atonement [5]}, {Christmas/Advent}, {Crown}, {Fear of the Lord [4]}, {God, As King}, {God, Majesty & Power of}, {Jesus}, {Joy}, {Light [2]}, {Praise, Son}, {Presence}, {Saints (all Faithful) [4]}, {Shepard/Lamb [2]}, {Sinners [5]}, {Worship}
%OHMETRICAL 8 7 8 7 8 7
%OHCOMPOSER Smart, Henry Thomas (1813-1879)
%OHAUTHOR Montgomery, James (1771-1854)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 49
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: C
{ G E ; E C ; C G, ; C, C, }
{ c G e3/2 d/ ; G E G3/2 G/ ; G, C C3/2 B,/ ; E, C, G,3/2 F,/ }
{ c G A A ; G G C C ; C C A, C ; E, E, F, F, }
{ G c G F ; C C D B, ; G, A, G, G, ; E, A,, B,, G,, }
{ E2 ; C2 ; G,2 ; C,2 }
{ E C ; C G, ; C, C, ; G E }
{ G E G3/2 G/ ; G, C C3/2 B,/ ; E, C, G,3/2 F,/ ; c G e3/2 d/ }
{ G G C C ; C C A, C ; E, E, F, F, ; c B c B }
{ C C D B, ; G, A, G, G, ; E, A,, B,, G,, ; A B/c/ B A }
{ C2 ; G,2 ; C,2 ; G2 }
{ C G, ; C, C, ; G E ; E C }
{ G, C C3/2 B,/ ; E, C, G,3/2 F,/ ; c G e3/2 d/ ; G G/F/ E3/2 F/ }
{ C C A, C ; E, E, F, F, ; c B c B ; E E E E }
{ G, A, G, G, ; E, A,, B,, G,, ; A B/c/ B A ; E E G ^F }
{ G,2 ; C,2 ; G2 ; G2 } | X: 49
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: C
X: 49
T: Angels From the Realms of Glory
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: James Montgomery, 1816.
C: Music: 'Regent Square' Henry Smart, 1867. Setting: "Psalms and Hymns for Divine Worship", 1867.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2007 Revision.
S: Music source: "Psalms and Hymns for Divine Worship", 1867 Hymn 58.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: C % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=100] G E | c G e3/2 d/ | c G A A | G c G F | E2
w: 1.~An- gels from the realms of glo- ry, Wing your flight o'er all the earth;
w: 2.~Shep- herds, in the field a- bid- ing, Watch- ing o'er your flocks by night,
w: 3.~Sa- ges, leave your con- tem- pla- tions, Bright- er vi- sions beam a- far;
w: 4.~Saints, be- fore the al- tar bend- ing, Watch- ing long in hope and fear;
w: 5.~Sin- ners, wrung with true re- pen- tance, Doomed for guilt to end- less pains,
[V: S1V2] E C | G E G3/2 G/ | G G C C | C C D B, | C2
[V: S2V1] C G, | G, C C3/2 B,/ | C C A, C | G, A, G, G, | G,2
[V: S2V2] C, C, | E, C, G,3/2 F,/ | E, E, F, F, | E, A,, B,, G,, | C,2
% 5
[V: S1V1] G E | c G e3/2 d/ | c B c B | A B/c/ B A | G2
w: Ye who sang cre- a- tion's stor- y Now pro- claim Mes- * si- ah's birth.
w: God with us is now re- sid- ing; Yon- der shines the * in- fant light:
w: Seek the great De- sire of na- tions; Ye have seen His * na- tal star.
w: Sud- den- ly the Lord, de- scend- ing, In His tem- ple * shall ap- pear.
w: Jus- tice now re- vokes the sen- tence, Mer- cy calls you; * break your chains.
[V: S1V2] E C | G G/F/ E3/2 F/ | E E E E | E E G ^F | G2
[V: S2V1] C C | G, G, C3/2 B,/ | A, ^G, A, G, | E D/C/ D C | B,2
[V: S2V2] C G, | E, E,/D,/ C,3/2 D,/ | E, E, A, E, | C, A,, D, D, | G,,2
% 9
[V: S1V1] d3/2 d/ | B G e3/2 d/ | c A !sintro!f e | d c c B | c2 !eintro!|]
w: Come and wor- ship, come and wor- ship, Wor- ship Christ, the new- born King.
[V: S1V2] G3/2 G/ | G G G3/2 E/ | F F A G | F E/F/ G3/2 F/ | E2 |]
[V: S2V1] B,3/2 B,/ | D B, C3/2 _B,/ | A, C D G, | A,/B,/ C D D | C2 |]
[V: S2V2] G,3/2 G,/ | G, G, C,3/2 C,/ | F, F, D, E, | F,/G,/ A, G, G,, | C,2 |]
W:6.Though an Infant now we view Him,
W:He shall fill His Father's throne,
W:Gather all the nations to Him;
W:Every knee shall then bow down:
W:7.All creation, join in praising
W:God, the Father, Spirit, Son,
W:Evermore your voices raising
W:To th'eternal Three in One.
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2005 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.730000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "CHRISTMAS 50"
%%footer Lk 2:13-14, Ps 95:6 7 7 7 7 with Glorias
%OHSCRIP Lk 2:13-14, Ps 95:6
%OHTOPICS {Angels [1,3,4]}, {Christmas/Advent}, {God, As King [3]}, {Jesus [3,4]}, {Joy}, {Praise, Son [3,4]}, {Worship}
%OHMETRICAL 7 7 7 7 Gloria18
%OHARRANGER Barnes, Edward (or Edwin) S. (1887-1958)
%OHTRANSLATOR Chadwick, James (1813-1882)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 50
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: F
{ A A A c ; F F E E ; C C C C ; F, F, A, A, }
{ c3/2 B/ A2 ; G E F2 ; D C C2 ; G, C, F,2 }
{ A G A c ; F E F F ; C C C C ; F, C, F, A, }
{ A3/2 G/ F2 ; F E F2 ; C3/2 B,/ A,2 ; C C, F,2 }
{ F F E E ; C C C C ; F, F, A, A, ; A A A c }
{ G E F2 ; D C C2 ; G, C, F,2 ; c3/2 B/ A2 }
{ F E F F ; C C C C ; F, C, F, A, ; A G A c }
{ F E F2 ; C3/2 B,/ A,2 ; C C, F,2 ; A3/2 G/ F2 }
{ C C C C ; F, F, A, A, ; A A A c ; F F E E }
{ D C C2 ; G, C, F,2 ; c3/2 B/ A2 ; G E F2 }
{ C C C C ; F, C, F, A, ; A G A c ; F E F F }
{ C3/2 B,/ A,2 ; C C, F,2 ; A3/2 G/ F2 ; F E F2 }
{ F, F, A, A, ; A A A c ; F F E E ; C C C C }
{ G, C, F,2 ; c3/2 B/ A2 ; G E F2 ; D C C2 }
{ F, C, F, A, ; A G A c ; F E F F ; C C C C }
{ C C, F,2 ; A3/2 G/ F2 ; F E F2 ; C3/2 B,/ A,2 } | X: 50
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: F
X: 50
T: Angels We Have Heard On High
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: French Carol; Translated by James Chadwick, 1862.
C: Music: 'Gloria' French carol melody. Setting: Edward (or Edwin) S. Barnes, before 1916.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2005 Revision.
S: Music source: 'Lutheran Worship' Hymnal, 1982 Hymn 55. "Carols Old And Carols New", 1916 Carol 181.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: F % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=130] A A A c | c3/2 B/ A2 | A G A c | A3/2 G/ F2 |
w: 1.~An- gels we have heard on high Sweet- ly sing- ing o'er the plains,
w: 2.~Shep- herds, why this ju- bi- lee? Why your joy- ous strains pro- long?
w: 3.~Come to Beth- le- hem and see Christ Whose birth the an- gels sing;
w: 4.~See Him in a man- ger laid, Whom the choirs of an- gels praise;
[V: S1V2] F F E E | G E F2 | F E F F | F E F2 |
[V: S2V1] C C C C | D C C2 | C C C C | C3/2 B,/ A,2 |
[V: S2V2] F, F, A, A, | G, C, F,2 | F, C, F, A, | C C, F,2 |
% 5
[V: S1V1] A A A c | c3/2 B/ A2 | A G A c | A3/2 G/ F2 |
w: And the moun- tains in re- ply E- cho- ing their joy- ous strains.
w: What the glad- some ti- dings be Which in- spire your heav'n- ly song?
w: Come, a- dore on bend- ed knee, Christ the Lord, the new- born King.
w: Ma- ry, Jo- seph, lend your aid, While our hearts in love we raise.
[V: S1V2] F F E E | G E F2 | F E F F | F E F2 |
[V: S2V1] C C C C | D C C2 | C C C C | C3/2 B,/ A,2 |
[V: S2V2] F, F, A, A, | D, E, F,2 | F, C, F, A,, | C, C, F,2 |
% 9
[V: S1V1] (c2 d/c/B/A/ | B2 c/B/A/G/ | A2 B/A/G/F/ | G3/2) C/ C2 | F G A B | A2 G z |
w: Glo- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ri- a, in ex- cel- sis De- o!
[V: S1V2] (F A/G/ F2 | F G/F/ E2 | E F/E/ D2 | C3/2) C/ C2 | C E F F | F2 E x |
[V: S2V1] (A,2 D2 | D2 C2 | C2 B,2 | G,) F, E,2 | F, C C D | C2 C z |
[V: S2V2] (F,2 D, F, | G,2 C, E, | F,2 B,, D, | E,) D, (C, B,,) | A,, C, F, B,, | C,2 C, x |
% 13
[V: S1V1] (c2 d/c/B/A/ | B2 c/B/A/G/ | A2 B/A/G/F/ | G3/2) C/ C2 | !sintro!F G A B | (A2 G2) | F4 !eintro!|]
w: Glo- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ri- a, in ex- cel- sis De- * o!
[V: S1V2] (F A/G/ F2 | F G/F/ E2 | E F/E/ D2 | C3/2) C/ C2 | C E F F | (F2 E2) | C4 |]
[V: S2V1] (A,2 D2 | D2 C2 | C2 B,2 | G,) F, E,2 | F, C C D | (C3 B,) | A,4 |]
[V: S2V2] (F,2 D, F, | G,2 C, E, | F,2 B,, D, | E,) D, (C, B,,) | A,, C, F, B,, | C,4 | F,4 |]
% 23
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2005 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "51 CHRISTMAS"
%%footer Lk 2:7, Lk 18:15-17 11 11 11 11
%OHSCRIP Lk 2:7, Lk 18:15-17
%OHTOPICS {Christmas/Advent}, {Invitation (Faithful's to God) [2,3]}, {Jesus}
%OHMETRICAL 11 11 11 11
%OHCOMPOSER Murray, James Ramsey (1841-1905)
%OHAUTHOR anonymous;MacFarland, John T. (1851-1913)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 51
M: 3/4
L: 1/4
K: F
{ | [A3/2c3/2] [G/B/] [FA] ; | [F,,3F,3] }
{ [F3/2A3/2] [E/G/] [CF] ; [F,,3F,3] }
{ [DF] [CE] [B,D] ; [B,,,3B,,3] }
{ [A,2C2] [A,C] ; [F,,2F,2] [F,,F,] }
{ [B,3/2C3/2] [B,/D/] [B,C ; [C,3E,3 }
{ | [F,,3F,3] ; | [B,D] [A,C] [CF] }
{ [F,,3F,3] ; [F2A2] [Ac] }
{ [B,,,3B,,3] ; [A3/2c3/2] [G/B/] [FA] }
{ [F,,2F,2] [F,,F,] ; ([F3/2A3/2] [E/G/]) [CF }
{ | [B,D] [A,C] [CF] ; C, }
{ [F2A2] [Ac] ; [F,,3-F,3-] }
{ [A3/2c3/2] [G/B/] [FA] ; [F,,2F,2] [F,,F,] }
{ ([F3/2A3/2] [E/G/]) [CF ; [F,,3F,3] } | X: 51
M: 3/4
L: 1/4
K: F
X: 51
T: Away In A Manger
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: stanzas 1,2 anonymous published Philadelphia, 1885. stanza 3 John T. MacFarland (1851-1913).
C: Music: 'Mueller' James R. Murray, 1887. Setting: "Hymnal for American Youth", 1919.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2006 Revision.
S: Music source: "Hymnal for American Youth", Hymn 84 1919 ed. H. Augustine Smith
S: Music reputed to be first published in "Dainty Songs for Little Lads and Lasses" by James R. Murray, 1887, hymn 8.
M: 3/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves S1 | S2
V: S1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: F % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1] [Q:1/4=100] [Ac] | [A3/2c3/2] [G/B/] [FA] | [F3/2A3/2] [E/G/] [CF] | [DF] [CE] [B,D] | [A,2C2] [A,C] | [B,3/2C3/2] [B,/D/] [B,C] |
w: 1.~A- way in a man- ger, no crib for a bed, The lit- tle Lord
w: 2.~The cat- tle are low- ing, the Ba- by a- wakes, But lit- tle Lord
w: 3.~Be near me, Lord Je- sus, I ask Thee to stay Close by me for-
[V: S2] [F,,F,] | [F,,3F,3] | [F,,3F,3] | [B,,,3B,,3] | [F,,2F,2] [F,,F,] | [C,3E,3] |
% 9
[V: S1] [B,C] [B,G] [B,E] | [B,D] [A,C] [CF] | [F2A2] [Ac] | [A3/2c3/2] [G/B/] [FA] | ([F3/2A3/2] [E/G/]) [CF] |
w: Je- sus laid down His sweet head. The stars in the sky * looked
w: Je- sus, no cry- ing He makes; I love Thee, Lord Je- sus, look
w: ev- er, and love me, I pray; Bless all the dear child- ren in
[V: S2] [C,2E,2] C, | [F,,3-F,3-] | [F,,2F,2] [F,,F,] | [F,,3F,3] | [F,,3F,3] |
% 13
[V: S1] [DF] [CE] [B,D] | [A,2C2] [A,C] | [G3/2B3/2] [F/A/] [EG] | [FA] [CG] !sintro![CF] | [DG] [B,D] [CE] | [C2F2] !eintro!|]
w: down where He lay, The lit- tle Lord Je- sus, a- sleep on the hay.
w: down from the sky And stay by my cra- dle til morn- ing is nigh.
w: Thy ten- der care, And fit us for Hea- ven to live with Thee there.
[V: S2] [B,,,3B,,3] | [F,,2F,2] [F,,F,] | [C,,3C,3] | [F,,3F,3] | [B,,,2B,,2] [C,,C,] | [F,,2F,2] |]
% 19
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2010 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 0.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "CHRISTMAS 52"
%%footer Lk 2:15, Lk 1:68-71, Is 61:1, Ps 107:10-22 8 8 8 7
%OHSCRIP Lk 2:15, Lk 1:68-71, Is 61:1, Ps 107:10-22
%OHTOPICS {Atonement}, {Christian Life}, {Christmas/Advent}, {Comfort}, {God, Care of [3]}, {God, Love of}, {Gratitude}, {Jesus [3-5,8]}, {Joy}, {Kindness, God's}, {Love [1]}, {Praise, Son}, {Presence [4,5,8]}, {Salvation [2-7]}, {Sinners [6]}, {Testimony [7]}
%OHAUTHOR Gerhardt, Paul (1607-1676)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 52
M: 3/4
L: 1/4
K: F
{ F2 A ; F2 F ; A,2 C ; F,2 F, }
{ c2 A ; G2 F ; C2 C ; E,2 F, }
{ (B c) d ; F2 F ; B,2 B, ; D,2 B,, }
{ c2 G ; F2 E ; (G, A,) B, ; C,2 C, }
{ (A B) c ; F2 F ; A,2 A, ; F,2 A, }
{ F2 F ; A,2 C ; F,2 F, ; (B A) G }
{ G2 F ; C2 C ; E,2 F, ; F2 D }
{ F2 F ; B,2 B, ; D,2 B,, ; E2 C }
{ F2 E ; (G, A,) B, ; C,2 C, ; A2 B }
{ F2 F ; A,2 A, ; F,2 A, ; c2 d }
{ A,2 C ; F,2 F, ; (B A) G ; D2 E }
{ C2 C ; E,2 F, ; F2 D ; D2 =B, }
{ B,2 B, ; D,2 B,, ; E2 C ; C2 C }
{ (G, A,) B, ; C,2 C, ; A2 B ; C2 F }
{ A,2 A, ; F,2 A, ; c2 d ; F2 F } | X: 52
M: 3/4
L: 1/4
K: F
X: 52
T: Come, Your Heart and Voices Raising
%%combinevoices 1
T: (also known as Come and Christ the Lord Be Praising or Come and Let Us Christ Revere Now or
T: Come Unite in Praise and Singing)
C: Words: Paul Gerhardt, 1667. Translation composite.
C: Music: 'Quem Pastores' German, 1410. Setting: "The Lutheran Hymnary", 1913.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2010 Revision.
S: Music source: The Lutheran Hymnary, 1913, Hymn 500.
S: Translation is public domain per Project Wittenberg:
M: 3/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: F % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=120] F2 A | c2 A | (B c) d | c2 G | (A B) c |
w: 1.~Come, your hearts and voi- * ces rais- ing, Christ * the
w: 2.~Sin and death may well * be groan- ing, Sa- * tan
w: 3.~See how God, for us * pro- vi- ding, Gave * His
w: 4.~Christ, from heav'n to us * de- scen- ding And * in
w: 5.~Ja- cob's Star in all * its splen- dor Beams * with
[V: S1V2] F2 F | G2 F | F2 F | F2 E | F2 F |
[V: S2V1] A,2 C | C2 C | B,2 B, | (G, A,) B, | A,2 A, |
[V: S2V2] F,2 F, | E,2 F, | D,2 B,, | C,2 C, | F,2 A, |
% 5
[V: S1V1] (B A) G | F2 D | E2 C | A2 B | c2 d |
w: Lord * with glad- ness prais- ing; Loud- ly sing His
w: now * may well be moan- ing; We, our full sal-
w: Son * and life a- bi- ding; He our wear- y
w: love * our race be- frien- ding, In our need His
w: com- * fort sweet and ten- der, For- cing Sa- tan
[V: S1V2] D2 E | D2 =B, | C2 C | C2 F | F2 F |
[V: S2V1] B,2 B, | A,2 G, | G,2 E, | F,2 F, | F,2 B, |
[V: S2V2] G,2 C, | D,2 G, | C,2 C, | F,2 D, | A,,2 B,, |
% 13
[V: S1V1] c2 G | A2 F | !sintro!B2 B | (A G) F | (F D) E | F3 !eintro!|]
w: love a- ma- zing, Wor- thy folk * of Chris- * ten- dom.
w: va- tion own- ing, Cast our ev- * ery care * a- way.
w: steps is gui- ding From earth's woe * to heav'n- * ly joy.
w: help ex- ten- ding, Saved us from * the wi- * ly Foe.
w: to surr- en- der, Break- ing all * the pow'rs * of hell.
[V: S1V2] F2 E | E2 D | D2 G | E2 D | D2 C | C3 |]
[V: S2V1] (G, A,) B, | A,2 A, | B,2 D | C2 A, | B,2 B, | A,3 |]
[V: S2V2] C,2 C, | ^C,2 D, | [G,,2G,2] G,, | [A,,2A,2] D, | G,,2 C, | [F,,3F,3] |]
% 18
W: 6. From the bondage that oppressed us,
W: From sin's fetters that possessed us,
W: From the grief that sore distressed us,
W: We, the captives, now are free.
W: 7. Oh, the joy beyond expressing
W: When by faith we grasp this blessing
W: And to Thee we come confessing,
W: That our freedom thou hast wrought!
W: 8. Gracious Child, we pray Thee, hear us,
W: From Thy lowly manger cheer us,
W: Gently lead us and be near us
W: Till we join the angelic choir.
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2010 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%staffsep 2.00000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "53 CHRISTMAS"
%%footer Lk 2:8-15, Col 1:19-20 9 9 8 8 7 7
%OHSCRIP Lk 2:8-15, Col 1:19-20
%OHTOPICS {Angels}, {Anticipation [4]}, {Christmas/Advent}, {God, Mercy of}, {Joy}, {Love [2]}, {Peace}, {Shepard/Lamb [1]}, {Worship}
%OHMETRICAL 9 9 8 8 7 7
%OHCOMPOSER MacFarlane, John Menzies (1833-1892)
%OHARRANGER MacFarlane, John Menzies (1833-1892)
%OHAUTHOR MacFarlane, John Menzies (1833-1892)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 53
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: F
{ F F3/4 G// A A3/4 B// ; F F3/4 E// F F3/4 G// ; F, C, F, C, ; F, C, F, C, }
{ c c3/4B// A2 ; A A3/4G// F2 ; A,, C, F,2 ; A,, C, F,2 }
{ G G3/4 A// B A/ c/ ; E E3/4 F// G F/ A/ ; C,3 F, ; C,3 F, }
{ F F3/4 E// F F3/4 G// ; F, C, F, C, ; F, C, F, C, ; d/c/ B/A/ (A G) }
{ A A3/4G// F2 ; A,, C, F,2 ; A,, C, F,2 ; F F3/4 G// A2 }
{ E E3/4 F// G F/ A/ ; C,3 F, ; C,3 F, ; c c3/4 B// A2 }
{ F, C, F, C, ; F, C, F, C, ; d/c/ B/A/ (A G) ; B/A/ G/F/ (F E) }
{ A,, C, F,2 ; A,, C, F,2 ; F F3/4 G// A2 ; C F3/4 E// F z }
{ C,3 F, ; C,3 F, ; c c3/4 B// A2 ; E E3/4 E// F z } | X: 53
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: F
X: 53
T: Far, Far Away On Judea's Plains
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: John M. MacFarlane, 1869.
C: Music and Setting: 'Far, Far Away On Judea`s Plains' John M. MacFarlane, 1869.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2010 Revision.
S: Music source: 'The Songs of Zion', 1908 Hymn 81.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: F % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=100] F F3/4 G// A A3/4 B// | c c3/4B// A2 | G G3/4 A// B A/ c/ |
w: 1.~Far, far a- way on Ju- de- a's * plains, Shep- herds of old heard the
w: 2.~Sweet are these strains of re- deem- ing * love, Mess- age of mer- cy from
w: 3.~Lord, with the an- gels we too would re- joice; Help us to sing with the
w: 4.~Has- ten the time when, from e- ve- ry clime, Men shall u- nite in the
[V: S1V2] F F3/4 E// F F3/4 G// | A A3/4G// F2 | E E3/4 F// G F/ A/ |
[V: S2V1] F, C, F, C, | A,, C, F,2 | C,3 F, |
[V: S2V2] F, C, F, C, | A,, C, F,2 | C,3 F, |
% 5
[V: S1V1] d/c/ B/A/ (A G) | F F3/4 G// A2 | c c3/4 B// A2 | d d3/4 d// c F/ F/ |
w: joy- * ous * strains: * Glo- ry to God, glo- ry to God, Glo- ry to God in the
w: hea- * ven a- bove: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
w: heart * and * voice: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
w: strains * sub- * lime: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
[V: S1V2] B/A/ G/F/ (F E) | C F3/4 E// F z | E E3/4 E// F z | F F3/4 F// F F/ C/ |
[V: S2V1] B,,2 C,2 | A, C3/4 C// C z | G, G,3/4 G,// F, G,/ A,/ | B,2 A, D/ C/ |
w: * * Glo- ry to God Glo- ry to God in the high- est in the
[V: S2V2] B,,2 C,2 | F, A,3/4 G,// F, E,/ D,/ | C,2 F, z | B,,3/4C,// D,3/4 E,// F, B,/ A,/ |
w: * * Glo- ry to God in the high- est Glo- * ry to God in the
% 9
%%vskip 1.0cm
[V: S1V1] (B A) G2 | .F .C .D E | F G A2 | !sintro!c3/2 c/ c3/2 B/ | A G F2 !eintro!|]
w: high- * est; Peace on earth, good will to men; Peace on earth, good will to men.
[V: S1V2] (D/E/ F) E2 | .C .A, .B, B, | C C C2 | (E/F/G/) E/ F3/2 G/ | F E F2 |]
[V: S2V1] (B, C) C2 | .A, .F, .F, G, | F, E, F,2 | G,3/2 G,/ A,/B,/C/ D/ | C C/B,/ A,2 |]
[V: S2V2] (G, F,) C,2 | .F,, .F,, .B,, G,, | A,, C, F,3/2 z/ | C,/D,/E,/ C,/ F,/G,/A,/ B,/ | C C, F,2 |]
% 14
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2006 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.710000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "CHRISTMAS 54"
%%footer Lk 2:6-20, Jn 3:16-18, Rom 5:8 8 8 8 8
%OHSCRIP Lk 2:6-20, Jn 3:16-18, Rom 5:8
%OHTOPICS {Angels}, {Assurance [3,4]}, {Atonement [3,4,8]}, {Christmas/Advent}, {Commitment [13,14]}, {Eternal Life [4]}, {God, As King [10-12]}, {God, Care of [3,4]}, {God, Goodness of [3-4]}, {God, Majesty & Power of [10-12]}, {Gospel [3]}, {Gratitude [8]}, {Invitation (Faithful's to God) [13]}, {Jesus}, {Joy}, {Presence}, {Salvation [3]}, {Sinners [8]}
%OHCOMPOSER from Schumann's Geistliche Lieder, Leipzig, 1539
%OHAUTHOR Luther, Martin (1483-1546)
%OHTRANSLATOR Winkworth, Catherine (1827-1878)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 54
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: D
{ d/ ; F/ ; A,/ ; D,/ }
{ c B c A ; E E E F ; A, ^G, A, A, ; A,, E, A,, D, }
{ B c d z/ d/ ; D G F x/ F/ ; G, G, A, z/ A,/ ; G, E, D, x/ D,/ }
{ d A A F ; F F E D ; B, C A, A, ; B,, F, C, D, }
{ A G F z/ ; D B, D x/ ; F, G, A, z/ ; D, E, B,, x/ }
{ F/ ; A,/ ; D,/ ; F/ }
{ E E E F ; A, ^G, A, A, ; A,, E, A,, D, ; B B A c }
{ D G F x/ F/ ; G, G, A, z/ A,/ ; G, E, D, x/ D,/ ; d B A z/ !sintro!d/ }
{ F F E D ; B, C A, A, ; B,, F, C, D, ; c B A A }
{ D B, D x/ ; F, G, A, z/ ; D, E, B,, x/ ; G/F/ E !fermata!D z/ !eintro! } | X: 54
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: D
X: 54
T: From Heaven Above To Earth I Come
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Martin Luther, 1535. translated by Catherine Winkworth, 1855.
C: Music: 'Vom Himmel Hoch' traditional German from Schumann's Geistliche Lieder, Leipzig, 1539.
C: Setting: "Common Service Book" (ULCA), 1917.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2006 Revision.
S: Music source: 'Common Service Book with Hymnal', ULCA 1918 Hymn 19.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: D % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=100] d/ | c B c A | B c d z/ d/ | d A A F | A G F z/
w: 1.~From Heaven a- bove to earth I come, To bear good news to ev- ery home;
w: 2.~To you, this night, is born a Child Of Ma- ry, cho- sen mo- ther mild;
w: 3.~'Tis Christ our God, Who far on high Had heard your sad and bit- ter cry;
w: 4.~He brings those bless- ings long a- go Pre- pared by God for all be- low;
w: 5.~These are the to- kens ye shall mark, The swadd- ling clothes and man- ger dark;
[V: S1V2] F/ | E E E F | D G F x/ F/ | F F E D | D B, D x/
[V: S2V1] A,/ | A, ^G, A, A, | G, G, A, z/ A,/ | B, C A, A, | F, G, A, z/
[V: S2V2] D,/ | A,, E, A,, D, | G, E, D, x/ D,/ | B,, F, C, D, | D, E, B,, x/
% 5
[V: S1V1] F/ | B B A c | d B A z/ !sintro!d/ | c B A A | G/F/ E !fermata!D z/ !eintro!|]
w: Glad ti- dings of great joy I bring, Where- of I now will say * and sing.
w: This ten- der Child of low- ly birth, Shall be the joy of all * your earth.
w: Him- self will your Sal- va- tion be, Him- self from sin will make * you free.
w: That in His heaven- ly king- dom blest You may with us for- ev- * er rest.
w: There shall ye find the young Child laid, By Whom the heav'ns and earth * were made.
[V: S1V2] D/ | F G E E | D E C x/ D/ | A G F E | D3/2 C/ D x/ |]
[V: S2V1] B,/ | D D C A, | F, ^G, A, z/ F,/ | A, D D A, | B,/A,/ A, !invertedfermata!F, z/ |]
[V: S2V2] B,,/ | B,, G,, A,, A,, | B,, E, A,, x/ B,,/ | F, G, D, C, | B,,/D,/ A,, D, x/ |]
% 11
W: 6.Now let us all, with gladsome cheer,
W: Follow the shepherds, and draw near
W: To see this wondrous Gift of God,
W: Who hath His own dear Son bestowed.
W: 7.Give heed, my heart, lift up thine eyes!
W: What is it in yon manger lies?
W: Who is this Child, so young and fair?
W: The blessèd Christ Child lieth there!
W: 8.Welcome to earth, Thou noble Guest,
W: Through Whom e'en wicked men are blest!
W: Thou com'st to share our misery,
W: What can we render, Lord, to Thee!
W: 9.Ah, Lord, Who hast created all,
W: How hast Thou made Thee weak and small,
W: To lie upon the coarse dry grass,
W: The food of humble ox and ass.
W: 10.Were earth a thousand times as fair,
W: Beset with gold and jewels rare,
W: She yet were far too poor to be
W: A narrow cradle, Lord, for Thee.
W: 11.For velvets soft and silken stuff
W: Thou hast but hay and straw so rough,
W: Whereon Thou King, so rich and great,
W: As 'twere Thy heaven, art throned in state.
W: 12.Thus hath it pleased Thee to make plain
W: The truth to us, poor fools and vain,
W: That this world's honor, wealth and might
W: Are naught and worthless in Thy sight.
W: 13.Ah, dearest Jesus, holy Child,
W: Make Thee a bed, soft, undefiled,
W: Here in my poor heart's inmost shrine,
W: That I may evermore be Thine.
W: 14.My heart for very joy doth leap,
W: My lips no more can silence keep,
W: I too must sing, with joyful tongue,
W: That sweetest ancient cradle song.
W: 15.Glory to God in highest Heaven,
W: Who unto man His Son hath given,
W: While angels sing, with pious mirth,
W: A glad New Year to all the earth.
%%vskip 0.75in
%%begintext align
This hymn was written by Martin Luther to teach his 3 year old son about
Christmas, and became a part of the Luther family Christmas tradition.
One of the adults would dress up as an angel and sing the first 5 verses
to the family. The rest of the family would sing verses 6 through 15.
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2005 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "55 CHRISTMAS"
%%footer Lk 2:1-20, Phil 2:5-11, 1Jn 3:5 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6
%OHSCRIP Lk 2:1-20, Phil 2:5-11, 1Jn 3:5
%OHTOPICS {Angels [2]}, {Christmas/Advent}, {Jesus}, {Joy}, {Magi [2]}, {Praise, Son [3]}, {Presence}, {Salvation}
%OHMETRICAL 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6
%OHCOMPOSER from Swedish Piae Cantones, 1582
%OHAUTHOR Cook, Joseph Simpson (1859-1933)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 55
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: A
{ A A A B ; E E F E ; C C C B, ; A, A, F, G, }
{ A A E2 ; E F B,2 ; C D G,2 ; A, D, E,2 }
{ F E F G ; D E D D ; A, A, A, B, ; D, C, D, B,, }
{ A2 A2 ; E2 E2 ; C2 C2 ; A,,2 A,,2 }
{ E E F E ; C C C B, ; A, A, F, G, ; A A A B }
{ E F B,2 ; C D G,2 ; A, D, E,2 ; A A E2 }
{ D E D D ; A, A, A, B, ; D, C, D, B,, ; F E F G }
{ E2 E2 ; C2 C2 ; A,,2 A,,2 ; A2 A2 }
{ C C C B, ; A, A, F, G, ; A A A B ; E E F E }
{ C D G,2 ; A, D, E,2 ; A A E2 ; E F B,2 }
{ A, A, A, B, ; D, C, D, B,, ; F E F G ; D E D D }
{ C2 C2 ; A,,2 A,,2 ; A2 A2 ; E2 E2 }
{ A, A, F, G, ; A A A B ; E E F E ; C C C B, }
{ A, D, E,2 ; A A E2 ; E F B,2 ; C D G,2 }
{ D, C, D, B,, ; F E F G ; D E D D ; A, A, A, B, }
{ A,,2 A,,2 ; A2 A2 ; E2 E2 ; C2 C2 } | X: 55
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: A
X: 55
T: Gentle Mary Laid Her Child
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Joseph S. Cook, 1919.
C: Music: 'Tempus Adest Floridum' 13th Century spring carol; first published in the Swedish Piae Cantones, 1582.
C: Setting: "Carols Old And Carols New", 1916.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2008 Revision.
S: Music source: 'Carols Old And Carols New', 1916 carol 415.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: A % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=140] A A A B | A A E2 | F E F G | A2 A2 |
w: 1.~Gen- tle Ma- ry laid her Child low- ly in a man- ger;
w: 2.~An- gels sang a- bout His birth; wise men sought and found Him;
w: 3.~Gen- tle Ma- ry laid her Child low- ly in a man- ger;
[V: S1V2] E E F E | E F B,2 | D E D D | E2 E2 |
[V: S2V1] C C C B, | C D G,2 | A, A, A, B, | C2 C2 |
[V: S2V2] A, A, F, G, | A, D, E,2 | D, C, D, B,, | A,,2 A,,2 |
% 6
[V: S1V1] A A A B | A A E2 | F E F G | A2 A2 |
w: There He lay, the un- de- filed, to the world a Stran- ger:
w: Hea- ven's star shone bright- ly forth, glo- ry all a- round Him:
w: He is still the un- de- filed, but no more a stran- ger:
[V: S1V2] E E F E | E F B,2 | D E D D | E2 E2 |
[V: S2V1] C C C B, | C D G,2 | A, A, A, B, | C2 C2 |
[V: S2V2] A, A, F, G, | A, D, E,2 | D, C, D, B,, | A,,2 A,,2 |
% 10
[V: S1V1] e d c B | c B A2 | F E F G | A2 A2 |
w: Such a Babe in such a place, can He be the Sa- vior?
w: Shep- herds saw the won- drous sight, heard the an- gels sing- ing;
w: Son of God, of hum- ble birth, beau- ti- ful the sto- ry;
[V: S1V2] A A A G | A G F2 | A, E D D | E2 E2 |
[V: S2V1] E F E E | E E C2 | D A, A, B, | C2 C2 |
[V: S2V2] C, D, E, E, | A, E, F,2 | D, C, D, B,, | A,,2 A,,2 |
% 14
[V: S1V1] E E F G | A A B2 | !sintro!e d c B | (A2 d2) | A4 !eintro!|]
w: Ask the saved of all the race who have found His fa- * vor.
w: All the plains were lit that night, all the hills were ring- * ing.
w: Praise His Name in all the earth, hail the King of glo- * ry!
[V: S1V2] E E D D | C C E2 | E A A G | (A2 F2) | E4 |]
[V: S2V1] A, A, A, B, | A, A, G,2 | A, F E E | (C2 D2) | C4 |]
[V: S2V2] C, C, D, B,, | F, F, E,2 | C, D, E, E, | (F,2 D,2) | A,4 |]
% 19
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2005 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.73000
%%staffsep 0.40000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "CHRISTMAS 56"
%%footer Lk 2:10-11, Ps 46:10 8 6 7 6 8 6 8 4 8
%OHSCRIP Lk 2:10-11, Ps 46:10
%OHTOPICS {Assurance [1]}, {Calmness [1]}, {Christmas/Advent}, {Comfort}, {Israel [2]}, {Jesus}, {Joy}, {Praise, Son}, {Rest [1]}
%OHMETRICAL 8 6 7 6 8 6 8 4 8
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 56
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: G
{ E ; E ; E, ; E, }
{ E B B A ; E G F ^D ; G, E, F, B, ; E, E, ^D, B,, }
{ G F E D ; E =D C B, ; B, B, G, G, ; E, B,, C, G,, }
{ E F G A ; E ^D E E ; G, B, B, E, ; C, B,, E, C, }
{ B3 ; ^D3 ; F,3 ; B,,3 }
{ E ; E, ; E, ; E }
{ E G F ^D ; G, E, F, B, ; E, E, ^D, B,, ; E B B A }
{ E =D C B, ; B, B, G, G, ; E, B,, C, G,, ; (G F) E D }
{ E ^D E E ; G, B, B, E, ; C, B,, E, C, ; E F G A }
{ ^D3 ; F,3 ; B,,3 ; B2 z }
{ E, ; E, ; E ; E }
{ G, E, F, B, ; E, E, ^D, B,, ; E B B A ; E G F ^D }
{ B, B, G, G, ; E, B,, C, G,, ; (G F) E D ; (E =D) C B, }
{ G, B, B, E, ; C, B,, E, C, ; E F G A ; E ^D E E }
{ F,3 ; B,,3 ; B2 z ; ^D2 x }
{ E, ; E ; E ; E, }
{ E, E, ^D, B,, ; E B B A ; E G F ^D ; G, E, F, B, }
{ E, B,, C, G,, ; (G F) E D ; (E =D) C B, ; (B, B,) G, G, }
{ C, B,, E, C, ; E F G A ; E ^D E E ; G, B, B, E, }
{ B,,3 ; B2 z ; ^D2 x ; F,2 z } | X: 56
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: G
X: 56
T: God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Traditional English.
C: Music: 'God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen' Traditional English. Setting: "Carols Old And Carols New", 1918.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2006 Revision.
S: Music source: 'Carols Old And Carols New', 1918 carol 722.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
%%staffsep 1.2cm
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: G % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=160] E | E B B A | G F E D | E F G A | B3
w: 1.~God rest ye mer- ry, gen- tle- men, let no- thing you dis- may,
w: 2.~In Beth- le- hem, in Is- ra- el, this bless- èd Babe was born,
w: 3.~From God our heav'n- ly Fa- * ther a bless- èd an- gel came;
w: 4.~"Fear not, then," said the an- * gel, "Let no- thing you a- fright
w: 5.~The shep- herds at those ti- * dings re- jo- iced much in mind,
[V: S1V2] E | E G F ^D | E =D C B, | E ^D E E | ^D3
[V: S2V1] E, | G, E, F, B, | B, B, G, G, | G, B, B, E, | F,3
[V: S2V2] E, | E, E, ^D, B,, | E, B,, C, G,, | C, B,, E, C, | B,,3
% 5
[V: S1V1] E | E B B A | (G F) E D | E F G A | B2 z
w: Re- mem- ber Christ our Sa- * vior was born on Christ- mas Day;
w: And laid with- in a man- * ger up- on this bless- èd morn;
w: And un- to cer- tain shep- * herds brought ti- dings of the same;
w: This day is born a Sa- * vior of a pure Vir- gin bright,
w: And left their flocks a- feed- * ing in tem- pest, storm and wind,
[V: S1V2] E | E G F ^D | (E =D) C B, | E ^D E E | ^D2 x
[V: S2V1] E, | G, E, F, B, | (B, B,) G, G, | G, B, B, E, | F,2 z
[V: S2V2] E, | E, E, ^D, B,, | (E, B,,) C, G,, | C, B,, E, C, | B,,2 x
% 9
[V: S1V1] B | c A B c | d e B A | G E F G | A2
w: To save us all from Sa- tan's pow'r when we were gone a- stray.
w: The which His mo- ther Ma- * ry did no- thing take in scorn.
w: How that in Beth- le- hem was born the Son of God by name.
w: To free all those who trust in Him from Sa- tan's pow'r and might."
w: And went to Beth- l'em straight- aw- ay this bless- èd Babe to find.
[V: S1V2] E | E D D G | =F E D ^D | E ^C D G | F2
[V: S2V1] ^G, | A, A, G, G, | G, G, G, F, | G, G, A, D | (D C)
[V: S2V2] E, | A, F, G, E, | B,, C, G,, B,, | E, E, D, B,, | D,2
% 13
[V: S1V1] (G A) | B2 c B | (B A) G F | E2 G/F/ E | A2 !sintro!(G A) | (B c) d e | (B A) G F | E3 !eintro!|]
w: O * ti- dings of com- * fort and joy, com- fort and joy; O * ti- * dings of com- * fort and joy.
[V: S1V2] (G D) | D2 E D | (G F) E ^D | E2 B,/B,/ ^C | D2 (E F) | G2 G G | (G F) E ^D | E3 |]
[V: S2V1] (B, A,) | G,2 G, G, | (D C) B, B, | G,2 G,/G,/ G, | (F, A,) (D C) | (B, G,) D C | (D C) B, B, | G,3 |]
[V: S2V2] (E, F,) | G,2 C, G, | (G,, A,,) B,, B,, | E,2 E,/E,/ E, | (D, C,) (B,, A,,) | (G,, E,) B,, C, | (G,, A,,) B,, B,, | E,3 |]
% 22
%%multicol start
%%rightmargin 12cm
%%textfont Times-Roman 12.0
%%begintext obeylines justify
%% 6.\tBut when to Bethlehem they came where our dear Savior lay,
%% \t\t\t\tThey found Him in a manger where oxen feed on hay;
%% \t\t\t\tHis mother Mary kneeling unto the Lord did pray.
%% 7.\tNow to the Lord sing praises all you within this place,
%% \t\t\t\tAnd with true love and brotherhood each other now embrace;
%% \t\t\t\tThis holy tide of Christmas all others doth deface.
%% \t\t\t\t
%%multicol new
%%leftmargin 11cm
%%rightmargin 2cm
%%textfont Times-Roman 12.0
%%begintext obeylines justify
%% 8.\tGod bless the ruler of this house, and send him long to reign,
%% \t\t\t\tAnd many a merry Christmas may live to see again;
%% \t\t\t\tAmong your friends and kindred that live both far and near
%% \t\t\t\tThat God send you a happy new year, happy new year,
%% \t\t\t\tAnd God send you a happy new year.
%%multicol end
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2005 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.70000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "57 CHRISTMAS"
%%footer Lk 2:13-14, 1Cor 15:21-22 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
%OHSCRIP Lk 2:13-14, 1Cor 15:21-22
%OHTOPICS {Adam (first/second - see also Guidance, Invitation [ours to God], Repentance) [5]}, {Angels}, {Atonement [1,3,4,5]}, {Christmas/Advent}, {Consecration [4,5]}, {Example, Christ's [3,5]}, {Forgiveness [1,3]}, {God, As King}, {God, Care of [3-5]}, {God, Goodness of [2-4]}, {God, Love of [2-5]}, {God, Mercy of [1,3]}, {God, Providence of [3-5]}, {Gospel [2-5]}, {Grace [3-5]}, {Healing [3]}, {Invitation (Faithful's to God) [4,5]}, {Jesus}, {Joy [1]}, {Light [3]}, {Praise, Son}, {Presence}, {Repentance [4,5]}, {Salvation [1,3-5]}
%OHMETRICAL 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
%OHCOMPOSER Mendelssohn, Felix (1809-1847)
%OHARRANGER Cummings, William Hayman (1831-1915)
%OHAUTHOR Wesley, Charles (1707-1788)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 57
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: F
{ C F F3/2 E/ ; C C C3/2 C/ ; A, A, A,3/2 G,/ ; F, F, F, C, }
{ F A (A G) ; C F (F E) ; F, C C2 ; A,, F,, C,2 }
{ c c c3/2 B/ ; F E D G ; C C D D ; A,, A,, B,, B,, }
{ A G A2 ; F E F2 ; C C C2 ; C, C, F,2 }
{ C C C3/2 C/ ; A, A, A,3/2 G,/ ; F, F, F, C, ; C F F3/2 E/ }
{ C F (F E) ; F, C C2 ; A,, F,, C,2 ; F A (A G) }
{ F E D G ; C C D D ; A,, A,, B,, B,, ; c G G3/2 E/ }
{ F E F2 ; C C C2 ; C, C, F,2 ; E D C2 }
{ A, A, A,3/2 G,/ ; F, F, F, C, ; C F F3/2 E/ ; A, F F2 }
{ F, C C2 ; A,, F,, C,2 ; F A (A G) ; E D E3/2 C/ }
{ C C D D ; A,, A,, B,, B,, ; c G G3/2 E/ ; C =B, C2 }
{ F, F, F, C, ; C F F3/2 E/ ; A, F F2 ; F, C D2 }
{ A,, F,, C,2 ; F A (A G) ; E D E3/2 C/ ; C D C3/2 G,/ }
{ A,, A,, B,, B,, ; c G G3/2 E/ ; C =B, C2 ; A, F, E,2 }
{ C F F3/2 E/ ; A, F F2 ; F, C D2 ; D, C, (=B,,3/2 G,,/) }
{ F A (A G) ; E D E3/2 C/ ; C D C3/2 G,/ ; A,, =B,, C, E, }
{ c G G3/2 E/ ; C =B, C2 ; A, F, E,2 ; F, G,, C,2 } | X: 57
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: F
X: 57
T: Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Charles Wesley, 1739, alt.
C: Music: 'Mendelssohn' from 'Festgesang' Felix Mendelssohn, 1840. Setting: William H. Cummings, 1857.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2005 Revision.
S: Music source: 'Lutheran Worship' Hymnal, 1982 Hymn 49.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
%%staffsep 0.62cm
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: F % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=100] C F F3/2 E/ | F A (A G) | c c c3/2 B/ | A G A2 |
w: 1.~Hark! The her- ald an- gels sing, * "Glo- ry to the new- born King;
w: 2.~Christ, by high- est Heav'n a- dored; * Christ the ev- er- last- ing Lord;
w: 3.~Hail the heav'n- ly Prince of Peace! * Hail the Sun of Right- eous- ness!
w: 4.~Come, De- sire of na- tions, come, * Fix in us Thy hum- ble home;
w: 5.~Ad- am's like- ness, Lord, ef- face, * Stamp Thine im- age in its place:
[V: S1V2] C C C3/2 C/ | C F (F E) | F E D G | F E F2 | C C C3/2 C/ |
[V: S2V1] A, A, A,3/2 G,/ | F, C C2 | C C D D | C C C2 | A, A, A,3/2 G,/ |
[V: S2V2] F, F, F, C, | A,, F,, C,2 | A,, A,, B,, B,, | C, C, F,2 | F, F, F, C, |
% 5
[V: S1V1] C F F3/2 E/ | F A (A G) | c G G3/2 E/ | E D C2 |
w: Peace on earth, and mer- cy mild, * God and sin- ners re- con- ciled!"
w: Late in time, be- hold Him come, * Off- spring of a vir- gin's womb.
w: Light and life to all He brings, * Ris'n with heal- ing in His wings.
w: Rise, the wo- man's con- qu'ring Seed, * Bruise in us the ser- pent's head.
w: Se- cond Ad- am from a- bove, * Re- in- state us in Thy love.
[V: S1V2] A, F F2 | E D E3/2 C/ | C =B, C2 |
[V: S2V1] F, C D2 | C D C3/2 G,/ | A, F, E,2 |
[V: S2V2] D, C, (=B,,3/2 G,,/) | A,, =B,, C, E, | F, G,, C,2 |
% 9
[V: S1V1] c c c F | B A (A G) | c c c F | B A (A G) |
w: Joy- ful, all ye na- tions rise, * Join the tri- umph of the skies; *
w: Veiled in flesh the God- head see; * Hail th'in- car- nate De- i- ty, *
w: Mild He lays His glo- ry by, * Born that man no more may die. *
w: Now dis- play Thy sav- ing po- wer, Ruin- ed na- ture now re- store; *
w: Let us Thee, though lost, re- gain, * Thee, the Life, the in- ner man: *
[V: S1V2] C C C F | G F (F E) | C C C F | G F (F E) |
[V: S2V1] C C C C | C C C2 | C C C C | C C C2 |
[V: S2V2] C C C A, | E, F, C,2 | C C C A, | E, F, C,2 |
% 9
[V: S1V1] d d d c | B A B2 | G A/B/ c3/2 F/ | F G A2 |
w: With th'an- gel- ic host pro- claim, "Christ is * born in Beth- le- hem!"
w: Pleased with us in flesh to dwell, Je- sus * our Em- man- u- el.
w: Born to raise the sons of earth, Born to * give them se- cond birth.
w: Now in my- stic un- ion join Thine to * ours, and ours to Thine.
w: O, to all Thy- self im- part, Formed in * each be- liev- ing heart.
[V: S1V2] B B B A | G ^F G2 | E E F3/2 C/ | C E F2 |
[V: S2V1] D D D D | D D D2 | C C C3/2 A,/ | A, C C2 |
[V: S2V2] B,, B,, B,, B,, | B,, D, G,2 | B, B, A, F, | C, C, F,2 |
% 17
[V: S1V1] d3/2 d/ d c | B A B2 | !sintro!G A/B/ c3/2 F/ | F G F2 !eintro!|]
w: Hark! the her- ald an- gels sing, "Glo- ry * to the new- born King!"
[V: S1V2] B B B A | G ^F G2 | C E F3/2 F/ | C C C2 |]
[V: S2V1] D D D C | B, A, B,2 | C C C3/2 A,/ | A, B, A,2 |]
[V: S2V2] B, B, B, A, | G, ^F, (G, =F,) | E, B, A, F, | C, C, F,2 |]
% 22
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2005 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "CHRISTMAS 58"
%%footer Lk 2:13-14, Is 41:13 8 8 8 8
%OHSCRIP Lk 2:13-14, Is 41:13
%OHTOPICS {Assurance [5]}, {Christmas/Advent}, {Comfort}, {Courage in Affliction}, {God, Care of}, {God, Faithfulness of}, {God, Goodness of}, {God, Justness of}, {God, Love of}, {God's Children - the Faithful (see also Saints, People of the World)}, {Hope}, {Peace}, {People of the World}, {Social Justice}, {Speech [1]}, {Trust}
%OHCOMPOSER Calkin, John Baptiste (1827-1905)
%OHAUTHOR Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth (1807-1882)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 58
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: Eb
{ E ; E ; G, ; E, }
{ G3/2 ^F/ G G ; E3/2 E/ E _D ; B,3/2 B,/ B, B, ; E, B,, E, =E, }
{ A3/2 G/ A =A ; =D3/2 D/ D E ; B,3/2 B,/ B, C ; F, B,, F, ^F, }
{ E ; G, ; E, ; B e d c }
{ E3/2 E/ E _D ; B,3/2 B,/ B, B, ; E, B,, E, =E, ; c3/2 B/ B B }
{ =D3/2 D/ D E ; B,3/2 B,/ B, C ; F, B,, F, ^F, ; B3/2 A/ G }
{ G, ; E, ; B e d c ; E G G E }
{ B,3/2 B,/ B, B, ; E, B,, E, =E, ; c3/2 B/ B B ; F3/2 F/ F E }
{ B,3/2 B,/ B, C ; F, B,, F, ^F, ; B3/2 A/ G ; E3/2 E/ E } | X: 58
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: Eb
X: 58
T: I Heard The Bells On Christmas Day
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, 1864.
C: Music: 'Waltham (Calkin)' John B. Calkin, 1872. Setting: "The Book of Common Praise", 1885.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2006 Revision.
S: Music source: "The Book of Common Praise", 1885 Hymn 466.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: Eb % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=100] E | G3/2 ^F/ G G | A3/2 G/ A =A |
w: 1.~I heard the bells on Christ- mas day Their
w: 2.~And thought how, as the day had come, The
w: 3.~Till ring- ing, sing- ing on its way The
w: 4.~And in des- pair I bowed my head "There
w: 5.~Then pealed the bells more loud and deep: "God
[V: S1V2] E | E3/2 E/ E _D | =D3/2 D/ D E |
[V: S2V1] G, | B,3/2 B,/ B, B, | B,3/2 B,/ B, C |
[V: S2V2] E, | E, B,, E, =E, | F, B,, F, ^F, |
% 5
[V: S1V1] B e d c | c3/2 B/ B B | B3/2 A/ G
w: old fa- mil- iar car- ols play, And wild and sweet
w: bel- fries of all Christ- en- dom Had rolled a- long
w: world re- volved from night to day, A voice, a chime,
w: is no peace on earth," I said, "For hate is strong
w: is not dead, nor doth He sleep; The wrong shall fail,
[V: S1V2] E G G E | F3/2 F/ F E | E3/2 E/ E
[V: S2V1] B, B, B, E | D3/2 D/ D E | C3/2 C/ B,
[V: S2V2] G, B,, E, G, | A,3/2 A,/ A, G, | A,3/2 A,/ E,
% 11
[V: S1V1] A | G3/2 F/ E !sintro!F | G A B c | D3/2 F/ !fermata!E !eintro!|]
w: the words re- peat Of peace on earth, good will to men.
w: th'un- bro- ken song Of peace on earth, good will to men.
w: a chant sub- lime Of peace on earth, good will to men.
w: and mocks the song Of peace on earth, good will to men."
w: the right pre- vail With peace on earth, good will to men."
[V: S1V2] B | =B,3/2 B,/ C E | E E E E | D3/2 D/ E |]
[V: S2V1] E, | G,3/2 G,/ G, A, | B, C B, F, | F,3/2 A,/ !invertedfermata!G, |]
[V: S2V2] E, | D,3/2 D,/ C, F,, | B,, A,, G,, A,, | B,,3/2 B,,/ E, |]
% 11
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2011 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.720000
%%staffsep 1.10000cm
%%sysstaffsep 0.00000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%combinevoices 0
%%header "59 CHRISTMAS"
%%footer Lv 26:18-19, Job 38:29-30, Ps 147:16-20, Is 59:11-14, 1Kgs 8:27, Lk 2:7-14, Ez 36:25-28, Pr 23:26, Deut 30:6 Irregular
%OHSCRIP Lv 26:18-19, Job 38:29-30, Ps 147:16-20, Is 59:11-14, 1Kgs 8:27, Lk 2:7-14, Ez 36:25-28, Pr 23:26, Deut 30:6
%OHTOPICS {Angels [3,4]}, {Christmas/Advent}, {God, As King}, {God, Eternity of}, {God, Love of}, {God, Majesty & Power of}, {Grace}, {Following Jesus, In Faith [5]}, {Following Jesus, Sanctification [5]}, {Humility}, {Jesus}, {Law [1]}, {Praise, Son}, {Presence}, {Sinners [1]},
%OHCOMPOSER Holst, Gustav Theodore (1874-1934)
%OHARRANGER Holst, Gustav Theodore (1874-1934)
%OHAUTHOR Rossetti, Christina Georgina (1830-1894)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
% -- draw parenthesis around a note
/opnot{ % usage: x y opnot
M -11 -3 RM /Times-Roman 36 selectfont(\( \))show}!
% -- same, but inside a chord (x is not the same)
/opchnot{ % usage: x y opchnot
M -10.5 -3 RM /Times-Roman 24 selectfont(\( \))show}!
% -- optional note
%%deco () 1 opnot 0 0 0
X: 59
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: F
{ !()!A ; z ; z ; x }
{ .(A3/2 B/) c A ; .(F3/2 F/) F C ; .(C3/2 C/) C F, ; .(F,3/2 G,/) A, F, }
{ G.- G F2 ; D.- D D2 ; A,.- A, A,2 ; D,.- D, D,2 }
{ .(G3/2 A/) G D ; .(D D) D C ; .(G,3/2 D,/) D, F, ; .( B,,3/2 C,/) B,, A,, }
{ G4 ; B,4 ; (F,2 E,2) ; (G,,2 C,2) }
{ z ; z ; x ; .(A3/2 B/) c A }
{ .(F3/2 F/) F C ; .(C3/2 C/) C F, ; .(F,3/2 G,/) A, F, ; G.- G F.- F }
{ D.- D D2 ; A,.- A, A,2 ; D,.- D, D,2 ; .(.(G A) G3/2) F/ }
{ .(D D) D C ; .(G,3/2 D,/) D, F, ; .( B,,3/2 C,/) B,, A,, ; F3.- F }
{ z ; x ; .(A3/2 B/) c A ; .(C3/2 F/) F C }
{ .(C3/2 C/) C F, ; .(F,3/2 G,/) A, F, ; G.- G F.- F ; D.- D D.- D }
{ A,.- A, A,2 ; D,.- D, D,2 ; .(.(G A) G3/2) F/ ; .(.(F F) E3/2) F/ }
{ .(G,3/2 D,/) D, F, ; .( B,,3/2 C,/) B,, A,, ; F3.- F ; F3.- F }
{ x ; .(A3/2 B/) c A ; .(C3/2 F/) F C ; .(F,3/2 C/) C F, }
{ .(F,3/2 G,/) A, F, ; G.- G F.- F ; D.- D D.- D ; A,.- A, A,.- A, }
{ D,.- D, D,2 ; .(.(G A) G3/2) F/ ; .(.(F F) E3/2) F/ ; .(.(D D) B,3/2) A,/ }
{ .( B,,3/2 C,/) B,, A,, ; F3.- F ; F3.- F ; A,3.- A, } | X: 59
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: F
X: 59
T: In The Bleak MidWinter
C: Words: Christina Georgina Rossetti, 1872, alt.
C: Music and Setting: 'Cranham' Gustav Theodore Holst, 1906, alt.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2011 Revision.
S: Music source: "The English Hymnal, 1906.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: F % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=100] !()!A | .(A3/2 B/) c A | G.- G F2 | .(G3/2 A/) G D | G4 |
w: 1.~ In the bleak mid- win- * ter, frost- y wind made moan,
w: 2.~Our God, Heav'n can- not hold * Him, nor_ earth sus- tain;
w: 3.~E- nough for Him, whom cher- u- bim, wor- ship night and day,
w: 4.~ An- gels and arch- an- * gels may have ga- thered there,
w: 5.~ What_ can I give * Him, poor_ as I am?
[V: S1V2] z | .(F3/2 F/) F C | D.- D D2 | .(D D) D C | B,4 |
[V: S2V1] z | .(C3/2 C/) C F, | A,.- A, A,2 | .(G,3/2 D,/) D, F, | (F,2 E,2) |
[V: S2V2] x | .(F,3/2 G,/) A, F, | D,.- D, D,2 | .( B,,3/2 C,/) B,, A,, | (G,,2 C,2) |
% 6
[V: S1V1] .(A3/2 B/) c A | G.- G F.- F | .(.(G A) G3/2) F/ | F3.- F |
w: Earth stood hard as i- * ron, * wa- ter like a stone; *
w: Heav'n and earth shall flee a- way * when He comes to reign. *
w: Breast- * ful of milk, * and a man- ger- ful of hay; En-
w: Cher- u- bim and ser- a- phim * thronged__ the air; *
w: If I were a shep- * herd, * I would bring a lamb; *
[V: S1V2] .(C3/2 F/) F C | D.- D D.- D | .(.(F F) E3/2) F/ | F3.- F |
[V: S2V1] .(F,3/2 C/) C F, | A,.- A, A,.- A, | .(.(D D) B,3/2) A,/ | A,3.- A, |
[V: S2V2] .(F,3/2 G,/) A, F, | D,.- D, D,.- D, | .(.(B,, B,,) C,3/2) F,/ | F,3.- F, |
% 10
[V: S1V1] B3/2 A/ B c | d.- d A.- A | .(c A) G F | E4 |
w: Snow had fall- en, snow on snow, * snow on snow on snow,
w: In the bleak mid- win- * ter a sta- ble place suf- ficed
w: ough for Him, whom an- * gels * fall_ down be- fore,
w: But His mo- ther on- * ly, * in her mai- den bliss,
w: If I were a Wise * Man, * I would do my part;
[V: S1V2] F3/2 F/ F _E | D.- D F.- F | .(F E) D2 | C4 |
[V: S2V1] B,3/2 C/ B, A, | B,.- B, A,.- A, | .(F, C) B, A, | G,4 |
[V: S2V2] D,3/2 F,/ D, C, | B,,.- B,, D,.- D, | A,,.- A,, B,, B,, | C,4 |
% 10
[V: S1V1] A3/2 B/ c A | G2 F2 | !sintro!(G A G3/2) F/ | F3 !eintro!|]
w: In the bleak mid- win- ter, long * * a- go.
w: The Lord God Al- migh- ty, Je- * * sus Christ.
w: Ox and ass and ca- mel which * * a- dore.
w: Wor- shiped the be- lov- ed with * * a kiss.
w: Yet what can I give Him: give * * my heart.
