{ "Al-en-01": { "question": "What is a common snack for nursery kids in the UK?", "en_question": "What is a common snack for preschool kids in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "fruit" ], "en_answers": [ "fruit" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "apple" ], "en_answers": [ "apple" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "breadsticks" ], "en_answers": [ "breadsticks" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "banana" ], "en_answers": [ "banana" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "cheese" ], "en_answers": [ "cheese" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "toast" ], "en_answers": [ "toast" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Al-en-02": { "question": "What is a popular food to go with beer in the UK?", "en_question": "What is a popular food to go with beer in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "crisps", "potato crisps" ], "en_answers": [ "crisps", "potato crisps" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "nuts" ], "en_answers": [ "nuts" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "chips" ], "en_answers": [ "chips" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "pork scratchings" ], "en_answers": [ "pork scratchings" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "curry" ], "en_answers": [ "curry" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "burger" ], "en_answers": [ "burger" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Al-en-04": { "question": "What is the most popular fruit in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most popular fruit in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "apple", "apples" ], "en_answers": [ "apple", "apples" ], "count": 5 }, { "answers": [ "banana" ], "en_answers": [ "banana" ], "count": 2 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Al-en-06": { "question": "What is a common school cafeteria food in the UK?", "en_question": "What is a common school cafeteria food in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "chips", "fries" ], "en_answers": [ "chips", "fries" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "mash" ], "en_answers": [ "mash" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "burger" ], "en_answers": [ "burger" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "pizza" ], "en_answers": [ "pizza" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 1, "no-answer": 1, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Al-en-08": { "question": "What are the most commonly eaten snacks at shopping malls in the UK?", "en_question": "What are the most commonly eaten snacks at shopping malls in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "burgers" ], "en_answers": [ "burgers" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "chocolate" ], "en_answers": [ "chocolate" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "nandos", "Nando's" ], "en_answers": [ "nandos", "Nando's" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "mcdonalds", "McDonald's", "McDonalds", "mcdonald's" ], "en_answers": [ "mcdonalds", "McDonald's", "McDonalds", "mcdonald's" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "burger king" ], "en_answers": [ "burger king" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "greggs" ], "en_answers": [ "greggs" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "hot dogs", "hot dog" ], "en_answers": [ "hot dogs", "hot dog" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "Sandwich", "sandwiches" ], "en_answers": [ "Sandwich", "sandwiches" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Al-en-09": { "question": "What is a popular snack at an amusement park in the UK?", "en_question": "What is a popular snack at an amusement park in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "candy floss", "cotton candy" ], "en_answers": [ "candy floss", "cotton candy" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "chips", "fries" ], "en_answers": [ "chips", "fries" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "doughnuts", "donut, doughnout, donuts" ], "en_answers": [ "doughnuts", "donut, doughnout, donuts" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "ice cream" ], "en_answers": [ "ice cream" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "burger" ], "en_answers": [ "burger" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "crisps" ], "en_answers": [ "crisps" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Al-en-16": { "question": "At what age do kids start nursery in the UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", "en_question": "At what age do kids start preschool in UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "3" ], "en_answers": [ "3" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "2" ], "en_answers": [ "2" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "1" ], "en_answers": [ "1" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Al-en-17": { "question": "What is a popular afterschool sport for primary schools in the UK?", "en_question": "What is a popular afterschool sport for elementary schools in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "soccer", "football" ], "en_answers": [ "soccer", "football" ], "count": 4 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 1, "idk": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Al-en-18": { "question": "For which subject do primary school students get private education in the UK?", "en_question": "For which subject do elementary students get private education in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "music" ], "en_answers": [ "music" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "english", "English literature, English language" 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"maths", "mathematics", "math" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "english", "English literature, English language" ], "en_answers": [ "english", "English literature, English language" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "science" ], "en_answers": [ "science" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "music" ], "en_answers": [ "music" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 1, "idk": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Al-en-32": { "question": "What is the main dish for Thanksgiving in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the main dish for Thanksgiving in UK?", "annotations": [], "idks": { "not-applicable": 5, "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0 } }, "Al-en-33": { "question": "What do people do to celebrate Halloween in the UK?", "en_question": "What do people do to celebrate Halloween in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "children trick or treat", "trick or treat", "go trick or treating", "trick or treating" ], "en_answers": [ "children trick or treat", "trick or treat", "go trick or treating", "trick or treating" 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"Al-en-35": { "question": "What do people do to celebrate Christmas in the UK?", "en_question": "What do people do to celebrate Christmas in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "give gifts", "give presents" ], "en_answers": [ "give gifts", "give presents" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "decorate their properties", "decorations" ], "en_answers": [ "decorate their properties", "decorations" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "buy gifts", "buy presents" ], "en_answers": [ "buy gifts", "buy presents" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "have christmas dinner together" ], "en_answers": [ "have christmas dinner together" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "eat turkey and christmas pudding" ], "en_answers": [ "eat turkey and christmas pudding" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "have lunch/dinner" ], "en_answers": [ "have lunch/dinner" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "eat" ], "en_answers": [ "eat" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "drink" ], "en_answers": [ "drink" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "gather with friends" ], "en_answers": [ "gather with friends" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Al-en-36": { "question": "What food is associated with Halloween in the UK?", "en_question": "What food is associated with Halloween in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "pumpkin", "pumpkins" ], "en_answers": [ "pumpkin", "pumpkins" ], "count": 5 }, { "answers": [ "sweets" ], "en_answers": [ "sweets" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "chocolate" ], "en_answers": [ "chocolate" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Al-en-37": { "question": "What food is associated with Christmas in the UK?", "en_question": "What food is associated with Christmas in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "turkey" ], "en_answers": [ "turkey" ], "count": 5 }, { "answers": [ "christmas pudding" ], "en_answers": [ "christmas pudding" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "mince pie" ], "en_answers": [ "mince pie" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "fruit cake" ], "en_answers": [ "fruit cake" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Al-en-38": { "question": "What food is associated with Valentine's day in the UK?", "en_question": "What food is associated with Valentine's day in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "steak" ], "en_answers": [ "steak" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "chocolate" ], "en_answers": [ "chocolate" ], "count": 2 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Al-en-39": { "question": "What do people eat on their birthday in the UK?", "en_question": "What do people eat on their birthday in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "cake", "birthday cake" ], "en_answers": [ "cake", "birthday cake" ], "count": 4 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 1, "idk": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Al-en-40": { "question": "What is a popular outdoor place for families to have fun with little kids in the UK?", "en_question": "What is a popular outdoor place for families to have fun with little kids in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "local parks", "park" ], "en_answers": [ "local parks", "park" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "zoo" ], "en_answers": [ "zoo" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "the beach" ], "en_answers": [ "the beach" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "adventure parks" ], "en_answers": [ "adventure parks" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Al-en-43": { "question": "What is a popular indoor activity for families in the UK?", "en_question": "What is a popular indoor activity for families in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "watching television", "watching tv", "tv" ], "en_answers": [ "watching television", "watching tv", "tv" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "boardgames", "board games" ], "en_answers": [ "boardgames", "board games" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "xbox" ], "en_answers": [ "xbox" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "playstation" ], "en_answers": [ "playstation" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "cinema" ], "en_answers": [ "cinema" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "swimming" ], "en_answers": [ "swimming" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "bowling" ], "en_answers": [ "bowling" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "jigsaws" ], "en_answers": [ "jigsaws" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "An-ar-02": { "question": "Where do university students have lunch in the UK?", "en_question": "Where do university students have lunch in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "canteen", "cafeteria", "refectory" ], "en_answers": [ "canteen", "cafeteria", "refectory" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "accommodation", "at halls", "at home" ], "en_answers": [ "accommodation", "at halls", "at home" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "on campus" ], "en_answers": [ "on campus" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 1, "idk": 1, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "An-ar-03": { "question": "Which month is the final exam term usually scheduled at secondary schools in the UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (1~12) only.)", "en_question": "Which month is the final exam term usually scheduled at high schools in UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (1~12) only.)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "5" ], "en_answers": [ "5" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "6" ], "en_answers": [ "6" ], "count": 3 } ], "idks": { "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "An-ar-08": { "question": "How many hours a day do students in the UK usually spend at secondary school? (Provide Arabic numerals in integers (0~24), without any decimal points.)", "en_question": "How many hours a day do students in UK usually spend at high school? (Provide Arabic numerals in integers (0~24), without any decimal points.)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "6" ], "en_answers": [ "6" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "7" ], "en_answers": [ "7" ], "count": 2 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "An-ar-09": { "question": "How many languages do students study at secondary school in the UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 5) only.)", "en_question": "How many languages do students study at high school in UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 5) only.)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "2" ], "en_answers": [ "2" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "3" ], "en_answers": [ "3" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "1" ], "en_answers": [ "1" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "An-ar-34": { "question": "What is the most popular sport played in a team at school in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most popular sport played in a team at school in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "soccer", "football" ], "en_answers": [ "soccer", "football" ], "count": 5 }, { "answers": [ "rugby" ], "en_answers": [ "rugby" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "An-ar-35": { "question": "Who is the most popular sports commentator in the UK?", "en_question": "Who is the most popular sport commentator in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "clive tildsley" ], "en_answers": [ "clive tildsley" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "gary lineker" ], "en_answers": [ "gary lineker" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "chris kamara" ], "en_answers": [ "chris kamara" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "peter drury" ], "en_answers": [ "peter drury" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 4, "no-answer": 1, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "An-ar-36": { "question": "What is the most popular sports team in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most popular sport team in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "manchester united", "manchester utd" ], "en_answers": [ "manchester united", "manchester utd" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "manchester city" ], "en_answers": [ "manchester city" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "liverpool" ], "en_answers": [ "liverpool" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "tottenham spurs" ], "en_answers": [ "tottenham spurs" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "England national football team", "england football team" ], "en_answers": [ "England national football team", "england football team" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "An-ar-43": { "question": "What are the common places or venues where individuals in the UK usually gather to watch sports broadcasts?", "en_question": "What are the common places or venues where individuals in UK usually gather to watch sports broadcasts?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "pub", "pubs" ], "en_answers": [ "pub", "pubs" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "house", "houses" ], "en_answers": [ "house", "houses" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "stadium", "arena" ], "en_answers": [ "stadium", "arena" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ca-sp-05": { "question": "How many meals per day do people from the UK usually have? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 5) only.)", "en_question": "How many meals per day do people from UK usually have? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 5) only.)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "3" ], "en_answers": [ "3" ], "count": 5 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ca-sp-06": { "question": "Which is the most important meal of the day to people from the UK?", "en_question": "Which is the most important meal of the day to people from UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "breakfast" ], "en_answers": [ "breakfast" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "dinner", "evening meal", "supper" ], "en_answers": [ "dinner", "evening meal", "supper" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "lunch" ], "en_answers": [ "lunch" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ca-sp-08": { "question": "What is the most common ingredient used in the UK's diet?", "en_question": "What is the most common ingredient used in UK's diet?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "salt" ], "en_answers": [ "salt" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "potato", "potatoes" ], "en_answers": [ "potato", "potatoes" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "meat" ], "en_answers": [ "meat" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "sugar" ], "en_answers": [ "sugar" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ca-sp-09": { "question": "What do people from the UK usually eat for dessert?", "en_question": "What do people from UK usually eat for dessert?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "apple crumble" ], "en_answers": [ "apple crumble" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "cake" ], "en_answers": [ "cake" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "yoghurt" ], "en_answers": [ "yoghurt" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "hot pudding" ], "en_answers": [ "hot pudding" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "ice cream" ], "en_answers": [ "ice cream" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "apple pie" ], "en_answers": [ "apple pie" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "cheesecake" ], "en_answers": [ "cheesecake" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 2, "idk": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ca-sp-11": { "question": "Which day of the week do people usually organize a family meal in the UK?", "en_question": "Which day of the week do people usually organize a family meal in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "sunday" ], "en_answers": [ "sunday" ], "count": 5 }, { "answers": [ "saturday" ], "en_answers": [ "saturday" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "friday" ], "en_answers": [ "friday" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ca-sp-14": { "question": "Which is the most popular hot drink in the UK?", "en_question": "Which is the most popular hot drink in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "tea" ], "en_answers": [ "tea" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "coffee" ], "en_answers": [ "coffee" ], "count": 3 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ca-sp-19": { "question": "What do young people from the UK usually drink at the night club?", "en_question": "What do young people from UK usually drink at the night club?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "beer" ], "en_answers": [ "beer" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "vodka" ], "en_answers": [ "vodka" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "wkd" ], "en_answers": [ "wkd" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "shots" ], "en_answers": [ "shots" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "wine" ], "en_answers": [ "wine" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ca-sp-21": { "question": "In which month do people usually take holidays in the UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (1~12) only.)", "en_question": "At which month do people usually take holidays in UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (1~12) only.)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "7" ], "en_answers": [ "7" ], "count": 5 }, { "answers": [ "8" ], "en_answers": [ "8" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "6" ], "en_answers": [ "6" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ca-sp-29": { "question": "What tradition is there in the UK for New Year's Eve?", "en_question": "What tradition is there in UK for New Year's Eve?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "fireworks" ], "en_answers": [ "fireworks" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "auld lang syne" ], "en_answers": [ "auld lang syne" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "big ben countdown" ], "en_answers": [ "big ben countdown" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "countdown" ], "en_answers": [ "countdown" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "not-applicable": 1, "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0 } }, "Ca-sp-38": { "question": "Which is the typical type of house for a family in the UK?", "en_question": "Which is the typical type of house for a family in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "semi-detached", "semi detached" ], "en_answers": [ "semi-detached", "semi detached" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "terraced" ], "en_answers": [ "terraced" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "3 bedroom semi" ], "en_answers": [ "3 bedroom semi" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "brick built" ], "en_answers": [ "brick built" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "flat" ], "en_answers": [ "flat" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ca-sp-41": { "question": "Where do the dependent elderly usually live in the UK?", "en_question": "Where do the dependent elderly usually live in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "care homes", "retirement homes" ], "en_answers": [ "care homes", "retirement homes" ], "count": 5 }, { "answers": [ "sheltered accomodation" ], "en_answers": [ "sheltered accomodation" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "with relatives", "with family" ], "en_answers": [ "with relatives", "with family" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ca-sp-42": { "question": "How long (in weeks) is the UK's maternity leave for mums? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 20) only.)", "en_question": "How long (in weeks) is UK's maternity leave for mums? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 20) only.)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "52" ], "en_answers": [ "52" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "36" ], "en_answers": [ "36" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "26" ], "en_answers": [ "26" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ca-sp-43": { "question": "How long (in weeks) is the UK's paternity leave for dads? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 20) only.)", "en_question": "How long (in weeks) is UK's paternity leave for dads? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 20) only.)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "2" ], "en_answers": [ "2" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "4" ], "en_answers": [ "4" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "6" ], "en_answers": [ "6" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "12" ], "en_answers": [ "12" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ca-sp-45": { "question": "What type of destination is commonly chosen for a family holiday in the UK?", "en_question": "What type of destination is commonly chosen for a family vacation in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "lake district" ], "en_answers": [ "lake district" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "spain" ], "en_answers": [ "spain" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "beach" ], "en_answers": [ "beach" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "countryside " ], "en_answers": [ "countryside " ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "seaside" ], "en_answers": [ "seaside" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "cornwall" ], "en_answers": [ "cornwall" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Gu-ch-05": { "question": "What sports do seniors like the most in the UK?", "en_question": "What sports do seniors like the most in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "bowls", "crown green bowls" ], "en_answers": [ "bowls", "crown green bowls" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "bowling" ], "en_answers": [ "bowling" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "golf" ], "en_answers": [ "golf" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "darts" ], "en_answers": [ "darts" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "snooker" ], "en_answers": [ "snooker" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "angling" ], "en_answers": [ "angling" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 2, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Gu-ch-06": { "question": "What sports do men like to play the most in the UK?", "en_question": "What sports do men like to play the most in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "soccer", "football" ], "en_answers": [ "soccer", "football" ], "count": 5 }, { "answers": [ "rugby" ], "en_answers": [ "rugby" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "darts" ], "en_answers": [ "darts" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "cricket" ], "en_answers": [ "cricket" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Gu-ch-07": { "question": "Who is the most famous basketball player in the UK?", "en_question": "Who is the most famous basketball player in UK?", "annotations": [], "idks": { "idk": 6, "not-applicable": 2, "Not interested ": 1, "no-answer": 1 } }, "Gu-ch-08": { "question": "What is the most popular sports among children in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most popular sports among children in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "soccer", "football" ], "en_answers": [ "soccer", "football" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "rugby" ], "en_answers": [ "rugby" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "egg and spoon" ], "en_answers": [ "egg and spoon" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "netball" ], "en_answers": [ "netball" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "cricket" ], "en_answers": [ "cricket" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Gu-ch-09": { "question": "What sports do women like to play the most in the UK?", "en_question": "What sports do women like to play the most in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "soccer", "football" ], "en_answers": [ "soccer", "football" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "netball" ], "en_answers": [ "netball" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "tennis" ], "en_answers": [ "tennis" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "hockey" ], "en_answers": [ "hockey" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "cricket" ], "en_answers": [ "cricket" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Gu-ch-11": { "question": "In which sports event at the olympics has the UK won the most gold medals? ", "en_question": "What sports event has UK won the most gold medals at the Olympics?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "athletics" ], "en_answers": [ "athletics" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "cycling" ], "en_answers": [ "cycling" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "relay" ], "en_answers": [ "relay" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "rowing" ], "en_answers": [ "rowing" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 2, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Gu-ch-15": { "question": "What sports do male students in university like to play the most in the UK?", "en_question": "What sports do male students in university like to play the most in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "rugby" ], "en_answers": [ "rugby" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "soccer", "football" ], "en_answers": [ "soccer", "football" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "rowing" ], "en_answers": [ "rowing" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "squash" ], "en_answers": [ "squash" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Gu-ch-16": { "question": "How many people are there in a family on average in the UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", "en_question": "How many people are there in a family on average in UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "4" ], "en_answers": [ "4" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "5" ], "en_answers": [ "5" ], "count": 2 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Gu-ch-18": { "question": "How many children do couples usually have in the UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", "en_question": "How many children do couples usually have in UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "2" ], "en_answers": [ "2" ], "count": 4 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 1, "idk": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Gu-ch-31": { "question": "What is the duration of primary school (in years) in the UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", "en_question": "What is the duration of elementary school in years in UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "7" ], "en_answers": [ "7" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "6" ], "en_answers": [ "6" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "4" ], "en_answers": [ "4" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Gu-ch-32": { "question": "What is the duration of compulsory education (in years) in the UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", "en_question": "What is the duration of compulsory education in years in UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "13" ], "en_answers": [ "13" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "4-16", "X" ], "en_answers": [ "4-16", "X" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "15" ], "en_answers": [ "15" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "12" ], "en_answers": [ "12" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "11" ], "en_answers": [ "11" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Gu-ch-33": { "question": "From which age do students start learning their second language in the UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", "en_question": "From which age do students start learning their second language in UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "11" ], "en_answers": [ "11" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "7" ], "en_answers": [ "7" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "8" ], "en_answers": [ "8" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "10" ], "en_answers": [ "10" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "12" ], "en_answers": [ "12" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "5" ], "en_answers": [ "5" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Gu-ch-38": { "question": "What is the duration of undergraduate education (in years) in the UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", "en_question": "What is the duration of undergraduate education in UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "3" ], "en_answers": [ "3" ], "count": 5 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Gu-ch-40": { "question": "What time do younger primary school students finish school in the UK? (Provide in HH:MM format (e.g., 18:00, 09:00).)", "en_question": "What time do younger elementary school students finish school in UK? (Provide in HH:MM format (e.g., 18:00, 09:00).)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "15:00" ], "en_answers": [ "15:00" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "15:30" ], "en_answers": [ "15:30" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "15:15" ], "en_answers": [ "15:15" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "16:00" ], "en_answers": [ "16:00" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Gu-ch-41": { "question": "How many musical instruments do primary school students in the UK typically play? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", "en_question": "How many musical instruments do elementary school students in UK typically play? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "1" ], "en_answers": [ "1" ], "count": 4 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 1, "idk": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ji-ko-02": { "question": "What day of the week do people in the UK prefer to have company dinners?", "en_question": "What day of the week do people in UK prefer to have company dinners?