[V: S1V2] C3/2 F/ F C | D2 D2 | (F2 E3/2) F/ | F3 |]
[V: S2V1] F,3/2 C/ C F, | A,2 A,2 | D2 (B,3/2 A,/) | A,3 |]
[V: S2V2] F,3/2 G,/ A, F, | D,2 D,2 | B,,2 (C,3/2 F,/) | F,3 |]
%%begintext align
These lyrics are rather obscure, though quite beautiful. The earth (which represents all of
God's promises to His People, Gen 13:14-15, Rom 4:13-17, Mt 5:5) and the water
(which represents Baptism and forgiveness, Jn 3:5, Eph 5:25-27, 1Pt 3:21) are frozen and
lifeless as the Law reigns alone (2Cor 3:6b), with no grace flowing before Christ.
The Spirit (the wind) works in the world through the condemnation of the Law and the hope for redemption to come
(frosty wind made moan, Micah 4:10, Ez 21:6-7). Then Christ humbly comes to melt the icy world in
grace. This then inspires those saved, who recognize that they have nothing to give to Him, to
finally, through His grace, fulfill the greatest commandment (Mt 22:37).
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2005 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.730000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "CHRISTMAS 60"
%%footer Lk 2:8-14, Is 9:1-6, Gen 11:9 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 6
%OHSCRIP Lk 2:8-14, Is 9:1-6, Gen 11:9
%OHTOPICS {Angels}, {Calmness}, {Christmas/Advent}, {Comfort [3,4,5]}, {God, As King [1]}, {God's Children - the Faithful (see also Saints, People of the World)}, {Peace [1-3,5]}, {People of the World}, {Reverence}
%OHMETRICAL 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 6
%OHCOMPOSER Willis, Richard Storrs (1819-1900)
%OHAUTHOR Sears, Edmund Hamilton (1810-1876)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 60
M: 6/8
L: 1/4
K: Bb
{ F/ ; D/ ; F,/ ; B,,/ }
{ d A/ c/B/ G/ ; D D/ E E/ ; F, ^F,/ G, A,/ ; B,, B,,/ B,, B,,/ }
{ F G/ F F/ ; D E/ D D/ ; B, F,/ F, B,/ ; B,, A,,/ B,, B,,/ }
{ G/A/ B/ B/c/ d/ ; E E/ =E =E/ ; B, B,/ B, B,/ ; E,/F,/ G,/ G, C,/ }
{ c3/2- c ; F3/2- F ; A,3/2- A, ; F,3/2- F, }
{ D/ ; F,/ ; B,,/ ; F/ }
{ D D/ E E/ ; F, ^F,/ G, A,/ ; B,, B,,/ B,, B,,/ ; d A/ c/B/ G/ }
{ D E/ D D/ ; B, F,/ F, B,/ ; B,, A,,/ B,, B,,/ ; F G/ F F/ }
{ E E/ =E =E/ ; B, B,/ B, B,/ ; E,/F,/ G,/ G, C,/ ; G G/ A/G/ F/ }
{ F3/2- F ; A,3/2- A, ; F,3/2- F, ; B3/2- B }
{ F,/ ; B,,/ ; F/ ; F/ }
{ F, ^F,/ G, A,/ ; B,, B,,/ B,, B,,/ ; d A/ c/B/ G/ ; D D/ E E/ }
{ B, F,/ F, B,/ ; B,, A,,/ B,, B,,/ ; F G/ F F/ ; D E/ D F/ }
{ B, B,/ B, B,/ ; E,/F,/ G,/ G, C,/ ; G G/ A/G/ F/ ; E E/ E E/ }
{ A,3/2- A, ; F,3/2- F, ; B3/2- B ; D3/2- D }
{ B,,/ ; F/ ; F/ ; F,/ }
{ B,, B,,/ B,, B,,/ ; d A/ c/B/ G/ ; D D/ E E/ ; F, ^F,/ G, A,/ }
{ B,, A,,/ B,, B,,/ ; F G/ F F/ ; D E/ D F/ ; B, F,/ F, B,/ }
{ E,/F,/ G,/ G, C,/ ; G G/ A/G/ F/ ; E E/ E E/ ; B, C/ C/B,/ A,/ }
{ F,3/2- F, ; B3/2- B ; D3/2- D ; B,3/2- B, } | X: 60
M: 6/8
L: 1/4
K: Bb
X: 60
T: It Came Upon A Midnight Clear
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Edmund H. Sears, 1849. Music: 'Carol' Richard S. Willis, 1861.
C: Setting: "Order of worship for the Reformed Church in the United States", 1866.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2005 Revision.
S: Music source: "Order of worship for the Reformed Church in the United States", 1866 Hymn 63.
S: supposed to be found in "Church Corals and Choir Studies" 1850 by Willis, but I don't see it in that book.
S: some sources say 1850, some 1859, some 1861. Willis was editor for "The Musical World" magazine. Probably first appeared there.
M: 6/8 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: Bb % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=60] F/ | d A/ c/B/ G/ | F G/ F F/ | G/A/ B/ B/c/ d/ | c3/2- c
w: 1.~It came up- on * the mid- night clear, That glor- * ious song * of old, *
w: 2.~Still through the clo- * ven skies they come With peace- * ful wings * un- furled, *
w: 3.~Yet with the woes * of sin and strife The world * has suf- * fered long; *
w: 4.~And ye, be- neath * life's crush- ing load, Whose forms * are bend- * ing low, *
w: 5.~For lo! the days * are has- t'ning on, By pro- * phet\- bards * fore- told, *
[V: S1V2] D/ | D D/ E E/ | D E/ D D/ | E E/ =E =E/ | F3/2- F
[V: S2V1] F,/ | F, ^F,/ G, A,/ | B, F,/ F, B,/ | B, B,/ B, B,/ | A,3/2- A,
[V: S2V2] B,,/ | B,, B,,/ B,, B,,/ | B,, A,,/ B,, B,,/ | E,/F,/ G,/ G, C,/ | F,3/2- F,
% 5
[V: S1V1] F/ | d A/ c/B/ G/ | F G/ F F/ | G G/ A/G/ F/ | B3/2- B
w: From an- gels bend- * ing near the earth, To touch their harps * of gold; *
w: And still their hea- ven- ly mu- sic floats O'er all the wea- * ry world; *
w: Be- neath the an- * gel strain have rolled Two thou- sand years * of wrong; *
w: Who toil a- long * the climb- ing way With pain- ful steps * and slow, *
w: When with the ev- * er circ- ling years Comes round the age * of gold; *
[V: S1V2] F/ | D D/ E E/ | D E/ D F/ | E E/ E E/ | D3/2- D
[V: S2V1] F,/ | F, ^F,/ G, A,/ | B, F,/ F, B,/ | B, C/ C/B,/ A,/ | B,3/2- B,
[V: S2V2] F,/ | B,, B,,/ B,, B,,/ | B,, A,,/ B,, B,,/ | E, C,/ F, F,/ | B,,3/2- B,,
% 9
[V: S1V1] d/ | d D/ D/=E/ ^F/ | G A/ B d/ | c/B/ A/ G/A/ G/ | F3/2- F
w: "Peace on the earth, * good will to men, From Heav- en's all gra- * cious King." *
w: A- bove its sad * and low- ly plains, They bend * on hov- * 'ring wing, *
w: And man, at war * with man, hears not The love\- * song which * they bring; *
w: Look now! for glad * and gold- en hours Come swift- * ly on * the wing. *
w: When peace shall ov- * er all the earth Its an- * cient splen- * dors fling, *
[V: S1V2] D/ | D D/ D D/ | D D/ D D/ | F F/ =E =E/ | F3/2- F
[V: S2V1] D,/ | D, ^F,/ ^F,/G,/ A,/ | G, ^F,/ G, G,/ | A,/D/ C/ B,/C/ B,/ | A,3/2- A,
[V: S2V2] D,/ | D, D,/ D, C,/ | B,, D,/ G, B,,/ | C, C,/ C, C,/ | F,3/2- F,
% 13
[V: S1V1] F/ | d A/ c/B/ G/ | F G/ F !sintro!F/ | G G/ A/G/ F/ | B3/2- B !eintro!|]
w: The world in so- * lemn still- ness lay, To hear the an- * gels sing. *
w: And ev- er ov- er its Ba- bel sounds The bless- èd an- * gels sing. *
w: O hush the noise, * ye men of strife And hear the an- * gels sing. *
w: O rest be- side * the wear- y road, And hear the an- * gels sing! *
w: And the whole world * send back the song Which now the an- * gels sing. *
[V: S1V2] _E/ | D D/ E E/ | D E/ D F/ | E E/ E E/ | D3/2- D |]
[V: S2V1] A,/ | B, ^F,/ G, A,/ | B, =F,/ =F, B,/ | B, C/ C/B,/ A,/ | B,3/2- B, |]
[V: S2V2] F,/ | B,, B,,/ B,, B,,/ | B,, A,,/ B,, D,/ | E, C,/ =F, =F,/ | B,,3/2- B,, |]
% 19
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2005 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "61 CHRISTMAS"
%%footer Lk 2:10, Ps 97:1, 98:4-9 8 6 8 6 6 8
%OHSCRIP Lk 2:10, Ps 97:1, 98:4-9
%OHTOPICS {Anticipation [3]}, {Brotherhood [1,2]}, {Christmas/Advent}, {Fellowship [1,2]}, {God, As King [1]}, {God, Goodness of [3,4]}, {God, Love of [4]}, {God's Children - the Faithful (see also Saints, People of the World)}, {Grace [3,4]}, {Jesus [1,3,4]}, {Joy}, {People of the World}, {Praise, Son}, {Presence}, {Sinners [3]}, {Truth [4]}, {Worship}
%OHMETRICAL 8 6 8 6 6 8
%OHCOMPOSER Handel, George Frederick (1685-1759)
%OHARRANGER Mason, Lowell (1792-1872)
%OHAUTHOR Watts, Isaac (1674-1748)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 61
M: 2/4
L: 1/4
K: D
{ d c3/4B// ; F A3/4G// ; D D3/4D// ; D, D,3/4D,// }
{ A3/2 G/ ; F3/2 E/ ; D3/2 B,/ ; D,3/2 G,,/ }
{ F E ; D C ; A,3/2 G,/ ; A,, A,, }
{ D3/2 A/ ; D3/2 D/ ; F,3/2 D/ ; D,3/2 F,/ }
{ B3/2 B/ ; G3/2 G/ ; D3/2 D/ ; G,3/2 G,/ }
{ c3/2 c/ ; E3/2 E/ ; A,3/2 A,/ ; A,3/2 A,/ }
{ d3/2 ; F3/2 ; A,3/2 ; D,3/2 }
{ F A3/4G// ; D D3/4D// ; D, D,3/4D,// ; d/ }
{ F3/2 E/ ; D3/2 B,/ ; D,3/2 G,,/ ; d/c/ B/A/ }
{ D C ; A,3/2 G,/ ; A,, A,, ; A3/4G//F/ d/ }
{ D3/2 D/ ; F,3/2 D/ ; D,3/2 F,/ ; d/c/ B/A/ }
{ G3/2 G/ ; D3/2 D/ ; G,3/2 G,/ ; A3/4G//F/ F/ }
{ E3/2 E/ ; A,3/2 A,/ ; A,3/2 A,/ ; F/F/ F/F//G// }
{ F3/2 ; A,3/2 ; D,3/2 ; A3/2 }
{ D D3/4D// ; D, D,3/4D,// ; d/ ; F/ }
{ D3/2 B,/ ; D,3/2 G,,/ ; d/c/ B/A/ ; F/A/ G/F/ }
{ A,3/2 G,/ ; A,, A,, ; A3/4G//F/ d/ ; F3/4E//D/ F/ }
{ F,3/2 D/ ; D,3/2 F,/ ; d/c/ B/A/ ; F/A/ G/F/ }
{ D3/2 D/ ; G,3/2 G,/ ; A3/4G//F/ F/ ; F3/4E//D/ D/ }
{ A,3/2 A,/ ; A,3/2 A,/ ; F/F/ F/F//G// ; D/D/ D/D//E// }
{ A,3/2 ; D,3/2 ; A3/2 ; F3/2 } | X: 61
M: 2/4
L: 1/4
K: D
X: 61
T: Joy to the World
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Isaac Watts, 1719.
C: Music: 'Antioch' pieced together from "Messiah" George F. Handel, 1741. Setting: Lowell Mason, 1836.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2005 Revision.
S: Music source: 'Lutheran Worship' Hymnal, 1982 Hymn 53.
M: 2/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: D % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=80] d c3/4B// | A3/2 G/ | F E | D3/2 A/ | B3/2 B/ | c3/2 c/ | d3/2
w: 1.~Joy to the world, the Lord is come! Let earth re- ceive her King;
w: 2.~Joy to the earth, the Sa- vior reigns! Let men their songs em- ploy;
w: 3.~No more let sins and sor- rows grow, Nor thorns in- fest the ground;
w: 4.~He rules the world with truth and grace, And makes the na- tions prove
[V: S1V2] F A3/4G// | F3/2 E/ | D C | D3/2 D/ | G3/2 G/ | E3/2 E/ | F3/2
[V: S2V1] D D3/4D// | D3/2 B,/ | A,3/2 G,/ | F,3/2 D/ | D3/2 D/ | A,3/2 A,/ | A,3/2
[V: S2V2] D, D,3/4D,// | D,3/2 G,,/ | A,, A,, | D,3/2 F,/ | G,3/2 G,/ | A,3/2 A,/ | D,3/2
% 9
[V: S1V1] d/ | d/c/ B/A/ | A3/4G//F/ d/ | d/c/ B/A/ | A3/4G//F/ F/ | F/F/ F/F//G// | A3/2
w: Let ev- * 'ry * heart * * pre- pare * Him * room, * * And Heav'n and na- ture * sing,
w: While fields * and * floods, * * rocks, hills * and * plains * * Re- peat the sound- ing * joy,
w: He comes * to * make * * His bless- * ings * flow * * Far as the curse is * found,
w: The glo- * ries * of * * His right- * eous- * ness, * * And won- ders of His * love,
[V: S1V2] F/ | F/A/ G/F/ | F3/4E//D/ F/ | F/A/ G/F/ | F3/4E//D/ D/ | D/D/ D/D//E// | F3/2
[V: S2V1] A,/ | A, D | D3/2 A,/ | A, D | D3/2 z/ | z3/2 A,/ | A,/A,/A,/
[V: S2V2] D,/ | D, D, | D,3/2 D,/ | D, D, | D,3/2 x/ | x3/2 D,/ | D,/D,/D,/
% 13
[V: S1V1] G//F// | E/E/ E/E//F// | G3/2 F//E// | (D/ d) B/ | !sintro!A3/4G//F/ G/ | F E | D2 !eintro!|]
w: And * Heav'n and na- ture * sing, And * Heav'n, * and Heav'n, * * and na- ture sing.
w: Re- * peat the sound- ing * joy, Re- * peat, * re- peat, * * the sound- ing joy.
w: Far * as the curse is * found, Far * as, * far as, * * the curse is found.
w: And * won- ders of His * love, And * won- * ders, won- * * ders, of His love.
[V: S1V2] E//D// | C/C/ C/C//D// | E3/2 D//C// | (D/ F) G/ | F3/4E//D/ E/ | D C | D2 |]
[V: S2V1] A,/ | A,2 | A,3/2 A,//G,// | (F,/ A,) D/ | D3/2 B,/ | A, A,/G,/ | F,2 |]
[V: S2V2] D,/ | A,3/2 A,,/ | A,,/A,,/ A,,/A,,/ | D,3/2 D,/ | D,3/2 G,,/ | A,, A,, | D,2 |]
% 21
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2006 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "CHRISTMAS 62"
%%footer Rom 5:11, Rom 8:32-33, Jn 1:14, Gen 3:15 7 7 6 6 6 with Alleluias
%OHSCRIP Rom 5:11, Rom 8:32-33, Jn 1:14, Gen 3:15
%OHTOPICS {Christmas/Advent}, {Jesus}, {Joy}, {Presence}, {Salvation}
%OHMETRICAL 7 7 6 6 6 with Alleluias
%OHAUTHOR Zavorka, Tobias
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 62
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: G
{ G A B c ; G D D G ; D A, G, G, ; B, F, G, E, }
{ d d d2 ; F G F2 ; A, B, A,2 ; D, G, D,2 }
{ c d e2 ; E G (G F) ; A, B, C2 ; A, G, C,2 }
{ d3 z ; G3 x ; B,3 z ; G,3 x }
{ G D D G ; D A, G, G, ; B, F, G, E, ; d d c c }
{ F G F2 ; A, B, A,2 ; D, G, D,2 ; B B A2 }
{ E G (G F) ; A, B, C2 ; A, G, C,2 ; B c A2 }
{ G3 x ; B,3 z ; G,3 x ; G3 z }
{ D A, G, G, ; B, F, G, E, ; d d c c ; G G E E }
{ A, B, A,2 ; D, G, D,2 ; B B A2 ; F F A2 }
{ A, B, C2 ; A, G, C,2 ; B c A2 ; G G (G F) }
{ B,3 z ; G,3 x ; G3 z ; G3 x } | X: 62
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: G
X: 62
T: Let Our Gladness Have No End
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: From the Kancional, by Tobias Zavorka, 1602. Translator unknown.
C: Music: 'Narodil se Kristus Pán' or 'Salvator Natus' 15th Century Bohemian.
C: Setting: "Carols Old And Carols New", 1916.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2007 Revision.
S: Music source: Carols Old And Carols New, Boston: Parish Choir, Charles L. Hutchins, 1916 Hymn 577.
S: Translation is public domain per LSB 2006 Hymn 381
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: G % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=160] G A B c | d d d2 | c d e2 | d3 z |
w: 1.~Let our glad- ness have no end, Hal- le- lu- jah!
w: 2.~See, the love- liest bloom- ing rose, Hal- le- lu- jah!
w: 3.~In- to flesh is made the Word. Hal- le- lu- jah!
[V: S1V2] G D D G | F G F2 | E G (G F) | G3 x |
[V: S2V1] D A, G, G, | A, B, A,2 | A, B, C2 | B,3 z |
[V: S2V2] B, F, G, E, | D, G, D,2 | A, G, C,2 | G,3 x |
% 5
[V: S1V1] d d c c | B B A2 | B c A2 | G3 z | B A B c |
w: For to earth did Christ de- scend. Hal- le- lu- jah! On this day God
w: From the branch of Je- sse grows. Hal- le- lu- jah! * * * *
w: He, our re- fuge and our Lord. Hal- le- lu- jah! * * * *
[V: S1V2] G G E E | F F A2 | G G (G F) | G3 x | D D G G |
[V: S2V1] G D E A, | D D E2 | D E (D A,) | B,3 z | G, A, G, E, |
[V: S2V2] B, B,, C, C, | D, B, C2 | G, C, D,2 | G,,3 x | G, F, E, C, |
% 9
[V: S1V1] (d3 c) | B2 z2 | B A B c | (d3 c) | B2 z2 | z4 | !sintro!G2 e2 | d B A2 | G4 !eintro!|]
w: gave * us Christ, His Son, to save * us; Christ, His Son, to save us.
[V: S1V2] (D2 E F) | G2 z2 | G A F A | (B2 A2) | G2 z2 | D2 G2 | G2 G2 | F G (A F) | D4 |]
[V: S2V1] (F,2 A, D) | D2 z2 | E E ^D E | (G2 E2) | E2 z2 | B,2 E2 | D2 C2 | A, G, (E D/C/) | B,4 |]
[V: S2V2] (B,,2 A,,2) | G,,2 z2 | E, C B, A, | (G,2 A,2) | E,2 z2 | G,2 C,2 | B,,2 C,2 | D, E, (C, D,) | G,,4 |]
% 20
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2010 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 0.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "63 CHRISTMAS"
%%footer Is 11:1-10, Mt 1:20-21, Heb 2:14-15, Lk 2:1-18 7 6 7 6 6 7 6
%OHSCRIP Is 11:1-10, Mt 1:20-21, Heb 2:14-15, Lk 2:1-18
%OHTOPICS {Angels [3]}, {Christmas/Advent}, {Comfort}, {Darkness, Spiritual [4]}, {Evening [1-3]}, {God, Faithfulness of [1,2]}, {Jesus}, {Joy}, {Praise, Son}, {Presence}, {Promises (see also Gospel) [1,2]}, {Reverence}
%OHMETRICAL 7 6 7 6 6 7 6
%OHCOMPOSER from Altes Catholische Geistliche Kirchengeseng, Köln, 1599
%OHARRANGER Praetorius, Michael (1571-1621)
%OHAUTHOR German;Layriz, Fridrich (1808-1859)
%OHTRANSLATOR Baker, Theodore (1851-1934);Krauth, Harriet Reynolds (1845-1925);Spaeth, Harriet Reynolds (1845-1925);Mattes, John Casper (1876-1948)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 63
M: none
L: 1/4
K: F
{ c2 ; A2 ; C2 ; F,2 }
{ c c d c ; A F F F ; C A, B, A, ; F, F, B, F, }
{ c2 A2 B2 ; E2 D2 D2 ; G,2 F,2 F,2 ; C,2 D,2 B,,2 }
{ A G2 F2 E ; C2 D A, C2 ; A, C (B, A,2) G, ; F, E, D,2 C,2 }
{ F3 ; C3 ; A,3 ; F,3 }
{ A2 ; C2 ; F,2 ; c2 }
{ A F F F ; C A, B, A, ; F, F, B, F, ; c c d c }
{ E2 D2 D2 ; G,2 F,2 F,2 ; C,2 D,2 B,,2 ; c2 A2 B2 }
{ C2 D A, C2 ; A, C (B, A,2) G, ; F, E, D,2 C,2 ; A G2 F2 E }
{ C3 ; A,3 ; F,3 ; F3 }
{ C2 ; F,2 ; c2 ; A2 }
{ C A, B, A, ; F, F, B, F, ; c c d c ; A F F F }
{ G,2 F,2 F,2 ; C,2 D,2 B,,2 ; c2 A2 B2 ; E2 D2 D2 }
{ A, C (B, A,2) G, ; F, E, D,2 C,2 ; A G2 F2 E ; C2 D A, C2 }
{ A,3 ; F,3 ; F3 ; C3 }
{ F,2 ; c2 ; A2 ; C2 }
{ F, F, B, F, ; c c d c ; A F F F ; C A, B, A, }
{ C,2 D,2 B,,2 ; c2 A2 B2 ; E2 D2 D2 ; G,2 F,2 F,2 }
{ F, E, D,2 C,2 ; A G2 F2 E ; C2 D A, C2 ; A, C (B, A,2) G, }
{ F,3 ; F3 ; C3 ; A,3 } | X: 63
M: none
L: 1/4
K: F
X: 63
T: Lo, How A Rose E'er Blooming
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: verses 1-2, 15th Century German. Translated by Theodore Baker, 1894.
C: verses 3,4 Fridrich Layriz (1808-1859). Translated by Harriet Reynolds Krauth, 1875.
C: verse 5, 15th Century German. Translated by John C. Mattes, 1914.
C: Music: 'Es Ist Ein Ros Entsprungen (Rhythmic)' German from Köln, 1599. Setting: Michael Praetorius, 1609.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2010 Revision.
S: Music source: The English Hymnal, 1906. Hymn 19
M: none % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: F % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=100] c2 | c c d c | c2 A2 B2 | A G2 F2 E | F3
w: 1.~Lo, how a Rose e'er bloom- ing from ten- der stem hath sprung!
w: 2.~Is- ai- ah 'twas fore- told it, the Rose I have in mind;
w: 3.~The shep- herds heard the sto- ry pro- claimed by an- gels bright,
w: 4.~This Flow'r, whose fra- grance ten- der with sweet- ness fills the air,
w: 5.~O Sa- vior, Child of Ma- ry, who felt our hu- man woe,
[V: S1V2] A2 | A F F F | E2 D2 D2 | C2 D A, C2 | C3
[V: S2V1] C2 | C A, B, A, | G,2 F,2 F,2 | A, C (B, A,2) G, | A,3
[V: S2V2] F,2 | F, F, B, F, | C,2 D,2 B,,2 | F, E, D,2 C,2 | F,3
% 5
[V: S1V1] c2 | c c d c | c2 A2 B2 | A G2 F2 E | F3
w: Of Jes- se's lin- eage com- ing, as men of old have sung.
w: With Mar- y we be- hold it, the vir- gin mo- ther kind.
w: How Christ, the Lord of glor- y was born on earth this night.
w: Dis- pels with glor- ious splen- dor the dark- ness ev- ery- where;
w: O Sa- vior, King of glo- ry, who dost our weak- ness know;
[V: S1V2] A2 | A F F F | E2 D2 D2 | C2 D A, C2 | C3
[V: S2V1] C2 | C A, B, A, | G,2 F,2 F,2 | A, C (B, A,2) G, | A,3
[V: S2V2] F,2 | F, F, B, F, | C,2 D,2 B,,2 | F, E, D,2 C,2 | F,3
% 9
[V: S1V1] A | G E F D | C3 c | c c
w: It came, a flow'r- et bright, a- mid the
w: To show God's love a- right, she bore to
w: To Beth- le- hem they sped and in the
w: True Man, yet ve- ry God, from sin and
w: Bring us at length we pray, to the bright
[V: S1V2] F | D C C =B, | C3 E | G F
[V: S2V1] C | B, A, A, G, | E,3 G, | G, A,
[V: S2V2] F, | G, A, F, G, | C,3 C, | E, F,
% 9
[V: S1V1] d c | c2 A2 !sintro!B2 | A G2 F2 E | F3 !eintro!|]
w: cold of win- ter, When half spent was the night.
w: men a Sa- vior, When half spent was the night.
w: man- ger found Him, As an- gel her- alds said.
w: death He saves us, And light- ens ev- 'ry load.
w: courts of Hea- ven, And to the end- less day!
[V: S1V2] F F | E2 D2 D2 | F (D E) F C2 | C3 |]
[V: S2V1] B, A, | G,2 ^F,2 G,2 | C B, A,2 G,2 | A,3 |]
[V: S2V2] B,, F, | C,2 D,2 G,,2 | A,, B,, C,2 C,2 | [F,,3F,3] |]
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.700000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "CHRISTMAS 64"
%%footer Lk 1:26-31, 2:7-11, Ps 95:1-6, Phil 2:5-7 8 8 8 8
%OHSCRIP Lk 1:26-31, 2:7-11, Ps 95:1-6, Phil 2:5-7
%OHTOPICS {Angels [7]}, {Christmas/Advent}, {God, Creator [2,6]}, {Jesus}, {Missions [1]}, {Praise, Son}, {Presence}, {Shepard/Lamb [7]}
%OHCOMPOSER Latin;from Erfurt Enchiridion, 1524
%OHARRANGER Praetorius, Michael (1571-1621)
%OHAUTHOR Sedulius, Coelius (5th Century)
%OHTRANSLATOR Luther, Martin (1483-1546);Massie, Richard (1800-1887)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 64
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: C
{ D2 F G ; A,2 D E ; F,2 A, C ; D,2 D, C, }
{ A D G F ; D3/2 C/ B,/C/ D ; A, B,/A,/ G, A, ; F, G, E, D, }
{ E2 z G ; ^C2 x E ; A,2 z B, ; A,2 x E, }
{ A c c B ; F A G G ; D E E D ; D, A, C G, }
{ A B c2 ; F G G2 ; D D E2 ; D, G, C,2 }
{ A,2 D E ; F,2 A, C ; D,2 D, C, ; z G A c }
{ D3/2 C/ B,/C/ D ; A, B,/A,/ G, A, ; F, G, E, D, ; c B A ^G }
{ ^C2 x E ; A,2 z B, ; A,2 x E, ; A2 z !sintro!D }
{ F A G G ; D E E D ; D, A, C G, ; A A c A }
{ F G G2 ; D D E2 ; D, G, C,2 ; (G/A/ F) E2 } | X: 64
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: C
X: 64
T: Now Praise We Christ, the Holy One
%%combinevoices 1
T: (also known as Jesus We Now Must Laud and Sing or From East to West)
C: Words: Coelius Sedulius, circa 450. Translated to German by Martin Luther, 1524.
C: Translated from German to English by Richard Massie, 1854, alt.
C: Music: 'Christum Wir Sollen Loben Schon' ancient Latin found in Erfurt Enchiridion, 1524.
C: Setting: Michael Praetorius, 1609.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Revision.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: C % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=130] D2 F G | A D G F | E2 z G | A c c B | A B c2 |
w: 1.~Now praise we Christ, the Ho- ly One, The spot- less vir- gin Ma- ry's Son,
w: 2.~He, who Him- self all things did make, A ser- vant's form vouch- safed to take,
w: 3.~The grace of God, th'Al- might- y Lord, On the chaste mo- ther was out- poured
w: 4.~The ho- ly maid be- came th'a- bode And tem- ple of the liv- ing God;
w: 5.~The no- ble mo- ther bare a Son, For so did Ga- briel's pro- mise run,
[V: S1V2] A,2 D E | D3/2 C/ B,/C/ D | ^C2 x E | F A G G | F G G2 |
[V: S2V1] F,2 A, C | A, B,/A,/ G, A, | A,2 z B, | D E E D | D D E2 |
[V: S2V2] D,2 D, C, | F, G, E, D, | A,2 x E, | D, A, C G, | D, G, C,2 |
% 5
[V: S1V1] z G A c | c B A ^G | A2 z !sintro!D | A A c A | (G/A/ F) E2 | E4 !eintro!|]
w: Far as the bless- éd sun doth shine E'en to the world's re- mote * * con- fine
w: That He as man man- kind might win, And save His crea- tures from * * their sin.
w: a vir- gin pure and un- de- filed In won- drous wise con- ceived * * a child.
w: And she, who knew not man, was blest With God's own Word made man- * * i- fest.
w: Whom John con- fessed and leapt with joy, Ere yet the mo- ther knew * * her boy.
[V: S1V2] x E E F | G G E E | C2 x D | F F E C | (E D) (C B,/A,/) | B,4 |]
[V: S2V1] z C C A, | E D C B, | A,2 z B, | C D G, A, | (B,/C/ A,2) ^G,/^F,/ | ^G,4 |]
[V: S2V2] x C A, F, | C, G, A, E, | A,2 x G, | F, D, C, F, | (E,/C,/ D,) E,2 | E,4 |]
% 13
W: 6. In a rude manger, stretched on hay, In poverty content He lay;
W: With milk was fed the Lord of all, Who feeds the ravens when they call.
W: 7. Th' angelic choir rejoice, and raise Their voice to God in songs of praise;
W: To humble shepherds is proclaimed The Shepherd who the world hath framed.
W: 8. Honor to Thee, O Christ, be paid, Pure offspring of a holy maid,
W: With Father and with Holy Ghost, Till time in time's abyss be lost.
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2005 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.730000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%graceslurs false
%%header "65 CHRISTMAS"
%%footer Lk 2:15-16 Irregular
%OHSCRIP Lk 2:15-16
%OHTOPICS {Angels [1,3]}, {Christmas/Advent}, {Discipleship}, {Fellowship}, {God, As King [1,3]}, {God, Love of [6]}, {Jesus}, {Joy}, {Light [2]}, {Love [6]}, {Praise, Son}, {Presence}, {Reverence}, {Sinners [6]}, {Worship}
%OHCOMPOSER Wade, John Francis (circa 1710-1786)
%OHAUTHOR Wade, John Francis (circa 1710-1786)
%OHTRANSLATOR Oakeley, Frederick (1802-1880);Brooke, William Thomas (1848-1917)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
% -- draw parenthesis around a note
/opnot{ % usage: x y opnot
M -11 -3 RM /Times-Roman 36 selectfont(\( \))show}!
% -- same, but inside a chord (x is not the same)
/opchnot{ % usage: x y opchnot
M -10.5 -3 RM /Times-Roman 24 selectfont(\( \))show}!
% -- optional note
%%deco () 1 opnot 0 0 0
X: 65
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: G
{ !()!G ; D ; B, ; G, }
{ G2 D G ; D2 D D ; B,2 B, B, ; G,2 B, G, }
{ A2 D2 ; D2 D2 ; A,2 A,2 ; F,2 F,2 }
{ B A B c ; D D D E ; G, A, G, G, ; G, F, G, C, }
{ B2 A !()!G ; D2 D B, ; G,2 F, G, ; D,2 D, E, }
{ D ; B, ; G, ; G2 .(F E) }
{ D2 D D ; B,2 B, B, ; G,2 B, G, ; .('F G) .(A B) }
{ D2 D2 ; A,2 A,2 ; F,2 F,2 ; (F2 E3/2) D/ }
{ D D D E ; G, A, G, G, ; G, F, G, C, ; D3 z }
{ D2 D B, ; G,2 F, G, ; D,2 D, E, ; d2 c B }
{ B, ; G, ; G2 .(F E) ; (B, ^C) .(D ^C) }
{ B,2 B, B, ; G,2 B, G, ; .('F G) .(A B) ; .(D D) .(D D) }
{ A,2 A,2 ; F,2 F,2 ; (F2 E3/2) D/ ; (D2 ^C3/2) D/ }
{ G, A, G, G, ; G, F, G, C, ; D3 z ; D3 x }
{ G,2 F, G, ; D,2 D, E, ; d2 c B ; D2 E/F/ G }
{ G, ; G2 .(F E) ; (B, ^C) .(D ^C) ; G,2 .(A, A,) }
{ G,2 B, G, ; .('F G) .(A B) ; .(D D) .(D D) ; .(A, G,) .(F, E,) }
{ F,2 F,2 ; (F2 E3/2) D/ ; (D2 ^C3/2) D/ ; (A,2 G,3/2) F,/ }
{ G, F, G, C, ; D3 z ; D3 x ; F,3 z }
{ D,2 D, E, ; d2 c B ; D2 E/F/ G ; B,2 C D } | X: 65
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: G
X: 65
T: O Come, All Ye Faithful
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: John F. Wade, circa 1743. v.1-3, 6 Translated by Frederick Oakeley, 1841;
C: v. 4, 5 Translated by William T. Brooke (1848-1917).
C: Music: 'Adeste Fideles' or 'Portuguese Hymn' John F. Wade, 1743. Setting: "A Hymnal" (Episcopal), 1916.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2007 Revision.
S: Music source: "A Hymnal" (Episcopal), 1916 Hymn 72, alt.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
%%staffsep 1.2cm
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: G % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=120] !()!G | G2 D G | A2 D2 | B A B c | B2 A !()!G |
w: 1.~O come, all ye faith- ful, joy- ful and tri- um- phant, O
w: 2. True God of true God, Light from Light E- ter- nal, *
w: 3. Sing, choirs of an- gels, sing in ex- ul- ta- tion; O
w: 4. See how the shep- herds, sum- moned to His cra- dle, *
w: 5. Lo! star led chief- tains, Ma- gi, Christ a- dor- ing, *
[V: S1V2] D | D2 D D | D2 D2 | D D D E | D2 D B, |
[V: S2V1] B, | B,2 B, B, | A,2 A,2 | G, A, G, G, | G,2 F, G, |
[V: S2V2] G, | G,2 B, G, | F,2 F,2 | G, F, G, C, | D,2 D, E, |
% 5
[V: S1V1] G2 .(F E) | .('F G) .(A B) | (F2 E3/2) D/ | D3 z | d2 c B |
w: come ye, O come * ye, to Beth- * le- hem. Come and be-
w: Lo, He * shuns * not the Vir- * gin's womb; Son of the
w: sing, all ye cit- i- zens of heav'n * a- bove! Glo- ry to
w: Leav- ing their flocks, * draw * nigh * to gaze; We too will
w: Of- fer Him in- * cense, * gold, * and myrrh; We to the
[V: S1V2] (B, ^C) .(D ^C) | .(D D) .(D D) | (D2 ^C3/2) D/ | D3 x | D2 E/F/ G |
[V: S2V1] G,2 .(A, A,) | .(A, G,) .(F, E,) | (A,2 G,3/2) F,/ | F,3 z | B,2 C D |
[V: S2V2] E,2 .(D, A,,) | .(D, B,,) .(F,, G,,) | (A,,2 A,,3/2) D,/ | D,3 x | B,2 A, G, |
% 9
[V: S1V1] .(c2 B2) | A B G A | (F3/2 E/) D G | G F G A |
w: hold Him, born the King of an- * gels; O come, let us a-
w: Fa- ther, be- got- ten, not cre- a- ted; * * * * *
w: God, * glo- ry in the high- * est; * * * * *
w: thi- ther bend our joy- ful foot- * steps; * * * * *
w: Christ Child bring our hearts' ob- la- * tions. * * * * *
[V: S1V2] .(.(G F) G2) | D D E E | D2 D D | D4 |
[V: S2V1] .(C2 D2) | A, G, B, C | (A,3/2 G,/) F, B, | B, A, B, C |
[V: S2V2] .(A,2 G,2) | F, G, E, C, | D,2 D, B, | B, A, B, C |
% 13
[V: S1V1] G2 D B | B A B c | B2 A !sintro!B | c B A G | F2 (G c) | (B2 A3/2) G/ | G3 !eintro!|]
w: dore Him, O come, let us a- dore Him, O come, let us a- dore Him, * Christ * the Lord.
[V: S1V2] D3 D | D D D D | D2 D G | F G D D/^C/ | D2 (D E) | D2- D3/2 B,/ | B,3 |]
[V: S2V1] B,3 G, | G, F, G, A, | G,2 F, D | D D A, A, | A,2 G,2 | (G,2 F,3/2) G,/ | G,3 |]
[V: S2V2] B,3 G, | G, F, G, A, | G,2 F, G, | A, G, F, E, | D, C, (B,, C,) | (D,2 D,3/2) G,,/ | G,,3 |]
% 22
%%multicol start
%%rightmargin 12cm
%%begintext obeylines justify
%% 6.\tChild, for us sinners poor and in the manger,
%% \t\t\t\tWe would embrace Thee, with love and awe;
%% \t\t\t\tWho would not love Thee, loving us so dearly?
%% \t\t\t\t
%% 7.\tYea, Lord, we greet Thee, born this happy morning;
%% \t\t\t\tJesus, to Thee be glory given;
%% \t\t\t\tWord of the Father, now in flesh appearing.
%%multicol new
%%leftmargin 11cm
%%rightmargin 2cm
%%begintext obeylines justify
%% 8.\tAdeste, fideles, laeti triumphantes;
%% \t\t\t\tVenite, venite in Bethlehem.
%% \t\t\t\tNatum videte Regem angelorum.
%% \t\t\t\tVenite adoremus, venite adoremus,
%% \t\t\t\tVenite adoremus, Dominum.
%%multicol end
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2005 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "CHRISTMAS 66"
%%footer Mic 5:2, Lk 2:4-16 8 6 8 6 7 6 8 6
%OHSCRIP Mic 5:2, Lk 2:4-16
%OHTOPICS {Angels [2]}, {Calmness [1-3]}, {Christmas/Advent}, {Consecration [5]}, {Following Jesus, In Faith [3-5]}, {Following Jesus, Sanctification [5]}, {God, As King [2]}, {Guidance [3-5]}, {Invitation (Faithful's to God) [5]}, {Jesus}, {Light [1]}, {Peace [1,2]}, {Presence [5]}
%OHMETRICAL 8 6 8 6 7 6 8 6
%OHCOMPOSER Redner, Lewis Henry (1830-1908)
%OHAUTHOR Brooks, Phillips (1835-1893)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 66
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: F
{ A ; C ; F, ; F, }
{ A A ^G A ; C C =B, C ; F, F, F, F, ; F, F, F, F, }
{ c B D G ; _E D B, D ; ^F, G, G, B, ; B,, B,, B,, B,, }
{ F E/F/ G C ; C C C C ; A, G,/A,/ B, B, ; C, C, C, C, }
{ A3 ; C3 ; A,3 ; F,,3 }
{ C ; F, ; F, ; A }
{ C C =B, C ; F, F, F, F, ; F, F, F, F, ; A A d c }
{ _E D B, D ; ^F, G, G, B, ; B,, B,, B,, B,, ; c B D G }
{ C C C C ; A, G,/A,/ B, B, ; C, C, C, C, ; F E/F/ A G }
{ C3 ; A,3 ; F,,3 ; F3 }
{ F, ; F, ; A ; C }
{ F, F, F, F, ; F, F, F, F, ; A A d c ; C F ^F ^F }
{ ^F, G, G, B, ; B,, B,, B,, B,, ; c B D G ; G D B, D }
{ A, G,/A,/ B, B, ; C, C, C, C, ; F E/F/ A G ; C C E E }
{ A,3 ; F,,3 ; F3 ; F3 }
{ F, ; A ; C ; F, }
{ F, F, F, F, ; A A d c ; C F ^F ^F ; F, A, A, D }
{ B,, B,, B,, B,, ; c B D G ; G D B, D ; D D D B, }
{ C, C, C, C, ; F E/F/ A G ; C C E E ; A, ^G,/A,/ C B, }
{ F,,3 ; F3 ; F3 ; A,3 } | X: 66
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: F
X: 66
T: O Little Town of Bethlehem
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Phillips Brooks, 1867. Music: 'St. Louis' Lewis H. Redner, 1868. Setting: "The Chapel Hymnal", 1898.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2005 Revision.
S: Music source: 'Lutheran Worship' Hymnal, 1982 Hymn 60.
S: Music source: "The Chapel Hymnal", 1898, Hymn 76, slightly altered.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: F % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=100] A | A A ^G A | c B D G | F E/F/ G C | A3
w: 1.~O lit- tle town of Beth- le- hem, how still we * see thee lie!
w: 2.~For Christ is born of Ma- * ry, and ga- thered * all a- bove,
w: 3.~How si- lent- ly, how si- lent- ly, the won- drous * Gift is giv'n;
w: 4.~Where child- ren pure and hap- * py pray to the * bless- èd Child,
w: 5.~O ho- ly Child of Beth- le- hem, des- cend to * us, we pray;
[V: S1V2] C | C C =B, C | _E D B, D | C C C C | C3
[V: S2V1] F, | F, F, F, F, | ^F, G, G, B, | A, G,/A,/ B, B, | A,3
[V: S2V2] F, | F, F, F, F, | B,, B,, B,, B,, | C, C, C, C, | F,,3
% 5
[V: S1V1] A | A A d c | c B D G | F E/F/ A G | F3
w: A- bove thy deep and dream- less sleep the si- lent * stars go by.
w: While mor- tals sleep, the an- gels keep their watch of * won- d'ring love.
w: So God im- parts to hu- man hearts the bless- ings * of His Heav'n.
w: Where mi- ser- y cries out to Thee, Son of the * mo- ther mild;
w: Cast out our sin, and en- ter in, be born in * us to- day.
[V: S1V2] C | C F ^F ^F | G D B, D | C C E E | F3
[V: S2V1] F, | F, A, A, D | D D D B, | A, ^G,/A,/ C B, | A,3
[V: S2V2] F, | F, _E, D, D, | G, G, G,, B,, | C,3/2 C,/ C, C, | F,3
% 9
[V: S1V1] A | A A G F | E2 E E | D E F G | A3
w: Yet in thy dark streets shin- eth the ev- er- last- ing Light;
w: O morn- ing stars to- ge- ther, pro- claim the ho- ly birth,
w: No ear may hear His com- ing, but in this world of sin,
w: Where char- it- y stands watch- ing and faith holds wide the door,
w: We hear the Christ- mas an- gels the great glad tid- ings tell;
[V: S1V2] F | F F E D | ^C2 ^C ^C | D ^C D D | ^C3
[V: S2V1] C | C A, B, =B, | ^C2 ^C A, | A, A, A, G, | E,3
[V: S2V2] F, | F, F, G, ^G, | A,2 A, A,, | F, E, D, B,, | A,,3
% 13
[V: S1V1] A | A A ^G A | c B D !sintro!d | c F A3/2 G/ | F3 !eintro!|]
w: The hopes and fears of all the years are met in thee to- night.
w: And prais- es sing to God the King, and peace to men on earth!
w: Where meek souls will re- ceive Him still, the dear Christ en- ters in.
w: The dark night wakes, the glo- ry breaks, and Christ- mas comes once more.
w: O come to us, a- bide with us, our Lord Em- man- u- el!
[V: S1V2] =C | C C =B, C | D D B, D/E/ | F =B, C3/2 _B,/ | A,3 |]
[V: S2V1] F, | F, F, F, F, | ^F, G, G, B, | A, G,/F,/ F,3/2 E,/ | F,3 |]
[V: S2V2] F,, | F,, F, F, F, | B,, B,, B,, B,, | C, D, C,3/2 C,/ | F,,3 |]
% 19
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2008 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "67 CHRISTMAS"
%%footer Lk 2:1-20, Jn 1:29, Phil 2:3-8 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
%OHSCRIP Lk 2:1-20, Jn 1:29, Phil 2:3-8
%OHTOPICS {Angels [2,4]}, {Christmas/Advent}, {Humility [1,2,5,6]}, {Jesus}, {Light [4]}, {Love [5]}, {Peace [4]}, {Presence}, {Promises (see also Gospel) [1]}, {Reverence}, {Shepard/Lamb [3,4]}, {Throne (also see God - As King) [2]}
%OHMETRICAL 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
%OHCOMPOSER Goss, John (1800-1880)
%OHAUTHOR Caswall, Edward (1814-1878)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 67
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: G
{ G3/2 A/ G F ; B,2 C D ; G,2 G, D, ; G,,2 A,, B,, }
{ E3/2 D/ D2 ; G, A, (B, C) ; E, F, (G, A,) ; C,2 G,,2 }
{ G A c B ; D2 G2 ; B,2 E D ; G, F, E, G, }
{ B3/2 A/ A2 ; G2 F2 ; D ^C D2 ; D,2 (D, C,) }
{ B,2 C D ; G,2 G, D, ; G,,2 A,, B,, ; G3/2 A/ G F }
{ G, A, (B, C) ; E, F, (G, A,) ; C,2 G,,2 ; E3/2 D/ D2 }
{ D2 G2 ; B,2 E D ; G, F, E, G, ; G A B c }
{ G2 F2 ; D ^C D2 ; D,2 (D, C,) ; A3/2 G/ G2 }
{ G,2 G, D, ; G,,2 A,, B,, ; G3/2 A/ G F ; D B, C D }
{ E, F, (G, A,) ; C,2 G,,2 ; E3/2 D/ D2 ; G, A, (B, A,) }
{ B,2 E D ; G, F, E, G, ; G A B c ; B, C D E }
{ D ^C D2 ; D,2 (D, C,) ; A3/2 G/ G2 ; C2 B,2 }
{ G,,2 A,, B,, ; G3/2 A/ G F ; D B, C D ; G,2 G, D, }
{ C,2 G,,2 ; E3/2 D/ D2 ; G, A, (B, A,) ; E, F, (G, A,) }
{ G, F, E, G, ; G A B c ; B, C D E ; G,2 G,2 }
{ D,2 (D, C,) ; A3/2 G/ G2 ; C2 B,2 ; G, F, G,2 } | X: 67
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: G
X: 67
T: See Amid the Winter's Snow
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Edward Caswall, 1851. Music: 'Humility' John Goss, 1870.
C: Setting: "The Children's Hymnal, with Tunes", 1875.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2008 Revision.
S: Music source: "The Children's Hymnal, with Tunes", 1875 Hymn 233. Ed. John Ireland Tucker, but marked as being an older arrangement.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: G % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=100] G3/2 A/ G F | E3/2 D/ D2 | G A c B | B3/2 A/ A2 |
w: 1.~See a- mid the win- ter's snow, Born for us on earth be- low,
w: 2.~Lo, with- in a man- ger lies He Who built the star- ry skies;
w: 3.~Say, you ho- ly shep- herds, say, Tell your joy- ful news to- day.
w: 4.~"As we watched at dead of night, Lo, we saw a won- drous light;
w: 5.~Sac- red In- fant, all di- vine, What a ten- der love was Thine,
[V: S1V2] B,2 C D | G, A, (B, C) | D2 G2 | G2 F2 |
[V: S2V1] G,2 G, D, | E, F, (G, A,) | B,2 E D | D ^C D2 |
[V: S2V2] G,,2 A,, B,, | C,2 G,,2 | G, F, E, G, | D,2 (D, C,) |
% 5
[V: S1V1] G3/2 A/ G F | E3/2 D/ D2 | G A B c | A3/2 G/ G2 |
w: See, the gen- tle Lamb ap- pears, Pro- mised from e- ter- nal years.
w: He Who, thronèd in height sub- lime, Sits a- mid the cher- u- bim.
w: Why have you now left your sheep On the lone- ly moun- tain steep?
w: An- gels sing- ing 'Peace on earth' Told us of the Sa- vior's birth."
w: Thus to come from high- est bliss Down to such a world as this.
[V: S1V2] D B, C D | G, A, (B, A,) | B, C D E | C2 B,2 |
[V: S2V1] G,2 G, D, | E, F, (G, A,) | G,2 G,2 | G, F, G,2 |
[V: S2V2] B,, G,, A,, B,, | C,2 (G, F,) | E,2 D, C, | D,2 G,,2 |
% 9
[V: S1V1] d3/2 d/ c B | A G F2 | d3/2 d/ c B | A G F2 |
w: Hail that ev- er bles- sèd morn, Hail re- demp- tion's hap- py dawn,
[V: S1V2] G3/2 G/ G G | D D D2 | D3/2 G/ G G | E D D2 |
[V: S2V1] B,3/2 B,/ E D | C B, A,2 | G,3/2 G,/ E D | C B, A,2 |
[V: S2V2] G,3/2 G,/ G, G, | F, G, D,2 | B,,3/2 B,,/ C, G,, | A,, B,,/C,/ D,2 |
% 13
[V: S1V1] !sintro!G3/2 A/ G F | E3/2 D/ D2 | d3/2 B/ G c | B A G2 !eintro!|]
w: Sing through all Jer- u- sa- lem: Christ is born in Beth- le- hem.
[V: S1V2] B,3/2 B,/ ^C D | D ^C D2 | D3/2 D/ E G | F F G2 |]
[V: S2V1] G,3/2 G,/ E, D, | B, A,/G,/ F,2 | G,3/2 G,/ G, E | D C B,2 |]
[V: S2V2] E,3/2 E,/ A,, B,, | G,, A,, (D, C,) | B,,3/2 B,,/ C, A,, | D, D, G,,2 |]
% 18
W: 6.Teach, O teach us, holy Child,
W: By Thy face so meek and mild,
W: Teach us to resemble Thee,
W: In Thy sweet humility.
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2005 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "CHRISTMAS 68"
%%footer Lk 2:8-9, Col 1:12-13 6 6 8 8 6 6
%OHSCRIP Lk 2:8-9, Col 1:12-13
%OHTOPICS {Calmness}, {Christmas/Advent}, {Evening}, {God, As King [4]}, {Holiness}, {Jesus}, {Light [3,4]}, {Peace}
%OHMETRICAL 6 6 8 8 6 6
%OHCOMPOSER Gruber, Franz Xaver (1787-1863)
%OHAUTHOR Mohr, Josef (1792-1848)
%OHTRANSLATOR Young, John Freeman (1820-1885)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 68
M: 3/4
L: 1/4
K: Bb
{ F3/4G// F/ D3/2 ; D3/4E// D/ B,3/2 ; F, F,/ F,3/2 ; B,, B,,/ B,,3/2 }
{ F3/4G// F/ D3/2 ; D3/4E// D/ B,3/2 ; F, F,/ F,3/2 ; B,, B,,/ B,,3/2 }
{ c c/ A3/2 ; E E/ E3/2 ; A, A,/ C3/2 ; F, F,/ F,3/2 }
{ B B/ F3/2 ; D D/ D3/2 ; B, B,/ B,3/2 ; B,, B,,/ B,,3/2 }
{ D3/4E// D/ B,3/2 ; F, F,/ F,3/2 ; B,, B,,/ B,,3/2 ; G G/ B3/4A// G/ }
{ D3/4E// D/ B,3/2 ; F, F,/ F,3/2 ; B,, B,,/ B,,3/2 ; F3/4G// F/ D3/2 }
{ E E/ E3/2 ; A, A,/ C3/2 ; F, F,/ F,3/2 ; G G/ B3/4A// G/ }
{ D D/ D3/2 ; B, B,/ B,3/2 ; B,, B,,/ B,,3/2 ; F3/4G// F/ }
{ F, F,/ F,3/2 ; B,, B,,/ B,,3/2 ; G G/ B3/4A// G/ ; E E/ G3/4F// E/ }
{ F, F,/ F,3/2 ; B,, B,,/ B,,3/2 ; F3/4G// F/ D3/2 ; D3/4E// D/ B,3/2 }
{ A, A,/ C3/2 ; F, F,/ F,3/2 ; G G/ B3/4A// G/ ; E E/ G3/4F// E/ }
{ B, B,/ B,3/2 ; B,, B,,/ B,,3/2 ; F3/4G// F/ ; D3/4E// D/ } | X: 68
M: 3/4
L: 1/4
K: Bb
X: 68
T: Silent Night
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Josef Mohr, 1818. stanzas 1,3 Translated by John Freeman Young, 1863.
C: stanzas 2,4 translator anonymous.
C: Music: 'Stille Nacht' Franz Xaver Gruber, 1818. Setting: "Concordia Kinderchöre", 1908.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2005 Revision.
S: Music source: 'Lutheran Worship' Hymnal, 1982 Hymn 68.
S: Music source: "Concordia Kinderchöre", 1908 Hymn 42 page 54.
M: 3/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: Bb % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=60] F3/4G// F/ D3/2 | F3/4G// F/ D3/2 | c c/ A3/2 | B B/ F3/2 |
w: 1.~Si- * lent night, ho- * ly night, All is calm, all is bright
w: 2.~Si- * lent night, ho- * ly night, Shep- herds quake at the sight;
w: 3.~Si- * lent night, ho- * ly night, Son of God, love's pure light;
w: 4.~Si- * lent night, ho- * ly night Won- drous star, lend thy light;
[V: S1V2] D3/4E// D/ B,3/2 | D3/4E// D/ B,3/2 | E E/ E3/2 | D D/ D3/2 |
[V: S2V1] F, F,/ F,3/2 | F, F,/ F,3/2 | A, A,/ C3/2 | B, B,/ B,3/2 |
[V: S2V2] B,, B,,/ B,,3/2 | B,, B,,/ B,,3/2 | F, F,/ F,3/2 | B,, B,,/ B,,3/2 |
% 5
[V: S1V1] G G/ B3/4A// G/ | F3/4G// F/ D3/2 | G G/ B3/4A// G/ | F3/4G// F/
w: Round yon vir- * gin mo- ther and Child. Ho- ly In- fant, so ten- der and
w: Glo- ries stream * from hea- ven a- far, Heaven- ly hosts * sing Al- le- lu-
w: Ra- diant beams * from Thy ho- ly face With the dawn of re- deem- * ing
w: With the an- * gels let * us sing, Al- le- lu- * ia to * our
[V: S1V2] E E/ G3/4F// E/ | D3/4E// D/ B,3/2 | E E/ G3/4F// E/ | D3/4E// D/
[V: S2V1] B, B,/ B, B,/ | B,3/4B,// B,/ B,3/2 | B, B,/ B,3/4B,// B,/ | B,3/4B,// B,/
[V: S2V2] E, E,/ E, E,/ | B,,3/4B,,// B,,/ B,,3/2 | E, E,/ E,3/4E,// E,/ | B,,3/4B,,// B,,/
% 9
[V: S1V1] D3/2 | c c/ e3/4c// A/ | (B3/2 d3/2) | !sintro!B/F/ D/ F3/4E// C/ | B,3 !eintro!|]
w: mild, Sleep in hea- ven- ly peace, * Sleep * in hea- ven- ly peace.
w: ia! Christ the Sa- vior is born, * Christ * the Sa- vior is born!
w: grace, Je- sus, Lord, at Thy birth, * Je- * sus, Lord, at Thy birth.
w: King; Christ the Sa- vior is born, * Christ * the Sa- vior is born!
[V: S1V2] B,3/2 | F F/ F3/4F// F/ | F3 | B, B,/ A,3/4A,// A,/ | B,3 |]
[V: S2V1] B,3/2 | A, A,/ A,3/4A,// E/ | (D3/2 B,3/2) | F, F,/ F,3/4F,// E,/ | D,3 |]
[V: S2V2] B,,3/2 | F, F,/ F,3/4F,// F,/ | B,3 | D, B,,/ F,,3/4F,,// F,,/ | B,,3 |]
% 14
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2011 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.600000cm
%%sysstaffsep 0.00000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "69 CHRISTMAS"
%%footer Is 9:6, Jn 1:1-3, 1:14-17, 8:12, Heb 1:8-12, Lk 15:20, Col 2:9-10 7 7 7 7 7 7
%OHSCRIP Is 9:6, Jn 1:1-3, 1:14-17, 8:12, Heb 1:8-12, Lk 15:20, Col 2:9-10
%OHTOPICS {Adam (first/second - see also Guidance, Invitation [ours to God], Repentance) [4]}, {Art and Music}, {Bride/Bridegroom [9]}, {Christmas/Advent}, {Forgiveness [5]}, {God, As King}, {God, Mercy of}, {Grace [4]}, {Heaven [3,5]}, {Holy Spirit [10]}, {Jesus}, {Joy}, {Light [3]}, {Love [9]}, {Praise, Son}, {Presence}, {Salvation}, {Worship}
%OHMETRICAL 7 7 7 7 7 7
%OHCOMPOSER Monk, William Henry (1823-1889)
%OHARRANGER Monk, William Henry (1823-1889)
%OHAUTHOR Wordsworth, Christopher (1807-1885)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 69
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: C
{ c B c E ; E D C C ; G, F, E, G, ; C, D, E, C, }
{ F A G2 ; C C C2 ; F, F, E,2 ; A,, F,, C,2 }
{ A A G A ; C C C C ; F, F, E, E, ; F, F,, C, A,, }
{ G F E2 ; D B, C2 ; G, G, G,2 ; B,, G,, C,2 }
{ E D C C ; G, F, E, G, ; C, D, E, C, ; c c B A }
{ C C C2 ; F, F, E,2 ; A,, F,, C,2 ; ^G B A2 }
{ C C C C ; F, F, E, E, ; F, F,, C, A,, ; A3/2 G/ ^F G }
{ D B, C2 ; G, G, G,2 ; B,, G,, C,2 ; B A G2 }
{ G, F, E, G, ; C, D, E, C, ; c c B A ; E E D E }
{ F, F, E,2 ; A,, F,, C,2 ; ^G B A2 ; E E C2 }
{ F, F, E, E, ; F, F,, C, A,, ; A3/2 G/ ^F G ; C E D B, }
{ G, G, G,2 ; B,, G,, C,2 ; B A G2 ; D D B,2 } | X: 69
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: C
X: 69
T: Sing, O Sing, This Blessed Morn
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Christopher Wordsworth, 1865. Music and Setting: 'Nativity' William Henry Monk, 1865.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2011 Revision.
S: Music source: Music and lyrics from "The Holy Year", 1865 by Christopher Wordsworth Hymn 10 page 18
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: C % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=120] c B c E | F A G2 | A A G A | G F E2 |
w: 1.~Sing, O sing, this bless- ed morn, Un- to us a Child is born,
w: 2.~Je- sus Christ, the King of kings, Ma- ker of all world- ly things,
w: 3.~God of God, and Light of Light, Comes with mer- cies in- fi- nite;
w: 4.~God with us, Em- man- u- el, Deigns for ev- er now to dwell;
w: 5.~Truth and Mer- cy show their face, And with lov- ing kiss em- brace;
[V: S1V2] E D C C | C C C2 | C C C C | D B, C2 |
[V: S2V1] G, F, E, G, | F, F, E,2 | F, F, E, E, | G, G, G,2 |
[V: S2V2] C, D, E, C, | A,, F,, C,2 | F, F,, C, A,, | B,, G,, C,2 |
% 2
[V: S1V1] c c B A | ^G B A2 | A3/2 G/ ^F G | B A G2 |
w: Un- to us a Son is giv'n, God Him- self comes down from Heav'n.
w: Now de- scends from Heav'n to Earth, To re-store us by His birth;
w: Join- ing in a won- drous plan Heav'n to earth and God to Man;
w: He on A- dam's fall- en race Sheds the full- ness of His Grace;
w: Right- eous- ness looks down from Heav'n, God is pleased and Man for- giv'n;
[V: S1V2] E E D E | E E C2 | C E D B, | D D B,2 |
[V: S2V1] A, A, ^G, A, | B, ^G, A,2 | A, A, A, G, | G, ^F, G,2 |
[V: S2V2] A,, A,, B,, C, | E, E, A,,2 | A,, C, D, E, | D, D, G,,2 |
% 2
[V: S1V1] A A c E | F A G2 | !sintro!E E G G | A A c2 !eintro!|]
w: Sing, O sing, this bless- ed morn, Je- sus Christ to- day is born.
[V: S1V2] C C E C | C C C2 | C C D C | C F E2 |]
[V: S2V1] F, A, G, G, | F, F, E,2 | G, C B, C | C C C2 |]
[V: S2V2] F, F, C, C, | A,, F,, C,2 | C, A,, G,, E, | F, F, C,2 |]
W: 6.God comes down that man may rise, Lifted far above the skies
W: He is Son of Man, that we Sons of God in Him may be;
W: 7. Human flesh is now become Christ's abode, the Godhead's home;
W: Royal Palace, sacred shrine For the Majesty Divine;
W: 8. Now we rise, from prison free; On we march to victory,
W: Joyful banners are unfurled; 'Tis the Birthday of the World;
W: 9. Now behold the rising Sun Hath His glorious race begun;
W: Now the Bridegroom from above Weds the Bride, with heavenly love;
W: 10. O renew us, Lord, we pray, With Thy Spirit day by day;
W: That we ever one may be With the Father, and with Thee;
W: 11.Sing, O sing this blessed Morn, Jesus Christ to-day is born;
W: Glory to the Father give, Praise the Son in whom we live;
W: Glory to the Spirit be, Godhead One, and Persons Three.
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2005 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.70000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "CHRISTMAS 70"
%%footer Lk 2:8-9 Irregular
%OHSCRIP Lk 2:8-9
%OHTOPICS {Christmas/Advent}, {God, As King}, {Israel}, {Jesus}, {Knowledge [5]}, {Light [2,3]}, {Praise, Son [8]}, {Presence}, {Reverence [6]}, {Seasons [1]}
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 70
M: 3/4
L: 1/4
K: D
{ F/E/ ; D ; A,/G,/ ; D, }
{ (D3/2 E/) F/G/ ; A,2 D ; F,2 D ; D,2 B,, }
{ A2 B/c/ ; E2 E ; C2 B, ; (A,, A,) G, }
{ .(d c) B ; A.- A G ; A,.- A, B,/C/ ; F,.- F, G, }
{ A2 B/c/ ; F2 D/E/ ; D2 B,/A,/ ; D,2 G,/G,/ }
{ .(d c) B ; .(A F) G ; A,.- A, C ; .(F, D,) E, }
{ .(A B) ; .(A D) ; .(D B,) ; .(F, G,) }
{ D ; A,/G,/ ; D, ; c }
{ A,2 D ; F,2 D ; D,2 B,, ; .(d A) G }
{ E2 E ; C2 B, ; (A,, A,) G, ; F2 F/E/ }
{ A.- A G ; A,.- A, B,/C/ ; F,.- F, G, ; (D3/2 E/) F/G/ }
{ F2 D/E/ ; D2 B,/A,/ ; D,2 G,/G,/ ; A2 B/c/ }
{ .(A F) G ; A,.- A, C ; .(F, D,) E, ; .(d c) B }
{ .(A D) ; .(D B,) ; .(F, G,) ; A2 }
{ A,/G,/ ; D, ; c ; G }
{ F,2 D ; D,2 B,, ; .(d A) G ; F.- F E }
{ C2 B, ; (A,, A,) G, ; F2 F/E/ ; D2 C }
{ A,.- A, B,/C/ ; F,.- F, G, ; (D3/2 E/) F/G/ ; A,2 D/.-D/ }
{ D2 B,/A,/ ; D,2 G,/G,/ ; A2 B/c/ ; E2 E }
{ A,.- A, C ; .(F, D,) E, ; .(d c) B ; A.- A G }
{ .(D B,) ; .(F, G,) ; A2 ; F2 }
{ D, ; c ; G ; G, }
{ D,2 B,, ; .(d A) G ; F.- F E ; .(A, D) A, }
{ (A,, A,) G, ; F2 F/E/ ; D2 C ; A,2 A,/G,/ }
{ F,.- F, G, ; (D3/2 E/) F/G/ ; A,2 D/.-D/ ; F,2 D/.-D/ }
{ D,2 G,/G,/ ; A2 B/c/ ; E2 E ; (D C) B, }
{ .(F, D,) E, ; .(d c) B ; A.- A G ; A,.- A, B,/C/ }
{ .(F, G,) ; A2 ; F2 ; D2 } | X: 70
M: 3/4
L: 1/4
K: D
X: 70
T: The First Noel
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Traditional English carol, possibly dating from as early as the 13th Century.
C: Music: 'The First Noel' Traditional English carol, possibly dating from as early as the 13th Century.
C: Setting: "The Methodist Sunday School Hymnal", 1911.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2006 Revision.
S: Music source: The Methodist Sunday School Hymnal, 1911 Hymn 66.
M: 3/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: D % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=100] F/E/ | (D3/2 E/) F/G/ | A2 B/c/ | .(d c) B | A2 B/c/ | .(d c) B | .(A B)
w: 1.~The * first * No- * el the * an- gel did say Was to cer- tain poor shep- herds
w: 2.~They * look- * èd * up and * saw * a star Shin- ing in * the east, *
w: 3.~And * by * the * light of * that * same star Three * Wise * Men came *
w: 4.~This * star * drew * nigh to * the * north- west, Ov- er Beth- * le- hem *
w: 5.~Then * did * they * know as- * sur- * ed- ly With- * in * that house *
[V: S1V2] D | A,2 D | E2 E | A.- A G | F2 D/E/ | .(A F) G | .(A D)
[V: S2V1] A,/G,/ | F,2 D | C2 B, | A,.- A, B,/C/ | D2 B,/A,/ | A,.- A, C | .(D B,)
[V: S2V2] D, | D,2 B,, | (A,, A,) G, | F,.- F, G, | D,2 G,/G,/ | .(F, D,) E, | .(F, G,)
% 9
[V: S1V1] c | .(d A) G | F2 F/E/ | (D3/2 E/) F/G/ | A2 B/c/ | .(d c) B | A2
w: in fields as they lay; In * fields * where * they lay * tend- ing their sheep,
w: be- yond * them far; And * to * the * earth it * gave * great light,
w: from coun- * try far; To * seek * for a King was * their * in- tent,
w: it took * its rest; And * there * it * did both * stop * and stay,
w: the King * did lie; One * en- * tered * it them * for * to see,
[V: S1V2] G | F.- F E | D2 C | A,2 D/.-D/ | E2 E | A.- A G | F2
[V: S2V1] G, | .(A, D) A, | A,2 A,/G,/ | F,2 D/.-D/ | (D C) B, | A,.- A, B,/C/ | D2
[V: S2V2] E, | .(F,/G,/ A,) A, | D,2 A,, | D,2 B,,/.-B,,/ | (A,, A,) G, | F,.- F, G, | D,2
% 13
[V: S1V1] B/c/ | .(d c) B | .(A B) c | .(d A) G | F2
w: On a cold win- ter's night * that was * so deep.
w: And * so it con- tin- ued both day * and night.
w: And to fol- low the star * wher- ev- er it went.
w: Right * ov- er the place * where Je- * sus lay.
w: And * found * the Babe * in pov- * er- ty.
[V: S1V2] D/E/ | .(A F) G | .(A G) G | F2 E | D2
[V: S2V1] B,/A,/ | A,.- A, C | D.- D E | .(A, D) A, | A,2
[V: S2V2] G,/G,/ | .(F, D,) E, | .(F, G,) E, | .(F,/G,/ A,) A,, | D,2
% 17
[V: S1V1] F/E/ | (D3/2 E/) F/G/ | A2 d/c/ | B2 B | (A2 A) | !sintro!d c B | (A B) c | (d A) G | F2 !eintro!|]
w: No- * el, * No- * el, No- * el, No- el, * Born is the King * of Is- * ra- el.
[V: S1V2] C | A,2 D | C2 F | G2 G | (F2 A) | F F G | F2 G | F2 E | D2 |]
[V: S2V1] A,/G,/ | F,2 B, | A,2 A, | (B,3/2 C/) D/E/ | (F2 E) | D D D | D2 G, | A,2 A, | A,2 |]
[V: S2V2] A,, | D,2 B,, | F,2 D, | (G,3/2 A,/) B,/C/ | (D2 C) | B, A, G, | (D D,) E, | (F,/G,/ A,) A,, | D,2 |]
% 27
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.730000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "71 CHRISTMAS"
%%footer Is 9:2, Lk 2:8-15, Mic 5:2, 1Cor 15:55-57 8 8 8 8
%OHSCRIP Is 9:2, Lk 2:8-15, Mic 5:2, 1Cor 15:55-57
%OHTOPICS {Angels}, {Assurance}, {Blood [3]}, {Brotherhood [3,4]}, {Christmas/Advent}, {Comfort}, {Jesus}, {Presence}, {Security [4-6]}, {Shepard/Lamb [1]}, {Sinners [3]}, {Victory [4-6]}
%OHCOMPOSER from Schumann's Geistliche Lieder, Leipzig, 1539
%OHAUTHOR Luther, Martin (1483-1546)
%OHTRANSLATOR Massie, Richard (1800-1887)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 71
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: D
{ d/ ; F/ ; A,/ ; D,/ }
{ c B c A ; E E E F ; A, ^G, A, A, ; A,, E, A,, D, }
{ B c d z/ d/ ; D G F x/ F/ ; G, G, A, z/ A,/ ; G, E, D, x/ D,/ }
{ d A A F ; F F E D ; B, C A, A, ; B,, F, C, D, }
{ A G F z/ ; D B, D x/ ; F, G, A, z/ ; D, E, B,, x/ }
{ F/ ; A,/ ; D,/ ; F/ }
{ E E E F ; A, ^G, A, A, ; A,, E, A,, D, ; B B A c }
{ D G F x/ F/ ; G, G, A, z/ A,/ ; G, E, D, x/ D,/ ; d B A z/ !sintro!d/ }
{ F F E D ; B, C A, A, ; B,, F, C, D, ; c B A A }
{ D B, D x/ ; F, G, A, z/ ; D, E, B,, x/ ; G/F/ E !fermata!D z/ !eintro! } | X: 71
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: D
X: 71
T: To Shepherds As They Watched By Night
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Martin Luther, 1543. translated by Richard Massie, 1854.
C: Music: 'Vom Himmel Hoch' traditional German from Schumann's Geistliche Lieder, Leipzig, 1539.
C: Setting: "Common Service Book" (ULCA), 1917.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Revision.
S: Music source: 'Common Service Book with Hymnal', ULCA 1918 Hymn 19.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: D % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=100] d/ | c B c A | B c d z/ d/ | d A A F | A G F z/
w: 1.~To shep- herds as they watched by night Ap- peared a host of an- gels bright;
w: 2.~At Beth- le- hem, in Da- vid's town, As Mi- cah did of old make known;
w: 3.~Oh, then re- joice that through His Son God is with sin- ners now at one;
w: 4.~What harm can sin and death then do? The true God now a- bides with you.
w: 5.~Not one He will or can for- sake Who Him his con- fi- dence doth make.
[V: S1V2] F/ | E E E F | D G F x/ F/ | F F E D | D B, D x/
[V: S2V1] A,/ | A, ^G, A, A, | G, G, A, z/ A,/ | B, C A, A, | F, G, A, z/
[V: S2V2] D,/ | A,, E, A,, D, | G, E, D, x/ D,/ | B,, F, C, D, | D, E, B,, x/
% 5
[V: S1V1] F/ | B B A c | d B A z/ !sintro!d/ | c B A A | G/F/ E !fermata!D z/ !eintro!|]
w: Be- hold the ten- der Babe, they said, In yon- der low- ly man- * ger laid.
w: 'Tis Je- sus Christ, your Lord and King, Who doth to all sal- va- * tion bring.
w: Made like your- selves of flesh and blood, Your Bro- ther is th'e- ter- * nal God.
w: Let hell and Sa- tan rage and chafe, Christ is your Bro- ther ye * are safe.
w: Let all his wiles the Temp- ter try, You may his ut- most pow'rs * de- fy.
[V: S1V2] D/ | F G E E | D E C x/ D/ | A G F E | D3/2 C/ D x/ |]
[V: S2V1] B,/ | D D C A, | F, ^G, A, z/ F,/ | A, D D A, | B,/A,/ A, !invertedfermata!F, z/ |]
[V: S2V2] B,,/ | B,, G,, A,, A,, | B,, E, A,, x/ B,,/ | F, G, D, C, | B,,/D,/ A,, D, x/ |]
% 11
W: 6.Ye shall and must at last prevail;
W: God's own ye are, ye cannot fail.
W: To God forever sing your praise
W: With joy and patience all your days.
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2013 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 0.600000cm
%%sysstaffsep 0.00000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "CHRISTMAS 72"
%%footer Lk 2:7-14, Mt 2:11, Acts 2:38-39, 1Pt 5:6-7 8 6 8 6 8 8 6 4 7
%OHSCRIP Lk 2:7-14, Mt 2:11, Acts 2:38-39, 1Pt 5:6-7
%OHTOPICS {Angels [1-2]}, {Christmas/Advent}, {God, As King}, {Holiness [3-4]}, {Jesus}, {Magi [3]}, {People of the World [4]}, {Presence}, {Submission (see also Following Jesus, God - Providence of, Trust) [4]}, {Worship [3-4]}
%OHMETRICAL 8 6 8 6 8 8 6 4 7
%OHARRANGER Murphy, John (1951-)
%OHAUTHOR de Brébeuf, Jean (1593-1649)
%OHTRANSLATOR Middleton, Jesse Edgar (1872-1960)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 72
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: D
{ F B c d ; F B c B ; F, B, A, F, ; F, B, A, F, }
{ e d c B ; B B A F ; G, F, F,/E,/ D, ; G, F, F,/E,/ D, }
{ A B B c ; A B B A ; F, G, G, F, ; F, G, G, F, }
{ A B3 ; A F3 ; F,/E,/ D,3 ; F,/E,/ D,3 }
{ F B c B ; F, B, A, F, ; F, B, A, F, ; F B c d }
{ B B A F ; G, F, F,/E,/ D, ; G, F, F,/E,/ D, ; e d c B }
{ A B B A ; F, G, G, F, ; F, G, G, F, ; A B B c }
{ A F3 ; F,/E,/ D,3 ; F,/E,/ D,3 ; A B3 }
{ F, B, A, F, ; F, B, A, F, ; F B c d ; F B c B }
{ G, F, F,/E,/ D, ; G, F, F,/E,/ D, ; e d c B ; B B A F }
{ F, G, G, F, ; F, G, G, F, ; A B B c ; A B B A }
{ F,/E,/ D,3 ; F,/E,/ D,3 ; A B3 ; A F3 }
{ F, B, A, F, ; F B c d ; F B c B ; F, B, A, F, }
{ G, F, F,/E,/ D, ; e d c B ; B B A F ; G, F, F,/E,/ D, }
{ F, G, G, F, ; A B B c ; A B B A ; F, G, G, F, }
{ F,/E,/ D,3 ; A B3 ; A F3 ; F,/E,/ D,3 } | X: 72
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: D
X: 72
T: Twas In The Moon of Wintertime
%%combinevoices 1
T: (also known as Huron Carol or Jesus He Is Born)
C: Words: Jean de Brébeuf, 1642. Translated by Jesse Edgar Middleton, 1926.
C: Music: 'Huron Carol' or 'Jesous Ahatonia' or 'Une Jeunne Pucelle' traditional French, 1557.
C: Setting: John Murphy, 2008.
C: copyright: Music & Lyrics public domain. Setting: CPDL (see
C: This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2013 Revision.
S: Music source: ChoralWiki (
S: Lyrics source: Wikipedia
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: D % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=120] F B c d | e d c B | A B B c | A B3 |
w: 1.~'Twas in the moon of win- ter- time, When all the birds had fled,
w: 2.~With- in a lodge of bro- ken bark The ten- der babe was found,
w: 3.~The ear- liest moon of win- ter- time Is not so round and fair
w: 4.~Oh child- ren of the for- est free, Oh sons of Man- i- tou,
[V: S1V2] F B c B | B B A F | A B B A | A F3 |
[V: S2V1] F, B, A, F, | G, F, F,/E,/ D, | F, G, G, F, | F,/E,/ D,3 |
[V: S2V2] F, B, A, F, | G, F, F,/E,/ D, | F, G, G, F, | F,/E,/ D,3 |
% 5
[V: S1V1] F B c d | e d c B | A B B c | A B3 |
w: That might- y Git- chi Man- i- tou Sent an- gel choirs in- stead;
w: A rag- ged robe of rab- bit skin En- wrapped His beau- ty 'round;
w: As was the ring of glor- y on The help- less In- fant there.
w: The ho- ly Child of earth and Heav'n Is born to- day for you.
[V: S1V2] F B c B | B B A F | A B B A | A F3 |
[V: S2V1] F, B, A, F, | G, F, F,/E,/ D, | F, G, G, F, | F,/E,/ D,3 |
[V: S2V2] F, B, A, F, | G, F, F,/E,/ D, | F, G, G, F, | F,/E,/ D,3 |
% 9
[V: S1V1] B f f c | d e3/2 d/ c | c d c B | B c3/2 B/ (B | A2) z2 |
w: Be- fore their light the stars grew dim, And wan- d'ring hun- ters heard the hymn: *
w: But as the hun- ter braves drew nigh, The an- gel song rang loud and high: *
w: The chiefs from far be- fore Him knelt With gifts of fox and bea- ver pelt. *
w: Come kneel be- fore the rad- iant Boy, Who brings you beau- ty, peace and joy. *
[V: S1V2] G/A/ B B A | B B3/2 B/ A | A B A F | G A3/2 G/ (F | F2) x2 |
[V: S2V1] E, D, D,/E,/ F, | F, G,3/2 G,/ A, | G, F, F,/E,/ D, | G, F,3/2 D,/ (D, | C,2) z2 |
[V: S2V2] E, D, D,/E,/ F, | F, G,3/2 G,/ A, | G, F, F,/E,/ D, | G, F,3/2 D,/ (D, | C,2) x2 |
% 14
[V: S1V1] !sintro!F B B2 | A G F2 | B2 A F | B2 B c | d e f F | B2 z2 !eintro!|]
w: Je- sus your King is born, Je- sus is born, In ex- cel- sis glo- ri- a.
[V: S1V2] D F F2 | F E D2 | D2 F F | F2 F A | B B B F/E/ | D2 z2 |]
[V: S2V1] B, D D2 | C C A,2 | B,2 C A, | A, G, D C | C B, D D/C/ | B,3 z |]
[V: S2V2] B,, B,, B,,2 | C, C, D,2 | B,,2 C, C, | D, C, D, F, | F, G, F, F, | B,,2 z2 |]
%%vskip 0.05in
%%begintext align
This hymn was written by Fr. Jean de Brébeuf, a French missionary to the Huron (first nations / native American)
people. He was eventually martyred for the faith by Iroquois during the Iroquois-Huron wars.
"When the Japanese have a Christmas devotional booklet, Mary is a Japanese woman, and her Child
is a Japanese boy. With that, they are confessing that He was born for them too. For that
was the message of the angel, that He was born to be the Savior for all people, and all people
means one of us ... and so whether it is in Papau New Guinea or Japan or among the Eskimos,
when they think of the birth of the Savior they see Him as born one of them." - Dr. Norman Nagel, 22 Dec 2005
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2005 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "73 CHRISTMAS"
%%footer Lk 2:7, Mt 2:1-11, Phil 2:5-8, Is 53:1-6 8 7 8 7 6 8 6 7
%OHSCRIP Lk 2:7, Mt 2:1-11, Phil 2:5-8, Is 53:1-6
%OHTOPICS {Angels [1]}, {Christmas/Advent}, {Cross [2]}, {Fear of the Lord [2]}, {God, As King [1]}, {Gospel [2]}, {Jesus}, {Joy [3]}, {Presence}, {Throne (also see God - As King) [3]}
%OHMETRICAL 8 7 8 7 6 8 6 7
%OHAUTHOR Dix, William Chatterton (1837-1865)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 73
M: 3/4
L: 1/4
K: D
{ E/ ; E/ ; G,/ ; E,/ }
{ G A/ B3/4=c// B/ ; E D/ D G/ ; B, A,/ G, B,/ ; E, F,/ G, G,/ }
{ A F/ D3/4E// F/ ; F D/ D D/ ; D A,/ F, A,/ ; D, D,/ D, D,/ }
{ G E/ E3/4^D// E/ ; B, B,/ A, E/ ; G, G,/ E, E,/ ; E, E,/ =C, =C,/ }
{ F3/2 B, ; ^D3/2 B, ; B,3/2 B, ; B,,3/2 B,, }
{ E/ ; G,/ ; E,/ ; E/ }
{ E D/ D G/ ; B, A,/ G, B,/ ; E, F,/ G, G,/ ; G A/ B3/4=c// B/ }
{ F D/ D D/ ; D A,/ F, A,/ ; D, D,/ D, D,/ ; A F/ D3/4E// F/ }
{ B, B,/ A, E/ ; G, G,/ E, E,/ ; E, E,/ =C, =C,/ ; G3/4F// E/ ^D3/4^C// D/ }
{ ^D3/2 B, ; B,3/2 B, ; B,,3/2 B,, ; E3/2 E3/2 }
{ G,/ ; E,/ ; E/ ; E/ }
{ B, A,/ G, B,/ ; E, F,/ G, G,/ ; G A/ B3/4=c// B/ ; E D/ D G/ }
{ D A,/ F, A,/ ; D, D,/ D, D,/ ; A F/ D3/4E// F/ ; F D/ D D/ }
{ G, G,/ E, E,/ ; E, E,/ =C, =C,/ ; G3/4F// E/ ^D3/4^C// D/ ; B, =C/ B, B,/ }
{ B,3/2 B, ; B,,3/2 B,, ; E3/2 E3/2 ; B,3/2 B,3/2 }
{ E,/ ; E/ ; E/ ; G,/ }
{ E, F,/ G, G,/ ; G A/ B3/4=c// B/ ; E D/ D G/ ; B, A,/ G, B,/ }
{ D, D,/ D, D,/ ; A F/ D3/4E// F/ ; F D/ D D/ ; D A,/ F, A,/ }
{ E, E,/ =C, =C,/ ; G3/4F// E/ ^D3/4^C// D/ ; B, =C/ B, B,/ ; G, A,/ F, B,/ }
{ B,,3/2 B,, ; E3/2 E3/2 ; B,3/2 B,3/2 ; A,3/2 G,3/2 } | X: 73
M: 3/4
L: 1/4
K: D
X: 73
T: What Child Is This?
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: William Chatterton Dix, 1865.
C: Music: 'Greensleeves' 16th Century English Traditional.
C: Setting: traditional from "The Sunday School Hymnal and Service Book", 1871.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2005 Revision.
S: Music source: 'Lutheran Worship' Hymnal, 1982 Hymn 61. very tiny changes from "The Sunday school hymnal and service book", 1871 edited by Charles Lewis Hutchins Carol 9 (after hymns)
M: 3/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: D % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=80] E/ | G A/ B3/4=c// B/ | A F/ D3/4E// F/ | G E/ E3/4^D// E/ | F3/2 B,
w: 1.~What Child is this * who, laid to rest * On Ma- ry's lap * is sleep- ing?
w: 2.~Why lies He in * such mean e- state, * Where ox and ass * are feed- ing?
w: 3.~So bring Him in- * cense, gold and myrrh, * Come pea- sant, king * to own Him;
[V: S1V2] E/ | E D/ D G/ | F D/ D D/ | B, B,/ A, E/ | ^D3/2 B,
[V: S2V1] G,/ | B, A,/ G, B,/ | D A,/ F, A,/ | G, G,/ E, E,/ | B,3/2 B,
[V: S2V2] E,/ | E, F,/ G, G,/ | D, D,/ D, D,/ | E, E,/ =C, =C,/ | B,,3/2 B,,
% 5
[V: S1V1] E/ | G A/ B3/4=c// B/ | A F/ D3/4E// F/ | G3/4F// E/ ^D3/4^C// D/ | E3/2 E3/2 |
w: Whom an- gels greet * with an- thems sweet, * While shep- * herds watch * are keep- ing?
w: Good Christ- ians, fear, * for sin- ners here * The si- * lent Word * is plead- ing.
w: The King of kings * sal- va- tion brings, * Let lov- * ing hearts * en- throne Him.
[V: S1V2] E/ | E D/ D G/ | F D/ D D/ | B, =C/ B, B,/ | B,3/2 B,3/2 |
[V: S2V1] G,/ | B, A,/ G, B,/ | D A,/ F, A,/ | G, A,/ F, B,/ | A,3/2 G,3/2 |
[V: S2V2] E,/ | E, F,/ G, G,/ | D, D,/ D, D,/ | E, A,,/ B,, B,,/ | E,3/2 E,3/2 |
% 9
[V: S1V1] d3/2 d3/4c// B/ | A F/ D3/4E// F/ | G E/ E3/4^D// E/ | F D/ B,3/2 |
w: This, this * is Christ the King, * Whom shep- herds guard * and an- gels sing;
w: Nails, spear * shall pierce Him through, * The cross be borne * for me, for you.
w: Raise, raise * a song on high, * The vir- gin sings * her lul- la- by.
[V: S1V2] F3/2 B3/4A// G/ | F D/ D D/ | B, B,/ A, E/ | ^D B,/ B,3/2 |
[V: S2V1] D3/2 D D/ | D A,/ F, A,/ | G, G,/ E, E,/ | B,3/2 B,3/2 |
[V: S2V2] B,3/2 G, G,/ | D, D,/ D, D,/ | E, E,/ =C, =C,/ | B,,3/2 B,,3/2 |
% 13
[V: S1V1] d3/2 d3/4c// B/ | A F/ D3/4E// !sintro!F/ | G3/4F// E/ ^D3/4^C// D/ | E3/2 E !eintro!|]
w: Haste, haste, * to bring Him laud, * The Babe, * the Son * of Ma- ry.
w: Hail, hail * the Word made flesh, * The Babe, * the Son * of Ma- ry.
w: Joy, joy * for Christ is born, * The Babe, * the Son * of Ma- ry.
[V: S1V2] F3/2 B3/4A// G/ | F D/ D D/ | B, =C/ B, B,/ | B,3/2 B, |]
[V: S2V1] D3/2 D D/ | D A,/ F, A,/ | G, A,/ F, B,/ | A,3/2 G, |]
[V: S2V2] B,3/2 G, G,/ | D, D,/ D, D,/ | E, A,,/ B,, B,,/ | E,3/2 E, |]
% 19
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2010 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "EPIPHANY 74"
%%footer Mt 2:1-12, Num 7:89, Mt 7:13-14, Rev 21:23-27 7 7 7 7 7 7
%OHSCRIP Mt 2:1-12, Num 7:89, Mt 7:13-14, Rev 21:23-27
%OHTOPICS {Christmas/Advent}, {God, As King [2,3,5]}, {Guidance}, {Holiness [3]}, {Jesus}, {Joy [1]}, {Light [5]}, {Magi}, {Praise, Son}, {Presence}
%OHMETRICAL 7 7 7 7 7 7
%OHCOMPOSER Kocher, Conrad (1786-1872);Monk, William Henry (1823-1889)
%OHARRANGER Kocher, Conrad (1786-1872);Monk, William Henry (1823-1889)
%OHAUTHOR Dix, William Chatterton (1837-1865)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 74
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: G
{ G F/G/ A G ; D D D D ; B, C/B,/ A, B, ; G, A,/G,/ F, G, }
{ c c B2 ; C D D2 ; G, A, G,2 ; E, F, G,2 }
{ E F G E ; E D D C ; G, A, G, G, ; C, C, B,, C, }
{ D D D2 ; B, A, B,2 ; G, F, G,2 ; D, D, G,,2 }
{ D D D D ; B, C/B,/ A, B, ; G, A,/G,/ F, G, ; G F/G/ A G }
{ C D D2 ; G, A, G,2 ; E, F, G,2 ; c c B2 }
{ E D D C ; G, A, G, G, ; C, C, B,, C, ; E F G E }
{ B, A, B,2 ; G, F, G,2 ; D, D, G,,2 ; D D D2 }
{ B, C/B,/ A, B, ; G, A,/G,/ F, G, ; G F/G/ A G ; D D D D }
{ G, A, G,2 ; E, F, G,2 ; c c B2 ; C D D2 }
{ G, A, G, G, ; C, C, B,, C, ; E F G E ; E D D C }
{ G, F, G,2 ; D, D, G,,2 ; D D D2 ; B, A, B,2 } | X: 74
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: G
X: 74
T: As With Gladness Men of Old
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: William Chatterton Dix, 1860.
C: Music: 'Dix' or 'Treuer Heiland, Wir Sind Heir' Conrad Kocher, 1838. Abridged by William Henry Monk, 1861.
C: Setting: Conrad Kocher, 1838, alt. by William Henry Monk, 1861, alt. for "The English Hymnal", 1906.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2008 Revision.
S: Music source: The English Hymnal, 1906 Hymn 39.
S: Music from "Stimmen aus dem Reiche Gottes", 1838 by Kocher, Hymn 201 page 250.
S: adapted by William Henry Monk from the original (removed two measures and changed parts of the arrangement) for "Hymns Ancient and Modern, 1861.
S: Also almost just like the Bristol Tune Book of 1863, Hymn 172.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: G % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=100] G F/G/ A G | c c B2 | E F G E | D D D2 |
w: 1.~As with * glad- ness, men of old Did the guid- ing star be- hold
w: 2.~As with * joy- ful steps they sped To that low- ly man- ger bed
w: 3.~As they * off- ered gifts most rare At that man- ger rude and bare;
w: 4.~Ho- ly * Je- sus, ev- 'ry day Keep us in the nar- row way;
w: 5.~In the * heav'n- ly coun- try bright, Need they no cre- a- ted light;
[V: S1V2] D D D D | C D D2 | E D D C | B, A, B,2 |
[V: S2V1] B, C/B,/ A, B, | G, A, G,2 | G, A, G, G, | G, F, G,2 |
[V: S2V2] G, A,/G,/ F, G, | E, F, G,2 | C, C, B,, C, | D, D, G,,2 |
% 5
[V: S1V1] G F/G/ A G | c c B2 | E F G E | D D D2 |
w: As with * joy they hailed its light Lead- ing on- ward, beam- ing bright
w: There to * bend the knee be- fore Him whom Heav'n and earth a- dore;
w: So may * we with ho- ly joy, Pure and free from sin's al- loy,
w: And, when * earth- ly things are past, Bring our ran- somed souls at last
w: Thou its * Light, its Joy, its Crown, Thou its Sun which goes not down;
[V: S1V2] D D D D | C D D2 | E D D C | B, A, B,2 |
[V: S2V1] B, C/B,/ A, B, | G, A, G,2 | G, A, G, G, | G, F, G,2 |
[V: S2V2] G, A,/G,/ F, G, | E, F, G,2 | C, C, B,, C, | D, D, G,,2 |
% 9
[V: S1V1] B A G B | d3/2 c/ B2 | !sintro!E F G c | B A G2 !eintro!|]
w: So, most glor- ious Lord, may we Ev- er- more be led to Thee.
w: So may we with will- ing feet Ev- er seek Thy mer- cy seat.
w: All our cost- liest treas- ures bring, Christ, to Thee, our heav'n- ly King.
w: Where they need no star to guide, Where no clouds Thy glo- ry hide.
w: There for- ev- er may we sing Al- le- lu- ias to our King!
[V: S1V2] D D D D | D D D2 | E D D C | D3/2 C/ B,2 |]
[V: S2V1] G, D/C/ B, G, | A, F, G,2 | G, A, G, G, | G, F, G,2 |]
[V: S2V2] G, F, G, G, | F, D, G,2 | C, C, B,, E, | D, D, G,,2 |]
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.7500000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "75 EPIPHANY"
%%footer Lk 2:22-38 8 7 8 7 8 7
%OHSCRIP Lk 2:22-38
%OHTOPICS {Christmas/Advent}, {Church in Heaven (Church Victorious/Church Triumphant)}, {Church on Earth (Church Militant)}, {Faith [2]}, {Faithfulness [1]}, {Fellowship [1]}, {God, As King [4]}, {God, Faithfulness of [1]}, {Gratitude}, {Jesus}, {Joy}, {Praise, Son}, {Presence}, {Priest/Priestly Roles}, {Promises (see also Gospel) [1,3]}, {Saints (all Faithful) [1,2]}, {Salvation [3,4]}, {Worship}
%OHMETRICAL 8 7 8 7 8 7
%OHCOMPOSER Purcell, Henry (1658-1695)
%OHARRANGER Hawkins, Ernest (1802-1868)
%OHAUTHOR Pye, Henry John (1825-1903);Cooke, William (1821-1894)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 75
M: 6/8
L: 1/4
K: G
{ B2 d B2 G ; D2 D D2 D ; G,2 A, B,2 B,/A,/ ; G,2 F, G,2 G,/F,/ }
{ c2 A F2 D ; E2 E D2 A, ; G,2 A, A,2 F, ; E,2 C, D,2 D,/C,/ }
{ G2 A (B3/2 A/) G ; D2 C (B, D) ^C ; B,2 F, (G,3/2 F,/) E, ; B,,2 A,, (G,,3/2 D,/) E, }
{ F E2 D3 ; D2 ^C D3 ; F,/G,/ (A, G,) F,3 ; D, A,,2 D,3 }
{ D2 D D2 D ; G,2 A, B,2 B,/A,/ ; G,2 F, G,2 G,/F,/ ; F2 A F2 D }
{ E2 E D2 A, ; G,2 A, A,2 F, ; E,2 C, D,2 D,/C,/ ; G2 A B2 G }
{ D2 C (B, D) ^C ; B,2 F, (G,3/2 F,/) E, ; B,,2 A,, (G,,3/2 D,/) E, ; c2 B (A3/2 B/) G }
{ D2 ^C D3 ; F,/G,/ (A, G,) F,3 ; D, A,,2 D,3 ; G/F/ F2 E3 }
{ G,2 A, B,2 B,/A,/ ; G,2 F, G,2 G,/F,/ ; F2 A F2 D ; D2 E D2 A, }
{ G,2 A, A,2 F, ; E,2 C, D,2 D,/C,/ ; G2 A B2 G ; B,2 C D2 D }
{ B,2 F, (G,3/2 F,/) E, ; B,,2 A,, (G,,3/2 D,/) E, ; c2 B (A3/2 B/) G ; (E F/G/) F (E/D/ E) B, }
{ F,/G,/ (A, G,) F,3 ; D, A,,2 D,3 ; G/F/ F2 E3 ; C B,2 B,3 } | X: 75
M: 6/8
L: 1/4
K: G
X: 75
T: In His Temple Now Behold Him
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: verses 1-3, Henry J. Pye, 1851. verse 4, William Cooke, 1853.
C: Music: 'Westminster Abbey' Henry Purcell, circa 1692. Setting: Ernest Hawkins, 1843.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Revision.
S: Music source: With One Voice, Hymn 747
M: 6/8 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: G % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=120] B2 d B2 G | c2 A F2 D | G2 A (B3/2 A/) G | F E2 D3 |
w: 1.~In His tem- ple now be- hold Him, See the long * ex- pect- ed Lord;
w: 2.~In the arms of her who bore Him, Vir- gin pure, * be- hold Him lie,
w: 3.~Je- sus, by Thy pres- en- ta- tion, Thou, who didst * for us en- dure,
w: 4.~Prince and Au- thor of sal- va- tion, Be Thy bound- * less love our theme!
[V: S1V2] D2 D D2 D | E2 E D2 A, | D2 C (B, D) ^C | D2 ^C D3 |
[V: S2V1] G,2 A, B,2 B,/A,/ | G,2 A, A,2 F, | B,2 F, (G,3/2 F,/) E, | F,/G,/ (A, G,) F,3 |
[V: S2V2] G,2 F, G,2 G,/F,/ | E,2 C, D,2 D,/C,/ | B,,2 A,, (G,,3/2 D,/) E, | D, A,,2 D,3 |
% 5
[V: S1V1] F2 A F2 D | G2 A B2 G | c2 B (A3/2 B/) G | G/F/ F2 E3 |
w: An- cient pro- phets had fore- told Him; God has now * ful- filled * His word.
w: While his a- gèd saints a- dore Him Ere in faith * and hope * they die.
w: Make us see our great sal- va- tion, Seal us with * Thy pro- * mise sure.
w: Je- sus, praise to Thee be gi- ven By the world * Thou didst * re- deem.
[V: S1V2] D2 E D2 A, | B,2 C D2 D | (E F/G/) F (E/D/ E) B, | C B,2 B,3 |
[V: S2V1] A,2 A, A,2 F, | (D,3/2 G,/) F, G,2 B, | G,2 A,/B,/ (C E,) ^D, | E,2 ^D, E,3 |
[V: S2V2] D,2 ^C, D,2 D,/=C,/ | B,,2 A,, G,,2 G, | E,2 D, C,2 B,, | A,, B,,2 E,3 |
% 9
[V: S1V1] ^G2 G A2 A | F2 F =G2 G | !sintro!E2 E F2 G | G2 F G3 !eintro!|]
w: Now to praise Him, His re- deem- èd Shall break forth with one ac- cord.
w: Ha- lle- lu- jah! Ha- lle- lu- jah! Lo, th'in- car- nate God most high.
w: And pre- sent us in Thy glo- ry To Thy Fa- ther, cleansed and pure.
w: With the Fa- ther and the Spir- it, Lord of ma- jes- ty su- preme!
[V: S1V2] E2 E E2 E | D2 D D2 D | C2 C (D C) B, | A,2 A,/B,//C// B,3 |]
[V: S2V1] B,2 B, A,2 A, | A,2 A, G,2 G, | G,2 A, A,2 G, | (F,/E,/ D,) D, D,3 |]
[V: S2V2] E,2 D, ^C,2 ^C, | D,2 =C, B,,2 B,, | C,2 A,, D,2 G, | D,2 D, G,,3 |]
% 14
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2006 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "EPIPHANY 76"
%%footer Mt 2:1-11, Mic 5:2-4 8 8 8 8
%OHSCRIP Mt 2:1-11, Mic 5:2-4
%OHTOPICS {Christmas/Advent}, {Crown [1]}, {God, As King [4]}, {Jesus}, {Light [2]}, {Magi}, {Presence}, {Saints (all Faithful) [5]}, {Trinity [5]}
%OHCOMPOSER Praetorius, Michael (1571-1621)
%OHARRANGER Woodward, George Ratcliffe (1848-1934)
%OHAUTHOR Prudentius, Aurelius Clemens (348-413)
%OHTRANSLATOR Smithers, Nathaniel Barratt (1818-1896);Douglas, Charles Winfred (1867-1944);Marquess of Bute, John Patrick Crichton-Stuart (1847-1900)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 76
M: 3/4
L: 1/4
K: D
{ D ; A, ; F, ; D, }
{ D2 E ; B,2 C ; F,2 A, ; B,,2 A,, }
{ F2 G ; D2 D ; A,2 D, ; (D, C,) B,, }
{ F2 E ; D2 A, ; (A, B,) C ; (A,, G,,) A,, }
{ D2 D ; ^F,2 B, ; D2 D ; D,2 G, }
{ A2 A ; (D G) F ; D2 A, ; (F, E,) D, }
{ A, ; F, ; D, ; (A B) c }
{ B,2 C ; F,2 A, ; B,,2 A,, ; d2 d }
{ D2 D ; A,2 D, ; (D, C,) B,, ; d2 A }
{ D2 A, ; (A, B,) C ; (A,, G,,) A,, ; d2 d }
{ ^F,2 B, ; D2 D ; D,2 G, ; c2 A }
{ F, ; D, ; (A B) c ; E2 E }
{ F,2 A, ; B,,2 A,, ; d2 d ; F2 G }
{ A,2 D, ; (D, C,) B,, ; d2 A ; F2 E }
{ (A, B,) C ; (A,, G,,) A,, ; d2 d ; (D F) E }
{ D2 D ; D,2 G, ; c2 A ; E2 D } | X: 76
M: 3/4
L: 1/4
K: D
X: 76
T: O Chief of Cities Bethlehem
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Aurelius Clemens Prudentius (348-413). v. 1,2,4 Translated by N. B. Smithers, 1879,
C: v. 3 Translated by C. W. Douglas, v.5 Translated by John, Marquess of Bute c. 1879.
C: Music: 'Puer Nobis Nascitur' Michael Praetorius, 1609.
C: Setting: George Ratcliffe Woodward for "The English Hymnal", 1906.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2007 Revision.
S: Music source: 'The English Hymnal', 1906 Hymn 14.
S: translation from "Translations of Latin hymns of the middle ages" By Nathaniel Barratt Smithers, 1879
M: 3/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: D % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=120] D | D2 E | F2 G | F2 E | D2 D | A2 A |
w: 1.~O chief of ci- ties, Beth- le- hem, Of Da- vid's
w: 2.~Be- yond the sun in splen- dor bright, A- bove you
w: 3.~The wise men, see- ing Him so fair, Bow low be-
w: 4.~The gold- en tri- bute owns Him King, But frank- in-
w: 5.~O Je- sus, whom the Gen- tiles see, With Fa- ther,
[V: S1V2] A, | B,2 C | D2 D | D2 A, | ^F,2 B, | (D G) F |
[V: S2V1] F, | F,2 A, | A,2 D, | (A, B,) C | D2 D | D2 A, |
[V: S2V2] D, | B,,2 A,, | (D, C,) B,, | (A,, G,,) A,, | D,2 G, | (F, E,) D, |
% 1
[V: S1V1] (A B) c | d2 d | d2 A | d2 d | c2 A |
w: crown * the fair- est gem, But more to us than
w: stands * a won- drous light Pro- claim- ing from the
w: fore * Him, and with prayer Their trea- sured east- ern
w: cense * to God they bring, And last, pro- phe- tic
w: Spi- * rit, One in Three: To You, O God, be
[V: S1V2] E2 E | F2 G | F2 E | (D F) E | E2 D |
[V: S2V1] A,2 A, | A,2 B, | A,2 A, | B,2 B, | (A, G,) F, |
[V: S2V2] C,2 A,, | D,2 D, | D,2 C, | (B,, A,,) ^G,, | A,,2 D, |
% 9
[V: S1V1] B2 B | A2 !sintro!G | A2 F | E2 F | D2 C | !fermata!D2 !eintro!|]
w: Da- vid's name, In you, as man, the Sa- vior came.
w: con- scious skies That here, in flesh, the God- head lies.
w: gifts un- fold Of in- cense, myrrh, and ro- yal gold.
w: sign, with myrrh, They sha- dow forth His se- pul- cher.
w: glo- ry giv'n By saints on earth and saints in Heav'n.
[V: S1V2] B,2 D | D2 B, | E2 D | C2 D | B,2 A, | A,2 |]
[V: S2V1] G,2 G, | F,2 G, | E,2 A, | A,2 A, | (G, F,) E, | !invertedfermata!F,2 |]
[V: S2V2] G,,2 B,, | D,2 E, | C,2 D, | (A,, G,,) F,, | G,,2 A,, | D,2 |]
% 19
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2011 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.600000cm
%%sysstaffsep 0.00000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "77 EPIPHANY"
%%footer Ps 95:2, Is 61:1-3, 1Pt 1:20, Mk 1:7-11, Lk 3:15-22, Jn 2:1-11, Mt 11:4-5, Lk 7:18-22, Rev 19:1-16 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
%OHSCRIP Ps 95:2, Is 61:1-3, 1Pt 1:20, Mk 1:7-11, Lk 3:15-22, Jn 2:1-11, Mt 11:4-5, Lk 7:18-22, Rev 19:1-16
%OHTOPICS {Art and Music}, {Aspiration [5]}, {Baptism [2]}, {Following Jesus, In Action [5]}, {Gratitude}, {Jesus}, {Magi [1]}, {Miracles [3]}, {Praise, Son}, {Presence}, {Second Coming [4]}, {Worship}
%OHMETRICAL 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
%OHCOMPOSER Elvey, George Job (1816-1893)
%OHAUTHOR Wordsworth, Christopher (1807-1885)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 77
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: G
{ B3/2 B/ ; D3/2 D/ ; G,3/2 G,/ ; G,3/2 G,/ }
{ d B G A ; D D E F ; A, B, B, D ; F, G, E, D, }
{ B2 B3/2 B/ ; G2 D3/2 D/ ; D2 G,3/2 G,/ ; G,2 G,3/2 G,/ }
{ d B G A ; D D E E ; A, G, B, C ; F, G, E, C, }
{ B2 ; ^D2 ; F,2 ; B,,2 }
{ D3/2 D/ ; G,3/2 G,/ ; G,3/2 G,/ ; B3/2 B/ }
{ D D E F ; A, B, B, D ; F, G, E, D, ; c c A3/2 A/ |B2 B ^c }
{ G2 D3/2 D/ ; D2 G,3/2 G,/ ; G,2 G,3/2 G,/ ; d G F E }
{ D D E E ; A, G, B, C ; F, G, E, C, ; D2 }
{ G,3/2 G,/ ; G,3/2 G,/ ; B3/2 B/ ; E3/2 E/ }
{ A, B, B, D ; F, G, E, D, ; c c A3/2 A/ |B2 B ^c ; E E D D }
{ D2 G,3/2 G,/ ; G,2 G,3/2 G,/ ; d G F E ; D2 D E }
{ A, G, B, C ; F, G, E, C, ; D2 ; D E D ^C }
{ G,3/2 G,/ ; B3/2 B/ ; E3/2 E/ ; G,3/2 G,/ }
{ F, G, E, D, ; c c A3/2 A/ |B2 B ^c ; E E D D ; A, A, F, F, }
{ G,2 G,3/2 G,/ ; d G F E ; D2 D E ; G,2 G, G, }
{ F, G, E, C, ; D2 ; D E D ^C ; A, B, A,3/2 G,/ } | X: 77
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: G
X: 77
T: Songs of Thankfulness and Praise
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Christopher Wordsworth, 1862.
C: Music: 'St. George`s Windsor', George Job Elvey, 1858. Setting: "The Anglican Hymn Book", 1871.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2011 Revision.
S: Music source: "The Anglican Hymn Book", 1871, Hymn 361
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: G % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=120] B3/2 B/ | d B G A | B2 B3/2 B/ | d B G A | B2
w: 1.~Songs of thank- ful- ness and praise, Je- sus, Lord, to Thee we raise,
w: 2.~Man- i- fest at Jor- dan's stream, Pro- phet, Priest, and King su- preme;
w: 3.~Man- i- fest in mak- ing whole Pal- sied limbs and faint- ing soul;
w: 4.~Sun and moon shall dark- ened be, Stars shall fall, the heav'ns shall flee,
w: 5.~Grant us grace to see Thee, Lord, Mir- rored in Thy ho- ly Word;
[V: S1V2] D3/2 D/ | D D E F | G2 D3/2 D/ | D D E E | ^D2
[V: S2V1] G,3/2 G,/ | A, B, B, D | D2 G,3/2 G,/ | A, G, B, C | F,2
[V: S2V2] G,3/2 G,/ | F, G, E, D, | G,2 G,3/2 G,/ | F, G, E, C, | B,,2
% 5
[V: S1V1] B3/2 B/ | c c A3/2 A/ |B2 B ^c | d G F E | D2
w: Man- i- fest- ed by the star To the sa- ges from a- far;
w: And at Ca- na, wedd- ing guest, In Thy God- head man- i- fest;
w: Man- i- fest in val- iant fight, Quell- ing all the de- vil's might;
w: Christ will then like light- ning shine, All will see His glor- ious sign:
w: May we im- i- tate Thee now, And be pure, as pure art Thou;
[V: S1V2] E3/2 E/ | E E D D | D2 D E | D E D ^C | D2
[V: S2V1] G,3/2 G,/ | A, A, F, F, | G,2 G, G, | A, B, A,3/2 G,/ | F,2
[V: S2V2] E,3/2 E,/ A,, A,, D, D, | G,,2 G, E, | F, G, A, A,, | D,2
% 9
[V: S1V1] F3/2 F/ | A F G A | B2 B3/2 B/ | d B c d | e2
w: Branch of ro- yal Da- vid's stem In Thy birth at Beth- le- hem;
w: Man- i- fest in pow'r di- vine, Chang- ing wa- ter in- to wine;
w: Man- i- fest in grac- ious will, Ev- er bring- ing good from ill;
w: All will then the trum- pet hear; All will see the Judge ap- pear;
w: That we like to Thee may be At Thy great E- pi- pha- ny;
[V: S1V2] D3/2 D/ | D D D C | D2 D3/2 D/ | G G G =F | E2
[V: S2V1] A, A, | F, A, G,3/2 F,/ | G,2 G,3/2 G,/ | B, D C3/2 B,/ | C2
[V: S2V2] D,3/2 D,/ | D, C, B,, A,, | G,,2 G,,3/2 G,,/ | G, =F, E, D, | C,2
% 1
[V: S1V1] e3/2 e/ | c A d3/2 d/ | B2 !sintro!c e | d G B A | G2 !eintro!|]
w: An- thems be to Thee add- ressed, God in man made man- i- fest.
w: An- thems be to Thee add- ressed, God in man made man- i- fest.
w: An- thems be to Thee add- ressed, God in man made man- i- fest.
w: Thou by all wilt be con- fessed, God in man made man- i- fest.
w: And may praise Thee, ev- er blest, God in man made man- i- fest.
[V: S1V2] E ^G | A E D F | G2 G G | G G G F | G2 |]
[V: S2V1] B, E | E C A, D | D2 C C | D B, D3/2 C/ | B,2 |]
[V: S2V2] ^G, E, | A,3/2 A,/ F, D, | G,2 E, C, | B,, E, D, D, | G,,2 |]
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2010 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 0.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "EPIPHANY 78"
%%footer Mt 4:12-17, Is 9:2-7, Mal 4:1-6 8 6 8 6 6
%OHSCRIP Mt 4:12-17, Is 9:2-7, Mal 4:1-6
%OHTOPICS {Christmas/Advent}, {Courage in Affliction}, {Darkness, Spiritual [1]}, {God, As King [5,6]}, {God, Goodness of}, {God, Majesty & Power of}, {Jesus}, {Kindness, God's}, {Leadership}, {Light [1]}, {Peace [5]}, {Praise, Son}, {Presence}, {Salvation}, {Victory}, {Worship}
%OHMETRICAL 8 6 8 6 6
%OHCOMPOSER Hermann, Nikolaus (1500-1561)
%OHAUTHOR Morison, John (1746-1798)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 78
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: F
{ F ; F ; A, ; F, }
{ c c c c ; F G F F ; A, G, A, C ; F, E, F, A,, }
{ d c/B/ A A ; F E F F ; B, B, C C ; B,, G, F, F, }
{ B c ; F G ; D C ; D, E, }
{ F ; A, ; F, ; d d }
{ F G F F ; A, G, A, C ; F, E, F, A,, ; c3 c }
{ F E F F ; B, B, C C ; B,, G, F, F, ; c c c A }
{ F G ; D C ; D, E, ; c B/A/ G c }
{ A, ; F, ; d d ; A G }
{ A, G, A, C ; F, E, F, A,, ; c3 c ; E3 E }
{ B, B, C C ; B,, G, F, F, ; c c c A ; F G F C }
{ D C ; D, E, ; c B/A/ G c ; F D E E } | X: 78
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: F
X: 78
T: The People That in Darkness Sat
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: John Morison, 1781. Music: 'Lobt Gott, ihr Christen Allzugleich' Nikolaus Hermann, 1554.
C: Setting: "Kern des Deutschen Kirchengesangs", 1855, alt.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2010 Revision.
S: Music source: The Evangelical Lutheran Hymn Book, 1931 Hymn 157. Lyric source: Project Wittenberg
S: Arrangement slightly modified from "Kern des Deutschen Kirchengesangs", 1855 ed. Dr. Fridrich Layriz hymn 78
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: F % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=120] F | c c c c | d c/B/ A A | B c
w: 1.~The peo- ple that in dark- ness * sat A glo- rious
w: 2.~To hail Thee, Sun of Right- eous- * ness, The gath'r- ing
w: 3.~For Thou their bur- den dost re- * move And break the
w: 4.~To us a Child of hope is * born, To us a
w: 5.~His name shall be the Prince of * Peace, The Ev- er-
[V: S1V2] F | F G F F | F E F F | F G
[V: S2V1] A, | A, G, A, C | B, B, C C | D C
[V: S2V2] F, | F, E, F, A,, | B,, G, F, F, | D, E,
% 5
[V: S1V1] d d | c3 c | c c c A | c B/A/ G c |
w: light have seen; The light has shined on them who * long In
w: na- tions come; They joy as when the reap- ers * bear Their
w: tyr- ant's rod As in the day when Mid- ian * fell Be-
w: Son is giv'n, And on His shoul- der ev- er * rests All
w: last- ing Lord, The Won- der- ful, the Coun- se- * lor. The
[V: S1V2] A G | E3 E | F G F C | F D E E |
[V: S2V1] C =B, | C3 G, | A, C A, A, | F, F, C G, |
[V: S2V2] F, G, | C,3 C, | F, E, F, F,, | A,, B,, C, C, |
% 9
[V: S1V1] A F G G | F2 !sintro!A2 | c F G G | F3 !eintro!|]
w: shades of death have been. In shades of death have been.
w: har- vest trea- sures home. Their har- vest trea- sures home.
w: fore the sword of God. Be- fore the sword of God.
w: pow'r in earth and heav'n. All pow'r in earth and heav'n.
w: God by all a- dored. The God by all a- dored.
[V: S1V2] C F F E | F2 F2 | C D D E | C3 |]
[V: S2V1] A, C D C | A,2 C2 | G, A, B, G, | A,3 |]
[V: S2V2] F, A,, B,, C, | F,,2 F,2 | E, D, B,, C, | F,,3 |]
% 13
W: 6.His righteous government and power
W: Shall over all extend;
W: On judgment and on justice based,
W: His reign shall have no end.
W: 7.Lord Jesus, reign in us, we pray,
W: And make us Thine alone,
W: Who with the Father ever art
W: And Holy Spirit, one.
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.71000000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "79 EPIPHANY"
%%footer Mt 2:1-18, Eph 1:9, Jn 18:36-37, Jn 1:29 8 8 8 8
%OHSCRIP Mt 2:1-18, Eph 1:9, Jn 18:36-37, Jn 1:29
%OHTOPICS {Baptism [3]}, {Christmas/Advent}, {Darkness, Spiritual [1]}, {God, Creator [4]}, {Guidance [2]}, {Jesus}, {Light [2]}, {Magi [1,2]}, {Praise, Father [5]}, {Praise, Son [5]}, {Praise, Holy Spirit [5]}, {Presence}, {Shepard/Lamb [3]}, {Worship}
%OHCOMPOSER from Klug's Geistliche Lieder, Wittenberg, 1533
%OHAUTHOR Sedulius, Coelius (5th Century)
%OHTRANSLATOR Neale, John Mason (1818-1866)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 79
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: Eb
{ E2 B B ; B,2 E F ; G,2 G, F, ; E,2 E, D, }
{ G F G =A ; E D B, C ; B, B, G, E, ; E, B,, E, C, }
{ B3/2 B/ G B ; D3/2 E/ E F ; F,3/2 G,/ B, D ; B,,3/2 E,/ E, B,, }
{ A B G F ; F F E D ; C B, B, B, ; F, D, E, B,, }
{ E3/2 ; E3/2 ; G,3/2 ; E,3/2 }
{ B,2 E F ; G,2 G, F, ; E,2 E, D, ; B/ c c }
{ E D B, C ; B, B, G, E, ; E, B,, E, C, ; G B A A }
{ D3/2 E/ E F ; F,3/2 G,/ B, D ; B,,3/2 E,/ E, B,, ; G3/2 !sintro!_e/ d c }
{ F F E D ; C B, B, B, ; F, D, E, B,, ; B c A/G/ F }
{ E3/2 ; G,3/2 ; E,3/2 ; E4 !eintro! } | X: 79
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: Eb
X: 79
T: The Star Proclaims the King is Here
%%combinevoices 1
T: (also known as Herod Why Dreadest thou a Foe? or How Vain the Cruel Herod's Fear or
T: When Christ's Appearing Was Made Known or Why Herod Unrelenting Foe or
T: Why Impious Herod, Shouldst Thou Fear)
C: Words: Coelius Sedulius, c. 450. German version by M. Luther, 1543. English translation by John Mason Neale, 1852.
C: Music: 'Wo Gott Zum Haus' from Klug's Geistliche Lieder, Wittenberg, 1533.
C: Setting: "Kern des Deutschen Kirchengesangs", 1855, alt.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Revision.