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "friday" ], "en_answers": [ "friday" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "wednesday" ], "en_answers": [ "wednesday" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "thursday" ], "en_answers": [ "thursday" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "tuesday" ], "en_answers": [ "tuesday" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 1, "idk": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ji-ko-03": { "question": "Which region/city has the highest number of financial companies in the UK?", "en_question": "Which region/city has the highest number of financial companies in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "london" ], "en_answers": [ "london" ], "count": 5 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ji-ko-07": { "question": "What is the most famous private company in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most famous private company in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "cadbury's", "cadburys" ], "en_answers": [ "cadbury's", "cadburys" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "Tesco's, tescos", "tesco" ], "en_answers": [ "Tesco's, tescos", "tesco" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "john lewis" ], "en_answers": [ "john lewis" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "aston martin" ], "en_answers": [ "aston martin" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "johnson and johnson", "johnson & johnson" ], "en_answers": [ "johnson and johnson", "johnson & johnson" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 5, "no-answer": 1, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ji-ko-08": { "question": "What is the maximum number of hours one can work per week in the UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", "en_question": "What is the maximum number of hours one can work per week in UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "48" ], "en_answers": [ "48" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "50" ], "en_answers": [ "50" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "40" ], "en_answers": [ "40" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 1, "idk": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ji-ko-09": { "question": "What do people typically eat during company get-together in the UK?", "en_question": "What do people typically eat during company get-together in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "buffet", "buffet food" ], "en_answers": [ "buffet", "buffet food" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "meals" ], "en_answers": [ "meals" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "cakes" ], "en_answers": [ "cakes" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "pastries" ], "en_answers": [ "pastries" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "pizza" ], "en_answers": [ "pizza" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ji-ko-14": { "question": "What is the representative export item of the UK?", "en_question": "What is the representative export item of UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "cars" ], "en_answers": [ "cars" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "chemicals" ], "en_answers": [ "chemicals" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "pharmaceuticals" ], "en_answers": [ "pharmaceuticals" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 5, "no-answer": 1, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ji-ko-15": { "question": "How long (in hours) is the typical lunch break in the UK? (Provide Arabic numerals up to one decimal point (e.g., 2, 3.5) only.)", "en_question": "How long (in hours) is the typical lunch break in UK? (Provide Arabic numerals up to one decimal point (e.g., 2, 3.5) only.)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "1" ], "en_answers": [ "1" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "0.5" ], "en_answers": [ "0.5" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "0.3" ], "en_answers": [ "0.3" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ji-ko-16": { "question": "Where do mothers stay for a certain period after childbirth for recovery in the UK?", "en_question": "Where do mothers stay for a certain period after childbirth for recovery in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "hospital" ], "en_answers": [ "hospital" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "paediatric ward" ], "en_answers": [ "paediatric ward" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "maternity ward" ], "en_answers": [ "maternity ward" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ji-ko-19": { "question": "What is the UK's most commonly given flower on Parents' Day?", "en_question": "What is UK's most commonly given flower on Parents' Day?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "roses", "rose" ], "en_answers": [ "roses", "rose" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "lillies" ], "en_answers": [ "lillies" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "not-applicable": 1, "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0 } }, "Ji-ko-22": { "question": "What do people especially spend their first salary on in the UK's society?", "en_question": "What do people especially spend their first salary on in UK's society?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "groceries" ], "en_answers": [ "groceries" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "bills" ], "en_answers": [ "bills" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "car" ], "en_answers": [ "car" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "rent" ], "en_answers": [ "rent" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 2, "idk": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ji-ko-24": { "question": "What is the most preferred recreational facility among children in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most preferred recreational facility among children in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "park" ], "en_answers": [ "park" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "soft play" ], "en_answers": [ "soft play" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "playground" ], "en_answers": [ "playground" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "indoor play gym" ], "en_answers": [ "indoor play gym" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ji-ko-25": { "question": "What are the family-related holidays in the UK?", "en_question": "What are the family-related holidays in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "christmas" ], "en_answers": [ "christmas" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "easter" ], "en_answers": [ "easter" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "new year" ], "en_answers": [ "new year" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "caravan holidays" ], "en_answers": [ "caravan holidays" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "mother's day" ], "en_answers": [ "mother's day" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "father's day" ], "en_answers": [ "father's day" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ji-ko-26": { "question": "What are the key milestones associated with children's independence from their parents in the UK's society?", "en_question": "What are the key milestones associated with children's independence from their parents in UK's society?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "driving test at 17", "passing driving test", "driving" ], "en_answers": [ "driving test at 17", "passing driving test", "driving" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "going to university", "leaving school for university" ], "en_answers": [ "going to university", "leaving school for university" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "leaving home" ], "en_answers": [ "leaving home" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "school" ], "en_answers": [ "school" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "job" ], "en_answers": [ "job" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "becoming an adult" ], "en_answers": [ "becoming an adult" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 1, "no-answer": 1, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ji-ko-27": { "question": "What is the common gift you give when visiting elderly parents in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the common gift you give when visiting elderly parents in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "flowers" ], "en_answers": [ "flowers" ], "count": 5 }, { "answers": [ "chocolates", "chocolate" ], "en_answers": [ "chocolates", "chocolate" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "wine" ], "en_answers": [ "wine" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ji-ko-28": { "question": "When is the first day that people celebrate after a child is born in the UK?", "en_question": "When is the first day that people celebrate after a child is born in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "first birthday", "birthday" ], "en_answers": [ "first birthday", "birthday" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "christening", "Baptism" ], "en_answers": [ "christening", "Baptism" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 1, "not-applicable": 1, "no-answer": 0 } }, "Ji-ko-29": { "question": "Which age's birthday is celebrated the most grandly in the UK's society?", "en_question": "Which age's birthday is celebrated the most grandly in UK's society?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "1" ], "en_answers": [ "1" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "18" ], "en_answers": [ "18" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "21" ], "en_answers": [ "21" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 2, "idk": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ji-ko-31": { "question": "Where do secondary school students in the UK usually study for exams?", "en_question": "Where do middle and high school students in UK usually study for exams?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "school", "in school", "at school" ], "en_answers": [ "school", "in school", "at school" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "at home" ], "en_answers": [ "at home" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "study room" ], "en_answers": [ "study room" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "library" ], "en_answers": [ "library" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ji-ko-33": { "question": "Where do secondary school students in the UK usually go after dinner?", "en_question": "Where do high school students in UK usually go after dinner?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "canteen" ], "en_answers": [ "canteen" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "back to school" ], "en_answers": [ "back to school" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "home" ], "en_answers": [ "home" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "form time" ], "en_answers": [ "form time" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ji-ko-34": { "question": "How do primary school students in the UK get to school?", "en_question": "How do elementary school students in UK go to school?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "walk" ], "en_answers": [ "walk" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "car" ], "en_answers": [ "car" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "bus" ], "en_answers": [ "bus" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ji-ko-35": { "question": "What is the most common form of private education in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most common form of private education in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "boarding school", "private school, public school, independent school", "boarding schools" ], "en_answers": [ "boarding school", "private school, public school, independent school", "boarding schools" ], "count": 2 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 2, "idk": 1, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ji-ko-36": { "question": "Which subject’s academy/private educational institute do secondary school students most frequently attend in the UK?", "en_question": "Which subject’s academy/private educational institute do middle or high students most frequently attend in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "english" ], "en_answers": [ "english" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "maths", "math, mathematics" ], "en_answers": [ "maths", "math, mathematics" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "science" ], "en_answers": [ "science" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 1, "Question unclear": 1, "idk": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ji-ko-37": { "question": "What type of clothing do secondary school students wear to school in the UK?", "en_question": "What type of clothing do middle and high school students wear to school in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "uniform" ], "en_answers": [ "uniform" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "blazer" ], "en_answers": [ "blazer" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "tie" ], "en_answers": [ "tie" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "jacket" ], "en_answers": [ "jacket" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "trousers" ], "en_answers": [ "trousers" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "skirt" ], "en_answers": [ "skirt" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "shirt" ], "en_answers": [ "shirt" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "black trousers" ], "en_answers": [ "black trousers" ], "count": 1 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"violin" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "piano" ], "en_answers": [ "piano" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ji-ko-40": { "question": "What do secondary school students typically do during break time in schools in the UK?", "en_question": "What do high school students typically do during break time in schools in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "eat lunch" ], "en_answers": [ "eat lunch" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "work part-time" ], "en_answers": [ "work part-time" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "go outside" ], "en_answers": [ "go outside" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "talk with friends from different classes.", "talk, chat, socialise" ], "en_answers": [ "talk with friends from different classes.", "talk, chat, socialise" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 1, "idk": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ji-ko-41": { "question": "What kind of shoes do students wear in schools in the UK?", "en_question": "What kind of shoes do students wear in schools in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "black shoes", "black" ], "en_answers": [ "black shoes", "black" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "trainers" ], "en_answers": [ "trainers" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "formal" ], "en_answers": [ "formal" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "ballet flats" ], "en_answers": [ "ballet flats" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "black leather" ], "en_answers": [ "black leather" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ji-ko-42": { "question": "What are the required subjects in the UK's university entrance exam?", "en_question": "What are the required subjects in UK's university entrance exam?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "english" ], "en_answers": [ "english" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "maths", "mathematics", "math" ], "en_answers": [ "maths", "mathematics", "math" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "critical thinking" ], "en_answers": [ "critical thinking" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "science" ], "en_answers": [ "science" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "not-applicable": 1, "no-answer": 1, "idk": 0 } }, "Ji-ko-44": { "question": "Which region (within a city) in the UK has the highest academic fervour?", "en_question": "Which region (within a city) in UK has the highest academic fervor?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "oxford" ], "en_answers": [ "oxford" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "cambridge" ], "en_answers": [ "cambridge" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "st andrews" ], "en_answers": [ "st andrews" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 3, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ji-ko-45": { "question": "What do people look forward to the most at university festivals in the UK?", "en_question": "What do people look forward to the most at university festivals in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "alcohol", "drinking" ], "en_answers": [ "alcohol", "drinking" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "pub crawl" ], "en_answers": [ "pub crawl" ], "count": 1 }, 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"answers": [ "frisby" ], "en_answers": [ "frisby" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "darts" ], "en_answers": [ "darts" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "chess" ], "en_answers": [ "chess" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "martial arts" ], "en_answers": [ "martial arts" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "gymnastics" ], "en_answers": [ "gymnastics" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "fishing" ], "en_answers": [ "fishing" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Jo-sp-09": { "question": "What sports are most associated with the upper class in the UK?", "en_question": "What sports are most associated with the upper class in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "polo" ], "en_answers": [ "polo" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "cricket" ], "en_answers": [ "cricket" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "lacrosse" ], "en_answers": [ "lacrosse" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "soccer", "football" ], "en_answers": [ "soccer", "football" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "golf" ], "en_answers": [ "golf" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Jo-sp-13": { "question": "What is the most popular water sport in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most popular water sport in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "swimming" ], "en_answers": [ "swimming" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "rowing" ], "en_answers": [ "rowing" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "sailing" ], "en_answers": [ "sailing" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 1, "no-answer": 1, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Jo-sp-14": { "question": "What is the most popular mental sport in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most popular mental sport in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "chess" ], "en_answers": [ "chess" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "cards" ], "en_answers": [ "cards" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "tennis" ], "en_answers": [ "tennis" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "crosswords" ], "en_answers": [ "crosswords" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 1, "idk": 1, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Jo-sp-18": { "question": "How many holiday days per year does a standard worker get in the UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", "en_question": "How many holiday days per year does a standard worker gets in UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "28" ], "en_answers": [ "28" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "20" ], "en_answers": [ "20" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Jo-sp-19": { "question": "What region in the UK has been traditionally associated with agriculture?", "en_question": "What region in UK has been traditionally associated with agriculture?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "yorkshire" ], "en_answers": [ "yorkshire" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "oxfordshire" ], "en_answers": [ "oxfordshire" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "wales" ], "en_answers": [ "wales" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "west country" ], "en_answers": [ "west country" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "sussex" ], "en_answers": [ "sussex" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "gloucestershire" ], "en_answers": [ "gloucestershire" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "scotland" ], "en_answers": [ "scotland" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "south west" ], "en_answers": [ "south west" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 3, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Jo-sp-21": { "question": "What time, if any, do people usually leave work for lunch in the UK? (Provide in HH:MM format (e.g., 18:00, 09:00).)", "en_question": "What time, if any, do people usually leave work for lunch in UK? (Provide in HH:MM format (e.g., 18:00, 09:00).)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "13:00" ], "en_answers": [ "13:00" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "12:00" ], "en_answers": [ "12:00" ], "count": 2 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Jo-sp-31": { "question": "What time do secondary school students tend to leave school in the UK? (Provide in HH:MM format (e.g., 18:00, 09:00).)", "en_question": "What time do high school students tend to leave school in UK? (Provide in HH:MM format (e.g., 18:00, 09:00).)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "15:30" ], "en_answers": [ "15:30" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "15:00" ], "en_answers": [ "15:00" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "16:30" ], "en_answers": [ "16:30" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Jo-sp-32": { "question": "What sport do primary school students tend to practice at school in the UK?", "en_question": "What sport do elementary school students tend to practice at school in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "soccer", "football" ], "en_answers": [ "soccer", "football" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "athletics" ], "en_answers": [ "athletics" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "running" ], "en_answers": [ "running" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "badminton" ], "en_answers": [ "badminton" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "tennis" ], "en_answers": [ "tennis" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "netball" ], "en_answers": [ "netball" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "rugby" ], "en_answers": [ "rugby" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 1, "idk": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Jo-sp-36": { "question": "How long (in weeks) are summer holidays at primary schools in the UK? (Provide in Arabic numerals (e.g., 7, 8) only.)", "en_question": "How long (in weeks) are summer vacations at elementary schools in UK? (Provide in Arabic numerals (e.g., 7, 8) only.)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "6" ], "en_answers": [ "6" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "8" ], "en_answers": [ "8" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Jo-sp-37": { "question": "How long (in weeks) are summer holidays at universities in the UK? (Provide in Arabic numerals (e.g., 7, 8) only.)", "en_question": "How long (in weeks) are summer vacations at universities in UK? (Provide in Arabic numerals (e.g., 7, 8) only.)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "6" ], "en_answers": [ "6" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "12" ], "en_answers": [ "12" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "16" ], "en_answers": [ "16" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "8" ], "en_answers": [ "8" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "10" ], "en_answers": [ "10" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Jo-sp-39": { "question": "At what age does primary education begin in the UK? (Provide in Arabic numerals (e.g., 7, 8) only.)", "en_question": "At what age does elementary education begin in UK? (Provide in Arabic numerals (e.g., 7, 8) only.)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "5" ], "en_answers": [ "5" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "4" ], "en_answers": [ "4" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "6" ], "en_answers": [ "6" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Jo-sp-43": { "question": "How many languages are studied in primary education besides the UK's official language? (Provide in Arabic numerals (e.g., 7, 8) only.)", "en_question": "How many languages are studied in elementary education besides UK's official language? (Provide in Arabic numerals (e.g., 7, 8) only.)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "1" ], "en_answers": [ "1" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "3" ], "en_answers": [ "3" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "0" ], "en_answers": [ "0" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Jod-ch-01": { "question": "What eating utensils do people commonly use in the UK?", "en_question": "What eating utensils do people commonly used in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "knife" ], "en_answers": [ "knife" ], "count": 5 }, { "answers": [ "fork", "fork " ], "en_answers": [ "fork", "fork " ], "count": 5 }, { "answers": [ "spoon" ], "en_answers": [ "spoon" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Jod-ch-04": { "question": "What soft drink do people in the UK like to have?", "en_question": "What soft drink do people in UK like to have?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "coke", "coca cola" ], "en_answers": [ "coke", "coca cola" ], "count": 5 }, { "answers": [ "lemonade" ], "en_answers": [ "lemonade" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "squash" ], "en_answers": [ "squash" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "pepsi" ], "en_answers": [ "pepsi" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "iron bru" ], "en_answers": [ "iron bru" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Jod-ch-06": { "question": "What is the most popular traditional alcohol in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most popular traditional alcohol in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "beer" ], "en_answers": [ "beer" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "ale" ], "en_answers": [ "ale" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "gin" ], "en_answers": [ "gin" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "wine" ], "en_answers": [ "wine" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Jod-ch-07": { "question": "How long (in hours) on average does it take for people in the UK to have dinner at a restaurant? (Provide Arabic numerals up to one decimal point (e.g., 2, 3.5) only.)", "en_question": "How long (in hours) on average does it take for people in UK to have dinner at a restaurant? (Provide Arabic numerals up to one decimal point (e.g., 2, 3.5) only.)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "2" ], "en_answers": [ "2" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "1.5" ], "en_answers": [ "1.5" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "1" ], "en_answers": [ "1" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "2.5" ], "en_answers": [ "2.5" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Jod-ch-09": { "question": "What time do people usually have dinner in the UK? (Provide in HH:MM format (e.g., 18:00, 09:00).)", "en_question": "What time do people usually have dinner in UK? (Provide in HH:MM format (e.g., 18:00, 09:00).)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "18:00" ], "en_answers": [ "18:00" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "19:00" ], "en_answers": [ "19:00" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "18:30" ], "en_answers": [ "18:30" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Jod-ch-12": { "question": "What kind of soup do people from the UK like to have?", "en_question": "What kind of soup do people from UK like to have?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "tomato", "tomato soup" ], "en_answers": [ "tomato", "tomato soup" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "chicken" ], "en_answers": [ "chicken" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "lentil" ], "en_answers": [ "lentil" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "pumpkin" ], "en_answers": [ "pumpkin" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "mushroom" ], "en_answers": [ "mushroom" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Jod-ch-13": { "question": "What street food do people from the UK like to eat?", "en_question": "What street food do people from UK like to eat?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "kebabs" ], "en_answers": [ "kebabs" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "burgers" ], "en_answers": [ "burgers" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "fish & chips", "fish and chips" ], "en_answers": [ "fish & chips", "fish and chips" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "hot dogs" ], "en_answers": [ "hot dogs" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Jod-ch-15": { "question": "What kind of seafood do people from the UK like to eat?", "en_question": "What kind of seafood do people from UK like to eat?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "cod", "battered cod" ], "en_answers": [ "cod", "battered cod" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "battered white fish" ], "en_answers": [ "battered white fish" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "fish and chips" ], "en_answers": [ "fish and chips" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "sardines" ], "en_answers": [ "sardines" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "tuna" ], "en_answers": [ "tuna" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "cockles" ], "en_answers": [ "cockles" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Jod-ch-16": { "question": "What is the biggest festival in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the biggest festival in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "glastonbury" ], "en_answers": [ "glastonbury" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "christmas" ], "en_answers": [ "christmas" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "edinburgh" ], "en_answers": [ "edinburgh" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "may day" ], "en_answers": [ "may day" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Jod-ch-28": { "question": "What is the most commonly used public transport by people when travelling between cites in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most commonly used public transport by people when travelling between cites in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "train" ], "en_answers": [ "train" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "bus" ], "en_answers": [ "bus" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Jod-ch-30": { "question": "What are the specific decorations or symbols associated with the biggest festival in the UK?", "en_question": "What are the specific decorations or symbols associated with the biggest festival in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "christmas tree" ], "en_answers": [ "christmas tree" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "christmas decorations" ], "en_answers": [ "christmas decorations" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "advent calendars" ], "en_answers": [ "advent calendars" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "christmas lights" ], "en_answers": [ "christmas lights" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "daffodils" ], "en_answers": [ "daffodils" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "leeks" ], "en_answers": [ "leeks" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "santa" ], "en_answers": [ "santa" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "star" ], "en_answers": [ "star" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Jod-ch-37": { "question": "What sports do women like to watch the most in the UK?", "en_question": "What sports do women like to watch the most in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "soccer", "football" ], "en_answers": [ "soccer", "football" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "tennis" ], "en_answers": [ "tennis" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "rowing" ], "en_answers": [ "rowing" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "hockey" ], "en_answers": [ "hockey" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "formula 1" ], "en_answers": [ "formula 1" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "badminton" ], "en_answers": [ "badminton" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Jod-ch-38": { "question": "What sports do men like to watch the most in the UK?", "en_question": "What sports do men like to watch the most in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "soccer", "football" ], "en_answers": [ "soccer", "football" ], "count": 5 }, { "answers": [ "cricket" ], "en_answers": [ "cricket" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "rugby" ], "en_answers": [ "rugby" ], "count": 2 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Jod-ch-41": { "question": "What is the common leisure activity that females in their 20s in the UK engage in?", "en_question": "What is the common leisure activity that females in their 20s in UK engage in?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "jogging" ], "en_answers": [ "jogging" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "shopping" ], "en_answers": [ "shopping" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "gym" ], "en_answers": [ "gym" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "hot yoga", "yoga" ], "en_answers": [ "hot yoga", "yoga" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "binge drinking" ], "en_answers": [ "binge drinking" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "running" ], "en_answers": [ "running" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Jod-ch-42": { "question": "What is the common leisure activity that males in their 20s in the UK engage in?", "en_question": "What is the common leisure activity that males in their 20s in UK engage in?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "drinking" ], "en_answers": [ "drinking" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "drinking beer" ], "en_answers": [ "drinking beer" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "computer games", "cycling" ], "en_answers": [ "computer games", "cycling" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "biking" ], "en_answers": [ "biking" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "cinema" ], "en_answers": [ "cinema" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "gym" ], "en_answers": [ "gym" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "music festival" ], "en_answers": [ "music festival" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 1, "idk": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Jod-ch-46": { "question": "How long (in hours) do people usually take a break after lunch on a weekday in the UK? (Provide Arabic numerals up to one decimal point (e.g., 2, 3.5) only.)", "en_question": "How long (in hours) do people usually take a break after lunch on a weekday in UK? (Provide Arabic numerals up to one decimal point (e.g., 2, 3.5) only.)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "0.5" ], "en_answers": [ "0.5" ], "count": 4 } ], "idks": { "not-applicable": 1, "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0 } }, "Jod-ch-48": { "question": "What do people eat for lunch during the working days in the UK?", "en_question": "What do people eat for lunch during the working days in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "sandwich", "sandwiches" ], "en_answers": [ "sandwich", "sandwiches" ], "count": 5 }, { "answers": [ "fruit" ], "en_answers": [ "fruit" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "crisps" ], "en_answers": [ "crisps" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Jod-ch-50": { "question": "What is the average commute time (in minutes) for people in the UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 1) only.)", "en_question": "What is the average commute time (in minutes) for people in UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 1) only.)