S: Music source: Evangelical Lutheran Hymn-Book, 1931. Arrangement slightly modified from "Kern des Deutschen Kirchengesangs", 1855 ed. Dr. Fridrich Layriz hymn 130
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: Eb % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=100] E2 B B | G F G =A | B3/2 B/ G B | A B G F | E3/2
w: 1.~The star pro- claims the King is here; But, Her- od, why this sense- less fear?
w: 2.~The wi- ser Ma- gi see from far And fol- low on His guid- ing star;
w: 3.~With- in the Jor- dan's crys- tal flood In meek- ness stands the Lamb of God
w: 4.~At Ca- na first His pow'r is shown; His might the blush- ing wa- ters own
w: 5.~All glo- ry, Je- sus, be to Thee For this Thy glad e- pi- pha- ny;
[V: S1V2] B,2 E F | E D B, C | D3/2 E/ E F | F F E D | E3/2
[V: S2V1] G,2 G, F, | B, B, G, E, | F,3/2 G,/ B, D | C B, B, B, | G,3/2
[V: S2V2] E,2 E, D, | E, B,, E, C, | B,,3/2 E,/ E, B,, | F, D, E, B,, | E,3/2
% 5
[V: S1V1] B/ c c | G B A A | G3/2 !sintro!_e/ d c | B c A/G/ F | E4 !eintro!|]
w: He takes no realms of earth a- way Who gives the realms of heav'n- * ly day.
w: And led by light, to light they press And by their gifts their God * con- fess.
w: And, sin- less, sanc- ti- fies the wave, Man- kind from sin to cleanse * and save.
w: And, chang- ing as He speaks the word, Flow wine, o- be- dient to * their Lord.
w: Whom with the Fa- ther we a- dore And Ho- ly Ghost for- ev- * er- more.
[V: S1V2] E/ E E | E F F F | =E3/2 _E/ G E | E E C D | E4 |]
[V: S2V1] G,/ A, A, | B, D C C | C3/2 G,/ B, A, | G, G, A, B, | G,4 |]
[V: S2V2] E,/ A,, C, | E, B,, F, F,, | C,3/2 C,/ G,, A,, | E, C, F, B,, | E,4 |]
% 11
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2006 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.70000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "EPIPHANY 80"
%%footer Mt 3:13-17, Mk 1:7-11, Lk 3:15-22, Acts 2:38 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 7
%OHSCRIP Mt 3:13-17, Mk 1:7-11, Lk 3:15-22, Acts 2:38
%OHTOPICS {Adam (first/second - see also Guidance, Invitation [ours to God], Repentance) [7]}, {Baptism}, {Blood [7]}, {Eternal Life [5]}, {Faith [6,7]}, {Father [3]}, {Fire [6]}, {Following Jesus, Sanctification [3]}, {Heaven [5]}, {Holy Spirit [2,4]}, {Jesus [1,4,5,7]}, {Joy [5]}, {Presence [2-4,7]}, {Promises (see also Gospel) [5]}, {Salvation [5]}
%OHMETRICAL 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 7
%OHCOMPOSER Walther, Johann (1496-1570)
%OHAUTHOR Luther, Martin (1483-1546)
%OHTRANSLATOR Massie, Richard (1800-1887)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 80
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: C
{ D2 F G ; D2 D D ; F,2 A, B, ; D,2 D, B,, }
{ A G c B ; E E E E ; C B, A, ^G, ; A,, E, C,/D,/ E, }
{ A3 A ; C3 D ; A,3 F, ; A,,3 D, }
{ c B A G ; E G F E ; G, G, C C ; C, E, F, C, }
{ (F E) D2 ; (D3/2 ^C/) D2 ; A,2 F,2 ; (D, A,,) D,2 }
{ D2 ; D2 ; F,2 ; D,2 }
{ D2 D D ; F,2 A, B, ; D,2 D, B,, ; F G }
{ E E E E ; C B, A, ^G, ; A,, E, C,/D,/ E, ; A G c B }
{ C3 D ; A,3 F, ; A,,3 D, ; A3 A }
{ E G F E ; G, G, C C ; C, E, F, C, ; c B A G }
{ (D3/2 ^C/) D2 ; A,2 F,2 ; (D, A,,) D,2 ; (F E) D2 }
{ D2 ; F,2 ; D,2 ; z D G G }
{ F,2 A, B, ; D,2 D, B,, ; F G ; D D }
{ C B, A, ^G, ; A,, E, C,/D,/ E, ; A G c B ; E E E E }
{ A,3 F, ; A,,3 D, ; A3 A ; C3 D }
{ G, G, C C ; C, E, F, C, ; c B A G ; E G F E }
{ A,2 F,2 ; (D, A,,) D,2 ; (F E) D2 ; (D3/2 ^C/) D2 }
{ F,2 ; D,2 ; z D G G ; x D E D }
{ D,2 D, B,, ; F G ; D D ; A, B, }
{ A,, E, C,/D,/ E, ; A G c B ; E E E E ; C B, A, ^G, }
{ A,,3 D, ; A3 A ; C3 D ; A,3 F, }
{ C, E, F, C, ; c B A G ; E G F E ; G, G, C C }
{ (D, A,,) D,2 ; (F E) D2 ; (D3/2 ^C/) D2 ; A,2 F,2 }
{ D,2 ; z D G G ; x D E D ; z F, G, G, } | X: 80
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: C
X: 80
T: To Jordan Came Our Lord, The Christ
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Martin Luther, 1541. Translated by Richard Massie, 1854.
C: Music: 'Christ, Unser Herr' Johann Walter, 1524.
C: Setting: composite from "Kern des Deutschen Kirchengesangs", 1855 and "Mehrstimmiges ChoralBuch", 1906.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2006 Revision.
S: Music source: 'Evangelical Lutheran Hymn Book' Edition of 1931 Hymn 401.
S: Arrangement composite from "Kern des Deutschen Kirchengesangs", 1855 ed. Dr. Fridrich Layriz hymn 18 and "Mehrstimmiges ChoralBuch", 1906 Hymn #31, page 22 Ed. Karl Brauer.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
%%staffsep 0.62cm
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: C % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=120] D2 F G | A G c B | A3 A | c B A G | (F E) D2 | D2
w: 1.~To Jor- dan came our Lord the Christ, To do God's plea- sure will- * ing, And
w: 2.~So hear ye all, and well per- ceive What God doth call bap- ti- * sm, And
w: 3.~To show us this, He hath His Word With signs and sym- bols gi- * ven; On
w: 4.~In ten- der man- hood Je- sus straight To ho- ly Jor- dan wend- * eth; The
w: 5.~Thus Je- sus His dis- ci- ples sent: Go teach ye e- very na- * tion, That
[V: S1V2] D2 D D | E E E E | C3 D | E G F E | (D3/2 ^C/) D2 | D2
[V: S2V1] F,2 A, B, | C B, A, ^G, | A,3 F, | G, G, C C | A,2 F,2 | F,2
[V: S2V2] D,2 D, B,, | A,, E, C,/D,/ E, | A,,3 D, | C, E, F, C, | (D, A,,) D,2 | D,2
% 5
[V: S1V1] F G | A G c B | A3 A | c B A G | (F E) D2 | z D G G |
w: there was by Saint John bap- tized, All right- eous- ness ful- fill- * ing; There did He
w: what a Christ- ian should be- lieve Who er- ror shuns and schi- * sm: That we should
w: Jor- dan's banks was plain- ly heard The Fa- ther's voice from Hea- * ven: "This is My
w: Ho- ly Ghost from Hea- ven's gate In dove- like shape de- scen- * deth; That thus the
w: lost in sin they must re- pent; And flee from con- dem- na- * tion: He that be-
[V: S1V2] D D | E E E E | C3 D | E G F E | (D3/2 ^C/) D2 | x D E D |
[V: S2V1] A, B, | C B, A, ^G, | A,3 F, | G, G, C C | A,2 F,2 | z F, G, G, |
[V: S2V2] D, B,, | A,, E, C,/D,/ E, | A,,3 D, | C, E, F, C, | (D, A,,) D,2 | x D, C, B,, |
% 13
[V: S1V1] E A A G | A3 A | d d e3/2 c/ | (d/ c/ B) A2 | z A c B | A G A
w: con- se- crate a bath To wash a- way trans- gres- * * sion, And quench the bit- ter- ness
w: wa- ter use, the Lord De- clar- eth it His plea- * * sure; Not sim- ple wa- ter, but
w: well\- be- lo- ved Son, In whom My soul de- light- * * eth; Hear Him." Yea, hear Him e-
w: truth be not de- nied, Nor should our faith e'er wa- * * ver, That the Three Per- sons all
w: lieves and is bap- tized, Ob- tains a might- y bless- * * ing; A new- born man, no more
[V: S1V2] C E F E | C3 E | G A ^G3/2 A/ | (F/ A ^G/) A2 | x C E G | F E E
[V: S2V1] G, C D B, | A,3 C | B, A, B,3/2 A,/ | (A, E) C2 | z A, G, G, | C C C
[V: S2V2] C, A,, D, E, | A,,3 A, | G, F, E,3/2 F,/ | (D, E,) A,,2 | x F, C, E, | F, C, A,,
% 17
[V: S1V1] F | E3 D | F G A3/2 F/ | (G/F/ E) D2 | z !sintro!d d d | e d (c B) | A4 !eintro!|]
w: of death By His own blood and pas- * * sion; He would a new life give * us.
w: the Word And Spi- rit with- out mea- * * sure; He is the true Bap- ti- * zer.
w: very one Whom He Him- self in- vi- * * teth, Hear and o- bey His teach- * ing.
w: pre- side, At bap- tism's ho- ly la- * * ver, And dwell with the be- lie- * ver.
w: he dies, E- ter- nal life pos- ses- * * sing, A joy- ful heir of Hea- * ven.
[V: S1V2] D | ^C3 A, | D3/2 E/ F3/2 D/ | (D3/2 ^C/) D2 | x F D G | G F E2 | ^C4 |]
[V: S2V1] A, | A,3 F, | _B, B, C3/2 B,/ | (_B,/A,/ A,) F,2 | z A, A, B, | C A, (A, ^G,) | A,4 |]
[V: S2V2] D, | A,,3 D, | _B,, G,, F,,3/2 _B,,/ | (G,,/D,/ A,,) D,2 | x D, F, G, | C, D, (A,, E,) | A,,4 |]
% 25
%%multicol start
%%rightmargin 12cm
%%textfont Times-Roman 12.0
%%begintext obeylines justify
%% 6.\tWho in this mercy hath not faith, Nor aught therein discerneth,
%% \t\t\t\tIs yet in sin, condemned to death, And fire that ever burneth;
%% \t\t\t\tHis holiness avails him not, Nor aught which he is doing;
%% \t\t\t\tHis inborn sin brings all to naught, And maketh sure his ruin;
%% \t\t\t\tHimself he cannot succor.
%%multicol new
%%leftmargin 10.5cm
%%rightmargin 2cm
%%textfont Times-Roman 12.0
%%begintext obeylines justify
%% 7.\tThe eye of sense alone is dim, And nothing sees but water;
%% \t\t\t\tFaith sees Christ Jesus, and in Him The Lamb ordained for slaughter;
%% \t\t\t\tShe sees the cleansing fountain red With the dear blood of Jesus,
%% \t\t\t\tWhich from the sins inherited From fallen Adam frees us,
%% \t\t\t\tAnd from our own misdoings.
%%multicol end
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2013 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.600000cm
%%sysstaffsep 0.00000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "81 EPIPHANY"
%%footer Lk 2:41-51, Mal 3:1, Jn 2:17, 1Tim 3:16, 1Cor 2:9 6 6 8 6
%OHSCRIP Lk 2:41-51, Mal 3:1, Jn 2:17, 1Tim 3:16, 1Cor 2:9
%OHTOPICS {Cloud [6]}, {Consecration [5-7]}, {Day [6]}, {Eternal Life [6]}, {Holiness}, {Jesus}, {Presence}
%OHCOMPOSER König, Johann Balthasar (1691-1758)
%OHARRANGER Havergal, William Henry (1793-1870)
%OHAUTHOR Woodford, James Russell (1820-1885)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 81
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: Eb
{ E ; B, ; G, ; E, }
{ F G A B ; D E E D ; B, B, A, F, ; B,, E, C, B,, }
{ G3 B ; E3 E ; G,3 G, ; E,3 E, }
{ c e A G ; E E D E ; A, B, A, B, ; A, G, F, E, }
{ F3 ; D3 ; B,3 ; B,,3 }
{ B, ; G, ; E, ; B }
{ D E E D ; B, B, A, F, ; B,, E, C, B,, ; e d c B }
{ E3 E ; G,3 G, ; E,3 E, ; c c B !sintro!B }
{ E E D E ; A, B, A, B, ; A, G, F, E, ; E G F F }
{ D3 ; B,3 ; B,,3 ; E3 !eintro! } | X: 81
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: Eb
X: 81
T: Within the Father's House
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: James Russell Woodford, 1863.
C: Music: 'Franconia' Johann Balthasar König, 1738. Setting: William Henry Havergal, 1847.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2013 Revision.
S: Music source: "The Presbyterian Hymnal", 1874 hymn 118. Lyrics source same v.1-6.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: Eb % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=120] E | F G A B | G3 B | c e A G | F3
w: 1.~With- in the Fa- ther's house The Son hath found His home;
w: 2.~The doc- tors of the law Gaze on the won- drous child,
w: 3.~Yet not to them is giv'n The might- y truth to know,
w: 4.~The se- cret of the Lord Es- capes each hu- man eye,
w: 5.~Lord, vis-it Thou our souls, And teach us by Thy grace
[V: S1V2] B, | D E E D | E3 E | E E D E | D3
[V: S2V1] G, | B, B, A, F, | G,3 G, | A, B, A, B, | B,3
[V: S2V2] E, | B,, E, C, B,, | E,3 E, | A, G, F, E, | B,,3
% 2
[V: S1V1] B | e d c B | c c B !sintro!B | E G F F | E3 !eintro!|]
w: And to His tem- ple sud- den- ly The Lord of Life hath come.
w: And mar- vel at His gra- cious words Of wis- dom un- de- filed.
w: To lift the flesh- ly veil which hides In- car- nate God be- low.
w: And faith- ful pon- d'ring hearts a- wait The full e- pi- pha- ny.
w: Each dim re- veal- ing of Thy- self With lo- ving awe to trace;
[V: S1V2] F | E F G D | F F D D | E E E D | E3 |]
[V: S2V1] D | B, B, E B, | B, =A, B, B, | G, B, C B, | G,3 |]
[V: S2V2] B, | G, B, E, G, | F, F,, B,, B,, | C, G,, A,, B,, | E,3 |]
W: 6. Till from our darkened sight
W: The cloud shall pass away,
W: And on the cleansèd soul shall burst
W: The everlasting day.
W: 7. Till we behold Thy face,
W: And know, as we are known,
W: Thee, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
W: Co-equal Three in One.
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "LIFE 82"
%%footer Gen 2:7, Rom 8:9-10, Lk 10:25-37, Eph 4:17-24, 1Cor 10:24, \nMal 4:2, Jn 17:3, Jn 14:6, Lam 3:1, Rom 10:14-15, Acts 26:29 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7
%OHSCRIP Gen 2:7, Rom 8:9-10, Lk 10:25-37, Eph 4:17-24, 1Cor 10:24, \nMal 4:2, Jn 17:3, Jn 14:6, Lam 3:1, Rom 10:14-15, Acts 26:29
%OHTOPICS {Aspiration}, {Atonement [3]}, {Christian Life}, {Conscience [2]}, {Consecration}, {Contrition [1,2]}, {Darkness, Spiritual [1,2]}, {Eternal Life [3]}, {Father}, {Following Jesus, In Faith}, {Following Jesus, In Action}, {Following Jesus, Sanctification}, {God, Creator}, {God, Love of}, {God, Providence of [1,2]}, {Guidance}, {Healing [1]}, {Humility}, {Invitation (Faithful's to God)}, {Jesus}, {Judgment [1]}, {Love}, {Morality (see also Law)}, {Obedience}, {Pride (see also Humility) [1]}, {Repentance [1,2]}, {Sinners}, {Social Justice}, {Submission (see also Following Jesus, God - Providence of, Trust) [1,2]}, {Temperance & Moral Reform (see also Law) [1,2]}, {Trinity}
%OHMETRICAL 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7
%OHCOMPOSER White, Benjamin Franklin (1800-1879)
%OHARRANGER White, Benjamin Franklin (1800-1879)
%OHAUTHOR Dumont, Brian James (1971-)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 82
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: A
{ z2 A A ; x2 A, C ; z2 A, A, }
{ B2 A2 ; E2 E2 ; E,2 E,2 }
{ c c (B A) ; F F E2 ; F, F, E,2 }
{ F2 A A ; C2 A, C ; C,2 A, A, }
{ F2 E2 ; C2 E2 ; C,2 E,2 }
{ F A A2 ; F E E2 ; F, E, A,,2 }
{ x2 A, C ; z2 A, A, ; z2 A A }
{ E2 E2 ; E,2 E,2 ; B2 A2 }
{ F F E2 ; F, F, E,2 ; c c (B A) }
{ C2 A, C ; C,2 A, A, ; F2 A A }
{ C2 E2 ; C,2 E,2 ; F2 E2 }
{ F E E2 ; F, E, A,,2 ; F A A2 }
{ z2 A, A, ; z2 A A ; x2 A, C }
{ E,2 E,2 ; B2 A2 ; E2 E2 }
{ F, F, E,2 ; c c (B A) ; F F E2 }
{ C,2 A, A, ; F2 A A ; C2 A, C }
{ C,2 E,2 ; F2 E2 ; C2 E2 }
{ F, E, A,,2 ; F A A2 ; F E E2 }
{ z2 A A ; x2 A, C ; z2 A, A, }
{ B2 A2 ; E2 E2 ; E,2 E,2 }
{ c c (B A) ; F F E2 ; F, F, E,2 }
{ F2 A A ; C2 A, C ; C,2 A, A, }
{ F2 E2 ; C2 E2 ; C,2 E,2 }
{ F A A2 ; F E E2 ; F, E, A,,2 } | X: 82
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: A
X: 82
T: Author of All Life
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Brian J. Dumont, 12 Oct 2009.
C: Music: 'Beach Spring' Benjamin F. White, 1844. Setting: "The Sacred Harp", 1860, alt.
C: copyright: Words: Copyright 2009, Brian J. Dumont. These lyrics may be freely reproduced or published for
C: Christian worship, provided they are not altered, and this notice is on each copy. All other rights reserved.
C: Music and Setting: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Revision.
S: Music source: The Sacred Harp, 1860 Page 81.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | S2
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: A % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=160] z2 A A | B2 A2 | c c (B A) | F2 A A | F2 E2 | F A A2 |
w: 1.~Au- thor of all Life, our Fa- * ther, breathe in- to our hearts a- gain.
w: 2.~Hearts so hard, we hate each o- * ther, those in need we treat with scorn...
w: 3.~Christ now grants us life e- ter- * nal, to know You the one true God,
[V: S1V2] x2 A, C | E2 E2 | F F E2 | C2 A, C | C2 E2 | F E E2 |
[V: S2] z2 A, A, | E,2 E,2 | F, F, E,2 | C,2 A, A, | C,2 E,2 | F, E, A,,2 |
% 5
[V: S1V1] z2 A A | B2 A2 | c c (B A) | F2 A A | F2 E2 | F A A2 |
w: Stir our dead- ness, heal our weak- * ness, crush our e- vil thoughts so vain.
w: Old, un- wise, or not my col- * or, Pal- sied limbs, or not yet born.
w: He the Way to see the Fa- * ther, He the One who felt the rod.
[V: S1V2] x2 A, C | E2 E2 | F F E2 | C2 A, C | C2 E2 | F E E2 |
[V: S2] z2 A, A, | E,2 E,2 | F, F, E,2 | C,2 A, A, | C,2 E,2 | F, E, A,,2 |
% 13
[V: S1V1] z2 A c | e2 e2 | f e c2 | A2 A c | e2 A2 | c/B/ A F2 |
w: Life Cre- a- tor, life Re- deem- er, life Im- par- ter, Source * of Truth,
w: Life Cre- a- tor, life Re- deem- er, life Im- par- ter, Three * in One,
w: Life Cre- a- tor, life Re- deem- er, life Im- par- ter, Life * con- ferred!
[V: S1V2] x2 E C | A,2 A,2 | C C F2 | E2 A, C | C2 E2 | E E C2 |
[V: S2] z2 A, F, | E,2 E,2 | C, E, F,2 | A,2 A, A, | E,2 E,2 | B,, E, F,2 |
% 17
[V: S1V1] f e c2 | A2 c c | (B A) F2 | !sintro!A A F2 | E2 F A | A4 !eintro!|]
w: Teach us now to love each o- * ther, Teach us Lord to love like You.
w: Teach us Lord to see Your I- * mage, Teach us now to see the Son.
w: Let us sing of Your a- tone- * ment, Let all peo- ple hear Your Word!
[V: S1V2] C E F2 | E2 F E | (E C) C2 | A, D C2 | E2 F E | E4 |]
[V: S2] A, A, F,2 | E,2 F, F, | E,2 C,2 | A, A, C,2 | E,2 F, E, | A,,4 |]
% 26
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2011 Edition
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.600000cm
%%sysstaffsep 0.00000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%footer Mk 9:2-13, Mt 17:1-13, Lk 9:28-36 8 8 8 8
%OHSCRIP Mk 9:2-13, Mt 17:1-13, Lk 9:28-36
%OHTOPICS {Church in Heaven (Church Victorious/Church Triumphant)}, {Cloud [3]}, {Courage in Affliction}, {Eternal Life}, {Father [3,6]}, {God, Eternity of}, {Heaven}, {Holy Spirit [6]}, {Jesus}, {Light [1,4]}, {Miracles}, {Presence}, {Trinity}
%OHARRANGER Douglas, Charles Winfred (1867-1944)
%OHTRANSLATOR Neale, John Mason (1818-1866)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 83
M:3/4 % time signature
L:1/4 % default length
K: E
{ c }
{ c2 B }
{ c2 B }
{ B A2 }
{ G2 c }
{ (c B) G }
{ E }
{ E2 E }
{ E2 D }
{ E E2 }
{ E2 E }
{ E2 E }
{ G, }
{ G,2 G, }
{ A,2 G, }
{ G, C2 }
{ C2 C }
{ (A, B,) B, }
{ C, }
{ C,2 E, }
{ A,,2 G,, }
{ (G,, A,,3/2) B,,/ }
{ E,2 A,, }
{ (A, G,) E, }
{ (F G) F/C/ }
{ E D2 }
{ C2 G }
{ B2 B }
{ (c B) A }
{ C2 C }
{ C2 ^B, }
{ C2 E }
{ D E2 }
{ E2 F }
{ (A, G,) A, }
{ G,2 G,/F,/ }
{ E,2 C }
{ B,2 G, }
{ (A, B,) C }
{ (F, E,) A, }
{ (E,/F,/ G,) G,, }
{ C,2 C, }
{ G,2 E, }
{ (A, G,) F, }
{ G F2 }
{ E2 !sintro!E }
{ G2 G }
{ F2 E }
{ E D2 }
{ C2 !eintro! }
{ E2 D }
{ B,2 C }
{ B, C2 }
{ (C ^B,) C }
{ C2 ^B, }
{ C2 }
{ B,2 B, }
{ G,2 A, }
{ (B, G,) E, }
{ (A, G,) G, }
{ (A,/G,/ A,) G, }
{ E,2 }
{ (G,/A,/ B,) B,, }
{ E,2 E, }
{ E,2 C, D,2 E, (F,/G,/ F,) G, C,2 } | X: 83
M:3/4 % time signature
L:1/4 % default length
K: E
X: 83
T: O Wondrous Type, O Vision Fair
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: From the "Sarum Breviary", 1495. Translated by John Mason Neale, 1851.
C: Music: 'Deo Gracias' or 'Agincourt' traditional English, circa 1415. Setting: Charles Winfred Douglas, 1918, alt.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2011 Revision.
S: Music source: "A Hymnal" (Episcopal), 1918 Hymn 439, alt by BJD 21 Mar 2011. Translation found in Hymns Ancient & Modern, 1861.
M:3/4 % time signature
L:1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V:S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V:S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: E % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=140] c | c2 B | c2 B | B A2 | G2 c | (c B) G |
w: 1.~O won- drous type! O vi- sion fair Of glo- * ry
w: 2.~From age to age the tale de- clare, How with * the
w: 3.~The law and pro- phets there have place, Two cho- * sen
w: 4.~With shin- ing face and bright ar- ray, Christ deigns * to
w: 5.~And faith- ful hearts are raised on high by this * great
[V: S1V2] E | E2 E | E2 D | E E2 | E2 E | E2 E |
[V: S2V1] G, | G,2 G, | A,2 G, | G, C2 | C2 C | (A, B,) B, |
[V: S2V2] C, | C,2 E, | A,,2 G,, | (G,, A,,3/2) B,,/ | E,2 A,, | (A, G,) E, |
% 7
[V: S1V1] (F G) F/C/ | E D2 | C2 G | B2 B | (c B) A |
w: that * the * Church may share, Which Christ up- on * the
w: three * di- * sci- ples there, Where Mo- ses and * El-
w: wit- * ness- * es of grace; The Fa- ther's voice * from
w: man- * i- * fest to- day What glo- ry shall * be
w: vi- * sion's * mys- te- ry; For which in joy- * ful
[V: S1V2] C2 C | C2 ^B, | C2 E | D E2 | E2 F |
[V: S2V1] (A, G,) A, | G,2 G,/F,/ | E,2 C | B,2 G, | (A, B,) C |
[V: S2V2] (F, E,) A, | (E,/F,/ G,) G,, | C,2 C, | G,2 E, | (A, G,) F, |
% 12
[V: S1V1] G F2 | E2 !sintro!E | G2 G | F2 E | E D2 | C2 !eintro!|]
w: moun- tain shows, where bright- er than the sun He glows!
w: i- jah meet, The Lord holds con- verse high and sweet.
w: out the cloud pro- claims His on- ly Son a- loud.
w: theirs a- bove who joy in God with per- fect love.
w: strains we raise the voice of prayer, the hymn of praise.
[V: S1V2] E2 D | B,2 C | B, C2 | (C ^B,) C | C2 ^B, | C2 |]
[V: S2V1] B,2 B, | G,2 A, | (B, G,) E, | (A, G,) G, | (A,/G,/ A,) G, | E,2 |]
[V: S2V2] (G,/A,/ B,) B,, | E,2 E, | E,2 C, D,2 E, (F,/G,/ F,) G, C,2 |]
W: 6.O Father, with th'Eternal Son,
W: and Holy Spirit, ever One,
W: Vouchsafe to bring us by Thy grace
W: to see Thy glory face to face.
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2011 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.600000cm
%%sysstaffsep 0.00000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%footer Mk 9:2-13, Mt 17:1-13, Lk 9:28-36, Rev 1:16, 21:22-27 6 6 8 6
%OHSCRIP Mk 9:2-13, Mt 17:1-13, Lk 9:28-36, Rev 1:16, 21:22-27
%OHTOPICS {Brevity of Life}, {Church in Heaven (Church Victorious/Church Triumphant)}, {Eternal Life}, {Heaven}, {Jesus}, {Light}, {Miracles}, {Presence}, {Salvation}
%OHCOMPOSER Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750)
%OHARRANGER Goss, John (1800-1880)
%OHAUTHOR Robinson, Joseph Armitage (1858-1933)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 84
M: 2/4
L: 1/4
K: E
{ E ; B, ; G, ; E, }
{ F A ; B, E ; F, E,/F,/ ; D, C, }
{ G F ; E D ; G,/A,/ B,/A,/ ; B,, B,, }
{ !fermata!E B ; E F ; G, F, ; !invertedfermata!E, D, }
{ c e ; E G ; G, G,/^A,/ ; E, C, }
{ d c ; F F/E/ ; B, ^A, ; D,/E,/ F, }
{ !fermata!B ; D ; B, ; !invertedfermata!B,, }
{ B, ; G, ; E, ; !sintro!G }
{ B, E ; F, E,/F,/ ; D, C, ; A c }
{ E D ; G,/A,/ B,/A,/ ; B,, B,, ; B A }
{ E F ; G, F, ; !invertedfermata!E, D, ; G ^A }
{ E G ; G, G,/^A,/ ; E, C, ; B E }
{ F F/E/ ; B, ^A, ; D,/E,/ F, ; F A }
{ D ; B, ; !invertedfermata!B,, ; G F } | X: 84
M: 2/4
L: 1/4
K: E
X: 84
T: Tis Good, Lord, To Be Here
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Joseph Armitage Robinson, 1888.
C: Music: 'Potsdam' adapted from Johann Sebastian Bach, 1750, by John Goss, 1854. Setting: John Goss, 1854.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2011 Revision.
S: Music source: "The Church Psalter and Hymn Book", 1863 hymns 212-214 (rev. from 1854 edition). Mus. Dir and arrangements by John Goss.
S: Words match those in "Hymns Ancient And Modern", 1904, Hymn 251
M: 2/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: E % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=100] E | F A | G F | !fermata!E B | c e | d c | !fermata!B
w: 1.~'Tis good, Lord, to be here, Thy glo- ry fills the night;
w: 2.~'Tis good, Lord, to be here, Thy beau- ty to be- hold
w: 3.~Ful- fill- er of the past, Pro- mise of things to be,
w: 4.~Be- fore we taste of death, We see Thy King- dom come;
w: 5.~'Tis good, Lord, to be here. Yet we may not re- main;
[V: S1V2] B, | B, E | E D | E F | E G | F F/E/ | D
[V: S2V1] G, | F, E,/F,/ | G,/A,/ B,/A,/ | G, F, | G, G,/^A,/ | B, ^A, | B,
[V: S2V2] E, | D, C, | B,, B,, | !invertedfermata!E, D, | E, C, | D,/E,/ F, | !invertedfermata!B,,
% 7
[V: S1V1] !sintro!G | A c | B A | G ^A | B E | F A | G F | !fermata!E !eintro!|]
w: Thy face and gar- ments, like the sun, Shine with un- bor- rowed light.
w: Where Mo- ses and El- i- jah stand, Thy mess- en- gers of old.
w: We hail Thy bo- dy glor- i- fied And our re- demp- tion see.
w: We fain would hold the vi- sion bright And make this hill our home.
w: But since Thou bidst us leave the mount, Come with us to the plain.
[V: S1V2] E | E E | F D | E E | D E | C C/D/ | E D | E |]
[V: S2V1] B, | C A,/G,/ | F, B, | B,/C/ C | B, B, | A, A, | B, B,/A,/ | G, |]
[V: S2V2] E, | E, E, | D, B,, | E,/C,/ F, | B,, G,, | A,, F,, | G,,/A,,/ B,, | !invertedfermata!E, |]
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2008 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.730000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "85 LENT"
%%footer Is 53:1-12, Ex 12:5, Jn 1:29 8 7 8 7 8 8 7 8 8 7
%OHSCRIP Is 53:1-12, Ex 12:5, Jn 1:29
%OHTOPICS {Anticipation [10]}, {Aspiration [7-8]}, {Assurance}, {Atonement [1-4]}, {Blood [4,7,10]}, {Calmness [9-10]}, {Christian Life [5-8]}, {Comfort [9-10]}, {Commitment [5-8]}, {Compassion [1-3]}, {Cross [4,9]}, {Crown [10]}, {Darkness, Spiritual [5]}, {Discipleship [5-7]}, {Easter Week / Passion}, {Eternal Life [9-10]}, {Faithfulness [1-4]}, {Father [2-3]}, {Following Jesus, In Faith [5-8]}, {Following Jesus, Sanctification [5-8]}, {God, Goodness of}, {God, Love of}, {God, Mercy of}, {Gospel}, {Grace [1-4]}, {Gratitude}, {Heaven [10]}, {Jesus}, {Joy [8,10]}, {Light [5]}, {Love}, {Obedience [1-3]}, {Priest/Priestly Roles [1-4]}, {Reverence}, {Sacrifice}, {Salvation [2,10]}, {Shepard/Lamb}, {Throne (also see God - As King) [10]}
%OHMETRICAL 8 7 8 7 8 8 7 8 8 7
%OHCOMPOSER Dachstein, Wolfgang Egenolf (circa 1487-1553)
%OHAUTHOR Gerhardt, Paul (1607-1676)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 85
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: F
{ c2 d c ; F2 F E ; A,2 B, G, ; F,2 B,, C, }
{ A2 c2 ; F2 F2 ; F,2 C2 ; D,2 A,,2 }
{ B B A2 ; F E F2 ; D B, C2 ; B,, G,, F,,2 }
{ G2 A B ; E2 F F ; C2 C D ; C,2 F, D, }
{ c2 (B A) ; F2 F2 ; C2 (D C) ; A,,2 (B,, F,) }
{ G2 F2 ; (F E) F2 ; C2 A,2 ; C,2 F,,2 }
{ F2 F E ; A,2 B, G, ; F,2 B,, C, ; c2 d c }
{ F2 F2 ; F,2 C2 ; D,2 A,,2 ; A2 c2 }
{ F E F2 ; D B, C2 ; B,, G,, F,,2 ; B B A2 }
{ E2 F F ; C2 C D ; C,2 F, D, ; G2 A B }
{ F2 F2 ; C2 (D C) ; A,,2 (B,, F,) ; c2 (B A) }
{ (F E) F2 ; C2 A,2 ; C,2 F,,2 ; G2 F2 }
{ A,2 B, G, ; F,2 B,, C, ; c2 d c ; F2 F E }
{ F,2 C2 ; D,2 A,,2 ; A2 c2 ; F2 F2 }
{ D B, C2 ; B,, G,, F,,2 ; B B A2 ; F E F2 }
{ C2 C D ; C,2 F, D, ; G2 A B ; E2 F F }
{ C2 (D C) ; A,,2 (B,, F,) ; c2 (B A) ; F2 F2 }
{ C2 A,2 ; C,2 F,,2 ; G2 F2 ; (F E) F2 }
{ F,2 B,, C, ; c2 d c ; F2 F E ; A,2 B, G, }
{ D,2 A,,2 ; A2 c2 ; F2 F2 ; F,2 C2 }
{ B,, G,, F,,2 ; B B A2 ; F E F2 ; D B, C2 }
{ C,2 F, D, ; G2 A B ; E2 F F ; C2 C D }
{ A,,2 (B,, F,) ; c2 (B A) ; F2 F2 ; C2 (D C) }
{ C,2 F,,2 ; G2 F2 ; (F E) F2 ; C2 A,2 }
{ c2 d c ; F2 F E ; A,2 B, G, ; F,2 B,, C, }
{ A2 c2 ; F2 F2 ; F,2 C2 ; D,2 A,,2 }
{ B B A2 ; F E F2 ; D B, C2 ; B,, G,, F,,2 }
{ G2 A B ; E2 F F ; C2 C D ; C,2 F, D, }
{ c2 (B A) ; F2 F2 ; C2 (D C) ; A,,2 (B,, F,) }
{ G2 F2 ; (F E) F2 ; C2 A,2 ; C,2 F,,2 }
{ F2 F E ; A,2 B, G, ; F,2 B,, C, ; F2 G A }
{ F2 F2 ; F,2 C2 ; D,2 A,,2 ; B2 G2 }
{ F E F2 ; D B, C2 ; B,, G,, F,,2 ; A G F2 }
{ E2 F F ; C2 C D ; C,2 F, D, ; F2 A B }
{ F2 F2 ; C2 (D C) ; A,,2 (B,, F,) ; c2 d2 } | X: 85
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: F
X: 85
T: A Lamb Goes Uncomplaining Forth
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Paul Gerhardt, 1648. Translation composite.
C: Music: 'An Wasserflüssen Babylon' Wolfgang Dachstein, 1525. Setting: "Evangelical Lutheran Hymn-Book", 1931.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2008 Revision.
S: Music source: Evangelical Lutheran Hymnal, 1931 Hymn 191.
S: Translation is public domain per Project Wittenberg:
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: F % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=120] c2 d c | A2 c2 | B B A2 | G2 A B | c2 (B A) | G2 F2 |
w: 1.~A Lamb goes un- com- plain- ing forth, The guilt of all men * bear- ing;
w: 2.~This Lamb is Christ, the soul's great Friend, The Lamb of God, our * Sa- vior;
w: 3.~"Yea, Fa- ther, yea, most will- ing- ly I'll bear what Thou com- * man- dest;
w: 4.~Thou lay'st Him, Love, u- pon the cross, With nails and spear Him * bruis- ing;
w: 5.~Lord, all my life I'll cleave to Thee, Thy love for- e'er be- * hold- ing,
[V: S1V2] F2 F E | F2 F2 | F E F2 | E2 F F | F2 F2 | (F E) F2 |
[V: S2V1] A,2 B, G, | F,2 C2 | D B, C2 | C2 C D | C2 (D C) | C2 A,2 |
[V: S2V2] F,2 B,, C, | D,2 A,,2 | B,, G,, F,,2 | C,2 F, D, | A,,2 (B,, F,) | C,2 F,,2 |
% 5
[V: S1V1] c2 d c | A2 c2 | B B A2 | G2 A B | c2 (B A) | G2 F2 |
w: And la- den with the sins of earth, None else the bur- den * shar- ing!
w: Him God the Fa- ther chose to send To gain for us His * fa- vor.
w: My will con- forms to Thy de- cree, I do what Thou de- * man- dest."
w: Thou slay'st Him as a lamb, His loss from soul and bod- y * ooz- ing;
w: Thee ev- er, as Thou ev- er me, With lo- ving arms en- * fold- ing.
[V: S1V2] F2 F E | F2 F2 | F E F2 | E2 F F | F2 F2 | (F E) F2 |
[V: S2V1] A,2 B, G, | F,2 C2 | D B, C2 | C2 C D | C2 (D C) | C2 A,2 |
[V: S2V2] F,2 B,, C, | D,2 A,,2 | B,, G,, F,,2 | C,2 F, D, | A,,2 (B,, F,) | C,2 F,,2 |
% 13
[V: S1V1] F2 G A | B2 G2 | A G F2 | F2 A B | c2 d2 |
w: Goes pa- tient on, grow weak and faint, To slaugh- ter led with-
w: "Go forth, My Son," the Fa- ther saith, "And free men from the
w: O won- drous Love, what hast Thou done! The Fa- ther o- ffers
w: From bo- dy 'tis the crim- son flood Of pre- cious sac- ri-
w: Yea, Thou shalt be my Bea- con- light, To guide me safe through
[V: S1V2] C2 E F | F2 E2 | F E C2 | D2 F F | E2 F2 |
[V: S2V1] A,2 C C | D2 C2 | C C A,2 | B,2 C F, | G,2 B,2 |
[V: S2V2] F,2 C, F, | B,,2 C,2 | F, C, F,,2 | B,,2 F, D, | C,2 B,,2 |
% 17
[V: S1V1] A =B c2 | z2 A2 | c d c A | B2 A2 | d2 d d |
w: out com- plaint, That spot- less life to o- ffer; Bears shame and
w: fear of death, From guilt and con- dem- na- tion. The wrath and
w: up His Son! The Son, con- tent, de- scend- eth! O Love, how
w: fi- cial blood From soul, the strength of an- guish: My gain it
w: death's dark night. And cheer my heart in sor- row; Hence- forth my-
[V: S1V2] F F E2 | x2 F2 | F F E D | D2 D2 | F2 F F |
[V: S2V1] A, F, G,2 | z2 F,2 | F, B, G, F, | G,2 ^F,2 | F,2 B, B, |
[V: S2V2] D, D, C,2 | x2 D,2 | A,, B,, C, D, | G,,2 D,2 | B,,2 D, B,, |
% 25
%%header "LENT 85(2)"
[V: S1V1] G2 c2 | B2 A2 | G4 | B2 A G | F2 G2 |
w: stripes, and wounds and death, An- guish and mock- er-
w: stripes are hard to bear, But by Thy Pa- ssion
w: strong Thou art to save! Thou bed- dest Him with-
w: is; sweet Lamb to Thee What can I give, whose
w: self and all that's mine To Thee, my Sa- vior,
[V: S1V2] _E2 G2 | G2 (G ^F) | D4 | D2 F E | D2 D2 |
[V: S2V1] B,2 _E2 | D2 D2 | B,4 | G,2 C C | A,2 B,2 |
[V: S2V2] _E,2 C,2 | G,,2 D,2 | G,,4 | G,,2 A,, C, | D,2 G,,2 |
% 29
[V: S1V1] (E F) D2 | C2 !sintro!C2 | F G A B | (c3/2 B/ A B | G2) F2 !eintro!|]
w: y, * and saith, "Will- ing all this I suf- * * * * fer."
w: men * shall share The fruit of Thy sal- va- * * * * tion."
w: in * the grave Whose word the moun- tains ren- * * * * deth.
w: love * to me For me doth make Thee lan- * * * * guish?
w: I * con- sign, From whom all things I bor- * * * * row.
[V: S1V2] C3 =B, | C2 C2 | D E F F | (E2 F2- | F E) F2 |]
[V: S2V1] A,2 G,2 | E,2 A,2 | A, C C D | (G, C2 D | C2) A,2 |]
[V: S2V2] (A,, F,,) G,,2 | C,2 F,2 | D, C, F, D, | (C,2 F, B,, | C,2) F,,2 |]
% 34
W: 6.From morn till eve my theme shall be
W: Thy mercy's wondrous measure;
W: To sacrifice myself for Thee
W: Shall be my aim and pleasure.
W: My stream of life shall ever be
W: A current flowing ceaselessly,
W: Thy constant praise outpouring.
W: I'll treasure in my memory,
W: O Lord, all Thou hast done for me,
W: Thy gracious love adoring.
W: 7.Enlarge, my heart's own shrine, and swell,
W: To thee shall now be given
W: A treasure that doth far excel
W: The worth of earth and heaven.
W: Away with the Arabian gold,
W: With treasures of an earthly mold!
W: I've found a better jewel.
W: My priceless treasure, Lord my God,
W: Is Thy most holy, precious blood,
W: Which flowed from wounds so cruel.
W: 8.This treasure ever I'll employ,
W: This every aid shall yield me;
W: In sorrow it shall be my joy,
W: In conflict it shall shield me;
W: In joy, the music of my feast,
W: And when all else has lost its zest,
W: This manna still shall feed me;
W: In thirst my drink; in want my food;
W: My company in solitude,
W: To comfort and to lead me.
W: 9.Of death I am no more afraid,
W: New life from Thee is flowing;
W: Thy cross affords me cooling shade
W: When noonday's sun is glowing.
W: When by my grief I am oppressed,
W: On Thee my weary soul shall rest
W: Serenely as on pillows.
W: Thou art my Anchor when by woe
W: My bark is driven to and fro
W: On trouble's surging billows.
W: 10.And when Thy glory I shall see
W: And taste Thy kingdom's pleasure,
W: Thy blood my royal robe shall be,
W: My joy beyond all measure.
W: When I appear before Thy throne,
W: Thy righteousness shall be my crown-
W: With these I need not hide me.
W: And there, in garments richly wrought
W: As Thine own bride, I shall be brought
W: To stand in joy beside Thee.
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2008 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.710000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "86 LENT"
%%footer 1Pt 2:24, Is 53:4-5, 1Cor 10:13, 2Cor 1:3-7, Mk 1:34 8 7 8 7 7 7 8 8
%OHSCRIP 1Pt 2:24, Is 53:4-5, 1Cor 10:13, 2Cor 1:3-7, Mk 1:34
%OHTOPICS {Atonement [4]}, {Blood [2]}, {Consolation [6]}, {Contrition}, {Cross [4]}, {Easter Week / Passion}, {Gratitude}, {Humility}, {Jesus}, {Light [5]}, {Repentance}, {Sacrifice}, {Salvation}, {Sinners}, {Temptation [1-3]}, {Trust [5]}
%OHMETRICAL 8 7 8 7 7 7 8 8
%OHCOMPOSER König, Johann Balthasar (1691-1758)
%OHAUTHOR Heermann, Johann (1585-1647)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 86
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: C
{ A E A B ; E E F F ; C B, C D ; A, G, F, D, }
{ c B/A/ ^G E ; G F E E ; E D/C/ B, ^G, ; C, D, E, E, }
{ B c d c ; E E A A ; ^G, A, A, E ; E, A, F, E, }
{ B B A2 ; A ^G A2 ; F E C2 ; D, E, A,,2 }
{ E E F F ; C B, C D ; A, G, F, D, ; A E A B }
{ G F E E ; E D/C/ B, ^G, ; C, D, E, E, ; c B/A/ ^G E }
{ E E A A ; ^G, A, A, E ; E, A, F, E, ; B c d c }
{ A ^G A2 ; F E C2 ; D, E, A,,2 ; B B A2 }
{ C B, C D ; A, G, F, D, ; A E A B ; E E F F }
{ E D/C/ B, ^G, ; C, D, E, E, ; c B/A/ ^G E ; G F E E }
{ ^G, A, A, E ; E, A, F, E, ; B c d c ; E E A A }
{ F E C2 ; D, E, A,,2 ; B B A2 ; A ^G A2 }
{ A, G, F, D, ; A E A B ; E E F F ; C B, C D }
{ C, D, E, E, ; c B/A/ ^G E ; G F E E ; E D/C/ B, ^G, }
{ E, A, F, E, ; B c d c ; E E A A ; ^G, A, A, E }
{ D, E, A,,2 ; B B A2 ; A ^G A2 ; F E C2 } | X: 86
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: C
X: 86
T: Jesus Grant That Balm and Healing
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Johann Heermann, 1644. Translation composite.
C: Music: 'Der Am Kreuz' Johann Balthasar König, 1738. Setting: "Evangelical Lutheran Hymn-Book", 1931.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2008 Revision.
S: Music source: Evangelical Lutheran Hymn Book (LCMS), Edition of 1931 Hymn 194.
S: This translation (from TLH 1941 Hymn 144) is half-way between that in the ELHB 1931 hymn 194, and LSB 2006 Hymn 421 (marked there as public domain)
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: C % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=100] A E A B | c B/A/ ^G E | B c d c | B B A2 |
w: 1.~Je- sus, grant that balm and * heal- ing In Thy ho- ly wounds I find,
w: 2.~Should some lust or sharp temp- * ta- tion Prove too strong for flesh and blood,
w: 3.~If the world my heart en- * ti- ces On the broad and ea- sy road
w: 4.~Ev- ery wound that pains or * grieves me, By Thy stripes, Lord, is made whole;
w: 5.~O my God, my Rock and * To- wer, Grant that in Thy death I trust,
[V: S1V2] E E F F | G F E E | E E A A | A ^G A2 |
[V: S2V1] C B, C D | E D/C/ B, ^G, | ^G, A, A, E | F E C2 |
[V: S2V2] A, G, F, D, | C, D, E, E, | E, A, F, E, | D, E, A,,2 |
% 5
[V: S1V1] A E A B | c B/A/ ^G E | B c d c | B B A2 |
w: E- very hour that I am * feel- ing, Pains of bo- dy and of mind.
w: Let me think up- on Thy * Pas- sion, And the breach is soon made good.
w: With its mirth and lur- ing * vic- es, Let me think up- on the load
w: When I'm faint, Thy cross re- * vives me, Grant- ing new life to my soul.
w: Know- ing death has lost his * po- wer Since Thou trodd'st him in the dust.
[V: S1V2] E E F F | G F E E | E E A A | A ^G A2 |
[V: S2V1] C B, C D | E D/C/ B, ^G, | ^G, A, A, E | F E C2 |
[V: S2V2] A, G, F, D, | C, D, E, E, | E, A, F, E, | D, E, A,,2 |
% 9
[V: S1V1] G G G E | F G A2 | G G F E | D D C2 |
w: Should some e- vil thought with- in Tempt my treach- erous heart to sin,
w: Or should Sa- tan press me hard, Let me then be on my guard,
w: Thou didst car- ry and en- dure That I flee all thoughts im- pure,
w: Yea, Thy com- fort ren- ders sweet Ev- ery bit- ter cup I meet;
w: Sa- vior, let Thine a- gon- y Ev- er help and com- fort me;
[V: S1V2] E D E C | C/D/ E F2 | E D C C | C B, C2 |
[V: S2V1] C D C G, | A, _B, C2 | C G, A, G, | G,3/2 F,/ E,2 |
[V: S2V2] C, B,, C, C, | A,, G,, F,,2 | C, B,, A,, C, | G,, G,, C,2 |
% 13
[V: S1V1] !sintro!c c B B | A B ^G E | B c d c | B c B2 | A4 !eintro!|]
w: Show the per- il, and from sin- ning Keep me ere its first be- gin- ning.
w: Say- ing, "Christ for me was wound- ed," That the temp- ter flee con- found- ed.
w: Ba- nish- ing each wild e- mo- tion, Calm and blest in my de- vo- tion.
w: For Thy all a- ton- ing Pas- sion Has pro- cured my soul's sal- va- tion.
w: When I die, be my Pro- tec- tion, Light and Life and Re- sur- rec- tion.
[V: S1V2] G A A G | F F E E | E E F E | E E E2 | C4 |]
[V: S2V1] E E F E/D/ | C D B, ^G, | ^G, A, A, A, | ^G, A,2 ^G, | A,4 |]
[V: S2V2] C A, D, E, | F, D, E, E, | E, A, D, A,, | E, C,/A,,/ E,2 | A,,4 |]
% 19
W: 6.Jesus, grant that balm and healing In Thy holy wounds I find,
W: Every hour that I am feeling, Pains of body and of mind.
W: And when I this world must leave, Grant that, Lord, to Thee I cleave,
W: In Thy wounds find consolation And obtain my soul's salvation
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2008 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "LENT 87"
%%footer Mt 4:1-2, Lk 4:1-13, Lv 9:23 8 6 8 6
%OHSCRIP Mt 4:1-2, Lk 4:1-13, Lv 9:23
%OHTOPICS {Christian Life}, {Commitment}, {Consecration}, {Discipleship}, {Easter Week / Passion}, {Eternal Life [5]}, {Example, Christ's}, {Fasting [1,3]}, {Following Jesus, In Faith}, {Following Jesus, In Action}, {Following Jesus, Sanctification}, {Guidance}, {Invitation (Faithful's to God)}, {Jesus}, {Presence [4,5]}, {Submission (see also Following Jesus, God - Providence of, Trust) [3]}, {Victory [2]}
%OHCOMPOSER from Day's Psalter, 1563
%OHAUTHOR Hernaman, Claudia Frances Ibotson (1838-1898)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 87
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: F
{ F ; C ; A, ; F, }
{ F E F A ; C C C F ; G, G, A, A, ; C, C, F, D, }
{ G G F F ; F E F F ; D C A, A, ; B,, C, F, F, }
{ B A F G ; F F F D ; B, C D D ; D, F, B, B, }
{ A3 ; E3 ; ^C3 ; A,3 }
{ C ; A, ; F, ; A }
{ C C C F ; G, G, A, A, ; C, C, F, D, ; A B c A }
{ F E F F ; D C A, A, ; B,, C, F, F, ; F G A !sintro!A }
{ F F F D ; B, C D D ; D, F, B, B, ; G F F E }
{ E3 ; ^C3 ; A,3 ; F3 !eintro! } | X: 87
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: F
X: 87
T: Lord Who Throughout These Forty Days
%%combinevoices 1
T: (also known as O Lord, Throughout These Forty Days)
C: Words: Claudia F. Hernaman, 1873. Music: 'St. Flavian' Day's Psalter, 1563.
C: Setting: "The Church Hymnal, Revised and Enlarged" (Episcopal), 1905.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2008 Revision.
S: Music source: Episcopal Hymnal, 1905 Hymn 78.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: F % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=100] F | F E F A | G G F F | B A F G | A3
w: 1.~Lord, who through- out these for- ty days For us didst fast and pray,
w: 2.~As Thou with Sa- tan didst con- tend, And didst the vic- t'ry win,
w: 3.~As Thou didst hun- ger bear, and thirst, So teach us, gra- cious Lord,
w: 4.~And through these days of pen- i- tence, And through Thy pa- ssion- tide,
w: 5.~A- bide with us, that so, this life Of suf- f'ring o- ver past,
[V: S1V2] C | C C C F | F E F F | F F F D | E3
[V: S2V1] A, | G, G, A, A, | D C A, A, | B, C D D | ^C3
[V: S2V2] F, | C, C, F, D, | B,, C, F, F, | D, F, B, B, | A,3
% 5
[V: S1V1] A | A B c A | F G A !sintro!A | G F F E | F3 !eintro!|]
w: Teach us with Thee to mourn our sins And close by Thee to stay.
w: O give us strength in Thee to fight, In Thee to con- quer sin.
w: To die to self, and chief- ly live By Thy most ho- ly Word.
w: Yea, ev- er- more in life and death, Je- sus, with us a- bide.
w: An Eas- ter of un- end- ing joy We may at- tain at last.
[V: S1V2] F | F F E E | D E F F | E D D C | C3 |]
[V: S2V1] =C | C B, G, A, | A, C C C | C A, G, G, | A,3 |]
[V: S2V2] F, | F, D, C, C, | D, C, F, F, | C, D, B,, C, | F,3 |]
% 11
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2008 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "88 LENT"
%%footer Ps 39:12, Ez 18:30-32, Lk 18:13, Ps 86:3, Job 42:6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
%OHSCRIP Ps 39:12, Ez 18:30-32, Lk 18:13, Ps 86:3, Job 42:6
%OHTOPICS {Atonement}, {Conscience}, {Contrition}, {Cross}, {Easter Week / Passion}, {God, As King [1]}, {Humility}, {Jesus}, {Repentance}, {Reverence}, {Sacrifice [4]}
%OHMETRICAL 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
%OHCOMPOSER Parry, Joseph (1841-1903)
%OHAUTHOR Grant, Robert (1778-1838)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 88
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: F
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: Eb
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: F
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: G
{ D D/E/ F/G/ A ; A, D/^C/ D/E/ F ; F, A, A, A, ; D, F,,/A,,/ D, F,,/G,,/ ; D D/E/ F/G/ A ; A, A,/^C/ D/E/ F ; F,/G,/ A, A, A, ; D,/E,/ F,/E,/ D, F,,/G,,/ ; D C D E ; B, A, B, B, ; F, F, F, G, ; B,, F,, B,,/A,,/ G,, ; d d c A ; D F/E/ F C ; F, B, C F, ; B,, B, A, F, ; E2 G A ; E2 E D }
{ F E D2 ; D ^C A,2 ; A, A,/G,/ F,2 ; A,, A,, D,2 ; F E D2 ; D ^C A,2 ; A, E,/G,/ F,2 ; A,, A,, D,2 ; F A/G/ F2 ; C E C2 ; A, C/B,/ A,2 ; F,, C, F,,2 ; F G A2 ; D D E2 ; A, D ^C2 ; D, B,, A,,2 ; B2 (c d) ; E2 (E F) }
{ F E D ^C ; D ^C D A, ; A, A, A, A, ; D, E, F, G, ; E F/G/ A G ; ^C D/E/ F E ; A, A,/=C/ C B, ; A,, D,/=C,/ F, G, ; F E F G ; D ^C D E/=C/ ; A, A, A, C ; D, A,, D, C,/E,/ ; !sintro!D D/E/ F/G/ A ; D D/^C/ D/E/ F ; A,/B,/ A,/G,/ A, A, ; F,/G,/ F,/E,/ D, F,,/G,,/ ; e2 (d c) ; G2 (F E) }
{ D/E/ F E2 ; A, D ^C2 ; A, A, A,2 ; F,/E,/ D, A,,2 ; F E D2 ; D ^C A,2 ; A, A,/G,/ F,2 ; A, A,, D,2 ; A c/=B/ A2 ; C E/D/ C2 ; F,/ (A, ^G,/) A,2 ; F, E, A,,2 ; F E D2 !eintro! ; D ^C A,2 ; A, E,//F,//G,/ F,2 ; A,, A,, D,2 ; B4 ; D4 }
{ A, D/^C/ D/E/ F ; F, A, A, A, ; D, F,,/A,,/ D, F,,/G,,/ ; D D/E/ F/G/ A ; A, A,/^C/ D/E/ F ; F,/G,/ A, A, A, ; D,/E,/ F,/E,/ D, F,,/G,,/ ; D C D E ; B, A, B, B, ; F, F, F, G, ; B,, F,, B,,/A,,/ G,, ; d d c A ; D F/E/ F C ; F, B, C F, ; B,, B, A, F, ; E2 G A ; E2 E D ; G,2 B, B, }
{ D ^C A,2 ; A, A,/G,/ F,2 ; A,, A,, D,2 ; F E D2 ; D ^C A,2 ; A, E,/G,/ F,2 ; A,, A,, D,2 ; F A/G/ F2 ; C E C2 ; A, C/B,/ A,2 ; F,, C, F,,2 ; F G A2 ; D D E2 ; A, D ^C2 ; D, B,, A,,2 ; B2 (c d) ; E2 (E F) ; B,2 A,2 }
{ D ^C D A, ; A, A, A, A, ; D, E, F, G, ; E F/G/ A G ; ^C D/E/ F E ; A, A,/=C/ C B, ; A,, D,/=C,/ F, G, ; F E F G ; D ^C D E/=C/ ; A, A, A, C ; D, A,, D, C,/E,/ ; !sintro!D D/E/ F/G/ A ; D D/^C/ D/E/ F ; A,/B,/ A,/G,/ A, A, ; F,/G,/ F,/E,/ D, F,,/G,,/ ; e2 (d c) ; G2 (F E) ; (G, B,) (B, =A,) }
{ A, D ^C2 ; A, A, A,2 ; F,/E,/ D, A,,2 ; F E D2 ; D ^C A,2 ; A, A,/G,/ F,2 ; A, A,, D,2 ; A c/=B/ A2 ; C E/D/ C2 ; F,/ (A, ^G,/) A,2 ; F, E, A,,2 ; F E D2 !eintro! ; D ^C A,2 ; A, E,//F,//G,/ F,2 ; A,, A,, D,2 ; B4 ; D4 ; B,4 }
{ F, A, A, A, ; D, F,,/A,,/ D, F,,/G,,/ ; D D/E/ F/G/ A ; A, A,/^C/ D/E/ F ; F,/G,/ A, A, A, ; D,/E,/ F,/E,/ D, F,,/G,,/ ; D C D E ; B, A, B, B, ; F, F, F, G, ; B,, F,, B,,/A,,/ G,, ; d d c A ; D F/E/ F C ; F, B, C F, ; B,, B, A, F, ; E2 G A ; E2 E D ; G,2 B, B, ; E,2 E, F, }
{ A, A,/G,/ F,2 ; A,, A,, D,2 ; F E D2 ; D ^C A,2 ; A, E,/G,/ F,2 ; A,, A,, D,2 ; F A/G/ F2 ; C E C2 ; A, C/B,/ A,2 ; F,, C, F,,2 ; F G A2 ; D D E2 ; A, D ^C2 ; D, B,, A,,2 ; B2 (c d) ; E2 (E F) ; B,2 A,2 ; G,2 (A, F,) }
{ A, A, A, A, ; D, E, F, G, ; E F/G/ A G ; ^C D/E/ F E ; A, A,/=C/ C B, ; A,, D,/=C,/ F, G, ; F E F G ; D ^C D E/=C/ ; A, A, A, C ; D, A,, D, C,/E,/ ; !sintro!D D/E/ F/G/ A ; D D/^C/ D/E/ F ; A,/B,/ A,/G,/ A, A, ; F,/G,/ F,/E,/ D, F,,/G,,/ ; e2 (d c) ; G2 (F E) ; (G, B,) (B, =A,) ; E,2 F,2 }
{ A, A, A,2 ; F,/E,/ D, A,,2 ; F E D2 ; D ^C A,2 ; A, A,/G,/ F,2 ; A, A,, D,2 ; A c/=B/ A2 ; C E/D/ C2 ; F,/ (A, ^G,/) A,2 ; F, E, A,,2 ; F E D2 !eintro! ; D ^C A,2 ; A, E,//F,//G,/ F,2 ; A,, A,, D,2 ; B4 ; D4 ; B,4 ; B,,4 } | X: 88
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: F
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: Eb
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: F
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: G
X: 88
T: Savior When In Dust To Thee
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Robert Grant, 1815, alt.
C: Music: 'Aberystwyth (Parry)' Joseph Parry, 1879. Setting: "The English Hymnal", 1906.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2008 Revision.
S: Music source: "The English Hymnal", 1906 Hymn 87
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: F % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=100] D D/E/ F/G/ A | F E D2 | F E D ^C | D/E/ F E2 |
w: 1.~Sa- vior, * when * in dust to Thee Low we bow th'a- dor- * ing knee,
w: 2.~By Thy * help- * less in- fant years, By Thy life of want * and tears,
w: 3.~By the * sac- * red griefs that wept O'er the grave where La- * z'rus slept,
w: 4.~By Thine * hour * of dire de- spair, By Thine a- go- ny * of prayer,
w: 5.~By Thy * deep * ex- pir- ing groan, By the sad sep- ul- * chral stone,
[V: S1V2] A, D/^C/ D/E/ F | D ^C A,2 | D ^C D A, | A, D ^C2 |
[V: S2V1] F, A, A, A, | A, A,/G,/ F,2 | A, A, A, A, | A, A, A,2 |
[V: S2V2] D, F,,/A,,/ D, F,,/G,,/ | A,, A,, D,2 | D, E, F, G, | F,/E,/ D, A,,2 |
% 6
[V: S1V1] D D/E/ F/G/ A | F E D2 | E F/G/ A G | F E D2 |
w: When, re- * pent- * ant, to the skies Scarce we * lift our weep- ing eyes,
w: By Thy * days * of sore dis- tress In the * sa- vage wild- er- ness,
w: By the * bod- * ing tears that flowed O- ver * Sa- lem's loved a- bode,
w: By the * cross, * the nail, the thorn, Pier- cing * spear, and tor- turing scorn,
w: By the * vault * whose dark a- bode Held in * vain the ri- sing God,
[V: S1V2] A, A,/^C/ D/E/ F | D ^C A,2 | ^C D/E/ F E | D ^C A,2 |
[V: S2V1] F,/G,/ A, A, A, | A, E,/G,/ F,2 | A, A,/=C/ C B, | A, A,/G,/ F,2 |
[V: S2V2] D,/E,/ F,/E,/ D, F,,/G,,/ | A,, A,, D,2 | A,, D,/=C,/ F, G, | A, A,, D,2 |
% 9
[V: S1V1] D C D E | F A/G/ F2 | F E F G | A c/=B/ A2 |
w: O by all the pains and * woes Suff- ered once for man be- * low,
w: By the dread mys- ter- ious * hour Of th'in- sult- ing temp- ter's * pow'r,
w: By the an- guished sigh that * told Treach- er- y lurked with- in Thy fold,
w: By the gloom that veiled the * skies O'er the dread- ful sac- ri- * fice,
w: O from earth to heaven re- * stored, Might- y, re- as- cend- ed * Lord,
[V: S1V2] B, A, B, B, | C E C2 | D ^C D E/=C/ | C E/D/ C2 |
[V: S2V1] F, F, F, G, | A, C/B,/ A,2 | A, A, A, C | F,/ (A, ^G,/) A,2 |
[V: S2V2] B,, F,, B,,/A,,/ G,, | F,, C, F,,2 | D, A,, D, C,/E,/ | F, E, A,,2 |
% 13
[V: S1V1] d d c A | F G A2 | !sintro!D D/E/ F/G/ A | F E D2 !eintro!|]
w: Bend- ing from Thy throne on high, Hear our * pen- * i- ten- tial cry!
w: Turn, O turn a fav'r- ing eye, Hear our * pen- * i- ten- tial cry!
w: From Thy seat a- bove the sky, Hear our * pen- * i- ten- tial cry!
w: Lis- ten to our hum- ble cry, Hear our * pen- * i- ten- tial cry!
w: Lis- ten, lis- ten to the sigh Of our * pen- * i- ten- tial cry!
[V: S1V2] D F/E/ F C | D D E2 | D D/^C/ D/E/ F | D ^C A,2 |]
[V: S2V1] F, B, C F, | A, D ^C2 | A,/B,/ A,/G,/ A, A, | A, E,//F,//G,/ F,2 |]
[V: S2V2] B,, B, A, F, | D, B,, A,,2 | F,/G,/ F,/E,/ D, F,,/G,,/ | A,, A,, D,2 |]
% 18
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2014 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "LENT 89"
%%footer Gal 6:14, Rom 7:24 8 8 8 8
%OHSCRIP Gal 6:14, Rom 7:24
%OHTOPICS {Atonement}, {Blood [2,4]}, {Conscience}, {Contrition}, {Cross}, {Crown [3]}, {Easter Week / Passion}, {Gratitude}, {Inner Life}, {Jesus}, {Pride (see also Humility) [1]}, {Repentance}, {Reverence}, {Sacrifice}, {Submission (see also Following Jesus, God - Providence of, Trust)}
%OHCOMPOSER Hatton, John (1710-1793)
%OHAUTHOR Watts, Isaac (1674-1748)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
T: When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Isaac Watts, 1707.
C: Music: 'Duke Street' John Hatton, 1793. Setting: "Finest of the Wheat No. 3" Hymnal, 1904.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2014 Revision.
S: Music source: "Finest of the Wheat No. 3" Hymnal, 1904 Hymn 257. ABC file contributed to the Open Hymnal by Tobin Strong, 20 Dec 2013.
S: composite from "The Anglican hymn Book", 1871 hymn 127 and "Hymns Ancient and Modern", 1869 Hymn 101.
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: Eb % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=130] E2 G A | B2 (c d) | e2 (d c) | B4 |
w: 1.~When I sur- vey the * won- drous * cross
w: 2.~For- bid it, Lord, that * I should * boast,
w: 3.~See from His head, His * hands, His * feet,
w: 4.~His dy- ing crim- son, * like a * robe,
w: 5.~Were the whole realm of * na- ture * mine,
[V: S1V2] E2 E D | E2 (E F) | G2 (F E) | D4 |
[V: S2V1] G,2 B, B, | B,2 A,2 | (G, B,) (B, =A,) | B,4 |
[V: S2V2] E,2 E, F, | G,2 (A, F,) | E,2 F,2 | B,,4 |
% 5
[V: S1V1] B2 B B | c2 B2 | A2 G2 | F4 |
w: On which the Prince of Glo- ry died,
w: Save in the death of Christ my God!
w: Sor- row and love flow min- gled down!
w: Spreads o'er His bo- dy on the tree;
w: That were a pre- sent far too small;
[V: S1V2] E2 E E | E2 (E B,) | (C D) E2 | D4 |
[V: S2V1] G,2 G, B, | A,2 (B, G,) | A,2 B,2 | B,4 |
[V: S2V2] E,2 E, G, | A,2 G,2 | F,2 E,2 | B,,4 |
% 9
[V: S1V1] G2 G F | (E G) (B e) | (c B) (A G) | F4 |
w: My rich-est gain * I * count * but * loss,
w: All the vain things * that * charm * me * most,
w: Did e'er such love * and * sor- * row * meet,
w: Then I am dead * to * all * the * globe,
w: Love so a- ma- * zing, * so * di- * vine,
[V: S1V2] E2 E B, | (B, E) E2 | E2 (D E) | D4 |
[V: S2V1] B,2 B, B, | (G, B,) B,2 | (C E) B,2 | B,4 |
[V: S2V2] E,2 E, D, | E,2 G,2 | (A, G,) (F, E,) | B,,4 |
% 13
[V: S1V1] !sintro!B2 cd | e3 A | G2 F2 | E4 !eintro!|]
w: And pour con- tempt on all my pride.
w: I sac- ri- fice them to His blood.
w: Or thorns com- pose so rich a crown?
w: And all the globe is dead to me.
w: De- mands my soul, my life, my all.
[V: S1V2] E2 E F | (G> F E) F | E2 D2 | E4 |]
[V: S2V1] B,2 A, A, | (G,> A, B,) C | B,2 A,2 | G,4 |]
[V: S2V2] G,2 A, F, | (E,> F, G,) A, | B,2 B,,2 | E,4 |]
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2014 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "90 LENT"
%%footer Gal 6:14, Rom 7:24 8 8 8 8
%OHSCRIP Gal 6:14, Rom 7:24
%OHTOPICS {Atonement}, {Blood [2,4]}, {Conscience}, {Contrition}, {Cross}, {Crown [3]}, {Easter Week / Passion}, {Gratitude}, {Inner Life}, {Jesus}, {Pride (see also Humility) [1]}, {Repentance}, {Reverence}, {Sacrifice}, {Submission (see also Following Jesus, God - Providence of, Trust)}
%OHCOMPOSER Mason, Lowell (1792-1872)
%OHAUTHOR Watts, Isaac (1674-1748)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
T: When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Isaac Watts, 1707.
C: Music: 'Hamburg', Lowell Mason, 1824. Setting: "Northfield Hymnal", 1904.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2014 Revision.
S: Music source: "Northfield Hymnal", 1904 Hymn 210. ABC file contributed to the Open Hymnal by Tobin Strong, 20 Dec 2013.
S: composite from "The Anglican hymn Book", 1871 hymn 127 and "Hymns Ancient and Modern", 1869 Hymn 101.
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: F % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=130] F2 F G | A2 (G A) | B2 (A G) | A4 |
w: 1.~When I sur- vey the * won- drous * cross
w: 2.~For- bid it, Lord, that * I should * boast,
w: 3.~See from His head, His * hands, His * feet,
w: 4.~His dy- ing crim- son, * like a * robe,
w: 5.~Were the whole realm of * na- ture * mine,
[V: S1V2] C2 C E | F2 (G ^F) | G2 (F E) | F4 |
[V: S2V1] A,2 A, C | C2 (D C) | D2 C2 | C4 |
[V: S2V2] F,2 F, C, | F,2 (B, A,) | G,2 C,2 | F,4 |
% 6
[V: S1V1] A2 A A | B2 (A G) | F2 (E F) | G4 |
w: On which the Prince of * Glo- ry * died,
w: Save in the death of * Christ my * God!
w: Sor- row and love flow * min- gled * down!
w: Spreads o'er His bo- dy * on the * tree;
w: That were a pre- sent * far too * small;
[V: S1V2] F2 F F | F2 (F E) | F2 C2 | E4 |
[V: S2V1] C2 C C | D2 C2 | C2 (B, A,) | C4 |
[V: S2V2] F,2 F, F, | F,2 (F, B,) | A,2 (G, F,) | C,4 |
% 12
[V: S1V1] F2 FG | A2 (G A) | B2 (A G) | A4 |
w: My rich- est gain I * count but * loss,
w: All the vain things that * charm me * most,
w: Did e'er such love and * sor- row * meet,
w: Then I am dead to * all the * globe,
w: Love so a- ma- zing, * so di- * vine,
[V: S1V2] C2 C E | F2 (G ^F) | G2 (F E) | F4 |
[V: S2V1] A,2 A, C | C2 (D C) | D2 C2 | C4 |
[V: S2V2] F,2 F, C, | F,2 (B, A,) | G,2 C,2 | F,4 |
% 12
[V: S1V1] !sintro!A2 A A | G2 F2 | G2 (A F) | F4 !eintro!|]
w: And pour con- tempt on all my * pride.
w: I sac- ri- fice them to His * blood.
w: Or thorns com- pose so rich a * crown?
w: And all the globe is dead to * me.
w: De- mands my soul, my life, my * all.
[V: S1V2] F2 F F | E2 F2 | F2 E2 | F4 |]
[V: S2V1] C2 C C | (C B,) A,2 | D2 (C B,) | A,4 |]
[V: S2V2] F,2 F, F, | C,2 F,2 | B,,2 C,2 | F,4 |]
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2014 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "LENT 91"
%%footer Gal 6:14, Rom 7:24 8 8 8 8
%OHSCRIP Gal 6:14, Rom 7:24
%OHTOPICS {Atonement}, {Blood [2,4]}, {Conscience}, {Contrition}, {Cross}, {Crown [3]}, {Easter Week / Passion}, {Gratitude}, {Inner Life}, {Jesus}, {Pride (see also Humility) [1]}, {Repentance}, {Reverence}, {Sacrifice}, {Submission (see also Following Jesus, God - Providence of, Trust)}
%OHARRANGER Strong, Tobin (1975-)
%OHAUTHOR Watts, Isaac (1674-1748)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
T: When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Isaac Watts, 1707.
C: Music: 'O Waly Waly' or 'The Water Is Wide', traditional English. Setting: Tobin Strong, 2013.
C: copyright: public domain. All portions of the setting that were not already public domain were
C: released to the public domain by the arranger on 08 January 2014.
C: All other rights reserved. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2014 Revision.
S: Music source: Tobin Strong, 20 Dec 2013 via email. ABC file contributed to the Open Hymnal by Tobin Strong, 20 Dec 2013.
S: composite from "The Anglican hymn Book", 1871 hymn 127 and "Hymns Ancient and Modern", 1869 Hymn 101.
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
%%staves S1V1 | (S2V1 S2V2) | (S3V1 S3V2)
%%staffsep 0.62cm
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S3V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S3V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: G % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=130] D G A | B4- | B A G E | D4- | D D G F |
w: 1.~When I sur- vey * the won- drous cross * On which the
w: 2.~For- bid it, Lord, * that I should boast, * Save in the
w: 3.~See from His head, * His hands, His feet, * Sor- row and
w: 4.~His dy- ing crim- * son, like a robe, * Spreads o'er His
w: 5.~Were the whole realm * of na- ture mine, * That were a
[V: S2V1] D G A | B4- | B A G E | D4- | D D G F |
[V: S2V2] D G F | G4- | G F E E | D4- | D D E D |
[V: S3V1] z3 | G,2 B,2 | D4 | B,2 B,2 | B,4 |
[V: S3V2] x3 | D,2 G,2 | G,4 | G,2 G,2 | G,4 |
% 6
[V: S1V1] G4- | G A B c/B/ | A4- | A A B c | d4- | d c/B/ A G |
w: Prince * of Glo- ry * died, * My rich- est gain * I * count but
w: death * of Christ my * God! * All the vain things * that * charm me
w: love * flow min- gled * down! * Did e'er such love * and * sor- row
w: bo- * dy on the * tree; * Then I am dead * to * all the
w: pre- * sent far too * small; * Love so a- ma- * zing, * so di-
[V: S2V1] G4- | G A B c/B/ | A4- | A A B c | d4- | d c/B/ A G |
[V: S2V2] E4- | E F G G | A4- | A F G A | B4- | B F F E |
[V: S3V1] B,2 B,2 | C4 | A,2 A, C | D4 | B,2 B,2 | G,4 |
[V: S3V2] G,2 E,2 | C,4 | F,2 F, C, | G,4 | G,2 D,2 | D,4 |
% 12
[V: S1V1] B4- | B !sintro!A G E | D4- | D D E G | G4 !eintro!|]
w: loss, * And pour con- tempt * on all my pride.
w: most, * I sac- ri- fice * them to His blood.
w: meet, * Or thorns com- pose * so rich a crown?
w: globe, * And all the globe * is dead to me.
w: vine, * De- mands my soul, * my life, my all.
[V: S2V1] B4- | B A G E | D4- | D D E G | G4 |]
[V: S2V2] G4- | G F E E | D4- | D D E G | G4 |]
[V: S3V1] B,2 G, G, | G,4 | D,4- | D, D, E, G, | G,4 |]
[V: S3V2] G,2 E,B,, | D,4 | D,4- | D, D, E, G, | G,4 |]
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2005 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "92 LENT"
%%footer Gal 6:14, Rom 7:24 8 8 8 8
%OHSCRIP Gal 6:14, Rom 7:24
%OHTOPICS {Atonement}, {Blood [2,4]}, {Conscience}, {Contrition}, {Cross}, {Crown [3]}, {Easter Week / Passion}, {Gratitude}, {Inner Life}, {Jesus}, {Pride (see also Humility) [1]}, {Repentance}, {Reverence}, {Sacrifice}, {Submission (see also Following Jesus, God - Providence of, Trust)}
%OHCOMPOSER Miller, Edward (1735-1807)
%OHARRANGER Monk, William Henry (1823-1889)
%OHAUTHOR Watts, Isaac (1674-1748)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 1
M: 3/4
L: 1/4
K: D
{ D ; D ; F, ; D, }
{ (F G) E ; D2 C ; (A, B,) A, ; (D, G,,) A,, }
{ D2 F ; D2 D ; F,2 A, ; D,2 D, }
{ A2 B ; D2 D/E/ ; (A, D) B,/C/ ; F,2 G, }
{ A2 A ; F2 F ; D2 D ; D,2 D, }
{ d2 c ; D2 F ; A,2 A, ; F,2 D, }
{ D ; F, ; D, ; B2 A }
{ D2 C ; (A, B,) A, ; (D, G,,) A,, ; (A G) F }
{ D2 D ; F,2 A, ; D,2 D, ; (F E) E }
{ D2 D/E/ ; (A, D) B,/C/ ; F,2 G, ; A2 B }
{ F2 F ; D2 D ; D,2 D, ; c2 A }
{ F, ; D, ; B2 A ; G2 D }
{ (A, B,) A, ; (D, G,,) A,, ; (A G) F ; E2 D }
{ F,2 A, ; D,2 D, ; (F E) E ; (D C) C }
{ (A, D) B,/C/ ; F,2 G, ; A2 B ; E2 E }
{ D2 D ; D,2 D, ; c2 A ; E2 C } | X: 1
M: 3/4
L: 1/4
K: D
X: 1
T: When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
C: Words: Isaac Watts, 1707.
C: Music: 'Rockingham Old' Edward Miller, 1790.
C: Setting: "Hymns Ancient and Modern", 1869.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2017 Revision.
S: Music source: "Hymns Ancient and Modern", 1869.
S: "Hymns Ancient and Modern", 1869 Hymn 101.
M: 3/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: D % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=130] D | (F G) E | D2 F | A2 B | A2 A | d2 c |
w: 1.~When I * sur- vey the wond- rous cross On which the
w: 2.~For- bid * it, Lord, that I should boast, Save in the
w: 3.~See from * His head, His hands, His feet, Sor- row and
w: 4.~His dy- * ing crim- son, like a robe, Spreads o'er His
w: 5.~Were the * whole realm of na- ture mine, That were a
[V: S1V2] D | D2 C | D2 D | D2 D/E/ | F2 F | D2 F |
[V: S2V1] F, | (A, B,) A, | F,2 A, | (A, D) B,/C/ | D2 D | A,2 A, |
[V: S2V2] D, | (D, G,,) A,, | D,2 D, | F,2 G, | D,2 D, | F,2 D, |
% 9
[V: S1V1] B2 A | (A G) F | (F E) E | A2 B | c2 A |
w: Prince of glo- * ry died, * My rich- est gain I
w: death of Christ * my God! * All the vain things that
w: love flow min- * gled down! * Did e'er such love and
w: bo- dy on * the tree; * Then I am dead to
w: pre- sent far * too small; * Love so a- maz- ing,
[V: S1V2] G2 D | E2 D | (D C) C | E2 E | E2 C |
[V: S2V1] B,2 D | A,2 A, | A,2 A, | A,2 G, | A,2 A, |
[V: S2V2] G,2 D, | C,2 D, | A,,2 A,, | C,2 E, | A,2 G, |
% 13
[V: S1V1] (d F) G | A2 !sintro!D | G2 F | E2 D | (D F) E | D2 !eintro!|]
w: count * but loss, And pour con- tempt on all * my pride.
w: charm * me most, I sac- ri- fice them to * His blood.
w: sor- * row meet, Or thorns com- pose so rich * a crown?
w: all * the globe, And all the globe is dead * to me.
w: so * di- vine, De- mands my soul, my life, * my all.
[V: S1V2] D2 D | C2 D | (D C) D | B,2 D | D2 C | D2 |]
[V: S2V1] A,2 E, | E,2 A, | G,2 A, | B,2 A, | (F, A,) G, | F,2 |]
[V: S2V2] (F, D,) E, | A,,2 F, | E,2 D, | G,,2 F,, | A,,2 A,, | D,2 |]
% 19
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2006 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "PALM SUNDAY 93"
%%footer Mt 21:9, Ps 148, 1Tim 1:17, Rev 4:8-11 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6
%OHSCRIP Mt 21:9, Ps 148, 1Tim 1:17, Rev 4:8-11
%OHTOPICS {Children (see also God's Children - the Faithful)}, {Easter Week / Passion}, {God, As King}, {God, Majesty & Power of}, {Israel [1]}, {Jesus}, {Praise, Son}, {Worship}
%OHMETRICAL 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6
%OHCOMPOSER Teschner, Melchior (1584-1635)
%OHAUTHOR Theodulf of Orleans (760-821)
%OHTRANSLATOR Neale, John Mason (1818-1866)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 93
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: C
{ "^Refrain" C ; C ; E, ; C, }
{ G G A B ; C/D/ E C F ; E,/F,/ G, F, G, ; C, C, F, D, }
{ c2 c e ; (F E/D/) E G ; G,2 G, C ; C,2 C, C, }
{ d c A B ; G G F D ; B, C A, G, ; G, E, F, G, }
{ c3 ; E3 ; G,3 ; C,3 }
{ C ; E, ; C, ; C }
{ C/D/ E C F ; E,/F,/ G, F, G, ; C, C, F, D, ; G G A B }
{ (F E/D/) E G ; G,2 G, C ; C,2 C, C, ; c2 c e }
{ G G F D ; B, C A, G, ; G, E, F, G, ; d c A B }
{ E3 ; G,3 ; C,3 ; c3 }
{ E, ; C, ; C ; C }
{ E,/F,/ G, F, G, ; C, C, F, D, ; G G A B ; C/D/ E C F }
{ G,2 G, C ; C,2 C, C, ; c2 c e ; (F E/D/) E G }
{ B, C A, G, ; G, E, F, G, ; d c A B ; G G F D }
{ G,3 ; C,3 ; c3 ; E3 }
{ C, ; C ; C ; E, }
{ C, C, F, D, ; G G A B ; C/D/ E C F ; E,/F,/ G, F, G, }
{ C,2 C, C, ; c2 c e ; (F E/D/) E G ; G,2 G, C }
{ G, E, F, G, ; d c A B ; G G F D ; B, C A, G, }
{ C,3 ; c3 ; E3 ; G,3 } | X: 93
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: C
X: 93
T: All Glory, Laud, and Honor
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Theodulf of Orleans, circa 820. Translated by John Mason Neale, 1851.
C: Music: 'Valet Will Ich Dir Geben' or 'St. Theodulph' Melchior Teschner, 1615.
C: Setting: Presbyterian Hymnal, 1911.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2006 Revision.
S: Music source: Presbyterian Hymnal, Revised, 1911 Hymn 216.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: C % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 1 % Piano 2
%%MIDI program 2 1 % Piano 2
%%MIDI program 3 1 % Piano 2
%%MIDI program 4 1 % Piano 2
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=140] "^Refrain" C | G G A B | c2 c e | d c A B | c3
w: All glo- ry, laud and hon- or, To Thee, Re- deem- er, King,
[V: S1V2] C | C/D/ E C F | (F E/D/) E G | G G F D | E3
[V: S2V1] E, | E,/F,/ G, F, G, | G,2 G, C | B, C A, G, | G,3
[V: S2V2] C, | C, C, F, D, | C,2 C, C, | G, E, F, G, | C,3
% 5
[V: S1V1] C | G G A B | c2 c e | d c A B | c3 |]
w: To Whom the lips of child- ren Made sweet ho- san- nas ring.
[V: S1V2] C | C/D/ E C F | (F E/D/) E G | G G F D | E3 |]
[V: S2V1] E, | E,/F,/ G, F, G, | G,2 G, C | B, C A, G, | G,3 |]
[V: S2V2] C, | C, C, F, D, | C,2 C, C, | G, E, F, G, | C,3 |]
% 9
[V: S1V1] "^Verse" c | e e d c | B2 B B | c B A A | G3
w: 1.~Thou art the King of Is- rael, Thou Da- vid's ro- yal Son,
w: 2.~The com- pa- ny of an- gels Are prais- ing Thee on High,
w: 3.~The peo- ple of the He- brews With palms be- fore Thee went;
w: 4.~To Thee, be- fore Thy pa- ssion, They sang their hymns of praise;
w: 5.~Thou didst ac- cept their prais- es; Ac- cept the prayers we bring,
[V: S1V2] F | E E G G | (^F A) G G | E G E ^F | G3
[V: S2V1] A, | C C D G, | (A, D) D E | E D A,/B,/ C | B,3
[V: S2V2] F, | C, A,, B,, E, | (D, ^F,) G, E, | A,, B,, C, D, | G,,3
% 13
[V: S1V1] G | E G A G | (G F) E !sintro!G | F E D D | "^To Refrain" C3 !eintro!||
w: Who in the Lord's Name com- * est, The King and Bless- ed One.
w: And mor- tal men and all * things Cre- at- ed make re- ply.
w: Our prayer and praise and an- * thems Be- fore Thee we pre- sent.
w: To Thee, now high ex- alt- * ed, Our me- lo- dy we raise.
w: Who in all good de- light- * est, Thou good and gra- cious King.
[V: S1V2] D | C B, A, C | (D B,) C C | C C C B, | C3 ||
[V: S2V1] G, | G, G, C G, | G,2 G, G, | A, G, G,3/2 F,/ | E,3 ||
[V: S2V2] B,, | C, E, F, E, | (B,, G,,) C, E, | F, C, G,, G,, | C,3 ||
% 18
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2005 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "94 PALM SUNDAY"
%%footer Mt 21:15, Jn 12:12-13 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6
%OHSCRIP Mt 21:15, Jn 12:12-13
%OHTOPICS {Children (see also God's Children - the Faithful) [1,2]}, {Easter Week / Passion}, {Eternal Life [3]}, {God, As King [3]}, {God, Love of [1]}, {Heaven [3]}, {Jesus}, {Kindness, God's [1,2]}, {Praise, Son}, {Presence}, {Victory [2]}, {Worship}
%OHMETRICAL 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6
%OHCOMPOSER from Gesangbuch der Herzogl. Hofkapelle, Wurttemberg, 1784
%OHAUTHOR Threlfall, Jeanette (1821-1880)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 94
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: Bb
{ F ; F ; F, ; F, }
{ B A/G/ F B ; B A/G/ F F ; B, A,/G,/ F, B, ; B, A,/G,/ F, D, }
{ (D E) F F ; (D C/B,/) C D ; (B, B,) A, B, ; (G, G,) F, B,, }
{ G/A/ B c c ; E F G F ; B, B, B, A, ; E, D, E, F, }
{ d3 ; F3 ; B,3 ; B,,3 }
{ F ; F, ; F, ; F }
{ B A/G/ F F ; B, A,/G,/ F, B, ; B, A,/G,/ F, D, ; B A/G/ F B }
{ (D C/B,/) C D ; (B, B,) A, B, ; (G, G,) F, B,, ; (D E) F F }
{ E F G F ; B, B, B, A, ; E, D, E, F, ; G/A/ B B A }
{ F3 ; B,3 ; B,,3 ; B3 }
{ F, ; F, ; F ; F }
{ B, A,/G,/ F, B, ; B, A,/G,/ F, D, ; B A/G/ F B ; B A/G/ F F }
{ (B, B,) A, B, ; (G, G,) F, B,, ; (D E) F F ; (D C/B,/) C D }
{ B, B, B, A, ; E, D, E, F, ; G/A/ B B A ; E D/E/ F F }
{ B,3 ; B,,3 ; B3 ; F3 }
{ F, ; F ; F ; F, }
{ B, A,/G,/ F, D, ; B A/G/ F B ; B A/G/ F F ; B, A,/G,/ F, B, }
{ (G, G,) F, B,, ; (D E) F F ; (D C/B,/) C D ; (B, B,) A, B, }
{ E, D, E, F, ; G/A/ B B A ; E D/E/ F F ; B, B, C C }
{ B,,3 ; B3 ; F3 ; D3 } | X: 94
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: Bb
X: 94
T: Hosanna, Loud Hosanna
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Jeanette Threlfall, 1873, alt.
C: Music: 'Ellacombe' from Gesangbuch der Herzogl. Hofkapelle, Wurttemberg, 1784.
C: Setting: Presbyterian Hymnal, 1911.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2006 Revision.
S: Music source: Presbyterian Hymnal, Revised, 1911 Hymn 364.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: Bb % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=130] F | B A/G/ F B | (D E) F F | G/A/ B c c | d3
w: 1.~Ho- san- na, * loud ho- san- * na, the lit- * tle child- ren sang;
w: 2.~From O- li- * vet they fol- * lowed mid an * ex- ul- tant crowd,
w: 3.~"Ho- san- na * in the high- * est!" that an- * cient song we sing,
[V: S1V2] F | B A/G/ F F | (D C/B,/) C D | E F G F | F3
[V: S2V1] F, | B, A,/G,/ F, B, | (B, B,) A, B, | B, B, B, A, | B,3
[V: S2V2] F, | B, A,/G,/ F, D, | (G, G,) F, B,, | E, D, E, F, | B,,3
% 5
[V: S1V1] F | B A/G/ F B | (D E) F F | G/A/ B B A | B3
w: Through pil- lared * court and tem- * ple the love- * ly an- them rang.
w: The vic- tor * palm branch wa- * ving, and chant- * ing clear and loud.
w: For Christ is * our Re- dee- * mer, the Lord * of heav'n our King.
[V: S1V2] F | B A/G/ F F | (D C/B,/) C D | E D/E/ F F | F3
[V: S2V1] F, | B, A,/G,/ F, B, | (B, B,) A, B, | B, B, C C | D3
[V: S2V2] F, | B, A,/G,/ F, D, | (G, G,) F, B,, | E, G, F, F, | B,,3
% 9
[V: S1V1] B/c/ | d c d e | (c A/B/) c B/c/ | d c d e | c3
w: To * Je- sus, Who had blessed * * them close * fold- ed to His breast,
w: The * Lord of men and an- * * gels rode * on in low- ly state,
w: O * may we ev- er praise * * Him with * heart and life and voice,
[V: S1V2] D/E/ | F F F G | (F F) F D/E/ | F F F G | F3
[V: S2V1] B, | B, C B, B, | (A, F,/G,/) A, B, | B, C B, B, | A,3
[V: S2V2] B, | B, A, B, E, | (F, F,) F, B, | B, A, B, E, | F,3
% 13
[V: S1V1] F | B A/G/ F B | (D E) F !sintro!F | G/A/ B B A | B3 !eintro!|]
w: The child- ren * sang their prais- * es, the simp- * lest and the best.
w: Nor scorned that * lit- tle child- * ren should on * His bid- ding wait.
w: And in His * bliss- ful pre- * sence e- ter- * nal- ly re- joice!
[V: S1V2] F | B A/G/ F F | (D C/B,/) C D | E D/E/ F F | F3 |]
[V: S2V1] F, | B, A,/G,/ F, B, | (B, B,) A, B, | B, B, C C | D3 |]
[V: S2V2] F, | B, A,/G,/ F, D, | (G, G,) F, B,, | E, G, F, F, | B,,3 |]
% 19
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2011 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.600000cm
%%sysstaffsep 0.00000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "GOOD THURSDAY 95"
%%footer Mt 26:36-68, 27:31-56, 28:1-10, Mk 14:32-65, 15:20-39, Lk 22:39-46, 22:66-71, 23:26-49, 24:1-12, Jn 19:16-30, 20:1-18 7 7 7 7 7 7
%OHSCRIP Mt 26:36-68, 27:31-56, 28:1-10, Mk 14:32-65, 15:20-39, Lk 22:39-46, 22:66-71, 23:26-49, 24:1-12, Jn 19:16-30, 20:1-18
%OHTOPICS {Atonement}, {Christian Life}, {Cross}, {Darkness, Spiritual}, {Discipleship}, {Easter [4]}, {Easter Week / Passion}, {Example, Christ's}, {Following Jesus, In Faith}, {God, Goodness of}, {Gospel}, {Jesus}, {Kindness, God's}, {Resurrection [4]}
%OHMETRICAL 7 7 7 7 7 7
%OHCOMPOSER Redhead, Richard (1820-1901)
%OHAUTHOR Montgomery, James (1771-1854)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 95
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: Eb
{ E E F G ; B, B, D E ; G, G, B, B, ; E, E, B,, E, }
{ A3/2 A/ G2 ; E3/2 E/ E2 ; C3/2 C/ B,2 ; A,,3/2 A,,/ E,2 }
{ E E F G ; B, C D E ; G, G, B, B, ; E, C, B,, E, }
{ F F E2 ; E D E2 ; C B, G,2 ; A,, B,, E,2 }
{ B, B, D E ; G, G, B, B, ; E, E, B,, E, ; E G B B }
{ E3/2 E/ E2 ; C3/2 C/ B,2 ; A,,3/2 A,,/ E,2 ; c c B2 }
{ B, C D E ; G, G, B, B, ; E, C, B,, E, ; E G B B }
{ E D E2 ; C B, G,2 ; A,, B,, E,2 ; c c B2 }
{ G, G, B, B, ; E, E, B,, E, ; E G B B ; E E F G }
{ C3/2 C/ B,2 ; A,,3/2 A,,/ E,2 ; c c B2 ; E F G2 }
{ G, G, B, B, ; E, C, B,, E, ; E G B B ; E E F D }
{ C B, G,2 ; A,, B,, E,2 ; c c B2 ; G F/E/ D2 } | X: 95
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: Eb
X: 95
T: Go To Dark Gethsemane
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: James Montgomery, 1820. Music: 'Gethsemane' or 'Petra' Richard Redhead, 1853.
C: Setting: "The Church Hymnal, Revised and Enlarged" (Episcopal), 1896.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2011 Revision.
S: Music source: "The Church Hymnal, Revised and Enlarged" (Episcopal), 1896 Ed. Charles Hutchins Hymn 93.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: Eb % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=90] E E F G | A3/2 A/ G2 | E E F G | F F E2 |
w: 1.~Go to dark Geth- se- ma- ne, ye that feel the temp- ter's pow'r;
w: 2.~Fol- low to the judg- ment hall, view the Lord of Life ar- raigned;
w: 3.~Cal- v'ry's mourn- ful moun- tain climb; there, a- dor- ing at His feet,
w: 4.~Ear- ly hast- en to the tomb where they laid His breath- less clay;
[V: S1V2] B, B, D E | E3/2 E/ E2 | B, C D E | E D E2 |
[V: S2V1] G, G, B, B, | C3/2 C/ B,2 | G, G, B, B, | C B, G,2 |
[V: S2V2] E, E, B,, E, | A,,3/2 A,,/ E,2 | E, C, B,, E, | A,, B,, E,2 |
% 5
[V: S1V1] E G B B | c c B2 | E G B B | c c B2 |
w: Your Re- deem- er's con- flict see, watch with Him one bit- ter hour,
w: O the worm- wood and the gall! O the pangs His soul sus- tained!
w: Mark that mir- a- cle of time, God's own sac- ri- fice com- plete.
w: All is sol- i- tude and gloom. Who has tak- en Him a- way?
[V: S1V2] E E F G | E F G2 | E E F D | G F/E/ D2 |
[V: S2V1] G, C D E | C D E2 | B, B, B, B, | B, =A, B,2 |
[V: S2V2] E, C, B,, E, | A, A, E,2 | G, E, D, G, | E, F, B,,2 |
% 9
[V: S1V1] E E F G | A3/2 A/ G2 | !sintro!E F G F | E D E2 !eintro!|]
w: Turn not from His griefs a- way; learn from Je- sus Christ to pray.
w: Shun not suf- f'ring, shame, or loss; learn from Christ to bear the cross.
w: "It is fin- ished!" hear Him cry; learn from Je- sus Christ to die.
w: Christ is ris'n! He meets our eyes; Sa- vior, teach us so to rise.
[V: S1V2] E E D E | E3/2 E/ E2 | E D E C | B, B, B,2 |]
[V: S2V1] B, B, A, B, | C3/2 C/ B,2 | B, A, B, A, | G, F, G,2 |]
[V: S2V2] G, G, F, E, | A,,3/2 A,,/ E,2 | G, F, E, A,, | B,, B,, E,2 |]
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2011 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.740000
%%staffsep 0.600000cm
%%sysstaffsep 0.00000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "96 GOOD THURSDAY"
%%footer Jn 18:1, Lk 22:39-46, Mk 14:32-42, Mt 26:36-46, 2Sam 15:13-23 8 7 8 7 7 7 8 8
%OHSCRIP Jn 18:1, Lk 22:39-46, Mk 14:32-42, Mt 26:36-46, 2Sam 15:13-23
%OHTOPICS {Angels [3]}, {Atonement}, {Blood [4,5]}, {Comfort [6]}, {Darkness, Spiritual [2,4]}, {Easter Week / Passion}, {Father [3]}, {God, Faithfulness of}, {God, Love of}, {God, Mercy of}, {Gospel}, {Grace}, {Gratitude}, {Heaven [5,6]}, {Jesus}, {Judgment}, {Obedience}, {Sacrifice}, {Salvation}, {Submission (see also Following Jesus, God - Providence of, Trust)}
%OHMETRICAL 8 7 8 7 7 7 8 8
%OHCOMPOSER Lindeman, Ludvig Mathias (1812-1887)
%OHAUTHOR Kingo, Thomas Hansen (1634-1703)
%OHTRANSLATOR Jeffrey, J. (19th Century)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 96
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: Ab
{ c B A F ; F =E F F ; A, B, C A, ; F, G, A, D, }
{ A G =E C ; F D C B, ; C B, G, =E, ; A,, B,, C, C, }
{ F3/2 G/ A G ; A,3/2 D/ C E ; F,3/2 B,/ A, B, ; D,3/2 B,,/ F, E,/D,/ }
{ c B A3/2 z/ ; A G E3/2 x/ ; E3/2 D/ C3/2 z/ ; C, E, A,3/2 x/ }
{ F =E F F ; A, B, C A, ; F, G, A, D, ; c B A F }
{ F D C B, ; C B, G, =E, ; A,, B,, C, C, ; A G =E C }
{ A,3/2 D/ C E ; F,3/2 B,/ A, B, ; D,3/2 B,,/ F, E,/D,/ ; F3/2 G/ A G }
{ A G E3/2 x/ ; E3/2 D/ C3/2 z/ ; C, E, A,3/2 x/ ; c B A3/2 z/ }
{ A, B, C A, ; F, G, A, D, ; c B A F ; F G =E F }
{ C B, G, =E, ; A,, B,, C, C, ; A G =E C ; D D C C }
{ F,3/2 B,/ A, B, ; D,3/2 B,,/ F, E,/D,/ ; F3/2 G/ A G ; D3/2 D/ E D }
{ E3/2 D/ C3/2 z/ ; C, E, A,3/2 x/ ; c B A3/2 z/ ; C E/D/ C3/2 x/ }
{ F, G, A, D, ; c B A F ; F G =E F ; C D C A, }
{ A,, B,, C, C, ; A G =E C ; D D C C ; D B, G, =E, }
{ D,3/2 B,,/ F, E,/D,/ ; F3/2 G/ A G ; D3/2 D/ E D ; A,3/2 B,/ C B, }
{ C, E, A,3/2 x/ ; c B A3/2 z/ ; C E/D/ C3/2 x/ ; A, G, A,3/2 z/ } | X: 96
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: Ab
X: 96
T: Over Kidron Jesus Treadeth
%%combinevoices 1
T: (also known as Over Kedron Jesus Treadeth or Over Cedron Jesus Treadeth)
C: Words: Thomas Hansen Kingo, 1689. Translated by J. Jeffrey, before 1866.
C: Music: 'Over Kedron Jesus Traeder' Ludvig Mathias Lindeman. Setting: "The Lutheran Hymnary", 1913.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2011 Revision.
S: Music source: "The Lutheran Hymnary", 1913 Hymn 302. Most sources give translation date of 1880, but translation found in "The Living Age" Fourth Series Vol. 1, Page 746, 1866, referenced as trans. by Rev. J. Jeffrey.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: Ab % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=100] c B A F | A G =E C | F3/2 G/ A G | c B A3/2 z/ |
w: 1.~O- ver Kid- ron Je- sus tread- eth To His pas- sion for us all;
w: 2.~Da- vid once, with heart af- flic- ted, Crossed the Kid- ron's nar- row strand,
w: 3.~See how, an- guish struck, He fall- eth Pro- strate, and with strug- gling breath,
w: 4.~See how, in that hour of dark- ness, Batt- ling with the e- vil pow'r,
w: 5.~But, O flow'rs, so sad- ly wa- tered By this pure and prec- ious dew,
[V: S1V2] F =E F F | F D C B, | A,3/2 D/ C E | A G E3/2 x/ |
[V: S2V1] A, B, C A, | C B, G, =E, | F,3/2 B,/ A, B, | E3/2 D/ C3/2 z/ |
[V: S2V2] F, G, A, D, | A,, B,, C, C, | D,3/2 B,,/ F, E,/D,/ | C, E, A,3/2 x/ |
% 5
[V: S1V1] c B A F | A G =E C | F3/2 G/ A G | c B A3/2 z/ |
w: Ev- ery hu- man eye be weep- ing, Tears of bit- ter grief let fall!
w: Clouds of gloom and grief a- bout him When an ex- ile from his land.
w: Three times on His God He call- eth, Pray- ing that the bit- ter death
w: A- gon- ies un- told as- sail Him, On His soul the ar- rows show'r;
w: In some bless- ed hour your blos- soms 'Neath the ol- ive sha- dows grew!
[V: S1V2] F G =E F | D D C C | D3/2 D/ E D | C E/D/ C3/2 x/ |
[V: S2V1] C D C A, | D B, G, =E, | A,3/2 B,/ C B, | A, G, A,3/2 z/ |
[V: S2V2] A,, B,, C, D, | B,, B,, C, C, | C,3/2 B,,/ A,, _F, | E, E, A,,3/2 x/ |
% 9
[V: S1V1] B B c A | d c B3/2 z/ | c c d B | e d c3/2 z/ | d c
w: Round His Spi- rit flock the foes, Place their shafts and bend their bows, Aim- ing
w: But, O Je- sus, black- er now Bends the cloud a- bove Thy brow, Hast- ing
w: And the cup of doom may go, Still He cries, in all His woe: "Not My
w: All the gar- den flow'rs are wet With the drops of blood- y sweat, From His
w: E- den's gar- den did not bear Aught that can with you com- pare, For the
[V: S1V2] E E A A | G A G3/2 x/ | A B B B | =A B =A3/2 x/ | B G
[V: S2V1] G, G, E C | D E E3/2 z/ | E E F D | E F F3/2 z/ | F =E
[V: S2V2] E, D, C, F, | B,, C,/D,/ E,3/2 x/ | A, _G, F, _G, | C, D,/E,/ F,3/2 x/ | B,, C,
% 12
[V: S1V1] B c | A G F D | !sintro!C3/2 =E/ F A | c2 (B A) | G4 | F4 !eintro!|]
w: at the Sav- ior sole- ly, While the world for- sakes Him * whol- ly.
w: to death's drea- ry por- tals For the shame and sin of * mor- tals.
w: will, but Thine, O Fa- ther!" And the an- gels round Him * ga- ther.
w: an- guished frame dis- till- ing\- World's re- demp- tion thus ful- * fill- ing!
w: blood, thus free- ly giv- en, Makes my soul the heir of * hea- ven.
[V: S1V2] F G | F =E C B, | B,3/2 B,/ A, F | A2 (G F) | (F2 =E2) | C4 |]
[V: S2V1] F =E | C B, A, F, | =E,3/2 G,/ F, F, | D2 D2 | B,4 | A,4 |]
[V: S2V2] D, C, | F,, G,, A,, B,, | C,3/2 C,/ D, D,/C,/ | B,,2 B,,2 | C,4 | F,4 |]
W: 6.When as flow'rs themselves I wither, When I droop and fade like grass,
W: When the life-streams through my pulses Dull and ever duller pass,
W: When at last they cease to roll, Then, to cheer my sinking soul,
W: Grace of Jesus, be Thou given- Source of triumph! pledge of heaven!
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2011 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.600000cm
%%sysstaffsep 0.00000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "GOOD THURSDAY 97"
%%footer Mt 26:36-45, Lk 22:39-46, Mk 14:32-41 8 8 8 8
%OHSCRIP Mt 26:36-45, Lk 22:39-46, Mk 14:32-41
%OHTOPICS {Angels [3]}, {Atonement}, {Easter Week / Passion}, {Humility}, {Jesus}, {Prayer}
%OHCOMPOSER Dykes, John Bacchus (1823-1876)
%OHAUTHOR Tappan, William Bingham (1794-1849)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 97
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: F
{ F2 F G ; D2 D E ; A,2 A, C ; D,2 D, C, }
{ A3 d ; F3 F ; C3 B, ; F,3 B,, }
{ c2 B2 ; (F C) (D E) ; A,3 G, ; C,2 C,2 }
{ A4 ; F4 ; A,4 ; F,4 }
{ A2 A B ; F2 E D ; F,2 F, F, ; D,2 C, B,, }
{ D2 D E ; A,2 A, C ; D,2 D, C, ; c2 F2 }
{ F3 F ; C3 B, ; F,3 B,, ; A2 G2 }
{ (F C) (D E) ; A,3 G, ; C,2 C,2 ; F3 A }
{ F4 ; A,4 ; F,4 ; F3 A }
{ F2 E D ; F,2 F, F, ; D,2 C, B,, ; G2 A2 }
{ A,2 A, C ; D,2 D, C, ; c2 F2 ; C2 F2 }
{ C3 B, ; F,3 B,, ; A2 G2 ; F2 E2 }
{ A,3 G, ; C,2 C,2 ; F3 A ; F3 C }
{ A,4 ; F,4 ; F3 A ; C3 D }
{ F,2 F, F, ; D,2 C, B,, ; G2 A2 ; D2 ^C2 } | X: 97
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: F
X: 97
T: 'Tis Midnight and On Olive's Brow
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: William Bingham Tappan, 1822.
C: Music: 'St. Cross' John Bacchus Dykes, 1861. Setting: "Hymns Ancient and Modern", 1869.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2011 Revision.
S: Music source: "Hymns Ancient and Modern", 1869 Hymn 100, composed for this hymnal. Can find the text in Gems of sacred poetry By William Bingham Tappan, 1860 edition
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: F % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=140] F2 F G | A3 d | c2 B2 | A4 | A2 A B |
w: 1.~'Tis mid- night, and on Ol- ive's brow The star is
w: 2.~'Tis mid- night, and from all re- moved Im- man- uel
w: 3.~'Tis mid- night, from the heav'n- ly plains Are borne the
[V: S1V2] D2 D E | F3 F | (F C) (D E) | F4 | F2 E D |
[V: S2V1] A,2 A, C | C3 B, | A,3 G, | A,4 | F,2 F, F, |
[V: S2V2] D,2 D, C, | F,3 B,, | C,2 C,2 | F,4 | D,2 C, B,, |
% 1
[V: S1V1] c2 F2 | A2 G2 | F3 A | F3 A | G2 A2 |
w: dimmed that late- ly shone; 'Tis mid- night, in the
w: wres- tles, lone, with fears; E'en the dis- ci- ple
w: songs that an- gels know; Un- heard by mor- tals
[V: S1V2] C2 F2 | F2 E2 | F3 C | C3 D | D2 ^C2 |
[V: S2V1] (F, G,) (A, B,) | C3 B, | A,3 A, | A,3 A, | B,2 A,2 |
[V: S2V2] A,,2 D,2 | C,2 C,2 | F,3 F, | F,3 F, | E,2 A,,2 |
% 1
[V: S1V1] F2 G2 | E4 | !sintro!D2 D D | A3 G | F2 ^E2 | D4 !eintro!|]
w: gar- den now The suff- 'ring Sa- vior prays a- lone.
w: whom He loved Heeds not his Mas- ter's grief and tears.
w: are the strains That sweet- ly soothe the Sa- vior's woe.
[V: S1V2] D2 (E D) | ^C4 | D2 D D | A3 D | D2 C2 | D4 |]
[V: S2V1] A,2 B,2 | A,4 | D,2 D, D, | A,3 B, | A,2 G,2 | F,4 |]
[V: S2V2] D,2 G,,2 | A,,4 | D,2 D, D, | A,3 G,, | A,,2 A,,2 D,4 |]
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2011 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.600000cm
%%sysstaffsep 0.00000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "98 GOOD THURSDAY"
%%footer 1Cor 11:23-26, Rom 3:23-25, Mt 26:26-28, Mk 14:22-25, Lk 22:14-20, 1Jn 4:10 8 8 8 8
%OHSCRIP 1Cor 11:23-26, Rom 3:23-25, Mt 26:26-28, Mk 14:22-25, Lk 22:14-20, 1Jn 4:10
%OHTOPICS {Atonement}, {Blood [3,5]}, {Bread (of Life/Daily Bread) [2,3]}, {Easter Week / Passion}, {God, Love of [2]}, {Grace [2]}, {Jesus}, {Lord's Supper}, {Presence}, {Sacrifice}, {Sinners [4,5]}
%OHCOMPOSER Dykes, John Bacchus (1823-1876)
%OHAUTHOR Watts, Isaac (1674-1748)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 98
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: F
{ F2 F G ; D2 D E ; A,2 A, C ; D,2 D, C, }
{ A3 d ; F3 F ; C3 B, ; F,3 B,, }
{ c2 B2 ; (F C) (D E) ; A,3 G, ; C,2 C,2 }
{ A4 ; F4 ; A,4 ; F,4 }
{ A2 A B ; F2 E D ; F,2 F, F, ; D,2 C, B,, }
{ D2 D E ; A,2 A, C ; D,2 D, C, ; c2 F2 }
{ F3 F ; C3 B, ; F,3 B,, ; A2 G2 }
{ (F C) (D E) ; A,3 G, ; C,2 C,2 ; F3 A }
{ F4 ; A,4 ; F,4 ; F3 A }
{ F2 E D ; F,2 F, F, ; D,2 C, B,, ; G2 A2 }
{ A,2 A, C ; D,2 D, C, ; c2 F2 ; C2 F2 }
{ C3 B, ; F,3 B,, ; A2 G2 ; F2 E2 }
{ A,3 G, ; C,2 C,2 ; F3 A ; F3 C }
{ A,4 ; F,4 ; F3 A ; C3 D }
{ F,2 F, F, ; D,2 C, B,, ; G2 A2 ; D2 ^C2 } | X: 98
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: F
X: 98
T: 'Twas On That Dark, That Doleful Night
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Isaac Watts, 1709.
C: Music: 'St. Cross' John Bacchus Dykes, 1861. Setting: "Hymns Ancient and Modern", 1869.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2011 Revision.
S: Music source: "Hymns Ancient and Modern", 1869 Hymn 100, composed for this hymnal. Words found in "An arrangement of the Psalms, Hymns and spiritual songs of Issac Watts", 1820
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: F % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=140] F2 F G | A3 d | c2 B2 | A4 | A2 A B |
w: 1.~'Twas on that dark, that dole- ful night When pow'rs of
w: 2.~Be- fore the mourn- ful scene be- gan, He took the
w: 3.~"This is My bo- dy, broke for sin; Re- ceive and
w: 4.~For us His flesh with nails was torn, He bore the
w: 5.~For us His vi- tal blood was spilt, To buy the
[V: S1V2] D2 D E | F3 F | (F C) (D E) | F4 | F2 E D |
[V: S2V1] A,2 A, C | C3 B, | A,3 G, | A,4 | F,2 F, F, |
[V: S2V2] D,2 D, C, | F,3 B,, | C,2 C,2 | F,4 | D,2 C, B,, |
% 1
[V: S1V1] c2 F2 | A2 G2 | F3 A | F3 A | G2 A2 |
w: earth and hell a- rose A- gainst the Son of
w: bread, and blessed, and brake: What love through all His
w: eat the liv- ing food:" Then took the cup, and
w: scourge, He felt the thorn; And jus- tice poured up-
w: par- don of our guilt, When, for black crimes of
[V: S1V2] C2 F2 | F2 E2 | F3 C | C3 D | D2 ^C2 |
[V: S2V1] (F, G,) (A, B,) | C3 B, | A,3 A, | A,3 A, | B,2 A,2 |
[V: S2V2] A,,2 D,2 | C,2 C,2 | F,3 F, | F,3 F, | E,2 A,,2 |
% 1
[V: S1V1] F2 G2 | E4 | !sintro!D2 D D | A3 G | F2 ^E2 | D4 !eintro!|]
w: God's de- light, And friends be- trayed Him to His foes:
w: ac- tions ran! What won- drous words of grace He spake!
w: blessed the wine; "'Tis the new cov- 'nant in My blood."
w: on His head Its hea- vy ven- geance in our stead.
w: big- gest size, He gave His soul a sac- ri- fice.
[V: S1V2] D2 (E D) | ^C4 | D2 D D | A3 D | D2 C2 | D4 |]
[V: S2V1] A,2 B,2 | A,4 | D,2 D, D, | A,3 B, | A,2 G,2 | F,4 |]
[V: S2V2] D,2 G,,2 | A,,4 | D,2 D, D, | A,3 G,, | A,,2 A,,2 D,4 |]
W: 6."Do this," He cried, "till time shall end,
W: In memory of your dying friend;
W: Meet at My table, and record
W: The love of your departed Lord."
W: 7.Jesus, Thy feast we celebrate,
W: We show Thy death, we sing Thy name,
W: Till Thou return, and we shall eat
W: The marriage supper of the Lamb.
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2010 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.740000
%%staffsep 0.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "GOOD FRIDAY 99"
%%footer Lk 23:34, Lk 23:43, Jn 19:26-27, Mt 27:46, Jn 19:28, Jn 19:30, Lk 23:46 7 7 7 6
%OHSCRIP Lk 23:34, Lk 23:43, Jn 19:26-27, Mt 27:46, Jn 19:28, Jn 19:30, Lk 23:46
%OHTOPICS {Atonement}, {Blood [1]}, {Commitment}, {Easter Week / Passion}, {Example, Christ's}, {God, Love of}, {Gratitude}, {Humility}, {Jesus}, {Kindness, God's}, {Love}, {Priest/Priestly Roles}, {Sacrifice}, {Sinners}
%OHCOMPOSER Monk, William Henry (1823-1889)
%OHAUTHOR Pollock, Thomas Benson (1836-1896)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 99
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: F
{ F F G F ; D D D D ; A, A, B, A, ; D, D, G,, D, }
{ E3/2 D/ D2 ; ^C3/2 D/ D2 ; G,3/2 F,/ F,2 ; A,,3/2 D,/ D,2 }
{ D F E D ; D D ^C D ; A, A, A, A, ; F, D, G, F, }
{ G F E2 ; E D ^C2 ; A, A, A,2 ; ^C, D, A,,2 }
{ D D D D ; A, A, B, A, ; D, D, G,, D, ; E A c A }
{ ^C3/2 D/ D2 ; G,3/2 F,/ F,2 ; A,,3/2 D,/ D,2 ; c B A2 }
{ D D ^C D ; A, A, A, A, ; F, D, G, F, ; !sintro!A A A F }
{ E D ^C2 ; A, A, A,2 ; ^C, D, A,,2 ; E2 D2 !eintro! } | X: 99
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: F
X: 99
T: Jesus, In Thy Dying Woes
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Thomas B. Pollock, 1870.
C: Music: 'Words on the Cross - The Litany' William H. Monk, 1889. Setting: "A Hymnal" (Episcopal), 1916.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2010 Revision.
S: Music source: Episcopal Hymnal, 1916, Hymn 164.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: F % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
%%vskip 0.125in
%%textfont Times-Bold 12.0
%% Part 1: "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do." (Lk 23:34)
%%vskip 0.125in
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=100] F F G F | E3/2 D/ D2 | D F E D | G F E2 |
w: 1.~Je- sus, in Thy dy- ing woes, E- ven while Thy life- blood flows,
w: 2.~Sa- vior, for our par- don sue, When our sins Thy pangs re- new,
w: 3.~O may we, who mer- cy need, Be like Thee in heart and deed,
[V: S1V2] D D D D | ^C3/2 D/ D2 | D D ^C D | E D ^C2 |
[V: S2V1] A, A, B, A, | G,3/2 F,/ F,2 | A, A, A, A, | A, A, A,2 |
[V: S2V2] D, D, G,, D, | A,,3/2 D,/ D,2 | F, D, G, F, | ^C, D, A,,2 |
% 5
[V: S1V1] E A c A | c B A2 | !sintro!A A A F | E2 D2 !eintro!|]
w: Cra- ving par- don for Thy foes; Hear us, ho- ly Je- sus.
w: For we know not what we do: Hear us, ho- ly Je- sus.
w: When with wrong our spir- its bleed: Hear us, ho- ly Je- sus.
[V: S1V2] C E C F | E G F2 | C ^C D D | (D ^C) D2 |]
[V: S2V1] A, C G, A, | G, C C2 | A, G, F, A, | (B, A,) F,2 |]
[V: S2V2] A, A, E, F, | C, E, F,2 | F, E, D, D, | (G,, A,,) D,2 |]
%%vskip 0.25in
%%multicol start
%%leftmargin 2.25cm
%%rightmargin 12cm
%%textfont Times-Bold 12.0
%% Part 2: "To day shalt thou
%% be with me in paradise." (Lk 23:43)
%%textfont Times-Roman 12.0
%%begintext obeylines justify
%% 4.\t\tJesus, pitying the sighs
%% \t\t\t\t\tOf the thief, who near Thee dies,
%% \t\t\t\t\tPromising him paradise;
%% \t\t\t\t\tHear us, holy Jesus.
%% 5.\t\tMay we, in our guilt and shame,
%% \t\t\t\t\tStill Thy love and mercy claim,
%% \t\t\t\t\tCalling humbly on Thy Name:
%% \t\t\t\t\tHear us, holy Jesus.
%% 6.\t\tO remember us who pine,
%% \t\t\t\t\tLooking from our cross to Thine;
%% \t\t\t\t\tCheer our souls with hope divine:
%% \t\t\t\t\tHear us, holy Jesus.
%%multicol new
%%leftmargin 8cm
%%rightmargin 2cm
%%textfont Times-Bold 12.0
%% Part 3: "Woman, behold thy son!
%% Behold thy mother!" (Jn 19:26-27)
%%textfont Times-Roman 12.0
%%begintext obeylines justify
%% 7.\t\tJesus, loving to the end
%% \t\t\t\t\tHer whose heart Thy sorrows rend,
%% \t\t\t\t\tAnd Thy dearest human friend:
%% \t\t\t\t\tHear us, holy Jesus.
%% 8.\t\tMay we in Thy sorrows share,
%% \t\t\t\t\tAnd for Thee all peril dare,
%% \t\t\t\t\tAnd enjoy Thy tender care:
%% \t\t\t\t\tHear us, holy Jesus.
%% 9.\t\tMay we all Thy loved ones be,
%% \t\t\t\t\tAll one holy family,
%% \t\t\t\t\tLoving for the love of Thee,
%% \t\t\t\t\tHear us, holy Jesus.