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "30" ], "en_answers": [ "30" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "45" ], "en_answers": [ "45" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "60" ], "en_answers": [ "60" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "90" ], "en_answers": [ "90" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "20" ], "en_answers": [ "20" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Jod-ch-51": { "question": "What is the most common transportation that people take to get to work in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most common transportation that people take to get to work in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "car" ], "en_answers": [ "car" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "bus" ], "en_answers": [ "bus" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "train" ], "en_answers": [ "train" ], "count": 2 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Jod-ch-54": { "question": "How long (in days) is marriage leave in the UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", "en_question": "How long (in days) is the marriage leave in UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "0" ], "en_answers": [ "0" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "14" ], "en_answers": [ "14" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "7" ], "en_answers": [ "7" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "5" ], "en_answers": [ "5" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "10" ], "en_answers": [ "10" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "not-applicable": 1, "no-answer": 1, "idk": 0 } }, "Jod-ch-56": { "question": "What is the typical retirement age for women in the UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", "en_question": "What is the typical retirement age for women in UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "67" ], "en_answers": [ "67" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "65" ], "en_answers": [ "65" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "63" ], "en_answers": [ "63" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "66" ], "en_answers": [ "66" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "55" ], "en_answers": [ "55" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Jod-ch-57": { "question": "What is the typical retirement age for men in the UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", "en_question": "What is the typical retirement age for men in UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "65" ], "en_answers": [ "65" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "67" ], "en_answers": [ "67" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Jod-ch-58": { "question": "Which profession is the most respected in the UK?", "en_question": "Which profession is the most respected in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "doctor" ], "en_answers": [ "doctor" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "lawyer" ], "en_answers": [ "lawyer" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "police" ], "en_answers": [ "police" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "paramedic" ], "en_answers": [ "paramedic" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Jod-ch-60": { "question": "What is the duration (in hours) of a typical workday in the UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (0~24) only.)", "en_question": "What is the duration (in hours) of a typical workday in UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (0~24) only.)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "8" ], "en_answers": [ "8" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "12" ], "en_answers": [ "12" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "7" ], "en_answers": [ "7" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Jod-ch-61": { "question": "Which occupation is most preferred among females in the UK?", "en_question": "Which occupation is most preferred among females in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "teaching", "teacher" ], "en_answers": [ "teaching", "teacher" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "clerical work, secretarial work", "admin", "clerical work" ], "en_answers": [ "clerical work, secretarial work", "admin", "clerical work" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "pr" ], "en_answers": [ "pr" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "marketing" ], "en_answers": [ "marketing" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "hr" ], "en_answers": [ "hr" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "nursery nurse" ], "en_answers": [ "nursery nurse" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "teaching assistant" ], "en_answers": [ "teaching assistant" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 1, "idk": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Jod-ch-62": { "question": "Which occupation is most preferred among males in the UK?", "en_question": "Which occupation is most preferred among males in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "lawyer" ], "en_answers": [ "lawyer" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "engineering" ], "en_answers": [ "engineering" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "information technology" ], "en_answers": [ "information technology" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "electrician" ], "en_answers": [ "electrician" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "construction" ], "en_answers": [ "construction" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ki-pe-17": { "question": "On average, how far do students typically pursue their education in the UK? (e.g., primary, secondary school)", "en_question": "On average, how far do students typically pursue their education in UK? (e.g., elementary, high school)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "secondary", "secondary school" ], "en_answers": [ "secondary", "secondary school" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "university" ], "en_answers": [ "university" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "college" ], "en_answers": [ "college" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ki-pe-24": { "question": "What language is taught in schools in the UK besides English?", "en_question": "What language is taught in schools in UK besides English?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "french" ], "en_answers": [ "french" ], "count": 5 }, { "answers": [ "spanish" ], "en_answers": [ "spanish" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "german" ], "en_answers": [ "german" ], "count": 2 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ki-pe-30": { "question": "What days of the week are schools closed in the UK?", "en_question": "What days of the week are schools closed in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "saturday" ], "en_answers": [ "saturday" ], "count": 5 }, { "answers": [ "sunday" ], "en_answers": [ "sunday" ], "count": 5 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ki-pe-32": { "question": "What food do the hosts usually prepare for the guests in the UK?", "en_question": "What food do the hosts usually prepare for the guests in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "buffet" ], "en_answers": [ "buffet" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "cake" ], "en_answers": [ "cake" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "roast dinner" ], "en_answers": [ "roast dinner" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "curry" ], "en_answers": [ "curry" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "pizza" ], "en_answers": [ "pizza" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 2, "idk": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ki-pe-34": { "question": "What is the usual drink consumed during breakfast in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the usual drink in the breakfast in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "coffee" ], "en_answers": [ "coffee" ], "count": 5 }, { "answers": [ "tea" ], "en_answers": [ "tea" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "juice", "fruit juice" ], "en_answers": [ "juice", "fruit juice" ], "count": 2 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ki-pe-36": { "question": "Except the food original from the UK, which country's food is more popular in the UK?", "en_question": "Except the food original from UK, which country's food is more popular in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "indian" ], "en_answers": [ "indian" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "chinese" ], "en_answers": [ "chinese" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "curry" ], "en_answers": [ "curry" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "italian" ], "en_answers": [ "italian" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ki-pe-39": { "question": "What food is usually prepared for a family picnic in the UK?", "en_question": "What food is usually prepared for a family picnic in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "sandwiches" ], "en_answers": [ "sandwiches" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "fruit" ], "en_answers": [ "fruit" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "cake" ], "en_answers": [ "cake" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "pork pie" ], "en_answers": [ "pork pie" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "salad" ], "en_answers": [ "salad" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "cold meat" ], "en_answers": [ "cold meat" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ki-pe-40": { "question": "Which food from the UK is considered disgusting by the rest of the world?", "en_question": "Which food from UK is considered disgusting by the rest of the world?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "haggis" ], "en_answers": [ "haggis" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "black pudding" ], "en_answers": [ "black pudding" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "stargazy pie" ], "en_answers": [ "stargazy pie" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "jellied eels" ], "en_answers": [ "jellied eels" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 2, "idk": 1, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ki-pe-43": { "question": "What is the name of the popular bread in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the name of the popular bread in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "hovis" ], "en_answers": [ "hovis" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "warburton" ], "en_answers": [ "warburton" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "kingsmill" ], "en_answers": [ "kingsmill" ], "count": 2 } ], "idks": { "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ki-pe-51": { "question": "What time of day are government offices closed in the UK? (Provide in HH:MM format (e.g., 18:00, 09:00).)", "en_question": "What time of day are government offices closed in UK? (Provide in HH:MM format (e.g., 18:00, 09:00).)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "17:00" ], "en_answers": [ "17:00" ], "count": 5 }, { "answers": [ "16:00" ], "en_answers": [ "16:00" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "18:00" ], "en_answers": [ "18:00" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "17:30" ], "en_answers": [ "17:30" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ki-pe-53": { "question": "What is the normal start time of government offices in the UK? (Provide in HH:MM format (e.g., 18:00, 09:00).)", "en_question": "What is the normal start time of government offices in UK? (Provide in HH:MM format (e.g., 18:00, 09:00).)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "09:00" ], "en_answers": [ "09:00" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "07:00" ], "en_answers": [ "07:00" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "08:00" ], "en_answers": [ "08:00" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Kik-in-01": { "question": "What national holiday has the longest duration in the UK?", "en_question": "What national holiday has the longest duration in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "easter" ], "en_answers": [ "easter" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "christmas" ], "en_answers": [ "christmas" ], "count": 2 } ], "idks": { "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Kik-in-02": { "question": "What are the common activities people from the UK do to celebrate Independence day?", "en_question": "What are the common activities people from UK do to celebrate Independence day?", "annotations": [], "idks": { "not-applicable": 5, "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0 } }, "Kik-in-04": { "question": "What is installed in front of the house when a family member dies in the UK?", "en_question": "What is installed in front of the house when a family member dies in UK?", "annotations": [], "idks": { "not-applicable": 4, "no-answer": 1, "idk": 0 } }, "Kik-in-05": { "question": "When is a pregnancy celebration or ceremony usually held in the UK?", "en_question": "When is a pregnancy celebration or ceremony usually held in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "baby shower" ], "en_answers": [ "baby shower" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "not-applicable": 2, "no-answer": 2, "idk": 1 } }, "Kik-in-06": { "question": "What event is usually held before a wedding in the UK?", "en_question": "What event is usually held before a wedding in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "bachelor party, stag weekend, stag party, stag night", "stag night", "stag party", "stag do" ], "en_answers": [ "bachelor party, stag weekend, stag party, stag night", "stag night", "stag party", "stag do" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "hen do", "hen night", "bachelorette party, hen do, hen party" ], "en_answers": [ "hen do", "hen night", "bachelorette party, hen do, hen party" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "engagement party" ], "en_answers": [ "engagement party" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Kik-in-07": { "question": "What is usually given to children during (Lunar) New Year in the UK?", "en_question": "What is usually shared to the children during (Lunar) New Year in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "easter eggs" ], "en_answers": [ "easter eggs" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "not-applicable": 4, "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0 } }, "Kik-in-08": { "question": "What activities are usually done days before Ramadan in the UK?", "en_question": "What activities are usually done days before Ramadan in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "fasting" ], "en_answers": [ "fasting" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "prayer" ], "en_answers": [ "prayer" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "feasting" ], "en_answers": [ "feasting" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 6, "not-applicable": 1, "no-answer": 0 } }, "Kik-in-10": { "question": "What is the most popular tourist attraction for foreign visitors in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most popular tourist attraction for foreign visitors in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "buckingham palace" ], "en_answers": [ "buckingham palace" ], "count": 5 }, { "answers": [ "london eye", "the london eye" ], "en_answers": [ "london eye", "the london eye" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "big ben" ], "en_answers": [ "big ben" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "covent garden" ], "en_answers": [ "covent garden" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "london" ], "en_answers": [ "london" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "stonehenge" ], "en_answers": [ "stonehenge" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "houses of parliament" ], "en_answers": [ "houses of parliament" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Kik-in-11": { "question": "What is the most popular religious sites (temple, church, etc.) for tourism in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most popular religious sites (temple, church, etc.) for tourism in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "westminster abbey" ], "en_answers": [ "westminster abbey" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "cathedrals" ], "en_answers": [ "cathedrals" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "St Paul's", "St Paul's Cathedral" ], "en_answers": [ "St Paul's", "St Paul's Cathedral" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 2, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Kik-in-15": { "question": "What clothes do women usually wear on graduation ceremony in the UK?", "en_question": "What clothes do women usually wear on graduation commencement ceremony in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "gowns", "gown", "graduation gown" ], "en_answers": [ "gowns", "gown", "graduation gown" ], "count": 5 }, { "answers": [ "cap" ], "en_answers": [ "cap" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "dress" ], "en_answers": [ "dress" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 2, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Kik-in-16": { "question": "What drink is commonly consumed in the UK when the weather is cold?", "en_question": "What drink is commonly consumed in UK when the weather is cold?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "tea" ], "en_answers": [ "tea" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "hot chocolate" ], "en_answers": [ "hot chocolate" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "coffee" ], "en_answers": [ "coffee" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "bovril" ], "en_answers": [ "bovril" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Kik-in-17": { "question": "What fruit is more commonly sold and found during Ramadan in the UK?", "en_question": "What fruit is more commonly sold and found during Ramadan in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "dates" ], "en_answers": [ "dates" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "banana" ], "en_answers": [ "banana" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "watermelon" ], "en_answers": [ "watermelon" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "not-applicable": 1, "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0 } }, "Kik-in-24": { "question": "What carbohydrate is usually served with chicken in a fast-food restaurant in the UK?", "en_question": "What carbohydrate is usually served with chicken in a fast-food restaurant in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "chips" ], "en_answers": [ "chips" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "french fries", "fries" ], "en_answers": [ "french fries", "fries" ], "count": 2 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Kik-in-31": { "question": "What is the most famous martial art sports in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most famous martial art sports in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "karate" ], "en_answers": [ "karate" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "jiu jitsu", "jiu-jitsu" ], "en_answers": [ "jiu jitsu", "jiu-jitsu" ], "count": 1 }, { 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COVID-19 pandemic?", "en_question": "What sports were popular among people from UK during the COVID-19 pandemic?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "cycling" ], "en_answers": [ "cycling" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "indoor exercise" ], "en_answers": [ "indoor exercise" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "running" ], "en_answers": [ "running" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "tennis" ], "en_answers": [ "tennis" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "golf" ], "en_answers": [ "golf" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 1, "idk": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Kik-in-36": { "question": "Who is the most popular football coach in the UK?", "en_question": "Who is the most popular soccer coach in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "pep guardiola" ], "en_answers": [ "pep guardiola" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "brendan rodgers" ], "en_answers": [ "brendan rodgers" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "Gareth Southgate" ], "en_answers": [ "Gareth Southgate" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "Alex Ferguson" ], "en_answers": [ "Alex Ferguson" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 5, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Kik-in-37": { "question": "What football teams in the UK are famous for their intense rivalry? (e.g. ___ vs ___)", "en_question": "What soccer teams in UK are famous for their intense rivalry? (e.g. ___ vs ___)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "celtic vs rangers" ], "en_answers": [ "celtic vs rangers" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "liverpool vs everton" ], "en_answers": [ "liverpool vs everton" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "tottenham vs arsenal", "spurs vs arsenal" ], "en_answers": [ "tottenham vs arsenal", "spurs vs arsenal" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "newcastle vs sunderland" ], "en_answers": [ "newcastle vs sunderland" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "man utd vs man city" ], "en_answers": [ "man utd vs man city" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "liverpool vs manchester united" ], "en_answers": [ "liverpool vs manchester united" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 2, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Kik-in-38": { "question": "What are the names of football supporters in the UK who are famous for their intense rivalry? (e.g. ___ vs ___)", "en_question": "What are the names of soccer supporters in UK who are famous for their intense rivalry? (e.g. ___ vs ___)", "annotations": [], "idks": { "idk": 3, "no-answer": 1, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Kik-in-40": { "question": "Who is the most famous male badminton player in the UK?", "en_question": "Who is the most famous male badminton player in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "marcus ellis" ], "en_answers": [ "marcus ellis" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 9, "no-answer": 1, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Kik-in-41": { "question": "Who is the most famous female badminton player in the UK?", "en_question": "Who is the most famous female badminton player in UK?", "annotations": [], "idks": { "idk": 7, "Not interested": 1, "not-applicable": 1, "no-answer": 0 } }, "Kik-in-44": { "question": "What sport gets the most support from the government in the UK?", "en_question": "What sport gets the most support from the government in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "soccer", "football" ], "en_answers": [ "soccer", "football" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "rugby" ], "en_answers": [ "rugby" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "cricket" ], "en_answers": [ "cricket" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "athletics " ], "en_answers": [ "athletics " ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "tennis" ], "en_answers": [ "tennis" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 2, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Kik-in-45": { "question": "What sports field facilities are usually available at schools in the UK?", "en_question": "What sports field facilities are usually available at schools in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "football pitch", "football field" ], "en_answers": [ "football pitch", "football field" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "track" ], "en_answers": [ "track" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "cricket pitch" ], "en_answers": [ "cricket pitch" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "tennis court" ], "en_answers": [ "tennis court" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "basketball court" ], "en_answers": [ "basketball court" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Na-ko-02": { "question": "What cafe beverage do people from the UK most commonly enjoy?", "en_question": "What cafe beverage do people from UK most commonly enjoy?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "teas", "tea" ], "en_answers": [ "teas", "tea" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "coffees", "coffee" ], "en_answers": [ "coffees", "coffee" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "hot chocolates" ], "en_answers": [ "hot chocolates" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "white coffee" ], "en_answers": [ "white coffee" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "latte" ], "en_answers": [ "latte" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Na-ko-04": { "question": "What is the preferred hangover cure food for people from the UK?", "en_question": "What is the preferred hangover cure food for people from UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "bacon sandwich" ], "en_answers": [ "bacon sandwich" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "McDonald's muffin" ], "en_answers": [ "McDonald's muffin" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "hair of the dog", "Alcohol" ], "en_answers": [ "hair of the dog", "Alcohol" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "Alka-Seltzer ", "Aspirin" ], "en_answers": [ "Alka-Seltzer ", "Aspirin" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 1, "idk": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Na-ko-05": { "question": "What is the typical delivery food in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the typical delivery food in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "pizza" ], "en_answers": [ "pizza" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "chinese" ], "en_answers": [ "chinese" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "indian" ], "en_answers": [ "indian" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "fish & chips", "fish and chips" ], "en_answers": [ "fish & chips", "fish and chips" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Na-ko-07": { "question": "What type of meat is consumed most by people from the UK?", "en_question": "What type of meat is consumed most by people from UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "chicken" ], "en_answers": [ "chicken" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "beef" ], "en_answers": [ "beef" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "lamb" ], "en_answers": [ "lamb" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "pork" ], "en_answers": [ "pork" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 1, "idk": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Na-ko-08": { "question": "What fruit do people from the UK often eat in the autumn season?", "en_question": "What fruit do people from UK often eat in the autumn season?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "apple", "apples" ], "en_answers": [ "apple", "apples" ], "count": 5 }, { "answers": [ "banana" ], "en_answers": [ "banana" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "orange" ], "en_answers": [ "orange" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "tangerines" ], "en_answers": [ "tangerines" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Na-ko-09": { "question": "What side dish is the most commonly served on a dining table in the UK?", "en_question": "What side dish is the most commonly served on a dining table in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "fish & chips", "fish and chips" ], "en_answers": [ "fish & chips", "fish and chips" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "potatoes" ], "en_answers": [ "potatoes" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "sprouts" ], "en_answers": [ "sprouts" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "peas" ], "en_answers": [ "peas" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 1, "no-answer": 1, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Na-ko-11": { "question": "What do people from the UK eat while watching a football game?", "en_question": "What do people from UK eat while watching a soccer game?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "burgers" ], "en_answers": [ "burgers" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "chips" ], "en_answers": [ "chips" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "pie" ], "en_answers": [ "pie" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "hot dogs" ], "en_answers": [ "hot dogs" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "pizza" 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"question": "Who is the most famous football player in the UK?", "en_question": "Who is the most famous soccer player in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "david beckham" ], "en_answers": [ "david beckham" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "marcus rashford" ], "en_answers": [ "marcus rashford" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "bobby moore" ], "en_answers": [ "bobby moore" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "wayne rooney" ], "en_answers": [ "wayne rooney" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "harry kane" ], "en_answers": [ "harry kane" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "bukayo saka" ], "en_answers": [ "bukayo saka" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 1, "idk": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Na-ko-17": { "question": "What sports do male students enjoy during lunch time at school in the UK?", "en_question": "What sports do male students enjoy during lunch time at school in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "soccer", "football" ], "en_answers": [ "soccer", "football" ], "count": 5 }, { 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most popular volleyball player in the UK?", "en_question": "Who is the most popular volleyball player in UK?", "annotations": [], "idks": { "idk": 5, "not-applicable": 3, "no-answer": 1 } }, "Na-ko-20": { "question": "What sports event do people from the UK passionately support the most in international competitions?", "en_question": "What sports event do people from UK passionately support the most in international competitions?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "soccer", "football" ], "en_answers": [ "soccer", "football" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "cricket" ], "en_answers": [ "cricket" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "swimming" ], "en_answers": [ "swimming" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "World Club", "FIFA Club World Club", "FIFA", "world cup football" ], "en_answers": [ "World Club", "FIFA Club World Club", "FIFA", "world cup football" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Na-ko-22": { "question": "Which country is considered the biggest rival in football matches for the UK?", "en_question": "Which country is considered the biggest rival in soccer matches for UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "spain" ], "en_answers": [ "spain" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "france" ], "en_answers": [ "france" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "germany" ], "en_answers": [ "germany" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "america", "U.S.", "USA", "united states", "north america" ], "en_answers": [ "america", "U.S.", "USA", "united states", "north america" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 1, "idk": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Na-ko-23": { "question": "What type of sports academies do children attend the most in the UK?", "en_question": "What type of sports academies do children attend the most in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "soccer", "football", "football academies" ], "en_answers": [ "soccer", "football", "football academies" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "tennis" ], "en_answers": [ "tennis" ], "count": 1 }, { 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in UK's school sports day?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "running" ], "en_answers": [ "running" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "sack race" ], "en_answers": [ "sack race" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "soccer", "football" ], "en_answers": [ "soccer", "football" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "netball" ], "en_answers": [ "netball" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "hockey" ], "en_answers": [ "hockey" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "jumping" ], "en_answers": [ "jumping" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "egg and spoon race" ], "en_answers": [ "egg and spoon race" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "obstacle race" ], "en_answers": [ "obstacle race" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Na-ko-26": { "question": "What are the popular sports among the middle-aged population in the UK?", "en_question": "What are the popular sports among the middle-aged population in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "soccer", "football" ], "en_answers": [ "soccer", "football" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "rugby" ], "en_answers": [ "rugby" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "bowls", "lawn bowling" ], "en_answers": [ "bowls", "lawn bowling" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "walking" ], "en_answers": [ "walking" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "hiking" ], "en_answers": [ "hiking" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "darts" ], "en_answers": [ "darts" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "cricket" ], "en_answers": [ "cricket" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Na-ko-28": { "question": "Who is the most popular winter sports player in the UK?", "en_question": "Who is the most popular winter sports player in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "Michael David Edwards", "eddie the eagle" ], "en_answers": [ "Michael David Edwards", "eddie the eagle" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "david beckham" ], "en_answers": [ "david beckham" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "eve muirhead" ], "en_answers": [ "eve muirhead" 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"en_question": "What symbolic food do people from UK eat on (Lunar) New Year?