%%multicol new
%%leftmargin 13.5cm
%%rightmargin 2cm
%%textfont Times-Bold 12.0
%% Part 4: "My God, my God, why hast
%% thou forsaken me?" (Mt 27:46)
%%textfont Times-Roman 12.0
%%begintext obeylines justify
%% 10.\tJesus, whelmed in fears unknown,
%% \t\t\t\t\tWith our evil left alone,
%% \t\t\t\t\tWhile no light from Heav'n is shown:
%% \t\t\t\t\tHear us, holy Jesus.
%% 11.\tWhen we vainly seem to pray,
%% \t\t\t\t\tand our hope seems far away,
%% \t\t\t\t\tIn the darkness be our stay.
%% \t\t\t\t\tHear us, holy Jesus.
%% 12.\tThough no Father seem to hear,
%% \t\t\t\t\tThough no light our spirits cheer,
%% \t\t\t\t\tTell our faith that God is near:
%% \t\t\t\t\tHear us, holy Jesus.
%%multicol end
%%vskip 0.25in
%%multicol start
%%leftmargin 2.25cm
%%rightmargin 12cm
%%textfont Times-Bold 12.0
%% Part 5: "I thirst." (Jn 19:28)
%%textfont Times-Roman 12.0
%%begintext obeylines justify
%% 13.\tJesus, in Thy thirst and pain,
%% \t\t\t\t\tWhile Thy wounds Thy lifeblood drain,
%% \t\t\t\t\tThirsting more our love to gain:
%% \t\t\t\t\tHear us, holy Jesus.
%% 14.\tThirst for us in mercy still;
%% \t\t\t\t\tAll Thy holy work fulfill;
%% \t\t\t\t\tSatisfy Thy loving will:
%% \t\t\t\t\tHear us, holy Jesus.
%% 15.\tMay we thirst Thy love to know;
%% \t\t\t\t\tLead us in our sin and woe
%% \t\t\t\t\tWhere the healing waters flow:
%% \t\t\t\t\tHear us, holy Jesus.
%%multicol new
%%leftmargin 8cm
%%rightmargin 2cm
%%textfont Times-Bold 12.0
%% Part 6: "It is finished" (Jn 19:30)
%%textfont Times-Roman 12.0
%%begintext obeylines justify
%% 16.\tJesus, all our ransom paid,
%% \t\t\t\t\tAll Thy Father's will obeyed,
%% \t\t\t\t\tAll Thy suff'rings perfect made:
%% \t\t\t\t\tHear us, holy Jesus.
%% 17.\tSave us in our soul's distress,
%% \t\t\t\t\tBe our help to cheer and bless,
%% \t\t\t\t\tWhile we grow in holiness:
%% \t\t\t\t\tHear us, holy Jesus.
%% 18.\tBrighten all our heavenward way,
%% \t\t\t\t\tWith an ever holier ray,
%% \t\t\t\t\tTill we pass to perfect day:
%% \t\t\t\t\tHear us, holy Jesus.
%%multicol new
%%leftmargin 13.5cm
%%rightmargin 2cm
%%textfont Times-Bold 12.0
%% Part 7: "Father, into thy hands
%% I commend my spirit" (Lk 23:46)
%%textfont Times-Roman 12.0
%%begintext obeylines justify
%% 19.\tJesus, all Thy labor vast,
%% \t\t\t\t\tAll Thy woe and conflict past,
%% \t\t\t\t\tYielding up Thy soul at last:
%% \t\t\t\t\tHear us, holy Jesus.
%% 20.\tWhen the death shades round us lower,
%% \t\t\t\t\tGuard us from the temper's power,
%% \t\t\t\t\tKeep us in that trial hour:
%% \t\t\t\t\tHear us, holy Jesus.
%% 21.\tMay Thy life and death supply
%% \t\t\t\t\tGrace to live and grace to die,
%% \t\t\t\t\tGrace to reach the home on high:
%% \t\t\t\t\tHear us, holy Jesus.
%%multicol end
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2006 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "100 GOOD FRIDAY"
%%footer Ps 22:6-8, Is 53:4-5, Jn 10:14-15, 10:27-28, Heb 12:2 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6
%OHSCRIP Ps 22:6-8, Is 53:4-5, Jn 10:14-15, 10:27-28, Heb 12:2
%OHTOPICS {Atonement}, {Contrition}, {Cross [9,11]}, {Crown [1]}, {Easter Week / Passion}, {Example, Christ's}, {Fear of the Lord [3]}, {God, Goodness of}, {God, Love of}, {God, Mercy of}, {Gospel}, {Gratitude}, {Humility}, {Jesus}, {Joy [1,7,9]}, {Judgment}, {Law [2,5]}, {Love [6,7]}, {Reverence}, {Sacrifice}, {Sinners}
%OHMETRICAL 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6
%OHCOMPOSER Hassler, Hans Leo (1564-1612)
%OHARRANGER Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750)
%OHAUTHOR Bernard of Clairvaux (1091-1153)
%OHTRANSLATOR Alexander, James Waddel (1804-1859)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 100
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: C
{ E ; C ; G, ; C, }
{ A G F E ; C C C/D/ D/C/ ; F, G, A,/G,/ G, ; F, E, A,,/B,,/ C, }
{ D2 E B ; (C B,) C D ; (A, G,) G, ^G, ; (F,, G,,) C, B,, }
{ c c B/A/ B ; C/D/ E E3/2 D/ ; A, A, A, ^G, ; A,,/B,,/ C,/D,/ E, E,, }
{ A3 ; C3 ; A,3 ; A,,3 }
{ C ; G, ; C, ; E }
{ C C C/D/ D/C/ ; F, G, A,/G,/ G, ; F, E, A,,/B,,/ C, ; A G F E }
{ (C B,) C D ; (A, G,) G, ^G, ; (F,, G,,) C, B,, ; D2 E B }
{ C/D/ E E3/2 D/ ; A, A, A, ^G, ; A,,/B,,/ C,/D,/ E, E,, ; c c B/A/ B }
{ C3 ; A,3 ; A,,3 ; A3 }
{ G, ; C, ; E ; C }
{ F, G, A,/G,/ G, ; F, E, A,,/B,,/ C, ; A G F E ; C C C/D/ D/C/ }
{ (A, G,) G, ^G, ; (F,, G,,) C, B,, ; D2 E B ; (C B,) C D }
{ A, A, A, ^G, ; A,,/B,,/ C,/D,/ E, E,, ; c c B/A/ B ; C/D/ E E3/2 D/ }
{ A,3 ; A,,3 ; A3 ; C3 }
{ C, ; E ; C ; G, }
{ F, E, A,,/B,,/ C, ; A G F E ; C C C/D/ D/C/ ; F, G, A,/G,/ G, }
{ (F,, G,,) C, B,, ; D2 E B ; (C B,) C D ; (A, G,) G, ^G, }
{ A,,/B,,/ C,/D,/ E, E,, ; c c B/A/ B ; C/D/ E E3/2 D/ ; A, A, A, ^G, }
{ A,,3 ; A3 ; C3 ; A,3 } | X: 100
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: C
X: 100
T: O Sacred Head, Now Wounded
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Bernard of Clairvaux, 1153. Translated by James W. Alexander, 1830.
C: Music: 'Passion Chorale' or 'Herzlich Tut Mich Verlangen' Hans Leo Hassler, 1601. Adapted by J.S. Bach, 1729.
C: Setting: Johann Sebastian Bach, 1729.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2007 Revision.
S: Music source: The Episcopal Hymnal, 1916, Hymn 158.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: C % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=100] E | A G F E | D2 E B | c c B/A/ B | A3
w: 1.~O sac- red Head, now wound- ed, with grief and shame * weighed down,
w: 2.~What Thou, my Lord, hast suf- fered, was all for sin- * ners' gain;
w: 3.~Men mock and taunt and jeer Thee, Thou no- ble coun- * ten- ance,
w: 4.~Now from Thy cheeks has van- ished their co- lor once * so fair;
w: 5.~My bur- den in Thy Pas- sion, Lord, Thou hast borne * for me,
[V: S1V2] C | C C C/D/ D/C/ | (C B,) C D | C/D/ E E3/2 D/ | C3
[V: S2V1] G, | F, G, A,/G,/ G, | (A, G,) G, ^G, | A, A, A, ^G, | A,3
[V: S2V2] C, | F, E, A,,/B,,/ C, | (F,, G,,) C, B,, | A,,/B,,/ C,/D,/ E, E,, | A,,3
% 5
[V: S1V1] E | A G F E | D2 E B | c c B/A/ B | A3
w: Now scorn- ful- ly sur- round- ed with thorns, Thine on- * ly crown;
w: Mine, mine was the trans- gres- sion, but Thine the dead- * ly pain.
w: Though migh- ty worlds shall fear Thee and flee be- fore * Thy glance.
w: From Thy red lips is ban- ished the splen- dor that * was there.
w: For it was my trans- gres- sion which brought this woe * on Thee.
[V: S1V2] C | C C C/D/ D/C/ | (C B,) C D | C/D/ E E3/2 D/ | C3
[V: S2V1] G, | F, G, A,/G,/ G, | (A, G,) G, ^G, | A, A, A, ^G, | A,3
[V: S2V2] C, | F, E, A,,/B,,/ C, | (F,, G,,) C, B,, | A,,/B,,/ C,/D,/ E, E,, | A,,3
% 9
[V: S1V1] c | B/A/ G A B | c2 c G | A G F F | E3
w: O sac- * red Head, what glo- ry, what bliss till now was Thine!
w: Lo, here * I fall, my Sa- vior! 'Tis I de- serve Thy place;
w: How art * thou pale with an- guish, with sore a- buse and scorn!
w: Grim death, * with cru- el ri- gor, hath robbed Thee of Thy life;
w: I cast * me down be- fore Thee, wrath were my right- ful lot;
[V: S1V2] E | D/F/ E/D/ C F | (F E/D/) E E | F E E D | ^C3
[V: S2V1] A,/G,/ | F,/A,/ C/B,/ A,/G,/ F,/G,/ | (A, G,/F,/) G, C | C _B, A, A, | A,3
[V: S2V2] A,, | D, E, F,/E,/ D, | C,2 C, C, | F,/E,/ D,/^C,/ D,/E,/ F,/G,/ | A,3
% 13
%%header "GOOD FRIDAY 100(2)"
[V: S1V1] =c | B/c/ d c B | A2 B !sintro!E | F E D G | E3 !eintro!|]
w: Yet, though * des- pised and gor- y, I joy to call Thee mine.
w: Look on * me with Thy fa- vor, vouch- safe to me Thy grace.
w: How doth * Thy vis- age lan- guish that once was bright as morn!
w: Thus Thou * hast lost Thy vi- gor, Thy strength in this sad strife.
w: Have mer- * cy, I im- plore Thee; Re- deem- er, spurn me not!
[V: S1V2] D | D D E/^F/ G | (G ^F) G C/B,/ | A,/B,/ C C/A,/ B, | C3 |]
[V: S2V1] A, | G, A, G,/A,/ B,/G,/ | (E D) D G, | F, G, G, G, | G,3 |]
[V: S2V2] ^F, | G, ^F, E, D, | (^C, D,) G,, =C, | D, E,/F,/ G, G,, | C,3 |]
% 19
W:6. What language shall I borrow to thank Thee, dearest friend,
W:For this Thy dying sorrow, Thy pity without end?
W:O make me Thine forever, and should I fainting be,
W:Lord, let me never, never outlive my love to Thee.
W:7. My Shepherd, now receive me; my Guardian, own me Thine.
W:Great blessings Thou didst give me, O source of gifts divine.
W:Thy lips have often fed me with words of truth and love;
W:Thy Spirit oft hath led me to heavenly joys above.
W:8. Here I will stand beside Thee, from Thee I will not part;
W:O Savior, do not chide me! When breaks Thy loving heart,
W:When soul and body languish in death's cold, cruel grasp,
W:Then, in Thy deepest anguish, Thee in mine arms I'll clasp.
W:9. The joy can never be spoken, above all joys beside,
W:When in Thy body broken I thus with safety hide.
W:O Lord of Life, desiring Thy glory now to see,
W:Beside Thy cross expiring, I'd breathe my soul to Thee.
W:10. My Savior, be Thou near me when death is at my door;
W:Then let Thy presence cheer me, forsake me nevermore!
W:When soul and body languish, oh, leave me not alone,
W:But take away mine anguish by virtue of Thine own!
W:11. Be Thou my consolation, my shield when I must die;
W:Remind me of Thy passion when my last hour draws nigh.
W:Mine eyes shall then behold Thee, upon Thy cross shall dwell,
W:My heart by faith enfolds Thee. Who dieth thus dies well.
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2008 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "101 GOOD FRIDAY"
%%footer Is 53:3-6, Acts 4:11-12, Rom 4:25, Lk 6:47-49 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7
%OHSCRIP Is 53:3-6, Acts 4:11-12, Rom 4:25, Lk 6:47-49
%OHTOPICS {Atonement}, {Christian Life [3,4]}, {Contrition}, {Cross}, {Easter Week / Passion}, {Faithfulness}, {God, Faithfulness of}, {God, Love of}, {Gratitude}, {Humility}, {Jesus}, {Judgment}, {Knowledge [1,3]}, {Law}, {Love}, {Obedience}, {Sacrifice}, {Salvation}, {Sinners[3]}, {Truth[1]}
%OHMETRICAL 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7
%OHCOMPOSER from Geistliches Volkslied, 1850
%OHAUTHOR Kelly, Thomas (1769-1855)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 101
M: 6/4
L: 1/4
K: Bb
{ G A ; D D ; B, A, ; G, ^F, }
{ B2 B2 c B ; D2 E2 E D ; G,2 G,2 G, G, ; G,2 E,2 C, G,, }
{ A2 A2 B A ; D2 D2 D D ; G,2 ^F,2 G, ^F, ; D,2 D,2 G, D, }
{ G2 A2 G ^F ; B,2 E2 D D ; G,2 C2 B, A, ; E,2 C,2 D, D, }
{ G4 ; D4 ; B,4 ; G,,4 }
{ D D ; B, A, ; G, ^F, ; G A }
{ D2 E2 E D ; G,2 G,2 G, G, ; G,2 E,2 C, G,, ; B2 B2 c B }
{ D2 D2 D D ; G,2 ^F,2 G, ^F, ; D,2 D,2 G, D, ; A2 A2 B A }
{ B,2 E2 D D ; G,2 C2 B, A, ; E,2 C,2 D, D, ; G2 A2 G ^F }
{ D4 ; B,4 ; G,,4 ; G4 }
{ B, A, ; G, ^F, ; G A ; D D }
{ G,2 G,2 G, G, ; G,2 E,2 C, G,, ; B2 B2 c B ; D2 E2 E D }
{ G,2 ^F,2 G, ^F, ; D,2 D,2 G, D, ; A2 A2 B A ; D2 D2 D D }
{ G,2 C2 B, A, ; E,2 C,2 D, D, ; G2 A2 G ^F ; B,2 E2 D D }
{ B,4 ; G,,4 ; G4 ; D4 }
{ G, ^F, ; G A ; D D ; B, A, }
{ G,2 E,2 C, G,, ; B2 B2 c B ; D2 E2 E D ; G,2 G,2 G, G, }
{ D,2 D,2 G, D, ; A2 A2 B A ; D2 D2 D D ; G,2 ^F,2 G, ^F, }
{ E,2 C,2 D, D, ; G2 A2 G ^F ; B,2 E2 D D ; G,2 C2 B, A, }
{ G,,4 ; G4 ; D4 ; B,4 } | X: 101
M: 6/4
L: 1/4
K: Bb
X: 101
T: Stricken, Smitten, and Afflicted
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Thomas Kelly, 1804.
C: Music: 'O Mein Jesu, Ich Muss Sterben' or 'Wo Ist Jesus, Mein Verlangen' from Geistliches Volkslied, 1850.
C: Setting: "Evangelical Lutheran Hymn-Book", 1931.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2008 Revision.
S: Music source: Evangelical Lutheran Hymn-Book, 1931 Hymn 209.
M: 6/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: Bb % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=180] G A | B2 B2 c B | A2 A2 B A | G2 A2 G ^F | G4
w: 1.~Strick- en, smitt- en, and a- fflic- ted, See Him dy- ing on the tree!
w: 2.~Tell me, ye who hear Him groan- ing, Was there e- ver grief like His?
w: 3.~Ye who think of sin but light- ly, Nor sup- pose the ev- il great,
w: 4.~Here we have a firm foun- da- tion, Here the re- fuge of the lost.
[V: S1V2] D D | D2 E2 E D | D2 D2 D D | B,2 E2 D D | D4
[V: S2V1] B, A, | G,2 G,2 G, G, | G,2 ^F,2 G, ^F, | G,2 C2 B, A, | B,4
[V: S2V2] G, ^F, | G,2 E,2 C, G,, | D,2 D,2 G, D, | E,2 C,2 D, D, | G,,4
% 5
[V: S1V1] G A | B2 B2 c B | A2 A2 B A | G2 A2 G ^F | G4
w: 'Tis the Christ by man re- ject- ed; Yes, my soul, 'tis He, 'tis He!
w: Friends through fear His cause dis- own- ing, Foes in- sul- ting his dis- tress:
w: Here may view its na- ture right- ly, Here its guilt may est- i- mate.
w: Christ the Rock of our sal- va- tion, Christ the Name of which we boast.
[V: S1V2] D D | D2 E2 E D | D2 D2 D D | B,2 E2 D D | D4
[V: S2V1] B, A, | G,2 G,2 G, G, | G,2 ^F,2 G, ^F, | G,2 C2 B, A, | B,4
[V: S2V2] G, ^F, | G,2 E,2 C, G,, | D,2 D,2 G, D, | E,2 C,2 D, D, | G,,4
% 9
[V: S1V1] B c | d2 d2 e d | c2 c2 d c | B2 B2 c B | A4
w: 'Tis the long ex- pec- ted pro- phet, Da- vid's Son, yet Da- vid's Lord;
w: Man- y hands were raised to wound Him, None would in- ter- pose to save;
w: Mark the Sac- ri- fice ap- point- ed! See Who bears the aw- ful load!
w: Lamb of God for sin- ners wound- ed! Sac- ri- fice to can- cel guilt!
[V: S1V2] D F | F2 G2 G F | F2 F2 F F | D2 E2 E D | D4
[V: S2V1] G, A, | B,2 B,2 B, B, | B,2 A,2 B, A, | G,2 G,2 G, G, | ^F,4
[V: S2V2] G, F, | B,2 G,2 E, B,, | F,2 F,2 B, F, | G,2 E,2 C, G,, | D,4
% 13
[V: S1V1] G ^F | G2 B2 A G | A2 A2 !sintro!B A | G2 A2 G ^F | G4 !eintro!|]
w: Proofs I see su- ffic- ient of it: 'Tis a true and faith- ful Word.
w: But the deep- est stroke that pierced Him Was the stroke that Jus- tice gave.
w: 'Tis the Word, the Lord's A- noint- ed, Son of Man, and Son of God.
w: None shall ev- er be con- found- ed Who on Him their hope have built.
[V: S1V2] D D | D2 D2 D B, | D2 D2 D D | E2 E2 D D | D4 |]
[V: S2V1] G, A, | B,2 G,2 ^F, G, | G,2 ^F,2 G, A, | B,2 C2 B, A, | B,4 |]
[V: S2V2] B,, D, | G,2 G,2 D, E, | D,2 D,2 G, =F, | E,2 C,2 D, D, | G,,4 |]
% 19
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2013 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 0.600000cm
%%sysstaffsep 0.00000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "GOOD FRIDAY 102"
%%footer Mt 27:55-56, Jn 19:34, Lk 23:44-45, 23:55, Mt 28:1-7 10 10 14 10
%OHSCRIP Mt 27:55-56, Jn 19:34, Lk 23:44-45, 23:55, Mt 28:1-7
%OHTOPICS {Atonement}, {Contrition}, {Cross}, {Fear of the Lord}, {Gratitude}, {Jesus}, {Miracles [6]}, {Presence}, {Resurrection [6]}, {Sacrifice}, {Testimony}, {Truth}
%OHMETRICAL 10 10 14 10
%OHCOMPOSER African-American
%OHARRANGER Douglas, Charles Winfred (1867-1944)
%OHAUTHOR African-American
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 102
M: none
L: 1/4
K: E
{ B, E ; B, B, ; B, B, ; B, G, }
{ G2 G G ; E2 E E ; B,2 B, B, ; E,2 E, E, }
{ F E G3/2 F/ ; D C D3/2 D/ ; B, G, B,3/2 A,/ ; B,, C, B,,3/2 B,,/ }
{ !fermata!E2 E G ; E2 B, E ; !invertedfermata!G,2 G, B, ; E,2 E, E, }
{ B, B, ; B, B, ; B, G, ; B2 B B }
{ E2 E E ; B,2 B, B, ; E,2 E, E, ; c B B3/2 G/ }
{ D C D3/2 D/ ; B, G, B,3/2 A,/ ; B,, C, B,,3/2 B,,/ ; F4 }
{ E2 B, E ; !invertedfermata!G,2 G, B, ; E,2 E, E, ; (B2 e3/2 c/ }
{ B, B, ; B, G, ; B2 B B ; D2 E F }
{ B,2 B, B, ; E,2 E, E, ; c B B3/2 G/ ; E F G3/2 E/ }
{ B, G, B,3/2 A,/ ; B,, C, B,,3/2 B,,/ ; F4 ; D4 }
{ !invertedfermata!G,2 G, B, ; E,2 E, E, ; (B2 e3/2 c/ ; (E D E A }
{ B, G, ; B2 B B ; D2 E F ; (B, A,) G, F, }
{ E,2 E, E, ; c B B3/2 G/ ; E F G3/2 E/ ; G, B, B,3/2 B,/ }
{ B,, C, B,,3/2 B,,/ ; F4 ; D4 ; B,4 }
{ E,2 E, E, ; (B2 e3/2 c/ ; (E D E A ; (B, A, B, C } | X: 102
M: none
L: 1/4
K: E
X: 102
T: Were You There?
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: African-American Spiritual, before 1899.
C: Music: 'Were You There' African-American Spiritual, before 1899. Setting: attr. Charles Winfred Douglas, 1940.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2013 Revision.
S: Music source: The Hymnal (Episcopal), 1940 hymn 80 listed without copyright. Although the setting is usually attributed to Douglas,
S: who as on the 1940 hymnal committee, no credit or copyright is called out in the hymnal as it is onother hymns.
S: The 1940 copyright on this hymnal was never renewed.
M: none % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: E % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=100] B, E | G2 G G | F E G3/2 F/ | !fermata!E2 E G |
w: 1.~Were you there when they cru- ci- fied my Lord? Were you
w: 2.~Were you there when they nailed Him to the tree? Were you
w: 3.~Were you there when they pierced Him in the side? Were you
w: 4.~Were you there when the sun re- fused to shine? Were you
w: 5.~Were you there when they laid Him in the tomb? Were you
[V: S1V2] B, B, | E2 E E | D C D3/2 D/ | E2 B, E |
[V: S2V1] B, B, | B,2 B, B, | B, G, B,3/2 A,/ | !invertedfermata!G,2 G, B, |
[V: S2V2] B, G, | E,2 E, E, | B,, C, B,,3/2 B,,/ | E,2 E, E, |
% 2
[V: S1V1] B2 B B | c B B3/2 G/ | F4 | (B2 e3/2 c/ | B4) |
w: there when they cru- ci- fied my Lord? * * * *
w: there when they nailed Him to the tree? * * * *
w: there when they pierced Him in the side? Oh! * * *
w: there when the sun re- fused to shine? * * * *
w: there when they laid Him in the tomb? * * * *
[V: S1V2] D2 E F | E F G3/2 E/ | D4 | (E D E A | G F E2) |
[V: S2V1] (B, A,) G, F, | G, B, B,3/2 B,/ | B,4 | (B, A, B, C | D2 E =D) |
[V: S2V2] (G, F,) E, D, | C, D, E,3/2 G,/ | B,4 | (G, F, G, A, | B, A, G,2) |
% 2
[V: S1V1] c B2 G| G3/2 F/ E E | F !fermata!E2 | E !fermata!E2 | B, B,3 |
w: Some- times it caus- es me to trem- ble, trem- ble, trem- ble.
[V: S1V2] E E2 D | D3/2 D/ D C | C =C2 |=C B,2 | A, F,3 |
[V: S2V1] C G,2 B, | A,3/2 A,/ G, G, | A, !invertedfermata!A,2 | E, !invertedfermata!E,2 | E, D,3 |
[V: S2V2] A, E,2 B,, | ^B,,3/2 B,,/ C, C,/=B,,/ | A,, A,,2 | A,, G,,2 | A,, B,,3 |
% 2
[V: S1V1] E A | G2 !sintro!G G | F E G3/2 F/ | E4 !eintro!|]
w: Were you there when they cru- ci- fied my Lord?
w: Were you there when they nailed Him to the tree?
w: Were you there when they pierced Him in the side?
w: Were you there when the sun re- fused to shine?
w: Were you there when they laid Him in the tomb?
[V: S1V2] A, C | (B, E) E D | D E D3/2 D/ | B,4 |]
[V: S2V1] E, E, | (E, G,) C B, | A, G, B,3/2 A,/ | [G,4E,4] |]
[V: S2V2] C, A,, | B,,2 B,, B,, | B,, C, G,,3/2 B,,/ | [B,,4E,,4] |]
W: 6.Were you there when God raised Him from the tomb?
W: Were you there when God raised Him from the tomb?
W: Oh! Sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble.
W: Were you there when God raised Him from the tomb?
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2011 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.70000
%%staffsep 0.600000cm
%%sysstaffsep 0.00000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "103 EASTER"
%%footer Col 2:13-15, 1Cor 15:42-58, Rom 6:1-11, 1Pt 1:3-9, Is 41:1-20, Rom 8:35-39, Rev 20:1-3 7 6 7 6 6 6 6 6
%OHSCRIP Col 2:13-15, 1Cor 15:42-58, Rom 6:1-11, 1Pt 1:3-9, Is 41:1-20, Rom 8:35-39, Rev 20:1-3
%OHTOPICS {Assurance}, {Atonement}, {Brevity of Life}, {Comfort}, {Day}, {Easter}, {Eternal Life}, {Following Jesus, In Faith}, {Heaven}, {Jesus}, {Joy}, {Miracles}, {Praise, Son}, {Resurrection}, {Scripture [9]}, {Victory}
%OHMETRICAL 7 6 7 6 6 6 6 6
%OHCOMPOSER Crüger, Johann (1598-1662)
%OHAUTHOR Gerhardt, Paul (1607-1676)
%OHTRANSLATOR Kelly, John (1833-1890)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 103
M: 3/4
L: 1/4
K: Eb
{ B G B ; E E E ; G, B, E, ; E, E, G,, }
{ A2 G ; C2 B, ; E,2 E, ; A,,2 E, }
{ F3 ; B,3 ; (D,3/2 C,/ D,) ; B,,3 }
{ E2 B ; B,2 E ; G,2 G, ; E,,2 E, }
{ (c3/2 d/) e ; E2 E/F/ ; A,2 G,/C/ ; (A,,3/2 B,,/) C, }
{ (d3/2 c/) d ; G2 G ; (=B,3/2 =A,/) B, ; G,,2 G,, }
{ c3 ; E3 ; G,3 ; C,3 }
{ E E E ; G, B, E, ; E, E, G,, ; B G B }
{ C2 B, ; E,2 E, ; A,,2 E, ; A2 G }
{ B,3 ; (D,3/2 C,/ D,) ; B,,3 ; F3 }
{ B,2 E ; G,2 G, ; E,,2 E, ; E2 B }
{ E2 E/F/ ; A,2 G,/C/ ; (A,,3/2 B,,/) C, ; (c3/2 d/) e }
{ G2 G ; (=B,3/2 =A,/) B, ; G,,2 G,, ; (d3/2 c/) d }
{ E3 ; G,3 ; C,3 ; c3 }
{ G, B, E, ; E, E, G,, ; B G B ; E E E }
{ E,2 E, ; A,,2 E, ; A2 G ; C2 B, }
{ (D,3/2 C,/ D,) ; B,,3 ; F3 ; B,3 }
{ G,2 G, ; E,,2 E, ; E2 B ; B,2 E }
{ A,2 G,/C/ ; (A,,3/2 B,,/) C, ; (c3/2 d/) e ; E2 E/F/ }
{ (=B,3/2 =A,/) B, ; G,,2 G,, ; (d3/2 c/) d ; G2 G }
{ G,3 ; C,3 ; c3 ; E3 }
{ E, E, G,, ; B G B ; E E E ; G, B, E, }
{ A,,2 E, ; A2 G ; C2 B, ; E,2 E, }
{ B,,3 ; F3 ; B,3 ; (D,3/2 C,/ D,) }
{ E,,2 E, ; E2 B ; B,2 E ; G,2 G, }
{ (A,,3/2 B,,/) C, ; (c3/2 d/) e ; E2 E/F/ ; A,2 G,/C/ }
{ G,,2 G,, ; (d3/2 c/) d ; G2 G ; (=B,3/2 =A,/) B, }
{ C,3 ; c3 ; E3 ; G,3 } | X: 103
M: 3/4
L: 1/4
K: Eb
X: 103
T: Awake, My Heart, With Gladness
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Paul Gerhardt, 1648. Translated by John Kelly, 1867, alt.
C: Music: 'Auf, Auf, Mein Herz mit Freuden' Johann Crüger, 1648. Setting: "Mehrstimmiges ChoralBuch", 1906.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2011 Revision.
S: Music source: "Mehrstimmiges ChoralBuch", 1906 Hymn #14 Ed. Karl Brauer.
S: translation blended between "Paul Gerhardt's Spiritual Songs" by John Kelly, 1867 page 71-74 and ELHB, 1931.
M: 3/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: Eb % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=140] B G B | A2 G | F3 | E2 B | (c3/2 d/) e | (d3/2 c/) d | c3 |
w: 1.~A- wake, my heart, with glad- ness, See what * to- day * is done;
w: 2.~They in the grave did sink Him, The foe * held ju- * bi- lee;
w: 3.~Up- on the grave is stand- ing The He- * ro look- * ing round;
w: 4.~A sight it is to glad- den; And fill * the heart * with glee,
w: 5.~Hell and its prince, the de- vil, Of all * their pow'rs * are shorn;
[V: S1V2] E E E | C2 B, | B,3 | B,2 E | E2 E/F/ | G2 G | E3 |
[V: S2V1] G, B, E, | E,2 E, | (D,3/2 C,/ D,) | G,2 G, | A,2 G,/C/ | (=B,3/2 =A,/) B, | G,3 |
[V: S2V2] E, E, G,, | A,,2 E, | B,,3 | E,,2 E, | (A,,3/2 B,,/) C, | G,,2 G,, | C,3 |
% 8
[V: S1V1] B G B | A2 G | F3 | E2 B | (c3/2 d/) e | (d3/2 c/) d | c3 |
w: How af- ter gloom and sad- ness, Comes forth * the glo- * rious Sun.
w: Be- fore he can be- think him, Lo! Christ * a- gain * is free.
w: The foe, no more with- stand- ing, His wea- * pons on * the ground
w: No more af- fright or sad- den Shall aught, * or take * from me
w: Now I am safe from e- vil, And sin * I laugh * to scorn.
[V: S1V2] E E E | C2 B, | B,3 | B,2 E | E2 E/F/ | G2 G | E3 |
[V: S2V1] G, B, E, | E,2 E, | (D,3/2 C,/ D,) | G,2 G, | A,2 G,/C/ | (=B,3/2 =A,/) B, | G,3 |
[V: S2V2] E, E, G,, | A,,2 E, | B,,3 | E,,2 E, | (A,,3/2 B,,/) C, | G,,2 G,, | C,3 |
% 15
[V: S1V1] G B E | (D3/2 E/) F | E3 | A c F | (=E3/2 F/) G | F2
w: My Sa- vior there * was laid Where our bed must * be made
w: And "Vic- to- ry" * He cries, And wav- ing tow'rds * the skies
w: Throws down, his hell- * ish pow'r To Christ must he * give o'er,
w: My trust or for- * ti- tude, Or a- ny prec- * ious good
w: Grim Death with all * his might Can- not my soul * af- fright;
[V: S1V2] B, B, G, | B,2 B, | B,3 | F E _D | C2 C | C2
[V: S2V1] G, F, E, | (F,3/2 E,/) D, | G,3 | C C B, | (G,3/2 F,/) =E, | =A,2
[V: S2V2] E, D, C, | B,,2 B,, | E,,3 | F,, A,, B,, | C,2 C, | F,,2
% 20
[V: S1V1] F | (G3/2 A/) B | (=A3/2 B/) c | B2 !sintro!B | (c3/2 d/) e | (d3/2 c/) d | e3 !eintro!|]
w: When to * the realms * of light Our spi- * rit wings * its flight.
w: His ban- * ner, while * the field Is by * the He- * ro held!
w: And to * the Vic- * tor's bands Must yield * his feet * and hands.
w: The Sa- * vior bought * for me In sov'r- * eign love * and free.
w: He is * a pow'r- * less form, How- e'er * he rage * and storm.
[V: S1V2] D | E2 F | F2 F | D2 E | E2 E | F2 F | G3 |]
[V: S2V1] B, | B,2 B, | (C3/2 B,/) =A, | B,2 G, | A,2 G, | B,2 B, | B,3 |]
[V: S2V2] B,, | E,2 D, | F,2 F, | B,,2 E, | (A,,3/2 B,,/) C, | B,,2 B,, | E,,3 |]
%%multicol start
%%rightmargin 12cm
%%textfont Times-Roman 13.0
%%begintext obeylines justify
%% 6.\tThe world against me rageth Its fury I disdain;
%% \t\t\t\tThough bitter war it wageth Its work is all in vain.
%% \t\t\t\tMy heart from care is free, Misfortune now is play,
%% \t\t\t\tNo trouble troubles me, And night is bright as day.
%% 7.\tI cleave now and forever To Christ, a member true,
%% \t\t\t\tMy Head will leave me never, Whate'er He passeth through.
%% \t\t\t\tHe treads the world beneath His feet, and conquers death
%% \t\t\t\tAnd hell, and breaks sin's thrall; I'm with Him through it all.
%%multicol new
%%leftmargin 10.5cm
%%rightmargin 2cm
%%textfont Times-Roman 13.0
%%begintext obeylines justify
%% 8.\tTo halls of heavenly splendor With Him I penetrate;
%% \t\t\t\tAnd trouble ne'er may hinder Nor make me hesitate.
%% \t\t\t\tNo enemy I fear, Because my Head is near;
%% \t\t\t\tMy Savior is my Shield, By Him all rage is stilled.
%% 9.\tHe brings me to the portal That opens into bliss,
%% \t\t\t\tWhere graved in words immortal This golden scripture is:
%% \t\t\t\t"Who's there despised with me, Here with me crown'd shall be;
%% \t\t\t\tWho there with Me shall die, Here's raised with me on high!"
%%multicol end
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2006 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "EASTER 104"
%%footer Jn 2:19-22, Mt 28:6 Irregular
%OHSCRIP Jn 2:19-22, Mt 28:6
%OHTOPICS {Comfort}, {Easter}, {Eternal Life}, {God, As King}, {God, Majesty & Power of}, {Jesus}, {Joy}, {Praise, Son}, {Reverence}, {Saints (all Faithful)}, {Salvation}, {Victory}
%OHCOMPOSER Lowry, Robert (1826-1899)
%OHARRANGER Lowry, Robert (1826-1899)
%OHAUTHOR Lowry, Robert (1826-1899)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 104
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: C
{ G2 G A ; E2 E F ; C2 C C ; C,2 C, C, }
{ A G G2 ; F E E2 ; C C C2 ; C, C, C,2 }
{ G2 F A ; D2 D F ; B,2 B, B, ; G,,2 G,, G,, }
{ A2 G2 ; F2 E2 ; C2 C2 ; C,2 C,2 }
{ E2 E F ; C2 C C ; C,2 C, C, ; A2 B c }
{ F E E2 ; C C C2 ; C, C, C,2 ; c G G2 }
{ D2 D F ; B,2 B, B, ; G,,2 G,, G,, ; A2 G ^F }
{ F2 E2 ; C2 C2 ; C,2 C,2 ; G4 }
{ C2 C C ; C,2 C, C, ; A2 B c ; F2 G A }
{ C C C2 ; C, C, C,2 ; c G G2 ; G E E2 }
{ B,2 B, B, ; G,,2 G,, G,, ; A2 G ^F ; E2 D C }
{ C2 C2 ; C,2 C,2 ; G4 ; B,4 }
{ C,2 C, C, ; A2 B c ; F2 G A ; C2 C C }
{ C, C, C,2 ; c G G2 ; G E E2 ; C C C2 }
{ G,,2 G,, G,, ; A2 G ^F ; E2 D C ; C2 B, A, }
{ C,2 C,2 ; G4 ; B,4 ; G,4 }
{ A2 B c ; F2 G A ; C2 C C ; F,2 F, F, }
{ c G G2 ; G E E2 ; C C C2 ; E, C, C,2 }
{ A2 G ^F ; E2 D C ; C2 B, A, ; C,2 D, D, }
{ G4 ; B,4 ; G,4 ; G,,4 } | X: 104
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: C
X: 104
T: Christ Arose
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Robert Lowry, 1874. Music and Setting: 'Christ Arose' Robert Lowry, 1874.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2007 Revision.
S: Music source: "Brightest and Best", 1874 Hymn 113.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: C % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=100] G2 G A | A G G2 | G2 F A | A2 G2 |
w: 1.~Low in the grave He lay Je- sus my Sa- vior!
w: 2.~Vain- ly they watch His bed\- Je- sus my Sa- vior!
w: 3.~Death can- not keep his prey\- Je- sus my Sa- vior!
[V: S1V2] E2 E F | F E E2 | D2 D F | F2 E2 |
[V: S2V1] C2 C C | C C C2 | B,2 B, B, | C2 C2 |
[V: S2V2] C,2 C, C, | C, C, C,2 | G,,2 G,, G,, | C,2 C,2 |
% 5
[V: S1V1] A2 B c | c G G2 | A2 G ^F | G4 |
w: Wait- ing the co- ming day\- Je- sus my Lord!
w: Vain- ly they seal the dead\- Je- sus my Lord!
w: He tore the bars a- way\- Je- sus my Lord!
[V: S1V2] F2 G A | G E E2 | E2 D C | B,4 |
[V: S2V1] C2 C C | C C C2 | C2 B, A, | G,4 |
[V: S2V2] F,2 F, F, | E, C, C,2 | C,2 D, D, | G,,4 |
% 9
[V: S1V1] C C3/4 C// E G3/4 G// | c3 c3/4 d// | e c d3/4 c// B3/4 A// |
w: Up from the grave He a- rose, With a might- y tri- umph o'er His
w: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
w: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
[V: S1V2] C C3/4 C// E G3/4 G// | E3 E3/4 F// | G G A3/4 A// G3/4 F// |
[V: S2V1] C, C,3/4 C,// E, G,3/4 G,// | G, G,3/4 G,// G, C3/4 C// | C C C3/4 C// C3/4 C// |
w: * * * * * * * He a- rose! * * * * * * * *
[V: S2V2] C, C,3/4 C,// E, G,3/4 G,// | C, C,3/4 C,// C, C,3/4 C,// | C, E, F,3/4 F,// F,3/4 F,// |
% 13
[V: S1V1] G3 B3/4 c// | d d d3/4 c// d3/4 e// | c A G G3/4 G// | A A A3/4 d// d3/4 c// |
w: foes; He a- rose a Vic- tor from the dark do- main, And He lives for- ev- er with His
[V: S1V2] E3 D3/4 E// | F F F3/4 E// F3/4 G// | E F E E3/4 E// | F F ^F3/4 ^F// ^F3/4 A// |
[V: S2V1] C C3/4 C// C G,3/4 G,// | G, G, G,3/4 G,// G,3/4 G,// | C C C C3/4 C// | C C C3/4 A,// A,3/4 D// |
w: * He a- rose! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
[V: S2V2] C, C,3/4 C,// C, G,3/4 G,// | G, G, G,3/4 G,// G,3/4 G,// | A, F, C, C,3/4 C,// | F, F, D,3/4 D,// D,3/4 D,// |
% 17
[V: S1V1] B c d G3/4 G// | e3 d3/4 c// | f3 !sintro!e3/4 d// | c G e d | c4 !eintro!|]
w: saints to reign. He a- rose! He a- rose! Hal- le- lu- jah! Christ a- rose!
[V: S1V2] G/F/ E F G3/4 G// | G3 F3/4 E// | A3 G3/4 F// | E E G F | E4 |]
[V: S2V1] D C B, z | z C3/4 C// C z | z C3/4 C// C C3/4 A,// | G, C C B, | C4 |]
w: * * * He a- rose! He a- rose! * * * * * * *
[V: S2V2] G, A, G, x | x C3/4 C// C x | x F,3/4 F,// F, F,3/4 F,// | G, G, G, G, | C,4 |]
% 22
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2008 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.720000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "105 EASTER"
%%footer 1Cor 15:54-57, Acts 2:24, 1Cor 5:7b, 2Tim 1:10 8 7 8 7 7 8 7 with Alleluia
%OHSCRIP 1Cor 15:54-57, Acts 2:24, 1Cor 5:7b, 2Tim 1:10
%OHTOPICS {Atonement}, {Blood [3]}, {Bread (of Life/Daily Bread) [7]}, {Cross [5]}, {Darkness, Spiritual}, {Easter}, {Easter Week / Passion}, {Eternal Life [6,7]}, {Forgiveness [1,2]}, {God, Mercy of}, {Gospel}, {Grace}, {Gratitude}, {Heaven [7]}, {Jesus}, {Light [6]}, {Priest/Priestly Roles [5]}, {Sacrifice}, {Salvation}, {Sinners [1-4]}
%OHMETRICAL 8 7 8 7 7 8 7 Alleluia4
%OHCOMPOSER from Walter's Geistliche Gesangbüchlein, 1524
%OHAUTHOR Luther, Martin (1483-1546)
%OHTRANSLATOR Massie, Richard (1800-1887)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 105
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: C
{ A2 ; F2 ; D2 ; D,2 }
{ G A c d ; E E A F ; B, C A, A, ; E, A, F, D, }
{ c B A3/2 A/ ; E3/2 D/ C3/2 C/ ; A, ^G, A,3/2 A,/ ; E, E, A,,3/2 F,/ }
{ F G A G/F/ ; D E F D ; A, C C _B,/A,/ ; D, C, F,, G,,/D,/ }
{ F2 ; D2 ; D,2 ; E !fermata!D A2 }
{ E E A F ; B, C A, A, ; E, A, F, D, ; G A c d }
{ E3/2 D/ C3/2 C/ ; A, ^G, A,3/2 A,/ ; E, E, A,,3/2 F,/ ; c B A3/2 A/ }
{ D E F D ; A, C C _B,/A,/ ; D, C, F,, G,,/D,/ ; F G A G/F/ }
{ D2 ; D,2 ; E !fermata!D A2 ; D/^C/ D F2 }
{ B, C A, A, ; E, A, F, D, ; G A c d ; E E A F }
{ A, ^G, A,3/2 A,/ ; E, E, A,,3/2 F,/ ; c B A3/2 A/ ; E3/2 D/ C3/2 C/ }
{ A, C C _B,/A,/ ; D, C, F,, G,,/D,/ ; F G A G/F/ ; D E F D }
{ D,2 ; E !fermata!D A2 ; D/^C/ D F2 ; A, !invertedfermata!F, D2 }
{ E, A, F, D, ; G A c d ; E E A F ; B, C A, A, }
{ E, E, A,,3/2 F,/ ; c B A3/2 A/ ; E3/2 D/ C3/2 C/ ; A, ^G, A,3/2 A,/ }
{ D, C, F,, G,,/D,/ ; F G A G/F/ ; D E F D ; A, C C _B,/A,/ } | X: 105
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: C
X: 105
T: Christ Jesus Lay In Death's Strong Bands
%%combinevoices 1
T: (also known as In Death's Strong Bands)
C: Words: Martin Luther, 1524. Translated by Richard Massie, 1854.
C: Music: 'Christ lag in Tobes Banden' or 'Torgau' from Walter's Geistliche Gesangbüchlein, 1524.
C: Setting: "Evangelical Lutheran Hymn-Book", 1931, alt.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2008 Revision.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
%%staffsep 0.62cm
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: C % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=110] A2 | G A c d | c B A3/2 A/ | F G A G/F/ |
w: 1.~Christ Je- sus lay in death's strong bands, For our of- fen- ses *
w: 2.~No son of man could con- quer Death, Such mis- chief sin had *
w: 3.~But Je- sus Christ, God's on- ly Son, To our low state de- *
w: 4.~It was a strange and dread- ful strife When life and death con- *
w: 5.~Here the true Pas- chal Lamb we see, Whom God so free- ly *
[V: S1V2] F2 | E E A F | E3/2 D/ C3/2 C/ | D E F D |
[V: S2V1] D2 | B, C A, A, | A, ^G, A,3/2 A,/ | A, C C _B,/A,/ |
[V: S2V2] D,2 | E, A, F, D, | E, E, A,,3/2 F,/ | D, C, F,, G,,/D,/ |
% 5
[V: S1V1] E !fermata!D A2 | G A c d | c B A3/2 A/ | F G A G/F/ |
w: giv- en; But now at God's right hand He stands, And brings us life from *
w: wrought us, For in- no- cence dwelt not on earth, And there- fore Death had *
w: scend- ed, The cause of Death He has un- done, His power for- ev- er *
w: ten- ded; The vic- to- ry re- mained with life; The reign of death was *
w: gave us; He died on the ac- cur- sed tree So strong His love! to *
[V: S1V2] D/^C/ D F2 | E E A F | E3/2 D/ C3/2 C/ | D E F D |
[V: S2V1] A, !invertedfermata!F, D2 | B, C A, A, | A, ^G, A,3/2 A,/ | A, C C _B,/A,/ |
[V: S2V2] A,, D, D,2 | E, A, F, D, | E, E, A,,3/2 F,/ | D, C, F,, G,,/D,/ |
% 9
[V: S1V1] E !fermata!D D F | G D F G | A3/2 A/ d c | d e
w: Hea- ven. Where- fore let us joy- ful be, And sing to God right
w: brought us In- to thrall- dom from of old And ev- er grew more
w: end- ed, Ru- ined all his right and claim And left him no- thing
w: end- ed. Stripped of power, no more it reigns, An emp- ty form a-
w: save us. See, His blood doth mark our door; Faith points to it, Death
[V: S1V2] D/^C/ D A, D | D _B,/C/ C D/E/ | F3/2 C/ F E | G G
[V: S2V1] A, !invertedfermata!F, F, A, | _B, F, A, B, | C3/2 A,/ A, C | B, B,
[V: S2V2] A,, D, D, D, | G,, _B,, A,, G,, | F,,3/2 F,/ D, A, | G, E,
% 13
[V: S1V1] c B | A3/2 !sintro!A/ c A | c G (F/D/ E) | D2 A G/F/ | E !fermata!D !eintro!|]
w: thank- ful- ly Loud songs of Al- le- lu- * * ia! Al- le- * lu- ia!
w: strong and bold And kept us in his bon- * * dage. Al- le- * lu- ia!
w: but the name, His sting is lost for- ev- * * er. Al- le- * lu- ia!
w: lone re- mains Death's sting is lost for- ev- * * er! Al- le- * lu- ia!
w: pas- ses o'er, And Sa- tan can- not harm * * us. Al- le- * lu- ia!
[V: S1V2] E3/2 D/ | C3/2 F/ G F | E E (D ^C) | D2 F D | D/^C/ D |]
[V: S2V1] A, ^G, | A,3/2 C/ C C | C C (A,3/2 G,/) | F,2 C _B,/A,/ | A, !invertedfermata!F, |]
[V: S2V2] A, E, | A,,3/2 F,/ E, F, | A,, C, (F,,/G,,/ A,,) | _B,,2 F,, G,,/D,/ | A,, D, |]
% 18
%%multicol start
%%rightmargin 12cm
%%textfont Times-Roman 12.5
%%begintext obeylines justify
%% 6.\tSo let us keep the festival Where to the Lord invites us;
%% \t\t\t\tChrist is Himself the joy of all, The Sun that warms and lights us.
%% \t\t\t\tBy His grace He doth impart Eternal sunshine to the heart;
%% \t\t\t\tThe night of sin is ended! Alleluia!
%%multicol new
%%leftmargin 10.5cm
%%rightmargin 2cm
%%textfont Times-Roman 12.5
%%begintext obeylines justify
%% 7.\tThen let us feast this Easter day On the true Bread of Heaven;
%% \t\t\t\tThe Word of grace hath purged away The old and wicked leaven.
%% \t\t\t\tChrist alone our souls will feed; He is our Meat and Drink indeed;
%% \t\t\t\tFaith lives upon no other! Alleluia!
%%multicol end
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2008 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.68000000
%%staffsep 0.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "EASTER 106"
%%footer Mt 28:5-6, Lk 24:4-7, 1Cor 15:55-57, 1Pt 1:18-21, Rev 5:9-13 7 7 7 7 with Alleluias
%OHSCRIP Mt 28:5-6, Lk 24:4-7, 1Cor 15:55-57, 1Pt 1:18-21, Rev 5:9-13
%OHTOPICS {Angels [1,9]}, {Atonement}, {Blood [2]}, {Cross [5,8,10]}, {Easter}, {Eternal Life [7]}, {God, As King [4,7-9]}, {God, Majesty & Power of}, {Gospel}, {Jesus}, {Joy}, {Praise, Son}, {Salvation}, {Victory}
%OHMETRICAL 7 7 7 7 with Alleluias
%OHCOMPOSER Williams, Robert (1782-1818)
%OHARRANGER Roberts, John (1822-1877)
%OHAUTHOR Wesley, Charles (1707-1788);unknown
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 106
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: F
{ F F A A ; C C F F ; A, A, F, F, ; F, F, D, D, }
{ c B/A/ G2 ; F G/F/ E2 ; C D G,2 ; A,, B,, C,2 }
{ (c3/2 B/ A) B/A/ ; (C D/E/ F) F ; (A,3/2 B,/ C) B,/C/ ; (A,3/2 G,/ F,) D,/C,/ }
{ G2 F2 ; (F E) F2 ; (D C) A,2 ; (B,, C,) F,2 }
{ C C F F ; A, A, F, F, ; F, F, D, D, ; F F A A }
{ F G/F/ E2 ; C D G,2 ; A,, B,, C,2 ; c B/A/ G2 }
{ (C D/E/ F) F ; (A,3/2 B,/ C) B,/C/ ; (A,3/2 G,/ F,) D,/C,/ ; (c3/2 B/ A) B/A/ }
{ (F E) F2 ; (D C) A,2 ; (B,, C,) F,2 ; G2 F2 }
{ A, A, F, F, ; F, F, D, D, ; F F A A ; C C F F }
{ C D G,2 ; A,, B,, C,2 ; c B/A/ G2 ; F G/F/ E2 }
{ (A,3/2 B,/ C) B,/C/ ; (A,3/2 G,/ F,) D,/C,/ ; (c3/2 B/ A) B/A/ ; (C D/E/ F) F }
{ (D C) A,2 ; (B,, C,) F,2 ; G2 F2 ; (F E) F2 }
{ F, F, D, D, ; F F A A ; C C F F ; A, A, F, F, }
{ A,, B,, C,2 ; c B/A/ G2 ; F G/F/ E2 ; C D G,2 }
{ (A,3/2 G,/ F,) D,/C,/ ; (c3/2 B/ A) B/A/ ; (C D/E/ F) F ; (A,3/2 B,/ C) B,/C/ }
{ (B,, C,) F,2 ; G2 F2 ; (F E) F2 ; (D C) A,2 } | X: 106
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: F
X: 106
T: Christ The Lord Is Risen Today (Lyra)
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Stanzas 1-7, Charles Wesley, 1739. Stanzas 8-10, 14th Century; translated in Lyra Davidica.
C: Music: 'Llanfair' Robert Williams, 1817. Setting: John Roberts, 1837.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2008 Revision.
S: Music source: Lutheran Worship, 1982, Hymn 137 (later modified to more closely match John Robert's original setting).
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
%%staffsep 0.62cm
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: F % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=120] F F A A | c B/A/ G2 | (c3/2 B/ A) B/A/ | G2 F2 |
w: 1.~Christ, the Lord, is risen to- * day, Al- * * le- * lu- ia!
w: 2.~Love's re- deem- ing work is * done, Al- * * le- * lu- ia!
w: 3.~Vain the stone, the watch, the * seal, Al- * * le- * lu- ia!
w: 4.~Lives a- gain our glor- ious * King, Al- * * le- * lu- ia!
w: 5.~Soar we now where Christ hath * led, Al- * * le- * lu- ia!
[V: S1V2] C C F F | F G/F/ E2 | (C D/E/ F) F | (F E) F2 |
[V: S2V1] A, A, F, F, | C D G,2 | (A,3/2 B,/ C) B,/C/ | (D C) A,2 |
[V: S2V2] F, F, D, D, | A,, B,, C,2 | (A,3/2 G,/ F,) D,/C,/ | (B,, C,) F,2 |
% 5
[V: S1V1] F F A A | c B/A/ G2 | (c3/2 B/ A) B/A/ | G2 F2 |
w: Sons of men and an- gels * say, Al- * * le- * lu- ia!
w: Fought the fight, the ba- ttle * won, Al- * * le- * lu- ia!
w: Christ hath burst the gates of * hell, Al- * * le- * lu- ia!
w: Where, O death, is now thy * sting? Al- * * le- * lu- ia!
w: Follow- ing our ex- al- ted * Head, Al- * * le- * lu- ia!
[V: S1V2] C C F F | F G/F/ E2 | (C D/E/ F) F | (F E) F2 |
[V: S2V1] A, A, F, F, | C D G,2 | (A,3/2 B,/ C) B,/C/ | (D C) A,2 |
[V: S2V2] F, F, D, D, | A,, B,, C,2 | (A,3/2 G,/ F,) D,/C,/ | (B,, C,) F,2 |
% 9
[V: S1V1] A A c c | d/c/ B/A/ G2 | (A3/2 G/ A) =B | c2 c2 |
w: Raise your joys and tri- * umphs * high, Al- * * le- lu- ia!
w: Lo! the Sun's ec- lipse * is * o'er, Al- * * le- lu- ia!
w: Death in vain for- bids * His * rise, Al- * * le- lu- ia!
w: Once He died our souls * to * save, Al- * * le- lu- ia!
w: Made like Him, like Him * we * rise, Al- * * le- lu- ia!
[V: S1V2] F F _E _E | D D E2 | (F3/2 G/ F) F | (E3/2 F/) E2 |
[V: S2V1] F, F, G, A, | B, B, C2 | C3 F, | (G,3/2 A,/) C2 |
[V: S2V2] D, D, C, C, | B,, G,, C,2 | (F,3/2 E,/ F,) D, | C,2 (C _B,) |
% 13
[V: S1V1] F F A A | c B/A/ G2 | !sintro!(c3/2 B/ A) B/A/ | G2 F2 !eintro!|]
w: Sing, ye heavens, and earth, re- * ply, Al- * * le- * lu- ia!
w: Lo! He sets in blood no * more, Al- * * le- * lu- ia!
w: Christ hath o- pened par- a- * dise, Al- * * le- * lu- ia!
w: Where thy vic- to- ry, O * grave? Al- * * le- * lu- ia!
w: Ours the cross, the grave, the * skies, Al- * * le- * lu- ia!
[V: S1V2] F C C F | F G/F/ E2 | (C D/E/ C) F | (F E) C2 |]
[V: S2V1] C C/B,/ A, F, | C D G,2 | (F,3/2 G,/ A,) F, | G,2 A,2 |]
[V: S2V2] A, A,/G,/ F, D, | A,, B,, C,2 | (A,,3/2 G,,/ F,,) G,,/A,,/ | (B,, C,) F,,2 |]
% 18
%%multicol start
%%rightmargin 9cm
%%begintext obeylines justify
%% 6.\tHail, the Lord of earth and Heaven, Alleluia!
%% \t\t\t\tPraise to Thee by both be given, Alleluia!
%% \t\t\t\tThee we greet triumphant now, Alleluia!
%% \t\t\t\tHail, the resurrection, thou, Alleluia!
%% 7.\tKing of glory, Soul of bliss, Alleluia!
%% \t\t\t\tEverlasting life is this, Alleluia!
%% \t\t\t\tThee to know, Thy power to prove, Alleluia!
%% \t\t\t\tThus to sing and thus to love, Alleluia!
%%multicol new
%%leftmargin 8cm
%%rightmargin 9cm
%%begintext obeylines justify
%% 8.\tHymns of praise then let us sing, Alleluia!
%% \t\t\t\tUnto Christ, our heavenly King, Alleluia!
%% \t\t\t\tWho endured the cross and grave, Alleluia!
%% \t\t\t\tSinners to redeem and save. Alleluia!
%% 9.\tBut the pains that He endured, Alleluia!
%% \t\t\t\tOur salvation have procured, Alleluia!
%% \t\t\t\tNow above the sky He's King, Alleluia!
%% \t\t\t\tWhere the angels ever sing. Alleluia!
%%multicol new
%%leftmargin 14cm
%%rightmargin 9cm
%%begintext obeylines justify
%% 10.Jesus Christ is risen today, Alleluia!
%% \t\t\t\tOur triumphant holy day, Alleluia!
%% \t\t\t\tWho did once upon the cross, Alleluia!
%% \t\t\t\tSuffer to redeem our loss. Alleluia!
%%multicol end
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software, the authors of "noteedit"
% where the initial layouts are done, and the maintainers of the
% "CyberHymnal" on the web from where most of the lyrics come.
% Undoubtedly, I am also indebted to all of the great Christians who
% wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2011 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.75000000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "107 EASTER"
%%footer Mt 28:5-6, Lk 24:4-7, 1Cor 15:55-57, 1Pt 1:18-21, Rev 5:9-13 7 7 7 7
%OHSCRIP Mt 28:5-6, Lk 24:4-7, 1Cor 15:55-57, 1Pt 1:18-21, Rev 5:9-13
%OHTOPICS {Angels [1,9]}, {Atonement}, {Blood [2]}, {Cross [5,8,10]}, {Easter}, {Eternal Life [7]}, {God, As King [4,7-9]}, {God, Majesty & Power of}, {Gospel}, {Jesus}, {Joy}, {Praise, Son}, {Salvation}, {Victory}
%OHAUTHOR Wesley, Charles (1707-1788);unknown
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 107
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: G
{ G3/2 A/ B G ; D3/2 D/ D D ; B,3/2 C/ D D ; G,3/2 G,/ G, B,, }
{ A F G2 ; E D D2 ; C A, B,2 ; C, D, G,,2 }
{ d d e B/c/ ; G G G G ; B, B, C G, ; G, G, C, E, }
{ d d B2 ; G F G2 ; A, A, B,2 ; D, D, G,2 }
{ D3/2 D/ D D ; B,3/2 C/ D D ; G,3/2 G,/ G, B,, ; B A c B }
{ E D D2 ; C A, B,2 ; C, D, G,,2 ; A G/A/ B2 }
{ G G G G ; B, B, C G, ; G, G, C, E, ; !sintro!d3/2 c/ B G }
{ G F G2 ; A, A, B,2 ; D, D, G,2 ; A F G2 !eintro! } | X: 107
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: G
X: 107
T: Christ The Lord Is Risen Today (Lyra)
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Stanzas 1-7, Charles Wesley, 1739. Stanzas 8-10, 14th Century; translated in Lyra Davidica.
C: Music: 'Orientis Partibus' or 'Redhead 45' traditional French.
C: Setting: "The Church Hymnal, Revised and Enlarged" (Episcopal), 1893.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2011 Revision.
S: Music source: "The Church Hymnal, Revised and Enlarged" (Episcopal), 1893 Ed. Messiter Hymn 111.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
%%staffsep 0.62cm
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: G % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=130] G3/2 A/ B G | A F G2 | d d e B/c/ | d d B2 |
w: 1.~"Christ, the Lord, is risen to- day!" Sons of men and * an- gels say,
w: 2.~Love's re- deem- ing work is done, Fought the fight, the * ba- ttle won,
w: 3.~Vain the stone, the watch, the seal, Christ hath burst the * gates of hell!
w: 4.~Lives a- gain our glor- ious King Where, O death, is * now thy sting?
w: 5.~Soar we now where Christ hath led Follow- ing our ex- * al- ted Head;
[V: S1V2] D3/2 D/ D D | E D D2 | G G G G | G F G2 |
[V: S2V1] B,3/2 C/ D D | C A, B,2 | B, B, C G, | A, A, B,2 |
[V: S2V2] G,3/2 G,/ G, B,, | C, D, G,,2 | G, G, C, E, | D, D, G,2 |
% 9
[V: S1V1] B A c B | A G/A/ B2 | !sintro!d3/2 c/ B G | A F G2 !eintro!|]
w: Raise your joys and tri- umphs * high, Sing, ye heavens, and earth, re- ply!
w: Lo! the Sun's ec- lipse is * o'er, Lo! He sets in blood no more.
w: Death in vain for- bids His * rise, Christ hath o- pened par- a- dise!
w: Once He died our souls to * save, Where thy vic- to- ry, O grave?
w: Made like Him, like Him we * rise, Ours the cross, the grave, the skies.
[V: S1V2] G D G G | E E F2 | G3/2 G/ F E | E D D2 |]
[V: S2V1] D D C D | E E ^D2 | =D3/2 E/ D B, | C A, B,2 |]
[V: S2V2] G, F, E, D, | C, C, B,,2 | B,,3/2 C,/ D, E, | C, D, G,,2 |]
%%multicol start
%%rightmargin 9cm
%%begintext obeylines justify
%% 6.\tHail, the Lord of earth and Heaven:
%% \t\t\t\tPraise to Thee by both be given.
%% \t\t\t\tThee we greet triumphant now;
%% \t\t\t\tHail, the resurrection, thou.
%% 7.\tKing of glory, Soul of bliss,
%% \t\t\t\tEverlasting life is this,
%% \t\t\t\tThee to know, Thy power to prove,
%% \t\t\t\tThus to sing and thus to love.
%%multicol new
%%leftmargin 8cm
%%rightmargin 9cm
%%begintext obeylines justify
%% 8.\tHymns of praise then let us sing
%% \t\t\t\tUnto Christ, our heavenly King
%% \t\t\t\tWho endured the cross and grave
%% \t\t\t\tSinners to redeem and save.
%% 9.\tBut the pains that He endured
%% \t\t\t\tOur salvation have procured.
%% \t\t\t\tNow above the sky He's King
%% \t\t\t\tWhere the angels ever sing.
%%multicol new
%%leftmargin 14cm
%%rightmargin 9cm
%%begintext obeylines justify
%% 10.Jesus Christ is risen today,
%% \t\t\t\tOur triumphant holy day.
%% \t\t\t\tWho did once upon the cross
%% \t\t\t\tSuffer to redeem our loss.
%%multicol end
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2006 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.710000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "EASTER 108"
%%footer Job 19:25, Ps 104:33-34 8 8 8 8
%OHSCRIP Job 19:25, Ps 104:33-34
%OHTOPICS {Anticipation [3]}, {Assurance}, {Calmness}, {Comfort}, {Courage in Affliction}, {Easter}, {Easter Week / Passion}, {Eternal Life [4]}, {Faith}, {Friendship [3]}, {God, As King [3]}, {God, Care of}, {God, Goodness of}, {Gospel}, {Gratitude}, {Jesus}, {Joy [4]}, {Kindness, God's [3]}, {Knowledge}, {Leadership [2]}, {Priest/Priestly Roles [6]}, {Resurrection}, {Salvation [1,3,4]}, {Security}, {Terrorism}, {Testimony}, {Trust}, {Victory [4]}, {Wisdom [3]}
%OHCOMPOSER Hatton, John (1710-1793)
%OHAUTHOR Medley, Samuel (1738-1799)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 108
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: D
{ D2 F G ; D2 D C ; F,2 A, A, ; D,2 D, E, }
{ A2 (B c) ; D2 (D G) ; A,2 G,2 ; F,2 (G, E,) }
{ d2 (c B) ; F2 (E D) ; A,2 (A, ^G,) ; D,2 E,2 }
{ A4 ; C4 ; A,4 ; A,,4 }
{ A2 A A ; D2 D D ; F,2 F, A, ; D,2 D, F, }
{ B2 A2 ; D2 (D A,) ; G,2 (A, F,) ; G,2 F,2 }
{ G2 F2 ; (B, C) D2 ; G,2 A,2 ; E,2 D,2 }
{ E4 ; C4 ; A,4 ; A,,4 }
{ D2 D C ; F,2 A, A, ; D,2 D, E, ; F2 F E }
{ D2 (D G) ; A,2 G,2 ; F,2 (G, E,) ; (D F) (A d) }
{ F2 (E D) ; A,2 (A, ^G,) ; D,2 E,2 ; (B A) (G F) }
{ C4 ; A,4 ; A,,4 ; E4 }
{ D2 D D ; F,2 F, A, ; D,2 D, F, ; !sintro!A2 B c }
{ D2 (D A,) ; G,2 (A, F,) ; G,2 F,2 ; d3 G }
{ (B, C) D2 ; G,2 A,2 ; E,2 D,2 ; F2 E2 }
{ C4 ; A,4 ; A,,4 ; D4 !eintro! } | X: 108
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: D
X: 108
T: I Know That My Redeemer Lives
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Samuel Medley, 1775. Music: 'Duke Street' John Hatton, 1793.
C: Setting: "The Church Hymnal, Revised and Enlarged" (Episcopal), 1905.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2007 Revision.
S: Music source: "The Church Hymnal, Revised and Enlarged" (Episcopal), 1905. Hymn 132.
S: Setting quite similar to "Songs of Pilgrimage" 1888 hymns 76-79
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: D % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=140] D2 F G | A2 (B c) | d2 (c B) | A4 | A2 A A | B2 A2 | G2 F2 | E4 |
w: 1.~I know that my Re- * deem- er * lives; What com- fort this sweet sen- tence gives!
w: 2.~He lives to bless me * with His * love, He lives to plead for me a- bove.
w: 3.~He lives tri- um- phant * from the * grave, He lives e- ter- nal- ly to save,
w: 4.~He lives to grant me * rich sup- * ply, He lives to guide me with His eye,
w: 5.~He lives to si- lence * all my * fears, He lives to wipe a- way my tears
[V: S1V2] D2 D C | D2 (D G) | F2 (E D) | C4 | D2 D D | D2 (D A,) | (B, C) D2 | C4 |
[V: S2V1] F,2 A, A, | A,2 G,2 | A,2 (A, ^G,) | A,4 | F,2 F, A, | G,2 (A, F,) | G,2 A,2 | A,4 |
[V: S2V2] D,2 D, E, | F,2 (G, E,) | D,2 E,2 | A,,4 | D,2 D, F, | G,2 F,2 | E,2 D,2 | A,,4 |
% 9
[V: S1V1] F2 F E | (D F) (A d) | (B A) (G F) | E4 | !sintro!A2 B c | d3 G | F2 E2 | D4 !eintro!|]
w: He lives, He lives, * who * once * was * dead; He lives, my ev- er liv- ing Head.
w: He lives my hun- * gry * soul * to * feed, He lives to help in time of need.
w: He lives all glo- * rious * in * the * sky, He lives ex- alt- ed there on high.
w: He lives to com- * fort * me * when * faint, He lives to hear my soul's com- plaint.
w: He lives to calm * my * trou- * bled * heart, He lives all bless- ings to im- part.
[V: S1V2] D2 D C | (A, D) D2 | D2 (C D) | C4 | D2 D E | (F3/2 E/ D) E | D2 C2 | D4 |]
[V: S2V1] A,2 A, G, | (F, G,) A,2 | (G, D) A,2 | A,4 | A,2 G, G, | (F,3/2 G,/ A,) B, | A,2 G,2 | F,4 |]
[V: S2V2] D,2 D, A,, | D,2 F,2 | (G, F,) (E, D,) | A,,4 | F,2 G, E, | (D,3/2 E,/ F,) G, | A,2 A,,2 | D,4 |]
% 18
W:6.He lives, my kind, wise, heavenly Friend,
W:He lives and loves me to the end;
W:He lives, and while He lives, Ill sing;
W:He lives, my Prophet, Priest, and King.
W:7.He lives and grants me daily breath;
W:He lives, and I shall conquer death:
W:He lives my mansion to prepare;
W:He lives to bring me safely there.
W:8.He lives, all glory to His Name!
W:He lives, my Jesus, still the same.
W:Oh, the sweet joy this sentence gives,
W:I know that my Redeemer lives!
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2005 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.730000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "109 EASTER"
%%footer Mt 28:6, Lk 24:5-7 7 7 7 7 with Alleluias
%OHSCRIP Mt 28:6, Lk 24:5-7
%OHTOPICS {Atonement [1-3]}, {Cross [1,2]}, {Day}, {Easter}, {God, As King [2]}, {Gospel [1-3]}, {Holiness [1]}, {Jesus}, {Praise, Son}, {Resurrection}, {Salvation [1-3]}, {Victory [1]}, {Worship}
%OHMETRICAL 7 7 7 7 with Alleluias
%OHCOMPOSER from Lyra Davidica, 1708
%OHARRANGER composite
%OHAUTHOR Bohemian;Wesley, Charles (1707-1788)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 109
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: C
{ C E G C ; C C D C ; E, G, G, E, ; C, C, B,, C, }
{ F A (A G) ; C F (F E) ; F, C C2 ; A,, F,, C,2 }
{ (E/F/G/C/ F) E/F/ ; (C2 C/B,/) C ; (G,2 A,/F,/) G,/A,/ ; (C,/D,/ E, D,) C,/F,,/ }
{ (E D) C2 ; (C B,) C2 ; (G,3/2 F,/) E,2 ; G,,2 C,2 }
{ C C D C ; E, G, G, E, ; C, C, B,, C, ; F G A G }
{ C F (F E) ; F, C C2 ; A,, F,, C,2 ; F E (E D) }
{ (C2 C/B,/) C ; (G,2 A,/F,/) G,/A,/ ; (C,/D,/ E, D,) C,/F,,/ ; (E/F/G/C/ F) E/F/ }
{ (C B,) C2 ; (G,3/2 F,/) E,2 ; G,,2 C,2 ; (E D) C2 }
{ E, G, G, E, ; C, C, B,, C, ; F G A G ; C C C C }
{ F, C C2 ; A,, F,, C,2 ; F E (E D) ; C/B,/ C (C B,) }
{ (G,2 A,/F,/) G,/A,/ ; (C,/D,/ E, D,) C,/F,,/ ; (E/F/G/C/ F) E/F/ ; (C2 C/B,/) C }
{ (G,3/2 F,/) E,2 ; G,,2 C,2 ; (E D) C2 ; (C B,) C2 }
{ C, C, B,, C, ; F G A G ; C C C C ; F, E, F, G, }
{ A,, F,, C,2 ; F E (E D) ; C/B,/ C (C B,) ; A,/F,/ G, G,2 }
{ (C,/D,/ E, D,) C,/F,,/ ; (E/F/G/C/ F) E/F/ ; (C2 C/B,/) C ; (G,2 A,/F,/) G,/A,/ }
{ G,,2 C,2 ; (E D) C2 ; (C B,) C2 ; (G,3/2 F,/) E,2 } | X: 109
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: C
X: 109
T: Jesus Christ Is Risen Today
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: 14th Century Bohemian Latin carol. Stanzas 1-3 translated in John Arnold's Compleat Psalmist, 1749.
C: Stanza 4 Charles Wesley, 1740, alt.
C: Music: 'Easter Hymn' from Lyra Davidica, 1708. Setting: composite found in "Church Praise: with tunes", 1885.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2005 Revision.
S: Music source: almost exactly like "Church praise: with tunes", 1885 Hymn 91 page 74
S: also look at "Congregational church hymnal", 1887 Hymn 151 page 120
S: and "Hymnal of the Protestant Episcopal Church: with music", 1872 hymn 99 page 84 - mostly the same but not quite
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: C % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=120] C E G C | F A (A G) | (E/F/G/C/ F) E/F/ | (E D) C2 |
w: 1.~Je- sus Christ is ris'n to- day, * Al- * * * * le- * lu- * ia!
w: 2.~Hymns of praise then let us sing, * Al- * * * * le- * lu- * ia!
w: 3.~But the pain which He en- dured, * Al- * * * * le- * lu- * ia!
w: 4.~Sing we to our God a- bove, * Al- * * * * le- * lu- * ia!
[V: S1V2] C C D C | C F (F E) | (C2 C/B,/) C | (C B,) C2 |
[V: S2V1] E, G, G, E, | F, C C2 | (G,2 A,/F,/) G,/A,/ | (G,3/2 F,/) E,2 |
[V: S2V2] C, C, B,, C, | A,, F,, C,2 | (C,/D,/ E, D,) C,/F,,/ | G,,2 C,2 |
% 5
[V: S1V1] F G A G | F E (E D) | (E/F/G/C/ F) E/F/ | (E D) C2 |
w: Our tri- um- phant ho- ly day, * Al- * * * * le- * lu- * ia!
w: Un- to Christ, our heav'n- ly King, * Al- * * * * le- * lu- * ia!
w: Our sal- va- tion hath pro- cured, * Al- * * * * le- * lu- * ia!
w: Praise e- ter- nal as His love, * Al- * * * * le- * lu- * ia!
[V: S1V2] C C C C | C/B,/ C (C B,) | (C2 C/B,/) C | (C B,) C2 |
[V: S2V1] F, E, F, G, | A,/F,/ G, G,2 | (G,2 A,/F,/) G,/A,/ | (G,3/2 F,/) E,2 |
[V: S2V2] A,, C, F, E, | D, C, G,,2 | (C,/D,/ E, D,) C,/F,,/ | G,,2 C,2 |
% 9
[V: S1V1] B c d G | c d e2 | (B/c/d/G/ c) B/c/ | (B A) G2 |
w: Who did once, up- on the cross, Al- * * * * le- * lu- * ia!
w: Who en- dured the cross and grave, Al- * * * * le- * lu- * ia!
w: Now a- bove the sky He's king, Al- * * * * le- * lu- * ia!
w: Praise Him, all you heav'n- ly host, Al- * * * * le- * lu- * ia!
[V: S1V2] G3/2 ^F/ G G | G F E2 | (G2 G/^F/) G | (G ^F) G2 |
[V: S2V1] D C B, B, | C3/2 B,/ C2 | (D2 D) D/C/ | (D3/2 C/) B,2 |
[V: S2V2] G,, A,, B,, G,/=F,/ | E, D, [C,2C2] | (G,/A,/ B, A,) G,/E,/ | D,2 G,,2 |
% 13
[V: S1V1] G/A/ B/G/ c E | F A (A G) | !sintro!(c/B/c/G/ A/B/) c/d/ | (c B) c2 !eintro!|]
w: Suf- * fer * to re- deem our loss, * Al- * * * * * le- * lu- * ia!
w: Sin- * ners * to re- deem and save, * Al- * * * * * le- * lu- * ia!
w: Where * the * an- gels ev- er sing, * Al- * * * * * le- * lu- * ia!
w: Fa- * ther, * Son, and Ho- ly Ghost, * Al- * * * * * le- * lu- * ia!
[V: S1V2] B,/C/ D/B,/ C C | C F (F E) | (E/F/G/E/ F) E/D/ | (E G/F/) E2 |]
[V: S2V1] G, G, G, G, | F, C C2 | (G,3/2 C/ C/D/) G,/A,/ | G,2 G,2 |]
[V: S2V2] G,3/2 F,/ E, C,/B,,/ | A,, F,, C,2 | (C,/D,/E,/C,/ F,/D,/) E,/F,/ | (G, G,,) C,2 |]
% 18
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.7500000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "EASTER 110"
%%footer 1Cor 15:25-26, Rom 6:4-11, Heb 4:15-16 7 6 5 7 5
%OHSCRIP 1Cor 15:25-26, Rom 6:4-11, Heb 4:15-16
%OHTOPICS {Assurance}, {Atonement}, {God, Mercy of}, {Jesus}, {Resurrection}, {Salvation}, {Sinners}, {Victory}
%OHMETRICAL 7 6 5 7 5
%OHCOMPOSER from Klug's Geistliche Lieder, Wittenberg, 1533
%OHARRANGER Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750)
%OHAUTHOR Luther, Martin (1483-1546)
%OHTRANSLATOR Bacon, Leonard Woolsey (1830-1907)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 110
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: C
{ A A G A ; C E E D ; E, A, B, A, ; A,, C, E, ^F, }
{ B A (G ^F ; D ^F (E ^D ; G, C (B, B,/A,/ ; G, A, (B, B,, }
{ !fermata!E) G A B ; E) E D F ; !invertedfermata!G,) C A, D ; E,) C, F, G, }
{ A ^G !fermata!A ; E E E ; C B, !invertedfermata!C ; A, E, A,, }
{ C E E D ; E, A, B, A, ; A,, C, E, ^F, ; d }
{ D ^F (E ^D ; G, C (B, B,/A,/ ; G, A, (B, B,, ; A/B/ c (B A) }
{ E) E D F ; !invertedfermata!G,) C A, D ; E,) C, F, G, ; !fermata!B A A A }
{ E E E ; C B, !invertedfermata!C ; A, E, A,, ; B A (G ^F) } | X: 110
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: C
X: 110
T: Jesus Christ Who Came to Save
%%combinevoices 1
T: (also known as Jesus Christ Today is Risen or Jesus Christ Our Savior True
T: or Jesus Christ, Our Blessed Savior)
C: Words: Martin Luther, 1524. Translated by Leonard Woolsey Bacon, 1883.
C: Music: 'Jesus Christus Unser Heiland, Der Den Tod (Klug)' from Klug's Geistliche Lieder, Wittenberg, 1533.
C: Setting: Johann Sebastian Bach.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Revision.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: C % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=120] A A G A | B A (G ^F | !fermata!E) G A B | A ^G !fermata!A
w: 1.~Je- sus Christ, who came to save, * * And o- ver- came the grave,
w: 2.~Who with- out- en sin was found, * * Bore our trans- gres- sion's wound.
w: 3.~Life and mer- cy, sin and death, * * All in His hands He hath;
[V: S1V2] C E E D | D ^F (E ^D | E) E D F | E E E
[V: S2V1] E, A, B, A, | G, C (B, B,/A,/ | !invertedfermata!G,) C A, D | C B, !invertedfermata!C
[V: S2V2] A,, C, E, ^F, | G, A, (B, B,, | E,) C, F, G, | A, E, A,,
% 5
[V: S1V1] d | A/B/ c (B A) | !fermata!B A A A | B A (G ^F) | !fermata!E !sintro!G A B | (A ^G) !fermata!A2 !eintro!|]
w: Is now * a- ris- * en, And sin hath bound in pri- * son. Ky- ri' e- lei- * son.
w: He is * our Sa- * vior, And brings us to God's fa- * vor. * * * * * *
w: Them He'll * de- li- * ver, Who trust in Him for- ev- * er. * * * * * *
[V: S1V2] F | E E (F D) | B, ^C D D | D E (E ^D) | E E C D | (E E/D/) ^C2 |]
[V: S2V1] A, | A, A, (A, B,) | !invertedfermata!^G, =G, F, ^F, | G, C (B, B,/A,/) | !invertedfermata!G, G, ^F, G, | (C B,) !invertedfermata!A,2 |]
[V: S2V2] B,, | C, A, (D, F,) | E, A,, D, D, | G,, A,, B,,2 | E, C, A,, G,, | (A,, E,) A,,2 |]
% 11
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2011 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.600000cm
%%sysstaffsep 0.00000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "111 EASTER"
%%footer Acts 2:22-24, Rom 5:10-11, 6:9-10, Is 12:1-6, 1Cor 15:54-57, 2Tim 1:10, Eph 2:1-6, Is 53:3-5 8 8 8 with Alleluias
%OHSCRIP Acts 2:22-24, Rom 5:10-11, 6:9-10, Is 12:1-6, 1Cor 15:54-57, 2Tim 1:10, Eph 2:1-6, Is 53:3-5
%OHTOPICS {Atonement}, {Easter}, {Eternal Life}, {God, Majesty & Power of}, {Heaven [4]}, {Jesus}, {Joy}, {Miracles}, {Praise, Son}, {Resurrection}, {Salvation}, {Victory}
%OHMETRICAL 8 8 8 with Alleluias
%OHCOMPOSER Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da (1525-1594)
%OHARRANGER Monk, William Henry (1823-1889)
%OHAUTHOR from Symphonia Sirenum Selectarum, Köln, 1695
%OHTRANSLATOR Pott, Francis (1832-1909)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 111
M: 3/4
L: 1/4
K: E
{ z G G ; x E E ; z B, B, ; E,, E, E, }
{ A3 ; E3 ; C3 ; A,,3 }
{ G B B ; E E E ; B, G, G, ; E, E, E, }
{ c3 ; E3 ; A,3 ; A,,3 }
{ B B e ; E E G ; G, B, B, ; E, G, E, }
{ d3 ; F3 G2 x ; B,3 ; B,,3 }
{ x E E ; z B, B, ; E,, E, E, ; |: B B B }
{ E3 ; C3 ; A,,3 ; c2 B }
{ E E E ; B, G, G, ; E, E, E, ; (B A) G }
{ E3 ; A,3 ; A,,3 ; B3 }
{ E E G ; G, B, B, ; E, G, E, ; G G G }
{ F3 G2 x ; B,3 ; B,,3 ; G2 G }
{ z B, B, ; E,, E, E, ; |: B B B ; |: G G G }
{ C3 ; A,,3 ; c2 B ; A2 G }
{ B, G, G, ; E, E, E, ; (B A) G ; (G C) C }
{ A,3 ; A,,3 ; B3 ; F3 }
{ G, B, B, ; E, G, E, ; G G G ; E E E }
{ B,3 ; B,,3 ; G2 G ; E2 D }
{ E,, E, E, ; |: B B B ; |: G G G ; |: E E E }
{ A,,3 ; c2 B ; A2 G ; E2 E }
{ E, E, E, ; (B A) G ; (G C) C ; (D F) E }
{ A,,3 ; B3 ; F3 ; D3 }
{ E, G, E, ; G G G ; E E E ; B, B, B, }
{ B,,3 ; G2 G ; E2 D ; C2 B, } | X: 111
M: 3/4
L: 1/4
K: E
X: 111
T: The Strife Is O'er, The Battle Done
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: from Symphonia Sirenum Selectarum, Köln, 1695; translated by Francis Pott, 1861.
C: Music: 'Victory' or 'Palestrina' Giovanni P. da Palestrina, 1591.
C: Setting: William Henry Monk, 1861.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2011 Revision.
S: Music source: "Hymns Ancient and Modern", 1861 Hymn 114. Words checked against the same source.
M: 3/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: E % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=140] z G G | A3 | G B B | c3 | B B e | d3 | e2 z |
w: Al- le- lu- ia, Al- le- lu- ia, Al- le- lu- ia.
[V: S1V2] x E E | E3 | E E E | E3 | E E G | F3 G2 x |
[V: S2V1] z B, B, | C3 | B, G, G, | A,3 | G, B, B, | B,3 | B,2 z |
[V: S2V2] E,, E, E, | A,,3 | E, E, E, | A,,3 | E, G, E, | B,,3 | E,2 x |
% 2
[V: S1V1] |: B B B | c2 B | (B A) G | B3 | G G G | G2 G |
w: 1.~The strife is o'er, the bat- * tle done; The tri- umph of the
w: 2.~The pow'rs of death have done * their worst; and Je- sus hath His
w: 3.~On that third morn He rose * a- gain In glor- ious ma- jes-
w: 4.~He closed the yawn- ing gates * of hell; The bars from heav'ns high
w: 5.~Lord, by the stripes which wound- * ed Thee, From death's dread sting Thy
[V: S1V2] |: G G G | A2 G | (G C) C | F3 | E E E | E2 D |
[V: S2V1] |: E E E | E2 E | (D F) E | D3 | B, B, B, | C2 B, |
[V: S2V2] |: E, E, E, | A,2 E, | (G, F,) C | B,3 | E, E, E, | C,2 G, |
% 2
[V: S1V1] (G F) E | F3 | B B B | c2 B | (B A) G | B3 | z !sintro!B e | d3 | e3 !eintro!:|
w: Lord * is won; O Let the song of praise * be sung: Al- le- lu- ia!
w: foes * dis- persed; Let shouts of praise and joy * out- burst: Al- le- lu- ia!
w: ty * to reign; O let us swell the joy- * ful strain. Al- le- lu- ia!
w: por- * tals fell; Let songs of joy His tri- * umphs tell. Al- le- lu- ia!
w: ser- * vants free, That we may live, and sing * to Thee. Al- le- lu- ia!
[V: S1V2] (E C) C | D3 | G G G | A2 G | (G C) C | F3 | x E G | F3 | G3 :|
[V: S2V1] (B, A,) G, | B,3 | D E E | E2 E | (D F) E | D3 | z E B, | B,3 | B,3 :|
[V: S2V2] (E, F,) C, | B,,3 | G, E, E, | A,2 E, | (G, F,) C | B,3 | x G, E, | B,,3 | E,3 :|
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=140] z G G | A3 | G B B | c3 | B B e | d3 | e2 z |]
w: Al- le- lu- ia, Al- le- lu- ia, Al- le- lu- ia.
[V: S1V2] x E E | E3 | E E E | E3 | E E G | F3 G2 x |]
[V: S2V1] z B, B, | C3 | B, G, G, | A,3 | G, B, B, | B,3 | B,2 z |]
[V: S2V2] E,, E, E, | A,,3 | E, E, E, | A,,3 | E, G, E, | B,,3 | E,2 x |]
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2011 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.730000
%%staffsep 1.30000cm
%%sysstaffsep 0.00000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "ASCENSION 112"
%%footer Ps 47:1-9, Ps 24:1-10, Acts 1:6-11, Jn 14:1-3, 1Tim 3:16 7 6 7 6 6 7 7 6
%OHSCRIP Ps 47:1-9, Ps 24:1-10, Acts 1:6-11, Jn 14:1-3, 1Tim 3:16
%OHTOPICS {Assurance}, {Church in Heaven (Church Victorious/Church Triumphant)}, {God, As King}, {God, Eternity of}, {God, Majesty & Power of}, {Guidance [3,5]}, {Heaven}, {Jesus}, {Joy}, {Praise, Son}, {Presence}, {Second Coming [7]}, {Victory}, {Worship}
%OHMETRICAL 7 6 7 6 6 7 7 6
%OHCOMPOSER Crüger, Johann (1598-1662)
%OHARRANGER Layriz, Fridrich (1808-1859)
%OHAUTHOR Sacer, Gottfried Wilhelm (1635-1699)
%OHTRANSLATOR Cox, Frances Elizabeth (1812-1897)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 112
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: F
{ c ; F ; A, ; F, }
{ d3/2 c/ B A ; F3/2 F/ F F ; B,3/2 C/ D C ; B,,3/2 A,,/ B,, F,, }
{ G2 G z/ A/ ; (F E/D/) E x/ F/ ; C2 C z/ C/ ; C,2 C, x/ F,/ }
{ B A G3/2 A/ ; F F F E ; D C C G, ; B,, F,, C, C, }
{ F2 z ; F2 x ; A,2 z ; F,,2 x }
{ F ; A, ; F, ; c }
{ F3/2 F/ F F ; B,3/2 C/ D C ; B,,3/2 A,,/ B,, F,, ; d3/2 c/ B A }
{ (F E/D/) E x/ F/ ; C2 C z/ C/ ; C,2 C, x/ F,/ ; G2 G z/ A/ }
{ F F F E ; D C C G, ; B,, F,, C, C, ; B A G3/2 A/ }
{ F2 x ; A,2 z ; F,,2 x ; F2 z }
{ A, ; F, ; c ; F }
{ B,3/2 C/ D C ; B,,3/2 A,,/ B,, F,, ; d3/2 c/ B A ; F3/2 F/ F F }
{ C2 C z/ C/ ; C,2 C, x/ F,/ ; G2 G z/ A/ ; (F E/D/) E x/ F/ }
{ D C C G, ; B,, F,, C, C, ; B A G3/2 A/ ; F F F E }
{ A,2 z ; F,,2 x ; F2 z ; F2 x }
{ F, ; c ; F ; A, }
{ B,,3/2 A,,/ B,, F,, ; d3/2 c/ B A ; F3/2 F/ F F ; B,3/2 C/ D C }
{ C,2 C, x/ F,/ ; G2 G z/ A/ ; (F E/D/) E x/ F/ ; C2 C z/ C/ }
{ B,, F,, C, C, ; B A G3/2 A/ ; F F F E ; D C C G, }
{ F,,2 x ; F2 z ; F2 x ; A,2 z } | X: 112
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: F
X: 112
T: Lo, God To Heav'n Ascendeth
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Gottfried Wilhelm Sacer, 1661. verses 1-5,7 Translated by Frances Elizabeth Cox, 1841.
C: verse 6 translator unknown. Music: 'Von Gott will ich Nicht Lazen' Johann Crüger, 1640.
C: Setting: "Kern des Deutschen Kirchengesangs Zum Gebrauch" Fridrich Layriz, 1854.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2011 Revision.
S: Music source: "Kern des Deutschen Kirchengesangs Zum Gebrauch" Fridrich Layriz, 1854 Hymn 576.
S: Translation "Sacred Hymns from the German", 1841, pdf page 53 except verse 6 from "Evangelical Lutheran Hymn Book", 1931 Hymn 233.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: F % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=140] c | d3/2 c/ B A | G2 G z/ A/ | B A G3/2 A/ | F2 z
w: 1.~Lo, God to Heav'n as- cen- deth! Through- out its re- gions vast
w: 2.~With joy is Heav'n re- soun- ding Christ's glad re- turn to see;
w: 3.~No more the way is hid- den, Since Christ our Head a- rose:
w: 4.~Christ is our place pre- par- ing; to Heav'n we, too, shall rise,
w: 5.~May we, His ser- vants, thi- ther In heart and mind as- cend,
[V: S1V2] F | F3/2 F/ F F | (F E/D/) E x/ F/ | F F F E | F2 x
[V: S2V1] A, | B,3/2 C/ D C | C2 C z/ C/ | D C C G, | A,2 z
[V: S2V2] F, | B,,3/2 A,,/ B,, F,, | C,2 C, x/ F,/ | B,, F,, C, C, | F,,2 x
% 5
[V: S1V1] c | d3/2 c/ B A | G2 G z/ A/ | B A G3/2 A/ | F2 z
w: With shouts tri- um- phant blend- eth the trum- pet's thrill- ing blast:
w: Be- hold the saints sur- roun- ding the Lord who set them free.
w: No more to man for- bid- den The road to Heav'n that goes.
w: And, joys an- gel- ic shar- ing, Be where our trea- sure lies:
w: And let us sing to- ge- ther: "We seek Thee, Christ, our friend,
[V: S1V2] F | F3/2 F/ F F | (F E/D/) E x/ F/ | F F F E | F2 x
[V: S2V1] A, | B,3/2 C/ D C | C2 C z/ C/ | D C C G, | A,2 z
[V: S2V2] F, | B,,3/2 A,,/ B,, F,, | C,2 C, x/ F,/ | B,, F,, C, C, | F,,2 x
% 9
[V: S1V1] A | A A G F | E3 A | A3/2 G/ A B | c2 A z/
w: Sing praise to Christ the Lord; sing praise with ex- ul- ta- tion,
w: Bright myr- iads, throng- ing, come; the che- rub band re- joi- ces,
w: Our Lord is gone be- fore; yet here He will not leave us,
w: There may each heart be found! Where Je- sus Christ has en- tered,
w: Thee, God's ex- al- ted Son, our Life, and Way to Hea- ven,
[V: S1V2] F | F F E D | ^C3 F | F3/2 E/ F F | E2 F x/
[V: S2V1] C | C C C A, | A,3 C | C3/2 B,/ C F, | G,2 F, z/
[V: S2V2] F, | F, F, C, D, | A,,3 F, | F,3/2 G,/ F, D, | C,2 F,, x/
% 13
[V: S1V1] !sintro!F/ | A3/2 G/ A B | c2 A z/ A/ | G F F E | F3 !eintro!|]
w: King of each hea- then na- tion, the God of Hosts a- dored!
w: And loud ser- a- phic voi- ces Wel- come Mes- si- ah home.
w: And soon in Heav'n re- ceive us and o- pen wide the door.
w: There let our Hope be cen- tered; Our course still heav'n- ward bound.
w: To whom all pow'r is giv- en, our Joy and Hope and Crown."
[V: S1V2] C/ | F3/2 E/ E E | E2 F x/ F/ | D C D C | C3 |]
[V: S2V1] A,/ | C3/2 B,/ C F, | G,2 F, z/ C/ | B, A, G, G, | A,3 |]
[V: S2V2] F,/ | F,3/2 G,/ F, D, | C,2 F, x/ F,,/ | G,, A,, B,, C, | F,,3 |]
%%multicol start
%%rightmargin 12cm
%%textfont Times-Roman 12.0
%%begintext obeylines justify
%% 6.\tFarewell with all thy treasures, O world, to falsehood giv'n!
%% \t\t\t\tThy dross gives no true pleasures; We seek the joys of Heav'n:
%% \t\t\t\tThe Savior is our Prize; He comforts us in sadness,
%% \t\t\t\tAnd fills our hearts with gladness; to Him we lift our eyes.
%%multicol new
%%leftmargin 10.5cm
%%rightmargin 2cm
%%textfont Times-Roman 12.0
%%begintext obeylines justify
%% 7.\tWhen, on our vision dawning, Will break the wished-for hour
%% \t\t\t\tOf that all glorious morning, When Christ shall come with power?
%% \t\t\t\tO come, thou welcome day! When we, our Savior meeting,
%% \t\t\t\tHis second advent greeting, Shall hail the heav'n-sent ray.
%%multicol end
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2011 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.600000cm
%%sysstaffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "113 ASCENSION"
%%footer Ps 68:18, Eph 4:8-15, Acts 1:6-11, Lk 24:50-35, Jn 14:1-11 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7
%OHSCRIP Ps 68:18, Eph 4:8-15, Acts 1:6-11, Lk 24:50-35, Jn 14:1-11
%OHTOPICS {Angels [1,5,7]}, {Aspiration [8,9]}, {Atonement}, {Blood [4]}, {Church in Heaven (Church Victorious/Church Triumphant)}, {Cloud [1,3,5,7,9]}, {Cross [2]}, {Eternal Life}, {Father [10]}, {Fear of the Lord}, {God, As King}, {God, Eternity of}, {God, Faithfulness of}, {God, Majesty & Power of}, {God, Mercy of}, {Gospel}, {Grace}, {Heaven}, {Holy Spirit [6,10]}, {Israel [4]}, {Jesus}, {Judgment}, {Martyrs [6]}, {Praise, Son}, {Presence}, {Resurrection [9]}, {Salvation}, {Second Coming}, {Trinity [10]}, {Victory}, {Worship}
%OHMETRICAL 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7
%OHCOMPOSER Smart, Henry Thomas (1813-1879)
%OHAUTHOR Wordsworth, Christopher (1807-1885)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 113
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: A
{ A E A B ; E B, C E ; C B, A, G, ; A, G, F, E,/D,/ |C, A,, E, E, }
{ c3/2 d/ c B ; E E E E ; A,3/2 B,/ A, G, ; C, F, D, C,/B,,/ }
{ e A B c/d/ ; E C F F ; A, A, A, A, ; E, E, A,,2 }
{ E B, C E ; C B, A, G, ; A, G, F, E,/D,/ |C, A,, E, E, ; c B c e }
{ E E E E ; A,3/2 B,/ A, G, ; C, F, D, C,/B,,/ ; A G G F }
{ E C F F ; A, A, A, A, ; E, E, A,,2 ; B B e G }
{ C B, A, G, ; A, G, F, E,/D,/ |C, A,, E, E, ; c B c e ; E E E E }
{ A,3/2 B,/ A, G, ; C, F, D, C,/B,,/ ; A G G F ; C/^D/ E E D }
{ A, A, A, A, ; E, E, A,,2 ; B B e G ; F G/F/ E E }
{ A, G, F, E,/D,/ |C, A,, E, E, ; c B c e ; E E E E ; A, G, A, B, }
{ C, F, D, C,/B,,/ ; A G G F ; C/^D/ E E D ; C B, B, B, }
{ E, E, A,,2 ; B B e G ; F G/F/ E E ; A, B,/A,/ G, B, }
{ c B c e ; E E E E ; A, G, A, B, ; A, E, A, G, }
{ A G G F ; C/^D/ E E D ; C B, B, B, ; F, G,/A,/ B, B,, }
{ B B e G ; F G/F/ E E ; A, B,/A,/ G, B, ; ^D, B,, C, B,, }
{ F F E2 ; E ^D E2 ; C B,/A,/ G,2 ; B,, B,, E,2 }
{ E E E E ; A, G, A, B, ; A, E, A, G, ; E3/2 F/ G B }
{ C/^D/ E E D ; C B, B, B, ; F, G,/A,/ B, B,, ; A G F E }
{ F G/F/ E E ; A, B,/A,/ G, B, ; ^D, B,, C, B,, ; A B c/d/ e }
{ E ^D E2 ; C B,/A,/ G,2 ; B,, B,, E,2 ; d c B2 }
{ A, G, A, B, ; A, E, A, G, ; E3/2 F/ G B ; E3/2 E/ E F }
{ C B, B, B, ; F, G,/A,/ B, B,, ; A G F E ; E E D C }
{ A, B,/A,/ G, B, ; ^D, B,, C, B,, ; A B c/d/ e ; C E E E }
{ C B,/A,/ G,2 ; B,, B,, E,2 ; d c B2 ; E E E2 }
{ A, E, A, G, ; E3/2 F/ G B ; E3/2 E/ E F ; G,3/2 A,/ B, =D }
{ F, G,/A,/ B, B,, ; A G F E ; E E D C ; C B, A,/B,/ C }
{ ^D, B,, C, B,, ; A B c/d/ e ; C E E E ; A, G, A,/B,/ C }
{ B,, B,, E,2 ; d c B2 ; E E E2 ; G, A, G,2 } | X: 113
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: A
X: 113
T: See, The Lord Ascends In Triumph
%%combinevoices 1
T: (also known as See, the Conqueror Mounts in Triumph)
C: Words: Christopher Wordsworth, 1862, alt. Music: 'Rex Gloriae' Henry Thomas Smart, 1868.
C: Setting: "Appendix to Hymns Ancient and Modern", 1869.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2011 Revision.
S: Music source: "Appendix to Hymns Ancient and Modern", 1869 Hymn 293. Text is the same as "Appendix to Hymns Ancient and Modern" with the exception of the title
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: A % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=120] A E A B | c3/2 d/ c B | e A B c/d/ | c B c2 |
w: 1.~See, the Lord as- cends in tri- umph; see the King in * ro- yal state,
w: 2.~Who is this that comes in glo- ry, with the trump of * ju- bi- lee?
w: 3.~While He lifts His hands in bless- ing, He is part- ed * from His friends
w: 4.~Now our heav'n- ly Aa- ron en- ters, with His blood, with- * in the veil;
w: 5.~He has raised our hu- man na- ture in the clouds to * God's right hand;
[V: S1V2] E B, C E | E E E E | E C F F | E E E2 |
[V: S2V1] C B, A, G, | A,3/2 B,/ A, G, | A, A, A, A, | A, G, A,2 |
[V: S2V2] A, G, F, E,/D,/ |C, A,, E, E, | C, F, D, C,/B,,/ | E, E, A,,2 |
% 5
[V: S1V1] c B c e | A G G F | B B e G | F F E2 |
w: Ri- ding on the clouds, His char- iot, To His heav'n- ly pal- ace gate.
w: Lord of bat- tles, God of arm- ies, He has gained the vic- tor- y.
w: While their ea- ger eyes be- hold Him, He up- on the cloud as- cends;
w: Josh- ua now is come to Ca- naan, and the kings be- fore Him quail;
w: There we sit in heav'n- ly pla- ces, there with Him in glo- ry stand:
[V: S1V2] E E E E | C/^D/ E E D | F G/F/ E E | E ^D E2 |
[V: S2V1] A, G, A, B, | C B, B, B, | A, B,/A,/ G, B, | C B,/A,/ G,2 |
[V: S2V2] A, E, A, G, | F, G,/A,/ B, B,, | ^D, B,, C, B,, | B,, B,, E,2 |
% 9
[V: S1V1] E3/2 F/ G B | A G F E | A B c/d/ e | d c B2 |
w: Hark! the choirs of an- gel voi- ces Joy- ful al- * le- lu- ias sing,
w: He Who on the cross did suf- fer, He who from * the grave a- rose,
w: He Who walked with God and pleased Him, preach- ing truth * and doom to come,
w: Now He plants the tribes of Is- rael in their pro- * mised rest- ing place;
w: Je- sus reigns, a- dored by an- gels; man with God * is on the throne;
[V: S1V2] E3/2 E/ E F | E E D C | C E E E | E E E2 |
[V: S2V1] G,3/2 A,/ B, =D | C B, A,/B,/ C | A, G, A,/B,/ C | G, A, G,2 |
[V: S2V2] E,3/2 E,/ E, B,, | C,/D,/ E, F,/G,/ A, | F, E, A, C, | B,, A,, (E, D,) |
% 13
[V: S1V1] A E A B | c3/2 d/ c B | !sintro!e A d c | B B A2 !eintro!|]
w: And the por- tals high are lift- ed To re- ceive their heav'n- ly King.
w: He has van- quished sin and Sa- tan, He by death has spoiled His foes.
w: He, our E- noch, is trans- la- ted to His ev- er- last- ing home.
w: Now our great El- i- jah of- fers dou- ble por- tion of His grace.
w: Might- y Lord, in Thine as- cen- sion we by faith be- hold our own.
[V: S1V2] E E E E | E A E E | E C F E | E3/2 D/ C2 |]
[V: S2V1] A, G, A, G, | A,3/2 B,/ A, G, | A, A, A, A, | A, G, A,2 |]
[V: S2V2] C, E,/D,/ C, B,, | A,, F, E,3/2 D,/ | C, F, D, A,, | E, E, A,,2 |]
%%header "ASCENSION 113(2)"
% 17
[V: S1V1] A3/2 A/ B c | e c A B | E A B c | B/c/ A G2 |
w: 6.~Ho- ly Ghost, Il- lum- in- a- tor, shed Thy beams up- on * our eyes,
w: 7.~See Him, Who is gone be- fore us, Heav'n- ly man- sions to * pre- pare,
w: 8.~Raise us up from earth to Hea- ven, give us wings of faith * and love,
w: 9.~So at last, when He ap- pear- eth, we from out our graves * may spring,
w: 10.~Glo- ry be to God the Fa- ther, Glo- ry be to God * the Son,
[V: S1V2] E3/2 A/ A A | B G F F | E E E E | E ^D E2 |
[V: S2V1] C3/2 C/ D E | B, E C B, | G, A, G, A, | E A, B,2 |
[V: S2V2] A,3/2 A,/ A, A, | G, E, F, D, | E, C, E, A, | G,/A,/ F, E,2 |
% 21
[V: S1V1] A3/2 A/ B c | e c A B | E3/2 A/ G E | G/A/ F E2 |
w: Help us to look up with Ste- phen, and to see be- yond * the skies,
w: See Him, who is ev- er plead- ing For us with pre- vail- * ing prayer,
w: Gales of ho- ly as- pir- a- tions waft- ing us to realms * a- bove;
w: With our youth re- newed like eag- les, flock- ing round our Heav'n- * ly King.
w: Dy- ing, ris'n, as- cend- ing for us, who the heav'n- ly realm * has won;
[V: S1V2] E3/2 A/ A A | G G F ^D | E3/2 ^D/ E E | E ^D B,2 |
[V: S2V1] C3/2 C/ D E | E E C B, | G,3/2 A,/ B, C | B, B, G,2 |
[V: S2V2] A,3/2 A,/ A, A, | C, E, F, B,, | C,3/2 F,,/ G,, A,, | B,, B,, E,2 |
[V: S1V1] F A G E | F A E E | A B c F | A/B/ G F2 |
w: Where the Son of Man in glo- ry Stand- ing is at God's * right hand,
w: See Him, who with sound of trum- pet, and with His an- gel- * ic train,
w: That, with hearts and minds up- lift- ed, we with Christ our Lord * may dwell,
w: Caught up on the clouds of Hea- ven, and may meet Him in * the air,
w: Glo- ry to the Ho- ly Spir- it, To One God in Per- * sons Three;
[V: S1V2] D D E E | E D D C | C D C F | F ^E F2 |
[V: S2V1] A, A, B, C | A, A, A, A, | A, F, F, D | C C A,2 |
[V: S2V2] D, F, E, A, | D, F, A, A, | F, D, A,, B,, | C, C, F,2 |
[V: S1V1] G A F E | A B d c | e c A B | c/A/ G A2 |]
w: Beck- 'ning on His mar- tyr ar- my, suc- cor- ing His faith- * ful band.
w: Sum- mon- ing the world to judg- ment, on the clouds will come * a- gain.
w: Where He sits en- throned in glo- ry in His heav'n- ly Cit- * a- del.
w: Rise to realms where He is reign- ing, and may reign for ev- * er there.
w: Glo- ry both in earth and Hea- ven, glo- ry, end- less glo- * ry, be.
[V: S1V2] B, E D C | C E F/G/ A | G E C F | E E C2 |]
[V: S2V1] B, A, A,/B,/ C | A, G, A, A, | C G, A, A, | A,/C/ B, A,2 |]
[V: S2V2] E,/D,/ C, D, A,, | F, E, D, A, | C, E, F, D, | E, E, A,,2 |]
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2008 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.720000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "114 ASCENSION"
%%footer Acts 1:9-11, Jn 14:26, Ex 14:19-25, 19:16-20, 25:10, 31:18, 34:4-5, Lv 16:1-2, 2Chr 5:11-14, Mt 17:1-5, Jn 17:3, Lk 12:59, \n1Cor 6:19-20, Rom 5:12-21, Jn 14:1-6, Ps 65:2-3, Mt 27:46, 1Cor 15:20, Mt 28:20, Rom 10:17, Col 2:12, Mt 26:26-28, Ps 23 8 6 8 6
%OHSCRIP Acts 1:9-11, Jn 14:26, Ex 14:19-25, 19:16-20, 25:10, 31:18, 34:4-5, Lv 16:1-2, 2Chr 5:11-14, Mt 17:1-5, Jn 17:3, Lk 12:59, \n1Cor 6:19-20, Rom 5:12-21, Jn 14:1-6, Ps 65:2-3, Mt 27:46, 1Cor 15:20, Mt 28:20, Rom 10:17, Col 2:12, Mt 26:26-28, Ps 23
%OHTOPICS {Anticipation [9-11]}, {Assurance [11,12]}, {Atonement [8]}, {Baptism [12]}, {Cloud}, {Eternal Life [6]}, {Faith [11,12]}, {Father [6]}, {Fear of the Lord [5]}, {Gospel [12]}, {Jesus [1,6,8-10]}, {Light [5]}, {Lord's Supper [12]}, {Presence}, {Promises (see also Gospel) [10,11]}, {Salvation [7-9]}, {Scripture [3]}, {Sinners [7]}, {Truth [8]}
%OHCOMPOSER Gläser, Carl Gotthelf (1784-1829)
%OHARRANGER Mason, Lowell (1792-1872)
%OHAUTHOR Dumont, Brian James (1971-)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 114
M: 3/2
L: 1/4
K: Ab
{ E2 ; E2 ; E,2 ; E,2 }
{ A A B2 B2 ; E C E2 E2 ; E, A, G,2 G,2 ; C, A,, E,2 E,2 }
{ c B A2 B2 ; E D C2 E2 ; A, G, A,2 G,2 ; A, E, F,2 E,2 }
{ c c d2 c2 ; E E E2 E2 ; A, A, B,2 A,2 ; A, A, G,2 A,2 }
{ B4 ; E4 ; G,4 ; E,4 }
{ E2 ; E,2 ; E,2 ; e2 }
{ E C E2 E2 ; E, A, G,2 G,2 ; C, A,, E,2 E,2 ; e c c2 A2 }
{ E D C2 E2 ; A, G, A,2 G,2 ; A, E, F,2 E,2 ; A F F2 !sintro!(A F) }
{ E E E2 E2 ; A, A, B,2 A,2 ; A, A, G,2 A,2 ; E A A2 B2 }
{ E4 ; G,4 ; E,4 ; A4 !eintro! } | X: 114
M: 3/2
L: 1/4
K: Ab
X: 114
T: The Cloud Received Christ From Their Sight
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Brian J. Dumont, 09 Dec 2008. Music: 'Azmon' Carl G. Gläser, 1828. Setting: Lowell Mason, 1839.
S: Music source: "Music in the Family and School Room", 1865 Lesson 53, Hymns 105-106. Ed. William Theodore Wylie
C: copyright: Words: Copyright 2008, Brian J. Dumont. These lyrics may be freely reproduced or published for Christian
C: worship, provided they are not altered, and this notice is on each copy. All other rights reserved.
C: Music and Setting: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Revision.
M: 3/2 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: Ab % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=200] E2 | A A B2 B2 | c B A2 B2 | c c d2 c2 | B4
w: 1.~The cloud re- ceived Christ from their sight. They stood, their mouths a- gape.
w: 2.~The cloud kept safe God's peo- ple as Through the dry sea they trod,
w: 3.~On Si- nai's height the cloud did rest To make a home be- low.
w: 4.~Ap- pear- ing on the mer- cy seat with- in the in- most place,
w: 5.~On moun- tain high Christ's face did shine like sun, a bla- zing light.
[V: S1V2] E2 | E C E2 E2 | E D C2 E2 | E E E2 E2 | E4
[V: S2V1] E,2 | E, A, G,2 G,2 | A, G, A,2 G,2 | A, A, B,2 A,2 | G,4
[V: S2V2] E,2 | C, A,, E,2 E,2 | A, E, F,2 E,2 | A, A, G,2 A,2 | E,4
% 5
[V: S1V1] e2 | e c c2 A2 | A F F2 !sintro!(A F) | E A A2 B2 | A4 !eintro!|]
w: Re- mind- ed of the things He taught His * peo- ple still do wait.
w: And led them through the wild- er- ness; They * tru- ly walked with God!
w: The Ark first then His writ- ten Word His * pre- sence now would show.
w: the Tem- ple showed God's pro- mi- ses to * save our fal- len race.
w: The cloud once more ap- peared on earth a * tru- ly fear- ful sight.
[V: S1V2] G2 | A E E2 E2 | F D D2 (F D) | C C C2 D2 | C4 |]
[V: S2V1] B,2 | C A, A,2 A,2 | A, A, A,2 A,2 | A, A, A,2 G,2 | A,4 |]
[V: S2V2] E,2 | A, A, A,2 C,2 | D, D, D,2 D,2 | E, E, E,2 E,2 | A,,4 |]
W: 6.While here in flesh You taught us, Lord
W: The object sure and right:
W: To see our Father's glory bright,
W: To have eternal life.
W: 7.A goal beyond our reach You've shown;
W: We cannot pay the price.
W: No work of ours atones for sin,
W: We cannot set things right.
W: 8.You are the Truth, You are the Way
W: for us to see His face.
W: You died for us a sinner's death
W: abandoned in our place.
W: 9.On Easter day, Lord, You were raised
W: Firstfruits of our new Life;
W: And in the cloud we see the day
W: When joy will end all strife.
W: 10.We wait to see the cloud's return
W: To be with us below,
W: When You fulfill Your promises
W: To bring us to Your home.
W: 11.And though we wait to see You now
W: We know that You are near.
W: Your promises to build our faith
W: Are stronger than our fear.
W: 12.You give us faith by Your strong Word
W: In water, wine, and bread.
W: The Spirit works through earthly means,
W: in pastures green we're fed.
%%begintext align
Special thanks for this text goes to Dr. Norman Nagel, whose insights inspired it.
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2010 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 0.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "PENTECOST 115"
%%footer Ez 37:5-9, Gen 2:7, Is 42:5 6 6 8 6
%OHSCRIP Ez 37:5-9, Gen 2:7, Is 42:5
%OHTOPICS {Aspiration}, {Discipleship}, {Eternal Life [3]}, {Following Jesus, In Faith}, {Following Jesus, In Action [1,2]}, {Following Jesus, Sanctification}, {Holiness [2]}, {Holy Spirit}, {Invitation (Faithful's to God)}, {Love [1]}
%OHCOMPOSER from John Chetham's Psalmody, 1718
%OHAUTHOR Hatch, Edwin (1835-1889)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 115
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: Ab
{ F2 c B ; C2 F G ; A,2 C D ; F,2 A,, B,, }
{ A G F2 ; F =E F2 ; C C A,2 ; C, C, F,2 }
{ c2 e d ; _E2 E F ; A,2 A, A, ; A,,2 C, D, }
{ c B c2 ; E E E2 ; A, G, A,2 ; E, E, A,,2 }
{ C2 F G ; A,2 C D ; F,2 A,, B,, ; z A G F }
{ F =E F2 ; C C A,2 ; C, C, F,2 ; c A B A }
{ _E2 E F ; A,2 A, A, ; A,,2 C, D, ; !fermata!G !sintro!F c B }
{ E E E2 ; A, G, A,2 ; E, E, A,,2 ; A2 G2 } | X: 115
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: Ab
X: 115
T: Breathe on Me, Breath of God
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Edwin Hatch, 1878.
C: Music: 'Aylesbury' or 'Wirksworth' found in John Chetham's Psalmody, 1718.
C: Setting: "Hymns Ancient and Modern", 1904.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2010 Revision.
S: Music source: Hymns Ancient and Modern, 1904 Hymn 449. (not in 1875 ed.; can't get hands on 1889 supplement) 1904 edition is UNSIGNED
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: Ab % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=110] F2 c B | A G F2 | c2 e d | c B c2 |
w: 1.~Breathe on me, breath of God, Fill me with life a- new,
w: 2.~Breathe on me, breath of God, Un- til my heart is pure,
w: 3.~Breathe on me, breath of God, So shall I ne- ver die,
[V: S1V2] C2 F G | F =E F2 | _E2 E F | E E E2 |
[V: S2V1] A,2 C D | C C A,2 | A,2 A, A, | A, G, A,2 |
[V: S2V2] F,2 A,, B,, | C, C, F,2 | A,,2 C, D, | E, E, A,,2 |
% 5
[V: S1V1] z A G F | c A B A | !fermata!G !sintro!F c B | A2 G2 | F4 !eintro!|]
w: That I may love what Thou dost love, And do what Thou wouldst do.
w: Un- til with Thee I will one will, To do and to en- dure.
w: But live with Thee the per- fect life Of Thine e- ter- ni- ty.
[V: S1V2] x F E D | E F F F | =E F F G | F2 =E2 | F4 |]
[V: S2V1] z C C A, | A, A, D C | !invertedfermata!C A, C D | C2 (C B,) | A,4 |]
[V: S2V2] x F, C, D, | A,, D, B,, F, | C, D, A,, B,, | C,2 C,2 | F,,4 |]
% 11
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.7500000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "116 PENTECOST"
%%footer Acts 2:2-3, Rom 5:5, Ez 36:26-28, Jn 14:16-17, Jn 14:26 6 6 11 6 6 11
%OHSCRIP Acts 2:2-3, Rom 5:5, Ez 36:26-28, Jn 14:16-17, Jn 14:26
%OHTOPICS {Aspiration}, {Charity (see also Tithing) [3]}, {Contrition}, {Conversion}, {Discipleship}, {Fire [1,2]}, {God, Providence of}, {Guidance}, {Holiness}, {Holy Spirit}, {Humility}, {Invitation (Faithful's to God)}, {Light [2]}, {Submission (see also Following Jesus, God - Providence of, Trust)}
%OHMETRICAL 6 6 11 6 6 11
%OHCOMPOSER Williams, Ralph Vaughan (1872-1958)
%OHARRANGER Williams, Ralph Vaughan (1872-1958)
%OHAUTHOR Bianco of Siena (?-1434)
%OHTRANSLATOR Littledale, Richard Frederick (1833-1890)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 116
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: D
{ D2 E F ; A,2 A, D ; F,2 A, D, ; D,2 C, D, }
{ A2 B2 ; (D C) (B, C) ; E,2 (G, E,) ; A,,2 G,,2 }
{ A4 ; D4 ; F,4 ; D,4 }
{ A2 B A ; F2 F E ; A,2 D, E, ; D,2 D, C, }
{ (d c) B2 ; (D E) D2 ; (F, A,) (A, ^G,) ; (B,, C,) E,2 }
{ A,2 A, D ; F,2 A, D, ; D,2 C, D, ; A2 A2 }
{ (D C) (B, C) ; E,2 (G, E,) ; A,,2 G,,2 ; B A G F }
{ D4 ; F,4 ; D,4 ; E D E F/G/ }
{ F2 F E ; A,2 D, E, ; D,2 D, C, ; E2 !fermata!D2 }
{ F,2 A, D, ; D,2 C, D, ; A2 A2 ; C2 D2 }
{ E,2 (G, E,) ; A,,2 G,,2 ; B A G F ; D C D D }
{ F,4 ; D,4 ; E D E F/G/ ; B, D D D }
{ A,2 D, E, ; D,2 D, C, ; E2 !fermata!D2 ; (D C) D2 }
{ D,2 C, D, ; A2 A2 ; C2 D2 ; A,2 F,2 }
{ A,,2 G,,2 ; B A G F ; D C D D ; G, E, G, A, }
{ D,4 ; E D E F/G/ ; B, D D D ; G, A, B, B, }
{ D,2 D, C, ; E2 !fermata!D2 ; (D C) D2 ; (A,3/2 G,/) !invertedfermata!F,2 } | X: 116
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: D
X: 116
T: Come Down, O Love Divine
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Bianco of Siena d. 1434. Translated by Richard F. Littledale, 1867.
C: Music: 'Down Ampney' Ralph Vaughan Williams, 1906. Setting: Ralph Vaughan Williams, 1906.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Revision.