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "chinese cuisine" ], "en_answers": [ "chinese cuisine" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 2, "idk": 2, "not-applicable": 2 } }, "Na-ko-37": { "question": "What is the most popular domestic vacation spot for people from the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most popular domestic vacation spot for people from UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "cornwall" ], "en_answers": [ "cornwall" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "blackpool" ], "en_answers": [ "blackpool" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "butlins" ], "en_answers": [ "butlins" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "the lake district" ], "en_answers": [ "the lake district" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Na-ko-38": { "question": "What is the most common wedding gift between bride and groom in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most common wedding gift between bride and groom in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "a wedding ring", "ring", "wedding ring" ], "en_answers": [ "a wedding ring", "ring", "wedding ring" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "cash" ], "en_answers": [ "cash" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "watch" ], "en_answers": [ "watch" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "necklace" ], "en_answers": [ "necklace" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "cufflinks" ], "en_answers": [ "cufflinks" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "not-applicable": 1, "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0 } }, "Na-ko-39": { "question": "What is typically given as a congratulatory gesture when attending a friend's wedding in the UK?", "en_question": "What is typically given as a congratulatory gesture when attending a friend's wedding in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "gift from the wedding list", "gifts", "wedding gift" ], "en_answers": [ "gift from the wedding list", "gifts", "wedding gift" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "a hand shake", "handshake" ], "en_answers": [ "a hand shake", "handshake" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "throwing confetti" ], "en_answers": [ "throwing confetti" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "a round of applause" ], "en_answers": [ "a round of applause" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "kiss on the cheek" ], "en_answers": [ "kiss on the cheek" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "big hug" ], "en_answers": [ "big hug" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "money" ], "en_answers": [ "money" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "cards" ], "en_answers": [ "cards" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "homeware" ], "en_answers": [ "homeware" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Na-ko-40": { "question": "How long (in days) does a funeral typically last in the UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", "en_question": "How long (in days) does a funeral typically last in UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "1" ], "en_answers": [ "1" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "40" ], "en_answers": [ "40" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "30" ], "en_answers": [ "30" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "3" ], "en_answers": [ "3" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Na-ko-41": { "question": "What should you prepare as a condolence offering when attending a funeral in the UK?", "en_question": "What should you prepare as a condolence offering when attending a funeral in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "flowers" ], "en_answers": [ "flowers" ], "count": 5 }, { "answers": [ "condolence card" ], "en_answers": [ "condolence card" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Na-ko-42": { "question": "What type of food is commonly provided at funeral parlors in the UK?", "en_question": "What type of food is commonly provided at funeral parlors in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "sandwiches" ], "en_answers": [ "sandwiches" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "chicken" ], "en_answers": [ "chicken" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "steak pie" ], "en_answers": [ "steak pie" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "cakes" ], "en_answers": [ "cakes" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "pastries" ], "en_answers": [ "pastries" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 2, "no-answer": 1, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Na-ko-43": { "question": "What do people do in the UK in the morning of the (Lunar) New Year?", "en_question": "What do people do in UK in the morning of the (Lunar) New Year?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "sleep" ], "en_answers": [ "sleep" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "enjoy a quiet morning" ], "en_answers": [ "enjoy a quiet morning" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "not-applicable": 2, "idk": 0, "no-answer": 1 } }, "Na-ko-44": { "question": "When is the day with the UK's most severe nationwide traffic congestion?", "en_question": "When is the day with UK's most severe nationwide traffic congestion?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "monday" ], "en_answers": [ "monday" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "easter" ], "en_answers": [ "easter" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "christmas eve" ], "en_answers": [ "christmas eve" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 3, "no-answer": 1, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Na-ko-45": { "question": "What is the most popular honeymoon destination in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most popular honeymoon destination in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "london" ], "en_answers": [ "london" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "scotland" ], "en_answers": [ "scotland" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "the cotswolds" ], "en_answers": [ "the cotswolds" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 1, "idk": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ne-ar-05": { "question": "What is the most important national holiday in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most important national holiday in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "25th December", "xmas day", "christmas", "christmas day" ], "en_answers": [ "25th December", "xmas day", "christmas", "christmas day" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "Poppy Day, Remembrance Sunday", "remembrance day" ], "en_answers": [ "Poppy Day, Remembrance Sunday", "remembrance day" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ne-ar-06": { "question": "What do people from the UK eat during Ramadan?", "en_question": "What do people from UK eat in Ramadan?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "sweets" ], "en_answers": [ "sweets" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "nuts" ], "en_answers": [ "nuts" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "crisps" ], "en_answers": [ "crisps" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "kebabs" ], "en_answers": [ "kebabs" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "Biryani " ], "en_answers": [ "Biryani " ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 2, "not-applicable": 2, "no-answer": 1 } }, "Ne-ar-09": { "question": "What do people from the UK eat during Eid ul Fitr?", "en_question": "What do people from UK eat in Eid ul Fitr?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "rice" ], "en_answers": [ "rice" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "not-applicable": 2, "I don't know": 1, "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0 } }, "Ne-ar-10": { "question": "What do people from the UK eat during Eid ul Adha?", "en_question": "What do people from UK eat in Eid ul Adha?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "arabic food" ], "en_answers": [ "arabic food" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "dates" ], "en_answers": [ "dates" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "lamb" ], "en_answers": [ "lamb" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 2, "not-applicable": 1, "no-answer": 1 } }, "Ne-ar-11": { "question": "Where do people from the UK go to celebrate New Year's Day?", "en_question": "Where do people from UK go to celebrate New Year's Day?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "family houses", "a relative's house", "relatives' houses", "family's house" ], "en_answers": [ "family houses", "a relative's house", "relatives' houses", "family's house" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "a friend's house", "friends' houses" ], "en_answers": [ "a friend's house", "friends' houses" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "nightclub" ], "en_answers": [ "nightclub" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "pub" ], "en_answers": [ "pub" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "public event" ], "en_answers": [ "public event" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ne-ar-14": { "question": "Where do a family gather for Eid festivities in the UK?", "en_question": "Where do a family gather for Eid festivities in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "home" ], "en_answers": [ "home" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "local festivals" ], "en_answers": [ "local festivals" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "not-applicable": 2, "idk": 2, "no-answer": 0 } }, "Ne-ar-16": { "question": "When is the weekend in the UK (e.g. Monday, Tuesday)?", "en_question": "When is the weekend in UK (e.g. Monday, Tuesday)?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "saturday" ], "en_answers": [ "saturday" ], "count": 5 }, { "answers": [ "sunday" ], "en_answers": [ "sunday" ], "count": 4 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ne-ar-17": { "question": "At what time do most people start work in the UK? (Provide in HH:MM format (e.g., 18:00, 09:00).)", "en_question": "At what time do most people start work in UK? (Provide in HH:MM format (e.g., 18:00, 09:00).)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "09:00" ], "en_answers": [ "09:00" ], "count": 5 }, { "answers": [ "08:00" ], "en_answers": [ "08:00" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ne-ar-18": { "question": "At what time do most people finish work in the UK? (Provide in HH:MM format (e.g., 18:00, 09:00).)", "en_question": "At what time do most people finish work in UK? (Provide in HH:MM format (e.g., 18:00, 09:00).)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "17:00" ], "en_answers": [ "17:00" ], "count": 5 }, { "answers": [ "17:30" ], "en_answers": [ "17:30" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "18:00" ], "en_answers": [ "18:00" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ne-ar-20": { "question": "What is considered to be a secure job in the UK?", "en_question": "What is considered to be a secure job in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "teaching", "teacher" ], "en_answers": [ "teaching", "teacher" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "IT technician " ], "en_answers": [ "IT technician " ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "office work" ], "en_answers": [ "office work" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "lawyer" ], "en_answers": [ "lawyer" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "police" ], "en_answers": [ "police" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "civil servant" ], "en_answers": [ "civil servant" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 1, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ne-ar-24": { "question": "Which city is the primary commercial hub in the UK?", "en_question": "Which city is the primary commercial hub in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "london" ], "en_answers": [ "london" ], "count": 5 }, { "answers": [ "birmingham" ], "en_answers": [ "birmingham" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "manchester" ], "en_answers": [ "manchester" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "leeds" ], "en_answers": [ "leeds" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ne-ar-25": { "question": "What is the industry that pays the best in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the industry that pays the best in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "banking" ], "en_answers": [ "banking" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "accounting" ], "en_answers": [ "accounting" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "law" ], "en_answers": [ "law" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "medicine" ], "en_answers": [ "medicine" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "soccer", "football" ], "en_answers": [ "soccer", "football" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "builder" ], "en_answers": [ "builder" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "finance" ], "en_answers": [ "finance" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ne-ar-26": { "question": "What is the most famous public corporation in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most famous public corporation in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "bbc" ], "en_answers": [ "bbc" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "hsbc" ], "en_answers": [ "hsbc" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ne-ar-31": { "question": "What is the most famous dish in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most famous dish in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "fish & chips", "fish and chips" ], "en_answers": [ "fish & chips", "fish and chips" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "curry" ], "en_answers": [ "curry" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "bangers and mash" ], "en_answers": [ "bangers and mash" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "steak pies" ], "en_answers": [ "steak pies" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "roast beef" ], "en_answers": [ "roast beef" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "yorkshire pudding" ], "en_answers": [ "yorkshire pudding" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ne-ar-32": { "question": "What do people usually have for breakfast in the UK?", "en_question": "What do people usually have for breakfast in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "cereal" ], "en_answers": [ "cereal" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "toast" ], "en_answers": [ "toast" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "eggs" ], "en_answers": [ "eggs" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "coffee" ], "en_answers": [ "coffee" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "bacon" ], "en_answers": [ "bacon" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ne-ar-33": { "question": "When do people usually have lunch in the UK? (Provide in HH:MM format (e.g., 18:00, 09:00).)", "en_question": "When do people usually have lunch in UK? (Provide in HH:MM format (e.g., 18:00, 09:00).)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "12:00" ], "en_answers": [ "12:00" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "13:00" ], "en_answers": [ "13:00" ], "count": 2 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ne-ar-34": { "question": "What is typically indispensable in meals in the UK?", "en_question": "What is typically indispensable in meals in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "salt" ], "en_answers": [ "salt" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "ketchup" ], "en_answers": [ "ketchup" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "chips" ], "en_answers": [ "chips" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 1, "idk": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ne-ar-36": { "question": "What is a typical festive meal in the UK?", "en_question": "What is a typical festive meal in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "turkey and the trimmings", "christmas dinner" ], "en_answers": [ "turkey and the trimmings", "christmas dinner" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "roast meat" ], "en_answers": [ "roast meat" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "roast beef" ], "en_answers": [ "roast beef" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "turkey" ], "en_answers": [ "turkey" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "roast chicken" ], "en_answers": [ "roast chicken" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "roast lamb" ], "en_answers": [ "roast lamb" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "burn supper" ], "en_answers": [ "burn supper" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ne-ar-37": { "question": "Which fruit do people usually offer tourists/visitors from abroad in the UK?", "en_question": "Which fruit do people usually offer tourists/visitors from abroad in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "strawberries" ], "en_answers": [ "strawberries" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "apples" ], "en_answers": [ "apples" ], "count": 2 } ], "idks": { "not-applicable": 2, "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0 } }, "Ne-ar-38": { "question": "Which food do people usually offer as charity in the UK?", "en_question": "Which food do people usually offer as charity in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "tinned food", "tins", "tinned foods, canned foods, tinned food, cans, tins, tinned goods, canned goods", "canned goods", "canned food" ], "en_answers": [ "tinned food", "tins", "tinned foods, canned foods, tinned food, cans, tins, tinned goods, canned goods", "canned goods", "canned food" ], "count": 4 } ], "idks": { "not-applicable": 1, "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0 } }, "Ne-ar-39": { "question": "What is the cheapest fast food in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the cheapest fast food in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "mcdonalds", "McDonald's", "McDonald's ", "mcdonald's" ], "en_answers": [ "mcdonalds", "McDonald's", "McDonald's ", "mcdonald's" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "fish & chips", "fish and chips" ], "en_answers": [ "fish & chips", "fish and chips" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "greggs" ], "en_answers": [ "greggs" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "sausage rolls" ], "en_answers": [ "sausage rolls" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "burgers" ], "en_answers": [ "burgers" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "fries" ], "en_answers": [ "fries" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "pizza" ], "en_answers": [ "pizza" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ne-ar-43": { "question": "What do people usually have with tea in the UK?", "en_question": "What do people usually have with tea in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "biscuit", "biscuits" ], "en_answers": [ "biscuit", "biscuits" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "rich tea biscuit" ], "en_answers": [ "rich tea biscuit" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ne-ar-44": { "question": "What do people have with coffee in the UK?", "en_question": "What do people have with coffee in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "biscuits" ], "en_answers": [ "biscuits" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "milk" ], "en_answers": [ "milk" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "scone" ], "en_answers": [ "scone" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "cake" ], "en_answers": [ "cake" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "chocolate" ], "en_answers": [ "chocolate" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "sugar" ], "en_answers": [ "sugar" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-am-02": { "question": "What is the most popular traditional food in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most popular traditional food in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "fish & chips", "fish and chips" ], "en_answers": [ "fish & chips", "fish and chips" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "pie", "pies" ], "en_answers": [ "pie", "pies" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "sunday dinner", "sunday roast" ], "en_answers": [ "sunday dinner", "sunday roast" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "roast dinner" ], "en_answers": [ "roast dinner" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "roast potatoes " ], "en_answers": [ "roast 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"annotations": [ { "answers": [ "turkey" ], "en_answers": [ "turkey" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "bread" ], "en_answers": [ "bread" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "eggs" ], "en_answers": [ "eggs" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 3, "no-answer": 1, "not-applicable": 1 } }, "New-am-15": { "question": "What food is usually prepared when mothers give birth in the UK?", "en_question": "What food is usually prepared when mothers give birth in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "sandwiches" ], "en_answers": [ "sandwiches" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 3, "idk": 2, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-am-27": { "question": "Who is the most popular female sportperson in the UK?", "en_question": "Who is the most popular female sportperson in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "Mary Earps" ], "en_answers": [ "Mary Earps" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "leah williamson" ], "en_answers": [ "leah williamson" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "rebecca adlington" ], "en_answers": [ "rebecca adlington" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 3, "idk": 2, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-am-34": { "question": "Where do most primary school students prepare for their exams in the UK?", "en_question": "Where do most elementary school students prepare for their exams in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "school", "primary school" ], "en_answers": [ "school", "primary school" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "home", "at home" ], "en_answers": [ "home", "at home" ], "count": 2 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 1, "idk": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-am-41": { "question": "In the UK, at which grade level do students take their first national-level examination?", "en_question": "In UK, at which grade level do students take their first national-level examination?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "year 11", "11" ], "en_answers": [ "year 11", "11" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "year 6" ], "en_answers": [ "year 6" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "We didn't have grades when I 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"New-am-59": { "question": "What is the main occupation of people living in deserts in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the main occupation of people living in deserts in UK?", "annotations": [], "idks": { "not-applicable": 5, "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0 } }, "New-am-60": { "question": "Which animal is typically used for transportation in the UK?", "en_question": "Which animal is typically used for transportation in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "horse" ], "en_answers": [ "horse" ], "count": 2 } ], "idks": { "not-applicable": 2, "We don't use animals for transportation, bar police horses.": 1, "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0 } }, "New-am-72": { "question": "What is the most popular comic book for children to read in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most popular comic book for children to read in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "beano" ], "en_answers": [ "beano" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "dandy" ], "en_answers": [ "dandy" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "marvel" ], "en_answers": [ "marvel" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 1, "idk": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-am-73": { "question": "What is the most popular YouTube channel for children in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most popular YouTube channel for children in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "cocomelon" ], "en_answers": [ "cocomelon" ], "count": 3 } ], "idks": { "idk": 5, "no-answer": 1, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-am-74": { "question": "What is the most popular talk show in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most popular talk show in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "graham norton", "the graham norton show" ], "en_answers": [ "graham norton", "the graham norton show" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "the jeremy kyle show", "jeremy kyle" ], "en_answers": [ "the jeremy kyle show", "jeremy kyle" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "piers morgan live", "piers morgan" ], "en_answers": [ "piers morgan live", "piers morgan" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "loose women" 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(Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 1) only.)", "en_question": "What is the busiest month for weddings in UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 1) only.)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "6" ], "en_answers": [ "6" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "8" ], "en_answers": [ "8" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "7" ], "en_answers": [ "7" ], "count": 2 } ], "idks": { "idk": 2, "no-answer": 1, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-am-83": { "question": "What is the most popular traditional musical instrument in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most popular traditional musical instrument in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "guitar" ], "en_answers": [ "guitar" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "bagpipes" ], "en_answers": [ "bagpipes" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "fiddle" ], "en_answers": [ "fiddle" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "ukelele" ], "en_answers": [ "ukelele" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "piano" ], "en_answers": [ "piano" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 1, "not-applicable": 1, "no-answer": 0 } }, "New-as-01": { "question": "What is the main agricultural product produced in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the main agricultural product produced in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "potato", "potatoes" ], "en_answers": [ "potato", "potatoes" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "wheat" ], "en_answers": [ "wheat" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "beef" ], "en_answers": [ "beef" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "lamb" ], "en_answers": [ "lamb" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "leek" ], "en_answers": [ "leek" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-as-02": { "question": "What is the most popular wheat-based food item in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most popular wheat-based food item in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "bread" ], "en_answers": [ "bread" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "pasta" ], "en_answers": [ "pasta" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "cake" ], "en_answers": [ "cake" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "white bread" ], "en_answers": [ "white bread" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "cereal" ], 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"not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-as-07": { "question": "What is the most popular dish cooked with fish in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most popular dish cooked with fish in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "fish & chips", "fish and chips" ], "en_answers": [ "fish & chips", "fish and chips" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "chips" ], "en_answers": [ "chips" ], "count": 2 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-as-14": { "question": "What food do people from the UK like to eat during rainy weather?", "en_question": "What food do people from UK like to eat during rainy weather?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "soup", "soups" ], "en_answers": [ "soup", "soups" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "fish & chips", "fish and chips" ], "en_answers": [ "fish & chips", "fish and chips" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "stews" ], "en_answers": [ "stews" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "curry" ], "en_answers": [ "curry" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 2, "idk": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-as-15": { "question": "What drink is commonly consumed in the UK when the weather is hot?", "en_question": "What drink is commonly consumed in UK when the weather is hot?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "beer" ], "en_answers": [ "beer" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "water" ], "en_answers": [ "water" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "squash" ], "en_answers": [ "squash" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "lager" ], "en_answers": [ "lager" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "coke" ], "en_answers": [ "coke" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "fizzy pop" ], "en_answers": [ "fizzy pop" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "lemonade" ], "en_answers": [ "lemonade" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-as-20": { "question": "What is the most popular indoor sport in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most popular indoor sport in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "swimming" ], "en_answers": [ "swimming" ], 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"What sport do women in the UK like to watch?", "en_question": "What sport do women in UK like to watch?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "tennis" ], "en_answers": [ "tennis" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "soccer", "football" ], "en_answers": [ "soccer", "football" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "athletics" ], "en_answers": [ "athletics" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 2, "idk": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-as-58": { "question": "What is the most popular beverage that people from the UK like to drink in their workplace?", "en_question": "What is the most popular beverage that people from UK like to drink in their workplace?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "tea" ], "en_answers": [ "tea" ], "count": 5 }, { "answers": [ "coffee" ], "en_answers": [ "coffee" ], "count": 2 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-as-64": { "question": "On which holiday do all family members tend to reunite in the UK?", "en_question": "On which holiday do all 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"not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-as-80": { "question": "What type of clothing do people from the UK wear during traditional festivals?", "en_question": "What type of clothing do people from UK wear during traditional festivals?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "casual wear" ], "en_answers": [ "casual wear" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 3, "idk": 2, "not-applicable": 1 } }, "New-as-89": { "question": "What traditional festival accessories do people from the UK wear?", "en_question": "What traditional festival accessories do people from UK wear?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "party hats" ], "en_answers": [ "party hats" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "glowsticks", "glow sticks" ], "en_answers": [ "glowsticks", "glow sticks" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "glitter make up" ], "en_answers": [ "glitter make up" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 2, "no-answer": 2, "not-applicable": 1 } }, "New-az-05": { "question": "What is the most famous region for alcohol production in 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"en_question": "Who is the most popular martial arts player in UK?", "annotations": [], "idks": { "idk": 5, "not-applicable": 3, "no-answer": 1 } }, "New-az-27": { "question": "Which sport has been one of the fastest-growing in the UK over the last decade?", "en_question": "Which sport has been one of the fastest-growing in UK over the last decade?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "basketball" ], "en_answers": [ "basketball" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "swimming" ], "en_answers": [ "swimming" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "cycling" ], "en_answers": [ "cycling" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "rowing" ], "en_answers": [ "rowing" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "running" ], "en_answers": [ "running" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "women's soccer", "women's football " ], "en_answers": [ "women's soccer", "women's football " ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 2, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-az-39": { "question": "Which country is the most popular destination for students from the UK studying abroad?", "en_question": "Which country is the most popular destination for students from UK studying abroad?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "america", "U.S.", "USA", "united states", "north america" ], "en_answers": [ "america", "U.S.", "USA", "united states", "north america" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "australia" ], "en_answers": [ "australia" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "canada" ], "en_answers": [ "canada" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "spain" ], "en_answers": [ "spain" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "not-applicable": 1, "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0 } }, "New-az-49": { "question": "How many people work in a typical family in the UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 1) only.)", "en_question": "How many people work in a typical family in UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 1) only.)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "2" ], "en_answers": [ "2" ], "count": 3 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 2, "idk": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-az-60": { "question": "In the UK, who takes care of kids when both parents are working?", "en_question": "In UK, who takes care of kids when both parents are working?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "grandparents" ], "en_answers": [ "grandparents" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "nursery school", "nursery" ], "en_answers": [ "nursery school", "nursery" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "childminder", "babysitter", "nanny", "nannies" ], "en_answers": [ "childminder", "babysitter", "nanny", "nannies" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "childcare" ], "en_answers": [ "childcare" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-az-69": { "question": "What is the preferred alcoholic beverage for men from the UK?", "en_question": "What is the preferred alcoholic beverage for men from UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "beer" ], "en_answers": [ "beer" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "lager" ], "en_answers": [ "lager" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "wine" ], "en_answers": [ "wine" ], "count": 2 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-az-70": { "question": "What is the preferred alcoholic beverage for women from the UK?", "en_question": "What is the preferred alcoholic beverage for women from UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "wine" ], "en_answers": [ "wine" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "prosecco" ], "en_answers": [ "prosecco" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "vodka" ], "en_answers": [ "vodka" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "gin and tonic" ], "en_answers": [ "gin and tonic" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "cider" ], "en_answers": [ "cider" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "white wine" ], "en_answers": [ "white wine" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-az-73": { "question": "How many people on average typically attend a wedding in the UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 1) only.)", "en_question": "How many people on average typically attend a wedding in UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 1) only.)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "100" ], "en_answers": [ "100" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "60" ], "en_answers": [ "60" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "50" ], "en_answers": [ "50" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "150" ], "en_answers": [ "150" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "200" ], "en_answers": [ "200" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 1, "idk": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-ch-01": { "question": "What kind of meat do people usually eat when they have a barbecue in the UK?", "en_question": "What kind of meat do people usually eat when they have barbecue in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "chicken" ], "en_answers": [ "chicken" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "beef" ], "en_answers": [ "beef" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "burgers" ], "en_answers": [ "burgers" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "sausages" ], "en_answers": [ "sausages" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "lamb" ], "en_answers": [ "lamb" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-ch-02": { "question": "When do people usually have breakfast in the UK? (Provide in HH:MM format (e.g., 18:00, 09:00).)", "en_question": "When do people usually have breakfast in UK? (Provide in HH:MM format (e.g., 18:00, 09:00).)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "08:00" ], "en_answers": [ "08:00" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "07:30" ], "en_answers": [ "07:30" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "09:00" ], "en_answers": [ "09:00" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-ch-04": { "question": "What kinds of food do people usually eat for late-night snacks in the UK?", "en_question": "What kinds of food do people usually eat for late-night snacks in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "chips" ], "en_answers": [ "chips" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "pizza" ], "en_answers": [ "pizza" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "kebabs" ], "en_answers": [ "kebabs" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "chicken" ], "en_answers": [ "chicken" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "biscuits" ], "en_answers": [ "biscuits" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "crisps" ], "en_answers": [ "crisps" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "chocolate" ], "en_answers": 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"What seasoning is indispensable in cooking in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "salt" ], "en_answers": [ "salt" ], "count": 5 }, { "answers": [ "pepper" ], "en_answers": [ "pepper" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-ch-09": { "question": "What food do people typically consume when the weather is cold in the UK?", "en_question": "What food do people typically consume when the weather is cold in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "stew", "stews" ], "en_answers": [ "stew", "stews" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "hot sausage roll" ], "en_answers": [ "hot sausage roll" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "roast dinner" ], "en_answers": [ "roast dinner" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "soup" ], "en_answers": [ "soup" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-ch-13": { "question": "What is the most famous alcohol brand in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most famous alcohol brand in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "stella" ], "en_answers": [ "stella" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "smirnoff" ], "en_answers": [ "smirnoff" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "bulldog beer " ], "en_answers": [ "bulldog beer " ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "Bell's " ], "en_answers": [ "Bell's " ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "guinness " ], "en_answers": [ "guinness " ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-ch-14": { "question": "What foods do people usually eat when they are sick in the UK?", "en_question": "What foods do people usually eat when they are sick in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "soup" ], "en_answers": [ "soup" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "fruit" ], "en_answers": [ "fruit" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "tomato soup" ], "en_answers": [ "tomato soup" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-ch-15": { "question": "What prepared/ready-to-eat food do people typically buy at supermarkets in the UK?", "en_question": "What prepared/ready-to-eat food do people typically buy at supermarkets in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "curry" ], "en_answers": [ "curry" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "sandwiches" ], "en_answers": [ "sandwiches" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "sausage rolls" ], "en_answers": [ "sausage rolls" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "salads" ], "en_answers": [ "salads" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "pizza" ], "en_answers": [ "pizza" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "lasagne" ], "en_answers": [ "lasagne" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "cooked meat" ], "en_answers": [ "cooked meat" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "cold meat" ], "en_answers": [ "cold meat" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-ch-16": { "question": "What is the most famous sports-related movie in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most famous sports-related movie in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "bend it like 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track and field event is the most popular to watch during competitions in the UK?", "en_question": "Which track and field event is the most popular to watch during competitions in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "100m", "100 metres sprint", "100m sprint", "100 metres", "100-meter dash" ], "en_answers": [ "100m", "100 metres sprint", "100m sprint", "100 metres", "100-meter dash" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "10000 metres", "10,000 metres, 10 kilometres", "10km" ], "en_answers": [ "10000 metres", "10,000 metres, 10 kilometres", "10km" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "marathon" ], "en_answers": [ "marathon" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "400m" ], "en_answers": [ "400m" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "not-applicable": 1, "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0 } }, "New-ch-19": { "question": "Which gymnastics event is the most popular to watch during competitions in the UK?", "en_question": "Which gymnastics event is the most popular to watch during competitions in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "floor" ], "en_answers": [ "floor" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "Gymnastics British Championships" ], "en_answers": [ "Gymnastics British Championships" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "olympic games" ], "en_answers": [ "olympic games" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "parallel bars" ], "en_answers": [ "parallel bars" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "beam" ], "en_answers": [ "beam" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 5, "no-answer": 2, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-ch-23": { "question": "Who is the most famous table tennis player in the UK?", "en_question": "Who is the most famous table tennis player in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "desmond douglas" ], "en_answers": [ "desmond douglas" ], "count": 2 } ], "idks": { "idk": 7, "no-answer": 1, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-ch-26": { "question": "In the Winter Olympics, which event is the most popular to watch in the UK?", "en_question": "In the Winter Olympics, which event is the most popular to watch in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "curling" ], "en_answers": [ "curling" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "downhill skiing" ], "en_answers": [ "downhill skiing" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "downhill jump" ], "en_answers": [ "downhill jump" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "skiing" ], "en_answers": [ "skiing" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "ski jump" ], "en_answers": [ "ski jump" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-ch-27": { "question": "Who is the most famous boxer in the UK?", "en_question": "Who is the most famous boxer in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "tyson fury" ], "en_answers": [ "tyson fury" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "henry cooper" ], "en_answers": [ "henry cooper" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "frank bruno" ], "en_answers": [ "frank bruno" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "lennox lewis" ], "en_answers": [ "lennox lewis" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "joe calzaghe" ], "en_answers": [ "joe calzaghe" ], "count": 1 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"New-ch-38": { "question": "Which cities or regions are known for their import and export activities in the UK?", "en_question": "Which cities or regions are known for their import and export activities in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "london" ], "en_answers": [ "london" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "scotland" ], "en_answers": [ "scotland" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "wales" ], "en_answers": [ "wales" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "kent" ], "en_answers": [ "kent" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "portsmouth" ], "en_answers": [ "portsmouth" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "liverpool" ], "en_answers": [ "liverpool" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "bristol" ], "en_answers": [ "bristol" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "dover" ], "en_answers": [ "dover" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "north east" ], "en_answers": [ "north east" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-ch-39": { "question": "What platform is commonly used in the e-commerce industry in the UK?", "en_question": "What platform is commonly used in the e-commerce industry in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "amazon" ], "en_answers": [ "amazon" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "ebay" ], "en_answers": [ "ebay" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 1, "idk": 1, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-ch-44": { "question": "How long is the typical probation period for new employees before signing a formal contract in the UK? (e.g., 1 month).", "en_question": "How long is the typical probation period for new employees before signing a formal contract in UK? (e.g., 1 month).", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "6 weeks", "six weeks" ], "en_answers": [ "6 weeks", "six weeks" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "4 weeks", "four weeks" ], "en_answers": [ "4 weeks", "four weeks" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "2 months", "two months" ], "en_answers": [ "2 months", "two months" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "2 weeks", "two weeks" ], "en_answers": [ "2 weeks", "two weeks" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 1, "idk": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-ch-45": { "question": "In which industries do young people typically choose to start businesses in the UK?", "en_question": "Which industries do young people typically choose to start businesses in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "social media" ], "en_answers": [ "social media" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "creative" ], "en_answers": [ "creative" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "media" ], "en_answers": [ "media" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "catering" ], "en_answers": [ "catering" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "dropshipping" ], "en_answers": [ "dropshipping" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "beauty" ], "en_answers": [ "beauty" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "fashion" ], "en_answers": [ "fashion" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 1, "idk": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-ch-49": { "question": "What is the most common way for family members to communicate remotely in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most common way for family members to communicate remotely in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "text messaging", "SMS", "text message", "text" ], "en_answers": [ "text messaging", "SMS", "text message", "text" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "instant messaging" ], "en_answers": [ "instant messaging" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "whatsapp" ], "en_answers": [ "whatsapp" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "facebook" ], "en_answers": [ "facebook" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 1, "idk": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-ch-51": { "question": "What form of accommodation is typically booked for family trips in the UK?", "en_question": "What form of accommodation is typically booked for family trips in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "hotels", "hotel" ], "en_answers": [ "hotels", "hotel" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "caravan" ], "en_answers": [ "caravan" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "airbnb" ], "en_answers": [ "airbnb" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "B&Bs", "bed & breakfast", "bed and breakfast" ], "en_answers": [ "B&Bs", "bed & breakfast", "bed and breakfast" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "camping" ], "en_answers": [ "camping" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-ch-54": { "question": "Which fruit is usually prepared most often for family dinners in the UK?", "en_question": "Which fruit is usually prepared the most for family dinners in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "apple", "apples" ], "en_answers": [ "apple", "apples" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "raspberry" ], "en_answers": [ "raspberry" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "tomato" ], "en_answers": [ "tomato" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "strawberries" ], "en_answers": [ "strawberries" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "bananas" ], "en_answers": [ "bananas" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 1, "not-applicable": 1, "idk": 0 } }, "New-ch-64": { "question": "How many hours of classes do university students typically have per week in the UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 1) only.)", "en_question": "How many hours of classes do university students typically have per week in UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 1) only.)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "15" ], "en_answers": [ "15" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "25" ], "en_answers": [ "25" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "30" ], "en_answers": [ "30" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "5" ], "en_answers": [ "5" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "7" ], "en_answers": [ "7" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 2, "no-answer": 1, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-ch-66": { "question": "What is the typical tuition fee per semester for public secondary schools in the UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 1) only.)", "en_question": "What is the typical tuition fee per semester for public high schools in UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 1) only.)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "10000" ], "en_answers": [ "10000" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "8000" ], "en_answers": [ "8000" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "12000" ], "en_answers": [ "12000" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-ch-70": { "question": "What compulsory courses do university students have in common in the UK?", "en_question": "What compulsory courses do university students have in common in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "none" ], "en_answers": [ "none" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 2, "not-applicable": 1, "no-answer": 1 } }, "New-ch-71": { "question": "What is the average class size in secondary schools in the UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 1) only.)", "en_question": "What is the average class size in high schools in UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 1) only.)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "30" ], "en_answers": [ "30" ], "count": 5 }, { "answers": [ "20" ], "en_answers": [ "20" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "40" ], "en_answers": [ "40" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-ch-72": { "question": "Which major is considered most conducive to employment in the UK?", "en_question": "Which major is considered most conducive to employment in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "engineering" ], "en_answers": [ "engineering" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "medicine", "medical degree" ], "en_answers": [ "medicine", "medical degree" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "computing degree" ], "en_answers": [ "computing degree" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "law" ], "en_answers": [ "law" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "english" ], "en_answers": [ "english" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 1, "idk": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-ch-73": { "question": "What type of clubs are most popular among university students in the UK?", "en_question": "What type of clubs are most popular among university students in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "sports", "sport clubs" ], "en_answers": [ "sports", "sport clubs" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "golf" ], "en_answers": [ "golf" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "nightclubs" ], "en_answers": [ "nightclubs" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "technology clubs" ], "en_answers": [ "technology clubs" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "music clubs" ], "en_answers": [ "music clubs" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-ch-74": { "question": "What types of accommodation do university students in the UK typically live in?", "en_question": "What types of accommodation do university students in UK typically live in?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "flats" ], "en_answers": [ "flats" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "student halls", "halls", "shared flat", "in halls of residence", "halls of residence" ], "en_answers": [ "student halls", "halls", "shared flat", "in halls of residence", "halls of residence" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "shared accommodation, shared house, shared flat", "in shared digs", "shared house" ], "en_answers": [ "shared accommodation, shared house, shared flat", "in shared digs", "shared house" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "in parental home", "family home, parents' home, parents' house" ], "en_answers": [ "in parental home", "family home, parents' home, parents' house" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "student halls", "halls", "shared flat", "halls of residence", "dorms" ], "en_answers": [ "student halls", "halls", "shared flat", "halls of residence", "dorms" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "student accommodation" ], "en_answers": [ "student accommodation" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-ch-75": { "question": "How long is each class period for secondary school students in the UK (minutes)? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 1) only.)", "en_question": "How long is each class period for secondary school students in UK (minutes)? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 1) only.)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "60" ], "en_answers": [ "60" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "50" ], "en_answers": [ "50" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-ch-78": { "question": "What leisure activities do retired women typically like in the UK?", "en_question": "What leisure activities do retired women typically like in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "swimming" ], "en_answers": [ "swimming" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "walking (rambling)", "walking" ], "en_answers": [ "walking (rambling)", "walking" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "cooking" ], "en_answers": [ "cooking" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "fitness classes" ], "en_answers": [ "fitness classes" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "pub lunches" ], "en_answers": [ "pub lunches" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "wrestling" ], "en_answers": [ "wrestling" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "soccer", "football" ], "en_answers": [ "soccer", "football" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "marathons" ], "en_answers": [ "marathons" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "going out for lunch" ], "en_answers": [ "going out for lunch" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "shopping" ], "en_answers": [ "shopping" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "bingo" ], "en_answers": [ "bingo" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "zumba" ], "en_answers": [ "zumba" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-ch-79": { "question": "What leisure activities do retired men typically like in the UK?", "en_question": "What leisure activities do retired men typically like in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "golf" ], "en_answers": [ "golf" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "gardening" ], "en_answers": [ "gardening" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "bowls", "crown green bowls" ], "en_answers": [ "bowls", "crown green bowls" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "allotment" ], "en_answers": [ "allotment" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "rambling (walking clubs)" ], "en_answers": [ "rambling (walking clubs)" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "fishing" ], "en_answers": [ "fishing" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-ch-80": { "question": "During which holidays do people typically visit religious sites (temples, churches, etc.) in the UK?", "en_question": "During which holidays do people typically visit religious sites (temples, churches, etc.) in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "easter" ], "en_answers": [ "easter" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "christmas" ], "en_answers": [ "christmas" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "ramadan" ], "en_answers": [ "ramadan" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-ch-81": { "question": "What are the typical housewarming gifts in the UK?", "en_question": "What are the typical housewarming gifts in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "plants", "a plant" ], "en_answers": [ "plants", "a plant" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "candles" ], "en_answers": [ "candles" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "flowers" ], "en_answers": [ "flowers" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "wine" ], "en_answers": [ "wine" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-ch-82": { "question": "At what time do weddings typically start in the UK? (Provide in HH:MM format (e.g., 18:00, 09:00).)", "en_question": "At what time do weddings typically start in UK? (Provide in HH:MM format (e.g., 18:00, 09:00).)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "14:00" ], "en_answers": [ "14:00" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "13:00" ], "en_answers": [ "13:00" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "15:00" ], "en_answers": [ "15:00" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 1, "idk": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-ch-83": { "question": "Which city in the UK hosts festivals the most?", "en_question": "Which city in UK hosts festivals the most?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "london" ], "en_answers": [ "london" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "liverpool" ], "en_answers": [ "liverpool" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "edinburgh" ], "en_answers": [ "edinburgh" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "glastonbury" ], "en_answers": [ "glastonbury" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "cardiff" ], "en_answers": [ "cardiff" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 2, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-ch-84": { "question": "What colour of clothing do people typically wear when attending weddings in the UK?", "en_question": "What color of clothing do people typically wear when attending weddings in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "white" ], "en_answers": [ "white" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "black" ], "en_answers": [ "black" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "cream" ], "en_answers": [ "cream" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "ivory" ], "en_answers": [ "ivory" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "bright" ], "en_answers": [ "bright" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 1, "idk": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-ch-85": { "question": "What colour of clothing do people typically wear when attending funerals in the UK?", "en_question": "What color of clothing do people typically wear when attending funerals in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "black" ], "en_answers": [ "black" ], "count": 5 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-en-01": { "question": "Which snack is eaten in the cinema in the UK?", "en_question": "Which snack is eaten in the cinema in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "popcorn" ], "en_answers": [ "popcorn" ], "count": 5 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-en-02": { "question": "What is the most popular chip/crisp flavour in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most popular chip/crisp flavour in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "salted", "ready salted" ], "en_answers": [ "salted", "ready salted" ], "count": 5 }, { "answers": [ "cheese & onion", "cheese and onion" ], "en_answers": [ "cheese & onion", "cheese and onion" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "salt & vinegar", "salt and vinegar" ], "en_answers": [ "salt & vinegar", "salt and vinegar" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-en-04": { "question": "Who is a popular celebrity chef in the UK?", "en_question": "Who is a popular celebrity chef in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "Gordon Ramsay" ], "en_answers": [ "Gordon Ramsay" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "jamie oliver" ], "en_answers": [ "jamie oliver" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "rick stein" ], "en_answers": [ "rick stein" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-en-05": { "question": "Which food is a cost-effective and quick meal option in the UK?", "en_question": "Which food is a cost-effective and quick meal option in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "beans on toast" ], "en_answers": [ "beans on toast" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "cheese sandwich" ], "en_answers": [ "cheese sandwich" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "pasta" ], "en_answers": [ "pasta" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "pizza" ], "en_answers": [ "pizza" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "chips" ], "en_answers": [ "chips" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "sandwich" ], "en_answers": [ "sandwich" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "ready meal from the supermarket", "ready meal" ], "en_answers": [ "ready meal from the supermarket", "ready meal" 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"nestle" ], "en_answers": [ "nestle" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-en-10": { "question": "What is the most eaten cheese in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most eaten cheese in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "cheddar" ], "en_answers": [ "cheddar" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "wensleydale" ], "en_answers": [ "wensleydale" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "mozzarella" ], "en_answers": [ "mozzarella" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-en-11": { "question": "What is the most disliked vegetable in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most disliked vegetable in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "sprouts", "brussels sprouts", "brussels sprout" ], "en_answers": [ "sprouts", "brussels sprouts", "brussels sprout" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "cabbage" ], "en_answers": [ "cabbage" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "broccoli" ], "en_answers": [ "broccoli" ], "count": 1 }, { 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"horn" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-en-18": { "question": "What do fans bring with them when attending a live game in the UK?", "en_question": "What do fans bring with them when attending a live game in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "flag", "flags" ], "en_answers": [ "flag", "flags" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "tickets" ], "en_answers": [ "tickets" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "camera" ], "en_answers": [ "camera" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "sports clothing" ], "en_answers": [ "sports clothing" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "scarf" ], "en_answers": [ "scarf" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "drinks" ], "en_answers": [ "drinks" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "fan signs" ], "en_answers": [ "fan signs" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-en-19": { "question": "What is the most well known sporting stadium in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most well known sporting stadium in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "wembley", "wembley stadium" ], "en_answers": [ "wembley", "wembley stadium" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "white hart lane" ], "en_answers": [ "white hart lane" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "Wimbledon stadium", "wimbledon" ], "en_answers": [ "Wimbledon stadium", "wimbledon" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-en-23": { "question": "Who is the most famous Paralympian in the UK?", "en_question": "Who is the most famous Paralympian in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "ellie simmonds" ], "en_answers": [ "ellie simmonds" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "tanni grey-thompson" ], "en_answers": [ "tanni grey-thompson" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "sarah storey" ], "en_answers": [ "sarah storey" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 3, "no-answer": 1, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-en-26": { "question": "What is the most recognized sporting chant in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the best recognized sporting chant in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "Three lions", "it's coming home", "football's coming home" ], "en_answers": [ "Three lions", "it's coming home", "football's coming home" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "here we go" ], "en_answers": [ "here we go" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "who ate all the pies?" ], "en_answers": [ "who ate all the pies?" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "who are ya? who are ya? who are ya?" ], "en_answers": [ "who are ya? who are ya? who are ya?" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "you'll never walk alone" ], "en_answers": [ "you'll never walk alone" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "you're not singing any more" ], "en_answers": [ "you're not singing any more" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-en-38": { "question": "Which industries are known for more flexible working hours in the UK?", "en_question": "Which industries are known for more flexible working hours in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "office" ], "en_answers": [ "office" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "retail industry" ], "en_answers": [ "retail industry" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "IT workers" ], "en_answers": [ "IT workers" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "finance" ], "en_answers": [ "finance" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "banking" ], "en_answers": [ "banking" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "tech" ], "en_answers": [ "tech" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "hospitality" ], "en_answers": [ "hospitality" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "NHS" ], "en_answers": [ "NHS" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-en-41": { "question": "Who is the most well known and successful entrepreneur in the UK?", "en_question": "Who is the most well known and successful entrepreneur in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "Alan Sugar", "alan sugar" ], "en_answers": [ "Alan Sugar", "alan sugar" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "richard branson" ], "en_answers": [ "richard branson" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "levi roots" ], "en_answers": [ "levi roots" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 2, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-en-47": { "question": "What can typically be found in the back garden of houses in the UK?", "en_question": "What can typically be found in the back garden of houses in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "lawn", "grass" ], "en_answers": [ "lawn", "grass" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "shed" ], "en_answers": [ "shed" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "trees" ], "en_answers": [ "trees" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "flowers" ], "en_answers": [ "flowers" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "wooden fences" ], "en_answers": [ "wooden fences" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "brick walls" ], "en_answers": [ "brick walls" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-en-49": { "question": "What is the name of the most famous family in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the name of the most famous family in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "the royal family", "the Windsor family", "windsor", "the windsors" ], "en_answers": [ "the royal family", "the Windsor family", "windsor", "the windsors" ], "count": 5 } ], "idks": { "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-en-50": { "question": "What is the most common family name in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most common family name in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "smith" ], "en_answers": [ "smith" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "jones" ], "en_answers": [ "jones" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "brown" ], "en_answers": [ "brown" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "mcdonald" ], "en_answers": [ "mcdonald" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-en-55": { "question": "Which religion is most commonly practiced by families in the UK?", "en_question": "Which religion is most commonly practiced by families in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "christianity" ], "en_answers": [ "christianity" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "muslim" ], "en_answers": [ "muslim" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "catholicism" ], "en_answers": [ "catholicism" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-en-56": { "question": "What is the most popular foreign language spoken by families in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most popular foreign language spoken by families in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "hindi" ], "en_answers": [ "hindi" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "urdu" ], "en_answers": [ "urdu" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "polish" ], "en_answers": [ "polish" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "french" ], "en_answers": [ "french" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "spanish" ], "en_answers": [ "spanish" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "pakistani" ], "en_answers": [ "pakistani" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-en-59": { "question": "Which country is the most popular destination for families from the UK to emigrate to?", "en_question": "Which country is the most popular destination for families from UK to emigrate to?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "spain" ], "en_answers": [ "spain" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "australia" ], "en_answers": [ "australia" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "america", "us", "U.S.", "united states", "north america", "usa" ], "en_answers": [ "america", "us", "U.S.", "united states", "north america", "usa" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-en-68": { "question": "What repercussions are there for bad behavior in schools in the UK?", "en_question": "What repercussions are there for bad behavior in schools in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "detention" ], "en_answers": [ "detention" ], "count": 5 }, { "answers": [ "expulsion", "exclusion", "being expelled from school" ], "en_answers": [ "expulsion", "exclusion", "being 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twain" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-en-70": { "question": "How many school breaks are there in a year for high schools in the UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 1) only.)", "en_question": "How many school breaks are there in a year for high schools in UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 1) only.)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "6" ], "en_answers": [ "6" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "5" ], "en_answers": [ "5" ], "count": 2 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-en-72": { "question": "Which online resource do students usually use to study in the UK?", "en_question": "Which online resource do students usually use to study in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "google" ], "en_answers": [ "google" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "zoom" ], "en_answers": [ "zoom" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "ChatGPT" ], "en_answers": [ "ChatGPT" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 2, "idk": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-en-75": { "question": "What is the average length of a semester in terms of weeks of teaching at universities in the UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 1) only.)", "en_question": "What is the average length of a semester in terms of weeks of teaching at universities in UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 1) only.)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "12" ], "en_answers": [ "12" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "10" ], "en_answers": [ "10" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "9" ], "en_answers": [ "9" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 2, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-en-76": { "question": "Which airport in the UK is the busiest during the holiday season?", "en_question": "Which airport in UK is the busiest during the holiday season?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "heathrow" ], "en_answers": [ "heathrow" ], "count": 5 }, { "answers": [ "gatwick" ], "en_answers": [ "gatwick" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "manchester" ], "en_answers": [ "manchester" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "Stansted " ], "en_answers": [ "Stansted " ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-en-79": { "question": "Which region of the UK is well known for its theatrical performances?", "en_question": "Which region of UK is well known for its theatrical performances?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "london" ], "en_answers": [ "london" ], "count": 5 }, { "answers": [ "West End of London", "West End London", "west end" ], "en_answers": [ "West End of London", "West End London", "west end" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-en-87": { "question": "What is the most famous historic landmark in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most famous historic landmark in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "stonehenge" ], "en_answers": [ "stonehenge" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "buckingham palace" ], "en_answers": [ "buckingham palace" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "John o' Groats", "john o groats" ], "en_answers": [ "John o' Groats", "john o groats" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "big ben" ], "en_answers": [ "big ben" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "london bridge" ], "en_answers": [ "london bridge" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-en-90": { "question": "What is the most famous hotel brand in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most famous hotel brand in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "premier inn" ], "en_answers": [ "premier inn" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "travelodge", "Travelodge" ], "en_answers": [ "travelodge", "Travelodge" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "ritz" ], "en_answers": [ "ritz" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "hilton" ], "en_answers": [ "hilton" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-gr-05": { "question": "What is the most popular grab-and-go breakfast option in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most popular grab-and-go breakfast option in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "cereal" ], "en_answers": [ "cereal" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "toast" ], "en_answers": [ "toast" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "pastries" ], "en_answers": [ "pastries" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "sausage and egg 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"idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-gr-08": { "question": "What type of alcoholic drink is most commonly consumed at festivals in the UK?", "en_question": "What type of alcoholic drink is most commonly consumed at festivals in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "beer" ], "en_answers": [ "beer" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "wine" ], "en_answers": [ "wine" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "lager" ], "en_answers": [ "lager" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-gr-13": { "question": "What is the most common morning drink in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most common morning drink in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "coffee" ], "en_answers": [ "coffee" ], "count": 5 }, { "answers": [ "tea" ], "en_answers": [ "tea" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "fruit juice" ], "en_answers": [ "fruit juice" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-gr-15": { "question": "What is the most popular traditional dessert in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most popular traditional dessert in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "trifle" ], "en_answers": [ "trifle" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "pudding" ], "en_answers": [ "pudding" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "jelly" ], "en_answers": [ "jelly" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "cake and custard" ], "en_answers": [ "cake and custard" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "rice pudding" ], "en_answers": [ "rice pudding" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "treacle sponge", "Treacle sponge pudding" ], "en_answers": [ "treacle sponge", "Treacle sponge pudding" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "bread and butter pudding" ], "en_answers": [ "bread and butter pudding" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "crumble" ], "en_answers": [ "crumble" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "brownie" ], "en_answers": [ "brownie" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-gr-21": { "question": "What is the most popular racket sport in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most popular racket sport in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "tennis" ], "en_answers": [ "tennis" ], "count": 5 }, { "answers": [ "squash" ], "en_answers": [ "squash" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-gr-24": { "question": "What is the most popular track and field sport in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most popular track and field sport in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "running" ], "en_answers": [ "running" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "athletics" ], "en_answers": [ "athletics" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 2, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-gr-29": { "question": "Which international sporting event is the most popular in the UK?", "en_question": "Which international sporting event is the most popular in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "olympics" ], "en_answers": [ "olympics" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "fifa world 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(Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 1) only.)", "en_question": "How long (in minutes) are typical work breaks in UK, excluding lunch and dinner breaks? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 1) only.)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "60" ], "en_answers": [ "60" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "10" ], "en_answers": [ "10" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "15" ], "en_answers": [ "15" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "20" ], "en_answers": [ "20" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-gr-58": { "question": "Which job is considered underpaid in the UK?", "en_question": "Which job is considered underpaid in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "care workers", "carers" ], "en_answers": [ "care workers", "carers" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "nurses", "nursing" ], "en_answers": [ "nurses", "nursing" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "cleaner" ], "en_answers": [ "cleaner" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "teachers" ], "en_answers": [ "teachers" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-gr-76": { "question": "What is the most common food served during Easter in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most common food served during Easter in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "roast lamb" ], "en_answers": [ "roast lamb" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "ham" ], "en_answers": [ "ham" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "fish" ], "en_answers": [ "fish" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "chocolate" ], "en_answers": [ "chocolate" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "lamb" ], "en_answers": [ "lamb" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "roast dinner" ], "en_answers": [ "roast dinner" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "hot cross buns" ], "en_answers": [ "hot cross buns" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-gr-82": { "question": "What is the most popular music genre among the elderly population in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most popular music genre among the elderly population in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "classical" ], "en_answers": [ "classical" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "rock & roll" ], "en_answers": [ "rock & roll" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "brass band" ], "en_answers": [ "brass band" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 1, "idk": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-gr-88": { "question": "What drink is usually offered at funerals in the UK?", "en_question": "What drink is usually offered at funerals in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "beer" ], "en_answers": [ "beer" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "wine" ], "en_answers": [ "wine" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "sherry" ], "en_answers": [ "sherry" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "tea" ], "en_answers": [ "tea" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 2, "idk": 1, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-gr-89": { "question": "What drink is usually offered at weddings in the UK?", "en_question": "What drink is usually offered at weddings in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "champagne" ], "en_answers": [ "champagne" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "wine" ], "en_answers": [ "wine" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "prosecco" ], "en_answers": [ "prosecco" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "cava" ], "en_answers": [ "cava" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "beer" ], "en_answers": [ "beer" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 1, "idk": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-ha-07": { "question": "What food originated from the UK and can be found all over the world?", "en_question": "What food originated from UK and can be found all over the world?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "fish & chips", "fish and chips" ], "en_answers": [ "fish & chips", "fish and chips" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "apple pie" ], "en_answers": [ "apple pie" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "kitkat", "KitKat" ], "en_answers": [ "kitkat", "KitKat" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "potatoes" ], "en_answers": [ "potatoes" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "roast dinner" ], "en_answers": [ "roast dinner" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-ha-08": { "question": "What food is typically disliked by children but enjoyed by the elderly in the UK?", "en_question": "What food is typically disliked by children but enjoyed by the elderly in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "vegetables" ], "en_answers": [ "vegetables" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "brussels sprouts", "brussels sprout" ], "en_answers": [ "brussels sprouts", "brussels sprout" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "broccoli" ], "en_answers": [ "broccoli" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "olives" ], "en_answers": [ "olives" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-ha-09": { "question": "What cooking utensil is most commonly used in the UK?", "en_question": "What cooking utensil is most commonly used in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "spoon" ], "en_answers": [ "spoon" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "fork" ], "en_answers": [ "fork" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "knife" ], "en_answers": [ "knife" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "oven" ], "en_answers": [ "oven" 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"en_question": "Which animal is used for sports in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "horses" ], "en_answers": [ "horses" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "greyhound ", "greyhound" ], "en_answers": [ "greyhound ", "greyhound" ], "count": 2 } ], "idks": { "not-applicable": 1, "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0 } }, "New-ha-66": { "question": "What is the most popular wedding venue in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most popular wedding venue in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "gretna green" ], "en_answers": [ "gretna green" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "church" ], "en_answers": [ "church" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 2, "idk": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-in-01": { "question": "Which coffee shop brand is the most popular in the UK?", "en_question": "Which coffee shop brand is the most popular in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "costa", "costa coffee" ], "en_answers": [ "costa", "costa coffee" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "starbucks" ], "en_answers": [ "starbucks" ], "count": 2 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 1, "idk": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-in-03": { "question": "What type of food from the UK is typically served in restaurants overseas?", "en_question": "What type of food from UK is typically served in restaurants overseas?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "fish & chips", "fish and chips" ], "en_answers": [ "fish & chips", "fish and chips" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "beef" ], "en_answers": [ "beef" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "roast chicken" ], "en_answers": [ "roast chicken" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "beef wellington" ], "en_answers": [ "beef wellington" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "british beer" ], "en_answers": [ "british beer" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 1, "unsure if food or dish": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-in-33": { "question": "What region in the UK is usually associated with mining?", "en_question": "What region in UK is usually associated with mining?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "yorkshire" ], "en_answers": [ "yorkshire" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "wales" ], "en_answers": [ "wales" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "north" ], "en_answers": [ "north" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "midlands" ], "en_answers": [ "midlands" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "northern scotland" ], "en_answers": [ "northern scotland" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-in-34": { "question": "What region in the UK is usually associated with oil?", "en_question": "What region in UK is usually associated with oil?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "scotland" ], "en_answers": [ "scotland" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "north east" ], "en_answers": [ "north east" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "aberdeen" ], "en_answers": [ "aberdeen" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-in-62": { "question": "What university in the UK is popular because of its engineering major? (Provide the official name.)", "en_question": "What university in UK is popular because of its engineering major? (Provide the official name.)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "University of Cambridge", "university of cambridge,", "cambridge", "cambridge university,", "university of cambridge" ], "en_answers": [ "University of Cambridge", "university of cambridge,", "cambridge", "cambridge university,", "university of cambridge" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "brunel university" ], "en_answers": [ "brunel university" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "university of south wales" ], "en_answers": [ "university of south wales" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 2, "no-answer": 1, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-in-63": { "question": "What university in the UK is popular because of its school of medicine? (Provide the official name.)", "en_question": "What university in UK is popular because of its school of medicine? (Provide the official name.)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "university of oxford", "University of Oxford" ], "en_answers": [ "university of oxford", "University of Oxford" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "University of Nottingham" ], "en_answers": [ "University of Nottingham" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "University of Cambridge" ], "en_answers": [ "University of Cambridge" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "University of Manchester" ], "en_answers": [ "University of Manchester" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "Keele University" ], "en_answers": [ "Keele University" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "St George's, University of London" ], "en_answers": [ "St George's, University of London" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-in-78": { "question": "What is the most popular payment method in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most popular payment method in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "debit card" ], "en_answers": [ "debit 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"en_question": "What is the most popular children's animation that is commonly watched by kids in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "peppa pig" ], "en_answers": [ "peppa pig" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "paw patrol" ], "en_answers": [ "paw patrol" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "bluey" ], "en_answers": [ "bluey" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "amazing world of gumball" ], "en_answers": [ "amazing world of gumball" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 1, "idk": 1, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-ko-02": { "question": "What is the most popular prenatal education activity for pregnant women in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most popular prenatal education activity for pregnant women in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "antenatal classes" ], "en_answers": [ "antenatal classes" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "prenatal classes at the midwifery clinic" ], "en_answers": [ "prenatal classes at the midwifery clinic" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "lamaze" ], "en_answers": [ "lamaze" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "breathing classes" ], "en_answers": [ "breathing classes" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 2, "no-answer": 1, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-ko-03": { "question": "What is the most popular children's song in the UK that families sing together?", "en_question": "What is the most popular children's song in UK that families sing together?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "twinkle twinkle little star" ], "en_answers": [ "twinkle twinkle little star" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "row row row your boat" ], "en_answers": [ "row row row your boat" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "incy wincy spider" ], "en_answers": [ "incy wincy spider" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "happy birthday" ], "en_answers": [ "happy birthday" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "wheels on the bus" ], "en_answers": [ "wheels on the bus" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "baby shark" ], "en_answers": [ "baby shark" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 2, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-ko-04": { "question": "Which toys are most popular among boys in the UK?", "en_question": "Which toys are most popular among boys in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "cars", "toy cars" ], "en_answers": [ "cars", "toy cars" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "footballs", "football", "soccer ball" ], "en_answers": [ "footballs", "football", "soccer ball" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "video games", "computer games" ], "en_answers": [ "video games", "computer games" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "toy vehicles" ], "en_answers": [ "toy vehicles" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "lego" ], "en_answers": [ "lego" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-ko-05": { "question": "Which toys are most popular among girls in the UK?", "en_question": "Which toys are most popular among girls in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "dolls" ], "en_answers": [ "dolls" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "barbies", "barbie" ], "en_answers": [ "barbies", "barbie" ], "count": 3 } ], "idks": { "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-ko-06": { "question": "What is the most popular folk tale in the UK that is typically told to children?", "en_question": "What is the most popular folk tale in UK that is typically told to children?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "tooth fairy" ], "en_answers": [ "tooth fairy" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs", "snow white" ], "en_answers": [ "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs", "snow white" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "Hansel and Gretel" ], "en_answers": [ "Hansel and Gretel" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "Santa, Santa Claus", "father christmas" ], "en_answers": [ "Santa, Santa Claus", "father christmas" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 2, "no-answer": 1, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-ko-07": { "question": "What is the customary symbol of condolence used at funerals in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the customary symbol of condolence used at funerals in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "black clothing", "wearing black" ], "en_answers": [ "black clothing", "wearing black" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "flowers" ], "en_answers": [ "flowers" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "condolence cards" ], "en_answers": [ "condolence cards" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "donation to charity" ], "en_answers": [ "donation to charity" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 2, "idk": 1, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-ko-08": { "question": "Where do university students in the UK tend to work part-time the most?", "en_question": "Where do university students in UK tend to work part-time the most?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "waiting" ], "en_answers": [ "waiting" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "retail" ], "en_answers": [ "retail" ], "count": 2 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 1, "idk": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-ko-09": { "question": "What are the most frequently practiced team-building activities in companies based in the UK?", "en_question": "What are the most frequently practiced team-building activities in companies based in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "sharing things about ourselves", "stand up and introduce yourself" ], "en_answers": [ "sharing things about ourselves", "stand up and introduce yourself" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "soccer", "football" ], "en_answers": [ "soccer", "football" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "a shared task to complete as a team" ], "en_answers": [ "a shared task to complete as a team" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "going out" ], "en_answers": [ "going out" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "outside work to socialise" ], "en_answers": [ "outside work to socialise" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "escape rooms" ], "en_answers": [ "escape rooms" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-ko-10": { "question": "What are the most common activities people do as a side job in the UK?", "en_question": "What are the most common activities people do as a side job in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "taxi driver" ], "en_answers": [ "taxi driver" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "housework" ], "en_answers": [ "housework" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "craft" ], "en_answers": [ "craft" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "online selling" ], "en_answers": [ "online selling" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "surveys" ], "en_answers": [ "surveys" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 1, "idk": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-pe-02": { "question": "What is the most famous edible souvenir for tourists in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most famous edible souvenir for tourists in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "rock candy" ], "en_answers": [ "rock candy" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "fish & chips" ], "en_answers": [ "fish & chips" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "pasty", "cornish pasty" ], "en_answers": [ "pasty", "cornish pasty" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "fudge" ], "en_answers": [ "fudge" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-pe-06": { "question": "What is the most popular stew in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most popular stew in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "beef" ], "en_answers": [ "beef" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "vegetable" ], "en_answers": [ "vegetable" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "fish" ], "en_answers": [ "fish" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "steak and ale" ], "en_answers": [ "steak and ale" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "casserole" ], "en_answers": [ "casserole" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 2, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-pe-11": { "question": "What is the most common spice/herb used in dishes from the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most common spice/herb used in dishes from UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "parsley" ], "en_answers": [ "parsley" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "basil" ], "en_answers": [ "basil" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "pepper" ], "en_answers": [ "pepper" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "mint" ], "en_answers": [ "mint" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "tyme" ], "en_answers": [ "tyme" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "oregano" ], "en_answers": [ "oregano" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "garlic" ], "en_answers": [ "garlic" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-pe-16": { "question": "What is the most famous traditional sport in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most famous traditional sport in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "soccer", "football" ], "en_answers": [ "soccer", "football" ], "count": 5 }, { "answers": [ "cricket" ], "en_answers": [ "cricket" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "rugby" ], "en_answers": [ "rugby" ], "count": 2 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-pe-20": { "question": "What sport is popular to play on the beach in the UK?", "en_question": "What sport is popular to play on the beach in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "volleyball" ], "en_answers": [ "volleyball" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "surfing" ], "en_answers": [ "surfing" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "bodyboarding" ], "en_answers": [ "bodyboarding" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "swimming" ], "en_answers": [ "swimming" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "frisbee" ], "en_answers": [ "frisbee" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "badminton" ], "en_answers": [ "badminton" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "racketball" ], "en_answers": [ "racketball" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "not-applicable": 1, "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0 } }, "New-pe-45": { "question": "What is the usual work schedule during the month of Ramadan in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the usual work schedule during the month of Ramadan in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "sunset to sunrise " ], "en_answers": [ "sunset to sunrise " ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "no working on friday" ], "en_answers": [ "no working on friday" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "same as usual" ], "en_answers": [ "same as usual" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 4, "not-applicable": 2, "no-answer": 1 } }, "New-pe-47": { "question": "When is Student's Day celebrated in the UK? (Provide in MM/DD format (e.g., 12/31).)", "en_question": "When is Student's Day celebrated in UK? (Provide in MM/DD format (e.g., 12/31).)