S: Music source: The English Hymnal, 1906 Hymn 152
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: D % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=120] D2 E F | A2 B2 | A4 | A2 B A | (d c) B2 |
w: 1.~Come down, O love di- vine, seek Thou this soul * of
w: 2.~O let it free- ly burn, til earth- ly pas- * sions
w: 3.~Let ho- ly char- it- y mine out- ward ves- * ture
w: 4.~And so the yearn- ing strong, with which the soul * will
[V: S1V2] A,2 A, D | (D C) (B, C) | D4 | F2 F E | (D E) D2 |
[V: S2V1] F,2 A, D, | E,2 (G, E,) | F,4 | A,2 D, E, | (F, A,) (A, ^G,) |
[V: S2V2] D,2 C, D, | A,,2 G,,2 | D,4 | D,2 D, C, | (B,, C,) E,2 |
% 5
[V: S1V1] A2 A2 | B A G F | E D E F/G/ | E2 !fermata!D2 |
w: mine, And vis- it it with Thine own ar- dor * glow- ing.
w: turn To dust and ash- es in its heat con- * su- ming;
w: be, And low- li- ness be- come mine in- ner * cloth- ing;
w: long, Shall far out- pass the pow'r of hu- man * tell- ing;
[V: S1V2] C2 D2 | D C D D | B, D D D | (D C) D2 |
[V: S2V1] A,2 F,2 | G, E, G, A, | G, A, B, B, | (A,3/2 G,/) !invertedfermata!F,2 |
[V: S2V2] A,,2 D,2 | G,, A,, B,, D, | G, F, G, E, | A,,2 D,2 |
% 13
[V: S1V1] d2 c B | A2 B2 | A4 | =c2 B A | G2 F2 | !fermata!E2
w: O Com- fort- er, draw near, with- in my heart ap- pear,
w: And let Thy glor- ious light shine ev- er on my sight,
w: True low- li- ness of heart, which takes the hum- bler part,
w: For none can guess its grace, till he be- come the place
[V: S1V2] F2 F D | F2 (E D) | C4 | E2 D D | (B, C) D2 | A,2
[V: S2V1] B,2 A, B, | (D C) B,2 | C4 | (G, A,) B, F, | G,2 (A, B,) | !invertedfermata!C2
[V: S2V2] B,2 F, G, | (D, F,) ^G,2 | A,4 | (E, F,) G, D, | E,2 (F, G,) | A,2
% 17
[V: S1V1] !sintro!E2 | A B A G | F D E F/G/ | E2 !fermata!D2 !eintro!|]
w: And kin- dle it, Thy ho- ly flame be- * stow- ing.
w: And clothe me round, the while my path il- * lum- ing.
w: And o'er its own short- com- ings weeps with * loath- ing.
w: Where- in the Ho- ly Spir- it makes His * dwell- ing.
[V: S1V2] C2 | D D C D/E/ | A, D D D | (D C) D2 |]
[V: S2V1] A,2 | A, G, E, B, | A, A, B, G, | (A,3/2 G,/) !invertedfermata!F,2 |]
[V: S2V2] (A,, G,,) | F,, G,, A,, B,,/C,/ | D, F, G, E, | A,,2 D,2 |]
% 20
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.7400000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "PENTECOST 117"
%%footer Jn 14:16, Acts 2:1-4, 1Cor 12:7-11 8 8 8 7
%OHSCRIP Jn 14:16, Acts 2:1-4, 1Cor 12:7-11
%OHTOPICS {Aspiration}, {Conversion}, {Education [6]}, {Fire [2-4]}, {Following Jesus, Sanctification}, {God, Majesty & Power of [3]}, {Guidance}, {Holiness}, {Holy Spirit}, {Inner Life [5]}, {Invitation (Faithful's to God)}, {Peace [5]}, {Presence}, {Submission (see also Following Jesus, God - Providence of, Trust)}, {Trinity}
%OHARRANGER Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750)
%OHAUTHOR Charlemagne (742-814);Maurus, Rhabanus (776-856);Gregory the Great (c. 540-604);Ambrose of Milan (340-397)
%OHTRANSLATOR Luther, Martin (1483-1546);Bacon, Leonard Woolsey (1830-1907)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 117
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: C
{ G2 A G ; E2 F E ; C2 C C ; C,2 F, C, }
{ F G c d ; D E E G ; A, C C B, ; D, C, A,, G,, }
{ !fermata!c2 z c ; G2 x G ; !invertedfermata!E2 z E ; C,2 x C, }
{ G A c d ; G F G G ; C C C B, ; E, F, E, D, }
{ e e !fermata!d2 ; G G G2 ; C C !invertedfermata!B,2 ; C, C, G,2 }
{ E2 F E ; C2 C C ; C,2 F, C, ; z d e c }
{ D E E G ; A, C C B, ; D, C, A,, G,, ; A G B c }
{ G2 x G ; !invertedfermata!E2 z E ; C,2 x C, ; !fermata!d2 z !sintro!G }
{ G F G G ; C C C B, ; E, F, E, D, ; c A F (A- }
{ G G G2 ; C C !invertedfermata!B,2 ; C, C, G,2 ; A G) G2- } | X: 117
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: C
X: 117
T: Come, God Creator, Holy Ghost
%%combinevoices 1
T: (also known as Creator, Spirit, Holy Dove or Come Holy Ghost, Creator Blest)
C: Words: variously ascribed to Ambrose, Gregory the Great, Charlemagne, or Rhabanus Maurus.
C: Translated by Martin Luther, 1524. Translated from German to English by Leonard Woolsey Bacon, 1883.
C: Music: 'Komm, Gott Schoepfer Heiliger Geist' ancient Latin found in Erfurt Enchiridion, 1524.
C: Setting: Johann Sebastian Bach, alt.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Revision.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: C % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=130] G2 A G | F G c d | !fermata!c2 z c | G A c d | e e !fermata!d2 |
w: 1.~Come, God Cre- a- tor, Ho- ly Ghost, And vis- it Thou these souls of men;
w: 2.~For Com- fort- er Thy name we call. Sweet gift of God most high a- bove,
w: 3.~Our minds il- lu- mine and re- fresh, Deep in our hearts let love burn bright;
w: 4.~Thou with Thy won- drous sev'n- fold gifts The fin- ger art of God's right hand;
w: 5.~Drive far from us our wi- ly foe; Grant us Thy bless- éd peace with- in,
[V: S1V2] E2 F E | D E E G | G2 x G | G F G G | G G G2 |
[V: S2V1] C2 C C | A, C C B, | !invertedfermata!E2 z E | C C C B, | C C !invertedfermata!B,2 |
[V: S2V2] C,2 F, C, | D, C, A,, G,, | C,2 x C, | E, F, E, D, | C, C, G,2 |
% 5
[V: S1V1] z d e c | A G B c | !fermata!d2 z !sintro!G | c A F (A- | A G) G2- | G2 !fermata!G2 !eintro!|]
w: Fill them with gra- ces, as Thou dost, Thy crea- tures make pure * * a- * gain.
w: A ho- ly unc- tion to us all O Fount of life, Fire * * of * love.
w: Thou know'st the weak- ness of our flesh; And strength- en us with * * Thy * might.
w: The Fa- ther's Word Thou send- est swift On tongues of fire to * * each * land.
w: That in Thy foot- steps we may go, And shun the dark ways * * of * sin.
[V: S1V2] x G G G | F G F G | G2 x D | C C C (F- | F E) (D E | D2) E2 |]
[V: S2V1] z B, C C | C C D E | !invertedfermata!B,2 z B, | C C C C- | C2 (D C- | C B,) !invertedfermata!C2 |]
[V: S2V2] x G, C, E, | F, E, D, C, | G,2 x G, | E, F, A, (F,- | F, C,) (B,, C, | G,,2) C,2 |]
% 13
W: 6.Teach us the Father well to know,
W: Likewise His only Son our Lord,
W: Thyself to us believing show,
W: Spirit of both, aye adored
W: 7.Praise to the Father, and the Son
W: Who from the dead is risen again;
W: Praise to the Comforter be done
W: Both now and ever. Amen.
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.7500000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "118 PENTECOST"
%%footer Lk 11:13, Rom 5:5, 1Cor 12:13, Jn 16:13-14, 2Tim 1:14 8 8 9 7 8 8 9 9 with Alleluias
%OHSCRIP Lk 11:13, Rom 5:5, 1Cor 12:13, Jn 16:13-14, 2Tim 1:14
%OHTOPICS {Aspiration}, {Children (see also God's Children - the Faithful) [2]}, {Christian Life}, {Discipleship}, {Faith}, {Fire [1]}, {God, Care of}, {God, Providence of}, {God's Children - the Faithful (see also Saints, People of the World)}, {Guidance}, {Holiness}, {Holy Spirit}, {Invitation (Faithful's to God)}, {Light [1,2]}, {Missions}, {People of the World}, {Praise, Holy Spirit}, {Presence}, {Rest [3]}
%OHMETRICAL 8 8 9 7 8 8 9 9 Alleluia8
%OHARRANGER Bacon, Leonard Woolsey (1830-1907);Erythraeus
%OHAUTHOR Latin;Luther, Martin (1483-1546)
%OHTRANSLATOR Russell, Arthur Tozel (1806-1874)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 118
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: G
{ d2 e d ; G2 G G ; B,2 C B, ; G,2 C, G, }
{ (B d) A2 ; (G F) F2 ; D2 D2 ; (G, D,) D,2 }
{ (B G B) ^c ; G3 G ; (D B, D) E ; G,3 E, }
{ d2 z d ; F2 G2 ; A,2 B,2 ; D,2 G,2 }
{ e2 (d B) ; G2 G2 ; C2 (B, D) ; C,2 G,2 }
{ (d A) (G c) ; F2 G2 ; (D3/2 C/ B,) E ; D,2 E,3/2 F,/ }
{ G2 G G ; B,2 C B, ; G,2 C, G, ; (B A G/E/) F }
{ (G F) F2 ; D2 D2 ; (G, D,) D,2 ; G2 z G }
{ G3 G ; (D B, D) E ; G,3 E, ; (A3/2 B/) c2 }
{ F2 G2 ; A,2 B,2 ; D,2 G,2 ; (B3/2 ^c/) d2 }
{ G2 G2 ; C2 (B, D) ; C,2 G,2 ; (A F) (G E) }
{ B,2 C B, ; G,2 C, G, ; (B A G/E/) F ; (G F B,) D }
{ D2 D2 ; (G, D,) D,2 ; G2 z G ; D2 G2 }
{ (D B, D) E ; G,3 E, ; (A3/2 B/) c2 ; (G F) G2 }
{ A,2 B,2 ; D,2 G,2 ; (B3/2 ^c/) d2 ; G2 (F E/D/) }
{ C2 (B, D) ; C,2 G,2 ; (A F) (G E) ; (E D2) ^C }
{ G,2 C, G, ; (B A G/E/) F ; (G F B,) D ; (D3/2 C/ B,/G,/) A, }
{ (G, D,) D,2 ; G2 z G ; D2 G2 ; B,2 B,2 }
{ G,3 E, ; (A3/2 B/) c2 ; (G F) G2 ; D2 E2 }
{ D,2 G,2 ; (B3/2 ^c/) d2 ; G2 (F E/D/) ; (D E) A,2 }
{ C,2 G,2 ; (A F) (G E) ; (E D2) ^C ; (A,2 B,) A, }
{ (B A G/E/) F ; (G F B,) D ; (D3/2 C/ B,/G,/) A, ; (G, D, E,) D, }
{ G2 z G ; D2 G2 ; B,2 B,2 ; G,,2 G,2 }
{ (A3/2 B/) c2 ; (G F) G2 ; D2 E2 ; D,2 C,/D,/E,/F,/ }
{ (B3/2 ^c/) d2 ; G2 (F E/D/) ; (D E) A,2 ; (G, E,) (D, ^C,/B,,/) }
{ (A F) (G E) ; (E D2) ^C ; (A,2 B,) A, ; (^C, D,) (G,, A,,) }
{ (G F B,) D ; (D3/2 C/ B,/G,/) A, ; (G, D, E,) D, ; D D z D }
{ D2 G2 ; B,2 B,2 ; G,,2 G,2 ; G2 A2 }
{ (G F) G2 ; D2 E2 ; D,2 C,/D,/E,/F,/ ; (B d2) c }
{ G2 (F E/D/) ; (D E) A,2 ; (G, E,) (D, ^C,/B,,/) ; (B G A2) }
{ (E D2) ^C ; (A,2 B,) A, ; (^C, D,) (G,, A,,) ; B4 }
{ (D3/2 C/ B,/G,/) A, ; (G, D, E,) D, ; D D z D ; D D D2 }
{ B,2 B,2 ; G,,2 G,2 ; G2 A2 ; (B, C2) D }
{ D2 E2 ; D,2 C,/D,/E,/F,/ ; (B d2) c ; D3 E }
{ (D E) A,2 ; (G, E,) (D, ^C,/B,,/) ; (B G A2) ; D4 }
{ (A,2 B,) A, ; (^C, D,) (G,, A,,) ; B4 ; D4 } | X: 118
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: G
X: 118
T: Come Holy Spirit, Lord Our God
%%combinevoices 1
T: (also known as Come Holy Ghost, God and Lord)
C: Words: v. 1 ancient Latin. v.2-3 Martin Luther, 1524. Translated by Arthur Tozel Russell (1806-1874).
C: Music: 'Komm Heiliger Geist, Herre Gott' ancient Latin found in Erfurt Enchiridion, 1524.
C: Setting: Leonard Woolsey Bacon, 1883 after Erythraeus, 1609.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Revision.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: G % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=120] d2 e d | (B d) A2 | (B G B) ^c | d2 z d | e2 (d B) | (d A) (G c) |
w: 1.~Come, Ho- ly Spi- * rit, Lord * * our God, And pour Thy * gifts * of *
w: 2.~O, ho- liest Light! * O Rock * * a- dored! Give us Thy * light, * Thy *
w: 3.~O ho- liest Fire! * O Source * * of rest! Grant that with * joy * and *
[V: S1V2] G2 G G | (G F) F2 | G3 G | F2 G2 | G2 G2 | F2 G2 |
[V: S2V1] B,2 C B, | D2 D2 | (D B, D) E | A,2 B,2 | C2 (B, D) | (D3/2 C/ B,) E |
[V: S2V2] G,2 C, G, | (G, D,) D,2 | G,3 E, | D,2 G,2 | C,2 G,2 | D,2 E,3/2 F,/ |
% 9
[V: S1V1] (B A G/E/) F | G2 z G | (A3/2 B/) c2 | (B3/2 ^c/) d2 | (A F) (G E) |
w: grace * * * a- broad; Thy faith- * ful peo- * ple fill * with *
w: liv- * * * ing Word, To God * Him- self * our spir- * its *
w: hope * * * poss- est, And in * Thy ser- * vice kept * for- *
[V: S1V2] (G F B,) D | D2 G2 | (G F) G2 | G2 (F E/D/) | (E D2) ^C |
[V: S2V1] (D3/2 C/ B,/G,/) A, | B,2 B,2 | D2 E2 | (D E) A,2 | (A,2 B,) A, |
[V: S2V2] (G, D, E,) D, | G,,2 G,2 | D,2 C,/D,/E,/F,/ | (G, E,) (D, ^C,/B,,/) | (^C, D,) (G,, A,,) |
% 13
[V: S1V1] D D z D | G2 A2 | (B d2) c | (B G A2) | B4 |
w: bles- sing, Love's fire their hearts * po- ssess- * * ing.
w: lead- ing, With Him as chil- * dren plea- * * ding.
w: ev- er, Naught us from Thee * may se- * * ver.
[V: S1V2] D D D2 | (B, C2) D | D3 E | D4 | D4 |
[V: S2V1] F, F, F,2 | E,3 F, | (G, B,2) A,/G,/ | (G,3 F,) | G,4 |
[V: S2V2] D, D, D,2 | (E,/D,/C,/B,,/ A,,) D, | G,,3 C, | (G, B,, D,2) | G,,4 |
% 17
[V: S1V1] d2 e d | (B d) A2 | (B G B) ^c | d2 z d | e2 (d B) | (d A) (G c) |
w: O Lord, Thou by * Thy heav'n- * * ly Light Dost ga- ther * and * in *
w: From er- ror, Lord, * our souls * * de- fend, That they on * Christ * a- *
w: Lord, may Thy pow'r * pre- pare * * each heart; To our weak * na- * ture *
[V: S1V2] G2 G G | (G F) F2 | G3 G | F2 G2 | G2 G2 | F2 G2 |
[V: S2V1] B,2 C B, | D2 D2 | (D B, D) E | A,2 B,2 | C2 (B, D) | (D3/2 C/ B,) E |
[V: S2V2] G,2 C, G, | (G, D,) D,2 | G,3 E, | D,2 G,2 | C,2 G,2 | D,2 E,3/2 F,/ |
% 21
%%header "PENTECOST 118(2)"
[V: S1V1] (B A G/E/) F | G2 z G | (A3/2 B/) c2 | (B3/2 ^c/) d2 | (A F) (G E) |
w: faith * * * u- nite Through all * the world * a ho- * ly *
w: lone * * * at- tend; In Him * with faith * un- feigned * a- *
w: strength * * * im- part, On- ward * to press, * our foes * de- *
[V: S1V2] (G F B,) D | D2 G2 | (G F) G2 | G2 (F E/D/) | (E D2) ^C |
[V: S2V1] (D3/2 C/ B,/G,/) A, | B,2 B,2 | D2 E2 | (D E) A,2 | (A,2 B,) A, |
[V: S2V2] (G, D, E,) D, | G,,2 G,2 | D,2 C,/D,/E,/F,/ | (G, E,) (D, ^C,/B,,/) | (^C, D,) (G,, A,,) |
% 29
[V: S1V1] D D z D | G2 A2 | (B d2) c | B2 A2 | (E F) G2 |
w: na- tion To sing to Thee * with ex- ul- ta- * tion,
w: bid- ing, In Him with all * their might con- fid- * ing.
w: fy- ing, To Thee, through liv- * ing and through dy- * ing.
[V: S1V2] D D D2 | (B, C2) D | D3 E | (D G) (E C) | C2 B,2 |
[V: S2V1] F, F, F,2 | E,3 F, | (G, B,2) A,/G,/ | (G, D) (C A,) | (G, A,) B,2 |
[V: S2V2] D, D, D,2 | (E,/D,/C,/B,,/ A,,) D, | G,,3 C, | G,,2 (A,,3/2 B,,/) | (C, A,,) G,,2 |
% 33
[V: S1V1] z2 !sintro!A2 | (B A) (G3/4F// E) | D2 A2 | (B A) (G/E/ F) | G4 !eintro!|]
w: Hal- le- * lu- * * jah! Hal- le- * lu- * * jah!
[V: S1V2] x2 D2 | (D F) (D ^C) | D2 F2 | (G F/E/) (D/E/ D) | D4 |]
[V: S2V1] z2 F,2 | (B, D/C/B,/A,/) G, | F,2 D2 | (D C) (B, A,) | B,4 |]
[V: S2V2] x2 D,2 | (A, D,) (G,, A,,) | D,2 D,2 | (G,, A,,) (B,,/C,/ D,) | G,,4 |]
% 39
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2005 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "119 PENTECOST"
%%footer Jn 14:16-17, Jn 4:24, Acts 2:2-4 7 7 7 7
%OHSCRIP Jn 14:16-17, Jn 4:24, Acts 2:2-4
%OHTOPICS {Adam (first/second - see also Guidance, Invitation [ours to God], Repentance)}, {Calmness [9,11]}, {Christian Life}, {Comfort [1,2,4]}, {Compassion}, {Conscience}, {Consecration [5-13]}, {Contrition [3,5]}, {Darkness, Spiritual [1,2,7,8]}, {Discipleship}, {Education [2]}, {Fire [8]}, {God, As King [10]}, {God, Care of}, {God, Mercy of [3]}, {God, Providence of}, {Guidance}, {Holiness [3,5,6,8]}, {Holy Spirit}, {Inner Life}, {Invitation (Faithful's to God)}, {Joy [4,12]}, {Knowledge [2]}, {Light [1,7]}, {Morality (see also Law) [3,5,6,8,10,13]}, {Obedience [5,6,8,10,13]}, {Presence}, {Repentance [3,5,10,13]}, {Sacrifice [6]}, {Self Control (see also Law) [3,5,6,8-10,13]}, {Sinners [1,3,5,13]}, {Submission (see also Following Jesus, God - Providence of, Trust) [5,6,10]}, {Temperance & Moral Reform (see also Law) [3,5,7-13]}, {Throne (also see God - As King) [5,10]}, {Truth [2,7]}
%OHCOMPOSER Gibbons, Orlando (1583-1625)
%OHAUTHOR Reed, Andrew (1787-1862);Longfellow, Samuel (1819-1892)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 119
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: Eb
{ G A B c ; E E E E ; B, C B, A,/G,/ ; E, C, G,, A,, }
{ F F G2 ; E D E2 ; F, B, B,2 ; B,, B,, E,2 }
{ B c d e ; F F F E ; B, =A, B, B, ; D, F, B, G, }
{ c c B2 ; G F/E/ D2 ; B, =A, B,2 ; E, F, B,,2 }
{ E E E E ; B, C B, A,/G,/ ; E, C, G,, A,, ; G A B c }
{ E D E2 ; F, B, B,2 ; B,, B,, E,2 ; A G F2 }
{ F F F E ; B, =A, B, B, ; D, F, B, G, ; !sintro!B A/G/ F E }
{ G F/E/ D2 ; B, =A, B,2 ; E, F, B,,2 ; F F E2 !eintro! } | X: 119
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: Eb
X: 119
T: Holy Ghost, with Light Divine
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: verses 1-6 Andrew Reed, 1817. verses 7-13 Samuel Longfellow, 1864.
C: Music: 'Canterbury' or 'Song 13' Orlando Gibbons, 1623. Setting: "Common Service Book" (ULCA), 1917.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2006 Revision.
S: Music source: 'Common Service Book With Hymnal' ULCA, 1917 Hymn 156.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: Eb % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=100] G A B c | F F G2 | B c d e | c c B2 |
w: 1.~Ho- ly Ghost, with light di- vine Shine up- on this heart of mine;
w: 2.~Let me see my Sa- vior's face, Let me all His beau- ties trace;
w: 3.~Ho- ly Ghost, with pow'r di- vine Cleanse this guil- ty heart of mine;
w: 4.~Ho- ly Ghost, with joy di- vine Cheer this sad- dened heart of mine;
w: 5.~Ho- ly Spir- it, all di- vine, Dwell with- in this heart of mine;
[V: S1V2] E E E E | E D E2 | F F F E | G F/E/ D2 |
[V: S2V1] B, C B, A,/G,/ | F, B, B,2 | B, =A, B, B, | B, =A, B,2 |
[V: S2V2] E, C, G,, A,, | B,, B,, E,2 | D, F, B, G, | E, F, B,,2 |
% 5
[V: S1V1] G A B c | A G F2 | !sintro!B A/G/ F E | F F E2 !eintro!|]
w: Chase the shades of night a- way, Turn the * dark- ness in- to day.
w: Show those glo- rious truths to me Which are * on- ly known to Thee.
w: In Thy mer- cy pit- y me, From sin's * bon- dage set me free.
w: Yield a sac- red, set- tled peace, Let it * grow and still in- crease.
w: Cast down ev- ery i- dol\- throne, Reign su- * preme, and reign a- lone.
[V: S1V2] E E E E | F =E F2 | F3/2 E/ D E | E D E2 |]
[V: S2V1] B, A, G, E, | C C/B,/ A,2 | B, B, A, G, | C B,/A,/ G,2 |]
[V: S2V2] E, C, B,, A,, | C, C, F,2 | D,3/2 E,/ B,, C, | A,, B,, E,2 |]
% 9
W: 6. See, to Thee I yield my heart,
W: Shed Thy life through every part;
W: A pure temple I would be,
W: Wholly dedicate to Thee.
W: 7.Holy Spirit, Truth divine,
W: Dawn upon this soul of mine;
W: Word of God and inward light
W: Wake my spirit, clear my sight.
W: 8.Holy Spirit, Love divine,
W: Glow within this heart of mine;
W: Kindle every high desire;
W: Perish self in Thy pure fire.
W: 9.Holy Spirit, Power divine
W: Fill and nerve this will of mine;
W: Grant that I may strongly live,
W: Bravely bear, and nobly strive.
W: 10.Holy Spirit, Right divine,
W: King within my conscience reign;
W: Be my Lord, and I shall be
W: Firmly bound, forever free.
W: 11.Holy Spirit, Peace divine,
W: Still this restless heart of mine;
W: Speak to calm this tossing sea,
W: Stayed in Thy tranquility.
W: 12.Holy Spirit, Joy divine,
W: Gladden Thou this heart of mine;
W: In the desert ways I sing,
W: "Spring, O Well, forever spring."
W: 13.Now incline me to repent,
W: Let me now my sins lament,
W: Now my foul revolt deplore,
W: Weep, believe, and sin no more.
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2006 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%combinevoices 0
%%header "PENTECOST 120"
%%footer Gen 1:1-2, 1Cor 12:12-14, Eph 3:7-9 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7
%OHSCRIP Gen 1:1-2, 1Cor 12:12-14, Eph 3:7-9
%OHTOPICS {Church on Earth (Church Militant) [2,3]}, {Consecration}, {Eternal Life [1]}, {Forgiveness [3]}, {God, Providence of}, {Guidance}, {Holy Spirit}, {Inspiration}, {Leadership}, {Light [1]}, {Praise, Holy Spirit}
%OHMETRICAL 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7
%OHCOMPOSER Williams, Thomas J. (1869-1944)
%OHAUTHOR Rees, Timothy (1874-1939)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 120
M: 8/4
L: 1/4
K: Ab
{ F2(3FGA G2 F2 ; C2 C2 =E2 F2 ; A,2 C2 C2 A,2 ; F,,2 A,,2 C,2 D,2 }
{ G2(3GAB (A3/2 G/) F2 ; F2 =E2 F2 C2 ; D2 C2 (C3/2 B,/) A,2 ; B,,2 C,2 F,2 F,2 }
{ c2(3Bcd (c3/2 B/) A2 ; C2(3::2_E2F G2 F2 ; E2(3::2B,2A, C2 C2 ; A,2(3::2G,2F, =E,2 F,2 }
{ (B3/2 A/) G2 F4 ; F2 =E2 F4 ; (D3/2 C/) B,2 A,4 ; B,,2 C,2 F,4 }
{ C2 C2 =E2 F2 ; A,2 C2 C2 A,2 ; F,,2 A,,2 C,2 D,2 ; F2(3FGA G2 F2 }
{ F2 =E2 F2 C2 ; D2 C2 (C3/2 B,/) A,2 ; B,,2 C,2 F,2 F,2 ; G2(3GAB (A3/2 G/) F2 }
{ C2(3::2_E2F G2 F2 ; E2(3::2B,2A, C2 C2 ; A,2(3::2G,2F, =E,2 F,2 ; c2(3Bcd (c3/2 B/) A2 }
{ F2 =E2 F4 ; (D3/2 C/) B,2 A,4 ; B,,2 C,2 F,4 ; (B3/2 A/) G2 F4 }
{ A,2 C2 C2 A,2 ; F,,2 A,,2 C,2 D,2 ; F2(3FGA G2 F2 ; C2 C2 =E2 F2 }
{ D2 C2 (C3/2 B,/) A,2 ; B,,2 C,2 F,2 F,2 ; G2(3GAB (A3/2 G/) F2 ; F2 =E2 F2 C2 }
{ E2(3::2B,2A, C2 C2 ; A,2(3::2G,2F, =E,2 F,2 ; c2(3Bcd (c3/2 B/) A2 ; C2(3::2_E2F G2 F2 }
{ (D3/2 C/) B,2 A,4 ; B,,2 C,2 F,4 ; (B3/2 A/) G2 F4 ; F2 =E2 F4 }
{ F,,2 A,,2 C,2 D,2 ; F2(3FGA G2 F2 ; C2 C2 =E2 F2 ; A,2 C2 C2 A,2 }
{ B,,2 C,2 F,2 F,2 ; G2(3GAB (A3/2 G/) F2 ; F2 =E2 F2 C2 ; D2 C2 (C3/2 B,/) A,2 }
{ A,2(3::2G,2F, =E,2 F,2 ; c2(3Bcd (c3/2 B/) A2 ; C2(3::2_E2F G2 F2 ; E2(3::2B,2A, C2 C2 }
{ B,,2 C,2 F,4 ; (B3/2 A/) G2 F4 ; F2 =E2 F4 ; (D3/2 C/) B,2 A,4 } | X: 120
M: 8/4
L: 1/4
K: Ab
X: 120
T: Holy Spirit, Ever Dwelling
C: Words: Timothy Rees, 1922.
C: Music: 'Ebenezer' or 'Ton-Y-Botel' Thomas J. Williams, 1890. Setting: "A Hymnal" (Episcopal), 1916.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2008 Revision.
S: Music source: The Episcopal Hymnal, 1918, Hymn 433.
S: check vs. "Eglwys Crist yn ei pherthynas a r byd", 1860 pdf page 127 (seems to be part of a 1901 insert)
M: 8/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: Ab % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=180] F2(3FGA G2 F2 | G2(3GAB (A3/2 G/) F2 | c2(3Bcd (c3/2 B/) A2 | (B3/2 A/) G2 F4 |
w: 1.~Ho- ly * * Spir- it, ev- er * * dwel- * ling in the * * ho- * liest realms * of light
w: 2.~Ho- ly * * Spi- rit, ev- er * * breath- * ing on the * * church * the breath * of life
w: 3.~Ho- ly * * Spir- it, ev- er * * work- * ing through the * * chur- * ch's mi- * ni- stry
[V: S1V2] C2 C2 =E2 F2 | F2 =E2 F2 C2 | C2(3::2_E2F G2 F2 | F2 =E2 F4 |
[V: S2V1] A,2 C2 C2 A,2 | D2 C2 (C3/2 B,/) A,2 | E2(3::2B,2A, C2 C2 | (D3/2 C/) B,2 A,4 |
[V: S2V2] F,,2 A,,2 C,2 D,2 | B,,2 C,2 F,2 F,2 | A,2(3::2G,2F, =E,2 F,2 | B,,2 C,2 F,4 |
% 5
[V: S1V1] F2(3FGA G2 F2 | G2(3GAB (A3/2 G/) F2 | c2(3Bcd (c3/2 B/) A2 | (B3/2 A/) G2 F4 |
w: Ho- ly * * Spir- it, ev- er * * brood- * ing o'er a * * world * of gloom * and blight
w: Ho- ly * * Spir- it, ev- er * * stri- * ving through your * * peo- * ple's cease- * less strife
w: Quick'- ning, * * strength'- ning, and ab- * * solv- * ing set- ting * * cap- * tive sin- * ners free
[V: S1V2] C2 C2 =E2 F2 | F2 =E2 F2 C2 | C2(3::2_E2F G2 F2 | F2 =E2 F4 |
[V: S2V1] A,2 C2 C2 A,2 | D2 C2 (C3/2 B,/) A,2 | E2(3::2B,2A, C2 C2 | (D3/2 C/) B,2 A,4 |
[V: S2V2] F,,2 A,,2 C,2 D,2 | B,,2 C,2 F,2 F,2 | A,2(3::2G,2F, =E,2 F,2 | B,,2 C,2 F,4 |
% 9
[V: S1V1] c2(3ABc B2 B2 | A2(3FGA G2 G2 | F2(3FGA B2 B2 | A2(3BAB c4 |
w: Ho- ly * * Spir- it, ev- er * * rais- ing earth- bound * * souls to glo- ry * * high
w: Ho- ly * * Spir- it, ev- er * * form- ing in the * * church the mind of * * Christ
w: Ho- ly * * Spir- it, ev- er * * bind- ing age to * * age and soul to * * soul
[V: S1V2] E2 E2 E2 E2 | C2 F2 F2 =E2 | F2 C2 F2 E2 | C2 F2 =E4 |
[V: S2V1] A,2 A,2 A,2 G,2 | A,2 C2 C2 C2 | F,2 A,2 A,2 G,2 | A,2 F,2 G,4 |
[V: S2V2] A,,2 C,2 E,2 E,2 | F,2 A,,2 C,2 C,2 | F,2 E,2 D,2 E,2 | (F, E,) D,2 C,4 |
% 13
[V: S1V1] F2(3FGA G2 F2 | G2(3GAB (A3/2 G/) F2 | !sintro!c2(3Bcd (c3/2 B/) A2 | (B3/2 A/) G2 F4 !eintro!|]
w: Liv- * * ing, life\- im- part- ing * * Spir- * it you we * * praise * and mag- * ni- fy.
w: In our * * wor- ship we will * * praise * you for your * * fruit * and gifts * un- priced.
w: In com- * * mu- ni- ty un- * * end- * ing you we * * wor- * ship and * ex- tol.
[V: S1V2] A,2 F2 =E2 F2 | F2 =E2 F2 F2 | E2 E2 E2 F2 | F2 =E2 F4 |]
[V: S2V1] F,2 C2 C2 A,2 | D2 C2 (C3/2 B,/) A,2 | A,2(3G,A,B, (A,3/2 G,/) F,2 | (D3/2 C/) B,2 A,4 |]
[V: S2V2] D,2 A,,2 C,2 D,2 | B,,2 C,2 F,2 F,2 | A,2 E,2 A,,2 D,2 | B,,2 C,2 F,4 |]
% 18
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2012 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.700000
%%staffsep 1.200000cm
%%sysstaffsep 0.00000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "121 PENTECOST"
%%footer Jn 14:16, Ps 23:4, Is 40:1-2, 66:12-14, Mt 5:14 12 12 12 6 12 12 12 6
%OHSCRIP Jn 14:16, Ps 23:4, Is 40:1-2, 66:12-14, Mt 5:14
%OHTOPICS {Church in Heaven (Church Victorious/Church Triumphant) [5]}, {Church on Earth (Church Militant) [5]}, {Grace [4]}, {Healing [3]}, {Holy Spirit}, {Joy}, {Praise, Holy Spirit}, {Presence}, {Promises (see also Gospel)}, {Sinners [4]}, {Worship}
%OHMETRICAL 12 12 12 6 12 12 12 6
%OHCOMPOSER Kirkpatrick, William James (1838-1921)
%OHAUTHOR Bottome, Frank (1823-1894)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 121
M: 3/4
L: 1/8
K: C
{ G2 ; E2 ; C2 ; C,2 }
{ G6/2 A GE ; E6/2 F EC ; C6/2 C CG, ; C,6/2 C, C,C, }
{ G4 c2 ; E4 E2 ; C4 G,2 ; C,4 C,2 }
{ c6/2 d cA ; F6/2 F FF ; A,6/2 A, A,C ; F,6/2 F, F,F, }
{ c4 A2 ; F4 F2 ; A,4 C2 ; F,4 F,2 }
{ E2 ; C2 ; C,2 ; G6/2 A GE }
{ E6/2 F EC ; C6/2 C CG, ; C,6/2 C, C,C, ; G4 E2 }
{ E4 E2 ; C4 G,2 ; C,4 C,2 ; E6/2 E DC }
{ F6/2 F FF ; A,6/2 A, A,C ; F,6/2 F, F,F, ; D4 G2 }
{ F4 F2 ; A,4 C2 ; F,4 F,2 ; G6/2 A GE }
{ C2 ; C,2 ; G6/2 A GE ; E6/2 F EC }
{ C6/2 C CG, ; C,6/2 C, C,C, ; G4 E2 ; E4 C2 }
{ C4 G,2 ; C,4 C,2 ; E6/2 E DC ; C6/2 C CC }
{ A,6/2 A, A,C ; F,6/2 F, F,F, ; D4 G2 ; B,4 F2 }
{ A,4 C2 ; F,4 F,2 ; G6/2 A GE ; E6/2 F EC }
{ C,2 ; G6/2 A GE ; E6/2 F EC ; C6/2 C CG, }
{ C,6/2 C, C,C, ; G4 E2 ; E4 C2 ; C4 G,2 }
{ C,4 C,2 ; E6/2 E DC ; C6/2 C CC ; A,6/2 A, ^F,F, }
{ F,6/2 F, F,F, ; D4 G2 ; B,4 F2 ; G,4 B,2 }
{ F,4 F,2 ; G6/2 A GE ; E6/2 F EC ; C6/2 C CG, }
{ G6/2 A GE ; E6/2 F EC ; C6/2 C CG, ; C,6/2 C, C,C, }
{ G4 E2 ; E4 C2 ; C4 G,2 ; C,4 C,2 }
{ E6/2 E DC ; C6/2 C CC ; A,6/2 A, ^F,F, ; A,,6/2 A,, D,D, }
{ D4 G2 ; B,4 F2 ; G,4 B,2 ; G,,4 G,,2 }
{ G6/2 A GE ; E6/2 F EC ; C6/2 C CG, ; C,6/2 C, C,C, }
{ E6/2 F EC ; C6/2 C CG, ; C,6/2 C, C,C, ; G4 c2 }
{ E4 C2 ; C4 G,2 ; C,4 C,2 ; c6/2 d cA }
{ C6/2 C CC ; A,6/2 A, ^F,F, ; A,,6/2 A,, D,D, ; c4 A2 }
{ B,4 F2 ; G,4 B,2 ; G,,4 G,,2 ; G4 c2 }
{ E6/2 F EC ; C6/2 C CG, ; C,6/2 C, C,C, ; e4 d2 } | X: 121
M: 3/4
L: 1/8
K: C
X: 121
T: The Comforter Has Come
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: Frank Bottome, 1890.
C: Music: 'The Comforter Has Come' William J. Kirkpatrick, 1890. Setting: "Pentecostal Hymns, No. 2", 1898.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2012 Revision.
S: Music source: "Pentecostal Hymns, No. 2" 1898 page 5. ABC file contributed to the Open Hymnal by Samuel Cantrell, 18 Jan 2012.
M: 3/4 % time signatures
L: 1/8 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: C % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=95] G2 | G6/2 A GE | G4 c2 | c6/2 d cA | c4 A2 |
w: 1.~O spread the ti- dings 'round, wher- ev- er man is found, Wher-
w: 2.~The long, long night is past, the morn- ing breaks at last, And
w: 3.~Lo, the great King of kings, with heal- ing in His wings, To
w: 4.~O bound- less love di- vine! how shall this tongue of mine To
w: 5.~Sing, till the ech- oes fly a- bove the vault- ed sky, And
[V: S1V2] E2 | E6/2 F EC | E4 E2 | F6/2 F FF | F4 F2 |
[V: S2V1] C2 | C6/2 C CG, | C4 G,2 | A,6/2 A, A,C | A,4 C2 |
[V: S2V2] C,2 | C,6/2 C, C,C, | C,4 C,2 | F,6/2 F, F,F, | F,4 F,2 |
% 5
[V: S1V1] G6/2 A GE | G4 E2 | E6/2 E DC | D4 G2 | G6/2 A GE |
w: ev- er hu- man hearts and hu- man woes a- bound; Let ev- 'ry Chris- tian
w: hush'd the dread- ful wail and fu- ry of the blast, As o'er the gold- en
w: ev- 'ry cap- tive soul a full de- liv- 'rance brings; And thro' the va- cant
w: wond- 'ring mor- tals tell the match- less grace di- vine; That I, a child of
w: all the saints a- bove to all be- low re- ply, In strains of end- less
[V: S1V2] E6/2 F EC | E4 C2 | C6/2 C CC | B,4 F2 | E6/2 F EC |
[V: S2V1] C6/2 C CG, | C4 G,2 | A,6/2 A, ^F,F, | G,4 B,2 | C6/2 C CG, |
[V: S2V2] C,6/2 C, C,C, | C,4 C,2 | A,,6/2 A,, D,D, | G,,4 G,,2 | C,6/2 C, C,C, |
% 10
[V: S1V1] G4 c2 | c6/2 d cA | c4 A2 | G4 c2 | e4 d2 | c4 ||
w: tongue pro- claim the joy- ful sound: The Com- fort- er has come!
w: hills the day ad- vanc- es fast! The Com- fort- er has come!
w: cells the song of tri- umph rings; The Com- fort- er has come!
w: hell, should in His im- age shine! The Com- fort- er has come!
w: love the song that ne'er will die: The Com- fort- er has come!
[V: S1V2] E4 E2 | F6/2 F FF | F4 F2 | E4 E2 | G4 F2 | E4 ||
[V: S2V1] C4 _B,2 | A,6/2 A, A,C | A,4 C2 | C4 C2 | C4 B,2 | C4 ||
[V: S2V2] C,4 E,2 | F,6/2 F, F,F, | F,4 F,2 | G,4 G,2 | G,4 G,2 | C,4 ||
% 15c
[V: S1V1] c2 | e6/2 d cd | e4 c2 | c6/2 d cA | c4 A2 | G6/2 A GE |
w: The Com- fort- er has come, The Com- fort- er has come! The Ho- ly Ghost from
[V: S1V2] E2 | G6/2 F EF | G4 E2 | F6/2 F FF | F4 F2 | E6/2 F EC |
[V: S2V1] G,2 | C6/2 G, G,G, | C4 G,2 | A,6/2 A, A,C | A,4 C2 | C6/2 C CG, |
[V: S2V2] C,2 | C,6/2 C, C,C, | C,4 C,2 | F,6/2 F, F,F, | F,4 F,2 | C,6/2 C, C,C, |
% 25
[V: S1V1] G4 E2 | E6/2 E DC | D4 G2 | G6/2 A GE |
w: heav'n, The Fa- ther's pro- mise giv'n; O spread the ti- dings
[V: S1V2] E4 C2 | C6/2 C CC | B,4 F2 | E6/2 F EC |
[V: S2V1] C4 G,2 | A,6/2 A, ^F,F, | G,4 B,2 | C6/2 C CG, |
[V: S2V2] C,4 C,2 | A,,6/2 A,, D,D, | G,,4 G,,2 | C,6/2 C, C,C, |
% 25
[V: S1V1] G4 !sintro!c2 | c6/2 d cA | c4 A2 | G4 c2 | e4 d2 | c4 !eintro!|]
w: 'round, Wher- ev- er man is found: The Com- fort- er has come!
[V: S1V2] E4 E2 | F6/2 F FF | F4 F2 | E4 E2 | G4 F2 | E4 |]
[V: S2V1] C4 _B,2 | A,6/2 A, A,C | A,4 C2 | C4 C2 | C4 B,2 | C4 |]
[V: S2V2] C,4 E,2 | F,6/2 F, F,F, | F,4 F,2 | G,4 G,2 | G,4 G,2 | C,4 |]
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.6900000
%%staffsep 0.000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "TRINITY 122"
%%footer Mt 6:7-13, Ps 31:1-3, Eph 6:10-17, Ps 55:22, Is 46:4 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
%OHSCRIP Mt 6:7-13, Ps 31:1-3, Eph 6:10-17, Ps 55:22, Is 46:4
%OHTOPICS {Aspiration}, {Christian Life}, {Faith}, {Father [1]}, {Following Jesus, In Faith}, {Following Jesus, Sanctification}, {God, Care of}, {Guidance}, {Invitation (Faithful's to God)}, {Jesus [2]}, {Leadership}, {Loyalty}, {Obedience}, {Salvation}, {Security}, {Temptation}, {Trinity}, {Trust}, {Victory}
%OHMETRICAL 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
%OHCOMPOSER from Walter's Geistliche Gesangbüchlein, 1524
%OHARRANGER Moritz von Hessen, Landgraf (1572-1627);unknown
%OHAUTHOR Luther, Martin (1483-1546)
%OHTRANSLATOR Massie, Richard (1800-1887)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 122
L: 1/4
K: D
M: none
{ A A B c ; F F F A ; D D D C ; D, D, B,, A,, }
{ d d c B ; D B, C E ; B, F, A, G, ; G,, B,, A,, E, }
{ d A F G ; F F D D ; F, F, A, B, ; B,, D, D, G,, }
{ (F E) D2 ; (D C) D2 ; A,2 F,2 ; A,,2 D,2 }
{ F F F A ; D D D C ; D, D, B,, A,, ; A A B c }
{ D B, C E ; B, F, A, G, ; G,, B,, A,, E, ; d d c B }
{ F F D D ; F, F, A, B, ; B,, D, D, G,, ; d A F G }
{ (D C) D2 ; A,2 F,2 ; A,,2 D,2 ; (F E) D2 }
{ D D D C ; D, D, B,, A,, ; A A B c ; F F F A }
{ B, F, A, G, ; G,, B,, A,, E, ; d d c B ; D B, C E }
{ F, F, A, B, ; B,, D, D, G,, ; d A F G ; F F D D }
{ A,2 F,2 ; A,,2 D,2 ; (F E) D2 ; (D C) D2 }
{ D, D, B,, A,, ; A A B c ; F F F A ; D D D C }
{ G,, B,, A,, E, ; d d c B ; D B, C E ; B, F, A, G, }
{ B,, D, D, G,, ; d A F G ; F F D D ; F, F, A, B, }
{ A,,2 D,2 ; (F E) D2 ; (D C) D2 ; A,2 F,2 }
{ A A B c ; F F F A ; D D D C ; D, D, B,, A,, }
{ d d c B ; D B, C E ; B, F, A, G, ; G,, B,, A,, E, }
{ d A F G ; F F D D ; F, F, A, B, ; B,, D, D, G,, }
{ (F E) D2 ; (D C) D2 ; A,2 F,2 ; A,,2 D,2 }
{ D E F F ; A, A, A, B, ; F, E, D, D, ; D, C, D, B,, }
{ F F F A ; D D D C ; D, D, B,, A,, ; D E F3/2 d/ c d }
{ D B, C E ; B, F, A, G, ; G,, B,, A,, E, ; e3/2 d/ (c B) A3/2 D/ }
{ F F D D ; F, F, A, B, ; B,, D, D, G,, ; A d c A }
{ (D C) D2 ; A,2 F,2 ; A,,2 D,2 ; (B3/4A// G) F3/2 } | X: 122
L: 1/4
K: D
M: none
X: 122
T: God the Father Be Our Stay
%%combinevoices 1
T: (also known as God the Father With Us Stay or God the Father With Us Be)
C: Words: 15th Century Litany, adapted by Martin Luther, 1524. Translated by Richard Massie, 1854, alt.
C: Music: 'Gott Der Vater, Wohn Uns Bei' from Walter's Geistliche Gesangbüchlein, 1524.
C: Setting: composite from Landgraf Moritz, 1612 and "Evangelical Lutheran Hymn-Book", 1931.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2009 Revision.
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: D % key signature
M: none
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=100] A A B c | d d c B | d A F G | (F E) D2 |
w: 1.~God the Fa- ther, be our Stay, When hell's dread pow'rs as- sail * us;
w: 2.~Je- sus Christ be Thou our Stay, * * * * * * * *
w: 3.~Ho- ly Ghost, be Thou our Stay, * * * * * * * *
w: 1(alt).~Tri- une God, be Thou our Stay, * * * * * * * *
[V: S1V2] F F F A | D B, C E | F F D D | (D C) D2 |
[V: S2V1] D D D C | B, F, A, G, | F, F, A, B, | A,2 F,2 |
[V: S2V2] D, D, B,, A,, | G,, B,, A,, E, | B,, D, D, G,, | A,,2 D,2 |
% 5
[V: S1V1] A A B c | d d c B | d A F G | (F E) D2 | D E F F |
w: Cleanse us from our sins, we pray, Nor in our last hour fail * us. Keep us from the
[V: S1V2] F F F A | D B, C E | F F D D | (D C) D2 | A, A, A, B, |
[V: S2V1] D D D C | B, F, A, G, | F, F, A, B, | A,2 F,2 | F, E, D, D, |
[V: S2V2] D, D, B,, A,, | G,, B,, A,, E, | B,, D, D, G,, | A,,2 D,2 | D, C, D, B,, |
% 9
[V: S1V1] D E F3/2 d/ c d | e3/2 d/ (c B) A3/2 D/ | A d c A | (B3/4A// G) F3/2
w: E- vil One; Firm in the faith a- bid- * ing, In Christ our Sa- vior hid- * * ing,
[V: S1V2] B, C D3/2 F/ A A | G3/2 D/ E2 C3/2 A,/ | D F F C | E2 ^D3/2
[V: S2V1] F, A, A,3/2 D/ E F | B, B, (A, ^G,) A,3/2 F,/ | F, B, A, F, | B,2 B,3/2
[V: S2V2] B,, A,, D,3/2 D,/ A, F, | E,3/2 B,,/ (C, E,) A,,3/2 D,/ | D, B,, F, F, | E,2 B,,3/2
% 13
[V: S1V1] E/ F F | A3/2 G/ (F E) | D2 z | D E F F | D E F3/2 d/ c d | e3/2 d/
w: And heart- i- ly con- fid- * ing. Let us put God's ar- mor on: With all true Christ- ians
[V: S1V2] B,/ =D D | C3/2 E/ (D C) | A,2 x | B, B, D A, | B, B, D3/2 A/ A F | G3/4A// B
[V: S2V1] G,/ A, B, | E,3/2 G,/ (B, E,) | F,2 z | F, G, A, F, | F, G, A,3/2 F/ E D | B, B,
[V: S2V2] E,/ D, B,, | A,,3/2 E,/ (B,, C,) | D,2 x | B,, E, D, D, | B,, E, D,3/2 D,/ A, B, | E,3/2 G,/
% 17
[V: S1V1] (c B) A3/2 D/ | A d c A | (B3/4A// G) F3/2 E/ F F | A3/2 G/ (F E) | D2
w: run- * ning Our heav'n- ly race and shun- * * ning The de- vil's wiles and cun- * ning.
[V: S1V2] (A3/2 ^G/) E3/2 D/ | F D A, D | (E C) D3/2 C/ D D | C A, A,2 | A,2
[V: S2V1] C2 C3/2 F,/ | A, B, C D | (B, E) A,3/2 A,/ A, B, | A, D2 C | D2
[V: S2V2] (A, E,) A,,3/2 D,/ | D, B,, F, F, | E,2 D,3/2 A,,/ D, B,, | F,,3/2 G,,/ A,,2 | D,2
% 25
[V: S1V1] z | D E F F | D E F3/2 !sintro!G/ A3/2 G/ | F G (F E) | D4 !eintro!|]
w: A- men, A- men, this be done, So sing we, Hal- le- lu- * jah!
[V: S1V2] x | A, A, A, B, | B, C D3/2 B,/ A, A, | A, B, (A, A,) | A,4 |]
[V: S2V1] z | F, A, F, D, | F, A, A,3/2 E/ C C | D D (D C) | F,4 |]
[V: S2V2] x | D, C, D, B,, | B,, A,, D,3/2 E,/ F,3/2 E,/ | D, G,, (D, A,,) | D,4 |]
% 28
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2005 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "123 TRINITY"
%%footer Ps 103:3, Heb 13:15, Rev 4-6 7 8 7 8 7 7
%OHSCRIP Ps 103:3, Heb 13:15, Rev 4-6
%OHTOPICS {Anticipation}, {Church in Heaven (Church Victorious/Church Triumphant) [3]}, {God, Eternity of [1]}, {God, Majesty & Power of}, {Heaven [1-3]}, {Holiness}, {Martyrs [3]}, {Praise, Father}, {Praise, Son}, {Praise, Holy Spirit}, {Trinity [4]}, {Worship}
%OHMETRICAL 7 8 7 8 7 7
%OHCOMPOSER from Katholisches Gesangbuch, Maria Theresa, 1774
%OHAUTHOR Franz, Ignaz (1719-1790)
%OHTRANSLATOR Walworth, Clarence Alphonsus (1820-1900)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
X: 123
M: 3/4
L: 1/4
K: F
{ F2 F ; C2 C ; A,2 A, ; F,2 F, }
{ (F E) F ; C2 C ; (A, G,) A, ; F,2 F, }
{ (G A) G ; E2 E ; (B, C) B, ; C,2 C, }
{ F3 ; F3 ; A,3 ; F,,3 }
{ A2 A ; F2 F ; C2 C ; F,2 F, }
{ (A G) A ; (F E) F ; C2 C ; F,2 F, }
{ C2 C ; A,2 A, ; F,2 F, ; (c B) A }
{ C2 C ; (A, G,) A, ; F,2 F, ; A G2 }
{ E2 E ; (B, C) B, ; C,2 C, ; F2 F }
{ F3 ; A,3 ; F,,3 ; (F E) F }
{ F2 F ; C2 C ; F,2 F, ; (G A) G }
{ (F E) F ; C2 C ; F,2 F, ; F3 }
{ A,2 A, ; F,2 F, ; (c B) A ; (F E) F }
{ (A, G,) A, ; F,2 F, ; A G2 ; F E2 }
{ (B, C) B, ; C,2 C, ; F2 F ; C2 C }
{ A,3 ; F,,3 ; (F E) F ; C2 C }
{ C2 C ; F,2 F, ; (G A) G ; E2 E }
{ C2 C ; F,2 F, ; F3 ; F3 }
{ F,2 F, ; (c B) A ; (F E) F ; C2 C }
{ F,2 F, ; A G2 ; F E2 ; C C2 }
{ C,2 C, ; F2 F ; C2 C ; A,2 A, }
{ F,,3 ; (F E) F ; C2 C ; (A, G,) A, }
{ F,2 F, ; (G A) G ; E2 E ; (B, C) B, }
{ F,2 F, ; F3 ; F3 ; A,3 } | X: 123
M: 3/4
L: 1/4
K: F
X: 123
T: Holy God, We Praise Thy Name
%%combinevoices 1
C: Words: attr. Ignaz Franz, 1774. Translated by Clarence A. Walworth, 1858.
C: Music: 'Te Deum' or 'Hursley' or 'Grosser Gott, wir Loben Dich' from Katholisches Gesangbuch,
C: Maria Theresa, 1774. Setting: "Hymns Ancient and Modern", 1869, alt.
C: copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2005 Revision.
S: Music source: "Hymns Ancient and Modern", 1869 Hymn 11
M: 3/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: F % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=120] F2 F | (F E) F | (G A) G | F3 | A2 A | (A G) A |
w: 1.~Ho- ly God, * we praise * Thy Name; Lord of all, * we
w: 2.~Hark! the loud * ce- les- * tial hymn An- gel cho- irs a-
w: 3.~Lo! the a- * post- o- * lic train Join the sa- * cred
w: 4.~Ho- ly Fa- * ther, Ho- * ly Son, Ho- ly Spi- * rit,
[V: S1V2] C2 C | C2 C | E2 E | F3 | F2 F | (F E) F |
[V: S2V1] A,2 A, | (A, G,) A, | (B, C) B, | A,3 | C2 C | C2 C |
[V: S2V2] F,2 F, | F,2 F, | C,2 C, | F,,3 | F,2 F, | F,2 F, |
% 9
[V: S1V1] (c B) A | A G2 | F2 F | (F E) F | (G A) G | F3 |
w: bow * be- fore Thee! All on earth * Thy scep- * ter claim,
w: bove * are rai- sing, Cher- u- bim * and ser- * a- phim,
w: Name * to hal- low; Pro- phets swell * the loud * re- frain,
w: Three * we name Thee; While in es- * sence on- * ly One,
[V: S1V2] (F E) F | F E2 | C2 C | C2 C | E2 E | F3 |
[V: S2V1] C2 C | C C2 | A,2 A, | (A, G,) A, | (B, C) B, | A,3 |
[V: S2V2] E,2 F, | C C,2 | F,2 F, | F,2 F, | C,2 C, | F,,3 |
% 13
[V: S1V1] A2 A | .(A G) A | (c B) A | A G2 | G2 A/c/ | .(B A) G |
w: All in Hea- ven a- bove * a- dore Thee; In- fin- * ite * Thy
w: In un- ceas- * ing cho- * rus prais- ing; Fill the * hea- vens with
w: And the white * robed mar- * tyrs fol- low; And from * morn * to
w: Un- div- id- * ed God * we claim Thee; And a- * dor- * ing
[V: S1V2] F2 F | .(F E) F | (F E) F | F E2 | (E G) ^F | .(G D) E |
[V: S2V1] C2 C | C2 C | C2 C | C C2 | (C D) C | B,.- B, C |
[V: S2V2] F,2 F, | F,.- F, F, | E,2 F, | C C,2 | (C B,) A, | G,.- G, C, |
% 17
[V: S1V1] A2 B/d/ | c3 | !sintro!d2 d | (c B) A | (B A) G | F3 !eintro!|]
w: vast do- * main, Ev- er- last- * ing is * Thy reign.
w: sweet ac- * cord: Ho- ly, ho- * ly, ho- * ly, Lord.
w: set of * sun, Through the Church * the song * goes on.
w: bend the * knee, While we own * the my- * ster- y.
[V: S1V2] F2 F | E3 | F2 F | (F E) F | F2 E | F3 |]
[V: S2V1] C2 F, | G,3 | B,2 B, | G,2 F, | (D C) B, | A,3 |]
[V: S2V2] F,2 D, | C,3 | B,,2 B,, | C,2 D, | (B,, C,) C, | F,3 |]
% 26
% This file is a part of the Open Hymnal Project to create a freely
% distributable, downloadable database of Christian hymns, spiritual
% songs, and prelude/postlude music. This music is to be distributed
% as complete scores (words and music), using all accompaniment parts,
% in formats that are easily accessible on most computer OS's and which
% can be freely modified by anyone. The current format of choice is the
% "ABC Plus" format, favored by folk music distributors on the internet.
% All scores will also be converted into pdf, MIDI, and mp3 formats.
% Some advanced features of ABC Plus are used, and for accurate
% translation to a printed score, please consider using "abcm2ps"
% version 4.10 or later. I am doing my best to create a final product
% that is "Hymnal-quality", and could feasibly be used as the basis for
% a printed church hymnal.
% The maintainer of the Open Hymnal Project is Brian J. Dumont (brian
% dot j dot dumont at gmail dot com). I have gone through serious efforts
% to make sure that no copyright mistakes make it into this database.
% If I am in error, please inform me as soon as possible.
% This entire effort has used only free software, and I am indebted to
% the efforts of many other individuals, including the authors of
% the various ABC and ABC Plus software. Undoubtedly, I am also indebted
% to all of the great Christians who wrote these hymns.
% This database comes with no guarantees whatsoever.
% I would love to get email from anyone who uses the Open Hymnal, and
% I will take requests for hymns to add. My decision of whether to
% add a hymn will be based on these criteria (in the following order):
% 1) It must be in the public domain or freely distributable
% 2) It must be a Christian piece
% 3) Whether I have access to a printed copy of the music (surprisingly,
% a MIDI file is usually a terrible source)
% 4) Whether I like the hymn :)
% If you would like to contribute to the Open Hymnal Project, please
% send an email to me, I would love the help! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU
% FIND ANY MISTAKES, no matter how small. I want to ensure that every
% slur, stem, hyphenation, and punctuation mark is correct; and I'm sure
% that there must be mistakes right now.
% Open Hymnal Project, 2005 Edition
%%pagewidth 21.6000cm
%%pageheight 27.9000cm
%%scale 0.750000
%%staffsep 1.60000cm
%%exprabove false
%%measurebox false
%%header "TRINITY 124"
%%footer Rev 4:4-11, Is 6:3 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5
%OHSCRIP Rev 4:4-11, Is 6:3
%OHTOPICS {Anticipation}, {Crown [2]}, {Darkness, Spiritual [3]}, {God, Goodness of}, {God, Majesty & Power of}, {Holiness}, {Praise, Father}, {Praise, Son}, {Praise, Holy Spirit}, {Saints (all Faithful) [2]}, {Trinity [1,4]}, {Worship}
%OHMETRICAL 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5
%OHCOMPOSER Dykes, John Bacchus (1823-1876)
%OHAUTHOR Heber, Reginald (1783-1826)
%%postscript /st { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto 4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%postscript /nd { moveto -8 0 rmoveto 0 8 rlineto -4 0 rlineto stroke } def
%%deco sintro 6 st 6 0 0
%%deco eintro 6 nd 6 0 0
Subsets and Splits