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "11/17" ], "en_answers": [ "11/17" ], "count": 2 } ], "idks": { "idk": 5, "no-answer": 1, "not-applicable": 1 } }, "New-pe-49": { "question": "Where do families gather to pray together in the UK?", "en_question": "Where do families gather to pray together in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "church" ], "en_answers": [ "church" ], "count": 5 }, { "answers": [ "mosque" ], "en_answers": [ "mosque" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "temple" ], "en_answers": [ "temple" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-pe-53": { "question": "What gifts do fathers get on Father's Day (or Parents' Day) in the UK?", "en_question": "What gifts do fathers get on Father's Day (or Parents' Day) in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "socks" ], "en_answers": [ "socks" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "beer" ], "en_answers": [ "beer" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "aftershave" ], "en_answers": [ "aftershave" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "card" ], "en_answers": [ "card" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "presents" ], "en_answers": [ "presents" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "clothes" ], "en_answers": [ "clothes" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "chocolate" ], "en_answers": [ "chocolate" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "football tickets" ], "en_answers": [ "football tickets" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-pe-54": { "question": "What gifts do mothers get on Mother's Day (or Parents' Day) in the UK?", "en_question": "What gifts do mothers get on Mother's Day (or Parents' Day) in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "flowers" ], "en_answers": [ "flowers" ], "count": 5 }, { "answers": [ "chocolates", "chocolate" ], "en_answers": [ "chocolates", "chocolate" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "card" ], "en_answers": [ "card" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "wine" ], "en_answers": [ "wine" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-pe-59": { "question": "How many generations typically live together in a household in the UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", "en_question": "How many generations typically live together in a household in UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "2" ], "en_answers": [ "2" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "1" ], "en_answers": [ "1" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "3" ], "en_answers": [ "3" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 1, "idk": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-pe-65": { "question": "How many subjects are taught in secondary schools in the UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", "en_question": "How many subjects are taught in secondary schools in UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "7" ], "en_answers": [ "7" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "15" ], "en_answers": [ "15" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "6" ], "en_answers": [ "6" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "8" ], "en_answers": [ "8" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 1, "no-answer": 1, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-pe-66": { "question": "What is the most popular after school extracurricular activity in primary schools in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most popular after school curricular in primary schools in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "soccer", "football" ], "en_answers": [ "soccer", "football" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "netball" ], "en_answers": [ "netball" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "guides" ], "en_answers": [ "guides" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "scouts" ], "en_answers": [ "scouts" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "theatre, acting", "drama" ], "en_answers": [ "theatre, acting", "drama" ], "count": 1 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"people-watching ", "crowd watching" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 1, "idk": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-pe-78": { "question": "What is the name of the most famous film festival held in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the name of the most famous film festival held in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "BAFTA Film Awards", "BAFTA" ], "en_answers": [ "BAFTA Film Awards", "BAFTA" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "sundance", "Sundance Film Festival" ], "en_answers": [ "sundance", "Sundance Film Festival" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "lef", "BFI London Film Festival", "BFI" ], "en_answers": [ "lef", "BFI London Film Festival", "BFI" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-pe-83": { "question": "What is the popular card game played during social gatherings in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the popular card game played during social gatherings in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "poker" ], "en_answers": [ "poker" ], 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"question": "What is the name of the most famous tower in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the name of the most famous tower in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "tower of london" ], "en_answers": [ "tower of london" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "bt tower" ], "en_answers": [ "bt tower" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "shard" ], "en_answers": [ "shard" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "the blackpool tower" ], "en_answers": [ "the blackpool tower" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-spme-01": { "question": "What edible insect is eaten most often in the UK?", "en_question": "What edible insect is eaten most often in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "crickets" ], "en_answers": [ "crickets" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "not-applicable": 4, "idk": 2, "no-answer": 0 } }, "New-spme-04": { "question": "Which agricultural product is exported most often in the UK?", "en_question": "Which agricultural product is exported most often in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "rapeseed" ], "en_answers": [ "rapeseed" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "wheat" ], "en_answers": [ "wheat" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "poultry" ], "en_answers": [ "poultry" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 4, "no-answer": 2, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-spme-05": { "question": "What are the most popular sweets in the UK?", "en_question": "What are the most popular sweets in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "haribo" ], "en_answers": [ "haribo" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "mars bar" ], "en_answers": [ "mars bar" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "maltesers" ], "en_answers": [ "maltesers" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "fruit pastiles" ], "en_answers": [ "fruit pastiles" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "cadbury chocolate", "Cadbury, Cadburys, Cadbury's" ], "en_answers": [ "cadbury chocolate", "Cadbury, Cadburys, Cadbury's" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 1, "idk": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-spme-15": { "question": "What is the most popular sports drink in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most popular sports drink in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "lucozade" ], "en_answers": [ "lucozade" ], "count": 5 }, { "answers": [ "gatorade" ], "en_answers": [ "gatorade" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-spme-27": { "question": "What is the average education level for people in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the average education level for people in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "A-Levels", "A Level", "A Levels", "A-Level" ], "en_answers": [ "A-Levels", "A Level", "A Levels", "A-Level" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "GCSEs" ], "en_answers": [ "GCSEs" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "undergraduate degree" ], "en_answers": [ "undergraduate degree" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "secondary school", "senior school" ], "en_answers": [ "secondary school", "senior school" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "higher education" ], "en_answers": [ "higher education" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-spme-37": { "question": "Which profession is most commonly studied abroad by students from the UK?", "en_question": "Which profession is most commonly studied abroad by students from UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "medicine" ], "en_answers": [ "medicine" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "languages" ], "en_answers": [ "languages" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "business" ], "en_answers": [ "business" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 5, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-spme-60": { "question": "Which day of the week do most families in the UK practice religious activities? (e.g. Monday, Tuesday)", "en_question": "Which day of the week do most families in UK practice religious activities? (e.g. Monday, Tuesday)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "sunday" ], "en_answers": [ "sunday" ], "count": 5 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-spme-65": { "question": "What is the most popular way to celebrate Independence Day in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most popular way to celebrate Independence Day in UK?", "annotations": [], "idks": { "not-applicable": 5, "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0 } }, "New-spme-68": { "question": "What is the most popular beverage among children in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most popular beverage among children in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "coke", "cola", "coca cola", "coca-cola" ], "en_answers": [ "coke", "cola", "coca cola", "coca-cola" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "orange juice" ], "en_answers": [ "orange juice" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "fruit juice" ], "en_answers": [ "fruit juice" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "milk" ], "en_answers": [ "milk" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "apple juice" ], "en_answers": [ "apple juice" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-spme-76": { "question": "What is the most popular place in the UK to celebrate Independence Day?", "en_question": "What is the most popular place in UK to celebrate Independence Day?", "annotations": [], "idks": { "not-applicable": 3, "no-answer": 2, "idk": 0 } }, "New-spme-78": { "question": "What is the name of the song that is typically sung at birthday parties in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the name of the song that is typically sung at birthday parties in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "happy birthday to you", "happy birthday" ], "en_answers": [ "happy birthday to you", "happy birthday" ], "count": 5 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-su-01": { "question": "What snacks are usually sold in front of schools in the UK?", "en_question": "What snacks are usually sold in front of schools in UK?", 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], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-su-10": { "question": "What food is commonly consumed by pregnant women in the UK?", "en_question": "What food is commonly consumed by pregnant women in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "ice cream" ], "en_answers": [ "ice cream" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 4, "idk": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-su-15": { "question": "What is the most popular traditional non-alcoholic drink in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most popular traditional non-alcoholic drink in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "tea" ], "en_answers": [ "tea" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "coke", "cola", "coca cola", "coca-cola" ], "en_answers": [ "coke", "cola", "coca cola", "coca-cola" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "water" ], "en_answers": [ "water" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "pepsi" ], "en_answers": [ "pepsi" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 1, "idk": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-su-17": { "question": "What sports facilities are generally available in parks in the UK?", "en_question": "What sports facilities are generally available in parks in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "soccer field", "football pitch", "football field", "football pitches" ], "en_answers": [ "soccer field", "football pitch", "football field", "football pitches" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "tennis courts" ], "en_answers": [ "tennis courts" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "running track" ], "en_answers": [ "running track" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "bowls", "lawn bowls" ], "en_answers": [ "bowls", "lawn bowls" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "playground" ], "en_answers": [ "playground" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-su-21": { "question": "What are the common activities that seniors usually do in parks in the UK?", "en_question": "What are the common activities that seniors usually do in parks in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "bowls", "lawn bowls" ], "en_answers": [ "bowls", "lawn bowls" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "walks" ], "en_answers": [ "walks" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "cricket" ], "en_answers": [ "cricket" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-su-24": { "question": "What sports do parents and children commonly play together in the UK?", "en_question": "What sports do parents and children commonly play together in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "soccer", "football" ], "en_answers": [ "soccer", "football" ], "count": 5 }, { "answers": [ "rounders" ], "en_answers": [ "rounders" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-su-28": { "question": "What colour is associated with the national football team of the UK?", "en_question": "What color is associated with the national soccer team of UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "white" ], "en_answers": [ "white" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "red" ], "en_answers": [ "red" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "blue" ], "en_answers": [ "blue" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 1, "idk": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-su-33": { "question": "What is the common dress code for school teachers in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the common dress code for school teachers in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "casual" ], "en_answers": [ "casual" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "smart casual" ], "en_answers": [ "smart casual" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "business attire" ], "en_answers": [ "business attire" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 2, "idk": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-su-34": { "question": "What is the most popular extracurricular activity related to music in schools in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most popular extracurricular activity related to music in schools in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "guitar", "guitar lessons" ], "en_answers": [ "guitar", "guitar lessons" 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1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-su-45": { "question": "What date is Education Day celebrated in the UK? (Provide in MM/DD format (e.g., 12/31).)", "en_question": "What date is Education Day celebrated in UK? (Provide in MM/DD format (e.g., 12/31).)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "01/24" ], "en_answers": [ "01/24" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "not-applicable": 3, "idk": 2, "no-answer": 1 } }, "New-su-50": { "question": "What is the main occupation of people in mountainous areas in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the main occupation of people in mountainous areas in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "shepherds", "shepherd" ], "en_answers": [ "shepherds", "shepherd" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "farming" ], "en_answers": [ "farming" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "hospitality" ], "en_answers": [ "hospitality" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 2, "no-answer": 1, "not-applicable": 1 } }, "New-su-51": { "question": "What is the main occupation of people in coastal areas in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the main occupation of people in coastal areas in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "fishing" ], "en_answers": [ "fishing" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "tourism" ], 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"count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-su-58": { "question": "What animals are commonly used for agriculture in the UK?", "en_question": "What animals are commonly used for agriculture in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "sheep" ], "en_answers": [ "sheep" ], "count": 5 }, { "answers": [ "cows" ], "en_answers": [ "cows" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "pigs" ], "en_answers": [ "pigs" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "chickens", "chicken" ], "en_answers": [ "chickens", "chicken" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "cattle" ], "en_answers": [ "cattle" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-su-59": { "question": "What do farmers in the UK typically wear to protect themselves from the heat whilst farming?", "en_question": "What do farmers in UK typically wear to protect themselves from the heat whilst farming?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "hats", "hat", "caps, sports caps, baseball caps" ], "en_answers": [ "hats", "hat", "caps, sports caps, baseball caps" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "sunscreen", "suncream" ], "en_answers": [ "sunscreen", "suncream" ], "count": 3 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 1, "idk": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-su-60": { "question": "What do farmers in the UK usually eat for lunch?", "en_question": "What do farmers in UK usually eat for lunch?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "ploughman's", "ploughman's lunch" ], "en_answers": [ "ploughman's", "ploughman's lunch" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "pie and chips" ], "en_answers": [ "pie and chips" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "roast" ], "en_answers": [ "roast" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "sandwiches" ], "en_answers": [ "sandwiches" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 3, "idk": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-su-71": { "question": "What gifts do parents generally give to their children for their birthdays in the UK?", "en_question": "What gifts do parents generally give to their children for their birthdays in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "toys" ], "en_answers": [ "toys" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "money" ], "en_answers": [ "money" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 2, "idk": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-su-75": { "question": "What type of vehicle do most families in the UK generally own?", "en_question": "What type of vehicle do most families in UK generally own?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "car" ], "en_answers": [ "car" ], "count": 2 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 1, "idk": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-su-77": { "question": "What is usually given to the children during Eid in the UK?", "en_question": "What is usually given to the children during Eid in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "gifts", "presents" ], "en_answers": [ "gifts", "presents" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "money" ], "en_answers": [ "money" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "food" ], "en_answers": [ "food" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "milk" ], "en_answers": [ "milk" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 5, "not-applicable": 1, "no-answer": 0 } }, "New-su-81": { "question": "What clothes do grooms usually wear at weddings in the UK?", "en_question": "What clothes do grooms usually wear at weddings in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "suits", "suit" ], "en_answers": [ "suits", "suit" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "tuxedo" ], "en_answers": [ "tuxedo" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-su-82": { "question": "What clothes do brides usually wear at weddings in the UK?", "en_question": "What clothes do brides usually wear at weddings in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "dress", "white dress", "wedding dress" ], "en_answers": [ "dress", "white dress", "wedding dress" ], "count": 5 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-su-83": { "question": "What food is usually served at weddings in the UK?", "en_question": "What food is usually served at weddings in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "cake" ], "en_answers": [ "cake" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "wedding breakfast" ], "en_answers": [ "wedding breakfast" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "buffet" ], "en_answers": [ "buffet" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "beef" ], "en_answers": [ "beef" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "chicken" ], "en_answers": [ "chicken" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 1, "idk": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-su-86": { "question": "What is the most famous government building in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most famous government building in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "houses of parliament" ], "en_answers": [ "houses of parliament" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "10 downing street", "downing street" ], "en_answers": [ "10 downing street", "downing street" ], "count": 2 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "New-su-88": { "question": "What is the most popular music genre among the younger population in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most popular music genre among the younger population in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "pop" ], "en_answers": [ "pop" ], "count": 5 }, { "answers": [ "rock" ], "en_answers": [ "rock" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "hip-hop" ], "en_answers": [ "hip-hop" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "phonk" ], "en_answers": [ "phonk" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "edm" ], "en_answers": [ "edm" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ni-en-02": { "question": "What time do secondary students in the UK typically finish school each day? (Provide in HH:MM format (e.g., 18:00, 09:00).)", "en_question": "What time do secondary students in UK typically finish school each day? (Provide in HH:MM format (e.g., 18:00, 09:00).)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "15:30" ], "en_answers": [ "15:30" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "16:00" ], "en_answers": [ "16:00" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ni-en-03": { "question": "At what age do people in the UK typically go to university? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", "en_question": "At what age do people in UK typically go to university? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "18" ], "en_answers": [ "18" ], "count": 5 }, { "answers": [ "19" ], "en_answers": [ "19" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ni-en-06": { "question": "From what age do people need to attend compulsory education in the UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", "en_question": "From what age do people need to attend compulsory education in UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "5" ], "en_answers": [ "5" ], "count": 4 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ni-en-09": { "question": "How many days a week do children attend school in the UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (0~7) only.)", "en_question": "How many days a week do children attend school in UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (0~7) only.)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "5" ], "en_answers": [ "5" ], "count": 5 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ni-en-11": { "question": "In the UK, how long (in years) does a Master's degree typically take to complete? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", "en_question": "In UK, how long (in years) does a Master's degree typically take to complete? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "2" ], "en_answers": [ "2" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "1" ], "en_answers": [ "1" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "6" ], "en_answers": [ "6" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 3, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ni-en-12": { "question": "What is the top university in the UK? (Provide the official name.)", "en_question": "What is the top university in UK? (Provide the official name.)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "University of Oxford" ], "en_answers": [ "University of Oxford" ], "count": 5 }, { "answers": [ "University of Cambridge" ], "en_answers": [ "University of Cambridge" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "Durham University" ], "en_answers": [ "Durham University" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ni-en-13": { "question": "At what age do most people in the UK graduate from university? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", "en_question": "At what age do most people in UK graduate from university? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "21" ], "en_answers": [ "21" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "20" ], "en_answers": [ "20" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "22" ], "en_answers": [ "22" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ni-en-15": { "question": "At what age do children in the UK generally start secondary school? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", "en_question": "At what age do children in UK generally start secondary school? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "11" ], "en_answers": [ "11" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "12" ], "en_answers": [ "12" ], "count": 3 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ni-en-17": { "question": "How many hours a week does a full-time worker in the UK typically work? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", "en_question": "How many hours a week does a full-time worker in UK typically work? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "40" ], "en_answers": [ "40" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "37" ], "en_answers": [ "37" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "38" ], "en_answers": [ "38" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "36" ], "en_answers": [ "36" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ni-en-19": { "question": "How many days a week does a full-time worker work in the UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (0~7) only.)", "en_question": "How many days a week does a full-time worker work in UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (0~7) only.)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "5" ], "en_answers": [ "5" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "6" ], "en_answers": [ "6" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "7" ], "en_answers": [ "7" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ni-en-20": { "question": "At what age do most people start working in the UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", "en_question": "At what age do most people start working in UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "18" ], "en_answers": [ "18" ], "count": 5 }, { "answers": [ "21" ], "en_answers": [ "21" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "16" ], "en_answers": [ "16" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ni-en-21": { "question": "From what age is an individual allowed to work in the UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", "en_question": "From what age is an individual allowed to work in UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "16" ], "en_answers": [ "16" ], "count": 5 }, { "answers": [ "18" ], "en_answers": [ "18" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "14" ], "en_answers": [ "14" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ni-en-31": { "question": "What do people in the UK traditionally eat on Christmas Day?", "en_question": "What do people in UK traditionally eat on Christmas Day?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "Turkey roast dinner, Roast Turkey", "turkey roast dinner", "turkey roast", "turkey" ], "en_answers": [ "Turkey roast dinner, Roast Turkey", "turkey roast dinner", "turkey roast", "turkey" ], "count": 5 }, { "answers": [ "stuffing" ], "en_answers": [ "stuffing" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "yorkshire puddings" ], "en_answers": [ "yorkshire puddings" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ni-en-37": { "question": "What is the name of the day of the year where people in the UK celebrate love and romance?", "en_question": "What is the name of the day of the year where people in UK celebrate love and romance?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "Valentine's Day", "valentine's day" ], "en_answers": [ "Valentine's Day", "valentine's day" ], "count": 4 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ni-en-40": { "question": "What is the most popular Christmas song in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most popular Christmas song in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "silent night" ], "en_answers": [ "silent night" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "white christmas" ], "en_answers": [ "white christmas" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "jingle bells" ], "en_answers": [ "jingle bells" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "merry christmas everybody" ], "en_answers": [ "merry christmas everybody" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "Last Christmas by Wham!" ], "en_answers": [ "Last Christmas by Wham!" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Nu-in-04": { "question": "How many terms are there each academic year at secondary schools in the UK? (Provide in Arabic numerals (e.g., 7, 8) only.)", "en_question": "How many semesters are there each academic year at high schools in UK? (Provide in Arabic numerals (e.g., 7, 8) only.)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "3" ], "en_answers": [ "3" ], "count": 4 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Nu-in-05": { "question": "In which month does the new school year typically begin in the UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (1~12) only.)", "en_question": "In which month does the new school year typically begin in UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (1~12) only.)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "9" ], "en_answers": [ "9" ], "count": 5 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Nu-in-06": { "question": "When is National Teacher's Day commemorated in the UK? (Provide in MM/DD format (e.g., 12/31).)", "en_question": "When is National Teacher's Day commemorated in UK? (Provide in MM/DD format (e.g., 12/31).)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "10/05" ], "en_answers": [ "10/05" ], "count": 2 } ], "idks": { "idk": 8, "i dont know when it is ": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Nu-in-11": { "question": "At what time does primary school start in the UK? (Provide in HH:MM format (e.g., 18:00, 09:00).)", "en_question": "At what time does elementary school start in UK? (Provide in HH:MM format (e.g., 18:00, 09:00).)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "09:00" ], "en_answers": [ "09:00" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "08:30" ], "en_answers": [ "08:30" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "08:00" ], "en_answers": [ "08:00" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Nu-in-20": { "question": "When is Children's Day celebrated in the UK? (Provide in MM/DD format (e.g., 12/31).)", "en_question": "When is Children's Day celebrated in UK? (Provide in MM/DD format (e.g., 12/31).)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "05/12" ], "en_answers": [ "05/12" ], "count": 2 } ], "idks": { "idk": 9, "not-applicable": 2, "no-answer": 0 } }, "Nu-in-40": { "question": "Which city is the main destination for job seekers in the UK?", "en_question": "Which city is the main destination for job seekers in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "london" ], "en_answers": [ "london" ], "count": 5 }, { "answers": [ "manchester" ], "en_answers": [ "manchester" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "birmingham" ], "en_answers": [ "birmingham" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Sa-en-1": { "question": "What is the UK's most popular fast food chain?", "en_question": "What is UK's most popular fast food chain?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "McDonald's ", "mcdonalds, mcdonald's" ], "en_answers": [ "McDonald's ", "mcdonalds, mcdonald's" ], "count": 5 }, { "answers": [ "burger king" ], "en_answers": [ "burger king" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Sa-en-13": { "question": "What is the food that is most divisive (either love or hate) in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the food that is most divisive (either love or hate) in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "marmite" ], "en_answers": [ "marmite" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "onion" ], "en_answers": [ "onion" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "Brussels sprouts " ], "en_answers": [ "Brussels sprouts " ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "sushi" ], "en_answers": [ "sushi" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "pineapple on pizza" ], "en_answers": [ "pineapple on pizza" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Sa-en-16": { "question": "What is the most popular football team among the people from the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most popular soccer team among the people from UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "man united, Man Utd, manchester utd", "Man Utd, Man United, Manchester utd", "man utd, man United, manchester utd", "manchester united" ], "en_answers": [ "man united, Man Utd, manchester utd", "Man Utd, Man United, Manchester utd", "man utd, man United, manchester utd", "manchester united" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "liverpool" ], "en_answers": [ "liverpool" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "celtic" ], "en_answers": [ "celtic" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "manchester city" ], "en_answers": [ "manchester city" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "arsenal" ], "en_answers": [ "arsenal" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 1, "idk": 1, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Sa-en-22": { "question": "What is the most famous university in the UK known for its sports team?", "en_question": "What is the most famous university in UK known for its sports team?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "oxford" ], "en_answers": [ "oxford" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "cambridge" ], "en_answers": [ "cambridge" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "durham" ], "en_answers": [ "durham" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "st andrews" ], "en_answers": [ "st andrews" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "loughborough" ], "en_answers": [ "loughborough" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Sa-en-31": { "question": "What is the UK's most popular family pet?", "en_question": "What is UK's most popular family pet?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "dog" ], "en_answers": [ "dog" ], "count": 5 }, { "answers": [ "cat" ], "en_answers": [ "cat" ], "count": 3 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Sa-en-32": { "question": "What is the most popular family TV show in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most popular family TV show in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "ant & dec's saturday night takeaway", "ant & dec" ], "en_answers": [ "ant & dec's saturday night takeaway", "ant & dec" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "EastEnders" ], "en_answers": [ "EastEnders" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "coronation street" ], "en_answers": [ "coronation street" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "emmerdale" ], "en_answers": [ "emmerdale" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "britain's got talent" ], "en_answers": [ "britain's got talent" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "michael mcintyre's the wheel" ], "en_answers": [ "michael mcintyre's the wheel" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "strictly come dancing" ], "en_answers": [ "strictly come dancing" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "i'm a celebrity" ], "en_answers": [ "i'm a celebrity" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "doctor who" ], "en_answers": [ "doctor who" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "sherlock holmes" ], "en_answers": [ "sherlock holmes" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Sa-en-37": { "question": "What is the most popular family boardgame in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most popular family boardgame in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "monopoly" ], "en_answers": [ "monopoly" ], "count": 5 }, { "answers": [ "ludo" ], "en_answers": [ "ludo" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "scrabble" ], "en_answers": [ "scrabble" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "game of life" ], "en_answers": [ "game of life" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Sa-en-6": { "question": "What is the most popular takeaway food in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most popular takeaway food in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "indian" ], "en_answers": [ "indian" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "pizza" ], "en_answers": [ "pizza" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "indian curry" ], "en_answers": [ "indian curry" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "fish & chips", "fish and chips" ], "en_answers": [ "fish & chips", "fish and chips" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "kebab pizza" ], "en_answers": [ "kebab pizza" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "chinese" ], "en_answers": [ "chinese" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Sa-en-7": { "question": "What are popular snacks in the UK?", "en_question": "What are popular snacks in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "crisps" ], "en_answers": [ "crisps" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "chocolate" ], "en_answers": [ "chocolate" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "biscuits" ], "en_answers": [ "biscuits" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "yoghurt" ], "en_answers": [ "yoghurt" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "fruit" ], "en_answers": [ "fruit" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 1, "idk": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Sa-en-9": { "question": "What do people from the UK eat at the beach?", "en_question": "What do people from UK eat at the beach?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "ice cream" ], "en_answers": [ "ice cream" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "fish & chips", "fish and chips" ], "en_answers": [ "fish & chips", "fish and chips" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "chips" ], "en_answers": [ "chips" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "cheese sandwiches" ], "en_answers": [ "cheese sandwiches" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ta-pe-10": { "question": "At what age do men usually get married in the UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 20) only.)", "en_question": "At what age do men usually get married in UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 20) only.)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "30" ], "en_answers": [ "30" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "27" ], "en_answers": [ "27" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "25" ], "en_answers": [ "25" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "28" ], "en_answers": [ "28" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 1, "no-answer": 1, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ta-pe-11": { "question": "At what age do women usually get married in the UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 20) only.)", "en_question": "At what age do women usually get married in UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 20) only.)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "25" ], "en_answers": [ "25" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "30" ], "en_answers": [ "30" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "24" ], "en_answers": [ "24" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 3, "idk": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ta-pe-13": { "question": "In your parents' generation, what was the average number of members in their family in the UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 20) only.)", "en_question": "In your parents' generation, what was the average number of members in their family in UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 20) only.)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "6" ], "en_answers": [ "6" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "8" ], "en_answers": [ "8" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "4" ], "en_answers": [ "4" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "5" ], "en_answers": [ "5" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ta-pe-17": { "question": "In the Olympic Games, which sport is the most popular in the UK?", "en_question": "In the Olympic Games, which sport is the most popular in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "athletics" ], "en_answers": [ "athletics" ], "count": 5 }, { "answers": [ "soccer", "football" ], "en_answers": [ "soccer", "football" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "swimming" ], "en_answers": [ "swimming" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "cycling" ], "en_answers": [ "cycling" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ta-pe-21": { "question": "Where do children usually play football in the UK?", "en_question": "Where do children usually play soccer in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "the park", "local parks", "park" ], "en_answers": [ "the park", "local parks", "park" ], "count": 3 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 1, "idk": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ta-pe-22": { "question": "Which daily exercise is popular among women in the UK?", "en_question": "Which daily exercise is popular among women in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "yoga" ], "en_answers": [ "yoga" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "walking" ], "en_answers": [ "walking" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "swimming" ], "en_answers": [ "swimming" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "jogging" ], "en_answers": [ "jogging" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "zumba" ], "en_answers": [ "zumba" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ta-pe-23": { "question": "Which daily exercise is popular among men in the UK?", "en_question": "Which daily exercise is popular among men in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "running" ], "en_answers": [ "running" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "biking" ], "en_answers": [ "biking" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "soccer", "football" ], "en_answers": [ "soccer", "football" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "weight lifting" ], "en_answers": [ "weight lifting" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "sit-ups" ], "en_answers": [ "sit-ups" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "push-ups" ], "en_answers": [ "push-ups" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "jogging" ], "en_answers": [ "jogging" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ta-pe-25": { "question": "What is the most famous rivalry in a national sports league in the UK? (e.g., ___ vs ___)", "en_question": "What is the most famous rivalry in a national sports league in UK? (e.g., ___ vs ___)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "england vs scotland", "scotland vs england" ], "en_answers": [ "england vs scotland", "scotland vs england" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "manchester city vs manchester united", "manchester united vs manchester city" ], "en_answers": [ "manchester city vs manchester united", "manchester united vs manchester city" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "manchester united vs liverpool" ], "en_answers": [ "manchester united vs liverpool" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "rangers vs celtic" ], "en_answers": [ "rangers vs celtic" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "arsenal vs tottenham" ], "en_answers": [ "arsenal vs tottenham" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "sheffield wednesday vs sheffield united" ], "en_answers": [ "sheffield wednesday vs sheffield united" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ta-pe-29": { "question": "Which professional sport is the highest paying in the UK?", "en_question": "Which professional sport is the highest paying in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "soccer", "football" ], "en_answers": [ "soccer", "football" ], "count": 5 }, { "answers": [ "boxing" ], "en_answers": [ "boxing" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ta-pe-30": { "question": "What is/was the most popular sports-related TV programme in the UK?", "en_question": "What is/was the most popular sports-related TV program in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "match of the day" ], "en_answers": [ "match of the day" ], "count": 5 }, { "answers": [ "grandstand" ], "en_answers": [ "grandstand" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "soccer saturday" ], "en_answers": [ "soccer saturday" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ta-pe-32": { "question": "What day of the year is usually dedicated to fireworks in the UK?", "en_question": "What day of the year is usually dedicated to fireworks in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "5th november", "5th nov", "Fireworks Night", "Bonfire Night,", "Guy Fawkes Day,", "Guy Fawkes Night," ], "en_answers": [ "5th november", "5th nov", "Fireworks Night", "Bonfire Night,", "Guy Fawkes Day,", "Guy Fawkes Night," ], "count": 5 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ta-pe-37": { "question": "What is the common symbol of New Year's Eve that is usually found in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the common symbol of New Year's Eve that is usually found in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "fireworks" ], "en_answers": [ "fireworks" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "big ben" ], "en_answers": [ "big ben" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "auld lang syne", "auld lang syne singing" ], "en_answers": [ "auld lang syne", "auld lang syne singing" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "champagne" ], "en_answers": [ "champagne" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "mistletoe" ], "en_answers": [ "mistletoe" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "clocks" ], "en_answers": [ "clocks" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ta-pe-42": { "question": "What food do people from the UK usually eat on New Year's Eve?", "en_question": "What food do people from UK usually eat on New Year's Eve?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "party snacks" ], "en_answers": [ "party snacks" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "spring rolls" ], "en_answers": [ "spring rolls" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "cakes" ], "en_answers": [ "cakes" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 4, "idk": 1, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Ta-pe-45": { "question": "What is usually eaten during the celebration of the longest night of the year in the UK?", "en_question": "What is usually eaten during the celebration of the longest night of the year in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "bbq" ], "en_answers": [ "bbq" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "not-applicable": 2, "It's not generally celebrated but pagan groups and New Agers might have Spelt bread, mead and a gigantic hog roast": 1, "idk": 2, "no-answer": 0 } }, "Th-en-01": { "question": "What is the most popular summer sport in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most popular summer sport in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "cricket" ], "en_answers": [ "cricket" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "tennis" ], "en_answers": [ "tennis" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "soccer", "football" ], "en_answers": [ "soccer", "football" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "rugby" ], "en_answers": [ "rugby" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Th-en-03": { "question": "What is the most popular professional sports league in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most popular professional sports league in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "premier league", "english premier league", "premiership" ], "en_answers": [ "premier league", "english premier league", "premiership" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "EFL Championship", "the championship" ], "en_answers": [ "EFL Championship", "the championship" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Th-en-05": { "question": "What is the most popular women's sports team in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most popular women's sports team in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "england women's football team", "Lionesses", "english women's football team,", "lionesses" ], "en_answers": [ "england women's football team", "Lionesses", "english women's football team,", "lionesses" ], "count": 5 } ], "idks": { "idk": 2, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Th-en-09": { "question": "What is the most popular tournament in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most popular tournament in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "premier league" ], "en_answers": [ "premier league" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "FA Cup" ], "en_answers": [ "FA Cup" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "wimbledon" ], "en_answers": [ "wimbledon" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "cheltenham festival", "cheltenham races", "cheltence horse racing", "cheltenham" ], "en_answers": [ "cheltenham festival", "cheltenham races", "cheltence horse racing", "cheltenham" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Th-en-11": { "question": "Who is the most popular sportperson in the UK?", "en_question": "Who is the most popular sportperson in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "ian wright" ], "en_answers": [ "ian wright" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "Gary Lineker" ], "en_answers": [ "Gary Lineker" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "erling haaland" ], "en_answers": [ "erling haaland" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "harry kane" ], "en_answers": [ "harry kane" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "david beckham" ], "en_answers": [ "david beckham" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Th-en-12": { "question": "In which sport has the UK been most successful in international competitions?", "en_question": "In which sport has UK been most successful in international competitions?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "soccer", "football" ], "en_answers": [ "soccer", "football" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "rugby" ], "en_answers": [ "rugby" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "cricket" ], "en_answers": [ "cricket" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "tennis" ], "en_answers": [ "tennis" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Th-en-15": { "question": "What is the most popular winter sport in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most popular winter sport in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "rugby" ], "en_answers": [ "rugby" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "skiing" ], "en_answers": [ "skiing" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "soccer", "football" ], "en_answers": [ "soccer", "football" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "snowboarding" ], "en_answers": [ "snowboarding" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Th-en-19": { "question": "What is a city or region in the UK known for manufacturing industry?", "en_question": "What is a city or region in UK known for manufacturing industry?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "sheffield" ], "en_answers": [ "sheffield" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "west midlands" ], "en_answers": [ "west midlands" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "yorkshire" ], "en_answers": [ "yorkshire" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "lancashire" ], "en_answers": [ "lancashire" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "merseyside" ], "en_answers": [ "merseyside" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "manchester" ], "en_answers": [ "manchester" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Th-en-21": { "question": "What is regarded as the most important perk typically offered to employees in the UK?", "en_question": "What is regarded as the most important perk typically offered to employees in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "bonus", "a monetary bonus" ], "en_answers": [ "bonus", "a monetary bonus" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "free lunches" ], "en_answers": [ "free lunches" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "free refreshments" ], "en_answers": [ "free refreshments" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "pension" ], "en_answers": [ "pension" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "healthcare" ], "en_answers": [ "healthcare" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "additional time off work" ], "en_answers": [ "additional time off work" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "annual leave" ], "en_answers": [ "annual leave" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Th-en-22": { "question": "What was the most catastrophic economic period for the UK?", "en_question": "What was the most catastrophic economic period for UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "the current period", "2020-2024" ], "en_answers": [ "the current period", "2020-2024" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "the great depression", "1920-1939" ], "en_answers": [ "the great depression", "1920-1939" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "2000s" ], "en_answers": [ "2000s" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "1970-1997" ], "en_answers": [ "1970-1997" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "1970s", "70s" ], "en_answers": [ "1970s", "70s" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "1980s", "80s" ], "en_answers": [ "1980s", "80s" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Th-en-24": { "question": "What region in the UK is a major hub for tech workers and start ups?", "en_question": "What region in UK is a major hub for tech workers and start ups?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "london" ], "en_answers": [ "london" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "cambridge" ], "en_answers": [ "cambridge" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "manchester" ], "en_answers": [ "manchester" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "birmingham" ], "en_answers": [ "birmingham" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Th-en-27": { "question": "What is the most important industry in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most important industry in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "manufacturing" ], "en_answers": [ "manufacturing" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "pharmaceutical" ], "en_answers": [ "pharmaceutical" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "finance" ], "en_answers": [ "finance" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "software development" ], "en_answers": [ "software development" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 2, "no-answer": 1, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Th-en-35": { "question": "Which one of the daily meals is commonly shared with family members in the UK? (e.g., breakfast, lunch, dinner)", "en_question": "Which one of the daily meals is commonly shared with family members in UK? (e.g., breakfast, lunch, dinner)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "dinner", "tea" ], "en_answers": [ "dinner", "tea" ], "count": 5 }, { "answers": [ "breakfast" ], "en_answers": [ "breakfast" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Th-en-36": { "question": "What is a popular family activity to do at the weekend with children in the UK?", "en_question": "What is a popular family activity with a child to do on weekends in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "zoo", "go to the zoo" ], "en_answers": [ "zoo", "go to the zoo" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "go to the park", "park" ], "en_answers": [ "go to the park", "park" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "walks" ], "en_answers": [ "walks" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "soccer", "football" ], "en_answers": [ "soccer", "football" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "swimming pool" ], "en_answers": [ "swimming pool" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Th-en-37": { "question": "At what age do children typically become independent from their parents in the UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", "en_question": "At what age do children typically become independent from their parents in UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "18" ], "en_answers": [ "18" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "16" ], "en_answers": [ "16" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "21" ], "en_answers": [ "21" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Th-en-38": { "question": "What is the most important family holiday in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most important family holiday in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "christmas" ], "en_answers": [ "christmas" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "easter" ], "en_answers": [ "easter" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "summer holidays", "summer vacation" ], "en_answers": [ "summer holidays", "summer vacation" ], "count": 2 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Th-en-39": { "question": "What is a popular family game in the UK?", "en_question": "What is a popular family game in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "monopoly" ], "en_answers": [ "monopoly" ], "count": 4 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 1, "idk": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Th-en-41": { "question": "What is the average age for couples to have their first child in the UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 20) only.)", "en_question": "What is the average age for couples to have their first child in UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 20) only.)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "30" ], "en_answers": [ "30" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "34" ], "en_answers": [ "34" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "26" ], "en_answers": [ "26" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "28" ], "en_answers": [ "28" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Th-en-43": { "question": "How many cars are owned by a typical family in the UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", "en_question": "How many cars are owned by a typical family in UK? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "2" ], "en_answers": [ "2" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "1" ], "en_answers": [ "1" ], "count": 2 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Th-en-44": { "question": "What is the UK's most popular food for family meals on weekends?", "en_question": "What is UK's most popular food for family meals on weekends?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "Sunday roast", "roast dinner" ], "en_answers": [ "Sunday roast", "roast dinner" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "Roast dinner", "sunday roast" ], "en_answers": [ "Roast dinner", "sunday roast" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "fish & chips", "fish and chips" ], "en_answers": [ "fish & chips", "fish and chips" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 1, "idk": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Th-en-45": { "question": "What is the most popular weekday evening family activity in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most popular weekday evening family activity in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "watching tv", "tv" ], "en_answers": [ "watching tv", "tv" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "walk" ], "en_answers": [ "walk" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 1, "no-answer": 1, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Th-en-48": { "question": "What is the highest grade given to top-achieving secondary school students on assignments and exams in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the highest grade given to top-achieving high school students on assignments and exams in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "a*", "A*" ], "en_answers": [ "a*", "A*" ], "count": 3 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Th-en-49": { "question": "What is considered the most important exam for secondary school students in the UK?", "en_question": "What is considered the most important exam for high school students in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "GCSEs, O Levels, O Level, O-Level, O-Levels", "GCSE" ], "en_answers": [ "GCSEs, O Levels, O Level, O-Level, O-Levels", "GCSE" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "A-Levels", "A-Level", "A level, A levels, A-Levels" ], "en_answers": [ "A-Levels", "A-Level", "A level, A levels, A-Levels" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "maths", "mathematics", "math" ], "en_answers": [ "maths", "mathematics", "math" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "english", "english language" ], "en_answers": [ "english", "english language" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Th-en-51": { "question": "Which subject is considered the most important for students in the UK?", "en_question": "Which subject is considered the most important for students in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "english" ], "en_answers": [ "english" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "maths", "mathematics", "math" ], "en_answers": [ "maths", "mathematics", "math" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "science" ], "en_answers": [ "science" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Th-en-53": { "question": "What is the most popular extracurricular social event at schools in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most popular extracurricular social event at schools in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "disco" ], "en_answers": [ "disco" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "soccer", "football" ], "en_answers": [ "soccer", "football" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "netball" ], "en_answers": [ "netball" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "cricket" ], "en_answers": [ "cricket" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "fundraiser", "fete" ], "en_answers": [ "fundraiser", "fete" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "sports" ], "en_answers": [ "sports" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "sports day" ], "en_answers": [ "sports day" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Th-en-58": { "question": "What is the most advanced maths subject learned before university in the UK?", "en_question": "What is the most advanced math subject learned before university in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "algebra" ], "en_answers": [ "algebra" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "further maths", "further mathematics" ], "en_answers": [ "further maths", "further mathematics" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "trigonometry" ], "en_answers": [ "trigonometry" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 2, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Tmp-ar-01": { "question": "Where do university students in the UK usually go to study for their final exams?", "en_question": "Where do university students in UK usually go to study for their final exams?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "library", "libraries" ], "en_answers": [ "library", "libraries" ], "count": 2 } ], "idks": { "no-answer": 3, "idk": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Tmp-ar-02": { "question": "What is a common public transport that people use to go to university in the UK?", "en_question": "What is a common public transport that people use to go to university in UK?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "bus" ], "en_answers": [ "bus" ], "count": 4 }, { "answers": [ "train" ], "en_answers": [ "train" ], "count": 3 }, { "answers": [ "motorcycle" ], "en_answers": [ "motorcycle" ], "count": 1 } ], "idks": { "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0 } }, "Tmp-ar-04": { "question": "What do primary school students in the UK usually do after school?", "en_question": "What do elementary students in UK usually do after school?", "annotations": [ { "answers": [ "watch tv" ], "en_answers": [ "watch tv" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "play" ], "en_answers": [ "play" ], "count": 2 }, { "answers": [ "after school clubs" ], "en_answers": [ "after school clubs" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "after school sports clubs" ], "en_answers": [ "after school sports clubs" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "play outside" ], "en_answers": [ "play outside" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "have a snack" ], "en_answers": [ "have a snack" ], "count": 1 }, { "answers": [ "go 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